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7-5-1945 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1945). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2275.

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53-NO 17

OFFICERS NAMED IVANHOE CLUB HAS Harrfs Brings First ADDED FUNDS FOR Of New Crop Potatoes TO SERVE ROTARY ANNUAL ELECfION LEGION BUILDING Two Men Overseas New Officers Assume The r Davis Recently Elected Young Respond to Appeal WhIch Out es At To Posit on Formerly Regular Weekly Has Repeatedly Appeareti Meeting of Club Monday Held By His Father

PORTAL SOLDIER BLAZING SUN sas SLEEPS IN PERSIA PAVEMENT AFIRE A Most Unusual Spectacle Was Obsened on Court House SqulP'e Saturday

The 8tOry we are about to e ate 8eem8 80 unU8ua that we doubted t when we wera lint to d that the 8 d•..,a k waB Bet ab a:re by he heat of the Bun Saturday aft-

IS SPEAKER JONf.$ - TU�DAY DINNER State Legion Adjutant Talks of Grave Necessity For P-roper Leadership Bt1LLOCJI TIMBs AND STATESBORO NEW!'

THUR!DAY, JULY 5, 11145 Local Boys Meet In 'l'WO Pliilippine Islands �� Philippine ,Islands, �e::.p;:::, �:I!,.:::!n:hetop:�;: June 1946. ••• 20, • . Nem Arriuals the Is the NOT ICE ! state editor of Telegraph. Denr Mr. Turner: Yandle was associated MRB. F. W. HUGHES, Reporter. early 1920's I am writing you these few lines to __l __ J. former _<>ciate FOR SALE B_�_i_8_f:_S with T. Simmons, MILK COWS let you know I have begun to receive ·11 "r,.,the Macon in B_r_o_o_"_j_e..--r called SOO will be Marilyn editor News, pub- the BUlloch Times. It We are now some Mrs. E. C. Mitcham is "isiting with Hospital. Rae's Beauty Shoppe surely helps receiving hard-to-get Joe. Mrs. Will be remembered lishing . the Athe.. Daily Newe. a guy lots to read about what Is relative In Miami, Fla. Maley hap­ 1 hlI8 us Miss Dorothea Deal. Special Beginninc July Since coming to M""on Yandle back home. It has been Over PARTS FOR Mrs. Prather Deal is visiting rela- AT- pening FORDS Miss Eleanor Forbes, of Jackson- been active in church and civic work. ten months since I received the last in Atlanta this week. I Cold Waves •..... $10 and tins up a of the W. are is spending few days He is an ....sociate teacher copy of the Times. All the in Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fontaine ville, Plu., Machineless Waves $5 and up guys NEW MOTORS Savannah with her aunt, Mrs. H" ton Lanier. G. Solomon Bible class of Mulberry my were it and a tew day. at Heat Waves $8 and up company reading they '�lIdlng return- chairman of Miss SelLy Hutchinson bas street Methodist church; .urely enjoyed said It sure was a RADIATOR GRILLS Beach. it; , committee of Mac". OLLIFF BOYD'S STAB� Remember, the fanner hu io � . ed from a visit with her grandmother, MrS. B. Howard, the the got nice Mrs. Dan Smith and children, of Georgia publicity paper. of the his before can A. Minick Mrs. C. A. Mims, of Kiwanis Club, and I. a member produce he buy your Mr. I have run Into a WIRES .Savannah, visited Mrs. J. Sylv�nia. Operator Turner, just L\GHT Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Chfton, of 01- Central Georgia Boy Scout eouneil. men:haadiae. !rOod friend of mine whom I haven't W••'Week. have been notified that their 8Oa, has been actl..e in Kiwanis .iDee Georgia seen in over Mr. anl Mrs. Aubrey Folsum, of iver, Mrs. Rae M. Lanier, He Statesboro, tour �Qrs. He is .in the RADIATORS Ger- A J. N. Shear- Fred Clifton, who hus been in and is a former lieutenant go,,- Cannen' mark�t in your town outfit I am in and his name is Atlallta, are visiting Mrs. Prop. 1923, . givee of the smce February, has been pro- ernor of the eighth division him a to sell his war.... Johnson E. Cail from Statesboro. AND DESmED ouse this week. muny place Thua, Sgt. MANY PARTS to technical He is a Brooklet, (';a. District of Kiwanis Inter- Misl Nancy Dunham, of Texas, is moted sergeant. Georgia your town help. him, and alao helpe It sure was a happy meeting. I am with Mr. and of the Brooklet school. national. He is a former president sure his and mine will like to Call on Us For spending a few days graduute itaeIf. And both benefiL PPT. WALTER C. DAVIS, people Prompt Service Mr. nnd Mrs. Houston Lanier have the Kiwaru. Club. PETITION FOR DISMISSION know that we ran In the Mrs. E. H. Usher. of Lyon. the promotion of projects designed son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Davis, of together that their Bureau relations . GEORGIA-Bulloch In' Ellie Ruth Belcher is taking received a message son, The Faem public County. Summit, who has recently arrived Philippines. He was the IIrst guy I Miss of conditions in the progr..... that orglUlillBtion. to improve Mrs. Edith Griner, administrator ., ...... who has been in the Pacific was born and reared on tile the business course at Draughen'a col- Erneral, director Philippines. have met since I have been In the a Mrs. J. H. Griffeth, chairman of the the state. or and familiar with the prob- throughout Statesboro. in Savannah. of farm ill ��: Army-this .is from I lege social hour a..isted by her commit- Burean Federa- ���e:::�eh�n�r:j,p�i:dbf'! ere m a ew farmer•. :We i. "Too Georgia Farm Get the Better Home ToWIM Pr. af S wampsco,tt th.