
Geographia Polonica 2020, Volume 93, Issue 4, pp. 505-523 https://doi.org/10.7163/GPol.0185



Paweł Prokop Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences Jana 22, 31-018 Kraków: Poland e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The aims of this study were to review human-environment interactions during the Meghalayan and to search for the stratigraphic boundary of a new , informally termed the Anthropocene, as well as to determine whether the stratigraphic signals of human activity on the Plateau in Northeast can be cor- related globally. This plateau is the base of the Meghalayan Age that was determined from a speleothem in a cave located on it. Review indicates that study region developed on the periphery of ancient Indian civi- lisation, with stratigraphic signals of human activity being apparent in only the last few thousand ; that is, substantially later than the neighbouring ancient Indian civilisation. The stratigraphic signals are heteroge- neous and diachronous, not only as a result of various human activities, but also in the effect of the diverse sensitivities of the environment to anthropogenic disturbances. A discrete and visible cultural layer that relates to the development of settlements and the production of new materials is still being formed and reworked. The only synchronous stratigraphic signal with a global range seems to be associated with the artificial radio- nuclide fallout from nuclear weapons testing, which covers a topsoil layer of up to tens of centimetres thick.

Key words stratigraphy • • Anthropocene • Meghalaya • human impact

Introduction The effects of such interactions can be pre- served in accumulating strata as lithostrati- Human-environment interactions exhibit great graphic (environmental and human-induced diversity, with many feedbacks and nonlinear sediment transport and deposition, modifica- processes, thresholds and time lags (An, 2012; tion of terrain, deposition related to construc- Ruddiman, Ellis, Kaplan & Fuller, 2015; Waters tions, etc.), biostratigraphic (pollen grains & Zalasiewicz, 2018; Zalasiewicz et al., 2019b). spectra, extinctions and invasions of species) 506 Paweł Prokop and chemostratigraphic (heavy metal trac- Since then, ‘Anthropocene’, as an informal ers, isotopes, artificial radionuclides) signals term, has become popular, being used (Zalasiewicz et al., 2019). Such markers pro- among different scientific communities, vide a record of Earth’s history, and can form including scholars in the humanities, as well the basis for its subdivision within the Geologi- as in the scientific literature, discussions and cal Time Scale (GTS; Gradstein, Ogg, Schmitz, the public media (Fig. 1). Three scientific jour- & Ogg, 2012). nals listed in the Journal Citation Report have The units of geological time are defined the word ‘Anthropocene’ in their titles –, The with reference to their lower boundaries Anthropocene (Elsevier), The Anthropocene – their beginnings or ‘bases’ (Gradstein Review (SAGE) and Elementa: Science of the et al., 2012). Such boundaries are drawn Anthropocene (University of California Press). using a Global Stratigraphic Section and Simultaneously, since 2009 an Anthropocene Point (GSSP) or, before GSSP, can be defined Working Group (AWG) has been looking by an agreed date, termed a Global Strati- for scientific evidence for the basal Anthro- graphic Standard Age (GSSA). For a GSSP, pocene boundary to support its ratification ‘stratigraphic section’ refers to a deposit by the IUGS as an epoch in the GTS (Zala- (rock, sediment, glacier ice, speleothem) that siewicz et al., 2019). The problem of bound- developed an adequate thickness over time ary demarcation was slightly complicated that is chosen as the representative (i.e. type) when, in 2018, the IUGS accepted a subdivi- section, known as the ‘stratotype’, while sion of the Holocene Epoch, the new units ‘point’ refers to the location of the marker being the , the used to define the boundary within the strato- (both named after GSSPs located in Green- type. GSSP markers should ideally be comple- land) and the Meghalayan (the GSSP located mented by a of auxiliary stratigraphic in Meghalaya state in ) Ages, sections that are globally synchronous. GSSPs which correspond to the Early, Middle and must also have an exact location and height Late Holocene, respectively (Walker et al., or depth, and must be accessible and have 2018). In effect, officially, we live in the Megh- provisions for conservation and protection. alayan Age of the Holocene Epoch, while the Proposals for new GSSPs must be formally rat- Anthropocene is used as an informal (i.e. not ified by the International Union of Geological yet officially defined) geological unit. Sciences (IUGS). The ratification of the Meghalayan Age The same criteria had to be met in the drew attention to the small state that covers defining and subdivision of the Holocene the hilly plateau located in Northeast India. Epoch, which is the epoch in which we live. This region lies at the junction of South Asia, The term ‘Holocene’ (meaning ‘entirely East Asia and Southeast Asia, and has been recent’) has been used for almost 150 years throughout the ages one of the most diverse (Walker et al., 2009); however, it was only areas in Asia, in terms of human-environmen- formally ratified by the IUGS in 2008. tal interactions (Ramakrishnan, 1992; Migoń While the Holocene refers to the current & Prokop, 2013; Prokop, 2014; Hazarika, interglacial, it is also known for the expan- 2017). The Meghalaya Plateau is the first bar- sion of humans, the development of agricul- rier to northward-moving air masses from the ture, and the growing use of metals. Thus, Bay of Bengal to the Himalayas, and as such even before the formal ratification of the receives the highest amount of orographic Holocene as an epoch, it was being sug- rainfall in the world, concentrated in the sum- gested that that epoch was over and that mer monsoon season (Prokop & Walanus, a new epoch, called the Anthropocene, 2015). In contrast, the low retention capacity had begun, its beginning distinguished of its soils, due to the geological conditions by the start of significant human activity in the area, results in water shortages dur- (Crutzen & Stroemer, 2000; Crutzen, 2002). ing the dry season (Starkel & Singh, 2004).

