State names head grid coach

U by Bryan Black; Sports Editor‘4 State Chancellor Joah Thomas literally handed State'a football program over to Arkansas assistant Monte Kiffin Wednesday night at a press conference at College Inn. symbolically handing a football to Kiffin as he introduced the Pack’s new grid coach Kiffin was named head coach of the Wolfpack less than a week after former 2/ State head coach Bo Rein resigned to take the top job at Louisiana State last Friday. The 39-year-old Kiffin exuberantly greeted the throng of newsmen. and J] just as excitedly. answered questionsfor the better part of an ..hour “I'll tell you what I am." Kiffin said. "I've got a little bit of . a little of Bo Rein and a whole lot of Monte Kiffin. I'm going to carry on the tradition here and build on it— make it bigger and bigger. “I would not come to State if I didn't think we could win a na- tional championship. I'm not saying it's going to be tomorrow. but I wouldn't be here if I didn’t believe that." M 'mr 5M0!“ Kiffin comes to State with quite a tradition behind him. Before accepting the Tueura wm’rl! State job. he was Holtz’s assistant head coach and defensive coordinator at 7"le stir-entrant: Arkansas. He's worked under the former State head coach for three seasons. Before that. Kiffin was an assistant at Nebraska. his alma mater, for 10 years. As an assistant. he's coached a team that has gone to a for 10 con- secutive years. The worst college teams he's been associated with are Nebraska teams that went 9-3. At Arkansas. his defense this season finished sixth nationally in scoring defense. Currently. the Razorbacks are ranked sixth in the country. awaiting a PE'III II'II)‘XfiIIIII I Jan. 1 showdown with first-ranked Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. Kiffin said he IIIII’ would have to talk to Holtz concerning his status with regards to coaching in State Chancellor Joab Thomas ileft) poses with new head football coach the Sugar Bowl. He admitted he feels an obligation to the players he's coached Monte Kiffin in a Wednesday press conference. Kiffin succeeds Bo Rein who resigned last week.(Staff photo by Chris Steele) (SC‘HKiffin, n page 7)


North. Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Friday, December 7,1979 Volume LX, Number 43

Most Iranian students encounter

no problems in INS investigation by Jeffrey Jobs . Etchison said that between 10—15 students may have trouble proving to In the statement. Student Affairs News Editor students had applications and paper the INS they could support themselves Vice Chancellor Banks Talley explain- work pending with the INS. Only four without working if tuition had been ed State's policy concerning foreign and Denise Manning students encountered real problems deferred. students. Staff Writer that might lead to an INS hearing in State issued a statement Tuesday "The majority of international University officials reported the ma- Charlotte. Etchison said. night saying the University had no students at State hold student (F-l) jority of State's Iranian students en- responsibility to insure that foreign visas from the INS. although a few hold countered no problems with visa status Some trouble students enrolled at State have proper other types. The most usual of the during the recent campus visit by the visas. The statement was prompted by other types are immigrant or exchange Federal Immigration and Naturaliza- Some students ran into trouble the withdrawal of an Iranian student. visitor Visas." the statement said. tion Service (INS). because paper work indicating they Pirooz Zelli. who had no visa except an “State has obtained authority from The majority of the approximately had transferred colleges had not been expired tourist visa. the INS to issue forms i-20 (certificates 110 students interviewed had no sent to the INS. Etchison said. While the student withdrew last Fri- of eligibility). which certify that the serious problems. International Stu- Etchison did not know Thursday day with the intent to fly to student has met the requirements for dent Adviser Marty Etchison said. INS night whether or not any students had Switzerland with his parents. officials admission. A student uses this form to officials could not be reached for con trouble with deferring tuition. Univer- reported the student was present and tact. sity officials had earlier indicated that was interviewed by INS officials. (See “University. " page 2)

Decalsale City tablgé’s‘C—IHAT hike proposal

The Transportation Division an- the fare increase would decrease rider- with making up the operating deficit as nounced that several "C." “F." and by Steve Watson ship and impose a financial hardship on long as car owners are getting by so “R" parking decals will be sold Jan. Staff Writer the riders. cheaply as far as financial input into 9 and 10 on a seniority basis. The proposal to increase the fare of “I think those who drive cars should the city's transit system is concerned. The number of decals available at Raleigh's Capital Area Transit (CAT) have to pay more for their city Hays said. that time is not yet known. since bus system was tabled Wednesday stickers. This money could be used to Other speakers cited the adverse ef- students are allowed to return “C" night after a public hearing before the help the bus system out." Samuel fect the decision would have on the and “R" decals for a refund if they Raleigh Transit Authority (RTA). Hays. 1323 Canterbury Road. said. . nation-wide effort to conserve fuel. do not return to State. making them The Transit Authority will act on “I think you should at least wait un- available for resale. the proposed increase of 30 cents to 40 More fuel efficient til the Iranian crisis is resolved to see Graduate students. seniors and cents at its Jan. 11 meeting. what the oil supply situation in the juniorswill be allowed to buy decals Several Raleigh residents spoke out Hays argued that since buses are a near future will be." Jim Newlin. on Jan. 9. and sophomores and against the fare increase. although no more fuel efficient transportation spokesman for Raleigh’s Citizens Ad- freshmen on Jan. 10. Freshman State students or faculty were among system than cars. that the CAT system visory Council. said. residents will not be allowed to buy them. State was represented at the shouldn't necessarily have to pay for Newlin also criticized State's policy lite-:omUJQHLm'a—s meeting by Transportation Director itself. of buying CAT tickets in bulk and sell- "R" decals on Jan. 10. but if any are ing them at 20 cents. part of the left they may be allowed to do so at Molly Pipes and Assitant Transporta- Raleigh doesn't charge car owners out) a later date, officials said. tion Director Janis Ross. enough. he added. to pay for street and Transportation Division's program to Rained The fare increase is being sought to traffic maintenance. so that in effect. increase bus ridership among students. With the cold, wet winter weather that Raleigh is so Approximately 50 ”R" permits counteract CAT's increasing operating the city subsidizes cars to a much faculty and staff. famous for upon us. the tables outside the Annex are were available in January of the deficit (projected to be $672,755 next greater extent than it subsidizes the “We don't think it's fair that well- deserted. But in the spring. when warm weather and sun- past three years. . year). CAT system. shine return so will the dogs and students. (Technician file City residents. however. argued that Bus riders should not be burdened (See “Fare." page 2) photo) ——-—vlo Senate awards funds to ASME; Thomas defends decision inside —Two Marines are ar- bowl game rejection rested for campus bicycle meeting dates for spring picked on theft. Page 2. State was not asked to go to the Gator —Does Zoom produce tions plus a very, very large club that the Service Committee. said his com- by Jeffrey Jobe Bowl. cocaine-like effects? Page by Terry Moore seems to be very active. 1 can't see mittee had discussed the possibility of News Editor “It (the bowl game) would have been 3. Staff Writer justifying almost a $100 expenditure closing dorm elevators from 2 a.m. un- Student leaders met with top a very disruptive thing to the Universi; Following heated debate. the Stu- for publicity for an already very active til 6 a.m. in order to prevent vandalism. University officials Wednesday to air ty." Thomas said. Thomas said that not —Muaical version of dent Senate allocated 897.42 to the club. It doesn't seem to need any help He told the Technician later. however. complaints about various campus only would provisions have had to be Dickens' A Christmas American Society of Mechanical at all." that he considers such a policy un- issues. made for the 95 football players. 24 Carol, to be performed in Engineers (ASME) for publicity pur- But John Forbes. secretary of the workable. The top issue discussed at the cheerleaders and approximately 200 Memorial Auditorium. poses in Wednesday night's meeting. Senate. backed the request. "This is “I live on the 12th a floor of a dorm Chancellor‘s Liaison Committee band members. but something would Page 5. According to Mike Stanhope. ASME really a very small amount of money." and use them (elevators) frequently Meeting was the rejection of a bowl bid have had to be done for any students or vice—president. the money will be used he said. after 2 a.m.." he said. “Besides. it from the Garden State Bowl to State faculty members who went. —Women's basketball to purchase items such as. magic would be difficult to have someone by Chancellor Joab Thomas. "it would have really complicated ' team to host the Soviet na- markers. masking tape and colored I Allocation for good cause open and close them every night." Speaking before any students raised the whole University apparatus." tional team on Saturday, posters. Additionally. the funds will Gordon also advised Academics questions concerning his action. Thomas said. He said the prestige and Dec. 15. Page 7. help pay for a spring banquet and pro One unidentified member of the Chairman Norman Doggett to in- Thomas defended his decision to not let money ($200,000) State would have motional advertising in the Technician. ASME suggested that the allocation vestigate the proposed merger of the State's football team play in the received would not have been worth it. . The proposal encountered stiff op would go for a better cause than some math and science education depart- “Garden State Bowl during the first “It was the only logical choice." position from Senator Robert Culp. others the Senate has passed this year. ments. week of final exams. Thomas said. Merry Christmas . who questioned the necessity of due in part to the large amount of ‘The Senate should come up with Jokingly, Thomas said one reason Thomas also pointed out that. unfor- allocating Senate funds for publicitv. money that _ASME brings to State. some kind of formal action considering State wasn't playingr .was because “a tunately. a lot of bowls pick teams on “That's something I just can‘t Other business in the meeting in the proposed merger." he said. fellow from Penn State made a Siyard understand." Culp said. “You've got all cluded reports from standing commit- Also announced Wednesday were field goal." With the loss to Penn State, (See "(l/'fii-ials. " page 2) this support from all these organiza- tee chairmen. Joe Gordon. chairman of meeting dates for the spring semester. 1 Two/Teclmlcisn/December7,197l “vi“ infant->,a...1.1~-s ..‘._,.<.-.mpvl.:,- .p...... r--'..V:.‘-_.‘.-...... :— - ., l '" "Té‘fgfl ‘ Gian memoirs] ‘ 'TREES or (F 0m» 5.4.1)“; Aukrewrs has» A»? vsmsw I i ARE RARE ‘ once A Venn, m SPACE.‘ me H!» o; om H410! Inna. Mao‘s Dre nor 007905 7.5 (M Ni7 .I BE own/51> . . ..''r . ' ENGAGING m ‘ Hou LONG Do “'%k1 Hi You 1mm Ir‘u Marines nabbedd Snows: Brewer. , 519v" rum :3 j: Brasilia BARRWG Amman. ... 0H,... ABOUT A by Public Safety Bertie e t. MILLIou YEARS. TrsrTau Makes by Denise Ila-sing Hillsborough Street when a Staff Writer man driving a dark green Two Marine privates Datsun pulled into Maiden were arrested this week on Lane with the dome light of campus in connection with a the car turned on. The bicycle theft. Marine Pvt. driver was wearing no Officials discuss issues William Stellar was ar- clothes. Weekend Weather rested for larceny of a bicy- Public safety also cle after a Student Patrol of- reported: amount of money State planned dining hell would ficer heard a clicking sound 0three assists to other Lew lkh Weather (Continued from page 1) could spend for it. eliminate cooking in the and saw Stellar sitting on a agencies Friday Around 60 Partly Cloudy the basis of drawing capaci- "The amount of spare dorms. bicycle. Stellar then put the 052 escorts Sat-“lay Around 80 Low 50's Windy/Colder ty and not on conference footage planned will cost Several students express- bike into his car and was stwo injured students Sunday Upper hens Low 40‘s Fair/Cold standings. more than we can spend." ed concern over reports that later arrested on Dan Allen transported Thomas also reported Talley said. approximately 46 percent of Drive by Public Safety. anven investigations of that State was nearing a Because of this. approx- the freshman class would be While Stellar was being suspicious persons Colder weather will return over the weekend. For today. part- decision on a new ‘football imately two months of work making less than a 2.0. questioned. beer bottles cone investigation of a ] cloudy and mild. Lots ofsunshine on both Saturday and Sun- coach. Later that night. on the planned 2.500-person were thrown from the suspicious vehicle y. but.turning considerably colder through the period. with Monte Kiffin was announced capacity dining hall has been How accurate? bushes by a second person 042 maintenance calls gusty wind_s_..l'ate Saturday and Sunday. as the new Wolfpack foot- lost. Talley said. who escaped. Pvt. Donald E. Oone talk to an officer ball coach. As a possible solution to When asked how accurate Shenton was later arrested cone traffic accident Student Affairs Vice the rat problem in some of the University predicted for assault on an officer. Osix requests for service W titer t rovided Mark man. Brian Eden Chancellor Banks Talley the residence halls. Talley 1 grade point average (UPGA) The two Marines are sta— Otwo illegally parked 0.7me rs of the niverst'ty emanating Service reported that projected proposed that all food and is. officials maintained it is tioned 'at New River Air Sta- vehicles costs of the new'dining hall cooking be banned from the very accurate. tion in Jacksonville, N.C. Cone disturbance were running over the dormitories. Officials attributed the A student. Jeffry Godfrey 039 parking tickets “As long as there is a lot low UPGA number to lower Blue. was arrested for van- 0three vehicles towed of food in the buildings. SAT scores and changes in dalism after “two other cone theft from auto there is going to be a rat the severity of the grading students identified him as 0four damage to state pro- University disclaims visa duty problem." Talley said. “If we scale. According to officials. the person who broke two perty reduce food. we reduce the the UPGA is based on ad windows in Sullivan Dor- 0two false fire alarms admission process and on its responsibility is to make a that while Zelli’s transfer of rat problem." vanced courses in college mitory. The case was ’refer— cone actual fire (Continued from page I) own initiative. has a screen- decision on a student's records from ,Campbell Col. Talley said he hoped the and not beginning courses. red to Student Develop- sfour thefts from obtain an F4 visa at a US. ing-device to assure proper academic and financial ad- lege indicated he had a stu- ment. residence halls embassy or consulate visa status. This is not re- misssbility.” the statement dent visa. he in fact had a Public Safety also Osix thefts from academic abroad. quired. and many univer- said tourist (3-2) visa. Officials Memorial to be held reported one indecent ex‘- buildings “In the case of students sities do not have such a “In both cases. the later lehrned of this but did posure. The victim was Cone trespassing already in the United screening device. The University is obligated by not notify the INS. from Ofour vandalism. States. the University in its reason is the University's law to notify INS when a While at State. Zelli Air Force ROTC cadets city and University officials walking back student fails to register. car- played on the State soccer will conduct a 24-hour honor participating. ries less than a full load or is team and worked at the in- guard at St'ate's Memorial Daniel M. Pruett of Fayet- suspended. But. it is not the formation desk in the Stu- Tower today. marking the teville. student commander role of the University to en- dent Center. 48th anniversary of the bom- of the -Marching Cadet force the INS regulations." bing of Pearl Harbor. Fraternity. said 19 men and Fare hike tabled; ridershipcited University officials said INS not informed The Marching Cadet one woman who are fraterni- that while State will inform Fraternity will post the ty members will participate abuse of the system. such as Oberlin route which present, “That particular route has foreign students of their When asked why the INS guard at midnight Thursday in the honor guard during (Continued from page I) the reselling of discount ly serves the campus. a high density of potential visa obligations. only the was not informed. Etchison and will maintain sentries at one-hour watches. , paid professors are able to tickets for personal profit. “We lobbied the Transit ridership to the campus.” INS has the responsibility to said it was not the Universi- the tower until midnight The State Memorial buy discount tickets and prompted Pipes to warn Authority and got the Ross explained.“and propor- take action. The University ty's duty to do so. _ Friday. ‘ Tower was built through ride the bus cheaper than that such abuses may lead Oberlin route changed in tionally a very low actual will only notify the INS in The individual student alumnus subscriptions and everyone else.” Newiin said. the Transit Authority to August so that it would number of people riding. It’s cases where a student fails has the obligation to keep A wreath-laying WPA funds in honor of 33 Transportation Division discontinue the program. come down Hillsborough hard to explain. I'd like the to maintain a full study load. visas correct." Etchison ceremony will be held at State men who were killed officials defended and ex- Street instead ofstopping at people along that route to University offficials said said. 1:30 pm. Friday, with state. in World War I. plained the program. Other actions Cameron Village.” Ross know that if they don't use "J. ... -,q V's)" 74

