HIS ''Part" of the Gleanings is really only a kind of genealogical appendix to Part VI., and will be corres­ Tpondingly dull for most people. But its contents are essential to the large scheme on which I am working, and there are items of interest for those with patience to seek them. To what an extent "the complicated interactions of kinship," particu­ larly through his wife, impinged upon Johnson's own career at various points is well shown by the key pedigree which acts as a kind of frontispiece. If the volume itself is not stimulating to many, I hope that the novel map contained in the pocket at the end, and described in a special note, may prove of general interest. So far as I know, nothing like it has ever been attempted before to illustrate the origins and life, or part of the life, of any celebrated man. At present I cannot say whether Part VIII. will continue with the story of Johnson's career after his returning to London in r740, or whether a Part will have to be interposed containing various fresh matter bearing upon his early life that has cropped up during the progress of the work. In conclusion, it is a great pleasure to thank all those who have so generously helped me in the compilation of this Part, chief among whom, as so often before, is Mr. A. W. Read, of Leicester, a friend who never fails. And my thanks are overdue to Miss Lucy Drucker, of London, whose professional services, particularly at Somerset House, have been invaluable to me for many years. To my printers, Messrs. Percy Lund, Humphries & Co., Ltd., and to my friend Mr. E. C. Gregory, their enlightened ... 111 and enterprising director, a special tribute is due, not only for the diligent care they continue to take in the production of the volumes, but also for their sympathetic interest in work of this character, which has helped considerably towards making publication of my researches possible. That the University of Oxford, since my last Part was issued, should have seen fit to reward my labours with an honorary degree, is a circumstance of which only vanity could leave me unregardful. ALEYN LYELL READE. Treleaven House, Blundellsands, Nr. Liverpool. 11 Sept., 1935.



THE JERVIS FAMILY OF GREAT PEATLING PP· r-45 THE DARELLS OF FULMER pp. 45-53 Narrative Pedigree of Thomson pp. 53-55 Narrative Pedigree of Eedes pp. 55-57 THE PORTER FAMILY OF EDGBASTON pp. 58-rrr Narrative Pedigree of Colmore of Birmingham pp. rrr-125 THE EBORALLS OF BALSALL pp. r25-141 Narrative Pedigree of Lucas pp. 141-143 THE NORTON FAMILY OF WAR\\tICK pp. 143-151 THE HINCKLEYS OF pp. 151-167 THE REV. JOHN HUNTER AND HIS DESCENDANTS pp. 167-178


INDEX pp. 181-226




AT the outset of my researches, in The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, 1906 (pp. 235-6), I printed some particulars of the Jervis family, but they were almost entirely derived from Nichols's , and could claim no originality. Since then I had not added anything to those notes, until in Part VI. of the Gleanings I devoted the first chapter (pp. 1-12) to a brief anticipation of the information here given in full detail. With the early generations of the family, as set forth in the Visitation pedigree of 1619, I am not much concerned. The succession of names from William " J erveis," said to have been settled at Thorpe Langton in or about 1363, to the John Jervis with whom I am content to start my pedigree, probably has some foundation of fact, but I am inclined to doubt whether it is a true descent throughout from father to son. John Jervis, who died in 1558, is shewn as eighth in descent from the founder, and when eight generations are compressed into less than 200 years we, who know how the generations of male descent rarely vary much from the accepted average of three to the century, may justifiably be sceptical. There were very likely records of Jervises, 2 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. as named, being in possession of the Thorpe Langton estate at the dates given, but in some cases they may have been brothers, or even cousins, who succeeded, and not sons. When we come to the .John Jervis in question we find him given in the Visitation pedigree as son of William Jervis, but as actual records reveal that when he inherited Thorpe Langton, in 1511, it was in succession to one William Jervis, described only as his "kinsman," we may wonder whether here is not an excellent illustration of the truth of n1y suggestion . . William Jervis, son of the John Jervis mentioned, purchased a manor at Great Peatling in 1564, and after that date Great Peatling was the family seat until the second half of the eighteenth century, when increasing poverty compelled relinquishment of the old home. There seem to have been Jervises who remained at Thorpe Langton after the settlement of William Jervis at Great Peatling, and apparently in the elder line, but they soon vanish and are not heard of again. I am content to deal with the Great Peatling line, and to leave questions not directly connected with it for others to settle if they can. There is no great problem or difficulty in the pedigree of the Peatling Jervises, such as tormented me, and still torments me when I think of it, in the descent of the Porters (see post, pp. 62-4). But there are a few things I am very sorry to leave unsettled. Most do I grieve that the careers of Mrs. Johnson's younger brothers, William and Samuel, who were both alive in 1703, and approaching maturity, have not been traced. More extended research might reveal their after history, but when ways and means have constantly to be considered even obvious channels of information often have to be left unexplored. There is the usual number of discrepancies in names and dates, particularly in the printed sources, but I have done my best to resolve all such difficulties. At ante, VI., 12, I was only able to suggest that William Davies Jervis, like his elder brother Charles, left no legitimate issue, and that therefore the male line of the Jervis family of Peatling failed on their death. The evidence is now complete that this was so, though, like his brother again, he left illegitimate issue. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 3 EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS GREAT PEATLING, CO. LEIC. (Register searched by Mr. A. W. Read, from commencement on 15 Nov. 1565. Entries in italics not utilized in pedigree.) 1567/8. Feb. 25. bap. Dorthye Jervis dau. of William Jervis. 1571. Mch. 30. bur. Ann Jervis wife of William Jervis the elder gent. 1574. Nov. 22. mar. Edward Ward [sc. Wade] et Annys Jervis. I 5 76/ 7. Jan. 7. mar. William Jervis & Francis Bradgate. 1578. Sept. 10. bap. Edward Jervis son of William Jervis. 1582/3. Feb. 25. mar. Noe Duckett et Grace Jervis. 1587. Mch. 25. bitt'. John Jervis son of [blank] Jet'vis. 1587. Dec. 4. mar. Mr. Rychard Roberds et Dowrethye Jervis. 1590. Aug. 30. bur. Catherine Jervis Wife of William Jervis, Gent. 1594. Nov. 1. bap. Elizab. Jervis dau. of George Jervis. 1596. Apl. 13~ bap. Frances Jervis dau. of George Jervis. 1597. May-. bap An Jervis dau. of George Jervis. 1597. May 8. bur. William Jervis the eldest Gent. 1597. May 14. mar. Thomas Bennett et Amye Jet'vis. 1598. Dec. 17. bap. William Jervis son of George Jervis. 1599. Sept. 10. mat'. John Jervis & Mat'garet Hewet. 1602. Nov. 16. bur. Frances Jervis wife of William Jervis the elder. 1610. Nov. 5. mar. William Holliack & Dorethy Jervis. 1611/12. Feb. 11. mar. John Dawes & Elizab. Jervis. 1613/14. Jan. 3. bap. Jervis Dawes son of John Dawes. 1613/14. Jan. 23. bur. William Jervis the eldest gentleman. 1617. Dec. 17. mar. Frauncis Chamberlain and Frauncis Jervis. 1618/19. Jan. 5. bur. William Jervis the elder gentleman. 1633. (July ?). 11. bur. Elizabeth wife of George Jervis gent. 1637. May 4. bap. William son of William Jervice Esq. & Elizabeth. 1641. Dec. 16. bap. Maria Jervis dau. of William Jervis & Elizabeth. 1643. Oct. 3. bap. Abigal Jervis was bap. 1643/4. Mch. 21. bur. Elizabeth Jervis. . 1657/8. Mch. 8. mar. Mr. Richard Bradgate and Mns Jane Jervuise ["spin.," in different hand) published January 10-17-24 and married at Weddington in the county of Warwick. 1657/8. Mch. 15. mar. Mr. William Reade Merchant and Bachelour Citizen of the parish of Martins Ludgate London and Mris Susannah Jervis Spinster having been published 3 several days in the City of London (viz.) 13-17-22 day of February. 1658/9. Jan. 1 r. bap. William sonne of Mr. William Read a Merchant and Citizen of London & Mrs. Susanna his Wife born the 3 day of January. 1659/60. Jan. 25. bur. George son of Mr. Samuel & Elizabeth Jervis. 1661. Dec. II. bur. Gulielmus Jervis Senior Armiger Ecclesiae hujus patronus. 1661/2. Mch. 23. bap. Jervis sonne of Mr. William Reade of London Merchant and Mris Susannah his Wife borne the 13 of March. B 4 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. 1666. Aug. 14. bap. Charles son of Mr. William Reade of London Merchant and Mris Susannah his Wife born the thirteenth day of August. baptised four­ teenth day of the same month. 1666. Dec. 16. bur. Henry Jervis Gent. 1667. Dec. 22. mar. Peter Cooke Gent. one of the Factorye of Bantom in the East Indes now Free Merchant and Citizen of London and Mris Abigail Jervis late of this towne and parish were married at [blank]. 1674. Apl. 15. bur. Samuel Jervis Armiger hujus Ecclesiae patronus. 1683. Oct. 22. bap. William sonne of William Jervis Esq. and Mrs. Anne his Wife borne tenth day of October juxta horam nonam, mane. 1685/~. Jan. 23. ~ap.. Samuel the 3rd. sonne of William Jervice Esq. and · Mistns Anne hia Wife borne the seaventh day of January 1685/6 neare four of the clock in the afternoone baptized the twenty third day of the same month by Mr. Wm. Palmer. 1687. Oct. 15. bap. Darell the daughter of William Jervis Esq. and Mris Anne his Wife borne Fourteenth day of October baptized ye Fifteenth day of the same month. 1688/9. Feb. 16. bap. Elizabeth the daughter of William Jervis Esqre. and Mris Anne 1:tls Wife borne the fourth day of February, mane, Baptized 16 day of the same month by Mr. Smith Curat at Peat. Parva. 1691/2. Jan. 22. bap. Anne the daughter of William Jervis Esq. and Mrs. Anne his Wife borne the twenty and sixth day of December early in the morning baptized the 22 day of January by Mr. Welchman Senior. 1694/5. Jan. 24. bur. William Jervis, Esq. 1696. Nov. 14. bur. Anne ye Daughter of Mrs. Ann Jervis Vid. was buryed Nov. ye 14th. 1696 Recd. affidavit according to Law. 1699. June 4. bur. Dorrell ye daughter of Mrs. Ann Jervis Vid. was buryed June ye 4th. 1699 Recd. affidavit according to law ye same day. 1708. July 31. bur. Madam Elizabeth [Anne crossed out] Jervis. 1711. Dec. 26. bap. William the son of Mr. Richard Jervis Esq. and Anne bis Wife . .1713. Nov. 6. bap. Dorel dau. of Rich. Jervis Esq. and Ann his Wife. 1725. Sept. 26. bur. Mr. Richard Jervis. 1726. Dec. 23. bur. Mrs. Jervis Widow. 1739. Apl. 8. bap. Wm. ye son of lVIr. Samuel Jervis and Catherine his Wife. I 741. Oct. 3 I. bur. Catherine Jervis. 1743. June 27. bur. Mrs. Jervis Widow. 1747. July 14. bur. William son of William and Tabitha Jervis. 1753. June 22. bur. Mrs. Tabitha Jervis (entered elsewhere as "Tabitha Wife of Will. Jervis "). 1753. Oct. 20. bur. Penelope dau. of Will. & Tabitha Jervis. 1771. May. 10. bur. Katherine Jervis. 1772. Aug. 30. bur. Samuel Jervis. 1780. Sept. 19. bur. Wm. Jervis. 1792. Mch. 28. bur. The Revd. William Jervis of Lutterworth. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 5 1814. Oct. 27. bur. Ann Jervis, aged 73 years (of Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire). 1844. Jan. 5. bur. Charles Jervis, of Narborough, aged 67 years. (on the inside cover of the register appear these entries) Samuel the Son of Richd. Jervis Esq. & Anne his wife was baptized at Dunton Basset by Mr. Cox ye eighth day of April 1710 born March ye 9th. 1709. William 2nd. son of Richd. & Ann Jervis was baptized at Peatling Magna by Mr. Varley December 26th. 1711 i.e. St. Stephen's Day born November 28 1711. Darel alias Dorell Daughter of Richd. & Anne Jervys was baptized at Peatling Magna by Mr. Varley November sixth 1713, born October ye 7th. being ye ...... before N arborough. N.B. The reason for Inserting these here is because ye first being born at Dunton Bassett is not to be found in any Register of ye Parish and ye other two tho' they are not. down are obscurely so & (as I a1.11 informed) not truly registered. (on 21 Nov. 1641 Rev. Edwa'fd Staplefo'>'d, Vicaf', f'ead 39 Af'ticles : Henf'y Jervis and Samuel JeYvis wits. A list of inhabitants made by the Vicar on 18 July 1716 includes the following:-" Imp. Richd. Jervis Esq. his Wife 3 child'Yen &- 2 sef'­ vants"). DUNTON BASSETT, CO. LEIC. (Yegistey consulted by M'I'. A. W. Read) 1676/7. Jan. 24. bur. Anne Flude dau. of Joseph Flude the youngeY &- Elizabeth his wife. 1684. June 8. hap. Anna dau. of Joseph Flude Ju. & Elizabeth his wife. 1709. May 31. mar. Mr. Richard Jervoise and Mrs. Ann Flude. 1709/10. Mch. 9. hap. Samuel ye son of Mr. Richard Jervise & Ann his wife was born ye 9th. day of March 1709 and was baptized the 8th. day of April next following. HINCKLEY, CO. LEIC. 1802. Nov. 25. mar. Richard Jervis, clerk, of the par. of Stoke Golding, and Ann Galloway, of this par., by lie. Wits., Maria C. Galloway and James Smith Galloway.

STOKE GOLDING, CO. LEIC. 1804. Aug. 7. Received into the Church Mary Ann Daughter of Richard and Ann Jervis. 1808. July 5. bur. Revd. Richard Jervis, Curate of this Parish and Master of the Free Grammar School for 7 Years, Aged 30 Years.

ST. MARY'S, LEICESTER 1791. Mch. 29. mar. Richard Jervis and Sarah Brown, by lie. 6 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. LUTTERWORTH, CO. LEIC. (Yegister sea'Yched by MY. A. W. Read, /Yom 1734 to 1781) 1739/40. Jan. 8. bapt. Richard, son of William Jarvis. 1745. Sept. 3. bapt. Ann, dau. of William Jervis. 1762. Jan. 11. bapt. William, son of Mr. William Jervis. 1772. Oct. 20. mard. Richard Jervis, of this par., bach., and Hannah Dawes, widow, lie. Wits., Richd. Tattom, Thos. Coaton. 1773. Aug. 25. bapt. Hannah, dau. of Richard Jervis. 1778. Mch. 20. bapt. Richard, son of Mr. Richard Jervis. 1780. Feb. 23. burd. Tabitha, dau. of Richard Jervis. 1781. Sept. 29. bapt. William Davies, son of the Revd. Mr. William Jervis and Ann his wife was born May 28. 1781. Nov. 19. burd. Hannah, wife of Mr. Richard Jervis. NUNEATON, CO. WARWICK 1774. Apl. 7. mard. William Jervis, of Kincote (sic), co. Leic., clerk, and Ann Davies, of this par., spinster, by lie. Wits., Dorothy Farmer, Rolled Smith.

MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS GREAT PEATLING (as given in Nichols's Leiceste'Yshi'Ye, IV., 330) Round the edge of an altar-tomb in the North-east comer of the chancel:" Here lythe the bo- I dies of William Jervis and Katheren his wife; which William I deceased the 8th of I Maye 1597, an'o retatis 94. I VIVIT POST FUNERA VIRTUS". On the North Front of this tomb are represented thirteen children, as in fig. 6. There are also five figures at the West end; four of them infants. Round the edge of a table monument (fig. 7) under an old arch (fig. 8) on the North side, over which are the arms and crest of Jervis; Sable, a chevron Ermine between three hawks Argent; crest, an eagle's head Or, between two wings Ermine, fig. 9 : " Heare lithe the bodys of William I J ervois, Anne and Frances his wyffe, which Anne was daughter I of Nicholas Purfrey of Drayton, I esquire; which William had I issue by her two sonnes and three daughters, and deceased the I 21 of Januarie 1614, anno retatis 77." On the front five children (fig. 10); and these arms: Quarterly, I. and 4. ]e'Yvis; 2. and 3. Sable, three pairs of hands in gauntlets Or. Pu,refoy; fig. II. On a mural monument on the South side of the chancel are represented a cor­ pulent gentleman in gown and ruff, with his lady in a close dress, both kneeling at a desk (fig. 12) ; and these arms: Jerveis; impaling, Azure, on a chevron> between three fleurs delis Argent, three estoiles Gules, Shepherd; fig. 13. '' Here sleep they, whose life was such That even Envie could not touch ; Therefore her faire virtues shall Live admir'd and lov'd by all THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 7 Here under lieth the bodie of I William Jerveis, esq. who died I the 9 of Januarie, 1618, being I then high sheriff of this shire, and aged 55. I Elizabeth his virtuous wife I consecrated this I monument, who afterward I married with Richard Roberts, knight. As you are, so were we : As we are, so shall you be." In the churchyard, on an upright stone in the South-east part:" In memory of I William Jervis, gent. I who died the 18th. of September, 1780, I aged 67 years." "Samuel Liptrott died Dec. 3, 1776, I aged 80. I Elizabeth his wife died Nov. 30, 1751, aged 57." (later inscriptions copied by Mr. A. W. Read) N. side of church, on wall:- The Rev. William Jervis I died I 23 of March 1792 I aged 51 years I Also I Ann his Wife I who died I 21 October 1814 I aged 71 years. In a Vault near this place I are deposited the remains of I The Rev. William Jervis I who departed this life I the 23rd. of March I 1792 I aged 54 years I also in the same vault I lie the remains of I Ann his Wife I who died the 21st. of October I 1814 aged 71 years. Sacred I to the memory of I Charles Jervis Esq. I late of Stanton House in this County I Son of I Rev. William Jervis I he departed this life on the 28 of Decem­ ber 1843 I aged 67 years. Slate, on floor of central aisle :- William Jervis I Died I 21st. of January I 1894 I aged 36 years.

LEIRE, CO. LEIC. (at west end, on wall of tower: copied by Mr. A. W. Read) This Monument I is erected by Rolled Smith Esqr. late of Normanton Turville I to the memory of his Aunt I Susannah Smith I of this place I She died May 20th. 1792 Aged 84 I Also to the memory of his Uncle Thomas Smith I Who died June 26th. 1774 Aged 68 I They were kind and affectionate relations I Their Father John Smith married Anna daughter of Dr. Rolled I of Barby Warwick­ shire, he died 1742 Aged 72 I and left the Estate of this place away from his own Family I Anna his wife died 1766 aged 91 I Their other children were I William who died 1700, John an infant the same year I William who died April 6th. 1768 Aged 66 I Anne twin sister to Susannah died May 20 1724 I Knightley Smith married Darel daughter of Richard Jervis Esq. I of Great Peat­ ling, they both died 1740 leaving only one son I Rolled Smith who erects this Monument to the memory of I his Family buried here also one Child of his own named Knightley who died an infant I and is also buried here.

OADBY, CO. LEIC. (inscription in churchyard, copied by Mr. A. W. Read) Sacred I to the Memory of I Mr. Richard Jervis I Surgeon I formerly of I Lutterworth I He Died April the 7th. I 1817 I Aged 77 years. 8 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. ABSTRACTS O:F WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS JOHN JERVYS, of Thorpe Langton, co. Leic. Will dated 23 July 1558. To be burd. in church of St. Peter in Church Langton. To mother church of Lincoln, 12d. To parish church of Langton, 20s/- towards the reparation of Our Lady. 8 To the chapel of St. Lennarde, Thorpe Langton, 20 /- towards the reparations. To every godchild, 3s/-. To Reckard Bradgatt, £40. To Hetkabetk [? Elizabeth] 8 Jervys, dau. of Thomas Jervys my son, £40. To Thomas Payne, 10 /-. To John Daffte, 10s/-. To Reckard Goodyere, 20 wethers. To Crester my servant, 65/8, and to all other my servants,---(torn) each. To Thomas jef'vys, my son, tenement, with all lands, meadows, closes, pastures, etc., now in his occupation, and another ·in the occupation of Rickard Payen, to Wylliam.---(torn) Thomas Jervys, my sons, equally, and make them exors. Reckard Bradgaitt to be super­ viser, and have 20s/-. Wits., Reckard Payne, Recha'l'd Goodyeere, with others. "he yt dwellyth in the maner hows schall have bys come and cole free if he be not sarvyd as he owtt soto be and so fynde1---(torn) Thomas Jervys shall gyffe hym £5 in redy money and the mylne wholl to hym an hys erys for ever," and the other to grind where he will. Proved 15 Sept. 1558, at Leicester. THOMAS JEARVIS, of Thorplanckton, co. Leic. Will dated 21 Feb. 1569. To be burd. within par. church of Church Lancktone. To mother church of Lynckone, 4d. To " the lady yebe that belongeth to Thorplanckton," 3s/4. To the chapel of Thorplancktone, 3s/4. To Elysabeth Wattes, my dau., 20s/-, and to Thomas her son, 6s/8, and to the residue of her children, 3s/4 apiece. To Marye Jhonson, my dau., 20s/-, and to her son, 3s/4. To Annes Jearvis, my dau., £20. To Cattorne Jearvis, my dau., £20. To Wyllyam Jearvis, son to my son, ]hon Jearvis, 20s/-, and to his sister, Catrene Jearvis, 6s/8. To every one of my servants, 12d. The rest of my goods I bequeath to Alise, my wife, and to ]hon Jeaf'vis, my son, whom I make exors. "I wyll that Ales my wyff shall occupye half my farme wyth my sonn ]hon so long as she shall kepe hyr wyedooe but yf yt chaunce that she doe gooe away from hym to anny of hyre chyldrene that then shee shall haue but xxli." I will that Wyllyam Wattes and Wyllyam Jhonson be the supervisers. Wits., RobeYte ]earuis, Wyllyam Wattes, ;.:,...,,cheard Payne, Thomas Goockson, Jeames Hudsone and Hew Mase. Proved 20 Apl. 1569, at Leicester, before Nicholas, Bishop of Lincoln, and admon. of goods committed to the relict of said deed., in presence of Geo-rge Cockburne, not. pub., the other exor., being sworn in form of law (Lincoln Consistory Court Wills, 1566-9, f. 99). WILLIAM JERVYS, of " Peytlying " Magna, co. Leic. Will dated 10 Feb. 1592/3. To be burd. in chancel of par. church of Peatling Magna. To repairs 8 of same church, 20 /-. To Thomas J ervys, my son, £20, and to every one of his children, 20s/- each. To Katheryne Burditt, my dau., £5, and to William Burditt, 5 her son, 40s/-, and to F-rancis, her dau., 20 /-. To Johane Payne, my dau., £5, 5 and to William Payne, her son, 40s/-, and to the rest of her children, 20 /- each. 8 To Ann Wade, my dau., £5, and to every one of her children, 10 /- each. To 8 Grace Duckett, my dau., £5, and to every one of her children, 20 /- each. To William Jervys, my son's son, £5, and to George Jervys, his bror., £20, and to THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 9

8 8 Dorothy Roberts, their sister, 40 /-. To Richard Warde, my bror.-in-law, 40 /-. 8 5 To poor of Peatling Magna, 10 /-, poor of Willoughbie, 5 /-, poor of Wheston, 5 5 8 5 5 /-, poor of , 5 /-, poor of Foston, 5 /-, poor of Ermsbye, 5 /-, 8 5 poor of Bruntingthorpe, 5 /-, and poor of , 5 /-. To every 5 servant with me at my decease, 20 /- each. To repairs to the pavements in 5 Peatling Magna, 40 /- at discretion of exor. To every one of my godchildren, 12d. each. Residue, after payment of debts, etc., to my son, William Jervys, and heir apparent, and make him exor. Supervisers, Noe Duckett and Richard 8 Bwrditt, my sons-in-law, and give them 10 /- each. No wits. Proved 21 May 15.97, at Leicester, by exor. WILLIAM JERVYS, of Peatlinge Magna, co. Leic. Will dated 10 Jan. (yeat' missing, with other particulars in the will, which is badly tot'n). My,----­ chance] of the parish church of Peatling. To son George J ervys six children, 8 --~each. To son Robert (sic) Robertsi-----en, 40 /- each. To sister 5 -----, £5. To sister, Grace Duckett, 20 /-. ------. To 5 sister Burdytt, 10 /-. To ----- Clare, minister, 40 /-. To poor of 5 ----- Little Peatling, 5 /-. To the -----people of Willowbye, 5 5 5 5 5 /-. To poor of Whetston, 5 /-, of Countesthorpe, 5 /-, of Foston, 5 /-, of 5 5 5 Arnesby, 5 /-, of Bruntingthorpe, 5 /-, and of Peatling Magna afsd., 10 /-. To every servant of my house, 25/6 each. Residue to son, William J et'vis, son-in-law, Richa'Yd RobeYts, of Sutton Cheney, co. Leic., gent., and son, Geot'ge Jervis, and make them exors. No wits. Proved at Leicester, 25 Mch. 1614, by William J et'vis, power reserved to other exors. WILLIAM JERVYS, of Peatling Magna, co. Leic., Esq. Will dated 8 Jan. 5 1618/9. To be burd. in chancel of Peatling parish church. To poor there, 10 /-, 5 and to repair of church, 20 /-. To William Jervis, son of my uncle, Thomas Jervis, £50. To aunt Wade, £5. To aunt Duckett, £5. To poor of Foston, Countes­ thorpe, Willowbie, Little Peatlinge, Bruntingthorpe, Eamsbie and Wheston, 5 5 5 /- each parish. To servants, 2 /6 each. To bror., George Jervis, £30 a year out of lands at Peatling Magna. To nephew, William Je,-vis, £20 a year out of lands in Peatling and Thorplangton. To wife Elizabeth, all my lands and tenements in Peatling Magna, Thorplangton and Eamsbie, with the windmill in Eamsbie, for life, with remr. to my right heirs, my bror., GeoYge Jervis, and my nephew, William Jervis, not to disturb her. To repair of pavements in Peatling Magna, 5 20 /-. To nephew, William Robertes, £5. To niece, Joyce Bale, £5. To nephew, 5 Thomas Robertes, a gelding. To rest of bror. George Jervis's children, 40 /- each. Resid. legatee and extrix., wife Elizabeth. Overseers, my bror., Mr. Richat'd Robertes, and my uncle, Sir John Bale, knt. Signed, William Jervis. Wits., Richard Robertes, Augustine Henchman and John Astell. Proved 4 May 1619, in P.C.C. (Parker 45), by extrix. WILLIAM JERVIS, of Great Peatlinge, co. Leic., esq. Will dated 10 Jan. 1653/4. To my friends, Ambrose Saunders, of Foxton, co. Leic., gent., John Chamberlaine, of Newton Harcott, gent., and Adam Hicks, of Little Peatlinge, gent., all the tenements in the tenure of William Bradgate and others (named), IO JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. and the Lady Close, Neales Close, Widow Proctor's Close, the Northfield and Westwell Leyes, to the lower end of Westendale, and the upper end of same, the vVest Close, Penn Close, Westwell Lammas Close, with all the tithes issuing therefrom, all being in Great Peatlinge, to raise £500 for my dau. Elizabeth, wife of William Bale, gent., and £500 each for my daus., Katherine Jervis, Susan, Jane, Mary and Abigail Jervis, at their ages of 21, or on marriage, and £1000 for my younger son, William Jervis, at his age of 21. Resid. legatee and exor., my elder son, Samuel Jervis. Signed, Will. Jervis. Wits., Tho. Read, Randolph Boulter and Fr. Brett. Codicil dated 14 Mch. 1658/9. I revoke said legacy to son William, and bequeath to him £40 a year for life; my trustees to stand seised of said lands during the lives of my bror., Henry Jervis, and said son William. Signed, (mark). Wits., Richard Orton and William Bale. Proved 8 Oct. 1661, in P.C.C. (May 158), by exor. named. WILLIAM READE, English Merchant resident at the Port of the Cross, in Grotana Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, Canary Isles). Will dated 25 Nov. 1677. Several persons owe me money, and I have much merchandise, and the same shall be inventoried in the presence of Captains William Cows and Robert Raworth, and the goods delivered to my bror.-in-law, John East, and Robert Davis, to be divided into three parts, two whereof to my wife, Susanna, and Elizabeth, Servatio and Charles Read, my children, born in the city of London, and the remaining third part to be divided into four parts, three to said J okn East ai:t.d one to said Robert Davis. Exors., said John East, my bror.-in-law, and Robert Davis. Wits., Don Peter De la Bruque, Captain William Cows, John Robins, Englishmen resident in this port, and Domingo Rodriguez de Santiago and James Rivos. Signed, William Reade. Proved 18 Feb. 1678, in P.C.C. (King 24), by John East, power reserved to Robert Davis (translated out of Spanish).

WILLIAM JERVIS, of Great Peatling, co. Leic., Esq. Will dated 21 Jan. 1694/5. To be burd. at discretion of extrix. To Anne my wife, and to my loving friends, William Colemer, of the boro' of Warwick, co. Warwick, esq., Henry Meriton, of Lutterworth, co. Leic., clerk,* and Andrew Hull, of Frolesworth, co. Leic., gent., all my messuages, lands, etc., in Great Peatling afsd., and Amesby, co. Leic., upon trusts hereafter mentioned, namely that they and the survivor of them shall out of the rents, profits, etc., raise money to pay all my debts, and also for the education of my children, and for their maintenance during their minority, as they shall think :fit, and for the raising of £400 for their respective ages of 21, and if my wife Anne survive my mother she shall enjoy the homestead, messuages, etc., all in Great Peatling afsd., now in my mother's occupation, for her own use during her life. Said wife Anne to be extrix., and have all my goods whatsoever. Signed, William Jervis (mark). Wits., John Wright (mark), Giles F'l'eeman (ma'>'k), Elizabeth Law and Hanah Heyford. In bundle for 1698, at Leicester: no date of proof.

* Adman. of Henry Merriton, late Rector of Lutterworth, who died 14 Feb. 1701, was granted, at Leicester, to George Meri ton, the son. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES II

ELIZABETH JERVIS, of Great Peatling, co. Leic., widow. vVill dated 26 Feb. 1700/1. " I give and bequeath unto my Granddaughter Elizabeth J a1,vis (sic) All my household goods and implyments of whatever nature or kind soever the same be and alsoe all my plate Rings ready money brass and pewter & all other my substance of what nature or kinde soever the same be to hold to her for ever." To dau.-in-law, Anne Jarvis, the ring of her choice. Residue to dau.-in­ law, Anne Jarvis, and said granddau., Elizabeth Jarvis, and make 1.hem extrixes. Signed, Elizabeth Jervis. Wits., John W-Yight (mark), Elis. BU'rditt, Robert Freer (ma1'k) and Henry Holcott. Proved 20 Sept. 1708, at Leicester, by the extrixes. . JOHN WRIGHT, of Great Peatling, co. Leic., yeoman. Will dated 21 May 1707. To loving mother, and loving sister A lice M urcoate, house and homestead and two cow pastures in Church Over, co. Warwick, for their lives, and then to cousin, John Elson, his heirs and assigns. " Item I give and bequeath unto Madam Elizabeth Jervis of Greate Peateling Widdow two broad peeces of Gould. Item I give and bequeath unto Madam Ann Jervis of Warwick the sum of hvo Guineys." To two fellow servants, Elizabeth Burdet and Mary Freare, one guinea 5 each. To cousin, Thomas Ambrose, 10 /-. To loving cousins, Ann Itson, Mary Itson, Basill llson, William Itson and Humphrey Itson, £8 each. Residue to cousin, John Elson, and make him exor. Signed, John Wright. Wits., Thomas Willey, jr., Thomas Beaumont his mark, and William Grocock his mark. Proved 27 Oct. 1707, at Leicester, by the exor.

CHARLES READE, of London, merchant, designed for Vera Cruz, Mexico, in the service of the South Sea Company. Will dated 29 July 1717. To bror., Jervis Reade, of London, merchant, one third of my estate. To sister, Elizabeth Firbank, one third, she to dispose of one half thereof as she pleases at her death and the other half to my said bror. Jervis, provided he has not married the person we object to, in which case to my cousin, Henry Furnese. Of the other third part, one half to said Mr. Hen,yy Furnese, and the other half to be divided between his mother; Mrs. Henry Fut'nese, and her son, George Furnese. To my friend, Mr. 1l1artin Hervey, £20. To my cousins, Mary and Betty Ortons, £10 each, and to my uncle and aunt East, and cousin Elizabeth East, £10 each. To my friend, Mr. Joseph Faytor, £20. To Mr. Henry Fox's wife and children, £50. To Mrs. Le Maire, £10. To Mrs. Crab and Mrs. Mason, £5 each. Exors., my bror., Mr. Jervis Reade, and Mr. Henry Furnese. Signed, Charles Reade. Wits., B. Raymond, Geo. Firbank and D. Gardine'I'. Proved 18 May 1721, in P.C.C. (Buckingham 97), by the exors. JERVIS READE, of Lothbury. Will dated 18 Feb. 1723/4. I owe small amounts to Mr. Joseph Maxey, sen., of Islington, and Mr. John Sherman, of Lisbon, merchants. Money is due to me for the moiety of my brother's estate, as by his will, from Vera Cruz. To my Aunt Este, of Weston Underwood, co. Bucks., £20 a year for life. To cousins, Mary and Elizabeth Orton, £25 each. To Mrs. Ann Bradley, at whose house I now lodge, for the care she has taken of me in my illness, £50. My furniture to Mrs. Bocket, sister of Mr. Joseph Maxey. To his I2 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. sister-in-law, MYs. Buckingham, £50. To poor of Great Peatling, co. Leic., where I was born, £25, and to poor of Market Bosworth, co. Leic., where I went to school, £25. Exors., Mr. Joseph Maxey, sen., and Mr. John Kelly. To godson, Nathaniel Edward Maxey, son of said Joseph, my 16th. part of the ship Orotava Merchant. Signed, Jervis Reade. On 9 June 1724 William Hamond, of Great St. Helen's, London, merchant, and George Smith, of St. Margaret, Lothbury, London, merchant, appeared and swore to handwriting of said testator, late of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, London, merchant, who died about 27 April last. Proved 24 July 1724, in P.C.C. (Bolton 176), by John Kelly, power reserved to Joseph Maxey, who proved on 28 Jan. 1728. MR. RICHARD JERVIS, late of Great Peatling. Admon. granted 23 Mch. 1725, at Leicester, to Anne Jervis, the widow, of same. Bond, £100. Surety, Benjamin Flude, of Dunton Bassett, co. Leic., gent. Wit., J. Kilbye. HANNAH JERVIS, late of Lutterworth. Admon. granted 12 Dec. 1785, at Leicester, to Richard Jervis, the lawful husband, of Lutterworth, surgeon. Bond, £400. Sureties, Edward Brown, of Lutterworth, butcher, and J eremiak Coaten, of same, victualler. Wit., Wm. Jervis, surrogate. WILLIAM JERVIS, of Lutterworth, co. Leic., clerk. Will dated 21 July 1787. All my lands, etc., in Kimcoate, Walton and Knaptoft, co. Leic., to my friends, John Benskyn, of Stony Stratford, gent., Francis Burges, of Lutterworth, gent., and Sambrook Russell, of Bruntingthorpe, clerk, in trust for my wife, Ann, for life, with contingent remainder to my son, William Davis Jervis. My reversion of the tenement in Great Peatling, co. Leic., and several closes there, called Homeclose, Old Pasture, Home Bridge Meadow, Gorrals Close, and the tithes there, to said trustees, to pay my cousin, Ann Tattam, £30 a year. My leasehold estate in Woolston and Ryton, co. Warw., and Willoughby Waterless, co. Leic., to said trustees, to use of my wife Ann, and my children, Charles and William. Exors., wife and trustees. Legacy to cousin, Richard Jervis. Signed, Wm. Jervis. Wits., Thomas Chamberlain, Olivr. Aris and Thos. Archer. Proved 20 Sept. 1792, in P.C.C. (Fountain 475), by Ann Jervis, the relict, and the trustees, the exors. named. Admon. granted 17 Oct. 1818 to James Scultkorpe, of Hinckley, co. Leic., gent., on behalf of Thomas Athorpe, esq., Lt. Col. in Horse Guards, and Mary his wife, Rev. Isaac William Webb Horlock, of Bocks, co. Glouc., clerk, and Ann his wife, Rev. Rickard Coxe, of Bath, clerk, and Susannah his wife, Rev. Thomas Noel, of Montague Square, M'sex, clerk, and Catherine his wife, George Smith, of Spitsbury, co. Dorset, esq., and Frances his wife, limited to a messuage, etc., in Allesley, co. Warw., as by an indenture of 26 Mch. 1782; the exors. all being dead, Ann Jervis having survived the others. Admon. granted 1 Mch. 1824 to James William Buchanan, of Nuneaton, co. Warw., gent., on behalf of George Smith, Capt. in the Horse Guards Blue at Windsor, co. Berks., esq., limited to lands in Little Ashby, co. Leic., called Fullow Meadow, and Sleadalls. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 13

Admon. granted 3 Nov. 1824 to John Jenkyns, of Red Lion Square, M'sex, esq., on behalf of George Smith, of Spetisbury House, Blandford, co. Dorset, esq., limited to lands in Betteswell, co. Leic., as by indentures of 10 June 1773 and 30 July 1777. Admon. granted 30 June 1842 to Richard Rastall, of Leicester, gent., nominee of Rev. John Mawbey Cooper, of Peckleton, co. Leic., clerk, limited to land in Broughton Astley, co. Leic., as by indenture of 12 Aug. 1774. ANN JERVIS (formerly BENSKIN), of Kimcote, co. Leic. Admon. granted 11 Apl. 1789, at Leicester, to William Jervis, of Lutterworth, co. Leic., clerk. Bond, £4000. Sureties, John Stockdale, of Leicester, gent., and William Harrison, the younger, of same, gent. Wit., Jane Harrison. RICHARD JERVIS, late of Stoke Golding, par. of Hinckley, clerk. Admon. granted 18 Aug. 1808, at Leicester, to Charles Jervis, of Hinckley, co. Leic., esq., the principal creditor and admor. Bond, £500. Sureties, , of Leicester, esq., and Francis Robert Bertie, of Hinckley, gent. Wit., John Stockdale Hardy. Ann Jervis, widow and relict of said deed., and Mary Ann Jervis, the natural and lawful only child, have refused to accept admon. of goods, etc., of deed. Intestate died 3 July 1808. Under £300. ANN JERVIS, late of Hinckley, widow. Admon. granted 16 Mch. 1815, at Leicester, to William Davies Jervis, the natural and lawful son and one of the next-of-kin, of Hinckley, esq. Bond, £1600. Sureties, Charles King, of Hinckley, gent., a11:d James Soden, of same, gent. Wits., Thos. Orton and Wm. Raven, clerks to Messrs. King and Soden, solrs., Hinckley. Intestate died at Stony Stanton, co. Leic. (Hinckley being the general place of her residence), on 21 Oct. 1814. RICHARD JERVIS, of Oadby, co. Leic., surgeon. Will dated 14 Aug. 1816. To my wife, Sarah Jervis, for her own use, all monies due to me at my decease by rents, dividends, etc., and £30 for mourning. To my dau.-in-law, Ann Jervis, widow of my late son, Richard Je1'vis, deed., 19 guineas for mourning for herself and her dau., my granddau., Mary Ann Jervis (under 21). I give to my friends, Benjamin Jackson, of Leicester, draper, and Jesse Berridge, of the same, gent., five guineas each; and all my effects, etc., to said Benjamin Jackson and Jesse Berridge, upon the several trusts, etc., to discharge debts, realise estate, etc. If my said dau.-in-law, Ann Jervis, shall continue to be the widow of my said son. My lands, etc., in the lordship or liberties of Great Peatling, co. Leic., about 8 acres, in occ. of Robert A ngrave, to said trustees, for said dau. The said Benjamin Jackson and Jesse Berridge to be exors. Signed, Richd. Jervis. Wits., John Sherwin, Wm. Hart, junr., and Wm. Weston, junr. Codicil dated 23 Jan. 1817: clause re education, etc., of said Mary Ann Jervis, dau. of said Ann Jervis, under 16. Signed, Richd. Jervis. Wits., Peter Plummer, John Iliffe and Wm. Weston, junr. Proved 15 Jan. 1818, in P.C.C. (Creswell, 26). MARY ANN JERVIS, of Belgrave, but late of Syston, co. Leic., spinster. Will dated 18 Mch. 1831. All my close, etc., at Great Peatling, of 8 acres, now in occupation of Robert A ngrave or his assigns, to my dear mother, Ann Jervis. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

To the Treasurer of the Clergy Female Orphan School in St. John's Wood, near London, £100 for their funds. To my friend, Mary Jones, late of Peckham but now of Leicester, £100. A ring to Mrs. Vann, of Belgrave, as token of esteem, and the like to F'Yances Dowley Jackson, of Leicester, spinster. Residue of goods, etc., including Canal Shares, to mother, and friend, Samuel Berridge, of Leicester, gent., and money from conversion of same to be vested in them for trusts hereafter mentioned, my mother to receive interest during her lifetime. After her death the following legacies to be paid :-To cousins, Elizabeth White Galloway, Hannah Burnaby Galloway, Hannah Maria Galloway, Ann Galloway, Emma Galloway and Clare Galloway, £100 each. To cousins, Harriet Toulmin and Cha'Ylotte Toulmin, £200 each. To friend, Jessie (sic) Berridge, of Leicester, gent., 19 guineas, and to· said Samuel Berridge, £50. Residue upon trust for aunt, MaYia Cam Toulmin, and after her decease to said cousins, Harriet Toulmin and Charlotte Toulmin. Exors., said mother, Ann Jervis, and Samuel Berridge. Signed, ivlary Ann Jervis. Wits., John Marston, Joseph Dent and Willm. Coleman, Junr. Codicil dated 29 July 1831. Revoke legacy of £100 to Mary Jones, and bequeath it equally between her and aunt, Maria Cam Toulmin. My cousin, Elizabeth White Galloway, and my friend, Jesse Berridge, having died, I bequeath £100 to cousin, Charles Wilton Toulmin. Wits., John Marston and Wm. Coleman. Proved 13 July 1844, at Leicester, by Ann Jane JeYvis, widow, and Samuel Berridge. Effects sworn under £2000. WILLIAM DAVIES JERVIS, of Stoney Stanton, co. Leic., esq. Will dated 21 Dec. 1837. To Elizabeth Corker, of Leicester, widow, £100. To my natural son, William Corker, by the said Elizabeth, £200 at his age of 21, the proceeds to be employed to apprentice him. To Lucy Dawson, spinster, of Hinckley, co. Leic., £10. Resid. legatee and exc;>r, my brother, Charles Jervis, of Stoney Stanton. Signed, Wm. D. Jervis. Wits., J. Ashmore Smith, Thos. Short and John Orton. Codicil dated 10 Apl. 1838. Having bought an annuity of £100 for 100 years, if I, my brother Charles, and Edward John Hill, infant son of John Hill, M.D., of Leicester, so long live, whereof I have as yet had nothing, I bequeath same, with arrears, to my brother Charles. Proved 8 Aug. 1839, in P.C.C. (Vaughan, 516), by Charles Jervis, esq. CIIARLES JERVIS, of Narborough, co. Leic., late of Stoney Stanton, co. Leic., esq. Will dated 9 Mch. 1842. To James Harrison, my friend, now of Leamington, co. Warw., Captain in the Leic. Regt. of Militia, £100. To my relation, Mary Ann Jervis, dau. of the late Rev. Rickard Jervis, of Stoke Golding, £200. To John Orton, of Hinckley, scrivener, who many years served me, £19-19-0. To my friends, Rev. John Lynes, of Hatton, co. Warw., John Hays, of Upton, co. Northants., gent., and Samuel Bonner, of Hinckley, co. Leic., gent., £5 each. All other the residue of my estates to my two natural daus., Maria Toone, widow of John Toone, of Loughborough, draper, and Harriet Hurst, spinster, both residing with me, and I make them and John Hays exors. Wits., E. B. Shaw, rector of Narborough, and Gill Bridges, surgeon, Narborough. Proved 25 Jan. 1844, in P.C.C. (1844, f. 37), by Mary Toone, one of the exors. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 15 MISCELLANEOUS UNPRINTED EVIDENCE THE following is an abstract of a deed purchased by me from a dealer many years ago. It is endorsed, in a contemporary hand, "Mr. Jervis's Setthnt."; being much injured by damp, and holed in a number of places, there are portions that are quite indecipherable:- Indenture Tripartite made 20 Aug. 2nd. Queen Anne 1703 between Anne Jervis, of Peatling Magna, co. Leic., widow and relict of William Jervis, of ...... afsd., gent., deed., and Richard Jervis, of Peatling Magna afs·d., gent., son and heir of sd. William Jervis, of the 1st. part, and ...... of Warwick, co. Warwick, ...... and Henry Meriton, of Lutterworth, co. Leic., clerk, of the 2nd. part, and William Colmore, the younger, of (Warwick?), afsd., gent., and Thomas Byrd, of Claybrooke, co. Leic., gent., of the 3rd. part, Whereas sd. William Jervis, by his will dated 21 Jan. 1695, did give and bequeath to sd. Anne Jervis, William Colmore, Henry Meriton and Andrew Hull, late of Frolesworth, co. Leic., etc., etc., all his messuages, etc., etc., in Great Peatling afsd., etc., etc., and whereas sd. Anne Jervis, William Colmore and H enyy M eriton have raised divers sums of money for the payment of the debts of sd...... Jervis, by the sale of ...... of his lands in Great Peatling, afsd., to several persons, which sales the sd. Richard Jervis doth hereby ratify, etc., etc., and whereas the sd. Richaf'd Jervis" hath contracted severall debts and hath no way to discharge the same without the concurrence and assent of the said " Anne Jervis, William Colmore and Henry Meriton, and whereas two of the younger children of sd. William Jervis are since him deed., but no portions or provision hath been made for the three more ...... Now this indenture witnesseth that sd. Anne Jervis, Richard Jervis, William Colmore and Henry Meriton for the settling the messuages, etc., hereinafter ...... to the intent ...... of the debts of sd. Richard Jervis, as also for the portions and provision for the surviving younger children of sd. William Jervis, deed., etc., etc., they the sd. Anne Jervis, Richard Jervis, William Colmore and Henry Meriton have granted, etc., released ...... William Colmore, jun., and Thomas Byrd in their actual possession being by virtue of a bargain and sale to them made by sd. Anne Jervis, Richard Jervis, William Colmore and Henry M eriton ...... date of these presents and by force of the statute made for ...... and to their heirs and assigns for ever, All that capital messuage [proceeds to enumerate properties at Great Peatling, largely indecipherable: one in the "occupation of Elizabeth Jervis, widow," others at Shearesby, co. Leic., and Amesby, co. Leic.], to have and to hold sd. messuages, etc., etc., unto sd. William Colmore, jun., and Thomas Byrd, to the several uses, etc., by these presents expressed, etc., That is to say, to use, etc., of sd. Anne Je,vis for term of her natural life, and after her decease to use of sd. William Colmore,jun., and Thomas Byrd, their heirs, etc., for natural life of sd. Richard Jervis, in trust only to preserve contingency uses, remainders and estates herein, then to use of sd. Richard Jervis for life, his sons and daus., then to William Jervis, second son of sd. William Jervis, deed., his sons and daus., then to Samu.el Jervis, third son of sd. William Jervis, deed., his 16 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. sons and daus., "and after the determination of all the Estates so in use limitted as aforesaid Then to the use and Behoofe of Elizabeth Jervis the only surviving daughter of the said William Jervis deceased," and to her children lawfully begotten, then to right heirs of sd. William Jervis, deed., provided that sd. RichaYd Jervis, and after his decease William Jervis, and after his decease Samuel Jervis, shall have power, with consent of sd. Anne Jervis, William Colmore, Henf'y Meriton, William Colmore,jun., and Thomas Byrd, their survivors, etc., to convey to lawful wife or wives as jointure such messuages, etc., as they think fit, provided also further that it shall be lawful for sd. Anne Jervis, William ColmoYe, Henf'y Meriton, William Colmore,jun., and Thomas Byrd, etc., to sell, etc., to any persons whatsoever such part of sd. messuages, etc., as they think fit, and money so raised to be disposed of as follows, Payment of debts of sd. Richard Jervis already contracted, and then towards payment of £400 apiece to sd. William Jervis and Samuel Jervis, the two younger sons of sd. William Jervis, deed., "and of the summe of Six hundred pounds to the said Elizabeth Jervis the onely surviveing daughter of the said William Jervis deceased"; power to revoke, etc.; in witness whereof, etc., (signed) ANNE JERVIS (in presence of) JOH. FOSTER, FRANCIS BROMLEY, JOHN DOWNES. (signed) RICHARD JERVIS (in presence of) WM. ELLIS, JOH. FOSTER. (signed) HENRY MERITON (in presence of) JOH. FOSTER, THO. FOSTER. (signed) WM. COLMORE, WILLIAM COLMORE. (in presence of) MARY WARD, THO. FOSTER. The following is an extract from the State Papers 23 (Interregnum Committee for Compounding), vol. G. 247 :- No. 78. These severa.11 persons hereunder written have bine compounded with by the Committee for sequestracions by vertue of an order of the honorable house of Comons for that purpose bearing date the xxxth. day of August 1645 and soe have dischardged them of their sequestracions. Henry Harrington of Thometon (then follow 12 names) Mr. Jervis Esqr. of greate Peatling (then follow 46 names) Mr. A. W. Read kindly sends me the following from his MS. copy of the Leicestershire Hearth Tax Roll:- 1664. Guthlaxton Hundred...... Jervis Widow 2 hearths Ayleston THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 17 . Peatlinge Magna. Samuell Jervis Esq. 11 hearths. Henry Jervis gen. I new erected. Mr. Read was also the discoverer of the licence for Harry Porter's marriage, issued from Lichfield:- 1714/15. Feb. 4. Henry (sic) Porter, of Birmingham, bach., 23 or there­ abouts, and Elizabeth Jervis, of Warwick, 23 or thereabouts. Surety, William Eboral, of Balsall, co. Warwick. The marriage must have been solemnised in the , but where we do not know as yet. From Mr. Read's MS. copy of the admission register of Appleby School, in Leicestershire, I find that entries to the Latin school include the names of William Jervis on 22 July 1772, and Richard Jervis on 23 Jan. 1787; and to the Writing school those of William Jervis on 12 July 1773, and Richard Jervis, of Lutterworth, on 26 Jan. 1787. Mr. W. T. Hall, of Harrow, kindly tells me that Richard Jervis succeeded the Rev. William Brown as clerk and schoolmaster of the Free Grammar School at Stoke Golding. An indenture dated 5 Sept. 1801, in the Registry of the Leicester Archdeaconry, shews his appointment as school­ master by T. S. Powys, during the minority of the Earl of Denbigh, in whom the appointment was vested. Mr. Jervis signed the Archdeaconry Sub­ scription Book, on 7 Oct. 1801, as" Clerk of Stoke Golding, Schoolmaster of the Free Grammar School there." But the parish registers are not signed by him until 1803, continuing to 1808. Such signatures as appear between 1801-03 are those of casual clergy. The Rector of Stoke Golding, who was Vicar of Hinckley, died in Jan. 1804 ; and as Jervis from that date signs continuously, it would appear that not until then did he have actual charge of the parish. Cole-Galloway, the Rector, was rather an eccentric person, whose faults have been kindly ascribed by the historian to mental deterioration. Mr. Hall sends me also this extract from the Feet of Fines for Stoke Golding :- 1808. Plaintiff: Henry Everleigh Holland, clerk [curate of Hinckley], Wm. Sketchley, the elder. Deforciant: Richard Jervis, clerk, Robt. Smart, Thos. Geary. One messuage, one cottage, one acre of land, and a moiety of the one messuage, cottage, one barn, one stable, one garden, 14 acres of land, 14 acres of meadow, 14 acres of pasture; and a moiety of one-fifth part of one messuage, one garden, one orchard, 60 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture, in Shearsby, Narborough, Huncote, Newhall Park, Willoughby Waterless, and Stoke Golding, etc. £120. 18 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. The will of Allen Brown, of Cosby, co. Leic., gent., whose widow Sarah married Richard Jervis, of Lutterworth, in 179r, was dated 13 Mch. 1780, and proved r7 Apl. 1782, at Leicester. He mentions the settlement made on marriage with his present wife, Sarah Brown; and also £500 settled on his marriage with his first wife. Children, or possible children, are alluded to, but none named. A trustee under his last marriage settlement was his brother-in-law, Thomas Farmer, of Leicester, hosier. The will of his famous brother-in-law, Richard Farmer, D.D., Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and friend of Johnson's, was dated 3r May 1793 : he bequeaths all his property in trust to his brother, Captain Joseph Farmer, who is to bestow it as he thinks fit for the general good of the family, who are not mentioned individually. Administration was granted on 2 Oct. r797, in P.C.C. (Exeter, 639), to Joseph Farmer, esq., the brother. Mr. A. W. Read sends me the following extract from the Visitation of London in r664, from the records of the College of Arms :­ Thomas Reade of Barkby Thorpe = Eliz: da: of William Thorley in Com. Leic. I of Holt in Com: Wore: I William Reade of Lon- = Susanna, da: of Will: Jervis of great don, Mercht 1664 Peatlin in Com. Leic. mard.

Jervis sonne & heire Elizabeth ret. 3 An. 0 1664 The following information has been supplied by the Public Record Office in answer to an enquiry as to William Davies Jervis:- The records show that he was appointed Captain, Leicestershire Militia, 6 Aug. 1806, and Major, 28 Feb. 1824. When he joined for the Annual Trainings at Leicester, he is shown as having come from Hinckley. We have no trace of him after 182.5, when the Regiment was disembodied. A death certificate from Somerset House shows that William Davies Jervis, Major in the Leicestershire Regt. of Militia, died on 15 May r839, aged 57, of inflammation of the windpipe, at 13 Norris Street, district of St. J ames's Square, Westminster, the informant, present at death, being Wm. Phipps Baker, servant. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 19 PRINTED PEDIGREES OF THE FAMILY

THE basis of the pedigrees of the Jervis family printed by Nichols was that recorded at the Visitation of the County of Leicester in 1619, which has since been published by the Harleian Society (vol. 2, p. 71):-

Willm's Jerveis de Thorpe Langton in Com. Leic. A. 0 37.E.3. - I I Radulphus Gerveis A. 0 9.R.2 = I I Thomas Gerveis = Editha 10 E. [sc. H.] 4.

Radulphus~ Gerveis A. 0 3.H5. - I I Robertus Gerveis A. 0 23 H.6. = I I I I Robertus Gerveis = Willm's Gerveis Edmundus Gerveis de Bowden A. 0 2.E.4. I parva in Com' Northto' A. 0 14.E.4. I Robertus Gerveis A. 0 3.R.3. - I I Willm's Gerveis A. 0 14.H.7. = I I J ohnannes Gerveis de Thorp _ Margareta :filia Tho. Goodman de langto' A. 0 20.H.8 I Luffi.ngham in Com' Rutland. A C 20 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

A I I I I Thomas = Alicia Willm's Gerveis = Katherina fil. Elizabetha Gerveis fil. Hol­ de Peatling mag­ Will'i Ward ux. Ric'i yoke. na in Com' Leic. de Shankton. Bradgate de Peatling p'va. I I I. Johannes 2. Thomas

Katherina 1 Francisca = Willm's - Anna filia Gracea 3 filia ux. filia uxor filia Gerveis Nic'i Pur­ Noe Ducket Ric'i Bur­ Ric'i Mar­ filius efoy de det son ux.2. et hrer- Drayton Ar. Anna 4 fil. ux. es UX.I. Ed'ri Ward Johanna 2 fil. ux. Thomas Gerveis = Tho. Payne 2 filius

Willm's Gerveis I I Will'us Gerveis = Elizab. filia Shep- Georgi us Ger- = Elizab. fil. Vicecom. Com' ard de Hockley in veis de Peat- ethrer. Mi- Leic. ob. J anu- Com' Bed£. renupta ling in Com' chell Hen- aru 1618 Roberto de Sutton Leic. 2 fil- shaw de ob. s. p. Chenell in Com' 1us Malden in Leic. militi. Com' Sussex The early pedigree is presented as follows by Nichols in his Leic., II., 671 :- PEDIGREE OF GERVEIS, JERVEIS, OR JARVIS, OF THORPE-LANGTON AND GREAT-PEATLING (From the Visitations of I 619 and 1683). Arms: Sable, a chevron Ermine between three martlets Argent. Crest, an eagle's head Or, between two wings Ermine. Motto, Sic fuit, est, &, erit. Plate cxii. fig. 22. John Jerveis, of Thorpe-Langton, co. Leicester, 37 Edw. III = ... I B THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 2I

B I I Ralph Jerveis, 9 Ric. II. - ...... I I Thomas Jerveis = Editha, 10 Hen. IV.

Ralph Jerveis,~ 3 Hen. V. = ...... I I Robert Jervis, 23 Hen. VI. = ...... I I I Robert J erveis = William EdmundI Gerve1s,. of Bowden Parva, 2 Edw. IV. L-, co. Northampton, 14 Edw. IV.

Robert Jervis, 3 Ric. III. = ...... I I William Jerveis, 14 Hen. VII. - ...... I I John Jerveis, of Thorpe-Langton and = Margaret, dau. of Thomas Good- Peatling Magna, 20 Hen. VIII. I man, of Luffenham, co. Rutland. I I I Thomas J erveis William J erveis (pedigree Elizabeth= Richard Brad- = Alice, dau. of from him continued below gate, of Peat- ..... Holyoke in narrative form, with ling Parva. connecting words added in italics) William Jerveis (above), of Peatling Magna, died May 8, 1597, re·c. 94 (mard.) Katharine, dau. of William Ward, of Shankton (and had issue), I. John 2. Thomas (mard.) ...... (and had issue) William Jerveis. 3. William Jerveis (of whom presently). 22 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

I. Katharine, married to Richard Burdett. 2. Joan, marr. to Thomas Payne. 3. Grace, marr. to Noe Duckett. 4. Anne, marr. to Edward Ward. William Jerveis (above), died Jan. 21, 1614, ret. 77 (maf'd.) Anne,

Anne, daughter of Nich- = William Jervis, of Great = Frances, daughter olas Purefoy, of Dray- Peatling, esq. died June of Richard Mars- ton, esq. ; first wife 21, 1614, ret. 77. ton; second wife

1. William Jervis, died June 9, = Elizabeth, dau. of . . . = Sir Richard 1618, ret. 57, being then high Shepherd, of Hockli:ffe, Roberts, kt. sheriff of Leicestershire. c. Bedfd. 2d. husband.

2. George Jervis, = Elizabeth, d. and heir of Michael Dorothy, only d. of Peatling Henshaw, of Malden, Essex mar. to Sir Ric. Magna. Robert.

1. William Jervis (pedigree fYom him continued 2. Henry Jervis, of below in narrative form, with connecting words Great Peatling, added in italics). , died s.p. William Jervis (above), of Peatling Magna, died about 1661, aged about 70 (maYd.) ...... daughter of ...... Adderley, of Weddington, co. Warwick (and had issue), 1. Samuel Jervis (of whom presently). 2. William Jervis, of Peatling Magna; living, unmarried, in 1683. 1. Elizabeth, mar. March 27, 1653, to William Bale, of Humberston, second son of Sir John Bale, of Carlton Curlieu. 2. Catharine, ma. to Richard Orton, of Lee Grange. 3. Susanna, mar. to Wm. Read, of London, a Spanish merchant. 4. Jane. m. Rich. Bradgate, of Peatling Magna. 5. Mary, ma. Thos. Wade, of Market Harborough. 6. Abigail, married to Peter Cook, of London, merchant. Samuel Jervis (above), of Peatling Magna, esq. died in April 1674, aged about 43. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

(mard.) Elizabeth, sister to Richard Orton, of Lee Grange; buried July 31, 1708 (and had issue a son), William Jervis, of Peatling Magna, "sonne of Samuel Jervis, esquire," born June 21, baptized (at Aylston) July 5, 1659; only child, aged 24, in 1683; buried Jan. 24, 1694 (mard.} Anne, d. of Henry Darell, esq. of Fulmer Place, Bucks; a widow in 1701 ; and buried Dec. 23, 1726 (and had issue), 1. Richard Jervis (of whom presently). 2. William Jervis, born Oct. 10, 1683. 3. Samuel Jervis, born Jan. 6, 1685. 1. Darell, born Oct. 14, 1687; bu. June 4, 1699. 2.· Elizabeth, bo. Feb. 4, 1688; d. Mar. 17, 1752, bu. at Bromley, Kent (mard. 2nd.} , LL.D. (mard. 1st.) Henry Porter, mercer in Birmingham, 1733, or later: first husband (and had issue), 1. Jervis-Henry Porter, captain of the Hercules of 74 guns, severely wounded in an engagement with a French 74. Will dated April 30, 1759; died at Portsmouth, about 1760, s.p. 2. Joseph Porter, merchant at Leghorn. Will dated April 19, 1779; died at Leghorn, about 1783, s.p. Lucy, died unmarried, Jan. 13, 1786, retat. 71 ; bur. at St. Chad's, .Lichfield. 3. Anne, born Dec. 26, 1691 ; buried Nov. 14, 1696. Richard Jervis (above), aged two years & a half in 1683; buried Sept. 26, 1725 (mard.) Anne ...... bur. June 27, 1743 (and had issue}, 1. Samuel Jervis, the last of the family who resided at Great Peatling, born March 9, 1709/10; bap. at Dunton Bassett April 8, 1711; b. Aug. 30, 1772 (mard ...... and had issue}, Rev. William Jervis, only child, in the commission of the peace for the county, resident many years at Kimcote; and afterwards at Lutterworth, where he died, March 23, 1792, ret. 54; buried at Great Peatling (mard.) Anne d. of Thomas Benskyn, of Stoney Staunton, gent.; died Nov. 28, 1771, ret. 36; first wife (mard.} Anne, dau. of , of Nuneaton, attorney at law; 2d. wife; living 1806 (and had issue by her}, 1. Charles Jervis, esq. of Hinckley, attorney at law; living 1806. 2. William Davies Jervis, esq. captain in the Leicestershire militia; living 1806. 2. Wm. Jervis, gent. apothecary at Lutterworth, bo. Nov. 2, 1711, died Sept. 18, 1780, ret. 69 (mard.) Tabitha ...... buried June 22, 1753 (and had issue), 1. William Jervis, buried July 14, 1747. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 25 2. Richard Jervis, an apothecary, formerly of Lutterworth, afterwards of Hinckley; now of Narborough, 1806 (ma,d.) Hannah Dawes, di. Nov. 17, 1781 (and had issue), Rev. Richard Jervis, curate of Stoke Golding, master of the free school there, 1806 (mard.) Anne dau. of John-Cole Gallaway, late vicar of Hinckley; married Nov. 25, 1802; living 1806 (and had issue), Mary Anne, living 1806. A dau. marr...... Tatam. Darell, born Oct. 7, 1713 (mard.) Knightley Smith, esq. of Leire (and had issue).

EXTRACTS FROM " LEICESTERSHIRE MEDIEVAL VILLAGE NOTES " Collected by George F. Farnham, F.S.A. (privately printed). Vol. III (no date). pp. 30 5-24, " Peatling Magna and Parva." p. 31 7· Fine. Mich., 6 Elisabeth, 1564. Between William Jervis, plaintiff, and Michael Pulteney and Katherine, his wife, defendants of the manor of Petelyng magna and 3 messuages, 8 tofts, 4 gardens, 4 orchards, 200 acres of land, 40 of meadow, So of pasture, 4 of wood, 40 of furze and heath, and 4s. rent in Petelyng magna. Lay Subsidy 134-205, 13 Elisabeth, 1571. Peatling magna. From William Jarvis, in goods £25 tax 41s. 8d. p. 318. Fine. Mich., 32 Elisabeth I 590. (William J ervys, the elder and William J ervys the younger, cited as defendants). Inquisition p.m. William Jervis, gent., Series ii., 248-6, taken at Leicester on I September, 39 Elisabeth, 1597. The jury say that William Jervis, long before his death, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Peatling magna, and of divers lands, tenements, rents, services and hereditaments in Peatling magna. By an indenture dated 8 Oct., 32 Elisabeth, 1590, William Jervis granted a messuage and 4 virgates of land, meadow and pasture in Peatling magna, parcel of the said manor, and another messuage and 2 virgates of lanc;l, meadow and pasture, parcel of the said manor, to certain William Turpyn, George Purefey and Ralph Burton, esqrs., and John Bale and their heirs, to the use of William Jervis, son and heir apparent of William Jervis, named in this writ, and Elisabeth, the wife of William Jervis, the son, during the life of Katherine, now the wife of one William Roberts, of Sutton Cheney, co. Leic., gent., with remainders over to William, the grandfather, and William, the father, and in default to the use of George Jervis, the 2nd. son of William, the father, and bis lawful issue, in default to the right heirs of William, the grandfather, for ever. Also William Jervis, the JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. grandfather, was seised of the reversion of 3 messuages and 6 virgates of land in Thorpe Langton, after the death of the aforesaid Katherine Roberts, who survives. William Jervis, in this writ named, died at Peatling magna on 6 May last. William Jervis is his son and heir and aged 60 years and more. The lands in Peatling magna are held of the queen in chief by knight service, namely, by a fiftieth part of a knight's fee. The lands in Thorpe Langton are held of the queen as of the honor of Leicester, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, in free socage, and of the heirs of Sir Nicholas Griffin, knight, respectively. Leicester Probate Registry. Will of William Jervis, dated 10 Feb., 1592, and proved 15 [sc. 21] May, 1597. Testator desires to be buried in the parish church of Peytlyng. To his son, Thomas J ervys, £20, and to every one of his children, 208/-. To his daughter, Katherine Burdett, £5, and to William Burdet, her son, 40s., and to Frances, her daughter, 20s. To his daughter, Joan Payne, £5, to William Payne, her son, 40s. To his daughter, Anne Wade, £5. To his daughter, Grace Duckett, £5. To William Jervys, his son's son, £10, and to George Jervys, his brother, £20, and to Dorothy Roberts, their sister, 40s. To his brother-in-law, Richard Warde, 40s. Sole executor, William Jervys, his son and heir apparent. p. 320. (Inquisition p.m. on Richard Saunders, of Peatling Magna, taken 25 Apl. 1612). The manor, etc., is worth 26s. 8d. and was held of William Jarvis, esq., as of his other manor of Peatling magna (de alio maneYio suo) by fealty only for all service. The messuage and cottages were held of John Tufton, knight, by service and rent of 4s., by fealty for all service. Fine. Easter, 11 James I, 1613. "William Jervis, the younger, gent.", men­ tioned. Inquisition p.m. William Jervis, esq. Series ii, 344-81, taken at Leicester on 19 April, 12 James I, 1614. The jury say that a certain William Jervis, father of the said William, long before his death, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Peatling magna, and of divers lands, tenements and hereditaments in Peatling and Sheathesby ; also of the rectory of Peatling magna and the advowson of the vicarage there. William Jervis was also seised of a close of pasture com­ monly called Broadgate's close, containing 18 acres in Peatling magna. And of a virgate of land, etc., in Thorpe Langton, lately bought of E. Churche, gent. deceased; and of 3 messuages and 6 virgates of land in Thorpe Langton. And of the reversion, after the death of Katherine Roberts, still living, at Sutton Cheney, of another messuage and divers lands, etc., in Thorpe Langton. William Jervis died at Peatling magna on 21 January last. William Jervis is the son and heir of William in this writ named, and aged 50 and more. p. 321. Inquisition p.m. William Jervis, Series ii, 373-69, taken at Leicester on 26 July, 17 James I, 1619. The jury say that William was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Peatling magna and 30 messuages, 30 tofts, 3 mills, a dovehouse, 500 acres of land, 200 of meadow, 300 of pasture, 20 of wood, 500 of THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES furze and heath, 500 of moor, and 20s. rent in Peatling magna, and all the tithes in Peatling magna, and the advowson and patronage of the vicarage. By an indenture dated I June, 12 James I, 1614, he bargained and sold to Thomas Parnell, yeoman, his heirs and assigns, the said manor and other the premises, and Pexall Brocas, knight, and John Bale, esquire, now knight, by a writ of entry on disseisin in le post in the term of Easter, 12 James I, recovered the manor against the said Thomas Parnell, and settled the manor, etc., to the use of the said William Jervis and Elisabeth, his wife, for their lives and the longer liver of them, etc. William Jervis died at Peatling magna on 9 January last. Elisabeth survives. George Jervis, gent., is his brother and next heir, and 53 years old. The manor of Peatling magna is held of the king in chief by knight service, viz., by a fiftieth part of a knight's fee, and worth £30. William Jervis also held lands, etc., in Thorpe Langton, as before. Inquisition p.m. George Jervis, esquire, Series ii, 426-93, taken at Leicester on II Jan., 2 Charles I, 1627. Before Henry ·Mountfort, esq., the escheator, and a jury who say that a certain William Jervis was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Peatling magna and certain messuages, lands, etc., in Peatling magna, and all the tithes of com and hay and the advowson of the vicarage of Peatling magna. William Jervis, the brother of the said George, was also seised of a windmill and a horse mill in Enderby. William Jervis made his will on 8 Jan., 1618, in the presence of Richard Roberts, esq., now knight, Augustin Hensman and John Astell, three credible witnesses. William Jervis died on 9 Jan., 1619. And George Jervis was the brother and heir of the said William. Elisabeth, the relict of the said William, is now the wife of the said Richard Roberts, knight, and in right of the said Elisabeth, Sir Richard entered on the said manor, etc., and is seised as of a free tenement for the life of the said Elisa.beth, his wife, the reversion belonging to the said George Jervis and his heirs. George Jervis died on 27 March last. William Jervis, gent., is his son and next heir and aged 24 years and more. The manor of Peatling magna is held of the king in chief by a fiftieth part of a knight's fee, and worth £30. p. 322. Lay Subsidy 134-306, 17 Charles I, I April, 1641. Peatling magna. From William Jarvis, esquire, in lands £7 tax 56s. [biggest in parish]. p. 32 3· Fine, Morrow of St. Martin. 1655. [" William Jervis, esquire, Samuel Jervis, gent.", etc., mentioned]. Lay Subsidy 251-9, 18 Charles II., Lady-day, 1666. Hearth Tax. PeatlingMagna. Samuel Jarvis esq., II hearths [most in parish]. pp. 303-4. Orton-on-the-Hill. Inquisition p.m. Richard Orton, gent., Series ii, 528-71, taken at Leicester on 22 May, 11 Charles I, 1635. The jury say that Richard died seised of Ley grange and 4 messuages and 11 virgates of land in Orton on the hill and of a yearly rent of 4d. issuing from another messuage in Atherston, co. Warwick. On 17 March, JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

10 Charles I, 1635, by a deed made between Richard Orton, of the 1st. part, and William Orton of London, haberdasher, and Edward Orton, of London, ire­ monger, of the other part, and for his natural love for Roger Orton, Mary Orton and Elisabeth Orton, the younger children of him, Richard Orton, he enfeoffed the aforesaid William Orton and Edward Orton in the above property in Orton on the hill, as trustees to hold to the uses specified in the said deed. Richard Orton died on 19 May last. Richard Orton is his son and heir and was 5 years old on 31 Dec., last. Ley grange was held of the king in chief by knight service, namely, by a fortieth part of a knight's fee. The tithes of Orton were held of the king as of his manor of East Greenwich in free and common socage. Other lands were held of Robert Bradshaw, esq., as of his manor of Orton on the hill, by fealty and a yearly rent of 6s. 5d. in common socage, and worth 31s. 4d. Mary, the relict of the said Richard Orton, survives at Ley grange. vol. IV. (1930) Thorpe Langton. p. 358. Inquisition p.m. William Gerves. Series ii, 26/54. Taken at Hinckley on 24 Oct., 3 Henry VI II, I 51 I. The jury say that William Gerves was not seised of any lands in the county of Leicester, held of the king in chief, on the day he died; but they say that William Gerves in his lifetime was seised of 10 messuages, 2 cottages, 4 closes, 12 virgates of land, 46 acres of meadow and 2s. 6d. rent in Thorp Langton. Also of a messuage and 4 acres in Welham, and 3 messuages, 100 acres of land, 33 of meadow and 2 closes in Slawston. And by his charter dated 8 April, 1511, gave them to John, abbot of St. Mary of Grace by the Tower of London, William Kyrk, clerk, John Lathbury, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said William Gerves and for performing his last will. After his death he willed that John Gerves should have certain lands in Welham and Thorp Langton, to hold to John and his heirs for ever, and he gave other lands in Thorp Langton and Slawston to William Merston, his heirs and assigns, for ever. The premises in Thorp Langton were held of the king, as of the honor of Leicester, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, in socage, while a portion was held of the heirs of Nicholas Gryffyn, knight, and of John Brokton, respectively, in socage, and worth 5 marks. The premises in Welham and Slawston were held of Edwin Kokyn in socage. William Gerves died on Monday after Holy Trinity last. John Gerves is kinsman and heir of William Gerves and aged 23 years and more. p. 358. Lay Subsidy 133/109. 14/15 Henry VIII. 1524. From John Gerves in goods £40 tax 40s. p. 359. Lay Subsidy 134/204. 14 Elisabeth. 1572. From Robert Jerves in goods £4 tax 6s. 8d.

John J erves 11 £3 ,, 5s. Lay Subsidy 134/302. 4 Charles I. 5 Aug., 1628. From Thomas Jervis in lands 40s. tax. 16s. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES p. 359. Fine. Hilary, 20 James I. 1623. Between William Mill, the elder, gent., and George Wadland, gent., plaintiffs, and Richard Roberts, knight, Thomas Roberts, gent., George Jervys, esq., and Elisabeth, his wife, and William Jervys, gent., defendants of the manor of Thorpe Langton and 6 messuages, 6 cottages, 12 gardens, 10 orchards, 240 acres of land, 40 of meadow, 100 of pasture, 20 of furze and heath, 20s. rent and common of pasture in Thorpe Langton, Church Langton, East and West Langton and Tur Langton, Slawston, Welham and Staunton Wyvell. Right of William Mill, and the plaintiffs gave the defendants £320. pp. 359-60. Inquisition p.m. Thomas Roberts. Series ii, 494/42. Taken at Leicester on 18 April, 9 Charles I. 1633. The jury say that Thomas died seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Thorp Langton with its rights and members, formerly Beaumont's, containing a messuage, 5 cottages, and 5½ virgates of land, meadow and pasture in Thorp Langton, Ea~t Langton, West Langton, Church Langton, Staunton Wivill, Slauston and Welham, in the occupation of Robert Sumpter, Richard Mattock, Susanna Roberts, late the wife of the said Thomas Roberts, and others [othe, details of tenants given], which said manor and premises the said Thomas Roberts bought for himself and his heirs from George Jervis, gent., and William Jervis, son and heir apparent of the said George. Thomas Roberts died on 9 February last. Richard Roberts is his son and heir and aged 8 years, 4 months and 28 days. Susanna who was the wife of Thomas Roberts survives at Thorp Langton. p. 360. Inquisition p.m. Thomas Jervis. Series ii, 754/25. Taken at Leicester on 19 Sept., 14 Charles I, 1638. The jury say that long before his death Thomas was seised in fee of a capital messuage in Thorpe Langton, in his own occupation, and of 3 cottages and 3½ virgates of land, meadow and pasture in Thorpe Langton, East Langton, West Langton and Church Langton. On 21 April, 5 Charles I, 1629, he assured the same to William Halford, esq., and Augustin Fish, gent., as trustees, to the use of himself for life, and then to the use of Katherine, his wife, for her life, and then to the use of their issue. Thomas Jervis died on 23 Feb., 1636, at Thorpe Langton. Katherine, his wife, survives. William Jervis is his son and heir and aged 19 years, 11 months and 16 days. The lands were held of the king, as of the honor of Leicester, in free and common socage, by fealty and suit of court, and worth 20s. In reference to the first fine, of 1564, Nichols says (his Leicester­ shire, IV., 328) that "in 1568, Peatling Magna, which had been seized by the Queen, was restored to vVilliam Jerveis," giving reference in a footnote to "Mich. Rec. 10 Eliz. Rot. 17r." Miss Lucy Drucker, who tried to find the original at the Record Office, writes as follovvs :- As to Nichols's reference, Mich. ought to be 9-10 or 10-1 I Eliz. I have looked up the Plea Roll for Mich. 9-10 Eliz., on which recoveries ought to come out, 30 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

but m. 171 gives London only, nothing of Leics.; and Mich. 10-11 Eliz. is unfit for production; so I am afraid it is impossible to get it. Writing to me on 9 Feb. 1932 Mr. Farnham, the learned and laborious author of the Notes, thus expressed his opinion on the point:- I have no doubt that William Jervis bought a manor (there were several) in Peatling Magna in I 564 from Michael Pulteney and Katherine his wife, as the fine indicates. The Queen then seized the Manor into her hand by reason of alienation, as Nichols says, and subsequent to the usual enquiry t};le manor was restored to William Jervis. This was rather a common proceeding at that time.

EXTRACTS FROM NICHOLS'S " LEICESTERSHIRE " (1795-1815) I., 143. " Additions and Corrections in vol. IV." P. 334. Anne Jervis, relict of the late Rev. W. Jervis of Lutterworth, and mother of Charles Jervis, esq., of Stoney Stanton, and of Hinckley, died at Stanton Oct. 21, 1814. I., 461. Sheriffs of Leicestershire, James I. 16. William Jarveis, of Peatling, Esq. died June 9, 1618. Sir William Roberts, of Sutton Cheynell, Knt. appointed for the remainder of the year. (Knighted at Belvoir, Aug. 6, 1619). IL, 539. Pedigree of Bale, of Sadington and Carleton Curlieu. Shews Sir John Bale, of Carlton Curlieu and Saddington, co. Leic., knt., died 10 Mch. 1621, aged 70, mard. Frances, dau. of Bernard Brocas, of Beaurepaire, co. Southampton; she died 1629, aged 80, leaving a son, George Bale, whose son, John Bale, of Carlton Curlieu, born 1594, knighted in 1624, was father of William Bale, of Humberston, esq., born 1618, who, by his wife" Elizabeth, dau. of Will. Jerveis, of Peatling, married March 27, 1653," had issue. II., 671. Pedigree of Roberts, of Thorpe Langton. Shews Sir Richard Roberts, son of Thomas Roberts, esq., of Sutton Cheynell, died 30 Oct. 1644, aged 80, and was burd. at Church Langton. He had three wives, the first of whom was " Dorothy, dau. of William Jerveis, of Peatling, esq.," and had issue, the Plder son being Sir William Roberts, of Sutton Cheynell, High Sheriff of Leics. in 1629. II., 668. Church Langton. Tablet in church to Sir Richard Roberts, knt., who died 30 Oct. 1644, aged 80. II., 663. Pedigree of Strelley, of West Langton. Shews Henry Strelley, born 1603, son and heir of Elias Strelley, of West Langton, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 31 by Grace his wife, dau. of John Leife, of Stamford, co. Northants., mard. "Dorothy, dau. of George Jarvis, sister to William Jarvis, of Great Peatling, died Aug. 1641," leaving issue. II., 881. Pedigree of Chamberlaine, of Newton Harcourt. Anne, daughter of John Standford, of = Francis Chamberlaine, Barkby, co. Leicester, first wife I of Newton. I I I I. John, of New- 2. Francis Chamberlaine, ret. 28, = Mary (sc. Frances) ton Harcourt, ret. 1619, rector of Plumtree, co. dau. of Will. (sc. 30, 1619, died un- Nott. and resident at Newton George) Jervis, of married. Harcourt after the death of his Peatling Magna, co. brother, died circa 1638. Leic. died circa 1640. A IV., 122. Bradgate pedigree. Thomas Bradgate = Joan, daughter of ...... Warde of ...., ______1_ea_r_1e_t_on_,_co_._L_e_ic_. _e_s_q_.-I

Richard Bradgate, lord of Peatling Parva = Elizabeth, dau. of ..... and Bruntingthorpe, esq. died Nov. 17, 15721 Jervis, of Great Peatling. l l------, 1. William Bradgate, lord of = Frances, dau. = William J er­ [eldest Peatling and Bruntingthorpe of Richard vis, lord of dau. born aforesaid, esq. born Nov. 7, Marston, of Peatling 9 Feb. 1540 ; d. Jan. 3, 1575 ; buried Droughton, Magna; 2d 1538]. at Peatling ; first husband. co. North­ hush. .------1ampton . Richard Bradgate, of Peatling Parva, - Frances, eldest dau. of John esq. born Apr. 23, 1563; died Feb. 27, Moore, or Merideth, of Weale, 1602; buried there [eldest child]. near Wing, co. Bucks, esq. I I Jervis Bradgate, born at Peatling - Joan, dau. and heir of Richard Parva Jan. 16, 1591, resided at Sanderson, of Great Peatling, 3d Wibtoft, co. Warwick [fifth son] son of Tho. Sanderson, lord of Ayleston, esq.


A I . I I. Richard Bradgate, of Great = ...... da. of ...... Peatling; born at Ullesthorpe. Jervis, of Peatling.

1. Jervis Bradgate, of - . . . . dau. of . . . . 2. Richard Mary, died Great Peatling, aged I Lucas, of Gilsborough, Bradgate. unmarried 22, 1682. co. Northampton. A IV., 266. Lutterworth. Inscription to the Rev. Henry Meriton, Rector, who died 9 Feb. 1710. Flat stones in church :- " Hannah Jervis died the 17th. of November, 1781." "Richard Tattom departed this life the 22d. of January, 1775, aged 35." IV., 328. Great Peatling. In 1609, William Jerveis held the manor of Great Peatling in capite, together with lands in Church Langton ...... William J erveis died high sheriff of Leicester- shire in 1618; and his brother George succeeded to the property at Great Peatling. IV., 329. Re Samuel Jervis, who was burd. 30 Aug. 1772, a footnote says, "He was the last of the family who resided at Great Peatling "; and of the Rev. William Jervis,,, who was burd. 28 Mch. 1792, "There is no monumental inscription for hi m. IV., 330. Pedigree of Bradgate, of Great Peatling. Richard Bradgate, gent. of Great - Jane, fourth daughter of William Peatling, bom at Ullesthorpe; Jervis, of Great Peatling. died May 2, 1692.

James (sc. Jervis) Bradgate, of = Mary Lucas, of Gilsborough, c. Great Peatling, gent. born 1660. I North'ton, bu. Dec. 19, 1697. A IV., 342. Thomas (sc. John) Smith, esq., of = Anne [dau. of Rev. Knightley Rol­ Leire; died Jan. 3, 1743, ret. 68; I led, Rector of Bareby, co. North­ and devised his estate to his daughter ants.]. Susan. B THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 33

B I I I I I I 1. Holled Smith ; 4. Knightley Smith, = Darell Jervis, Susan Smith, 2. Thos. Smith ; of Leire, died of Great Peat­ devisee of her 3. William Smith ; 1722. ling, d. 1722. father, died all died unmarried. unmar. Sept. 27, 1792, ret. 82.

1. Thomas Smith, 2. Rolled Smith, esq. attorney at law, = Elizabeth died at Eton school, purchased N ormanton Turville about Grace died of the small-pox. 1780; and died there July 14, 1795, 1786, ret. 48. ret. 63. I I 1. Anne,married to the Rev. IsaacHorlock,M.A. vicarofBox, co. Wilts. 2. Darell, died unmarried. 4. William Smith, died ret. 9. 5. Susan, married Rev. Richard Coxe, M.A. vicar of Bucklebury, Berks, and rector of Sodbury, co. Gloucester. 7. Thomas Smith, esq. of Bitteswell; living 1806. 8. Catharine, married May 15, 1796, at Bucklebury, to the Rev. Thomas Noel, rector of Kirkby Mallory. 9. Mary, married Major Athorpe, Royal Horse Guards, Blue. 12. Frances, married George Smith, esq. of Goldecote, co. Worcester. 13. Knightley Smith, died unmarried 1793. Five other children, who all died young. IV., 342. Richard Elkington, of = Margery, daughter of ...... Payne, Shawell, co. Leicester. I of Ullesthorpe. ri 1----,-- 6 sons Katherine, wife of Rob. Gerveis, of Thorpe Langton; afterwards of W. Roberts, of Sutton Cheynell, kt. IV., 342. Thomas Grace, - Anne daughter and heir [of James gent. died June I Elkington, of Shawell], died April 28, 1772, ret. 67. 23, 1751, ret. 43. I I 2. Elizabeth, married to Holled Smith, esq. of Normanton. 34 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. IV., 484. From the Dawes of Stapleton pedigree it appears that John Dawes, aged 32 in 1619, elder son of Isaac Dawes, of Stapleton, by Charity, dau. of James Lightfoot, of Ashford, Kent, mard. "Elizabeth, daughter of George Jervis, of Peatling Magna," and had issue.