��te�WI re urn\�a\�orhtwoa 18 ome y:ars m�re, lems facing Georgia , oSion from admini.tration, noti... �d Georgia hope we can stay together f"'!i" now' Bernatd Fontaine, servied refreshments, About tee, r,lO Gecr- tion is fortunate in securing tbe serv- ...!. his Mr. He is a graduute of Brooklet well known in Middle and South is hereby given that said applicatlPll gram �r organize a BHT Committee' H town COURSE on. is visiting parents, days. on your POULTRY Ma8s., wa. raised to apply tbe Brookle' of on · as editor will heard at office the 6i'H Phebus Yandle the be my Motor and President stated ioes of Mr. haan't ODe. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fontaine. school. gin, Wingate Send Cor FREE booklet that explaiDa Well, good-bye, Turner, and W.C.T.U. budget. in 1945. GompaoJ. and July, Orsini and of Sa- will be an asset to orgauization's monthly magazine Monday is Mrs. AI children, • • thut "Mr. Yandle this Cor thanks a lots for the paper. Dr. Aubrey Waters, of Augusta, • • This plan peacetime progrea Write: OPENS AT ATHENS T. E. Manager · Presi- Daves, have returned io their home farm organization in �Iping director of public relations," W. J. ACKER.MAN. a few da:n with. his parenh, vannah, VACATION READING CLUB the JF.�i ��i:\MS, Ordinat')'. lIJII!IIding' "and 'We are · Mr•• H. with which. dent Wingate stated, School GEORGIA and Mrs. J. M. Water.. after a visi. with Mr. and I. solve the many problem. GEORGIA POWER ATLIIIITA Begins Monday BROOKLET, :Mr. ORGANIZED IN BROOKLET will FOR SALE-Choice lot 011 LI!e COMPANY, are confronted." confident hi. oonnection be of str",; Of Jill is a hOIl8. lreasley. They 'Were accompanied the Georgia farmers To St�eS8 Importance Mis. Bryan attending about 1"" acres; numerous pia Club afternoon,. M-...""'. .w. v"lue to the thousand. of Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Mi•• Erma Jean Beasley, Saturday He has IIlled many speaking engage- Flock Selecting Register party at the home of home by tr_: go.od well water, elt, water Proper met a of lII_ber- . ... group young farmer. who the . "'- s...eral ia Sa- Hughes people before eivic groups, schoojs, comprise available. A. KIRB Mrs. C. C. Daughtry and Mrs. K. _. _;;...__"- -'- State.boro. who will menta sewerage . J. Lintoll Lanier .. spend day. . Dean Paul W. Chapman "'f the I" the sc h00I library a.d OI'ganIzed active in of this CO,I­ E. the Col: and son, and eolleges, and has bee.. ship agency." Statesboro. (l!8junSt, Watson',ll'ere hostesses to ·Mr. and Mrs. A. V. �. lege of Agriculture at the University vann'lh.. a vacation reaing club. After a Ister home demonstration club Fri­ are "isiting Mr. E. C. Mltchalll SlId Mrs, F. .e-I:.:.:::....:..:.:.._::..:.:.:.jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;;;iiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiii�;;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�=== Porta" Po'nlers I)aanie, of Atlanta, Supt. of Georgia has announced a poultry rleo of Uncle Remu••torioes read by afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. Aldarman thi. week. W. .... have recently completed day and Mrs. D. Hugh Mrs. Frank Dorsey spent last week .eille Theater ribbon and the Philip­ short course to be offered at the Col­ Mr•. Hughes, punch wa. serveci. All .Ratcliff Reg-Ithe course for and Ge.- a leaders Daughtry. M!'8. _ gave MiMes Clothilde DeNitto school workshop enei 'with in Liberation ribbon witb two of in the forestry from frle.nds Savannah. pine lege Agriculture Brooklet and S.. and a' young people. kinderea1'te. deevotional. The president presided ....i...e StrouD, of prino)pals .uperinteadellta' Mrs. Luke Hendrix and children, bronze .tars. Sgt. Prewitt also wears school 9 through 13, the eleunth are bl­ building, July This eo_ through g,ade over a short business session. Mrs. ..""all, are "Ioltinr ill Jamestown, Teacher. College. .applies Julia Ann and John M., and Mrs. the God Conduct medal. The will stress train­ vited to thill· elub, Mrs. Hugbee 194�. �ourse Walter Mathews a on " on a mastcr's for tbos, who joill, gave report N. T. depoe HOwell DeLqach spent last week at Mrs. Clyde Brannen entertained for Ing for flock-selectinr and blood­ seeured one lIookl fro. UI. the show which was held DDD .f Ule so desire. hundred county style Mr. and lin. Hagaft, Shellmans Bluff. her daughter, Mis. Ernestine Bran, agents. It will be free to the Bulloch to testing time L East Main Street · In Statesboro June which anll<>UII"" County Library .1IPple_.t 23 at � Mrs. W. L. McElvee., of �Ia, , Leelleld oommuillty, Mr•• C. M..Usher, C..rolyn Usher nen, with a chicken supper and s",lm­ public. in the .chool library book•. At the end Mrs. W. R. Anderson won IIrst place of a 80n in the Bulloch CountY who is In the. Oglethorpe Hospital, In blrtb and' Mrs. Edna visited in ming party at Gay's pond Saturday The program has been arranged of the oerti6catee and Mrs. Dekle won • . R. G. fbr treatment, is reported summer, readiag sec"nd, � ....pital. Savannah, Brooklet Sunday.M.