Among the lorry clouds there’s room to breathe by Luke Steele several occasions. but each airplanes. takeoff and Ian- could well be worth $12,000 time the beauty and ding are somewhat more today. “Oh. those magnificent simplicity of the Cub bring challenging. In contrast. a new plane men in their flying me back." Wayne Parrish. a profes- bought for about $50,000 machines. They go up to the Simple it is. all right. sional pilot. flies taildrag- will lose a full 10 percent upup. they go down to the With only five instruments gers for fun and profit. ($5.000) the first year. down-down." (oil pressure and “They’re a little tough to But any antique plane .I... p; Or do they? temperature gauges. handle in a stiff crosswind." pilot will readily concede In these days of increas- altimeter. tachometer. he said with a smile. “As a that it's not the money that ing regulations. one often speedometer and compass) matter of fact. there have draws them to older planes wonders whatever happen- and the most basic of flying been times when I've had to like a 1949 Cessna 1708. for .ed to that breed of pilots controls. it isn't easy to get get just one wheel down and example. ' who fly for fun. You can confused. let it skate along at an angle forget exams long enough to until I could get the high “This plane has been in But you can get lost. wing to fall." my family for 17 years." remember fun. can't you? “It isn't a long-distance ownerTom‘Underwood said. Well. they haven't disap airplane." Petrovich said. “We spent a little over peared. They're alive and "Of course. a properly equip Antique‘s unique $3,000 on the last restora- well and living in Granville ped and informed pilot could tion for paint and interior County. and every weekend use it as such, but it's ideally Experience with other work. and it looks and flies they go flying—just for the suited for local use. types of planes doesn‘t seem .like a new plane. I t. rah“: a. hell of it. “It will fly all day on six to help either. Parrish “I wouldn't have anything Anthue airplane owners say they woulifn't heeeenythlnp else. You can haveyourtwlnenolnesandhidi-prleed And what do they fly? gallons of gas an hour. It related the tale of a commer- else." helicopters. These pilots of fabric-wing planes just need e piece of the sky, a little time. and they're up. up and our cial pilot with over 500 (Staff photo by Steve Wilson) Fast twin engines with rec- handles easily and is one of hours whom he took up. tractable gear? High-priced the most forgiving of train: “He knew so much I Strong and striking ing to the eye than a chunk “Okay. put your right foot propeller through to start towers and regulations were helicopters? ing planes." couldn't tell him anything." of punched and riveted there. your butt there. and the plane." unknown. How about a 1946 Piper Parrish said grinning. “But As for strength in the aluminum. swing your left foot in. No. Soon the" balloon tires Cub with no radio and cloth older planes. Parrish has a ‘flt takes real craftsman- not there. on the other side Fascinating View ' gently kissed the dirt run- wings? Tail-dragger after he flew the plane into ship to make one-a quality of the stick. Now slide in. no. way. and the tail settled to the pavement and destroyed Bellanca in which he does that's rapidly disappearing don't grab that..There. That Seconds later. any misgiv- Of course the Cub,like Vin the propeller. he was all aerobatics. Petrovich’s Cub ings were earth. Perfect plane ears." has balloon tires so it can in modern industry." wasn't hard. now was it?" quelled. The view It seems these pilots have ‘d tually all antique airplanes. land in a ploughed field if Most antique plane pilots Then the proverbial dumb through the open right side found what they were seek- is a “tail—dragger." meaning So why do all these, pilots need be. are rather particular about question. Where's the key? of the cub was fascinating. ing: release from the “This plane is perfect for its landing gear consists of stay with old planes. For one their animals. and Petrovich The gentle flapping of the pressures and deadlines that my use." proud owner Matt two large forward wheels thing. prices are rising “People see fabric wings is no exception, having a cer; ”There is no key." fabric and the unlimited rule everyday life. They Petrovich said. “I've con- and one small wheel under every day. and a vintageCub and panic." Petrovich said. tain procedure for getting in Petrovich said. ”The panoramic vision can take a seem to be remnants from a sidered trading it for a the tail. Although they fly bought for $8.000 four years “But a fabric wing is just as Vthe plahewhich is more than magneto switch is met your person back to an era when bygone era. more modern plane on much more like modern ago and well-taken care of strong and much more pleas- a little confusing. head. and Terry will pull the instrument "flying. control Just like their planes.

