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DNA Damage Response: Three Levels of DNA Repair Regulation

Bianca M. Sirbu and David Cortez

Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee 37027 Correspondence: [email protected]

Genome integrity is challenged by DNA damage from both endogenous and environmental sources. This damage must be repaired to allow both RNA and DNA polymerases to accu- rately read and duplicate the information in the genome. Multiple repair enzymes scan the DNA for problems, remove the offending damage, and restore the DNA duplex. These repair mechanisms are regulated by DNA damage response kinases including DNA-PKcs, ATM, and ATR that are activated at DNA lesions. These kinases improve the efficiency of DNA repair by phosphorylating repair to modify their activities, by initiating a complex series of changes in the local chromatin structure near the damage site, and by altering the overall cellular environment to make it more conducive to repair. In this review, we focus on these three levels of regulation to illustrate how the DNA damage kinases promote efficient repair to maintain genome integrity and prevent disease.

he DNA in each of our cells accumulates multiple DNA processing steps is regulated by Tthousands of lesions every day. This dam- the DNA damage response (DDR). For the most aged DNA must be removed for the DNA code difficult to repair lesions, the DDR can be essen- to be read properly. Fortunately, cells contain tial for successful repair. multiple DNA repair mechanisms including: The DDR consists of multiple pathways, but (BER) that removes dam- for the purposes of this review we will focus on aged bases, mismatch repair (MMR) that rec- the DDR kinase signaling cascades controlled ognizes base incorporation errors and base by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related ki- damage, nucleotide excision repair (NER) that nases (PIKK). These kinases include DNA- removes bulky DNA adducts, and cross-link re- dependent kinase (DNA-PKcs), ataxia pair (ICL) that removes interstrand cross-links. telangiectasia-mutated (ATM), and ATM and In addition, breaks in the DNA backbone are Rad3-related (ATR). DNA-PKcs and ATM are repaired via double-strand break (DSB) repair primarily involved in DSB repair, whereas ATR pathways including homologous recombina- responds to a wide range of DNA lesions, espe- tion (HR) and nonhomologous end joining cially those associated with DNA replication (NHEJ). Some of these mechanisms can operate (Cimprich and Cortez 2008). ATR’s versatility independently to repair simple lesions. Howev- makes it essential for the viability of replicating er, the repair of more complex lesions involving cells in mice and humans (Brown and Baltimore

Editors: Errol C. Friedberg, Stephen J. Elledge, Alan R. Lehmann, Tomas Lindahl, and Marco Muzi-Falconi Additional Perspectives on DNA Repair, Mutagenesis, and Other Responses to DNA Damage available at Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012724 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2013;5:a012724

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B.M. Sirbu and D. Cortez

2000; de Klein et al. 2000; Cortez et al. 2001). tions that alter their activity. These modifica- In the case of ATM, inherited biallelic muta- tions appear to be especially important in the tions cause ataxia-telangiectasia—a disorder repairof complex lesions such as ICLs and repair characterized by neurodegeneration, immu- associated with stalled replication forks. Second, nodeficiency, and cancer (Shiloh 2003; Lavin the DDR kinases modify the chromatin near the 2008). AT M mutations are also frequently found DNA lesion to create a permissive local environ- in several types of tumors (Negrini et al. 2010). ment for repair. This chromatin response also The DDR kinases share several common provides a scaffolding function for the recruit- regulatory mechanisms of activation (Lovejoy ment of additional DDR factors regulating both and Cortez 2009). All three DDR kinases sense repair and signaling. Finally, the DDR kinases damage through protein–protein interactions act at a more global level of the nucleus or even that serve to recruit the kinases to damage sites. the entire cell to provide a cellular environment Once localized, posttranslational modifications conducive to repair. This global response in- and other protein–protein interactions fully ac- cludes changes in transcription, the cell cycle, tivate the kinases to initate a cascade of phos- mobility, and deoxynucleotide phorylation events. The best-studied substrate (dNTP) levels. Controlling these processes may of DNA-PKcs is actually DNA-PKcs itself, and be most important for repair when damage is autophosphorylation is an important step in persistent. direct religation of the DSB via nonhomologous This review will highlight examples of each end joining (NHEJ) (Weterings and Chen 2007; level of regulation. For the direct regulation of Dobbs et al. 2010). ATM and ATR have both repair functions, we will discuss how DDR ki- unique and shared substrates that participate nases regulate ICL repair and more general rep- in DNA repair, checkpoint signaling, and deter- lication fork-associated repair. In discussing the mining cell fate decisions such as apoptosis and local chromatin environment, we highlight the sensescence. important role of chromatin modifications sur- rounding a DSB. Finally, at the global level, we discuss how the DDR alters nuclear architecture THREE LEVELS OF REPAIR REGULATION and maintains proper cellular dNTP pools to BY THE DDR KINASES promote repair. DDR kinases control DNA repair at three levels (Fig. 1). First, they regulate DNA repair enzymes directly through posttranslational modifica- DDR KINASES DIRECTLY REGULATE THE REPLICATION-ASSOCIATED DNA REPAIR MACHINERY DNA lesions pose an especially important prob- lem when they interfere with DNA polymerases. Errors during DNA replication as well as mis- takes in DNA repair cause mutations and chro- Local Repair chromatin mosomal aberrations that are a source of genetic machinery instability driving tumorigenesis. Additional- DDR ly, many rare childhood diseases are the result Cellular kinases of defects in replication-associated DNA repair. environment These include Seckel syndrome caused by mu- tations in ATR and other disorders caused by mutations in ATR substrates like BLM, WRN, and SMARCAL1 (Ciccia and Elledge 2010). Figure 1. DDR kinases promote efficient DNA repair by directly regulating the DNA repair machinery, Thus, the DNA damage response is particularly changing the local chromatin environment near the critical to ensure complete and accurate dupli- DNA lesion, and altering the cellular environment. cation of the genome.

