
1. MANUSCRIPTS Government Records. Much government material is held in the National Archives of , and on microfilm in the National Archives, Canberra. The location of documents which may exist in one place only is given. Angau War Diary, records of the war of 1939–45, Australian War Memorial Library. Records, War of 1914–18, Australian War Memorial Library. Papers Relating to U.S.A. forces in Woodlark Island, C.A.O. 609/7/9, 616/4/1–5. Australian War Memorial Library. Trials held by Angau for various civil offences committed by natives 1943–4, File 506/1/4, records of the war of 1939–45, Australian War Memorial Library. Barry, J.V. 1945. Commission of Inquiry ... into the circumstances relating to the suspension of the Civil Administration of the , February 1942, Australian Archives, A518 W 800/1/5. Correspondence of the Lieutenant-Governor or Administrator of British New Guinea and Papua to the Governor of and later the Governor-General of . Delimitation of the Boundary between Papua and New Guinea, Australian Archives. C.A.O., A1 14/4329. Morobe Goldfields, Wardens’ Reports, 1927–41, Australian Archives, A518, AA 834/2, Parts 1–6. Murray, J.H.P. 1905–40. Notebooks of cases heard as a judge of the Central Court, Australian Archives, C.R.S. G 178, G 179. New Guinea, Discoveries of Gold, 1927–34, Australian Archives, A518, F 834/2. New Guinea, Labour Conditions on the Goldfields, Natives 1930–41, Australian Archives, A518, 0834/2 , Part 1. New Guinea, Goldfields Maps, 1930–1, Australian Archives, A518, N 834/2. New Guinea, Morobe Goldfields — Press Cuttings, Australian Archives, A518, AB 834/2, Parts 1 and 2. Papua, Mines Papers, 1907–27, National Archives of G 70. Patrol Reports and Journals from outstations: Abau, Bogi, Buna, Bwagaoia, Cape Nelson, Ioma, Kerema, Kokoda, Kulumadau, Nepa, Nivani, Papaki, Samarai, Tamata. Phillips, F.B. 1927. Commission of Inquiry re Recruiting in the Morobe District of New Guinea ... Australian Archives, A518, AD 840/1/3. Register of Criminal Cases, Central Court, British New Guinea, National Archives of Papua New Guinea. Resident Magistrate, South-Eastern Division, General Correspondence 1919–22, National Archives of Papua New Guinea, G 180. Rex v. Boutillier and Downey, Samarai, 1948, Supreme Court Building, Port Moresby. Robinson, C.S. 1903–4. Diary, May to May, National Archives of Papua New Guinea. Royal Navy, Australian Station, New Guinea, 1884–8, Vol. 3, Microfilm, National Library of Australia.


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5. FILMS The Air Road to Gold, Commonwealth of Australia, documentary, black and white, sound, 10 minutes, about 1933. The Green and the Gold, The Timber Development Association of Australia, documentary, sound, colour, 30 minutes, 1954. Guinea Gold: A Romance of Australian Enterprise, Guinea Expedition, producer Harry Gilles, documentary, black and white, sound, 20 minutes, 1932. The Jungle Women, Stoll-Hurley, feature, black and white, silent, 60 minutes, 1926. New Guinea 1904-1906, made by the Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, from film taken by Dr Rudolf Poch, documentary, black and white, sound (text from lecture by Poch in 1907), 15 minutes, 1904–6. Pioneering in New Guinea, Allan Dawes, a Herschell Production, documentary, black and white, silent, 15 minutes, about 1930. The Unsleeping Eye: A Pioneering Tale of New Guinea, the Last Stronghold of the Savage, Alexander MacDonald, Seven Seas Screen Productions, feature, black and white, silent, 60 minutes, 1927. With the Administration in New Guinea, Commonwealth of Australia, documentary, black and white, silent, 20 minutes, about 1930.

284 This text is taken from Black, White and Gold: Goldmining in Papua New Guinea 1878–1930, by Hank Nelson, published 2016 by ANU Press, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.