Controversial Zoom: will it zap y0u or not? Plastic bottles by Steve Watson plant seed known. Features Writer '—.__ii' A guarana soft drink has About two months ago a long been popular in Brazil. product called Zoom came according to two State now replacing onto the health food scene graduate students from with no small degree of fan- Brazil. fare. Merchants in Raleigh were besieged with in- quiries regarding Zoom and “Guarana drink is used in glass liter bottles its reported “cocaine-like" Brazil as you use Coke (Coca effects. Cola) in America." Eldo Clorox bottle and leave it The product was so con- DaSiIva said. “I've drunk it by Catherine Meyer overnight. in the morning it troversial that only one all my life. but I've never Features Writer will have grown. expanded. health food store in Raleigh. gotten high off of it. I don't Over the past few years Wyeth said. the Garden of Eden in know where they got the have you noticed that most In order to keep the bottle Cameron Village. decided to claim that guarana will get large soft drink bottles are from “growing." the fibers carry it. you high." no longer glass? They are in the plastic must be woven The product sold out long Tony Munis. another plastic. ' like a basket weave. ago and won’t be back for Brazilian graduate student, The perfecter of the bot- some time. said the guarana soft drink tle. Nathaniel C. Wyeth. Baitset weave common in Brazil may be ar- came to an ASME luncheon Sold quickly tificially flavored. at State to tell mechanical When other plastic is “It's true that people engineers how they're made. blown into the bottle mold. “We sold out in three don't get high on the soft it tends to split. This is days." owner of the Garden drink. but the drink might Bottle program because the lines run ver- of Eden Chuck Snyder said. just have artificial guarana tically. With the basket “There's no more available flavoring in it instead of the Since the 1950's. he has weave. another sheet of in the whole country right real stuff. I‘m not sure." been trying to get his bottle plastic is blown. In this now. The manufacturers of Munis said. program in action. He ob sheet the fibers run Zoom have to wait now for tained his patent in the ear- crossways. more guarana to be Ground guarana powder ly 1970’s and applied for harvester from the patents in Japan and Less energy Amazon." The powder. which is Europe. ‘Whether or not the pro ground from guarana her- Wyeth worked with The plastic is then bi-axlal duct would actually produce ries. is very concentrated Ronald Roseveare. a oriented— in two directions. cocainelike effects. or any and tastes too strong to be mechanical engineer. and Now that the fibers run in other sort of stimulation. is enjoyed. Munis added. Frank Gay. a chemist. both directions they rein- still unclear. Feedback from The Steinmetz report Together the three-man force each other. making a buyers of Zoom varied from claims that in its concen- team perfected the plastic stronger bottle. _ satisfaction to disappoint- trated form. as used by bottle. The making of the plastic ment. Snyder said. Brazilian Indians. guarana is They developed a process bottles expends 50 percent <34 a stimulant. for producing a plastic bot- less energy than the glass Some facts known Whether or not Zoom is a tle that is oriented-strong bottles. ”This climbing shrub oc- is a popular and reputed it is no more than concen- stimulant is questionable. enough to withstand Little will be wasted in curs most abundantly bet- medicine among the in- trated caffeine pills. But one thing is certain. Plastic is in. Glass is out pressure and not ”grow." the future. Wyeth Some facts about the ac- ween the Madeira and Tapa- habitants of the countries of Steinmetz reported that the Zoom will return to Raleigh said. tive herbal ingredient in production." caffeine content of guarana (Staff photo by Steve Plastic bottles. if not Plastic bottles will be retur- Zoom (guarana) are known. jos rivers in Brazil." someday. straight. more or Wilson) strong enough. will grow. If nable for a deposit just like Steinmetz wrote. "Guarana Detractors of Zoom claim seed is the highest of any less. from the Amazon. you put Coca Cola in a glass bottles are now. A report by E. F. Steinmetz. Sc. D.. in the s:wmwzomewzuzwzooznzuz«:«z«:«:«:«:«:«:«.-.w:«:«:~.~.~o:aaanwzuwusfimzmwzmwww Quarterly Journal of Crude ‘__. Drug Research reveals that guarana is one of the com- OO mon names for Paulliana cupana. THE USED TEXTS YOU NO LONGER NEED ARE WORTH MONEY

NATIONAL LAMPOON SUCCESS lSSUE SELL YOUR USED BOOKS TO US AT TOP PRICES s“. {.0 ' starfish Do your Christmas .'-.:..-': r.-'0:-.~. '. Gift wrapping is AMPOON shopping with us 15535. "‘-:- ' "1,54"??? 3s. free for items $5.00 N, P for campus friends .'.-.'..‘-".- - 24.1“" ”'3‘" “'3?" and up. T k and the folks back ..,.-e=.?.‘-‘-‘.."..;" '35": " "Hf". . home. r; .. ‘.- i a: ctr-3:. We accept Mestercharge ’W:“Ms’w‘t: w‘ " c .3 "M £31.55: ‘5 and Vise .g. 4,. a 'a. . .i.s- .‘ e: We suggest: 4;!3‘ Phones: Jewelry Books 737-3117 Emblematic clothing Merchandise office Popular books 737-9161 efe ' Pen sets Emblematic glass 8: ceramic 3‘ boxed sets HOLIDAY A higrly touted look at the stuff e Stuffed animals thattheir menhomes,andtheirwomenhearts.sacrificeand .3 Calculators HOURS: their humanity for. Green plants M-F billion"DopedollarsMillionaire"in a gym bag,- anA Watches 8-5 filledUzi machineand readygun,to go.and a hot tub Candy (boxed) .. \.. SAT & SUN Closed Sue "Bitch Goddesses — Meet as the BackAnn,SeatGoddessof a Car.of Success, in e CLOSED Dec. 24-28, Jan.1 — A“ThesuccessfulLittle Engineyoung ThatchoochooDid" Viz/am 9W Yam oftraintoot.pays the price for a stackfull g. “Closet at the Top” — The 00 ': mannprpressure:ofofoneanof America'sassistant reliefmost . ‘ ‘ THE CAMPUS STORE 7‘ ww— namic rocery stores. SuccessheBook'omen's'Ufi'di'e?— A seleniumT07 Ir ""’ ‘ " ’ ChristmaWW'*— ”W * businesswomanpeek at thefromh ard-drtvina number 0 0 students, faculty, and staff are cbrdially invited to visit us. interesting angst. , Friday, December 91, 94 pm get”200:”2”2“2“W3“3“2~3”MWW2MWWththwWfl~tfl~W3~thW«WNW ._,/ w-Mm—umur“3., -g..__s. «Ag-am m-W“

Pow/Technician Entertainmenf

Annual Christmas concert What'3 happeningl Monday. Dec. 10: 0The 12 Chairs. exam film. Stewart Theatre. 8 p.m. Tel-air: 0 Big Fix—with Richard Dreyfussd-Stewart Tuesday. Dec. 11: Theatre. 7 and 9:10 p.m. OMonhey Business. exam film. Stewart Theatre. 8 Robert Starling plays at the Pier 0The Last Picture Show— Peter Bogdonavich p.m. flick— Stewart Theatre. 11:20 p.m. byLIeyPreeter “Welcome to the Island." OMusic Department's Annual Christmas Concert. Wednesday. Dec. 12: EWtEditor (about Hilton Head. S.C.) Reynolds ORobinson Crusoe on Mars. exam film. Stewart along with "All of these Coliseum. 8 p.m. Theatre. 8 p.m. Robert Starling. Nights." “Helpless Child." OStudio Productions. Thompson Theatre. 8 p.m. OLarry Mangum Trio. cafe Deja Vu. Name sound familiar? and “Everything‘s Gone OPatchwork. Bluegrass and Country Rock, Cafe Robert graduated from Wrong." on which Vassar Deja Vu Thursday. Dec. 13: State in '74 with a degree in Clements can be heard play- Saturday. Dec. 8: 0Larry Mangum Trio. Cafe Deja Vu. speech-communications. ing fiddle. 0Chapter Two. Neil Simon play. Stewart Theatre. Still doesn’t ring a bell? a Side 2 begins = with Friday. Dec. 14: Remember a guy who sings "Windy Hill." the only in- 4 p.m. and 8:30 pm OThe Blazers. Cafe Deja Vu. and plays guitar in the Sub- strumental cut on the 0The Christmas Carol. with Ira David Wood. way about Christmastime album. The cut is classy. Memorial Auditorium. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15: every year? Ash. of course. resolving to the first note of OASID-~Designer Showhouse. rooms designed by OThe Nutcracker. NCSU Symphony-NC School of Robert Starling! Sure. I've the following track. “I'm Not nationally known decorators, open seven days a the Arts. Memorial Auditorium. 8 p.m. heard of him. That Kind ofMan." “Miami." week. Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 7 p.m.-9 _ OAerosmith concert. Greensboro Coliseum. 8 p.m. Well. he's going to be back a song of the changing and p.m.. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.. Sun-' OThe Blazers. Cafe Deja Vu. at the Pier again this year. glittery decline of a once- day 2 p.m.-5 p.m.. now through Dec. 16. Dec. 18 and 19. with a bit great city. again features OStudio Productions. Thompson Theatre, 8 p.m. Sunday. Dec. 16: more road.sense and a new the fiddle of Vassar OPatchwork. Cafe Deja Vu 'The Nutcracker. Memorial Auditorium. 2 p.m. and album under his belt. Robert Clements. Perhaps my Sunday. Dec. 9: 8 p.m. refers to himself as the favorite cut from the album 0The Christmas Carol. Memorial Auditorium, 2:30 “leading recording artist . is “What a Feeling.” on Tuesday, Dec. 18: w—Aw.,..-—~A from Garner" where he lived which Rick Lisk adds a haun- p.m. and 7.30 p.m. ' ORobert Starling. at the Pier before moving to Myrtle ting pedal steel background. ORaleigh Chamber Players Concert. Student Beach five years ago. Since The final cut. “Goodnight Center Ballroom. 8 p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 19: that move. he's been touring My Lady," rounds out an OPoetry Reading. Sertoma Arts Center, 1900 ORobert Starling. at the Pier the Southeast. doing shows album as near to perfect as ' Shelley Road. Raleigh. 3 p.m. OGroup Sax, Cafe Deja Vu. at colleges and clubs. play- anybody could ask for. ing coffeehouses and biving All material on the album noldsIn R mini-concerts. “The more 1 is original. and not only does travel. the better the trademark today. material. tracking down ar- Robert accompany himself Southeast looks: I love the His new album ex- tists to record with him. on acoustic guitar and piano. Xmas concert this Friday night Carolinas." emplifies this blend of jazz “My operation is small- but he adds percussion. bass Robert began his musical and mellow rock to perfec- time. small-scale. but I'm be- and harmonica on several by Joseph Rand In perhaps what will be the highlight of the con- , career playing opening acts tion. Welcome to the Island ing very thorough about it. cuts. The most enjoyable Entertainment Writer anc All-Campus (Calabash Records) is the You might never finish an thing on the album is cert. theWomen‘s Chorale. Varsity Men's Glee Club. weekends at State and ap- kind of album to put on your album if you were aperfec— Robert’s voice. It’s mellow. State’s Music” Department presents its annual New Horizons Choir. UniVersity Choir. and Univeréi- pearing occasionally at the stereo and play when you tionist—you can knitrpick confident and goes well with Christmas Concert tonight at eight p.m. in Reynolds ty Singers will combine their talents in the perfor- now defunct Frog and want to wind down afid forever—Nothing's ever his style of music. Coliseum. Admission is free. and the concert is open mance of two Alfred Burt carols. “O Hearken Ye" and Nightgown. At the end of mellow out after a long day good enough. But I'm happy All in" all an album worth to the public. “The Star Carol". as well as two pieces by George his junior year be switched " at work or in class. with it(Welcome to the getting. But hurry. Only Opening the concert. and the only group to be per- Frederic Handel, "And The Glory of The Lord” and from a rock-and-roll oriented Robert produced the Island) 1.000 were pressed. and forming individually, will be. the Varsity Mens Glee the “Hallelujah Chorus" from the Messiah. The com- style to the more mellow album himself. designing the Side 1 of the album con- once word gets around they Club under the direction of Milton C. Bliss. with bined choirs will be under the direction of Eleania B. acoustic sound which is his cover. writing all the tains the title track. won't last long. Susan Andrews as accompanist. Ward. The glee club will be performing four selections. Immediately following the choirs, the Symphonic most wellknown favorites. The first selectibn will be Band under the direction of Dr. Donald B. Adcock. WKNC ALBUM PLAYUST “The First Noel" by R. Vaughn Williams. with a will present “Prelude And Fugue in G Minor" by u—r.—— baritone solo by Mickey Mangum. The remaining Bach. “The Christmas Song” by Mel Torme, “Sleigh ~ Monday, December 10 Thursday, December 13 three selections are “Carol of the Drum" by Davis, Ride" by Anderson. “‘Twas The Night Before i “Mary Had a Baby" by Dawson and “God Rest Ye Christmas" by Long. with Mark Kath as narrator and l ‘Lynard Skynard— Gold Platinum ZZ Top—Deguello ~Merry. Gentlemen." arranged by the Krones. “A Christmas Festival" by Schaefer. t W]Outlaws—In the Eye of the Storm Phoenix—In Full View Second on the performance schedule will be the The concert closes with a Christmas carol sing. t Trombone Guild under the direction of Dr. J. Perry with f Tuesday, December 11 April Wine—Harder...Faster the audience singing carols while being accom- a Watson. The Trombone Guild will perform three panied by the Symphonic Band. E Bob Welch— The Other One Friday, December 14 numbers. all arranged by Tommy Pederson. They are This promises to be a very impressive and f “Deck the Halls." “It Came Upon The Midnight beautiful concert. one well worth hearing. if for no Santana— Marathon Dan Fogelberg—Phoenix Clear." and “Jingle Bells.’ other reason than to relax before exams begin. Styx — Cornerstone Toto—Hydra Wednesday, December 12 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers—Damn Patnonize ‘Neil Young—Live Rust the Torpedos ’ can ~ "3 Little Fear—Down on the Farm ‘Double Album Aboentisen DJ’S