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DDR Kinase-Dependent Regulation of DNA Repair

ICL Repair during DNA Replication Perhaps for these reasons, the ATR kinase has an especially critical function in initiating ICL Interstrand cross-links are perhaps the most dif- repair (Fig. 2). ficult lesions to repair, requiring specialized When the ICL stalls a replication fork, the repair mechanisms governed by mutated DNA structure signals the recruitment of sever- in patients with (FA), as well as al Fanconi proteins beginning with the FANCM components of nucleotide excision and DSB (Meetei et al. 2005; Raschle et al. 2008; repair (Kim and D’Andrea 2012). In the context Knipscheer et al. 2009). FANCM may remodel of DNA replication, interstrand cross-links are the damaged fork to help recruit the FA core potent fork stalling lesions that activate ATR. complex, a multisubunit ubiquitin ligase. An

P FA core P complex P FANCM ATR UAF1 I P D2 ATRIP USP1 P Ub ID complex phosphorylation P I Ub activates FA pathway D2 Ub Ub

P I P ICL unhooking D2 Ub SLX4 Ub Nucleases FAN1

Translesion synthesis, NER, P and fork cleavage I P D2 Ub SLX4 Ub Nucleases FAN1 P XPA1


HR and fork restoration

Figure 2. A simplified model of ICL repair indicating steps regulated by ATR phosphorylation.

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essential activity of the core complex is mono- Analysis of the crystal structure of the FANC ubiquitination of FANCD2 and FANCI within ID complex has revealed that the ubiquitination the FANCI-FANCD2 (ID) complex (Garcia- sites are buried in the ID interface (Joo et al. Higuera et al. 2001). Repair then initiates with 2011). It is possible that ATR phosphorylation synchronized incision on both sides of the of ID in cis may inform ID of the presence of cross-link. Incision may be mediated by the dsDNA and ssDNA junctions. A simple model flap endonuclease FAN1 whose ubiquitin-bind- would be that once phosphorylated at the cross- ing motif recognizes mono-ub FANCD2 and is link, the ID complex alters its conformation al- essential for ICL repair (Kratz et al. 2010; Liu et lowing core complex recognition. al. 2010; Smogorzewska et al. 2010). Additional ATR may also regulate FANCD2 ubiquityla- nucleases such as those associated with SLX4 tion by targeting the FANCD2 deubiquitination may also participate in ICL repair given that complex USP1-UAF1. Consistent with this no- SLX4 mutations cause FA (Kim et al. 2011). Fork tion, USP1 was identified as a putative ATM/ cleavage results in “unhooking” of the cross-link ATR substrate (Matsuoka et al. 2007), and the allowing error-prone polymerasesto extend past interaction of USP1/UAF1 with FANCI is reg- the lesion and NER to remove the cross-linked ulated by DNA damage (Yang et al. 2011). Fur- base. The unhooking reaction also generates a thermore, in response to DNA damage, USP1 DSB intermediate that is processed by HR to undergoes inactivating autoproteolysis, further restore the replication fork (Long et al. 2011). promoting FANC ID ubiquitination. ATR controls the earliest events in the FA The activities of other FA proteins including pathway and is essential for successful repair. FANCA and FANCG are also under the control Thus, ATR-deficiency yields high sensitivity to of the ATR kinase. FANCA is a direct ATR sub- DNA cross-linking agents. ATR phosphorylates strate, and mutation of the phosphorylation site several FA proteins including FANCD2, FANCI, creates a protein that cannot fully complement FANCA, FANCG, and FANCM (Andreassen et FANCA-deficient cells (Collins et al. 2009). al. 2004; Ishiai et al. 2008; Wilson et al. 2008; FANCG is phosphorylated on multiple sites and Collins et al. 2009; Sobeck et al. 2009). The at least one (serine 7) is ATR-dependent (Wilson phosphorylation of FANCI is a particularly crit- et al. 2008). Phosphorylation of FANCG regu- ical event for FA pathway activation, as it is lates the interactions of BRCA2 with com- needed for monoubiquitination and localiza- ponents of the core complex and FANCD2. tion of FANCD2 to sites of damage. FANCI is FANCG S7 mutants fail to rescue the cross- phosphorylated on several conserved ATR and link sensitivity of FANCG-deficient cells (Qiao ATM consensus sites (Matsuoka et al. 2007), et al. 2004). andmutantsthatcannot be phosphorylated pre- In addition to controlling early events in vent FANCD2 mono-ub and cause hypersensi- cross-link repair, the ATRpathway may also reg- tivitytocross-linkingreagents(Ishiaietal.2008). ulate later steps. For example, ATR regulates the Expression of FANCI mutants that mimic phos- NER-dependent unhooking reaction pathway phorylation induce FANCD2 monoubiquitina- by regulating the localization of XPA (Wu et al. tion even in the absence of exogenous DNA- 2007; Shell et al. 2009). Also, ATR regulates the damaging agents. These findings suggest that HR step by promoting the recruitment of the FANCI phosphorylation is a necessary and key RAD51 recombinase (Sorensen et al. 2005). perhaps sufficient step for FANCD2 mono- Thus, ATR regulates nearly every step of ubiquitination and FA pathway activation. The the ICL repair process. Why is this necessary? mechanism by which phosphorylation induces Perhaps the answer lies in the complexity of ubiquitylation remains unknown. However, it removing an ICL. ICL repair requires the co- should be noted that FANCI has WD40 repeats, ordinated activities of multiple repair steps which might act analogous to F-box proteins often at a time of maximum vulnerability for to recruit phosphorylated substrates for ubiq- the genome (when the replication fork reaches uitination. the cross-link). Perhaps ATR signaling provides