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1000 Holocene Anthropocene Meghalayan 800 Holocene Epoch ratification



Publications [number] Anthropocene Working Group Meghalayan Age 200 establishment ratification

0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Figure 1. Publications in Web of Science with the topics Holocene, Anthropocene and Meghalayan from 2000 to 2019

The strong seasonality of the rainfall causes • (iii) to determine whether the effects this region to be equally vulnerable to floods of human-environmental interactions, and droughts, representing a significant bar- in the form of biogeochemical stratigraph- rier to human activity. At the same time, the ic signals on the Meghalaya Plateau, can neighbouring lowlands, incorporating the be correlated globally. Brahmaputra Valley and Bengal Plain, were corridors for early human dispersal between The Meghalayan Age versus South and East Asia, which may explain the the background of the Holocene cultural diversity of the Austro-Asiatic and Epoch in the context of human- Sino-Tibetan populations that inhabit this -environmental interactions area (Hazarika, 2017). The main aim of the present study is to The Holocene is the shortest epoch in the GTS review the role of natural and human-induced and, representing an interglacial, is relatively factors in the transformation of the environ- uniform in terms of climatic conditions. Thus, ment of the region where the Meghalayan its formal subdivision was based on a natural, GSSP is located. Assuming that, in the Anthro- short-lived episode that has left traces in the pocene, humans impact on the Earth system proxy climatic record (i.e. changes in the sta- at a global scale but their activities are het- ble oxygen isotope content in ice and speleo- erogeneous in space and time, it is important thems). Two such proxy events were used for to recognize the stratigraphic signals of this the global correlation of the Greenlandian/ impact in areas that have been developing Northgrippian and Northgrippian/Megha- on the periphery of ancient civilisations. layan boundaries (Walker et al., 2018). More specifically, the objectives of the The GSSP for the Greenlandian is the study are: same used for the previously ratified basal • (i) to review records of human-environ- Holocene in the NorthGRIP2 , drilled ment interactions during the Meghalayan, in the central Greenland ice sheet (75.10°N, in contrast to the background Holocene; 42.32°W). This boundary corresponds to the • (ii) to investigate search for a definitive first signs of climatic warming at the end base for the Anthropocene as a potential of the Younger Dryas at 11,703±99 years b2k geological unit; and (before 2000 AD) (Walker et al., 2009).