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Runza on bun andcomputerscience minors to spendpartat a To set up an appcmtment Ior January 3rd or Wednesda: Knockwurst with sauerkraut on bun t Includes All-You-Can-Eat Salad Bar day w1th us. am. call (areacode305)840-6349 hunday: Meatball sandwich L‘IIp lhls coupon and come to Wg‘re callmg 11 "Operation Opponunlty. ‘ Il‘s Mondaythru Fnday. 8.00am toe30pm And «Friday: Frenchrdiptw ' .cur. SIZZLER for an excellent ance to owe you an 1ns1de look at whenyou collect.We thmk you'reworth 11. value. Includes All You Can Eat GOVERNMENT PRODUCTS DIVISION Salad Bar. Box 2001. West Palm Beach. Florida 33402 I .4- 60] W...Peace St. VVVVV we I 3100 Old Wake Forest Rd. Moon. M Ecol Oscars-My Em areas! : (Offer expires December 2,1979) W. ------'.131!“ December 7, 1979 / Technician I Five Wer—mmfiw* . 'nero‘sfiitrli to appear TIP to perform . in Greensboro Waylon’s latest tion of Sergeant Pepper’s ’Ch ristmas Carol! by Margaret Haney Lonely Hearts Club Band. Entertainment Writer Assisted by Frankie Again this season. Theatre in the Park will present I Howard as “Mustard" and their musical version of Charles Dicken’s classic Heavy metal group. Carel Struycken as “The album reViewed story A Christmas Carol. It is the story of an old Aerosmith. will appear in Brute." FVB plotted to take man's warming up to the true spirit of Christmas. the Greensboro Coliseum over Heartland. Similarly album is no exception. His with lots of singing and dancing to enhance the tale. Saturday. December 15. the hit single ”Come . by Denise Manning style runs from upbeat coun- Special guest the Scorpions Together" took over the Entertainment Writer try rock to the more lyrical Ira David Wood returns to Theatre in the Park to will begin the show at 8:00 charts as a top rock hit and Waylon Jennings has ballad. “I Ain’t Living Long direct and star in the production. His portrayal of pm. , appeared not only on come a long way since he Like This" and “it's The Ebeneezer Scrooge has been highly praised by Net first showing Sergeant Pepper’s but also played bass for Buddy Hol- Whole World Gone Crazy" critics. The production itself has been praised as on the Bootleg album. ly‘s last tour. exhibit the “ of the most delightful original musical com- Although not their first Same old. some new His new L O N former style. edies to ever come out of community theatre.” North Carolina showing. Other Aerosmith album What w A Y The songs have Aerosmith with lead singer familiars include “Walk This Goes a portion of the Over 60 cast members will bring their talents Stephen Tyler should have Way" and “Back in the Sad- A r o u n d . driving sound together. making this year’s performance the largest quite an impressive show dle Again". both on the C o m e s Buddy Holly staging of the show. with several new albums Bootleg album. and both A r o u n d .. . made popular. since their last appearance. characteristic of the metal shows just Another more A Christmas Carol will be performed in Memorial Their newest album. Night and leather look that how far he ‘i sensitive and in— ‘ Auditorium Saturday. Dec. 8 at 7:30 pm. and Sunday. in a Rut, has yet to prove A e r o s m i t h has come. One of Waylon's trospective side of Waylon Dec. at 2:30 and 7:30 pm. itself. but the double album. presents.Together with the finest albums in awhile. it is shown in "If You See Her" Aerosmith Bootleg, has song “Toys in the Attic" shows Waylon without and “Another Man's Fool." Seats for the shows are reserved by section. not by been popular since its 1978 from the album of the same paranoia or grudges— just What Goes Around. individual seat. so patrons are encouraged to come release. ' name. Aerosmith promises good music. Comes Around displays Jen- early to get the pick of the best seats in their section. to be an excellent between Waylon Jennings has nings‘ talent and diversifica- Prices for tickets are as follows: balcony—$4; mez- Bootleg also had the ad- exams or pre-Christmas always been known for his tion. If you like country vantage of theatre promo rock. don‘t miss it zanine— $5; orchestra—$6. Ticket prices are the tion when Aerosmith played a treat. diversified sound, and this same for adults. students and children. the part of the “FVB” or For more information and to make reservations. "Future Villian Band" in call Theatre in the Park at 755-6936 or 755-6058. Robert Stigwood's produc‘ UNION ACTIVITIES Sci-fi movies previewed

TONIGHT! The UAB Entertainment Committeevpresents begun The future has only just coffeehouse planned into a new televi— no Klingon has before.) This tation of Frank Herbert's The currently popular "the last of the semester” by Margaret Haney sion series. cancelled is only the beginning of the Dune. Dune is a classic Rocky Horror Picture Show Entertainment Writer because of writer problems. flow of excellent films to among srrious science fic- has a sequel planned. and 'and finally. after millions of come in the near future. tion readers and has also there is a sequel to Star Science fiction films have letters and much debate. ar- proved to be popular among Wars entitled The Empire reached great heights in the rived in a lot of secrecy and Black Hole non-sci fi fans. ‘ Strikes Back in the making. past with such landmarks as anticipation. Also due for release soon Rocky Horror is under the Star Wars andAlien, but for is Walt Disney’s The Black Rings 11 direction of Richard O'Brian, most sci-fi fans the best is “Seek out new life” Hole. a film whose name and The Empire Strikes yet to come. The main characters. in- suggests an experience The popular Tolkien novel Back is under George Star Trek: the motion pic cluding the ever-popular Mr. beyond what filmmakers (or The Lord of the Rings is in Lucus-both the originators. ture is due for release this Spock, are all assembled for scientists) have yet attemp- production under the skillful Friday at the Falls Twin and the Enterprise's new voyage ted. The secrets of the black animation expert Ralph It looks as though a varie- 8:30-1 1 :00 the South Hills Twin to “seek out. new life and hole should be open for in- Bakski. The second part of ty of good footage is in store theatres. This long-awaited new civilizations" and spection around Christmas. the novel will continue the for the serious sci-fi fan as film has had more than it especially to “boldly go Another previously adventures of Frodo. Sam- well as those who .just plain share of setbacks. Planned where no man has gone known work due for early wise. Merry and Pippin enjoy warping through the even before Star Wars. this before." (The Klingons are next year is the screen adap where the first one left off. “final frontier." flick has been cancelled. back also to boldly hassle as Richard Dreyfuss- crieL— MosWine So‘thatsICrieramay be run, all items must CHRISTMAS PARTY for students children GERMAN CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY. Today, BRAGAWS ‘LAST DAY Of CLASSES Party DISCO DANCING, cheerleadrnq, self defense Private Detective . balaastfnnwwordaNolostitamswillbe Saturday, Dec. 11, 2 pm. Student Center Dec 7, 7301123]. Dr. and Mrs. Peter lord. Celebrate the end 01 classes WIIII Bragaw on If you can spare 1 hr per week for 3 or 4 run No more than three item from a single Ballroom, Entertainment refreshments and 3116 Morrticsio Drive. Forrlransporlallon call Friday, Dec. 7 [we draw entertainment from weeks in January leaching any of these skills go figure marshmiflh minnow. pa‘ ”17”“..4-‘J. LW. Rita. 737-2415. ... _ . 9 pm 101 am. 20 kegs of beer on hand for to grade school children, contact Volunteer itenmi ., . ”5 A..- 41: g. agar-am Ll wmfim‘"I '7! ur' tMAI ('8 'Za“r~ “um-r- yoursrnoyrnsnr. Only”Mammymissed Services, now at 7373193. 3111'Sldrbnr r ... deadIine for at Crisrs is Sam. the previous $1 wr’Bregaw Aclrvrty card Center day of publication for the next issue. They CREATIVE INDIVIDUALS are needed to dasrgn COME OUT next semester and gel Into the may be anointed in Suite 3120, Student posters for a local agencyrnow or next sport of Frisbee. Jon the real people 01 to Carrier. Crista are run on a space available semster. For more information contact Ms Frisbee world by contacting Tony ABORTIONS UP TO 12TH basis Volunteer Services, 3112 Student Center. Turmeric for more IIIlIJTITlBlIOII 7373193. WEEK or PREGNANCY $175..0 SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE needs help HANDBAIL COURT RESERVATIONS: Effective Pregnancy test, birth. control and fighting apathy and cynicism. Call 7372453. BEARD GROWING CONTEST entrydeadlrne rs Monday, Dec. 10, handball coon reservations problem pregnancy counseling. For today, Friday. Dec. 7. For more info, contact will n longer be necessary Reservations WIII further information cell mass the Program Office 737-2453. 7 . be required bsgrnriing Monday. Jan 14.1980 (toll free number (an) m-zseel THIRD GRADE our, living with hrs grand 4...... between a.m.-5 p.m_. weekdays._ parents. reads an adult male friend. If you CHRISTMAS PJ Party. 3rd floor Syma Dorm GYN clinic $15.“) have some time now or next semester. con Friday, Dec. 7, 9 pm. $1 allyoucendrinlr. ATTENTION WEIGHTUFTEHS: If you can grve Raleigh Women's Health tact Volumser Services, 3112 Student Center, Wear pajamas, toga, or Christmas attrre. approximately 1 hr. per week for 3 or 4 Organization 737.3193. wsslrs rn Jamary, your help rs need 10 in 917 West Morgan St. RDLOGRAPHY CLUB organizational meeting “strum a class of 6111 grade boys Volunteer Raleigh, NC. 27603 4:30 Fnday. Ilotlayl Dec. 7, Car 200. Any stu Services, 3112 Sludenl Center, 7373193 dent or faculty number minted in the ex Friday SlXTH GRADE GIRL Md: a female friend citing technology is urged to attend. Further who can be a good listener. For more infor- information may be obtained Irorn Charles Dec 6 matim corttact Volunteer Services. 3112 Stu Wilts it 737-6685. .dsnl Career. 737-31”. 9:15 50¢ Anorene, Texas, 1951 Nothing much has changed