\Brannen afternoon. After the picnic supper such a way that all who wish to' qual­ FOR .tllE FARMERS" tho•• the IIEADQUARmRS will be awarded eo.ple'iag which was an honor as both Mrs. Otis and Peg- to bo ilL For the past quite Mr. ead c..1� crictlcally Dr. and Mrs. C. Miller had as their an evening show was enjoyed. Those ify as agent. Or those that are alreadY I the BwloU are members of the club. of Atlanta, several month. Mrs. M.Elv... h.... required reading by Register � and Wa'... Coale" 'Weelcl.end guests Mr. and Mrs. Bar­ preBent ,were Vera Stewart, Mary agents will receive instruction on Us in of · Board. Mrs. M. C. Meeks had charge of the' See Wh�n NOOd the M... W. D. Laftier i.o baTe blood tra"sfUllions a\ County Library Bernell nll'ed Mr. lInd had 'Wiqk "Trapnell, 01 Metter. Rowden Collins, Ola Stewart, principles of breeding and the practi­ . contest on , program. An interesting FollowinJr GOods: Jut weelt. regular Intervale. Marsh, of Brunswick, Pennington, Bobbie' Collins, Robert cal of these prlnciplea. · Peggy application l\1_!ss was read a love- Jeall Bule .. safety enjoyed. She Loriae and Be", 'Mn. GJenn wbo bas be Har­ Don and men secur­ Mi Harper, .i�ited pl'.r�nts, Mr. and Mrs. Brack, Edwin Wynn, Utley Some very outstanding LIME ASSIGNED .her poem. · Y ly returned from a "ioit irI Miami In Atlanta lier father, C. S. ANl)LE week end. Grace .s­ include Dr. lIlIve visiting ville Marsh, here last Olliff Moore. �rs. Taylor ed Cor the short course · Tbe main feature of this ....d M,1i. Rob- Unl­ meeting Beacb, Fla., witb Mr Cromley, who is in the Emory Mr. and .Mrs. Noyce Edenfield and sisted Mrs. Brannen in entertaining. H. M. Scott, head of poultry depart­ CEMENID a show. Mrs. L. An­ '. 1"8- was style A. en Miller. venity Hospital for !.reatmeat, IMPORTANT POST dleir daughters, Patsy and Becky, Ernestine left Sunday for Savannah, University of Conneeticut; Dr. ment, won the and Mrs. week. The derson prize narvey MORTAR MIX 'nIe WOlll8a'. Mi.llioury Society tarned to her home this In Savannah and Tybee lait where she will attad Draughon's R. Jasp, poultry Former Metter Editor visit� George genetic,ist, second. &1I.s a _t ia 'he is Dekle Spear. gave .f the Baplliolt cburcb .reporta were ·that Mr. Cromley Business College. Oklahoma A. & M. College, and Dr. I · Is Ginn P08Ition WiU, 'W!!e�. on ROOFING " sh'ort demonstration stor�ge space' dnrreh Monday. After an interesting improved. and Mrs. Herbert and with the National slightly . Rackley A. B. The Georgia Fal'l1l Burea. Godfrey, and household ·peats. The visitors a ...... held. L. Mr. and PAlm "rocram meeting Mr. and M... J. Wilson, dallib,te" Kay, and Mrs. Bill Foss and WILL GET NEW RATING Plan, United State. Department of were Mrs. Alfred Wendzel, who se'rv- J. B. Joine.. .of New .. Mrs. Maggie R. T.. The Portal postofllce, on and after Pt1. USMC, .M.. : ·F. W. Hugh , MacolI, July lI.-Ho)'le dle, daughter, Joyce, .pent the weeek end Agriculture. ed as a In our show; Mrs. -TOB�CCO TWINE a fin...... Mr. formoy stabe' edhor of the MaOOJl 7�S�.· will be advanced from a fourth the judge style IUnr, ··N. C., is .peliding O'Qulnn, Mrs. R. C. Fordham, at Tybee. July 1, Tho.e the school for t.. attending 'Hal II... Mrs. Rat- and lit- and edii<>r a third class Roach, Groover, �. 1urlbueh with his wife and ·Mr.: B. J. Fordham and Mr. Telegraph, ha. bee. appointed Ann;' Sue of class o�ice to office, IIrst time and wiahing to as 'TOBACCO SHEETs .� AIAerman, qualif, cliff and Miss 111'. and Mrs. Bureau, N__ ..;�. increased business in the Sally Riggs. son and parents, Mrs. Dewey For,dham were' aJJlOng of the Georgia Farm J Fla., .pent Jast week end due to the official Will" be req�il'ed to ". 