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The basal Northgrippian was defined in the Mesopotamia (Weiss, 2017) and India (Staub- NorthGRIP1 Greenland ice core (75.10°N, wasser, Sirocko, Grootes, & Segl, 2003; Dixit, 42.32°W), in which there was a clear signal Hodell, & Petrie, 2014), as well as disrupting of climate cooling at 8,236±47 years b2k the Chinese civilisation (Liu & Feng, 2012; that reflects an outburst of water from gla- Li et al., 2018). cial lakes pouring into the North Despite a growing human impact on the Ocean during the recession of the Laurentide Earth system during the Holocene, none Ice Sheet (Alley & Ágústdóttir, 2005; Kleiv- of its subdivisions were defined on the basis en et al., 2008). These floods are believed of stratigraphic signals directly related to have disrupted the ocean-current conveyor to anthropogenic activities. The main reasons belt, leading to global cooling. were that changes resulting from human The base of the Meghalayan is dated activities, although long lasting and poten- at 4,250 years b2k, and its GSSP is represent- tially datable, were usually gradual, heteroge- ed by a speleothem in the Mawmluh Cave neous in space and diachronous (Ruddimann, (25°15’44”N, 91°42’54”E) in Meghalaya 2013; Edgeworth et al., 2015; Edgeworth, state, Northeast India (Fig. 2, 3). The 7-km- Ellis, Gibbard, Neal, & Ellis, 2019; Fig. 4). long cave, situated on the southern edge The first use of fire and the megafauna of the Meghalaya Plateau, formed along the extinctions were local, or not evenly distrib- contact between a dolomite and sandstone uted on a global scale, and occurred in the of age (Breitenbach et al., 2015). (Barnosky, Koch, Feranec, Wing, The location of the cave on the elevated & Shabel 2004; Glikson, 2013). Whilst ceram- southern edge (1300 m a.s.l.) of the plateau, ics are datable and preserve well in the strati- between the Bay of Bengal and the Himala- graphic record, they first appeared in Africa yas and Tibetan Plateau, make this area sen- and East Asia before the advent of agricul- sitive to the different forcings that govern the ture, and early southwest Asian farming cul- monsoon system in Asia (Prokop & Walanus, tures did not produce ceramics (Wu et al., 2015; Huguet et al., 2018). About 2 km 2012; Lewis & Maslin, 2015). Crop and live- northeast of the cave is the town of Cherra- stock domestication had multiple independ- punji, one of the rainiest inhabited environ- ent origins between ~11,000 and 2000 years ments on Earth, with more than 11,000 mm ago (Larson et al., 2014). In effect, the Neo- of rainfall recorded annually. The oxygen iso- lithic agricultural revolution initiated a con- tope record from the speleothem correlates version of forest and woodland to farming the 4.2 ka event with a markedly weakened land, prompting large-scale but also dia- Asian summer monsoon spanning ~200 years chronous alterations to the Earth’s surface (Berkelhammer et al., 2012). This event was (Kaplan et al., 2010; Ellis, 2011). The ancient reported to have occurred in many regions centers of domestication do not overlap with around the world, especially in the mid and the presently most productive agricultural low latitudes, and was generally charac- areas (Diamond, 2002). The onset of agri- terised by dry and cool climatic conditions culture may have resulted in a gradual rise

(Thompson et al., 2002; Mayewski et al., in carbon dioxide (CO2) after ~7000 years ago 2004; Booth et al., 2005). The Meghalayan and methane after ~5000 years ago (Ruddi- has received particular attention because man, 2003; Fuller et al., 2011); however, evi- there is evidence that this natural climatic dence that human activity was responsible event had an impact on human societies for the increase in these greenhouse gases across the globe. It played an important is still being debated (Broecker & Stocker, role in the collapse of three of the four 2006; Singarayer, Valdes, Friedlingstein, Nel- major ancient civilizations – Old Kingdom son, & Beerling, 2011; Ruddiman et al., 2016). of Egypt (Arz, Lamy, & Pätzold, 2006; Pen- The onset of the ~5000 years nington, Hamdan, Pears, & Sameh, 2019), ago and the ~3000 years ago also

Geographia Polonica 2020, 93, 4, pp. 505-523 INDIA maputr Brah a


maputr Brah a

CHINA Tibetan Plateau




Figure 2. Relief map of Meghalaya Plateau (upper image), its geology (middle image compiled on the basis of Karunakaran, 1974 and Mazumder, 1986) and regional annual rainfall (lower image based on Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission http://trmm.gfc.nasa.gov). C – Cherrapunji with Mawmluh Cave, S – Shillong, dashed line – international border, dotted line – the Meghalaya State border 510 Paweł Prokop

