Rev. peru. biol. 13(1): 005 - 069 (octubre 2006) ALSTROEMERIACEAE IN PERU © Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas UNMSM Versión Online ISSN 1727-9933 ARTÍCULO DE REVISIÓN The Alstroemeriaceae in Peru and neighbouring areas Alstroemeriaceae en Perú y áreas vecinas Anton Hofreiter1 and Eric F. Rodríguez2 1 Ludwig-Maximilians- Abstract Universität, Department Biologie I, Bereich Biodi- The family Alstroemeriaceae with special emphasis in Peru is revised using versitätsforschung, morphological and distributional data. Species in this family were reinvestigated on Abteilung Systematische the basis of all types, material housed in several herbaria and five field trips, each of Botanik, Menzingerstraße which lasted several weeks, were undertaken to South America to study the plants in 67, D-80638 München, Germany. the field. The taxonomic and collection history of the genus is described and for each species the typical growth forms and their variability, habitat preferences and general Anton Hofreiter e-mail:
[email protected] distribution are discussed. A key to determine the species of Peru in English and Spanish is provided. The study area comprise five geographic units recognised: 2 Herbarium Truxillense Amotape-Huancabamba-region (Ecuador, Peru), Cordillera Occidental (Peru), Cordi- (HUT), Universidad Nacio- nal de Trujillo, Jr. San Mar- llera Central (Peru), Cordillera Oriental (Bolivia, Peru) and the Altiplano (Bolivia, Peru). tín 392, Trujillo, Perú, The family as here circumscribed comprises two species of Alstroemeria and 68 Eric F. Rodríguez e-mail: species of Bomarea, of these 68 species 43 species are members of subgenus
[email protected] Bomarea, 9 species of subgenus Sphaerine and 16 of the subgenus Wichuraea. The fourth and last subgenus into Bomarea genus denominated Baccata cannot be found in the area of this study.