80nvllle', agents' The will be held with attended the funeral of director of the JaCk-IH. of to Postmaster Edna July meeting B. L. tbo.. who and public relatione 'With her. parents, Dr. and Mrs. lice, according come to Athens on Monday, July 9, Mrs. H. V. Franklin and the count, 'PRICES RIGHT of who has of Farm Bureau ac­ 'ATLANTa M. Brannen: al­ Lt. O1all U.hor, Ten., little Silvia Prescott, Perkias, Georgia Federatio., A. Alderman.' for preliminary. training. Th"se excellent· mail picnic .will be at Lake Side on July a pilot'. Prescotta were former to an announeemon' by H. . a in The Portal office has • _tly c011lpletad Tueaday..Too cording Mrs. J. E. Parrish is patient and others that tra.ining ready qualified mig;ht 17th. .III!!IIIII!I .. .. _urae ft"r B-29 is spendln!!: a citizen. Of Brooklet. L. WiQgabe, preeident of the orcaD­ in Savannah. Mr. I cchedules, having two daily outgoing, short course are 8ctll>n, St. Joaeph Hospital like to attend the witb his Mr•• has re­ .ucceedll *. late two mails. As of few day. palOnta, and, Sgt. Edwin Joiner, USMC, ization. Yandle Parrish, Johnny Parrish and Mrs. and daily incoming invited to be present the morning JOURNAL Statesboro each the- mail to .Kr.. II. H. Ueher. ""ntiy returned from the Pacillc Ben E. AdalJlS. Summerlin visited her Sunday. early goes 10. The ones coming for pre­ _"__ "" July M... J. D. Aldel'lll8n have new relatio", via star meeL Mr. and ater of war, where .pent twenty, The pablle di""""'1' Clifford Redd, whose lege were morning (including Sunday) liminary work on Monday will new home on Lee here a mail leaves at 2:30 moved to their 8�"en month�. Ife w.... joined a ••ume.. hi. duties with the organ­ painfully and seriously burned ·Iast route. Also in the poultry building "n the College re­ Eli is oc.up,- and small from izatio. June and i.e oc­ m. and to other, Jtreet. Mrs. Kennedr by his wife daughter, Monday, 25, year, has been admitted to the Uni- p. goes State,sboro.and of Agriculture campus. The from wbere Mr. and with other offioial. IDC the Bland apartment New York, on a visit with cupying office. versity of Georgia Hospital in Au- turns. meetings will be held in the Forestry moved. left Bureau Fed«a­ iIIe Alde,mans Mrs. B. L. oiner. Sgt. Joiner of the G�orgia Farm .32 PAGE COLOR MAGAZINE gusto for further treatment. School building. infaat HAMILTON Funeral services for the ,""ek for D. C., tion in the Bibb building in Macon. Parrish who celebrated his REED E. numher of students This thi. Washington, to a Sell Due COMICS Johnny Ham- large Mr.. Richard di­ .12 PAGE FUll SIZE Funeral services fol' Reed E. it of Mr. nnd where he will be stationed. During '!'he editor and p�lic relation. was hon- in summc"r Bchool, Crop -4.ughter :ixth birthday Saturday, enrolled at home in Sa­ being died i. the wide who died rooms for Brown, who Joiner's ac.tivitie. in the Pacific rector is a man of experieIlce WIREPHOTO AND TElEPHOTO with a at the home of his ilton, difficult to obtain We?nesday Sgt. • ored party I hi� may be were held in New Zea­ •• vannah after a very brief in Bulloch County Hospltul, he was actively engaged in both weekly and daily new.paper parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parrish. I 11lnes�, �Y�re the week; therefore, reservations At·==== • DOUBLE EDITORIAL. PAGE held at Lotts Creek Primitive Bethlehem church Thursday. Iwo wa. editor and of the weI"iell, .. trial Development. Board to mak� Cord, J. G. Presswood, Juhan all of SST8nnab. and two c·hildren. of Dr. and Mrs. C. Miller Tuesday. Gr�o- available to the various 'state depart­ Wareht)us� . Hobson Hendrix, service is •••• I George Turner, A 'Catholic revival beimg Lt. Womack has just returned from, ver, concerned the plans for the, Harry merits in overe •• a Coke Roland Anderson, , in Brooklet this week TEA Let's talk it Have served for more Guy·Smith, advancement of Geor­ eonilucted SILVER Europe where he progresa. and lecture•. Fath- George, Eagar Weeks, Christopher de­ form of illustrated Woman's Christian Temper- that its seven panels have the The than �wo years. Thomas gia and Father Ernest Sessions and er of Statesboro, a silver tea at Mrs. T. O. had as Laird, On McGrath, ance Union sponsored Mr. and Wynn veloped. or.Georgia conduct- McDonough. Ce.n,tFal are . Gover­ .,6mith, of Bay Brauch, the Methodist church Wednesday aft­ their guests last.week their daughter .. .It is the suggestion of the are hiS Wife, Sybil services. Surviving 7, the ernoon. E. L. Harrison, assisted from Homerville, nor that not after August inc Mrs. and grandchildren h�m of Por­ long' Trapnell Hamilton, consti­ Railroad Mrs. Lucille Hart, proprietress of Ml's. W. D. Lee and lIIi•• Ethel Mrs. S. C. Hughes, Gibby and Wynn; forme:ly when the proposed new state by S. R. and a and ,tar. his fatiler, a meeting Lucille's Shop here, has received a McCormick, presented a short pag_ Mrs. Danie) Hl!ghes, Carolyn Ha�TIIlton, tution will be voted on, Miss Hamilton, both of Christian came for the sister, Betty activities of the message that "er husband, Sgt. ennt on "ThE! Growth of it)'." Jane. Messrs. Hughes be held to co-ordinate been in was an and accompanied them _ board and to '''launch Douglas Hart, who' has t}je. Prominent on the program week end �C:.:I:.:e.::.a:.:rll::.":.:·I.:d:...,_P_a_. panel's 'of the' he di.