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Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1930)

Heft 447

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, CDc Su)iss Obseiw POUNDED BY MR. P. F. BOEHR1NGER. *C7ie O^îcia/ Organ o/ l/ie Suii'ss Co/ony in Grea/ fînlarn. EDITED WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF MEMBERS OF THE LONDON COLONY.

: 9595 London. Telephone Clerkenwell PufeZis/iefl' ecerT/ Prdaj/ at 23, Leonard STREET, LONDON, E.G.2. Telegrams: Freprincc,

Vol. 10—No. 44 7 LONDON, MAY 17, 1930. Price 3d.

PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES threatened Iiis comrades with a revolver, took 3 Months (13 3 6 UNITED issues, post free) - : KINGDOM 6 6/6 place in a Geneva Court AND COLONIES ,» (26 „ - The Landsgemeinde des alten Landes Schwyz 12 (52 12/- „ ( Schwyz) elected Statthalter J. L. Bürgler Magistr. : " You are drinking too much." 6 Months (26 issues, post free) - Frs. 7.50 : When in drink a 12 (52 - „ 14.— (Conservative) of Muottathal as Berzirksammami. Empl. " I am tlie I Suiia* «inscriptions mai paireferendum, undertaken by the Liberal diminished. From 3,500 kg in 1920 it was reduced plane fell into an air-pocket, lie touched tlie trees. Party, against the newly introduced taxes which 952 to kg in 1928 and 08 kg in 1929. This is un- His plane, a 40 h.p. Klemm-Daimler, was des- were voted by tlie Grand Council last February, doubtedly the result of the control which is troyed Y.Z.Z. has united over 7,000 signatures. As the minimum exercised by the Federal Authorities, control * * * required by the legislature demands 3,000 which has been steadily intensified. A.Z.Z. Wonders never cease! One day last week, adherents, this question will he submitted to the THE ZONES DISPUTE. about mid-dav, a cyclist was pedalling along vote of the population. towards Though this dispute is now s m ft police the Margarethenstrasse, general council of Upper Savoy has deemed it with the intention of turning left into the LANDSGEMEINDE. expedient to issue a manifestation vehemently Doiiiacherstrasse. He heard a motor-cycle behind looked Anyone who wishes to get a glimpse of the protesting against any change in the present teni- spluttering him, round, and : real Swiss must attend a Landsge- porary regime which lias been created by the thought Time enough to turn before lie comes. arbitrary action of the French authorities. But—there was not time; moreover, the cyclist meinde as still held in a few small Cantons. Then had not given the slightest indication that lie was he will realize, that the democratic constitution ELECTRIFICATION. going to turn left. Anyway, both met. The hi- of Switzerland is the natural consequence The sector Iselle-Domodossola on the cycles front wheel was left roughly in the shape of its history, and that it is firmly rooted in the Siniplon route is now completed, the first electric of a ski, and its owner complained of pains in Swiss population. The simple dignity, and tlie train passing through on the 15th inst. The gain his back. Tlie motor cyclist had grazed the skin simple language, of the members of the Govern- in time as compared with the former steam traffic of his hands. And now comes the marvel : Both ment, and the quick establishment of sympathetic is said to be ten minutes on the down journey and discussed the accident in a most friendly manner contact between electors and elected! And, twenty minutes when ascending..: T and agreed that each one was equally at fault. again, the unassuming way in which the electors FOOTBALL. Motor police arrived quickly on the scene, and this standing in the ring voice their opinions, if in another The opposition to the Government's proposals The In the last rounds for the Swiss championship produced marvel. motor-cyclist stated voluntarily, that lie came along at the rate calm and the common-sense in which the matters the F.F. Basle was beaten in Lugano by four to before the the of 50 km. The policemen were dumbfounded by meeting are settled, impress beyond one, Zurich Grasshoppers drew with the F.G. words. The small Cantons of old both sides such truthfulness and looked so astonished, that Helvetia are Biel, scoring three goals, whilst the the of where Bernese the motor-cyclist said : "Oh well, it may have perhaps only parts Europe, there is Young Boys lost to Servette in Geneva no between those who command and by four to two. been only 40 !" A'. yawning gulf . those who obey, where there is still a feeling on LOCAL. National Councillor Dr. Eggspflhler lias died at both sides that confidence is given and is merited, ZURICH. Baden. His successor in the National Council and where everyone has understanding for the A novel way of celebrating Labour Day was will be Miihlebacli, professor of agriculture, the worries and needs of his neighbour. introduced by Rumpf & Co., manufacturers of next candidate on the Catholic-Conservative list. (Frfract /row ai/ article /« A.Z.Z.) perfumery in Zurich. On May 1st all the em- A.ZZ. ployees and hands were given a trip to Basel, all ST. GALL. ERNEST ANSERMET. expenses paid by the firm. Charabancs were in The candidate of the Evangelische Yolks- We hear musical readiness at Basel for a sight-seeing tour of the partie, who