IV., 547. Pedigree of Roberts, of Sutton Cheynell. Thomas Roberts, of = Joice, daughter of John Staresmore, Sutton Cheynell. of Frolesworth ; second wife. I I. Sir William Roberts, of Sutton-Cheynell, knt. sheriff 2. Michael of Leicestershire 1619 ; married, first, Katherine, da. of Roberts, Richard Elkington, of Shawell, relict of Robert Jerveis, died s.p. of Thorpe-Langton; 2ndly, to Elizabeth, da. of Valentine Hartopp, relict of George Bale, of Carleton; died s.p. ..------J 3. Sir Richard Roberts, of Sutton - Dorothy, dau. of William Jerveis, -Cheynell, kt. died Oct. 30, 1644, I of Peatling, esq. 1st. w. [no ret. 80. second wife shewn] A [footnote] No such Robert Jerveis or Katherine Elkington in the pedigrees, vol. II., p. 671, and IV., p. 334. But both make Elizabeth Sheppard, relict of William Jerveis, to re-marry to a Roberts, whom the latter page calls Sir Richard.

IV., 599. Pedigree of Purefoy. Nicholas Purefoy, of Drayton, = Jane, daughter of = William Faunt, died vita patris, 1543, first hus­ George Vincent, of of Foston; band. Peckleton, esq. second husband. I Alice (sc. Ann), wife of William Jarvis, of Peatling [youngest child].

IV., 688. Long account in footnote of the Rev. John Cole Galloway (M.A. Cantab.), J.P., Vicar of Hinckley from 1778, died 12 Jan. 1804, aged 66; mard. sister of Dr. Burnaby, .

IV., 864. Pedigree of Orton, of Lea Grange, nr. Twycross, ends with" Richard Orton, ret. 23, 1619, sold Lea Grange after 1630." THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES

IV., 950. Pedigree of Farmer, of Ratcliffe Culey. Richard Farmer, of Lei- = Hannah, daughter of John Knibb, born 1712 ; cester, born 1698; died married at Brinklow, Jan. 4, 1732-3; died in 1778. Dec. 14, 1808 in her 97th. year. I 1 1,---.--1 2. Richard Farmer, D.D. Master 3. Sarah, married, I. Allen Brown, of Emanuel College, Cambridge; gent.; now wife of Richard Jervis, born 1735; d. s.p. 1797. 1811, without issue. At II., 640 of bis Anecdotes, Nichols gives a brief note of the same connexions. IV., 972. From inscriptions at Stoney Staunton it appears that Thomas Benskyn, gent., of Stoney Staunton, died 2 Mch. 1762, aged 55 ; while with him is burd. Anne, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Benskyn, and wife of Rev. William Jervis: she died 28 Nov. 1771, aged 35. IV., 1002. Normanton Turville ; Normanton Hall. Edward Rooe Yeo, esq., died 1782, and "the late Holled Smith, esq. purchased this estate, and the manor of Basset-house, soon after the death of Mr. Yeo; and in that mansion he resided till his death, July 14, 1795."

MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS FROM PRINTED SOURCES THE following is taken from The Genealogical Monthly for Nov. 1929, vol. I., No. 6, p. 129 :- Thomas Hilsdon, of Chalgrove, Bedfordshire, and William Jerois, of Great Peatling, Leicestershire, and Elizabeth his wife, which Elizabeth was sister to Frances, the deceased wife of the above Thomas Hilsdon. Elizabeth and F'fances were the only children and coheiresses of William Sheppa'fd, of Hockliffe, Beds, who died intestate about 20 years ago, possessed of lands worth £40 per annum and a personal estate of £1,000. After his death his widow Jane married Michael Henshawe. Prior: to this second marriage, Bernard Brocas and William Brocas, brothers of the said Jane, and uncles to the said Elizabeth and Frances, who were then about 2 or 3 years of age, induced the aforesaid Michael Henshawe to enter into certain bonds con­ cerning the estate of the late William Sheppard, and Jane was also persuaded by Thomas Sheppard, who had neither wife nor child, and was brother to her late husband, to enter into an arrangement. Now, Michael Henshawe and Ralph Sheppard, who is another brother of William Sheppa-,d, are endeavouring to defraud the estate. 16 May 1590. P.R.O.---Requests, 73/69. D JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. In Nichols's Leic., II., 832-3 (see also J. H. Hill's Market Har­ borough, 1875, pp. 273-4), is a pedigree of Brocas, shewing Robert Brocas, of Horton Hall, co. Bucks., descended from the ancient family of Brocas of Beaurepaire, co. Southampton, with an elder son Bernard, of Beaurepaire, Master of the Buckhounds, who died 31 Mch. 1589, and a younger son, William, of Theddingworth, co. Leic. We might identify these two brothers as the ones mentioned in the suit, but the pedigree shews Robert as having an " only daughter " Frances, wife of Sir John Bale, and no daughter Jane, wife first of William Sheppard and secondly of Michael Henshawe. Such pedigrees, however, are not infallible, by any means. The following is from Foster's Alumni Oxonienses :- PRESGRAVE, John, of co. Leicester, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 26 Nov., 16o2, aged 15 ; B.A. 30 June, 1606; M.A. 6 May, 1609, rector of Willoughby­ Waterless 1612, and of Broughton Astley, co. Leicester, 1636. JERVIS, William,s. Samuel, of Peetling Magna, co. Leicester, gent. Wadham Coll., matric. 3 July, 1759, aged 17; B.C.L. 1768. and these are from Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses :­ CHAMBERLAINE, FRANCIS. Matric. pens. from Trinity, Easter, 1606. S. of Francis, of Newton-Harcourt, Leics. Scholar, 1608 ; B.A. 1609-10 ; M.A. 1613. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Nov. 26, priest, Nov. 27, 1614. R. of Plumtree, Notts. Will (P.C.C.) 1651. Probably brother of John (1606). (Nichols, Leic., II., 881). JARVIS, SAMUEL. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 18) at Pembroke, Dec. 10, 1646. S. of William, Esq. B. at Peatling Magna, Leics. Married Elizabeth, sister to Richard Orton, of Lee Grange. Died Apr. 1674. (Nichols, Leic., IV., 334). JARVIS, RICHARD. Adm. pens. (age 17) at St. John's, Apl. 19, 1698. S. of William, deceased. B. at Warwick. School, Rugby (Mr. Hollyoke). The Rugby School Register (1886) contains these entries :- I., p. 7. 1689. Jervis, Richard, of Peatling Magna, Leicestershire, eldest son. I., p. 10. 1694. Jervis, William, son of Mrs. Jervis, of Great Peatling, Leicester­ shire, second son. I., p. 24. 1721. Jarvis, Samuel, son of Richard Jarvis Esq., Great Peatling, Leicestershire. The following entry is from Admissions to St. John's College, Cambridge, Part II., ed. J. E. B. Mayor, p. 146 :- 1698. RICHARD JARVIS, born at Warwick, son of William Jarvis deceased; school, Rugby (Mr. Hollyoke) ; admitted pensioner, tutor and surety Mr. Harris, 19 April, ret. 17. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 37 Mr. Read tells me that in the Leicestershire Poll Book for 1719 there is no Jervis under either of the Peatlings, but in latter years they occur, as follows :- 1741. Peatling Magna. Samuel Jervis, Gent. Lutterworth. William Jervas, freehold at Leicester. 1775. Bitteswell. William Jarvis, freehold at Peatling Magna. Lutterworth. Richard Jarvis, in tenure of Mrs. How. Peatling Magna. William Jarvis, Cl., (abode) Kimcote, freehold at Peat­ ling Magna in tenure of John Palmer. The following are a few miscellaneous extracts which help to elucidate the pedigree :- H a'Yleian Soc., vol. 33, "Marriage Licences issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury,,, p. 225 :- 1667. Dec. 20. Peter Cooke, of St. Catherine Creechurch, Lond., Mercht., Baehr., abt. 27, & Abigaell Jervys, of All Hallows Staynings, Lond., Spr., abt. 22, at own disp., parents dead; alleged by Hen. Young, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Gent.; at St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, Lond. Leiceste1' M a'Yriage Licences (Brit. Record Soc.) :- Jervis, Rich., Peatling Magna. 1709. [Bond No.] 16. Flude, Anne, Dunton Bassett ; at Dunton or Peatling. History of the Parish of Gilmorlon, co. Leicester, by Martin Bloxsom, 1918 :­ p. 56. Curates-in-Charge. 1787. The Rev. William Jervis, B.C.L. Wadham College, Oxford. He was a native of Peatling Magna, and his great aunt, Elizabeth Jervis, was the wife of Dr. Samuel Johnson the lexicographer. He died Mch. 23, 1792, aged 54, and was buried at Peatling Magna. Gentleman's Mag., 1814, Nov., p. 502 :- (Oct. 21). At Stoney Stanton, co. Leic. Mrs. Jervis, relict of the late Rev. W. J. of Lutterworth; and mother of Charles Jervis, esq. of the former place, and of Hinchley (sic). Boswell's Johnson, 6th. ed., 1811, vol. I., p. 70 (note by Malone). The family of Jervis ...... once possessed nearly the whole lordship of Great Peatling (about 2000 acres,) and there are many monuments of them in the Church; but the estate is now much reduced. The present represen­ tative of this ancient family is Mr. Charles Jervis, of Hinckley, Attorney at Law. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

White's Di1'ectory of Leicestershi1'e and Rutland, 1846, p. 414, under Peat­ ling :- The ancient Manor House, which was occupied by the Jervis family in the 16th., 17th., and 18th. centuries, was taken down about 20 years ago, and a farm-house built upon its site. Reco1'd of Old Westminsters, ed. G. F. Russell Barker and Alan H. Stenning, 1928, I., 227 :- Henry Octavius Coxe, youngest son of the Rev. Richard Coxe, Vicar of Bucklebury, Berks., by his second wife, Susan, daughter of Holled Smith, of Normanton Hall, Leics; b. Sept. 20, 1811 ; adm. Jan. 15, 1821 [etc., etc., etc.]. See Diet. Nat. Biog., xii, 419. "The Visitation of Leicester in 1619" (Harleian Soc., vol. 2), p. 137, shews Francis Chamberlaine, of Newton Harcourt, co. Leic., as having married, firstly, Anne, daughter of John Stanford, of Elmes­ thorpe, co. Leic., and had issue a second son, Francis Chamberlaine, aged 28 in 1619, with a wife " Francisca fil...... J eruis in Com' L e1c.. '', and issue. '' ...... fill a un1ca. 1n. f ant u 1a. 16 19. " "The Visitation of Warwickshire in 1682-1683 " (Ha1leian Soc., vol. 62), p. 149, gives Humphrey Adderley, of Weddington, esq., who died 1 Nov. 1637, aged 54½, as married to Jane, daughter of Thomas Ward, of Nunthorpe, co. York, with an eldest daughter "Elizabeth wife of Wm. J ervoise of Peatling in com : Leic : ". Elizabeth's second brother, John Adderley, is shewn as married to Jane, daughter of Sir Wolstan Dixie: Jane died g May 1683, aged about 69. The pedigree of Bonn (Bohun), of Coundon, at p. 41, shews Abraham Boun, of Coventry and Coundon, who died Nov. 1670, aged 73, with first and third wives who had issue, and a second wife " Eliz : fil. et cob. Simonis Chamber et Cather: Jarvis de Peatling, co. Leic. ob. s. p." Mr. Read sends me the following extract from The Leicester Jou1nal, Friday, 1 Apl. 1791 :- On Tuesday last was married at St. Mary's church, in this town, Mr. Jervis, an eminent surgeon at Lutterworth, to Mrs. Brown, relict of the late Allen Brown, Esq. of Cosby, in this county. The knighthoods of the two Roberts brothers in the same year are recorded in Shaw's Knights of :- II., 175. 1619, Nov. 11. Richard Roberts (at Theobalds). II., 173. 1619, Aug. 3. William Roberts, sheriff of Co. Leicester (at Belvoir Castle). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 39 NARRATIVE PEDIGREE JOHN JERVIS, of Thorpe Langton, co. Leic., in 1528-9, died about Aug. 1558; to be burd,, in chancel of Thorpe Langton church. William "Gerves," of Thorpe Langton, who died in 1511, without issue, left lands in Welham and Thorpe Langton to his" kinsman" and heir, John" Gerves," then over 23, and to his heirs for ever. The will of John Jervis, dated 23 July 1558, was proved 15 Sept. 1558, at Leicester. He mard. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Goodman, of Luffenham, co. Rutland, and had issue, Thomas Jervis, of Thorpe Langton; to be burd. in Thorpe Langton church. Will dated 21 Feb. 1569, proved 20 Apl. 1569, at Leicester. By Alice his wife, dau. of ...... Holyoke, who was living his relict on 20 Apl. 1569, he had issue, 1. John Jervis, living 20 Apl. 1569; mard. and had issue, William Jervis, living 21 Feb. 1569. Catherine Jervis, living unmard. 21 Feb. 1569. 2. Thomas Jervis. Elizabeth Jervis, unmard. 23 July 1558; living 21 Feb. 1569, as wife of(? William) Watts, with a son, Thomas Watts. Mary Jervis, living 21 Feb. 1569, as wife of (? William) Johnson, and with issue. Agnes Jervis, living unmard. 21 Feb. 1569. Catherine Jervis, living unmard. 21 Feb. 1569. WILLIAM JERVIS, of whom presently. Elizabeth Jervis, mard. to Richard Bradgate, esq., Lord of the Manor of Little Peatling, and of Bruntingthorpe, co. Leic., son of Thomas Bradgate, by Joan his wife, dau. of ..... Warde, of Carlton, co. Leic., and by him, who died 17 Nov. 1572, had issue.

WILLIAM JERVIS, son of John Jervis preceding,; of Great Peatling, co. Leic., gent., where he purchased a manor in 1564, which was seised by the Queen and restored to him in 1568; died 6 May 1597, aged 94; burd. 8 May 1597, at Great Peatling. Will dated 10 Feb. 1592/3, proved 21 May 1597, at Leicester. In­ quisition P.M. at Leicester, I Sept. 1597. Mard. Katherine, dau. of William Ward, of Shangton, co. Leic., and sister of Richard Ward, and by her, who was burd. 30 Aug. 1590, at Great Peatling, had issue thirteen children, of whom the following survived, I. WILLIAM JERVIS, of whom presently. II. Thomas Jervis, living 10 Feb. 1592/3, and with a son William on 8 Jan. 1618/19. Perhaps identical with Thomas Jervis, of Thorpe Langton, who died 23 Feb. 1636, leaving a wife Katherine, and a son, William Jervis, born about Oct. 1618 (see Inq. P.M., ante, p. 29). I. Katherine Jervis, living 10 Feb. 1592/3, with a husband, Richard Burdett, and children, William Burdett and Frances Burdett. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

II. Joan Jervis, mard. to Thomas Payne, and living 10 Feb. 1592/3, with a son, William Payne, and other children. III. Grace Jervis, mard. 25 Feb. 1582/3, at Great Peatling, to Noah Duckett; she, who was living 8 Jan. 1618/19, had issue by him, who was living IO Feb. 1592/3. IV. Anne Jervis, mard. 22 Nov. 1574, at Great Peatling, to Edward Wade, and bad issue by him; she was living 8 Jan. 1618/19. WILLIAM JERVIS, elder son of William J erois preceding; of Great Peatling, esq.; son and heir, 1 Sept. 1597 and 10 Feb. 1592/3 ; died 21 Jan. 1613/14, aged 77 ; burd. 23 Jan. 1613/14, at Great Peatling. Will dated 10 Jan..... , and proved 25 Mch. 1614, at Leicester. Inquisition P.M. at Leicester, 19 Apl. 1614. Mard. istly, Anne, dau. of Nicholas Purefoy, of Drayton, co. Leic., esq., by Jane bis wife, dau. of George Vincent, of Peckleton, co. Leic., esq.; she was burd. at Great Peatling, 30 Mch. 1571. He mard. 2ndly, Frances, dau. of Richard Marston, of Draughton, co. Northants., and widow of William Bradgate, of Little Peatling, esq., on 7 Jan. 1576/7, at Great Peatling; she was burd. 16 Nov. 1602, at Great Peatling, having had issue a son, Edw·ard Jervis, bapt. 10 Sept. 1578, at Great Peatling, who, not being mentioned in his father's will, presumably died young. By his first wife, Anne Purefoy, he had issue, I. William Jervis, of Great Peatling, esq.; son and heir, 8 Oct. 1590 ; High Sheriff of co. Leic., 1618; died 9 Jan. 1618/19, aged 55, without issue; burd. at Great Peatling. Will dated 8 Jan. 1618/19, proved 4 May 1619, in P.C.C. Inquisition P.M. at Leicester, 26 July 1619. Mard., before 8 Oct. 1590, to Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of William Shepherd, of Hockliffe, co. Bedford, by Jane his wife (who afterwards mard. Michael Henshaw), sister to Bernard and William Brocas ; she died 7 Sept. 1632, leaving issue by her second husband, Sir Richard Roberts, of Sutton Cheynell (of whom below). II. GEORGE JERVIS, of whom presently. I. Dorothy Jervis; bapt. 25 Feb. 1567/8, at Great Peatling; mard. there, 4 Dec. 1587, to Sir Richard Roberts, of Sutton Cheynell, co. Leic. (see above), as the first of his three wives, had issue by him, and was living 10 Feb. 1592/3. Sir Richard, who was knighted at Theobald's, 11 Nov. 1619, was third son of Thomas Roberts, of Sutton Cheynell, by Joyce his wife, dau. of John Staresmore, of Frowlesworth, co. Leic., and died 30 Oct. 1644, aged 80, being burd. at Church Langton. II. and III. Daughters who presumably died young and unmard. GEORGE JERVIS, younger son of William Jervis preceding; of Great Peatling, esq.; aged 53 on 26 July 1619; sold manor of Thorpe Langton in 1623; died 27 Mch. 1626. Inquisition P.M. at Leicester, II Jan. 1626/7. Mard. Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Michael Henshaw, of Maldon, co. Essex, by whom, who was burd. 11 (? July) 1633, at Great Peatling, he had issue, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 41 I. WILLIAM JERVIS, of whom presently. II. Henry Jervis, of Great Peatling, gent.; bom 1607 ; died without issue; burd. 16 Dec. 1666, at Great Peatling. I. Elizabeth Jervis, bapt. 1 Nov. 1594, at Great Peatling; mard. there, 11 Feb. 1611/12, to John Dawes, of Stapleton, co. Leic., elder son of Isaac Dawes, of Stapleton, by Charity his wife, dau. of James Lightfoot, of Ashford, co. Kent, and by him, who was born about 1587, had issue a son, Jervis Dawes, bapt. 3 Jan. 1613/14, at Great Peatling. II. Frances Jervis, bapt. 13 Apl. 1596, at Great Peatling; mard. there, 17 Dec. 1617, to Rev. Francis Chamberlaine, M.A. Trinity Coll., Camb., Rector of Plumtree, co. Notts.; born about 1591 ; second son of Francis Chamberlaine, of Newton Harcourt, co. Leic., by Anne, his first wife, dau. of John Stanford, of Elmsthorpe, or Barkby, co. Leic.; resided at Newton Harcourt after death of elder bror. John; will proved 1651, in P.C.C.; left issue by Frances Jervis, who died about 1640. III. Anne Jervis, bapt. May 1597, at Great Peatling; mard. Rev. John Presgrave, M.A. Magdalen Hall, Oxford; Rector of Willoughby Water­ less in 1612, and of Broughton Astley in 1636, both in co. Leic., born about 1587, in co. Leic. IV. Dorothy Jervis, mard. Henry Strelley, of West Langton, co. Leic., eldest son and heir of Elias Strelley, of West Langton, by Grace his wife, dau. of John Leife, of Stamford, co. Northants. By him, who was born in 1603, she, who died Aug. 1641, had issue. WILLIAM JERVIS, elder son of George Jervis preceding,- of Great Peatling, esq.; bapt. 17 Dec. 1598, at Great Peatling; burd. there 11 Dec. 1661. Will dated 10 Jan. 1653/4, with codicil of 14 Mch. 1658/9, proved 8 Oct. 1661, in P.C.C. Mard. Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Humphrey Adderley, of Weddington, co. Warw., esq., by Jane his wife, dau. of Thomas Ward, of Nunthorpe, co. York. By her, who was perhaps burd. 21 Mch. 1643/4, at Great Peatling, he had issue, I. SAMUEL JERVIS, of whom presently. II. William Jervis, of Great Peatling; bapt. 4 May 1637, at Great Peatling; living unmard. 1683. I. Elizabeth Jervis, mard. 27 Mch. 1653 to William Bale, of Humberston, co. Leic., esq.; born 1618 ; second son of Sir John Bale, of Carlton ~urlieu, co. Leic., knt. They both were living 10 Jan. 1653/4, and had issue. 11. Catherine Jervis, unmard. and under 21, 10 Jan. 1653/4; mard. Richard Orton, of Lea Grange, Orton-on-the-Hill, co. Leic. III. Susanna Jervis, under 21, 10 Jan. 1653/4; mard. 15 Mch. 1657/8, at Great Peatling, to William Reade, then of St. Martin's, Ludgate, London, Spanish merchant, and afterwards of Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, Canary Islands, son of Thomas Reade, of Barkby Thorpe, co. Leic., by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of \Villiam Thorley, of Holt, co. Wore. Will JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

dated 25 Nov. 1677, proved 18 Feb. 1678, in P.C.C. By Susanna Jervis, who was alive 25 Nov. 1677, he had issue, 1. William Reade, born 3 Jan. 1658/9; bapt. 11 Jan. 1658/9, at Great Peatling ; dead in 1664. 2. Jervis ·Reade, of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, London, merchant ; born 13 Mch. 1661/2, at Great Peatling; bapt. there, 23 Mch. 1661/2; educated atMarket Bosworth ; died 27 Apl. 1724. Will dated 18 Feb. 1723/4, proved 24 July 1724, in P.C.C. 3. Charles Reade, of London, merchant ; born 13 Aug. 1666 ; bapt. 14 Aug. 1666, at Great Peatling. Will dated 29 July 1717, proved 18 May 1721, in P.C.C. 1. Elizabeth Reade, unmard. 25 Nov. 1677; living 29 July 1717, and mard. to ...... Firbank. IV. Jane Jervis, under 21, 10 Jan. 1653/4; mard. 8Mch. 1657/8, at Wedding­ ton, co. Warw., to Richard Bradgate, of Great Peatling, gent., born at Ullesthorpe, co. Leic., son of Jervis Bradgate, of Wibtoft, co. Warw., by Joan his wife, dau. and heir of Richard Sanderson, of Great Peatling; burd. 29 June 1677, at Great Peatling; will dated 27 Mch. 1677, proved 5 Oct. 1678, at Leicester. By Jane Jervis, who was burd. 15 Sept. 1678, at Great Peatling, he left issue (see LUCAS pedigree, post, p. 142). V. Mary Jervis, bapt. 16 Dec. 1641, at Great Peatling; unmard. and under 21, 10 Jan. 1653/4; mard. ThomasWade,ofMarketHarboro',co.Leic. VI. Abigail Jervis, bapt. 3 Oct. 1643, at Great Peatling; mard. 22 Dec. 1667 (lie. 20 Dec. 1667, for St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate) to Peter Cook, of St. Catherine Creechurch, citizen and merchant of London, and late of the Factory of Bantam, in Java, who was born about 1640.

SAMUEL JERVIS, elder son of William Jervis preceding; of Great Peatling, esq.; born about 1628, at Great Peatling; admitted Fellow Commoner, aged 18, at Pembroke Coll., Camb., on 10 Dec. 1646; burd. 15 Apl. 1674, at Great Peatling. Mard. Elizabeth (living 17 Mch. 1634/5), dau. of Richard Orton, of Lea Grange, Orton-on-the-Hill, co. Leic., gent.; she was burd. 31 July 1708, at Great Peatling, and her will, dated 26 Feb. 1700/1, was proved 20 Sept. 1708, at Leicester. By her Samuel Jervis had issue, I. George Jervis, burd. 25 Jan. 1659/60, at Great Peatling. II. WILLIAM JERVIS, of whom presently. WILLIAM JERVIS, younger and only swrviving son of Samuel Jervis preceding ; of Great Peatling, esq.; born 21 June 1659; bapt. 5 July 1659, at Aylestone, co. Leic.; only child in 1683; burd. 24 Jan. 1694/5, at Great Peatling. Will dated 21 Jan. 1694/5, proved ...... 1698, at Leicester. Mard. Anne, dau. of Henry Darell (see DARELL pedigree, post, pp. 52-3), of the Middle Temple, London, esq., by Anne his first wife, dau. of Robert Thomson (see THOMSON pedigree, post, p. 55), of Royton Manor, par. of Lenham, co. I{ent, esq.; and granddau. of THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 43 Sir Sampson Darell, of Fulmer Place, co. Bucks., knt. She was under 21 on 17 Feb. 1673/4 ; mard. about 1679 ; living a widow at Warwick, 21 May 1707 and burd. 23 Dec. 1726, at Great Peatling, having had issue, I. RICHARD JERVIS, of whom pyesently. II. William Jervis, born 10 Oct. 1683 ; bapt. 22 Oct. 1683, at Great Peatling; entered Rugby School in 1694, after his father's death; living second son on 20 Aug. 1703. III. Samuel Jervis, born 7 Jan. 1685/6; bapt. 23 Jan. 1685/6, at Great _ Peatling; living third son on 20 Aug. 1703. I. Darell Jervis, born 14 Oct. 1687; bapt. 15 Oct. 1687, at Great Peatling ; burd. there 4 June 1699. II. ELIZABETH JERVIS, born 4 Feb. 1688/9, bapt. 16 Feb. 1688/9, at Great Peatling; only surviving dau. on 20 Aug. 1703 ; mard. 1stly, by lie. from Lichfield dated 4 Feb. 1714/15, to HARRY PORTER [1691-1734], of Birmingham, mercer, and had issue by him (see POR­ TER pedigree, post, pp. 110-11). She was mard. 2ndly (by lie. from Lichfield dated 8 July 1735), at St. Werburgh's, Derby, on 9 July 1735, to SAMUEL JOHNSON. She died 17 Mch. 1752, in par. of St. Bride's, London, and was burd. 26 Mch. 1752, at Bromley in Kent. III. Anne Jervis, born 26 Dec. 1691 ; bapt. 22 Jan. 1691/2, at Great Peatling; burd. there 14 Nov. 1696. RICHARD JERVIS, eldest son and heir of William J e'Yvis pyeceding ,· of Great Peatling, esq.; born about 1680, at Warwick; entered Rugby School in 1689; admitted pensioner at St. John's Coll., Camb., on 19 Apl. 1698, aged 17; con­ tracted debts, before 20 Aug. 1703, which the trustees had to satisfy by the sale of some of the Great Peatling property; burd. 26 Sept. 1725, at Great Peatling. Admon. of his estate granted 23 Mch. 1725/6, at Leicester. Mard. 31 May 1709, at Dunton Bassett, co. Leic., to Anne, dau. of Joseph Flude, the younger, of Dunton Bassett, and of Elizabeth his wife. By her, who was bapt. 8 June 1684, at Dunton Bassett, and burd. 27 June 1743, at Great Peatling, he had issue, I. SAMUEL JERVIS, of whom presently. II. William Jervis, of Lutterworth, co. Leic., surgeon apothecary; born 28 Nov. 1711; bapt. 26 Dec. 1711, at Great Peatling; died 18 Sept. 1780, aged " 69 "; burd. at Great Peatling. Mard. Tabitha, dau. of ...... , and by her, who was burd. 22 June 1753, at Great Peatling, had issue, 1. William Jervis, burd. 14 July 1747, at Great Peatling. 2. Richard Jervis, of Lutterworth, surgeon apothecary, and afterwards successively of Hinckley, Narborough and Oadby, all in co. Leic.; bapt. 8 Jan. 1739/40, at Lutterworth; died 7 Apl. 1817, aged 77; burd. at Oadby. Will dated 14 Aug. 1816, with codicil of 23 Jan. 1817, proved 15 Jan. 1818, in P.C.C. He mard. 1stly. on 20 Oct. 1772, at Lutterworth, Hannah, widow of ...... Dawes, who died 44 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. 17 Nov. 1781, and was burd. at Lutterworth, admon. of her estate being granted on 12 Dec. 1785, at Leicester. He was mard. 2ndly., on 29 Mch. 1791, at St. Mary's, Leicester, to Sarah, dau. of Richard Farmer, of Leicester, and widow of Allen Brown, of Cosby, co. Leic., esq., and sister to Richard Farmer, D.D., Master of Emanuel Coll., Camb.; by her, who was living 14 Aug. 1816, he had no issue. By his first wife, Hannah Dawes, he had issue, (1) Rev. Richard Jervis; bapt. 20 Mch. 1778, at Lutterworth; only son; entered Appleby Grammar School on 23 Jan. 1787; Curate of Stoke Golding, co. Leic., and appointed Master of the Free Grammar School there on 7 Oct. 1801; died 3 July 1808, aged 30; burd. at Stoke Golding ; admon. granted 18 Aug. 1808, at Leicester. Mard. 25 Nov. 1802, at Hinckley, to Anne Jane, dau. of the Rev. John Cole Galloway, Vicar of Hinckley. By her, who was living his widow, 13 July 1844, he had issue, Mary Ann Jervis, only child; bapt. 7 Aug. 1804, at Stoke Golding, living unmard. 9 Mch. 1842. Will, as of Belgrave, but late of Syston, co. Leic., spinster, dated 18 Mch. 1831, with codicil of 29 July 1831, proved 13 July 1844, at Leicester. (1) Hannah Jervis, bapt. 25 Aug. 1773, at Lutterworth. (2) Tabitha Jervis, burd. 23 Feb. 1780, at Lutterworth. I. Penelope Jervis, burd. 20 Oct. 1753, at Great Peatling. 2. Anne Jervis, bapt. 3 Sept. 1745, at Lutterworth; mard. (Richard?) Tattom, and living 21 July 1787. I. Darell Jervis, born 7 Oct. 1713 ; bapt. 6 Nov. 1713, at Great Peatling; mard. Knightley Smith, of Leire, co. Leic., esq., only surviving son of John Smith, of Leire, esq., by Anne his wife, dau. of the Rev. Knightley Rolled; they both died in 1740, leaving an only son, Rolled Smith, of Normanton Hall, Normanton Turville, co. Leic., which he purchased soon after 1782, attorney; died 14 July 1795, aged 63. Mard. Elizabeth, younger dau. and coheir of Thomas Grace, by Anne his wife, dau. and heir of James Elkington, of Shawell, co. Leic.; she died in 1786, aged 48. The large family of Rolled and Elizabeth Smith included Susannah Smith, who mard. the Rev. Richard Coxe, and had a son, the Rev. Henry Octavius Coxe [1811-1881], Bodley's Librarian at Oxford; and Catherine Smith, who mard. the Rev. Thomas Noel, and had a son, the Rev. Thomas Noel [1799-1861], author of "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." Further of his descendants can be traced in Burke's Landed Gentry, under" Smith of Walcote House," co. Leic. SAMUEL JERVIS, eldest son of Richard Jervis preceding ; of Great Peatling, and the last of the family to reside there; born 9 Mch. 1709/10, at Dunton Bassett, and bapt. there 8 Apl. 1710; entered Rugby School in 1721 ; burd. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 45 30 Aug. 1772, at Great Peatling. Mard. Catherine, dau. of ...... , who was burd. 31 Oct. 1741, at Great Peatling, and had issue an only son, REV. WILLIAM JERVIS, Curate-in-Charge of Gilmorton, co. Leic., from 1787 ; bapt. 8 Apl. 1739, at Great Peatling; matric. 3 July 1759, from Wadham Coll., Oxford; B.C.L., 1768; J.P. co. Leic.; resident many years at Kimcote, co. Leic., and afterwards at Lutterworth, where he died 23 Mch. 1792, aged 54; burd. at Great Peatling. Will dated 21 July 1787, proved 20 Sept. 1792, in P.C.C.; further admon. granted on 17 Oct. 1818, 1 Mch. 1824, 3 Nov. 1824, and 30 June 1842. Mard. 1stly Anne, dau. of Thomas Benskyn, of Stoney Stanton, co. Leic., and of Sarah his wife; she died 28 Nov. 1771, aged 35, without issue,* and was burd. at Stoney Stanton; admon. granted II Apl. 1789, at Leicester. He mard. 2ndly., 7 Apl. 1774, at Nuneaton, Ann, dau. of John Davies, of Nuneaton, co. Warw., attorney; she died 21 Oct. 1814, aged 71, at Stoney Stanton, and was burd. at Great Peatling ; admon. granted 16 Mch. 1815, at Leicester. By Ann Davies, his second wife, he had issue, I. Charles Jervis, of Hinckley, and of Stanton House, Stoney Stanton, co. Leic., attorney; died 28 Dec. 1843, aged 67, without legitimate issue, at Narborough, co. Leic.; burd. at Great Peatling. Will dated 9 Mch. 1842, proved 25 Jan. 1844, in P.C.C. II. William Davies Jervis, of Hinckley, and latterly of Stoney Stanton, co. Leic., esq.; born 28 May 1781 ; bapt. 29 Sept. 1781, at Lutterworth; Captain in Leicestershire Militia from 6 Aug. 1806, and Major from 28 Feb. 1824; died without legitimate issue, 15 May 1839, aged 57, at 13 Norris Street, Westminster. Will dated 21 Dec. 1837, with codicil of IO Apl. 1838, proved 8 Aug. 1839, in P.C.C.

THE DARELLS OF FULMER (See ante, VI., 7-10)

A DETAILED pedigree of the Darells is printed in The Visitation of England and Wales, "Notes," vol. xii. (ed. F. A. Crisp), 1917, pp. 74-80, under the title of " Darell of Scotney." That pedigree is the fruit of modem methods of research, the actual compiler being Mr. Bower Marsh. It begins with John Darell, esq., of Calehill, in the parish of East Chart, co. Kent, who married Florence, daughter of

* Unless William, son of Mr. William Jervis, bapt. I I Jan. 1762, at Lutterworth (ante, p. 6), was child of this marriage. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. William Chicheley, of Higham Ferrers, co. Northants., and niece of Henry Chicheley [1362?-1443], Archbishop of Canterbury, to whom John Darell acted as Steward. They had a son, Thomas Darell, esq., born 1422, who settled at Scotney, in Sussex, and in 1448 married Thomasine, daughter of Sir John Gresley, of Drakelowe, co. Staffs., ancestor of the present baronet (see also Falconer Madan's "The Gresleys of Drakelowe," William Salt Arch~ological Society, ''Stafford­ shire Collections," New Series, vol. I. (1898), p. 248). Thomas's son Henry,. and his grandson Thomas, continued at Scotney, but Edward Darell, who died in 1573, a younger son of the last Thomas, followed an uncle in the Royal service and changed the current of his family's history by becoming Clerk of the Acatery, or Royal provision store, to Queen -Elizabeth, and settling at Pagham, in Sussex. Edward's eldest son was Sir Thomas Darell, born 1553, knighted in 1603, who was M.P. for East Retford in 1604. A younger son of Edward was Sir Marmaduke Darell, first of Fulmer, with whom I start my pedigree, the father of Sir Sampson Darell. I may say that Mr. Bower Marsh's pedigree, though giving full particulars of Sir Sampson Darell and his wife, does not include their children, as they were merely collateral to the branch of the family with which he was dealing. It is only regarding Sir Sampson Darell and his descendants that I have, therefore, sought original evidence, as he was the great-grandfather of Johnson's wife. And the account I can give of them is very far from complete, in spite of much enquiry. POST-MORTEM INQUISITION Bucks. SIR SAMPSON DARELL, KNT. Inquisition taken at Colebrooke, co. Bucks., 11 Jan., 11 Charles I. (1635/6), to enquire after the death of Sir Sampson Darell, Knt. The jurors (named) say on oath that Sir Marmaduke Darell, Knt., father of said Sampson, long before his death was seised in his demesne, as of fee, of the manor of Burnham alias Huntercombe, co. Bucks., and of lands, etc., thereunto belonging, bought by him of Philip Scudamore, Knt., held of the King in chief, by Knight service, and worth yearly, beyond reprises, 1oos.; and of two messuages, one called Prestwickes, and 80 acres of land, 100 acres of wood, in Langley Marish, Denham, Iver and Fulmer, late bought by said Marmaduke of Edward Woodward, esq., tenure unknown, yearly value, beyond reprises, 10s.; two water mills called Clewer Mills, in Windsor, and suit to the same belonging, and all islands, etc., called the Eightes and Ozier Plotts, and all weirs, pools, etc., thereunto belonging, bought by said Marmaduke of Edward Ferrars and Francis Ferrars, held of the King, as of his manor of East Greenwich, co. Kent, by fealty THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 47 only, in free and common socage, worth yearly, beyond reprises, 26s. Bd. So seised, the said Marmaduke, by indenture dated I Feb., II James I. (1613/14), conveyed same to Sir Sampson Eure and others (named), to use of himself for life, with contingent remainders to said Sampson and Elizabeth his wife and their issue male. The said M a'rmaduke was also seised of the manor of Fulmer and 200 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 500 acres of pasture, and 200 of wood, in Fulmer, Chalfont St. Peter, Iver, Upton and Denham, bought by said Ma'rmaduke of Richa'rd B'ranthwayte, esq., and others. He was also seised of 33 acres of pasture and wood in Fulmer, called Venton and Wardoxe, bought of Henry Bulstrode, esq., and a wood called Stubbs Grove, in Fulmer, bought of A nd'l'ew Windsor, esq., and of two messuages and two parcels of land called Great and Little Garretts in Fulmer, bought of William F'rench, esq., and a messuage and parcel of wood called Russells Grove, in Fulmer, bought of William Ives, and a messuage and four acres of land there bought of William Gutheridge, and a wood called Woodcrofts there, bought of John Fabyanne, which said manor and lands are held of the King in socage and worth yearly, beyond reprises, £13-6-8. Also a cottage and two closes of meadow in Iver Heath, par. of Iver, bought of William Abbot, and a close of meadow called Cockslands there, bought of Thomas Gotheridge, held of Leticia Lady Pagett, widow, as of her manor of Iver, by fealty and rent, worth yearly, beyond reprises, 5s. So being seised, a fine was levied in Hilary, 19 James I. (1621/2), to the use of Marmaduke and Anne his wife, with contingent remainders to his eldest son, the said Sampson, in tail male, his second son Marmaduke in tail male. Marmaduke, the father, died on 2 Mch., 7 Charles I. (1631/2), at Fulmer, and his widow Anne entered into same and still survives at Datchett, co. Bucks. The said Sampson was seised of the advowson, etc., of the par. church of Beacons- field, held of the King in chief, worth yearly ...... (tof'n), and by deed of 17 July, 9 Charles I. (1633), Sampson granted to Si1' William Ashton, Knt., the first presentation. By his letters patent of 17 Dec., 3 Charles I. (1627), the King granted to Edmund Varney, Knt., Marshall of the King's Hospice, the manor of Langley Maris alias Marish, co. Bucks., to hold of the King as of his manor of East Greenwich, co. Kent, by fealty only, in free and common socage and rent of £61-0-4¼ yearly, and by deed of 9 Nov., 6 Charles I. (1630), the said Varney sold same to said Marma­ duke, and Sampson and Marmaduke died, and Sampson was seised thereof, worth yearly ...... (torn). By letters patent of 4 Oct., 6 Charles I. (1630), the King granted to Charles Harbord, esq., and others, the manors of Burnham and Upton, to hold of his Honor of Windsor by fealty only and rent of £22 for former and £59-6-11½ for latter manor, and by indenture of 22 Mch., 6 Charles I. (1630/1), they sold same to said Marmaduke and Sampson, and the latter held same after Marmaduke's death; the manor of Burnham, beyond reprises, is worth £22-0-1½ a year and Upton £5. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

He was also seised of the manor of Bumhams, co. Bucks., bought by him, the said Sampson, of Nickolas Baven, worth, beyond reprises, 2s. a year, and of one cottage, one barn and a rood of land in Fulmer, bought by Marmaduke Da'Yell of William Newton, and held with the manor of Fulmer, and worth yearly, beyond reprises, 2s., and of a cottage and half an acre of land in Stoke Pages, held of that manor of Stoke Pages by fealty and suit of court and 6d. a year, and a messuage, garden, 6 acres of land, 2 of pasture and one of wood, in Bradnam, co. Bucks., bought by said Sampson of J okn Darell, worth yearly 2s. 6d. Also of a messuage in Cippenham, co. Bucks., bought by Sampson of Andrew Umfrevill, gent., worth yearly 3s. 4d. Also of. lands called Fullmers Lands and Clarkes Wood, of about 210 acres, with appurtenances, in Hugeley, co. Bucks., worth yearly 20s. Also of a messuage and garden called Patricks Garden, in East Smithfield, co. M'sex, and of divers parcels of land and garden in tenure of Thomas Body, late possession of the late Monastery of Graces by the Tower of London, held of the King, as of his manor of East Greenwich, by fealty and rent, worth yearly 20s. Also of three acres of land in Clewer, co. Bucks., bought of Ricka'Yd Dale, and a windmill there lately constructed, worth yearly 10s. Also of the reversion of the manor of Temple Bulstrode, after the death of Susan Drury, widow, still surviving at Langley, co. Bucks., widow of Henry Drury, Knt., excepting a parcel of wood and meadow called Colecrofte, worth yearly £10. Also of the reversion, after the death of Dorothy Go'Yges, widow, still surviving, of a close called Portbury Parkes, in Wraxall, co. Somerset. The said Sampson made his will 21 May last past, bequeathing his lands to his wife to raise portions for his younger children of £1000 each, during his eldest son's minority, and at his lawful age the lands to his said eldest son. The said Sampson Darell died 23 May last past at the par. of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, and Elizabeth his wife survives him and dwells in that par., and Marma­ duke Darell, esq., is his son and heir and on 7 June last past was aged 14 years ; he had besides eight other children, to wit, Anne, Mary, Edward, Christopher, Sampson, Charles, Henry and Margaret Darell, all surviving (Chancery Inq. P.M., Series 2, vol. 526, no. 151).

ABSTRACTS OF WILLS SIR SAMPSON DARELL, knight. Will dated 21 May 1635. My wife shall have power to dispose of my personal estate, and receive the rents and profits of my lands, to raise portions for all my children except my eldest son, to each of which children I give £1000. All my lands to my eldest son, at his age of 21. To Sir John Parsons, my part in the Cole farm, in trust for my wife and children. Exors., my wife and Sir John Parsons, to whom I give £100. Signed, Sam. Darell. Wits., Buchan, Robert Lesley and Barth. CYessener. Proved I July 1635, in P.C.C. (Sadler, 84), by Dame Elizabeth Darell, the relict, Sir John Parsons renouncing. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 49 DAME ELIZABETH DARELL, of Huntercombes, par. of Burnham, co. Bucks., widow. Will dated 2 Dec. 1637. To the poor of Burnham, £10. I make my exor. my cousin, Mr. Hampden Ashfield, of Little Missenden, co. Bucks., gent., entreating him to take especial care for the education and bringing up of my children. Signed, Elizabeth Darell. Wits., Thomas Style, Henery Bradlie and Edward Ma1'ryott. Proved 26 July 1638, in P.C.C. (Lee, 87), by the exor. named. HENRY DARELL, of the Middle Temple, London. Will dated 23 May 1672. "Being in indifferent good state of health of my body And in the best of my understanding according to the little measure thereof which I have received (Blessed be God for the same) And purposing speedily to accompany my most Honourable friend his Excellency William Lord Willoughby of Parham, Capt. Generali & Cheife Govemour of the Island of Barbados unto his Govemement there," I hereby make my last will and testament. I confirm and give to Mary, "my now unkind and most perverse wife," all my houses in Thames Street and St. Michael, Crooked Lane, London, for life, with remainder to my dau., Henrietta Maria Darell, for all the residue of my term therein; if they both die, the to my dau., Anne Darell," whom I had by my first and best most affectionate faith­ full and vertuous wife," Anne, daughter of Robert Thomson, of Royton, co. Kent, esq. To my said wife the interest of £1000 of mine, now in the hands of her brother, Col. Rickard Norton, Edward Norton and Henry Whitehead, esqs.pand after her death the said £1000 to my dau., Henrietta Maria Darell, according to the settlement made, whereunto Col. Rickard Norton and my brother, Sampson Darell, are parties; in case of their deaths, the same to my dau., Anne. To my said dau., Anne Darell, all my houses, lands, pastures, etc., in co. Kent, heretofore her mother's, my first wife's, to her and her heirs, for ever; also my farm and lands called Hesleden or Brooke Gate, in the pars. of Hawkhurst and Ethering­ ham, or elsewhere in cos. Kent and Sussex, which I lately purchased of J okn Parsons, to her and her heirs for ever; if she die without issue, then all the said lands to my dau., Henrietta Maria, and her heirs for ever, she erecting in the church of Wye, in Kent, near where my first wife lies buried, a marble monument in honour of her, to the value of £300; if she do not do the same within two years of my dau. Anne's death, then all the lands, in cos. Kent and Sussex, given by me to her, to go to my brother, Samson Darell, and my friend, Richard Eedes, of the Inner Temple, London, esq., they to erect the same. Whereas my nephew, John Meriweather, owes me £550 on a mortgage on Chidwick's Farm, in Barston, co. Kent, and 3 statutes of the Staple, of 9 Feb. 1671, 8 Mch. 1671 and 22 Mch. 1671, for various sums, I bequeath the said mortgage to my dau., Anne Dat'ell, she paying, out of the first money she receives, £70 to seven poor widows dwelling in the par. where Anne shall then be living. My friend, James Swann, owes me £30, which I lent in gratitude to him and his wife Jane, for care of me in time of sickness, and I remit the same to him. If my wife and daus. be dead, then I bequeath all my lands, etc., to my brother, Mr. Samson Darell, and Mr. Richard Eedes, to be divided between them, and Mr. Eedes to pay to said James Swann and his wife £200, or, if they be dead, to their daus., Elizabeth and Alice Swann, £100 each; £200 to the children of my sister Pen, and the like to the children of 50 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. my sister Blackwell, and to erect a monument worth £200 to me and my dau. Anne, where the latter shall die. If I and my daus. die before my wife, then she to have my farm called Harlden (sic), or Brooke Gate, in cos. Kent and Sussex, and after her death my brother, Mr. Samson Da'Yell, and his heirs for ever, he to erect a monument to me, my first wife, and my four children, to the value of £400, in Hawkhurst par. church, and the lands of my first wife, in co. Kent, in such case, to the said Richa'Yd Eedes, esq. Extrix., my dau., Anne Da'Yell. Overseers, my said brother, Samson Da'Yell, Richa'Yd Eedes, Nicholas Knight and John Tisser. Signed, Henr: Darell. Wit., Hen: St. John. Commission issued on 17 Feb. 1673/4, in P.C.C. (Bunce, 27), to Francis Eedes, guardian of Anne Darell, a minor, younger dau. and extrix. named in the will of Henry Da'Yell, late of the Middle Temple, London, esq., but in the Colony of Tangier, in parts beyond the seas, deceased, to administer the goods, etc., of deed., during minority of said Anne. Collated with the original, 18 Feb. 1673/4, Ri. Eedes. Original will received to use of Francis Eedes, the admor., during the minority of Anne Darell, the extrix.: Rob. Chapman, 18 Feb. 1673/4. Received from Rob. Chapman, to use of said Anne, 18 Feb. 1673/4: Rich: Eedes, F'Yan: Eedes.* SAMPSON DARELL, son of Sir Sampson Darell, late of Fulmer, co. Bucks., knt. Will dated 16 Nov. 1672. To be burd. at Fulmer, co. Bucks. To my wife (not named) £50, and all the goods she had on marriage, and the furniture in our dwelling house in Angell Court, par. of St. Bartholomew, behind the Exchange, London. To my eldest son, Charles, 208/-, he being already provided for by his grandfather Lechford, and I therefore give all the rest of my estate to my younger children, Sampson, Katherine and Henry, at their ages of 21. Exors., Mr. John Macocke, of London, printer, and my son-in-law, Hen'Yy Bull, of London, grocer. Signed, Sam: Darell. Wits., Elizabeth Houghton, and John Hope, scrivener. Proved 9 Dec. 1672, in P.C.C. (Eure, 149), by Henry Bull, John Macocke re­ nouncing.

MISCELLANEOUS EVIDENCE The following marriage licences issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury are extracted from vol. 23, Harleian Soc., pp. 98, I67:- 1663. Nov. 18. Henry Darell, of Inner Temple, Gent., Widr., abt. 30, & Mary Legg, of Spenser, co. Berks, Widow, abt. 30 ; at St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf. 1669. Aug. 9. Sampson Darell, of St. Bartholomew, Exchange, Gent., Widr., abt. 39, & Mrs. Rebecca Browning, of St. Giles, Cripplegate, Widow, abt. 30; at St. Alphage, London.

• See Eedes pedigree, post, p. 56. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 51 Mr. H. A. C. Sturgess, Librarian of the Middle Temple Library, has kindly sent me the following translation of an admission entry in their register:- July 15, 1664. Henry Darell, third son of Sampson Darell, of Fulmer, in the County of Bucks., knight. He tells me that Henry Darell had previously been admitted to the Inner Temple, on 20 May 1662, and that he was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple on 25 May 1666. Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses has this entry relating to Charles Darell, who Mr. Bower Marsh tells me was baptized at Burnham on 12 Sept. 1632 :- DARRELL or DORRELL, CHARLES. Adm. pens. at Christ's, July 3, 1648. S. of Sampson. B. at Fulmer, Bucks. School, Hertford (Mr. Minors). Matric. 1649; B.A. 1651. The will of Christopher Hampden, of Coleshill, par. of Agmond­ esham (Amersham), Herts. (now Bucks.), was proved 8 Aug. 1628, in P.C.C. (Barrington, 78), by Sir Thomas Wayneman, knt., and John Hampden, esq., the executors, till the granddaughter, Anne Darell, was 19, or married. Probate was granted on 27 Nov. 1635 to Anne Darell, who had then reached the age of 19. There are contemporary references to Sir Marmaduke Darell and his public offices in the 7th. Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, 1879, pp. 253, 260, 655, 666 and 676, ranging in date from 1595 to 1626. Lipscomb's Bucks., IV., 500, gives the monumental inscription at Fulmer to him and his children.

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE SIR MARMADUKE DARELL, of Fulmer, co. Bucks., Cofferer of the King's Household; born 24 May 1557, son of Edward Darell, esq., of Pagham, co. Sussex, Clerk of the Acatery to Queen Elizabeth; admitted to Gray's Inn, 9 Aug. 1599; Victualler of the Navy, 1601 ; Knighted at Whitehall, 24 July 1603; died 22 Mch. 1631/2 ; burd. at Fulmer. Will dated 23 Feb. 1631/2, proved 26Mch. 1632, in P.C.C. Inq. P.M. taken at Beaconsfield, 26 Sept. 1632. Mard. 1stly. Anne, dau. of John Lennard, of Knole, co. Kent. Mard. 2ndly. Ann, dau. of Edward Kidderminster, of Langley, co. Bucks., and widow of John Clapham, of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London, one of the Six Clerks in Chancery, on 19 Feb. 1621/2, at Camberwell, co. Surrey (settlement dated 4 Feb. 1621/2). She, who E 52 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. was living a widow at Datchett, co. Bucks., II Jan. 1635/6, mard. 3rdly. Gilbert Nevile, of Grove, co. Notts.; and 4thly, Col. Sandys. Sir Marmaduke had issue by his first wife, Anne Lennard, an eldest son, SIR SAMPSON DARELL, of Fulmer ; matric. 8 May 1607, from Queen's Coll., Oxford, aged 13 ; B.A. 1609/10 ; admitted to Gray's Inn, 7 N:ov. 1610 ; Knighted 13 June 1619, at Greenwich; aged 38 on 22 Mch. 1631/2 ; died 23 May 1635, in par. of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, London. Will dated 21 May 1635, proved I July 1635, in P.C.C. Inq. P.M. taken at Colnbrooke, co. Bucks., 11 Jan. 1635/6. Mard. Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Christopher Hampden, of Hartwell and Wen­ dover, co. Bucks., on 13 June 1614, at Great Hampden, co. Bucks. (settlement dated I Feb. 1613/14). By her, whose will, dated 2 Dec. 1637, was proved 26 July 1638, in P.C.C., Sir Sampson had issue, I. Marmaduke Darell, esq., born 7 June 1621; living eldest son and heir, II Jan. 1635/6. II. Edward Darell, living 11 Jan. 1635/6. III. Christopher Darell, living 11 Jan. 1635/6. IV. Sampson Darell, of Angel Court, par. of St. Bartholomew, Exchange, London, gent.; born about 1630. Will dated 16 Nov. 1672, proved 9 Dec. 1672, in P.C.C. (to be burd. at Fulmer). Mard. 1stly...... dau. of ..... Lechford. Mard. 2ndly. Rebecca, widow of ...... Browning, of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London ; born about 1639 ; mard. by lie. dated 9 Aug. 1669, for St. Alphage, London ; she was living 16 Nov. 1672. By his first wife he had issue, 1. Charles Darell, eldest son ; provided for by grandfather Lechford ; living 16 Nov. 1672, under 21. 2. Sampson Darell, living 16 Nov. 1672, under 21. 3. Henry Darell, living 16 Nov. 1672, under 21. 1. Katherine Darell, third child; living 16 Nov. 1672, under 21. V. Charles Darell, born at Fulmer ; bapt. 12 Sept. 1632, at Burnham ; ed. at Hertford School; admitted pensioner at Christ's Coll., Carob., 3 July 1648 ; matric. 1649; B.A. 1651. VI. HENRY DARELL, of whom presently. I. Anne Darell; under 19 on 8 Aug. 1628, over 19 on 27 Nov. 1635; living 11 Jan. 1635/6. II. Mary Darell, living II Jan. 1635/6. III. Margaret Darell, living 1 I Jan. 1635/6. HENRY DARELL, sixth and youngest son of Sir Sampson Darell preceding/ of the Middle Temple, London, esq.; born about 1633 ; admitted to Inner Temple, 20 May 1662; and to Middle Temple, 15 July 1664; called to Bar there, 25 May 1666; third son on 15 July 1664, when of his brothers, 1\:Iarmaduke, Edward, Christopher and Charles, only one can have been surviving ; on 23 May 1672 intending to accompany his friend, William, Lord Willoughby of Parham THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 53 Governor of Barbados, officially to that island; died in Colony of Tangier, 1672-3. Will dated 23 May 1672, admon. granted 17 Feb. 1673/4, in P.C.C. Mard. 1stly. Anne, youngest dau. of Robert Thomson, of Royton Manor, par. of Lenham, co. Kent, esq., by Dorothy his first wife, dau. and coheir of Thomas Swan, of Wye, co. Kent. By her, who died 6 Sept. 1662, and was burd. I I Sept. at Wye (see THOMSON pedigree, post, p. 55), he had issue, in addition apparently to two children who died young, a dau., Anne Darell, under 21 on 17 Feb. 1673/4, as younger (she seems to have been elder) dau., with Francis Eedes, esq., as her guardian (see EEDES pedigree, post, p. 56) ; mard. about 1679 to William Jervis; living a widow at Warwick, 21 May 1707; burd. 23 Dec. 1726, at Great Peatling. William Jervis, of Great Peatling, co. Leic., esq., younger and only surviving son of Samuel Jervis, of Great Peatling, was born 21 June 1659; bapt. 5 July 1659, at Aylestone, co. Leic.; burd. 24 Jan. 1694/5, at Great Peatling. His will, dated 21 Jan. 1694/5, was proved in 1698, at Leicester. William Jervis and Anne Darell left issue, for whom see JERVIS pedigree, ante, pp. 42-3. Henry Darell mard. 2ndly. Mary, widow of ...... Legg, of " Spenser " (un- identified), co. Berks., and sister of Col. Richard Norton, by lie. dated 18 Nov. 1663, for St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf, London ; she was born about 1633 and living 23 May 1672, having apparently had issue Henry Darell's other dau., Henrietta Maria Darell, living unmard. 23 May 1672.

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE OF THOMSON (See ante, VI., 8) The mother of Johnson's mother-in-law belonged to the old Kentish family of Thomson, of which I have obtained enough informa­ tion to give the following pedigree. With earlier generations, settled at Sandwich, I am not concerned. My authorities are as follows:­ Harleian Society, vol. 14 (" Berry's Essex Pedigrees"), p. 733 (Hony­ wood) ; vol. 42 (" Visitation of Kent 1619-21 "), pp. 10 (Thomson), 131 (Swan) ; vol. 54 (" Visitation of Kent 1663-1668 "), pp. 93, 165 (Thomson) ; vol. 75 (" Visitation of Kent 1592 "), p. 105 (Honywood) ; Berry's Kentish Genealogies, p. 293 (Swan) ; Hasted's Kent, vol. V. (1798), pp. 423, 425 (Honywood and Thomson) ; and Philip Parsons's Monuments and Painted Glass of upwards of One Hundred Churches in Kent, 1794, pp. I (Darell monument at Wye), 195-7 (Thomson monu­ ments at Lenham). Extracts from the latter work, which form the 54 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. most valuable items of evidence, were kindly supplied me by Mr. Frank W. Tyler, F.S.A., of Canterbury, Honorary Secretary of the Records Branch of the Kent Archreological Society, to whom I must express my great indebtedness. The inscription at Wye runs thus:- Here, in this isle, lyeth buried the body of Ann (youngest daughter of Robert Thomson, of Boughton, in the County of Kent, Esq. by Dorothy his wife) the entirely loving and beloved wife of Henry Darell, youngest son of Sir Sampson Darell, of Fulmer, in the County of Bucks, Knight. She changed her earthly for a heavenly tabernacle, on Saturday the 6th. of September anno domini 1662. Mr. Tyler tells me that " Boughton " is evidently Boughton Aluph, a village a mile or two from Wye. He also says that "Dorothy daughter of Mr. Thomas Swann "-the mother of Ann above-was baptized at Wye on 24 Feb. 1599/1600. The Rev. F. W. R. Metcalf, Vicar of Wye, sent me this extract from the register there:-" 1662. Anne the wife of Henry Darell Gentleman dyed September the 6th. ; & was buryed the 11th day of ~ same month 1662." HENRY THOMSON, of Royton Manor, par. of Lenham, co. Kent (in right of his wife), and of Sandwich, merchant; second son and coheir of Thomas Thomson, of Sandwich, merchant ; died 24 Oct. 1648, aged 78 ; burd. at Lenham. Mard. Dorothy, eldest dau. of Robert Honywood, of Pett, par. of Charing, co. Kent, esq., and of Mary his wife, "who had at her decease lawfully descended 367 children; 16 of her own body, 114 grand-children, 228 in the 3rd. generation, 9 in the fowrthe; whose renown lives with her posterity, whose body lies in this church, and whose monument may be seen at Mark's Hall, in Essex, where she exchanged life for life" (Thomson brass at Lenham). By Dorothy Honywood his wife, who died in 1649, aged 77, and was burd. at Lenham, Henry Thomson had issue, I. ROBERT THOMSON, of whom presently. II. John Thompson, aged 15 in 1620. III. Peter Thomson, aged 11 in 1620. IV. Anthony Thomson, of Royton Manor ; aged 7 in 1620 ; surviving son ; died in 1682. Mard ...... , and had issue, Dorothy Thomson, only dau. and heir; mard. Richard Crispe, of Maidstone, gent., and had issue. V. Charles Thomson, aged 4 in 1620. I. Mary Thomson. II. Judith Thomson. III. Elizabeth Thomson. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 55 ROBERT THOMSON, eldest son and hei1' of Henry Thomson pyeceding ,· of Royton Manor, par. of Lenham, esq.; sometime of London, and of Godmersham, co. Kent; died 5 Sept. 1642, aged 47; burd. in Lenham church. Mard. 1stly. Dorothy, dau. and coheir of Thomas Swan, of Wye, co. Kent, esq., by Joan his wife, dau. of Clement Stepney, of Lydd, co. Kent ; she was bapt. 24 Feb. 1599/ 1600, at Wye. Mard. 2ndly. Sarah, dau. of George Tucker, of Milton-next­ Gravesend, co. Kent, esq., and by her had six sons and two daus. By his first wife, Dorothy Swan, he had issue two sons and six daus., of whom I have record of the following, A. Robert Thomson, B. Dorothy Thomson, died in infancy. C. Elizabeth Thomson, died in infancy. D. Katherine Thomson, mard. Nicholas Knight, of Godmersham, co. Kent, son of Nicholas Knight, of Canterbury, and had issue, Robert Knight, son and heir, aged 6 in 1663. E. Frances Thomson, mard. her cousin, John Thomson, of Kenfield, par. of Petham, co. Kent, esq., son of Henry Thomson, of Kenfield, esq. John Thomson, who died in 1712, aged 82, had issue by Frances his wife, 1. Henry Thomson, aged 8 in 1663; died 10 Oct. 1727, aged 73. I. Frances Thomson, living 1663. 2. Elizabeth Thomson, living 1663. 3. Mary Thomson, living 1663. F. Anne Thomson, youngest dau.; mard., as his first wife, Henry Darell, of the Middle Temple, esq., youngest son of Sir Sampson Darell, of Fulmer, co. Bucks., Knt. She died 6 Sept. 1662, and was burd. II Sept. at Wye, having had issue (see DARELL pedigree, ante, p. 53).

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE OF EEDES (See ante, VI., IO) It may seem a far cry from the Eedes family to Dr. Johnson, yet the train of causation appears complete between them. It was the friendship of the Darells with the Eedeses, and Anne Darell having had Francis Eedes for her guardian (ante, p. 50), which led to her connexion with Warwick, where she started her married life with William Jervis. And later, when as a widow she came back to Warwick (ante, p. II), it was evidently through the Colmores, who had come from Birmingham, and were trustees of the Jervis estate (see Colmore JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. pedigree, post, p. 113), that her daughter, Elizabeth Jervis, made the acquaintance of the Colmore's cousin, Harry Porter, and married him. And it was only through" Tetty" so becoming the wife of a Birming­ ham man that Johnson came to meet her, and, in due course, marry her himself. My authorities are the wills and administrations cited; Foster's Alumni Oxonienses (Eedes and Jemmatt); Venn's Alumni Canta­ brigienses (Eedes); and Foster's London Marriage Licences (Eedes) ...... ·EEDES, mard ...... , and had issue, FRANCIS EEDES, of whom presently. Edmund Eedes, living 10 Mch. 1681/2 ; probably mard. and had issue, a. William Eedes, living 10 Mch. I 681 / 2. b. Job Eedes, living 10 Mch. 1681/2. FRANCIS EEDES, above, of Warwick, gent.; will dated 10 Mch. 1681/2, proved 10 July 1683, in P.C.C. Mard...... , dau. of ...... , and had issue, A. Richard Eedes, of Warwick, esq.; born about 1643; matric; 18 Mch. 1657 /8, from University Coll., Oxford ; B.A. 1661 ; barrister-at-law, Inner Temple, 1666; living 10 Mch. 1681/2. Admon. granted 11 July 1683 in P.C.C. Mard., by lie. dated 9 Dec. 1668, for Aspley Guise, co. Bedford, Jane, dau. of William Lingham, of Aspley Guise, gent. By her, who was born about 1650, and living his widow I I July 1683, he is not known to have had issue. B. Edmund Eedes, of Warwick, gent.; born about 1646. Will dated 25 Feb. 1677/8, admon. granted 21 Jan. 1684/5, in P.C.C. Mard., by lie. dated 3 July 1669, Mary, dau. of ...... Boyse, of Wellesboume Mountford, co. Warw., and sister of Robert Boyse.* By her, who was living his widow, 21 Jan. 1684/5, he had issue, Francis Eedes, living 25 Feb. 1677/8, and under age 21 Jan. 1684/5. C. Robert Eedes, matric. II Dec. 1663, from University Coll., Oxford, aged 17; B.A. 1667; M.A. 1670 ; not in father's will of 10 Mch. 1681/2. D. REV. WILLIAM EEDES, of whom presently. E. Francis Eedes, of the Inner Temple, London ; living 5 Dec. 1693. Mard, 1stly...... ; and 2ndly., by lie. dated 5 Dec. 1693, for St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, Margaret, dau. of ...... Muspratt, of St. Martin,

* This Robert Boyse, if not identical with, was no doubt very nearly related to Robert Boyse, of Wellesbourne, whose son Robert, born about 1693, Minister of Smeth­ wick, by Birmingham, and a Pembroke College man, was the medium by which Johnson borrowed the copy of Politian' s Poems from the College library in 17 34, with the intention of editing them anew (see ante, V., 100-101). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 57 Ironmonger Lane, London, who was born about 1671. By his first wife he had issue, Dorothy Eedes, living unmard. 10 Mch. 1681/2. F ...... Eedes, mard. Rev. Samuel Jemmatt, * who was born about 1635 ; B.A. from Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford, 25 Oct. 1655 ; M.A. from Magdalen Hall, 15 June 1658; Rector of Somerton, co. Oxford, 1665; Vicar of St. Nicholas, Warwick, from 1672 till death on 3 May 1713. By him she had issue, a. Samuel Jemmatt, matric. 3 Mch. 1691/2, aged 17, from University Coll., Oxford ; B.A. 1695. b. Francis Jemmatt, living 10 Mch. 1681/2. c. Katherine Jemmatt, living unmard. 10 Mch. 1681/2. d. Frances Jemmatt, living unmard. 10 Mch. 1681/2. e. Ann Jemmatt, living unmard. 10 Mch. 1681/2. f. Dorothy Jemmatt, living unmard. 10 Mch. 1681/2. REV. WILLIAM EEDES, son of F'Yancis Eedes preceding,· born at Warwick about 1651 ; ed. Warwick School, and Charterhouse ; matric. 1657, from Christ's Coll., Cambridge; B.A. 1660/1 ; M.A. 1664; incorporated M.A. at Oxford, 12 July 1664 ; Fellow, 1662-8 ; Curate of Fen Drayton, co. Camb.; Rector of Horseheath, co. Camb., 1669-1709,t and burd. there 29 Apl. 1709. Will dated 19 Aug. 1704, proved 21 June 1709, in P.C.C. Mard. Anne, dau. of ...... , and by her, who was living 19 Aug. 1704, had issue, A. Francis Eedes, of Bristol, practitioner in physic; admitted at Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge, 1689; M.B. 1694; inherited lands at Hilders­ ham, co. Camb., from his father. Will dated 3 Sept. 1711, proved 24 Mch. 1712/13, in P.C.C. Mard. Elizabeth, probably sister of Mr. Isaac Tomkyss, and by her, who was living 3 Sept. 1711, probably had no issue. B. William Eedes, living 10 Mch. 1681/2. C. Dorothy Eedes, living unmard. 10 Mch. 1681/2 and 21 June 1709; mard ...... Rickards, and alive 3 Sept. 1711. D. Alice Eedes, living unmard. 10 Mch. 1681/2 and 3 Sept. 1711. E. Katherine Eedes, living unmard. 19 Aug. 1704 and 3 Sept. 1711.

* From a recent pedigree of Bolton (Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 5th. ser., vol. viii., p. 290) it appears that Stephen Bolton [1618-72], of Cornhill, London, and of Warwick, had a daughter, Maria, living in Warwick in 1699, who was married to this Rev. Samuel Jemmatt. She must have been his second wife. t William Eedes, M.A., was Vicar of St. Mary's, Warwick, from 19 May 1687 to 1706 (Church of St. Mary, Warwick, Warwick, 1845, p. 33); but he was son of John Eedes, of Warwick (Foster's Alumni Oxonienses). 58 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. THE PORTER FAMILY OF EDGBASTON (See ante, VI., 13-21) THE second chapter of Part VI. (pp. 13-21) of these Gleanings dealt in brief outline with the history of the Porters. Here I deal with them in detail, and elaborate the pedigree as much as I am able to do after the many years during which I have been collecting information. In The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr.Johnson's Ancestry, in 1906, I printed (at pp. 232-46, 280-1) all I knew of them and their connexions at the time. In previous volumes of the Gleanings additional facts have been given, notably at I., 11, 19, 33-5, 40-41 ; 111., 43, 109, 153-4 ; IV., 94-6; and V., 98-g, 102-3, 106. In constructing the narrative pedigree with which I conclude this article I have utilised all the material already printed, as well as the evidences that follow, and reference must be made to them. The Porter pedigree has two main defects. The first, though the least important to us, lies in the obscurity that clouds its beginnings. There is just enough information to make us feel tantalised: the suggestion of a story whose confusions we cannot unravel at present. The pedigree entered by Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, at the Visitation of Warwickshire in 1619 (post, p. 98), begins with his grandfather, Robert Porter, of Alvechurch, in Worcestershire. This Robert Porter was, no doubt, he of the name who was buried at Alvechurch on 20 Jan. 1546/7 (post, p. 66), only one year after the register, as extant, begins. There need be no doubt about him, especially as the entries that follow are in accordance with the Visitation pedigree. But as to his origin there are no more than clues, and clues which leave us in a state of bewilderment. The will of a William Porter, of Coventry, but late of Alvechurch, gent., was made and proved in 1557 (post, p. 71). He tells us that his father was Thomas Porter, who had been granted lands at Alvechurch which William leaves to Henry, son of his "cousin," Baldwyn Porter, of Coventry, gent. Baldwyn Porter was a witness to the will, as was also one William Porter, gent. Now a Chancery suit of circa 1559 (post, p. 78), instituted by the Henry Porter just mentioned, tells us that Thomas Porter, of Alve­ church, was granted certain land there, by the Bishop of Worcester, fifty years earlier, say about 1509, and that Thomas Porter had made THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 59 his will about thirty-five years ago, say about 1524, leaving it to his son, William Porter, and appointing one Robert Porter as his executor. It is perfectly clear, therefore, that Robert Porter, of Alvechurch, the first proved ancestor of the Edgbaston family, was not the first of the name to settle in the Worcestershire village ; and we can scarcely doubt that he was closely related to the Thomas Porter who made his will about 1524, or, indeed, that he was the actual Robert whom Thomas appointed as his executor. The William Porter, gent., who witnessed the will of William Porter, of Coventry late of Alvechurch, in 1557, may well have been the William shewn in the Visitation pedigree as younger son of Robert of Alvechurch. The Alvechurch register shews that there were few, if any, Porters there except the descendants of Robert, so we are not dealing with one of those difficult, and all too common, cases where a parish is full of persons bearing the same name. The ground is unencumbered by namesakes, and we might reasonably take the contemporary Robert and Thomas at Alvechurch to be brothers, especially as, if they were less closely related, it would argue a longer association of the family with the parish, and therefore the probability that it would be represented there by other descendants of their common ancestor. If we grant that Robert Porter was nearly related to Thomas Porter, we must also grant that Baldwin Porter, of Coventry, was " cousin " to both of them. " Cousin " was a very elastic term at that date, and often stood for "uncle," or "nephew." I have no more information of this Baldwin Porter than the mention in the will of 1557, and no record of his son Henry, who inherited the Alvechurch property, after his Chancery suit of two years later. To make confusion worse confounded, in 1598 we get the will of one Baldwin " Portman " (the name has been checked in the original will), also of Coventry, a lawyer, who yet mentions therein a William "Porter," who stood bound with him for the performance of certain legacies under the will of his (Baldwin's) wife's first husband. After this confusion of the trail, the keenest genealogical huntsman might well feel inclined to call off the hounds. However, disgusted though we may feel with all this uncertainty, we can hardly, at least, escape the conclusion that Robert Porter, of Alvechurch, the progenitor of the Edgbaston stock, was nearly akin 60 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. to a contemporary Baldwin Porter, of Coventry. And that carries us another step backward in point of time, but again into doubt and darkness. For Birmingham records reveal that in the preceding century there was a Baldwin Porter, a substantial man, connected with the town, whose possession of such a combination of names leaves us with little room for doubt as to his kinship with any one else similarly christened. In 1482 "Bawdewyn Porter," of Birmingham, esquire, signed William Byrde's testimonial (Bickley and Hill's Survey of Birmingham in 1553, pp. ro, 14 ; and post, p. 99). I imagine him to be identical with the Baldwin Porter, esquire, who sold his right in the manor of Moseley, in the parish of Kings Norton, to Sir Thomas Littleton [1422-81], the famous jurist, in 1457.* This Baldwin Porter died in 1499, and was buried at Barston, in Warwick­ shire (midway between Birmingham and Coventry), with Anne, his wife, sister of Sir Thomas Littleton: she died in 1506 (see post, p. 71). The inscription to his memory describes him as "son and heir of Thomas Porter Esquire.'' t No doubt the keys which would solve the problem of all these puzzling relationships, or apparent relationships, lie hidden in some wills, or other records, and I cannot pretend to have probed very deeply into the question. There are records of Porters in Birmingham from 1322 onwards (see post, p. 99), but whether they were akin to the later family I cannot say.

* C. 54 (Close Roll) No. 307. (35 Henry VI.). Release and quitclaim by Baldwin Porter, Esq., for himself and his heirs, for ever, to Thomas Lyttylton, sergeant at law, of all the right and title which he has or may have in the manor of Moseley, with the appurtenances, within the lordship or vill of Kings Norton, co. Wore., and of all the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, meadows, pastures, woods, etc., within that lordship or vill of Kings Norton, so that neither he nor his heirs have any right or title in future to the same. Warranty clause. 5 May, 35 Henry VI. (1457). This release is made by the hand of the said Baldwin. And see Victoria County History of Worcestershire, III., 185. tSir Thomas Littleton was a son of Thomas Westcott, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Littleton of Frankley: he took his mother's name as well as her property. The inscription at Barston might almost read as if it were Baldwin's father, Thomas Porter, who had married Anne Littleton alias Westcott, and Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges, 1812, VIII., 320, has taken it thus. But Bickley and Hill (post, p. 99) take Anne to be the wife of Baldwin Porter, and that is how I read it. For Littleton (or Lyttelton) pedigree see "Visitation of Worcestershire in 1569" (Harleian Soc., XXVII., 92) ; and Nash's Worcestershire, I., 493. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 6r As explained elsewhere, when Henry Porter of Edgbaston recorded his pedigree at the Visitation of r619, no arms were ascribed to the family (see post, p. 98). But on the monument in Edgbaston church their arms are displayed as, "Three Church Bells 1 and 2, a Canton ermine " (post, p. 71). Another Porter family whose pedigree was entered at the same Visitation of Warwickshire in 1619, Porter of Aston, bore arms, " Sable, three church bells argent " (Harleian Soc., XII., 116); while the arms ascribed to the family of Porter of Holling­ ton Grange, in Staffordshire, in the time of Charles II., were, " Sable, three church bells pendent argent" (ibid., XII., preface, p. x). Grazebrook, in his Heraldry of Worcestershire, II., 447-8, has these. notes on "Porter of Claines" :- At the Visitation of 1533 two coats were entered for Porter :-Sable, three bells a,ygent, and Azu'Ye, a Jesse argent /'Yetty vert. The former occurs on the tomb at Claines of John Porter, "which was a lawyer," who died in 1577. Penn ascribes to Porter of Claines, Argent, a fesse gules fretty or, in chief three bells sable. A family of Porter, now resident at Birlingham, bears, Sable, three church bells argent, a canton ermine. Crest: A portcullis argent chained or. There is no evidence of any relationship between the various Porter families mentioned and the Porters of Alvechurch and Edgbaston, but then, as now, people were prone to adopt the arms of others on the strength of the name alone. Henry Porter of Edgbaston, in the pedigree recorded at the r619 Visitation, gives his mother as Margaret, daughter of John Peyton, of Alvechurch (see post, p. 98). Thomas Porter and Margaret " Gest " were married at Alvechurch on 3 June 1562 (post, p. 66), and they were undoubtedly Henry's parents, so that it looks as if Margaret, like her husband, had been married before. I have the wills of two John "Paytons," of Tardebigge, which is only three miles from Alvechurch, the first dated 30 Sept. 1579, and proved 3 Dec. r579, at Worcester; and the second dated 18 May 1588, and proved 4 July 1588 at Bromsgrove (both now at Birmingham), but neither mentions any daughter Margaret, or son-in-law Porter. The second John, however, who is described as a yeoman, appoints as his overseers Thomas Porter. and Richard Geste, whose names are significant in this con- nex1on. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

The second defect in the pedigree is more vital, and affects some of my arguments and conclusions, for it concerns the exact place therein of Harry Porter, the first husband of Johnson's wife. Harry Porter was buried at Edgbaston on 3 August 1734 ( or September: see ante, V., 102-3, and post, p. 69), though his residence had been in Birmingham, where his children were baptized. And he was a son of Henry Porter, also a mercer in Birmingham, who again was buried at Edgbaston, on 30 September 1710 (post, p. 69), indicating that Edgbaston was regarded as their real home. The monument in the church there to Henry Porter, the father, tells us that he died 28 September 1710, aged 60 (post, p. 71), so that he must have been born about 1650. The problem concerns his parentage, as to which I can at present offer no direct evidence whatever. A study of the monument is instructive. For it first of all records that " Here ly the Bodies of Henry Porter Gent. & Wm. Porter his son Esqr.", with no dates, and no definition of their relationship to the Henry who died in 1710. However, it is scarcely conceivable that they were not related to him, and closely related. Moreover, we can say without fear of contradiction who the two undated persons were. The only member of the family who ever arrived at the dignity of "esquire" in any of the records collected was William Porter [1599 ?- 1633], of Edgbaston, who was the son and heir of Henry Porter [1570-1620], gent., the first of Edgbaston. So they must be the father and son commemorated. It will naturally be asked why no dates are attached to them. The answer is that the monument, as the character of the lettering indicates, belongs to the eighteenth century, and must have been erected to the memory of Henry Porter of Bir­ mingham, in 1710, when the dates of death of his two kinsmen were perhaps forgotten. It is evident that the family considered his connexion with them a matter for pride, or they would not have introduced them in such a gratuitous manner. Now we are left with the problem of the exact relationship between Henry Porter who died in 1710 and his earlier namesake. As already remarked, it must obviously have been close, to justify the common memorial, and there is no reasonable explanation of it except that the earlier Henry Porter was his grandfather, and William Porter, therefore, bis uncle. If this were not so, the relationship would have been too THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES distant to cause the linking of their names on a family memorial, especially after an interval of eighty or ninety years. Concluding, therefore, that the two Henrys stood in the relationship of grandfather and grandson, how can we supply the intermediate link between them? Henry Porter, the elder, who died in 1620, had four sons, a fact vouched for by his will (post, p. 72), as well as by the Yisitation pedigree (post, p. 98). William, the eldest, and the one commemorated by the inscription, married but left no child; Thomas, the second, a mercer at Bromsgrove, had a large family, but no Henry among them (see pedigree, post, pp. 105-7) ; while Robert, the third, had but two sons, Josiah and Samuel ; so that we are left only with Henry, the fourth and youngest, to credit with the parentage of Henry Porter, the Birmingham mercer, who died in 1710. Unfortunately, this Henry Porter, who was born about 1616 (see post, p. 109), remains very much of a mystery man. We know nothing definite about him, except that his father, in his will of 12 February 1618/9, leaves him certain land at Alvechurch called Church Leasowe, and £200 (post, p. 72); that in a Chancery suit of I February 1635/6 he is referred to as Henry Porter, of Cambridge, gent. (post, p. 79) ; that he was still alive on 31 January 1636/7 (post, p. 80); and that he was evidently the Henry Porter, gent., who in 1650 sold land at Gannow (post, p. 103), where his mother had purchased the manor in 1624 (post, p. 101). After that, he vanishes into space. We do not know what, a youth slightly under age, he was doing at Cambridge : there is no record of his having entered the University. It seems most likely that he \vas serving his apprenticeship there to some trade. The only record I have, from the area to which he belonged by birth and association, of any namesake with whom he might be identified, is that of the burial at Knowle, on 6 October 1694, of Henry Porter, gent., who had acted as churchwarden there in 1681, and whose son, no more precisely described than as" Mr. Porter," paid for his father's grave (see post, pp. 69, 100 ). All the evidence I have collected contains no suggestion of who this man could be unless the Henry Porter who was at Cambridge in 1636. Nor is there any evidence to suggest who his son was, unless Henry Porter, the Birmingham mercer, whose parentage we seek. Knowle, though not known actually as a Porter home, is only ten miles from Birmingham; and Thomas Norton, who married JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. the eldest Henry Porter's sister, Anne Porter, lived there; while another sister, Sarah Porter, was married to Samuel Eborall, of Balsall, quite a few miles away (see pedigree, post, pp. 108 -9). That Henry Porter of Knowle was the son of Henry Porter of Edgbaston, and the father of Henry Porter the Birmingham mercer, I can only offer as a conjecture; but that Henry Porter, the Birmingham mercer, was son to Henry Porter, the fourth and youngest son of Henry Porter of Edgbaston, seems a conclusion from which the evidence leaves us no escape. That I can as yet provide no direct evidence to prove the point is only one of the numerous instances of elusive family links that bring sorrow to the heart of the genealogical enquirer. At p. 280 of my Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, I printed an abstract of the will of Sarah Allen, of Birming­ ham, spinster, made not long before her death in 1696. In this she mentioned her uncle Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, and her aunt Sarah Porter, wife of her said uncle. This method of description suggested to me that Henry Porter was her actual uncle in blood­ her mother's brother-and his wife Sarah only her aunt by marriage ; and it seemed likely that by tracing Sarah Allen's parentage I might at least get nearer to solving my principal problem. Abstracts of all the wills of Allens in Birmingham or its vicinity, proved at Lichfield between 1660 and 1700, included that of her father, John Allen, of Birmingham, wire drawer, who died within a year or two of making his will in 1689. * He nominated his loving brother, Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, as overseer, with his kinsman, Philip Allen, of the same, bellows maker. The only people to benefit under the will

* JOHN ALLEN, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, "wyer drawer." Will dated 19 Jan. 1688/9. My soul to God, and to be burd. at discretion of extrixes. To my wife, Alice Allen, my messuage, house and lands wherein I have any estate of inheritance, in co. Staffs., or elsewhere, for her life, and afterwards to my dau., Sarah Allen, and her heirs, failing which unto the right heirs of the survivor of them, my said wife and dau., for ever. All my household goods, etc., between my said wife and dau., equally, and make them extrixes. I nominate my loving bror., Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, and my kinsman, Phillip Allen, of same, bellows maker, overseers. Signed, John Allen. Wits., Hen. Porter, Ed. Bosworth, Joseph Cade and Moreton Slaney. Proved at Lichfield, 24 Aug. 1692. Inventory of John Allen, of B'ham, "wyer drawer," deed., taken 1 Apl. 1692-old pewter and brass, food, articles of husbandry, money in the house (£5), hay, etc., totalling £314-2-1 I. Appraisers, John Cottrell, Rich. Clare, Sarah Porter and Edward Stephens. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES were his wife, Alice, and his daughter, Sarah Allen. Now his description of Henry Porter as his "brother "-that is, his brother-in-law-leaves us in doubt whether Henry was his wife's brother or his sister's husband. But the nuncupative will of Dorothy Allen, of Birmingham, widow, made in 1668, mentions only her sons, John, Josiah and Samuel, and as it appears that the eldest was John Allen, of Birmingham, wire drawer,* the father of Sarah Allen, we infer that he had no sister, and therefore that Henry Porter was his wife's brother. It follows that Alice, the wife of John Allen, was born Alice Porter, and that if we could discover her parentage we should equally discover the parentage of her brother, Henry Porter. This broadens the front on which we can attack the problem. The will of Robert Smalbrooke, of Birmingham, mercer, dated II January 1671/2, and proved 24 June 1672 at Lichfield, was witnessed by John Allen and Hen: Porter. Corroboration of the cousinship between the Porters undoubtedly of the Edgbaston stock, and Henry Porter, the Birmingham mercer, is provided by the numerous marriage connexions that were formed between the descendants of both. I have already commented on these * DOROTHY ALLEN, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, widow, deed. Will date~ 21 Nov. 1668. She declared her will, that everyone of her sons, tha.t is to say, John, Josiah and Samuel Allen, should have a piece of gold. That her son Samuel should have £40 in the hands of Philip Allen, of B'ham, and £10 in the hands of her son Josiah, and a good bed and something else, which something else is considered to be something of furniture to a bed, and also a horse. That her son, John Allen, should enjoy her little house wherein she dwelt, and goods, cattle and debts to her belonging, he paying her debts. She declared that her son, Josiah Allen, hath a good and sufficient part and portion already. Wits., John Ensor, Philip Allen (mark) and Jane Frances (mark). Admon. with will granted at Coleshill 28 May 1669, to John Allen, the son. Bond by John Allen, of B'ham, "wier drawer," and George Fanthom, of B'ham, mercer. Inven­ tory dated 7 May 1669; appraisers, George Fanthom, of B'ham, mercer, and John Hunt, of same, cordwainer : total, £78-8-0. The identity of Dorothy's husband I have not discovered. The will of John Allen, of Erdington, par. of Aston (by B'ham), nailor, dated 14 May 1662, and proved 30 Oct. 1667, at Lichfield, nominates John Allen, of B'ham, "wiar drawer," as one of his overseers: he also had a son John, and daus., Hanna and Elizabeth. The will of Hanna Allen, of Erdington, spinster, dated 2 Aug. 1675, and proved 4 Nov. 1675, at Lichfield, appoints her bror., John Allen, sole exor., and makes bequests to the children of her sister, Elizabeth Heath. The will of Phillip Allen, of B'ham, bellows maker, who we have seen belonged to the same family, was dated 7 Sept., 1711, and proved 17 Dec. 171 1, at Lichfield, and mentions his wife Ruth but no children, his beneficiaries being John Allen, eldest son of his bror., john Allen, deed. (to inherit messuage at Erdington), Thomas Allen, evidently the younger son, and their children again. 66 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

(ante, VI., 20-2r), and the tabular pedigree at the beginning of this volume illustrates them graphically. Further corroboration lies in the fact, evidenced by a Chancery suit of r697, that Josiah Porter, undoubtedly a scion of the Edgbaston family, had money dealings, in r69r and 1692, with " Cozen Henry Porter" (post, p. 86). And Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, \vas a creditor of Josiah's younger brother, Samuel Porter, in 1696 (post, p. 84). Again, he held leases in Kings Norton (post, p. roo), where his (?uncle), William Porter, and(? grandfather), Henry Porter, had property (post, pp. 72, Sr). I tis also to be remarked that the Edgbaston family, in the previous genera­ tion, had already produced a mercer in Thomas Porter of Bromsgrove. A connexion with the family that I have not traced is evidenced by the following will :- NICHOLAS COOKE, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, clothworker. Will dated 25 Nov. 1618. Various bequests, but no wife or children mentioned. To godson, Robert Porter, 405/-. To Robert, eldest son of Henry Porter, gent., 40s/-. Resid. legatee and exor., Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, gent. Proved 5 June 1619, in P.C.C. (Parker, 59), by exor. named. Admon. de bonis non granted 19 Apl. 1621, in P.C.C., to Anne Porter, relict of said Henry Porter.

EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS ALVECHURCH, CO. WORC. (register begins 18 Jan. 1545/6 : searched by Mr. A. W. Read. Entries in italics not utilized in pedigree). 1546/7. The 20 daye of Januarye anno predicto was buryed Robert Porter. 1546/7. The 15 of February were weddid Henry Fyeld & Ann Porter. 1555. The 15 of October was maryed Thomas Porter & Elizabeth Smyth. 1556/7. The 13 of February was christned Ann the daughter of Thomas Porter. 1558. The 20 of Julye was buried Elizabeth Porter. 1559. The same daye (the 21 of September) was buried Elizabeth Porter. 1559/60. The 6 of January was buried a poore boye found dead that morninge in a bame of Thomas Porters. 1562. The 3 day of June was maryed Thomas Porter & Margaret Gest. 1563/4. The 28 of February was christned Rychard Porter the sonn of Thomas Porter & Margaret bis wief. 1565. The 6 of July was buried Richard Porter the sonn of Thomas Porter & Margaret bis wief. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES

1565/6. The 14 of Marche was christned Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Porter & Margaret his wief. 1567/8. The 17 daye of Marche was cbristned Joane the daughter of Thomas Porter & Margaret his wief. . 1569. The 11 daye of June was buried Ann the daughter of Thomas Porter. 1570. The 2 daye of June was christned Henry the sonn of Thomas Porter & Margaret his wief. 1572/3. The very same daye (14 Mch.) was christned Rychard the sonn of Thomas Porter & Margaret his wief. 15·75. The 26 Aprill was christned Mary the daughter of Thomas Porter & Margaret his wief. 1577. The same daye (5 May) & yere was christned John the sonn of Thomas Porter & Margaret his wief. 1579/80. The 28 day of February was cbristned Agnes the daughter of Thomas Porter & Margaret his wiefe. 1589. The 13 of August were marled Henry Gryne & Elizabeth Porter (their child bap. 15 Oct.). 1590/1. The 17 day of January was buried in Alvechurche Thomas Porter gent. 1597. The 24 of July were married John Glover & Mary Porter. 1614. Anne the daughter of Richarde Portor was baptized the Xth. daie of Aprill. 1614. Richard Porter appears as churchwarden. 1616/ 7. William the sonne of Richarde Portor was baptized the 16th. daie of March. 1622. The 26 of June was buried Richarde Porter. 1623. The 19 of November was buriede Ane Porter ~idow. 1624. The 8 of Maye was buriede Margret Porter widowe. 1625. The 4 of May werre maried Philip London 6- Ane Porte,. (practically no entries in register 1642-6). 1647. May 2 was baptized Thomas the sonn of William Porter. 1649. June ye laste was baptized William the sonne of William Porter. 1657. Thomas the son of William Porter was buried the 4 day of October. 1697/8. Feb. 17 was buried Shusanatkedaugkterof JohnPortet'andElizabeth his wife. 1698. Apl. 2 was buried MaYy Poter of the parish of Tardbick. 1699. July 5. bur. Elizabeth Pote.- widow. BROMSGROVE, CO. WORC. (e~tYacts obtained by M,-. William F. Carte.-, F.S.A. : .-egistey searched fYom 1610 to 1717. Ent.-ies in italics not utilized in pedigYee). 1610. July 22. bap. M aYy, dau. of Ch,ristopher Po.-ter. (Mr. Carter says the.-e are numerous entries relating to Christophe.., Pcwtet' before 1610). 1612/13. Feb. 17. bap. Thomas, son of Christopher Porter. 1626. Sept. II. mar. Roger Porter and Sybil Matthews. 1629/30. Mch. 24. Thomas Porter signs as a guardian. 1630/1. Mch. g. bap. Sara, daughter of Thomas Porter, mercer. 1631. Sept. 21. bap. Rose, daughter of William Porter. F 68 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

1631. Oct. 7. bur. Rose, daughter of William Porte'Y. 1632. Dec. 23. bap. Mary, daughte'Y of William Porter. 1633/4. Mch. 28. bap. Frances, son of Thomas Porter. 1634. Apl. I. bap. Frances, daughter of Thomas Porter. 1634. Nov. 23. bap. Marge,-y, daughter of William Porter. 1635. May 20. bur. Margery, daughter of William Porter. 1635. Dec. 3. but'. The daughter of William PoYte'Y unbaptized. 1635. Dec. 22. bu'Y. Felix, son of William Porter. 1635/6. Mch. 24. bap. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Porter. 163516. Mch. 25. bur. Above Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Porter. 1639/40. Jan . . ; . bap. F'Yances, daughter of Walter Porte'Y. 1639/40. Mch. 11. bap. Mary, daughter of Thomas & Mary Porter. 1640. June 7. but'. Christopher Porter. 1647. July 1. bap. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Porter. 1652. Dec. 4. bap. Rebecca, daughter of Thomas Porter of the Town. 1654. Sept. 24. born. Samuel, son of Mr. Thomas Porter. 1654. Dec. 22. bur. Ma'l'gery Po,yter, widow. 1655/6. Jan. 29. Published the third time in the Market an intended marriage between William Porter, mercer, and Frances Vernon, daughter of Mr. Richard Vernon of Dodderhill parish. Married the 24th. Feb. by me, Richard Vernon. 1656. Oct. 31. born. Priscilla, daughter of Mr. Thomas Porter. 1657. Aug. 4. born. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Porter. 1657. Aug. 19. bur. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Porter. 1658. Sept. 16. born. William, son of Mr. William Porter & Frances. 1660. Apl. 22. born. Joseph, son of Mr. William Porter & Frances. 1661/2. Jan. 15. bur. Joseph, son of Thomas Porter. 1665. Oct. 12. William Porter signs as churchwarden. 1665/6. Jan. 20. William Porter signs as churchwarden. 1666. Apl. 5. William Porter signs as churchwarden. 1666/7. Feb. 16. bap. John, son of William Porter & Frances. 1670. Aug. 18. bur. Rebekah, daughter of Mr. Thomas Porter. 1673/4. Mch. 16. bur. Mr. Thomas Porter. 1684. July 3. bur. John, son of Mr. Thomas Porter. 1685. May 15. bur. John, son of Mr. William Porter. 1685. Nov. 4. bur. Frances, wife of William Porter. 1688/9. Mch. 20. bur. Joseph, son of Mr. Thomas Porter. 1689. Sept. 12. bap. Sarah, daughter of William Porter, roper. 1689. Nov. 10. bur. Sara, daughter of William Porter. 1690. Sept. 22. but'. Ann, daughter of William Porter, ropey, 1690. Oct. 23. bur. Alice, daughter of William Porter, roper. 1690/1. Jan. 5. bur. Hanna, daughter of Mr. Thomas Porter. 1691. Nov. 18. mar..... Hurburn & Elizabeth Porter. 1691/2. Jan. 8. bap. Joseph, son of Mr. William Porter. 1692/3. Feb. 27. bur. Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Porter. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 69 1694. Sept. 22. bur. Prissilla, daughter of Mr. Thomas Porter. 1695. May 27. bur. Hester Porter (Lewis crossed through). 1695/6. Feb. 5. bap. William, son of William Po,ter, ,-ope,. 1697. Nov. 18. bu,-. William, son of William Porte,, ,ope,. 1698. Aug. 21. bap. Nicholas, son of William Porter &- Ann. 1700. June 11. mar. Thomas PaYsons &- B,idget Porte,, by banns. 1701. Apl. 10. buf'. Nicholas, son of William Porter, rapier. 1701. May 14. bur. Hanna, wife of William Porter. 1701. June 2. bur. William Porter, mercer. 1702. Apl. 13. bap ...... , daughter of William&,, Anne PoYter. 1702. Apl. 15. buY ...... , daughter of William&,, Anne Po,-ter. 1702. Nov. 16. bur. Mary Porter, widow, in linnen. 1703. Nov. 4. bur. Samuell Porter, gent. 1704/5. Mch. 14. bap. William, son of John &- Martha PoYter. 1705. Mch. 30. bur. Thomas, son of William Porter, paupe~. 1714. Apl. 20. mar. Joseph Tindall, of Bewdley, and Rebekah Porter, of Broms­ grove, by lie. 1717. Nov. 26. mar. Joseph Porter, of Halesowen, and Elizabeth Gonderton, of Tardebig, by lie. EDGBASTON, CO. WARWICK (f,om Dugdale Society, vol. VI I I., " Registers of Edgbaston Parish Chi,rch 1636-1812," ed. Rev. C. S. James. Entries in italics not utilized in pedigree). 1707. Dec. 20. mar. Dan. Hands&,, MaYy Porter. 1710. Sept. 30. bur. Mr. Henry Porter of Birmingm 1713. May. 1. bur. Sarah, wife of Sam1 Porter of New I-Iall, Birm 1715. May 3. bur. Pierciful Porter. 1716. Nov. 2. bur. Sam1 Porte'I' (Lichfield tYanscript has Nov. 20). 1719. Apl. 29. bur. Mr. Samuel Porter of New Hall Birm. (the register of St. Martin's, Birmingham, has the ent-ry, "April 29. 111' Porter buried at Edg­ baston, C."). 1734. Aug. 3. bur. Henry (Lichfield transcript has "M' Harry") Porter, of Birmingham. 1734. Oct. 5. mar. Joseph Porter & Elizabeth Wheatley. 1757. Mch. 30. bur. Mrs. Porter, of Stratford. KNo,vLE, co. w ARWICK (frmn The Records of Knowle, by Rev. T. W. Downing, 1914, where the register is printed from beginning in 1682 to 1812). 1694. bur. Henry Porter, gent., was buried the sixt day of October. 1699. bur. Margrett Porter was Burd. June 18th. ST. MARTIN'S, BIRMINGHAM (register printed from 1554 to 1708; search continued to 1735 by Mr. A. W. Read). 1593/4. Jan. 13. mar. Henerie Porter et Anne Colmore. 1629. Nov. 8. bap. Anne Porter filia Robert. 1630. Aug. 15. bap. Sarah Porter filia Robert. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

1632. Oct. 10. bap. Hanna Porter filia Robert. 1635. Apl. 5. bap. Hester Porter filia Robert. 1640. June 4. bap. Samuell fillius Robert and Hanna Porter. 1672. Apl. 3. bap. Henry, sonne of Samuell Porter. 1673. Apl. 4. bap. Sarah Daughter of Samll. Porter. 1674. May 12. bap. Ranah Daughter of Sam. Porter. 1675. Oct. 16. bur. A child of Sam. Porter. 1676/7. Jan. 26. bap. Susanna Daughter of Henry Porter. 1677. July 13. bap. Sam. Son of Mr. Sam. Porter. 1678. .Oct ... bap. Elizab. Dau. of Sam. Porter. 1678/9. Jan. 1. bap. Sara Daughter of Henry Porter. 1679. Mch. 29. bap. Sarah dau. of henery Porter " february." 1679. Dec. 25. bap. Robart sonn of Samuell Porter. 1681. July 7. bur. A child of Samuell Porter. 1682. July 26. bur. Samuell ye sonn of Samuell Porter. (after this date only selected entries are given) 1683. July 20. bap. Elizabeth Daughter of Samuell & Sara Porter. 1683/4. Feb. 9. bap. Henry sonn of Henry Porter. 1685. Apl. 3. bur. A Child of Mr. Samuell Porteres. 1685. Oct. 5. bap. lucey dauter of Mr. henery Porter mercer born. 1685. Nov. 29. bur. A child of Mr. henery Portors. 1686. Oct. 26. bap. Samuell son of Mr. henery Porter, born the 3. 1686. Dec. 17. bur. Samuell Porter. 1688/9. Jan. I. bap. Joseph son of henery Porter. 1689/90. Jan. 6. bap. Ann dautt. of Mr. Josia Porter. 1690. Apl. 6. bap. lucy dautt. of Mr. henery Portor. 1691. July 12. bap. harey son of henery Portor. 1703. Oct. 22. bap. John son of Edw. Porter. 1706/7. Mch. 21. bap. fillisay dau. of Hen. [? Edward] Porter. 1707. June 17. bur. Felicia dau. of Edward Porter. 1715. Nov. 8. bap. Lusey dau. of Henery Porter. 1716/17. Jan. 29. bap. Jarvis henery son of Henery Porter. 1719. Apl. 29. bur. Mr. Porter Buried at Edgbaston. C. 1734. Sept. 3. bur. Harry Porter at Edgbaston. C. (then, in a different hand) 5th. Sept. 1734.

MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS EDGBASTON (slate slab inside the chuf'ch, let into the wall at the west end, by the entYance to the belfry. Mr. Philip B. Chatwin, F.R.I.B.A., of BiYmingham, who mentions the monument at p. 24 of his History of Edgbaston, 1914, has kindly sent me a photo­ graph of it. The late Mr. W. B. Bickley told me he Yemembe-red the stone being outside the south wall, before the south aisle was extended. M 1'. Chatwin believes THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 71 it was placed in its present position when the extension took place, in 1856, but doubts if it was ever outside, as its type is of an inside memorial. And its excellent state of preservation, as the oldest monument in the church, points to the same con­ clusion. At the top of the slab is ca'Yved the Porter coat of arms:-" Three Church Bells I and 2, a Canton ermine." See another reje'Yence to it, Dugdale Society, vol. VIII., "Registers of Edgbaston Parish Chu'Ych 1636-1812," ed. Rev. C. S. James, introduction, p. xix. The lettering is of early eighteenth century charactet', and the two lines commemo'Yating Sa'Yah a'Ye in a slightly different script). Here ly the Bodies of I Henry Porter Gent & I wm Porter his son Esqr I also ye Body of Henry Porter I of Birmingham obt 28th Sept I 1710 reta 60 I And of Sarah his Wife I obt 16th July 1724·reta 73. BARSTON, CO. WARWICK (M.I. in chapel-f'Yom Dugdale's Warwickshire, ed. 1765, p. 695). Here lieth Baldwin Porter, son and heir of Thomas Porter Esquire, and Anne his wife, eldest sister of Thomas Litleton of Frankley Knight, and Justice of the Common-Pleas, temp. Edw. quarti : which Baldwin died ...... Anno. 1499. and Anne ...... Anno 1506. BROMSGROVE (from Bromsgrove Church, by William A. Cotton, pp. 93-4). Tablet over Priest's ent'Yance, on outside wall of chancel : Under these 3 stones, are I interred the Body's of Thomas I Porter, of Bromsgrove, Mercer, who I died in the year 1673, being the 73rd I year of his age. And of Mary his I wife, who died November the 13th I 1702, being the 86th year of her age. I And of Samuel their Son, who died I November 1st 1703, I With several other of their children. I " Blessed are the dead which die in I the lord." Revelations 14th Vr. 13th. In the chU'rchya'Yd, "On a curious stone, with a Death's head and cross-bones on the top'':- In Memory of I Alice wife of Thomas Hemus I who died July 26th 1686. I Also Elizabeth their daughter I died September 27th 1685. I Here Lyeth the Body of Frances the I wife of William Porter Mercer who De- I parted this life November the 1st 1685. I And also John his son Mar. the 13th 1685. I "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." (" On the south wall of the chancel was a tablet to the memory of Samuel Porter, who died in 1703, leaving two estates at Stoke Prior, of which the rent was then £56-11s.-2d., for 99 years, to be distributed among such poor of the parish as received no pay. The term expired in 1803 ").

ABSTRACTS OF WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS WILLIAM PORTER, of Coventry, late of Alvechurch, co. Wore., gent. Will dated 12 June 1557. To be burd. in St. Michael's churchyard, in said city. To Henry, son of cousin Baldwyn Porte'Y, of Coventry, gent., all my lands and JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. tenements in Alvechurch, which I hold of the Bishop of Worcester, and which were granted by lease to my father, Thomas Porter, deed. Exor., said Henry. Wits., Sir Henry Westley, clerk, Sir Thomas Ellesdon, clerk, Alexandet' Ewen, Margaret Webster, Baldewyn Porter, gent., William Porte'Y, gent., and Thomas Bolt. Proved 22 Nov. 1557, in P.C.C. (Wrastley 50), by Richard Denton, proctor to exor. WILLIAM PORTER, late of Alverchurch, co. Wore., deed. Admon. granted 17 June 1557 to Anne Feeld, the wife of Henry Feeld, of Kings Norton, co. Wore., gent., at Worcester (now at Birmingham). BALDWIN PORTMAN, of Coventry, gent. Will dated 9 June 1598. To wife Margaret, all goods and chattels, she paying her children all the legacies be­ queathed to them by their father, her former husband, and she to discharge William PoYter and Robert Fitch, gent., who stand bound with me for the per­ formance of those legacies. To my mother, 205/- a year for life. To Samuel Dawsone, all my law books. Extrix., wife. Overseers, Samuel Saunders, clerk, Thomas Tyllesley, Thomas Banestef', gent. Signed, Baldwin Portman. Wits., Thomas Tyllesley, John Hunt (mark), and E. Baneste'Y. Proved 3 July 1598, in P.C.C. (Lewyn 63), by Richa'Yd Stubbes, pub. not., proctor to extrix. HENRY PORTER, of Edgbaston. Will dated 12 Feb. 1618/9. To eldest son, William Pot'te'Y, all my lands of inheritance at 21, and my gold signet ring. To second son, Thomas, messuages and lands in Alvechurch and Kings Norton, co. Wore., bought of Alexandet' Avenant, of Kings Norton, and £40. To youngest son, Hen'Yy, land called Church Leasowe, in Alvechurch afsd., bought of Mr. John Kynge and William Kyng, of Birmingham, and £200. To third son, Robe'Yt, messuages and lands in Birmingham, and meadow in Middleton, taken of my brother-in-law, John Greasbrooke, and £100. To eldest dau., Sarah Porter, £300 on marriage. To second dau., Johane Poyter, £300 at 21. To youngest dau., Anne Porte'Y, £300 at 21. Ground called Belles Baro, in Birmingham. Resid. legatee and extrix., wife Anne. Signed, Henry Poyter. Wits., Edw. Colmore, Jane D,yuyye (he'Y mark). Proved 21 Dec. 1620, in P.C.C. (Soame 111), by the extrix. WILLIAM PORTER. Admon. granted 10 Sept. 1633 to SaYah Porter, relict of William Porte'Y, late of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, esq., deed., during suit pending between said Sarah Portef', of the one part, and Thomas, Robe'Yt, and Henry Porter, brors., and Joan Willington, Sarah Ebrall and Anne Porter, sisters of deed., and also Anne Porter, mother of deed., of the other part (P.C.C., Admon. Act Book, f. 191d.). Definitive sentence promulgated 23 Feb. 1634/5 in a suit between Sarah Hill, alias Leigh, alias Lea, alias Porter, alias Philipps, now deed., and now between Thomas Philipps, her husband, in virtue of admor. of goods of said Sarah, of one part, and Anne Porter, mother, and Robert Porter, bror., of William Porter, late of Birmingham, co. Warwick, deed., nullifying the nunc. will propounded by said SaYah and Thomas Philipps in her behalf, and pronouncing that said William Po'l'te'Y died intestate (P.C.C., Sadler 18). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 73 ROBERT PORTER, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, gent. Nuncupative will dated 17 Aug. 1648. He bequeathed everything to his wife Hannah, desiring to give their dau. Sarah double the portion of their other children. Wits., John Smith, Anne Colemore, Margaret Smith and Thomas··Peeter. Admon. granted 26 Oct. 1648, in P.C.C. (Essex 148), to Hannali Porter, widow of deed. ANNE LONDON, of Alvechurch, co. Wore., widow. Will dated 10 Jan. 1652/3. To be burd. in Alvechurch. To kinsman John Glover's five children, £20 each at 21. 5 To sister-in-law, Elizabeth Parker, 10 /-. To her son, my cousin, William Porte,,, 105/-. To servant, Francis Lingham, 208/-. To friends, Margaret Brace and Goodwife Turnet' the elder, 55/- each. To poor of Alvechurch, 408/-. To Sarah Flavell, 205/-. Exor., kinsman, John Glover. Overseers, Ralph Harrison and Richa.Yd Payton. Signed, (mark). Wits., Richaf'd Payton (mark), Ralph Harrison and Ff'ancis Lingham (mark). Proved 27 June 1653, in P.C.C. (Brent 357), by exor. named. THOMAS PORTER, the elder, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., mercer. Will dated 24 Feb. 1673/4. To poor of Bromsgrove, £6-6-8. To children, John, Joseph, H este,y and Priscilla Porter, the house and lands I bought of Henry Turner, deed., and £20 each, at their ages of 21. To son, Samuel Porter, the houses and lands I bought of Edmund Barnett and Widow MoYris, called Clapping Yate, in Souteridge, after the death of my wife, Mary. To son, Thomas Po'fter, the house and lands I bought of Thomas S!iipway and others, after my wife's death. To dau., Mary Porter, £120. To son Thomas, the pool, orchard and ground made into a hop garden, in the manor of Stoke Prior, bought of Francis Sheldon, and the pool called the Nether Pool, and other land there. To son, William Po,-te,-, 28/6 to buy a pair of gloves. To dau., Sarah Hall, 205/-. To dau., Elizabeth Porter, £120. To dau., Hannah Porter, £Bo. Resid. legatee and extrix., wife Mary. Signed, Thomas Portef'. Wits., Nicholas Addenbrooke and Thomas Wake­ man (mark). Proved 21 May 1674, in P.C.C. (Bunce 62), by the extrix. WALDIVE WILLINGTON, of Hurley, par. of Kingsbury, co. Warwick, esq. Will dated 10 Mch. 1675/6. To be burd. at Kingsbury, without noise or osten­ tation. Bror., Hugh Willington. House called Hurley Hall. Son, Waldive Willington. Other children. Grandson, William Willington. Son Thomas. Son and dau. Avery. Dau., Elizabeth Willington, property in Coventry, purchased of William Willington. Wife to be extrix. Signed, Waldive Willington. Wits., John Padgett, Edw. Collings and Fra. HaYrison (his mark). Inventory dated 4 May 1676: appraisers, John LauYence, John Hull and Richd. Fuerey. Proved at Coleshill (Lichfield), 5 May 1676, by the extrix., Jone Willington. JOHN PORTER, late of Bromsgrove, dioc. of Vvorc., deed. Admon. granted at Worcester (now at Birmingham), to 1'Jary Porter, of same, widow, the lawful mother, 12 Feb. 1684/5. Surety, Thomas Porter, of Bromsgrove, mercer. Inven­ tory taken 23 Oct. 1684, by Obadiah Alforde and Tho. Porter : amount, £104-18-0. WILLIAM PORTER, the elder, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., mercer. Will dated 11 July 1689. Whereas on the marriage of my eldest son, William Porter, I have 74 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. settled upon him estate in land and also given him a great share of my personal estate, and on the marriage of my second son, Joseph Porte'f, I have given him a "proportionable" part of my estate in money, and on the marriage of my youngest dau., F'fances, unto John Johnson, I have given him with her unto the said John Johnson a very "compitent" marriage portion in money and goods, I hope my said three children will be contented and satisfied. I therefore give to said son, William Porter, 2 5/6 for a pair of gloves, and to said son, Joseph Porte,, only one twenty shilling piece of old broad gold, and to my said dau. Frances only one twenty shilling piece of old broad gold also. Residue to dau. Eliza~eth Porter, whom I make extrix. Signed, William Porter. Wits., Ro. Bagott, Samuell Porter and Richard Bell. Proved 11 June 1694, at Worcester (now at Birmingham), by Eliza Huban alias Porter, the extrix. Inventory taken 6 July 1693, by Henry Cooke and Richard Handy: amount, £34-18-2. HANNAH PORTER, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., spinster. Will dated 27 Dec. 1690. To mother, Mary Porter, £56. To sister, Hester Porter, my Bible, my wheel and my little trunk. To sister, Priscilla Porter, my great trunk and linen. My stays to my mother's maid, Elizabeth Weaver. To two nephews, Henry Dowlard and Joshua Dowlard, 105/- each. Residue to my brors. and exors., Thomas Porter and Samuel Porte'Y. Signed, Hannah Porte'Y. Wits., John Spilsbury, John Lacy and Mary Lacy. Proved II Mch. 1690/1, at Worcester (now at Birming­ ham), by the exors. Inventory taken 12 Feb. 1690/1, by Obadiah Alford and William Po'Yte'Y, jun. : amount, £164-17-6. THOMAS PORTER, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., mercer. Nuncupative will made 12 Dec. 1692, in presence of Samuell Porter, Hester Porter and Priscilla Porter, in sickness of which he shortly after died. To sister, Mary Dowlard, £20. To brother, Samuel, all my hops. Sole extrix., my mother, who is to dispose of residue to my sisters, Hester Porte'Y and Priscilla Porter, as she pleases. Proved at Worcester (now at Birmingham), 22 Mch. 1692/3. Inventory taken 6 Mch. 1692/3, by Obadiah Alforde and William Porter: amount, £262-2-6. Marie Porter, the mother, bound as extrix., 18 Mch. 1692/3: Samuel Porter, Hester Porter and Priscilla Porter sworn 22 Mch. 1692/3. PRISCILLA PORTER, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., spinster. Will dated 4 Sept. 1694. To poor, £3. To Mrs. Hester Orford, 205/-. To sister, Mary Dowlard £10. To two nephews, Henry Dowlard and Joshua Dowlard, £2-10-0 each. To sister, Sarah Hall, £5. To sister Sarah Hall's dau. Sarah my best mantua, etc. To Mary, my mother's maid, a mantua and cloak. To sister, Hester Porter, linen which I had from my sister Hannah. Residue to mother, Mary Porter, except cloth, etc., which I give to bror., Samuell Porter, and make him exor. Signed, Priscilla Porter. Wits., James Lacy, jun., Mary Lacy and Mary Rabie (mark). Proved 29 Sept. 1694, by Samuel Porter, the exor., at Worcester (now at Birmingham). Inventory taken 27 Sept. 1694, by Obediah Orford and Henry Osbourne : amount, £25-11-6. HESTER PORTER, late of Bromsgrove, dioc. of Wore., spinster. Admon. granted at Worcester (now at Birmingham), 29 June 1695, to Samuel Po'ftet', THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 75 the bror., apothecary. Sureties, John Hall, of par. of St. Andrews, Wore., clothier, and Richard Yates, of par. of St. Peters, clothier. Mary Porter, the mother, of Bromsgrove, widow, renounced admon. 28 June 1695, in favour of her son Samuel, in presence of Obadiah Alford and John Lacy. Inventory taken 27 June 1695, by Obadiah Orford and William Porter : amount, £100-7-4. MARY PORTER, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., widow. Will dated 16 Nov. 1696. To sister, Elizabeth Nott, £10. To cousin, Catharine Sparry, now with me at Bromsgrove, £5, and to maid, Mary Rabie, £5. To cousin, Abijah Bibb, £2-10-0. To cousin, Susanna Wilson, sen., £2-10-0, and to cousin, Joseph Sparry, £2-10-0. To Mrs. Hester Orford, £2-10-0. To poor of Bromsgrove, £25 to be disposed of at discretion of exor., with assistance of Mr. Obadiah Orford and Henry Osborn, each to have 105/- for trouble. To cousin, John Sparry, rector of Hadsor, £5. To Mr. Fe'Ydinando Shaw, £2. To Hannah Fairwell, 105/-, and to Elizabeth Farewell 105/-. To grandchildren, William Porter, of Bromsgrove, Joseph Porter, of Alcester, Elizabeth Huband and F'Yances Johnson, 205/- each. To Hannah and Rebecca, two children of my afsd. grandchild, William Porter, each a silver spoon. To son-in-law, Henry Dowlar, 205/-. To grandchildren, Henry and Joshua, two sons of my dau. Dowla'Y, each £50 at 21, to be paid to their father, Henry Dowlar, who is to improve same, until they are 21. To dau., Mary Dowlar, yearly sum of £10, and after her decease to pay £200 to said Henry and Joshua, and, if they die before their mother without issue, said £200 to exor. To son Samuel, the shop and workshop, and all the goods, and silver tankard, and two folios of Mr. Pool's upon the Bible. Rest of goods to son Samuel and dau., Mary Dowla'Y, equally. To dau.-in-law, Sarah Hall, £2, and to each of her three children 205/-, provided that she nor any of her children give son Samuel any disturbance or trouble relating to any of my children already deed. Exor., son Samuel. Signed, Mary Porter (her mark). Overseers and trustees, friend Mr. John Spilsbury, sen., and cousin, Mr. John Sparry, of Hadsor. Wits., James Lacy, sen., John Lacy, jun., Richd. Taylor. Codicil dated 14 Mch. 1700/1. James Tompson, of Bromsgrove, clerk, to be overseer in place of John Spilsbury, now deed. To Mr. John Spilsbury, of Kidderminster, £5. To cousin, Margaret Bowyer, £5, and to her dau., Margaret, £5, and to her bror. William and son of my cousin, Margaret Bowyer, £5. To Susanna Wilson, the younger, 50s/-. Wits., James Lacy, Mary Lacye (mark), and Sam. Smart. Proved 23 Nov. 1702, at Worcester (now at Birmingham), by the exor. Inventory taken 24 Nov. 1702, by Henry Osborn and Richard Bradley : amount, £1012-18-2. SAMUEL PORTER, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., gent. Will dated 1 Apl. 1703. In good health. To cousin, John Sparry, of Hadsor, £10. To cousin, Joseph Sparry, £5. To cousin, Joseph Porter, of Alcester, £10. To cousin, Elizabeth Huband, £5. To cousin, Frances Johnson, £5. To cousin, Josiah Porter, of Birming­ ham, £5. To cousin, Nathaniel Hall, the elder, £5._ To cousin, Sarah Yates, £5. To cousin, Margaret Bowyer, £10, and unto her son, my cousin, William Bowyer, £10. To cousin, Margaret Thomas, £10. To James Tompson, of Bromsgrove, £10. To James Lacy, the elder, of Bromsgrove, £10. To Henry Osborne, of Bromsgrove, JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

£10. To Hannah Farewell, of Bromsgrove, £10, and to her dau., Elizabeth Fare­ well, £10. To cousin, Abijah Bibb, £5. To cousin, Suzannah Willson, the elder, £5, and to her dau., Suzannah Willson, the younger, £5. To cousin, John Willson, £5. To Mr. Charles Blakemore, of Worcester, £10. To poor of Bromsgrove, £20. To servant, Mary Rabye, £500 and all my household goods, books, plate, bedding, linen, etc. My exor. to pay to my sister, Mary Dowlar, and her two sons, Henry and Joshua, legacies given by my late mother, Mary Porter, deed., by her will, of which I am exor. To John Spilsbury, of Kidderminster, co. Wore., clerk, and his heirs, all that messuage, etc., called the Cagg house, in Bromsgrove, also six closes of land near the Clapp gate, in Bromsgrove, and make him sole exor. Wits., Henry Toye, Edward Toye and William Toye. Proved 11 Jan. 1703/4, at Worcester (now at Birmingham). Inventory taken 10 Nov. 1703, by Benjamin Kimberley and Henry Osborne : amount, £2314-5-0, of which £2221 was debts. John Spilsbury gave a receipt for the original will, on II Jan. 1703/4, by virtue of a decree of the Rev. John Price, B.L., Chancellor of the Diocese, to return it when called upon. HENRY PORTER, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, mercer. Will dated 19 Feb. 1707/8; proved 30 Apl. 1711, in P.C.C. (86 Young). See Readesof Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, p. 232, for abstract. JOSEPH PORTER, of Alcester, co. Warwick, gent. Will dated 4 Jan. 1719/20. To loving sister, Elizabeth Huband, all manner of tithes from and out of her estate in Beanhall, in par. of Feckenham, co. Wore., which I purchased of Henry Neal, esq., to hold to her and her heirs. Residue of all my real estate in Bishops Cleeve, Gotherton and Wooston, co. Glaue., and at Alcester, to dear wife, Martha Porter, her heirs and assigns, for ever. Residue to her, and make her sole extrix. Signed, Jos: Porter. Wits., Kath. B'l'idges, Brook Woodcock and M. Bayley. Proved 31 Oct. 1721, in P.C.C. (Buckingham 185), by exor. named. SARAH PORTER, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, widow. Will dated 31 Jan. 1715/16; proved 26 Sept. 1726, in P.C.C. (190 Plymouth). See Reades of Blackwood 1-lill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, p. 232, for abstract.

MARTHA PORTER, of Alcester, co. Warwick, widow. Will dated 24 July 1727. To bror., B'l'ooke Bridges, esq., whom I appoint exor., my capital messuage in Gotherington, par. of Bishops Cleeve, co. Glouc., now in tenure of Joseph Harrison, and my land, etc., thereto belonging, in Bishops Cleeve and Woolston, and all other my tenements in co. Glouc., in trust to sell same as soon as convenient, for payment of debts and legacies, and similarly sell my interest in land in Alcester under a lease from Fulke, Lord Brooke, to Elizabeth Hunt, of Worcester, widow. To nephew, Brooke Bridges, son of said bror., messuage wherein I now dwell in Alcester, in a place called Priory Lane, and all other my freehold tenements there. To sister, Catherine Bridges, my interest in messuage, etc., in Kinwarton, in possession of Jeffrey Hopkins, the younger, for the residue of years yet to come under a lease granted by Robert, Lord Brooke, to my father, Matthew THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 77 Bf'idges. To James Spilsbuf'y, gent., Thomas Claickson, sen., Samuel Pickard, sen., Brook Woodcock, Thomas Gibbs and Nathaniel Haines, all of Alcester, £100 in trust to be put out towards defraying expense of the congregation of Protestant. dissenters assembling in a meeting-house lately erected in the backside of Thomas Pickerd, gent., in Alcester, so long as the liberty or toleration to Protestant dissenters shall continue, and if that cease to benefit of poor of Alcester. To sister, Catherine Bridges, £250 and furniture of room in which I lodge; also my diamond ring, one silver porringer and spoon with my coat of arms on them, and my best silver mug. To said nephew, Brooke Bridges, my best pair of silver candle­ sticks, my weather-glass, etc. To niece, Ann Bridges, one of the daus. of said bror. Bridges, one pair of silver candlesticks; to her sister, Elizabeth Bridges, my set of silver castors; to niece, Martha B1'idges, my least silver salver, etc. To nephew, Brooke Woodcock, niece Mary Smith, niece Martha Woodcock, and Anne, dau. of nephew, B1'ooke Woodcock, silver spoons. To cousin, Elizabeth Smith, wife of Mr. Thomas Smith, £150. To cousin, Rebekah Tindall, wife of Mr. Joseph Tindall, £50. To said nieces, Ann, Elizabeth and Martha Bridges, Mary Smith and Martha Woodcock, and nephew, Brooke Woodcock, £100 apiece. To nephew, FYancis Woodcock, £50. To bror., BYook Bridges, and sister Woodcock, £20 apiece. To poor of Alcester, £10, to be distributed by nephew, Brooke Wood­ cock. To Mr. Richard Rogerson, £10. To Elizabeth S1nith, alias Richardson, 20s/-. Residue between sister, Catherine Bridges, her said three daus., nephew, Brooke Woodcock, and nieces, Mary Smith and Martha Woodcock. Signed, Martha PoYter. Wits., Nathl. Carpenter, Chas. Bowlef', jun., and Fra. Bridges. Proved 8 May 1733, in P.C.C. (Price 159), by exor. named. HARRY PORTER. In the Name of God Amen I Harry Porter of Birmingham in the County of ,var­ wick Mercer being of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding do for the setling of my Estate make this my last Will and Testament in 1\1:anner following that is to say First I confirm to my dear and loving Wife the Contract I made with her upon our Intermarriage and do desire she may have and receive out of my personal Estate the Sum of Six hundred pounds pursuant to a Covenant or Agreement in the said Contract Also I will that after the said Contract shall be performed my debts shall in the next place be paid out of my said Estate and after payment thereof I give the Residue to my Children equally to be divided amongst them Share and Share alike And Lastly I make my said Wife sole Executrix of this my Will hereby revoking all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made declaring this only to be my last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto put my Hand and Seal this two and twentyeth Day of May one thousand seven hundred thirty and four HARRY PORTER. Signed Sealed published and declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of Sam. Gower John Scotton Thos. Perks. Proved 17 Sept. 1734, in P.C.C. (203 Ockham}, by Elizabeth Porter, widow, relict and extrix. (The above is a full copy of the will, in substitution for the abstract printed on p. 234 of The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry). JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

JOSEPH PORTER, late of Bromsgrove, deed. Admon. granted 27 Apl. 1754, at Worcester {now at Birmingham), to Abigail Porter, widow, the relict. Surety, William Eades, of same, cordwainer, and Charles Crow, of city of Worcester, yeoman. Inventory taken 26 Apl. 1754, by William Yeate and Wm. Eades: amount, £39-8-0. HANNAH PORTER, of Stratford-upon-Avon, co. Warwick, spinster. Will dated 26 Feb. 1757, with codicil of 23 Mch. 1757; proved 26 May 1757, in P.C.C. (167 Herring). See Reades of Blackwood Hill and D'Y. Johnson's Ancestry, p. 235, for abstract. JERVIS HENRY PORTER, of Spring Gardens, par. of St. Martin's-in-the­ Fields, London. Will dated 30 Apl. 1759, with codicil of 6 Jan. 1762 ; proved 15 Apl. 1763, in P.C.C. (195 Ccesar). See Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, p. 237, for abstract. JOSEPH PORTER, of Leghorn, merchant. Will dated 19 Apl. 1779 ; proved 26 Nov. 1783, in P.C.C. (580 Cornwallis). See Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, p. 240, for abstract. LUCY PORTER, of the City of Lichfield, spinster. Will dated 22 Sept. 1784 ; proved 8 Feb. 1786, in P.C.C. (111 Norfolk). See Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, p. 243~ for abstract.

ABSTRACTS OF CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS PORTER v. PHILLIPS 7 June (1558-1579) ; circa 1559. Complaint made to Sir Nicholas Bacon, Knt., Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, by Henry Porter, that Silvester, Bishop of Worcester, deed.,* was seised of a burgage and curtilage and divers parcels of land in the manor and par. of Alvechurch, co. Wore., in his demesne as of fee, as in the right of said Bishopric, and so being seised, about fifty years ago, granted same by deed indented to Thomas Porter, of Alvechurch, deed., for a number of years yet to come, and same was confirmed by Dean and Chapter under their seal. About thirty-five years ago said Thomas Porter made his will bequeathing said lease to his son, William Porter, and appointed Robert Portef', his exor., who proved said will after Thomas's death, and said William entered into premises. About two years ago William made his will and bequeathed said burgage to complainant and made him his exor., and complainant proved the will and entered upon the premises. The said Will-iam Porter, having no certain habitation, being a serving man, about fifteen years ago delivered said lease to John Philipps to take care of, who, often requested, refuses to deliver same to

* Silvestro Gigli [1463-1521], Bishop of Worcester 1499-1521 (Diet. Nat. Biog.). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 79 said complainant. He therefore desires said Philipps may be summoned to appear, and answer the premises (C.P., C.3, Series 2, 139/2). PORTER v. COLEMORE, ETC. 26 May 1628. Complaint by Anne Po'Yter, o{ Edgebaston, co. Warwick, late the wife of Henry Po'Yter, gent., and Robert Porter, her son, that in Michaelmas 12 James I. [1614] William Colemo'Ye, late of Birmingham, co. Warwick, gent., levied in the Court of Common Pleas to the said Henry Porter, William Alporte, Edwaf'd Colemore and Henry Cookes, a fine of four messuages, seven cottages, a barn, eight gardens, three orchards, 50 acres of land, 17 acres of meadow, 240 acres of pasture, 20 acres of wood, and 100 acres of furze and heath, in Birming­ ham, Sollihull, Wardsmore, Asten by Birmingham, and Sutton Colefield, co. Warwick, and by deed made between William Colemore, of one part, and the said Henry Porter, William Alporte, Edwa'Yd Colemore and Henry Cookes, of the other, a messuage, two gardens, a shop and a cellar in the tenure of Edwa'Yd Colemo'Ye, land called Padgets Land, meadows called Millmeadow and Cooleboume Fields, were declared to the -cse of the said William Colemore, lands in Solihull and Sutton Colefield, to the use of Robert, Clement, Grace and Lettice Colemore, being the younger children of said William. So being seised, William Colemore, sen., about 10 Feb., 12 James I. [1614/5] demised lands called Padgets lands and Mill­ meadow to complainant, Robert Porter, for 99 years, said Robert being then not above the age of 10 years, but William Colemore, his son, Sir Edward Burnell, Knt., and William Milne'Y, taking advantage of Robert's infancy, and his being without a guardian, entered into possession of said lands and took the rents, etc., from Nov., 12 James I. [1614], until July, 18 James I. [1620], when William Colemore the father died, and the son combined with one J okn Foxall, of Birmingham, deed., and Elizabeth his wife, to deprive said Robert of said lands, pretending the said land was mortgaged and they had a right to it. 13 June 1628. Answer of William Colemore and Elizabeth Foxall, taken at Birmingham, that they know nothing about a fine or any deed as alleged, but believe it to be true the lands were demised to Robert Porter as alleged. After his father's death, the said William Colemore, at the request of his mother, now Lady Burnell, received the rents for Padgetts Lands for a year to the use of his mother, and for the mill meadow, believing it descended to him from his father, and under this belief made over the said lands to Foxall-nothing further re PoYter (C.P., C.2, Charles I., P. 37/60). PORTER v. PHILLIPS, ETC. 1 Feb. 1635/6. Complaint by Anne Porter, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, widow of Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, gent., Robert Porter, of Birmingham, gent., Thomas Porter, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., gent., and Henry Porter, of Cambridge, gent., by the said Anne Portef', his guardian, that William Porte'>', son of the said Anne and brother to the other complainants, was seised of divers lands, etc., and sold same to Rickard Middlemore, Esq., and Richard Carlesse, of Birmingham, blacksmith, for about £3000. About seven years ago, having great occasion for money, William Porter prevailed upon the said Anne and Thomas Bo JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. Po'Yte'Y to become bond for him to M'Y. Cookes, co. Wore. William Po'Yte'Y died about Aug. 1633, intestate, not having paid his debts, and after his death his widow Sa'Yah, with Thomas Phillips and others, became possessed of his deeds, etc. Answers of Thomas Phillips, John Ca,ypente'Y, Sir Thomas Culpepe'Y, Knt., and others, denying allegations made by complainants--nothing further re Porte, (C.P., C.2, Charles I., P. 66/33). PORTER v. COLEPEPER (no bill). Answer dated 25 Feb. 1635/6 of Si, Thomas Culpepe'Y, Knt., one of the defendants, to the bill of complaint of Anne PO'Yte'Y, widow, Robe'Yt, Thomas and Henf'y PoYte'Y, complainants, that he does not know complainants, nor did he know William PoYte'Y, deed., nor what the dealings were between complainants and said William, but he entered as surety in a cause pending between said Anne and H enf'y Goodwyn. 29 Apl. 1637. Answer of Richa'Yd Ca'Yelesse that £120 is owing by him for purchase of lands in Birmingham of William Po'Yter, which he was to hold free of any charges made by said William or Henry his father, but Elizabeth claims a rent of £10 a year due to her for forty years since William Pof'tef''s death, and she has lately levied distress on said lands for same. 19 May 1636. Further answer of Sir Thomas Culpepe'Y, Knt., that he had no money from Thomas Phillips or Sarah his wife, and knows nothing of William Porte,y's estate. 30 May 1636. Answer of Ma'Yy Goodwyn, widow, that her husband, Henf'y Goodwyn, lately died intestate, and she became administrix. 24 ]\,Jay 1636. Answer of Thomas Jaye and Randolph Hitnt that they know nothing of William Porter's estate; but Thomas Jaye says that his bror.-in-law, Tho,nas Phillips, married Sarah, widow of the said William Po'Yte'Y. 21 Jan. 1636/7. Answer of John Carpenter, esq., that Sarah, widow of William Porter, and wife of Thomas Phillips, is now dead. Re bonds entered into by her (C.P., Charles I., C.2, P. 56/25). PORTER v. PHILLIPS, ETC. 31 Jan. 1636/7. Answer of Thomas Phillips, Esq., one of the defendants, to the complaint of Ann Porter, Robert, Thomas and Henry Porter, complainants. He does not know what lands, etc., William Porter, now deed., held, or what assurance he made, if any, to Richard M·iddlemore and Richard Careles, nor that the said Ann and Thomas Porter became sureties for said William, or that said Ann Porter lent William £500 or any money upon surety of the lands called Weelis Fann, or owed money to the other complainants. Defendant used no combination with his late wife Sa-rah, now deed., formerly wife of said William Porter, to obscure the estate of said William. He believed William made a nuncupative will, giving his estate to his wife Sa'Yah, and shortly after died, and defendant married her, but quite contrary to his estate having been advanced by his THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 81 marriage he has been hindered and impaired by the litigiousness of the estate, Ann and Robe'Yt Porte'Y making claims by another supposed nuncupative will they produced. Sa'Yah delivered bonds, etc., touching the estate to John Caypente1' and Henry Goodwine, and although defendant was administrator of her estate he has gained nothing, but rather lost thereby (C.P., C.2, Charles I., P. 55/41). PORTER v. MIDDLEMORE (no date). Complaint by Anne Porte,-, widow, mother of William Porter, late of Birmingham, co. Warwick, yeoman, deed., administratrix of the goods of said William, that he was seised of divers messuages and lands in Edgebaston, Birmingham, and Kings Norton, and agreed to sell same to Richard Midlemore, Esq., and Richard Carlesse, of Birmingham, the purchase money whereof was not paid and ought to be paid to her as administratrix of his goods, etc. But now one Sarah, wife of said William Porter, combining with Thomas Phillips and many others [names given], have possessed themselves of the goods, etc., of deed., to the amount of £250, which ought to come to her as administratrix. In Aug. 1634 Sarah died, and Phillips and the others vexed and hindered com­ plainant in the administration of the estate, and made agreements with Robert Porte,, the complainant's son, whom she trusted and employed in the said cause. 6 Dec. 1637. Answer of Mary Goodwyn, widow of Henry Goodwyn, deed.­ nothing re Porte,. 29 Jan. 1637/8. Answer of John Caypenter, Esq., that after William Porter's death, Sarah, his widow, married Thomas Phillips, and she pretended William made a nuncupative will leaving all his estate to her. Has heard that com­ plainant, Ann Po'Yte,, and her son, Robert Porter, made claim that William by another nuncupative will had left his estate to them and Robert was made exor., whereupon suits grew in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and in the mean­ time admon. was granted to the relict Sarah, who entered into bond for the same in the sum of £4000, and she made over to him and others bonds of her late husband, one dated 5 Feb. 1632/3. Continues re bonds. 8 Feb. 1637/8. Answers of Thomas Jay, Esq., and Randulph Hunt, gent., that they have had nothing to do with the matter, but are brors.-in-law of Thomas Phillips. Answers of Richard Carles and Thomas Pemberton, that William Porter sold a great part of his estate to Richard Middlemore, Esq. At the time of his death, William Porter was much indebted to Richard Carles for lodgings for him, the said William, his wife and servants, and for strong beer, fuel and diet for those resorting to him in his sickness, and for his travelling to London on William Porter's business. 5 Dec. 1637. Answer of Sir Thomas Culpepper, I{ut., that he knows nothing of William Porter, but had knowledge of the said bonds. 27 Nov. 1637. Answer of Richard Wilkins and Alvery Gascoigne (nothing further). Answer of Richard Middlemore that William Porter sold lands, etc., to him, and he paid in part. William Porter died about Aug. 1633, after whose death Sarah JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. his wife, and Robeft PoYter his bror., pretended title to the lands of deed., and admon. was granted to said Safah, who married afterwards Thomas Phillips, and died in Aug. 1634, and admon. was then granted to complainant. Answer by Bezaliell Gayell, gent.-nothing further (a very long case, with little about Pofter) (C.P., C.2, Charles I., P. 47/ 45). PORTER v. COOKES 14 Nov. 1655. Complaint by Thomas Poftef, of Bromesgrove, co. Wore., mercer, that HenYy Cookes, of Bromesgrove, yeoman, about seven years ago used the trade of a waggoner to carry goods between London and Bromesgrove. Re money which he alleges Henry Cookes and his wife Eleano, owe him (C.P. before 1714, C. 7, Hamilton 583/14). PORTER v. FOWNES (no date). Demurrer of John Fownes, defendant, to bill of complaint of Thomas Po,ter, Thomas and Robert Smith, Hewry Tylt and John Ha'Yvey, complainants, against said bill. They say said bill is exhibited in this court by five copyholders of the manor of Stoke Pryor, co. Wore., and there are many more copyholders who do not complain, and Thomas Porte, only complains he paid too great a :fine upon surrender of copyhold estates (C.P. before 1714, C. 10, Whittington 30/170). PORTER v. SLANEY 16 May 1685. Complaint by Samuel Portef, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, gent., that Elizabeth Eglionby, now wife of Moreton Slaney, of Birmingham, gent.,• being related to complainant, on 25 Mch. 1674, being then unmard., applied to him to be accommodated with meat, drink, washing and lodging, and, knowing she had a considerable fortune, he consented and gave her the best chamber, with board and attendance" according to her quality and fortune," and she continued with him until her marriage in July 1677, and afterwards they continued living there about three years, and a good deal of money was due. Mo,yeton Slaney gave him £50 on account, but now says he lent him £50, and has commenced a suit to recover same, although in truth Slaney owes him money as abovesaid (C.P. before 1714, C.8, Mitford 520/83). PORTER v. SLANEY 1 Dec. 1685. Answer of Moreton Slaney, gent., one of the defendants to the complaint of Samuel Porter. He says he does not know if Elizabeth Eglionby,

*., Moreton Slaney was the well-known fighting lawyer of 1680--1720, who, with Sir Charles Holte, of Aston Hall, appears to have been answerable for the bitter and costly litigation concerning the control and government of the Free Grammar School " (Joseph Hill and R. K. Dent's Memorials of the Old Square, 1897, p. 40). " Moreton Slaney and Mrs. Elizabeth Eglionby, both of Birmingham," were married at Bourton Dunsmore, co. Warwick, on 27 Sept. 1680 (Joseph Hill's Book Makers of Old Birmingham, 1907, p. 32). See Burke's Landed Gentry, under " Kenyon-Slaney of Hatton Grange "; and Mr. Carter's notes on him (Dugdale Soc., XII., 2 52-4). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES now defendant's wife, did on 25 Mch. 1674 apply to complainant for meat, drink, washing and lodging in his house, nor what chamber she had to lodge in, and she was a stranger to him until three years before their marriage, and he was never in complainant's house before he became a sojourner and boarder there. He paid no fixed sum, although he wished to do so-dispute 1'e money paid and to be paid : no relationships or any other Po1'te,s mentioned (C.P. before 1714, C.10, Whittington 230/62). PORTER v. BAGLEY 2 Dec. 1689. Complaint by Samuel Po,teY, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, long cutler, John Bate, of Dudley, co. Staffs., yeoman, and John Tandy, of Dudley, gent., that Dudley Bagley, of Sedgeley, co. Staffs., gent., deed., was seised in his lifetime of lands in Dudley, and made indentures of lease of certain coal fields, etc.--t'e said leases : no further mention of Po,-te,- family (C.P. before 1714, C.5, Bridges 179/60). PORTER v. CLARKE 24 Nov. 1691. Complaint by Samuel Po'Yte1', of Birmingham, long cutler, that in Aug. 1690 he took a lease jointly with William Cla,ke, of Colesly, par. of Sedgly, co. Staffs., yeoman, of Philip Foley, Esq., and Thomas Ty,-e, Esq., of a moiety of a close called Clowes Britch or Closes Bridge, in Colesly, and an agreement was to be made concerning same, and he also employed said ClaYke as bailiff to oversee some of his coal works at Sedgely and Cannock-dispute re same and answer of William ClaYke: no genealogical details (C.P. before 1714, C.8, Mitford 430/ 57). PORTER v. BALDWIN 28 May 1693. Complaint by Samuel PoYteY, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, long cutler, that about seven years ago, having occasion for a parcel of steel; he applied to Thomas Baldwin, of Birmingham, gent., and made a bargain with him for a considerable quantity-dispute Ye payment for same: nothing ,ye family (C.P. before 1714, C.8, Mitford 352/184). PORTER v. BALDWYN 29 May 1693. Complaint by Samuel Po'Yte'Y, of Birmingham, long cutler, that seven years ago, having occasion for a parcel of steel, whereof he yearly uses great quantity in his trade, applied to Thomas Baldwyn, of same, gent., for a consider­ able quantity, which Baldwyn delivered and Porter paid for, and continued to deal with Baldwyn and paid for what he had ; but no writing was made, and now Baldwyn wrongfully claims that Porter owes him £200 for steel. He desires Baldwyn may be caused to set forth on oath what is owing to him. Answer of Thomas Baldwyn 'Ye said steel and payments. A schedule of the parcels of steel sold and delivered-several yards long (C.P. before 1714, C.5., Bridges 109/30). PORTER v. WEST 27 Nov. 1695. Complaint by Hen'Yy Porter, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, mercer, G JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. that having for many years had dealings with John West, deed., he lent him several sums of money, and said West gave him a warrant of attorney for £100, and he desires the widow, Sarah West, and Daniel Short, may answer as to payment of same-answer concerning said debt : nothing further re Porter (C.P. before 1714, C. 8, Mitford 549/28). PORTER v. WEST 27 Nov. 1695. Complaint by Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, that John West, late of Birmingham, gunsmith, lately deed., had borrowed several sums of money of complainant-dispute re same, to recover from Sarah West, the relict· (C.P., C.10, Whittington 532/39). PORTER v. PORTER 16 Feb. 1695/6. Complaint by Samuel Porter,. of Birmingham, co. Warwick, long-cutler, and Sarah his wife, Mary Ashby, of Bow, co. M'sex, widow, Mary Best, widow, Jane Bickford, spinster, and Elizabeth Bimon, widow, all of St. Clement Dane's, co. M'sex, William Busby, of Loughborough, co. Leic., gent., Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, John Roads, of same, innholder, Joyce Cranck, of same, widow, Edward Tombs, of Birmingham, ironmonger, Benjamin Sutton, of (blank), Joseph Cla'Yk, of (blank), Manuell Lugg, of Barckswell, co. Warwick, clerk, John Doley, of Solihull, gent., Thomas Parker, of St. Clement Dane's, gent., Richard Webb, of St. Andrews, London, distiller, George Birch, of I-Iarbome, co. Staffs., gent., John Wright, of Handsworth, co. Staffs., tanner, and Rebecca his wife (nee Ainge), , of Birmingham, innholder, Ma'Yy Hicks, of same, widow, and others [named], that the said Samuel Porter, being indebted to the other complainants in £7000 altogether, an agreement was come to among the complainants that certain lands should be sold to pay the said debts, but now Josiah Porter, cutler, brother of said Samuel, and others, combine, alleging money is due to them too, and that the said agreement was fictitious, and claim title to said premises (C.P., C.8, Mitford 562/20). PORTER v. ROWNEY 24 Oct. 1696. Co1nplaint by Samuel Porter, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, long cutler, that Elizabeth Fetherston, about fifteen years ago, while unmard., dwelt with complainant as a boarder for four years at £12 a year, which she never paid, and about eleven years ago married John Rowney, of Birmingham, linen draper, and both dwelt with complainant as boarders for nine years and more at £24 a year, and complainant kept a horse for John Rowney at a rate of £8 a year, and lent him several sums. In Apl. 1691, not having paid any of the above debts, John Rowney and his wife Elizabeth made an indenture bearing date 9 Apl. 1691, that before end of Trinity Term next he would levy a fine to Henry Cooke of a messuage and lands in Headley Yeild, par. of Kings Norton, co. Wore., to use of complainant, the same to be void on payment of debts. But now said Rowney, having got the indenture into his hands, ignores above, and he desires John and Elizabeth may be caused to come to answer the premises as to above and as to ,vhat they owe complainant and his son Henry Porter, etc. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 85 Answer of said Rowney that no sum was agreed upon, that said Elizabeth was sister's daughter of complainant's wife, and for last four years he helped com­ plainant both in his business as sword cutler, and in managing several coal mines-very long suit, with plea of Rowney and schedule of debts. - July 1698. Complaint of Samuel Porter, of Birmingham, yeoman, that there were articles executed between him and one Blackbourne, and Greenwood, bearing date 11 Oct. 1688, and also Lord Pagett, whereby Lord Pagett granted to him for 21 years his mines of coal in co. Staffs., with certain exceptions, at a yearly rental of £350, and complainant agreed with said Blackbourne and Greenwood to give them a share thereof on execution of certain articles. Greenwood is dead, and one John Goodall pretends to be his exor., so that he and Blackboitrne receive pro.fits without having executed a counter-part of agreement. A schedule of the agreement appears: long [names of defendants appear as Richard Blackbourne, of Farwell, co. Staffs., gent., and Edmond Greenewood, of Stonywell, Longden, gent.] Answer of Richard Blackbourne and others re same (C.P. before 1714, C.5, Bridges 133/57). PORTER v. BALDWYN 1 Dec. 1696. Complaint by Samuel Porter, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, long cutler, that he had dealings in trade with many people, and among others with Thomas Baldwyn, of Birmingham, clerk [sic], and acquired a very good estate, but latterly met with some disappointments and misfortunes, and about Apl. last was twelve months being pressed by his creditors to pay, and in danger of arrest and being carried to gaol if he did not, he approached said Baldwyn for repayment-continues re debts : no mention of any family concerns (C.P. before 1714, C. 8, Mitford 457/68). PORTER v. PORTER 14 Jan. 1696/7. Answer of Josaiah Porter to the bill of complaint of Samuel Porter and Sarah his wife and others. Concerning debts, etc., and no mention made among same of Porter. Then mention of an agreement made 29 Nov. 1650 between Hannah Porter, of Birmingham, widow (mother of said J osaiah), of one part, and Waldive Willington, of Hurley, esq., and Ambrose Foxall, of Birming­ ham, tanner, of the other, whereby Hannah made over lands, etc., in Lettbrooke, Kings Norton, Wore., to the use of her two sons, the said Josaiah and Samuel, and by indenture of 10 Feb. 12 James I. [1614/15], made between William

Colemore 1 of Birmingham, gent., of one part, and Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, and Robert Porter his son, Colemore leased to said Robert the Mill Meadow in Digbeth, Birmingham, near Deritend Brook, and Padgetts Land in Birmingham, for a term of 99 years, and by indenture of 27 Aug. 1636, between Robert Porter, of Birmingham, gent., of one part, and Ann Porter, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., widow, Thomas Porter, of same, mercer, and William Pinson, of Birmingham, of the other, Robert Porter made over the meadow and pasture mentioned in the last indenture to said Ann, Thomas and William during the said lease. One deed poll bearing date 21 Nov. 1644 recites the last deed and mentions that in 86 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. consideration of the marriage of the said Robert Porter with Hannah his wife, in performance of his promise in writing made 30 Aug. 1636, he nominated John Hall, late of Bromsgrove, clerk, and Francis Roberts, late of Birmingham, clerk, to be persons to whom Ann and Thomas Porter and William Pinson should demise the said lands in trust for the said Hannah, if she survives him, and such children as they might have, and such assignment was made, as appears by a letter of 30 May 1651, subscribed by William Pynson to Mr. Sparry, asking him to go to his (Sparry's) bror. Thomas Porter, concerning the said assignment. There is also another deed poll reciting the indenture of lease made by William Colemore, and _the assignments made by Hannah and Hester Porter, two of the said Robert's children, to Samuel Porter, and this defendant, Josaiah Porter, of the said lands, and another deed poll to like effect made by Thomas Lowbridge and Sarah his wife. 19 Apl. 1697. Further answer of Josaiah Porter. A long list of debts, etc., including, "Received of Brother Porter four pounds nine shillings and sixpence December the fourth of Cozen Henry Porter three pounds and ten shillings the two and twentieth of the same Month received more of Cozen Henry by Brother Porters order tenn pounds-October the tenth one Thousand six hundred Ninety one received of Cozen Henry Porter fifteen shillings-In One thousand six hundred Ninety two Cozen Henry Porter paid to Cozen Andrew Trubshawe by my order three pouds and two shillings-November the two and Twentieth one Thousand six hundred Ninety four of Cozen Hannah tenn shillings" (C.P., C.8., Mitford 583/32). PORTER v. WEBB 3 Dec. 1697. Complaint by Josiah Porte'Y, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, cutler, that Jonathan Webb, late of St. Giles par., M'sex, ironmonger, deed., had considerable trading with complainant. Re debts due to him by said Jonathan, which should be paid by Richard Webb and Bryan Proctor, the exors. of said Jonathan's will. 4 Jan. 1697/8. Answer of Richard Webb and Bryan Proctor ye same (C.P. before 1714, C. 5, Bridges 131/20). PORTER v. BLACKBURNE 2 July 1698. Complaint by Samuel Po-,ter, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, gent., that at instance of Richard Blackburne, of Stonehill, co. Staffs., gent., an agree­ ment was made II Oct. 1688 between William, Lord Paget, Baron of Beaudesert, co. Staffs., and complainant, whereby Lord Paget leased to complainant for 21 years his coal mines and works in Cannock Wood Chase, co. Staffs., then open and waste ground and not enclosed, and other pieces of land there; the said Blackburne and Edmund Greenwood, since deed., entered into an agreement to keep complainant harmless. Complaint re same (C.P. before 1714·, C.5, Bridges 624/103). PORTER v. BLACKBOURN 3 Mch. 1698/9. Complaint by Samuel Porter, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, gent., that at the instance of Richard Blackbourne, of Stoneywell, co. Staffs., THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES gent., and Edmond GYeenwood, late of same, gent., deed., certain articles of agreement were agreed upon on 11 Oct. 1688, whereby Lord Pagett granted to said complainant leases of coal mines in co. Staffs.--etc., as in 133/57 (see ante, pp. 84-5). Answer of defendants (C.P. before 1714, C.5, Bridges 136/46). PORTER v. HALL 8 Mch. 1698/9. Answer of Henry Hall, one of the defendants, to the bill of complaint of HenYy Porter. Re purchase of a horse, John Hawgood being the only other person mentioned (C.P. before 1714, C.5, Bridges 138/25). PORTER v. PORTER (no date). Complaint by Samuel PoYter, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, cutler, that he was seised in fee of a messuage in Highhouse, Birmingham, and at Michaelmas two years ago came to an agreement with Ralph PoYteY, of Birming­ ham, tobacconist, that the latter should hold part of the same for 21 years at a rental of £1g-dispute ye same : no other mention of Portef' (C.P., C. 7, Hamilton 263/4). PORTER v. HICKS 29 Nov. 1699. Complaint by Henry Pof'ter, of London, gent., that Samuel Porter, of Birmingham, long-cutler, father of complainant, was seised of several messuages and lands in Birmingham, and by his indenture of 25 Aug. 1687 demised to John Hicks, of Birmingham, sadler, one of the messuages in Highhouse Yard, and a shop adjoining, in Birmingham, for 21 years, a~·yearly rental of £15, and on 12 Jan. 1694/5 the said Samuel demised atf the lands, etc., to John H obkins, of Birmingham, and others-dispute concerning said property (C.P., C.8, Mitford 583/33).

MISCELLANEOUS UNPRINTED DOCUMENTS The following is a full abstract; from photostats most kindly supplied by Mr. A. W. Read, of Deed No. 254,555 in the Birmingham Reference Library, of which I gave brief particulars at ante, VI., 33-4. It is, as there stated, an 18th. century copy, and not the original:- (endorsement) A Copy of I The release of the Credrs of Aff'. Perks deed I to Mrs. Perks his Exix. & Devisee ! Datd 20th Novr 1745. This Indenture Quadrupartite made 20 Nov. in nineteeenth year of George II. and in year of our Lord 1745, between John Perks, eldest bror. and heir of Thomas Pe,yks, late of Birmingham, co. Warwick, gent., deed., and one of the creditors of said Thomas Perks by simple contract of 1st. part, Abraham FYeeth, malster, exor. of last will and testament of Jonathan Freeth, late of Birmingham, afsd., malster, deed., Elizabeth Hollier, widow, admx. of Henry Hollie'Y, late of B'ham, afsd., apothecary, deed., James Taylor, 88 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

mercer, Thomas Hollier, surgeon, Joseph Hunt, chandler, William Walsing­ ham, perukemaker, John Wollaston, perukemaker, Thomas Lane, carpenter, Samuel Westwood, ironmonger, Thomas Hollins, stonecutter, George Abney, threadman, Edward Jones, glover, William Bridgens, the elder, victualler, Thomas Parkes, victualler, William Patteson, upholsterer, Henry Eboral, mercer, Mary Stanier, extx. of Sarah Stanier, late of B'ham afsd., widow, her late mother, deed., Thomas Simpson, blacksmith, William Ward, mercer,* Edward Tonkes, perukemaker, John Pitt, drayman, Stephen Walton, joiner, William Parkes, mason, Thomas Hunt, butcher, Joseph Wood, brasier, Jdhn Collins, carpenter, Elizabeth Brandwood, widow, extx. of RichaYd Brandwood, late of B'ham afsd., victualler, her late husband deed., Thomas Wickins, grocer, Edward Goodall, taylor, Thomas Cotterell, cabinet maker, William Lindopp (assignee of James Wilkins, who is assignee of Edward Savage, deed.), Thomas Peacock, sadler, Richard Rann, gent., Thomas Walker, baker, Reb,ecca Fidoe, admx. of John Fidoe, late of B'ham, afsd., ironmonger, deed., Mary Green, sole extx. of John Hare, late of B'ham afsd., yeoman, deed., Caleb Lane, toymaker, Thomas Fewster, joiner, William Dyson, victualler, James Horton, victualler, exor. of Joseph Edwards, yeoman, deed., William Weeley, chapman, and John Pittaway, milkman, all of B 'ham afsd., Joseph Steevens, of the par. of Aston nigh B 'ham, admor. of Rebecca Stevens, of same par., widow, his late mother, deed., and Abraham Phillips, of Aston, carpenter, Williq_nt Shakes,Peo.J:._e, gent., sole exor. of William Ives, late of Rowington: co. Warwick, esq.: decd.,t Thomas Harris, of Polesworth, co. Warwick, malster, Samuel Hanson, malster, William Reddall, yeoman, and Richard Parkes, bricklayer, all three of par. of Harboume, co. Staffs., Thomas l\,filles, of Wednes­ bury, co. Staffs., potter, George Holyoake, of Wolverhampton, co. Staffs., gent., Samuel Powell, of Halesowen, co. Salop, timberman, Theophilus Levett, of the City of Lichfield, gent., Richard Broadribb, of the City of Wor­ cester, esq., and Elizabeth Lowbridge, of afsd. City of Worcester, wido·w, extx. of Edward Lowbridge, esq., her late husband, deed., Squire Smith, now or late of par. of Northfield, co. Wore., malster, and J saac Marston, of afsd. par. of Northfield, gent., surviving assignee of estate of sd. Squire Smith, who is lately become a bankrupt, and Thomas Roper, of par. of Kings Norton, co. Wore., yeoman, Richard Banner, of City of Oxford, Doctor in Divinity,t Elizabeth Challoner, of City of Bath, spinster, John Dewes, gent., William White, proctor, Chafles Creamer, innholder, john Laight, silversmith, John ------* V\lho took over Harry Porter's business after his death in 17 34; see ante, V., 106. t Mr. A. W. Read sends me from the Rowington register the marriage on 2 Feb. 1741 /2 of" Mr. William Shakespear of Knowle Hall in the parish of Hampton in Arden and Mrs. Ann Ives of this parish "; and the burial on 2 I Feb. 1742/ 3 of " William Ives Esqr. of Howington Hall." t Richard Banner [1680 ?-1750], M.A. University Coll., Oxford, D.D., son of Samuel Banner, of B'ham, and minister of Marston chapel, co. \Vore. (see Foster's Alumni O.xonienses). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 89 Willis, stationer, SamueLJohnson, gent., and Elizabeth his wife, extx. of the last will and testament of Harry Porter, late ofl31lam afsd., woollendraper, deed., Robert Moreton, exor. of his late bror., Richard Moreton, gent., deed., Richard Gough, merchant, Alexander Jesson, gent., and Sybilla Price, widow, extx., of John Price, her late husband, deed., all of London, being the rest of the creditors of the said Thomas Perks by simple contract, of the 2nd. part, William Perks, of Wolverhampton, afsd., gent., younger bror. of said Thomas Perks and a legatee under his will, of the 3rd. part, and Ann Perks, widow, relict and extx. of said Thomas Perks, deed., and also devisee of the real estate of said Thomas Perks, and residuary legatee of his personal estate, of the 4th. part, Whereas the said Thomas Perks made his will bearing date I Nov. 1737, and directed that all his debts should be paid, and gave to his bror., William Perks, £500, and the residue to said Ann Perks (by the name and description of his dear and loving wife, Ann Perks), she paying debts, etc., and made her sole extx., And Whereas the said Thomas Perks at the time of his decease was indebted by simple contract to his several creditors, parties to these presents, or the persons they respectively represent, And Whereas the said Ann Perks, soon after the death of said Thomas Perks, proved her said husband's will in the proper Ecclesiastical Court, And Whereas the said George Holyoake, on behalf of himself and the rest of the creditors of said Thomas Perks who should come in and prove their debts and contribute to expense of suit hereinafter mentioned, and the said William Perks, have since the death of said Thomas Perks preferred their Bill in the High Court of Chancery against said Ann Perks and said John Perks, one of the parties hereto, as heir at law of said Thomas Perks, for a Discovery and Account of the real and personal estate of said Thomas Perks, and for a sale of said real estate, And the said creditors, parties to these presents, finding that the estate and effects of the said Thomas Perks are in a great measure exhausted by payment of his bond debts, and that the real and personal estate of the said Thomas Perks will fall far short of paying his debts, and that the real estate is not likely to be soon sold without great disadvantage to said creditors, the whole thereof being subject to an estate which the said Ann hath upon the same for her life by virtue of a settlement made upon her previous to her marriage with said Thomas Perks, and some part thereof being also subject to an estate which one Alice Shaw hath in that part thereof for her life, The Creditors of the said Thomas Perks, parties to these presents, have agreed to release to the said Ann Perks, her heirs, etc., the several debts due to them respectively from the said Thomas Perks or his estate, also all his real and personal estate, in consideration that the said Ann Perks hath agreed to pay to the said creditors respectively Seven Shillings and Four Pence in the pound, In which release the said John Perks, as heir at law to the said Thomas Perks, and also the said William Perks, as a legatee under the said will of said Thomas Perhs for the above men­ tioned sum or legacy of Five Hundred Pounds, have agreed to join, To the intent that the above mentioned dividend may be paid to the said unsatisfied go JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

creditors, and that a good title to the real and personal estate of the said Thomas Perks may be made to the said Ann PeYks, And Whereas the freehold and leasehold estates of the said Thomas Perks remaining unsold do consist of a messuage, tenement or dwelling house called Seneleys, with the outhouses, barns, etc., belonging, and also several closes of land to the same messuage or tenement belonging, and called or known by the several names of the Bakers, now into ten or more parts divided, the Horsley fields, into several parts divided, Bitter sweet Leasowe, into two or more parts divided, the Sidepool, the Tail pool, the Spring pool, the Pease leasowe, the Lea leasowe, the Failings, Piddocks part, now into several parts divided, the Brook meadow, the Barn close, the Barn meadow, and the Calves close, lately laid into and now part of the Barn meadow, all of which are freehold, and situate and lying in the par. of Northfield, co. Wore., and were hereto­ fore in the tenure of one William Shaw or his undertenants, and lately have been in the tenure or occupation of Samuel Palmer, the younger, deed., or his undertenants, but the said messuage and part of the said lands are now in the tenure of Elizabeth Shaw, widow, and the remainder of the said lands are now in the tenure of Samuel Palmer (father of the said Samuel Palme'Y, the younger), and also of a freehold messuage or dwelling house, etc., and garden thereto belonging, and also several closes of freehold land, about 26 acres, which said messuage is in Bordesley, par. oj Aston juxta B'ham, co. Warwick, and late were in the tenure of William Allen or his under­ tenants, but now are in occupation of Jeremiah A uput, and were purchased by the said Thomas Perks from Theophilus Levett, gent., and also of a freehold close in B'ham, in tenure of Charles M agenis, as undertenant to Richa'Yd Brandwood, bounded by the lands of Widow Bassett, Jonathan Ruston, and the Governors of the Free Grammar School in B'ham, and a common highway thereon, and also of a leasehold messuage or dwelling house situate and standing in B'ham, late in the tenure of the said Thomas Perks but now of Doctor George Larkin, and of a croft lying behind the same, and which were demised or leased to the said Thomas Perks by one Jonathan Johnson, by indenture dated 2 July 1730, for the remainder of a term of 89 years therein mentioned, and the rest of the said leasehold premises were conveyed or assigned by one Thomas Pemberton to the said Ann Perks since the death of the said Thomas Perks, by indenture dated 10 Sept. 1739, for the remainder of a term of 103 years and 6 months therein mentioned, by a contract entered into between the said Thomas Pemberton and the said Thomas Perks in his lifetime, which agreement was carried into execution for the benefit of the estate and effects of the said Thomas Perks, who for that purpose borrowed £160 upon mortgage, Now This Indenture Witnesseth that the said John Perks and the several other creditors of the said Thomas Perks, parties to these presents, do hereby acknowledge to have received this day from the said Ann Perks their res­ pective dividends of 7 shillings and 4 pence in the pound for the several debts due and owing from the estate and effects of the said Thomas Perks, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES gr and appearing against their respective names in the schedule hereunder written, in full satisfaction of their claims to his estate, And in consideration of the said dividends and that the said Ann Perks hath discharged the costs of the above mentioned cause, the said John Perks, and the said several other creditors of the said Thomas Perks, parties to these presents, have released for ever by these presents unto the said Ann Perks, her heirs, etc., all and every money debt, etc., owing from the said Thomas Perks, or from his real or personal estate, and the said William Perks, in consideration of the payment of the above mentioned dividends by the said Ann Perks, doth release her, her heirs, etc., of the said legacy of £500 bequeathed to him, the said William Pe'Yks, by the above in part recited will of his said bror., Thomas Pe,yks, deed., and furthermore for the considerations afsd., the said John Perks (as being the heir at law as well as a creditor of the same Thomas Perks), and all other the creditors, and also the said William Perks, have and each and every of them hath released unto the said Ann Perks, her heirs, etc., all and singular the said freehold and leasehold messuage, dwelling houses, lands, etc., whereof the said Thomas Perks died seized, and also the personal estate of him the said Thomas Perks, of what nature or kind soever, to have and to hold, etc., the same dwelling houses, lands, etc., to the said Ann Perks, her heirs, etc., and to have and to hold the said leasehold messuages, etc., and the personal estate of the said Thomas Perks, to the said Ann Perks, and the said John Perks and William Perks for themselves severally and respectively promise and agree with the said Ann Perks, her heirs, etc., that they the said John Perks and William Perks respectively, and any person claiming any right, etc., or interest upon the hereby remised and released freehold lands and leasehold land, messuages, etc., shall on all reasonable requests and at the cost of the said Ann Perks, her heirs, etc., execute every such further and other reasonable conveyance, release, etc., unto the said Ann Perks, her heirs, etc., in manner afsd., In witness whereof the parties above named to these present indentures have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year :first above written. The Schedule to which the above Deed refers The Names of the Creditors Debts Dividends John Perks 68-17-2 25-4-2 Abraham Freeth Exor. of Jonathan Freeth deced. 102-10-0 37-11-8 Elizabeth Hollier Admx. of Henry Hollier deced. 62-5-0 22-16-o James Taylor 27-5-0 g-19-10 Thomas Hollier 2-0-0 14-8 Joseph Hunt 2-10-0 18-4 William Walsingham 6-o-o 2-4--0 John Wollaston 10-0-0 3-13-4 Thomas Lane 4-7-0 l-ll-3 Samuel Westwood 6-10-0 2-7-8 92 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. The Names of the Credi tors Debts Dividends Thomas Hollins 5-0-0 I-16-o George Abney 3-10-0 1-5-8 Edward Jones 3-10-0 1-5-8 William Bridgens the elder 37-0-0 13-11-4 Thomas Parkes 6-4-0 2-4-0 William Patteson 15-15-0 5-15-0 Henry Eboral 4-5-0 I-II-2 Mary Stanier Execx. of Sarah Stanier deced. 3-1g--o 1-7-6 Thomas Simpson 4-1 5-0 1-15-2 William Ward 4-5-0 1-11-2 Edward Tookes 10-7-0 3-15-2 John Pitt 2-0-0 14-8 Stephen Walton g-4-0 3-6-o William Parkes 2-0-0 14-8 Thomas Hunt 8-4-0 2-18-8 Joseph Wood 2-10-0 18-4 John Collins 16-o-o 5-- 1 7-4 Elizabeth Brandwood Execx. of Richard Brandwood deced. 12-0-0 4-8-0 Thomas Wickins 18--0-0 6-13-10 Edward Goodall 1-18-o 12-10 Thomas Cotterell 7-7-0 2--13-2 William Lindopp assignee of James Wilkinson who is assignee of Edward Savage deced. 24-0-0 8--16-0 Thomas Peacock g-g--o 3-3-4 Richard Rann 12-0-0 4-8-o Thomas Walker 3-2-0 1-2--0 Mary Green Execx. of John Hare deced. 35-0-o 12-16-8 Rebecca Fidoe Admx. of John Fidoe 34-0-o 12-0--0 Caleb Lane 4-10-0 1--13--0 Thomas Fewster 10-0-0 3-1 3-4 William Dyson 28-0-0 lo-5--4 Ja1nes I-Iorton Exor. of Joseph Ed­ wards deced. 95-0-0 34-16-8 \Villi am W eeley 10-0-0 3-1 3-4 John Pittaway 1-6-0 <_r-2 Joseph Stevens Admr. of Rebecca Stevens deced. 16--0-0 5-1 7-4 Abra.ham Phillips 8-o-o 2--18-8 William Shakespeare Exor. of William Ives dececl. 35-0---0 12-16---·0 Thomas Harris 16-g--o 5-19-2 THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 93 The Names of the Credi tors Debts Dividends Samuel Hanson 53-0----o 19-8-8 William Reddall 42-0----0 15-8-o Richard Parkes 4-0----0 1-9-4 Thomas Milles 2-19--0 l-0-2 George Holyoake 54- 14-6 19-19-8 Samuel Powell 16-18--o 6-2-10 Theophilus Levett 27-0----0 9-18-0 Richard Broadribb 27-0----0 9-18-0 Elizabeth Lowbridge Execx. of Ed­ ward Lowbridge Esqr. deced. 2-2-0 14-8 Squire Smith & Isaac Marston 55-0-0 20-3-4 Thomas Roper 20-0-0 7-6-8 Richard Banner 36-o-o 13-4-0 Elizabeth Challenor 29-15-0 10--18-2 John Dewes 132-0-0 48-8-0 William White 42-0-0 15-8-o Charles Creamer 6-5-·0 2-5-10 John Laight 1-15-0 12-10 John Willis 1-15-0 12-10 Samuel Johnson & Elizabeth his \Vife Execx. of Harry Porter deced. 100-0-0 36-13-4 Robert Moreton 14-0-0 .5-2-8 Richard Gough 3-5-0 1-3-10 Alexander Jesson 12-0----0 4-8-o Sybilla Price Execx. of John Price deced. 5-0-0 1-16-8 (then follow these signatures ; the names in brackets are of those creditors the spaces for whose signatures are blank) :- JOHN PERI(S - W : PERKS - ABRAM. Fl~EETH - ELIZ. HOLLIER - JAMES TAYLOR - WM. WALSINGHAM - THOS. I-IOLLIER - J. WOLLASTON -- JOS : HUNT - TI-IO. LANE - SAMLL. WESTWOOD - (Thomas Hollins) - (Geo,ge Abney) - EDWARD JONES -WM. BRIDGENS SENR. - THO: PARKES - WM. PATTESON - I-IENRY EBORALL - (Ma,y Stanier) - THO. SIMPSON - WILLM. WARD - ED: TUNCKS - (John Pitt) - STEPHEN WALTON - vVILLIAM PARKES - THOMAS HUNT - ]OS : WOOD - ELIZ. >~ BRANDWOOD her Mark - JOHN COLLINS - ED : GOODALL-(? Thomas Cotterell omitted) - JAMES HORTON his x Mark - TI-IOMAS WICI{INS - WM. LINDOPP - THO : PEACOCK - RD. RANN - REBECCA FIDOE - THOMAS WALKER - SAMUEL HANSON his x mark - CALEB LANE -- TI-IO : FEWSTER - WILLIAM DISON - MARY GREEN -- JOI-IN PITT - (? William Weeley) - JOS. STEPI-IENS - ABRM. PHILLIPS - WM. SHAKESPEARE - (? Thomas Harris) - \VM. REDDELL - RICHARD PARKES - (Thomas 94 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. Milles) - GEO: HOLYOAKE - SAMLL. POWELL - THEO: LEVETT -RICHD. BROADRIBB - ELIZ. LOWBRIDGE - SQUIRE SMITH - ISAAC MARSTON - RICHARD BANNER - ELIZ. CHALLENOR - JOHN DEWES - WILL. WHITE - CHA: CREMER - (John Laight) - (John Willis) - (Samuel Johnson) - (Elizabeth Johnson) - ROB. MORETON -(? Richa'l'd Gough and Alexander J esson omitted) - SYBILLA PRICE. Sealed and delivered by the within named John Perks & William Perks (Each of the within written Skins of parchment being first duly stampt) In the presence of JNO. WHEELER, JOHN COTTRELL. (do., do.) by the within named John Dewes in the presence of JOHN WARD, ALEXANDER PRATT. (do., do.) by the within named Abraham Freeth, James Taylor, Thomas Hollier, John Wollaston, Joseph Hunt, Thomas Lane, Samuel Westwood, Edward Jones, William Bridgens, Senr., Thomas Parkes, William Patteson, Henry Eborall, Thomas Simpson, William Ward, Edward Tuncks, William Parkes, Thomas Hunt, Joseph Wood, Elizabeth Brandwood, John Collins, Edward Goodall, James Horton, Thomas Wickins, William Lindopp, Thomas Peacock, Thomas Walker, Samuel Hanson, Caleb Lane, Thomas Fewster, William Dison, Joseph Stephens, and Abraham Phillips, In the presence of JNO. WHEELER, JOHN COTTRELL. (do., do) by the within named Richard Banner and John Pitt in the presence of JNO. WHEELER. (do., do) by the within named Theophilus Levett in the presence of BROME BLACKBOURN, THOS. ARCHER. (do., do.) by the within named Richard Rann in the presence of ANTY. MAIN­ WARING, EDWD. HICKMAN. (do., do.) by the within named Richard Broadribb and Elizabeth Lowbridge in the presence of THOS. MOORE, SAMLL. LOWBRIDGE. (do., do.) by the within named George Holyoake in the presence of FRA: MORTON, NATHANAEL SNIBSON. (do., do.) by the within named William Shakespeare in the presence of GEORGE ROGERS, ALEXANDER PRATT. (do., do.) by the within named Rebecca Fidoe in the presence of THO: PEM­ BERTON. (do., do.) by the within named Elizabeth Hollier in the presence of MARY HARRIS. (do., do.) by the within named Robt. Moreton Esqr. in the presence of GEO. BOUGHEY, RICHD. MILLS. (do., do.) by the within named Squire Smith in the presence of JAMES ROBERTS, THOS. SMITH. (do., do.) by the within named Stephen Walton, Mary Green, William Reddell THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 95 and Richard Parkes in the presence of JNO. WHEELER, ALEXANDER PRATT. (do., do.) by the within named Elizabeth Challener in the presence ALEXR. JESSON, CHRISTOR. WATSON. The discrepancies in some of the surnames, and the apparent omissions here and there in the lists, may be due to the 18th. century copyist, though his work looks thoroughly professional and should be accurate. An interesting letter written to Lucy Porter by her brother Joseph, at the outset of his independent commercial career, I owe to the kindness of Mr. Bergen Evans, of University College, Oxford, who copied it from the original in the possession of a descendant of Lucy's friend and legatee, the Rev. John Batteridge Pearson :- Madeira Novr. 26th. 1746. DEAREST SISTER I desired my friend J. Stevens to lett you know I was well arrived here & that I shoud write you p. first opportunity, not having time when I wrote him :-and got here from Lisbon the 24 Octo. after a tiresome Voyage tho very short for I was but five days from Falmouth to Lisbon & five days from Lisbon hither. Here I intend to stay two or three years at least & then come to England, where the greatest pleasure I propose to my self will be that of spending some time at Litchfield with you; you partly know what my reasons for not coming while I was in England, But please God I live and succeed I shall not be under the restraints I have hitherto been, & shall be a little more my own master, & Nothing shall hinder me from going there; But first we must pray for success for both houses here & at London, which you may depend upon you shall feel in time. Our project is as fair a one & (? as) most people ever had both for this house and that of London where I have equally a fourth part, My partners I suppose you know or heared of, they are Mr. John Winds (who lately lived at Worscester a Gentlemn.) Mr. John Stevens, & Mr. Laye Stevens, Elder brother to John Stevens, the two first are to live in London & Laye Stevens & my self at Madeira But we shall take it by turns to come to England, one of us perhapps once every year, which will be very agreeable to us both, or else The time woud seem devilish long in such a place as this where there is but six or seven English Houses, & nobody else that one can converse with nor even with all these, so that one is almost as if one was by one self. I cannot represent to you the Dullness of the Island. Nothing but a good deal of Business can make one spend one's time & some times when no ships come in the best Merchts. are two or three months quite idle, & there is n~ such a thing as any diversions going forward, no going into the country 96 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. easily, the hills are so prodigious high and the roads so cursed bad. Besides unless one goes to a Gentles. house there is no place where one can get shelter, even then one must be obliged to send every individual thing from the town so much as salt and an onion of which the country abounds, but yet none to be found in the country so that the trouble is greater than the pleasure. None but a Philosopher or a Romantick Lover could live here without business. Pity my situation and pray for my good Success. A great deal of Business will make me find it agreable not withstanding, & much more so the thoughts of going to England every now and then. I suppose our Aunt Hunter is with you by this time. Pray give my humble Duty to her and Love to Cozen Lucy. I shall be glad to hear how they do & if Lucy has got a husband yet. The Girls in this country get husbands before her age a good deal. Pray give my compliments to Mrs. Johnson ---- & believe me very sincerely Dearest (?) Lucy Your Affectionate brother & good freind JOS. PORTER. The letter is addressed:-" To I Miss Porter I At Mrs. Johnson's I in I Litchfield." Enclosed is a note for forwarding and directing, and asking her to date her letters, with a statement that this goes by a vessel bound to Ireland. In The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, p. 240, I said that Joseph Porter " died towards the end of 1783, probably in October." I can now speak definitely. Through the kindness of Mr. Montgomery Carmichael, of Leghorn, late British Consul there, and Mr. E. R. Seccombe, the present Consul, I have learned that the register of the Old British Church, handed over to the Registrar-General in London in 1908, contains the following entry:- Joseph Porter died the 19th. day of October 1783 and was buried the evening following by the German Clergyman at this Place. The Inscriptions in the Old British Cemetery of Leghorn, transcribed by Gery Milner-Gibson-Cullum, F.S.A., and the late Francis Campbell Macauley, with an introdu,ction by Montgomery Car1nichael, British Vice Consul at Leghorn, Leghorn, Raffaelle Giusti, 1906, pp. xxvii, 126, contains no record of any gravestone to Joseph Porter, so that if any ever existed it must have been destroyed. Probably, as he had no THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 97 relatives near, no memorial was placed to him. Unfortunately, the archives of the Consulate at Leghorn were removed by the French in 1796, when they violated Tuscan neutrality, and have never been recovered. Mr. Carmichael kindly searched the copy letter books of the Governors of Leghorn, from 1768 to 1785, at the local Record Office, but without finding mention of Joseph Porter. . There is a problem in this same connexion which I have not been able to solve. A Robert Porter appears in Leghorn only a few years after Joseph's death, who we might be tempted to think was a relative, perhaps an illegitimate son, though no such person is mentioned in Joseph's will. He is represented in Leghorn today by his widowed great-granddaughter, Signora Pellegrini (nee Vittoria Porter, 1862 ), who was most kind in placing before Mr. Carmichael any records she possessed of the family, which include two bills of exchange, signed "Giuseppe Porter," both dated 15 Nov. 1782, and drawn in Italian on the London finn of Rivier and Crawley. Whether Giuseppe can have been our Joseph I have no idea. There is no evidence at all that Robert Porter was related to him. A holograph letter from Robert, dated 23 July 1789, addressed to his clerk, Giovanni Pensa, states that he is going to England to look after his affairs: it is written in correct Italian, and suggests that he had been some years in the country. Probably he married on this trip home, for the eldest of his eleven children was born at Pisa on 21 March 1790, and the register of the Old British Church referred to contains this entry:- Robert Porter, 1nerchant, native of England, residing at Leghorn, and Pattee (l\1aiden name Mitchell), native also of England, being formerly joined together in I-Ioly Matrimony according to the rites and ceremonies of the as by law established, have consented to have the ceremony rcncwccl for the satisfaction of all parties this 7th. February 1811, in the Chapel of the Protestant Society at Leghorn. ROBERT PORTER by PATTEE MITCHELL TI-IOS. HALL. Robert Porter, by 1796, ,vas senior partner in the firm of Porter and H uddart, and Signora Pellegrini possesses their claim for damage and confiscation of goods by the French invasion of that year. He died at Leghorn on 23 June 1813, and his widow, Pattee, in November 1842: he was buried in the Old British Cemetery and she in the ?~e·w, but there are no gravestones. Signora Pellegrini has portraits of them both. 98 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. There is another complication. For among the burials in the same register is the following:- Wilhelmina late wife of Robert Porter of Leghorn (daughter of the late Robert Porter of Civitavecchia and Mary his wife) died at Leghorn on 22nd. September, 1821, and buried in English Burial Ground. This must refer to a namesake, for a gravestone records that the child mentioned as born in 1790 was of Robert and Pattee. Signora Pellegrini's father, Roberto Porter [1832-1908], of Leghorn, was the elder surviving son of Robert Henry Anthony Porter [1791-1862], an average adjuster at Leghorn, who was the eldest son of Robert and Pattee, whose eleven children were plentifully supplied with Christian names. A seal in her possession bears the familiar three bells used in the arms of various branches ·of the Porter family (see ante, p. 61).

