SYSTEMATICS Platybrotica misionensis a New and of Luperini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: ) from Argentina


Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 97(1): 6Ð14 (2004) ABSTRACT A new genus and species of Galerucinae, Platybrotica misionensis, is described from northeast Argentina (Misiones Province). This monotypic genus is characterized by the antennomeres 6Ð10 ventrally excavated, genal space equal to one-fourth to less than one-half of maximum ocular diameter, elytra with 2 posthumeral costae, and internal sac of aedeagus with 5 sclerites, and is assigned to the Diabroticites, a section of the subtribe Diabroticina, Luperini. Adults have been found associated with wild and cultivated Cucurbitaceae.

KEY WORDS Platybrotica misionensis, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Diabroticites, systematics

THE PROVINCE OF MISIONES, in the northeastern sub- characters of any of the genera currently known from tropics of Argentina, has a warm, humid climate the Neotropical Region led us to consider the speci- (average temperature 20.2Ð21.1ЊC; regular rainfalls, mens studied in this work as a new genus and species. annual average 1611Ð1844 mm) (Estadõ´sticas Clima- This work provides afull decription of Platybrotica tolo´gicas 1985) that sustains a lush ßora, including a misionensis, the new genus and new species, that al- three-story rain forest, although deforestation taking lows future recognition of additional specimens. The place since the 18th century has left large areas of main diagnostic features are illustrated, and biological grasslands (Cabrera 1976, Cabrera and Willink 1980). data are provided. Agriculture in much of the province consists of small, domestic farms, developed amid the forest matrix. In Materials and Methods these complex environments, we have found a profu- Adults were collected with aspirators and cucurb- sion of Galerucinae, including several new records for itacin-baited cloths (Cabrera Walsh 2001). They were ArgentinaandunidentiÞed (possibly undescribed) maintained in the laboratory on artiÞcial diet (Camp- species (Cabrera Walsh 2001, 2003, unpublished). bell and Jackson 1987) and on squash and maize seed- Among these, we found an undescribed species with lings, to try to obtain eggs and larvae, and to estimate a peculiar antennal morphology. In our long-term re- the species host range. search project in southern South America (excluding Morphological terminology generally follows Ca- Chile), involving biology and systematic studies on brera(1999, 2001). Terminology for hind wing vena- Diabroticites, such traits warrant our attention. tion follows Lingafelter and Konstantinov (1999), The Diabroticites comprise 16 valid genera, with its Crowson and Crowson (1996), and Kukalova´-Peck greatest species diversity found in the Neotropical and Lawrence (1993). Terminology for mouthparts Region (Seeno and Wilcox 1982). Most members of follows Cabrera and Durante (2001). Terminology for the Diabroticites are distinguished by having Þliform details of epipharynx and labium follows Ball and antennae in both sexes. However, males of some spe- Shpeley (2002). Terminology for metendosternite fol- cies possess some antennomeres modiÞed; because of lows Crowson (1938, 1944), and Konstantinov and this feature they were assigned to new genera by Lopatin (1987). Terminology for the parts of male Bechyne´ and Springlova´ de Bechyne´ (1969). Our genitalia is based on Lindroth and Palme´n (1970) and specimens are assigned to Diabroticites, which is the Mann (1985). Terminology for female genitalia fol- major section of the subtribe Diabroticina, tribe Lu- lows Kasap and Crowson (1985), LeSage (1986), and perini (Wilcox 1965), on the basis of the open anterior Konstantinov (1998). coxal cavities, biÞd tarsal claws, and the mesotibiae not Measurements were taken using an eye-piece mi- modiÞed. But the lack of the complete combination of crometer on aWild dissecting microscope (Wild Heerbrugg Instruments, Inc., Farmingdale, New ϫ 1 Departamento Cientõ´Þco de Entomologõ´a, Museo de La Plata, York) at a magniÞcation of 25. Measurements and Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata, Argentina (e-mail: abbreviations used in the text are: eye length (eL), [email protected]). determined