­ achievement In indus­ European theater of. war, ,will addre... by Mrs. Luther Dent, bpme. a 'Program of is spending New Castle Club and other field. lIome in a few dafll. trict president, of Vidalia. Daring. Pfc. Ruthard Kersey try and agriculture hi. The New Castle .Iub met at the. the welfare of James J. of tbe business session Chris Ryals, thirty days at home with parents, haVing a bearing on Sgt. and Mr•. Maloy, afternoon Youth Tern- E. L. Kersey, near here, community house Tuesday anDounce the birth of a of the Brooklet M·r. and Mrs. our citizens." Atlanta, pr"simeone they country embers present. '"OURS ARE has returned to FOR CURB MARKET Sgt. Mitt Prewitt Coca-Cola belongs in such a friendly situation,' just as it belongs after Saturday, June 30th, style. the Kennedy General Hospital Beginning APCTIONEER: sell at the with sellers are requested not to PLENTY OF FISH a thirty-day furlo\lgh BIGGS CANNON in at home. Coca-Cola stands for Ibe Ibal spending 8:30. your icebox Everywhere, PIIIIS. Sgt . arket befcv-e his wife and little daughter. wOIDanls C\lrb - to ser ce forty .customers are requested not 38 Years Experience �-·I� Prewitt has been in . BEST of a of WE WILL DO OUR TO reJrtlsbes,-a symbol friendly way doing thing�'; before 8 :30. months and served eighteen "!onths rive 'YOU! Pacific with the 5th IRMA SPEARS, SATISFY AU'HO.ITY 0' 'HE COCA-COLA COM'ANY IY in the Southwest BOTTLeD U�DEI Asiatic Pa- County Home Delb. Acent. Ai" Force. He wears �he Siatesborots Most Complete Food Store JULY BULLOCH TIMES NEWB THURSDAY, 6, 1946 ATIllBORO NEWS FOUR 'AND STATESBORO

with wore skull We were re- make U1;l shrink inside ourselves caps. again I r". embarruasment. There's old Bilbo, minded that few citiea of that rank f d s BULLOCH TIMES elaaBllle. who talks like a wild into the prints because of matters for inatuuce, get . I AND when he so Last the man. He speaks of the time commonplace. �a- oNB CBXT .. "oaD Pilla 1881)B thnt Muttocmwee� :'STATEM�NTS Jtate.smen-· THE STATESHORO NEWS hopes to s-ee nil the negroes sent pers reported s eatmg buck to the pluce from which they places had resumed operation. II ;�::�:_�:: ��:T�B!I ,;:.:: and Own.' because IN ADVA.NV.Ad'� D. B. TURNFh., Bldtlor came. He that PAYABLB u�sumes And this brings U8 to the convic- who 91 e -:,; are some evil negroes, some the�e·1 '-.: 8UBSCRJPTION '1.50 PER Y1UB tion that there must be in Mattoon trifling lind undesirable, all of them Miss Carmen Cowart is visiting some news writer who has IIDtered .... eeccud-cte.. matter Much pride In I South FOR SALE-At 450 should be sent to some imagmary FRYERS with friends in White N. Y. the ILL Btata­ . Plai'hs( Ut 1906. at pOltofHce keeping h�s city in the limelight. �fain street. MRS. E. S. LEWIS. borG. Gao, under tbe Act of Coolrre.. place out of hIS oreaence. Mrs. Leroy Cowart, of Atlanta, vis­ of Karch 8, 1678, I We have pictured that man as a _I (6julltp). . TO SWAP ited friends here during the week That's the attitude which abashes sedato little fellow with a walking FOR SALE-;-Benthol pe!,�ut picker, I . in condition. C. an a s k u II model B, good end. : us. \Vhen we sturt sending away cane d wearingweari cup. Too Much Control ANDERSON, Register, Ga. HORSES WHEN Mrs. Jake Murray has returned those persons with whom you not te) from a visit with matter are. (8jull relntives at Chitter­ ONE GREAT DANGER of the in accord, the arrses, I perfect qu"stlo� .l."'Y<":P::'I:"'lE:':":"S�S�P�O"'S=:T=S-�F:'-ir-s7"t-g-ra-d;-e-r""e"'d CROSSING Switch. of ref'or-n in line is that, if and Ic ling uny who is going to do the sending, posts for sale; anyC'I heart cypress Well He Was Modest Mis. Aline Sparks has a there is 1 ... accepted onc goes too fast, danger where are they to be sent? df the' length desired, BILL VEN, A STREAM CR� ; with the Jar, We oversold Ga. position Goodyear Tire Co. of going too got lire to go back to that place IN CHICAGO a few days ago a beg- Pembroke, (6JuI6tp) negroes I i in Savannah. auto­ once on a theoretically perfect from which their ancestors came, then gar who had hung around eating' FOR mule; � I . at ace avanna av Misses Carol Jean Carter and Shir­ which was about to be on seenSALE---Pllugmy p h306r6seS Chan bee c#'�2� mobile put to whose and had d WIth f'rren d s where are we go placse at ancestors, sha.l·e 1 nue. HUBERT L. NEWTON, ley Lanier are ut Sa­ the market. They called it a 490 to spending today came from so many scatered places? who gave him drink, passed away. Minkovitz store. (6julltp) I , that wns vannah Beach. �ib�rla it Chevrolet, and advertised we 01' or of his Ib. Shall to took 9c go Scotland, Italy, Somebody charge miserly or PEACHES 01' five WANTED-To buy rent W. H. from stand­ To maintain the independence which Washington fought Mrs. Sharpe, of Daytona well nigh perfect every England-or why go anywhere. We' aff'ai ra and discovered that in his six-room residence in or close to I Beach, F'la., is the week at mileage, an- W. R. P. O. established-back Government spending point: Price, looks, speed, believe once some of our personal 'strong boxes were hidden securities Statesboro. F., for and your weekly by WASHINGTON STATE BLACK BING Calif. Juicy e her home here.