EXTRACTS FROM PRINTED SOURCES The following pedigree was entered at the Visitation of Warwick­ shire in 1619 (H.arleian Soc., XII., 99). No arms are ascribed to the family:- Rob'tus Porter de Al- = church in Com. Wigom. I I I Thomas Porter de Al- = Margareta filia Johis Willm's Porter church et Edgbaston I Peyton de Alchurch in 2 filius obiit in Com. War. Co. Wigornire. sine prole I I I I Jane Maria uxor Henricus Porter = Anna filia Will­ Ric'us Porter nupta Glover de Edgbaston in mi Colemore de 2 fil. Duxit de Com. War. Com. War. Bremingham in Aliciam filia' Com. Warr. . ... Bartlett de Com. Wigom. I I I I I I. Sarah. 2. Jone Willmus Porter 2. Thomas 3. Robtus 4. Henricus 3 fil. et hreres ret. retat. 16 retat. 12 20 Annoru' 1619 THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 99 In the footnotes to The Survey of Birmingham in 1553, ed. W. B. Bickley and Joseph Hill, 1887, are a number of references to the Porter family, which, though sometimes lacking in precision, contain original information:- p. 10. " Bawdewyn Porter," of Birmingham, occurs 1482. p. 14. (" Henry Feild holds four tenements, 'late Porters ' "). The Porter family had existed in and about Birmingham for nearly three centuries, and the name of Robert occurs in this Survey, but only in respect of land in the Foreign. He had however formerly held a burgage in Edgbas­ ton Street, and land in that street was long known as Porters. The absence of the name among the town property holders is remarkable, as during the next century the Porters played an important part in the history of the town, holding besides property in Dig beth (Street), and Edgbaston Street, the Blade Mill in Digbeth. It was the holder of this mill, Robert Porter, known as Captain Porter, who in the year 1643 wrote the celebrated and oft printed letter from Coventry, as to Prince Rupert's attack upon Birmingham, on which occasion he shews he was present and took part in the defence of the town. He says "Denby pursued Captain Greaves' Troope some two miles out of towne, being at their heeles before our troope departed, among whom I went away," and also "the malignant are so enraged they have since pulled down my mill, and threaten to pull down my house and divers others." The possibility of the Porters holding their land in Edgbaston Street entirely free of any payment of rent in money or in kind to the Lord of the Manor, renders the omission of the name from the Survey worthy of special notice. The Porters long continued in business in the town and became somewhat numerous. p. 84. The connection of the Porters with Birmingham was a very long one. In 1322, John le Porter, with William le Mercer, Walter de Clodshale, Adam le Dextere, and Adam Godfrey, clerk, witnessed a deed relating to a messuage lying between the way which leads (etc., etc.). This John the Porter was assessed in the subsidy of 1327, and in 1330 served on the Freeholders' Jury on the foundation of Walter Clodshale's Charity; in 1365 a John Porter was upon the Coroner's Jury in the murder of William Moul of Birmingham. In 1407 and 1422 a William Porter's name is found in Deeds of a property in Moor Street, and in other deeds of about that date down to 1426. In 1482, Bawdewyn Porter signed William Byrde's testimonial, and in 1499 Bawdewyn Porter, son and heir of Thomas Porter, was buried at Barston Chapel, and in 1506, his wife Anne, who was the sister of Sir Thomas Lyttelton of Frankley. There are few traces of the Porters in Birmingham during the 16th. century, ...... In 1547, Robert Porter held a house in Edgbaston Street under the Gild, which house had not passed to the Free School, for by a subsequent Survey, temp. Eliz., entitled " A Schedule of the Rents of the late Gild of Birmingham," the first item is "of the heirs of Robert Porter for a chief rent going out of a house in Edgbaston Street.,, H IOO JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

A Julian Porter, in 1593, married William Walker at St. iviartin's; and Robert Porter, in 1597, Ann Whittall at Aston. In 1528 William Porter was appointed Trustee of a marriage settlement, and 1640-41, Robert Porter was appointed Trustee of Kilcuppe or. Fields Charity, and of Lench's Trust ...... he was doubtless the Robert Porter who converted the Corn Mill built about 1549 by William Askereck to a Blade Mill, and who played such an important part in the defence of the town against Prince Rupert ...... the " T-rue na-r-rat·ion," printed on the 1st. May says, " Mr. Porter's Blade Mill, which cost £100 erecting, and where sword blades were made only for the service of the Parliament, was pulled down," other accounts state that 15,000 swords were sent by the town for the Earl of Essex' forces. Robert Porter, who died before 1650, appears to have purchased from one William Colmore, gentleman, a meadow near the Rhea ...... In 1697, Samuel Porter, long cutler, Josiah Porter his brother, and Henry Porter his eldest son, held the same with land at Holloway Head called the Pagetts...... Subsequent incidents connected with the Porter family include the victory of Robert Porter over Colonel Fox (Tinker Fox) in resisting his oppressive levies. Their land in Edgbaston was near Elvetham Road, Joseph Porter held it in 1766. The Birmingham Porters held land in King's Norton Manor, and in 1697 Henry Porter of Birmingham, mercer, claimed certain goods, viz.:-foure pewter dishes, five pollinger dishes, one warming pan, fower plates, and a sauser, one old brasse pott, two cheires, one old spitt, four old curtaines, two old sheets, two old blancketts, one old cradle rugg, thirty pounds of wooll, one old burden blanckett, one old pillow, one old pewer gunn, seized as the goods of James Pococke, of Moseley. The churchwardens' accounts of Knowle contain the following references (Records of Knowle, by Rev. T. W. Downing, 19r4) :- (p. 225). 1681. Barnabas Askew and Henry Porter, churchwardens. (p. 266). The accounts of Henry Porter gent. 1681. Imprimis the said Mr. Porter charged himself with a Levie made for Chesset Wood end & Knoll Woood end 3. I. 3. (p. 244). (1694). pd. for making up Mr. Porters grave oo. 01. oo. (p. 245). (1694). R. of Mr. Porter for his father's grave oo. 01. oo. (p. 253). (1699). pd. for laying down Mrs. Porters grave oo. 01. oo. (p. 254). (1699). Recd. for Mrs. Porters grave oo. 10. oo. The "Records of King Edward's School, Binningham" (Dugdale Soc.,vols. r,,., VII. and XII., ed.W. F. Carter), contain various references to early Porters connected with the town, but the only entries I need quote are the follo\\ring (VII., 108) :- 1687, meeting 19 Oct.:- " We do also nominate & elect Mr. Henry Porter a Governor of this Royall THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES IOI

Free Schoole in the place of Thomas Yardley Mr of Arts & Vicar of Aston lately deceased." (same meeting). '' ~Iemorandum Mr Henry Porter was elected & swome one of the Governors of the sd. Schoole & hath made his subscription accordingly." The name of Henry Porter occurs in later minutes. Mr. A. W. Read kindly sends me the following extracts from Notes and Queries for Bromsgrove:- Vol I. (p. 78). Bromsgrove assessment of 1690 :- Mary Porter wd. 0-1-0. (p. 79). Notes on Bromsgrove Parish made by John Lacey, 1778 :­ '' On the south wall of the chancel is a stone erected to the memory of Mr. Sam1 Porter, who dyed in 1703, and left his lands to the Poor of Bromsgrove for 99 years {see table of gifts to the poor)." (p. 81). do. "Mr. Saml. Porter gave his Estates in the Parish of Stoke Prior to the poor of the parish of Bromsgrove as have no weekly pay, for 99 years (The rents then were 56£-11s.-8d. but now they are 113£-3s.-4d. pr year) Mr. Porter dyed in November, 1703." (p. 83). Bromsgrove assessment, 1690 :- Wm. Porter junr and his wife 0-2-0 Wm. Porter, sen., and his daughter 0-2-0 (pp. 88-9). "The Ganow manor was antiently part of Kings-Norton wood: And was granted by Henry 5th to one Lloyde, whose heirs sold it to Sr Phillip Fermer, his heirs to ...... (blank) Jolliefe, Esqr, and his heirs in Cromwell's time to ...... (blank) Porter of Birmingham, and his heirs sold it to the Jolliefes again in whose family it still continues " (19 Dec. 1908). The Victoria County History of Worcestershire, under Bromsgrove, tells us, in connexion with the manor of Gannow, that "in 1624 Thomas and Robert Lloyd and William Porter conveyed it to Anne Porter, a widow" (III., 26). Among the disclaimers at the Visitation of Worcestershire in 1682-3 occurs the name of " William Porter, Bromsgrove " (Graze­ brook's Heraldry of Worcestershire, II., 703). Joseph, son of William Porter, of Bromsgrove, pleb., matriculated from Pembroke College, Oxford, on 25 May 1677, aged 17 (Foster's Alumni Oxonienses). William issued a trade token for a halfpenny in 1668, on the obverse "WILLIAM PORTER - - - HIS HALF PENY," and on the reverse "IN BROMSGROVE 1668 W.P. 1/2 " (Bromsgrove Church, by 102 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. William A. Cotton, p. 93). Among printed sermons listed in the same work (p. 120) is the following :- J. PORTER, of Aulcester. A Caution against Youthful Lusts, in two dis­ courses, occasion'd by the Death of Mr. Thomas Webb, who departed this life July 18th, 1708, and requested upon his death bed that Youth might be wam'd to avoid those Lusts that he had found more bitter than Death. Preached at Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, and published at the Desire of the Youth that heard it. (footnote). The preacher was a native of Bromsgrove, but there is nothing in the book to prove that the sermon was actually preached in the church. It was sold by John Halford, at his Hand and Pen, in Bromsgrove. Dugdale's Warwickshire, ed. William Thomas, 1730, p. 771, tells us that in Alcester church was a monument to " Matthew Bridges of this Town Gent, who departed this life June 8th 1677. Aged 57. Also of Ann his wife, who departed this life April 15th 1695 Aged 71." These would be the parents of Martha Bridges, who married the above Joseph Porter. A pedigree of Tyndall, by B. W. Greenfield, in The Genealogist for 1878 (II., 375), gives the only son of Joseph Tyndall, of Bewdley, by Mary his wife, daughter of Richard Clare, of Bewdley, as another Joseph Tyndall, of Bewdley, died 23 April 1763, aged 75, married Rebecca Porter, who died 21 July 1751, aged 52, whose descendants were solicitors in Birmingham. Burke's Landed Gentry, 1853, gives a detailed pedigree of "Willington of Hurley," shewing Thomas Willington, of Hurley, who in 1599 married Alice, daughter of his uncle, John Willington, and had "Waldyve Willington, Esq., his heir, bapt. 18 April, 1600. He was an active parliamentarian and governor of Tamworth Castle, which had fallen into the hands of Cromwell. He m. 27 Oct. 1630, Joane Porter, of Edgbaston, and d. in 1676, having two sons and three daus.". The "Visitation of Warwickshire 1682-83" (Harleian Soc., vol. 62, p. 60} shews "Waldive Willington of Hurley in corn. Warr: born a0 1600 obijt 17 Apr. 1677," with a wife "Joan daur. of Hen. Parker [sic] of Edgbarston in com. Warr:." See also C. F. R. Palmer's History of Tamworth Church, 1871, pp. 119-23, for a pedigree of the Willingtons. There are two letters of 8 Mch. 1643/4 and Apl. 1644 from Waldyve Wyllington, Governor of Tamworth, to the Earl THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES I03 of Denbigh (Historical MSS. Commission, r7th Report, Earl of Denbigh MSS., Part V., 1911, p. 76). A paper on Aston church, by Allen E. Everitt, 1872 (Transactions of the Birmingham and Midland Institute, Archreological Section, p. 2r), gives the following extract from the churchwardens' accounts there:- 1691. "March 24 paid Mr. Henry Porter for cloth & silke £ring to make a carpet for the Communion Table 03.05.07." The Colemore pedigree recorded at the " Visitation of Warwickshire in 1619" (Harleian Soc., vol. 12, p. 335) shews "Willm's Colemore de Bremingham" as married to "Anna filia Will'mi Finey de Canke in Com. Staff.," with one son, another William, and eight married daughters, one of them being " Anna nupta Hen. Porter de Edgbaston in Com. War." (See COLMORE pedigree, post, p. 121). The following is from "An Index to Worcestershire Fines, 1649- 1714," ed. J. Amphlett (Worcestershire Historical Soc.), 1896, p. 17 :- Mich. term-1650. Inter Thomam Dewce et alios querentes et Henricum Porter generosum et alios defendentes in Ganowe et aliis.

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE THOMAS PORTER, esquire, married and had issue, BALDWIN PORTER, his son and heir; in 1457 sold all his rights in manor of Moseley, co. Wore., to Thomas Littleton, serjeant-at-law; of Birmingham, 1482; died in 1499; burd. at Barston, co. Warwick. Mard. Anne, eldest dau. of Thomas Westcote, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. and heir of Thomas Littleton, of Frankley, co. Wore. Mrs. Baldwin Porter, who died in 1506 and was burd. with her husband at Barston, was sister to Sir Thomas Littleton [1422-81], Justice of the Common Pleas, the great jurist.

THOMAS PORTER, of Alvechurch, co. Wore.; granted lease of burgage in manor of Alvechurch, by deed of Silvestro Gigli, Bishop of Worcester, about 1509; his will was made about 1524 and proved by Robert Porter. He mard. and had issue, WILLIAM PORTER, of Alvechurch, co. Wore., and latterly of Coventry, co. Warwick, gent.; described as having been " a serving man," with no settled habit­ ation. Bequeathed the Alvechurch lease by his father. His will, made 12 June 1557, and proved 22 Nov. 1557, in P.C.C., asks that he should be burd. in St. Michael's Church, Coventry, and leaves all the lands and tenements held by him in Alvechurch of the Bishop of Worcester, to Henry Porter, son of his ''cousin,'' 104 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Baldwin Porter (no doubt akin to the earlier Baldwin Porter mentioned above), of Cov­ entry, gent. This Henry Porter was complainant in a Chancery suit relative to this property, 7 June (? 1559). Admon. of William Porter, late of Alvechurch, deed., was granted five days after his will was made, on 17 June 1557, to Anne Feeld, wife of Henry Feeld, of Kings Norton, co. Wore., gent., who was probably his sister, for Henry Field was mard. to Anne Porter, at Alvechurch, on 15 Feb. 1546/7. ROBERT PORTER, of Alvechurch, co. Wore., probably identical with the Robert Porter who proved the will of Thomas Porter, of Alvechurch, as above, about 1524, and therefore akin to him and to the two Baldwin Porters ,· burd. 20 Jan. 1546/7 at Alvechurch. Mard. and had issue, I. THOMAS PORTER, of whom presently. II. William Porter, who according to the Visitation pedigree died without issue. Probably the William Porter, gent., who witnessed the will of William Porter above, of Coventry and Alvechurch, on 12 June 1557. THOMAS PORTER, elder son of Robert Porter above; of Alvechurch, co. Wore., and Edgbaston, co. Warwick, gent.; burd. 17 Jan. 1590/1, at Alvechurch. Mard. 1stly., 15 Oct. 1555, at Alvechurch, to Elizabeth Smyth, who was probably burd. 20 July 1558 or 21 Sept. 1559, at Alvechurch, and had issue by her, I. Ann Porter, bapt. 13 Feb. 1556/7 and burd. 11 June 1569, at Alvechurch. He mard. 2ndly., 3 June 1562, at Alvechurch, Margaret Gest, described in Visitation pedigree as dau. of John Peyton, of Alvechurch, and by her (who was perhaps burd. 8 May 1624 at Alvechurch) had further issue, I. Richard Porter, bapt. 28 Feb. 1563/4 and burd. 6 July 1565, at Alve­ church. II. HENRY PORTER, of whom presently. III. Richard Porter, of Alvechurch, bapt. 14 Mch. 1572/3, at Alvechurch; churchwarden there in 1614; burd. 26 June 1622, at Alvechurch. According to the Visitation pedigree he mard. Alice, dau. of ...... Bartlett, of co. Wore., but Ann Porter, widow, was burd. at Alvechurch 19 Nov. 1623, who is otherwise unplaced. He had issue, Anne Porter, bapt. 10 Apl. 1614, at Alvechurch. William Porter, bapt. 16 Mch. 1616/17, at Alvechurch ; apparently mard. and had issue, Thomas Porter, bapt. 2 May 1647, and burd. 4 Oct. 1657, at Alve­ church. William Porter, bapt. 30 June 1649, at Alvechurch. IV. John Porter, bapt. 5 May 1577, at Alvechurch; not in Visitation pedigree of 1619, so probably died young. II. Elizabeth Porter, bapt. 14 Mch. 1565/6, at Alvechurch ; mard. there 13 Aug. 1589, to Henry Gryne, and had issue. III. Joan Porter (or Jane), bapt. 17 Mch. 1567/8, at Alvechurch; in Visi­ tation pedigree stated to have mard. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 105

IV. Mary Porter, bapt. 26 Apl. 1575, at Alvechurch; mard. there, 24 July 1597 (lie. from Worcester), to John Glover, of Alvechurch, yeoman. V. Agnes Porter, bapt. 28 Feb. 1579/80, at Alvechurch ; not in Visitation pedigree, but probably the Anne Porter who was mard. at Alvechurch, 4 May 1625, to Philip London, for the will of Anne London, of Alve­ church, wido,v, dated 10 Jan. 1652/3, and proved 27 June 1653, in P.C.C., leaves £20 to each of kinsman John Glover's five children, and appoints him exor., as well as 105/- to her "cousin," William Porter, whom I cannot place. HENRY PORTER, of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, gent.; eldest surviving son of Thomas Porte'Y preceding,· owned property at Alvechurch and Kings Norton; bapt. 2 June 1570, at Alv~church; burd. at Edgbaston, and commemoYated on monument there of 1710. Will dated 12 Feb. 1618/19, proved 21 Dec. 1620, in P.C.C. Mard. Anne, dau. of William Colmore, of New Hall, Birmingham, by Anne his wife, dau. of William Fynney, of Cannock, co. Staffs. (see COLMORE pedigree, post, pp. 119-21) ; mard. 13 Jan. 1593/4, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; of Edgbaston, widow, 26 May 1628; of Birmingham, widow, 1 Feb. 1635/6 ; of Bromsgrove, widow, 27 Aug. 1636; living 31 Jan. 1636/7; purchased manor of Gannow, par. of Bromsgrove, in 1624. I-Ienry Porter had issue by Anne Colmore, I. William Porter, of Edgbaston, and of Birmingham, co. Warwick, esq. (once described as "yeoman") ; born about 1599; son and heir, 12 Feb. 1618/19 ; died Aug. 1633 ; burd. at Edgbaston, and com­ memorated on monument of 1710 ; alleged nuncupative will nullified, and admon. granted 10 Sept. 1633, in P.C.C. Mard. Sarah, dau. of ...... Hill, and widow of ...... Lea (or Leigh) ; living as widow of William Porter, 10 Sept. 1633; she 1nard. 3rdly. Thomas Phillips, esq. (living 31 Jan. 1636/7) ; died Aug. 1634. William Porter left no issue. II. Thomas Porter, of Bromsgrove, co. Wore., mercer; born about 1603 ; to inherit lands at Alvechurch and Kings Norton under father's will of 12 Feb. 1618/19; guardian of Bromsgrove in 1629/30; died Mch. 1673/4, aged 72 ; burd. 16 Mch. 1673/4, at Bromsgrove. Will dated 24 Feb. 1673/4, proved 21 May 1674, in P.C.C. Mard. 1stly. Elizabeth, dau. of ...... , and had issue by her, 1. Sarah Porter, bapt. 9 J\1:ch. 1630/1, at Bromsgrove; mard. before 24 Feb. 1673/4 to ...... Hall (probably John Hall, of St. Andrew's, Wore., clothier, living 29 June 1695) ; living 4 Sept. 1694, with a dau., Sarah Hall ; living 16 Nov. 1696, with three children. 2. Frances Porter, bapt. 28 1\1:ch. 1633/4 and probably burd. 1 Apl. 1634, at Bromsgrove. 3. Elizabeth Porter, bapt. 24 Mch. 1635/6 and burd. 25 Mch. 1635/6, at Bromsgrove. Thomas Porter mard. 2ndly. Mary, dau. of ...... (? Sparry). She died 13 Nov. 1702, aged 85, and was burd. at Bromsgrove. Her will, dated ro6 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

16 Nov. 1696, with a codicil of 14 Mch. 1700/1, was proved 23 Nov. 1702, at Worcester. By her Thomas Porter had further issue, John Porter, of Bromsgrove; under 21, 24 Feb. 1673/4; died unmard.; burd. 3 July 1684, at Bromsgrove. Admon. granted 12 Feb. 1684/5, at Worcester. Joseph Porter, burd. 15 Jan. 1661/2, at Bromsgrove. Joseph Porter, under 21, 24 Feb. 1673/4 ; burd. 20 Mch. 1688/9, at Bromsgrove. Samuel Porter, of Bromsgrove, apothecary; born 24 Sept. 1654, at Bromsgrove; died I Nov.·1703, unmard.; burd. at Bromsgrove. Will dated I Apl. 1703, proved 11 Jan. 1703/4, a.t Worcester. Thomas Porter, of Bromsgrove, mercer; died unmard.; burd. 27 Feb. 1692/3, at Bromsgrove. Will dated 12 Dec. 1692, proved 22 Mch. 1692/3, at Worcester. William Porter, of Bromsgrove, mercer; issued a trade token in 1668; disclaimed at Worcestershire Visitation of 1682/3; churchwarden of Bromsgrove in 1665/6. Will dated II July 1689, proved 11 June 1694, at Worcester. Mard. 24 Feb. 1655/6, at Bromsgrove, to Frances, dau. of Richard Vernon, of par. of Dodderhill, co. Wore. She died I Nov. 1685, and was burd. at Bromsgrove, having had issue, (1) William Porter, of Bromsgrove, mercer; born 16 Sept. 1658, at Bromsgrove; burd. 2 June 1701, at Bromsgrove. Mard. before II July 1689 to Hannah, dau. of ...... , and by her, who was burd. 14 May 1701, at Bromsgrove, had issue, Joseph Porter, bapt. 8 Jan. 1691/2, at Bromsgrove; perhaps Joseph Porter, of Halesowen, who mard. Elizabeth Gonderton, of Tardebigge, at Bromsgrove, on 26 Nov. 1717. Admon. of a Joseph Porter, of Bromsgrove, was granted 27 Apl. 1754, at Worcester, to Abigail the widow. Hannah Porter, living 16 Nov. 1696. Rebecca Porter, living 16 Nov. 1696; mard. 20 Apl. 1714, at Bromsgrove, to Joseph Tyndall, of Bewdley, co. Wore., and died 21 July 1751, aged 52 (sic), leaving issue by him, who was only son of Joseph Tyndall, of Bewdley, by Mary his wife, dau. of Richard Clare, of Bewdley, and died 23 Apl. 1763, aged 75. (2) Joseph Porter, of Alcester, co. Warwick, gent., born 22 Apl. 1660, at Bromsgrove; matric. 25 May 1677, aged 17, at Pembroke Coll., Oxford; preached sermon at Bromsgrove, in July 1708 (no doubt under nonconformist auspices), afterwards printed. Will dated 4 Jan. 1719/20, proved 31 Oct. 1721, in P.C.C. Mard. before 11 July 1689, to Martha, dau. of Matthew Bridges, of Alcester, gent., and sister to Brooke Bridges, esq. By her, whose will, dated 24 July 1727, was proved 8 May 1733, in P.C.C., he had no issue. (3) John Porter, bapt. 16 Feb. 1666/7, at Bromsgrove; died 13 Mch. (? May) 1685; burd. at Bromsgrove. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 107

(1) Elizabeth Porter, born 4 Aug. 1657, at Bromsgrove; burd. there 19 Aug. 1657. (2) Elizabeth Porter, mard. 18 Nov. 1691, at Bromsgrove, to ...... Huband (or Hurbum); living 4 Jan. 1719/20. (3) Frances Porter, mard. before 11 July 1689 to John Johnson; living I Apl. 1703. Mary Porter, bapt. I I Mch. 1639/40, at Bromsgrove ; unmard. 24 Feb. 1673/4 ; mard. Henry Dowlard. By him, who was alive 16 Nov. 1696, she, who was alive I Apl. 1703, had issue, (1) Henry Dowlard, living 27 Dec. 1690, and I Apl. 1703 ; under age, 16 Nov. 1696. (2) Joshua Dowlard, living 27 Dec. 1690 and I Apl. 1703 ; under age, 16 Nov. 1696. Elizabeth Porter, bapt. 1 July 1647, at Bromsgrove; unmard. 24 Feb. 1673/4; ? died unmard. before 16 Nov. 1696. Rebecca Porter, bapt. 4 Dec. 1652 and burd. 18 Aug. 1670, at Broms­ grove. Priscilla Porter, of Bromsgrove; born 31 Oct. 1656, at Bromsgrove; died unmard. ; burd. 22 Sept. 1694, at Bromsgrove. Will dated 4 Sept. 1694, proved 29 Sept. 1694, at Worcester. Hester Porter, of Bromsgrove; under 21, 24 Feb. 1673/4; died unmard.; burd. 27 May 1695, at Bromsgrove. Admon. granted 29 June 1695, at Worcester. Hannah Porter, of Bromsgrove; died unmard.; burd. 5 Jan. 1690/1, at Bromsgrove. Will dated 27 Dec. 1690, proved 11 Mch. 1690/1, at Worcester. III. Robert Porter, of Birmingham, sword cutler, and of Edgbaston; Captain in Parliamentary army; converted com mill in Digbeth, Birmingham, into a blade mill ; born about 1607 ; to inherit father's lands at Birming­ ham and Middleton (? co. Warwick). In 1640/1 appointed trustee of Kilcuppe or Field's Charity, and of Lench's Trust, at Birmingham. Nuncupative will dated 17 Aug. 1648; admon. granted 26 Oct. 1648, in P.C.C. Mard. Hannah, dau. of ...... , about Aug. 1636, who was of Birmingham, widow, 29 Nov. 1650. As his four daus. were born before 1636, he must have been previously mard. to a wife whose name is not known. By his two wives he had issue, I. Josiah Porter, of Birmingham, cutler; living 3 Dec. 1697. Mard...... , and had issue, Ann Porter, bapt. 6 Jan. 1689/90, at St. Martin's, Birmingham. 2. Samuel Porter, of New Hall, Birmingham, sword cutler; took lease of coal mines at Cannock Wood Chase, co. Staffs., from Lord Paget, for 21 years from 11 Oct. 1688; bapt. 4 June 1640, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; burd. 29 Apl. 1719, at Edgbaston. Mard. Sarah, dau. of ...... who was burd. 1 May 1713, at Edgbaston, and had issue, 108 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

(1) Henry Porter, bapt. 3 Apl. 1672, at St. Martin's, Birminghan1 ; living eldest son, 1697; of London, gent., 29 Nov. 1699. (2) Samuel Porter, bapt. 13 July 1677 and burd. 26 July 1682, at St. Martin's, Birmingham. (3) Robert Porter, bapt. 25 Dec. 1679, at St. Martin's, Birmingham (living 26 Feb. 1757). Mard. Mary, dau. of ...... (also living 26 Feb. 1757), and had issue a son, whose dau . ., Anne Porter, was living unmard. 26 Feb. 1757; a dau., mard. to Mr. Ford, and living 26 Feb. 1757; a dau., Mary Porter (living 26 Feb., 1757), and perhaps a son, James Porter, and a dau., Frances, mard. to ...... Reydon, both alive on 26 Feb. 1757. (1) Sarah Porter, bapt. 4 Apl. 1673, at St. Martin's, Birmingham, and perhaps burd. there as " a child " on 16 Oct. 1675. (2) Hannah Porter, of Stratford-upon-Avon, co. Warwick; bapt. 12 May 1674, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; died unmard.; burd. 30 Mch. 1757, at Edgbaston, by her fathe'Y, mothe'Y, sister, and all her ancesto'Ys. Will dated 26 Feb. 1757, proved 26 May 1757, in P.C.C. (3) Elizabeth Porter, bapt. Oct. 1678, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; perhaps burd. there as" a child" on 7 July 1681. (4) Elizabeth Porter, bapt. 20 July 1683, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; perhaps burd. there as" a child" on 3 Apl. 1685. I. Ann Porter, bapt. 8 Nov. 1629, at St. Martin's, Birmingham. 2. Sarah Porter, bapt. 15 Aug. 1630, at St. Martin's, Birmingham: living 17 Aug. 1648 ; perhaps mard. to Thomas Lowbridge. 3. Hannah Porter, bapt. 10 Oct. 1632, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; mentioned in Chancery suit of 14 Jan. 1696/7, as having reached maturity. 4. Hester Porter, bapt. 5 Apl. 1635, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; mentioned with sister Hannah, as above. IV. HENRY PORTER, of whom p,yesently. I. Sarah Porter, unmard. 12 Feb. 1618/19; mard. 23 April 1629. as his first wife, to Samuel Eborall, of Gray's Inn, London, and of Balsall, par. of Hampton-in-Arden, co. Warwick, and later of Coventry, J.P. co. Warwick. She died in Sept. 1666, leaving issue by him (see EBORALL pedigree, post, p. 137). II. Joan Porter, under 21, 12 Feb. 1618/19; mard. 27 Oct. 1630 to Waldyve Willington, of Hurley Hall, par. of Kingsbury, co.Warwick, esq., eldest son of Thomas Willington, of Hurley Hall. Waldyve Willington, bapt. 18 Apl. 1600, and died 17 Apl. 1677, was Governor of Tamworth Castle for the Parliamentarians, during the Civil War. Will dated 10 Mch. 1675/6, proved 5 May 1676, at Lichfield. His widow was alive 5 May 1676: for their descendants, see Burke's Landed Gentry, 1853. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES rog

III. Anne Porter, under 21, 12 Feb. 1618/19; unmard. 10 Sept. 1633; mard. Thomas Norton, of Knowle, co. Warwick, only son of John Norton, Recorder of Warwick. He was born in or about 1609, living in 1660, and dead in May 1698; burd. at Knowle. She died a widow, 14 May 1698, and was burd. at St. Mary's, Warwick, having had issue (see NORTON pedigree, post, p. 149).

HENRY PORTER, fou-rth and youngest son of Henry Porter preceding,· born about 1616; to inherit his father's lands at Alvechurch; of Cambridge, gent., a minor, 1 Feb. 1635/6; living 31 Jan. 1636/7 ; sold land at Gannow (where his mother had purchased the manor in 1624), par. of Bromsgrove, in 1650, as Henry Porter, gent. Perhaps the Henry Porter, gent., who was churchwarden at Knowle, co. Warwick, in 1681, and was burd. there on 6 Oct. 1694, when his son, " 1V1r. Porter," paid for his grave: Mrs. Margaret Porter, probably his widow, was burd. there on 18 June 1699. By a strict process of elimination identified as the father of, HENRY PORTER, of Birmingham, mercer, of whom presently. and probably also of, Alice (? Porter), mard. to John Allen, of Birmingham, wire-drawer, ,vho in his will dated 19 Jan. 1688/9 and proved 24 Aug. 1692, at Lichfield, nominates his "brother," Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, as overseer thereof. John and Alice Allen had issue one dau., Sarah Allen, of Birmingham, died unmard. In her will, dated 18 Apl. 1696, of which admon. was granted 20 Jan. 1696/7, at Lichfield, she leaves £10 each to her uncle, Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, and her aunt, Sarah Porter, his wife, in addition to bequests to their children.

HENRY PORTER, identified as son of Henry Porter preceding ; of Birmingham, mercer, and of Edgbaston; held leases in Kings Norton; had money dealings with Josiah Porter, above, in 1691-2, and with Josiah's brother, Samuel, in 1696; elected a Governor of King Edward's School, Birmingham, 19 Oct. 1687. Died 28 Sept. 1710, aged 60, and was burd. at Edgbaston, where a monument to his memoYy also commemorates, retrospectively, Henry Porter [1570-1620], of Edgbaston, gent., above, and his son, William Porter [1599?-1633], esquire. Will dated 19 Feb. 1707/8, proved 30 Apl. 1711, in P.C.C. Mard. Sarah, dau. of ...... , who died 16 July 1724, aged 73, and was burd. with her husband at Edgbaston. By her, whose will, dated 31 Jan. 1715/16, was proved 26 Sept. 1726, in P.C.C., Henry Porter had issue, I. Henry Porter, bapt. 9 Feb. 1683/4, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; must have died young. II. Samuel Porter, born 3 Oct. 1686 ; bapt. 26 Oct. 1686, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; probably burd. there 17 Dec. 1686. III. Joseph Porter, of London, and of Mortlake, co. Surrey, Hamburg merchant; had his portrait painted by Hogarth. Bapt. 1 Jan. 1688/9, IIO JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; died 7 Apl. 1749, at his house in Iron­ monger Lane. Will dated 23 Mch. 1748/9, proved 7 Apl. 1749, in P.C.C. IV. HARRY PORTER, of Birmingham, mercer, of whom pyesently. V. Edward Porter, of Birmingham, draper; a minor, 18 Apl. 1696; probably dead, 19 Feb. 1707 /8. Mard., and had issue, John Porter, bapt. 22 Oct. 1703, at St. Martin's, Birmingham. Felicia Porter, bapt. 21 Mch. 1706/7 and burd. 17 June 1707, at St. Martin's, Birmingham . .I. Susanna Porter, bapt. 26 Jan. 1676/7, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; mard. before 18 Apl. 1696 to Samuel Eborall, of London, by whom she (who was living a widow, 27 June 1737) had issue (see EBORALL pedigree, post, p. 138). II. Sarah Porter, bapt. 1 Jan. 1678/9, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; died in infancy. III. Sarah Porter, bapt. 29 Mch. 1679, at St. Martin's, Birmingham. IV. Lucy Porter, bapt. 5 Oct. 1685, and probably burd. 29 Nov. 1685, at St. Martin's, Birmingham. V. Lucy Porter, bapt. 6 Apl. 1690, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; mard. 10 June 1726, at St. Luke's, Chelsea, to the Rev. John Hunter, Head­ master of Lichfield Grammar School, as his second wife. She died in 1768, aged 78; burd. 8 Apl. 1768 at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; her will, dated 19 Sept. 1762, was proved 16 Apl. 1768, in P.C.C. By the Rev. John Hunter she had issue (see HUNTER pedigree, post, p. 177).

HARRY PORTER, younge, su,viving son of Hen1'y PoYtef' pyeceding ,· of High Street, Birmingham, mercer; bapt. 12 July 1691, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; died 3 Sept. 1734, in St. Martin's par. ; burd. 5 Sept. 1734, at Edgbaston. Will dated 22 May 1734, proved 17 Sept. 1734, in P.C.C. Mard., by licence from Lich­ field dated 4 Feb. 1714/15, Elizabeth, second dau. of William Jervis, of Great Peatling, co. Leic., esq. (see JERVIS pedigree, ante, p. 43), by Anne his wife, dau. of Henry Darell, of the Middle Temple, London, esq. (see DARELL pedigree, ante, p. 53). She was born 4 Feb. 1688/9 ; bapt. 16 Feb. 1688/9, at Great Peatling; and mard. 2ndly., on 9 July 1735, at St. Werburgh's, Derby, to SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. Harry Porter had issue by her, who died 17 Mch. 1752, in par. of St. Bride's, London, and was burd. at Bromley, co. Kent, I. Jervis Henry Porter, Captain R.N.; of Spring Gardens, par. of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London; bapt. 29 Jan. 1716/17, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; inherited largely under will of his uncle, Joseph Porter, above, in 1749; died 31 Mch. 1763, unmard. Will dated 30 Apl. 1759, proved 15 Apl. 1763, in P.C.C. II. Joseph Porter, of Leghorn, in Italy, merchant; born about 1724; in 1746 went to Madeira with his partner, Laye Stevens, to open a business house there. In 1749 inherited £2,000 from his uncle, Joseph Porter, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES III

above. Settled in Leghorn by 1759. Betrothed to his youthful kins­ woman, Sarah Seward, who died in 1764 (see HUNTER pedigree, post, p. 177). Died unmard., 19 Oct. 1783, at Leghorn, and burd. in British Cemetery there next day. Will dated 19 Apl. 1779, proved 26 Nov. 1783, in P.C.C. I. Lucy Porter, of Lichfield, the friend and correspondent of her stepfather, DR. JOHNSON. Bapt. 8 Nov. 1715, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; lived for a time with her mother and stepfather, after their marriage, at Edial; afterwards, for many years, lived with old Mrs. Johnson, at Lichfield, and helped in the shop; in 1749 inherited legacy of £500 from her uncle, Joseph Porter, of London, above; after old Mrs. Johnson's death, in 1759, continued in the house, with Catherine Chambers, the old family servant; in 1763 inherited a fortune estimated at £10,000 from her elder brother, Captain Porter, R.N., and built herself a fine house at Lichfield, into which she moved in 1766, and where afterwards she always entertained Dr. Johnson on his visits to his native city. Inherited the fortune of her other brother, Joseph Porter of Leghorn, in 1783. Died 13 Jan. 1786, aged 70, unmard.; burd. at St. Chad's, Lichfield. Will dated 22 Sept. 1784, proved 8 Feb. 1786, in P.C.C. Bequeathed the bulk of her estate to her young clergyman friend, the Rev. John Batteridge Pearson.

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE OF COLMORE OF BIRMINGHAM (See ante, VI.,"'6, 16) The Colmores, connected with the Porters (ante, p. 105), were one of the great families of Birmingham, and the name is still kept familiar there by the well known business avenues of Colmore Row and Great Colmore Street. There are also a number of streets bearing the Christian names of various members of the family, Edmund Street, Great Charles Street, Lionel Street, Mary Ann Street, George Street, Caroline Street, and perhaps others. There used to be also Ann Street and Little Charles Street, obliterated some time ago. Cregoe Street marks the change of ownership when the Colmores died out in the first half of the nineteenth century. No other family has its name written over Birmingham to the same extent (see '' Table Talk,'' in the Birmingham Mail for 26 June 1920). Their long association with the town, their rise to wealth, and their eventual disappearance, makes their history well worth recording, apart from their relation to any special J ohnsonian enquiry. 112 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. No pedigree of the family has been printed before, excepting the early scrappy ones in the Visitations of Warwickshire and Durham. My pedigree is principally based upon the various wills cited, and upon the registers of St. Martin's, Birmingham, ,vhich have been printed in two volumes from their commencement in 1554 to 1708. All baptisms, marriages and burials in the pedigree are from St. Martin's, unless otherwise specified. I may add that the pedigree absorbs all the baptisms and marriages there for the whole period mentioned ; naturally there are, as always, a number of burials which cannot be identified with certainty. The registers of St. Mary's, Warwick, were kindly searched for me, at short notice, by Mr. E.G. Tibbits, from their commencement in 1611, down to about 1770. In this case the entries were not very numerous, and all connect with the pedigree. Mr. Philip B. Chatwin, F.R.I.B.A., a well known authority, has supplied me with notes on the Colmore monuments (such as they are) at St. Martin's. Mr. H. M. Cashmore, the City Librarian of Birmingham, has been at much trouble to give me particulars of the extensive collection of Colmore papers that came under his care in 1931, when the Trustees of the Colmore Estate instructed their lawyer to hand over to the Reference Library such of the documents and deeds as were not required for immediate use. Unfortunately, they do not go back earlier than 1676, so that the pre-Warwick deeds must have been lost or fallen into other hands. A sketchy modem pedigree, beginning with William Colmore of Warwick, who died in 1675, accompanies the collection, and supplies a few useful particulars of later generations. A thorough examination of all the papers, which there has not been time to undertake (this pedigree having been constructed at the last moment before sending my MS. to the printer) would probably reveal fresh detail, for they include not merely deeds, but also wills, plans of the estates, burial certificates, letters and miscellaneous papers. The crux of the pedigree lay in the difficulty of proving that the said William CoJmore, of Warwick (whose will has not been traced), was identical with William Colmore who was born at Birmingham in 1602. The evidence concerning the two figures seemed to dovetail together in so many ways that little room was left for doubt, especially as there THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES II3 was no other contemporary who could not be distinguished from them. But proof was lacking until the entry of the marriage of William Colmore to Elizabeth Wagstaffe at Warwick in 1623 sho,ved him to be no other than the William Colmore mentioned in a Chancery suit of 1638-9, in connexion with Birmingham Grammar School, as having married his first wife Elizabeth in 21 James I., whose identity with the William Colmore born in 1602 is in those proceedings made evident. The arms of Colmore, as registered at the Visitation of Warwick­ shire in 1619, were, " Gules, billettee and three crescents or ;" crest, "A Moor's head couped in dexter profile proper wreathed gules and or " -and at the Visitation of Durham in 1615, " Gules, billettee and three crescents or, a crescent charged with a mullet for difference;" crest, "A negro's head wreathed erminois and gu." The monument at Wanvick to William Colmore who died in 1675 also has the arms '' billettee 3 crescents;'' as again has the one to his son William in 1723. The arms on the monument at Finchley to Charles Colmore who died in 1732 are given as " Billety and 3 crescents impaling a chevron between 3 bits." The Colmores can claim a number of Johnsonian connexions. Harry Porter, the first husband of Mrs. Johnson, descended from the marriage of Henry Porter to Ann Colmore in 1594, as did also a large number of other people with Johnsonian associations, shown on the frontispiece-pedigree. And, as explained elsewhere (ante, p. 55), it was through the Colmores settling at Warwick and becoming friendly with the J ervises that the fuse was lit which eventually led to Johnson marrying the widow of the Colmore's cousin, Harry Porter of Birm­ ingham. William Colmore, M.P. for Wanvick, was a trustee of William Jervis's will in 1695, and he and his son, the younger William, himself afterwards M.P. for Warwick, were trustees of the re-settlement of the Jervis estates in 1703, which determined the amount of the fortune that "Tetty" was later on to bring in marriage to Johnson. From the marriage of Thomas Smalbroke to Elizabeth Colmore in 1570 descended the John Smalbroke who was guardian to Johnson's grandfather, Cornelius Ford, in 1651 ; Richard Smalbroke, who was from 1731 to 1749, father of" Dr. Smalbroke of the Commons," whom Johnson requested Dr. Adams to consult regarding the qualifications required of an advocate, and of Catherine Smalbroke, 114 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. who married Johnson's fellow-collegian, William Vyse, in 1733, as well as of her sister Mary, who married Edmund Bateman, the Christ Church tutor whose reputation Johnson rated so highly (ante, III., 35; IV., 39 ; V., 13-14, 210 ; VI., 115-16, 129). It is remarkable that the Colmores, with the immense families they produced for generation after generation, should have become extinct, at any rate in the elder male line, which is followed here to its conclusion. The printed sources drawn upon in the construction of the pedigree are as follows : Foster's Alumni Oxonienses (Colmore and Ingoldsby) ; Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses (Colmore); Durham Visitation Pedi­ grees, ed. Joseph Foster, 1887, pp. 78-9 (Colmore ped.), 131 (Fulthorpe ped.), and 171 (Hilton ped.); Harleian Soc., vol. 4, "Visitation of Notts," p. 177 (Barnard and Colmore), vol. 5, "Visitation of co. Oxford," pp. 15g-60 (Barnard m. Colmore), vol. 12, "Visitation of Warwickshire," p. 335 (Colmore ped.), vol. 24, "Marr. Lie., Faculty Office of Archbp. of Cant. at London," p. 145 (Ingoldsby m. Colmore) ; Dugdale Soc., vols. IV., VII. and XII., " Records of King Edward's School, Birmingham," ed. W. F. Carter and E. A. B. Barnard (Colmore refs. as there indexed) ; Lysons's Environs of London, 1795, II., 337-8 (Colmore mons. at Finchley), III., 11, 12 (do. at Hendon); Pedigree of Turton, by F. A. Homer and C. S. James, 1924, p. 19 (Turton m. Colmore) ; Church of St. Mary, Warwick, Warwick, 1845, pp. 48, 53 (Colmore mons.); Survey of Birmingham in 1553, ed. W. B. Bickley and Joseph Hill (various refs.); Shropshire Archlgcl. and Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. IX. (1886), pp. 50-1 (ped. of Waring of Humphreston, showing Colmore descendants, in article by H. F. J. Vaughan, " Further Par­ ticulars of Donington," pp. 1-80) ; Shropshire Par. Reg. Soc., vol. 3, " Donington," pp. iii., 32, 36, 44 (Colmore entries), and vol. 16, "Oldbury," p. iv. (Cornwallis) ; Surtees Soc., vol. 142, p. 74 (Colmore item); Misc. Gen. et Her., 3rd. Ser., III., 161-2 (Greysbrooke ped.), and New Ser., III., 453 (re Colmore, Fynney and Alport) ; John Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana, 1719, I., 73 (Colmore mon. in Durham Cath.) ; Lipscomb's Bucks., II., 169 (Ingoldsby ped.) ; Sleigh's Leek, 2nd. ed., 1883, p. 175 (Fynney ped.); Gent. Mag., 1760, p. 249 (Colmore m. Gulston), 1784, p. 476 (Colmore death), 1807, p. 385 (do.); European Mag., 1795, p. 143 (Colmore death) ; Hist. Reg. Chron., 1722, p. 49, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 115 and 1731, p. 27 (Colmore deaths) ; Burke's Extinct Baronetcies (ln­ goldsby) ; Harleian Soc., "Register Section," vol. 23, "Durham Cathedral," pp. 82-4 (Clement Colmore and his family), and vol. 26, "St. Paul's Cathedral," p. 47 (Colmore m. iVIilner); Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection, Supplement 1918-1931 (City of Birmingham Public Libraries, Reference Department, 1931), pp. 215 (deed 303,925), 222 (deed 303,926), 235 (deed 371,972), and 256 (deeds 371,973 and 372,536). The curious way in which a rather uncommon Christian name sometimes acquires a vogue in a particular neighbourhood is well illustrated in Birmingham during the 16th. and 17th. centuries, where a number of the leading families, such as Philips, Colmore, Jennings, Foxall, Freeman and Rotton, all showed an inclination to have sons called Ambrose. WILLIAM COLMORE, of Birmingham ; an original Governor of Birmingham Grammar School in 1551/2 ; burd. 23 Mch. 1558/9. Mard ...... , dau. of ...... Lane, and had issue, I. WILLIAM COLMORE, of whom presently. II. Richard Colmore, of London, citizen and grocer, 14 May 1566. III. John Colmore, of St. Giles-without-Cripplegate, London, citizen and grocer. Will dated 27 Oct. 1600, proved 28 Apl. 1601, in P.C.C. Mard...... , and had issue, John Colmore, living 28 Apl. 1601. Mard ...... , and had issue, Edward Colmore, under 21 on 27 Oct. 1600. Henry Colmore, under 21 on 27 Oct. 1600. George Colmore, living 28 Apl. 1601. Robert Colmore, living 27 Oct. 1600. Susan Colmore, living unmard. 27 Oct. 1600. Jasper Colmore, living 27 Oct. 1600. WILLIAM COLMORE, eldest son of William Colmore p,-eeeding ,· of Birmingham, mercer; an original Governor of Birmingham Grammar School in 1551/2; burd. 22 June 1566. Will dated 14 May 1566, proved 23 Aug. 1566, in P.C.C. Mard. Joan, dau. of Henry Hunt, of Tanworth, co. Warwick, and of Elizabeth his wife, and sister to Oliver Hunt, of Tanworth. She remard., on 5 Aug. 1567, John Ward, the elder (dead I May 1595). Her will, dated I May 1595, was proved 26 Jan. 1597/8, in P.C.C. (to be burd. in B'ham church). William and Joan Colmore, to whose memory there is an alabaster slab under the pews at St. Martin's, had issue, I. WILLIAM COLMORE, of whom presently. I II6 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

II. Rev. Clement Colmore; admitted at Oxford, 1566; B.A., 16 Jan. 1569/70; M.A., 14 Mch. 1572/3 (incorp. at Cambridge, 1579) ; Fellow of Brasenose Coll., 1578 ; Proctor, 1578; B.C.L., 22 Oct. 1580 ; D.C.L., 5 July 1582; ord. deacon, at Durham, 22 Sept. 1583; Rector of Brance­ peth, co. Durham, 1584; Canon of Durham, and Chancellor of the Diocese, 1587; Master of St. Edmund's Hospital, Durham, 1587; Rector of Gateshead, co. Durham, 1588 ; Canon of Lichfield, 1588 ; Prebendary of Durham, 9 May 1590; Rector of Middleton-in-Teesdale, co. Durham, 1599; died 18 June 1619; burd. 20 June in Durham Cath. Will dated 29 Dec. 1615, with codicil of June 1619, proved I Sept. 1619, at York. Clement Colmore mard. twice, both wives predeceasing him and being burd. in Durham Cath. By the second of these wives, Mary, dau. of Thomas Barnard, of Pirton, co. Oxford, D.D. (and of Edith his wife), whom he mard. on 8 Jan. 1579, and who died in child-bed in 1592 (when her funeral sermon was preached by the Dean, Tobie Matthew [1546-1628], afterwards Archbishop of York, after whom her son Toby no doubt was named), he had issue, I. Rev. Thomas Colmore; born about 1580; eldest son; matric. 20 Jan. 1597/8, aged 17, from Merton Coll., Oxford ; B.A. from Brasenose Coll., 19 Feb. 1600/1 ; M.A., 30 June 1603; Vicar of Bedlington, co. Durham (now Northumberland), 1604, where succeeded by a Robert Colmore in 1610; died before 29 Dec. 1615. Mard. Eleanor, dau. of Nicholas Fulthorpe~ of Tunstall, co. Durham, esq., and had issue by her, (1) Abraham Colmore; born 1606/7; son and heir, 1615; matric. 21 Nov. 1628, from Queen's Coll., Oxford ; sup. for B.A., 26 Nov. 1627 ; B.C.L., from St. Alban Hall, 26 July 1630. (1) Mary Colmore, mard. about 1634, or earlier, to Lancelot Hilton, of the City of Durham, who was born about 1608, son of Lancelot Hilton, and had issue by him, who mard. again, had further issue, and was living 21 Aug. 1666. 2. Rev. Richard Colmore ; born about 1584 ; matric. 12 Nov. 1602, aged 18, from Christ Church, Oxford; B.A., 2 July 1606; M.A., 5 July 1609; Rector of Elton, co. Durham, 1609 (living I Sept. 1619). 3. Clement Colmore (godson to Elizabeth, dau. of Christopher Wandis­ forde, of Aldwark, co. York, and wife of Anthony Wren, of Bishop Auckland). Mard. Jane, dau. and coheir of Matthew Bee, of Nine­ banks, co. Northumberland, and living 29 Dec. 1615. 4. Joseph Colmore ; dead 29 Dec. 1615. 5. Francis Colmore, born about 1585; matric. 8 Mch. 1604/5, aged 20, from Christ Church, Oxford; dead 29 Dec. 1615. 6. Toby Colmore. 7. Abel Colmore ; had no issue. 8. John Colmore ; had no issue. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES II7

9. Rev. Matthew Colmore ; born about 1590 ; matric. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 16, from Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford; B.A., 23 Jan. 1609/10; Fellow; M.A., 10 Mch. 1612/13 (incorp. at Cambridge, 1614) ; Rector of Brancepeth, co. Durham, 1619 ; died 14 Feb. 1625/6. Will dated 12 Feb. 1625/6, proved 3 Apl. 1626, at Oxford (V.C.C.) ; to be burd. in Chapel of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 10. Timothy Colmore ; born 18 Dec. 1591 ; bapt. St. Mary-le-Bow, London; matric. 16 June 1610, aged 18, from Queen's Coll., Oxford; B.A., 9 July 1612 ; burd. 27 Nov. 1613, in Durham Cath. 1. Mary Colmore, living June I 613 as wife of Christopher Fulthorpe, of Tunstall, co. Durham, son and heir of Nicholas Fulthorpe (mentioned above), of Tunstall, esq. She, who was living 12 Feb. 1625/6, had issue by him, who died 25 Feb. 1662. III. Edward Colmore, living 14 May 1566. IV. Ambrose Colmore, of Birmingham; bapt. 18 July 1556; burd. 16 May 1624. Mard. Mary, dau. of ...... , whose will, dated 2 June 1643 (to be burd. at Birmingham), was proved 21 Nov. 1645, in P.C.C., and apparently had issue, extending over thirty years, as follows, 1. Ambrose Colmore, of Birmingham, mercer; bapt. 24 Dec. 1583 ; living 18 May 1639. Will dated 30 Dec. 1638, proved 19 Nov. 1639, in P.C.C. (to be burd. at Birmingham). Mard. Anne, dau. of ...... , and by her, who was living 30· Dec. 1638, had issue, (1) Ambrose Colmore, bapt. 24 Feb. 1627/8 ; living, under 21, on 30 Dec. 1638. (2) John Colmore, bapt. 9 Aug. 1629; living, younger son, on 30 Dec. 1638. (1) Mary Colmore, bapt. 26 Nov. 1620; eldest dau.; unmard. on 2 June 1643. (2) Jane Colmore, bapt. 27 Mch. 1622; unmard. on 2 June 1643. (3) Anne Colmore, bapt. 8 May 1636 ; unmard. on 30 Mch. 1639. (4) Deborah Colmore, bapt. 10 Dec. 1637. 2. Richard Colmore, of Birmingham; bapt. 18 Mch. 1591/2; living 2 June 1643 ; perhaps " Mr. Richard Colmer," burd. 19 Nov. 1669. Mard. Ann, dau. of ...... , and had issue, Mary Colmore, bapt. 8 Apl. 1632; perhaps mard. 20 Dec. 1658 to Mr. Edward Birch, of par. of Aston, by Birmingham. Richard Colmore, bapt. 27 Feb. 1633/4 ; mard ...... , and had issue, A child, burd. 7 May 1663. Richard Colmore, born 3 June 1663. Stephen Colmore, of Camp Hill, Birmingham ; bapt. 28 Apl. 1636 ; burd. 1 Oct. 1683. Mard. 16 May 1665, at Edgbaston, to Sarah Biddle, of Aston, and had issue, A dau., burd. 4 July 1667. 118 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

3. Thomas Colmore, living 2 June 1643. 4. Abraham Colmore, of Birmingham ; bapt. 15 Apl. 1604 ; Governor of Birmingham Grammar School, 1661-2, 1669 and 1673-4; burd. 12 Nov. 1676. Mard. Ann, dau. of ..... , and by her, who was burd. 13 May 1670, had issue, Mary Colmore, bapt. 19 July 1640. Anne Colmore, bapt. 27 Mch. 1642 ; living 2 June 1643. Mary Colmore, bapt. 27 Oct. 1644 ; living 2 June 1643. 5. John Colmore, bapt. 10 May 1607. 6. Joseph Colmore, bapt. 2 Mch. 1609/10. 7. William Colmore, of Birmingham, gent.; bapt. 22 Dec. 1613; youngest son on 2 June 1643; Bailiff of Birmingham Grammar School in 1658/9, Governor in 1673/4, 1676 and 1689, and elector for Governors in 1689; died 8 Nov. 1708, aged 95; slab to his memory under pews ~t St. Martin's. Mard. (? Elizabeth, living 16 Oct. 1663), and had issue, (1) Elizabeth Colmore; eldest dau. and unmard., 16 Oct. 1663; mard. 1686, at Handsworth, to Nathaniel Turton, bapt. 8 Mch. 1662/3, at Rowley Regis; son of Rev. William Turton, Minister of Rowley Regis, co. Staffs. She was burd. 8 Mch. 1690/1, at St. Martin's, Birmingham, admon. of her estate being granted 7 June 1695, at Lichfield, and left issue. (2) Mary Colmore, born 27 Oct. 1654 ; unmard. 16 Oct. 1663 ; dead 10 July 1695. (3) Sarah Colmore, born Sept. 1659; unmard. 16 Oct. 1663; dead 10 July 1695. 1. Joan Colmore, unmard. 1 May 1595. 2. Ann Colmore, bapt. 23 Jan. 1589/90; mard. 18 May 1625 to John Caplewood, of Birmingham, as his second wife, both being alive on 2 June 1643, with issue. 3. Elizabeth Colmore, bapt. 23 Apl. 1601. John Peake, of Birmingham, gent., Governor of the Grammar School in 1661/2, who was burd. 21 Oct. 1663, in his will dated 16 Oct. 1663 and proved 7 Nov. 1663, in P.C.C., mentions " my brother-in-law William Colmore and Elizabeth his wife," "my cosen Sarah Colmore," "my cosen Mary Colmore (another daughter of William and Elizabeth)," "my cosen Elizabeth Colmore eldest daughter of William," "my loving sister Elizabeth Colmore," "my mother Colmore," "my brother-in-law Abraham Colmore," "Abraham Colmore the elder," "Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah Colmore daughters of my brother-in-law William Colmore," and "my sister Mary Colmore." It seems clear that he must have mard. a Colmore, at first one would say a daughter of Ambrose Colmore whose children are here enumerated. But he THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES rr9 mentions his "mother Colmore," whereas Ambrose's widow, as we have seen, died in or before 1645. He mard. first, in Dec. 1657, Sarah Billingsley, who was burd. on 24 May 1658. His second wife, apparently a Colmore, was burd. 20 July 1663 (Christian name not given in register), after the birth of a dau. Eleanor, bapt. 18 June 1663, who herself was burd. 17 Oct. 1663. Mr. Fowler Carter has discussed the problem of whichofthe Colmores John Peake mard., but without coming to a conclusion (Dugdale Soc., XII., 230-33). It is clear that the account I give here of Ambrose Colmore's family is neither complete nor perfect. None of the Colmore wills mention the Peake connexion. V. Thomas Colmore, bapt. 7 Aug. 1557 ; living I May 1595 ; dead I Nov. 1631. VI. John Colmore, bapt. 20 Sept. 1558; living I Nov. 1631 ; dead 6 Apl. 1638. Mard ...... , and had issue, John Colmore, living 22 Nov. 1631; dead 6 Apl. 1638. VII. Robert Colmore, bapt. 22 Jan. 1560/1 ; living 14 May 1566; ? burd. 3 July 1567. VIII. Abraham Colmore, of Plymouth, co. Devon, merchant ; bapt. 28 Mch. 1562 ; died unmard. Will dated I Nov. 1631, proved 22 Nov. 1631, in P.C.C. I. Elizabeth Colmore, under 21 on 14 May 1566; mard. 20 Nov. 1570 to Thomas Smalbroke, of Birmingham, mercer, son of Richard Smalbroke, of Birmingham, yeoman. He was burd. 4 Feb. 1608/9; his will, dated 10 June 1608, was proved 15 May 1609, in P.C.C. She was burd. 12 May 1628; her will, dated 2 Oct. 1617, was proved 28 May 1628, at Lichfield. They left issue. II. Mary Colmore, bapt. 23 July 1555 ; mard. 20 Dec. 1576 to Richard Harris, and living I May 1595. III. Dorothy Colmore, bapt. 3 Dec. 1559; mard. 23 Jan. 1592/3 to William Alport, by him had issue, and was living I May 1595. IV. Ann Colmore, bapt. 18 May 1563 ; mard. 10 Nov. 1588 to Thomas Crane, had issue by him, and was living 30 Mch. 1639. V. Joan Colmore, bapt. 7 May 1564 ; mard. 22 Mch. 1583/4 to Edward Smith, of Birmingham. He was living I May 1595, and dead 30 Mch. 1639 ; burd. at St. Martin's. She died without issue in 1639 ; will dated 30 Mch. 1639, proved 18 May 1639, in P.C.C. {to be burd. by her husband). VI. Judith Colmore, bapt. 22 Feb. 1565/6; mard. 13 Nov. 1593 to William Harman; living I May 1595. WILLIAM COLMORE, eldest son of William Colmo,e preceding and Joan Hunt his wife~· of New Hall, Birmingham ; burd. 13 Feb. 1607/8. Mard. Anne, dau. and sole heir of William Fynney, of Cannock, co. Staffs., and of Agnes his wife; she, 120 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. who brought her husband property in the Leek district of Staffs., whence the Fynneys came, was burd. 6 Sept. 1597. William and Anne Colmore, to whose memory in 1612 their son William placed a monument on the East wall of the South transept of St. Martin's, had issue, I. WILLIAM COLMORE, of whom presently. II. Thomas Colmore, of Birmingham, and of Yardley, co. Wore.; bapt. 6 Aug. 1577 ; burd. 26 May 1613, at St. Martin's. Will dated I May 1613, proved 8 Oct. 1613, in P.C.C. Mard. Elizabeth, dau. of John Shelton, of Birmingham, mercer (by Barbara his wife, dau. of Francis Stanley, of West Bromwich, by Winifred his wife, dau. of Thomas Middlemore, Lord of the Manor of Edgbaston), and sister of Sir Richard Shelton, Solicitor-General to Charles I. In her will, dated 4 Oct. 1616, and proved 29 Apl. 1618, in P.C.C., she mentions only one child, her dau. Barbara Devereux, and that dau.'s eldest son, Edward Devereux. Thomas Colmore, too, had left £5 to " my daughter Barbara," whom at first I took without question to be their dau., a Colmore. But some old letters from the late W. B. Bickley reminded me that it was Barbara (bapt. 15 Aug. 1593, at Yardley), dau. of Robert Smalbroke, of Yardley, gent., who mard. Henry Devereux, on 20 Sept. 1614, at Sheldon, co. Warw. It was therefore clear that Thomas Colmore's wife, Elizabeth Shelton (bapt. 30 Nov. 1568, at St. Martin's, Birmingham), must have been the widow of Robert Smalbroke, who was a son of Richard Smalbroke, of Yardley, co. Wore., and of Ravenhurst, Bordesley, par. of Aston-juxta-Birmingham, and a nephew of the Thomas Smalbroke who had mard. Thomas Colmore's aunt, Elizabeth Colmore, in 1570. Robert Smalbroke and Elizabeth Shelton were mard. 22 Sept. 1589, at St. Martin's, Birmingham. Henry Devereux, who was a younger son of Sir Edward Devereux, of Castle Bromwich, co. Warw., 1st bart., by Katherine his wife, dau. of Edward Arden, of Park Hall, co. Warw.; a grandson of Walter, 1st. Viscount Hereford; and a brother of Walter, 5th. Viscount Hereford, is said to have died without issue, in which case his son Edward cannot have survived. After Henry Devereux's death, his widow Barbara seems to have mard. Aylmer Foliot, of Blakeley Hall, Yardley, son of Sir John Foliot, knt., by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of John Aylmer [1521-94], Bishop of London ; he was the donor of a bell to Yardley church in 1638, was burd. at Yardley on 21 Jan. 1677 /8, and his widow Barbara on 23 Sept. 1679. Their eldest child, John Foliot, was bapt. 20 Dec. 1622, at Yardley, and probably died young, for the only son named in the pedigree is another Aylmer Foliot, who is said to have died unmard. My authorities for these connexions, apart from some particulars supplied by Mr. Bickley, and information about the Smalbrokes in my own possession, are as follows ;-Nash's Worces­ tershire, II., 258; Dugdale's Warwickshire, 2nd. ed., 1765, p. 613; Burke's Peerage, under "Hereford;" Mary Willett's West BYomwich, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES I2I

1882, Pedigrees 1 and 2, "Stanley" and " Shelton;" and Diet. Nat. Biog., under Sir Richard Shelton. III. Edward Colmore, of Blakeley Hall, Oldbury, co. Salop, gent.; bapt. 23 Nov. 1578 ; will dated 14 July 1640, proved 14 Nov. 1640, in P.C.C. Mard ...... , by whom he !:tad issue, Elizabeth Colmore, living 14 July 1640, with her husband, Charles ~ornwallis, esq., who purchased the manor of Oldbury in 1634, with issue, Elizabeth Cornwallis, unmard. 14 July 1640. Katherine Cornwallis, unmard. 14 July 1640. IV. RobertColmore, bapt. 22 Mch. 1584/5 (? Robert Colmore, gent., of 14 Apl. 1634). V. Ambrose Colmore, bapt. 13 June 1585. VI. John Colmore, bapt. 3 Oct. 1590. I. Anne Colmore, bapt. 5 Oct. 1572; mard. 13 Jan. 1593/4 to Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, gent. She was living on 31 Jan. 1636/7, and by him, who was living I May 1620, had issue (see PORTER pedigree, ante, p. 105). II. Dorothy Colmore, bapt. 29 May 1575. The Visitation pedigree of 1619 shows her mard. to William Alport, of Cannock, but it is certain that her aunt Dorothy Colmore mard. an Alport. III. Elizabeth Colmore, bapt. 1 Aug. 1576; mard. Edward Wilde, of Birming­ ham ; living I Nov. 1631, with issue. IV. Mary Colmore, bapt. 17 July 1580; mard. shortly after 20 Aug. 1602 to John Greysbrooke, of Stoke Hall, in Middleton, co. Warw., gent. She was living 4 Oct. 1616, and left issue by him, admon. of whose estate was granted on 2 Dec. 1636. V. Judith Colmore, bapt. 19 July 1581 ; mard. Michael Grundy, of Thur­ garton, co. Notts. VI. Joan Colmore, bapt. 3 Dec. 1581. VII. Bridget Colmore, bapt. 1 Nov. 1582; mard. 13 Oct. 1606 to John Wilkins, of co. Glouc. VIII. Sarah Colmore, bapt. I Nov. 1586 ; unmard. on 4 Oct. 1616 ; mard. Richard Hinton, of co. Staffs. IX. Martha Colmore, bapt. 26 Apl. 1589; mard. Thomas Ferriby, of co. Glouc. WILLIAM COLMORE, eldest son of William Colmore preceding and Anne Fynney his wife ; of Birmingham, gent.; bapt. 26 Feb. 1573/4 ; matric. 4 Feb. 1591/2, aged 16, from Brasenose Coll., Oxford; B.A., 5 Feb. 1593/4 ; burd. 5 July 1620. Will dated I May 1620, proved 23 Nov. 1622, in P.C.C. Mard. 20May 1600 (settlement dated 10 May 1600) to Frances, dau. and heir of Henry Wil- 122 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. loughby, of" Gowarton," co. Notts. esq., by whom, who was living 13 June 1628, as wife of Sir Edward Burnell, knt.* (ante. p. 79), he had issue, I. WILLIAM COLMORE, of whom presently. II. George Colmore, bapt. 19 Sept. 1603 and burd. 5 Nov. 1603. III. Robert Colmore, bapt. 16 Dec. 1604 ; living I May 1620. IV. Clement Colmore, bapt. 19 July 1609; living 1 May 1620. I. Grace Colmore, bapt. 16 May 1602 ; living unmard. 1 May 1620. II. Lettice Colmore, bapt. 21 May 1606 ; living unmard. 30 Mch. 1639 (god-dau. of her great-aunt, Mrs. Joan Smith) ; perhaps "Mrs. Lettice Colmore," burd. 29 Sept. 1681, at St. Mary's, Warwick. III. Barbara Colmore, bapt. 2 Mch. 1607/8 ; burd. 3 Apl. 1610. WILLIAM COLMORE, eldest son of William Colmore p'Yeceding and F'Yances Willoughby his wife ,· of Birmingham, and later of Warwick, co. Warwick, esq.; of Conigree House, near Birmingham, in 1640 ; bapt. 18 Feb. 1601/2 ; died 9 Feb. 1674/5 ; burd. in St. Mary's, Warwick. Mard. first 26 Oct. 1623, at St. Mary's, Warwick, Elizabeth Wagstafie, and by her, who was burd. I Mch. 1629/30, had issue, George Colmore, bapt. 28 Dec. 1626. Elizabeth Colmore, bapt. 7 May 1628. Timothy Colmore, bapt. July 1629. William Colmore mard. secondly (before 27 Apl. 1639) ...... , dau. of ...... , and by her, who was burd. 16 May 1680, at St. Mary's, Warwick (u Madam Colmore, Widd. "), had issue, I. WILLIAM COLMORE, of whom p'Yesently. Il. Robert Colmore, of London, mercer, and afterwards of the Deanery, Warwick ; bapt. 10 Aug. 1652, at St. Mary's, Warwick ; died unmard.; burd. 8 Aug. 1689 (?), at St. Mary's, Warwick. Will dated 9 Oct. 1688-" being unhappily afflicted with severe fits "-proved 4 Feb. 1688/9, in P.C.C. I. Mary Coimore, bapt. 12 Oct. 1654, at St. Mary's, Warwick; only dau.; mard. by lie. dated 24 Mch. 1678/9 to Richard Ingoldsby, of Waldridge, par. of Dinton, co. Bucks., esq., eldest son of Sir Richard Ingoldsby [1617-85], K.B., M.P., the Regicide. He was bapt. 26 Feb. 1650/1, at Dinton; matric. 21 June 1672, aged 16, from Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford; died 14 Apl. 1703. She died at Beaconsfield, co. Bucks., and was burd. 2 June 1726, at Dinton, leaving issue. WILLIAM COLMORE, eldest son of William Colmore preceding by his second wife; of the Old Deanery House, Warwick, esq.; matric. 3 May 1667, aged 18, from Magdalen Coll., Oxford; of the Inner Temple, 1669; M.P. for Warwick,

* Edward Burnell, a gentleman pensioner, was knighted on 17 July 1617, at St. Andrews (Shaw's Knights of England, II., 164). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 123

1689-95; died 16 July 1723, aged 73; burd. in St. Mary's, Warwick. Will dated 14 Mch. 1722/3, with codicil of 26 June 1723, proved 12 Oct. 1724, in P.C.C. Mard. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir of Edmund Waring, of Humphreston Hall, par. of Donington, co. Salop, esq., sometime a Major in Parliamentary Army, Sheriff of Shropshire, and M.P. for Bridgnorth, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of John Ashe, of Freshford, co. Somerset. She was born 14 Aug. 1658, at Donington; mard. Jan. 1676; called" my unkind and unjust wife Elizabeth," in her husband's will of 14 Mch. 1722/3 ; died 27 May 1731, at her house at Guy's Cliff, Warwick; burd. 7 June 1731, at Donington. By her, whose will, dated I July 1730, with codicils of I July 1730 and 19 Jan. 1730/1, was proved 5 Aug. 1731, in P.C.C., William Colmore had issue, I. William Colmore, bapt. 24 Jan. 1681/2, at St. Mary's, Warwick; matric. 28 Mch. 1699, aged 15, from Magdalen Coll., Oxford; of the Middle Temple, 1699 ; M.P. for Warwick, from 1713 till death on 1 Nov. 1722. II. Richard Colmore, bapt. 11 Mch. 1683/4, at St. Mary's, Warwick; matric. 17 Mch. 1700/1, aged 15, from Trinity Coll., Oxford; of the Middle Temple, 1699; burd. 13 Apl. 1707, in St. Mary's, Warwick. III. Robert Colmore, bapt. 7 Apl. 1685, at St. Mary's, Warwick; and burd. there 17 June I 709. IV. Henry Colmore, burd. 10 June 1686, in St. Mary's, Warwick. V. Francis Colmore, bapt. I July 1687, and burd. 4 Nov. 1693, in St. Mary's, Warwick. VI. Thomas Colmore, of par. of St. Lawrence Pountney, London, merchant, and latterly of Tottenham High Cross, co. M'sex, esq.; bapt. 21 Sept. 1688, at St. Mary's, Warwick; living as eldest son on 14 Mch. 1722/3 and I July 1730; died without issue; admon. granted 19 Apl. 1762, in P.C.C. Mard. Ann, widow of Thomas Milner, on 25 Feb. 1717/18, at St. Paul's Cathedral (when she was of St. George's, Botolph Lane) ; she died without issue by him before 19 Apl. 1762. VII. CHARLES COLMORE, of whom presently. VIII. George Colmore, of par. of St. Martin Orgar, London; died unmard.; admon. granted 16 Oct. 1728, and 23 Apl. 1733, in P.C.C. IX. Edmund Colmore; born in London; matric. 14 Oct. 1714, aged 15, from Magdalen Hall, Oxford; B.A. from Magdalen Coll., 1718; Fellow of Magdalen; M.A., 1721 ; of the Middle Temple, 1717 ; D.C.L., 1729; died 1761, unmard., at Tewin, co. Hert£., where he had boarded for many years with Thomas Piggott; burd. at Hendon, co. M'sex. Will dated 21 Mch. 1758, proved 22 Jan. 1761, in P.C.C. X. John Colmore, burd. 20 May 1715, at St. Mary's, Warwick. I. Elizabeth Colmore, bapt. 10 Apl. 1679, at Donington, co. Salop; perhaps mard ...... Booth (? James Booth, esq.), and mother of Ann Booth, mentioned in will of William Colmore of 26 June 1723 as his grand-dau., under 22 and unmard., and in the will of her aunt Ann, widow of Charles Colmore, on 21 July 1772, as having died unmard. 124 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. II. Ann Colmore, bapt. 30 Mch. 1683, at Donington, co. Salop ; burd. 26 Aug. 1685, at St. Mary's, Warwick. III. Mary Colmore, mard. George Golding, esq., who was living 14 Mch. 1722/3; they were both living on 5 Aug. 1731. CHARLES COLMORE, seventh son of William Colmore preceding and Elizabeth Waring his wife ; died 1732 ; burd. in chancel of Finchley church, co. M'sex ; mard. Ann, dau. of Thomas Milner and of Ann his wife (who remard. Thomas Colmore, as above); she was of Colney Hatch, co. M'sex, widow, on I Aug. 1747, afterwards of Wimpole St., Marylebone, and latterly of Orchard St., Portman Sq., London ; died 3 June 1784, aged 70, in Orchard St. ; burd. in chancel of Finchley church. By her, whose will, dated 21 July 1772, with codicil of 4 Jan. 1781, was proved 7 Aug. 1784, in P.C.C., Charles Colmore had issue, I. William Colmore ; died before his father. II. CHARLES COLMORE, of whom presently. III. Richard Colmore; survived father. CHARLES COLMORE, second and eldest surviving son of Charles Colmore preceding and Ann Milner his wife#. of Birmingham, of Humphreston Hall, par. of Donington, co. Salop, of Colney Hatch, co. M'sex, and latterly of Upper Seymour St., London, esq.; surviving devisee of the real estate of his uncle, Edmund Colmore, D.C.L.; died 6/13 Feb. 1795, aged 70 ; burd. at Hendon, co. M'sex. Will dated 12 May 1794, with codicil of 15 Aug. 1794, proved 27 Feb. 1795, in P.C.C. Under the codicil, if his son Lionel and dau. Caroline died without issue, then all his property was to go to his friend Lord Hertford, or his son, Lord Yarmouth, not only as a mark of attachment to Lord Hertford but also because of his dear daughter Mary Anne's affection for her friend, Lady Hertford. Mard. 29 Apl. 1760 Mary, dau. of Joseph Gulston, of Westminster, esq., and of Mary his wife, and sister to Joseph Gulston, M.P. for Poole, co. Dorset; died 22 (?) Aug. 1798, aged 60; burd. at Hendon, co. M'sex. By her, whose will, dated 17 Oct. 1795, with codicil of Jan. 1797, was proved 20 Aug. 1798, in P.C.C., Charles Colmore had issue, I. Charles Colmore, of the 10th. Regt. of Light Dragoons; died 10 Sept. 1785, unmard. ; burd. at Hendon, co. M'sex. His father, on 12 May 1794, left £50 a year for life to Mrs. Catherine Matthey" for her affec­ tionate and tender attention to my dear son Charles during his last illness," and his mother (on 17 Oct. 1795), twenty guineas to "Mrs. Matthey, late Mademoiselle Moser.'' II. Lionel Colmore, of Upper Seymour St., Marylebone, M'sex, esq.; died 24 Mch. 1807, unmard.; burd. at St. Marylebone. Will dated 8 Jan. 1807, proved 15 Apl. 1807, in P.C.C. I. Mary Anne Colmore of London; died 16 Apl. 1794, unmard.; burd. at Hendon. Admon. granted 20 Nov. 1794, in P.C.C., and further admon. on 16 June 1795. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 125

11. Caroline Colmore; born 22 Dec. 1766; bapt. Jan. 1767, at St. James's, Westminster; died 8 Jan. 1837, unmard.; burd. at Charlton Kings, co. Glouc. Sold Humphreston, par. of Donington, co. Salop, to George Jones, esq. Her will, as of Charlton House, co. Glaue., dated I Dec. 1826, with codicils of 14 Aug. 1828, 27 Sept. 1828 and 7 Nov. 1835 (then of Moor End, co. Glouc.), was proved 21 Jan. 1837, in P.C.C. The will makes Frind Cregoe, of Charlton House, her universal legatee and exor., and the first codicil specifies legacies to her god-dau., Marianne Cregoe, dau. of Capt. Cregoe ; her godson, Colmore Frind Cregoe ; Emma, Harriet and Charlotte Cregoe ; and all the children Frind Cregoe may have. The second codicil cites a deed of 21 Nov. 1826, by which the Marquis of Hertford joined with others in settling upon her properties in Birmingham for life, and she gives same to the said Frind Cregoe, who has now taken name of Colmore by Royal Licence. I cannot say to what extent Lord Hertford had actually benefited under the codicil to her father's will, but he and Caroline Colmore had joint ownership of some of the Colmore property in 1794 and 1807. No doubt the deeds in the Birmingham Reference Library would settle the question, which does not specially concern me here. Frind Cregoe, who mard. Elizabeth Sarah Roberts in 1813, assumed the name of Colmore, and died in 1839, was third son of Edward Cregoe, of Trewithian, co. Cornwall, and apparently not related to the Colmores. His only surviving son, Colmore Frind Cregoe-Colmore [1827-71], succeeded him at Moor End, Charlton Kings (Burke's Landed Gentry, 9th. ed., 1898, '' Cregoe-Colmore of Moor End''). The Colmore property brought the family great wealth, but did not ensure their continuance in the male line, for William Barwick Cregoe-Colmore [1860-1918], only surviving son of the preceding, died without issue. After some litigation, his will was eventually proved for £1,147,925 gross, and £573,909 net (Times, 23 June 1920). Apart from some bequests, the property was willed to his three sisters or their issue.

THE EBORALLS OF BALSALL (See ante, VI., 16, 20)

THE Eboralls established several connexions with the kindred of Johnson and his wife, through marriages with the Porter, Chambers and Lucas families. With the Porters there were two marriages. The strange thing is that the Eboralls had intermarried with relatives of 126 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. both Johnson and his wife, long before he met her, yet their meeting seems to have been quite independent of such common links. I am sorry that a good deal of enquiry, along various lines, has not enabled me to present an accurate account of the family and descendants of Samuel Eborall and Susanna Porter. Every clue proved elusive, and this side of the pedigree fades out in doubt and obscurity, though happy chance might at anytime give it definite form. The other line of the family, connected with Atherstone, probably has representatives living today, but I have not made a great effort to trace them, as they are not important for my purpose. Mr. A. W. Read tells me that William Eborall, of Atherstone, gent., was admitted an Honorary Freeman of Leicester on 4 Aug. 1768. There were Eboralls in Lichfield at the close of the 18th. century, who I expect were descendants of the Balsall family. Harriet, daughter of Samuel Eborall, gent., was buried at St. Chad's, Lichfield, on 23 Aug. 1795 ; and John, son of Samuel Eborall, mercer, on 14 Feb. 1803 (suicide). And Henry, son of Mr. Samuel Eboral, of Lichfield, aged 12, was admitted to Rugby School on 13 May 1808 (Rugby School Register, 1886, I., 99). "Mr. Samuel Eberall" was a member of the Corporation of Lichfield, and "Eborall, Samuel, Draper and Grocer," simultaneously appears among the traders of the town (Universal British Directory, 1792). I have already printed evidence relating to the Eboralls in The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, pp. 232, 233 and 280, while at pp. 240 and 243 are references to the Fisher and Gilbert families. And at ante, IV., 73, 77 and 89 are further Eborall references, which must also be consulted in support of the pedigree. There are other entries relating to contemporary Eboralls in the Hampton-in-Arden registers, but I have eliminated everything that does not bear upon the main branch with which I deal.


