

Academic Life Skills (ALS) Instructional setting which focuses on academics and functional life skills.

Academic and Vocational Life Skills (AVLS) Instructional setting which focuses on vocational/pre-vocational, functional life skills, as well as academics related to daily living.

Accelerated Instructional Plan Intervention plan for accelerated instruction. The purpose of the AIP is to assist the student in achieving grade level achievement.

Achievement A test designed to measure a ’s knowledge, skill and understanding in subject areas. For instance, these tests may measure the child’s comprehension, math calculation or spelling capability as compared to other children in the same grade or same age.

Adaptive Behavior The ability to socially function in , home or community environment. It involves skills such as: making friends, bathing and dressing appropriately, being punctual for appointments, budgeting, etc.

Adequate Yearly Progress The method by which each state measures all students’ ability to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards.

Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee This Committee makes decisions regarding the needs of the child. It determines if the child has a , if special education services are needed, and if modifications in general education are required. The parent or surrogate parent is an important member, and is encouraged to attend and participate.

Age / Grade Equivalent The scores from tests given to a student are defined in years and months that are equal to the average score of children of that age/grade group.

Annual Goals These are broad academic or behavioral goals the child is to accomplish for the year (i.e., Lisa will master TEKS at the level with 70% accuracy. Must be measurable according to IDEIA re-authorization [2004]).

Assessment A process of determining student skills through a variety of means. Assessment

SpED Terms 1/14 includes state or district wide tests (e.g., TAKS, RTPE or district administered achievement tests) and informal skill determination that occurs on an on-going basis in the by the student’s teacher. Assessment does not require parental consent.

Audiological Services This related service includes the evaluation of hearing ability and recommendation of certain types of hearing equipment for a child with a hearing impairment.

Auditory Impairment A disability in which the child has hearing problems which delay or prevent him/her from developing speech, language or academic skill.

Autism A rare disorder with a neurological basis, in which the child experiences severe language disorders, may display inappropriate bizarre behaviors, have abnormal intellectual capability, and have impaired social interactions.

Battery of Tests A group of tests given to a child to determine strengths and weaknesses.

Benchmark An intermediate step or level attained in acquiring a new skill.

Behavior Intervention Class Classroom for students with severe emotional/behavioral concerns.

Central Nervous System The brain and spinal cord.

Change of Placement Referral Form (CPRF) Part of Student Intervention Team Planning process.

Cognitive Intellectual abilities, such as memory and the ability to solve problems and make judgments.

Comprehensive Learner Adapted & Sequence Computerized program used to assess student skill gaps and generate goals for assisting teachers in the development of IEPs.

Consent Before a child can be tested or placed in a special education program, a parent must give informed written permission for these services to take place. Consent is required for all formal evaluations.

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Criteria The level of skill acquisition set by the ARD Committee and used to determine whether or not an educational goal/objective is being met. For example, a Acriteria@ for spelling achievement is correctly spelling 9 out of 10 words.

Cumulative Record The main school file for a student’s educational records. The records begin when a child enters school and follows the child from school to school. They include information about health records, grades, attendance and achievement tests.

Curriculum The subject matter a school is going to teach the child, including the use of special activities and materials to help the child learn. In Texas, curricular activities are the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

Deaf-Blindness Students who meet the criteria for both and Auditory Impairment fall into this category. The combination of these impairments causes such severe, significant communication and other developmental and educational problems, that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness.

Due Process A guarantee of rights and privileges that neither the government nor any other public agency can take away. For example, the parent’s right to be notified before any action can be taken concerning their child.

Early Childhood Public school education can begin at age 3 years for young children with a disability. Currently referred to as Program for Children with (PPCD).

Educational Benefit Educational benefit is the second prong of the requirement for providing FAPE. Four factors for evaluating whether a child is receiving educational benefit:

1. whether there is an individualized program based on the student’s assessment and performance; 2. whether the individualized program is administered in the least restrictive environment (LRE); 3. whether the services are provided in a coordinated and collaborative manner by the key stakeholders and; 4. whether positive benefits are demonstrated both academically and non-academically.

SpED Terms 1/14 Educational Diagnostician A professional in special education who gives tests to determine the academic and intellectual abilities of children. In some districts/states a school psychologist, a LSSP (Licensed Specialist in School Psychology) or a psychometrist may fulfill this role.

Education Service Center (ESC) One of 20 regional offices within Texas to provide consultation, professional development and assistance to local school districts. Our local region is ESC XI and includes the counties of Cooke, Denton, Erath, Hood, Johnson, Parker, Pinto, Somervell, Tarrant and Wise.

Emotional Disturbance (ED) A disability in which a child’s behavior is interfering with social skills, coping skills and/or academic areas.

Evaluation An evaluation consists of tests or measures used to determine the child’s . Evaluation may include intellectual, social, emotional, educational achievement, physical, auditory, speech, language, etc. Parental consent is required for evaluation.

Expressive Language Describes how a child uses spoken or written language to communicate with others. Expressive language can also include gestures or hand signs.