· we Statesboro,.Ga (6Bfoxbltp rm - I but a 0 8 Ion 124), durability. cestors came from of more than f '11' - Ireland, quarter . more and more WAR . ' buying . . . SALE-45 10 cu I trvated , S/Sgt. James A. Cone, the of being dollars. FOR acres, B�NDS! Waycross, LEMONS car we were greatly thought I When we bought the dlsl.lke good land, balance well timbered, spent the wek end with his mother, CHERRI� POUND buck among those who are amazed to find that there were essen­ usaigned Jour miles northeast Statesboro; price I 0 afor newspaper friends who • Mrs. Aaron Cone. Ibs. 25c so little in with ideals The Favorite � which carried it well now accord I ,500. JOSIAH I Variety for tial acceasorles .o�r writ�: lea�'antl even if not always ZETTE�9�R. Mrs. William Everett and little citiz . and I . l1ank of enahip. or small farm Bulloch lb. Mesh 3Rc about the advertised price. We patriotism good 1-]WANTED-To buy rent Canning, Preserving and Table Service 2'At Bag $490 with autPh' di d th e mCIid en t CO'!1ity Bon, John, of Brunson, S. 0., are vis. Let's shut ubout this lsc�sse within thl"ae miles limits, was intended to be up "sending OTl.ty .of city wondered what sum and manly consigned the stranger on REA 1111'a. W. R. iting Mrs. John Everett. I"{ 'fI Ion I est'tI t S with home F., GEORGIA , and some­ bac propos g'l! per STATESBORO, meant by the figure 490, to eternal torment because of his O. Box 124, Statesboro, Ga. Remer Brady Jr. has returned from sonnl, �'. told us later that it meant the CROWDER body squalid and aj)J18rently useless way l5Julltp) I Savannah Beach, where he a LETTUCE LARGE !.. , _ spent HEAD run all for four miles •• car would right of life. The writer boldly asserted WANTED-Three 01' �our-room hom I week at the Solms Hotel. _ and the life of for the or apartment, furnished ·01' unfur- ,;- PEAS worry out, you that the mun should have been spend- and Mrs. Bert have re­ ' . Sgt. Riggs .,1 nished for family of three. E. B. next 90. So we were beginning to 00 a ree I MURRAY-SOUTHWELL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Can t FIT some as he went a BELL POUND ing of hIS money, Scout executive, turned from stllY at the Oglethorpe PEPPERS Boy . it was too late. WARD, �tat"s- I 21b 25c after learn ., something along, doing good to others. boro. (5Julltp) Camp Blanding, Fla., June 29.-At- Statesboro Production Credit Associa­ Hotel, Wilmington Island. IT HAS BEEN a .long ttme smce we 1 _ tended. one of the MONEY NOTES If by largest gather- tion, Statesboro. Ga .• as of close of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gee for is this our do P URCHASE There, instance, high. lifted a calf in arms. we ore of Now, because personally on ing s enlisted men and civ- business June 1945. YELLOW V'!e you have purchase mnney notes o� Clfficers,. 30th, of last Iveek for SQUASH POUND an Tuesday Miami, Fla., sounding FEPC (Fllir Employment that there IS I we ilians the GREEN TOP recall, however, a sort of disputative mind, feel imoroved real estate in Bulloch coun- hlstory - ASSETS where will make their home. Practice which even a the a ss. J re they Committee) proposition awarkedbness a out lift'mg come to th e rescue 0f th e at want convertint0 cash mg 1111 mnrrrage Off MCaimPMBlladndd- Hard impelled to th you Cash on hand in t)_' record clerk in the m and banks $ 1,409.65 Miss Cleo of is touted by its advocates as small calf. me a call. HINTONt? BOOTH. 'l\1u�ray, ilita'ry Sparks, Statesboro, CARROTS being dead man. If he declined to parade gIve Loans to members Ie s s Head 1 personnel branch, to Rufus South- and Miss Aline of CABBAGE 2 LBS,9c ideal mediation between . Sparks, Savannah, the employer his and lived in FOR Case rail- provision of $-0- for esti­ we heard great wealth squalor, SALE-Slightly fo�r- well, ticket agent in camp declared In the days of I ong ago used. the spent at Savannah Beach. end It is under tiller WIth seeding mated losses .: .....•.. 188,982.77 Sunday 2 bchs, 17e employe. he was ut "'ast setting an example disk complete road office, was solemnized at Post a man tulking about the value of con- Motor and Government bonds and Lieut. Robert this measure no shall be dis­ attachment. Statesboro Post . gov­ Brown, Jacksonville, person 0f th 1ft--and th a t's Chapel No.1, Thursday evening. something .