PROFILE George Esenwein received his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science, his M.A. in Politics from Durham University, and his B.A. in history from the University of Texas. He began teaching in the history department at the University of Florida in 1993. Before coming to UF, Dr. Esenwein taught at Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton/Davie) and worked as a curator in the Latin and North American Collections at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. A widely recognized authority on the Spanish Civil War and European anarchism, Dr. Esenwein has published three books and numerous articles and reviews on the history of modern Europe and . He has also compiled and edited The Guide to the John D. Crummey Peace Collection in the Hoover Institution (Hoover, 1991) and served as an associate editor and contributor to the six-volume New Dictionary of the History of Ideas published by Scribners in 2004. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the multivolume Gale Researcher since 2015.

EDUCATION Ph.D. – London School of Economics and Political Science, London, England. Degree read in the Department of International History under the supervision of James B. Joll (Late Stevenson Professor of History). 2

Dissertation title: "Anarchist Ideology and the Working-class Movement in Spain (1868-1900), with special reference to the ideas of Ricardo Mella." M.A. in Politics – Durham University, Durham, England. M.A. thesis title: "The Evolution of Anarchism in England, 1880-1895." B.A. with honors (special honors in history) – University of Texas at Austin. Senior honor's thesis title: "Two Worlds of Social Democracy: Lenin and Kautsky."


Books: Sole Author: • The Spanish Civil War: A Modern Tragedy. London: Routledge, 2005. • Anarchist Ideology and the Working-Class Movement in Spain: 1868-1898. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1989. Co-Authored: • Spain at War: The Spanish Civil War in Context, 1931-1939. With Adrian Shubert. London: Longman, 1995. Edited: • Guide to the John D. Crummey Peace Collection in the Hoover Institution. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1991. Compiled and Edited. • New Dictionary of the History of Ideas (multivolume project), New York: Scribners, 2004. Associate Editor, European history. 3

• Gale Researcher, 2017. An intuitive digital research platform and curriculum tool designed to help students build confidence, while learning important research and critical thinking skills. (Eleven volumes covering various disciplines in humanities and social sciences.) Editor-in-Chief since 2015.


1. “The Fate of Spain’s "Nationalisms" during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939,” chapter published in The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies. Edited by Javier Munoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale, Manuel Delgado. Abingdon/New York: Routledge Press, 2017, PART IV - The Iberian Peninsula during the 20th Century, pp. 413-426. 2. “Confronting Spain’s Troubled Past: Burne Bolloten’s Legacy as a Civil War Scholar,” Introduction to Burne Bolloten, The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015, pp. xxv-lxiv. 3. Prólogo: “Controversias sobre el turbulento pasado de España: el legado de Burne Bolloten como estudioso de la Guerra Civil” a p p e a r i n g i n , LA GUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA. REVOLUCIÓN Y CONTRARREVOLUCIÓN, : Alianza Editorial, 2015. 4. “The Persistence of Politics: The impact of the Cold War on Anglo-American writings on the Spanish Civil War, 1939-1959,” in Geing it Wrong in Spain: From Civil War to Uncivil Peace (1936-1975). Edited and Introduced by Susana Bayó Belenguer. Abingdon: Routledge/University of Glasgow, 2015. 5. “The Persistence of Politics: The impact of the Cold War on Anglo-American writings on the Spanish Civil War, 1939-1959.” 4

In Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool: Routledge), volume 91, no. 1, 2014, pp. 115-135. 6. “Spanish Civil War.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Military History. Ed. Dennis Showalter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 7. “Ghosts of the Past: Confronting Myths and Misconceptions about the Spanish Civil War.” In Politics, Religion & Ideology, (July, 2011)12:2, pp. 213-220. 8. “Freedom Fighters or Comintern Soldiers? Writing About the 'Good Fight' During the Spanish Civil War,” in Civil Wars, (2010)12:1, pp. 156-166. 9. Comments on James L. Gelvin’s “Al-Qaeda and Anarchism: A Historian’s Reply to Terrorology,” in Terrorism and Political Violence, 20:597-600, 2008. 10. “The Cold War and the Spanish Civil War: The Impact of Politics on Historiography,” in Nation and Conflict in Modern Spain: Essays in Honor of Stanley G. Payne. Edited by Brian D. Bunk, Sasha D. Pack, and Carl-Gustaf Sco. Madison, WI: Parallel Press, 2008, pp. 175-189. 11. “Spanish Civil War: Franco’s Nationalist Army,” in A Military History of Modern Spain. Edited by Wayne H. Bowen and José E. Alvarez. West Port, Conn. /London: Praeger Security International, 2007, pp. 68-92. 12. “Seeing the Spanish Civil War through Foreign Eyes,” in Teaching Representations of the Spanish Civil War. Edited by Noël Valis. New York: The Modern Language Association, 2007, pp. 147-159. 13. “La Guerra Fría y la Guerra Civil Española: el impacto de la política en la historiografía,” in Aportes (Madrid), año xxi, no. 60, 1/2006, pp. 130-142. 14. "Anarchism". In New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, New York: Charles Scribners's Sons, 2004. 5