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DDR Kinase-Dependent Regulation of DNA Repair

a mechanism of ordering the repair steps to the Labib group has challenged this model (De prevent undesirable DNA intermediates, which Piccoli et al. 2012). This group monitored rep- might yield aberrant repair products. In this lisome stability in budding yeast lacking the context, it might be expected that the more dif- Mec1AT R or Rad53Chk2 checkpoint kinases by ficult a DNA lesion is to repair, the more im- immunoprecipitating a subunit of the replica- portant the DDR pathways become for success. tive helicase and immunoblotting for other rep- lisome proteins. In contrast to expectations, they did not observe disassembly of the replisome, DDR Kinase-Dependent Regulation of and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays Replication Fork Repair Pathways suggested that the replisome remained near or- DDR regulation of ICL repair during DNA rep- igins in cells treated with high doses of hydroxy- lication is a specialized version of a more general ureato stall forks. A subset of earlyorigins lacked DDR response that coordinates repair of stalled replisome proteins, but the authors concluded forks. Base damage, dNTP depletion, and even that this was as a result of replisome movement difficult to replicate sequences that form sec- away from the earliest origins in the absence of ondary structures or RNA–DNA hybrids can DDR kinase activity instead of replisome disas- cause fork damage. A stalled fork itself may sembly. Thus, in this case, the ATRpathway may not be a particularly devastating event to a cell be important for restraining fork movement. If because DNA replication will usually be com- fork movement is not accompanied by produc- pleted from an adjacent origin of replication. tive leading and lagging strand synthesis, it could In such cases, the DDR stabilizes the damaged help generate the ssDNA gaps observed by elec- fork to prevent aberrant DNA processing. In tron microscopy in Mec1AT R-deficient yeast. other cases, such as in replication of fragile sites Exactly how ATR prevents replisome disso- that contain few replication origins, fork sta- ciation, movement, and aberrant fork process- bilization may be insufficient and DDR ki- ing is one of the least understood parts of the nase-dependent restart of the stalled fork be- DDR. One DDR target is the downstream ki- comes essential (Casper et al. 2002). nase CHK1, which is activated by ATR phos- The fork-stabilization activity of ATR is phorylation and needed to prevent fork collapse functionally defined either in terms of the abil- and regulate origin firing (Cimprich and Cortez ity to restart replication once a blockage is re- 2008). Note that the mammalian and yeast moved or by the changes in DNA or protein functions of CHK1 and CHK2 have been re- composition at the fork. Yeast mutants deficient versed during evolution so that human CHK1 in the ATRpathway lose the replicative polymer- is the functional equivalent of yeast Rad53 with ases from the fork (Cobb et al. 2003, 2005; Lucca respect to replication fork regulation. ATR also et al. 2004) and accumulate abnormal DNA directly phosphorylates replisome components structures including long stretches of ssDNA including several Cdc45-MCM-GINS (CMG) and reversed fork structures resembling Holli- helicase subunits (Cortez et al. 2004; Yoo et al. day junctions (Lopes et al. 2001; Sogo et al. 2004; Matsuoka et al. 2007; Shi et al. 2007; Trenz 2002). At least in yeast, the Exo1 nuclease is et al. 2008; De Piccoli et al. 2012). Phosphory- involved in generating the excess ssDNA at the lation of CMG may regulate helicase activity stalled fork when the ATR pathway is inacti- to prevent excessive unwinding and is impor- vated (Cotta-Ramusino et al. 2005). Loss of tant to promote rescue of stalled forks from ATR function in Xenopus extracts also causes adjacent origins. loss of Pol epsilon and collapse of the fork into In addition, other replication fork proteins a DSB (Trenz et al. 2006). including RPA, CLASPIN, and members of the Thus, one way ATRmay stabilize a fork is by replication fork-pausing complex like TIME- preventing dissociation of replisome proteins LESS, TIPIN, and AND1 are ATR substrates and thereby inhibiting aberrant enzymatic pro- (Matsuoka et al. 2007). Deficiencies in these cessing of the DNA. However, a recent paper by proteins cause hypersensitivity to replication

