Investigation | low-cost glasses

pairs were described as ‘woeful’ by 4 our experts

of the 21 ‘passes’ were 10 borderline

of the 36 glasses failed our 15tests

companies sent us varifocals that were ‘potentially 5 dangerous’ The real cost of cheap glasses Which? investigates the world of low-cost glasses and finds potentially dangerous specs for sale online Six of the 13 companies sold us varifocals without taking further measurements, ie the PD for each eye and vertical pupil position – Direct Sight, ew glasses can set you back Four pairs were of particular concern Glasses123, Glasses Direct, Goggles4U, hundreds of pounds – so to our experts, with five pairs of Select Specs and SpecSuperstore. N buying cheap specs online is varifocals deemed ‘potentially very When we put our concerns to them, tempting. But a Which? investigation dangerous’. Our experts found that the Glasses Direct said it has guidelines for has found that some online ‘bargains’ companies had estimated where the getting varifocals right, while Select should come with a serious health wearer’s pupils would be, instead of Specs and SpecSuperstore pointed out warning. High street opticians are asking for measurements in addition website options for customers to input awash with 2-for-1 deals and special to the interpupillary distance or PD an additional measurement. The latter offers on designer frames, but our (the distance between the centres of said it’s developing ‘innovative software’ experts also found that you need to the pupils). If lenses like these are not to take accurate measurements, while look closely at the fine print to make positioned accurately, the glasses could Select Specs has added text to its sure you’re getting a good deal. be unsafe when driving and using stairs. website to indicate that caution is A pair of varifocals from Goggles4U needed when buying varifocals. online failings (£69) was ‘extremely dangerous’. Both Direct Sight and Goggles4U Our researchers ordered glasses from According to our experts, the incorrect said they offer advice on ordering and 13 popular websites, using one simple prescription and different heights of the wearing varifocals. Goggles4U also said and three more complex prescriptions, optical centres would have been likely it recommends that customers ask their including varifocals. But when our to cause headaches and eye strain as ‘eye doctor’ for measurements before expert optometrists tested them, they well as making the glasses unsafe – ordering and to check fitting. While all failed 15 out of 36 pairs. when driving, for example. have a registered optician involved in

26 Which? June 2012 low-cost glasses | investigation

the process and take PD measurements, to try at home. Four out of the 13 our experts think extra measurements companies we looked at – Direct High street are needed for safe glasses. Sight, Glasses123, Glasses Direct and special offers According to our experts, in total, 10 Glasses Frames and Lenses – offered pairs of glasses had lenses that did not this. Also look for websites that have a checklist meet the British Standard. And three ‘best fit finder’ and frame fitting advice, How to spot had dodgy frames – those from Direct and that give full frame measurements. a genuine bargin Sight and Spex4Less, for example, were And if you need to take measurements uneven and the latter was scratched. yourself, make sure they’re accurate. Our experts had concerns about There are so many different deals available for glasses that another 10 pairs of higher prescription sending your glasses back it can be hard to spot a genuine glasses. These just passed our Although prescription glasses may cost bargain. Our experts analysed tests but, as they were made using less online, they are arguably goods high street special offers to help incomplete measurements required made to your specification, so there’s you find the best deals. by a British Standard, there was a risk no automatic right to a refund if you’re Terms and conditions that the lenses may not have been unhappy. But if the glasses are not as W hen shopping for glasses, positioned at the correct distance from described, legal rights still apply. look closely at the offer and the eyes. This means that wearers may You can use the Optical Consumer terms and conditions. Does it not have had the best quality of vision Complaints Service if you can’t resolve include standard single vision from them, and may have experienced a problem with your high street optician, lenses only, for example? blurring or seen fringes of colour. but buying online could also be Special offers problematic if you think your glasses Does a glasses offer exclude Simple prescriptions are wrong because you were assessed certain prescriptions? Of the nine pairs of glasses sold to incorrectly by the original optometrist. our researcher with a simple (low) For non-bespoke goods bought Adding extras How much will adding extras – prescription, eight passed our experts’ online, such as non-prescription such as anti-reflection/anti-glare tests. The pair that failed (from Vision2U) sunglasses or sealed contact lenses, the coating, bifocals or varifocals, had the wrong prescription. All of the Distance Selling Regulations allow you thinned/high-index lenses and other pairs that failed our tests were for to return them up to seven working days UV protection – add to the price? more complex prescriptions (over +/-5). from the day after you receive them. Limits Does the offer include a limited number of frames, 10 pairs of glasses had lenses that did not meet such as designer frames only? the British Standard... and 10 pairs were made Conditions using incomplete measurements Are there conditions attached to the ‘free’ eye test? For example, will you have to pay for Our experts’ verdict was that anyone High street special offers it if you don’t make a purchase? with a simpler prescription might be Our two experts also looked at the fine buying online, but – on the basis special offers available in the biggest Buy one get one free Is a buy-one-get-one-free offer of our snapshot research – they would high street chains and supermarket actually useful to you? If it’s not, have reservations about those with opticians, including Asda, / it’s not a bargain. a higher and/or complex prescription Dollond & Aitchison, Optical Express, doing so. They would also strongly Rayners, , Tesco and Vision discourage shoppers from buying Express. The offers they found ranged bifocals or varifocals from websites from half-price frames to 2-for-1 deals Which? research that don’t ask – at the very least – on designer glasses from £99. They Our researchers shopped on for additional information that would found Optical Express had 10 different 13 popular websites for glasses help them gain the necessary offers running consecutively. for one simple and three measurements, such as a photo of the Our experts felt that the long list more complex prescriptions. customer wearing their chosen frames. of terms and conditions that applied 36 pairs of glasses were to some offers were confusing and received in the timescale allocated, and analysed by two Finding the best fit restrictions could make costs mount up. optometry experts. Two expert If you do decide to buy glasses online, Ironically, the T&Cs for Asda’s simple optometrists also analysed