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PLEASE CALL 467-8113 MERRY CHRISTMAS HEWLETT wot CARY FROM THE UAB! [it PACKARD 1323 BUCK JONES an NC 6 ". rash...”“.1 wad..."“...... A..« Slit / Technician ==§ilgp1CDuuv1na§i

Falcons looking for big trouble Two things are certain to occur in Reynolds Col- The Wolfpack won't be back home again until it iseum tomorrow night when State hosts St. faces Campbell on Dec. 19 at 7:30. In between. Augustine’s at 7:30. Black on however. State will venture west to take on Athletes One. the Wolfpack will be involved in a game that in Action in Anaheim. Cal. on Dec. 15 in an exhibition should turn into a massacre. by Bryan Black and follow that up with a'game that will count when Two, .inthe process of being massacred. St. Sports Editor the Pack it visits the Wolf Pack of Nevada-Reno on Dec. 17. Augustine's is going to make a considerable amount After returning home for Campbell. State will hit of money. the road again for a pair of games, going to Atlanta Concerning the first certainty. it almost goes Heartley. has gotten balanced scoring in both for its first conference game of the season when it without saying that it is extremely questionable games. with five players in double figures against faces Georgia Tech on Dec. 29 and then coming back whether Falcon coach Harvey Heartley's_ team is Livingstone and four against Southeastern. Donald in state to battle the John Gerdy-less Davidson ready for a team the caliber of State. Concerning the Cooper. a 6-7 forward. has netted 18 and 14 points Wildcats. second. Heartley is willing to take the chanCe to find respectively, while 6-3 senior guard Anthdny Boggan Right after New Year's. the Pack will take on in- out in order that both his school and his basketball had 10 and 18 points in the two games. state rival East Carolina at 7:30 pm. on Jan. 2 in program benefit. Opposite Cooper at the other forward is 6—5 Dewey Reynolds Coliseum and will come back Jan. 5 at the St. Augustine's will benefit by virtue of the gate Goudy. who like State's Hawkeye Whitney. Kenny same time and place for an encounter with Towson receipts it receives from the game so much that it Matthews. Sidney Lowe and Dereck Whittenburg. is State. a newly-turned Division I team that is hoping will be able to completely equip its weight room. As a Washington. DC). product. to cause as much of a ruckus in the big leagues as it for Heartley's basketball program. even if the Falcs Where Heartley5 club is really lacking is at the did in Division II. take a severe beating. just being on State's schedule pivot. In short, there is absolutely no height there. is an accomplishment. one that can be used as an aid At center. the Falcons start Richard Johnson. who at ‘ As for tomorrow night‘s game. look for a definite in recruiting. 6-4 is quite miniscule compared to 6-11 Craig Watts blow-out. It might even approach the Pack's game of The Falcons will bring an unblemished record to and Thurl Bailey and 7-4 ,Chuck Nevitt. As far as 1973 against Appalachian when State rolled to a Reynolds. having defeated Livingstone 78-66 and reserves. Heartley has no one over 6-6 on which he 77-point victory, 130-53. Showing mercy. though. Southeastern 83-70. Junior transfer Gary Taylor. a can call. seems appropriate for the fast-approaching holidays. guard. has been St. Aug‘s biggest offensive weapon So after the Reynolds rampage tomorrow night. in'both games, meshing 23 and 20 points in the two what's the Pack have to look forward to through ex- STATE ...... 115 games. ams and the holiday break? ST. AUGUSTINE'S ...... 64

State wrestlers crunch Wil iam & Mary by Stu Ball win without a loss this wrestling like he could. but year. so that must tell you record to9-3 with a 9-4 deci- who are trying out for the Sports Writer season. it was good for him that he something of how we can sion ove'i' Bruce Davidson. Olympic team that will be “Zenzy totally dominated got the fall." Guzzo said. count on him." and Newcome shut out his there. Some Of the most Crunchy on the outside his opponent." State coach As for the “insides." All- Freshman Mat Reiss (177l- opponent Bill Swezy 5-0 in competitive teams on the and soft in the middle. or in Bob Guzzo said. “He did the ACC wrestlers Mike Knob wrestled William & Mary's an uncontested bout. East Coast should be there other‘words, an Oreo cookie same thing when he won the (158) and Joe Lidowski (190) highly touted senior Greg “I thought the freshmen also. might be the right way to Navy tournament and the ran their unbeaten streaks Fronczak to an 8-8 draw and the veterans as well ”Virginia Tech and describe State's wrestling Penn State tournament. to 12 and nine respectively, after being up 5—4 at the end responded real well.“ Guzzo Bucknell both have really team's 25-12 win over Right now Zenz is ranked Koob escaped a last of the first period. said. “We had a lot of competitive teams; they're State came back from being down 29-13 at the half to William 8: Mary Wednesday third in thwiation. and if he minute upset to defeat Pat The visiting Tribe's only freshmen in the lineup, and I not of the same caliber as. squelch Appalachian State 59-53 last night in Reynolds night in Reynolds Coliseum. continues to wrestle this McGibbon 6-4. while an ear- wins came on sophomore thought they turned in some say. Navy. but they should Coliseum. Kenny Matthews fired in 20 points in the se- Part of the crunchy out- way he has a chanceof being ly lead helped Lidowski Jim Pagano's 8-6 decision fine performances." put up a real fight. and we’re cond half to finish with 24 in leading the comeback. side was provided when All- national champion." cruise to a 13—7 decision over over Ricky Negrete in the State's next competition looking for a close match Clyde Austin, pictured here, added 12 points as did America Jim Zenz opened Heavyweight Mark Tom Dick. Lidowski. who 126 pound weight class. will come Dec. 28 and 29 in against both teams." Hawkeye Whitney.(Staff photo by Lynn McNeil!) the match by decisioning his Novotka sealed the “cookie" didn't wrestle in the Penn David l’uster's 18~10 rout of the Wilkes Open in Wilkes. 118-pound counterpart when he pinned the lndians’ State Invitational because of Kevin Friday in the Pa. On Jan. 4 State will Steve Schaiffer 21-4. The Neil Morrison with 1:33 left a popped rib. reinjured it l50-pound division. and Colv travel to Virginia Tech to Indoor season opens for Pack match-up was close after the in the second period. late in the first period. in Steele‘s 9-4 win over face the Gobblers and then first period (4-1), but Zenz Novotka, a junior college “Joe is somebody we can Craig Cox at 167. to Bucknell on the 6. by Dave C. Harper Va.~State track coach Tom “It's like a small NCAA put the match out of reach transfer from Keystone Col— always count on to wrestle Mike Donahue (134) and ”The Wilkes Open is very Sports Writer Jones plans to send two one meet." Jones said. by outscoring Schaiffer by ‘ lege. improved .his season well." Guzzo said. “We felt Tom Newcome (142) record- prestigious and really com- mile relay teams. some wide margins in the second record to 6-5. that even with the slight rib ed the Wolfpzick's other petitive.” Guzzo said. "It's The State track team will jumpers. vaulters and shot- But not too smali. Last (10-2) and third (6-1). For "Mark is a junior college injury that he would wrestle wins. an open tournament. so be heading toward Ten- putters to the East. Coast In- year. big schools such as straight transfer. and he hasn't been all right. He's 90 on the Donahue ran his season there will be a lot of people nessee via Richmond. Vitational meet that will be Southern , California. Zenz it was his 12th held at the Richmond Civic Nebraska, Florida. Center on Jan. 4 and 5. Alabama, Kansas and Although the meet. spon- Michigan attended. State's PaCkmen swimmers steal title in Penn State Relays... ,_ ._ sored- by~ the Richmond mile relay team placed fifth Striders Track Club. will not in that meet and qualified by Lorry Romano com pe ted t his In the 400 backstroke. Weldon. Bob Menches, Bob 500) with Rhyne. Hewitt. end the semester—an early be scored. and State will not for the NCAA Nationals Sports Writer weekend — shaved. I am Paul Lohmann, Anthony Hewitt and Lohmann with a Menches and Paul Sparkes Christmas present. you send a full squad. where it finished 10th in the delighted with everyone's Domineck, Rick Mylin and 3:38._l finish. In the 400 but- clocking a 18:41.0 in the might say. We set our goals Jones sees some advantages nation. Apply heat to water and performance." Peter Solomon'swam 13:34.4 terfly. Joe Rhyne. Hewitt. marathon. prior to the season—one in attending the early the result is steam. Toss hot to take third place. Solomon. Benjamin and Kelca copped The Penn State Relays was to defeat Alabama. semester meet. This will be State's first and determined State swim- Easterling combined the as anchor. swam thefastest first place. timed at 3:25.58. marked the end of the which we did. and another ever East Coast In- mers into a pool in Penn- right amount of talent and individual leg at 52.3. All first place finishes were Pack's fall season. but prac~ was to do well in the Penn “We’ll get one race under vitaitonal. and the Pack can ,-sylvaniaand the result isa enthusiasm to guide his new meet records. tice is far from over. State Relays. We did what our belts before the East expect to share thLfield first-place title. " TC "T ’ team to victory. In the 400 Greg Birk. Sean Dowd. Sandwiched between two Easterling assessed the im- we set out to do. Tennessee meet." he said. with UNC-Chapel Hill, Actually it was very im- freestyle. P.T. DeGruchey. Mitchell MacGregor and Also. since he “won’t even Maryland. Richmond. James polite of State's men's swim- Brian McManus. David Ben- Doug Reisenfeld handed in a sophomores. lead swimmer portance of the meet. “The freshmen .were in- 4:00.42 in DeGruchey and anchor leg. “It was a good victory for troduced to the winning see the team for the two Madison and other schools ming team to waltz in on its jamin and Chuck Gaul turn- the 400 Gaul. two freshmen. us. We went there knowing tradition at State. We have weeks" right before the from the Virginia tidewater r>>>5:v.o.: first visit to the prestigious ed in a time of 3:05.16 to breaststroke to clinch se- McManus and Dowd. team- most of the teams would be been winning for 10 years; Richmond meet. this is-a area. Penn State Relays and steal take first. Easterling prais- cond place. And it was first- ed with the upperclassmen shaved. It was a competitive it’s red legend pride and the chance to get motivated the prize out from under ed Gaul for swimming “a place honors again as to collect first place points in meet. There were only two kids know it. We have before the season really As far as who will par- defending champion North real good anchor leg." Lohmann. Reisenfeld. Brian the 200 free with a time of or three swimmers out of matured a lot this season. starts. Jones said. ticipate from State. Jones Carolina. 320-306. And the Kelca and Benjamin record- the whole bunch that The real season's start said he didn't know at this records as it Easterling also said it was ed a 1:34.39 in the 200 1:247 And an important factor is Pack set meet a good. solid performance on medley relay. And it was third place weren't good. and I'll take' sonfiihing I call the “x" fac- comes a 'week later on Jan. time, but he did say that the swam to first place in four the part of all the swimmers again for the Pack in the 400 the blame for that. But we tor. the unseeing spirit. the 11 and 12 when the East women runners. who have events and third place in in the 400 free and that it State took third in the 400 medley relay with Solomon. didn't make very many feeling that causes you to Tennessee Invitational meet just come off of a trying another four. got the team off to a good individual medley relay Reisenfeld. Kelca and Gaul mistakes. win. But you have to work is held in Johnson City. cross country season. will “We've always wanted to strokes of Kevin “It was a heckuva way to Tenn. not run in Richmond. ’20".s go to the Penn State start. behind the and in the 2000 relay (4 x hard to earn it." Relays." State coach Don 0‘.- e ‘ e‘e -o-o- 04- 0-0. o-o-o-o~o-o-o~e- ow - «0.0-0‘04‘0-9‘ 0-... Easterling said. “ever since 1970. but we have always .had schedule conflicts. Some =1 of the top teams in the East