SAMUEL EBRALL, of City of London, esq. (Probate Act Book f. 2, describes him as of All Saints, Bread Street). Will dated 20 June 1676. To wife Sarah, house in Gosford Street, Coventry, for life, also messuage in Spounstreet, Coventry, in tenure of Mr. Edward Cradock, for life, and £10 yearly to be paid by my son THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES I27 Josiah out of my lands in Packwood, co. Warwick. To eldest son Josiah, lands in Packwood, with remr. to grandson, Samuel, son and heir of Josiah. To second son, Samuel Ebrall, of London, haberdasher, house in Gosford St., after wife's death, for life, with remr. to grandson Samuel, son of said Samuel; also the messuage in Spounstreet, and another messuage there, he to pay 108/- yearly to minister of St. Michael's Church, Coventry, for instructing two poor children, a gift made by Anne Smith, widow, long since dead, school dame in that street, who put me in trust to do it. To youngest son, William, three closes at Spon End, near Coventry, called Docky and Middle Fields and the Strype, with remr. to his son Samuel. I took an inventory of all my goods at Balsall, when my wife died, which was but a few weeks before the marriage of my son William, amounting to £300, and I give same to son William,· his marriage took place in Nov. 1666. To cousin Mrs. Mary Cradock, of Alesley, widow, and to Lidia, wife of Jonathan Packwood, of Gosford Street, Coventry, and to Samuel Hunt, of Balsall, formerly my servants, 208/- each. Gold ring to son Josiah. I owe no money and was out of debt at my m~rriage in 1672. To son Josiah, all goods which I left in my house in Coventry, when I moved to London, except my books, maps and pictures, which I give my son William. To wife all goods she brought with her, and £20 a year, and make her extrix. Signed, Samuel Ebrall. Wits., John Norton, Thomas Willington and John Leuerin. Codicil dated 10 Oct. 1676. My son Samuel has died since I made my will, so I give one house in Coventry to his second son Josiah, and another to his youngest son William. Proved 19 Jan. 1676/7, in P.C.C. {Hale 4), by Sa1'ah EbYall, relict and extrix. SAMUEL EBRALL, late of St. Swithin's, London, deed. Admon. granted 3 Oct. 1676, to Joan Ebrall, the relict {P.C.C., Admon. Act Book, f. 12od.). JOSIAH EBORALL, late of Hackney, co. M'sex, but at Balsall, co. Warw., deed. Admon. granted 6 July 1697, to Catherine Milward, widow, dau. of deed. (P.C.C., Admon. Act. Book, f. 128). WILLIAM EBORALL, of Balsall, par. of Hampton in Arden, co. Warwick, esq. Will dated 13 Jan. 1707/8. To eldest son, Samuel Eborall, my closes of land in Coventry, now in tenure of William Tawson and ...... Dudley, and £200, he having given me a release for all the legacies left him by my father, Samuel Eborall, esq., long since deed.; I also give him my lease in Stoke Golden, co. Leic., now in tenure of Mr. Joseph Billington. To youngest son William, all lands and tenements in his mother's jointure, in tail male, with remr., in default of such issue, to my son Samuel and his second son Samuel and his heirs for ever. All other lands in Balsall to son William and his heirs, all which were copyhold lands held of manor of Balsall, but enfranchised by deed of 20 May 1684, except three closes in Fen End called Hewes's Land, on which a house is lately erected. To son and dau. Tomkins, £10 for mourning: the same to son and dau. Chambers, and son Samuel and his wife. To dau. Katherine Eborall, £450, provided her grand­ father sign a release of what he may demand out of my estate in Balsall. To son Samuel's dau., Elizabeth Ebo'Yall, £100 at 21. To dau. Chambers' four children, 128 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Mary, Jane, William and Elizabeth, £25 each at 21. To wife, half household goods. Resid. legatee and exor., son William. Overseers, Basil St. Nicholas, esq., and son-in-law, Timothy Chambef's, gent. Wits., Jo: Perkins, Thomas Whadcock and Mary Fisher. Proved 23 June 1708, in P.C.C. (Barrett, 142}, by exor. JONE EBRALL, of the City of Coventry, widow. Will dated 11 June 1719. Whereas by an indenture of lease and release dated 8 and 9 June of this instant year, made between (1) me the said Jone, and (2) my sons, Josiah and Samuel Ebf'all, ~or the consideration in the said recited indenture I have granted unto my said son Josiah and his heirs a messuage, with the appurtenances, in a street called Bishops Gate Street, in the City of Coventry, being a common inn known by the sign of the "Crane," and also three closes of pasture ground in or near the said City of Coventry, called the Pump Close, containing four acres, the Shoulder of Mutton, containing four acres, and a third close called Allens Garden, con­ taining seven acres, To hold to the said Josiah and his heirs to my use for life, and then to the use of said son Josiah and his heirs, Now I the said Jone Ebrall, being in competent health and of sane mind and memory, make this my last will and testament, and hereby give and devise unto my said son Josiah the afsd. messuage, etc., and confirm the said indenture. To my son, Samuel Ebrall, the bedstead with the bed in which my said son now lodges, and all the furniture to the same belonging. Residue of goods, etc., to my son Josiah, and make him sole exor. Wits., Maf'y Murcott, William Ward and Hen. Ward (mark}. Proved 25 Oct. 1728, at Coventry, by Josiah Ebrall, the exor. WILLIAM EBORALL, of Balsall, par. of Hampton in Arden, co. Warw., gent. Will dated 14 Nov. 1734. To my son William, all my lands and tenements, and if he die before 21 the same to my nephew, Henry Eborall, of Birmingham, co. Warw., mercer. To my mother, £5-5-0. To my sister, Susanna Eborall, £5. To my bror., Mr. Timothy Chambers, of Moseley, and his five sons and daus., one guinea each. To my nephew, Henry Eborall, £30. To my cousin, Elizabeth Fisher, one guinea, and to her son and two daus., £5 each. To my cousin Ball, lately married to Mr. Masters, in Cammomile Street, London, one guinea. To the poor of Balsall, £5. To my servant, Mary Fisher, £10. To my servant, Sarah Mosley, one guinea. To my servant, John Edwards, £5. My son William to have my mortgages at Coventry and Stoke Golding, and my residuary estate. Exors., Morton Slaney, of Knowle, Hampton in Arden, gent., and Thomas Evetts, of Temple Balsall, gent., and Thomas Fisher, of Eastcoate, jun. Signed, Wm. Eborall. Wits., Thomas Fisher, Thomas Perry and Isaac Edwards. Proved 12 Nov. 1735, in P.C.C. (Ducie, 226), by the exors. ELIZABETH EBORALL, of Balsall, co. Warw., widow. Will dated 27 June 1737. Being very aged. My moiety of my tenement and lands at Stoke Golding, co. Leic., to my grandson, Henry Eborall, he paying my grandson, Samuel EboYall, £7 a year for life, and £4 a year to his four sisters, and to my grandson, Henry Litcas, £20 at the age of 21, and to Sarah Fisher, dau. of Mr. Thomas Fisher, of Barston, £20 at age of 24 ; and if said Henry Eborall do not carry out THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES I29 same, then my grandson, William Chambers, to have same. To my dau. Katherine, wife of Mr. Henry Lucas, £10. To Elizabeth and Ma'Yy, daus. of Mr. Thomas Fisher, of Barston, £5 each. To the poor of Balsall, £5. To my son-in-law, Timothy Chambers, and his five children by my dau. Mary, his wife; to my son­ in-law, John Tompkins,· to my granddau. Elizabeth, wife of John Masters, and said John Masters,· to my dau.-in-law, Susanna Eborall, relict of my late son, Samuel Eborall ,· and to my kinsman, Thomas Fisher, of Barston, and his wife Elizabeth; a ring each. Resid. legatee and exor., my grandson, William ChambeYs, of Coventry, haberdasher of hats. Signed, (maYk). Wits., John Askew, Ma.-y Pearkins and Jane Williams (mark). Proved 17 Aug. 1738, in P.C.C. (Brodrepp, 194), by the exor. JOSIAH EBRALL, of the City of Coventry, gent. Will dated 3 Sept. 1737. To my cousin, Ambrose Monck, and my friend, Mr. John Boddington, of Whitmore Park, in the county of the City of Coventry, my close in the suburbs of Coventry, called the Pump Close, in the tenure of John Hopkins, taylor, and my close formerly used as a garden and called Allen's Garden, in tenure of Xpofer Daven­ port, in trust, to sell the same, and out of the money so arising pay off £400 principal money and interest owing from me on mortgage to Mr. Towers, and the remainder, if any, and also the rest of my personal estate, I give to my cousin, Ambrose Moncke, but the residue of my real estate to him for life only, and then to my right heirs, but the said A mb'l'ose M onck and my heirs shall pay thereout to my kinswoman, Sarah, wife of Alan JtVashington, 2 8/6 weekly for life. Also I will that my present tenant of the "Crane Inn," the afsd. John Hopkins, shall continue tenant thereof, and may hold the same for 20 years from my decease, paying for the first four years £12 per year, and for the remaining seventeen years £14 a year rent half-yearly. Sole exor., Ambrose Monck. Wits., William Matthews, W. White, and Mary Cox, servant to Mr. White (mark). Proved 14 Apl. 1738, at Coventry, by Ambrose Monck, the sole exor. WILLIAM EBORALL, of Atherstone, co. Warw., gent. Will dated 5 Aug. 1772. All my messuages and lands, and all my personal effects, to my son, William Eborall, he paying my daus., Mary, Elizabeth, Frances and Susannah, £600 each, and to my son Henry, £600, and to my son Samuel, £200, at their ages of 21. To my wife Elizabeth, £50 for mourning. Exors., Joseph Boultbee, of Baxterley, co. Warwick, gent., Edward Croxall, the younger, of Shustock, gent., and John Fisher, of Knowle, gent. Signed, Will. Eborall. Wits., Ann Gee, William Hollier, and Robert Nevil. Codicil dated 22 Oct. 1772. To the poor people of Balsall Street, £5-5-0. To my servant, William Hollier, £3-3-0. My son William to be one of my ex ors. Revoke the legacy for mourning, and give to my wife, and six younger children, £10 each for mourning. Signed, Will. Eborall. Wits., Thomas Baker, Mary Ford and G. W. Burslem. Proved 22 Dec. 1772, in P.C.C. (Taverner, 439), by exors. named in will and codicil. ELIZABETH EBORALL, of Atherstone, co. Warw., widow. Will dated 23 Aug. 1800. To my servant, Sarah Matthews, £5. To my dau., Elizabeth Eborall, now 130 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. living with me, all my plate, linen, household goods, etc. To Joseph Boultbee, of Baxterley, co. Warw., esq., and Rev. William Boultbee Sleath, B.D., of Repton, co. Derby, £200 and all interest due thereon from James Yeomans, of Tamworth, co. Staffs., miller, in trust to pay the interest thereon to my dau. Ma'fy, wife of said James Yeomans, for life, and on her death to her child or children. To my son, Samuel Eborall, of Langley, co. Derby, gent., £10 a year until he receives the money bequeathed to him by my late bror., Adam Burges, of Loughborough, co. Leic., mercer, deed. To said trustee, a further £200, a fourth part, out of money due on mortgage, etc., in trust for my said dau., Mary Yeomans, as before. To trustees another fourth part of money due to me on mortgage, bonds, etc., in trust to pay interest to my dau., Susanna, wife of William Mott Thompson, of Houghton, co. Leic., to her own use and the use of her last will. To my dau., Frances Ha'frold, widow of Cornelius Grove Harrold, late of Atherstone, surgeon, deed., and my said dau., Elizabeth Eborall, the two remaining fourth parts of money due to me on mortgage, etc. Whereas my eldest son, William Eborall, is amply provided for under the deed of settlement made on my marriage with my late husband, William Eborall, I trust he will give furtherance to my will. By the will of my late father, Richard Burges, late of Quorndon, co. Leic., gent., deed., I became entitled on the age of 21 to £1000, which and the interest has not been paid, and by a deed of 31 Mch. last past I assigned same to Thomas Stanley Hill, of Edingall, co. Staffs., gent., and John Pembe,yton, of Badesley Ensor, co. Warw., in trust to pay £2500, part thereof, to the use of my children, Henry Eborall, Mary Yeomans, Susanna Mott Thompson, Frances Harrold and Elizabeth Eborall, and the remainder to my trustees to same use. To the poor housekeepers of Balsall and Hampton-in­ Arden, £10 each parish, and to those of Atherstone, £20. Exors., my dau., Frances Ha'frold, and said William Boultbee Sleath. Signed, E. Eborall. Wits., Elizabeth Waterman, Dorothy Mary Waterman and Richard Jervis. Codicil dated 1 June 1801. I desire my son William to be paid for my board, out of my property, during the time I lived with him till I went to housekeeping, and likewise a valuable consideration for the goods I took with me. Signed, E. Ebo'Yall. Wit., ]a. Yeomans. On 22 June 1801 appeared personally Anna Dale, of Atherstone, widow, and swore to the writing of the codicil. Proved 5 Oct. 1801, in P.C.C. (Abercrombie, 657), by the exors. named in will. WILLIAM EBORALL, of Balsall Street, hamlet of Balsall, par. of Hampton-in­ Arden, co. Warw., esq. Will dated 17 Mch. 1820. All my household goods, plate and linen in my house at Atherstone, to my daus., Susannah Devereux Ebo'Yall, Louisa Moo1'e, widow, and Caroline Waldron Eborall, and all the household goods, etc., in messuage, farms and premises in my occupation in Balsall, Berkswell and Hampton-in-Arden, co. Warwick, and the crops growing there, to my house­ keeper, Miss Mary Marks, and she to have the occupation of said premises for six months after my death; and to her for life all my real estate in Hampton­ in-Arden, and after her death the same to my said three daus. To said Mary Marks, all my real estate at Nortoft, par. of Guilsborough, co. Northants., in occupation of M1'. Smeeton, and my real estate at Witherley and Ratcliffe Culey, co. Leic., in the occupation of Ambt-ose PaYrman, for life, with remainder as THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 131 above. To said three daus., all my real estate at Halsall, par. of Hampton-in­ Arden, and in Berkswell, in occupation of me and of J saac W oodwa,-d, and my real estate in Atherstone, in par. of St. Michael, Coventry, and my leasehold estate at Barton in the Benns, co. Leic. Resid. legatee and extrix., said Maf'y Ma,rks. To be buried near my late son Hen,-y, in the vault lately erected by me at Hamp­ ton-in-Arden. Signed, Will: Ebo,-all. Wits., Willm. Bu,-be,-y, Willm. Wall and Thos. WhiteJo,-d. Proved 11 May 1821, in P.C.C. (Mansfield, 267). 11 July 1831. Admon. granted of goods, etc., of William Ebof'all, formerly of Atherstone, co. Warw., but late of Halsall Street, Balsall, par. of Hampton-in­ Arden, deed., left unadministered by Mary, wife of Edwaf'd Hale, formerly Ma,-ks, spinster, granted to Campbell Wf'ight Hobson, of Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, co. M'sex, gent., as a person for that purpose named by and on behalf of Elizabeth Moof'e, of Snareston Lodge,· co. Leic., widow, and Valentine Gf'een, of Normanton on the Heath, co. Leic., esq., in so far as concerns the decd.'s title to a messuage and lands in Norton near Twycross, co. Leic., and the residue of a term of 500 years assigned to said William Ebof'all, by indenture of 5 Apl. 1791 ; the said extrix. dying intestate. 14 Dec. 1838. Admon. granted to John Sca,ygill, of Hatton Court, London, gent., as nominee of John Boultbee, of Baxterley Hall, co. Warw., esq., limited to the interest of him, the said deed., in a messuage and lands in Baxterley. 10 Apl. 1843. Admon. granted to Thomas Holbecke, of Sutton Coldfield, co. Warw., esq., as nominee of C,oxall Oughton, of Birmingham, esq., John Boultbee, of Aberystwith, co. Cardigan, esq., and Edwafd Ff'ancis Boultbee, of same, esq., limited to interest of him, the said deed., in two messuages and lands in Baxterley and Bentley, par. of Baxterley, co. Warw., as by deed of 5 Apl. 1787.

EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS HAMPTON-IN-ARDEN, CO. WARWICK (kindly extracted by Mr. A. W. Read, ft'om 1629 to 1731) 1629. Apl. 23. mar. Samuell Ebrall & Sara Porter. 1629/30. Mch. 14. bap. Samuell Ebrall son of Samuell & Sara. 1631. July 17. bap. Josias Ebrall son of Samuell & Sara. 1632. Sept. 9. bap. John Ebrall son of Samuell & Sara. 1633. May 24. bur. Samuell Ebrall son of Samuell & Sara. 1636/7. Jan. 22. bap. Samuell Ebrall son of Samuell & Sara. 1637. July 15. bur. Marie dau. of Samuell Ebrall & Sara. 1639. June 9. bap. Mary (" Elizabeth " crossed out) Ebrall dau. of Samuell & Sara. 1641. Nov. II. bap. Timothye Ebrall son of Samuel & Sarah. 1644. Aug. 25. bap. William Eborall son of Samuel & Marye (sic). 1648. Oct. II. bur. John Ebrall son of Samuell. 1654. May 29. bur. Timothy Ebrall & Elizabeth Ebrall son and dau. of Mr. Samuel .Ebrall. 1664. Apl. 21. bur. Mary Ebrall dau. of Mr. Samuel. K I32 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. 1666. Sept. 10. bur. Sara Ebrall wife of Mr. Samuel. 1666. Nov. 23. mar. William Ebrall & Elizabeth Beake. 1675/6. Feb. 21. bur. Robert Ebrall son of William. 1678/9. Jan. 22. bap. Ann Ebrall dau. of Wi1:llam & Elizabeth. 1681. Aug. 12. bur. Ann Ebrall dau. of Mr. William Ebrall & Mrs. Elisabeth Ebrall his wife. 1684. July 5. bap. William son of Mr. William Ebrall & Eliz. 1695/6. Mch. 12. mar. Mr. John Tomkins of St. Peters in the Bayly in Oxon, and Elizabeth dau. of Mr. William Ebrall of Balsall. 1697. June 23. bur. Josiah Ebrall of London Gent. 1705. Aug. 19. bur. William son of Mr. Sam. Ebrall of Birmingham. 1707/8. Jan. 19. bur. William Eborall of Balsall Esqr. 1718. Oct. 27. mar. Mr. Henry Lucas of Gylsborough in the County of Northamp­ ton and Mrs. Katharine Ebrall of Coventry. 1723/4. Jan. 25. bap. William son of Mr. William Eboral of Balsall & Mary. 1730. Nov. 14. bur. Mrs. Mary Eboral wife of William Eboral of Balsal, Gent., affidavit by Mary Fisher, burd. in woollen. ST. MICHAEL LE QUERN, LONDON (from Ha,leian Soc., "Register Section," vol. 29, pp. 81, 83, 86). Samuell Sonne of Samuell Ebrall & Joane his wife was borne one ye 16th. and Christned the 21th. of August 1671. John Sonne of Samuell Ebrall & Joanna his wife w~ borne & Christned July ye 8th. 1673. Josiah son of Samuel Ebrall & by Joane his wife was Borne the 28th day of July and was Baptized the 2d. day of August 1674. ALL HALLOWS, BREAD STREET, LONDON (from Ha,leian Soc., " Register Section," vol. 43, p. 203). 1676. Nov. 30. bur. " from Mr. Pepper's, sadler, Samuell Ebrell, Esqr, in the Tabmakell; he died suddanly.'' ST. MARTIN'S, BIRMINGHAM (kindly sea,ched by M'Y. A. W. Read to 1735). 1704. May 16. bap. Sam. son of Sam. Eberall. 1706. July 16. bap. Henery son of Samuell Ebrill. 1708. June 2. bap. Susannah dau. of Samuell Ebrill. 1710. Dec. 5. bap. Mary dau. of Samuell Ebbrill. HOLY TRINITY, COVENTRY (kindly sea'Yched by M1'. A. W. Read f'Yom 1680). 1728. Sept. 8. bur. Mrs. Jone Ebural. KNOWLE, CO. WARWICK (from The Reco'Yds of Knowle, by T. W. Downing, 1914, pp. 73, 74, 75 and 78). 1742. bapt. Susannah Dr. of James & Susannah Gilbert was bapt. May 24th. 1743. bapt. Eliz. D. of James & Susannah Gilbert was bapt. July 29th. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES r33 1745. bapt. Tho. son of James & Susannah Gilbert was bapt. May 25th. 1749. bapt. Jan. 17th. Anne Dr. of James & Susanna Gilbert (1749/ 50). EDGBASTON, CO. WARWICK (from Dugdale Soc., vol. 8, " Edgbaston Registers " {vol. I.), p. 72). 1754. Sept. 28. bur. Mrs. Sarah Eberol.

MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AT HAMPTON-IN-ARDEN The following copies of the inscriptions to the Eboralls in the church of Hampton-in-Arden were kindly sent me in r934 by the Vicar, the Rev. R. C. J. B. Colthurst. The first, and oldest, of these inscriptions is on an alabaster monument above the pulpit, and a version of it printed in Dugdale's Warwickshire, 2nd ed. 1730, p. 957, agrees in all essentials with the one I give below:- M.S. I Gulielmi Eborall de Balsall I In hac Parochiae Armigeri I Ex Antiqua Prosapia oriundi, I (Unde ejusdem Pa.trimonii haeres extitit octavus I Ipse Noni Genitor) I Pacis Justiciarii peritissimi dignissimiq; I Quo officio eximie perfunctus, I De Principe et Patria optime meritus est, I Viri deniq; liberali educatione, I Animo religioso, ingenio perspicaci, I Moribus Suavissimis. I Uxorem duxit Elisabetham Filiam unicam, et Haeredem I Rti Beake Gen: Civitatis Coventriae Civis Reverendi. I Quae perdilectum Maritum felici beavit prole, I Filiis Seil. 3 Filia.bus 4 Annis demum 64 feliciter I confectis, Occubuit, bonis omnibus multum deside- I randus. 16to die Jan: A.D. 1707 et juxta humatus I requiescit beatam praestolans Resurrectionem I M.H. I Pietatis, Grati­ tudinisq ; Ergo I Vidua Maerens Posuit.

Sacred I To the Memory of I William Eborall Gent. I of Atherstone I in the County of Warwick I who died Nov. 13th 1772 I aged 48 I And I of Elizabeth Eborall I his Wife Daughter of I Richard Burgess Gent. I of Quamdon I in the County of Leicester I who died June 13th 1801 I aged 78.

Sacred I To the Memory of I Susanna Devereux Eborall I (of Atherstone) I In the County of Warwick I Who died Nov. 4th 1825 I Aged 48 years. Also to the I Memory of Her Sister I Caroline Waldron Eborall I Who died Jan. 1st. 1831 I Aged 42 years.

Sacred I To the Memory of I Catherine Devereux Eborall I died Aug. 8th 1800 I Aged 47 I Also Louisa Simonds I daughter of the above I died Febry 3rd. 1855 I aged 72 I Also I Edmund Simonds I husband of the said I Louisa Simonds I Who died Dec. 15th 1856 I Aged 75 · 134 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. The following are inscriptions on a tombstone over a vault in the churchyard :- · Sacred to the I Memory of I Wilm Eborall Gent I Late of Balsall for many years an I eminent solicitor of Atherstone I Who departed this life I May 9th 1821 I Aged 74 years. Sacred I To the Memory I of Henry Eborall I bis son who died I I 1th of March 1819 I Aged 5 years I Forgive the tears that would I recall thee back.

MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS FROM PRINTED SOURCES The foundation of this account of the Eboralls is the pedigree recorded at the Visitation of Warwickshire, 1682-1683. Five genera­ tions at Balsall are shown before we come to Richard, from whom the pedigree is given in full below (Ha,leian Soc., vol. 62, p. 145) :- Ricard us Ebrall de Balshall 4 J ac: = Maria filia et coh: Willielmi [1606-7] obiit 8 Mar: 1616. I Howell [of Packwood, gent.]. I Samuel Ebrall de Balshall in Co: = Sarah filia Henrici Porter de Edgbaston Warr: obiit a 0 1677 aet: 69. in Com: Warr: nupta a 0 5 Car: I. I 1. JosiahlEbrall de Hack- = Anna filia Wmi: Frampton de 2. Johannes ob- ney in Com: Middx: ret: Morton in Com: Dorset a.rm.- iit a 0 1649 fu­ 52 Ann: 1683. ri: nupta a O 1658 11 Car: 2. it e Schola Wintoniensi. I I. Samuel ret: 2. Catherina uxor Phillippi Milward de Civitate 16 an: 1683. London: Illa jam agit annus vicessimus.

3. Samuel Ebrall= Joanna filia Sam- 4. Williellus Ebrall= Eliz: filia civis Londinen-1 uelis Snell Civi- de Balshall in Co: Roberti Beake sis obiit a 0 1677. tatis Coventr: Warr: Superstes a 0 de Civitate Aldermanni. 1683 ret: 39 ann: Coventriae ~,------nupta a 0 1665 1 18 Car: 2. I. Samuell aetat: 12 ann: 1683. 2. Josiah aetat: 9 an. 1683.

A THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 135 A I I I i I Samuell I. Elizabetha 2. Maria aetat: 3. Catherina aetat: aetat: 14 aet: 15 an: 12 ann: 1682. 6 ann: 1683. ann: 1683. 1683. JOSIAH EBRALL WILLIAM EBRALL 24 Nov: 1683. From a long and detailed note attached to the pedigree, by Gregory King, Rouge-Dragon, I extract the following portion relating to the generations in which we are interested (ibid., vol. 62, p. 147) :- [William Eborall] left issue of many Sons only Richard surviving, who after many years spent in the University of Oxford and having been Secretary to the , who was Privy Councellor at that time to Queen Elizabeth; in the first year of King James [1603-4] married Mary daughter of William Howell of Packwood in the County of Warwick Gent, & Sister unto Thomas Howell, Fellow of New College in Oxford, as being a kinsman unto the Founder ; upon which Marriage the Descendents of the aforesaid Richard Ebrall and Mary his wife have a right unto the Schole of Winchester and unto New Colledge in Oxford as Founders Kinsmen ; the said Mary being daughter to William Howell aforesaid who married Prudence daiir of John Davers son of John Davers alias Danvers of Culworth in the County of Northampton Esqr who married Elizabeth Fines daiir of Richard Fines who was son & heir unto Henry Fines Lord Say who died 16 Edw. 4 (1476-77] By whom they are descended from Agnes sister and heir unto William of Wickham Bp. of Winchester & Lord Chanceior of England Founder of Winchester Schoole and of New Colledge in Oxford, as the Pedigree inserted doth shew. Which Richard Ebrall died March 8th 1616 leaving issue surviving only Samuel Ebrall born 8 Dec. 1608 who after some years spent in Grayes lnne, married Sarah daiir of Henry Porter of Egbaston in the County of Warwick gentn which Samuel in the 12th [1660-61] and 14th years [1662-3] of the Reign of his present Majesty King Charles the Second was in Comission of the Peace for the County of Warwick and in severall other Comissions for the said County during the said time (lived many years in Balsall) and died a 0 1677, having issue Josiah, John, Samuell, William. Josiah eldest son was living at Hackney in the County of Midlesex aged 51 years, married Anne dar of William Frampton of Morton in the County of Dorset Esqr by whom he hath issue Samuell aetat: 15 a 0 1682, and Katherine aetat: 19 married unto Philip Milward of the Citty of London gent: John 2d Son a Scholar at Winchester Schole there admitted as a Kinsman unto the Founder and died a O 1649 or thereabouts whilst he was a Scholar of the same Schole; Samuel the third son a Citizen and Linen JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

Draper of the Citty of London, married Joan daiir of Samuel Snell Alderman of the Citty of Coventry, and died a 0 1677, leaving issue Samuel aetat: II, Josiah aet. 8 a0 1682. William 4th son of the first aforesaid Samuel Ebrall now living at Balsall in the County of Warwick a 0 1682 aged 38, married Elizabeth the only daiir of Robert Beake of the Citty of Coventry Gent. by whom he hath issue, Samuell born 13 Jan: 1668, Elizabeth born 17 July 1667, Mary aet: II, a 0 1682, Katherine aetat: 5, a 0 1682. The pedigree itself is more explicit and shows the descent of the Eboralls rrom Agnes, wife of William Champness, and sister and heir of William of Wykeham [1324-1404]. The Bishop of Chichester to whom Richard Eborall acted as Secretary sometime after leaving Oxford (and evidently after his marriage) was [1555-1626], who became Privy Councillor for England in 1609 (Diet. Nat. Biog.), not his predecessor, [d. 1605], with whom I wrongly identified him at a previous reference (ante, VI., 16). Richard Ebrall, of co. Warwick, "Gen. Cond.," matriculated from Hart Hall on 21 June 1583, aged 17, but Foster gives no record of his having proceeded to a degree (Alumni Oxonienses). The following are various extracts throwing light on the pedi- gree:- i67o. Aug. 15. Samuel Ebrall, of St. Michael Le Queme, Lond., Cit. and Haberdasher, Baehr., abt 32, & Mrs. Joanna Snell, of St. Trinity, City of Coventry, Spr, abt 28, at own disp; at St. Trinity afsd. (Haf'leian Soc., vol. 34, pp. 39-40 ; " Marr. Lie. V.G. of Archbp. of Cant."). 1672/3. Jan. 24. Samuel Ebrall, of Balsall, co. Warwick, Esq., Widower, & Sarah Gifford, of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, Widow; at St. Giles, Cripplegate, All Hallows in the Wall, or St. Alphage, London (Haf'leian Soc., vol. 24, p. 125, "Marr. Lie. at Faculty Off. of Archbp. of Cant. at London.") EBORALL, William, s. William, of Hampton, co. Warwick, arm. Trinity Coll., matric. 12 Sep., 1740, aged 16 (Foster's Alumni Oxonienses). Eboral, Henry, brother of Mr. William Eboral, Attorney, Atherstone, entered 1780 (Rugby School Registef', 1886, I., 50). 24 Mch. 1721. Marriage settlement. Release. Hampton in Arden, co. Warwick. Thomas Fisher, of Barston, co. Warw., to William Eborall, of Balsall, co. Warw., Thomas Fisher, of Eascoat, co. Warw., Elizabeth Eborall, spinster, daughter of Samuel Eborall of Birmingham. Wits., S. Cox, Wm. Cox. Signature of Thomas Fisher (H. R. Moulton's 1930 Catalogue of Deeds, p. 31, Warwicks.). William Frampton [1608-43], of Moreton, mard. Katherine, dau. of John THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 137 Tregonwell, of Milton Abbas, and had a 4th. and youngest dau. Anne, who in "1650" mard. "Josiah Ebrail or Abrahall of Hackney, and of Balsall, co. Warwick," and had issue, Samuel, born 1667, and Catharine, mard. Philip Milward (Hutchins's Dorset, 3rd. ed. 1861, I., 399, " Frampton of Moreton " pedigree).

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE RICHARD EBORALL, of Balsall, par. of Hampton-in-Arden, co. Warw.; only surviving son of William Eborall, of Balsall; matric. 21 June 1583, aged 17, from Hart Hall, Oxford ; Secretary to Lancelot Andrews, Bishop of Chichester ; died 8 Mch. 1616. Mard. 1603-4, Mary, dau. of William Howell, of Packwood, co. Warw., gent., by Prudence his wife, dau. of John Danvers, of Culworth, co. Northants., esq., and of Founder's Kin at Winchester, and New College, Oxford, through descent from William of Wykeham's sister. Richard and Mary Eborall had an only surviving child, SAMUEL EBORALL, of Balsall, and of Gray's Inn, London, later of Coventry, and latterly of All Hallow's, Bread Street, London, esq.; J.P. co. Warwick; born 8 Dec. 1608 ; died suddenly, Nov. 1676, at Mr. Pepper's, saddler; burd. "in the Tabernacle", 30 Nov. 1676, at All Hallow's, Bread Street. Will dated 20 June 1676, with a codicil of 10 Oct. 1676, proved 19 Jan. 1676/7, in P.C.C. Mard. 1st. Sarah, eldest dau. of Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, co. Warw., by Anne his wife, dau. of William Colmore, of New Hall, Birmingham, on 23 Apl. 1629, at Hamp­ ton-in-Arden ; she was burd. 10 Sept. 1666, at Hampton-in-Arden (see PORTER pedigree, ante, p. 108). Samuel Eborall mard. 2nd. Sarah, widow of ...... Gifford, of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, by lie. dated 24 Jan. 1672/3 ; she was living a widow on 19 Jan. 1676/7. By his first wife, Sarah Porter, Samuel Eborall had issue, I. Samuel Eborall, bapt. 14 Mch. 1629/30 and burd. 24 May 1633, at Hampton-in-Arden. II. Josiah Eborall, of Hackney, co. M'sex; bapt. 17 July 1631, at Hampton­ in-Arden; died at Balsall; burd. 23 June 1697, at Hampton-in-Arden; admon. granted 6 July 1697, in P.C.C. Mard. in 1658 Anne, third dau. of William Frampton, of Moreton, co. Dorset, esq., by Katherine his wife, dau. of John Tregonwell, of Milton Abbas, co. Dorset. By her, who was probably dead on 6 July 1697, he had issue, I. Samuel Eborall, born about 1667; living son and heir, 20 June 1676; to have grandfather's lands at Packwood, co. Warw.; living 1683. 2. Josiah Eborall, living 10 Oct. 1676; died before 1683. The will of a Josiah Eborall, of Coventry, gent., dated 3 Sept. 1737 and proved 14 Apl. 1738, mentions no relatives bearing his own name, and I cannot place him in the pedigree. 138 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. 3. William Eborall; youngest son on 10 Oct. 1676; died before 1683. 1. Catherine Eborall, born about 1683; mard. in 1683 or earlier to Philip Milward, of London, and living a widow 6 July 1697. III. John Eborall, bapt. 9 Sept. 1632, at Hampton-in-Arden ; admitted to Winchester School as Founder's Kin, and died 1648 at Balsall ; burd. II Oct. 1648, at Hampton-in-Arden. IV. Samuel Eborall, of par. of St. Swithin, and afterwards of par. of St. Michael Le Querne, London, linendraper and haberdasher; bapt. 22 Jan. 1636/7, at Hampton-in-Arden; living 20 June 1676; admon. granted 3 Oct. 1676, in P.C.C. Mard. by lie. dated 15 Aug. 1670, for Holy Trinity, Coventry, Joan, dau. of Samuel Snell, of par. of Holy Trinity, Coventry, alderman; she was born about 1642; burd. 8 Sept. 1728, at Holy Trinity, Coventry; her will, dated 11 June 1719, was proved 25 Oct. 1728, at Coventry. Samuel and Joan Eborall had issue, I. Samuel Eborall, born 16 Aug. 1671 ; bapt. 21 Aug. 1671, at St. Michael Le Querne, London; living II June 1719. 2. John Eborall, born 8 July 1673; bapt. 8 July 1673, at St. Michael Le Querne, London; died before 1683. 3. Josiah Eborall, born 28 July 1674; bapt. 2 Aug. 1674, at St. Michael Le Querne, London; living 25 Oct. 1728. V. Timothy Eborall, bapt. 11 Nov. 1641 and burd. 29 May 1654, at Hamp­ ton-in-Arden. VI. WILLIAM EBORALL, of whom p,esently. I. Mary Eborall, burd. 15 July 1637, at Hampton-in-Arden. II. Mary Eborall, bapt. 9 June 1639 and burd. 21 Apl. 1664, at Hampton­ in-Arden. III. Elizabeth Eborall, burd. 29 May 1654, at Hampton-in-Arden. WILLIAM EBORALL, sixth and youngest son of Samuel Ebo,all p,eceding and Sa,ah Porte'I' his ft'1'st wife ,- of Balsall, esq.; J.P. co. Warw.; bapt. 25 Aug. 1644, at Hampton-in-Arden; died 16 Jan. 1707/8, aged 64; burd. at Hampton-in-Arden. Will dated 13 Jan. 1707/8, proved 23 June 1708, in P.C.C. Mard. Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of Robert Beake, of Coventry, gent., on 23 Nov. 1666, at Hampton­ in-Arden. By her, whose will, dated 27 June 1737, was proved 17 Aug. 1738, in..:.P.C.C., William Eborall had issue, I. Samuel Eborall, of Birmingham, and sometime of the City of London; born 13 Jan. 1668/9; dead 27 June 1737. Mard. before 18 Apl. 1696 Susanna, elder dau. of Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, and by her, who was living a widow 27 June 1737 (see PORTER pedigree, ante, p. 110), had issue, Samuel Eborall, bapt. 16 May 1704, at St. Martin's, Birmingham ; living 27 June 1737. William Eborall, burd. 19 Aug. 1705, at Hampton-in-Arden. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 139 Henry Eborall, of Birmingham, mercer; bapt. 16 July 1706, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; living 27 June 1737; dead 23 Mch. 1748/9. Mard ...... • , and had issue, Mary Eborall, living 23 Mch. 1748/9. Elizabeth Eborall, mard. (settlement dated 24 Mch. 1721/2) to Thomas Fisher, of Barston, co. Warw., and of Knowle Hall, gent. They were both living 23 Mch. 1748/9, and apparently had issue (of whom a son and two daus. were bom by 14 Nov. 1734), Sarah Fisher, living 27 June 1737, under 24. Susanna Fisher, apparently mard. James Gilbert, of Waterfi.elds., par. of Knowle, yeoman, assistant overseer of Knowle, 1743. James Gilbert, who was dead 19 Apl. 1779, had issue by Susanna his wife, who was living 22 Sept. 1784, Susanna Gilbert, bapt. 24 May 1742, at Knowle. Elizabeth Gilbert, bapt. 29 July 1743, at Knowle. Thomas Gilbert, bapt. 25 May 1745, at Knowle. Anne Gilbert, bapt. 17 Jan. 1749/50, at Knowle. ? James Gilbert, of Balsall, living 22 Sept. 1784. John Fisher, of Knowle, gent., living 19 Apl. 1779. Elizabeth Fisher, living 27 June 1737. Mary Fisher., living 27 June 1737. Sarah Eborall, living a minor, 19 Feb. 1707/8, and unmard. 23 Mch. 1748/9; perhaps "Mrs. Sarah Eberol," burd. 28 Sept. 1754, at Edgbaston. Susanna Eborall, bapt. 2 June 1708, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; living 27 June 1737. Mary Eborall, bapt. 5 Dec. 1710, at St. Martin's, Birmingham; mard...... Talis, and living 23 Mch. 1748/9, with a son, Richard Talis. II. WILLIAM EBORALL, of whom p,esently. III. Robert Eborall, burd. 21 Feb. 1675/6, at Hampton-in-Arden. I. Elizabeth Eborall, born 17 July 1667; mard. 12 Mch. 1695/6, at Hamp­ ton-in-Arden, to John Tompkins, of St. Peter's-in-the-Bailey, Oxford; she was alive on 13 Jan. 1707/8, and he on 27 June 1737. II. Mary Eborall, born about 1671 ; mard. in 1689 to Timothy Chambers, of Moseley, par. of Kings Norton, co. Wore., gent., elder son of Richard Chambers, of Farmons Green, Moseley, gent. She predeceased her hus­ band, and by him, whose will, dated 12 Sept. 1741, was proved 2 Mch. 1746/7, in P.C.C., had issue (see CHAMBERS pedigree, ante, IV., 89-90) .. III. Katherine Eborall, born about 1677 ; mard. 27 Oct. I 718, at Hampton­ in-Arden. to Henry Lucas, of Guilsborough, co. Northants., gent., who was born 25 Nov. 1687, and bapt. 27 Dec. 1787, at Guilsborough, son JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

of John Lucas, of Guilsborough, gent. They were both living 27 June 1737, with issue (see LUCAS pedigree, post, p. 143). IV. Ann Eborall, bapt. 22 Jan. 1678/9 and burd. 12 Aug. 1681, at Hampton- in-Arden. WILLIAM EBORALL, second son of William Ebof'all p,-eceding and Elizabeth Beake his wife ,· of Balsall, gent.; bapt. 5 July 1684, at Hampton-in-Arden. Will dated 14 Nov. 1734, proved 12 Nov. 1735, in P.C.C. Mard. Mary, dau. of ..... , and by .her, who was burd. 14 Nov. 1730, at Hampton-in-Arden, had issue an only child,

WILLIAM EBORALL, of Atherstone: co. Warw., gent.; bapt. 25 Jan. 1723/4, at Hampton-in-Arden ; matric. 12 Sept. 1740, aged 16, from Trinity Coll., Oxford ; admitted Freeman of Leicester, 4 Aug. 1768; died 13 Nov. 1772, aged 48; burd. at Hampton-in-Arden. Will dated 5 Aug. 1772, with codicil of 22 Oct. 1772, proved 22 Dec. 1772, in P.C.C. Mard. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Burgess, of Quomdon, co. Leic., gent.; she died 13 June 1801, aged 78, and was burd. at Hampton-in-Arden. By her, whose will, dated 23 Aug. 1800, with a codicil of I June 1801, was proved 5 Oct. 1801, in P.C.C., he had issue, I. WILLIAM EBORALL, of whom presently. II. Henry Eborall, under 21 on 5 Aug. 1772; entered Rugby School in 1780; living 23 Aug. 1800. III. Samuel Eborall, of Langley, co. Derby, gent.; under 21 on 5 Aug. 1772; living 23 Aug. 1800. I. Mary Eborall, unmard. on 5 Aug. 1772 ; living 23 Aug. 1800 as wife of James Yeomans, of Tamworth, co. Staffs., miller. II. Elizabeth Eborall, living 5 Aug. 1772, and unmard. with mother 23 Aug. 1800. III. Frances Eborall, unmard. 5 Aug. 1772 ; living 23 Aug. 1800 and 5 Oct. 1801 as widow of Cornelius Grove Harrold, of Atherstone, co. Warw., Surgeon. IV. Susanna Eborall, unmard. 5 Aug. 1772 ; living 23 Aug. 1800, as wife of William Mott Thompson, of Houghton, co. Leic. · WILLIAM EBORALL, eldest son of William Eborall preceding and Elizabeth Burgess his wife ,· of Atherstone, solicitor, and afterwards of Balsall Street, Balsall, esq.; died 9 May 1821, aged 74; burd. at Hampton-in-Arden. Will dated 17 Mch. 1820, proved 11 May 1821, in P.C.C.; admons. on 11 July 1831, 14 Dec. 1838 and 10 Apl. 1843, in P.C.C. Mard. Catherine Devereux, dau. of ...... ; she died 8 Aug. 1800, aged 47, and was burd. at Hampton-in-Arden, having had issue, I. Susanna Devereux Eborall, of Atherstone; died unmard. 4 Nov. 1825, aged 48; burd. at Hampton-in-Arden. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES

II. Louisa Eborall, mard. 1st. to ....• Moore, who died before 17 Mch. 1820 ; and 2nd. to Edmund Simonds, who died 15 Dec. 1856, aged 75, and was burd. at Hampton-in-Arden. She died 3 Feb. 1855, aged 72, and was also burd. there. III. Caroline Waldron Eborall; died unmard. 1 Jan. 1831, aged 42, and was burd. at Hampton-in-Arden. By a second wife(? or by Mary Marks) he had further issue, I. Henry Eborall, died II Mch. 1819, aged 5 ; burd. at Hampton-in-Arden (as son of William and Mary Eborall, of Balsall).

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE OF LUCAS The fact that two of Mrs. Johnson's relatives, one through her father and one through Harry Porter, intermarried independently with the Lucas family of Guilsborough, makes an explanatory pedigree necessary. There were two other branches of the family living near Guilsborough at the time, at Nortoft and Hollowell, and so distinguished in the Guilsborough registers, but I have left them alone. I was puzzled for some time by Foster's assertion that Henry Lucas, the barrister from Guilsborough, was buried in The Temple on 22 July 1663, whereas all my evidence identified him with the Henry Lucas who died at Guilsborough in 1680. It was not till I found that it was a more celebrated Henry Lucas, founder of the Lucasian Pro­ fessorship at Cambridge, and no relation to the Guilsborough family, who was so buried in The Temple (see Diet. Nat. Biog. and Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses), that I could straighten out the tangle. The authorities for the pedigree are, extracts from the Guilsborough registers, from 1657 to 1740, kindly made by Mr. A. W. Read; the various wills cited; Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses (Thomas Herrick); Nichols's Leicestershire, IV., 122 (Bradgate pedigree) ; Burke's Landed Gentry, 1853 (" Ward of Guilsborough "); Baker's Northants., I., 298,459 (pedigree of Adams of Charwelton); Bridge's Northants., I., 568 (inscriptions to Lucases), and II., 133 (Ward inscriptions); Foster's Alumni Oxonienses (Lucas and Ward) ; and information re Bradgate family from Mr. Edwin Holthouse, F.R.C.S., of London. JOHN LUCAS, of Guilsborough, co. Northants. ; mard ...... , and by her had issue, a son, JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

HENRY LUCAS, of Guilsborough, esq.; matric. 30 Apl. 1635, aged 17, from Magdalen Hall, Oxford ; barr.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1648 ; died 27 Mch. 1680, aged 63; burd. 29 Mch. 1680, at Guilsborough. Will dated 10 Dec. 1679, proved 12 Feb. 1680/1, in Archdcy. Court of Northampton. Mard. Anne, dau. of William Adams, of Charwelton Manor, co. Northants., by Anne his wife, dau. of John Newport, esq., of Welton, co. Northants., and by her, who was bapt. 27 Jan. 1627/8, at Welton, died 2 Mch. 1697/8, and burd. 5 Mch. 1697/8, at Guilsborough, had issue, A. Charles Lucas, matric. 2 Apl. 1669, aged 17, from Lincoln Coll., Oxford; student of Lincoln's Inn, 1670 ; not mentioned in father's will of 10 Dec. 1679. B. JOHN LUCAS, of whom presently. A. Mary Lucas, "elder daughter," born 19 Jan. 1658/9; bapt. 23 Jan. 1658/9, at Guilsborough; mard. by lie. dated 16 Aug. 1678, from Peter­ borough, to Jervis Bradgate, of Great Peatling, co. Leic., gent., eldest son of Richard Bradgate, of Great Peatling, gent., by Jane his wife, fourth dau. of William Jervis, of Great Peatling, esq. (see JERVIS pedigree, ante, p. 42). He was born 3 Sept. 1659 ; bapt. 16 Sept. 1659, at Great Peatling; burd. 23 Dec. 1715, at Great Peatling ; admon. granted Dec. 1715, at Leic. By Mary Lucas, who was burd. 19 Dec. 1697, at Great Peatling, he had issue, in addition to younger children bapt. at Great Peatling, an eldest son, Jervis Bradgate, born 27 Oct. 1679 ; bapt. 7 Nov. 1679, at Guils­ borough; of Lincoln Coll., Oxford. Will proved 13 Mch. 1713/14, at Oxford. B. Anne Lucas, living unmard. 10 Dec. 1679; perhaps mard. 17 Nov. 1685, at Guilsborough, to Mr. John Butlin. C. Elizabeth Lucas, mard. ci'rca 1674 to Rev. Thomas Ward, M.A. Univ. Coll., Oxford ; Rector of Old, co. Northants., from 1668 ; Rector of Guilsborough for 38 years; died 2 May 1706, aged 65; burd. at Guils­ borough. From this marriage descends the family of WARD­ BOUGHTON-LEIGH of Guilsborough {see Burke's Landed Gentry). D. Rebecca Lucas, born 24 July 1661 ; bapt. I Aug. 1661, at Guilsborough; mard. 24 Apl. 1685, at Guilsborough, to Rev. Thomas Herrick, Minister of Harborough, co. Leic.-probably Thomas HerrickofMagdaleneColl., Camb., born circa 1662, son of William Herrick, of Beaumanor, co. Leic., esq. E. Katherine Lucas, born 24 Jan. 1663/4; bapt. 26 Jan. 1663/4, at Guils­ borough; living 10 Dec. 1679, under 24. JOHN LUCAS, son of Henry Lucas preceding and Anne Adams his wife.: of Guilsborough, gent.; perhaps burd. there 2 May 1724. Mard. Alice, dau. of ...... , and had issue, A. HENRY LUCAS, of whom presently. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 143 B. Charles Lucas, born 1 Oct. 1692 ; bapt. 19 Oct. 1692, at Guilsborough. C. John Lucas, born 14 June 1695 ; bapt. 14 June 1695, at Guilsborough. D. Joseph Lucas, born 14 June 1695 (twin with John); bapt. 14 June 1695, at Guilsborough. E. Thomas Lucas, born 22 May 1697; bapt. 23 May 1697, at Guilsborough. F. Robert Lucas, born 5 Apl. 1699; bapt. 10 Apl. 1699, at Guilsborough. A. Ann Lucas, born I Aug. 1681 ; bapt. 8 Aug. 1681, at Guilsborough. B: Alice Lucas, born 3 Oct. 1682; bapt. 13 Oct. 1682, at Guilsborough. C. Elizabeth Lucas, bapt. 13 Nov. 1683, at Guilsborough; perhaps mard. 26 Apl. 1701, at Guilsborough, to Thomas Briggs, of St. Paul, Covent Garden, co. M'sex, vintner. D. Mary Lucas, born 21 Mch. 1705/6; bapt. I Apl. 1706, at Guilsborough. HENRY LUCAS, son of John Lucas preceding and A lice his wife,· of Guilsborough, gent.; born 25 Nov. 1687; bapt. 27 Dec. 1687, at Guilsborough (living 27 June 1737). Mard. 27 Oct. 1718, at Hampton-in-Arden, to Katherine, dau. of William Eborall, J.P., of Balsall, Hampton-in-Arden, co. Warw., by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Robert Beake, of Coventry; she was born about 1677, and living 27 June 1737 (see EBORALL pedigree, ante, pp. r39-40). Henry and Katherine Lucas had issue, I. William Lucas, born 16 Oct. 1719; bapt. 19 Oct. 1719, at Guilsborough. II. Henry Lucas, born 21 Apl. 1721 ; bapt. 16 May 1721, at Guilsborough; living under age, 27 June 1737.

THE NORTON FAMILY OF WARWICK (See ante, VI., 16, 20-21)

FROM a Latin inscription on a marble monument against the east wall of the south transept of St. Mary's Church at Warwick, near the chancel arch, it appears that John Norton, "senescallus" (steward} and deputy recorder of Warwick, died 14 Sept. 1635, and his wife Israel, daughter of Thomas Woodward, of Bull Marston, co. Warwick, gent., on 29 Nov. 1615 ; that Anne, daughter of Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, gent., and widow of Thomas Norton (who was buried at Knowle, co. Warwick), only son of said John and Israel, died 14 May 1698 and was buried near them; and that the epitaph to John Norton, destroyed by fire in r694, was replaced by his grand­ sons, John and Edward Norton, in 1709. The arms on the monument 144 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. are given as :-"Ar. on a bend cotised between 3 lions rampant sa. 3 escallops of the field" (Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana, I., 163; Dugdale's Warwickshire, 2nd. ed. 1730, p. 441 ; Notices of the Church of St. Mary, and the Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick, Warwick, 1845, pp. 4g-5o). The rest of the family story, so far as it concerns us, is told, if not very completely, by the wills and extracts from registers that follow. The Records of Knowle, by T. W. Downing, r914, prints the present­ ment for the Poll Tax at Knowle in 1660, including the following (p. 387) :- Chessett Wood End per annum Thomas Morton, gent., in terris 077-00-00 I-IO-IO Anne the wife of the said Thomas o-o-6 Mr. Downing, the Vicar, and author of the work, admitted to me that Morton was a misprint for Norton. The churchwardens' accounts which he prints also have references to the family:- p. 214 (1675) pd. Mr. Norton for mending the clock o-8--o p. 217 (1676/7) February 7th sending for Mr. Norton 0-00-2 spent in company of Mr. Norton & others o-oo--8 p. 218 May 24th 1677 pd. Mr. Edward Norton I-I 1-4 pd. Mr. Norton 2d Aprill 1674 0-05-6 May 24th 1677 paid Mr. Edward Norton 5-19-6 p. 221 (1678) pd. Mr. Edward Norton due to him since 1676 0-03-8 The fact that Edward Norton, coming of what we might today consider upper middle class stock, was a watchmaker in Warwick, and apparently going out himself to mend church clocks, admirably illustrates what I have often pointed out before (cf. ante, VI., 15), that it is most difficult to compare social positions then and now in terms of business occupation. The late Mr. W. B. Bickley sent me the following extract from the Kings Norton Chief Rents, 1666, under " Lea Yeald ":- Edw. Norton pro Wichall 12s. 1d. Information of the Nortons already printed by me must be consulted in The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, pp. 235, 244-5 ; and in these Gleanings, ante, I., 19, 33-5 ; II., r14 ; III., 43, rro, 114, 154 ; and VI., 16-21, 187. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 145 The following are from Foster's Alumni Oxonienses :­ NORTON, THOMAS, s. John, of Warwick {town), pleb. Queen's Coll., matric. 20 May, 1625, aged 16. NORTON, THOMAS, s. Edward, of Warwick {town), gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 3 March, 1691-2, aged 16, B.A. 1695 ; M.A. from New Inn Hall, 1699 ; vicar of Budbrooke, co. Warwick, 1702. From Carter and Barnard's valuable " Records of King Edward's School, Birmingham " (Dugdale Society, vol. XII., 1933, pp. 150-52, I learn that John Cottrell, of Birmingham, saddler, a governor of the school from 1685 to 1698, in his will dated I Jan. 1704/5, and proved 30 June 1705, in P.C.C., mentions his daughter Elizabeth Norton, and his sons Thomas and John, as well as other children. He was therefore the father-in-law of William Norton, of Birmingham. Information of the Rev. Edward Holbrooke is to be found in these Gleanings, ante, I., 33-4 ; II., 114 ; and III., 113. To the abstract of his will, printed at p. 244 of The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, before "Mr. Richard Hinckley" add "my late friend"; and after "the four children of my late brother, John Holbrooke," add " who are now in parts beyond the seas." The following entry is from the register of St. Mary's, Lichfield :- 1772. Jan. 6. bur. Rev. Mr. Holbrook, vicar of this parish. And this from Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses :- HOLBROKE, EDWARD. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1712. Of Staffordshire. Matric. 1713-4 ; B.A. 1716-7; M.A. 1721. Incorp. at Oxford, 1730. Usher at Stafford School. Will (P.C.C.) 1772 ; of Lichfield, clerk. An article by Mr. N. W. Tildesley, on Willenhall church, in The Willenhall Red Book for 1933, says that Edward Holbrooke appears as incumbent in July 1727, and probably had not been there long, though the Rev. John Carter, who was buried on 29 Feb. 1719/20, was his predecessor as far as the very incomplete records show. The Rev. Titus Neve was admitted to the living in June 1745. Mr. Tildesley says that "after leaving college Holbrooke became usher or under-master at Stafford School, and from thence moved to a similar post at Lich­ field." In the Admission Book of Corpus Christi there is this note against his name:-" Prefer'd near Lichfield and Usher of Stafford School" (History of King Edward VI. School, Stafford, by J. Sidney Home, 1930). JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. The following abstract of a Chancery suit throws light on Edward Norton (C.P., Bridges Division, C.5, 258/42) :- 25 June 1702. Complaint by Edwaf'd Nof'ton, of Warwick, watchmaker, that Thomas HaYpey, of the same borough, watchmaker, about 25 Mch. 1694 agreed to serve complainant as apprentice for 8 years, and his appren­ ticeship ended in Mch. last. For some time HaYpey applied to several of complainant's customers to employ him on bis own account, and did work for them before the ending of his apprenticeship and after without inform­ ing-complainant. 7 July 1702. Answer of Thomas Hat'pef' that he only became bound for 8 years, instead of 7, on assurance of complainant that during the last year he should have priveliges and not be treated as an apprentice. He denies applying to customers during bis apprenticeship, but in his 8th. year he did mend watches for a few people (names given) in Warwick, and complainant knew of the same. The said Thomas took a house in Warwick to set up his trade of watchmaker, but complainant alleged that he meant to work at half price to damage complainant's trade, and complainant, being an Alderman, had him carried before another Alderman, who was a Justice of the Peace, to be charged for doing the said work, and he would have been sent to a house of correction, but complainant said he would be satisfied if he made him five pendulum movements, and he consented, although they were worth much more than the few shillings he took for the work done.

ABSTRACTS OF WILLS JOHN NORTON, of the borough of Warwick, co. Warwick, gent. Will dated 14 Sept. 1635. To wife, lease of feo:ffment made in trust to my brother, Thomas Bushell, jun., for 21 years, of lands in Tothill, co. Lines .. with remr. to exor., also furniture of my chamber in bis house wherein I dwell, also my silver can, six silver spoons, two gilt spoons sent her by Lady BYooke, a silver cup with cover, two silver bowls, and a great salt, linen, etc. To bror. William NoYton, £5. To bror. Robef't, 408/-. To poor of Warwick, £5. To servant, Simon Wale, 5 marks. To MaYga'Yet Hardrey, Joane Gibbs and Amias White, 208/- each. Whereas my son, Thomas No'Yton, owes me £100, residue for my assigning him a lease made to me by Robef't, Lord Brooke, for 21 years, of land in Knoll Parke, within the manor of Knoll, I desire he will pay Thomas AyleswoYth, gent., £50, and Mrs. Ann Harwood, my wife's sister's dau., £30. Resid. legatee and exor., son Thomas No-rton. Signed, J. Norton. Wits., Richaf'd Townesend, Edwat'd Sanders and Edw. Raynsford. Proved 18 Nov. 1635, in P.C.C. (Sadler 117), by the exor. EDWARD NORTON, of the borough of Warwick, co. Warwick, watchmaker. will dated 5 May 1711. Two messuages and tenement in tenure of John Hands, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 147 glover, in borough of Warwick, to loving wife Ann NoYton, and loving son Thomas Norton, of borough of Warwick, clerk, on trust to sell and divide proceeds among my three daus., Mary Norton, Sa'Yah N oYton and J Sf'ael N oYton, who are to receive profits from same within one month after my decease, for their present maintenance. All my clocks, watches and tools, and goldsmith's goods, etc., of my trade, to be sold, for division among said three daus., also my household goods, except bed and furniture of chamber of first floor towards the street adjoining to the house of William Ber-,y, which I give to wife Ann Nof'ton for life, and then for division as before. To said three daus., £100 each in money. To grand-daus., Jane Hunte-, and Ann Huntef', £20 each. To son, William NOYton, and Elizabeth his wife, 205/- each. To son-in-law, John Huntef', and Ann his wife, 205/- each. To son, John Norton, and Elizabeth his wife, 205/- each. Residue after debts, etc., are paid (apart from debts incurred by surrender of my copyhold land at Knole, co. Warwick), between four daus., Ann Huntef', Ma,y, SaYah and lsf'ael Nof'ton. Son, Thomas Norlon, to allow my wife, Ann No'l'ton, to enjoy farm at Beoley, co. Wore., commonly called Charlestone Farm, for her life or widowhood, she paying to Edwa'Yd Cf'ump the legacy her father left him for his life. To wife also, remainder of lease of little living at Branson's Cross, in said par. of Beoley, and, if she marry, to my son Thomas N cwton. To said son Thomas, lease of Charleston Farm afsd., after wife's death, for his own and my son John's life. Remainder of two leases of Longbridge tythe and the Northern tythe, in par. of St. Mary, in Warwick, to son Thomas. My exors. to receive rent of my estate at Knole, co. Warwick, and allow my son, Samuel Norton, £12 yearly for his maintenance while an apprentice, after which he is to receive overplus and full profits. My wife, Ann Newton, and son Thomas, to be exors., and to have 205/- for their pains. Signed, Edwa,-d NoYton. Wits., Tho. Mundel', Samll. Case and Eliz. Satchell (mark). Inventory taken 15 Apl. 1712, by William Fox, of par. of St. Nicholas, and Tho. Hands, of par. of St. Mary's, both in borough of Warwick: amount, £1122-14-0. Proved 13 June 1712, at Worcester (now at Birmingham), by the exors.

SAMUEL NORTON, of London, "chyrurgeon." Will dated 2 June 1721. I desire to be burd. in the vault of Christ Church, London. To my sisters, Sa'l'ah and Js,-ael No'Yton, .f,100 each. To my sister Hinckley, £30. To my sister, Anne Hunter, £30. To my bror. and sister Norton, of Birmingham, a ring each worth a guinea. To my bror. John No,ton, £5 a year for life. To the children of my bror. and sister Hunte'Y, £10 among them. To my bror. Hinckley, a guinea. To my sister Norton, of London, the like. To my mother, Anne Norton, £10. To my bror., Thomas No'Yton, of Warwick, clerk, all my customary messuages and lands in the manor of Knowle, co. Warwick. Resid. legatee and exor., my said bror., Thomas Norton. Signed, Samuel No,ton. Wits., Cathrin Fox, Elizth. Cooke (her mark) and Wm. Pocklington. Proved 15 June 1721, in P.C.C. (Buckingham, 115), by Thomas NoYton, clerk, the exor. WILLIAM NORTON, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, ironmonger. Will dated 28 Feb. 1722/3. To wife Elizabeth, dwelling house, gardens, etc., called Cobley L JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Hill, in Tardbeck, co. Warw., after mother Norton's death, for life, with remr. to my issue: in default to bror., Thomas No'l'ton, and his heirs for ever. To kinswoman, Anne, wife of M'I'. Joseph Colley, messuage in High Town, B'ham, where I now dwell, for life, with remr. to her son, William Colley, and bis issue, he paying bis sister, Elizabeth Colley, £200; if he die without issue, to male issue of said Anne Colley, for ever, to her issue, to my nephew, Charles Hunter, son of sister, Anne Hunter, deed., and his heirs for ever. To said wife, closes and land in Birmingham, at Foullake, and lands called Pale Fields at Woor Stone. To bror., John No,ton, and sisters Mary Hinckley, Sarah No,ton and Israel No'l'ton, £80 each. To bror., John No,ton, and Elizabeth his wife, £10 a year. To nephew, Richard Hinckley, son of sister Mary, £20, to be paid to his father, Mr. Thomas Hincldey, for his use. To five children of sister, Ann Hunter, £20 each, to be paid to their father, M,. John Hunte,, for their use. To Charity School in Birmingham, £50. To poor of Birmingham, £20. Resid. legatee and extrix., wife Elizabeth. Signed, Wm. Norton. Wits., Robt. Watkin, R. Rann and Tho. Dallaway. Proved 20 Feb. 1723/4, in P.C.C. {Bolton 40), by extrix.

THOMAS NORTON, of Warwick, co. Warwick, clerk. Will dated 22 Oct. 1742. To be burd. in St. Mary's Church, Warwick, as near as possible to my relations. Copyhold land in manor of Knowle, co. Warwick, being near Chessett Wood Commons, and surrendered to uses of my will, to sisters, Ezrael, wife of M,. Edward Hollbrook, and Sarah No,ton, they paying £10 a year to my nephew, Charles Hunte,, with remr. after their death to nephew, Richard Hinckley, he paying my nieces, children of my late sister Hunte,, viz. Ann, wife of Rev. Mr. Martin, Rebecca Hunte,, and Elizabeth, wife of Rev. M,. Seawell (sc. Sewa,yd), {,10 each. To nephew, Rieha'Yd Hinckley, and his wife, £10 each. To afsd. nieces, closes called Palefields, in Birmingham, near Whorstone, same being given me by my late bror., William NO'Yton, after death of my sister-in-law, his wife. To sister, Sa,ah No,ton, messuage where I now dwell in High Street, Warwick, and messuage in Lapworth, co. Warwick, to her and her sisters for ever, also leasehold estate in Beeley, co. Wore. To bror.-in-law, M'I'. Thomas Hinckley, and sister-in-law, MYs. Norton, of Birmingham, one guinea each. To cousin, MYs. Ann Norton, of Warwick, two guineas. Resid. legatee and extrix., sister Sarah Norton. Signed, Tho: Norton. Wits., Tho: BYadley, Charles Pettitt and Ri. WYight. Proved 16 Aug. 1743, in P.C.C. {Boycott 269), by Sarah No,ton, spinster. ELIZABETH NORTON, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, widow. Will dated 22 Oct. 1743. My late husband, William No'l'ton, deed., made his will 28 Feb. 1722/3, and devised to me all his closes of land in Birmingham, near Foule Lake, and I bequeath same to Charles Hunte,-, Ann, Elizabeth and Rebecca, son and daus. of my husband's sister Hunte,, deed. To niece Ann, dau. of bror., Thomas CottYell, deed., a diamond ring. To god-dau., Elizabeth, dau. of husband's sister Hunter, my gold ring, with King Charles his picture. Resid. legatee an~ exor., nephew John Cottrell, son of bror., John CottYell, deed. Signed, Eliz: Norton. Wits., Ma,y Parkes, George Pa,-kes and Tho. Fiske,. Proved 20 June 1745, in P.C.C. (Seymour 176), by exor. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 149 EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS ST. MARY'S, WARWICK. (Registe,- at ahuf'ch starts 1651, but copies of the t'ransc'ripts at W01'ceste'r Jo, yea'rs 1611-12, 1613, 1614, 1615, 1619, 1621, 1622, 1623, 1629, 1633, 1634, 1635, and 1639 af'e preseroed with it. Searched by Mr. A. W. Read to 1718, and buf'ials on #o 1750). 1615._ Dec. 1. bur. Israel wcor Johannis Norton generosi. 1634. Aug. 26. bap. Emma filia Thomae Norton (junioris). 1635. Oct. 11. bap. Maria filia Thomae Norton. 1660. June 12. mard. Richard Overton and Mary Norton. 1682. Apl. 10. bap. Sarah Norton Daug. of Mr Edward Norton. 1684/5. Mch. 6. bap. Israell Norton Daugh. of Mr Edward Norton. 1690. July 29. bap. Samuell Norton sonne of Mr Edward Norton. 1698. Apl. 17. bur. Mrs Anne Norton Widow. 1710. Oct. 27. bur. Rebecca the daughter of Mr. Edward Norton. 1712. Apl. 7. bur. Edward Norton gent.

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE ...... NORTON mard...... , and had issue, JOHN NORTON, of whom presently. William Norton, living 14 Sept. 1635. Robert Norton, living 14 Sept. 1635. JOHN NORTON,just mentioned, of Warwick, co. Warwick; Steward and Deputy Recorder of Warwick; died 14 Sept. 1635 ; burd. at St. Mary's, Warwick. Will dated 14 Sept. 1635 (the day of his death), proved 18 Nov. 1635, in P.C.C. Held a lease at Knowle, co. Warwick. Mard. Israel, dau. of Thomas Woodward, of Bull Marston, co. Warwick, gent. By her, who died 29 Nov. 1615, and was burd. at St. Mary's, Warwick, he had issue an only son, THOMAS NORTON, of Chessett Wood End, par. of Knowle, co. Warw., gent. ; matric. 20 May 1625, aged 16, from Queen's Coll., Oxford ; described as "the younger" on 26 Aug. 1634; died before Apl. 1698; burd. at Knowle. Mard. Anne, youngest dau. of Henry Porter, of Edgbaston, co. Warw., gent. (see PORTER pedigree, ante, p. 109), by Anne his wife, dau. of William Colmore, of New Hall, Birmingham (see COLMORE pedigree, ante, p. 121). By her, who died 14 Apl. or May 1698, and was burd. at St. Mary's, Warwick, he had issue, John Norton, living I 709. EDWARD NORTON, of whom pyesently. Emma Norton, bapt. 26 Aug. 1634, at St. Mary's, Warwick. 150 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Mary Norton, bapt. 11 Oct. 1635, at St. Mary's, Warwick; perhaps mard. there 12 June 1660 to Richard Overton. EDWARD NORTON, younge, son of Thomas No,ton p.-eceding; of Warwick, watchmaker, an Alderman of the Borough; held copyhold land at Knowle, co. Warw.; burd. 7 Apl. 1712, at St. Mary's, Warwick. Will dated 5 July 1711, proved 13 June 1712, at Worcester. Mard. Anne, dau. of ...... ; to enjoy Charleston Farm, at Beoley, co. Wore., for her widowhood. By her, who was living 28 Feb. 1722/3 (? at Tarde­ bjgge), he had issue, Rev. Thomas Norton, born about 1676 ; B.A. Trin. Coll., Oxford, 1695 ; M.A. New Inn Hall, 1699 ; Vicar of Budbrooke, co. Warw., from 1702; lived at Warwick; held copyhold land at Chessett Wood, Knowle ; died without issue ; to be burd. near relations, in St. Mary's Church, Warwick. Will dated 22 Oct. 1742, proved 16 Aug. 1743, in P.C.C. William Norton, of the High Town, Birmingham, ironmonger; will dated 28 Feb. 1722/3, proved 20 Feb. 1723/4, in P.C.C. Mard. before I Jan. 1704/5 to Elizabeth, dau. of John Cottrell, of Birmingham, saddler. By her, whodiedawidowin Birmingham, and whosewill,dated 22 Oct. 1743, was proved 20 June 1745, in P.C.C., he left no issue. John Norton, living with bis wife Elizabeth on 5 May 1711 and 28 Feb. 1722/3; perhaps of London, 2 June 1721. Samuel Norton, of London, surgeon ; bapt. 29 July 1690, at St. Mary's, Warwick; an apprentice, 5 May 1711 ; had property at Knowle, co. Warw.; died June 1721, unmard.; to be burd. in vault at Christ Church, London. Will dated 2 June 1721, proved 15 June 1721, in P.C.C. I. Anne Norton, mard. in 1704, or earlier, to Rev. John Hunter, Head­ master of Lichfield Grammar School, as bis first wife. She was burd. 25 July 1722, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, leaving issue (see HUNTER pedigree, post, p. 175). II. Mary Norton, mard. 21 July 1717, at St. Michael's, Lichfield, to Thomas Hinckley, of Lichfield, and was burd. 30 Dec. 1739, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. Thomas Hinckley, second son of Richard Hinckley, of Lichfield, gent., was bapt. 13 Oct. 1692, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, and burd. there on 16 Mch. 1747/8, leaving issue by Mary Norton his wife (see HINCKLEY pedigree, post, p. 165). III. Sarah Norton, bapt. 10 Apl. 1682, at St. Mary's, Wa(Wick; living unmard. 16 Aug. 1743, and in 1746 (inf. late W. B. Bickley). IV. Israel Norton, bapt. 6 Mch. 1684/5, at St. Mary's, Warwick ; mard. by lie. dated 22 May 1723 to Rev. Edward Holbrooke, and died without issue before 26 Jan. 1772; will dated 5 July 1758. The Rev. Edward Holbrooke, son of Edward Holbrooke, of Wolverhampton, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 151

attorney, was bapt. 6 Aug. 1695, at Wolverhampton ; M.A. Corpus Christi Coll., Carob. ; usher at Stafford Grammar School ; assistant master at Lichfield Grammar School during Johnson's pupilage there ; Incumbent of Willenhall, co. Staffs., in 1727 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Lichfield, from 1744 ; burd. 6 Jan. 1772, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. His will, dated 26 (?) Jan. 1772, was proved 7 July 1772, in P.C.C. V. Rebecca Norton, burd. 27 Oct. 1710, at St. Mary's, Warwick.

THE HINCKLEYS OF LICHFIELD (See ante, VI., 104, 186-g)

THE Hinckleys of Lichfield, through their descent from the Nortons and the Porters, were distantly akin to Johnson's step­ children, as well as more closely to the Sewards, the Hunters and the Whites. These relationships brought them into the most select social circle of the town during the later period of Johnson's life, and kept them in it after his death, when could enjoy her literary fame without being constantly galled by the consciousness that the town's greatest son thought her pretty small beer. It was only by tracing the pedigree of the Hinckleys, and getting into touch with Miss Harriet M. Hinckley, that I learned of the Aston portraits which are reproduced in Part VI. I have not considered it necessary to explore the earlier history of the family, or to give details of the later generations. At VI., 187, I have inadvertently spoken of Thomas Hinckley [1692-1748] as "father," instead of grandfather, of Thomas Hinckley [1745-1817].

EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS ST. MARY'S, LICHFIELD (Selected entries) 1645. May 20. mar. Richard Hinckley and Dorothy Thacker. 1645/6. Mch. I. hap. Katherine, dau. of Richard and Dorothy Hinckley. 1647/8. Feb. 9. bap. Dorothy, dau. of Richard Hinklie. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

1652. Apl. 13. bap. Richard, son of Richard Hinckley. 1653. Oct. 20. bap. Ann, dau. of Richard Hinckley. 1655. Aug. 25. bur. [blank], dau. of Richard Hinckley. 1655. Nov. 7. bap. Thomas, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1655. Dec. 17. bur. Thomas, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1656/7. Feb. 21. bap. Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1659. May 10. bap. Ann, dau. of Richard Hinckley, gent. 1660/1. Feb. II. bap. Richard, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1667. Nov. 28. mar. Walter Bird and Katherine Hinckley. 1685/6. ·Feb. 10. mar. Mr. Wm. Jason and Mrs. Elizabeth Hinckley. 1689. Nov. 27. bap. Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1691. July 1. bap. Richard, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1692. Oct. 13. bap. Thomas, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1694. July 5. bap. Ann, dau. of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1695. Aug. 1. mar. Mr. Francis Bayley and Mrs. Ann Hinckley. 1695/6. Mch. 23. bap. Francis, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1697. Mch. 25. bap. John, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1698. Oct. 24. bap. Henry, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1703. May 5. bap. Judith, dau. of Richard Hinckley. 1719. Aug. 12. bap. Richard, son of Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1719/20. Feb. 15. bap. Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1739. Dec. 30. bur. Mary, wife of Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1747/8. Mch. 16. bur. Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1750/1. Jan. 18. hap. Norton, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1752. July 4. bap. Richard, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1754. July 27. bap. James, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1757. Aug. 25. bap. Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1758. Aug. 31. bap. Mary, dau. of Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1778. Sept. 7. mar. Thomas Hinckley, gent., and Catherine Grundy, both of this par., lie. Wits., John Swinfen and Geo. Hand, jun. 1779. July 3. bap. Catherine, dau. of Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1780. Dec. 29. bap. Anna Maria, dau. of Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1781. Dec. II. bap. Arthur, son of Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1784. Dec. 27. bap. Lucy, dau. of Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1788. Aug. 21. bap. Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Hinckley. 1792. Nov. 19. bap. Richard, son of Thomas and Catherine Hinckley. 1792. Dec. 6. mar. William Simmons, Manchester, and Mary Hinckley, of this par., lie. Wits., Thos. Hinckley and Elizabeth Hinckley. 1794. July 24. bap. Hugh, son of Thomas Hinckley and Catherine (born I Apl.). 1796. July 27. bap. John, son of Thomas Hinckley, Esq., and Catherine his wife (born 26 Apl.). 1802. Sept. 7. mar. Robert John Harper, of St. George, Bloomsbury, Esq., and Catherine Hinckley, of this par., spinster, lie. Wits., Geo. Hand, Tho. Hinckley. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 153 ST. MICHAEL'S, LICHFIELD (Selected entries.) 1655. Dec. 17. bur. Thomas, son of Mr. Richard Hinckley and Dorothy. 1658. Aug. 26. bur. Ann, dau. of Mr. Richard Hinckley and Dorothy. 1659/6o. Jan. 14. bur. Mr. Richard Hinckley, son of Mr. Bayliefe Richard Hinckley. 1667. Nov. 2. bur. Thomas, son of Mr. Richard Hincklie. 1675. June 28. mar. Samuel Banner and Dorothy Hinckley. 1683. Dec. 20. bur. Mr. Richard Hinckley. 1716/17. Feb. 12. bur. Richard Hinckley. 1717. July 21. mar. Thomas Hinckley and Mary Norton. 1722. July 9. bur. Mr. Richard Hinkley, Sheriff of the City. 1727. July 2. bur. Mrs. Judy Hinkley, widow. 1738/9. Feb. II. bur. Elizabeth Hinkley, widow. 1745. Aug. 19. bur. Mrs. Hinckley, wife of Mr. Thomas. 1789. July 26. bur. Mr. James Hinckley.

ABSTRACTS OF WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS RICHARD HINCKLEY, of the city and county of Lichfield. Will dated 30 Aug. 1683. Sick in body, etc. To my wife, the house wherein I now dwell (except the shop and chamber over it; the backside to have liberty to dress leather, with all materials to dress leather withal), with the Barn, Almonds Fields and the Becks, with all ways and other profits belonging to them, during her natural life. To son Richard, the shop, chamber and liberty before excepted, and all the rest of my lands, etc., within the city and co. of Lichfield (except the lands, etc., at Willnall, co. Staffs.), and the rest of my houses and lands, before given to my wife, after her decease; and for want of issue to him I give same to my four daus. equally and their heirs, viz. Catherine Bird, Dorothy Banner, Elizabeth Hinckley and Ann Hinckley. And the rest of my estate, together with land at Willnall, I give to my wife to pay following legacies :-To dau., Elizabeth Hinckley, £200; to dau., Ann Hinckley, £200; to dau., Catherine Bird, £50; to dau., Dorothy Banne1', £50; also to daus., Elizabeth and Ann, £50 each; to Ann Bird, my granddau., £30; to son-in-law, Walter Bird, and son-in-law, Samuel Banner, 105/- each for rings; to poor of Lichfield, £4; to poor of Walsall, 208/-; wife, Dorothy Hinckley, to have all my lands at Willnall, on trust to sell same towards payment of said legacies, and she to have household goods and personal estate, and be extrix. Signed, Richard Hinckley. Wits., Thomas Hinckley, William Clare and Ann Smald.Yidge (mark), widow. Proved 24 Dec. 1683, at Lichfield, by extrix.

DOROTHY HINCKLEY, of Lichfield, widow. Will dated 20 July 1689. Dau., Anne Hinckley, to have her legacy and portion left her by her father first paid and satisfied. To said dau., Anne, feather bed_, etc., in the chamber over the 154 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. kitchen, certain chairs, grate, fire shovel and tongs, and 20 guineas of gold. To son, Richaf'd Hinckley, my leaden cistern and all implements belonging to malting, grate and fire shovel, etc., in the kitchen. To granddau., Anne Bird, £50. To granddau., Elizabeth Banner, £50. To poor of Lichfield, £3. Rest of goods, debts, mortgages, bills, bonds, household stuff, etc., to my three daus., Kathe,ine Bi'Yd, Elizabeth Jesson and Anne Hinckley, equally. Extrix., my dau., Anne Hinckley. Wits., Maf'tha DYing and lsaa& Hinckley. Inventory dated 3 Aug. 1692: total, £439-4-0. Appraisers, William Potts, of Lichfield, gent., and William WYexham, of Lichfield, mercer. Proved 28 Sept. 1692, at Lichfield, by Anne Hinckley, the extrix. RICHARD HINCKLEY, of city of Lichfield, gent. Will dated 6 Feb. 1716/17. To wife Judith, as an addition to her jointure, all my lands in Lichfield called the Becks, and lands in Micklehill, and 6 acres of land in Whissige, for her life, and then to Richa'Yd Ride'Y, jun., of the Close, Lichfield, gent., upon trust to sell same and divide between my sons, Thomas Hinckley, F,yancis Hinckley, Henry Hinckley and William Hinckley, and my daus., M ayy Hinckley and Judith Hinckley, equally. But son, Richa'Yd Hinckley, to have refusal of my lands. To said Richa'Yd Ride'Y, my messuage house or tenement in Sanford Street, Lichfield, and my land in Lichfield called the two Almons fields, for 99 years, in trust out of the rents, etc., to pay such debts as my son RichaYd stands bound with me for, and then said messuages, etc., to my son RichaYd. Personal estate to my wife Judith, to dispose of same as she thinks fit among such of my children as shall in honour and duty best deserve it from her. Exors., wife Judith, and said friend, Richard Ride'Y, jun. Wits., J. Newton, Ralph Heath and Edw. Short. Proved 5 July 1717, at Lichfield, by Judith Hinckley, the widow and relict. JUDITH HINCKLEY, of Lichfield, widow. Will dated 17 May 1727. To son, HenYy Hinckley, a bed, etc. To son, Thomas Hinckley, a gold ring that was his father's. To son-in-law, William AYche'Y, £19. All the rest of my personal estate to dau., Judith Hinckley, and she to be extrix. To said dau. Judith, my share of those lands in Lichfield called the Becks, and lands in Mickehill, and 6 acres in Whissage. A share was given to my son, F'Yancis Hinckley, which has since been assigned to me. Signed, Judith Hinckley. Wits., Isabel Bird, Mary Bi'Yd and Steph. Simpson. Proved 20 May 1728, at Lichfield, by the sole extrix. ELIZABETH HINCKLEY, of th~ city of Lichfield, in co. of said city, widow. Will dated 13 Apl. 1748. Infirm of body, etc. My debts to be first paid, and then I give all my household goods, money, plate, and all other my personal estate, to my grandson, Caesa'Y A'Yden Colclough, and I appoint my son-in-law, Caesa'Y Arden Colclough, gent., exor. Signed, Elizabeth Hinckley (mark). Wits., Elizabeth Newton and Gilbert FYogatt. Proved 12 Nov. 1751, at Lichfield, by Caesa'Y Arden Colclough, esq., sole exor. RICHARD HINCKLEY, of city of Lichfield, gent., made a will and appointed Judith Hinckley and Richa'Yd Ride'Y, jun., exors., who are since dead without THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 155 having fully administered his goods and personal estate, and Richa'Yd Rider was the surviving exor., and died intestate, whereupon Richa,d Hinckley, of city _of Lichfield, gent., alleged himself to be the grandson and next-of-kin of said deed., and admon. was accordingly granted to him, at Lichfield, on 21 Nov. 1763. Estate sworn under £20. RICHARD HINCKLEY, of the city of Lichfield, gentleman. Will dated 6 May 1767. To my wife Ma,y, all my freehold, leasehold and copyhold estate, for •life, with remainder to my son, Thomas Hinckley, and his heirs, for ever. I charge said estates with the following legacies :-To my son John, £250, which, with what I have already expended on the East India Service, will be equal what I give my other sons, to be paid at their ages of 21. To my son, Norton Hinckley, £400. To my sons, Richa'Yd and James, £500 each. To my daus., Elizabeth and Ma'Yy Hinckley, £1000 each at their ages of 21. To all my sons and daus., a further £3ooeach. To mydau. Elizabeth, myland at Wall, par. of Shenston, Staffs., now held by Hen,yy Cu-rson, to hold after my wife's death. Exors., my wife, and son Thomas. Signed, Rd. Hinckley. Wits., F'Yas. Cobb, F'Yas. Robinson and Geo. Holmes. Proved 7 July 1772, in P.C.C. (Taverner 261), by Thomas Hinckley, one of the exors., power reserved to Ma'Yy Hinckley, the other exor. BLANCH HINCKLEY, of the Close of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, widow. Will dated 6 Dec. 1771. To be burd. in the churchyardatthesouth-east end of said Cathedral. To be kept a decent time after my decease, five or six days. Bell to ring out the evening after my decease, and at the time I am going to be burd., and half an hour after. Simon Wood, William Wood, Thomas Twyford, Jonathan Allport, John Jee, of Streetway, and Francis Fo'Ysb'Yook, to carry me to my grave, and each to have 58/- and some good book. A handsome stone to be laid over my grave, containing my name and time of my decease. To poor housekeepers, £5. To Women's Hospital, 408/-. To poor of Greenhill and Streetway, 405/-. All my personal estate to my servant, Catherine Hatton, and her heirs, in consideration of her faithful services, she first to pay my debts, funeral expenses and legacies. To my bror., Chat'les Pyott, esq., and M'Ys. Pyott, a mourning ring each, value 208/-. To nephew, Robert Pyott, esq., and Ann his wife, and to Mr. William Bailey, apothecary, and Frances his wife, each rings value 208/-. To my niece, Jane Mallett, £10. To my relations, Fettiplace Nott, esq., and Catherine his wife, rings value 205/- each. To goddau., Charlotte Hand, a pair of silver table spoons, and two blue and white china dishes. Mr. Richard Green, apothecary, to have a hatband and a pair of gloves at my funeral. Extrix., my servant, Catherine Hatton. Signed, Blanch Hinckley. Wits., B. Bond and G. Shenton. Proved 3 Nov. 1772, at Lichfield, by CatheYine Hatton, the sole extrix. THOMAS HINCKLEY, of the city of Lichfield, esq. Will dated 4 Apl. 1816. To my wife, in addition to the settlement made to her, an annuity of £380 a year, which will bring her income up to £500. and also £200, and all my household JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

goods. The proceeds of £2000 to be paid yearly to my dau., CatheYine, wife of RobeYt John Harper, esq., with contingent remainders after her decease to her said husband, her child or children, her next of kin. To my daus., Anna MaYia Hinckley, Lucy Hinckley, my sons, Thomas, Richard and John, £4000 each; if my son Richa,d shall at any time be instituted to the rectory of Clifton Camp­ ville, Staffs., and shall continue rector, in consequence of the death of my son John after his age of 24, then I annul the above bequest. My trustees to retain in their hands the sum bequeathed to my son John, during the life of Sa1'ah, wife of Hen,yy Stokes, the younger, esq., late SaYah Watkins, widow, he to have the interest only during her life or until he becomes rector of Clifton Campville, and he and Rickard to be maintained and educated at Oxford. To my son Hugh, £100 a year, and after my wife's death, £200 a year. To my sister Simmons, and Rev. Hugh Bailye and his wife (my wife's sister), £19--19-0 each; and to my confidential clerk, Mr. William Oakey, and Mr. Francis Sha-r,att, my clerk, £150 each. To my servants, RobeYt Gilbert and Sarah Billingsley, £30 each. To my son Thomas, my burgage in Wade Street, Litchfield, now used as a Meeting House for Dissenters, and a burgage in Stow Street, Litchfield. To my eldest son, A rthu,, all other my freehold messuages and lands, to him and his heirs for ever, and £3000, and other sums of £2000 and £3000, insured on the life of Sa-rah, wife of Henry Stokes, and late Sa'Yah Watkins, widow, and I desire him to present to the rectory of Clifton Campville my said son, John Hinckley, or failing him my son, Richard Hinckley. Exors., my wife Catka-rine, and my sons, At'thuf', Thomas and Richard. Signed, Tho. Hinckley. Wits., Wm. Gill, Thomas Ruttef' and James Palmer. Proved 17 Apl. 1818, in P.C.C. (Cresswell 177), by Arthuf' Hinckley, the son, power reserved to the other exors.