by the linear distance from anterior to 2 South American Biocontrol Laboratory, Agricultural Re- search Service/United States Department of Agriculture, 3130 posterior margin of eyes; genal length (GL), distance Buenos Aires PL, Washington, DC 20521Ð3130 (e-mail: measured between the anterior margin of eye to the [email protected]). base of mandible; length of pronotum (PL), linear January 2004 CABRERA AND CABRERA WALSH:NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF Luperini 7 distance from anterior to posterior margin measured sally with a row of 6 setae at midlength. Mandibles along the midline; pronotum width (PW), deÞned as symmetrical, pyramidal, 5-toothed apically; setose maximum pronotal width; humeral width (HW), max- membrane, mola, and prosthecal fringe well devel- imum width across humeri; elytral length (EL), linear oped. Maxillae with lacinia and galea well developed, distance from pronotal base to apex of elytra, mea- with fringe-like pilosity apically; lacinia 1 segmented, sured along suture; elytral width (EW), maximum shorter than galea; galea 2 segmented; maxillary palpi, distance across both elytra. Body length was measured 4 segmented, palpomere 4 with a digitiform sensillum from the vertex to apex of elytra. Relative proportions patch on outer-basal margin. Female antennae Þli- of the above measurements (eL/GL, PW/PL, HW/ form, antennomere 2 shorter than 3, antennomeres PW, and EW/HW) were computed. 5Ð10 subcylindrical. Postmentum and prementum well Drawings were made with camera lucida on a Leitz developed, ligula membranous, scarcely developed, compound microscope (Lutz-Ferrando, La Plata, not bilobed; lateral areas covered with Þne, dense Buenos Aires, Argentina) and a Wild dissecting mi- pilosity. Labial palpi 3 segmented. croscope. Electron micrographs of head, antenna, and Thorax. Pronotum slightly convex, narrower than binding sites of elytrawere takenwith aScanning elytra; anterolateral and posterolateral angles Electron Microscope (SEM) Jeol-JSM-T100. Previ- rounded, with one long seta on each angle. Procoxal ously, these structures were mounted on metal studs cavities open, contiguous; intercoxal prosternal pro- and coated with gold-paladium. cess poorly developed, extending between procoxae. Features mentioned in the generic description are Mesonotum and scutellum fused. Metendosternite not repeated in the species description. We provide in with stalk and ventral apodeme present; meso-meta- this work a diagnosis of the genus comparable to furcal tendons not widely separated. Hind wings with generic taxa deÞnitions for Diabroticites used by chry- veins radius (R), posterior radius (RP), posterior me- somelid specialists (Bechyne´ and Springlova´ de dia (MP), and anal cubitus (CuA) well sclerotized; Bechyne´ 1969, Seeno and Wilcox 1982). Recently, veins subcosta (Sc), posterior anal (AP), and anterior however, Lingafelter and Konstantinov (1999) anal (AA) scarcely sclerotized; radial cell, cubital cell, brought attention to structures of Alticinae/Galeru- and anal cell 1 present. Elytra oval, each with one cinae that have not yet received extensive use in the posthumeral costa weak, but distinct, extending along chrysomelid literature. Features like mouthparts, hind side from humeral callus to two length of elytron; wing venation, metendosternite, and elytral binding epipleura normal, proximally narrowed; male with an sites are employed in this study for the Þrst time for oval binding patch covered with spicules. All legs Diabroticites. Details of male genitalia are also ana- similar; femora of all legs fusiform; tibiae dorsally car- lyzed. These new features were characterized only in inate; mesotibiae not modiÞed; meso- and metatibiae the speciÞc description, because we are not able to of males with tibial spurs; pro- and mesotarsomeres establish which of them are likely to be characteristic of the generic level. one of males with ventral adhesive patch; tarsomere The holotype, allotype, and a number of paratypes one of metalegs long, as long as two following tarsom- are deposited in the collection of the Museo de La eres combined; tarsal claws biÞd. Plata (MLP), La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argen- Abdomen. Five segmented; sternite Þve subrectan- tina. Type label includes