- WATERMELONS stnnt and he made the as- J. Frank- e r n men t on account of race practice, r. Equipment Company, Edwin R. Carter officiated. guaranteed spent several days this week with his 1/ criminated against If he to Sa� chaplain �t' ,Photograph by Statesboro Studio, Statesboro, Ga. ,: place . . street. bonds . sertion that a who lift- manager, 55 East Main M'ambers of the 104,000.00 means an person began w.orthwhlle. neglec�d lin, camp headquarters parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brown. Little GREEN, COOKING or creed-which employer of a Darlene DaRee Free, daugh tel' of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Free, .for­ hIS great at the Maff who attended the Interest earned on loans in a calf at its birth, would be disposal (5Julltc)_. nuptials Seaman Fred of mer residents of as daily we�lth . sh" celebrates her first She who wants must . were: not Darley, Norfolk, Lskeland, Ga., birthday. help ignore religion . a and bonds, but yet CAULIFLOWER age-m day Col. E. C. camp lift' ]'t iter 1't pleasure-seekmg youth ESTRAY-Two black weIghing Rose, was with the from Mot her and which was a one color. that sounds a �c to contmll'e 109 gilts less Va., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. pleased gift Dad, thou­ 'APPLES and Theoretically a. i men need to be Col. A. executivecommandei'0 received, provision and generation when around 30 and 40 came to Harry Johnston, .• sand Uollar War Bond. Friends who attended her little were Mar­ had grown to bullhood. (We pound;, of $-0- for estimated loss­ J. F. the week end. party yet any legislation is I owner Lt. Joseph dl- Darley, during perfecily fair, use. th�t au ht the of self- about ten days ago; ficer; .. Byerly, Ann of and forcefull Y necessity by place Go! R: on guerite Fountain, Lal,eland, Ga.; Raymond Browning Alice we now there IS . es for loans 8,288.66 word because believe t.g . rector of seTV1ce� Lt. Col. inetrest who last week was 21bs.21e dangerous which attempts to prevent can recover upon payment of expense. mdlvldual, Bobby Holland, Bush, of Stallesboro, and Joyce Dou glas, of Ga. CANTALOUP� of dependence upon Joe K. of Furniture and equipment Pearson, a ood deal of false East .. an from all the g phnosophy.) reha�ce m�tead MRS. GLENNIS TODD, 338 �rantIey, dlr�ctor �rson- inducted into the Navy, is receiving employer weighing the Itberahty of others-we sort of Alex A. ch,ef of at depreciated value .• 251:00 Main street. (5julltp) n!OI;. Maj. Dlc.kson, boot at Md. qualifications of the person who is I his training Bainbridge, Mrs. James Bland, Mrs. Jim Don- OF Any who beli"ves he could thus Old Peter, being a veteran and BECAUSE SICKNESS about to come into his employment. ma� belie�e FOR SALE-Farm, 60 acres, 28 acre� Total Bssets ...... •.. $297,939.68 Mrs. T. E. Serson, Mrs. B. C. Bran- Mrs. B. H. and Mrs. A. to see the a dan- �l��I,lac�ar,:;�s�f��!�, ���. �:).hj�h�S: aldson, Ramsey Cpl. Norton Goff, of Camp Beale, perfect hunself, ought I in no two houses a knowmg. ?eal a�out. th� cultivation, DEBTS Miss Serson and Miss Ruth Even so. small matter as religion .goo� ho'!se; Stell, post inspector general. nen, Sally in was oslled home on accoQnt peach tree which bows down over t.he of md,scr,mmate dIstributIOn of for colored WIth water Talmadge Ramsey spent Tuesday Calif., gers people c��- Also present were a large group Swinson in Savannah. may mean a significant difference in To 'the Intermediate Cred­ spent Thursday Savannah. of Mrs. Norma Golf's sickness in the lJo.hl@-Fr@sh Coll@fJ walk leading from our back office ease and said to the beggar, nection; lots for sale for both whlce tneir both civilian •• luxury, of friends, employ­ it Bank for bor­ Smith Trl"' Fr•• the fitness of a worker in specific See money Sgt. Hu Marsh has returned Mr. and Mrs. Raiford L. Lanier and Bulloch Golf ,,· dOQr to the kitchen steps thirty feet "It's not quite d good as it might end colored: HARRISO� ees and enlisted personnal, the County Oospltal. Cpl. b�de's ro,wed and for interest after lines. Personality measures laree IFF for pnces. OLLj and s"ter- to Memphis, Tenn., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Everitt were is the soo of Mrs. J. M. of Tif- the Is not nephew . Golf, Some three months ago have record father, not . Label away. ' been, but your yet liPe $183,628.82 Gold Label Sliver . (�8JUn2tP . I Mrs. Herbert In the fitness of an employe in certain . home In States- m-:molther,aw. his parents, Mr. and week-end of Mr. and Mrs. J. ton. hmbs tree were k WI'th a. STRAYED-From my Oth"r debts . 44.69 guests SANDWICH of that pm absolutely b d" . Mr. and I·LIt. lines, and color and creed are insep­ bol'O about June 7, one black and Miss Murray, daughrer �f Marsh. B. I-Lb. blossoms. stood up boldly and I Sargent. They tag A. C. Murray, of SERVICE WIVES CLUB • BREAD arable. ehiments of personality. white-spotted hound, wearing !I1rs. Q.U1tman, qa., $183,673.61 r Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blalock spent Mrs. Ernest Teel has returned to 2 Iq. 49. 