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omen cagers face tough holiday slate by Guy Eaarahaa “I've heard other teams “I don't know a whole lot State will participate in the the Southeast region to give Noble. Traditionally. Spam Writer say that they're (the Soviets) about Appalachian." Yow GIUSTI Tournament of the Pack all it can handle. they've had a great team. are so tall. they're going to said. “because this week Champions in Portland. ”Tennessee Tech and Ten- and it’s always difficult So you'd think after last try to run on them." Yow we've been concentrating all where it will face a lot of ac- nessee are both nationally when we play them the're." said. “But the Russian team our effort on Carolina and tion against some of the up- ranked.” Yow said. But Jennifer Alley. head is one of the greatest fast then concentrating all our coming teams of the Far "Tennessee is ranked in the coach of UNC-Chapel Hill. omen's basketball team breaking teams in the game: effort on ODU. So we've West. Two other teams of top 10 by Sports Illustrated. whose team has lost to both ill get a much deserved they can use their height [been holding off on this the eight-member field. and they were one of the Tennessee and State. eat. right? that way. too. game. Texas and UCLA. are rank- final four last year. doesn‘t think there is any Not on your life. "They've been playing ed nationally. . ”Tennessee Tech red- comparison between the One week from tomorrow everywhere; they beat Net mach be“ “Texas. they’ve been shirted a 65 player. Trish two. Iight at 7:80 in Reynolds UCLA 112-57. They're an ranked just below us all Bell. last year. and she )oliseum. the Pack plays awesome. unbelievable “But I know they don't year. and they're No. 6 returns and gives them an “N.C. State is by far the vhat might be the best op- team. It should be a tremen- have as much height. and now." Yow said. “UCLA will inside game. Last year they better‘ team." Alley said Ionent it has ever faced dous game to witness. and they have had losses ofsome be there; I'm not sure. but I had a great team. but they after the 89-66 State victory when it hosts the U.S.S.B. even if it turned out to he perimeter players who were think they're ranked 10th. just didn't have the inside Tuesday. “I didn't think rational team currently on one-sided. it would still be their best ball-handlers and Another team. Minnesota. is game. And Pam ChambersIs Tennessee played all that our in the United States. great just to see it executed best shooters. sb they pro- an up—and-coming strong just- a great leader. great great against us. and I didn’t .‘he Soviets feature height. because they are one of the bably have some problems team. and they‘ve been shooter and great passer. think we had all that good a. might and more height. greatest teams in the {working their new players building for their program. game'against them. either. with a 7-2 center. Uliana world" n.” I'm really looking forward to “Now. Tennessee. they've but I saw N.C. State tonight. iemenova. and four other Sandwiched between last Instead of five golden the tournament." lost Cynthia .Brogden (a and I saw Tennessee. and .layers who are 6-4 or over. - night's game"! the game rings. six geese-a-laying or On Jan. 2 and 4. State will three-time All-America and they just can't be ranked iut according to State head with the Human is a seven swans-a-swimming. play Tennessee Tech and Olympian). but they picked back-toback like that. There oach Kay Yow. the Soviet "breather" of sorts against the Pack will take a fistful of Tennessee. respectively. in up a 6-3 transfer from is just no comparison. This is )lympic team has other Appalachian State tomor- plane tickets to Oregon. away games. Yow expects Wayland Baptist. Jil‘l the best State team I've trengths as well. row in Boone. thank you. On Dec. 18-20. .these two heavyweights of Rankin. and a 65 girl. Cindy ever seen by far."