the species name, the type gular, apically broadly emarginated in males, rounded status and gender, and authors. in females. Male Genitalia. Median lobe symmetrical, without Platybrotica, New Genus basal spurs; oriÞcial plate well developed; basal oriÞce Type Species. P. misionensis Cabrera & Cabrera broad, and internal sac of median lobe with four scle- Walsh, by current designation and monotypy. rotized sclerites. ϩ Diagnosis. This genus can be separated from other Female Genitalia. Vagina bursacopulatrixnot members of the Diabroticites by the following com- divided, with a complicated sclerotized area. Recep- bination: genal space small, but equal to 3 or more of tacle of spermatheca scarcely distinct from pump, maximum eye diameter; antennomeres 6Ð10 of the with an apical hook. male ventrally excavated; elytra with 2 posthumeral Etymology. This new genus owes its name to the costae; internal sac of aedeagus with 4 sclerites, 2 of ßattened shape of the male antennae them toothed on the lateral and apical margins. Remarks and Comparative Notes. Platybrotica is Head. Antennal calli well delimited; supracallinal included within the Diabroticites and shares with the sulcus distinct; orbital sulcus absent. Frontal and an- genera Buckibrotica Bechyne´ and Springlova´ de terofrontal ridges well developed. Antennae 11 seg- Bechyne´ (1969), Cornubrotica Bechyne´ and Spring- mented, inserted below midline of eyes. Male anten- lova´ de Bechyne´ (1969), and Anisobrotica Bechyne´ nae with antennomeres 2 and 3 about equal in length and Springlova´ de Bechyne´ (1969) the presence of and width, scarcely setose, together approximately: ventrally excavated antennomeres in the males. Of length of antennomere 4; antennomeres 6Ð10 thicker these genera, Buckibrotica is also recognized for hav- than remaining antennomeres, ventrally excavate. ing antennomeres 7 and 9 (or only 9) wider than the Eyes moderately convex, close to mandibular base. remaining antennomeres, and somewhat pointed on Genal space small, equal to one-fourth to less than one side. Cornubrotica has antennomeres 8 and 9 ex- one-half of maximum ocular diameter. Labrum dor- cavated, but it also possesses mesotibiae and femora 8ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 97, no. 1

Fig. 1. P. misionensis Cabrera & Cabrera Walsh, male, dorsal habitus. modiÞed as a clasper organ. Males of Anisobrotica have Color. Frons, antennal calli, and mouthparts straw antennomeres 9Ð11 dilated apically. yellow; vertex amber tinged with green. Labrum and The Phyllecthrites, another section of the subtribe apical margin of mandibles chestnut to piceous. An- Diabroticina, display males with modiÞed antenno- tennae piceous, inner surface, and apex of antenno- meres. However, they also have appendiculate tarsal meres 1Ð3 tinged with chestnut. Pronotum lime green, claws and excavated mesotibiae. tinged with yellow anteriorly. Scutellum piceous. New features presented in this work may be useful Elytra amber; humeral vitta, lateral margins, and characters for phylogenetic analysis, and their distri- elytropleura lime green. Coxae and basal half of fem- bution in the Diabroticites should be investigated fur- ora straw yellow; distal half of femora lime green; ther. The phylogenetic position of this taxon will be tibiae and tarsi dark chestnut. Venter with proster- treated in a forthcoming paper on cladistic relation- num, mesosternum, and abdomen lime green, with ships among genera of the Diabroticites (N.C., un- metasternum dark chestnut to piceous. published). Head. (Fig. 2A) Vertex Þnely and inconspicuously punctate, deeply depressed above antennal calli; an- P. misionensis Cabrera & Cabrera Walsh, tennal calli subtriangular, higher than vertex, wider New Species than antennal sockets, surface moderately shiny, (Figs. 1Ð5) smooth; supracallinal sulcus deeply impressed; anten- Male. (Fig. 1) Body oval to elongate, slightly con- nal sockets close to anterior margin of eyes, distance vex; length 4.41 mm; width 2.30 mm. between them less than half of transverse ocular di- January 2004 CABRERA AND CABRERA WALSH:NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF Luperini 9