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stress agents (Chou and Elledge 2006; Errico et Clearly, a great deal remains to be learned al. 2007; Unsal-Kacmaz et al. 2007; Yoshizawa- about how ATR promotes replication fork sta- SugataandMasai2007,2009;Leman etal.2010). bility, replication-associated DNA repair, and They act in part through promoting ATR-de- fork restart. These are likely the most important pendent CHK1 activation but may have addi- functions of ATR in maintaining genome sta- tional roles in regulating the repair of damaged bility and cell viability based on results from forks. separation of function mutants in both yeast The DDR also targets several repair enzymes and human ATR (Paciotti et al. 2001; Cobb that remodel damaged forks including WRN, et al. 2005; Nam et al. 2011). Yet, they are also FANCM, and SMARCAL1. The WRN and arguably the least understood. The develop- FANCM proteins are capable of un- ment of new reversible ATRinhibitors (Charrier winding a variety of complex DNA structures. et al. 2011; Reaper et al. 2011; Toledoet al. 2011), SMARCAL1 is an SNF2 family ATPase that is as well as new techniques to study DNA repli- activated by complex DNA structures and uses cation such as iPOND should accelerate the the energy of ATP hydrolysis to reanneal DNA mechanistic studies (Sirbu et al. 2011, 2012). strands (Yusufzai and Kadonaga 2008). All three Such studies will be equally critical in defining enzymes are recruited to damaged forks and can the pathways that lead to the elevated levels of catalyze fork regression generating a Holliday replication stress observed in cancer cells (Hala- junction on model replication substrates zonetis et al. 2008). Combined with defects in (Machwe et al. 2006; Gari et al. 2008a; Betous other genome-maintenance activities, this stress et al. 2012; Ciccia et al. 2012). They can also creates an increased dependency on ATR for branch migrate the Holliday junction, which successful cell division. Thus, the ATR pathway could restore the normal fork structure (Gari is a promising target for new cancer drug devel- et al. 2008b; Machwe et al. 2011; Betous et al. opment. Defining how ATR inhibition alters 2012). All three are targets of ATRphosphoryla- replication-associated DNA repair will be im- tion (Yannone et al. 2001; Karmakar et al. 2002; portant for understanding the mechanism of Pichierri et al. 2003; Meetei et al. 2005; Bansbach action of these drugs. et al. 2009; Sobeck et al. 2009; Ammazzalorso et al. 2010), and deficiencies in WRN and DDR REGULATES LOCAL CHROMATIN SMARCAL1 activity lead to MUS81-dependent STRUCTURE TO PROMOTE REPAIR fork cleavage and DSB formation (Franchitto et al. 2008; Betous et al. 2012). DNA lesions occur in various chromosomal ATRphosphorylation of WRN and FANCM contexts including compacted and opened promotes their recruitment to stalled forks (So- chromatin, which influences both the activation beck et al. 2009; Ammazzalorso et al. 2010), and of the DDR and DNA repair efficiency. For ex- cells expressing a nonphosphorylatable mutant ample, in highly condensed chromatin, repair- WRN show increased fork breakage (Ammazza- ing the damaged structure is more difficult pre- lorso et al. 2010). SMARCAL1 phosphorylation sumably because repair proteins are physically by DDR kinases does not regulate its localiza- occluded from accessing the damaged structure. tion but does regulate its enzymatic activity (D Independently of DDR kinases, an ATP-depen- Cortez, unpubl.). The exact substrates of these dent mechanism induces rapid chromatin re- fork remodeling enzymes at stalled forks and laxation around a DSB, and is required for how their activities promote fork restart in cells recruitment of break-sensing proteins (Kruh- is not yet known. Additionally, many other hel- lak et al. 2006). However, several DDR kinase- icases and DNA translocases including BLM dependent local chromatin changes also pro- have roles at damaged forks and are regulated mote a local environment conducive for repair. by ATR phosphorylation (Davalos et al. 2004; These activities include creation of a chromatin Li et al. 2004; Sengupta et al. 2004; Rao et al. platform for recruitment of repair and signaling 2005; Tripathi et al. 2008). factors, regulating repair factor accessibility to

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DDR Kinase-Dependent Regulation of DNA Repair

Creation of platform for Chromatin Histone removal/ Inhibition of repair factor recruitment relaxation exchange transcription



Figure 3. DDR kinases regulate the chromatin near a double-strand break to provide a scaffold for the recruit- ment of DNA repair proteins, promote repair protein access through nucleosome remodeling, and inhibit local transcription.