Kiffin brings some impressive credentials to Rale'gh here is because of Lou Holtz. country." he said. “I believe of assistant I'm looking for. . , (Continued from page I) He recommended me highly. you coach coaches the same “I welcome the people this season. but said his new I know. Lou Holtz means a coach players. and I here on the staff, and I'll'In- ob is his" top priority. lot to me as a person. I love will coach coaches. They'll terview them. and we'll just Lou Holtz. and I believe in coach one way. and that's have to see what happens. Individually. the defen- him with all my heart. I Monte Kiffin's way." One of the things I really sive teams he's coached went to Arkansas because of like about this job is that I ODU too mu . have posted some im- Lou Holtz. We talked for He was asked about have total freedom to hire June Doby led all scorers with 17 points. but they pressive credentials. This . the State my weran’t enough to keep State from losing Its first game the Arkansas two hours. and I could see the own staff." season. that-he was the kind of guy I , assistant who wanted The most prevalent thing of the season. 14-61 to defending national champion and defense was called for just wanted to work for." job and was wholeheartedly No. t-ranked Old Dominion last night at the Raleigh - , seven penalties in 11 games. supported by the players. about the Wolfpack's: new Civic Center. baby was also the second-leading re- And in Kiffin's career. no Kiffin said he had con- “I know the players came head coach. though. was his bounder for State with nine.istaff photo by Chris Steele) defensive player he coached tacted four or five coaches out for coach Chuck Amato. positive attitude. has ever been called for a that he wanted to hire as and I think that shows a lot “I’ve been around winning personal foul. He attributes assistants. but said he of respect for him." Kiffin so much I really feel like I Joe Hannah to play in Blue-Gray this to discipline. couldn't say who they were said. "That‘s the kind of know how to do it." he said. ”I'm a very strong _ at this point. respect I want to gain. but if “I really believe that there Senior outside linebacker Hannah. who missed be- believer in' discipline."‘he— “We will assemble the the players think that much are people that are winners. Joe Hannah became the ing an All-ACC selection by said. “Through discipline State's new head coach. MontaKli‘fln.wllatraes finest coaching staff in the of somebody. that's the type and I believe I‘m a winner." fourth Wolfpack gridder to a single vote. was the Pack's you develop unity. We will discipline. (Staff photo by Chris Steelel accept an invitation to play sixth leading tackler with a the in a post-season all-star total of62. He joins Jim Rit- have rules. not a lot. but game. cher. Chris Dieterich and ones we have will be follow- "Every year. we'll have be going to a bowl game. Hockey club loses to UNC-C Woodrow Wilson as all-star ed. You win with unity. and three goals. The first will be hopefully of our choice. The 6-0. 230-pound Lake participants from the 1979 you need discipline to get winning a national cham- “Our goal is to be by Dave C. Harper which marked the start of State's only goal was City (8.0.) native has been Wolfpack conference cham- unity." pionship. The second will be recognised as one of the top Sports Writer State's fifth season in the scored by Gordon Feathers selected to perform in the pionship squad. Ritcher and Kiffin was not reluctant to winning a conference cham- teams in the country. We Big 4-ACC League. was held with an assist from Wayne annual-BlueGray Classic at will appear in the set the goals for his team. pionship. and the third will want to be known as one of There were a couple of at the new hockey rink in Nugent. State goalies. Dieterich the top 10 teams in the coun- hockey shoot-outs last week. the Daniel Boone Complex. Goldstein and new arrival Montgomery. Ala. on Dec. Hula Bowl. Wilson and Bit try every year." he said. and the goalies for State Junior forward Dave Wayne Boswell. endured cherIn the Japan Bowl. Wolfpack’s raising his voice to a fervent thought they were the O'Keefe slammed in two of over 50 shots on goal to pitch. “We‘re setting the targets. State's goals. while forward make 39 saves. Fencers to duel StAug’s unanimous All-America goals high. but anything can In a 13-3 loss to UNC- Warren Nugent scored the be awomplished. Greensboro Thursday. other. Nugent was credited Stellar performances defeating them by a score of Honors continue to pile up named to the Walter Camp “At Arkansas this year goalie Doug Goldstein quen- with a scoring assist. as was came from UNC-G's Jeff by David Whitehead 14-13. In 1974. St. for the Wolfpack's Jim Rit- Foundation. the NEA we were picked sixth in the ched more than 25 out of center Tom Wilhelm. Shields who hammered in a Sports Writer Augustine's fencing team cher. the 1979‘ Outland (Newspaper Enterprise conference. We finished over 40 shots on goal. In a rematch Sunday. twogame total of six goals State’s men's fencing disbanded. A few interested TIQIIIIY..‘!“IOSF- ' ‘ Associationl and The 8” 10-1. and‘rlol w‘é'i’é'playifig‘” States strong third period State continued Thursday's and Joe Stuart who scored team will host St. individuals formed a team ting News. Alabama in’ the Sugar showing provided some con- dogged third-period play. At four times in the two games. Augustine's Saturday again this year. Latest All-America cita- Ritcher. one of the four Bowl."- solation for the loss. the close of the second UNC-G's dominating play at 1 pm. in Carmichael Gym. QUE-7.53:6-If? tions for the 6-3. 245pound finalists in the running for Kiffin attributed much of - Down 10-1 at the end of period UNC-G led 3-1. But a sent rumors around the rink “1 don’t know what to ex- Tad Wichick. David senior center from Hinckley. the Lombardi Award. will his own success to Holtz. the second period, State final period blitzkrieg by- that. the club had several pect from them." State Painter. Steve Andresusp . include first-team become a well-traveled “When the job came open. managed to score two goals ' UNC-G sent eight pucks members of the defunct coach David Sinodis said. John Shea and Eric Newdaie selection by the Associated young man over the next I asked Lou Holtz about it. to Greensboro'5 threeIn the through State's defense to semi-pro Greensboro State last fenced St. are among those expected to Press. United Press Interna- few weeks as a result of all and he told me it was a great Generals. Augustine's in 1974. start for State. tional. Football Writers the recognition. Upcoming job." Kiffin said. turning his final period. The contest. end the contest 11-1. Association of America and trips for him include San attention to Holtz. “He's a 4—in-5("- America Football—Coaches” Diego this ' weekend. special guy. Lou Holtz is the Purple Haze captures Dixie Classicwith49-47 win..- Association. These four All- Houston. Seattle. Honolulu greatest thing there is. not America teams are the most and Tokyo. The latter two just as a coach but as a per- by Darrell Sapp slip away as it continued to Phi 59-28. The top 15 for the badminton title as Smitty 11 took the residence "Ifflfh respected in football annals. will be for the participation son. ‘ Sports Writer miss free throw attempts. week is as follows: . Bugg and Charlie Williams volleyball title by defeating Ritcher has also been in all-star games. “I know one reason I‘m Coral Reefers had a chance 1. Purple Haze 70 went undefeated. Gold Metcalf. _ while Alexander Purple Haze took the Dix- to tie. as it had the ball with 2. Coral Reefers 6-1 finished second and Owen 1 finished third and East Carn- ie Classic basketball cham- three seconds left. but failed 3. Second Hand News 5-1 third. Theta Chi and Phi pus fourth. i classifieds victory to get off a shot. The victors 4. Sigma Phi Epsilon 51 Kappa Tau will meet for the Friday night and faculty pionship with a 49-47 were led by Pete Keller and 5. No Names 4-1 fraternity title Thursday. basketball entries are being .Wcosilotpsrwordwiihs PART TIME WORK. Parental of smut Io APARTMENTIROOMS FOR RENT: 5 bed over Coral Reefers. 4-1 action. Carroll accepted until Jan. 10. IrIirIinsIm charge oi $1.50 per lineman. Mail 32mm weekly, Ideal for smdsnrs Cali Mr. rooms, full balls. large Iurchan, arric, Jeff Register who had 16 6. Hoosiersi In women's check and ad ro: Technician Freeman 8347042, Mon al ullitisa Sill] per person. Ideal The first half was marred and 11 points respectively. 7. Kappa Alpha 4-1 Classifieds, Box 5698. Raleigh, for grow of 4 to 6. Cal 821-3134 alter 6 by numerous turnovers by Corean Neal led all scorers 8. Players Choice 3-1 N.C. 27650. Dssdline IS 5 pm. on day of CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATES Available at both teams. as it ended with with 17 points. 9. Wizzards 3-1 publicanon for next Issue. Liability for Le Charm Great Slacks Restaurant m lhe DO YOU LOVE TO SKI? Jan 16. Your shores Purple Haze leading 16-14. 10. Tucker 3-1 LATE snow STUDIO mistakes in ad limited to refund or reprinting Ridgewood Shopping Csmsr. Let us mslrs of lour oi Vermont's best m slopes Mding Purple Haze centinued to In games involving rank- 11. Kappa Sigma 2-1 '7'].” .l and must be reported 10 our offices within your Civisimss shopping simple an! and Mt Snow and Slows the "Aspen oi the lead until four minutes re ed teams. Sigma Phi Epsilon 12. Chain Gang 3-1 Fri. 8r. Sat. 10:45 pm two days after her pubiwion of ad. during exam time. Purchase 86m, $111.11) or East" Prices from $99 Include lodging lrhs. mained. when Coral Reefers beat Farmhouse 45—30. Kap- 13. Multiple B's 4-1 FLEIHOORDONIaaMekyJeIstyMlt's‘ $201!] certificates ior lsrmly, friends and. and panes Ned McCoy or Sieve Todd. pa Alpha crushed Pi Kappa DALIAS, one way. Onvo my car. Free IOIBIIVBS. Redeemable ar 42 locations 8347059. 57 pm. took the lead for the first 14. Chocolate Chip 2-1 campl It's funl It's laug'llel' gasoline. 14934008. throughout rho Soulhml. ROOMS FOR RENT 1 block Irom libiaW time at 33-31. Alpha 52-28. Tucker slipped 15. Run and Gun 3-1 —-Bob8almaggl.WlN8Raslo Avaiflils now and Dec 15 to responsible In Purple We opened up a by Gold 42-41 and Kappa . mmummmm AMI-unsusta- I WANTED: Male or female to do light loading FOR RENT: 2 bedroom horns, h mihs from dividials 826-558 seven-point lead but let it Sigma trounced Pi Kappa Becton took the residence and unloading at rughi and on weekends ior NCSU lCresl Roadl, $160M Call 787N413 AT- spproxrmarely two weeks. in Cary. 772-9730. aher 6 pm. V ABORTION i. o." ILIOPOYLOS HAVE TRUCK will travel-special roles to JOB OPPORTUNITY: Free room and board In NCSU iaculty and students. Call Mark. exchange for three hours per day hoiaelrsep The decision maywell be difilault..but the abortion 8514164. ing. Cell sitar 5 pm. 8211!“. itselfdoean‘thavetobe. Wedoourbeettomakeit WEST GERMAN HOME TYPlNG SERVICES. Will type term OOMINO’S PIZZA NEEDS YOUR HELP! We're easy for you. ' papers and thesis. Pick-up and delivery. Call looking ior iriendly, energetic pantie In l'rea Pregnancy rest GARAGE 2663982. answer phones and deliver pins. Drivers Vary Isa-1y Dragnaucy rest . make $57.111lhr Must have own car and in Call 781-8880 mum. Foreign Car Repair O wrsnce. Phone personsstartat noon. Vary VOLKSWAGEN Specialists G JOBS AVAILABLE at University Food Sconces. flexible scheduling Apply In person shsr 3:30 The m l Good pay and working conditions. Conlsci pm. 207 Oberlin Rd. O Linda Dale, room 4124, 4th floor, Srodem mm... Personal . . . Professional Care 5611 Hillsborough St. 4 Csmsr. Enter through room 4119 on Smdenr Phone 851-1236 IF YOU BRING THIS AD! I Governmcnr Side oi building urro emu nouns Buying gold. m at a reasonable cost Raleigh, N.C. a and old coral cw 872m. 4 I W O i This . Week ’3 Q ‘ _ North Residence Hall and Willl'lll'll . Celerity e the Inter-Residence Oi “bristma s Council present Line ~ e Special 3 Temptations a a from the Walnut Room next O. HALLOWEEN I 2 for the price of week are: O Tuesday: Barbecued Ribs O. the movie Thursday: Shish Kabobs P -Thursday 0an a Friday. Beast Turkey with 4 Saturday Oflergoodall at theMission Valley location. Dressing . Chili Dog Brown Sugar Glazed Ham December 8 Buy one pizza. get one FREEI Swedish Meat Balls Small French Fry Orange Roast Duck 7 Er 10 pm. Coupon good anytirneas indented. 12oz. Beverage . \ Poe Hall Minion Valley BEE-2&5 $1.00 Auditorium 07E. SixForkst. 833-1601 QTBNorthBlvd. 876-9420 6~O8-08-.0'.‘‘-I 75¢ with this ad .‘Oucimnerslrnowdiedifference. W gamma. W ' - ~—..- -.,,, Hit/Technician/Deeember71979


op 111101).