Fig. 2. P. misionensis. (A) Head, frontal view. (B) Binding patch, ventral view of elytron. (C) Detail of binding patch basal area with rounded spicules and distal area with sparse triangular spicules. (D) Detail of basal angle of elytron with bi-tridentate spicules. Scale bars ϭ A, B: 100 ␮m; C, D: 10 ␮m. ameter. Frontal ridge moderately raised, convex in 8Ð10 long setae below antennal sockets and genae. lateral view, extending between antennal calli, wider Antennae (Fig. 3A) 11 segmented, extending to about toward anterior margin of eyes; anterofrontal ridge half length of elytra; antennomere 2 short, subequal to thin, and as high as frontal ridge in lateral view, with 3, together 0.8 times length of antennomere 4; anten- approximately 6 setae laterad to frontal ridge, and nomeres 3Ð6 progressing from elongate to distally 10 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 97, no. 1

Fig. 3. P. misionensis, male. (A) Antenna, ventral view. (B) Labrum, dorsal view. (C) Mandible, external face. (D) Maxilla, ventral view. (E) Labium, ventral view. (F) Metanotum. (G) Metendosternite. (H) Hind wing. (I) Mesoleg, detail of apical spur. (J) Abdomen, ventral view. (K) Median lobe, lateral view. (L) Internal sac of median lobe. Scale bars ϭ A, FÐJ: 1 mm; BÐE, KÐL: 0.1 mm. January 2004 CABRERA AND CABRERA WALSH:NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF Luperini 11

Fig. 4. P. misionensis. (A) Antennomeres 8Ð9, latero-ventral view. (B) Detail of antennomere 9. Scale bars ϭ 100 ␮m. expanded; antennomeres 7Ð9 distinctly thicker than with 6 long setae situated between bases of palps. other antennomeres; antennomere 10 slenderer than Ligula globose bearing 6 setae (4Ds-2Cs). Bases of 7Ð9, more or less parallel sided; antennomere 11 api- palps separated from each other. Labial palp with cally acuminate. Antennomeres 1Ð3 scarcely setose; palpomeres 1 and 2 subcuadrate, palpomere 1 one-half antennomeres 4Ð11 densely setose throughout, with length of palpomeres 2 and 3, palpomere 3 subconical. long erect setae on apical margin; antennomeres 6Ð10 Thorax. Pronotum subrectangular, 1.05 times wider (Fig. 4, A and B) ventrally excavated and glabrous, than long, widest near middle, PW 1.25 mm; bifoveate, densely setose around excavated area. Maximum di- shiny, evenly, Þnely punctate; anterior and posterior ameter of eye (eL) 0.49 mm; a long supraorbital seta margins almost straight; lateral margins slightly ex- present; inner margin with numerous small setae. Ge- panded anteriorly; one long, thin seta on each anterior nal space (GL) 0.09 mm, more than one-fourth max- lateral and posterior lateral angle. Prosternum trans- imum length of eye; GL/eL 0.18. Labrum (Fig. 3B) verse, convex; procoxal cavities inserted at middle, transverse, approximately rectangular; anterior mar- contiguous; intercoxal prosternal process thin, extend- gin with a central notch; lateral margins slightly round- ing between procoxae to about one-third coxal length. ed; a row of 6 long setae present at midlength, apically Mesonotum and scutellum fused; scutellum triangular, with 3 short setae at each side of notch. Epipharynx smooth, rounded at apex. Mesosternum nearly as long with pedium long, slender, with short pedial setae; as metasternum at midline, slightly convex, intercoxal lateral surface with microtrichia and Ϸ20 short, thick mesoesternal process thin; mesocoxal cavities inserted setae on apical margin. Mandibles (Fig. 3C) narrow, at posterior margin, nearly contiguous, broadly open sparsely, weakly setose, with only teeth 3Ð5 visible on laterally to mesepimeron. Metanotum transverse, external face; tooth 3 narrow, acute, almost 3.0 times wider than long; metanotal ridge d (Fig. 3F) inter- length of tooth 4; inner margin of tooth 3 smooth; tooth secting c at midpoint of c; bridge b1 intersecting a 3 narrow, acute, almost 3.0 times length of tooth 4, below median groove. Metasternum transverse, inner margin of tooth 3 smooth; tooth 4 slightly acute; slightly concave centrally, deeply depressed laterally, tooth 5 blunt at apex; inner mandibular margin with a small bidentate projection between inner mar- smooth; setose membrane extending from inner sur- gin of metacoxae, sparsely setose centrally, with setae face of mandible to above mola; mola longer than longer than pro-mesosternum; lateral half of metast- wide, sculptured with rows of Þne grinding ridges; ernum, metepisternum, and metepimeron