IBVM.US Happy Valentine’s Day!

In the spirit of , let us celebrate and value our friends, even more highly than ourselves! Let us pray for our prayer partners and connect with them in some way this month, assuring them that we are one. Let us tell others of the good we see being done for the glory of God.

Mary Ward Day around the Institute

Chicago Area

On January 25th we celebrated Mary Ward with lunch and Mass at St. John of the Cross Parish in Western Springs.

In our usual style we gathered to meet and greet starting around 11:30. Lunch began when all had arrived from points north, south, east and west. At the end of dinner there was a special time to honor Claire Vandborg, who has been the Province Secretary for 16 years.

Rosemary Lynch, as first provincial, thanked her, personally describing the beginning stages, figuring out what the jobs were and what they required, making the way by walking. Kay Foley recalled some of the challenges, including the Visa process for visitors and for our UN representatives. Judy Illig thanked her for all the hard work she had been putting in for 16 years in computer art, music, liturgy, secretarial work and vocations. As part of the tribute Mary Carton and Kay Foley asked Claire to join them to sing the song Claire wrote so long ago, which reflects even today, her spirituality and her dedication as an IBVM. Claire’s Song Still and quiet is my soul. Waiting in your love I grow. You are near, this I know for sure.

You say you love me. With your love I am free. Quietly, in your heart I rest, O Lord. This is what you ask of me: to love tenderly,

to act justly and walk humbly with you. I sing a new song. To you I belong. My heart is yours. Your faithful love endures, O Lord. 1962 Time Capsule

For her final duty as secretary, Claire opened the time capsule from 1962, revealing various news clippings, pictures and lists of sisters in the house at the time of the dedication of the new wings at Wheaton. Kay Foley and Barb Nelson were on the list, present for the planting of the capsule behind the cornerstone and present for the official opening as well.

“Have great courage and confidence in God, and seek to be solid and grateful to God for giving you such a vocation...” -Mary Ward 1614

Fr. Bill O’Mara, friend and unofficial IBVM, joined us for lunch and then celebrated the liturgy with us. During the liturgy the outgoing Provincial Council was thanked and blessed by the community. Then the New Leadership Team was blessed by the previous council and the congregation as a whole.

Mary Ward’s women continue to march in the light of Christ, to walk with hope into a future full of questions and promise.

“With real strength and courage do what is seen to be good in all circumstances in which we are placed, not letting ourselves be deterred from this good by any opposition.” -Mary Ward “Divine love is like fire which will not let itself be shut up for it is impossible to love God and not extend God’s honour.” -Mary Ward

Sacramento Mary Ward was celebrated early this year in Sacramento. Inspired by the picture of Mary Ward striding forward with the walking stick, the theme chosen was Mary Ward’s courage. Mary Carton and companion, Maria Victorio, selected readings from scripture reflecting the courage to listen, the courage to follow, the courage to lead. Mary Ward’s work and words were interwoven with the readings. As part of the reflection, Mary asked students to stand and take the pose of Mary Ward with her walking stick, stepping forward, faces uplifted, confident and ready. She encouraged them to take on this attitude, by learning and living their faith, connecting the listening, following and leading with courage, in their lives at school and home. The closing song, to the tune of “We Are Marching”, was “We are Striding in the Light of Christ.”

We are Striding in the Light of Christ Phoenix

“The morning was lovely. We started out with a “little meet and greet” coffee and treats. Then, some eighth grade boys and girls from our school presented a beautiful summary of Mary Ward‘s life. It was quite poetic. Companion John Varani, a winter visitor from Michigan, shared with all of us a beautiful reflection from the little booklet, “The Just Soul” that the IBVM and CJ sisters put together. It was beautiful! We then had Mass With Fr. Dick Felt, a dear friend of the Loreto sisters here in Phoenix. It was followed by a lovely luncheon.” A Video of the Phoenix SS. Simon and Jude students performing a reader’s theater about Mary Ward in January 2020, directed by Mary Sue Palazzolo is available for viewing at: https://youtu.be/xrlZ0QwaXzU - Companions Mary Novotny & Kathi Stalzer


At Sacred Heart School our celebration was very simple. We prayed the prayer for Beatification. Then we focused on helping the kids learn more about Mary Ward. We showed PowerPoints. The Primary grades watched: https://youtu.be/vaOGBAkL-_k, from Loreto Kiribilli, in Sydney Australia.

Intermediate and Middle School watched: https://youtu.be/w99rpo8VwbM from The Extraordinary Life of Mary Ward. - Terri Stafford, IBVM Mary Ward Around the World Online We remind you that there are many interesting Mary Ward videos and articles online. You can search for “The Extraordinary Life of Mary Ward”. This will take you to the CJ English website, to the video and other resources, including one of the Painted Life. From there is a series of 5 short videos entitled “Mary Ward Week” (Part I, Part II…) There is, in the spirit of Union, the video from IBVM Irlandesas () of the First Gathering of the extended leadership teams, IBVM and CJ. There are many more, but these could get you started, reviewing and refreshing Mary Ward’s story, our story and seeing the spirit that binds us across the world and through the ages.