Figure 3. Where the Meghalayan meets the Anthropocene (Photo by P.Prokop). Mawmluh-Cherra Cement Factory (established in the early 1960s) extracting the limestone and dolomite bed where the Mawmluh Cave is located with the GSSP demarcating the Meghalayan boundary

Figure 4. Long-term anthropogenic changes in the Earth system are diachronous and internally het- erogeneous. Compiled on the basis of Ruddiman et al. (2015) concept: megafauna extinction (Barnosky et al., 2004), ceramics production and use of fire (Wu et al., 2012; Glikson, 2013), crop and livestock domestication (Diamond, 2002; Larson et al., 2014), deforestation (Kaplan et al., 2010; Ellis, 2011), min- ing and metal smelting (Hodges, 1992; Hook, 2000), atmospheric CO2 and CH4 increase (Ruddiman, 2003), artificial radionuclides (Zalasiewicz et al., 2015) varied from region to region, before pollution Patterson, & Boutron, 1996; Rudimann, Ellis, and gases emission associated with metals Kaplan, & Fuller, 2015). smelting reaching globally-significant lev- Therefore, it has been suggested that els possible to record in remote areas such an Anthropocene Epoch is not required, as Greenland ice sheet (Hong, Candelone, given that some human influence is already

Geographia Polonica 2020, 93, 4, pp. 505-523 Where the Meghalayan meets the Anthropocene: Stratigraphic signals… 511 contained within the definition of the Holocene The change in the atmosphere was possibly (Gibbard & Walker, 2014), and that ‘Anthro- caused by the death of over 50 million indig- pocene’ be used informally (Ruddiman et al., enous inhabitants of the Americas after their 2015; Ruddiman, 2018). Simultaneously, it has exposure to diseases carried and spread been argued that humans are currently the by Europeans in the 15th and 16th centuries. primary drivers of several global biogeochemi- The destruction of these indigenous popula- cal processes, including the hydrological and tions caused a significant decline in farming, carbon cycles. Therefore, the effects of human fire-burning and regeneration of forest that activity can be identified in terms of the strati- affected atmospheric CO2 levels. graphic markers used for defining GSSPs and The Industrial Revolution, with its onset GSSAs (Zalasiewicz et al., 2015; Waters et al., in the late 1700s when fossil fuels began to be 2018; Zalasiewicz et al. 2019a). The ratifica- widely used, was also proposed as a base tion of the Meghalayan, however, means that for the Anthropocene (Crutzen & Stoermer, the potential base of the Anthropocene should 2000; Crutzen, 2002). However, the initial be sought after 4,250 years b2k. spread of coal use was limited is space, hav- ing a relatively gradual increase in the 19th The search for an Anthropocene century, and thus it had an insignificant impact on global atmospheric CO concen- boundary as a potential base 2 for a new geological epoch trations at the time. Similarly, other coal-asso- ciated changes, including ash from fossil fuel Starting from the introduction of the term burning and the resultant changes in lake ‘Anthropocene’ in 2000, several approaches sediments, increased slowly over many dec- to determine its lower boundary, at a level ades (Wolfe et al., 2013; Snowball, Hounslow, above the base of the Meghalayan, have & Nilsson, 2014). been presented. All of these have indicated In contrast to previous proposals, the AWG that humans have changed not only Earth’s has preliminarily established an age for the climate, but the earth itself. base of the Anthropocene and the potential Certini and Scalenghe (2011) suggested stratigraphic marker as being 16 July, 1945, that certain soils, derived from intensive cul- when the first atomic bomb test took place tivation during the last 2000 years, could in Alamogordo, New Mexico (Zalasiewicz be used as a marker for the proposed new et al., 2015). The working group chose this geological epoch. The pedosphere is regard- date because the isotopic products of bomb ed as the best indicator of vegetation clear- testing provide a globally distinctive marker ance, and a strong reflection of the growing horizon in soils, ice cores, lake sediments and impact of ancient civilisations over much oceans. Thus, they recommended that the of the Earth’s surface. Although such soils are base of the Anthropocene be defined by an widespread, critics have pointed out that the agreed date (i.e. a GSSA, as a point in time suggested date for the expansion of anthropo- in the human calendar) instead of being genic soils is arbitrary (Gale & Hoare, 2012). a GSSP. This proposal places the base of the The spread of agriculture and the associated Anthropocene close to the middle of the 20th formation of cultivated soils is a diachronous century, coinciding with the Great Accel- process with no single determinable date. eration (~1950) (Steffen, Crutzen, & McNeill, Lewis and Maslin (2015) suggested the 2007), which marks a major expansion in the 1610 for the base of the Anthropocene, human population, large changes in natural terming this proposal the ‘Orbis’ (Latin for processes, widespread use of concrete for ‘globe’) hypothesis. This date was chosen constructions, and the development of novel because it is the lowest point within the materials such as plastics (Waters & Zalasie- around 100 years of decrease in atmos- wicz, 2018; Zalasiewicz, Gabbott, & Waters, pheric CO2, measured in Arctic ice cores. 2019).