Eye-Hand Coordination The ability to use the eye and hand simultaneously to effectively complete a task. Activities of eye-hand coordination include copying designs from a book, cutting with scissors on a line, or painting with a brush.

Fine Motor Development The skills developed by a child that involve precision tasks done with the hands, such as writing, gripping an object, playing with puzzles, stringing beads, etc.

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) In order to offer a free appropriate public education, the school district must comply with the procedural requirements of IDEA and the school district must design and implement a program reasonably calculated to enable the child to receive educational benefits.

Functional Life Skills Functional life skills classes are designed to provide instruction for students whose educational needs cannot be met in other settings. Students have severe to profound delays in the area of cognition and are generally non-ambulatory and/or medically fragile.

SpED Terms 1/14 General Education Program Education programs for all students. Students with disabilities must be allowed access to the general education program.

Grade Placement Committee Makes decisions regarding a plan for accelerated instruction and grade advancement for students that do not pass the state mandated tests. (For students with disabilities this is the ARD Committee.)

Gross Motor Development A person’s large muscle development exhibited in such skills as crawling, walking, jumping, throwing or running.

Guardian A person who has legal authority to make decisions for a minor. The parent is the legal guardian of a minor child. A person 18 years or older does not have a guardian unless one is appointed by a court.

Homebound Program An instructional arrangement for special education in which the teacher instructs the student at the hospital or home for a minimum of four hours a week.

Inclusion An educational philosophy in which all children with disabilities are educated in only general education . The special services needed by the child would be provided within the general classroom setting.

IDEA An acronym for The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Federal legislation which amended PL94-142 by adding two new disabilities (TBI & ), and required the planning of post secondary transitional services (Individual Transition Plan). IDEA was re-authorized in 1997 and again in 2004. It is now PL105-17.

Individualized Education Program (IEP) A written plan for education and related services. It contains the educational/behavioral goals and objectives, present levels of performance, the amount of special education services needed and modifications for the general education program. The IEP is reviewed for progress each year.

Implementation Describes how a child’s special services will be provided.

Individual Transition Plan Plan to transition students successfully from high school into post secondary experiences. It is developed as a part of an ARD/IEP meeting.

SpED Terms 1/14 (ID) A disability for children whose intellectual ability is significantly lower than the population average. IQ score of 70 or below and deficits in adaptive behavior.

Interpreter Service This related service provides sign language help for children with hearing impairments.

Learning Disability (LD) A disability in which a child with average or above average intelligence has significant problems in academic achievement (basic reading, reading comprehension, math calculation, math reasoning, listening comprehension, oral expression or written expression).

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Assurances that a child with a disability is educated to the maximum extent appropriate with non-disabled students.

Mainstream A child with disabilities is placed in all general education classes with appropriate special education supports and services.

Managing Conservator A suitable, competent adult, parent or authorized agency appointed by the court to have responsibilities and rights of a parent. When a public agency is managing conservator of a child with disabilities, a surrogate parent must be appointed.

Mental Age A child’s mental ability compared to children of the same chronological age. For example, a child with retardation may have a mental age of 4 years but might be 18 years old.

Multi-disciplinary Team More than two educational professionals working together to evaluate and help a special child. May include a variety of disciplines, e.g., teacher, speech pathologist, counselor, psychologist, OT, PT.

Multiple Disability An eligibility that applies when a combination of impairments occurs that is expected to continue indefinitely and severely impairs performance in two or more of the following areas: psychomotor skills, self-care skills, communication, social and emotional development or cognition.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) 2001 revision of the 1994 Improving America’s Act.

Occupational Therapy (OT) A related service to help a child develop fine motor skills. The OT may also

SpED Terms 1/14 suggest equipment to help children in daily activities. Orthopedic Impairment (OI) A disability category for a child with physical challenges of the bones, joints or muscles that affect the ability to move.

Other Health Impairment (OHI) A disability category for children with serious health problems that limit their strength, vitality or alertness. These serious health problems may be heart disease, seizure disorders, cancer, respiratory disorders, etc.

Physical Therapy (PT) A related service provided to a child who has difficulty using motor skills (large and fine muscles).

Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) A program of services available for students ages 3-5.

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Describes the present skill level of a student.

Psychological Services A related service which may include evaluation of social and emotional behaviors of a child. A psychologist may also provide counseling/therapy to the child, or consult with the family or teachers to work on the child’s challenging behaviors.

Public Law 94-142 Legislation passed by the U.S. Congress guaranteeing a free, appropriate education for all disabled children. It has been reauthorized in the latest version as IDEIA 2004.

Reading Proficiency Test in English Test administered to limited English proficient (LEP) students in grades 3-12. RPTE is part of the TELPAS for assessing LEP students’ academic progress.

Receptive Language Describes how a child receives and understands verbal and non-verbal information from others.

Reinforcement Positive praise or other rewards (food, toys, etc.) given to a child when they successfully complete a task.

Related Service Special programs a child can receive if he/she needs special help or support in learning. These services may include , , audiological services, psychological services , interpreter, orientation and mobility training, as well as others. Related services are provided, when appropriate, to support the implementation of the IEP. SpED Terms 1/14

Resource Room A special education instructional arrangement where a student can spend a part of their school day receiving special instruction. The majority of the student’s instruction will be from general education teachers.