there are steps you can take to try to complete glasses offer were almost adverts from high street stores

get the fitting right. Look for websites impossible to read online as the text and supermarkets, including Asda, Boots/Dollond & ‘ that send‘ you a selection of frames was so small. Several offers covered > Aitchison, Optical Express, Rayners, Specsavers, Tesco TELL US WHAT YOU THINK When buying glasses, is there such a thing as a and on one bargain or do you get what you pay for? To share your experience of shopping day in March 2012. ‘‘ for glasses visit June 2012 Which? 27 investigation | low-cost glasses

‘basic’ or standard single-vision lenses found that Optical Express was offering a expert VIEW only. If you need thinned or high-index free eye test with a purchase – but if you A good deal on glasses? lenses (see ‘Insider information’, below), didn’t buy anything from them, it was £15. it can ramp up the costs. Bifocals and Our experts said that the real cost of an Joanna Pearl, health and social care varifocals usually cost extra, too. eye test is at least £30 to £40 per patient expert, [email protected] But it is possible to find a good deal. for the optician’s time (more for older It’s nice to think For example, our experts found basic patients), and felt that more expensive that bargains do glasses on offer at Tesco (£15), Vision tests may even be more comprehensive. exist in the optical Express (£29), Optical Express (£49) Several of the special offers we world. And while and Asda (£50). Asda’s price included looked at applied to designer frames, Which? members anti-reflection coated and thinner high but our experts warned that ‘designer’ have shared their index lenses, which weren’t included doesn’t necessarily equal quality. Some positive online buying experiences, our in the Tesco or Vision Express prices. companies that make designer specs investigation has highlighted some This would’ve bumped the price up to also make high-quality, non-designer potentially dangerous selling practices. £105 at Tesco and £118 at Vision frames, some of which are similar to Research shows that poor vision Express for this particular offer. the designer versions but don’t come causes falls, which – especially in older Some companies offer ‘free’ or with a logo. So try both designer and people – can lead to injury. Ill-fitting low-cost eye tests, but these aren’t non-designer frames and assess the bifocals and varifocals are a particular always free. For example, our experts quality for yourself. culprit, so we think it isn’t good enough that some companies we mystery shopped supplied them natural UV protection. Thinner without ensuring that additional Insider information and lighter, but can be pricier measurements were taken. Our experts focus on some of the questions you asked us … than standard lenses. Usually come with scratch-resistant What to watch out for coating but are still easily A number of companies are refusing scratched. Suit rimless frames. to sell bifocals and varifocals online, High-index lenses – Lighter or devising methods to get more and thinner, so good for detailed measurements from you, higher prescriptions (over but we’re concerned that companies +/-3), but more expensive. are self-policing. Inherent UV protection. The General Optical Council says it Photochromic lenses – is not within its powers to regulate the Almost clear indoors but market. It told us that it would consider darken automatically in action where varifocals have been sold Can opticians put new be fine. Legally, all children sunlight (though some not without taking the patient’s pupillary Q lenses in old frames? and partially sighted people as dark as sunglasses). Best- distance. But we think that it’s unclear Quality optical practices must be dispensed by known brand is Transitions. what specific measurements are A generally will reglaze a dispensing optician. Inherently UV protective. needed to comply with requirements a frame, but will always warn You’re also better off with Scratch-resistant coating – and – though sellers are not breaking that this is at your own risk, as a dispensing optician for Reduces chances of scratching the law – we’re concerned that the an aging frame loses some of anything more complicated. – almost impossible to source emerging online sales market is its strength. Some high street This includes older people a lens without them these allowing potentially dangerous practice. practices stopped doing this (75+), higher prescriptions days. Look for anti-smudge Our experts were also concerned as they found too many frames (over +/-5) or those that and water-resistant versions. about half the pairs that passed broke during reglazing and include prisms, large changes Anti-glare/anti-reflection our tests. Opticians take additional they ended up replacing the in prescription, and where coating – Most lenses look measurements to make sure your frames and sometimes the discussion and advice maybe better with these coatings. glasses are positioned and powered lenses too (as they’d been particularly important. May give slightly greater correctly. Though you can make cut to fit the original frames). clarity – for example for night glasses without these measurements, Which lenses and driving – and allow others people with higher prescriptions Should I ask for a Q coatings are best? to see your eyes. Can be (over +/-5) may not get the best quality Q dispensing optician Standard lenses – more prone to smudges of vision and could experience rather than a dispensing A Inexpensive, but can and harder to clean. blurring or colour fringes. assistant to advise on, look thick with stronger UV-blocker (UV400) – Finally, it’s important to have regular fit and supply the most prescriptions. Not the best Blocks some UV light. eye tests and contact lens check-ups, appropriate glasses? choice for rimless frames, Unnecessary expense even if you do shop online. See NHS For standard dispensing, even with mild prescriptions. for lens types which already Choices ( to find out A including varifocals or Polycarbonate lenses – include it, but can be useful more about NHS entitlements, bifocals, an assistant should Highly shatter-resistant plastic, with standard lenses. eye conditions and local services.

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