EXTRACTS FROM PRINTED SOURCES THE lists of civic officers in Harwood's Lichfield contain the following names :-p. 427, Richard Hinckley, sheriff in 1655, and Richard Hynckley, junior bailiff in r659 ; p. 430, Richard Hinckley, sheriff in 1694, and Richard Hinckley, junior bailiff in r701 ; p. 431, Richard Hinckley, senior bailiff in r707 ; p. 432, Richard Hinckley, sheriff in 1721 ; and p. 434, Cresar Arden Colclough, Esq., sheriff in r750. A Short Account of , Lichfield : Thomas George Lomax, 5th ed. 1843, p. 82, gives particulars of the Hinckley monument there, commemorating Richard Hinckley, who died 7 Jan. r772, aged 52; Mary his widow, "late Bayley, of Stapeley, Cheshire," who died 25 Mch. 1788, aged 70 ; Elizabeth, their eldest daughter, who died 28 Sept. 1795, aged 38; Thomas Hinckley, esq., their eldest son, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES I57 who died 26 Sept. 1817, aged 72, leaving a widow and 8 children ; Catherine Hinckley, widow of Thomas, who died 3 Jan. r823, aged 67 ; and, p. 83, of another, to Catherine, wife of Robert John Harper, esq., and daughter of Thomas Hinckley, who died 22 Mch. 1822, aged 42, leaving her husband with 5 children. The pedigree of Bayley, of Willaston Hall, Nantwich, in Burke's Landed Gentry for 1921, shows James Bayley [1692-1764], of Stapeley, as married first, in 1716, to his cousin Mary, only daughter of John Jervis, of Darlaston, Staffs., and aunt to John Jervis (1735-1823], first Earl St. Vincent, the famous Admiral: she died in 1733, leaving issue. James Bayley married again in 1734 : Mary Bayley, wife of Richard Hinckley, and born in 1718, must have been daughter of his first marriage. The pedigree of Pyott, of Streethay, in Shaw's Staffordshire, I., 364, shows Richard Pyott, of Streethay, with a daughter, " Blanche, wife of Thomas Hinckley, of Lichfield": her sister Frances was second wife of George Hand, of Lichfield (ante, IV., 178, 197 ; VI., 143). The pedigree of Woodhouse, of Wombume Woodhouse, Staffs., in Burke's Landed Gentry for 1853, p. 1632, shows the Rev. John Chappel Woodhouse [1749-1833], , with an elder daughter, Ellen Jane, married first to the Rev. W. Robinson, Rector of Swinnerton, who died 1812 ; second to Hugh Dyke Acland ; and third to Richard Hinckley, of Beacon House, Lichfield. Her two daughters by her first marriage are the "sleeping children" of Chantrey's celebrated monument in the Cathedral. From Burke's Peerage we learn of Hugh Dyke Acland [1791-1834] that his widow, Ellen Jane, was married 7 April 1835 to Richard Hinckley, of Beacon Place, Lichfield, and died 18 Oct. 1870. John Hinckley, son of Thomas Hinckley, esq., of Lichfield, entered Rugby School on 26 Apl. 1810, aged 13 (Rugby School Register, 1886, I., 104). From Foster's Alumni Oxonienses we learn that William Simmons, son of William Simmons, of Manchester, esq., matriculated from Brasenose College on r7 May r8r5, aged I7 ; B.A. 1819 ; Fellow, 1819- 30 ; M.A. 1823 ; barrister-at-law, Middle Temple, 1827 ; died 3 Apl. 1837; and from the "Manchester School Register" that the father was one of the surgeons to the Manchester Infirmary (Chetham JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. Society, vol. 93, p. 43). Anna Seward wrote to Mrs. Simmons (Mary Hinckley), at Manchester, on 25 Dec. 1792, to congratulate her on her marriage (Letters, 1811, III., 199). On 15 Oct. 1795 she mentioned that Mrs. Simmons was recovering from a long illness (ibid., IV., 114); and on 20 Jan. 1802 she wrote a longish letter to Mr. Simmons, "Surgeon in Manchester," in reference to Major Andre's death (ibid., VI., 3). Th·e Gentleman's Magazine for 1802, pt. 2, p. 1223, records the following Suffolk marriage:- (Sept. 7) Robert John Harper, esq. of the Dutchy of Lancaster office, Somerset-place, to the eldest daughter of Thomas Hinckley, esq. of Lich­ field. The irrepressible Anna Seward addressed verses '' To Robert Harper, Esq. sent to him the night before he took his bride to their house in London "-the "fair Catherine" (Poetical Works, ed. , 1810, III., 357) ; and later we find lines " To Little Catherine Harper, aged three years, presenting her with a blue sattin bonnet" (ibid., Ill., 389). The pedigree of Macpherson of Wyrley Grove, Walsall, in Burke's Landed Gentry for 1898, gives Fowke Hussey, of Little Wyrley, as marrying Elizabeth, daughter of William J esson, of Lichfield, gent., and sister of William Jesson, barrister-at-law, and having a fourth son, Richard Hussey [1722-74], of Wolverhampton. Elizabeth, daughter of " Mr. William Jason," was baptized at St. Mary's, Lichfield, on 8 November 1688, and Dorothy her sister on 26 Feb. 1689/90 ; we shall see that they were both, with their elder brother William, and their younger sister, Anna Maria, living with their widowed mother Elizabeth (Hinckley) in Sadler Street in 1695 (post, p. 159). In Anna Seward's letter to Mrs. Simmons of 25 Dec. 1792, already alluded to, she sends her love to Miss Hinckley, and mentions just having seen Mrs. Hinckley (Letters, III., 200). And in the letter of 15 Oct. 1795, to Mrs. Parry Price, of Chester, she makes reference to the recent death of " your and my relation," Miss (Elizabeth) Hinckley, describing her character and appearance, and the suddenness of her end, while the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Hinckley (ibid., IV., 113-16). She alludes to Mr. and Mrs. Hinckley again in a THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 159 letter of 16 Aug. 1797 (ibid., IV., 378). A much earlier reference, in a letter of Oct. 1767, from Gotham, announces that "Mr. Hinckley's clerk is arrived from Lichfield upon business to my uncle " (Poetical Works, ed. Walter Scott, I., cxcviii). Only next month Dr. Johnson, writing to Miss Elizabeth Aston, at Lichfield, sends his "compliments to Mrs. Hinckley " (Letters of Samuel Johnson, ed. Birkbeck Hill, I., 132). In reference to a settlement made by a friend of hers on his wife's companion Miss Seward mentions in a letter of 1791 that "My cousin, Mr. Hinchley (sic), eminent as an attorney, made the deed" (Correspondence of Thomas Sedgewick Whalley, ed. Hill Wickham, 1863, II., 52). "Mrs. Hinckley, of Lichfield," was one of the recipients of mourning rings of the value of two guineas under Anna Seward's will, in 1809 (A Swan and Her Friends, E. V. Lucas, 1907, p. 323).

MISCELLANEOUS UNPRINTED EVIDENCE Gregory King's Lichfield census of 1695 (see ante, III., 18) has several entries that help us in this pedigree:- Sand/o,d StYeet in St. M a,yes pa,isk. Richard Hinckley Gent. reputed 35 Sheriff for the Citty and County Judith Hinckley his wife 28 Richd Hinckley 5 } r son Tho. Hinckley 3 Y 5 Elizab : Hinckley 4 yr Daughtr Tho: Heath Batcher 30 yeares 00-01-00 Elizab: Hall Servt 26 Sadle, alias M a'l'kett StYeet in St. M af'yes pat'ish. Eliz : Jesson Widd: 36 wm her son 8 Eliz. 7 l Dorothy 5 ~ her daughters Anna Maria 3 J Ann Hinckley Spinstr 33 Eliz. Gee 30 } Servts Jane Powson 28 160 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Lumber [sc. Lombanl] St-reet in St. Maryes Parish, Walter Bird 49 Catha: his wife 44 Walter 19 } sons Samll 10 Ann 23 1 Mary 20 r Daughtrs Elizab. 16 J Cont:luil -~ Damn Streets in St'. Maryes Pa'Yish. Francis Bailey senr Gent. reputed 70 Joan his wife 70 Fra : Bailey J unr Widdr 44 odd-noe Child 00-06-00 The following abstract of a marriage settlement in his possession was kindly sent me by the Rev. F. A. Homer:- 31 July 1695. Francis Bayley, the elder, of Lichfield, gent., and Joan his now wife, and son and heir Francis Bayley, of Lichfield, gent., Anne Hinckley, of same, spinster, her brother, Richard Hinckley, of same, gent., and William Bayley, of same, butcher, brother of Francis Bayley, the younger. Signatures of Ric. Hinckley and Wm. Bayley. Mr. Homer also sent me a note of the marriage at Curdworth, on 9 Sept. 1718, of Mr. Richard Hinckley, of Lichfield, to Mrs. Elizabeth Clare, of Mancetter. Mr. A. W. Read's transcript of the admission register of Appleby School, in Leicestershire, shews that Arthur Hinckley entered the Latin school on 24 July 1788, and the Writing school on 22 Jan. 1789. Miss Hinckley has kindly supplied me with a copy of the entries in the Family Bible in her possession, excluding the later generations. Difficulty was found in deciphering some of the names of persons and places, but most of them are obviously correct:- Extract from the register for the Parish of St. Mary in the City of Lichfield "August 1719" "Bap. Richard son of Mr. Thomas Hinckley 12." Richard Hinckley & Mary Bayley married at Swinnerton the 8th. of June 1742. He died 7th. January 1772 in the 53d. year of his Age, being born in July or Aug. 1719. Richard son of Rd. & Mary Hinckley Born the 25 of March 1744, being Easter Sunday. He dyed the 5th of June following. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 161

Thos. son of Rd. & Mary Hinckley Born the 5th. of March 1744. He died 26th. Sept. 1817 in the 73rd. year of his Age. John son of Rd. & Mary Hinckley Born the First of November 1746. Lost with Sir Hyde Parker in the Cato in going to the West Indies. Mary daughter of Richd. & Mary Hinckley Born the Sixteenth of January 174 7 She died the 16 of March following. Richard anor. son of Richd. & Mary Hinckley Born the 2d. January 1748. He died May the 6th. 1749. ·Norton son of Richd. & Mary Hinckley Born the 17th. of January 1750. Richd. anor. son of Richd. & Mary Hinckley born 21st. of June 1752. James another son of Richd. & Mary Hinckley Born July 27th. 1754. Elizth. daughter of Richd. & Mary Hinckley born August 22d. 1757. Ob. 28 Sept. 1795 aet. 38. Mrs. Swynfen Mrs. Jervis of Darlaston & Mr. Arch­ deacon Smallbrooke for Sponsors. Mary another daughter of Rd. & Mary Hinckley born Aug. 30th. 1758. Mr. Archdeacon Davies* Mrs. Seward & Mrs. White for Sponsors. Mary the wife of Richard Hinckley died 25th. March I 788 aged 70 being born in the year 1718. Sponsors to our first child Richard G .. Bayley, Mr. Swynfen Jervis, & my second mother. To Tommy My father, Mr. & Mrs. Jervis & Aunt Norton. To Jackey Mr. & Mrs. Robinson Bro. Bayley & Miss Jervis of Darlaston. To Molly Mr. Seward Mrs. Jervis of [? Sealand] & Mrs. Jervis of Meaford. To second Dickey Mr. Wm. Goring Mr. Wm. Bayley of Wistaston & Mrs. Bayley of Stapeley. To Norton Mr. Jervis of Darlaston Mr. Seward & Aunt Norton. To Dickey Mr. Woodroffe & Mr. Howard Lady Gresley & my third mother. James Dean Brandretht ... Bayley & [Mrs. Aston?]. Thomas Hinckley was born 5th March (O.S.) 1744/5 died 26 Spt. 1817. Catherine Grundy 2d. June 1755 died the 3d. January 1823. Thomas Hinckley & Catherine Grundy were married at St. Mary's Church in Lichfield by the Rev. Doctor Falconer on Monday the 7th. of September 1778.

• Sneyd Davies [ 1709-69 ], Canon Residentiary of Lichfield, Archdeacon of Derby from 1755. See Nichols's Illustrations, I., 485-709. t John Brandreth [1696 ?-1765], Dean of Emly, in Ireland, from 1736, son of Michael Brandreth, of Shenstone, had been educated at Lichfield School (Venn's Alumni Cantab,igienses). JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

They had issue Sponsors 1. Catherine born about I o'clock Mrs. Swinfen (by Mrs. Hand) on Friday morning July 2d. 1779 Miss Grundy in person Lieutenant Died on Friday 22d. March 1822 J. Hinckley (by Mr. Hand) at one in the morning 2. Anna Maria born about I o'clock Mrs. Barnes in person, Miss Mary on Saturday morning Oct. 7th. 1780 Hinckley in person & Mrs. Hand in Died on Monday afternoon 2 July person 1855 at Four o'clock. 3. Arthur born about ½ past 2 The Rt. Honble. Arthur Earl of o'clock on Saturday morning Octo­ Donegan (by the Revd. Jonathan ber 20th. 1781. Died on Monday Morgan D.D.) William Inge Esq. in morning 14 July 1862 at half past person & Mrs. Hinckley (by Miss Two Hinckley). 4. Thomas born about ½ past I He died about 9 o'clock on Sunday o'clock on Thursday morning 24 Evening the 4th. of May following April 1783. (1783) & was only privately baptized 5. Lucy born about ¼ before 2 The Revd. Hugh Bailye Mrs.Gildart o'clock on Thursday morning 4th. of Norton* and Miss Fenton of Nov. 1784. Died on Sunday Betley all in person. afternoon 4th. January 1843 at 25 minutes past one. 6. Thomas born about I I o'clock He died about 9 o'clock on Thurs­ on Tuesday morning 3d. April I 787. day morning 12th. April 1787 & was only privately baptized. 7. Thomas born about a quarter He was privately baptized on 23 before 10 on Monday evening May William Tennant Esq. (by the 19th. May 1788. Died on Sunday Revd. Hugh Bailye) Cary Robinson 4th June 1837 at 10 minutes Esq. & Mrs. Inge of the Friary in before 8 in the morning. person. 8. Richard born about a quarter He was privately baptized on 19 before 9 on Friday morning 18th. May. Wm. Jervis Esq. (by Mr. May 1792 died on Monday morning Gildart)* John Swinfen Esq. (by 27th November 1865 at a quarter Mr. Sam. Swinfen) & Miss Seward before ten. 1n person. 9. Hugh born about half an hour Richard Gildart Esq.* The Revd. past 10 on Tuesday Evening 1st. Hugh Bailye & Miss Hinckley all April 1794 died on Saturday 13th. in person. February 1841 at 10 minutes before seven.

* Richard Gildart, of Norton Hall, Cannock, married Lucy, dau. of William Herrick, of Beaumanor, co. Leic., in 1768 (Burke's Commoners, III., 640). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES

10. John born about half an hour He was privately baptized on 29 past 10 on Tuesday morning 26th. April. Mr. Richard Bailye (by the April 1796 Died at the Palace Revd. Hugh Bailye) Mr. Hodges Lichfield Oct. 9th. I 867. (by Mr. Hand) Mrs. Docksey & Mrs. Mary Jervis in person. Mr. Laithwaite tells me that he finds mention of Cresar Arden Colclough, esq., in the Lichfield city records from 1748 to 1753, his house being in Sandford Street. But this branch of the Colclough family, which was seated at Delph House, in the parish of Cheadle, has proved very elusive genealogically, and several lines of approach have proved abortive.


RICHARD HINCKLEY, of Lichfield, leatherdresser ; Sheriff of the City in 1655 and Junior Bailiff in 1659 ; burd. 20 Dec. 1683, at St. Michael's, Lichfield. Will dated 30 Aug. 1683, proved 24 Dec. 1683, at Lichfield. Mard. 20 May 1645, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, to Dorothy Thacker, and by her, whose will, dated 20 July 1689, was proved 28 Sept. 1692, at Lichfield, had issue, I. Richard Hinckley, bapt. 13 Apl. 1652, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, and burd. 14 Jan. 1659/60, at St. Michael's, Lichfield. II. Thomas Hinckley, bapt. 7 Nov. 1655, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, and burd. 17 Dec. 1655, at St. Michael's, Lichfield. III. Thomas Hinckley, burd. 2 Nov. 1667, at St. Michael's, Lichfield. IV. RICHARD HINCKLEY, of whom presently. I. Katherine Hinckley, bapt. I Mch. 1645/6, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; mard. there 28 Nov. 1667 to Walter Bird, of Lichfield. She was living 20 July 1689, and by him, who was born circa 1646 and living in 1695, · had issue. II. Dorothy Hinckley, bapt. 9 Feb. 1647/8, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; mard. 28 June 1675, at St. Michael's, Lichfield, to Samuel Banner. She was living, with him, on 30 Aug. 1683, but dead on 20 July 1689, and left issue. III. Ann Hinckley, bapt. 20 Oct. 1653, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; burd. 26 Aug. 1658, at St. Michael's, Lichfield. IV. A dau., burd. 25 Aug. 1655, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. M JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VIL

V. Elizabeth Hinckley, bapt. 21 Feb. 1656/7, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; mard. 10 Feb. 1685/6, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, to William Jesson, of Lichfield, gent. By him, whose widow she was living in 1695, she left issue. VI. Anne Hinckley, bapt. 10 May 1659, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; mard. 1 Aug. 1695, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, to Francis Bayley, of Lichfield, gent., as his second wife. He, living in 1695, aged 44 "odd," was eldest son of Francis Bayley, of Dam Street, Lichfield, gent., and of Joan his wife, and was burd. 15 Sept. 1710, at St. Michael's, Lichfield ; · his will, dated 12 July 1710, with codicil of 21 July 1710, was proved 10 Oct. 1710, at Lichfield. Admon. of his widow's goods was granted 28 May 1723, at Lichfield. By their marriage, the settlement for which was dated 31 July 1695, they had issue, including Hester Bayley, whom Johnson referred to in 1782 as "my old friend Hetty Baily" (see ante, IV., 105). (from my unpublished Bayley of Lichfield material) RICHARD HINCKLEY, youngest and only suroiving son of RichaYd Hinckley p,eceding ,· of Lichfield, gent. ; Sherif! of the City in 1694, Junior Bailiff in 1701, and Senior Bailiff in 1707; bapt. 11 Feb. 1660/1, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; burd. 12 Feb. 1716/17, at St. Michael's, Lich­ field. Will dated 6 Feb. 1716/17, proved 5 July 1717, at Lichfield; admon. de bonis non 21 Nov. 1763, at Lichfield. Mard. Judith, dau. of ...... , and by her, born cif'ca 1667, who was burd. 2 July 1727, at St. Michael's, Lichfield, and whose will, dated 17 May 1727, was proved 20 May 1728, at Lichfield, had issue, I. Richard Hinckley, of Lichfield; Sheriff of the City in 1721 ; bapt. 1 July 1691, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, and burd. 9 July 1722, at St. Michael's, Lichfield. Mard. 9 Sept. 1718, at Curdworth, co. Warw., to Elizabeth Clare, of Mancetter, co. Warw., and had issue Elizabeth Hinckley, bapt. 15 Feb. 1719/20, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. The mother perhaps "Elizabeth Hinkley, widow/' who was burd. 11 Feb. 1738/9, at St. Michael's, Lichfield, or the Elizabeth Hinckley, ofLichfield,widow, whose will, dated 13 Apl. 1748, and proved 12 Nov. 1751, at Lichfield, left everything to her grandson, Caesar Arden Colclough, her son-in-law, Caesar Arden Colclough, being exor. and proving the will. Caesar Arden Colclough, son of Caesar Colclough ·who mard. Anne, dau. of Arden Adderley, in 1719, was of Delph House, Cheadle, co. Staffs., but lived at Lichfield, in Sandford Street, during 1748-53, and earlier, for Caesar Arden, son of Caesar Arden Coleclough, was bapt. at St. Mary's, Lichfield, on 5 Apl. 1744. See Sleigh's Leek, 2nd ed. 1883, p. 144, for a pedigree of the Colcloughs, which does not, however, explain the connexion with the Hinckleys. II. THOMAS HINCKLEY, of whom, p1'esently. III. Francis Hinckley, bapt. 23 Mch. 1695/6, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; living 6 Feb. 1716/17; mentioned in mother's will, 17 May 1727. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES r65 IV. John Hinckley, bapt. 25 Mch. 1697, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; not mentioned in father's will, 6 Feb. 1716/17. V. Henry Hinckley, bapt. 24 Oct. 1698, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; living 17 May 1727. VI. William Hinckley, living 6 Feb. 1716/17. I. Elizabeth Hinckley, bapt. 27 Nov. 1689, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; not mentioned in father's will, 6 Feb. 1716/17. II. Ann Hinckley, bapt. 5 July 1694, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; not mentioned in father's will, 6 Feb. 1716/17. III. Judith Hinckley, bapt. 5 May 1703, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; living unmard., 20 May 1728. Mary Hinckley, living unmar<;}.. 6 Feb. 1716/17 ; perhaps mard. William Archer, who was living 17 May 1727. THOMAS HINCKLEY, second son of Richard Hinckley preceding ; of Lichfield; bapt. 13 Oct. 1692, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; burd. 16 Mch. 1747/8, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. Mard. 21 July 1717, at St. Michael's, Lichfield, to Mary, second dau. of Edward Norton, of Warwick, watch­ maker, Alderman of the Borough (see NORTON pedigree, ante p. 150). "Mary, wife of Mr. Thomas Hinckley," was burd. 30 Dec. 1739, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, and " Mrs. Hinckley, wife of Mr. Thomas," at St. Michael's there, on 19 Aug. 1745, which shows that he married again. And he was also the Thomas Hinckley, of Lichfield, who married Blanche, dau. of Richard Pyott, of Streethay, esq.; her will, as of Lichfield Close, widow, dated 6 Dec. 1771, and proved 3 Nov. 1772, at Lichfield, mentions none of the Hinckleys. Thomas Hinckley and Mary Norton had issue an only son, RICHARD HINCKLEY, of Lichfield; born July or Aug. 1719; bapt. 12 Aug. 1719, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; died 7 Jan. 1772, aged 52 ; M.I. in Lichfield Cathedral. Will dated 6 May 1767, proved 7 July 1772, in P.C.C. Mard. 8 June 1742, at Swinnerton, co. Staffs., Mary, dau. of James Bayley, of Stapeley, co. Chester, by Mary his first wife, dau. of John Jervis, of Darlaston, co. Staffs., and by her, who was born in 1718, and died 25 Mch. 1788, aged 70 (M.I. in Lichfield Cathedral), had issue, I. Richard Hinckley, born 25 Mch. 1744; died 5 June 1744. II. THOMAS HINCKLEY, of whom presently. III. John Hinckley, born I Nov. 1746; lost in the Cato, in 1782, with Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, on voyage to West Indies. IV. Richard Hinckley, born 2 Jan. 1748; died 6 May 1749. V. Norton Hinckley, born 17 Jan. 1750/1 ; bapt. 18 Jan. 1750/1, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; living 6 May 1767. r66 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

VI. Richard Hinckley, born 21 June 1752; bapt. 4 July 1752, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; matric. 19 Mch. 1771, aged 18, at Merton Coll., Oxford; B.A. 1775. VII. James Hinckley, born 27 July 1754; bapt. 27 July 1754, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; burd. 26 July 1789, at St. Michael's, Lichfield. I. Mary Hinckley, born 16 Jan. 1747; died 16 Mch. 1747. II. Elizabeth Hinckley, born 22 Aug. 1757; bapt. 25 Aug. 1757, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; died 28 Sept. 1795, aged 38, unmard. ; M.I. in Lichfield Cathedral. III. Mary Hinckley, born 30 Aug. 1758 ; bapt. 31 Aug. 1758, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; mard. 6 Dec. 1792, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, to William Simmons, of Manchester, Surgeon to the Manchester Infirmary. She had issue by him, and was living 4 Apl. 1816.

THOMAS HINCKLEY, eldest surviving son of Richa'Yd Hinckley preceding 1• of Lichfield, attorney; born 5 Mch. 1744/5; died 26 Sept. 1817, aged 72. Mard. 7 Sept. 1778, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, to Catherine, dau. of ...... Grundy, of Swinfen, co. Staffs., and sister of Ann Grundy, who in 1785 mard. Rev. Hugh Bailye (see ante, IV., 181). By her, who was born 2 June 1755, and died 3 Jan. 1823, aged 67, being commemorated with her husband by an M.I. in Lichfield Cathedral, he had issue, I. ARTHUR HINCKLEY, of whom presently. II. Thomas Hinckley, born 24 Apl. 1783; died 20 Aug. 1783. III. Thomas Hinckley, born 3 Apl. 1787; died 12 Apl. 1787. IV. Thomas Hinckley, born 19 May 1788; bapt. 21 Aug. 1788, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; died 4 June 18 3 7. V. Richard Hinckley, of Beacon Place, Lichfield ; born 18 May 1792 ; bapt. 19 Nov. 1792, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; matric. 24 Oct. 1815, aged 23, from St. Mary Hall, Oxford; died 27 Nov. 1865. Mard. 7 Apl. 1835 to Ellen Jane, dau. of the Rev. John Chappel Woodhouse, Dean of Lichfield, and widow first of the Rev. William Robinson, Rector of Swinnerton, co. Staffs., and second of Hugh Dyke Acland [1791-1834]. She died 18 Oct. 1870. VI. Hugh Hinckley, born 1 Apl. 1794; bapt. 24 July 1794, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; died 13 Feb. 1841. VII. Rev. John Hinckley, Incumbent of Kings Bromley, 1829; Vicar of Sheriffhales and Woodcote, 1832 till death. Born 26 Apl. 1796; bapt. 27 July 1796, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; entered Rugby School, 26 Apl. 1810, aged 13; matric. 4 May 1815, aged 19, from Christ Church, Oxford ; B.A., St. Mary Hall, 1819; M.A., 1828. Died 9 Oct. 1867, at The Palace, Lichfield. I. Catherine Hinckley, born 2 July 1779; bapt. 3 July 1779, at St. Mary's, THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES

Lichfield ; mard. 7 Sept. 1802, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, to Robert John Harper, of the Duchy of Lancaster Office, Somerset Place, London. She died before her husband, on 22 Mch. 1822, aged 42, leaving issue. M.I. in Lichfield Cathedral. II. Anna Maria Hinckley, born 7 Oct. 1780 ; bapt. 29 Dec. 1780, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; lived with her brother John at The Palace, Lich­ field; died 2 July 1855. III. Lucy Hinckley, born 4 Nov. 1784 ; bapt. 27 Dec. 1784, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; mard. Robert Stone as his second wife, and died 4 Jan. 1843; lived with her brother John at The Palace, Lichfield. Robert Stone, of Needwood House, co. Staffs., son of Robert Stone, of Boylstone, co. Derby, mard. first Jane [1786-1822], dau. of John Blew, of Bromyard, co. Hereford, in 1809, and died I Nov. 1832, aged 50, leaving a son, John Spencer Stone, whose dau. Louisa mard. George Thompson Hartley, J.P., D.L., of Wheaton Aston Hall, co. Staffs., and had issue, one of whom, Miss Mabel Alice Hartley, has kindly supplied some of these facts (see Burke's Landed Gentry, "Hartley of Wheaton-Aston Hall"). ARTHUR HINCKLEY, eldest son of Thomas Hinckley preceding,· of Lichfield, attorney; born 20 Oct. 1781 ; bapt. 11 Dec. 1781, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; entered Appleby Grammar School, 24 July 1788; died 14 July 1862. Mard. at Cheadle, 15 Feb. 1820, to Mary Jeffreys, by whom he had, with other issue, a son, Arthur Hinckley, of Lichfield, solicitor, who on I I May 1865 mard. Harriet, dau. of the Rev. Charles Inge, and aunt of the recently retired Dean of St. Paul's (see William Salt Archceological Soc., " Staffordshire Collections," N.S., vol. I., 1898, p. 264), by whom he had issue, Richard Arthur Hinckley, and Miss Harriet Mary Hinckley, the owner of the Aston portraits already mentioned.

THE REV. JOHN HUNTER AND HIS DESCENDANTS (See ante, VI., 21, 50-51, 103) IT is a pleasure to precede my account of the Rev. John Hunter and his family by a solemn act of recantation. For it is demanded by a good piece of evidence, and a good piece of evidence is always more than sufficient compensation for having to wear the white sheet of repentance. 168 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. In 1929, while Mr. Laithwaite was making those researches among the Lichfield archives that have added so much to our knowledge of the early struggles of the Johnson family, when the Doctor's widowed grandmother was labouring to give her three sons a decent start in life (see my letter to Times Literary Supplement of 27 June r929), he came across a deed in the possession of the Feoffees of the Conduit Lands Trust there, of which the following is an abstract :- (endorsement) Mr. John Hunter's Counterpart of his Lease dated 9th June I 704 of the School house. Indenture made 9 June 1704, between Richard Dyott, of City of Lichfield, esq., Richard Pyott, of Streethay, co. Staffs., esq., Walter Littleton, of the Close of Lichfield, esq., Edward Hawkes, of Lichfield, gent., Richat'd Burnes, of same, gent., William Gamble, of same, gent., Samuel Mousley, of same, gent., Theophilus Biddulph, of Elmhurst, co. Staffs., esq., and Thomas Hamond, of Eddyall, co. Staffs., gent., the now Feoffees of the messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises belonging and appertaining to the maintenance and repair of Common Conduits of said City, And Thomas W eale, of said City, clothworker, and William N o'Ythwood, of same, baker, Wardens for said Conduits, of the one part, And John Hunte'Y, of Solihull, co. Warw., Master of Arts, of the other part, Witnesseth that said Feoffees and Wardens, as well for profit and advantage of said City and the inhabitants, and also for the encouragement of the said John Hunter in being head Schoolmaster of the Free School of Lichfield, and for other good causes and considerations, Have demised, leased, etc., to said John Hunter, all that messuage, burgage, dwelling house or tenement, with all edifices, buildings, out houses, gardens and backsides to same belonging, situate in St. John Street, Lichfield, and late in tenure or occupation of Robert Shaw, deed., with all ways, etc., to said John Hunter, for term of his natural life, if he remain Schoolmaster of said Free School, at yearly rent of one peppercorn if demanded, he to maintain and repair same and pay all taxes, etc.,* And said Feoffees and Wardens, for the further encouragement and advantage of said John Hunter, agree to pay him yearly £10 on the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle JOHN HUNTER Wits., Ri: Hinckley, Hum: Hawkins, Isaack Hinckley, Euseby Dormer. Now the late Joseph Hill, in his Book Makers of Old Birmingham, r907, p. 25, wrote as follows in his account of King Edward's School at Birmingham :-

* Mr. Laithwaite does not think that any of the headmasters paid rent for the house in St. John Street, which was erected by the Conduit Trustees for the Rev. Robert Shaw in 1682. In all the accounts he has examined there is no mention of any rent received for it, or any deduction from the headmaster's salary therefor. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 169 About this time the Rev. John Hunter appears to have held the post of second-master, for on the 7th January, 1694, "John Hunter, M.A., late of Birmingham," was appointed master of Solihull School, where he remained until 1704. He appears to have been the same John Hunter who immediately after became head-master of Lichfield School, where Samuel Johnson was his pupil. At ante, III., 110, I controverted this conclusion of Hill's, on the ground that "at that date our John Hunter had not even taken his B.A. degree." But it is clear now that there has been some confusion, and that John Hunter of Solihull was appointed to Lichfield in 1704, though if he was admitted to Solihull School on 7 Jan. 1694/5 it ,vas certainly not as an M.A., for he did not proceed until 1700. But if the date of 1695 for his B.A. is accurate, it is difficult to see how he could have acquired it in the first week of the year, and still more how if he had done so he could correctly be described as" of Birmingham." But it is evidently the dates that are incorrect, and not the .main facts of his schoolmastering career as stated by Hill. John Hunter was appointed second master at King Edward's School at Birmingham in 1693 (Times Lit. Supp., 6 Aug. 1931, p. 609). Most of the genealogical evidence for this section has already been printed by me . .In The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, pp. 243-6, is an account of John Hunter and his family, with a long abstract of his will, and a short one of his widow's, and of that of his son-in-law, the Rev. Thomas White. At pp. 238-9 is an account of Sarah Seward and her brief engagement to her elderly kinsman, Joseph Porter of Leghorn. In these Gleanings, Part I., pp. 11-12, is an account of the Whites, and at pp. 33-5 a further note on John Hunter and the Se,vards. The same Part also includes unpublished portraits, carefully described, of Anna Seward herself, of her sister Sarah, of her mother, Elizabeth Hunter, wife of the Rev. Thomas Seward, of her aunt, Lucy Hunter, wife of the Rev. Thomas White, and of that aunt's son, the Rev. Henry White. Part II. (pp. 113-5) has further notes on John Hunter and Anna Se,vard, as well as an account of the Rev. Henry White (pp. 84-5). Part III. has a general account of John Hunter (pp. 110-14), and record of a deed relating to John Hunter's marriage to Lucy Porter (pp. 153-4). JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. There are, however, some new pieces of evidence which help to improve the pedigree. The following are extracts from the registers of St. Mary's, Lichfield :- 1704. Nov. 13. bap. Jane, dau. of Mr. John Hunter. 1706. Nov. 28. bap. John, s. of Mr. John Hunter. 1707. Dec. 29. bap. Ann, dau. of Mr. John Hunter. 1709. July 5. bap. Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. John Hunter, Schoolmaster. 1710. Sept. 7. bap. Charles, s. of Mr. John Hunter, Schoolmaster. 1711. June 26. bur. Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. John Hunter, Schoolmaster. 1711. Dec. 12. bap. Rebecca, dau. of Mr. John Hunter. 1712. Dec. 26. bap. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Mr. Hunter. 1713/14. Jan. 3. bur. John, s. of Mr. Jno. Hunter, Schoolmr. 1722. July 25. bur. Ann, wife of Mr. John Hunter. 1723. Nov. 23. bur. Jane, dau. of Rev. Mr. J. Hunter. 1729. July 22. hap. Lucy, dau. of Rev. Mr. Jno. Hunter. 1730/1. Feb. 13. bap. Jno., s. of Rev. Mr. Jno. Hunter. 1741. Mch. 30. bur. Mr. IIunter, schoolmaster. 1745/6. Jan. 10. mar. Mr. Xpofer Astley & Mrs. Rebecca Hunter. 1768. Apl. 8. bur. Mrs. Hunter. An entry in the register of Betley, printed by the Staffordshire Parish Register Society, settled the fate of John Hunter's eldest surviving son, who took his B.A. at Oxford in 1734 :- 1744. Nov. 4. The Reverend Charles Hunter dyed Nov. 1, and was buried at Audley. The list of Ministers in the preface gives his appointment to Betley as in 1745, which cannot be correct. The following is an abstract of his will :- CHARLES HUNTER, of Betley, co. Stafford, clerk. Will dated 29 June 1743. I bequeath to Margaret Salt, the younger, of Betley, spinster, all my real and personal estate, and appoint her my extrix. Signed, Charles Hunter. Wits., Rose Helsall, Elizabeth Procter and Gerd. Parker. Proved 19 Nov. 1744, in P.C.C. (256, Anstis), by Margaret Salt, spinster, the extrix. The following extracts from the register bear upon the will:- 1712. July 15. bur. Ann, wife of Mr. John Salt, curate, Betley. 1713. Aug. 1. mar. John Salt and Marg. Shaw. 1714. May 17. bap. Mary, dau. of John Salt (hujus oppidi pastor), and Mary his wife, born May 2. 1715/16. Mch. I. bap. Samuel, s. of John Salt, hujus oppide pastor, and Marg. his wife, born Feb. 9. It seems quite clear that the transcriber or the printer has made an error, and that the two Marys, of 1714, should be " Margs.". In the THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES r7r preface John Salt appears as Minister from r7ro to r735, but, as already indicated, the dates in the list cannot be trusted. It is only natural to conclude that the Rev. Charles Hunter was affianced to Margaret Salt. The following is from Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses :­ HUNTER, JOHN. Adm. pens. at Clare, Feb. 21, 1746-7. B. at Lichfield. The particulars I give of the Martins in the pedigree that follows are largely derived from the late Mr. Stapleton Martin, M.A., of The Firs, Norton, near Worcester, a descendant of the family interested in genealogy. In Admissions to St. ] ohn's College, Cambridge, Part III., ed. R. F. Scott, p. 668, is a long note giving accounts of the Rev. Samuel Martin, who married Ann Hunter, and of his elder son, another Rev. Samuel Martin, too long to quote here; and another note will be found in Chetham Society, vol. 69, ''Admission Register of Manchester Grammar School," pp. 58, 228-9. There are a number of references to the Martins in Anna Seward's letters. On 7 Nov. r784 she alludes to "the death of my dear aunt Martin, whose striking likeness to my yet dearer mother, whom I lost in the year r780, increased the affection which her virtues and long-experienced kindness had inspired " (Letters, I., I2). On IS July r795 she describes the sudden death, while addressing a public meeting, "of a dear friend, and the nearest relation I possessed-for he was my first cousin-Mr. Martin, one of the most eminent of the merchants engaged in the hosiery manufacture of Nottingham .... Engaged in partnership with Mr. Statham, a man of fortune superior to his own, he extended the commercial interests of their house," etc. She pays glowing tribute to his character, and mentions that he and his wife-" fifteen years younger than himself " had recently visited her at Lichfield (ibid., IV., 78-81 ; and Whatley's Journal and Correspondence, II., 96-7). In a letter to Charles Simpson, of Lichfield, on 19 Sept. 1804, she describes the " venerable mansion. " at Winterbourne, near Bath, where Mrs. Martin, the widow, was then entertaining her, which, with twenty acres of land, she had purchased for £900. "The little smart widow, moving in the fashionable circles at Bath, is become a notable farmeress, with all about her of old­ fashioned comfort and frugal hospitality" (Letters, VI., 198-9; and Whatley's Journal and Correspondence, II., 253-6). On 7 Feb. 1806 172 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII. Mrs. Martin and her daughters had been staying with her (Letters, VI., 245). With her White cousins Anna Seward was also on terms of affec­ tionate friendship. There is an account of the Rev. Thomas White in Admissions to St. John's College, Cambridge, vol. III., ed. R. F. Scott, p. 496. References to the Rev. Henry White and his younger brother Thomas will be found in the Letters of Anna Seward, I., 335 ; III., 38, 93-6, 344-5, 379, 392, 396 ; IV., II, 14, 25, 49, 58, 73, 78, 93, 144, 203, 292, 361 ; V., 155, 264, 300, 335, 378, 394; and VI., 10, 78, 82, 295, 300, 313, 330, 335, 378 ; as well as in the Works, ed. Walter Scott, III., 106, 320, 334, and in Whatley's Journal and Correspondence, II., 41, 44, 124 and 209. Around Anna Seward, and her father, there: has, of course, sprung up a considerable literature. In addition to such " source " ,vorks as the Letters and Works just quoted from, and Whatley's Journal, there are E. V. Lucas's A Swan and Her Friends, 1907, a pleasantly written " publisher's book," easily compiled from easily accessible material, and Miss Margaret Ashmun's more "conscientious" work, The Singing Swan, 1931, an American piece of research. In 1909 Mr. Stapleton Martin published a slight volume, at Worcester, entitled Anna Seward and Classic Lichfield. Then there are the lives of Thomas Seward and Anna Seward in the Dictionary of National Biography, and recitals of the scholastic career and clerical preferments of the former in Barker and Stenning's Record of Old W estminsters, II., 834-5 ; and in Admissions to St. John's College, Cambridge, vol. III., ed. R. F. Scott, pp. 404-5. To the evidence at those references I can add the following abstract of Canon Seward's will :- THOMAS SEWARD, of The Close of Litchfield Cathedral, clerk, Canon Resident of said Cathedral, rector of Eyam, co. Derby, and of Kingsley, co. Staffs.,* and one of the Prebendaries of Salisbury. Will dated 4 Oct. 1781. "Whereas I am convinced that a Will I formerly made will create trouble and difficulties to my daughter whom I then thought would not be able to manage her affairs as well as Trustees but am now convinced by experience since the death of her Mother that she is a Woman of Business

* John Hunter, his father-in-law, possessed the advowson of the rectory of Kingsley, and wished his sons Charles and (or) John to fill the living, failing which it was to be sold for the benefit of all his children (Reades of Blackwood Hill and DY. Johnson's Ancestry, pp. 244-5). THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 173 and fully capable of transacting them herself I do therefore hereby utterly revoke and make void the said former will and all other wills by me hereto­ fore made and declare this to be my last will and testament." I bequeath to my niece, MYs. GYace Robe'Yts, wife of Josiah Roberts, of Mile-end, co. M'sex, £300, because her father gave up a debt to induce my eldest brother to pay me £300 given me verbally by my late dear father; should she die before me, the same to my children. To Thomas Hinckley, of Lichfield, gent., £50. To my only surviving dau., Anne Sewa'Yd, all my real estates, and all the residue of my goods, etc., and make her my extrix. Signed, Thomas Seward. Wits., John FeYnyhough, James Wickins and Wm. Mott. Codicil dated 11 May 1782. Whereas most of my money is in navigation and turnpike securities, if my dau. cannot pay the said MYs. RobeYts, then she is to make over to her £300 of Chesterfield Navigation Bonds. Signed, Thos. Sewa'Yd. Wits., Rich. Geo. Robinson, John BlackfoYd and Wm. Mott. Proved 8 Apl. 1790, in P.C.C. (Bishop, 209), by Anne Sewa'Yd, spinster, the extrix. The opening clause shows that, until after her mother's death in 1780, when she was a woman of 37, her father had not realised the business shrewdness of the poetastering Anna (the form of her name she preferred to Anne). The date of Anna Seward's birth has been much in dispute, and not without reason, considering the curious conflict of evidence. However, it has been definitely settled as I Dec. 1742, O.S., or 12 Dec. 1742, N.S. (see ante, II., 113-14; Times Lit. Supp., 21 June 1928, p. 468, and 28 June r928, p. 487 ; and Margaret Ashmun's The Singing Swan, 1931, pp. 5-7), so that there is no further need to discuss the point. The date of her sister Sarah's birth is confirmed in a letter of 17 Mch. 1788, where she tells a friend that her sympathy in a bereave­ ment comes with peculiar appropriateness "this day-for it is the 17th of March; the birth-day of my lovely long-deceased sister, who died in her nineteenth year" (Letters, II., 59). In a letter of 29 Aug. 1788 she speaks of having just returned from a visit to Eyam, where she "went into the church, where the ashes of my two infant sisters repose" (ibid., II., 151). In the absence of any rector at Eyam, in Derbyshire, in February 1934, Mr. Uriah Dane, the Vicar's churchwarden, kindly sent me the following extracts from the register there, in answer to my request:- 1742. Dec. 28. bap. Anne, ye daughter of the Revd. Thos. Seward, Rector of Eyam, & of Mrs. Elizabeth Seward, his wife. 174 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII. 1744. Apl. 12. bap. Sarah, ye daughter of the Revd. Thos. Seward, Rector of Eyam, & Elizabeth his wife. 1747. July 25. bap. Jane, ye daughter of the Revd. Thos. Seward, Rector of Eyam, & Elizabeth his wife. 1749. June 27. bur. (" Baptized "written in margin) Elizabeth ye daughter of the Rev. Thos. Seward, Rector of Eyam, and Elizabeth his wife. It seems as if the Sarah born in r744 must have died in infancy and not been identical with the Sarah who died in r764, in her eighteenth year. The whole problem of the dates in connexion with the Rev. Thomas Seward's marriage and the births of his children is beset with difficulties, and I cannot pretend to feel satisfied about them all. From Shaw's Staffordshire, I., 362 and 379, we learn that Christopher Astley, of Tamhorn, near Lichfield, esq., died 2 June r780, aged 64, and was buried at Whittington; that his first wife, Rebecca, daughter of the Rev. John Hunter, died 9 July r759, with no issue shown ; and that his second wife, Mary, daughter of Richard Dyott, of Freeford, esq ., died in r763, and was buried at Whittington, leaving an only child and heir, Mary Astley, who married her first cousin, Richard Dyott, of Freeford, High Sheriff of Staffs. in r798. From Burke's Landed Gentry it appears that this latter Richard Dyott [r754-1813] was Recorder of Lichfield in r805, and died without issue. His marriage to Mary Astley was on 6 Nov. 1783 (Dyott's Diary, ed. Reginald W. Jeffery, 1907, I., 12). In a letter of July 1764 Anna Seward speaks of the days " when my sister and myself used to pass serene days in my uncle Astley's patriarchal habitation at Famhorn (sic), near Lichfield" (Works, ed. Walter Scott, I., cxxxix). I happen to have this entry from St. Michael's register, Lichfield:-" 1783. Nov. 6. mar. Richard Dyott, jun., esq., and Mary Astley, both of Lichfield." The following notice is from Aris's Birmingham Gazette for 23 May 1814 :- On Sunday at the house of her son in the Close of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, aged 84, Lucy, relict of Thomas White, M.A., prebendary and sacrist of Lichfield, and vicar of Dunchurch, whom she survived 30 years. This venerable lady was youngest daughter of John Hunter, M.A., the celebrated and learned master of Lichfield Free Grammar School, by whom the most eminent characters of the last century were educated, particularly Judge Wilmot, David Garrick, and Samuel Johnson. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 175 There is a stone in the south aisle of the nave of Lichfield Cathedral to the memory of Thomas White, his wife Mary, and the Rev. Henry White, his brother, which gives the dates of their death.

NARRATIVE PEDIGREE THE REV. JOHN HUNTER, son of J. Hunter, of St. Albans, co. Hertford, pleb. ; matric. 7 Nov. 1691, aged 17, from University Coll., Oxford; B.A. 1695; appointed second master of Birmingham Grammar School in 1693 (?); Master of Solihull Grammar School from 7 Jan. 1694/5 (?); M.A. 1700; Master of Lichfield Grammar School from 27 May 1704 to death; ordained deacon at Eccleshall, 11 June 1704 ; Prebendary of Lichfield from 27 May 1709; burd. 30 Mch. 1741, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. Will dated 20 Dec. 1737, admon. granted II May 1741, at Lichfield. Mard. 1stly. in 1704 or earlier, Ann, eldest dau. of Edward Norton, of Warwick, watchmaker, an Alderman of the Corporation, by Anne his wife (see NORTON pedigree, ante, p. 150). By her, who was burd. 25 July 1722, at St. Mary's, Lichfield, he had issue, I. John Hunter, bapt. 28 Nov. 1706, and burd. 3 Jan. 1713/14, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. II. Rev. Charles Hunter, B.A. University Coll., Oxford, 1734 ; Vicar of Betley, co. Staffs. ; bapt. 7 Sept. 1710, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; died I Nov. 1744, unmard. ; burd. at Audley, co. Staffs. Will dated 29 June 1743, proved 19 Nov. 1744 in P.C.C. I. Jane Hunter, bapt. 13 Nov. 1704, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; died unmard. ; burd. 23 Nov. 1723, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. II. Anne Hunter, bapt. 29 Dec. 1707, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; mard. 14 Oct. 1741, at Newton Regis, co. Warw., to Rev. Samuel Martin; died July 1784, at Nottingham; burd. at Gotham, co. Notts. Will dated 4 Nov. 1782, proved 5 July 1785. The Rev. Samuel Martin, son of the Rev. Samuel Martin, of Loughborough, co. Leic., was B.A. Lincoln Coll., Oxford, 1722; M.A. 1725 ; Fellow of Oriel Coll., 1723-31 ; Master of Appleby Grammar School, co. Leic., 1725-39 ; Rector of Newton Regis, 1730-46, and of Gotham, 1746-75. He died 25 Dec. 1775, at Gotham, aged 75, and was burd. there, his will, dated 20 Sept. 1770, being proved 24 June 1776. By Anne Hunter he had issue, I. Rev. Samuel Martin, bapt. 25 July 1743, at Newton Regis; ed. Manchester Grammar School; Fellow of St. John's Coll., Camb.; Rector of St. Peter's, Nottingham, from 1767; Prebendary of Lincoln from 1775; Rector of Tollerton, Notts., from I June 1782; all till death; died 12 Sept. 1782; burd. at St. Peter's, Nottingham. Will JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

dated 5 June 1782, proved 27 Dec. 1782. Mard. 27 Feb. 1769 (settle­ ment dated 24 Feb. 1769), at·st. Peter's, Nottingham, to Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of John Smith, of Nottingham, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Langford Nevill. By her, who died I Sept. 1779, and was burd. at St. Peter's, Nottingham, he left issue. 2. Thomas Martin, of Nottingham, hosier ; bapt. 3 Apl. 1749, at Gotham ; died 7 July 1795; burd. at Sneinton, co. Notts. Will dated 16 Feb. 1788, proved 9 Oct. 1795. Mard. Jane Mitchell, who died 28 Oct. 1838, at Bath, and was burd. at St. Saviour's there, by whom he left issue. 1. Anne Martin, mard. George Dove, M.D., and had issue. III. Elizabeth Hunter, bapt. 5 July 1709, and burd. 26 June 1711, at St. Mary's, Lichfield. IV. Rebecca Hunter, bapt. 12 Dec. 1711, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; mard. there 10 Jan. 1745/6, to Christopher Astley, and died 9 July 1759, without issue. He of Tamhom, near Lichfield, esq. ; mard. 2ndly., in 1760, Mary, only dau. of Richard Dyott, of Freeford, co. Staffs., esq. ; he died 2 June 1780, aged 64, and she in 1763, both being burd. at Whittington, co. Staffs. Of the 2nd. marriage there was an only dau. and heir, Mary Astley, mard. 6 Nov. 1783, at St. Michael's, Lichfield, to her first cousin, Richard Dyott [1754-1813], of Freeford, High Sheriff of Staffs. in 1798, Recorder of Lichfield, 1805, but had no issue. V. Elizabeth Hunter, bapt. 26 Dec. 1712, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; god-dau. to Elizabeth (Cottrell), wife of her uncle, William Norton, of Birming­ ham; mard. 27 Oct. 1741, at Newton Regis, co. Warw., to Rev. Thomas Seward; died 30 July 1780; burd. in Lady Choir of Lichfield Cathedral. The Rev. Thomas Seward, son of John Seward, of Badsey, co. Wore., Steward to Lord Windsor; ed. Westminster School; M.A. St. John's Coll., Camb., 1734 ; Rector of Llanmaes, co. Glamorgan, 1733-40, of Eyam., co. Derby from 1740, and of Kingsley, co. Staffs., from 174 7; Prebendary of Lichfield, 1755, and of Salisbury, 1755 ; joint editor in 1750 of Beaumont and Fletche,y's Plays; died 4 Mch. 1790, aged 82, in Bishop's Palace, Lichfield, and burd. in Lady Choir of Cathedral. Will dated 4 Oct. 1781, with codicil of 11 May 1782, proved 8 Apl. 1790, in P.C.C. The Rev. Thomas Seward had issue by Elizabeth Hunter his wife, 1. John Seward, born 8 Apl. 1747; bapt. 24 Apl. 1747; died 26 Apl. 1747; burd. at St. Peter's, Derby. 1. Anne Seward, who called herself" Anna "-'' The Swan of Lichfield '' ; born 12 Dec. 1742 (N.S.) ; bapt. 28 Dec. 1742, at Eyam ; died 25 Mch. 1809, unmard. ; burd. in Choir of Lichfield Cathedral. 2. Sarah Seward, bapt. 12 Apl. 1744, at Eyam; ? died young. THE JERVIS A.ND PORTER FAMILIES r77 3. Sarah Seward, born 17 Mch. 1746; bapt. 25 May 1746; affianced to her mother's third cousin, Joseph Porter, of Leghorn (see PORTER pedigree, ante, p. III), but died 13 June 1764, unmard.; burd. in Lady Choir of Lichfield Cathedral. 4. Jane Seward, born 30 June 1747; bapt. 25 July 1747, at Eyam; died 14 Feb. 1749; burd. in chancel of Eyam church. 5. Elizabeth Seward, born 18 June 1749; bapt. 22 June 1749; died 26 June 1749; burd. in chancel of Eyam church. THE REV. JOHN HUNTER mard. 2ndly., on 10 June 1726 (settlement dated 9 June 1726), at St. Luke's, Chelsea, Lucy, younger surviving dau. of Henry Porter, of Birmingham, mercer, and of Sarah his wife (see PORTER pedigree, ante, p. 110). She was bapt. 6 Apl. 1690, at St. Martin's, Birmingham, and burd. 8 Apl. 1768, at St. Mary's, Lichfield ; will dated 19 Sept. 1762, proved 16 Apl. 1768 in P.C.C. By Lucy Porter he had further issue, III. John Hunter, bapt. 13 Feb. 1730/1, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; admitted pensioner at Clare Coll., Camb., 21 Feb. 1746/7; died at Cambridge in 1748, aged 17. VI. Lucy Hunter, bapt. 22 July 1729, at St. Mary's, Lichfield; mard. 15 June 1755, at Lichfield Cathedral, to Rev. Thomas White, and died 19 May 1814, aged 84, at the Old Residentiary House, Lichfield Close. The Rev. Thomas White, second son of Rev. Joseph White, of Ellastone, co. Staffs., :t>y Jane his wife, dau. of John Kent, of Lane End, Elton, in Warmingham, co. Chesh., was born 31 Jan. 1708/9; B.A. Merton Coll., Oxford, and M.A. St. John's Coll., Camb.; Vicar of Dunchurch, co. Warw., from 1768; Prebendary of Lichfield from 1747, and Sacrist of the Cathedral, and Divinity Lecturer; died 3 May 1784, in Lichfield Cathedral Close; will dated 15 Apl. 1784, proved 26 Oct. 1784 in P.C.C. By the Rev. Thomas White she had issue, 1. Rev. Henry White, M.A. Christ's Coll., Camb.; Vicar of Chebsey, 1785, of Pipe Ridware, 1798, and of Dilhorne, 1809, all in co. Staffs. ; Sacrist of Lichfield Cathedral, and Perpetual Curate of St. Chad's, Lichfield, 1814; bapt. 17 May 1761, at Lichfield Cathedral; died 8 Apl. 1836, unmard.; burd. in Lichfield Cathedral. 2. Thomas White, Proctor of the Ecclesiastical Court of Lichfield; exor. and resid. legatee of his cousin, Anna Seward; died I Apl. 1838, aged 73; burd. in Lichfield Cathedral. Mard. Mary, dau. of the Rev. Daniel William Remington, Vicar of St. Mary's, Lichfield, by Mary his wife, dau. of Christopher Heveningham. By her, who died 13 July 1819, aged 56, and was burd. in Lichfield Cathedral, he had issue, (1) Rev. Thomas Henry White, mard. in 1834 to Christina, dau. Of JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Robert Thomson, J.P., of Camphill, co. Renfrew, and died without issue in I 849. (1) Mary White, mard. 1st., in 1830, to Robert Thomson [1797-1833], of Camphill, co. Renfrew, brother of Christina above; and 2nd. to Sir T. Noel Harris, K.C.B., dying in 1860. Her elder and only surviving son was Col. Sir Robert Thomas White-Thomson [1831- 1918], K.C.B., of Broomford Manor, co. Devon, who was in 1910 elected first President of the Johnson Society of Lichfield (see Burke's Landed Gentry, under "White-Thomson of Broomford Manor"). 3. Joseph White, living 1806. I. Gertrude White, died in 1772, aged 14. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 179


DESCRIPTION As mentioned in the Preface, I do not know of any previous attempt to embody so much information about a man's life and origins in the form of a map as has been done in the one I have prepared at considerable labour for this Part. Had it professed to do no more than chronicle his own known movements during this period ending in 1740 it might, of course, have been made very much smaller. One of the main difficulties in constructing a chart of this nature lies in the natural excess of information around certain focal points, in Johnson's case Lichfield and Birmingham. It will be noticed how much ''contriving'' has been necessary to attach all this information to the district in question, while other areas of the map remain almost blank. On the whole, considering how closely families like those to which Johnson belonged kept at that time to their native districts, it is remarkable over what an area this cartographical record extends. A suggestion was made to me to distinguish in some way the places on it actually visited by Johnson. But this did not seem practicable, and might have caused confusion, or misconception, by giving the impression, through the natural absence of record concerning such every day excursions, that his local movements as a boy and young man were more restricted than we know they must have been. All places and persons mentioned on the map are distinguished in the index by the capital letter M., and the personal references are localised in brackets. N










BBOT, William [oc. bef. 1636], 47. Allen, Josiah [oc. 1668], 65. AAberystwyth, 131. -, Philip [d. 1711], 64-5. Abney, George [oc. 1745], 88, 92, 93. -, Ruth [ oc. 1711 ], nk -, wife of Philip Acland, Ellen Jane [d. 1870], nk Wood- A., 65. house, wife 1st. of (Rev.) William -, Samuel [oc. 1668], 65. Robins9n, 2nd. of Hugh Dyke A., -, Sarah [d. 1696], 64, 65, 109. and 3rd. of Richard Hinckley, 157, 166. -, Thomas [oc. 1711], 65. -, Hugh Dyke [1791-1834], 157, 166. -, William [oc. bef. 1745], 90. Adams, Anne [1599-1658], nk Newport, Allesley, 12, 127. wife of William A., 142. Allport, Jonathan [oc. 1771], 155. -, Anne [1628-98], m. Henry Lucas, 142. Alport, Dorothy [b. 1559], nee Colmore, -, William [1595-1664], 142. wife of William A., 119, 121. -, (Rev.) William [1706-89], 113. -, William [oc. 1614], 79. Addenbrooke, Nicholas [oc. 1674], 73. -, William [oc. 1619], 121. Adderley, Anne, m. 1719 Caesar Colclough, -, William [oc. 1593], 119. 164. -, see also Auput. -, Arden [17th. cent.], 164. Alvechurch, 58, 59,61,63,66,67,71-3,78, -, Elizabeth [d. ? 1644], m. William 98. 103-5, 109, M. Jervis, 3, 22, 23, 38, 41. Ambrose, Thomas (oc. 1707], 1 I. · -, Humphrey [1582 ?-1637], 38, 41. Amersham, 51. -, Jane [oc. circa 1600], nk Ward, wife Amphlett, John [b. 1845], 103. of Humphrey A., 38, 41. Andre, (Major) John (1751-80]. 158. -, Jane [1614 ?-83], nk Dixie, wife of Andrewes, {Bp.) Lancelot [1555-1626], John A., 38. 136-7. -, John [1615 ?-1663 ?], 38. Angrave, Robert [oc. 1816-31], 13. Aglionby, Elizabeth [oc. 1680-93], m. Anne, Queen [1665-1714], M. (London). Moreton Slaney, 8 2. Appleby (Leic.), 17, 44, 160, 167, 175, M. Agmondesham, see Amersham. Archer, Thomas [oc. 1745], 94. Ainge, Rebecca [oc. 1696], m. John -, Thomas [oc. 1787], 12. Wright, 84. -, William [oc. 1727], 154, 165. Alcester, 7 5-77, 102, 106. Arden, Anna Catherina [oc. 1771], m. Aldwark, 116. Fettiplace Nott, 155. Alford, Obadiah [ oc. 1684-96], 7 3-7 5. -, Edward [16th. cent.], 120. -, see also Orford. -, Katherine, m. Sir Edward Devereux, Allen, Alice [oc. 1689], nee (? Porter), wife rst. bt., 120. of John A., 64, 65, 109. Aris, Oliver [oc. 1787], 12. -, Dorothy [d. 1669], nee-, wife of-A., Aris' s Birmingham Gazette, r 74. 65. Arnes by. 9, 1 o, r 5 . -, Elizabeth [oc. 1662-75], m. - Heath, Ashburne, M. 65. Ashby (Little), 12. -, Hannah [d. 167 5], 65. Ashby de la Zouche, M. -, John [d. 1667 ?], 65. Ashby, Mary [oc. 1696], nee -, wife of -, John [d. 1692], 64, 65, 109. - A .• 84. -, John [oc. 1662-75], 65. Ashe, Elizabeth [oc. 1658], m. Edmund -, John [deed. 171 r], 65. Waring, 123. -, John [oc. 1711], 65. -, John [17th cent.], 123. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES

Ashfield, Hampden [oc. 1637], 49. Bailye, Frances [oc. 1761-99], nee Hand, Ashford (Kent), 34, 41. wife of William B., 15 s. Ashmun, Margaret, her The Singing Swan, -, (Rev.) Hugh [1761-1833], 156, 162, 172, 173. 163, 166. Ashton, Sir William [oc. 1633], 47. -, Richard [1718-1800], 163. Askereck, William [oc. ci'l'ca 1549], 100. -, William [d. 1785], 155. Askew, Barnabas [oc. 1681], 100. Baker, George [1781-1851], his No,thants., -, John [oc. 1737], 129. 141. Aspley Guise, 56. -, Thomas [oc. 1772], 129. Astell, John [oc. 1619], 9, 27. -, William Phipps [oc. 1839], 18. Astley, Christopher [1716 ?-So], 148, 170, Baldwin, Thomas [oc. ciYca 1686-96], 83, 174, 176. 85. -, Mary [d. 1763], nee Dyott, 2nd. wife Bale, Elizabeth, nee Hartopp, wife 1st. of of Christopher A., 17 4. George B., and 2nd. of Sir William -, Mary, m. 1783 Richard Dyott, 174, Roberts, 34. 176. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1653-4], nee Jervis, wife -, Rebecca [1711-59], nee Hunter, 1st. of William B., 10, 22, 23, 30, 41. wife of Christopher A., 148, 170, 174, -, (Dame) Frances [1549 ?-1629], nee 176. Brocas, wife of Sir John B., 30, 36. Astley (Broughton), 22. -, George [oc. 1594], 30, 34. Aston (?), - [oc. 1754], 161. -, Sir John [1551 ?-1621], knt., 9, 22, 23, -, Elizabeth [1708-85], 159. 27, 30, 36, 41. - family portraits, 15 1, 167. -, John [oc. 1590], 25. Aston (Warw.), 61. -, Sir John [b. 1594], 30. Aston-juxta-Birmingham, 65, 79, 82, 88, -, Joyce, nee Roberts, wife of Edmund B., 90, 100-102, 117, 120, M. 9. Atherstone, 27, 126, 129-31, 133, 134, 136, -, William [b. 1618], 10, 22, 23, 30, 41. 140. Ball, -[oc. 1734], m. (Mr.) Masters, 128. Athorpe, Mary (oc. 1818], nee Smith, wife Balsall, P., 17, 64, 108, 125-141, 143. of (Lieut. Col.) Thomas A., 12, 33. Balsall Street, 129, 130, 1.31, 140. -, (Lieut. Col.) Thomas [oc. 1818], 12., 33. Banester, E. [oc. 1598], 72. Attwood, (Dr.) Thomas [1682 ?-1765], M. -, Thomas [oc. 1598], 72. (Trysull). Banner, Dorothy [b. 1648], nee Hinckley, Audley, 170, 175. wife of Samuel B., 151, 153, 163. Auput, Jeremiah [oc. 1745], 90. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1689], 154. Avenant, Alexander [oc. bef. 1619], 72. -, (Rev.) Richard [1680 ?-1750], 88, 93, Avery, Mary [oc. 1676], nee Willington, 94. wife of Richard A., 7 3. -, Samuel [oc. 1680], 88. -, Richard (oc. 1676], 73. -, Samuel [oc. 1675-83], 153, 163. Aylestone, 16, 24, 31, 42, 53. Bantam (Java), 4, 42. Aylesworth, Thomas (oc. 1635], 146. Banwell, M. Aylmer, Elizabeth, m. Sir John Foliot, 120. Barbados, 49, 53. -, (Bp.) John [1521-94], 120. Barby, 7, 32. Barkby, 31, 41. ACON, Sir Nicholas [1509-79], knt., 78. Barkby Thorpe, 18, 41. BBaddeley Ensor, 1 30. Barnard, Edith [16th. cent.], nee -, wife Badsey, 176. of (Rev.) Thomas B., 116. Bagley, Dudley (deed. 1689), 8 3. -, Ettwell Augustine Bracher, 114; and Bagott, Ro. [oc. 1689], 74. see under Dugdale Society. Bailye, Anne [oc. 1785-1833], nee Grundy, -, Mary [d. 1592], m. 1579 (Rev.) Clement wife of (Rev.) Hugh B., 156, 166. Colmore, 116. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

Barnard, (Rev.) Thomas [16th. cent.], 116. Beaurepaire, 30, 36. Barnes, (Mrs.) - (oc. 1780], 162. Bedlington, 116. Barnesley, Elizabeth [1661-1728], m. Bee, Jane [ oc. ciYca 1600], m. Clement Robert Harriotts, M. (Trysull). Colmore, 116. -, William [1618-85], M. (Trysull). -, Matthew (16th. cent.], 116. Barnett, Edmund (oc. 1674], 73. Belgrave, 13, 14, 44. Barston (Kent), 49. Bell, Richard [oc. 1689], 74. -, (Warw.), 6o, 71, 99, 103, 128, 129, 136, Belvoir, 30, 38. 139. Bennett, Amy [oc. 1597], nee Jervis, wife Bartlett, Alice [oc. circa 16oo], m. Richard of Thomas B., 3. Porter, 98, 104. -, Thomas (oc. 1597], 3. Barton-in-the-Beans, 131. Benskyn, Anne (1736 ?-71], m. (Rev.) Bassett, -(oc. 1745], nee-, wife of- B., William Jervis, 13, 24, 35, 45. 90. -, John [oc. 1787], 12. Bate, John [oc. 1689], 83. -, Sarah, nee -, wife of Thomas B., 35, Bateman, (Rev.) Edmund [1704-51], 114. 45 .. -, Mary [d. 1791], nee Smalbroke, wife of -, Thomas (1707 ?-62], 24, 35, 45. (Rev.) Edmund B., 114. Beoley, 147, 148, 150. Bath, 12, 88, 171, 176. Berkeswell, 84, 1 30, 131. Baven, Nicholas [oc. be£. 16 36], 48. Berridge, Jesse [d. 1831], 13, 14. Baxterley, 129-31. -, Samuel [oc. 1831-44], 14. Bayley, - [oc. 1754], 161. Berry, William [oc. 1711], 147. -, - (oc. 1746],. 161. -, William [1774-1851], his Kentish -, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1748], 161. Genealogies, 53; his "Essex Pedigrees," -, Anne [1659-1723 ?], nee Hinckley, 2nd. 53. wife of Francis B., 152-54, 159, 160, Bertie, Francis Robert (oc. 1808], 13. 164. Best, Mary [oc. 1696], nee -, wife of -, Francis [1625 ?-97], 16o, 164. - B., 84. -, Francis [1651 ?-1710], 152, 16o, 164. Betley, 162, 170, 175. -, G. [oc. 1744], 161. Bewdley, 69, 102, 106. -, Hester [d. 1785], 164. Bibb, Abigail [oc. 1696-1703], 75, 76. -, James (1692-1764], 157, 165. Bickley, William Bickleigh [1846 ?-1929], -, Joan [1625 ?-1703], nee -, wife of 70, 12c, 144, 150; and Joseph Hill, Francis B., 16o, 164. their Suroey of Bfrmingham in 1 5s 3, -, M. [oc. 1720], 76. 6o, 99, 100, l 14. -, Mary (1694-1733], nee Jervis, 1st. wife Biddle, Sarah, m. 1665 Stephen Colmore, of James B., 157, 165. 117. -, Mary (1718-88], m. 1742 Richard Biddulph, Sir Theophilus [1685 ?-1743], Hinckley, P., 15 5-5 7, 159-62, 16 5. 3rd. bt., 168. -, William [b. 1649], 160. Billingsley, Sarah [d. 1658], m. 1657 John -, William (oc. 1748], 161. Peake, 119. Beaconsfield, 47, 51, 122. -, Sarah [oc. 1816], 156. Beake, Elizabeth [d. 1737/8], m. 1666 Billington, Joseph [oc. 1708], 127. William Eborall, P., 128, 132-34, 136, Bimon, Elizabeth [ oc. 1696], nee-, wife of I 38, 140, 143. - B., 84. -, Robert [oc. cit'ca 1650], 133, 134, 136, Birch, Edward [oc. 1658], 117. I 38, 143. -, George [oc. 1696], 84. Beaumanor (Leic.), 142, I 62. -, l\ilary [oc. 1658], nee Colmore, wife of Beaumont, Thomas [oc. 1707], I 1. Edward B., I 17. Beaumont and Fletchet''s Plays, ed. Rev. Bird, Ann [b. circa 1672], 153, 154, 16o. Thomas Seward, 176. -, Elizabeth [b. circa 1679], 160. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 185

Bird, Isabel [oc. 1727], 154. Boothby, Hester [1686-1712], nk Skrym­ -, Katherine [b. 1646], nee Hinckley, sher, 2nd. wife of Thomas B., M. wife of Walter B., 151-54, 160, (Peckleton). 163. -, Thomas [1680-1752], M. (Peckleton). -, Mary [b. circa 1675], 160. Bordesley, 90, 120. -, Mary [oc. 1727], 154. Boswell, James [1740-95], his Life of -, Samuel [b. circa 168 5], 160. J oknson, 6th. ed. 1811, 37. -, Walter [b. circa 1646], 152, 153, 16o, Bosworth, see under Market Bosworth. 163. Bosworth, Ed. [oc. 1689], 64. -, Walter [b. circa 1676], 16o. Boughey, George [oc. 1745], 94. Birlingham, 61. Boughton Aluph, 54. Birmingham, P., 17, 24, 43, 55, 56, 60, Boultbee, Edward Francis [oc. 1843], 62-66, 69-73, 75-77, 79-90, 98-103, l 31. 105, 107-15, 117-22, 124, 125, 128, -, John [oc. 1838], 131. 131, 132, 136-39, 145, 147-150, 168, -, John (oc. 1843], 131. 169, 175-77, 179, M. -, Joseph [oc. 1772-1800], 129, 130. Birmingham Collection, Catalogue of, 115. Boulter, Randolph [oc. 1654], 10. Birmingham Mail, 111. Boun, see under Bohun. Birmingham and Midland Institute, T'Yan­ Bourton Dunsmore, 82. sactions, 1 o 3. Bow (M.'sex), 84. Bit-mingham, St. Martin's Church Regis- Bowden (Little), 19, 2 r. ters, 112. Bowler, Charles, jun. [oc. 1727], 77. Bishop Auckland, 116. Bowyer, Margaret [oc. 1701-03], nee -, Bishops Cleeve, 76. wife of - B., 75. Bitteswell, 13, 33, 37• -, Margaret, jun. [oc. 1701], 75. Blackbourn, Brome [oc. 1745], 94. -, William [oc. 1701-03], 75. -, Richard [oc. 1688-98], 85, 86. Box (Wilts.), 12, 33. Blackford, John [oc. 1781], 173. Boylestone, 167. Blackwell, - [oc. 1672], 50. Boyse, Mary [oc. 1669-85], m. Edmund Blakemore, Charles (oc. 1703], 76. Eedes, 56. Blandford, 13. -, Robert [oc. 1685], 56. Blew, Jane (1786-1822], m. Robert Stone, -, Robert [oc. circa 1693], 56. 167. -, (Rev.) Robert [1693 ?-1759], 56. -, John (oc. 1786], 167. Brace, Margaret [oc. 1653], 73. Bloxsom, Martin, his Parish of Gilmorton, Bradenham (Bucks.), 48. 37. Bradgate, Elizabeth, nee Jervis, wife of Bocket, - [oc. 1724], nee :Maxey, wife of Richard B., 8, 20, 21, 31, 39. - B., II. -, Frances [oc. 1591], nee Moore (or Boddington, John (oc. 1737], 129. Meredith), wife of Richard B., 31. Body, Thomas [oc. bef. 1636], 48. -, Frances [d. 1602], nee Marston, wife Bohun, Abraham [1597 ?-1670], 38. 1st. of William B., and 2nd. of -, Elizabeth [17th. cent.], nee Chamber, William Jervis, 3, 6, 20, 22, 2 3, 31, 40. 2nd. wife of Abraham B., 38. -, Jane [d. 1678], nee Jervis, wife of Bolt, Thomas (oc. 1557], 72. Richard B., 3, 10, 22, 23, 32, 42, 142. Bolton, Maria [oc. 1672-99], m. (Rev.) -, Jervis [b. 1591], 31, 42. Samuel Jemmatt, 57. -, Jervis [1659-1715], P., 32, 142. -, Stephen [1618-72], 57. -, Jervis [1679-1714 ?], 142. Bond, B. [oc. 1771 ], 15 5. -, Joan, nee Sanderson, wife of Jervis B., Bonner, Samuel [oc. 1842], 14. 31, 42. Booth, Ann (oc. 1723], 123. -, Joan [16th. cent.], nee Warde, wife of -, James [oc. 1723], 123. Thomas B., 31, 39. r86 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Bradgate, Mary [1659-97], nee Lucas, wife British Record Soc., "Leicester Marriage of Jervis B., P., 32, 142. Licences," 37. -, Mary [17th. cent.], 32. Broadribb, Richard [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. -, Richard [d. 1572], 8, 20, 21. 31, 39. Brocas, Bernard [oc. 1549], 30. -. Richard [1563-1602], 31. -. Bernard [oc. circa 1570], 35, 40. -, Richard [d. 1677], 3, 22, 23, 32, 42, -, Bernard [d. 1589], 36. 142. -, Frances [1549 ?-1629], m. Sir John -. Richard [17th. cent.], 32. Bale, 30, 36. -, Thomas, 31, 39. -, Jane, m. 1st. William Shepherd [d. -. William [oc. 1540-75], 31, 40. circa 15 70 ], and 2nd. Michael Hen­ -, William [oc. 1654], 9. shaw, 35, 36,40. Bradley, M. -. Sir Pexall [oc. 1614], 27. Bradley, Henry [oc. 1637], 49. -, Robert [16th. cent.], 36. -, Richard [oc. 1702], 75. -, William [oc. circa 1570], 35, 40. -, Thomas [oc. 1742], 148. -, William, 36. Bradshaw, Robert [oc. 1635], 28. Bradley, Ann [oc. 1724], II. Brancepeth, 116, 117. Brokton, John [deed. 15 II], 28. Brandreth, (Rev.) John [oc. 1696 ?-1765], Bromley (Kent), 24, 43, 110. 161. Bromley, Francis [oc. 1703], 16. -, Michael [oc. 1696], 161. Bromsgrove, 63, 66-69, 71, 73-76, 78, 79, Brandwood, Elizabeth [oc. 1745], nee -, 82, 85, 86, IOI, 102, 105-107, 109. wife of Richard B., 88, 92, 93, 94. Bromsgrove Notes and Queries, 1 o 1 • -, Richard [deed. 1745], 88, 92. Bromyard, 167. -, Richard [oc. 1745], 90. Brooke, Catharine [oc. 1630-76], nee Branthwayte, Richard [oc. bef. 1636], Russell, wife of Robert Greville, 2nd. 47. Baron, 146. Brett, Francis [oc. 1654], 10. -, Fulke Greville [1643-1710], 5th. Baron, Brewood, M. 76. Bridgens, William, sen. [oc. 1745], 88, -. Robert Greville [1607-43], 2nd. Baron, 92-4. 146. . Bridges, Ann [1624 ?-95], nee -, wife of -. Robert Greville [1638 ?-77], 4th. Matthew B., 102. Baron, 76. -, Ann [oc. 1727], 77. -, see also Bruque. -, Brooke [oc. 1727], 76, 77, 106. Broomford Manor (Devon), P., 178. -, Brooke, jun. [oc. 1727], 76, 77. Broughton Astley, 13, 36, 41. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1727], 77. Brown, Allen [d. 1782 ?], 18, 35, 38, 44. -, Fra. [oc. 1727], 77. -, Edward [oc. 1785], 12. -, Gill [oc. 1842], 14. -, Sarah [oc. 1791-1816], nee Farmer, -, John [1666-1724], his Northants., 141. wife 1st. of Allen B., and 2nd. of -, Katherine [oc. 1720-27], 76, 77. Richard Jervis, 5, 13, 18, 35, 38, 44. -. Martha [d. 1727-33], m. Joseph Porter, -, (Rev.) William [oc. 1801], 17. 76, 77, 102, 106. Browne, Thomas [1657 ?-1717], M. (Lich­ -, Martha [oc. 1727], 77. field). -, Matthew [1620 ?-77], 76-7, 102, 106. Browning, Rebecca [b. circa 1639], nee Bridgnorth, 123. -, wife 1st. of - B., and 2nd. of Briggs, Elizabeth [oc. 1701], nee Lucas, Sampson Darell, 50, 52. wife of Thomas B., 143. Bruntingthorpe, 9, 12, 31, 39, 40. -, Thomas [oc. 1701], 143. Bruque (? Brooke), Peter de la [oc. 1677], Brington, 22. IO. Brinkelow, 35. Buchan, (?) James Erskine [d. 1640], 19th. Bristol, 57, M. Earl of, 48. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 187

Buchanan, James William [oc. 1824], 12. ADE, Joseph [oc. 1689], 64. Buckingham, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1724], 12. CCalehill (Kent), 45. Bucklebury, 33, 38. Camberwell, 5 1. Budbrooke, 145, 150. Cambridge, 63, 79, 109, M. Budworth, (Rev.) William [d. 1745], M. -, University of:- (Brewood). Christ's College, 51, 52, 57, 177. Bull, Henry [oc. 1672], 50. Clare College, 171, 177. Bullingbam, Nicholas [1512 ?-76], Bp. of Corpus Christi College, 57, I 45, 1 51. Lincoln, 8. Emmanuel College, 18, 35, 44, M. Bull Marston, 143, 149. Lucasian Professorship, 141. Bulstrode, Henry [1578-1632], 47. Magdalene College, 142. Burbery, William [oc. 1820], 131. Pembroke College, 36, 42. Pembroke Hall, M. Burdett, Elizabeth [oc. 1701-07], 11. Peterhouse, M. -, Frances [oc. 1593], 8, 26, 39. St. John's College, 36, 43, 175-7 M. -, Katherine [oc. 1593], nee Jervis, wife Trinity College, 36, 41. ' of Richard B., 8, 9, 20, 22, 26, 39. Camphill (Renfrew), P., 178. -, Richard [oc. 1593], 9, 20, 22, 39. Canary Islands, 10, 41. -, William, [oc. 1593], 8, 26, 39. Cannock, 83, 86, 103, 105, 107, 119, 121, Burges, Frances [oc. 1787-92], 12. 162. Burgess, Adam [deed. 1800], 130. Canterbury, 54, 55. -, Elizabeth [1723 ?-1801], m. William Caplewood, Ann [b. 1590], nee Colmore Eborall, 129,130,133,140. 2nd. wife of John C., 118. ' -, Richard[oc. 1723], 130,133,140. -, John [oc. 1625-43], I 18. Burke's Commonet's, 162 ; Extinct Bat'onet­ Carless, Richard [oc. 1636-38], 79-81. cies, I 15 ; Landed Gentry, 44, 82, 102, Carlton Curlieu, 22, 23, 30, 31, 34, 39, 41. I 08, I 2 5, I 4 I, 142, I 57, I 58, I 67, I 74, Carmichael, Montgomery [b. 1857], 96, 97. 178; Peerage, 120, 157. Carpenter, John [oc. I 6 36-38], 80, 8 1. Burnaby, -, m. (Rev.) John Cole Gallo­ -, Nathaniel [oc. 1727], 77. way, 34. Carter, (Rev.) John [d. 1720], 145. -, (Rev.) Andrew [1734 ?-1812], 34. Carter, William Fowler, 67, 119 ; and see Burnell, Sir Edward [oc. 1614-28], knt., under Dugdale Society. 79, 122. Case, Samuel [oc. 1711], 147. , (Dame) Frances [oc. 1600-28], nee Cashmore, Herbert Maurice [b. 1882], 112. Willoughby, wife I st. of William Castle Bromwich, I 20. Colmore, and 2nd. of Sir Edward Chalfont St. Peter, 47. Burnell, 79, 121, 122. Chalgrove, 35. Burnes, Richard [oc. 1704], 168. Challenor, Elizabeth [oc. 1745], 88, 93-5. Burnham (Bucks.}, 46-49, 51, 52. Chamber, Catherine [17th. cent.], nee Burslem, Godolphin William [d. 1809 ], Jervis, wife of Simon C., 38. 129. -, Elizabeth ( I 7th. cent.), m. Abraham Burton, Ralph [oc. 1590], 25. Bahun, 38. Burton-upon-Trent, M. -, Simon (17th cent.), 38. Chamberlain, John [1622 ?-64], 9. Busby, William [oc. 1696], 84. -, Thomas [oc. 1787], 12. Bushell, Thomas, jun. [oc. 1635], 146. Chamberlaine, Anne [oc. circa 1591], nee Butlin, Anne [oc. 1679-85], nee Lucas, Standford, wife of Francis C., 31, 38, ? wife of John B., 142. 41. -, John [oc. 1685], 142. -, Frances [b. 1596], nee Jervis, wife of Byrd, Thomas [oc. 1703], 15, 16. (Rev.) Francis C., 3, 22, 31, 38, 41. Byrde, William [oc. 1482], 60, 99. -, Francis [oc. circa 1591], 31, 36, 38, 41. 188 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Chamberlaine, (Rev.) Francis [I 591 ? Sir Marmaduke Darell, 3rd. of Gilbert -1651 ?], 3, 22, 31, 36, 38, 41. Nevile, and 4th. of Col. Sandys, 47, -, John [b. ci-rca 1589], 31, 36, 41. 51-2. Chambers, Catherine [1709 ?-67], of Lich­ Clapham, John [oc. ci'Yca 1600], 51. field, II 1. Clare, (Rev.) - [oc. circa 1614], 9. -, Elizabeth [1704-78/80], 128. -, Elizabeth, m. 1718 Richard Hinckley, -, Jane [b. circa 1675], m. 1707 Samuel 160, 164. Ford, P. -, Mary [oc. 1688], m. Joseph Tyndall, -, Jane [b. 1700], m. John Hunt, 128. 102, 106. -, Mary [b. circa 1671], nee Eborall, wife -, Richard [17th. cent.], 102, 106. of Timothy C., P., 127, 129, 135, 136, -, Richard [oc. 1692], 64. 139. -, William [oc. 1683], 153. -, Mary [1698-1764], m. 1726 Thomas Clark, Joseph [oc. 1696], 84. Jesson, P., 128. Clarke, William [oc. 1690-91], 83. -, Richard [d. 1680], 139. Claybrooke, 15. -, Timothy [d. 1741-7], P., 127-9, I 39. Cl ewer, 46, 48. -, William [1702-1756/8], 128, 129. Clifton Campville, 15 6. Champness, Agnes [14th. cent.], nee Clodshale, Walter de [oc. 1322], 99. Wykeham, wife of William C., 135, Coaten, Jeremiah [oc. 1785], 12. 136. Coaton, Thomas [oc. 1772], 6. -, William [14th. cent.], 136. Cobb, Francis [oc. 1767-1805], 155. Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt [1781-1841], Cockburn, George [oc. 1569], 8. I 57. Colclough, Anne [oc. 1719], nee Adderley, Chapman, Robert [oc. 1674], 50. wife of Caesar C., 164. Charing (Kent), 54. -, Caesar [oc. 1719], 164. Charles (? I. or II.), 148. -, Caesar Arden, sen. [oc. 1744-53], 154, Charlton Kings, 12 5. I 56, 163, 164. Chart (East), 45. -, Caesar Arden, jun. [b. 1744], 154, 164. Charwelton, 141, 142. Coleman, William, jun. [oc. 1831], 14. Chatwin, Philip B., 70, 112 ; his Histo-ry of · Colley, Ann [oc. 1723], nee -, wife of Edgbaston, 70, 7 I. Joseph C., 148. Cheadle (Staffs.), 163, 164, 167. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1723], 148. Chebsey, 177. -, Joseph [oc. 1723], 148. Chelsea, St. Luke's, no, 177. -, William [oc. 1723], 148. Chester, 158, M. Collings, Edward [oc. 1676], 7 3. Chesterfield, 17 3. Collins, Arthur [1690 ?-1760], his Peerage, Chetham Society, 157-8, 171. ed. Sir Egerton Brydges, 60. Chicheley, Florence [oc. 1422], m. John -, John [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Darell, 45. Colmore family, 55, 56. -, (Archbishop) Henry [1362 ?-1443], -, ? - [d. 1663], m. John Peake, 119. 46. -, - [d. 1663], II7. -, William, 46. -, - [d. 1667], II7. Church Langton, 8, 29, 30, 32, 40. -, - [16th. cent.], nee Lane, wife of Churche, E. [deed. 1614], 26. William C., 115. Churchover, 1 1. -, Abel [b. circa 1585-90], n6. Cippenham (Bucks.), 48. -, Abraham [1562-1631], I 19. Civitavecchia, 98. -, Abraham [1604-76], 118. Claickson, Thomas, sen. [oc. 1727], 77. -, Abraham [b. 1607], u6. Claines, 61. -, Am brose [ 15 56- 1624], 1 17, II 8, 1 19. Clapham, Ann [oc. 1622-1636], nee I{idder­ -, Ambrose [1583-1639], 117. minster, wife 1st. of John C., 2nd. of -, Ambrose [b. 1585], 121. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 189