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As an alternative to the mentioned pro- These records have different lengths and posals, Lewis and Maslin (2015) suggested resolutions, as well as different levels the peak in radionuclide fallout in 1964 as of recognition to date (Fig. 5). the base. This globally widespread marker, Speleothems occupy a special position related to nuclear weapons testing, was among all these archives. Meghalaya, with its detected in 14C air measurements and cap- more than 1300 caves and almost 400 km tured in tree-rings and glacier ice. The annual of cave passages in a sedimentary rock tree-rings of a pine (Pinus sylvestris) from complex, has great potential in terms of spe- Niepołomice, near Kraków, Poland, which leothem research (Gebauer, 2008). Its area contain a 14C peak in 1964, have been pro- hosts the longest cave (Liat Prah, 30 km) and posed as the GSSP. Potential auxiliary mark- the deepest cave (Synrang Pamiang, 317 m) ers could include plutonium isotope ratios in India. Thus, stalagmites represent the (240Pu/239Pu), and cesium (137Cs) and iodine longest, high-resolution archives for describ- (129I) isotopes, which are found in marine ing both local and regional conditions of the sediments and terrestrial soils. natural environment (Kaushal et al., 2018). The uranium-thorium (U-230Th) dating of sev- Stratigraphic signals of human- eral stalagmites, correlated with various geo- -environmental interactions chemical proxies, such as stable carbon and on the Meghalaya Plateau oxygen isotopes, trace-element ratios (mag- nesium/calcium, uranium/calcium) and bio- The great diversity of the natural environ- markers, have been used to reconstruct mon- ment of the Meghalaya Plateau, combined soon rainfall intensity, air temperatures and with human activity, is reflected in various vegetation cover for various periods between litho-, bio- and chemostratigraphic archives. 33,788±269 years BP (, where

Figure 5. Stratigraphic archives of natural-human interactions in the Meghalaya Plateau during the Meghalayan. Proposed Anthropogenic boundaries are marked by years (see text). Complied on the basis: speleothems (Breitenbach, 2009, Berkelhammer et al., 2014; Lechleitner et al., 2017; Huguet et al., 2018), ceramics production (Mitri & Neog, 2016), deforestation (Prokop & Bhattacharyya, 2011), mining and metal smelting (Prokop & Suliga, 2013), tree rings (Chaudhary & Bhattacharyya, 2002), artificial radionuclides (Poręba & Prokop, 2011)

