FAA Noise Hearing
BACKGROUND DOCUMENT FOR MEDIUM AND HEAVY TRUCK NOISE EMISSION REGULATIONS MARCH 1976 =J y. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency g Washington, D.C. 20460 TECHNICAL REPORT DATA (171._$¢l_a(/hl_JTtclilm_ emlh(" rcl rrn' he[_m,compl¢lhJ_') ), 12, 3, RECI ErA 550/9-76-008 I IJ, TITLE AND SU_]TI7L£ 5, Bacl¢,Jruuud D¢)cUmel]C for _Jedium and Heavy Hatch Truck Noise l_mission ieegul_tiuns B+pESFORMINGORGANIZATIONCODE I_ ], PERFORM, Environmel_tal pPuCecti¢nl A_ency, Of_icQ of Noise Abatemeilt and CunC*'ol U.S. _nviro_l:nental protection Ag_I*cy I_:CO_;S;_CTISR_,_NO" office of Noise Abate,neJl_ and Control Washington, D.C. 20460 I1_ _4Cy NAtVSI AND ADDRESS 13.TYPE OF REPOf_TANO p_RI l,'illa 1 p4,_ N 15,SUPPLEMENTARYNOTES On blarch 31, 1976, tile Knvironmental protection Agenc), issued a eegulatioll govcP*Ling noise emissions fPonl medium and he_v3" trucks. That regulation was issued under Section 6 of tile Noise Control Act of i972. This document presents atld discusses the backgruulld data used by the Agency in setting the standards contained in tile regulation, Pre- sentcd |fete _s a cumpreheilsive oxpusitioll on the most up-to-dat_ available information on the environmental, technological, and economic aspects of medium and h_avy truc]¢ noise. , = II 7. KEY WORO_AN_ DOCUMENTANALYSIS J OESC,:qPTORS I.IDENT_FIIERS/QPENENC)EDTERMS COSATI I:JcJd/Gmup Economic cost, effects_ Federal regulations; heavy trucks; polm- lation eXl)OSuPo; medium tt'ucks; noi_c _liss£o_j standards ;8. (31$TRIBUTIONSTA_JL_MENT 19,SECUf4fTYCLASS( _*lrix RcporlJ 3l. NO. _OF"PAGES . Unclassified A22 20. SECURITY CkASS{Tall_Jge] 2_,PRJCE Unlimited _:PAForm2320.1 I_.'_3] g D EPA.550/9.76..008 BACKGROUND DOCUMENT FOR MEDIUM AND HEAVY TRUCK NOISE EMISSION REGULATIONS MARCH 1976 ] U.S.
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