Colmore, Ambrose [b. 1628], 117. wife 1st. of Robert Smalbroke, and -, Anne [d. 1597], nee Fynney, wife of 2nd. of Thomas C., 120. William C., 103, 105, u9-21. Colmore, Elizabeth [b. 15 76], m. Edward -, Anne [b. 1572], m. 1594 Henry Porter, Wilde, 121. P., 66, 69, 72, 79-81, 85, 86, 98, IOI, -, Elizabeth [d. 1630], nee Wagstaffe, 103, 105, 113, 121, 137, 149. 1st. wife of William C., 113, 122. -, Anne [b. 1563], m. 1588 Thomas Crane, -, Elizabeth [b. 1601], 118. II9, -, Elizabeth (oc. 1640], m. Charles Corn- -, Anne [oc. 1620-38], nee -, wife of wallis, 12 1. Ambrose C., 117. -, Elizabeth(?) (oc. 1653-63], nee-, wife -, Anne [b. 1590], m. 162 5 John Caple­ of William C., 118. wood, 118. -, Elizabeth [b. 1628], 122. -, Anne [oc. 1632-36], nee -, wife of -, Elizabeth [1658-1731], nee Waring, Richard C., 117. wife of William C., 123, 124. -, Anne [oc. 1648], 73. -, Elizabeth [d. 1691], m. 1686 Nathaniel -, Anne [b. 1636], 117. Turton, 118. -, Anne [b. 1642], 118. -, Elizabeth [b. 1679], m. ? Booth, 123. -, Anne [d. 1670], nee -, wife of Abra- -, Frances [oc. 1600-28], nee Willoughby, ham C., 118. wife 1st. of William C., and 2nd. of -, Anne [1683-85], 124. Sir Edward Burnell, 79, 121, 122. -, Anne [oc. 1718], nee -, wife 1st. of -, Francis [b. circa 1585], 116. Thomas Milner, and 2nd. of Thomas -, Francis (1687-93], 123. c., 123, 124. -, George [oc. 1601], 115. -, Anne [1714 ?-84], nee Milner, wife of -, George [b. and d. 1603], 122. Charles C., 123, 124. -, George [b. 1626], 122. -, Barbara [1608-10], 122. -, George [d. circa 1728], 123. -, Bridget [b. 1582], m. 1606 John -, Grace [b. 1602], 79, 122. Wilkins, 12 1 . -, Henry [oc. 1600], 115. -, Caroline [1766-1837], 124, 125. -, Henry [d. 1686], 123. -, Charles [d. 1732], II3, 123, 124. -, Jane (oc. circa 1600], nee Bee, wife of -, Charles [1725 ?-95], 124. Clement C., 116. -, Charles [d. 1785], 124. -, Jane [b. 1622], 117. -, (Rev.) Clement (1550 ?-1619], II5, -, Jasper [oc. 1600], 115. u6. -, Joan [d. 1595-8], nee Hunt, wife 1st. of -, Clement [b. circa 1585], u6. William C., and 2nd. of John Ward, -, Clement [b. 1609], 79, 122. 115, 119. -, Deborah [b. 1637], u7. -, Joan [1564-1639], m. 1584 Edward -, Dorothy [b. 1559], m. 1593 \Villiam Smith, I 19, 122. Alport, 119, 121. -, Joan [oc. 1595], 118. -, Dorothy [b. 157 5], ? m. Willian1 -, Joan [b. 1581], 121. Alport, 121. -, John [d. 1600-1], 115. -, Edmund [1699 ?-1761], D.C.L., 123, -, John [oc. 1601], 115. 124. -, John [b. 1558], I 19. -, Edward (oc. 1566], 117. -, John (b. circa 1585-90], II6. -, Edward [oc. 1600], 115. -, John (b. 1590], 121. -, Edward [1578-1640], 72, 79, 121. -, John [b. 1607], 118. -, Eleanor [oc. 1607], nee Fulthorpe, wife -, John [d. 1631-8], 119. of (Rev.) Thomas C., 116. -, John [b. 1629], 117. -, Elizabeth [d. 1628 ], m. 1570 Thomas -, John [d. 1715], 123. Smalbroke, 113, 119, 120. -, Joseph (b. circa 1585], u6. -, Elizabeth [1568-1618 ?], nee Shelton, -, Joseph [b. 1610], I18. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Colmore, Judith [b. 1566], m. 1593 William Colmore, Sarah [b. 1586], m. Richard Harman, 119. Hinton, 12 1 . -, Judith [b. 1581], m. Michael Grundy, -, Sarah [oc. 1665], nee Biddle, wife of 121. Stephen C., 117. -, Lettice [b. 1606], 79, 122. -, Sarah [b. 1659], 118. -, Lettice [d. 1681], 122. -, Stephen [1636-83], 117. -, Lionel [d. 1807], 124. -, Susan [oc. 1600], 115. -, Martha[b. 1589], m. Thomas Ferriby, -, Thomas [b. 1557], 119. 121. -, Thomas [1577-1613], 120. -, Mary [b. 155 5], m. 1576 Richard -, (Rev.) Thomas [1580 ?-1615 ?], 116. Harris, 119. -, Thomas [oc. 1643], 118. -, Mary [d. 1592], nee Barnard, 2nd. -, Thomas [1688-1762 ?], 123, 124. wife of (Rev.) Clement C., II6. -, Timothy [1591-1613], 117. -, Mary [b. 1580]. m. John Greysbrooke, -, Timothy [b. 1629], 122. 121. -, Toby [b. circa 1585-90], 116. -, Mary [oc. 1583-1643], nee -, wife of -, William[d. 1566], 115,119. Ambrose C., 117. -, William [d. 1559], 115. -, Mary [oc. 1666], m. circa 1634 Lancelot -, William [d. 1608], 98, 103, 105, 115, Hilton, 116. 119-21, 137, 149. -, Mary [oc. 1613-26], m. Christopher -, William [1574-1620], 79, 85, 86, 103, Fulthorpe, 1 17. 120, 121, 122. -, Mary [b. 1620], I I 7. -, William [1602-75], 78, 100, 112, 113, -, Mary [b. 1632], ? m. 1658 Edward 122. Birch, I 17. -, William [1613-1708], u8. -, Mary [oc. 1663], 118. -, William [1649 ?-1723], M.P., 10, 15, -, Mary [b. 1640], I 18. 16, Il3, 122, 123, 124. -, Mary [b. 1644], 118. -, William [1682-1722], M.P., 15, 16, -, Mary [b. 1654], l 18. II 3, 123, -, Mary [1654-1726], m. Richard lngolds- -, William [deed. 17 32], 124. by, 122. -, see also under Cregoe-Colmore. -, Mary [oc. 1723-31], m. George Golding, Colnbrook, 46, 52. 124. Colney Hatch, I 24. -, Mary [1738 ?-98], nee Gulston, wife of Colthurst, (Rev.) Richard Charles James Charles C., 124. Bunter, I 33. -, Mary Anne [d. 1794], 124. Colwich, M. -, (Rev.) Matthew [1590 ?-1626], 117. Cook, Abigail [b. 1643], nee Jervis, wife of -, Richard [oc. 1566], 115. Peter C., 3, 4, 10, 22, 23, 37, 42. -, (Rev.) Richard [b. circa 1584], 116. -, Peter [b. circa 1640], 4, 22, 23, 37, 42. -, Richard [1592-1669 ?], u7. Cooke, Elizabeth [oc. 172 1], 147. -, Richard [b. 1634], 117. -, Henry [oc. 1691], 84. -, Richard [b. 166 3], 117. -, Henry [oc. 1693], 74. -, Richard [1684-1707], 123. -, Nicholas [d. 1618-19], 66. -, Richard [oc. 17 32 ], 124. Cookes, - [oc. cif'ca 1629], 80. -, Robert [1561-67 ?], 119. -, Eleanor [oc. 1655], nee -, wife of -, Robert [b. 1585], 121. Henry C., 82. -, Robert [oc. 16oo], 115. -, Henry [oc. 1614], 79. -, (Rev.) Robert [oc. 1610], 116. -, Henry [oc. circa 1648-55], 82. -, Robert [b. 1604], 79, 122. Cooper, (Rev.) John Mawbey [b. ciYca -, Robert [oc. 1634], 121. 1788], I 3. -, Robert [1652-88/9], 122. Corker, Elizabeth [oc. 1837], nee - •) wife -, Robert [1685-1709], 123. of - C., 14. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 191

Corker, William [oc. 1837], 14. Cregoe-Colmore, Elizabeth Sarah [ oc.1813], Cornwallis, Charles [oc. 1634-40], 121. nee Roberts, wife of Frind C.-C., 125. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1640], n~e Colmore, wife -, Emma [d. 1830], 125. of Charles C., 121. -, Frind [d. 1839], 125. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1640], 121. -, Harriet [d. 1847 ], m. 1842 Charles -, Katherine [oc. 1640], 121. Irwin Grant, Baron de Longueville, Cosby, 18, 38, 44. 125. Cotterell, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92, 93. -, Marianne Colmore [d. 1867], m. 1833 Cotton, William A., his Bromsgrove W. A. Burlton Bennet, 12 5 . Church, 71, 101-2. -, William Barwick [1860-1918], 125. Cottrell, Ann [oc. 1743], 148. Cressener, Bartholomew [oc. 1635], 48. -, Elizabeth [d. 1743-5], m. William Crester, - [oc. 1558], 8. Norton, 145, 147, 148, 150, 176. Crisp, Frederick Arthur, see under How­ -, John [oc. 1692], 64. ard, Joseph Jackson. -, John [d. 1705], 145, 150. Crispe, Dorothy [ oc. circa 16 5o], nee -, John [oc. 1705], 145, 148. Thomson, wife of Richard C., 54. -, John [oc. 1743], 148. -, Richard [oc. circa 1650], 54. -, John [oc. 1745], 94. Cromwell, Oliver [1599-1658], 102. -, Thomas [oc. 1705], 145, 148. Crow, Charles [oc. 1754], 78. Coundon, 38. Crowley, Sir Ambrose [1658-1713], M. Countesthorpe, 9. (Rushock). Coventry, 38, 58-60, 71-3, 99, 103, 104, Croxall, Edward, jun. [oc. 1772], 129. 108, 126-9, I 31-4, I 36-8, 143, M. Crump, Edward [oc. 1711], 147. Cows, William [oc. 1677], 10. Cubley (Great), M. Cox, (Rev.) James [oc. 1690-1715], 5. Culpepper, Sir Thomas [oc. 1636-37], knt., -, Mary [oc. 1737], 129. 80, 8 I. -, S. [oc. 1721], 136. Culworth, 135, 137. -, William [oc. 1721], 136. Curdworth, 160, 164, M. Coxe, (Rev.) Henry Octavius [18u-81], Curson, Henry [oc. 1767], 155. 38, 44. -, (Rev.) Richard [oc. 1811-18], 12, 33, AFFTE, John [oc. 1558], 8. 38, 44. Dale, Anna [oc. 1801], nee-, wife of -, Susannah [oc.1811-18], nee Smith, wife D- D., 130. of (Rev.) Richard C., 12, 33, 38, 44. -, Richard [oc. be£. 1636], 48. Crab, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1717], 11. Dallaway, Thomas [oc. 1723], 148. Cradock, Edward [oc. 1676], 126. Dane, Uriah, 173. -, Mary [oc. 1676], nee -, wife of - C., Danvers, Elizabeth [b. circa 1500], nee 127. Fiennes, wife of John D., 135. Cranck, Joyce [oc. 1696], nee -, wife of -, John, sen. [16th. cent.], 135 . - c., 84. -, John, jun. [16th. cent.], 135, I 37. Crane, Anne [b. 1563], nee Colmore, wife -, Prudence [16th. cent.], m. \Villiam of Thomas C., 119. Howell, I 35, I 37. -, Thomas [oc. 1588], 119. Darell family, 55, M. (Fulmer). Crawley, see under Rivier. -, (Dame) Anne [deed. 1622], nee Len­ Creamer, Charles [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. nard, 1st. wife of Sir Marmaduke D., Cregoe, Edward [d. 1799], 125. 51, 52. Cregoe-Colmore, Colmore Frind [1827-71], -, (Dame) Anne [oc. 1622-36], nee Kid­ 125. derminster, wife 1st. of John Clap­ -, Elizabeth Charlotte, m. 1st. 1846 ham, 2nd. of Sir Marmaduke D., 3rd. (Capt.) William Beaumain Knipe, and of Gilbert Nevile, and 4th. of Col. 2nd. Coplestone Lopes Radcliffe, 12 5. Sandys, 47, 51-2. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

Darell, Anne [oc. 1628-36], 48, 51, 52. Davenport, Christopher [oc. 1737], 129. -, Anne [oc. 1628-36], 51. Davers, see under Danvers. -, Anne [d. 1662], nee Thomson, 1st. wife Davies, Anne [1743 ?-1814], m. (Rev.) of Henry D., 42, 49, 53-5. William Jervis, 5-7, I 2, 13, 24, 30, 37, -, Anne [1654 ?-1726], m. William Jervis, 45. 4, IO, I I, 15, 16, 22, 24, 36, 42, 43, 49, -, John [oc. 1743], 24, 45. 50, 53, 55, I 10, M. (Peatling [Great], -, (Rev.) Sneyd [1709-69], 161. and Warwick). Davis, Robert [oc. 1677], 10. -, Charles [b. circa 1632 ?], 48, 51, 52. Dawes, Charity [oc. 1587], nee Lightfoot, -, Charles [b. 1632], 52. wife of Isaac D., 34, 41. -, Charles [oc. 1672], 50. · -, Elizabeth [b. 1594], nee Jervis, wife of -, Christopher [oc. 1636], 48, 52. John D., 3, 22, 34, 41. -, Edward [d. 1573], 46, 51. -, Hannah [d. 1781], nee -, wife 1st. of -, Edward [oc. 1636), 48, 52. - D., and 2nd. of Richard Jervis, 6, -, (Dame) Elizabeth [d. 1637/8], nee 12, 25, 32, 43, 44. Hampden, wife of Sir Sampson D., -, Isaac [oc. 1587], 34, 41. 47-9, 52. -, Jervis [b. 1614], 3, 41. -, Florence [oc. 1422], nee Chicheley, wife -, John [b. 1587], 3, 22, 34, 41. of John D., 45. Dawson, Lucy [oc. 1837], 14. -, Henrietta Maria [oc. 1672), 49, 53. -, Samuel [oc. 1598], 72. -, Henry [d. 1536], 46. Denbigh, Basil Feilding [16o8 ?-75], 2nd. -, Henry [1633 ?-73 ?), 22, 24, 42, 48-55, Earl of, 99, 102-3. 110, M. (Peatling, Great). Denham (Bucks.), 46, 47. -, Henry [oc. 1672], 50, 52. Dent, Joseph [oc. 1831], 14. -, John [oc. 1422], 45, 46. Dent, Robert Kirkup, see under Hill, -, John [oc. bef. 1636], 48. Joseph. -, Katherine [oc. 1672], 50, 52. Denton, Richard [oc. 1557], 72. -, Margaret [oc. 1636], 48, 52. Derby, 43, 110, 176, M. -, Sir Marmaduke [1557-1632], knt., Deritend, 8 5. 46-8, 51, 52, M. (Fulmer). Devereux, Barbara [1593-1679], nee Smal­ -, Marmaduke [1599 ?-1673 ?], 47• broke, wife 1st. of Henry D., and 2nd. -, Marmaduke [b. 1621], 48, 52. of Aylmer Foliot, 120. -, Mary [oc. 1636], 48, 52. -, Edward [oc. 1616], 120. -, Mary [b. circa 1633], nee-, wife 1st. -, Sir Edward [d. 1622], 1st. bt., 120. of - Legg, and 2nd. of Henry D., -, Henry [oc. 1614], 120. 49, 50, 53. - (Dame) Katherine, nee Arden, wife of -, Rebecca [b. circa 1639], nee -, wife Sir Edward D., 1st. bt., 120. 1st. of - Browning, and 2nd. of -, Robert [1591-1646], 3rd. Earl of Essex, Sampson D., 50, 52. 100. -, Sir Sampson [1594 ?-1635], 43, 46-8, -, Walter [1491 ?-1558], 1st. Viscount 50-52, 54-55. Hereford, 120. -, Sampson [1630 ?-72], 48-50, 52. -, Walter [1578-1657 ?], 5th. Viscount -, Sampson [oc. 1672], 50, 52 Hereford, I 20. -, Thomas [b. 1422 ], 46. Dewce, Thomas [oc. 1650], 103. -, Thomas [d. 1558], 46. Dewes, John [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. -, Sir Thomas [b. 15 5 3], 46. Dexter, Adam le [oc. 1322], 99. -, Thomasine [d. 1448], nee Gresley, wife Dictionary of National Biography, 38, 78, of Thomas D., 46. 121, 136, 141, 172. Darlaston, 157, 161, 165. Dilhorne, 177. Darlington, M. Dinton (Bucks.), 122. Datchett, 47, 52. Dison, see under Dyson. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES r93

Dixie, Jane [1614 ?-83], m. John Adderley, Dunton Bassett, 5, 12, 24, 37, 43, 44. 38. Durham, 114-17. -, Sir Wolstan [b. circa I 576], knt., 38. Dyott, Mary [d. 1763], m. 176oChristopher -, Sir Wolstan [1701 ?-67], 4th. bt., M. Astley, 174. (Market Bosworth). -, Mary [oc. 1783], nee Astley, wife of Docksey, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1796], 163. Richard D., 174, 176. Dodderhill, 68, 106. -, Richard [1667-1719], 168. Doley, John [oc. 1696], 84. -, Richard [b. 1687], 174, 176. Donegall, Arthur Chichester [1739-99], -, Richard [1754-1813], 174, 176. 5th. Earl of, er. 1st. Marquess in 1791, -, (Genl.) William [1761-1847], see under 162. Jeffery, Reginald W. Donington, 114, 123-5. Dyson, William [oc. 1745], 88, 91, 93, 94. Dormer, Euseby [oc. 1704], 168. Dove, Anne [18th. cent.], nee Martin, wife of George D., M.D., 176. ADES, William [oc. 1754], 78. -, George, M.D. [18th. cent.], 176. E-, see also under Eedes. Dowlard, Henry, jun. [oc. 1690-1703], East, - [oc. 1717], 11. 74-6, 107. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1717], 11. -, Henry [oc. 1690-96], 75, 107. -, John [oc. 1677], 10. -, Joshua [oc. 1690-1703], 74-6, 107. -, see also under Este. -, Mary [b. 1640], nee Porter, wife of Eastcote (Warw.), 128, 136. Henry D., 68, 73-6, 107. East Langton, 29. Downes, John [oc. 1703], 16. Eborall, Anne [oc. 1658-83], nee Frampton, Downing, (Rev.) Thomas William, his wife of Josiah E., 134, 135, 137. Records of Knowle, 69, 100, 132, 144. -, Anne (1679-81], 132, 140. Drakelowe, 46. -, Caroline Waldron [1789 ?-1831], 130, Draughton (Northants), 31, 40. I 33, 141, Drayton (Leic.), 6, 20, 22, 23, 34, 40. -, Catherine [b. circa 168 3], m. Philip Dring, Martha [oc. 1689], 154. Milward, 127, 134, 135, 137, 138. Drucker, Lucy, 29. -, Catherine Devereux (1753 ?-1800], nee Drury, Sir Henry [d. 1617], knt., 48. -, wife of William E., 133, 140. -, Jane [oc. 1619], 72. -, Elizabeth [d. 1654], 131, 138. -, (Dame) Susan [oc. 1636], nee-, wife of -, "Elizabeth" (sc. Mary), [b. 1639], 131. Sir Henry D., 48. -, Elizabeth [b. 1667], m. 1696 John Duckett, Grace [oc. 1583-1619], nee Jervis, Tompkins, 127, 132, 135, 136, 139. wife of Noah D., 3, 8, 9, 20, 22, 26, 40. -, Elizabeth [d. 1737/8], nee Bcake, wife -, Noah [oc. 1583-93], 3, 9, 20, 22, 40. of William E., P., 128, 132-4, I 36, 138, Dudley, 83. 140, 143. Dudley, - [oc. 1708], 127. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1708-49], m. 1722 Dugdale, Sir vVilliam [1605-86], knt., his Thomas Fisher, 127-9, 136, 139. W arwickskfre, ed. William Thomas -, Elizabeth [oc. 1772-1800], 129, 140. (1730), 102, 133, 144; ed. 1765, 71, -, Elizabeth [1723 ?-1801], nee Burgess, 120. wife of William E., 129, 130, 133, 140. Dugdale Society, "Edgbaston Registers/' -, Frances [oc. 1772-1801], m. Cornelius ed. (Rev.) Cholmondeley Sherwood Grove Harrold, 129, 130, 140. James, 69, 71, 133; "Records of King -, Harriet [d. 1795], 126. Edward's School, Birmingham," ed. -, Henry [b. 1706], 88, 92-4, 128, 132, 139. William Fowler Carter and Ettwell -, Henry [oc. 1772-1800], 129, 130, 136, Augustine Bracher Barnard, 82, 100, 140. 114, 119, 145. -, Henry [oc. 1808], 126. Dunchurch, 174, 177. -, Henry [1814 ?-19], 131, 134, 141. 194 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Eborall, Joan [1642 ?-1728], nee Snell, wife Eborall, Sarah [oc. 167 3-77], nee-, wife of Samuel E., 127, 128, 132, 134, 136, 1st. of - Gifford, and 2nd. of I 38. Samuel E., 126, 127, 136, 137. -, John [1632-48], 131, 134, 135, 138. -, Sarah [oc. 1708-49], 139. -, John [b. 1673], 132, 138. -, Sarah [d. 1754], 133, 139. -, John [d. 1803], 126. -, Susanna [b. 1677], nee Porter, wife of -, Josiah [1631-97], 127, 131, 132, 134, Samuel E., P., 70, 110, 126, 128, 129, 135, 137. 138. -, Josiah [oc. 1676], 127, 137. -, Susanna [b. 1708], 132, 139. -, Josiah [b. 1674], 127, 128, 132, 134, -, Susanna (oc. 1772-1800], m. William 136, 138. Mott Thompson, 129, 130, 140. -, Josiah [d. 1737 /8], 129, 137. -, Susanna Devereux (1777 ?-1825], 130, -, Katherine [b. circa 1677], m. 1718 133, 140. Henry Lucas, P., 127, 129, 132, 135, -, Timothy (1641-54], 131, 138. I 36, I 39, 143. -, William [oc. 1566], 135, 137. -, Louisa [1783 ?-1855], m. 1st. - -, William [1644-1708], P., 127, 131-36, Moore, and 2nd. Edmund Simonds, I 38, 140, 143. I 30, I 33, 141. -, William [d. 1705], 132, 138. -, Mary [oc. 1608], nee Howell, wife of -, William (1684-1735], P., 17, 127, 128, Richard E., 134, 135, 137. I 32, I 36, I 39, 140. -, Mary [d. 1637], 131, 138. -, William [oc. 1676, deed. 1683], 127, -, Mary [1639-64], 131, 138. 138. -, Mary [b. circa 1671], m. 1689 Timothy -, William [1724-72], 126, 128-30, 132, Chambers, P., 127, 129, 135, 136, 139. I 33, I 36, 140. -, Mary [d. 1730], nee-, wife of William -, William [1747 ?-1821], 129-31, 134, E., I 32, 140. 136, 140, 141. -, Mary [b. 1710], m. -Talis, 132, 139. Eccleshall, 17 5• -, Mary [oc. 1749], 139. Edgbaston, P., 58, 59, 61, 62, 64-6, 69-72, -, Mary [oc. 1772-1800], m. James 79, 81, 85, 98, 100, 102-05, 107-10, Yeomans, 129, 130, 140. 117, 120, 121, 133-5, 137, 139, 143, -, Mary [oc. 1814-19], nee -, wife of 149, M. William E., 141. Edial, 1 II, 168, M. -, Richard [d. 1616], 134-137. Edinghall, 1 30. -, Robert [d. 1676], 132, 139. Edwards, Isaac [oc. 1734], 128. -, Samuel [1608-76], P., 64, 108, 126, 127, -, John [oc. 1734], 128. 131, 132, 134-8. -, Joseph (deed. 1745], 88, 92. -, Samuel (1630-33], 131, 137. Eedes, - [17th. cent.], 56. -, Samuel [1637-76], 127, 131, 132, 134-6, -, - [oc. circa 1675], m. (Rev.) Samuel 138. Jemmatt, 57. -, Samuel [b. circa 1667], 127, 134, 135, -, Alice [oc. 1682-17n], 57. l 37. -, Anne [oc. 1675-1704], nee -, wife of -, Samuel [b. 1669], P., 70, I 10, 126, 127, (Rev.) William E., 57. 129, 132, 135, 136, 138. -, Dorothy [oc. 1682], 57. -, Samuel [b. 1671], 127, 128, 132, 134, -, Dorothy [oc. 1682-1711], m. - 136, 138. Rickards, 57. -, Samuel [b. 1704], 127, 128, 132, 138. -, Edmund [b. circa 1646], 56. -, Samuel [oc. 1772-1800], 129, 130, 140. -, Edmund [oc. 1682], 56. -, Samuel [oc. 1792-5], 126. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1711], nee ? Tomkyss~ -, Sarah [d. 1666], nee Porter, wife of wife of Francis E., 57. Samuel E., P., 64, 72, 98, 108, 131, -, Francis [oc. 1672], 50. 132, 134, 135, 137, 138. -, Francis [oc. 1674], 53, 55. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES I95

Eedes, Francis [1674 ?-1711/13], 57. Everitt, Allen Edward (1824-82], 103. -, Francis [oc. 1678-85], 56. Evesham, M. -, Francis [d. 1682/3], 56, 57. Evetts, Thomas [oc. 1734], 128. -, Francis [oc. 1693], 56. Ewen, Alexander [oc. 1557], 72. -, Jane [b. cit'ca 1650], n~e Lingham, wife Eyam, 172-4, 176, 177. of Richard E., 56. -, Job [oc. 1682], 56. ABYANNE, John [oc. bef. 1636), 47. -, John [oc. ci,ca 1664), 57. Fairwell, Elizabeth [oc. 1696-1703), 75, -, Katherine [oc. 1704-11), 57. F 76. -, Margaret [b. circa 1671], nee Muspratt, -, Hannah [oc. 1696-1703], 75, 76. 2nd. wife of Francis E., 56. Falconer, (Rev.) James [1737-1809], 161. -, Mary [oc. 1669-85], n~e Boyse, wife of Falmouth, 95. Edmund E., 56. Fanthom, George (oc~ 1669], 65. -, Richard [1643 ?-1683 ?], 49, 50, 56. Farewell (Staffs.), 85. -, Robert [b. circa 1646], 56. Farewell, see under Fairwell. -, William [oc. 1682], 56. Farmer, Dorothy [oc. 1774], 6. -, William [oc. 1682], 57. -, Hannah [1712-1808]. nee Knibb, wife -, (Rev.) William [1651 ?-1709), 56, 57. of Richard F., 35. -, (Rev.) William [oc. 1687-1706), 57. -, (Lt. Col.) Joseph [oc. 1793-1811], 18. Eglionby, see under Aglionby. -. Richard (1698-1778], 35, 44. Elizabeth, Queen [1533-1603], 46, 51, 135. -. (Rev.) Richard [1735-97], D.D., 18, 35, Elkington, Anne [1708 ?-51], m. Thomas 44. Grace, 33, 44. -, Sarah (oc. 1791-1816], m. 1st. Allen -, James [oc. 1708), 33, 44. Brown, and 2nd. Richard Jervis, 5, -, Katherine, m. 1st. {? Robert) Jervis, I 3, 18, 35, 38, 44. and 2nd. Sir William Roberts, 3 3, 34. -, Thomas [oc. 1780], 18. -, Margery, n~e Payne, wife of Richard E., Farnham, George Francis [1859-1933), 30; 33. his LeicesteYshire M etlieval Village -, Richard, 33, 34. Notes, 25-30. Ellastone, 177. Faunt, Jane [16th. cent.], nee Vincent, Ellesdon, (Rev.) Thomas [oc. 1557), 72. wife 1st. of Nicholas Purefoy, and Ellis, William [oc. 1703), 16. 2nd. of William F., 34, 40. Elmhurst (Staffs.), 168. -, William [16th. cent.], 34. Elmsthorpe, 38, 41. Faytor, Joseph [oc. 1717], 11. Elson, John [oc. 1707], 11. Feckenham, 76. -, see also under Ilson. Feilding, William Basil Percy (1796-1815], Elton (Chesh.), 177. 7th. Earl of Denbigh, I 7. Elton (Durham), 116. Fen Drayton, 57. Emly (Ireland), 161. Fenton, (Miss) - [oc. 1784], 162. Enderby (Leic.), 27. Fenner, Sir Philip, 101. Ensor, John [oc. 1668], 65. Femyhough, John [oc. 1781], 173. Erdington, 65. Ferrars, Edward [oc. bef. 16361' 46. Essex, Robert Devereux [1591-1646], 3rd. -, Francis (oc. bef. 1636], 46. Earl of, 100. Ferriby, Martha [b. 1589), nee Colmore, Este, - [oc. 1724], 11. wife of Thomas F., 121. -, see also under East. -, Thomas [oc. circa 16oo], 121. Etheringham, 49. Fetherston, Eli2abeth [oc. circa 1681 -96], Eton, 33. m. John Rowney, 84, 85. Eure, Sir Sampson (oc. 1614], 47. Fewster, Thomas [oc. 1745), 88, 92-4. European Magazine, I 14. Fidoe, John (deed. 1745], 88, 9.2. Evans, Berger, 95. -, Rebecca [oc. 1745], 88, 9.2-4. 0 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Field, Anne [oc. 1547-57], nee Porter, wife Foliot, Sir John [knt. 1603], 120. of Henry F., 66, 72, 104. -, John [b. 1622], 120. -, Henry [oc. 1547-57], 66, 72, 104. Ford, - [oc. 1757], 108. -, IIenry [oc. 1553], 99. -, - [oc. 1757], nee Porter, wife of- F., Fiennes, Elizabeth [b. cit'ca 1500], m. John 108. Danvers, 135. -. Cornelius [1632-1709], 113, M. (Aston­ -, Henry [146o ?-76], 3rd. Lord Saye and juxta-Birmingham, Curdworth, Kings Sele, I 35. Norton and Packwood). -, Richard [1474 ?-1501], 4th. Lord Saye -, Cornelius [1673/4-1734 ?], M. (Strox­ and Sele, 135. ton). Finchley, 113, 114, 124. -, (Rev.) Cornelius [1694-1731], M. Firbank,.:...... [oc. circa 1700], 42. (Cambridge, Luffenham [South], Ped­ -, Elizabeth [oc. 1677-1717] nee Reade, more and Rushock). wife of - F., 10, 11, 18, 42. -, Henry [d. circa 1648], M. (Aston­ -, George [oc. 1717], 11. juxta-Birmingham, and West Brom­ Fish, Augustin [oc. 1629], 29. wich). Fisher, Elizabeth [oc. 1708-49], nee -, Henry (1628-91], M. (Handsworth, Eborall, wife of Thomas F., 127-9, Holton and London). 136, 139. -, Jane [b. circa 1675], nee Chambers, -, Elizabeth [oc. 1737], 129, 139. wife of Samuel F., P. -, John [oc. 1772-79], 129, 139. -, (Dr.) Joseph [1662-1721], M. (Stour­ -, Mary [oc. 1708], 128. bridge). -, Mary [oc. 1730], 132. -, Mary [d. 1658], nee -, wife of Henry -, Mary [oc. 1734], 128. F., M. (Kings Norton). -, Mary [oc. 1737], 129, 139. -, Mary [b. 1667], m. John Hardwicke, -, Sarah [oc. 1737], 128, 139. M. (Pattingham). -, Susanna [oc. 1742-84], m. James -, Mary [oc. 1772], 129. Gilbert, 132, 133, 139. -, Nathaniel [1676-1729], M. (Sutton -, Thomas [oc. 1721-49], 128, 129, 136, Coldfield). 139. -, Phoebe [b. 1665], m. John Harrison, -, Thomas, jun. [oc. 1734], 128. M. (Birmingham). -, Thomas [oc. 1743], 148. -, Samuel [b. 1672], P., M. (Packwood Fitch, Robert [oc. 1598], 72. and Stroxton). Fitzherbert, William [1712-72], M. (Tis- -, (Rev.) Samuel [1717-93], P., M. sington). (Cambridge, Oxford and Sutton Flavell, Sarah [oc. 1653], 73. Coldfield). Flude, Anne [d. 1677], 5. - , Sarah [ 1669-17 59 ], m. Michael Johnson, -, Anne [1684-1743], m. Richard Jervis, see under Johnson, Sarah. 4, 5, 12, 24, 37, 43. Forsbrook, Francis [oc. 1771], 15 5. -, Benjamin [oc. 1725], 12. Foster, Joh. [oc. 1703], 16. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1677-84], nee-, wife of -, Joseph [1844-1905], his Alumni Oxon­ Joseph F., jun., 5, 43• ienses, 36, 56, 57, 88, 101, 114, 136, -, Joseph, jun. [oc. 1684], 5, 43. 141, 145, 157; his Durham Visitation Foley, Philip [b. cit-ca 165 3], 83. Pedigrees, 114; his London Marriage Foliot, Aylmer [d. 1678], 120. Licences, 56. -, Aylmer, jun., 120. -, Thomas [oc. 1703], 16. -, Barbara [1593-1679], nee Smalbroke, Foston, 9, 34. wife 1st. of Henry Devereux, and 2nd. Fownes, John [oc. circa 1670], 82. of Aylmer F., 120. Fox, Catherine [oc. 1721], 147. -, (Dame} Elizabeth, nee Aylmer, wife of -, Henry [oc. 1717], I I. Sir John F., 120. -, (Mrs.) Henry [oc. 1717], 11. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 197

Fox, (Col.) John [1610-50], 100. Galloway, Emma [oc. 1831], 14. -, William [oc. 1712], 147. -, Hannah Burnaby [oc. 1831], 14. Foxall family, 115. -, Hannah Maria [oc. 1831], 14. -, Ambrose [oc. 1697], 85. -, James Smith [oc. 1802], 5. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1620-28], nee-, wife of -, (Rev.) John Cole [1738 ?-1804], 17, 25, John F., 79. 34, 44. -, John [deed. 1620-28], 79. -, Maria Cam [oc. 1802-1831], m. - Foxton (Leic.), 9. Toulmin, 5, 14. Frampton, Anne [oc. 1658-83], m. 1658 Gamble, William [oc. 1704], 168. Josiah Eborall, I 34, 135, I 37. Gannow,63, 101,103,105,109. -, Katherine [16o2-65], nee Tregonwell, Gardiner, D. [oc. 1717], 11. wife of William F., 136, 137. Garrick, David [1717-79], 174, M. (Lon- -, William (1608-43], 134-7. don). Frances, Jane [oc. 1668], 65. Gascoigne, Alvery [oc. 1637], 81. Frankley (Wore.), 60, 71, 99, 103. Gateshead, 1 16. Freeford, 174, 176. Gayell, Bezaliell [oc. 1637], 82. Freeman family, 115. Geary, Thomas [oc. 1808], 17. -, Giles [oc. 1695], 10. Gee, Ann [oc. 1772], 129. Freer, Mary [oc. 1707], 11. -, Elizabeth [b. circa 1665], 159. -, Robert [oc. 1701], 1 r. Genealogical Monthly, 35. Freeth, Abraham [oc. 1745], 87, 91, 93, 94. Genealogist, 102. -, Jonathan [deed. 1745], 87, 91. Gentleman's Magazine, 37, 114, 158, M. French, William [oc. bef. 1636], 47. (London). Freshford, 12 3. Gervis, see under Jervis. Frogatt, Gilbert [oc. 1748], 154. Gest, Margaret [oc. 1562-? 1624], ? nee Frome, M. Peyton, wife 1st. of-G., and 2nd. of Frowlesworth, 10, 15, 34, 40. Thomas Porter, 61, 66, 67, 98, 104. Fuerey, Richard [oc. 1676], 73. -, Richard [oc. 1588], 61. Fulmer, 22, 24, 43, 45-8, 50-52, 54, 55, M. Gibbs, Joan [oc. 1635], 146. Fulthorpe, Christopher [d. 1662], 117. -, Thomas [oc. 1727], 77. -, Eleanor [oc. 1607], m. (Rev.) Thomas Gifford, Sarah [oc. 1673-77], nee -, wife Colmore, 116. 1st. of - G., and 2nd. of Samuel -, Mary [oc. 1613-26], nee Colmore, wife Eborall, 126, 127, 136, 137. of Christopher F., r 17. Gigli, (Bp.) Silvestro [1463-1521], 58, 78, -, Nicholas (16th. cent.], 116, 117. 103. Fumese, George [oc. 1717], 11. Gilbert, Anne [b. 1750], 133, 139. -, Henry [oc. 1717-21], II. -, Elizabeth [b. 1743], 132, 139. -, (M:rs.) Henry [oc. 1717], 11. -, James [deed. 1779], 132, 133, 139. Fynney, Agnes, nee-, wife of William F., -, James [oc. 1784], 139. 119. -, Robert [oc. 1816], 156. -, Anne [d. 1597], m. William Colmore, -, Susanna [oc. 1742-84], nee Fisher, wife 103, 105, 119-21. of James G., 132, 133, 139. -, William [d. 1584], 103, 105, 119. -, Susanna [b. 1742], 132, 139. -, Thomas [b. 1745], 133, I 39. ALLOWAY,-, nee Burnaby, wife of Gildart, Lucy [oc. 1768], nee Herrick, wife (Rev.) John Cole G., 34. of Richard G., 162. -,G Anne [oc. 1831], 14. -, Richard [oc. 1768-92], 162. -, Anne Jane [oc. 1802-44], m. (Rev.) Gill, William [oc. 1816], 156. Richard Jervis, 5, 13, 14, 25, 44. Gilmorton, 37, 45. -, Clare [oc. 1831], 14. Giusti, Ra:ffaelle [ 1906], 96. -, Elizabeth White [d. 1831], 14. Gloucester, M. 198 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Glover, John [oc. 1597], 67, 98, 105. Greenwood, Edmond [oc. 1688], 85-7. -, John [oc. 1653], 73, 105. Gresley, (Dame) -[oc. 1752], 161. -, Mary [b. 1575], nAe Porter, wife of -, Sir John [1418 ?-87], 46. John G., 67, 98, 105. -, Thomasine [d. 1488], m. Thomas Godfrey, {Rev.} Adam [oc. 1322], 99. Darell, 46. Godmersham, SS. Greysbrooke, John[? d. 1636], 72, 121. Goldicote House (Warw.), 33. -, Mary [b. 1580], nAe Calm.ore, wife of Golding, George [oc. 1723-31], 124. John G., 121. -, Mary [oc. 1723-31], nAe Colmore, wife Griffin, Sir Nicholas [1475 ?-1509], knt., of George G., 124. 26, 28. Gonderton, Elizabeth [oc. 1717], m. Joseph Grocock, William [oc. 1707 ], 1 1. Porter, 69, 106. Grove, Robert [oc. 1696], 84. Goockson, Thomas [oc. 1569], 8. Grove {Notts.), 52. Goodall, Edward [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Grundy, {Miss) - [oc. 1779], 162. -, John [oc. 1698], 85. -, Anne [oc. 1785-1833], m. 1785 (Rev.} Goodman, Margaret [deed. 1558], m. John Hugh Bailye, 156, 166. Jervis, 19,21, 39. -, Catherine [1755-1823], zn. 1778 Thomas -, Thomas, 19, 21, 39. Hinckley, 152, 156-9, 161, 166. Goodwyn, Henry [died 1636], 80, 81. -, Judith [b. 1581], nAe Colmore, wife of -, Mary [oc. 1636/7], nAe -, wife of Michael G., 121. Henry G., 80, 81. -, Michael [oc. ci,-ca 1600], 121. Goodyere, Richard [oc. 1558], 8. Gryne, Elizabeth [b. 15 66], n4s Porter, Gorges, (Dame) Dorothy [d. 1642], nee wife of Henry G., 67, 104. Speke, wife of Sir Edward G. [1564- -, Henry [oc. 1589], 67, 104. 1624], 48. Guilsborough, P., 32, 130, 132, 139, 140-43. Goring, William [oc. 1748], 161. Gulston, Joseph [oc. 1738-45], 124. Gotham, 159, 175, 176. -, Joseph [b. 1745], M.P., 124. Gotheridge, Thomas [oc. bef. 1636], 47. -, Mary [oc. 1738-45], nee -, wife of -, see also under Gutheridge. Joseph G., 124. Gotherington, 76. -, Mary [1738 ?-98], m. 1760 Charles Gough, Richard [oc. 1745], 89, 93, 94. Colmore, 124. "Gowarton" (Notts.}, 122. Gutheridge, William [oc. bef. 1636], 47. Gower, John Leveson [1694-1754], 1st. -, see also under Gotheridge. Earl, M. (Appleby). Guthlaxton, 16. -, Samuel [oc. 1734], 77• Guy's Cliff, 123. Grace, Anne [1708 ?-51], nAe Elkington, wife of Thomas G., 33, 44. -, Elizabeth [17 38 ?-86], m. Holled Smith, ADSOR, 75. 33, 44. Hagley, M. (Pedmore). -, Thomas [1705 ?-72], 33, 44. Haines,H Nathaniel [oc. 1727], 77. Grazebrook, Henry Sydney [ 18 36-96], his Hale, Edward [oc. 1831], 131. Heraldry of Wo,-ceste,-shi-re, 61, 101. -, Mary [deed. 1831], nee Marks, wife -, see also under Greysbrooke. of Edward H., 130, 131, 141. Greasbrooke, see under Greysbrooke. Halesowen, 69, 88, 106. Greaves, (Capt.} - [oc. 1643], 99. Halford, John [oc. 1708], 102. Green, Mary [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. -, William [oc. 1629], 29. -, Valentine [oc. 1831], 131. Hall, Elizabeth [b. circa 1669], 159. Greene, Richard [1716-93], 155. -, Henry [oc. 1699], 87. Greenfield, B. W. [oc. 1878], 102. -, (Rev.) John [1599 ?-1652], 86. Greenwich, 52, M. -, John [oc. 1695], 75, 105. -, (East), 28, 46-8. -, Nathaniel, sen. [oc. 1703], 75. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 199

Hall, Sarah [b. 1631], n4e Porter, wife of Harper, Catherine [b. &irca 1805], 1581 (? John) H., 67, 73-5, 105. -, Robert John [oc. 1802-22], 152, 156-8, -, Sarah [oc. 1694], 74, 105. 167. -, (Rev.) Thomas [oc. 1811], 97. -, Thomas [oc. 1694-1702], 146. -, W.T., 17. Harrington, Henry [oc. 1645], 16. Hamburg, 109. Harriotts, Elizabeth [1661-1728], nl8 Hammond, Thomas [b. 1684], 168. Barnesley, wife of Robert H., M. -, William [oc. 1724], 12. (Trysull). Hampden (Great), 52. Hanis, - [oc. 1698], 36. Hampden, Christopher (d. circa 1628), 51, -, Mary [b. I 55 5 ], nee Colmore, wife of 52. Richard H., 119. -, Elizabeth [d. 1637/8), m. Sir Sampson -, Mary [oc. 1745], 94: Darell, 47-9, 52. -, (Dame) Mary [d. 186o], nee White, -, John [oc. 1628], 5I. wife 1st. of Robert Thomson, and Hampton-in-Arden, 88, 108, 126-8, 130, 2nd. of Sir Thomas Noel H., P., lJl, IJJ, 136-41, 143. 178. Hand, Charlotte [oc. 1771], 155. -, Richard [oc. 1576], 119. -, Frances [oc. 1741], nie Pyatt, 2nd. -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92, 93. wife of George H., IS 7. -, Sir Thomas Noel (1785-1800], K.C.B., -, Frances [oc. 1761-99], m. William P., 178. Bailye, I 5S. Harrison, (Rev.) Cornelius [1699 ?-1748], -, George [oc. 1723-41], 157. M. (Cambridge and Darlington). -, George [1741 ?-1806], 152. -, Francis [oc. 1676], 73. -, George [oc. 1779-96], 162, 163. -, James [oc. 1842], 14. -, (Mrs.) George [oc. 1779-80], 162. -, Jane [oc. 1789), 13. Hands, Daniel [oc. 1707], 69. -, John [d. circa 1733], M. (Birmingham). -, John [oc. 1711], 147. -, Joseph [oc. 1727], 76. -, Mary [oc. 1707], n,e Porter, wife of -, Phoebe [b. 1665], nee Ford, wife of Daniel H., 69. John H., M. (Birmingham). -, Thomas [oc. 1712], 147. -, Phoebe [b. 1709], m. 1731 Benjamin Handsworth, 84, 118, M. Herne, M. (Banwell). Handy, Richard [oc. 1693], 74. -, Ralph [oc. 1653], 73. Hanson, Samuel [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. -, William [oc. 1789], 13. Harbord, Charles [oc. bef. 1636], 47. Harrold, Cornelius Grove [ deed. 1800], Harborne, 84, 88. 130, 140. Hardrey, Margaret (oc. 1635], 146. -, Frances (oc. 177.2-1801], nee Eborall, Hardwicke, John [b. 1678], M. (Patting- wife of Cornelius Grove H., 129, 130, ham). 140 .. -, Mary [b. 1667], nee Ford, wife of John Harrow, 17. H., M. (Pattingham). Hart, William, jun. [oc. 1816], 13. Hardy, John Stockdale (oc. 1808], 13. Hartley, George Thompson [ 1844-1917 ], Hare, John [deed. 1745], 88, 92. 167. Harleian Society, 19, 20, 37, 38, 50, 53, 6o, -, Louisa, nee Stone, wife of George 61, 98, 102, 103, 114, I 34-6 ; "Register Thompson H., 167. Section," 115, 132. -, Mabel Alice, 167. Harman, Judith [b. 1566], nee Colmore, Hartopp, Elizabeth, m. 1st. George Bale, wife of William H., 119. and 2nd. Sir William Roberts, 34. -, William [oc. 1593], 119. -, Valentine [d. 1633], 34. Harper, Catherine (1779-1822], nee Hinck­ Hartwell, 52. ley, wife of Robert John H., 152, Harvey, John [oc. circa 1670], 82. I ~6•8, 162, 166. Harwood, Ann [oc. 1635], 146. 200 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Harwood, (Rev.) Thomas [1767-1842], his Hertford, Francis Seymour-Conway [ 17 43- Lichfield, 1 56. 1822 ], 5th. Marquess of, I 24. Hasted, Edward [1732-1812], his Kent, -, Francis Charles Seymour-Conway 53. [1777-1842] (Lord Yarmouth), 6th. Hatton (Warw.), 14. Marquess of, 124, 125. Hatton Grange (Ryton, Salop), 82. -, Isabella Anne [1700-1834], nee Ingram­ Hatton, Catherine [oc. 1771-2], 155. Shepheard, m. 1776 Francis, 5th. Hawgood, John [oc. 1699], 87. Marquess of, 124. Hawkes, Edward [oc. 1704], 168. Hervey, Martin [oc. 1717], 11. Hawkhurst, 49, 50. Heveningham, Christopher [1698-1748], Hawkins, Humphrey [b. ci,-ca 1667], 168. 177. Hays, John [oc. 1842], 14. -, Mary [b. 1727], m. (Rev.) Daniel Haywood (Great), M. (Colwich). William Remington, 177. Heath, Elizabeth [oc. 1662-75], nee Allen, Hewett, Margaret [oc. 1599], m. John wife of- H., 65. Jervis, 3. -, Ralph [oc. 1717], 154. Heydon, Frances [oc. 1757], nee Porter, -, Thomas [b. ci,-ca 1665]. 159. wife of- H., 108. Hector, Edmund [1708-94], M. (Birming- Heyford, Hannah [oc. 1695], 10. ham). Hickford, Jane [oc. 1696], 84. Hedgerley, 48. Hickman, Dorothy [1714-44], m. (Dr.) Helsall, Rose [oc. 17 43], 170. John Turton, M. (Stourbridge). Hemus, Alice [d. 1686], nee -, wife of -, Edward (oc. 1745], 94. Thomas H., 71. -, Gregory (1688-1748], M. (Stourbridge). -, Elizabeth [d. 1685], 71. Hicks, Adam [oc. 1654], 9. -, Thomas [oc. 1686], 71. -, John [oc. 1699], 87. Henchman, Augustine [oc. 1619], 9. -, Mary[oc. 1696],nee-, wifeof-H.,84. -, see also Hensman. Higham Ferrers, 46. Hendon, 114,123,124. Hildersham, 57. Henshaw, Elizabeth [d. 1633], m. George Hill, Edward John [oc. 1838], 14. Jervis, 3, 20, 22, 23, 29, 40. -, George Birkbeck [1835-1903], his -, Jane, nee Brocas, wife 1st. of William Letters of Samuel Johnson, 159. Shepperd [d. circa 1570], and 2nd. of -, John [oc. 1838], M.D., 14. Michael H., 35, 36, 40. -, (Rev.) John Harwood [1809-86], his -, Michael [oc. cit'ca 1570], 20, 22, 23, 40. Market Harborougk, 36. -, Michael [oc. 1590], 35, 36, 40. -, Joseph (1835-1914], 169; his Book­ Hensman, Augustine [oc. 1619], 27. makers of Old Bi-Ymingham, 82, 168; -, see also Henchman. and Robert Kirkup Dent [1851-1925], Hereford, Viscounts, see under Devereux. their Memorials of the Old Square, 82. Heme, Benjamin [oc. 1731-47], M. (Ban- -, Sarah [d. 1634], mar. 1st. to - Lea (or well). Leigh), 2nd. to William Porter, and -, Phoebe [b. 1709], nee Harrison, wife of 3rd. to Thomas Phillips, 72, 80-82, 105. Benjamin H., M. (Banwell). -, Thomas Stanley [oc. 1800], 130. Herrick, Lucy, m. 1768 Richard Gildart, Hilsdon, Frances [deed. 1590], nee 162. Shepherd, wife of Thomas H., 35. -, Rebecca [b. 1661], nee Lucas, wife of -, Thomas [oc. 1590], 35. (Rev.) Thomas H., 142. Hilton, Lancelot [oc. 1608], 116. -, (Rev.) Thomas [oc. 1685], 142. -, Lancelot (b. circa 1608], 116. -, Thomas [b. circa 1662], 141, 142. -, Mary [oc. 1666], nee Colmore, 1st. wife -, William [1597-1671], 142. of Lancelot H., 116. -, William [1689-1773], 162. Hinckley, 5, 12-14, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28, 30, Hertford, 51, 52. 34, 37, 43-5. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 20I

Hinckley, - [dau., d. 1655], 152, 163. Hinckley, (Rev.) John [1796-1867], 152, -, - [d. 1745], nee -, 2nd. wife of 156, 157, 163, 166, 167. Thomas H., 153, 161, 165. -, Judith [1667 ?-1727], nee -, wife of -, Ann [1653-58], 152, 153, 163. Richard H., 153, 154, 159, 164. -, Anna Maria [1780-1855], 152, 156, -, Judith [b. 1703], 152, 154, 165. 162, 167. -, Katherine [b. 1646], m. 1667 Walter -, Anne [1659-1723 ?], m. 1695 Francis Bird, 151-4, 16o, 163. Bayley, 152-4, 159, 16o, 164. -, Lucy [1784-1843], m. Robert Stone, -, Anne [b. 1694], 152, 165. I 52, I 56, 162, 167. -, Arthur [1781-1862], 152, 156, 160, 162, -, Mary [d. 1739], nee Norton, 1st. wife of 166, 167. Thomas H., P., 147, 148, 150, 152, -, Arthur [oc. 1865], 167. 153, 165. -, Blanche [d. 1771-2], nee Pyott, 3rd. -, Mary [oc. 1717], 154, 165. wife of Thomas H., 155, 157, 161, 165. -, Mary [1718-88], nee Bayley, wife of -, Catherine [1755-1823], nee Grundy, Richard H., P., 155-7, 159-62, 165. wife of Thomas H., 152, 156-9, 161, -, Mary [b. and d. 1747], 161, 166. 166. -, Mary [b. 1758], m. 1792 William Sim- -, Catherine [1779-1822], m. Robert John mons, 152, 155, 156, 158, 162, 166. Harper, 152, 156-8, 162, 166. -, Mary [oc. 1820], nee Jeffreys, wife of -, Dorothy [d. 1689-92], nee Thacker, Arthur H., 167. wife of Richard H., 151, 153, 163. -, Norton [b. 1751], 152, 155, 161, 165. -, Dorothy [b. 1648], m. 167 5 Samuel -, Richard [d. 1683], 151-3, 156, 163, 164. Banner, 15 1 , 15 3, 16 3. -, Richard [1652-1660], 152, 153, 163. -, Elizabeth [b. 1657], m. 1686 William -, Richard [1661-1717], 150, 152-4, 156, Jesson, 152-4, 158, 159, 164. 159, 160, 163-5, 168. -, Elizabeth [b. 1689], 152, 159, 165. -, Richard [1691-1722], 152-4, 156, 159, -, Elizabeth [oc. 1718], nee Clare, wife of 160, 164. Richard H., 160, 164. -, Richard [1719-72], P., 145, 148, 152, -, Elizabeth [d. 1739], nee -, wife of 155-7, 159-61, 165, 166. - H., 153, 164. -, Richard [b. and d. 1744], 16o, 161, 165. -, Elizabeth [d. 1748-51], nee -, wife of -, Richard [1748-49], 161, 165. - H., 154, 164. -, Richard [b. 1752], 152, 155, 161, 166. -, Elizabeth [b. 1720], 152, 164. -, Richard [1792-1865], 152, 156, 157, -, Elizabeth [1757-95], 152, 155, 156, 158, 162, 166. 161, 162, 166. -, Richard Arthur, 167. -, Ellen Jane [d. 1870], nee Woodhouse, -, Thomas [d. 1667], 153, 163. wife 1st. of (Rev.) William Robinson, -, Thomas [oc. 1683], 153. 2nd. of Hugh Dyke Acland, and 3rd. -, Thomas [b. and d. 1655], 152, 153, 163. of Richard H., 157, 166. -, Thomas [1692-1748], P., 147, 148, 150- -, Francis [b. 1696], 152, 154, 164. 54, I 59, 160, 161, 164, 165. -, Harriet [oc. 1865], nee Inge, wife of -, Thomas [1745-1817], P., 151, 152, Arthur H., 167. 155-9, 161, 165-7, 173. -, Harriet Mary, 151, 160, 167. -, Thomas [b. and d. 1783], 162, 166. -, Henry [b. 1698], 152, 154, 165. -, Thomas [b. and d. 1787], 162, 166. -, Hugh [1794-1841], 152, 156, 162, 166. -, Thomas [1788-1837], 152, 156, 162, -, Isaac [1648 ?-1715 ?], 154, 168. 166. -, James [1754-89], 152, 153, 155, 161, -, William [oc. 1717], 154, 165. 166. Hinton, Richard [oc. circa 1600], 12r. -, John [b. 1697], 152, 165. -, Sarah [b. 1586], nee Colmore, wife of ·-, (Lieut.) John [1746-82], 15 5, 161, 162, Richard H., 12 r. 165. Histo,ical MSS. Commission, 51, 103. 202 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Historical Register Chronicle, 114. Horlock, Anne [oc. 1818], nee Smith, wife Hobkins, John (oc. 1695], 87. of (Rev.) Isaac William Webb H., Hobson, Campbell Wright [oc. 1831], 131. 12, 33. Hockliffe, 20, 22, 23, 35, 40. -, (Rev.) Isaac William Webb (1758 ?- Hodges, - [oc. 1796], 163. 1829], 12, 33. Hogarth, William [1697-1764], 109. Horne, J. Sidney, his King Edward VI. Holbeche, Thomas [oc. 1843], 131. School, Stafford, 145. Holbrooke, Edward [oc. 1695-8], 150. Horseheath, 57. -, (Rev.) Edward [1695-1772], P., 145, Horton {Bucks.), 36. 148, 150. Horton, James [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. -, Israel [b. 1685], nee Norton, wife of Houghton {Leic.), 130, 140. (Rev.) Edward H., P., 147-50. Houghton, Elizabeth [oc. 1672], 50. -, (Rev.) John (b. 1698], 145. How, - [oc. 1775], nee-, wife of - H., Holcott, Henry [ oc. 170 I], I 1. 37. Holland, (Rev.) Henry Everleigh [oc. Howard, Charles [1707-71], 161. 1808], 17. -, Joseph Jackson, and Frederick Arthur Holled, Anne [1675 ?-1766], m. John Crisp, their Visitation of England and Smith, 7, 32, 44. Wales, 45. -, (Rev.) Knightley [oc. 1677], D.D., 7, 44. Howell, Mary [oc. 16o8], m. 16o3-4 Richard Holliack, Dorothy [oc. 1610], nee Jervis, Eborall, I 34, I 35, I 37. wife of William H., 3. -, Prudence [16th. cent.], nee Danvers, -, William [oc. 1610],. 3. wife of William H., 135, 137. Hollier, Elizabeth [oc. 1745], nee-, wife -, Thomas [b. circa 1581], 135. of Henry H., 87, 91, 93, 94. -, William [16th. cent.], 134, 135, 137. -, Henry [deed. 1745], 87, 91. Huband, - [oc. 1691], 68, 107. -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 91, 93-4. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1691-1720], nee Porter, -, William [oc. 1772], 129. wife of - H., 68, 74-6, 107. Hollington Grange (Staffs.), 61. Huddart, Messrs. Porter and [oc. 1796], 97. Hollins, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92, 93. Hudson, James [oc. 1569], 8. Hollowell, 141. Hugeley, see Hedgerley. Holmes, George [oc. 1767], 155. Hull, Andrew [oc. 1695], ro, 15. Holt (Wore.), 18, 41. -, John [oc. 1676], 7 3. Holt, Sir Charles [1649 ?-1722], 3rd. bt., 82. Humberston, 23, 30, 41. Holthouse, Edwin Hermus [b. 1855], 141. Humphreston, 114, 123-5. Holton, M. Huncote, 17. Holyoake, Alice [oc. 1569], m. Thomas Hunt, Elizabeth (16th. cent.], nee-, wife Jervis, 8, 20, 21, 39. of Henry H., I 15. -, George [oc. 1745], 88, 89, 93, 94- -, Elizabeth (oc. 1727], nee -, wife of -, (Rev.) Henry [1657-1731], 36. -H., 76. Homer, (Rev.) Frederick Augustus [b. -, Henry [16th. cent.], 115. 1867 ], 160 ; and (Rev.) Cholmondeley -, Jane [b. 1700], nee Chambers, wife of Sherwood James, their Pedigree of John H., 128. Turton, I 14. -, Joan [d. 1595-8], m. 1st. William Col- Honywood, Dorothy [1572 ?-1649], m. more, and 2nd. John Ward, 115, n9. Henry Thomson, 54. -, John [oc. 1598], 72. -, Mary [1527 ?-1620], nee Atwater or -, John [oc. 1669], 65. Waters, wife of Robert H., 54. -, Joseph [oc. 1745], 88, 91, 93, 94. -, Robert [d. 1576], 54. -, Oliver [16th. cent.], 115. Hope, John [oc. 1672], 50. -, Randolph [oc. 1636-38], 80, 81 Hopkins, Jeffrey, jun. [oc. 1727], 76. -, Samuel [oc. 1676], 127. -, John [oc. 1737], 129. -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 203

Hunter, Anne [d. 1722], nte Norton, 1st. Inge, William [1737-85], 162. wife of (Rev.) John H., P., 147, 148, -, (Dean) William Ralph [b. 1860], 167. 150, 170, 175. Ingoldsby, Mary [1654-1726], nie Colmore, -, Anne [1707-84], m. 1741 (Rev.) Samuel wife of Richard I., 122. Martin, P., 147, 148, 170, 171, -, Sir Richard [1617-85], K.B., 122. 175. -, Richard [1651-1703], 122. -, (Rev.) Charles [1710-44], 148, 170-72, Ireland, 96. 175. Iver, 46, 47. -, Elizabeth [1709-11], 170, 176. Ives, Ann [oc. 17 42 ], m. William Shakes- -, Elizabeth [1712-80], m. 1741 (Rev.) peare, 88. Thomas Seward, P., 148, 161, 169, -, William [oc. bef. 1636], 47. 170, 173, 174, 176. -, William [d. 1743], 88, 92. -, J. [oc. 1674], 175. -, Jane (1704-23], 147, 170, 175. ACKSON, Benjamin [oc. 1816], 13. -, (Rev.) John (1674 ?-1741], P., 110, -, Frances Dowley [oc. 1831], 14. 147, 148, 150, 167-70, 172, 174, 175, JJames, (Rev.) Cholmondeley Sherwood 177, M. (Lichfield). [1885 ?-1931], see under Dugdale -, John [1706-14], 170, 175. Society, and also under Homer, -, John [1731-48], 170, 171, 172, 177. Frederick Augustus. -, Lucy [1690-1768], nte Porter, 2nd. wife Jarvis, see under Jervis. of (Rev.) John H., P., 70, 96, 110, 169, Java, 42. 170, 177. Jaye, Thomas [oc. 1636-8], 80, 81. -, Lucy [1729-1814], m. (Rev.) Thomas Jee, John [oc. 1771], 155. White, P., 96, 161, 169, 170, 177. Jeffery, Reginald W., his Dyott's Dia,y, 174. -, Rebecca [1711-59], m. 1746 Christo- Jeffreys, Mary, m. 1820 Arthur Hinckley, pher Astley, 148, 170, 174, 176. 167. Huntercombe (see under Burnham). Jemmatt, - [oc. circa 1675], nee Eedes, Hurbum, see under Huband. wife of (Rev.) Samuel J ., 57. Hurley (Warw.), 73, 85, 102, 108. -, Ann [oc. 1682], 57. Hurst, Harriet [oc. 1842], 14. -, Dorothy [oc. 1682], 57. -, Maria (or Mary) [oc. 1842-4], m. - -, Frances [oc. 1682], 57. Toone, 14. -, Francis [oc. 1682], 57. Hussey, Elizabeth [b. 1688], n~e Jesson, -, Katherine [oc. 1682], 57. wife of Fowke H., 158, 159. -, Maria [oc. 1672-99], nee Bolton, wife of -, Fowke [oc. 1722], 158. (Rev.) Samuel J ., 57. -, Richard [1722-74], 158. -, (Rev.) Samuel [1635 ?-1713], 57. Hutchins, (Rev.) John [1698-1773], his -, Samuel [b. circa I 67 5], 57. Dorset, I 37. Jenkyns, John [oc. 1824), 13. Jennings family, 11 5. LIFFE, John [oc. 1816], 13. Jervis, -[oc. 1664], nee-, wife of-J., 16. Ilson, Ann [oc. 1707], 11. -, - [oc. 1744], 161. -,I Basil [oc. 1707], 11. -, (Miss) - [oc. 1746), 161. -, Humphrey [oc. 1707], 1 I. -, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1747], 161. -, Mary [oc. 1707], 11. -, - [oc. 1750], 161. -, William [oc. 1707], 11. -, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1757], 161. -, see also under Elson. -, Abigail [b. 1643], m. Peter Cook, 3, 4, Indies, East, 4. IO, 22, 23, 37, 42. -, West, 161, 165. -, Agnes [oc. 1569], 8, 39. Inge, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1788], 162. -, Alice [oc. 1569], nee Holyoake, wife of -, (Rev.) Charles [d. 1858], 167. Thomas J., 8, 20, 21, 39. -, Harriet, m. 1865 Arthur Hinckley, 167. -, Amy [oc. 1597], m. Thomas Bennett, 3. 204 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Jervis, Anne [d. 1571], nee Purefoy, wife Jervis, Elizabeth[b. 1594), m. John Dawes, of William J ., 3, 6, 20, 22, 2 3, 34, 3, 2 2, 34, 41. 40. -, Elizabeth [d. 1632], nee Shepherd, wife -, Anne [oc. 1574-1619], m. Edward Wade, 1st. of William J., and 2nd. of Sir 3, 8, 9, 20, 22, 26, 40. Richard Roberts, knt., 7, 9, 20, 22, -, Anne [b. 1597], m. (Rev.) John Pres­ 23, 25, 27, 34, 35, 40. grave, 3, 22, 41. -, Elizabeth [d. 1633], nee Henshaw, wife -, Anne [1654 ?-1726], n4e Darell, wife of George J., 3, 20, 22, 23, 29, 40. of William J ., 4, ro, II, 15, r6, 22, 24, -, Elizabeth [? d. 1644], nee Adderley, 36, 42, 43, 49, 50, 53, 55, IIO; M. wife of William J., 3, 22, 23, 38, 41. (Peatling, Great, and Warwick). -. Elizabeth [oc. 1653-4], m. William -, Anne [r684-1743], nee Flude, wife of Bale, 10, 22, 23, 30, 4r. Richard J., 4, S, 12, 24, 37, 43. -, Elizabeth [d. 1708], nee Orton, wife of -, Anne [1691-96], 4, 24, 43. Samuel J., 3, 4, 10, rr, 15, 22, 23, 28, -. Anne [1736 ?-71], nee Benskyn, rst. 36, 42. wife of (Rev.) William J., 13, 24, 35, 45. -. Elizabeth [1689-1752], see under John­ -, Anne [1743 ?-1814], nee Davies, 2nd. son, Elizabeth. wife of (Rev.) William J., 5-7, 12, 13, -. Frances [d. 1602], nee Marston, wife 24, 30, 37, 45. rst. of William Bradgate, and 2nd. of -, Anne [b. 1745], m. - Tattom, 6, 12, William J., 3, 6, 20, 22, 23, 31, 40. 25, 44. -, Frances [b. 1596], m. (Rev.) Francis -, Anne Jane [oc. 1802-44], nee Galloway, Chamberlaine, 3, 22, 31, 38, 41. wife of (Rev.) Richard J., 5, 13, 14, -. George [r566 ?-1626], 3, 8, 9, 20, 22, 2 5, 44. 23, 25-7, 29, 31, 32, 34, 38, 40. -, Catherine, sen. [oc. 1569], 8, 39. -. George [d. 166o], 3, 42. -, Catherine, jun. [oc. 1569], 8, 39. -, Grace [oc. 1583-1619], m. Noah -, Catherine [oc. 1654), m. Richard Duckett, 3, 8, 9, 20, 22, 26, 40. Orton, 10, 22, 23, 41. -, Hannah [d. 1781], nee -, wife ISt. of -, Catherine [17th. cent.], m. Simon - Dawes, and 2nd. of Richard J ., Chamber, 38. 6, 12, 25, 32, 43, 44. -, Catherine [d. 1741], nee -, wife of -, Hannah [b. 1773], 6, 44. Samuel J., 4, 45. -, Henry [1607-66], 4, 5, 10, 17, 22, 23, 41. -, Charles [1776 ?-1843], 2, 5, 7, 12, 13, -, Jane [d. 1678], m. Richard Bradgate, 14, 24, 30, 37, 45. 3, IO, 22, 23, 32, 42, 142. -, Darell [1687-99], 4, 24, 43. -, Joan [oc. 1593], m. Thomas Payne, 8, -, Darell [1713-40], m. Knightley Smith, 20, 22, 26, 40. 4, 5, 7, 25, 33, 44. -, John [oc. 1362-4], 20. -, Dorothy [b. 1568], m. Sir Richard -, John [oc. 15u-58], 1, z, 8, 19, 21, 23, Roberts, 3,9,22,23,26, 30, 34,40. 28, 31, 39. -, Dorothy [oc. 1610], m. William Hol­ -, John [oc. 1569], 8, 20, 39. liack, 3. -, John [oc. 1572], 28. -, Dorothy [d. 1641], m. Henry Strelley, -, John [d. 1587], 3. 22, 31, 41. -, John[? deed. 1593], 21. -, Edith [oc. 1408-9]. nee -, wife of -, John [oc. r 599], 3. Thomas J., 19, 2r. -, John [1670-1746], 157, 165. -, Edmund [oc. 1473-5], 19, 2r. -, John [1735-1823], 1st. Earl St. Vin- -, Edward [b. 1578], 3, 40. cent, 157. -, Elizabeth, m. Richard Bradgate, 8, 20, -, Katherine [oc. 1593], m. Richard 21, 31, 39. Burdett, 8, 9, 20, 22, 26, 39. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1558-69], m. (William?) -, Katherine [d. 1590], nee Ward, wife of Watts, 8, 39. William J., 3, 6, 20, 21, 23, 39. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 205

Jervis, Katherine, nee Elkington, wife 1st. Jervis, Thomas[? dead cit-ca 1569], 20, 39. of (Robert?) J.,and2nd.ofSirWilliam -, Thomas [d. 1569], 8, 20, 21, 39. Roberts, 33, 34. -, Thomas [oc. 1593-1619], 8, 9, 20, 21, -, Katherine [oc. 1638], nee -, wife of 26, 39. Thomas J., 29, 39. -, Thomas [d. 1636], 29, 39. -, Katherine [d. 1771], 4. -, Thomas [oc. 1628], 28. -, Margaret [deed. 1558], nee Goodman, -, William [oc. 1362-4], 1. wife of John J., 19, 21, 39. -, William [oc. 1362-4], 19. -, Margaret [oc. 1599], nee Hewett, wife -, William [oc. circa 1460], 19, 21. of John J., 3. -, William [oc. 1498-9], 19, 21. -, Mary [oc. 1569], m. (? William), John­ -, William [d. 15n], 2, 28, 39. son, 8, 39. -, William [1503 ?-97], 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 20, 21, -, Mary [b. 1641 ], m. Thomas Wade, 3, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 39,40. IO, 22, 23, 42. -, William [1537 ?-1614], 3, 6, 9, 20-23, -, Mary [1694-1733], m. 1716 James 25, 26, 30-32, 34, 39, 40. Bayley, 157, 165. -, William [1564 ?-1619], 3, 7-9, 20, 22, -, Mary [oc. 1796], 163. 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40. -, Mary Ann [1804-1844 ?], 5, l 3, 14, 25, -, William [oc. 1569], 8, 39. 44. -, William (1598-1661], 3, 9, 10, 16, 18, -, Penelope [d. 1753], 4, 44. 22, 23, 27, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 41, 42, -, Ralph [oc. 1385-6], 19, 21. 142. -, Ralph [oc. 1414-16], 19, 21. -, William [oc. 1619], 9, 20, 21, 39. -, Richard [1680 ?-1725], 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, -, William [b. 1618], 29, 39. 16, 22, 24, 36, 37, 43, 44, M. (Rugby). -, William [b. 1637], 3, 10, 22, 23, 41. -, Richard [1740-1817], 5-7, 12, 13, 18, -, William [1659-95], 4, 10, 15, 16, 22-4, 2 5, 35, 37, 38, 43. 36,42,43, 53, 55,110, 113,M. (Peat­ -, (Rev.) Richard [1778-1808], 5, 6, 13, ling, Great). 14, 17, 25, 44. -, William [b. 1683], 2, 4, 15, 16, 24, 36, -, Richard [ oc. 1800], 1 30. 43, M. (Rugby). -, Robert (?), 33, 34. -, William [1711-80], 4-7, 24, 37, 43· -, Robert [oc. 1444-5], 19, 21. -, (Rev.) William [1739-92], 4, 6, 7, 12, -, Robert [oc. 1461-3], 19, 21. 13, 24, 30, 32, 35-7, 45. -, Robert [oc. 1485]. 19, 21. -, William [d. 1747], 24, 43. -, Robert [oc. 1569], 8. -, William [oc. 1762], 6, 45. -, Robert [oc. 1572], 28. -, William [b. 1762], 6, 45. -, Samuel [1628 ?-74], 3-5, 10, 17, 22, 23, -, William [oc. 1772-3], 17. 24, 27, 36, 41, 42, 53. -, William [oc. 1792], 162. -, Samuel [b. 1686], 2, 4, 15, 16, 24, 43. -, William [1858 ?-94]. 7. -, Samuel [1710-72], 4, 5, 24, 32, 36, 37, -, William Davies [1781-1839],2,6, 12-14, 43, 44. 18, 24, 45. -, S~muel [sc. Richard], 7. - family, 55 ; M. (Peatling, Great). -, Sarah [oc. 1791-1816], nee Farmer, Jesson, Alexander [oc. 1745], 89, 93-5. wife 1st. of Allen Brown, and 2nd. of -, Anna Maria [b. circa 1692 ], 158, I 59. Richard J., 5, 13, 18, 35, 38, 44. -, Anne [b. 17II], m. Thomas Perks, 87, -, Susanna [oc. 1654-77], m. William 89-91. Reade, 3, 4, 10, 18, 22, 23, 41, 42. -, Cornelius [1655-1723], M. (London). -, Swynfen [b. 1700], 161. -, Dorothy [b. 1690], 158, 159. -, Tabitha [d. 1753], nee -, wife of -, Elizabeth [b. 1657], nee Hinckley, wife William J., 4, 24, 43. of William J., 152-4, 158, 159, 164. -, Tabitha [d. 1780], 6, 44. -, Elizabeth [b. 1688], m. Fowke Hussey, -, Thomas [oc. 1408-9], 19, 21. 158, 159. 206 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Jesson, Mary (1698-1764], nee Chambers, Salop, in 1726, M. (Newport) ; stays wife of Thomas J., P., 128. with his cousin Cornelius Ford in 1726, -, Thomas (1697-1766], P. M. (Pedmore); boyish meeting with -, William [oc. 1686-90), 152, 158, 164. Lord Lyttelton in 172 5-6, M. (Ped­ -, William [b. ci,ca 1687], 158, 159. more) ; school assistant at Stourbridge - family, M. (West Bromwich). 1726-7, M. (Stourbridge); helped in John, Abbot of St. Mary of Grace ( oc. father's shop 1727-8, M. (Lichfield) ; 15n], 28. in residence at Pembroke College, Johnson, Andrew (1660-1729], M. (Bir­ Oxford, 1728-9, M. (Oxford) ; his mingham and London). praise of Edmund Bateman at Oxford, -, Benjamin [b. 1659), M. (London). 114; intermittent residence in Lich­ -, Catherine [d. 1692 ], nee -, wife of field 1729-40, M. (Lichfield) ; his William J., M. (Lichfield). refusal to accompany his father to -, Elizabeth [1689-1752), nee Jervis, wife Uttoxeter market, M. (Uttoxeter) ; 1st. of Harry Porter, and 2nd. of his Uttoxeter penance, P; his early S.Al\iIUEL JOHNSON, LL.D., P., 2, 4, excursions, 179 ; his walks as a young man to Birmingham and back, M. II, 16, 17, 24, 37, 43, 56, 77, 89, 93, 94, no, n3, 125, 126, 141, M. (Bir­ (Birmingham and Lichfield); appli­ mingham, Colwich, Derby, London, cation for ushership at Stourbridge in Peatling [Great], and Warwick). 1731, M. (Stourbridge) ; his verses to Dorothy Hickman in 1731, M. (Stour- -, Fisher [1699-1758], M. (Leicester). . bridge) ; his ushership at Market -, Frances [oc. 1689-170"3), nee Porter, Bosworth in 1732, and relations with wife of John J., 74, 75, 107. Sir Wolstan Dixie, M. (Market Bos­ -, John [oc. 1689], 74, 107. worth); walk to Market Bosworth on -, Jonathan [ oc. 17 30], 90. 16 July 1732, M. (Lichfield and -, Mary [oc. 1569], nee Jervis, wife of Market Bosworth) ; application for (? William) Johnson, 8, 39. ushership at Ashburne in 1732, M. -, Michael [1657-1731], M. (Ashby-de-la­ (Ashburne) ; stay at Birmingham Zouch, Bristol, Chester, Cubley 1732-4, M. (Birmingham); enter­ [Great], Derby, Evesham, Glouces­ tained by Edmund Hector at Bir­ ter, Leek, Lichfield, London, Pack­ mingham in 1732, M. (Birmingham); wood, Tewkesbury, Trentham, Ut­ helped Thomas Warren with his toxeter, Woodseaves, and Worcester). Bi'l'mingham J ou'l'nal 17 32-4, M. (Bir­ -, Nathaniel [1712-37], M (Burton-on­ mingham) ; translated Lobo' s Voyage Trent and Frome). to Abyssinia in 1733. M. (Birming­ JOHNSON, SAMUEL [1709-84], LL.D., ham) ; met Harry Porter and his his birth at Lichfield in 1709, M. wife, 1733-4, M. (Birmingham) ; (Lichfield) ; his visit to Mrs. Harriotts tutorship with the Whitbys in in 1710/11, M. (Trysull) ; touched by 1735, M. (Colwich) ; his attendance at Queen Anne in 1712, M. (London) ; Colwich church in 1735, M. (Colwich); at Mrs. Oliver's school in 1714, M. marriage to Mrs. Porter in 1735, 24, (Lichfield) ; at Tom Browne's school 43, 56, I 10, I 13, M. (Derby) ; applica­ 1715-16, M. (Lichfield) ; at Lichfield tion for headmastership at Solihull Grammar School 1717-25, P.; under in 1735, M. (Solihull); his private Rev. Edward Holbrooke there 1717- school at Edial in 1735-6, M. (Edial) ; 19, 151 ; visit to uncle Ford in 1719, his wish to serve under Budworth in M. (Birmingham); under Rev. John 17 36, M. (Brewood) ; his :first draft of Hunter at Lichfield Grammar School, lt'ene in 1735-6, M. (Edial); his 1719-25, 169, 174, M. (Lichfield); scheme of study in 1736, P. ; accom­ application for ushership at Newport, panies David Garrick to London in THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES

1737, M. (London); lodging with Mr. ELLY, John [oc. 1724], 12. Norris in Exeter St. in 1737, M. Kent, Jane [oc. 1709], m. {Rev.) (London}; work on J.,ene in 1737, M. K Joseph White, 177. (Greenwich}; return from London to -, John [17th. cent.], 177. Lichfield in 1737, M. (London) ; Kidderminster, 75, 76. return to London late in 1737, M. Kidderminster, Ann [oc. 1622-36], m. 1st. (London); lodging in Woodstock St. John Clapham, 2nd. Sir Marmaduke 1737-8, M. (London) ; lodging in Darell, 3rd. Gilbert Nevile, and 4th. Castle St. 1738, M. (London) ; con­ Col. Sandys, 47, 51-2. tributions to Gentleman's Mag. for -, Edward [oc. circa 1600], 51. 1738, M. (London); published poem Kilby, (Rev.) John [1667-1734), M. London in 1738, M. (London) ; his (Market Bosworth). Marmor Norfolciense, 1739, M. (Lam­ Kilbye, J. [oc. 1725], 12. beth and London) ; his concealment Kimberley, Benjamin [oc. 1703), 76. at Lambeth in 1739, M. (Lambeth} ; Kimcote, 6, 12, 13, 24, 37, 45. his Compleat Vindication of the Licen­ King, Charles [oc. 1815], 13. sers of the Stage, 17 39, M. (London) ; -, Gregory [1648-1712], 135, 159. application for headmastership of -, Henry [oc. 1808], 13. Appleby School in 1739, P.,M. (Apple­ -, John [oc. bef. 1619], 72. by and London); his country tour of -, William [oc. bef. 1619], 72. 1739-40, M. (London); his visit to Kings Bromley, 166. Ashbume in 1739, M. (Ashbume); Kingsbury, 7 3, 108. visits to the Meynells in 1739, M. Kingsley (Staffs.}, 172, 176. (Bradley) ; friendship with William Kings Norton, P., 6o, 66, 72, 81, 84, 85, Fitzherbert 1739, M. (Tissington); 88, 100, 104, 105, 109, 139, 144, M. claim in respect of his wife's settle­ Kinwarton, 76. ment (1745), 89, 93, 94• Kirkby Mallory, 33. His and his wife's common con­ Knaptoft, 12. nexions, P.; friendship with Dr. Knibb, Hannah [1712-1808], m. Richard Farmer, 18; connexion with Jervises, Farmer, 35. 37 ; and the Eedes family, 55 ; enter­ -, John [oc. 1712], 35. tained by Lucy Porter, 111 ; his grand­ Knight, Katherine [oc. circa 1657], nee father's guardian, 113 ; connexions Thomson, wife of Nicholas K., 55. with the Eboralls, 12 5, 126 ; and -, Nicholas [oc. 1672], 50. Lichfield society, 15 1 ; and Mrs. -, Nicholas, sen., 55. Hinckley, 159; and "Hetty" Bayley, -, Nicholas, jun. [oc. circa 1657], 55. I 64 ; see also under Boswell, James, -, Robert [b. circa 1657], 55. and Hill, George Birkbeck. Knole (Kent), 51. Johnson, Sarah [1669-1759], nee Ford, Knowle, P., 63, 64, 69, 88, 100, 109, 128, wife of Michael J ., 96, 111, M. (Kings 129, I 32, I 39, 143, 144, 146-50. Norton, London, Lichfield, Packwood Kokyn, Edwin [oc. 15u], 28. and Trysull). Kyrk, (Rev.) William [oc. 15 II], 28. -, Thomas [1703-79], M. (Coventry). -, William [oc. 1569], 8, 39. ACEY, John [oc. 1778], 101. Lacy, James, sen. [oc. 1696], 7 5. -, William [d. 1672], M. (Cubley, Great, -,L James, jun. [oc. 1694], 74. and Lichfield). -, John [oc. 1690], 74. Jolliffe, -, IOI. -, John [oc. 1695], 75. Jones, Edward [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. -, John, jun. [oc. 1696], 75. -, George [1781-1857], 125. -, Mary [oc. 1690-96], 74, 75. -, Mary [oc. 1831], 14. Laight, John [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. 208 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Laithwaite, Percy [b. 1886), 163, 168. Lewis, Hester [sc. Porter], 69. Lambeth, M. LICHFIELD, P., 78, 88, 95, 96, 1 IO, II I, Lane, - [16th. cent.], m. William Col- 116, 126, 150, 151, 153-6o, 163-8, more, 115. 171, 173-9, M.; Almonds (? Ormonds) -, Caleb [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Field, 15 3, 154 ; Beacon House -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 91, 93, 94. (Place), 157, 166; Becks, 153, 154; Langley (Derby), 130, 140. Bishop's Palace, 163, 166, 167, 176; Langley Marish, 46-8, 51. Cathedral, 155, 157, 165-7, 172, 174-7; Langton-see Church L., East L., Thorpe Cathedral CloseJ 154, 155, 165, 168, L., Tur L., and West L. 172, 174, 177; Conduit Street, 160; Lapworth, 148. Conduit Lands Trust, r68; Dam Larkin, (Dr.) George [oc. 1745), 90. Street, r6o, 164, M.; Dissenters' Lathbury, John [oc. 15u], 28. Meeting House, 156 ; Ecclesiastical Laurence, John [oc. 1676), 73. Court, P., 177 ; FriaryJ 162 ; Grammar Law, Elizabeth [oc. 1695], 10. School, P., 145, 150, 151, 161, 168, Lea (or Leigh), - [deed. 1633), 105. 169, 174, 175, M. ; Greenhill, 155 ; -, Sarah [d. 1634], nee Hill, wife 1st. of Johnson Society, P., 178 ; Lombard - L., 2nd. of William Porter, and Street, 160 ; Market Street, 159 ; 3rd. of Thomas Phillips, 72, 80-82, 105. Micklehill, 154; Sadler Street, 158, Lea Grange (Leic.), 22-4, 27, 28, 34, 36, 159; St. Chad's, 24, II 1, 126, 177 ; 41, 42. St. John Street, 168 ; St. Mary•s, I 10, Leamington, 14. 145, 150, 151, 152, 158-61, 163-7, 170, Lechford, - [circa 1672), 50, 52. 175-7, M.; St. Michael's, 150, 153, Leek, 120, M; and see under Sleigh, John. 163-6, r74, r76; Sandford Street, 154, Legg, Mary [b. cfrca 1633], nee-, wife 1st. 159, 163, 164; Stowe Street, 156; of - L., and 2nd. of Henry Darell, Wade Street, 156; Wissage, 154; 49, 50, 53. Women's Hospital, 155. Leghorn, P., 24, 78, 96-8, 110, 111, 169, Lichfield Cathedral, Sko'l't Account of (1843), 177. 156. Leicester, 5, 13, 14, 18, 34, 35, 37, 38, 44, Lightfoot, Charity [oc. 1587], m. Isaac 126, 140, M. Dawes, 34, 41. LeicesteY J ouYnal, 38. -, James [16th. cent.], 34, 41. LeicesteY Poll Book, 37. Lincoln, 8. Leicestershire and Rutland, White's Difec­ Lindopp, William [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. toyy of, 38. Lingham, Francis [oc. 1653], 73. Leife, Grace [d. 1623], m. Elias Strelley, -, Jane (b. circa 1650], m. Richard 3 I, 41. Eedes, 56. -, John, 31, 41. -, William (oc. circa 1650], 56. Leigh, see under Lea. Lipscomb, George [1773-1846], his Buck­ Leire, 7, 25, 32, 33, 44. inghamshire, 51, 114. Le Maire, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1717], 11. Liptrott, Elizabeth (1694 ?-1751], nee -, Le Neve, (Rev.) John (1679-1741], his wife of - L., 7. Monumenta Anglicana, I 14, 144. -, Samuel [1696 ?-1776], 7. Lenham (Kent), 42, 53-5. Lisbon, 11, 95. Lennard, Anne [deed. 1622], m. Sir Mar- Littleton, Elizabeth [oc. 1422], m. Thomas maduke Darell, 51, 52. Westcote, 60, 103. -, John (oc. ciYca 1600], 51. -, Thomas (14th cent.], 6o, 103. Lesley, Robert [oc. 1635], 48. -, Sir Thomas [1422-81], 6o, 71, 99, 103. Leurerin, John (oc. 1676], 127. -, Walter (oc. 1704], 168. Levett, Theophilus (1693-1746), 88, 90, 93, -, see also under Westcote. 94. I.lanmaes (Glam.), 176. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 209