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‘present’ is defined as 1950), the oldest perhaps also intensive human activity, which date retrieved form from the speleothems accelerated soil and stream-bank erosion in Meghalaya, and the present day (Dutt after deforestation, removing deposits from et al., 2015; Kaushal et al., 2018). Stalagmites the hilly plateau. from five caves have been analysed, including The Meghalaya Plateau has the precipita- from the Mawmluh Cave, which contains the tion and temperatures sufficient to support GSSP marking the base of the Meghalayan forest growth, which is the climax vegetation (Breitenbach, 2009; Berkelhammer et al., in this region (Bor, 1942). However, grasses 2014; Lechleitner et al., 2017; Huguet et al., growing on degraded soils prevail at eleva- 2018; Ronay, Breitenbach, & Oster, 2019). tions above 1000 m a.s.l. Pollen and grain size These have provided data mainly on the cli- analyses, supported by the radiocarbon dat- matic context of human activity. Speleothem ing of several colluvial, alluvial and lacustrine analysis have indicated greater rainfall than sedimentary profiles in the region, have pro- today between 3000 BC and 400 AD and vided records of the climatic conditions and large rainfall fluctuations, especially in the the human impact during the Meghalayan last 1600 years in Meghalaya (Breitenbach, (Prokop & Bhattacharyya, 2011a). These 2009). More research is required however, show that some locations in the central part to verify if some of the elemental concentra- of the plateau were already occupied by open tions (strontium, barium, uranium, copper, meadows around 2500 years BP (~700 BC), etc.) detected in speleothems can record the and were close to subtropical forests, with direct effects of any anthropogenic impact trees such as Quercus, Betula, Carpinus, on the environment. Myrica, Alnus, Ilex and Prunus being common Dendrochronological data have been less elements. Around 900 years BP (~1100 AD), explored in the region. A tree-ring analysis the amount of Pinus pollen increased in all of Pinus kesiya (Royle ex Gordon), which grows of the profiles, and there was an increased on the Meghalaya Plateau near Shillong, has input of fine-grained mineral material into been performed (Chaudhary & Bhattachar- lacustrine sediments. These might indicate yya, 2002), which produced five chronologies, a progressive deforestation of some parts ranging from 80 to 142 years. A correlation of the Meghalaya Plateau. Subsequently, of these tree-ring chronologies with the cli- over the last 500 years, this forest has been mate of Shillong has indicated that there has much degraded, as evidenced by the pres- been no common climatic response to the ence of a large amount of charcoal in coarse- growth of pines in this region. Longer or older grained colluvial deposits. Trees, except for dendrochronologies might be available from members of the Arecaceae, have become fossil trees or dead wood from building struc- rare or are absent. Likely both an intensifica- tures. Unfortunately, these tree-rings were tion of agriculture and iron-ore extraction and not analysed for their 14C radioisotope con- processing in the conditions of high rainfall tent and a record of discrete human impacts, have been responsible for this deforestation such as nuclear weapons tests. and the resultant accelerated soil erosion Sediments, in the context of human- (Soja & Starkel, 2007; Prokop, 2016). environmental interactions, are complex Generally, the estimated age of this defor- in Meghalaya. In general, the spatiotemporal estation and soil erosion is similar to the extent of the sediments indicates ages provided by archaeological artifacts, that they are shallow at most of the studied including ceramics. Relatively rare radio- sites, (Prokop & Bhattacharyya, 2011b). Radio- carbon dates from the excavated sites have carbon dating of these deposits suggests that indicated that the Northeast Indian Neo- they are mostly Holocene in age or, in rare lithic complex appeared relatively late when cases, upper Pleistocene. This might be due compared to neighbouring regions, arriv- to the extremely high rainfall in the area, and ing between 2500 and 1500 BC (Hazarika,