was elected a member of the Council from circles that our dis- town and the Rhine port. After lunch the Manag- of the town of St. Gall, lias been unseated. tinguished compatriot will he invited during the It coming season to conduct various concerts ing Director of tlie firm acted as guide in visiting appears that the ballot papers of that party in this the Basel Fair. Needless to add (we hope), Rumpf showed an alteration in tlie print, rendering it country. & Co., paid full wages for that day on of different from the The St It will no doubt interest our readers to get a top it. official form. Gall law few declares such alteration biographical notes about this well-known con- distinctly any invalid. doctor. Grove's Martin Oswald, aged 2(1, from Wil (St. Gall) The Central Election Office thereupon declared Dictionary gives the following account : and living at Cetikon, was cleaning the pistol he these papers null and void, and the seat now goes possessed as sergeant-major. Fnforbsaately, lie to the Liberal-Democrats. Y.Z.Z. " Musically lie studied first with Dénéréaz at failed to notice that his loaded. Lausanne and later counter point with Otto pistol was still . He was killed by a bullet which lodged in Iiis Barblan and composition with Ernst Bloch at heart. Lightning entered tlie kitchen of Farmer Geneva. if if * Gobbler's house on the Helle homestead, between " Having chosen the career of a conductor, he Fritz Berchtold, 44 years old, citizen of Meistersriiti and Saul, and killed a young worked with Francesco de Lacerda of the Schola Busswil (), threatened in a public house at woman. A.Z.Z. Cantorum and afterwards had the advice of 1 ster that he would shoot the local chief inagis- GENEVA. Nikisch and Weingartner. Ile founded in 1918 träte. It appears that Berchtold was earning a Some members of the Geneva Rambling Club the Orchestre de la Suisse romande. From 1915 Les " precarious living as hawker, and that his nine " Joyeux Alpins set out on an excursion onwards M. Ansermet was intermittently engaged children were left alone in their home all day. to the " Vuache." Half way to the summit they with the Diagilev Ballet which he has accom- This state of affairs became!" a nuisance to such sat down to a picnic, and whilst enjoying their panied to North and South America, Spain, Italy an extent that the sanitary authorities obtained no doubt most deserved meal, a viper 25 inches and England, directing tlie first performances of a summons against Berchtold. His threats were in length introduced herself into the "Rucksack" many of its most important productions in Paris communicated to Sergeant Pfennigwert, chief of of Mr. H. Ziegler. and London. His name is closely associated with police. The officer went to the magistrate's house Unaware of tlie presence, of tlieir additional the works of Stravinski of which lie has given to warn him. As lie left the house, Berchtold, travelling companion the party broke up to gain noteworthy performances. In recent years he has evidently mistaking him for the magistrate, shot the summit, where a well-merited rest was taken. conducted concerts of the Royal Pliilarmonic him down. The murderer then escaped on his Tlie unconscious guardian of t.liis " precious " Society in London and also at Liverpool." bicycle. Sergeant Pfennigwert was 55 years old ; load used Iiis " Rucksack " as a cushion whilst lie had been " a member of the force for over 30 years enjoying an hour's snooze," unaware of the REPARATIONS BANK. and was generally respected as an efficient officer. great danger he was running. Y.Z.Z. Returning at night to Geneva, M. Ziegler The salaries of high officials of the Bank for . handed the " Rucksack " to a friend of his, M. M. International Settlements are announced. They The receiver in bankruptcy has sold the Regard from whom lie had borrowed it, in which are fixed according to the scale in vogue with Hertenstein estate, including the two hotels, to room the reptile spent the night peacefully. the League of Nations : Falck & Co., hankers in Lnzern, for 800,000 Frs. Whilst doing Iiis morning toilette, M. Regard saw The general manager's salary is £6,000 ; the he What use will made in future of the estate to his amazement and terror through a looking deputy-manager's, £5,000 ; the chairman of the is the snake not yet settled. y. glass, emerging out of tlie " Rucksack." board's, £10,000 ; and the vice-president's, £8,000. URI. Fortunately he was able to kill the beast before The sub-committee appointed to consider tlie The Cantonal poll, in replacement of the any harm was done. Moral : " Inspect your question of the mobilisation of the first section of ' ' Landsgemeinde, resulted in the election as luggage before returning." the-Young Plan Loan met during the week. The of the Liberal candidate, National * * * quota assigned to each State was determined. Councillor -T. W. Lusser, and of the Conservative The following dialogue between a Magistrate The bank will start operations- on Saturday, Federal State Councillor Isidor Meyer as and a Hotel employee, who had indulged rather when the Reparations Commission will meet to de- Landesstattha Iter. y.Z.Z. too freely than wisely in alcohol, and lrad clare that the Young Plan is in operation.