Lloyd,- (temp. Hen. V.), 101. 14; St. Lawrence, Pountney, 123; -, Robert [oc. 1624], 101. St. Margaret's, Lothbury, 12, 42; -, Thomas [oc. 1624], 101. St. Martin's in the Fields, 78, 110; Lomax, Thomas George [1783-1873], his St. Martin's, Ironmonger Lane, 56-7; SJio,yt Account of Lichfield Cathedral St. Martin's, Ludgate, 3, 4, 41 ; St. (1843), I 56. Martin, Orgar, 123 ; St. Marylebone, London, Agnes (or Anne) [1580-1653], nee 124; St. Mary le Bow, 117 ~ St. Porter, wife of Philip L., 67, 7 3, 105. Michael, Crooked Lane, 49; St. -, Philip [oc. 1625], 67, 105. Michael le Quern, 132, 136, 138 ; St. LONDON, P., 4, IO, I I, 18, 22, 23, 28, 42, Paul's Cathedral, I 15, 123, 167; St. 50, 55, 81, 82, 87, 89, 95, 97, 108, Paul's Churchyard, M. (London); St. 109, IIO, 115, 122, 127, 132, 134, Paul's, Covent Garden, 37, 143 ; St. 136-8, 147, 150, 158, M.; All Hallow's, Peter's, Paul's Wharf, 50, 53 ; St. Bread St., 132, 137 ; All Hallow's in Swithin's, 127, 138; Smithfield, East, the Wall, 136 ; All Hallows, Staining, 48 ; Spring Gardens, 7 8, 1 1 o ; The 37 ; All Saint's, Bread St., 126 ; Temple, 141 ; Thames St., 49 ; Tower, Angel Court, par. of St. Bartholomew 28, 48; Upper Seymour St., 124; Exchange, 50, 52 ; Camomile St., 128 ; Westminster, 124 ; Westminster Castle St., Cavendish Sq., M. (Lon­ School, 176 ; Whitehall, 5 1 ; Wimpole don) ; Charterhouse School, 57; Christ St., 124 ; Woodstock St., Hanover Church, 147, 150; Christ's Hospital, Sq., M. (London). M. (London) ; Clifford's Inn, M. Longdon, 85, 86. (London); Comhill, 57; Duchy of Loughborough, 14, 84,130,175. Lancaster Office, Somerset Place, 158, Lowbridge, Edward (1685 ?-1742], 88, 93. 167; Exeter St., Strand, M. (London); -, Elizabeth (1683 ?-1765], nee -, wife Great St. Helen's, 12; Gray's Inn, of Edward L., 88, 93, 94. 5 I, 52, 108, I 3 5, 13 7 ; Hackney, 12 7, -, Samuel [oc. 1745], 94. 134, 135, 137; Hatton Court, 131; -, Sarah [b. 1630], nee Porter, wife of Inner Temple, 49-52, 56, 122 ; Iron­ Thomas L., 69, 7 3, 86, 108. monger Lane, 110; Islington, 11 ; -, Thomas, 86, 108. Lincoln's Inn, 142 ; Little Britain, Lucas, Alice [oc. 1692-1706], nee-, wife of M. (London); Lothbury, 1 I ; Middle John L., 142, 143. Temple, 42, 49-52, 55, 110, 123, 142, -, Alice [b. 1682], 143. I 57, M. (Peatling, Great) ; Mile End, -, Anne [1628-98], nee Adams, wife of 173; Montague Sq., 12 ; Norris St., Henry L., 142. Westminster, 18, 45 ; Orchard St., -, Anne [oc. 1679-85], ? m. John Butlin, Portman Sq., I 24; Raymond Buildings, 142. Gray's Inn, 131 ; Red Lion Sq., 13; -, Anne [b. 1681], 143. St. Alphage, 50, 52,136; St. Andrew's, -, Charles [b. circa 1652], 142. 84; St. Bartholomew Exchange, 50; -, Charles [b. 1692], 143. St. Botolph, Aldgate, 48, 52 ; St. -, Edward Verrall, his A Swan and Her Botolph, Bishopsgate, 37, 42 ; St. F'Yiends, 159, 172. Bride's, Fleet St., 43, I 10; St. Cather­ -, Elizabeth [oc. circa 1674], m. (Rev.) ine, Cree Church, 37, 42 ; St. Clement Thomas Ward, 142. Danes, 84; St. Dunstan in the West, -, Elizabeth [b. 1683], ? m. 1701 Thomas 5 I ; St. George's, Botolph Lane, 123 ; Briggs, 143. St. George's, Bloomsbury, I 52 ; St. -, Henry [d. 1663], 141. Giles', 86 ; St. Giles', Cripplegate, 50, -, Henry [1617 ?-80], 141, 142. 52, 56, IIS, 136, 137; St. James's, -, Henry [b. 1687], P., 129, 132, 139, 142, Westminster, 125 ; St. James's Sq., 143. Westminster, 18 ; St. John's Wood, -, Henry, jun. [b. 1721], 128, 14.3. 210 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Lucas, John [oc. 1617], 141. Marston, Frances [d. I 6o2 ], m. 1st. -, John [d. 1724 ?], 140, 142, 143. William Bradgate, and 2nd. William -, John [b. 1695], 143. Jervis, 3, 6, 20, 22, 23, 31, 40. -, Joseph [b. 1695], 143. -, Isaac [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. -, Katherine [b. 1664], 142. -, John [oc. 1831], 14. -, Katherine [b. circa 1677], n~e Eborall, -, Richard [16th. cent.], 20, 22, 23, 31, wife of Henry L., P., 127, 129, 132, 40. 135, 136, 139, 143. Martin, Anne [1707-84), nie Hunter, wife -, Mary [1659-97], m. 1678 Jervis Brad­ of (Rev.) Samuel M., P., 147, 148, 170, gate, P., 32, 142. 171, 175. -, Mary [b. 1.7o6], 143. -, Anne [18th. cent.], m. George Dove, -, Rebecca [b. 1661], m. 1685 (Rev.) M.D., 176. Thomas Herrick, 142. -, Elizabeth [d. 1779], nee Smith, wife of -, Robert [b. 1699], 143. (Rev.) Samuel M., 176. -, Thomas [b. 1697], 143. -, Jane [d. 1838], nee Mitchell, wife of -, William [b. 1719], 143. Thomas M., 171, 172, 176. Lu:ffenham, 19, 21, 39; (South), M. -, (Rev.) Samuel [1674 ?-1748], 175. Lugg, (Rev.) Manuell [oc. 1657-96], 84. -, (Rev.) Samuel [1700 ?-75], P., 148, 170, Lutterworth,4,6,7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 171, 175. 24, 25, 30, 32, 37, 38, 43-5. -, (Rev.) Samuel (1743-82], 171, 175. Lydd, 55. -. Stapleton, 171, 172; his Anna Sewat'd Lynes, (Rev.) John [1782-1843], 14. and Classic Lichfield, 172. Lysons, Daniel [1-762-1834], his Envit'ons -, Thomas [1749-95], P., 171, 176. of London, 1 14. Mase, Hugh (oc. 1569], 8. Lyttelton, George [1709-73], 1st. Lord, M. Mason, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1717], 11. (Pedmore). Masters, (Mr.) - [oc. 1734], 128. - and see under Littleton. -, - [oc. 1734], nee Ball, wife of - M., 128. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1737], nee -, wife of ACAULEY, Francis Campbell, see John M., 129. under Milner-Gibson-Cullum, George -, John [oc. 1737], 129. Gery.M Matthew, (Archbp.) Tobie [1546-1628], Macocke, John [oc. 1672], 50. II6. Madan, Falconer (1851-1935], 46. Matthews, Sarah [oc. 1800], 129. Madeira, 95, 110. -, Sybil [oc. 1626], m. Roger Porter, 67. Magenis, Charles [oc. 1745], 90. -, William [oc. 17 37 ], 129. Maidstone, 54. Matthey, Catherine (oc. 1794-5], nee Moser, Mainwaring, Anthony [oc. 1745], 94. wife of -M., 124. Maldon (Essex), 20, 22, 23, 40. Mattock, Richard [oc. 1633], 29. Mallett, Jane [oc. 1771], 155. Maxey, - [oc. 1724], m. - Bocket, I 1. Malone, Edmond [1741-1812], 37. -, Joseph, sen. [oc. 1724], II, 12. Mancetter, 160, 164. -, Nathaniel Edward [oc. 1724], 12. Manchester, 157, 158, 166, 171, 175. Mayor, John Eyton Bickersteth [1825- Market Bosworth, 12, 42, M. 1910], see under Scott, Sir Robert Market Harborough, 22, 23, 42, 142. Forsyth. Marks, Mary [deed. 1831], m. Edward Meaford, 161. Hale, 130, 131, 141. Mercer, William le [oc. 1322], 99. Markshall, 54. Meredith, Frances, see under Moore. Ma.rryott, Edward [oc. 1637], 49. -, John, see under Moore. Marsh, Bower, 45, 46, 51. Meriton, George [oc. 1710], 10. Marston (Wore.), 88. -, (Rev.) Henry [d. 1710], 10, 15, 16, 32. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 2II

Meriweather, John [oc. 1672), 49. Moore, Louisa [1783 ?-1855], nAe Eborall, Merston, William [oc. 1511), 28. wife 1st. of - M., and 2nd. of Edmund Metcalf, (Rev.) Francis William Rucker, Simonds, 130, 133, 141. 54. -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 94. Mexico, II. Moreton (Dorset), I 34-7. Meynell, Littleton Poyntz [d. I 7 sI], M. Moreton, Richard [deed. 1745], 89. (Bradley). -, Robert [oc. 1745], 89, 93, 94. Middlemore, Richard [oc. 1636-8], 79, 80, Morgan, (Rev.) Jonathan, D.D. [oc. 1781], 8 I. 16~. -, Thomas [oc. ci,-ca r500], 120. Morris, - [oc. 1674], nAe -, wife of - M., -, Winifred [16th. cent.], m. Francis 73. Stanley, I 20. Mortlake, I 09. Middleton (Warw.), 72, ro7, 12r. Morton, Francis [oc. 1745), 94. Middleton in Teesdale, 116. -, Thomas, see Norton, Thomas. Mill, William [oc. r62 3], 29. Moseley (Wore.), 6o, 100, 101, 103, 128, Milles, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. 139. Mills, Richard [oc. 1745], 94. Moser, Catherine [oc. 1794-5], m. Milner, Ann [oc. 1718], n~s -, wife 1st. of . Matthey, 124. Thomas M., and 2nd. of Thomas Mosley, Sarah [oc. 1734], 128. Colmore, 123, 124. Mott, William [oc. 1781-2], 173. -, Ann [1714 ?-84], m. Charles Colmore, Moul, William [oc. 1365], 99. 123, 124. Moulton, H. R., his Catalogiu of Duds, -, Susanna [oc. . 1633], m. Thomas 1930, 136. Roberts, 29. Mountfort, Henry [oc. 1627], 27. ~, Thomas [deed. 1718], 123, 124. Mousley, Samuel [oc. 1704], 168. -, William [oc. 1614-20], 79. Munder, Thomas [oc. 1711], 147. Milner-Gibson-Cullum, George Gery [1857- Murcoate, Alice [oc. 1707], 11. 1921], 96; and Francis Campbell Murcott, Mary [oc. 1719], 128. Macauley, their Inscriptions in Old Muspratt, Margaret [b. circa 167 I], m. British Cemetery of Leghorn, 96. Francis Eedes, 56. Milton Abbas, 137. Milton-next-Gravesend, 5s. ANTWICH, 157. Milward, Catherine [b. ci,ca 1683], nu Narborough, 5, 14, 17, 25, 43, 45. Eborall, wife of Philip M., 127, 134, Nash,N (Rev.) Treadway Russell [1725- 135, 137, 138. 18u], his Worceste,shi,-e, 6o, 120. -, Philip [deed. 1697], 134, 135, 137, 138. Neal, Henry [oc. be£. 1720], 76. Minors, - [oc. 1648], S1. Needwood (Staffs.), 167. Miscellanea Genealogica st He,aldica, 57, Neild, Luke [d. 1688], M. (Derby). 114. -, Mary [b. circa 1663], m. James Missenden (Little), 49. Warner, M. (Derby). Mitchell, Jane [d. 1838], m. Thomas Neve, (Rev.) Titus [oc. 1745], 145. Martin, 171, 172, 176. Nevil, Robert [oc. 1772], 129. -, Pattee [d. 1842], m. Robert Porter, Nevile, Anne (oc. 1622-36], nAs Kidder­ 97, 98. minster, wife 1st. of John Clapham, Monck, Ambrose [oc. 1737-8], 129. 2nd. of Sir Marmaduke Darell, 3rd. of Moore, - [deed. 1820], 141. Gilbert N., and 4th. of Col. Sandys, -, Elizabeth (oc. 1831], nu -, wife of 47, 51-2. - M., 131. -, Gilbert [oc. ciyca 1640], 52. - (or Meredith), Frances [oc. 1591], m. Nevill, Elizabeth [oc. 1740], m. John Richard Bradgate, 31. Smith, 176. - (or Meredith), John (16th. cent.], 31. -, Langford [18th. cent.], 176. p 2I2 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Newhall Park (Leic.), 17. Norton, John [d. 1635], 109, 143, 145, 146, Newport (Salop), M. 149. Newport, Anne [1599-1658], m. William -, John [oc. 1676], 127. Adams, 142. -, John [oc. 1709], 143, 149. -, John [deed. 1617], 142. -, John [oc. 1711-23], 147, 148, 150. Newton, Elizabeth [oc. 1748], 154. -, Mary [b. 1635], ? m. 1660 Richard -, J. [oc. 1717], 154. Overton, 149, 150. -, William [oc. bef. 1636], 48. -, Mary '[d. 1739], m. 1717 Thomas Newton Harcourt, 9, 31, 36, 38, 41. Hinckley, P., 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, Newton Regis, 175, 176. 165. Nichols John, [1745-1826], his Leiceste,-­ -, Rebecca [d. 1710], 149, 151. shif'e, 1, 6-7, 19-25, 29-35, 36, 141, -, (Col.) Richard [oc. 1672], 49, 53. 145 ; his Lite,a,-y Anecdotes, 35 ; his -, Robert [oc. 1635], 146, 149. Litef'a'fy Jllust'fations, 161. -, Samuel [1690-1721], 147, 149, 150. Ninebanks, 116. -, Sarah [b. 1682], 147-50, 161. Noel, Catherine (oc. 1796-1818], nee -, Thomas [b. circa 1609], P., 63, 109, Smith, wife of (Rev.) Thomas N., 12, 143-6, 149, l 50, 33, 44. -, (Rev.) Thomas [1676 ?-1742/3], 145, -, (Rev.) Thomas [1775 ?-1854], 12, 33, 147, 148, l 50. 44. -, William [oc. 1635], 146, 149. -, (Rev.) Thomas [1799-1861], 44. -, William [d. 1723-4], 145, 147, 148, 150, Normanton-le-Heath, 131. 176. Normanton Turville, 7, 33, 35, 38, 44. N orton-j uxta-Twycross, 131. Norris, - [oc. 1737], M. (London). , Nott, Anna Catherina [oc. 1771], nee Northfield, 88, 90. Arden, wife of Fettiplace N., 155. Northwood, William [oc. 1704], 168. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1696], 75. Nortoft, 130, 141. -, Fettiplace [1703 ?-75], 155. Norton (Cannock), 162. Nottingham, P., 171, 175, 176. Norton (Wore.), 171. Nuneaton, 6, 12, 24, 45. Norton, - [16th. cent.], 149. Nunthorpe, 38, 41. -, - [London, 1721], 147. -, Ann [Warwick, 1742], 148. ADBY, 7, 13, 43. -, Anne [d. 1698], nee Porter, wife of OOakey, William [oc. 1816], 156. Thomas N., P., 64, 72, 109, 143, 144, Old (Northants.), 142. 149. Oldbury, 114, 121. -, Anne [oc. 1676-1723], n~s -, wife of Oliver, Anne [d. r731], n~s -, wife of Edward N., P., 147, 148, 150, 175. Peter 0., M. (Lichfield). -, Anne [d. 1722], m. (Rev.) John Hunter, Orford, Hester [oc. 1694-6], 74, 75. P., 147, 148, 150, 170, 175. -, see also Alford. -, Edward [oc. 1672], 49. Orton, Catherine [oc. 1654], n6e Jervis, -, Edward [d. 1712], P., 143-7, 149, 150, wife of Richard 0., 10, 22, 23, 41. 165, 175. -. Edward [oc. 1635], 28. -, Elizabeth (oc. 1711-23]. nee-, wife of -, Elizabeth [d. 1708]. m. Samuel Jervis, John N., 147, 148, I 50. 3, 4, IO, I I, l 5, 22, 23, 28, 36, 42. -, Elizabeth [d. 1743-5], nee Cottrell, wife -, Elizabeth [oc. 1717-24], II. of William N., 145, 147, 148, 150, 176. -, John [oc. 1837], 14. -, Emma [b. 1634], 149. -, John [oc. 1842], 14. -, Israel [d. 1615], nee Woodward, wife of -, Mary [oc. 1635], nee-, wife of Richard John N., 143, 149. 0., 28. -, Israel [b. 1685], m. 1723 (Rev.) -, Mary [oc. 1635], 28. Edward Holbrooke, P., 147-50. -, Mary [oc. 1717-24], II. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 213

Orton, Richard [1596 ?-1635], 22, 27, 28, Pagham, 46, 5 1. 34, 42. Palmer, Charles Ferrers R., his Tamworth -, Richard [b. cif'ca 1630], 10, 22, 23, 28, Church, r 02. 41. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1745], nee -, wife of -, Richard [b. cif'ca 1630], 24, 36. - P., 90. -, Roger [oc. 1635], 28. -, James [oc. 1816], 156. -, Thomas [oc. 1815], 13. -, John [oc. 1775], 37. -, William [oc. 1635], 28. -, Samuel, sen. [oc. 1745], 90. Orton-on-the-Hill, 27, 28, 41, 42. -, Samuel, jun. [deed. ·1745], 90. Osbourne, Henry [oc. 1694-1703], 74-6. -, (Rev.) William [b. circa 1662], 4. Oughton, Croxall [oc. 1843], 131. Park Hall (Warw.), 120. Overton, Mary [oc. 1660], nee Norton, wife Parker, Eliza.beth [oc. 1653], 73. of Richard 0., 149, 150. -, Gerd. [oc. 1743], 170. -, Richard [oc. 1660], 149, 150. -, (Adml.) Sir Hyde [1714-82], 3rd. bt., Oxford, 88, M. ; St. Peter's-in-the-Bailey, 161, 165. 132, 139. -, Thomas [oc. 1696], 84. Oxford, University of:­ Parkes, George [oc. 1743], 148. Bodleian Library, 44. -, Mary [oc. 1743], 148. Brasenose College, 116, 121, 157. -, Richard [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 95. Christ Church, 114, 116, 166. -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Corpus Christi College, 57, u7, 122. -, William [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Hart Hall, 136, 137. Parnell, Thomas [oc. 1614], 27. Lincoln College, 142, 175. Parrman, Ambrose [oc. 1820], 130. Magdalen College, 122, 123. Parry-Price (Mrs.), - [oc. 1795], 158. Magdalen Hall, 36, 41, 57, 123, 142. Parsons, Bridget [oc. 1700 ], nee Porter, Merton College, u6, 166, 177. wife of Thomas P., 69. New College, 135, 137. -, Sir John [oc. 1622-35], knt., 48. New Inn Hall, 145, 150. -, John [oc. 1672], 49. Oriel College, 17 5. -, (Rev.) Philip [1729-1812], his Monu- Pembroke College, 56, 101, 106, M. ments and Painted Glass of Chu,ches (Oxford). in Ksnt, 53. Queen's College, 52, n6, u7, 145, -, Thomas [oc. 1700], 69. 149. Patteson, William [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. St. Alban Hall, 116. Pattingha.m, M. St. Mary Hall, 166. Payne, Joan [oc. 1593], nee Jervis, wife of Trinity College, 123, 136, 140, 145, Thomas P., 8, 20, 22, 26, 40. 150, M. (Oxford). -, Margery, m. Richard Elkington, 33. University College, 56, 57, 88, 95, 142, -, Richard [oc. 1558], 8. 175. -, Richard [oc. 1569], 8. Wadham College, 36, 37, 45. -, Thomas [oc. 1558], 8. -, Thomas [oc. ci,ca 1580], 20, .22, 40. ACKWOOD, 127, 134, 135, 137, M. -, William [oc. 1593], 8, 26, 40. P-, Jonathan [oc. 1676], 127. Payton, Richard [oc. 1653], 73. -, Lydia [nc. 1676], nee -, wife of -, see also under Peyton. Jonathan P., 127. Peacock, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Padgett, John [oc. 1676], 7 3. Peake, - [d. 1663], nee ? Colmore, 2nd. Paget, Lettice [d. 1655], nee Knollys, wife wife of John P., 119. of William P. [1572-1629], 5th. Lord -, Eleanor [b. and d. 1663], 119. P., 47. -, John [d. 1663], 118, 119. -, William [1637-1713], 7th. Lord P., -, Sarah [d. 1658], nee Billingsley, 1st. 85-7, 107. wife of John P., 119. P-1 214 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Pearkins, Mary [oc. 1737], 129. Pitt, John [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Pearson, (Rev.) John Batteridge (1749- Pittaway, John [oc. 1745], 88, 92~ 1808], 95, II I. Plot, Robert [1640-96], M. (Trysull). Peatling (Great), 2-13, 15-18, 20-27, 29-45, Plummer, Peter [oc. 1816], 13. 53,110, 142,M. Plumtree, 22, 31, 36, 41. - (Little), 4, 9, 20, 21, 25, 31, 39. Plymouth, 119. Peckham, 14. Pocklington, William [oc. 1721], 147. Peckleton, 13, 34, 40, M. Pococke, James [oc. 1697], 100. Pedmore, M. Polesworth, 88. Peeter, Thomas [oc. 1648], 73. Politian's Poems, 56. Pelligrini, Vittoria [b. 1862 ], nee Porter, Poole, 124. wife of- P., 97, 98. Poole, Matthew [1624-79], his Annotations Pemberton, John [oc. 1800], 130. upon the Holy Bible, 7 5. -, Thomas [oc. 1637], 81. Porter, (Mr.) - [oc. 1694], 63, 100, 109. -, Thomas [oc. 1739], 90, 94. -, - [oc. 1757], m. - Ford, 108. Pen, - [oc. 1672], 49. -. Abigail [oc. 1754], nee -, wife of Penn, - [17th. cent.], 61. Joseph P., 78, 106. Pensa, Giovanni [oc. 1789], 97. -, Agnes, sec under Anne. Pepper, Alexander [d. 1685], 132, 137. -, Alice [oc. ciYca 1600], nee Bartlett, Perkins, Jo. [oc. 1708], 128. wife of Richard P., 98, 104. Perks, Anne [b. 17n], nee Jesson, wife of -, ? Alice [oc. 1689], m. John Allen, 64, Thomas P., 87, 89-91. 65, 109. -, John [oc. 1745], 87, 89-91, 93, 94. -, Alice [d. 1690], 68. -, Thomas [oc. 1734], 77. -. Anne [d. 1506], nee Westcote, wife of -, Thomas [d. 1737], 87, 89-91. Baldwin P., 60, 71, 99, 103. -, William [oc. 1737-45], 89, 91, 93, 94• -, Anne [oc. 1547-57], m. Henry Field, 66, Perry, Thomas [oc. 1734], 128. 72, 104. Petham, 55. -, Anne [1557-69], 66, 67, 104. Pettitt, Charles [oc. 1742], 148. -, Anne [b. 15 72], nee Colmore, wife of Peyton, John [16th. cent.], 61, 98, 104. Henry P., P., 66, 69, 72, 79-81, 85, 86, -, John [d. 1579], 61. 98, IOI, 103, 105, 113, 121, 137, 149. -, John [d. 1588], 61. -, Anne [oc. 1597], nee Whittall, wife of -, Margaret [oc. 1562-? 1624], ? m. 1st. - Robert P., 100. Gest, and 2nd. Thomas Porter, 61, 66, -, Anne (or Agnes) [1580-1653], m. Philip 67, 98, 104. London, 67, 73, 105. - and see also Payton. -, Anne [d. 1623], nee -, ? 2nd. wife of Philipps, John [oc. cit-ca 1544-59], 78, 79. William P., 67, 104. Philips family, 115. -, Anne [b. 1614], 67, 104. Phillips, Abraham [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. -, Anne [b. 1629], 69, 108. -, Sarah [d. 1634], nee Hill, wife 1st. of -, Anne [oc. 1698-1702], nee -, wife of - Lea (or Leigh), 2nd. of William William P., 69. Porter, and 3rd. of Thomas P., 72, -, Anne [d. 1690], 68. 80-82, 105. -, Anne [b. 1690], 70, 107. -, Thomas [oc. 1635-7], 72, 80-82, 105. -, Anne [oc. 1757], 108. Pickard, Samuel, sen. [oc. 1727], 77. -, Anne [d. 1698], m. Thomas Norton, -, Thomas [oc. 1727], 77. P., 64, 72, 109, 143, 144, 149. Piggott, Thomas [oc. 1761], 123. -, Baldwin [oc. 1482], 60, 99. Pinson, William [oc. 1636-51], 85, 86. -, Baldwin [d. 1499], 60, 71, 99, 103, 104. Pipe Ridware, I 77. -, Baldwin [oc. 1557], 58-60, 71, 72, 104. Pirton, u6. -, Bridget [oc. 1700], m. Thomas Par- Pisa, 97. sons, 69. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 215

Porter, Christopher [oc. 1610-13], 67. Porter, Henry [1616 ?-94 ?], P., 63, 64, 69, -, Christopher (d. 1640], 68. 72, 79, 80, 98, 100, 103, 108, 109. -, Edward [oc. 1696-1707], 70, 110. -, Henry [1650 ?-1710), P., 62-66, 69-71, -, Elizabeth [oc. 1555-8], nee Smyth, 1st. 76, 83, 84, 86, 87, IOO, IOI, 103, 109, wife of Thomas P., 66, 104. IlO, 177. -, Elizabeth (b. 1566], m. Henry Gryne, -, Henry [b. 1672], 70, 84, 87, 100, 108. 67, 104. -, Henry [b. 1684], 70, 109. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1631-36], nee -, 1st. -, Hester [b. 1635], 70, 86, 108. wife of Thomas P., 68, 105. -, Hester [d. 1695], 69, 73, 74, 107. -, Elizabeth [b. and d. 1636], 68, 105. -, James [oc. 1757], 108. -, Elizabeth [b. 1647], 68, 73, 107. -, Jane [b. 1568], 67, 98, 104. -, Elizabeth (b. and d. 1657], 68, 107. -, (Capt.) Jervis Henry [1717-63), R.N., -, Elizabeth [oc. 1698], nee -, wife of P., 24, 70, 78, 110, I I I. John P., 67. -, Joan [b. 1568), 67, 98, 104. -, Elizabeth (1678-81 ?], 70, 108. -, Joan [oc. 16r9-76], m. Waldyve Wil- -, Elizabeth [oc. 1691-1720], m. - lington, 72, 73, 98, 102, 108. Huband, 68, 74-6, 107. -, John le [oc. 1322-30], 99. -, Elizabeth [1683 ?-85 ?], 70, 108. -, John [oc. 1365], 99. -, Elizabeth [1689-1752], nee Jervis, see -, John [d. 1577], 61, 67, 104. under Johnson, Elizabeth. -, John [d. 1684], 68, 73, 106. -. Elizabeth (oc. r717], nee Gonderton, -, John [1667-85], 68, 71, 106. wife of Joseph P., 69, 106. -, John [oc. 1705), 69. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1734), nee Wheatley, -, John [oc. 1698), 67. wife of Joseph P., 69. -, John [b. 1703], 70, 110. -, Felicia [b. and d. 1707], 70, IIO. -, Joseph [d. 1662), 68, 106. -, Felix (d. 1635], 68. -, Joseph [1660-1721 ?], 68, 74, 75, 76, -, Frances [oc. 1634], 68, 105. IOI, I02, 106. -, Frances [b. 1640], 68. -, Joseph [d. 1689]. 68, 73. 106. -, Frances [oc. 1689-1703], m. John -, Joseph (1689-1749], 70, 100, 109-1 I. Johnson,74, 75,107. -, Joseph (b. 1692), 68_. 106. -, Frances [d. 1685], n~e Vernon, wife of -, Joseph [oc. 1717], 69, 1o6. · William P., 68, 71, 1o6. -, Joseph (oc. 1734], 6g. -, Frances [oc. 1757], m. - Heydon, 108. -, Joseph [1724 ?-83], P., 24, 78, 95·7, -, Giuseppe [oc. 1782], 97. 100, IIO, III, 169,177. -, Hannah (oc. 1636-50], nee -, wife of -,, Joseph [d. 1754 ?], 78, 1o6. Robert P., 70, 73, 85, 86, 107. -,, Josiah [oc. 1690-97], 63, 66, 70, 75, -, Hannah [b. 1632 ], 70, 86, 1o8. 84-6, 100,107,109. -, Hannah [d. 1691], 68, 73, 74, 107. -, Julian, m. 1593 William Walker, 100. -, Hannah [d. 1701], nie -, wife of -, Lucy [b. and d. 1685], 70. 110. William P., 69, 1o6. -. Lucy (1690-1768], m. 1726 {Rev.) John -, Hannah [oc. 1696], 75, 106. Hunter, P., 70, 96, 110, 169, 170, 177. -, Hannah [1674-1757), 69, 70, 78, 108. -, Lucy (1715-86], P., 24, 70, 78, 95, 96, -, Harry [1691-1734], P., 17, 24, 43, l I I. 56, 62, 69, 70, 77, 88, 89, 93, I IO, I IJ, -, Margaret [oc. 1562- ?1624],, me Peyton, 141, M. (Birmingham, Edgbaston and ? m. 1st. - Gest, and 2nd. Thomas Warwick). Porter, 61, 66, 67, 98, 104. -, Henry [oc. 1557-59 ?], 58, 59, 71, 72, -, Margaret [d. 1699], n~e -, wife of 78, 103, 104.- Henry P., 69, 100, 109. -, Henry [1570-1620], P., 58, 61-4, 66, 67, -, Margery [1634-35], 68. 69, 71, 72, 79, 80, 85, 98, 102•5, 109, -, Margery [d. 1654], nee-, wife of - P ... 113, 121, 134, 135, 137, 138, 143, 149. 68. 216 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Porter, Martha [oc. 1705], nee-, wife of Porter, Samuel [b. and d. 1686], 70, 109. John P., 69. -, Samuel [d. 1716], 69. -, Martha [d. 1727-33], nee Bridges, wife -, Sarah [d. 1634], nee Hill, wife 1st. of - of Joseph P., 76, 77, 102, 106. Lea (or Leigh), 2nd. of William P., -, Mary [b. 1575], m. John Glover, 67, 98, and 3rd. of Thomas Phillips, 72, 80-82, 105. 105. -, Mary [b. 1610], 67. -, Sarah [d. 1666], m. 1629 Samuel -, Mary [1617 ?-1702], nee? Sparry, 2nd. Eborall, P., 64, 72, 98, 108, 131, 132, wife of Thomas P., 68, 69, 71, 73-6, 134, 135, 137, 138. IOI, 105. -, Sarah [b. 1630], ? m. Thomas Low­ -, Mary [b. 1632], 68. bridge, 69, 7 3, 86, 108. -, Mary [b. 1640], m. Henry Dowlard, 68, -, Sarah [b. 1631], m. (? John) Hall, 67, 73-6, 107. 73-5, 105. -, Mary [oc. 1707], m. Daniel Hands, 69. -, Sarah [1651 ?-1724], nee -, wife of -, Mary [oc. 1757], nee-, wife of Robert Henry P., P., 64, 71, 76, 109, 177. P., 108. -, Sarah [d. 1713], nee-, wife of Samuel -, Mary [oc. 1757], 108. P., 69, 70, 84, 85, 107. -, Mary [? deed. 1821], nee -, wife of -, Sarah [1673-75 ?], 70, 108. Robert P., 98. -, Sarah [b. 1679], 70, 110. -, Nicholas [1698-1701], 69. -, Sarah [b. and d. 1689 ], 68. -, Pattee [d. 1842], nee Mitchell, wife of -, Susanna [b. 1677], m. Samuel Eborall, Robert P.,. 97, 98. P., 70, I IO, 126, 128, 129, I 38. -, Pierciful [d. 1715], 69. -, Susanna [d. 1698], 67. -, Priscilla [1656-94], 68, 69, 73, 74, 107. -, Sybil [oc. 1626], nee Matthews, wife of -, Ralph [oc. circa 1699], 87. Roger P., 67. -, Rebecca (1652-70], 68, 107. -, Thomas [15th. cent.], 6o, 71, 99, -, Rebecca [1696 ?-1751], m. Joseph 103. Tyndall, 69, 75, 77, 102, 106. -, Thomas [oc. 1509-24], 58, 59, 72, 78, -, Richard [1564-65], 66, 104. 103, 104. -, Richard [1573-1622], 67, 98, 104. -, Thomas [oc. 1588], 61. -, Robert [d. 1547], 58, 59, 66, 78, 98, -, Thomas [d. 1591], 61, 66, 67, 98, 104, 103, 104. 105. -, Robert [oc. 1547], 99. -, Thomas [1603 ?-74], 63, 66-9, 71-3, 79, -, Robert [oc. 1553], 99. Bo, 82, 85, 86, 98, 105, 106. -, Robert [oc. 1597], 100. -, Thomas [b. 1613], 67. -, Robert [1607 ?-48], 63, 66, 69, 70, 72, -, Thomas [1647-57], 67, 104. 73, 79-82,85,86,98,99, 100,107. -, Thomas [d. 1693], 68, 73, 74, 106. -, Robert [b. 1679], 70, 108. -, Thomas [d. 1705], 69. -, Robert [d. 1813], 97, 98. -, Vittoria [b. I 862 ], m. - Pelligrini, 9 7, -, Robert [deed. 1821], 98. 98. -, Robert [oc. 1821], 98. -, Walter [oc. 1640], 68. -, Robert Henry Anthony [1791-1862], -, Wilhelmina [d. 1821], nee Porter, wife 98. of Robert P., 98. -, Roberto [1832-1908], 98. -, William [oc. 1407-22], 99. -, Roger [oc. 1626], 67. -, William [oc. 1528], 100. -, Rose [b. and d. 1631], 67, 68. -, William [d. 1557], 58, 59, 71, 72, 78, -, Samuel [1640-1719], 63, 66, 69, 70, 103, 104. 82-7, 100, 107, I09. -, William (s. Robert) [oc. ? 1557], 59, -, Samuel [1654-1703], 68, 69, 71, 7 3-5, 98, 104. IOI, 106. -, William [oc. 1557], 58, 59, 72, 104. -, Samuel [1677-82], 70, 108. -, William [oc. 1598], 59, 72. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 217

Porter, William [1599 ?'-1633], P., 62, 63, Pyatt, Anne [1710 ?-53], nee Sandys, wife 66, 71, 72, 79-81, 98, IOI, 105, 109. of Charles P., 155. -, William [oc. 1631-5], 67, 68. -, Anne [oc. 176o-98], nee Pyott, wife of -, William [oc. 1653], 73, 105. Robert (Thomas) P., 155. -, William [b. 1617], 67, 104. -, Blanche [d. 1771-2], m. Thomas -, William [b. 1649), 67, 104. Hinckley, 155, 157, 161, 165. -, William [1658-1701], 68, 69, 73-5, 101, -, Charles [ circa 1706-90], 15 5. 1o6. -, Frances [oc. 1741], m. George Hand, -, William (d. 1689-94], 68, 71, 73, 74, 157. IOI, 106. -, Richard [b. 1662], 168. -, William [oc. 1689-1702], 68, 69. -, Richard, 157, 165. -, William [1696-97], 69. -, Robert (Thomas) [oc. 176o-98], 155. -, William [oc. 1705], 69, -, William [b. 1705], 69. QUORNDON, I 30, I 33, 140. -family, 2, M. (Alvechurch & Edgbaston). - and Huddart, Messrs. [oc. 1796], 97. Portman, Baldwin [d. 1598], 59, 72. ABIE, Mary [oc. 1694-1703], 74-6. -, Margaret [oc. 1598], nee -, wife of RRann, R. [oc. 1723], 148. Baldwin ·P., 72. -, Richard [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Portsmouth, 24. Rastall, Richard [oc. 1842], 13. Poter, Elizabeth [d. 1699], nee-, wife of Ratcliffe Culey, 35, I 30. - P., 67. Raven, William [oc. 1815], 13. -, Mary [d. 1698], 67. Raworth, Robert [oc. 1677], 10. Potts, William [oc. 1692], 154. Raymond, B. [oc. 1717], 11. Powell, Samuel [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. Raynsford, Edward [oc. 1635], 146. Powson, Jane (b. ciYca 1667], 159. Read, Arthur William [b. 1869], 3, 5, 6, Powys, T. S. [1801 ], 17. 7, I6, 17, 18,37,38,66,69,87,88, IOI, Pratt, Alexander [oc. 1745], 94, 95. 126, 131, 132, 141, 149, 16o. Presgrave, Anne [b. 1597], nee Jervis, wife -, Thomas [oc. 1654], 10. of (Rev.) John P., 3, 22, 41. Reade, Aleyn Lyell [b. 1876], his Reades of -, (Rev.) John [b. ciYca 1587], 22, 36, 41. Blackwood Hill and D,. Johnson's Price, (Rev.) John [oc. 1696-1704], 76. Ancest1'y, I, 58, 64, 76, 77, 78, 96, 126, -, John [deed. 1745], 89, 93. 144, 145, 169, 172 ; his Johnsonian -, Sybilla [oc. 1745], nee -, wife of Gleanings, Part I., 58, 144, 145, 169 ; John P., 89, 93, 94. Part II., 144, 145, 169, 173; Part III., -, and see Parry-Price, 58, II4, 144, 145, 159, 169; Part IV., Proctor, Bryan [oc. 1697-8], 86. 58, I 14, 126, I 39, I 57, 166; Part v., -, Elizabeth [oc. 1743], 170. 56, 58, 62, 114; Part VI., 1, 2, 45, 53, Pulteney, Katherine [oc. 1564], nee-, wife 55, 58, 66, II4, 136, 143, 144, 151, of Michael P., 25, 30. I 57, 167. -, Michael [oc. 1564], 25, 30. -, Charles [1666-1721 ?], 4,10, 11, 42. -, Elizabeth [17th. cent.], nee Thorley, Purefoy, Alice, see under Anne. wife of Thomas R., 18, 41. -, Anne [d. 157i'], m. William Jervis, 3, -, Elizabeth [oc. 1677-1717], m. - Fir- 6, 20, 22, 23, 34,40. bank, 10, 11, 18, 42. -, George [oc. 1590], 25. -, Jervis [1662-1724], 3, 10-12, 18, 42. -, Jane [16th. cent.], nee Vincent, wife -, Servatio, sc. Jervis. 1st. of Nicholas P., and 2nd. of Wil­ -, Susanna [oc. 1654-77], nee Jervis, wife liam Faunt, 34, 40. of William R., 3, 4, ro, 18, 22, 23, 41, -, Nicholas [d. r 543], 6, 20, 22, 23, 34, 40. 42. Pynson, see under Pinson. -, Thomas [17th. cent.], 18, 41. 218 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

Reade, William [d. circa 1678], 3, 4, 10, 18, Roberts, Thomas [d. 1633], 9, 29, 40. 22, 23, 41 .. -, Sir William [oc. 1590], 2 5. -, William [b. 1659], 3, 42. -, Sir William [1595 ?-1664], knt., 9, 30, Reddell, William [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. 33, 34, 38. Remington, (Rev.) Daniel William [ 171 5- Robins, John [oc. 1677], 10. 88], 177. Robinson, - [oc. 1746], 161. -, Mary [b. 1727], nu Heveningham, wife -, Cary [oc. 1788], 162. of (Rev.) Daniel William R., 177. -, Ellen Jane [d. 1870], nle Woodhouse, -, Mary [1763 ?-1819], m. Thomas White, wife 1st. of (Rev.) William R., 2nd. P., 175, 177. of Hugh Dyke Acland, and 3rd. of Repton, I 30. Richard Hinckley, r57, 166. Retford (East), ·46. -, Francis [oc. 1767], 155. Richardson, alias Smith, Elizabeth [oc. -, Richard George [oc. 1782], 173. 1727]., 77. -, (Rev.) William [1777-1812], 157, 166. Rickards, - [oc. 1710], 57. Rodriguez de Santiago, Domingo [oc. -, Dorothy [oc. 1682-1711], nee Eedes, 1677], IO. wife of - R., 57. Rogers, George [oc. 1745], 94. Rider, Richard, jun. [oc. 1717], 154, 155. Rogerson, Richard [oc. 1727], 77. Rivier and Crawley, Messrs. [oc. 1782], 97. Roper, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 93. Rivos, James [oc. 1677], 10. Rotton family, 11 5. Roads, John [oc. 1696], 84. Rowington, 88. Roberts, Dorothy [b. 1568], nee Jervis, Rowley Regis, 1 I 8. wife of Sir Richard R., 3, 9, 22, 23, 26, Rowney, Elizabeth (oc. circa 1681-96], nee 30, 34, 40. Fetherston, wife of John R., 84, 8 5. -, (Pame) Elizabeth, nee Hartopp, wife -, John [oc. ci~ca 1685-96], 84, 85. 1st. of George Bale, and 2nd. of Sir Royton (Kent), 42, 49, 53-5 .. William R., 34. Rugby,36,43,44, 126,136,140,157,166, -, (Dame) Elizabeth [d. 1632], nee Shep­ M. herd, wife 1st. of William Jervis, and Rugby School Registe~, 36, 126, 136, 157. 2nd. of Sir Richard Roberts, knt., 7, Rupert, Prince [1619-82], 99, 100. 9, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 34, 35, 40. Rushock, M. -, Elizabeth Sarah, m. 181 3 Frind Cregoe­ Russell, (Rev.) Sambrook Nicholas [1733?- Colmore, 125. 95], 12, -, (Rev.) Francis [deed. 1697], 86. Ruston, Jonathan [oc. 1745], 90. -, Grace [oc. 1781-2], nee -, wife of Rutter, Thomas [oc. 1816], 156. Josiah R., 173. Ryton-under-Dunsmore, 12. -, James [oc. 1745], 94. -, Josiah [oc. 1781-2], 173. -, Joyce [oc. 1564], nee Staresmore, wife ADDINGTON, 30. of Thomas R., 34, 40. SSt. Albans, 175. -, Joyce, m. Edmund Bale, 9. St. Andrews, 122. -, (Dame) Katherine, nee Elkington, wife St. John, Henry [oc. 1672], 50. 1st. of (? Robert) Jervis, and 2nd. of St. Nicholas, Basil [oc. 1708], 128. Sir William R., 33, 34. Salisbury, 172, 176. -, Michael, 34. Salt, Ann [d. 1712], nee -, 1st. wife of -, Sir Richard, knt. [1564 ?-1644], 3, 7, (Rev.) John S., 170. 9,20,22,23,27,29,30, 34, 38,40. -, (Rev.) John [oc. 1710-35], 170, 171. -, Richard [b. 1624], 29. -, Margaret [oc. 1713-16], nee Shaw, 2nd. -, Susanna [oc. 1633], nee Milner, wife of wife of (Rev.) John S., 170. Thomas R., 29. -, Margaret [b. 1714], 170, 171. -, Thomas [oc. 1564], 30, 34• -, Samuel [b. 1716], 170. THE JERVIS A:SD PORTER FAMILIES 219

Salt Society, 11 Staffordshire Collections,'' 46, Seward, Sarah (1746-64], P., 111, 169, 173, 167. 174, 176, 177. Sanders, Edward [oc. 1635], 146. -, (Rev.) Thomas (1708 ?-90], P., 148, Sanderson, Joan, m. Jervis Bradgate, 31, 161, 169, 172-4, 176. 42. Shakespeare, Ann [oc. 1742], nee Ives, -, Richard [16th. cent.], 31, 42. wife of William S., 88. -, Thomas [16th. cent.], 31. -, William [oc. 1742-5], 88, 92-4. Sandwich, 53, 54. Shangton, 20, 21, 23, 39. Sandys, (Col.) - [oc. cit-ca 1640], 52. Sharratt, Francis [oc. 1816], 156. -, An~e [oc. 1622-36], nee Kidderminster, Shaw, Alice [oc. 1745], 89. wife 1st. of John Clapham, 2nd. of -, (Rev.) E. B. [oc. 1842], 14. Sir Marmaduke Darell, 3rd. of Gilbert -, (Rev.) Ferdinando [1669-1745], 75. Nevile, and 4th. of Col. S., 47, 51-2. -, Margaret [oc. 1713-16], m. 1713 (Rev.) Santa Cruz (Tenerifie), 10, 41. John S., 170. Satchell, Elizabeth [oc. 171 1], 147. -, Mary, see Margaret. Saunders, Ambrose [1610 ?-54], 9. -, (Rev.) Robert [1650 ?-1704], 168. -, Richard [d. 1612], 26. -, (Rev.) Stebbing [1762-1802], his Staf• -, (Rev.) Samuel [oc. 1598], 72. fordskire, 157, 174. Savage, Edward [deed. 1745], 88, 92. -, William [oc. be£. 1745], 90. Scargill, John [oc. 1838], 131. -, William Arthur [b. 1865], his Knights Scotney, 45, 46. of England, 38, 122. Scott, Sir Robert Forsyth [1849-1933], and Shawell, 33, 34, 44• John Eyton Bickersteth Mayor, their Shearsby, 15, 17, 26. Admissions to St. J okn's College, Sheldon (Warw.), 120. Cambridge, 36, 171, 172. Sheldon, Francis [oc. 1674], 73. -, Sir Walter [1771-1832], his Poetical Shelton, Barbara [16th. cent.], nee Stanley, Works of Anna Seward, 158, 159, 172, wife of John S., 120. 174. -, Elizabeth (1568-1618 ?], m. 1st. 1589 Scotton, John [oc. 1734], 77. Robert Smalbroke, and 2nd. Thomas Scudamore, Sir Philip [oc. bef. 1636], knt., Colmore, 120. 46. -, John [d. 1601], 120. Sculthorpe, James [oc. 1818], 12. -, Sir Richard [d. 1647], 120, 121. Sealand (?), 161. Shenstone, 155, 161. Seccombe, Ernest Reginald [1890-1933], Shenton, G. [oc. 1771], 155.

96. Shepherd, Elizabeth [d. 1632] 1 m. 1st. Sedgley, 8 3. William Jervis, and 2nd. Sir Richard Seward, Anna (1742-1809], P., 151, 158, Roberts, knt., 7, 9, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 159, 162, 169, 171-4, 176, 177; her 34, 35, 40. Letters, 158, 159, 171-3 ; and see under -, Frances [deed. 1590], m. Thomas Ashmun, Margaret, Scott, Sir Walter, Hilsdon, 35. Lucas, Edward Verrall, and l\1artin, -, Jane, nee Brocas, wife 1st. of William Stapleton. S. [d. circa 1570], and 2nd. of Michael -, Anne, see under Anna. Henshaw, 35, 36, 40. -, Elizabeth [1712-80], nee Hunter, wife -, Ralph [oc. I 590], 35. of (Rev.) Thomas S., P., 148, 161, 169, -, Thomas [oc. 1590], 35. I 70, 17 3, 174, 176. -, William [d. cit-ca 1570], 20, 22, 23, 35, -, Elizabeth [b. and d. 1749], 174, 177. 36, 40. -, Jane [1747-49], 174, 177 • Sheppard, see under Shepherd. -, John [oc. 1708], 176. Sheriffhales, 166. -, John [b. and d. 1747], 176. Sherman, John [oc. 1724], 1 r. -, Sarah [b. 1744], 174, 176. Sherwin, John [oc. 1816], 13. 220 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Shipway, Thomas [oc. 1674], 73. Smalbroke, Robert [oc. 1575-93], 120. Short, Daniel [oc. 1695], 84. -, Robert [d. 1672], 65. -, Edward [oc. 1717], 154. -, Thomas [d. 16o9], 113, 119, 120. -, Thomas [oc. 1837], 14. -, (Rev.) Thomas [1714 ?-78], 161. Shropshire A Ychaeological and Natural Smaldridge, Ann [oc. 1683], nee -, wife History Society, 114. of - S., 153. Shropshire Parish Register Society, 114. Smart, Robert [oc. 1808], 17. Shustoke, 129. -, Samuel [oc. 1701], 75. Simmons, Mary [b. 1758], nee Hinckley, Smeeton, - [oc. 1820], 130. wife of William S., 152, 155, 156, 158, Smethwick, 56. 162, 166. Smith, (Rev.) - [oc. 1689], 4. -, William [oc. 1792-1802], 152, 157, 166. -, Anne [deed. 1676], nee -, wife of -, William [1798 ?-1837], 157. - s., 127. Simonds, Edmund [1781 ?-1856], 133, 141. -, Anne [1675 ?-1766], nee Holled, wife of -, Louisa [1783 ?-1855], nee Eborall, wife John S., 7, 32, 44. 1st. of - Moore, and 2nd. of Edmund -, Anne [1708 ?-24], 7. S., I 30, I 33, 141. -, Anne [oc. 18 18]. m. (Rev.) Isaac Simpson, Charles [1765-1820], 171. William Webb Horlock, 12, 33. -, Richard [1640 ?-1718], M. (London). -, Catherine [oc. 1796-1818], m. (Rev.) -, Stephen [oc. 1727], 154. Thomas Noel, 12, 33, 44. -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. -, Darell [1713-40], nee Jervis, wife of Sketchley, William, sen. [oc. 1808], 17. Knightley S., 4, 5, 7, 25, 33, 44. Skrymsher, Hester[1686-1712], m. Thomas -, Darell [d. unmd.], 33. Boothby, M. (Peckleton). -, Edward [oc. 1584-95], 119. -, (Dr.) Gerard [1618-1700],M, (Peckleton -, Elizabeth [oc. 1727], nee -, wife of and Woodseaves). Thomas S., 77. Slaney, Elizabeth [oc. 1680-93], nee -, alias Richardson, Elizabeth [oc. 1727], Aglionby, wife of Moreton S., 82. 77. -, Moreton [oc. 1676-1720], 64, 82. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1740], nee Nevill, wife of -, Moreton [oc. 17 34], 128. John S., 176. Slawston, 28, 29. -, Elizabeth [ 17 38 ?-86], nee Grace, wife Sleath, (Rev.) William Boultbee [oc. 1800], of Holled S., 33, 44. 130. -, Elizabeth [d. 1779], m. 1769 (Rev.) Sleigh, John, his History of Leek, 114, 164. Samuel Martin, 176. Smalbroke, Barbara [1593-1679], m. 1st. -, Frances [d. 1829], m. George Smith, 12, 1614 Henry Devereux, and 2nd. 33. Aylmer Foliot, 120. -, George [oc. 1724], 12. -, Catherine [d. 1792], m. 1723 (Rev.) -, (Capt.) George [d. 1835], 12, 13, 33. William Vyse, 113, 114. -, Holled, sen., 33. -, Elizabeth [d. 1628], nee Colmore, wife -, Holled [1732 ?-95], 6, 7, 33, 35, 38, 44. of Thomas S., 113, 119, 120. -, J. Ashmore [oc. 1837], 14. -, Elizabeth [1568-1618 ?], nee Shelton, -, Joan [1564-1639], nee Colmore, wife wife 1st. of Robert S., and 2nd. of of Edward S., II9, 122. Thomas Colmore, 120. -, John [oc. 1648], 73. -, John [1619-53], 113. -, John [1670 ?-1742], 7, 32, 44. -, Mary [d .. 1791], m. (Rev.) Edmund -, John [d. 1700], 7. Bateman, 114. -, John [oc. 1740], 176. -, Richard [d. 1575], 119. -, Knightley [d. 1740], 7, 25, 33, 44. -, Richard [d. 1613], 120. -, Knightley [d. inf.]; 7, 32. -, (Bp.) Richard [1672-1749], 113. -, Knightley [d. 1793], 33. -, Richard [1716 ?-1805], D.C.L., 113. -, Margaret [oc. 1648], 73. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 221

Smith, Mary [oc. 1727], 77. Stanier, Mary [oc. 1745], 88, 92, 93. -, Mary [oc. 1818], m. (Lt. Col.) Thomas -, Sarah [deed. 1745], nAe-, wife of-S., Athorpe, 12, 33. 88, 92. -, Robert [oc. circa 1670], 82. Stanley, Barbara [16th. cent.], m. John -, Squire [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94• Shelton, 120. -, Susanna [1708 ?-92], 7, 32, 33. -, Francis [1505 ?-57], 120. -, Susannah [oc. 1811-18], m. (Rev.) -, Winifred [16th. cent.], n6e Middlemore, Richard Coxe, 12, 33, 38, 44. wife of Francis S., 120. -, Thomas (oc. circa 1670], 82. Stapeley (Chesh.), 156, 157, 161, 165. -, Thomas, sc. John, 32. Stapleford, (Rev.) Edward [b. circa 1615), -, Thomas [1706 ?-1774], 7, 33. 5•• -, Thomas [oc. 1727], 77. Stapleton (Leic.), 22, 34, 41. -, Thomas (oc. 1745], 94. Staresmore, John [16th. cent.], 34, 40. -, Thomas [b. cit'ca 1730], 33. -, Joyce [oc. 1564], m. Thomas Roberts, -, Thomas [oc. 1806], J 3. 34, 40. -, William [d. 1700], 7. Statham, Samuel [1749-1811], 171. -, William [1702 ?-68], 7, 33. Stephens, Edward [oc. 1692], 64. -, William [d. aet. 9], 33. -, Joseph [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Smyth, Elizabeth [oc. 1555-8], m. Thomas -, Rebecca [deed. 1745], nAe -, wife of Porter, 66, 104. - s., 88, 92. Snarestone, 131 . Stepney, Clement [16th. cent.], 55. Sneinton, 176. -, Joan [oc. 1600-31], m. Thomas Swan, Snell, Joan [1642 ?-1728], m. Samuel 55. Eborall, 127, 128, 132, 134, 136, 138. Stevens, John [oc. 1746-9], 95. -, Samuel [oc. circa 1642], 127, 134, 136, -, Laye [oc. 1746-9], 95, 110. I 38. -, see also Stephens. Snibson, Nathaniel [oc. 1745], 94. Stockdale, John [oc. 1789], 13. Sodbury (Glouc.), 33. Stoke Golding, S, 13, 14, 17, 25, 44, 127, Soden, James [oc. 1815], 13. 128. Solihull, 79, 84, 168, 169, 175, M. Stoke Poges, 48. Somerton (Oxford), 57. Stoke Prior, 71, 73, 82, 101. "Souteridge," sc. Santridge, Bromsgrove, Stokes, Henry [1793 ?-1868], jun., 156. 73. -, Sarah [d. 1823], nee -, wife 1st. of South Sea Co., 11. (Capt.) Charles Seveme Watkins, and Sparry, - [oc. 1651], 86. 2nd. of Henry S., jun., 156. -, Catharine [oc. 1696], 75. Stone, Jane [1786-1822], nee Blew, wife of -, {Rev.) John [oc. 1696-1703], 75. Robert Stone, 167. -, Joseph [oc. 1696-1703], 75. -, John Spencer, 167. -, ? Mary [1617 ?-1702], m. Thomas -, Louisa, m. George Thompson Hartley, Porter, 68, 69, 71, 73-6, 101, 105. 167. "Spenser,, {Berks.), 50, 53. -, Lucy [1784-1843], nee Hinckley, 2nd. Spetisbury, 12, 13. wife of Robert S., 152, 156, 162, 167. Spilsbury, James [oc. 1727], 77. -, Robert, sen. [oc. 1782], 167. -, John, sen. [d. 1696-1701], 75. -, Robert, jun. [1782 ?-1832], 167. -, (Rev.) John [1667 ?-1727], 74-6. Stoney Stanton, S, 7, 13, 14, 24, 30, 35, Stafford, 145, 151. 37, 45. Staffordshire Parish Register Society, 170. Stanton Wyville, 29. Stamford (Northants.), 31, 41. Stony Stratford, 12. Standford, Anne [oc. circa I 591], m. Stonywell, see under Longdon. Francis Chamberlaine, 31, 38, 41. Stourbridge, M. -, John [16th. cent.), 31, 38,.41. Stratford-on-Avon, 69, 78, 108. 222 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS : PART VII.

Streethay, 155, 157, 165, 168. Taylor, James [oc. 1745], 87, 91, 93, 94. Strelley, Dorothy [d. 1641], nee Jervis, -, (Rev.) John [1711-88]. M. (Ashburne wife of Henry S., 22, 31, 41. and Bradley). -, Elias [1579 ?-1634], 30, 41. -, Richard [oc. 1696], 75. -, Grace [d. 1623], nee Leife, wife of Temple Balsall, 128. Elias S., 31, 41. Temple Bulstrode, 48. -, Henry [b. 16o3], 22, 30, 41. Teneri:ffe, 10, 41. Stroxton, M. Tennant, William [oc. 1788], 162. Stubbs, Richard [oc. 1698], 72. Tewin, 123. Sturgess, H. A. C., 5 1. Tewkesbury, M. Style, Tho~ [oc. 1637], 49. Thacker, Dorothy [d. 1689-92], m. 1645 Sumpter, Robert [oc. 1633], 29. Richard Hinckley, 151, 153, 163. Surtees Society, 114. Theddingworth, 36. Sutton, Benjamin [oc. 1696], 84. Theobalds, 38, 40. Sutton Cheney, 9, 20, 22, 25, 26, 30, 33, Thomas, Margaret [oc. 1703], 75. 34, 40. Thompson, Susanna [oc. 1772-1800], nee Sutton Coldfield, 79, 131, M. Eborall, wife of William Mott T., Swan, Alice [oc. 1672], 49. 129, l 30, 140. -, Dorothy [b. 1600], m. Robert Thom- -, William Mott [oc. 1800], 130, 140. son, 53-5. Thomson, Anne [d. 1662], m. Henry -, Elizabeth [oc. 1672 ], 49. Darell, 42, 49, 53-5. -, James [oc. 1672], 49. -, Anthony [1613 ?-82], 54. -, Jane [oc. 1672], nee -, wife of James -, Charles [b. circa 1616]. 54. s., 49. -, Christina, m. 1834 {Rev.) Thomas -, Joan [oc. 16oo-31], nee Stepney, wife Henry White, 177, 178. of Thomas S., 55. -, Dorothy [1572 ?-1649], nee Honywood, -, Thomas [oc. 1600-16o6], 53-5. wife of Henry T., 54. Swinfen, 166. -, Dorothy [b. 1600], nee Swan, 1st. wife Swinfen, John [oc. 1778], 152. of Robert T., 53-5. Swinnerton, 157, 160, 165, 166. -, Dorothy [oc. circa 1650], m. Richard Swynfen, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1757], 161. Crispe, 54. -, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1779], 162. -, Dorothy [d. inf. circa 1630], 55. -, John [oc. 1792], 162. -, Elizabeth [b. ci'l'ca 1610], 54. -, Samuel [oc. 1792], 162. -, Elizabeth [d. inf. circa 1630], 55. Syston, 13, 44. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1663], 55. -, Frances [oc. ci,-ca 1655], m. John ALIS, - [oc. circa 1740], 139. Thomson, 55. T-, Mary [b. 1710], nee Eborall, wife of -, Frances [oc. 1663], 55. -T., l 32, 139. -, Henry [1570 ?-1648], 54, 55. -, Richard [oc. 1749], 139. -, Henry [oc. ci'rca 1630], 55. Tamhom, 174, 176. -, Henry [1655 ?-1727], 55. Tamworth, 102, 108, 130, 140. -, John [b. circa 16o5], 54. Tandy, John [oc. 1689], 83. -, John [1630 ?-1712], 55. Tangier, 50, 53. -, Judith [b. circa 1610], 54. Tanworth, 115. -, Katherine [oc. circa 1657], m. Nicholas Tardebigge, 61, 67, 69, 106, 148, 150. Knight, 55. Tattom, Anne [b. 1745], nee Jervis wife of -, Mary [b. circa 1610), 54. -T., 6, 12, 25, 44. -, Mary [oc. 1663], 55. -, Richard [1740 ?-75], 32. -, Mary [d. 186o], nee White, wife rst. of -, Richard [oc. 1772], 6, 44. Robert T., and 2nd. of Sir Thomas Tawson, William [oc. 1708], 127. Noel Harris, P., 178. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 223

Thomson, Peter [b. circa 1009], 54. Tregonwell, Katherine [16o2-65], m. -, Robert (1595 ?-1642], 42, 49, 53-5. William Frampton, 136, I 37. -, Robert (oc. cit'ca 1630], 55. Trentham, M. -, Robert [d. 1831], sen., 178. Trewithian, 125. -, Robert [1797-1833), jun., P., 178. Tmbshaw, Andrew [oc. 1697], 86. -, Sarah [17th cent.], nee Tucker, 2nd. Trysull, M. wife of Robert T., 55. Tucker, George [oc. cit'ca 1600], 55. -, Thomas [oc. circa 1570], 54. -, Sarah [17th. cent.], m. Robert Thom- -, see also White-Thomson. son, 55 .. Thorley, Elizabeth [17th. cent.], m. Tufton, Sir John [d. 1624], 26. Thomas Reade, 18, 41. Tuncks, see under Tonkes. -, William [17th. cent.], 18, 41. Tunstall (Durham), n6, 117. Thornton (Leic.), 16. Tur Langton, 29. Thorpe Langton, 2, 8, 9, 19-21, 26-30, Turner, "Goodwife" [oc. 1653], 73. 33, 34, 39, 40. -, Henry [deed. 1674], 73. Thurgarton, 121. Turpyn, William (oc. 1590], 25. Tibbits, E. George, r r2. Turton, Elizabeth [d. 1691], nee Colmore, Tildesley. Norman W., r45. wife of Nathaniel T., 118. Times, 125 ; T. Literary Supplement, 168, -, Nathaniel [b. 1663], 118. 169, 17 3. -, (Rev.) William [1636 ?-1716], I 18. Tisser, John [oc. 1672], 50. Twycross, 34. Tissington, M. Twyford, Thomas [oc. 1771), 155. Tollerton, r 7 5. Tyler, Frank W., 54. Tombs, Edward [oc. 1696], 84. Tyllesley, Thomas [oc. 1598], 72. Tomkyss (?), Elizabeth [oc. 1711], m. Tylt, Henry [oc. circa 1670], 82. Francis Eedes, 57. Tyndall, Joseph [oc. 1688], 102, 106. -, Isaac [oc. 1711], 57. -, Joseph [1688 ?-1763], 69, 77, 102, 1o6. Tompkins, Elizabeth [b. 1667 ], nee -. Mary [oc. 1688], nee Clare, wife of Eborall, wife of John T., 127, 132, 135, Joseph T., 102, 106. 136, 139. -, Rebecca (1696 ?-1751], nee Porter, wife -, John [oc. 1696-1737], 127, 129, 132, of Joseph T., 69, 75, 77, 102, 106. 139. Tyre, Thomas (oc. 1690), 83. Tompson (Rev.) James [oc. 1701-3), 75. Tonkes, Edward [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. LLESTHORPE, 32, 33, 42. Toone, John [deed. 1842], 14. UUmfreville, Andrew [oc. bef. 1636], 48 • ...:...., Maria (or Mary) [oc. 1842-4], nee Universal British Directory, 126. Hurst, wife of - T., I 4. Upton (Bucks), 47. Tothill, 146. Upton (Northants.), 14. Tottenham High Cross, 123. Uttoxeter, P., M. Toulmin, Charles Wilton [oc. 1831], 14. -, Charlotte [oc. 1831], 14. ANN, (Mrs.) - [oc. 1831], 14. -, Harriet [oc. 1831], 14. VVarley, (Rev.) Thomas [b. circa 1675], -, Maria Cam [oc. 1802-31], nee Galloway, 5. wife of - T., 5, 14. Varney, see under Verney. Towers, (Mr.) - [oc. 1737], 129. Vaughan, Henry Francis John [b. 1841], Townesend, Richard [oc. 1635], 146. I 14. Toye, Edward [oc. 1703), 76. Venn, John [1834-1923], his Alumni -, Henry [oc. 1703], 76. Cantabrigienses, 36, 51, 56, u4, 141, -, William [oc. r 703], 76. 145, 161' 171. Tregonwell, John [d. circa 1639], 136. Vera Cruz, I 1. 1 37• Verney, Sir Edmund [1590-1642], knt., 47. 224 JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

Vernon, Frances [d. 1685], m. William Ward, John [oc. 1745], 94. Porter, 68, 71, 106. -, Katherine [d. 1590], m. William -, Richard [oc. 1656], 68, 106. Jervis, 3, 6, 20, 21, 2 3, 39. Victcwia Co. History of W01'cestef', 6o, 101. -, Mary [oc. 1703], 16. Vincent, George [16th. cent.], 34, 40. -, Richard [oc. 1593], 9, 26, 39. -, Jane [16th. cent.], m. 1st. Nicholas -·, Thomas [16th. cent.], 38, 41. Purefoy, and 2nd. William Faunt, 34, -, (Rev.) Thomas (1641 ?-1706], 142. 40. -, William [oc. circa 1570], 20, 21,23, 39. Vyse, Catherine [d. 1792 ], nee Smalbroke, -, William [oc. 1719], 128. wife of (Rev.) William V., 113, 114. -, William [oc. 1734-45], 88, 92-4. -, (Rev.) William [1709-70], 114. Ward-Boughton-Leigh family, 142. Warde, Joan [16th. cent.], m. Thomas ADE, Anne [oc. 1574-1619], nAe Bradgate, 31, 39. Jervis, wife of Edward W., 3, 8,9,20, Wardsmore (Warw.), 79. W22, 26, 40. Waring, (Major) Edmund [1621 ?-83], -, Edward [oc. 1574], 3, 20, 22, 40. M.P., 123. -, Mary [b. 1641], nee Jervis, wife of -, Elizabeth [oc. 1658], nee Ashe, wife of Thomas W., 3, 10, 22, 23, 42. Edmund W., 123. -, Thomas [oc. ciYca 1670], 22, 23, 42. -, Elizabeth[1658-1731], m. 1676William Wadland, George [oc. 1623], 29. Colmore, 123, 124. Wagstafle, Elizabeth [d. 1630], m. 1623 Warmingham, 177. William Colmore, 1 I 3, 122. Warren, Thomas [d. 1767], M. (Birming­ Wakeman, Thomas [oc. 1674], 73. ham). Walcote (Leic.), 44. Warwick, P., 10, 11, 15, 17, 36, 43, 53, Wale, Simon [oc. 1635], 146. 55-7, 109, 112-14, 122-24, 143-51, Walker, Julian [oc. 1593], nee Porter, wife 165, 175, M. of William W., 100. Warwick, Chu,ych of St. Mary at, 57, I 14, -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. 144. -, William [oc. 1593], 100. Washington, Alan [oc. 1737], 129. Wall (Staffs.), 155. -, Sarah [oc. 1737], nee -, wife of Alan Wall, William [oc. 1820], 131. W., 129. Walsall, 153, 158. Waterman, Dorothy Mary [oc. 1800], 130. Walsingham, William [oc. 1745], 88, 91, 93. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1Boo], 130. Walton (Leic.), 12. Watkin, Robert [oc. 1723], 148. Walton, Stephen [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Watkins, Sarah [d. 1823], nee-, wife 1st. Wandisforde, Christopher [16th. cent.], of (Capt.) Charles Severne W., and 116. 2nd. of Henry Stokes, jun., 156. -, Elizabeth [d. 1613], m. Anthony Wren, Watson, (Bp.) Anthony [d. 16o5], 136. 116. -, Christopher [oc. 1745], 95. Ward, Edward, see under Wade, Edward. Watts, Elizabeth [oc. 1558-69], nee Jervis, -, Elizabeth [oc. circa 1674], nee Lucas, wife of (? William) W., 8, 39. wife of (Rev.) Thomas W., 142. -, Thomas [oc. 1569], 8, 39. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1676], nee Willington, -, William [oc. 1569], 8, 39. wife of Alexander W., 7 3. Wayneman, Sir Thomas [oc. 1628], knt., -, Henry [oc. 1719], 128. 5 I. -, Jane [oc. circa 1600], m. Humphrey Weale, Thomas [oc. 1704], 168. Adderley, 38, 41. Weaver, Elizabeth [oc. 1690], 74. -, Joan [d. 1595-8], nee Hunt, wife 1st. Webb, Jonathan [deed. 1697], 86. of William Colmore, and 2nd. of John -, Richard [oc. 1696-8], 84, 86. w., II5, 119. -, Thomas [d. 1708], 102. -, John [oc. 1567], 115. Webster, Margaret [oc. 1557], 72. THE JERVIS AND PORTER FAMILIES 225

Weddington, 3, 22, 23, 38, 41, 42. White, Mary [ r 76 3 ?- r 819 J, nAe Remington, Wednesbury, 88. wife of Thomas W., P., 175, 177. Weeley, William [oc. 1745], 88, 92, 93. -, Mary [d. 1860], m. 1st. 1830 Robert Welchman, (Rev.) Thomas [b. cfrca 1640], Thomson, and 2nd. Sir Thomas Noel 4. Harris, P., r78. Welham (Leic.), 28, 29, 39. -, (Rev.) Thomas [1709-84], P., 169, 172, Wellesboume Mountford, 56. 174, 177. Welton, 142. -, Thomas (1765 ?-1838], P., 172, 175, Wendover, 52. 177. West, John [deed. 1695], 84. -, (Rev.) Thomas Henry [d. 1849], 177. -, Sarah [oc. 1695], n4e -, wife of John -, W. [oc. 1737], 129. w., 84. -, William [oc. 1745], 88, 93, 94. West Bromwich, P., 120, M. White-Thomson, (Col.) Sir Robert Thomas Westcote, Anne [d. 1506], m. Baldwin [r83r-1918], K.C.B., P., 178. Porter, 60, 71, 99, 103. Whiteford, Thomas [oc. 1820], 131. -, Elizabeth [oc. 1422], nAe Littleton, Whitehead, Henry [oc. r672], 49. wife of Thomas W., 6o, 103. Whittall, Ann, m. 1597 Robert Porter, 100. -, Thomas [oc. 1422], 60, 103. Whittington, 174, 176. -, see also under Littleton. Whorwood, Brome [1615 ?-84], M. (Hands­ West Langton, 22, 29, 30, 41. worth and Holton). Westley, (Rev.) Henry [oc. 1557], 72. Wibtoft, 31, 42. Weslminsters, RecOYd of Old, ed. George Wickham, (Rev.) Hill Dawe [d. 1875], his Fisher Russell Barker [1848-1927], Whalley's Journals and Correspon­ and Alan Herbert Stenning [b. 18 55 ], dence, 159, 171, 172. 38, 172. Wickins, James [oc. 1781], 173. Weston, William, jun. [oc. 1816], 13. -, Thomas [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. Weston Underwood (Bucks.), 11. Wilde, Edward [oc. cit-ca 16oo], 121. Westwood, Samuel [oc. 1745], 88, 91-4. -, Elizabeth [b. 1576], n4e Colmore, wife Whadcock, Thomas [oc. 1708), 128. of Edward W., 121. Whalley, (Rev.) Thomas Sedgwick [1746- Wilkins, Bridget [b. 1582], nee Colmore, 1828], see under Wickham, Hill Dawe. wife of John W., 121. Wheatley, Elizabeth [oc. 1734], m. Joseph -, James [oc. 1745], 88, 92. Porter, 69. -, John [oc. 1606), 121. Wheaton Aston, 167. -, Richard [oc. 1637], 81. Wheeler, John [oc. 1745], 94, 95. Willaston (Chesh.), 157. Whetstone, 9. Willenhall, 145, 151, 153. Whitby, John [1716-51], M. (Colwich). Willenkall Red Book, 145. -, Thomas [1672 ?-1747], M. (Colwich). Willett, Mary (b. 1849], n4e Bagnall, wife White, Amias [oc. 1635], 146. of (Rev.) Frederic W., her West -, Christina [oc. 1834], n4e Thomson, wife Bromwich, 120, 121. of (Rev.) Thomas Henry W., 177, 178. Willey, Thomas, jun. [oc. 1707], 11. -, Gertrude [1758 ?-72], 178. Williams, Jane [oc. 1737], 129. -, (Rev.) Henry [1761-1836), P., 169, 172, Willington, Alice, m. 1599 Thomas Will- 175, 177. ington, 102. -, Jane [oc. 1709], n4e Kent, wife of -, Elizabeth [oc. 1676], m. Alexander (Rev.) Joseph W., 177. Ward, 73. -, (Rev.) Joseph [oc. 1709], 177. -, Hugh [oc. 1676], 73. -, Joseph [oc. 1806], 178. -, Joan [oc. 1619-76], nee Porter, wife of -, Lucy [1729-1814], nte Hunter, wife of Waldyve W., 72, 73, 98, 102, 108. (Rev.) Thomas W., P., 96, 161, 169, -, John [16th. cent.], 102. 170, 177. -, Mary [oc. 1676], m. Richard Avery, 7 3. JOHNSONIAN GLEANINGS: PART VII.

Willington, Thomas [oc. 1599], 102, 108. (Rev.) William Robinson, 2nd. Hugh -, Thomas [oc. 1676-82], 7 3. Dyke Acland, and 3rd. 1835 Richard -, Thomas [oc. 1676], 127. . Hinckley, 157, 166. -, Waldyve [16oo-77], 73, 85, 102, 108. Woodhouse, (Rev.) John Chappel (1749- -, Waldyve [1633-77], 73. 1833], 157, 166. -, William [oc. bef. 1676], 73. Woodro:ffe, - [oc. 1752], 161. -, William [b. 1666], 13· Woodseaves, M. Willis, John [oc. 1745], 88, 89, 93, 94. Woodward, Edward [oc. be£. 1636], 46. Willoughby, Frances [oc. 1000-28], m. 1st. -, Isaac [oc. 1820], 131. William Colmore, and 2nd. Sir -, Israel [d. 1615], m. John Norton, 143, Edward Burnell, 79, 121, 122. 149• -, Henry [oc. 16oo], 121, 122. -, Thomas [16th. cent.], 143, 149. Willoughby of Parham, William [1616-73], Woolstone, 76. 6th.Baron,49, 52. Worcester, 75, 76, 78, 88, 95, 105, 171, 172, Willoughby Waterless, 9, 12, 17, 22, 36, 41. M., and M. (Trysull). Willson, John [oc. 1703], 76. Worcestershire Historical Society, 103. Wilmot, Sir John Eardley [1709-92], 174. Wra.xa.11, 48. Wilson, Susanna, sen. [oc. 1696], nee -, Wren, Anthony [d. 1595], u6. wife of - W., 75, 76. -, Elizabeth (d. 1613], nee Wandisforde, -, Susanna, jun. [oc. 1703], 75, 76. wife of Anthony W., 116. Winchester, 134, 135, 137, 138. Wrexham, William [oc. 1692], 154. Winds, John [oc. 1746], 95. Wright, John [oc. 1696), 84. Windsor, 12, 46, 47. -, John [d. 1707], ro, II. Windsor, Andrew [oc. bef. 1636], 47. -, Rebecca [oc. 1696], nee Ainge, wife of -, - (Lord), 176. John W., 84. Wing (Bucks.), 31. -, Richard [oc. 1742], 148. Winson Green, M. (Handswortb). Wye (Kent), 49, 53-5. Winterboume, 171. Wykeham, Agnes [14th. cent.], m. William Wistaston (Chesh.), 161. Champness, 135, 136. Witherley, 130. -, William of [1324-1404], 135 ..7. Wollaston,John (oc. 1745], 88, 91, 93, 94. Wyrley (Little), 158. Walston (Waiw.), 12. Wolverhampton, 88, 89, 150, 151, 158. Womboume Woodhouse, 157. ARDLEY, 120. Wood, Joseph [oc. 1745], 88, 92-4. YYardley, (Rev.) Thomas [1630 ?-87], -, Simon [oc. 1771), 155. IOI. -, William (oc. 1771), 155. Yates, Sarah [oc. 1703], 75. Woodcock, - [oc. 1727], 77. -, Richard [oc. 1695), 75. -, Anne [oc. 1727], 77. Yeate, William [oc. 1754], 78. -, Brooke [oc. 1720-27], 76, 77. Yeo, Edward Rooe [d. 1782), 35. -, Francis [oc. 1727], 77. Yeomans, James [oc. 1800], 130, 140. -, Martha [oc. 1727], 77. -, Mary [oc. 1772-1800], nee Eborall, wife Woodcote, 166. of James Y., 129, 130, 140. Woodhouse, Ellen Jane [d. 1870], m. 1st. Young, Henry [oc. 1667], 37.








PROFESSOR A. S. TURBERVILLE, in HISTORY: "Mr. Lyell Reade's biographical methods are the very antithesis of the brilliant but often superficial essays in conjectural psychology which have been so popular of late. His aim is to discover and elucidate facts. His extraordinarily precise and painstaking process has been made familiar by his former studies and is exemplified as strikingly in this volume as in its predecessors. Their scholarly characteristics are an object lesson to researchers in any field, while the author's zeal for his investigation is so keen and so attrac­ tive that he always succeeds in communicating it to his readers, however minute the particular problem at issue may happen to be. There could be no better demonstration that even the most meticulous research need never be dull.'' THE YEAR'S WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES: (his) "unobtrusive state­ ment will not mislead those competent to judge into the error that 'con­ siderable labour' can by ijself produce the results which distinguish Reade's work. He knows how to accumulate facts, but he knows also how to invest them with meaning and significance, and that ·cannot be done by mere laboriousness.''

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All Applications to ALEYN LYELL READE, TRELEAVEN HOUSE, BLUNDELLSANDS, near LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND 1594 . /oAnsom"n Gld11ning1, Part VII, * These four persons are all commemo'fated ,t, HENRY PORTER-ANNE COLMORE on the same tablet in Edgbaston Church. [1570-1620] of Edgbaston.

JI. WILLIAM PORTER HENRY PORTER = ANNE PORTER-THOMAS NORTON SARA PORTER-SAMUEL EBORALL [i599 ?-1633] [1616 ?-1694 ?] [ d. 1698] [b. 1609 ?] [d. 1666] [1608-1676] of Edgbaston, Esq : of Knowle? of Knowle of Balsall, J.P.

.·························································· . 1666 •HENRt PORTER-*SARAH ••••• EDWARD NORTON-ANN ...... WILLIAM EBORALL==ELIZABETH BEAKE [1650 ?-1710] (1651 ?-1724) [d. 1712] [1644-1708) [d. 1737-8] of Birmingham ..,. ______of Warwick, Alderman. , c------.....----.-----._ of Balsall, J.P. ______<---- circ,a ~------~~-->1715 1735 1726 1704 1723 1111 1689 I 1718 HARRY PORTER-ELIZABETH=IAMU EL SUSANNA==SAM EL LUCY lOR--REV. JOHN HUNTER-AN E ISRAEL=-REV. EDWARD HOL• MARY -THOMAS WILLIAM EB­ MARYEB--TIMOTHY CHAMBERS, of KATH tRINE=HENRY LUCAS, (1691-1734) JERVIS JOHNSON PORTER EBORALL TER [1614 ?-1741] NOR- NORTON BROOKE NORTON HINCK· ORALL ORALL King's Norton, whose sister EBORALL of Guilsborough of Birmingham. [1689-1752] LLD. [b. 1677] [b. 1669] [1690-1768] Hewl Master of Lic'n- TON [b. 1685] [1695-1172] A.s1lsl"n# [d. 1739] LEY [1684-173,J [b. c;,ct1 ] t1ne r.:.arrietl Johnson's [b. circa 1677] [b. 1687], u,Aos, Birm­ fieltl G,11,nr,uw School d. 1722] M a.sler of Lichfieltl G,11,n­ [1692- of Balsall. .. Tell'Y," [17og-:t784] of 1671] uncle Samuel Ford, and had a """'• M~ Lucas, ingham. tluring Johnson•, mar Sc/Jool during I o'J,n­ 1748] of Surny ,a ffltlm4ge son, Rev. Samuel Ford, fo, martl. Mrs. John- puf>ilage. .son•s puf>ilage. Uchfield bond of H ""'1 Por­ w/Jom Johnson Wf'ote a scheme son's CO#Sin, Jervis ter and Eliiabefh of study in 1736. Bradgate, in 1678, Jervu in 1715.

L 1741 J 1741 1742 JERVIS HENRY JOSEPH PORTER, LUCY PORTER LUCY -REV. THOMAS ANNE UNTER=REV. SAMUEL MARTIN ELIZABET HUNTER-=REV. THOMAS SEWARD RICHARD - MARY MARY CHAMBERS=-THOMAS JESSON PORTER, of Lon­ of Leghorn [1724 ?- of Lichfield HUNTER WHITE [1707-1784] [1100 ?-1715] [171:z-1780] [1708-1790) HINCKLEY BAYLEY [1698-1764) (1697-1766] don, Captain R.N. 1783]. Johnson's [1715-1786] [1729-1814) [1709-1784] •Aom / ohnson sought lo Prebendary of Lichfield. [1719-1772) [1718-1788] of West Bromwich [1717-63] ste,Pson, atfianc,4 lo Johnson's Prebendary of 1ucceetl in 1739 as Hewl Friend of 1 olJnson. of Lichfield. Johnson's secona­ /o'J,nson's depson. A nm1 Sewarff s sisler stepdaughter. Lichfield. Master of Appleby Gram­ cou.sin. Sarals. m", Sciool.

REV. HENRY WHITE THOMAS IWHITE=MARY REMINGTON THOMAS MARTIN, of Nottingham ANNA SEWARD SARAH SEWARD [1746-1764] THOMA HINCKLEY [1745-1817] [1761-1836} [1765 ?-1838] [1763 ?-1819] [1749-1795], C01'Sin ani:l friend of [1742-1809] affe,anced. to / olsnson' s step.son, of Lichfield, attorney, cousin 11na of Lichfield, Proctor of the Ec- Anna S,wMtl. "The Swan of Lic1'­ / osep1' Parlet. fritntl of Anna Se"'"'"• to u,/Jom / ohnson told the clesiastical Court of fi,elfl." story of his U1to%eter Lichfield. Anna Se- penaKce. ward's cousin and e%ecutor.

IS 1830 2nd ROBERT THOMSON =MARY WHITE=SIR T. NOEL HARRIS, K.C.B. [1797-1833] [d. 1860] KEY PEDIGREE SHOWING JOHNSONIAN of Camp hill, Renfrew. l INTERCONNEXIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS COL. SIR ROBERT THOMAS HITE-THOMSON, K.C.B. [ 1831-1918] of Broomford Manor, Devon, First President of the /o'/Jnson Society of Lic'/Jfield in 1910, THROUGH THE PORTER FAMILY