Shannon Crowson

Christmas joys

, Now and again, people decry the commer- Now, I didn’t actually get to see the board cialism of Christmas. Can’t say I disagree. As game itself—but I thought of a few possibilities soon as the last Thanksgian Alka-Seltzer for the space headings. slides Into the glass, sales arrest the airwaves How about. . .“Wear Halter Top to Con- and newspapers—and we’re crushed with a cert, Stay in Gene Simmons’ Hotel Room sudden anxiety to buy gifts, get them wrapped (Collect $200). and squirreled away. “Or perhaps. . .“Eat at Airport Cafeteria, When just yesterday, department stores Develop Food Poisoning, Go Back Three piped In a bossa nova version of “Shadow of Spaces.” You get the idea. Your Smile,” today, “Jingle Bells” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” creep into one’s con- ********** sciousness via the mighty Muzak machine. (u. Instantly, shopping malls have .fake firs in Besides belt-tightening, there are a few place of the rest benches, and strands of either unpleasant things every year about the holi— plastic holly chains or twinkling bells drape the day season. -columns. And always, Santa perches on a I constantly get mental images of children chair while tired-looking parents stand in line without toys in cold homes. In ,my with the ids. And there's a new twist to San- melodrama, they have huge eyes, much like forum ta—he1 highly pleased to pose with the 1 those drawings of skinny kittens in the alley. from God), but I think sex should be kept parking spaces be compiled into parking charming child for a snapshot. The melodrama may be a bit much, but there Exercise caution within a loving, trusting, committed decks? The parking situation could Very well ; Naturally, his photographer is an elf. are children right here in this state who won't relationship (marriage). But if you choose to be helped as well as leaving some “cleared, What’s this leading to? Beats me. I just wish have much of a holiday, compared to plenty Pregnancy oftenv’results from sexual be involved in a sexual relationship where used” land for the facility. 1 I could afford Christmas, the way I wish I of kids who’ll be riding new bikes or tearing off relations when no contraception is used. you do not want a pregnancy, then use _could. Don't suggest to me to make the arms of new dolls. That’s obvious, right? Everybody knows contrateption, please And be especially Jim Williams 5 homemade gifts. (“Theyre a gift of the Because of my over-active imagination, I that—especially college students-But in the" carefulover Christmas JR swat heart") I can’t sew, and if l handed my sister a buy a couple of toys every year and onate seven years I’ve been a Chaplain here at loaf of bread for her present, she’d probably them to the Raleigh Rescue Missiorkgt may State, I’ve talked with many pregnant Steven Shoemaker throw it at me. Face it. The large majority of sound like a small and even guilty thi to do, women who were surprised (and unhappy Presbyterian Chaplain Shah an ally us buy, buy, buy, just like we're supposed to. but that constitutes what feels like giving to and scared) to find themselves pregnant. In the opinion section, Dec 5, I was quite I remember when I was about 10—l asked me. They did not want to get pregnant; they had disheartened to read, “The fact that he (the a for $20 so I could buy giftsfor my family and a not intended to get pregnant, and many Stay with it shah) was a staunch ally of the United ‘few buddies. Last week, my sister argued that **#******* chose to get an abortion so they would no The controversy over the newly proposed States during his reign does not obligate us 550 would barely get her started. So much for longer be pregnant. athletic facility being built on Western to defend his (the shah's) alleged atrocities.” inflation. Excepting the above hard-heartedness in Here are the most common reasons given Boulevard seems to be dying out. Fellow I was further disheartened to read that the ”an-“4— what I’ve written so far, I love Christmas. for why they were pregnant: students, this is exactly how government author of this article feels that Senator ~_ There is a familiar sweetness in hearing the works. The issue at hand comes up which is Kennedy’s remarks were “not that far off swans“ carols and smelling scented candles. I don't “I didn't think it would happen to me." disagreed on in many aspects. Soon, the base." The only argument he has against mind paper cuts from wrapping paper, either. “I didn’t intend to have sex." letters and responses discontinue, then the Kennedy is bad timing! Tell me, when is It Sometimes, I wish I was young enough to Though my sister and I discovered the truth “We had slept together before and I system sets out to do the job originally good timing to stab a staunch supporter of get toys. When Christmas hunting (I consider about Mr. Claus more than a few years ago, hadn’t gotten pregnant. " intended, destroying the woods. the United States in the back? .._,...,,.._.... shopping much like bagging wild game), I our parents still spread our unboxed “Santa “I was lonely and wanted to be An influx of these letters and responses always take a turn through the toy store and Claus" on the living room sofa. comforted.” against the proposed destruction and No, we are not obligated to defend his : explore the gadgets for this year. Here’s a few There is always a loaded camera ready to “I was so high I didn't know what I was building must continue to be dumped on “atrocities," but we are obligated to consider of my favorites. record the moments of surprise. Each in our doing." such “dignitaries” as Chancellor Thomas what this man has done for our country. , Numero uno—any and all of the stuffed family has a stocking, and it’s generally loaded “I had decided not to have intercourse ‘til and William Friday (president of the The shah has supported the United States Muppets. I already have Cookie Monster and up with jewelry, trinkets and an annual candy I was married, but I just got canted away.” consolidated school system). Until a public with planes, ammunition, men, and his Kermit—I’d love to have Fozzie, Gonzo and cane and orange in the red felt toe. announcement by these officials is made willingness to listen to us. He should not be the seductive porker, Miss Piggy. I have this In recent years I’ve started leaving It is clear from these comments that many against the building in this particular site we treated. as a criminal and ’should receive the problem about Muppets-I think they’re real. Budweisers—as the oldest it was always my students are still not making conscious, cannot sit back treatment that one would expect of a friend. job to be sure Santa had a snack to tide him rational decisions about sex. Many say they By all means take 10 or 15 minutes out Barbie's swimming pool, complete with over—cake; a few cookies, whatever was the do not want to get pregnant, but do not use of your day and write those people and J.T. Martin j rafts and beach balls (also comes with a' freshest in the Christmas bake orgy. birth control, and get in situations where sex express your views. Let me remind you that SR BSM lounge chair for perfecting a suntan). For an My grandparents arrive about 1 1 Christmas is very likely to happen. this area exists as a crucial watershed for adult touch, deprive Ken of his beach trunks, morning, and we begin digging into more Here’s a practical word: Christmas . surrounding areas. Who knows what add warm water from the tap, and you've got presents from the family, cousins, aunts and , vacation is a dangerous time for sexually ecological destruction the removing of trees Contemptible situation a hot tub. Stir the pool with a finger, and uncles. active students. The busiest season for could do? It is the outdoor classroom for voila—a Jacuzzi. I never really realized that it was unusual to abortion clinics starts a month after the many agricultural and PE. classes at State, I, for one, am sick and tired of Americans For a gas-saver, there's Bucky the Wonder have red and green for favorite colors. Since Christmas holidays. If you are going to be in not to mention the beauty and splendor of feeling more sorry for Iranian students than Horse. You sit on Bucky and drive to school my birthday is just a couple of days from settings where sex is likely and don’t want to its existence. I personally rely on a place of for 50 American hostages. The situation in via foot power. No pedaling—just walking in a Christmas, it makes the holidays “triple get pregnant, you obviously should use this nature to keep my sanity and just get Iran is contemptible, and by no means sitting position, while Bucky rolls down the special." condoms and foam, or a diaphragm, or an away from the hustle—bustle of crowds’and ~re~shouldeitrbe tolerated. As far asl’m, 7 fl iI street. And when you’re done, just lift up Though exams are around the bend, here’s IUD, or the pill. If you don’t, many of you pollution. concerned, it’s no better than the Olympic ‘ Bucky’s saddle, and pretend to feed him a hoping that your holidays are happy—eat will get pregnant this vacation. I propose that woods be preserved and tragedy that occurred in Munich not so long i plastic apple. plenty, and revel in the whirl of our fast-fading So you won’t misunderstand, I believe sex other areas be considered. Or better yet, ago Then there's the “KISS Road Tour Game.” family togetherness. is good (I think it is one of the nicest gifts why can’t all the wasted space on one level I regret that a nation hasto be grouped as i “terrorists,’'but the leaders of Iran are l obviously encouraging terrorism to threaten . Americans. Several of visiting students have voiced support of the embassy takeover to Bliss offers response to ’ROom 27"critics such an extent that they protest on our soil and even national monuments. i ' I am fond of retrospection, so this final coI~A because answering them gives me an oppor- Does that make the American Revolution any I’m naive; I know nothing about what the ' umn of the semester looks back on the after- tunity to explain someoi thermtivationsthat 7 less right? shah did when in power, and right now I math of the sudden change from Blissful lg- drive me to express myself so vigorously. I'ne V vFrom Finally, I am accused of “soliciting for don’t care. Terrorism is not the way to bring norance to Room 27. I do not think I am “attempting to convert God." I accept that charge gladly. I will go on about justice. A country that advocates I found out last week via mailed clippings the world" through this column. My object is “soliciting" for God as long as I am able, and I terrorism, as far as I'm concerned, has no that Room 27 was not greeted by universal to present the case for Christianity in an in- 27 Larry Bliss will do it joyfully and thankfully. justice; therefore, there is no way the shah hosannas. Two students wrote in to the telligent, readable manner, unfettered by Rm. I would be a poor Christian indeed if I did could go back for a “fair" trial. Forum last month and accused me of misconceptions and prejudice. not thank those'who have encouraged me in “attempting to convert the world,” harboring Inevitably the column has an evangelistic The fact is that when Christ works in so- the Technicians letters or by corresponding Iranians obviously Ieamed to demonstrate “biased and narrow-m-indecl views" and even element—l don't see how it could be other- meone‘s life he seeks to remove that person’s directly. Your support has made it easier to somewhere. According to NBC news, “soliciting for God.” wise. I believe that as a Christian I must speak prejudices and in their place plant seeds of take these first fumbling steps toward com- Iranian students in Tehran learned to Even though my critics had their say a about the Gospel, hoping that others will tolerance and understanding. municating Christ. demonstrate while they were here. At least month ago, I would like to reply to these discover Christ for themselves. I cannot and If I had a narrow mind I would never have .I am even more indebted to John Flesher, they Ieamed something here because they remarks. I have no desire to ridicule them or will not keep Jesus to myself. come to believe in God and I certainly for having the guts to print Christian commen- didn‘t learn restraint, justice for all (including “i counter-blast them into submission. I would wouldn’t have traded the comfort of writing tary in a non-church-supported school. shahs as well as hostages) and how a good be an idiot to expect everyone to agree with Whether I am “biased and narrow-minded" Blissful Ignorance for the tougher work of government works! Our economy may not me and would be insulted if everyone did. depends largely on whether you agree or writing Room 27. Most of all I thank Jesus, for enabling me to be in the best shape right now, but if Iran ' Rather, I would like to thank my critics, disagree with my views. Allow me to digress a moment. Christianity do the hardest, most terrifying and most wants to get in an economic war I believe “ seems intolerant to its detractors because it is meaningful writing I’ve ever done. This col- they will be the ones to get burned! In uncompromising, in the best sense of the umn, like all the others, is for you. retrospect,l for one am willing to be a little i word. _ Christmas is just a few weeks away, and it is colder this winter if 50 lives are saved. Christ uncompromisingly opposed the ' easy to think of it solely in terms of adding to l hypocrisy and oppression of first century your possessions. In wishing you Merry Palestine. His words were revolutionary. But Christmas, I remind you that the real gifts, as David McMillin, he did not try to establish one group in power always, are in the heart. JR LSE at the expense of all others. Anyone could follow him if he wished. I ‘ Technician Christians are urged to be similarly uncom- I promising in their opposition to sin Perhaps I Editor...... John Flasher this is why Messrs. Hoy and Kern said that "Christians seem to be happiest when they are : News Editor. . . .’ ...... Jeffrey Jobs Production making everyone else suffer’ and then ro- Sports Editor...... Bryan Black Manager...... Cara Flesher tested that l was making them suffer ' Features Editor...... Andree Cole Layout/Pasteur:...... Suzi Geller, The worst I have done to these gentlemen I Entertainment Editor...... Lucy Procter Mick Hunnemann,Rick LaRose I Photo Editor...... Steve Wilson Kim Long, Alan Powell, ‘w is confront them with ideas they don’t like, I Business Manager...... Vernon Veglia Bill White perhaps wounding their consciences in the Graphics Editor...... Gene Does Typesetters...... Brooks Chosen, process. That is hardly “suffering." I Copy Editor...... Karen Barefoot Dianne Guilion, Margaret Haney, I Serious Page Editor...... Helen Tart Lori McElravy, Joe Rand, '9“- Any annoyance I may stir up in my critics is I , Donnie Robbins, Carol Robins nothing compared to the genuine suffering in I Advertising Se P Proofreaders. .Julie Haigler, Tucker Johnson this world. We can’t even count how many Manager...... m ierce JamesWiggins a" lives are being destroyed by hunger, war, : Salesman...... Eddie Raby, Magiflsnm Maintenance Engineer...... John Craven poverty, unemployment, alcohol, drugs, I an I Design...... ; ...... Anne-Carole Hertel, Circulation v—h We; murder, loneliness or disease, to name just a | Denise Manning, Angela Mohr Manager...... Mike Davies few. I I Lucy Procter Assistant...... Mark Rockwell I’m sure that a lot of stupid things are done in the name of independence for our Country. Jae-f