2 �. 41. unafraid. Then the blossoms fell I IS a of 'w.. with my name and innoculation tag graduate HIgh NET WORTH The Service Wives Club will hold Women's Glee Club at as after I to informa- School and Tallahassee BUSiness Col- the week end Manassas guests _her home in BirmineM.m, Ala., ..... comes when the em­ away and small peaches began No. 23; will pay reward for If the time stoo;" Class A: the next meeting with a dinner .at NJlI'TY BAUl' 1 T0 Present neert tlon. ED Ga. leg Non-voting of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. a month here with her fath- . The limbs still stood Co MARTIN, Statesboro, s""nding is forbidden to exercsie his P";,ar upright. Owned Production Cecil's on ployer, r. SauthweII'IS th e son 0f M-" by July 10, at eight o'clock. (6julltp) Me. Blalock. er, C. H. Pint decided we'd -- BedenDaugh. the we .. in the selection of em­ As peaches grew, The women's club of the sum- Brook- Credit Corporation . $ 75,000.00 • • best judgment glee . and Mrs. Curtis Southwell, of For reservations call either Manpra Miss has re- take note about the action of the h Own e d by investing Jesse Jones left Monday for Fran

Nev'IS Not. hereby that the forecolnx II ...... The At­ certify •• StIlSon Sill'""... For more than three-quarters of a century a true and correct eopy of the ap­ III=-No WOULD IMPROVE plication for a rerlewal of the .harter BIRTHDAY the South. Bettie DeLoach was the SECOND lanta Constitution has been Georgia and of the Statesboro and W. J. Shuman. Miss guest serving Bugn WagoJl Elveen and Mr. They I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar of Savannah, in Marlow home of as appears of file III thll Mills Hagan, friends Company, HaDlDler MrS. Agnes of relatives and here their son, Th7 has in tlte PRISON AFFAIRS 'were accompanied by scene Constitution Is of the it played offtee. relatives here this week. I Martm was a happy Sunday The proud part visited Officer Aulton last week. returned Second OIass Petty Oscar Junior Martin was Committee That This June 1946. Mias Eli_abeth Cone has and when little and today-as Urging 15t of Jacksonville, Fla. M�s. Ray Trapnell daughter, development and progress of this section; HllTTIE POWELL, where she visited rel- McElveen, honored with a dinner celebrating Million IlJId Half .DoIIarw WEHAVEAEEW £rom. Atlanta, I Pennie were guests of Mr. and Announcement! Clerk Superior Court of Lieut. Shelton Brannen Jr. arrived Sue, the Dep1Jty The birthday never Constitution intends to pursue Be at TaUnaD ativea. Mrs. Carl Iler, of Pembroke, Thurs- his birthday. before-The Spent Bulloeh Couaty. home last Wednesday after having secon� table Eva Harper, of Macon, cake was m the center of the ""hate-house eem- lin. Mary I neWII' The Investlxatlng war in day. of the Mrs. J. been a prisoner of Germany. the barbe­ policies which have made it one o¥tstanding, CHARTER RENEWAL ORDER her grandmother, Rob- around which was placed mittee has reconunended expenditure NEW HAMMER MItLS LEFT 'is visiting in action on! Mrs. N. J. Cox and children, He was reported missing sandwiches, cakes, pies, The Statesbere an. E. Brown. I Aldric and were week-end cue, chicken, in the United States. of $�,463,500 for post-war Improve- BuXU Wagea over Belgium. In ert, Hal, papers Johnson, of Dec. 24th, 1944, punch and the Company, having duly petitio"" TIr3 Constitu­ "'e eommittee, headed by �"I.- J.dar RENFROE, Savannah: spending his furlough his par-.,5;00 Saturday color and This· Week Magazine. Readers of The at Martinsville, W. Corporation, I BruJlllwlck, Judge Suparior Com, Burkette, ------D�'LOaeh, DIU Cbarl.. Gowea, of .dition, lboni, ,!pen IIIg tlOn statIOn, h spen here, in Statesboro, -savannah and and we wiIJ also piano, ly hope that in the near future our newsprint problem will Mr. and I.ekgY'OaJld, physleal Mrs. Jas. F. ead with lib. aad : :gr:mdparents, Mr. and before to his new for Pa- music next Saturday afternoon. with Mr. a.... Mrs. W. L. lege, spea, the week tal oapad&y and .motional make-up weeks reporting Metter' before leaving the again I!IIanday . can all I be solved and that we again accept subscriptioR,ll Mrs. John aad IitIId as II.. of whicb should', States. member. ' eaclt assignment in the United cific The following commIttee '.1'.88. Beuley of prieoneril, I wi1I take onr, on July 31st. of Geor- returned of go", Mi Barhllra A.. Lui... in arimiaala. The Goftl'Rmellt :B':.":"mristine Driggers, Sgt. was and Mr.. H. H. H<,dps, of were named: Publicity chairman, tendered to ... Mrs. J. L. Hendrix, SavaR.ail, ••. be .ouidered as.ignlDg recen.tly Mr. .... the week Whi.te iAatitUtiOD �clters College, .pent UnIted States aft"r havlllg of a Miss Ramona Nesmith, