Football Program

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Football Program OCTOBl;R 1-110 STAT~ 17---1942 OHIO STADIUM U R D U E TWENTY FIVE CEMTS . - . HIGH, SCHOO ·. AY u• ( I ) HIGH SCHOO L DAY PROGRAM See "The University and the War" at University Chapel 11:00, 11:30, 12:00 and 12:30 Fi11r Arts: Clas es in operation-sculpture and cer­ Music: Moving picture · o[ Marching Band and dress 10 :30 a. m. ____ Long Walle, Campus Oval J:." 11gi11reri11g- amics. "Throwing'' pots on a potter' wheel. Ex­ rehearsal of Marching Band. )iibiti~n of tudent painting and design. Puppet 11rsing : Demonstration of "Iron Lung." Exhibits: long the walk which run through the center of Agricultnral Engineeri11g: Re earch in gricul- m action. in trument table for appendectomy, et up for the Campus Oval, standard have been erected which tural Engineering and its application to Agri­ Foreign Languagr Depart111e11t: Exhibition on the baby bath, surgical carry the titles of various phase culture. Exhibit of modern Agricultural Ma­ dressing tray, and others. Tour of University ac­ econd floor of Derby Hall, illustrating the art t ivities. Demon trations, in pection tour , exhibi­ chinery, etc. of the hospital. and life of these countries. Recordings will be tions and other educational projects have been ar­ given by phonograph and short-wave tran mi sion. Optometr),: Te ts and methods u ed for mea uring ranged and High chool pupil will a semble behind ,./.rchitect11re and Landscape Architectnre: An ex­ Members of the faculty will be on hand for con­ visual efficiency. Demonstration of contact lense . the tandard which hibition of drawings and models illustrating stu­ indicates the field of their in­ ferences and dent work. Professional drawing by the Uni­ undergraduates will serve as hos­ Phannacy: Demon trations in pharmaceutical manu­ terest. Guides will conduct the groups of pupils tesse . to the buildings where the events take place. Teach­ versity Architect of various campus building . facturing, Cosmetics; P lant drugs; Pharmaceuti­ ers, parents, chaperons and other visitors may attend Geology: A visit to the Geological Museum where cal Chemistry. Exhibit and information showing as well as the pupils. Members of the University Ceramic Engineering: Demonstrations of modern guides will explain the coll ections; minerals and the opportunities in pharmacy. faculty will be present in each building to explain ceramic equipment. new and complete ex­ fos ils from Ohio rock , the Ohio Mastodon. an Physical Ed11catio1t for Mm: Men's Building and the demon trations and to talk to the pupils. The hibit of ceramic products , ill be displayed and exhibit of fluore cent mineral , etc. Natatorium will be open all day with practically activities are classified a follows : explained. Historical Museum: Display of relic from Indian a fu ll staff in attendance. Mounds and villages, and other Ohio periods. Agrirnlt·11ral Chemistry: Visit to student laboratories. Chemical Engineering: In pection of chemical en­ Physical Education. for Women: Demon tration of Inspection of industrial research on lard, whole gineering equi pment, such a · large scale multi­ History: A vi it to the department of history where wimming. badminton and table tennis at Pom­ wheat flour, insecticides. Typical apparatus on ple effect evaporator, distillation equipment. the committee will show the facilitie of the de­ erene Hall. A field hockey game, archery and golf di play will be saccharimeter, polarizing micro­ Demonstration of op ration of liquid-liquid ex­ partment with regard to books and maps. at the Women's Field House. scope, fluorphotometer, electric ovens, furnaces, traction unit. Physics a1td Astronomy: Demonstration of such Home Economics: Tours etc. through Campbell Hall will equipment used in physics in truction and re­ Civil Engineering: Display of surveying instru­ be conducted by members of the Home Economic search as oscillographs stroboscopes; gyroscopes; Club. The activities carried Agronomy: Distribution and Characteristics of Ohio ments with demonstrations of solar observations on in various labora­ variou optical and electrical devices; electron mi­ tories ( foods, hou Soils-Profiles and map of the most important for direction. Exhibit of large testing machines, ehold equipment, home furni h­ croscope; cyclotron ; uper onic apparatu . Ohio soil type -as they affect Agriculture. Engineering Experiment tation. ing , clothing and child development) will be ex­ plained by the leader . Ph•ysiology: Living organs at work. Astronomy: n inspection and explanation of th Electrical E 11gi,zeering: The laboratorie o[ com­ Poultry: The laboralorie , and many chicken, turkey instrument at the observatory and, if the sky i Horticulture and Forestry: Work with medicinal munication and electronics, illumination, and plant and mean of processing them. and goo e hou es will be open for inspection. clear, tele copic ob ervation of the sun. power will display equipment in operation in­ Equipment used in processing poultry and eggs cluding a speech inverter, the electron micro- J onrnalism: The production of the campus new ·. will be on di play. Botawy: Di play of materials an l equipment used cope, fluorescent lighting. and power machin­ paper, "The Lantern." The new room and print ­ Psychology: Demon tration of some technique used in teaching Botany. ery. ing facilities. in the study of emotions, learning and illusions. l ndustrial Engiueeri11g: The laboratory facilities Display of per onality and intelligence testing Business Orga11i:::ation: display of the work of Lib,-ary: How a half million volume library houses that lead to an understanding of production pro­ materials. ome demon tration films and displays such bu ine executive as the personnel man­ it book ( A tour of the stack room ) "There is cesse . on such thing a depth perception and ager, purcha ing agent, adverti ing manager, and - nothing new under the Sun." The book of 2200 limitation B.C. and 1950 A.D. (Clay Tablet and microfilm.) of hearing. plant uperintendent. visit to the Bureau of M echa11ical Engi11eeri11g: An inspection and ex­ Busine s Re earch. Radio Stat-ion : Demon tration of radio broadca ting. planation of the equipment in the mechanical en­ Militm·y Science- gineering laboratories-including such things a Speech: Tour of the peech Cl inic, Drama tudio Chemistry: Di play and lecture demonstration on automotive, Diesel and aeronautical engines; Field A rtillery: Simulation of firing the famous Laboratory and the Radio Workshop. rubber, plastics, explosives and war gase . team engines, turbines and boilers; hydraulic "French 75," command by "Talkie radio." University School: Tour through the building to ob­ machinery; wind tunnel, etc. serve the various room and laboratories such Corps of Engineers: Models of floating trus and a Dairy Technology: A display of dairy equipment Fine Arts, hop, Health Unit, Science Labora­ t1:e ~le bridge . Board for knots, lashings and an explanation of various dairy manufactur­ Afe tallurgical E11gi11eeri11g: Visit lo th Labora­ and torie , Library and Kindergarten rooms. ing proce ses. A conducted tour of the University torie . nggmg. Mappmg and map reproduction. Dairy where the milk supply for the campus is Veterinary M edici11e: The clinical facilitie and lab­ Signal Corps: Demonstration of radio and tele­ oratory proces eel and dairy products are manufactured. li1 ine E ngineeri11g : Demonstration of equipment activities. Student will be conducted on phone communication; " walkie-talkie" ets in a tour through and instructional proce · e in mine and petro­ the variou department of the operation. College. Dentistry: visit to dental clinics and laboratories. leum engineering. ( 3 ) ( 2 ) OHIO STATE OFFICIALS OHIO STADIUM THE INFORMATION First Aid Station HISS Emergency medical treatment is available in spe­ cial quarters at Northeast tower where three physi­ STAMP cians and three nurses are in constant attendance. COMPANY Lost and Found Department A lost and found department has been established in the StaE!ium Ticket Office. Articles found should HERMAN A. BLOOM be turned over to an usher or left at the office. President and General Manager Public Telephones Eight pay telephon,e stations are located on the RUBBER, BRASS AND STEEL ground floor, four on each side of the Stadium. MARKING DEVICES Ambulance Service TAB LETS An ambulance, furnished through the courtesy of BRONZE Shaw-Davis, will be found adjacent to Gate 1 on the NUMBERING MACHINES East side of the Stadium. Maid Service in all women's 195 EAST LONG STREET Maids are in constant attendance rest rooms. Patrons are urged NOT to tip. C O L U M B U S, 0 H I O Special Service to Physicians Doctors anticipating emergency calls during the game are requested to register at the Ticket Office, leaving their exact seat location. The management DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS President will see that all calls are delivered without delay. Any person in the Stadium may be located within four minutes through this service. For obvious rea­ For Your sons, this service cannot be extended to the general public. PARTY Announcements Over the Public Address System under or No announcements are ever made except the gravest circumstances, such as serious illness or accident. Please do not request this service. Press Box The Ohio State Press Box is for the use of the working press only and admission thereto is strictly limited to newspapermen, telegraphers and radio men. Robert Irwin and Grant Sain are in charge of the press box speaker. Public Address System Over the Stadium amplifying system today, you will hear the voice of Leo Staley, announcer. The Stadium Score Boards will be operated by George Seibert while the time will be kept by Richard Larkins. Drinking in The Stadium The drinking of intoxicating liquor will not be tolerated in the Stadium. Drinking or drunkenness will cause vour eiection from the _game. Patrons disturbed w'ill assi;t in solving this problem if they COMPANY will call an officer at the first annoyance. PAUL BROWN L. W.
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