Response to Intervention A federal/state mandate to provide instructional or behavioral interventions at each of four TIERS on the Pyramid of interventions as a mandatory component of the special education evaluation process.

Schedule of Services A schedule of the student’s classes which designates all of the student’s daily services, whether each subject/service is provided in general or special education and the amount of time the student receives in each subject/service.

School Age Parenting Program (SAPP) Program designed to address academic needs, as well as pre-natal, child development and parenting skills.

Section 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which protects the rights of persons with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of a disability.

Self-Contained Classroom An instructional arrangement in which a student receives the major portion of daily instruction from a special education teacher. May include more restrictive placement due to significant academic or behavioral needs.

Self-help Skills Skills that a child uses in daily living, such as eating, dressing and toileting.

Service Plan A plan for private/home school students selected to receive a part or all of the special education services they would be entitled if enrolled full time in the public schools.

Short-term Objective Small instructional steps which lead to the accomplishment of the child’s annual goal. These objectives must be observable and measurable. May also be called benchmarks.

Special Education Those services which are additional or different from those provided to Atypical@ students. Special , materials, teaching techniques, management strategies and equipment are provided to meet the needs of children with disabilities.

Speech Impairment (SI) SpED Terms 1/14 A disability category for children having expressive and/or receptive language difficulties or with voice/fluency impairments. Speech and Language Therapy Therapy which includes evaluation and instruction in articulation, fluency (stuttering), voice stress or expressive/receptive language skills. Speech therapy in the public schools must be based on educational needs of the students.

STAAR The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness replaced the TAKS. It is the current assessment used to determine if student’s have mastered the curriculum and standards established by the State of Texas.

STAAR M The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness is the modified version of STAAR for students who meet the participation requirements established by the Texas Education Agency for students receiving special education services.

STAAR Alt The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness is the alternate version of STAAR for students who meet the participation requirements established by the Texas Education Agency for student receiving special education services.

Student Intervention Team Planning (SITP) Required process when considering a move to a more restrictive placement.

Student Success Initiative The SSI is a set of three initiatives that together provide a system of academic support to help ensure achievement on grade level in reading and math, so that every student can succeed throughout his or her school career.

Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance A written summary of academic and functional performance given to all graduating seniors and/or exiting students.

Summary of Performance (SOP) A written summary of academic and functional performance given to all graduating seniors and/or exiting students.

Support Services for Students (SSS) Special education supports and services provided to students in general education classes and in some pull-out settings.

There are two underlying principles of the service that are essential to its success. 1. Students can learn and succeed in the mainstream with appropriate accommodations and support. 2. Students receiving SOS must receive some service(s) outside the general education classroom but may also receive instructional supports in the general education classroom. The amount of pull-out time must be designated on the schedule of services.

SpED Terms 1/14 Surrogate Parent A surrogate parent must be appointed for any child in special education whose parents’ rights have been terminated or the parents are unknown. A surrogate parent represents a student in all the same matters that would require a natural parent’s involvement.

TAKS The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) assessments are designed to measure the extent to which a student has learned and is able to apply the defined knowledge and skills at each tested grade level. TAKS includes a form called TAKS (Accommodated) for student served by special education who meet the eligibility requirements for certain specific accommodations. The TAKS (Accommodated) form includes format accommodations (larger font, fewer items per page, etc.) and contains no embedded field-test items. TAKS has been replaced by the STAAR but some students continue to take TAKS as they were using that assessment when they began their high school career.

TAKS M TAKS-M is an alternate assessment based on modified academic achievement standards designed for students receiving special education services who meet participation requirements. TAKS-M has been designed to meet federal requirements mandated under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. TAKS-M covers the same grade-level content as TAKS, but TAKS-M tests have been modified in format (larger font, fewer items per page, etc.) and test design (fewer answer choices, simpler vocabulary and sentence structure, etc.). TAKS- M is available in all subjects and grades as TAKS.

Team Reconvention Record (TRR) Second phase of Student Intervention Team Planning process.

Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) (formerly TAAS) Texas developed state assessment for determining students’ acquisition of the TEKS.

Texas Behavior Support Initiative Designed to build campus level knowledge and skills on the use of positive behavior supports for students with disabilities.

Texas Education Agency (TEA) The state agency that is responsible for administering all educational programs in Texas.

Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) State mandated assessment for LEP students.

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) SpED Terms 1/14 A revision of curriculum standards adopted by the Texas State Board of Education. Replaces the Essential Elements (EEs) of Chapter 75.

Transition Services The term transition services means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that is designed to be a results oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-, , integrated employment (including ), continuing and , adult services, or community participation.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) A disability category for children who have experienced an injury to the brain caused by external forces.

Visual Impairment (VI) A disability category for children with difficulties processing visual information. Partially sighted children have a visual acuity of 20/60 with correction and can read print. Blindness is defined as central vision of 20/200 with correction or field vision (side vision) of no more than 20 degrees.

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