Volume Lvl, Number Ss Grass Fire Breaks out Near Bragaw Dorm

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Volume Lvl, Number Ss Grass Fire Breaks out Near Bragaw Dorm Technician North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LVl, Number ss WM. February 18, 1975 Grass fire breaks out near Bragaw dorm; Williams says arson responsible for blaze by LynneGrifh of control and went to Bragaw brought it back and took some A spokesman for the Raleigh set on p . Staff Writer and called the fire department. pictures of the fire. Fire Department. said there “Fires just don’t start under He then went back to the “I had no plans of taking was another fire at Ferguson's those conditions spontaneou- A fire broke out on Dan Allen scene of the fire and saw that pictures. but I happened to Hardware on Hillsborough ly." Williams remarked. “It Drive just outside Bragaw campus security and police cars think about that fire bomb at Street at about this same time looks to me like a rather sick Residence Hall yesterday were there. The fire depart. the Supply Store last week and which could possibly be related prank. I just can’t see why morning around 2:45 a.m. ment received Duell’s call at wondered if there was any to the fire outside Bragaw. anyone would want to light Robert Duel]. a student at 2:52 a.m.. arrived at the scene connection." he remarked. BILL WILLIAMS. director something like that unless they State. saw and reported the fire at 2:56 and had it cleared by “The fire had to be deliber- of security. said the fire at were sick." to the fire department at 2:52 3:00. ately set. I can't think of any Ferguson's broke out shortly There are no leads at this a.m. He was driving back on DUELL WENT back to his other way bales of hay could be after the fire at Bra w. He time as to who the alleged '“Yv room and got his camera. set on fire.” he continued. said the fires were . efinitely arsonist is. Student busted for bombs . ‘ x by Greg Rogers called the bomb squads ofthe State Bureau ofInvestigation and s News Editor the Army at Ft. Bragg to accompany him and other officers to the apartment. A State student was charged Monday by Raleigh Police for Munday was assisted by detectives C.J. Williams. J.M. possession of dangerous explosions. an official of the Raleigh Glover and A.L. Watson. Police Department told the Technician Tuesday. Munday said the bomb squads were called in primarily John David Culp. of 2705-D Conifer Drive. who was “because we are not experienced in identifying and handling reportedly on leave from the Army. was arrested at 11:58 a.m. high explosives" and because there might have been an Wednesday morning at his apartment by Raleigh Police explosive device wired to the apartment door. He estimated Robert Duell Det. A.C. Munday ofthe Special Services Division. Willis Price. that there were enough explosives in the apartment to blow up Dan Allen from work at an official of the Records and Identification Division for the half a city block. Sadlack's sometime between Raleigh Police Department. said that Culp was charged with Munday said Culp was at home when officers arrived and 2:30 and 2:45 and saw two or “possession of explosive devices and keeping them in an unsafe offered no resistance to the search. three bales of straw on fire. He manner." Munday said Culp was a one-time member of the Ft. Bragg drove on. saw the fire was out .. Munday obtained a search warrant about 11 a.m. Monday and See “ROTC." M0 ,. 1.”? *. statl photoby Todd HWO'G Faculty Senate calls for Bo's back After a year at Arkansas, 80 Rein is back with the Pack. See story, page 4. end to advisor signatures State plans crime conference for next by Howard Barnett original motion passed. ' Assocr'ate'Editor It was also pointed out at the meeting that graduate students did not have to obtain week to deal with problems of theft, The Faculty Senate recommended Tuesday signatures in order to change courses in that that signatures of advisors no longer be time, as was thought in the previous meeting. required on Schedule Revision Forms from the “I have been informed that for the last three rape, drug abuse for students in area first day of semester registration to the last day years the Graduate School has had no of the add period. requirement for the forms to be countersigned. by Robert Pierce held in Atlanta around Decem- TEAGUE WOULD like to Sent to committee for further study after They just didn't publicize this. and so nobody Staff Writer ber I of last year. Teague Said. invite the public and especially extensive debate during the previous meeting knew." said Cooper. “We were impressed with the the neighboring universities of of the Faculty Senate. the recommendation Cooper added that the recommendation was On Feb; 23. a comprehensive conference in Atlanta and felt the surrounding area to attend. stressed the difficulty many students had intended by the committee to apply to both crime conference will be held on that one of a similar nature “This is the type of thing that experienced in finding advisors and obtaining graduate and undergraduate students. al- the State campus. The program would really benefit the stu- can benefit everyone." stated the signatures during the Change Day rush. though "it's rather academic now.