the DNA, and inhibition of nearby transcrip- Stewart et al. 2009), whereas another ring finger tion to prevent potential interference with DNA protein RNF169 antagonizes the ubiquitin cas- repair (Fig. 3). Here we discuss the DDR-depen- cade (Chen et al. 2012; Poulsen et al. 2012). An- dent chromatin response as it relates to DSB other ATMsubstrate, HERC2, also regulates this repair. process. HERC2 contains an ATM phosphory- lation site that binds the RNF8 FHA domain and helps assemble the functional RNF8-UBC13 en- gH2AX as a Platform for DSB Repair zyme (Bekker-Jensen et al. 2010). One of the earliest consequences of ATMactiva- Ubiquitylation at the DSB regulates the re- tion at a DSB is phosphorylation of the histone cruitment of the DSB repair proteins BRCA1 variant H2AX on an evolutionarily conserved and 53BP1 (Al-Hakim et al. 2010). BRCA1 is it- serine (S139) producing gH2AX (Fernandez- self a ubiquitin ligase and is regulated by ATM Capetillo et al. 2004; Stucki and Jackson 2006; and ATR-dependent phosphorylation (Cortez Dickey et al. 2009). A complex of MRN, MDC1, et al. 1999; Tibbetts et al. 2000). BRCA1 is re- and gH2AX recruits additional ATMto flanking cruited via an interaction with a complex of pro- regions of chromatin and facilitates propaga- teins containing the K63-linked ubiquitin bind- tion of gH2AX to a large chromatin domain. ing protein Rap80 (Kimet al.2007;Sobhian etal. gH2AX-MDC1 is a platform for the recruit- 2007; Wang et al. 2007; Yan et al. 2007). Three ment of many additional chromatin modify- distinct BRCA1 repair complexes (BRCA1-A, ing, DDR signaling, and DNA repair proteins. BRCA1-B, and BRCA1-C) are recruited, which This scaffold recruits the RING ubiquitin ligases contain different accessory proteins to regulate RNF8 and RNF168 to trigger a ubiquitylation checkpoint activation or HR repair (Greenberg cascade surrounding the DSB (Al-Hakim et al. et al. 2006). 53BP1 accumulation near the DSB 2010). This recruitment is mediated by ATM- is also dependent on these ubiquitylation events dependent phosphorylation sites on MDC1, although the mechanism is likely indirect. The which are recognized by the FHA domain of overall effect of BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment RNF8. Along with the E2 enzyme UBC13, downstream of histone phosphorylation and RNF8 catalyzes the formation of Lys63-linked ubiquitylation is likely regulation of repair polyubiquitin chains at DSBs (Huen et al. 2007; choice between NHEJ and HR. Kolas et al. 2007; Mailand et al. 2007). Subse- In addition to recruiting repair factors to quently, RNF168, the protein encoded by the a DSB, DDR-dependent H2AX phosphoryla- RIDDLIN syndrome recognizes and amp- tion also induces changes to chromatin struc- lifies these ubiquitin chains (Doil et al. 2009; ture by recruiting ATP-dependent chromatin

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remodeling complexes including SWI/SNF, cued by experimentally inducing chromatin re- SWR1, and INO80. The SWI/SNF chromatin laxation. Reduced NHEJ is associated with less remodeling activity is targeted to DSBs through XRCC4 and KU80 at the break in the absence of interactions with acetylated H3 (Lee et al. 2010) H2B-Ub. and BRIT1/MCPH1, a protein that binds In addition to modulating H2B-Ub, a sec- gH2AX after damage (Wood et al. 2007; Peng ond mechanism by which ATM relaxes chro- et al. 2009). ATM and ATR phosphorylate a matin to promote repair is through phos- SWI/SNF subunit leading to an increased asso- phorylation of KAP1 (Ziv et al. 2006). KAP1 is ciation with BRIT1 and DSBs (Peng et al. 2009). a transcriptional corepressor that works with SWI/SNF presumably relaxes chromatin near histone methyltransferase and histone deacety- the break to improve access of DNA repair en- lase complexes to promote chromatin compac- zymes to the damaged DNA. tion. ATM-dependent KAP1 phosphorylation The INO80 and SWR1 complexes are re- disrupts an interaction between KAP1 and the cruited to damage sites through direct interac- CHD3 nucleosome remodeler thereby promot- tion with gH2AX. At least in yeast, these com- ing chromatin relaxation (Goodarzi et al. 2011). plexes promote repair through two distinct As a result, ATM is particularly important for mechanisms. INO80 catalyzes histone removal repair of DSBs that occur in heterochromatin that facilitates Mre11 binding and DNA end re- (Goodarzi et al. 2008a; Noon et al. 2010). section to promote HR repair, whereas SWR1 In addition to the examples of local chroma- promotes KU binding and NHEJ (van Attikum tin changes described here, there are changes in et al. 2007; van Attikum and Gasser 2009). other histone modifications regulated by DDR INO80-dependent remodeling may also be im- kinases such as an ATM-dependent increase in portant to promote the strand invasion step H2A-Ub that inhibits transcription near DSBs of HR through displacement of histones at the (Shanbhag et al. 2010). There are also changes in homologous donor sequences (Tsukuda et al. the binding of chromatin proteins and the abun- 2009). dance of histone variants. Understanding how the DDR kinases regulate the local chromatin environment to promote repair of other types H2AX-Independent but DDR Kinase- of DNA lesions, such as those encountered by Dependent Regulation of Local Chromatin elongating replication forks, will also be impor- Besides gH2AX-dependent regulation of repair, tant. Some of the mechanisms may be similar. ATMcontrols other chromatin modifications to For example, gH2AX spreads away from stalled allow access for repair factors. H2B is mono- forks similarly to the spreading observed at ubiquitylated near DSBs (Moyal et al. 2011). DSBs (Sirbu et al. 2011). However, other mech- H2B-Ub is catalyzed by an RNF20-RNF40 het- anisms may be unique, adding to the complexity erodimer (the human ortholog of yeast Bre1), of the chromatin response to DNA damage. and this modification istypicallyassociated with actively transcribed genes (Zhu et al. 2005). The levels of H2B-Ub increase near a DSB owing to DDR KINASES FACILITATE REPAIR BY CREATING AN OPTIMAL CELLULAR recruitment of the RNF20-RNF40 proteins ENVIRONMENT through a mechanism that may involve their interaction with ATM and NBS1 (Moyal et al. In addition to promoting DNA repair through 2011). Both RNF20 and RNF40 are ATM sub- direct regulation of repair proteins and changes strates, and increased H2B-Ub surrounding the in the chromatin near the DNA damage site, the break is dependent on RNF20 phosphorylation. DDR also facilitates repair through more global Both NHEJ and HR repair are impaired in cells changes in the cellular environment (Fig. 4). when the damage-induced H2B-Ub is prevented The most obvious example of this mechanism (Moyal et al. 2011). The HR defect was traced to is the checkpoint activity of the DDR kinases, a defect in DNA end resection and could be res- which halts the cell cycle providing time to