Geographia Polonica 2020, 93, 4, pp. 505-523 514 Paweł Prokop

2017, 2019). The ceramics found at several quarrying of limestone (from at least the 18th sites in the central part of the Meghalaya century) and coal mining (from the 1840s) Plateau are mostly handmade, burnt at low are being continued in the sedimentary com- temperatures, and bear cord impressions, plex of rocks covering the southern plateau, a common and characteristic feature of the while the extraction of crystalline rocks for Neolithic ceramics of Northeast India (Mitri, construction purposes is ongoing from the Kharmawphlang, & Syiemlieh, 2015; Mitri central and northern plateau (Lindsay, 1840; & Neog, 2016). Charcoal from a cultural Oldham, 1854; Shankar, Boral, Pandey, & Tri- layer and its associated ceramics, at a depth pathi, 1993; Rączkowska, Bucała-Hrabia, of 50 cm, have indicated a radiocarbon age & Prokop, 2018). The stratigraphic record of 3,500±30 years BP (~1800 BC). Samples of mining includes the terrain modification from two other cultural layers have given associated with surface rock extraction and radiocarbon ages of 2,960±30 years BP to the redeposition of rocks and soils, along with 1,640±30 years BP (~1200 BC to ~400 AD). changes in their chemical properties. Locally, However, palynological and archaeological such disturbances can reach tens of metres data are too scarce to be able to use to draw in thickness. firm conclusions from in terms of their Human activity has led to an increase relationships. in spatial soil heterogeneity in the natu- The age of deforestation and ceramics rally diverse environment of Meghalaya. production also correlates with the local min- The removal of vegetation by humans accel- ing and processing of (titaniferous) iron ore erated erosion in the past, leading to three from weathered granites in the central part types of stratigraphic record of these activi- of the Meghalaya Plateau (Cracroft, 1832; ties in the soils (Starkel & Singh, 2004; Prokop, Prokop & Suliga, 2013). The radiocarbon Kruczkowska, Syiemlieh, & Bucała-Hrabia, dating of charcoal, and the chemical, micro- 2018; Rączkowska et al., 2018; Fig. 6). These structural and phase composition of the include: 1) the complete removal of the soil iron ore and slag, indicate that the smelting cover; 2) the formation of an armoured stone of iron began as early as 2,040±80 years layer (up to 15-20 cm thick) on the soil surface BP (353 BC–128 AD) and continued up to the due to the selective erosion of fine soil parti- middle of the 19th century (Hunter, 1879). cles; and 3) burying the old soil under a new Traces of the iron industry are still visible soil layer (up to ~1.5 m thick) as a result of ero- as washed sand with charcoal, clay tuyeres sion and transportation from the upper parts and slag in deposits from several centimetres of slopes. The first two types occur within the to several metres thick. Large-scale metallur- sedimentary rock complex, where shallow gical production, alongside agriculture was soils have developed on sandstones that are likely responsible for the deforestation of the resistant to weathering and on limestones central part of the plateau. that are susceptible to dissolution, both also The mining and metallurgical tradition was being located in the range of extremely high accompanied by the erection of megalithic rainfall. The third type dominates in deep memorial monuments that bear similarities soils developed over crystalline rocks, influ- to other megalithic sites in India associated enced by a lower annual rainfall of 1500- with the Copper–Bronze or Iron Ages (Gulla- 4000 mm. The surface of this soil layer is still pali, 2009). The beginnings of this tradition cultivated, and can contain a lot of charcoal have not been dated, but megaliths were still from the burning of vegetation, which is used being erected in the 19th century (Clarke, as a natural fertiliser. In addition, its physi- 1874). The studied area was known for the cal and chemical properties, such as texture, largest number of megaliths in the world, pH, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable many of which have survived to this day (Fer- aluminium, potassium, sodium, calcium and gusson, 1872). Currently, only the intensive magnesium, and base saturation in relation

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Figure 6. Three types of stratigraphic record of human activities in the soils of the Meghalaya Plateau (photos by P.Prokop). The complete removal of the soil cover (upper image) in effect of deforestation and high rainfall; the formation of an armoured stone layer on the soil surface due to the selective erosion of fine soil particles (middle image); burial of the old soil under the accumulation of a new soil layer as a result of erosion and transport (lower image with radiocarbon dates in years BP) to natural forest areas have changed (Prokop by humans, all the soils of Meghalaya have et al., 2018). been exposed to the radionuclide fallout Regardless of the degree of the physical associated with the nuclear weapons tests and chemical soil property transformations (Froehlich, 2004; Poręba & Prokop, 2011).