The New Leadership Team (photo from Mary Ward Day 2020)

Some have noticed that all three on the team - Mary Carton, Helen Timothy and Judy Illig - are graduates of Loretto, Sacramento. Some have thought that all 3 were born in California. Well, actually, Judy was born in New , Mary in Connecticut, and Helen in Georgia. Who would have known? So what do we do? Just as Rosemary said about beginning the province, we are making the way by walking. We have been asked if we have divided up the community for contacts? Have we divided up the jobs (however they are defined)? Who has the last word? To these we reply that we have not divided up anything. We are a team of three co-equals. With different gifts and backgrounds, we will look at each situation, bringing what we know and need to know to the table, sharing ideas and coming to one decision together. The ‘last word’ will come from the Team. Right now, Judy is focused on care of the sick and transitions for sisters. Helen is focused on business aspects of day-to-day life, learning the jobs of all who work with and for us. Mary is learning the tech that allows for newsletters. She is working on getting us to Wales, March 13-19, for the meeting of the three new teams (Canada, and US) with the General Council. There we hope to learn more about the path and how to walk it with grace and confidence.

Union of mind and hearts is a gift of grace rather than a human achievement. Through the power of the Spirit, we humbly seek to live as companions for mission, in prayer and friendship. - Constitution 3.1, Vol.2 Mary Ward Week This year’s Mary Ward Week booklet provided so many stories and reflections to consider as we carry on the work of God in the spirit of Mary Ward. The following reflection comes from Linda Ivsins and the Friends of Mary Ward in Canada:


When I reflect on Mary Ward and the 21st century, I think of the gift of friendship. I feel her message to “let your love at all times be rooted in God, and then remain faithful to your friends, value them highly, even more highly than your life” will renew us in these times. At the Friends of Mary Ward Conference in York England 2017, Elaine, Gemma and Imelda spoke on Mary Ward’s relationship with God, her companions, and the inspirational women who came after her through times of danger, scarcity and uncertainty. When her vision was misunderstood and vilified by the religious of the times, it did not diminish or deter her or these women from moving forward in their mission of education and justice for women and girls, for she knew through God “women in time to come will do much”. -Linda Ivsins Friends of Mary Ward, Cananda

This year we celebrate the anniversaries of the following:

Josephine O’Brien, IBVM 80 years Mary Gulliard, IBVM 75 years Mary Ellen Beck, IBVM 70 years Lorraine Crawford, IBVM 70 years Anne Fitzsimons, IBVM 65 years Nancy Kennelly, IBVM 65 years Peg Ivers, IBVM 65 years Ellen Enright, IBVM 55 years Claire Vandborg, IBVM 55 years Cindy Langlois, IBVM 25 years

“Let us sing and thank God for His infinite loving kindness.” The Congregation of Jesus (CJ) General Congregation

The Congregation of Jesus will be holding its General Congregation in Nemi, Rome from July 18 to August 15, 2020. I will be the USA IBVM representative in Nemi joining seven other IBVM’s from South Asia, England, Ireland, Canada, Eastern Africa, Peru and Rome. Nemi is a town in the Metropolitan City of Rome in the Alban Hills overlooking Lake Nemi. The work of the CJ General Congregation is to set the direction for the congregation and its mission priorities for the next nine years. Included in this work will be the election of the General Superior and her four General Assistants. With the announcement of the tremendous support for the “Union” on February 3, 2020, from Noelle, our time in Nemi will be exciting and historical as we consider the possibilities. -Sr. Helen Timothy

We pray together each day prior to the CJ, GC: O parent of all parents and Friend of all friends Guide our hearts and our feet on the path toward General Congregation 2020 and into the future. Help us to listen and to speak to You, And to one another, In Freedom, Justice and Sincerity. Strengthen us to move as one body In the direction you want us to proceed. Help us to be aware Of the realities and needs of our times And to respond to them with love and courage. Pour into our lives and our mission, And into our General Congregation, The power of Your Holy Spirit As you did for Mary Ward and her companions. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord Your son and our companion on the journey. Amen.

“We must await God Almighty’s time and leisure for we must not go before Him...” -Mary Ward 1629

From the Chicago Tribune this week: Chicago Archdiocese is consolidating parishes in response to changing times and declining membership. Four parishes - St. Bride, Our Lady Gate of Heaven, Our Lady of Peace and St. Philip Neri – in the South Shore and Jeffery Manor neighborhoods will be combined by July 1. The new parish will have a single school at Philip Neri. St. Philip will also serve as the parish church. The new parish’s name has not been determined.

What are your stories of living, visiting or teaching at St. Brides?