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1. refers to a biological relationship.

True False

2. Strict model – Places a strong value on discipline as a means to survive and thrive in a harsh world.

True False

3. The Rules of Traffic Model teaches that

Children have positive and negative qualities, the latter of which should "weed out" or "prune" into an appropriate shape. Is an instructional approach to upbringing. Is a model of parenting based on logic: for a good action - a reward/praise and for a bad action - a Considers parenting from the ethical point of view.

4. "RaP" is a model of parenting based on logic.

True False

5. Among non-human species, parenting is usually more lengthy and complicated.

True False

6. Fine Gardening Model – a model in which parents believe that children have ______qualities

negative positive negative and positive none of the above

7. An adult raised on which model will tend to be more a victim and always question why me?

Fine Gardening Model Rules of Traffic Model Reward and Punishment Model

8. most experts now agree that is not an effective behavior modification tool.

True False

9. Which model looks at the internal world (emotions, intelligence and spirit)?

Reward and Punishment Method Fine Gardening Model Rules of Traffic Model Not Here

10. Which is a concept in the Parenting for Everyone Model?

heart implies concept of intelligence concept of dignity spirit implies They are all correct

11. All Christian parenting models are strict and authoritarian.

True False

12. in 2000, _____ of the surveyed have devotions once a week?

20% 37% 41% Not Listed

13. Nurturant model is? Places a strong value on discipline as a means to survive and thrive in a harsh world. A family model where children are expected to explore their surroundings with protection from their parents Seeks to create strong emotional bonds, avoiding physical punishment and accomplishing discipline through interactions recognizing emotional needs Sees both praise and punishment as manipulative and harmful to children

14. Health and diet decisions of the mother can have either a positive or negative impact on the child during prenatal parenting

True False

15. Scientific evidence indicates that from the ______month on, the unborn baby is able to hear sound, be aware of motion, and possibly exhibit short-term memory.

3rd 4th 6th Not Listed

16. Other research indicates that by the fifth month, external schedule cues influence the unborn sleep habits.

True False

17. What Parenting State are children are beginning to form their identity and are testing and developing the interpersonal and occupational roles.

Infant Toddlerhood Adolescents Childhood

18. Reduce the level of stress on parents, children, and the family is a?

short term goal long term goal strategy behavioral definitions

19. Implement openness to discuss parenting and discipline effectively with their children is and intervention.

True False 20. Which is not a specified onset of Conduct Disorder?

Childhood-onset type Adolescent-onset type Unspecified onset Mild onset

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