15. "Socialism". In New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, New York: Charles Scribners's Sons, 2004. 16. “The Spanish Civil War.” In José Alvarez Junco and Adrian Shubert, eds., Spanish History Since 1808. Arnold: Oxford University Press, 2000. 17. "El Frente Popular la Política Republicana durante la Guerra Civil." In Stanley G. Payne and Javier Tusell, eds., La Guerra Civil: Una nueva visión del conflicto que dividio España. Madrid: Ediciones de Temas de Hoy, 1996. 18. "Die spanische anarchistische Bewegung von 1868 bis 1899." In Reiner Tosstorff, ed., Milungsbla de Instituts zur Erforschung der europäischen Arbeiterbewegung (IGA): Forschungen zur Arbeiterschaft und Arbeiterbewegung in Spanien, Germany: Ruhr Universitat Bochum, 1996. 19. "Spain." In Joan Campbell, ed., European Labor Movements. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1992. 20. "Anarchists in Government: A Paradox of the Spanish Civil War." With Burne Bolloten. In Frances Lannon and Paul Preston, eds., Elites and Power in Twentieth Century Spain: Essays in Honour of Sir Raymond Carr. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. 21. "L'anarchisme espagnol au XXe siècle." In Cahiers Léon Trotsky, no. 31(Septembre 1987): 62-78. 22. "The Origins of May Day in Spain." In Dave Roediger and Franklin Rosemont, eds., Haymarket Scrapbook. Chicago: Charles Kerr, 1986. 23. "New Views on the Second Republic in Spain." International Labor and Working-Class History, no. 17(spring 1980): 18-27.


1. “The Arts and Scientific Achievements between the Wars” appearing in volume entitled Europe Between the Wars, 1919-1939, Edited by George Esenwein, in Gale Researcher, Western Civilization II. (Digital Publication), 2017. 2. “Europe Between the Wars, 1919-1939” appearing in volume entitled Europe Between the Wars, 1919-1939, Edited by George Esenwein, in Gale Researcher, Western Civilization II. (Digital Publication), 2017. 3. “Inter-war Crises: The Case of Spain” appearing in volume entitled Europe Between the Wars, 1919-1939, Edited by George Esenwein, in Gale Researcher, Western Civilization II. (Digital Publication), 2017. 4. “International Brigades”. In F.M. Leventhal, ed., Twentieth- Century Britain an Encyclopedia. Garland Press: New York, 1995. 5. “Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)”. In F.M. Leventhal, ed., Twentieth-Century Britain an Encyclopedia. Garland Press: New York, 1995. 6. “International Brigades.” In Robert W. Kern and Meredith K. Dodge, eds., Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain, 1700-1988. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1990. 7. “Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya, (PSUC).” In Robert W. Kern and Meredith K. Dodge, eds., Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain, 1700-1988. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1990. 8. “Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM).” In Robert W. Kern and Meredith K. Dodge, eds., Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain, 1700-1988. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1990. 9. “Juan Andrade Rodríguez”. In Robert A. Gorman, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Marxism. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1986. 10. “Joaquín Maurín Julia”. In Robert A. Gorman, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Marxism. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1986. 7

11. “Andreu Nin Pérez”. In Robert A. Gorman, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Marxism. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1986. 12. “Barcelona, May 1937: George Orwell, Los Amigos de Durruti, and the Assassination of Camillo Berneri.” In Stephen Schwar, ed., The Alarm, San Francisco, CA, December 1983. 13. “Antifascist Militias Commiee”. In James Cortada, ed., Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Civil War. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1982. 14. “Francisco Largo Caballero” (with Burne Bolloten). In James Cortada, ed., Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Civil War. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1982. 15. “Joaquín Maurín Julia”. In James Cortada, ed., Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Civil War. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1982. 16. “Juan Negrín” (with Burne Bolloten). In James Cortada, ed., Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Civil War. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1982. 17. “Spanish Communist Party” (with Burne Bolloten). In James Cortada, ed., Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Civil War. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1982.


Reviews in the following academic journals: The American Historical Review (Bloomington, Indiana) 1992, 1994, 1998, 2004; European History Quarterly (Lancaster, England) 2006; The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, Journal of ISSEI (Routledge) 2014; Hispanic American Historical Review, (New Mexico/Duke) 1983; The Historian, (Ohio Wesleyan University); History: Review of New History Books, (Washington, D.C.) 1988; International Labor and Working-Class History, (Pisburgh/Yale) 1978; International History Review (Burnaby, Canada), 2007; Journal of Church and State (Waco, Texas) 1989; The Journal of Military History; The Journal of Modern History (Chicago), 1997, 2004; 8

Labor History (New York) 1983, 1987; Michigan War Studies Review (2016); Political Studies (London School of Economics) 2004; The Russian Review (Lawrence), 2016. Science and Society (New York) 1997; Totalitarian Movements and Political Religion (Oxford); and World Affairs Report (California Institute of International Studies, Stanford, CA) 1984.


1. “Alfonso XIII.” In World Book Encyclopedia. New York, 2008. 2. “Spanish Civil War.” In World Book Encyclopedia. New York, 2001. 3. “Spanish Civil War.” In Milestones of the Twentieth Century. Groliers: New York, 2000. 4. “Foreign Intervention during Spanish Civil War”. In Encarta Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corp., 1999. 5. “Francisco Franco”. In Encarta Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corp., 1999. 6. “Spanish Civil War”. In Encarta Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corp., 1999. 7. “Dolores Ibárruri Gómez”. In Encyclopedia of World Biography. McGraw Hill: New York, 1992. 8. “Sacco, Vanzei, and American Justice.” San Francisco Review of Books, (summer 1991): 44-45. 9. “The Artista as Anarquista.” San Francisco Review of Books, (winter 1990-91): 48-49. 10. “Twice in Europa: Remembering the Wars.” San Francisco Review of Books, (summer 1990): 9-13. 9


• “An Alternative Future: Spanish anarchism and the utopian views of Ricardo Mella.” • “Sources of Anarchist Terrorism in late-19th Century Spain,” essay not yet published. • "Popular Art as Propaganda: Spanish Civil War posters as lexicons of War and Revolution.”


• “The EEC and the Nobel Peace Prize,” talk presented to ILR (Institute of Learning in Retirement), Gainesville, Florida, 5 April, 2013. • “The Face of European Terrorism: ETA’s Violent Path to a Basque Homeland.” Keynote speech delivered at 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures. University of Florida, 17-19 February 2011. • “The Price of ‘Peace’ and ‘Progress’: Miguel Hernández as a victim of political repression in Franco’s Spain,” Lecture delivered at La voz enardecida: A Voice Impassioned: Miguel Hernández (1910-1942), Dept. of Romance Languages, University of Florida, 5 November 2010. • “The Persistence of Politics: The Impact of the Cold War on Anglo-American Writings on the Spanish Civil War, “ Paper delivered at Agonía Republicana: Living the Death of an Era, Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 13-16 July, 2009. • “Anarchist Terrorism and Spanish Politics in the 19th Century,” lecture delivered at Student Union, New College, Sarasota, Florida, 4 November 2008. 10

• “Sources of Anarchist terrorism in late-19th century Spain.”Paper delivered (in absentia) to THE HUMAN CONDITION SERIES – Terror 2008. Laurentian University at Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario20082nd Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference, May 2-3, 2008. • “Politics of the Spanish Civil War,” Panelist at “A Symposium on the Spanish Civil War,” University of Oxford, Oxford, England, 29-30 June, 2007. • "Spain in the Last Years of Franco and Beyond." Chair/ Commentator, Annual Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, Lexington, Kentucky, April 2006. • "Defining Spaniards During the Democratic Transition." Chair, Chair/Commentator, Annual Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, Los Angeles, California, April, 2004. • "The Cold War and Anglo-American Historiography of the Spanish Civil War," Paper presented in panel session entitled, "Interpreting the Spanish Civil War Through Historiography and Personal Experience." Chair/Commentator, Annual Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, Los Angeles, California, 2004. • “Spanish Civil War Posters: Lexicons of War and Revolution,” Keynote address, Wolfsonian Museum of Propaganda, Miami, Florida: September 26, 2002. • “Interpreting the Spanish Civil War: Consensus or Controversy?” Keynote address, International Colloquium, “New Approaches to Spanish Studies,” Tel Aviv University, Israel: June 2-4, 2002. • “Tracking the Enemy and the Land in Twentieth-Century Spain.” Chair/Commentator, Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Athens, Georgia: April 11-14, 2002. 11

• Food, Labor, and Travel in Revolutionary Times: Spain in the 1930s. Chair/Commentator, Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Santa Fe, New Mexico: April 19-21, 2001. • “Tools of Empire: Political and Cultural Aspects of Spanish Rule during the 16th and 17th Centuries”. Public lecture presented to the Sarasota Institute of Life-Long Learning: February 8, 2001. • “Spain’s Long Road to Democracy in the Twentieth Century.” Keynote speaker’s address at Conference on Mediterranean Europe held at Kalamazoo University, Kalamazoo, Michigan: May 12, 2000. • “Expressing Political Identity in 20th-Century Spain.” Chair/ Commentator, Annual Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, New York: 2000. • “The Radical-CEDA Alliance of 1933, Reform as Reaction.” Chair/Commentator: Colloquium on the Spanish Second Republic, Annual Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, San Diego, California: 1999. • “Ideology, Politics, and war in Spain, 1920-1945.” Chair, Annual Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, Minneapolis, MI: April 24-27, 1997. • “Popular Art as Propaganda: Spanish Civil War Posters as Lexicons of War and Revolution”. Presenter in panel entitled, “Spain Civil War and After.” Annual Meeting of the Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, Toronto, Canada: 1995. • "Popular Art as Propaganda: Spanish Civil War posters as lexicons of War and Revolution". Public lecture presented at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA: November 28, 1994. • "An Alternative Future: Utopian Elements in Nineteenth- Century Spanish Anarchism," Paper presented to the Spanish 12

Studies Round Table, University of Illinois at Chicago: April 2, 1993. • "Anarchist Terrorism in Italy, , and Spain, 1890-1914". Chair/Commentator: Colloquium on the Spanish Second Republic. Panel presented at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois: December, 1991. • "Writing about Revolutionaries: The Spanish Anarchists and the Historical Record," Hoover Institution Tower Talk: February 14, 1990. • "The Spanish Civil War Collections at the Hoover Institution," Paper sponsored by the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Association and presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Cincinnati, Ohio: December, 1988. (Published in SSPHS Bulletin, vol. xiv, no. 1, January, 1989, pp. 20-28.) • "Anarchists in Government: A Paradox of the Spanish Civil War." Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies. Austin, Texas: April, 1987. • "The Origins of May Day, the Haymarket Tragedy, and their Impact in Spain, 1886-1890." Paper presented before the Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. New York: April, 1986. • "Anarchism During the Second Republic in Spain: The Emergence of a Mass Movement." Paper delivered to the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Chicago, Illinois: December, 1984. • “Euro-: The Spanish Case." History Department address. Stanford University: May, 1982. 13


The Spanish Civil War and the Vatican's Beatification of the 'Martyrs' On Point/Aired: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 11-12PM ET. By Tom Ashbrook. The Spanish Civil War was Europe's grim curtain raiser on the horrors-to-come of World War II. It was Ernest Hemmingway's bloody backdrop to "For Whom the Bell Tolls".The Soviets backed Spain's leftist government. Nazi Germany backed the rightwing backlash and dictator-in-waiting Francisco Franco.So did the Roman Catholic Church.Half a million or more Spaniards died. Now, Pope Benedict has moved to put hundreds of Spanish clergy killed in the war on the path to sainthood. In Spain, that is still a hot political act. This hour On Point: saints and sinners of the Spanish Civil War. • Guests: George, Esenwein, Associate Professor of History, University of Florida, author of "The Spanish Civil War: A Modern Tragedy"

• Live interview on Gulan Radio (Iraq) relating to the political ideology of anarchism and its relevance to the Kurdish democratic movement in Iraq. 15 February 2011.

• Radio interview for Ideas program broadcast on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). See below:- Wednesday, March 9. AGAINST THE STATE, Part 1 The modern secular state promises justice, good order and freedom. But there have always been those who view the state with unease, as a threat to the freedom of the individual. In 1894, the anarchist Emile Henry threw a bomb into the Café Terminus in Paris. It was the first act of modern terrorism. But anarchism as a political philosophy continues to renew itself, always asking the question: why do we need the state? From Paris then to 14

Athens now, Philip Coulter investigates the idea of anarchism. Part 2 airs Wednesday, March 16.


• Associate Chair, Dept. of History, University of Florida: 1995-1999 • Other Major Service activities at University of Florida: • Chair, Italian Search position (1999); Chair, Russian Search Commiee (2005); Member of Search commiees for Africa, British Empire positions. • Graduate Commiee (1994-1999); • Policy and Personnel Commiee (1993-1995); • Chair, Cambridge Commiee (1999-2004). • Chair/Member of Ph.D. and M.A. commiees in Departments of History, English, Music, Romance Languages (1999-2017). • Executive Commiee, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, 2001-2003 • Nominating Commiee, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Society, 2006-2008 • Panelist, Fulbright Screening Commiee, Grants for Graduate Study Abroad (Iberia), Institute for International Education (ILE), Houston, Texas, 12 December, 2003. • Consultant for the following institutions/publishing firms: Encarta Encyclopedia; United States Peace Institution; University Microfilms International; Gale Research Associates, 1999-2001; World Book Publishers. • Reviewer of book-length and article manuscripts for the following academic journals/presses: (1) University of Wisconsin, (2) Routledge, (3) McGraw Hill, (4) Longman Press, (4) Political Studies (London), (5) Historical Journal (Cambridge), (6) The Historian, (7) Oral History Review, (8)Wadsworth publishers, (9) International Review of Social 15

History (Amsterdam), (10) Journal of Agricultural History (Davis, California), (11) European History Quarterly (Lancaster, England); (12) Palgrave Press; (13) University of Nebraska Press, (14) Cambridge University Press; (15) University of Nevada Press (16) Houghton Mifflin. • Consultant, Harris Interactive, College Board, Advanced Placement European History, 2011-2012. • Tenure and Promotion Review Commiee (Outside referee): University of Arizona; University of Oklahoma, 2001-2002; Florida International University, 2010. • Panelist, National Endowment for Humanities, Washington, D.C., Early Modern and Modern European Section, July, 2001.


University of Florida, Center for European Studies: $5,000 grant awarded for competition: Faculty Course Development, 2008-2009. Sabbatical leave awarded for Spring term, 2005. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida. University of Florida: CLAS Summer Humanities Research Fellowship, 1999. United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC: Research Grant, 1990-1991. University of London, Senate House: Central Research Fund Travel Grants, 1975-1976. London School of Economics: Leverhulme Research Scholarship for Overseas Students, 1975-1976.


1995 - : Associate Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 16

1993-1994: Assistant Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

1991-1993: Assistant Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton and Davie, Florida.

1987-1991: Assistant to Curator, Hispanic Collections of the Hoover Institution, Stanford, University.


Modern Spain, 1868-present. History of Political Thought in Europe, 1789-present. History of European social/political movements, 1848-present. History of Modern Europe, 1870-present/ Western Civilization, 1640- present. History of Modern European Wars and Revolutions, 19th-20th centuries.



1. EUH4930 - Europe in the Age of Dictatorships, 1919-1945 2. HIS 3931 - Modern European Ideologies 3. HIS 3931 (EUH4664) - Modern European Revolutions 4. HIS4280 - Second World War in Europe 5. HIS3931 (EUH4282) - Cold War in Europe 6. HIS3931 - History of Terrorism and Political Violence in post- Second World War Europe 7. HIS 11 - Introduction to World History (WOH2040) (Course developed for students who have English as a second language. Taught at the University of International Business and Economics, 17

UIBE in Beijing, China. Summer Session, 2011/ Shanghai, 2012-2013.) Course taught at UF as WOH2040: “World History in the 20th Century”. 8. HIS 13 Introduction to Modern Europe (Course developed for students who have English as a second language. Taught at the University of International Business and Economics, UIBE in Beijing, China. Summer Session, 2011/Shanghai, 2012-2013, 2015.)


EUH6937 Mediterranean Europe: Portugal, Italy, Spain EUH6289 Civil Wars and Revolution in 20th-Century Europe


Catalan (reading), French (reading), Italian (reading), Spanish (reading and writing), and Portuguese (reading).