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DDR Kinase-Dependent Regulation of DNA Repair

nuclear organization. The nucleus is a highly NTP organized organelle with compartments devot- Cell cycle dNTP RNR ed to specific functions. A long-standing ques- Gene tion is whether DNA repair occurs equally well expression DDR kinases anywhere within the nucleus or whether there are specific repair centers (Misteli and Souto-

RNA Chromosome glou 2009). Recent studies on DSB repair in metabolism mobility yeast suggest that repair centers exist and indi- cate that DDR-dependent changes in chromo- some mobility promote HR repair. Observations of DSBs marked with fluores- Figure 4. DDR kinases regulate several aspects of nu- cent proteins revealed that unrepairable DSBs clear and cellular physiology to provide an environ- move to the nuclear periphery and cells with ment conducive for successful DNA repair. two DSBs merge them into a single repair fo- cus (Nagai et al. 2008; Oza et al. 2009). More repair the DNA damage before DNA replication recently, the Rothstein and Gasser groups have or mitosis. Checkpoint-dependent changes in shown increased chromosomal mobility with- cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activities also in the yeast nucleus because of a DSB (Dion et influence DNA repair more directly because al. 2012; Mine-Hattab and Rothstein 2012). The AT R many repair proteins are CDK substrates. A sec- increased movement depends on the Mec1 ond example is the numerous DDR kinase-de- kinase, resection of the DNA end, and the pendent changes in gene expression that are RAD51 recombinase. Intriguingly, the Roth- largely mediated through regulation of p53. In stein study also showed that the dynamics of addition to inducing cell cycle arrest and apo- unbroken, nonhomologous is ptosis, these transcriptional changes can alter also increased in the presence of a DSB, sug- the levels of DNA repair proteins, as well as the gesting that DDR kinases regulate global nu- nucleotides and histones needed for completing clear architecture (Mine-Hattab and Rothstein repair synthesis and restoring chromatin. 2012). Furthermore, results from functional geno- The end-result of the increased chromo- mic screens suggest a much broader regulation some mobility is an increase in repair efficiency. of cellular physiology by the DDR. For example, Likely this results from an increase in the ability proteomic screens for ATM and ATR substrates of the RAD51-coated DNA end to find a ho- and genetic screens for new DDR factors based mologous sequence. Flexibility of the RAD51- on the level of ATM/ATRactivity in undamaged coated DNA fiber is important for an efficient cells identified proteins involved in a wide vari- homology search (Forget and Kowalczykowski ety of cellular functions including intracellular 2012). It is also possible that the movement to protein trafficking, cellular immunity, and RNA or away from a specific nuclear location pro- metabolism (Matsuoka et al. 2007; Lovejoy et al. motes repair. For example, movement out of a 2009; Paulsen et al. 2009; Bansbach and Cortez region containing heterochromatin or the nu- 2011). In many cases, the connection between cleolus might increase repair efficiency. these processes and the DDR kinases is likely to Whether similar changes in chromosome promote a cellular environment conducive to dynamics occur in higher eukaryotes is less DNA repair. clear. Several studies indicate that most DNA ends are largely immobile in mammalian cells (Nelms et al. 1998; Kruhlak et al. 2006; Souto- Nuclear Organization and Chromosome glou et al. 2007; Jakob et al. 2009). However, Movements Facilitate DNA Repair deprotected telomere ends have increased mo- One of the important DDR kinase-dependent bility compared with protected telomeres (Di- changes important for repair is regulation of mitrova et al. 2008). This increased mobility

