The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ^HE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS i v.a S^4^E,.v0v^ IN THIS ISSUE Nieuwiand Foundation Notre Dame's 96th Vear Faculty Changes Spotlight Alumni Football Season Campus News Club News Class News THE STADIUM 1. 16 October, 1937 No. 1 AGAINI FRIDAY NIGHT ON m ^'^ OCT. 151 PONTIACS FAMOUS SHOW 4N AUTHENTIC CKOSS-SKTION OF THE FINEST TALENT OF AMERICA'S GREAT UNIVERSITIES BROADCAST DIRECT FROM THE CANIPUS OF EACH SCHOOL At the request of University alumni and students all over the country, and of the general public, Pontiac, builder of the Silver Streak Six and Eight, will continue to produce "Varsity Show," the radio sensation of last winter and spring. An entirely new list of colleges will be given an opportunity to display their finest musical and dramatic talent in shows ;^; iocal ne»-spaper for just as interesting and lively as those that won America before. Opened by the University of Alabama, followed by Purdue, Southern Methodist, Virginia, Fordham, and Indiana, among many others, the new series can be counted upon to give you again "the gayest show on the air." PRESENTED BY- BUILDER OF AMERICA'S FINEST LOW-PRICED CAR 1^7/3f V. 1^ The Notre Dame Alumnus JAMES E, ARMSTRONG. "25 The mnjmzine is published from October to June inclusive by the Alumni Association Member of (he American of the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, Indiana. The subscription price is S2.00 Editor a year; the price of sincle copies is 25 cents.