Geographia Polonica 2020, 93, 4, pp. 505-523 516 Paweł Prokop

The concentrations of cesium (137Cs) and The amount of radionuclide fallout gener- lead (210Pb) radionuclides in the soil has been ally increases with increasing rainfall. Thus, investigated to estimate the intensity of soil the measured 137Cs reference inventory in the erosion. Two studies were conducted in the soil near Cherrapunji was higher than that central part of the Plateau, near Shillong, that in Shillong, reaching 1,495±39 Bq m-2 (Froe- had an annual rainfall of 2400 mm (Poręba hlich, 2004). The measured reference inventory & Prokop, 2011), and in the southern part, of 210Pb in the same soil was 4,605±55 Bq m-2. near Cherrapunji, with its annual rainfall At Shillong and Cherrapunji, the depth of 11,000 mm (Froehlich, 2004). of the cesium in the soil was 25 and 35 cm, To calculate the annual values of the 137Cs respectively. Much of the vertical transloca- fallout, a model by Sarmiento and Gwinn tion of the radionuclides in these profiles (1986) for predicting 90Sr fallout was adapted, can be related to organic matter production using monthly rainfall data from Shillong. The at the grassland surface, the chemical diffu- ratio between 137Cs and 90Sr is well known sion associated with rainfall, and the down- and, thus, it has been possible to use this ward transportation via macropores in the model to estimate the annual 137Cs fallout skeletal topsoil profile. (Poręba & Bluszcz, 2007). The total value Among all the stratigraphic signals, the of 137Cs deposition, calculated using the mod- one associated with processed, manufac- el, reached 1,100 Bq m-2 (Fig. 7). This is close tured production and the use of new mate- to the measured mean value of the 137Cs rials, such as concrete, brick and plastic, reference inventory (undisturbed by human is directly, and the most, visible in Meghalaya activity) in soil near Shillong, which was equal (Fig. 8). Cheap and widely-available cement, to 1,220±260 Bq m-2. In addition, the cal- produced from locally-extracted limestones culated annual values of 137Cs fallout have and dolomites, has resulted in the almost indicated that more than 52% of the 137Cs complete disappearance of traditional mate- deposition, for the years 1962-1965, occurred rials, such as wood, in building construction. because of the high intensity of the nuclear The emergence of this new cultural layer has weapons testing. been intensified by rapid population growth,



600 ] -2 Bq [m 400


0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Figure 7. Annual 137Cs fallout estimation from precipitation data at Shillong based on Sarmiento and Gwinn (1986) model

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Figure 8. View of the Nongkrem village near Shillong in 1850 (upper image after sketch of Hooker, 1854) and 2015 (lower image photo by P. Prokop). Formation of the new anthropogenic layer. Expansion of set- tlement due to population increase is accompanied by conversion of buildings construction from wood to concrete and metal roofs, replacement of dirt roads with asphalt surfaces and stream embankments the development of a settlement network, similarly to what can be observed in other especially cities, and the lack of an organised regions of the world (Ford, Price, Cooper, system for municipal waste clearance. It is & Waters, 2014; Waters & Zalasiewicz, 2018). also an anthropogenic layer that is currently being formed, and constantly being reworked Conclusions or redeposited in the form of destroying old buildings and erecting new ones, replacing This review indicates that, even in a periph- dirt roads with hard surfaces, construct- erally-located area of Indian civilisation, ing river embankments, extracting minerals there are numerous stratigraphic indicators resources and back-filling mine workings, of human activity. However, these only cover etc. Therefore, it is extremely heterogene- the last few thousand years of the Megha- ous in space, when compared to natural layan Age, and so began later than in the deposits, and is in the process of formation, neighbouring area of the ancient civilization

Geographia Polonica 2020, 93, 4, pp. 505-523 518 Paweł Prokop of Northeast India. Over time, anthropogen- of the broad sensitivity of the environment ic activity has been speeding up, operating to anthropogenic disturbances. A highly-visi- at larger scales, and becoming more clearly ble cultural layer related to the development detectable, from deforestation as a result of settlements and the production of new of spreading agriculture, to the smelting materials is still being formed and reworked. of metals and the development of cities, and The only stratigraphic signal from the Megha- ultimately to the formation of a cultural layer laya that can be correlated globally, is the made of new materials not previously found evidence of the radionuclide fallout. This has in the natural environment. been incorporated into a topsoil layer up to At this of our study, it is difficult several tens of centimetres thick. It is also to assess whether a record of human activ- likely that a sudden increase in radiocarbon ity, can be reliably identified in speleothems, in the Earth’s atmosphere due to nuclear test- which mainly contain high-resolution archives ing has been captured by tree rings in the of climatic change. The stratigraphic signals studied area, as has been detected globally. associated with ceramics and megalith arti- facts, and deposits, including soils, mined Editors‘ note: minerals and processed metals, are heteroge- Unless otherwise stated, the sources of tables and neous and diachronous, not only as a result figures are the authors‘, on the basis of their own of various human activities, but also in terms research.

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© Paweł Prokop Article first received • March 2020 © Geographia Polonica Article accepted • July 2020 © Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Open acces article under the CC BY 4.0 license Polish Academy of Sciences • Warsaw • 2020