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depends on both ATM and 53BP1 and these Control of Cellular Nucleotide Levels ends are repaired through NHEJ. ATM and for DNA Repair 53BP1 also control antigen receptor diversifi- cation, and chromosome movement may be Perhaps the best-documented example of how needed especially in the context of long-range the DDR kinases create a cellular environment joining during class switch recombination conducive for repair is through the regulation (Nussenzweig and Nussenzweig 2010). DSBs in- of nucleotide metabolism. In yeast, the intracel- duced by a particles are also mobile (Aten et al. lular concentration of dNTPs increases in re- 2004). Furthermore, breaks in heterochromatin sponse to DNA damage, whereas in mammali- in Drosophila cells cause an expansion of the an cells increased production may be more heterochromatin domain followed by move- localized (Chabes et al. 2003; Hakansson et al. ment of the repair focus outside of the hetero- 2006b). Higher concentrations of dNTPs cause chromatin (Chiolo et al. 2011). These changes an increase in mutation frequency (Chabes et al. in heterochromatin are dependent on the DDR 2003). Not surprisingly, maintaining an optimal kinases and seem to be important after the re- balance of cellular dNTPs is a process strictly section step but before the RAD51-dependent controlled at multiple levels by the DDR kinases. homology search for HR repair (Chiolo et al. The rate-limiting step in dNTP production 2011). Thus, at least in some circumstances is catalyzed by ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) the increased mobility of broken chromo- (Nordlund and Reichard 2006). RNR contains somes within the nucleus does occur in meta- two subunits, R1 and R2, encoded by multiple zoan cells. genes in most organisms. DDR kinases regulate The mechanism by which the DDR pro- RNR at almost every conceivable level. The tran- motes increased chromosome mobility is not scriptional regulation of RNR subunits was one known. One clue might be found in the recent of the first documented functions of the DDR observation that DNA attachments to the nucle- (Elledge et al. 1993). In human cells, a DDR ar pore are regulated by the DDR (Bermejo et al. kinase- and p53-dependent pathway induces 2011). In this yeast study, the authors found that expression of the catalytic RNR subunit p53R2 DDR kinase modification of nucleoporins re- after prolonged exposure to DNA damage (Ta- leases the interaction between tethered chromo- naka et al. 2000). somes and the pore. Another possible mecha- In addition to RNR gene expression, the nism could involve phosphorylation of KAP1, DDR kinases directly regulate the stability of which is observed throughout the nucleus. RNR subunits. For example, ATM phosphory- KAP1 binds the heterochromatin protein HP1 lation of p53R2 increases its stability (Chang et and as mentioned earlier, KAP1 phosphoryla- al. 2008). Furthermore, ATR signaling inhibits tion is important for the repair of breaks in het- Cyclin F-dependent R2 degradation, which may erochromatin (Goodarzi et al. 2008b). Finally, be a rapid way of increasing functional RNR DSB recruitment of chromatin remodeling fac- enzyme levels (D’Angiolella et al. 2012). tors such as INO80 and histone variants such as The ATR pathway also controls the localiza- H2A.Z may be important to promote the in- tion of the RNR subunits. In yeast, one of the crease in mobility (Kalocsay et al. 2009; Neu- RNR subunits is exported to the cytoplasm after mann et al. 2012). Discovering the mechanisms damage to form an active RNR enzyme (Yao by which the DDR kinases regulate chromo- et al. 2003). In mammalian cells, RNR subunits some dynamics will provide important infor- may actually be recruited directly to sites of mation about nuclear architecture and how DNA damage to ensure dNTP production right chromosomal domains are maintained. In ad- where it is most needed (Niida et al. 2010). dition, these studies have significant implica- Finally, in budding and fission yeast, small tions for the mechanisms driving chromosomal protein inhibitors of RNR including Dif1, Sml1, translocations and rearrangements that cause and Spd1 are regulated by DDR kinases. Dif1 cancer. and Spd1 control the localization of RNR sub-