densely se- prosthecal fringe formed by long setae. Maxillae (Fig. tose; metacoxal cavities inserted at posterior margin, 3D) with cardo apically broadened, with 6 long setae narrowly separated. Metendosternite (Fig. 3G) with centrally and 4 setae on outer margin; basistipes stalk longer than wide; lateral arms obtusely divergent, smooth with 7 long setae; inner-lateral margin of dis- apically ßattened; mesofurcal-metafurcal tendons tistipes Þnely striate, with 3 small setae in inner margin poorly developed, inserted at middle of lateral arms; and 2 setae close to lacinia; lacinia shorter than galea; ventral process poorly developed. Hind wings (Fig. galea subcylindrical, apically wider than base. Maxil- 3H) with Sc connected to R at about half its length, lary palpi well developed, 4 segmented, surpassing with radial cell darkly pigmented, triangular; RP-MP2 galea; palpomere 1 slightly longer than wide; pal- not reaching r4;MP3 ϩ 4 absent; CuA2 attached to CuA pomere 2 subcylindrical, Þnely setose; palpomere 3 at nearly midlength; cubital anal cell 1 closed, elon- longer than palpomere 4, densely setose; palpomere 4 gate; cubital anal cell 2 absent; AA unbranched and subconical, strongly tapering apically, digitiform sen- connected to CuA3 ϩ 4 at about half distance from sillum patch present in externo-basal corner of pal- origin of CuA; AP3 ϩ 4 short, scarcely sclerotized, pomere 4, evident with higher resolution. Labium having apical Þeld with veins RP difÞcult to distin- (Fig. 3E) with postmentum subtrapezoidal; 6 setae guish. Elytraslightly wider thanpronotum; HW/PW concentrated in midline. Prementum subrectangular, 1.28, greatest width near posterior one-thirds of elytra; 12 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 97, no. 1

Fig. 5. P. misionensis, female: (A) genitalia; (B) detail of vagina; (C) styles; (D) spermatheca. Scale bars ϭ 0.1 mm.

EW/HW 1.43; humeral calli rounded, slightly promi- length of elytron; inner, shorter, extending to basal nent; dorsal surface Þnely, densely punctate, with one-third of elytron; epipleura anteriorly broad, grad- punctures coarser than on pronotum; 2-costate, outer ually narrowed along apical half; inner surface of costa extending from humeral callus to basal one-half elytrawith asingle binding patch(Fig. 2, B andC) January 2004 CABRERA AND CABRERA WALSH:NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF Luperini 13 covered with rounded spicules on basal half, apical ventral surface are yellowish chestnut (except the half seeming bare under low magniÞcation, but with metathorax, which is black), and the elytra are yel- small sparse triangular spicules under higher magni- lowish chestnut with external border light green. Oth- Þcation; surface near basal angle covered with small ers show completely amber elytra, with a thin yellow spicules, bidentate or tridentate (Fig. 2D). Legs with outer band, and yellowish pronotum. Yet others have metatibiae longer and slenderer than pro- and me- a mostly lime green head, except for mouth parts and sotibiae, apical margin of meso- and metatibiae with antennae. Some specimens with antennomeres 7Ð9 short tibial spurs; trochanters and femora sparsely with ventral reddish patches. setose; meso- and metatibiae densely setose ventro- Length 4.08Ð5.17 mm (x៮ ϭ 4.67 mm, n: 20), width laterally; tarsomeres setose dorsally with long erect 1.90Ð2.77 mm (x៮ ϭ 2.40 mm). Antennomeres 2Ð4: setae; pro- and mesolegs (Fig. 3I) with a ventral ad- 0.69Ð1.34 mm (x៮ ϭ 1.00 mm); eyes with eL 0.39Ð0.62 hesive patch covering: length of protarsus; tarsomere mm (x៮ ϭ 0.47 mm), GL: 0.09Ð0.19 mm (x៮ ϭ 0.13 mm), one of pro- and mesolegs shorter than tarsomeres 2 ϩ GL/el: 0.18Ð0.36 mm (x៮ ϭ 0.24 mm). Pronotum sub- 3 together; tarsomere 1 of metalegs long and slender, quadrate to slightly subrectangular 0.94Ð1.33 mm (x៮ ϭ as long as tarsomeres 2 ϩ 3 together; tarsal claws biÞd, 1.11 mm) times wider than long; PW 1.12Ð1.55 mm (x៮ inner claw about as long as outer. ϭ 1.62 mm). Elytrawider thanpronotum; EW/HW Abdomen. (Fig. 3J) Sternite 5, 1.5 times length of 4, 1.09Ð1.43 mm (x៮ ϭ 1.34 mm). slightly emarginate apically. Type Material. HOLOTYPE: male, ARGENTINA: Genitalia. Aedeagus, pale at basal one-third, and Misiones, Capiovõ´, 11-IV-2000, on Sicyos polyacanthus darker apically. Median lobe (Fig. 3K) evenly curved Cogniaux (Cucurbitaceae), Cabrera Walsh col. AL- in lateral view, slightly constricted at about basal one- LOTYPE: female, Misiones, Gob. Roca, 2-VI-2002, on third of median lobe in dorsal view; anteriorly slender, squash, Cucurbita maxima Duchesne, Cabrera Walsh about two-thirds length of median lobe, tapering col. Paratypes (141): same data as holotype. All ma- slightly toward apex, scarcely deßexed, apically with a terial deposited in MLP. small projection; oriÞcial plate narrowed apically, Etymology. The name of this new species refers to acute at apex; basal oriÞce broad, extending in a lon- where it was Þrst found, Misiones Province. gitudinal groove; ostium enlarged, with a pair of tri- Biological Notes. Of the 143 specimens of P. mis- angular lobes attached to sides. Internal sac of median ionensis collected, only 1 was a female. Furthermore, lobe (Fig. 3L) with 5 sclerites; sclerite 1 rounded 114 of them were captured on cucurbitacin baits, 27 apically, toothed from lateral inßection; sclerite 2 sub- feeding on cucurbits, and 2 on corn silks. This suggests triangular, broad apically, Þnely toothed on apical and the males are attracted to cucurbits more than females, lateral margins, abruptly narrowed to form a long arm; a feature consistently observed with many Diabroti- sclerite 3 short, broad, bearing an apical, acute tooth; cina (Cabrera Walsh and Cabrera (2003)), and the sclerite 4 narrow, elongate, pointed basally, with a females are likely to be found on other, yet undeter- triangular medial expansion; sclerite 5 very small, less mined hosts. Larval host plants are also unknown, as sclerous than rest, except at tip. are the immature stages. This species was collected Female. Length 4.75 mm, width 2.57 mm. The sole during fall and early winter. specimen studied is similar in color and morphology to Distribution. This species is currently known only the male, except for the features of antennae, apical from southwestern Misiones Province, in the spurs of tibiae, and adhesive patch of tarsi. Antenno- Paranense biogeographic province, as deÞned by the mere 2 (A2 0.16 mm) shorter than antennomere 3 (A3 scheme proposed by Cabrera and Willink (1980), or 0.19 mm), together 1.06 length of antennomere 4. Parana Forest province sensu Morrone (2001). Maximum ocular diameter (eL 0.59 mm); genal space (GL 0.13 mm) aproximately one-fourth of ocular length; GL/el 0.22. Pronotum 1.17 times wider than Acknowledgments long; PW 1.32 mm. Elytrawider thanpronotum; We thank Rau´ l Campos for the habitus drawing, Diana HW/PW 1.44, EW/HW 1.34. Ohashi for assistance in the Þeld, Norma Dõ´az and Fabiana Genitalia. (Fig. 5A) Sternite 8 weakly sclerotized; Gallardo for their critical review of the manuscript, and apodeme (tignum) slender, slightly curved posteri- Miguel Cabrera for Latin lessons. This study was partially orly. Styles (vaginal palpi) (Fig. 5C) slender, subcy- supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Ci- Њ lindrical, rounded at apex with 10 long setae. Vagina entõ´Þcas y Te´cnicas (CONICET- PEI n 347/98). ϩ bursa copulatrix large, with middle area sclerotized (Fig. 5B). Spermathecal duct (Fig. 5D) with a short References Cited sclerotized portion inserted basally; receptacle api- cally elongate, uncoiled; spermathecal gland elongate. Ball, G., and D. Shpeley. 2002. Ginemini, Ginema thomasi, Receptacle of spermatheca subcylindrical in shape, new tribe, new genus and new species, from Amazonian elongate, not well distinguished from pump; pump Bolivia (Coleoptera: Carabidae: ). Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 128(8): 75Ð98. curved, with a small pointed appendage at apex. Bechyne´, J., and B. Springlova´ de Bechyne´. 1969. Die Gal- Variability of Paratypes. The other specimens at- erucidengattungen in Sudbrasilien. Iheringia 36: 1Ð110. tributed to this species are similar to the holotype. Cabrera, A. L. 1976. Regiones Þtogeogra´Þcas Argentinas. However, some color variations have been observed in EnciclopediaArgentinade agriculturayjardinerõ ´a, 2nd several specimens. In some specimens, head, legs, and ed. Acme S.A.C.I., Buenos Aires, Argentina. 14 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 97, no. 1

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