“ will be presented in the dents at State." Teague. Under the new system. departments would The Faculty Senate's recommendation now Ballroom on the second floor of provide faculty members on Change Day to goes to the office of the Provost for a the University Student Center. advise students who need it. but the signature re'cdmraendation and from there to the Student Attorney General of the student‘s adviser would not be required Chancellor's office. Stan Teague explained. “The for course changes to be made. conference will last from 7-10 Bounce for Beats SOME FACULTY MEMBERS saw the issue pm. with speakers from many as being one of commitment to the duty to different fields." advise students. and felt that passage of the Teague went on to say. “We recommendation would constitute a move away have some very fine speakers collects $1500 from those duties. Inside Today lined up which include the areas “It's not a case of freedom versus most likely to affect the student by Earl Needharu non-freedom." said Engineering Senator population." Staff Writer Ronald W. Rousseau. “Ifyou look at the reasons THERE WILL be a repre- given for the recommendation—logistics. News...Financial aid information... sentative from the Raleigh Have you ever dribbled a basketball for 82% hours? In case improper advising. and forgeries of signatures News in Brief...and the other sections Poice Department to speak on you wonder what it feels like. just ask a Sigma Alpha Mu —which of these problems will the resolution the problems of rape and drug brother. Because tht's just what they did last Friday from 9:” solve? I think a de-emphasis on advising is of the stories that wouldn't fit on the abuse. a.m. to 6 pm. on Saturday. something we should steer clear of.” front. Teague also stated. "We are What was all this for. you ask? It was just part of the Sigma An amendment was introduced as a hoping to have Mr. Burly Alpha Mu brother's effort to call attention to their 1970 Heart compromise, requiring that the signature of the Mitchell. But if he cannot ma Fund drive. sponsored nationally by Sigma Alpha Mu and student‘s advisor be on the Schedule Revision Sports...we have a new football it. we will have a representa- assisted locally by the sisters from Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Form for the remainder of the add period after coach...players' and coaches' reactions tive from the office of the The tipoff for this basketball marathon was held at the Change Day. ‘ to the choice...we play Duke tonight in District Attorney. The topic of Administration Building on Salisbury St. at 9:30 a.m. on Friday. “I understand the problems the students basketball...Fuhrman picks another speech here will be the legal Opposing in the tip-off were Raleigh Mayor Jyles Cogglns and have on Change Day. and I think they should Intramural top 20...and swimming rights of the citizen under the Governor Jim Holshouser. As in the past. the governor won not have to have the signatures on that day. but coach Don Easterling expects tough law." easily over the Raleigh Mayor. the logisticalf problems aren't there for the rest going against Carolina. Finally. Teague said. “We are "Bounce For Beats”. as the marathon is called. is a major fund of the add period. and in fact. I think that the trying to line up Mr. Bill drive. proceeds of which are donated to the Heart Fund to original motion was for Change Day only." said Williams to speak on the assist in furthering the research and disease preventive efforts Roger C. Fites. a senator from the school of problems associated with our of that organization. Agriculture. Entertainment...album reviews... campus and also to answer any SINCE ITS INCEPTION in 1967. the fund drive has been STUDENT AFFAIRS Committee Chairman the Hartford Ballet will be in Stewart questions the students might sponsored by the Sigma Alpha Mu National Chapter. The local Douglas Cooper defended the motion. however. Theatre Saturday...and the N.C. have." project coordinator for Sigma Alpha Mu is Pete Deal.
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