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units by regulating nuclear import (Liu et al. 136933. B.M.S. is funded by a Department of 2003; Lee et al. 2008) whereas Sml1 and Spd1 Defense Breast Cancer Research Program pre- are direct inhibitors of RNR activity (Zhao et al. doctoral fellowship (W81XWH-10-1-0226), 1998; Hakansson et al. 2006a). The proteolysis and we thank Swim Across America for their of all three of these proteins is under control of support. the DDR pathway (Zhao et al. 2001; Liu et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2008; Wu and Huang 2008). Thus, the DDR kinases control the timely REFERENCES and appropriate production of dNTPs for DNA Al-Hakim A, Escribano-Diaz C, Landry MC, O’Donnell L, repair through transcriptional, posttranscrip- Panier S, Szilard RK, Durocher D. 2010. The ubiquitous tional, and localization mechanisms targeting role of ubiquitin in the DNA damage response. DNA RNR. The importance of this pathway to create Repair 9: 1229–1240. an optimal cellular environment for repair and Ammazzalorso F, Pirzio LM, Bignami M, Franchitto A, Pichierri P. 2010. ATR and ATM differently regulate replication is illustrated by the observation that, WRN to prevent DSBs at stalled replication forks and in budding yeast, the lethality associated with promote replication fork recovery. EMBO J 29: 3156– deleting Mec1AT R can be rescued by increasing 3169. Andreassen PR, D’Andrea AD, Taniguchi T. 2004. ATRcou- RNR activity (Desany et al. 1998; Zhao et al. ples FANCD2 monoubiquitination to the DNA-damage 1998). Whether ATR regulation of RNR func- response. Genes Dev 18: 1958–1963. tion is equally important in human cells is un- Aten JA, Stap J, Krawczyk PM, van Oven CH, Hoebe RA, known. Essers J, Kanaar R. 2004. Dynamics of DNA double- strand breaks revealed by clustering of damaged chromo- some domains. Science 303: 92–95. CONCLUDING REMARKS Bansbach CE, Cortez D. 2011. Defining genome mainte- nance pathways using functional genomic approaches. The basic DNA repair machinery is often suffi- Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 46: 327–341. Bansbach CE, Betous R, Lovejoy CA, Glick GG, Cortez D. cient to reconstitute simple repair reactions in 2009. The annealing helicase SMARCAL1 maintains vitro on naked DNA substrates. However, effi- genome integrity at stalled replication forks. Genes Dev cient repair often requires regulation by the 23: 2405–2414. DNA damage response. The DDR kinases di- Bekker-Jensen S, Rendtlew Danielsen J, Fugger K, Gro- mova I, Nerstedt A, Lukas C, Bartek J, Lukas J, Mailand N. rectly modify repair proteins, change chromatin 2010. HERC2 coordinates ubiquitin-dependent assem- structure around the DNA lesion, and regulate bly of DNA repair factors on damaged chromosomes. nuclear and cellular environments. Failures at Nat Cell Biol 12: 80–86. any of these levels cause genome instability and Bermejo R, Capra T, Jossen R, Colosio A, Frattini C, Caro- tenuto W, Cocito A, Doksani Y, Klein H, Gomez- disease. Not surprisingly, the list of DDR kinase Gonzalez B, et al. 2011. The replication checkpoint pro- substrates is long and our understanding of their tects fork stability by releasing transcribed genes from regulation is incomplete. Fortunately, new tools nuclear pores. Cell 146: 233–246. Betous R, Mason AC, Rambo RP, Bansbach CE, Badu- for discovery in multiple systems promise to Nkansah A, Sirbu BM, Eichman BF, Cortez D. 2012. rapidly move us toward an intimate understand- SMARCAL1 catalyzes fork regression and Holliday junc- ing of mechanism. This knowledge may help in tion migration to maintain genome stability during DNA the design of cancer therapeutic opportunities replication. Genes Dev 26: 151–162. Brown EJ, Baltimore D. 2000. ATRdisruption leads to chro- based on manipulation of the DNA damage re- mosomal fragmentation and early embryonic lethality. sponse, epigenetic therapies, and combinations Genes Dev 14: 397–402. with existing radiation and chemotherapies that Casper AM, Nghiem P, Arlt MF, Glover TW. 2002. ATR work primarily by damaging DNA. regulates fragile site stability. Cell 111: 779–789. Chabes A, Georgieva B, Domkin V, Zhao X, Rothstein R, Thelander L. 2003. Survival of DNA damage in yeast directly depends on increased dNTP levels allowed by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS relaxed feedback inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase. Research in the Cortez laboratory on the DNA Cell 112: 391–401. Chang L, Zhou B, Hu S, Guo R, Liu X, Jones SN, YenY.2008. damage response and DNA repair is support- ATM-mediated serine 72 phosphorylation stabilizes ri- ed by NIH grants R01CA102729 and R01CA bonucleotide reductase small subunit p53R2 protein

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DDR Kinase-Dependent Regulation of DNA Repair

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B.M. Sirbu and D. Cortez

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DNA Damage Response: Three Levels of DNA Repair Regulation

Bianca M. Sirbu and David Cortez

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2013; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012724 originally published online June 28, 2013

Subject Collection DNA Repair, Mutagenesis, and Other Responses to DNA Damage

DNA Repair by Reversal of DNA Damage DNA Repair by Reversal of DNA Damage Chengqi Yi and Chuan He Chengqi Yi and Chuan He Replicating Damaged DNA in Eukaryotes Translesion DNA Synthesis and Mutagenesis in Nimrat Chatterjee and Wolfram Siede Prokaryotes Robert P. Fuchs and Shingo Fujii DNA Damage Sensing by the ATM and ATR Nucleosome Dynamics as Modular Systems that Kinases Integrate DNA Damage and Repair Alexandre Maréchal and Lee Zou Craig L. Peterson and Genevieve Almouzni Repair of Strand Breaks by Homologous DNA Damage Responses in Prokaryotes: Recombination Regulating Gene Expression, Modulating Growth Maria Jasin and Rodney Rothstein Patterns, and Manipulating Replication Forks Kenneth N. Kreuzer Advances in Understanding the Complex Nucleotide Excision Repair in Eukaryotes Mechanisms of DNA Interstrand Cross-Link Orlando D. Schärer Repair Cheryl Clauson, Orlando D. Schärer and Laura Niedernhofer Ancient DNA Damage Biology of Extreme Radiation Resistance: The Jesse Dabney, Matthias Meyer and Svante Pääbo Way of Deinococcus radiodurans Anita Krisko and Miroslav Radman DNA Damage Response: Three Levels of DNA Mammalian Transcription-Coupled Excision Repair Regulation Repair Bianca M. Sirbu and David Cortez Wim Vermeulen and Maria Fousteri Alternative Excision Repair Pathways DNA Repair at Telomeres: Keeping the Ends Akira Yasui Intact Christopher J. Webb, Yun Wu and Virginia A. Zakian

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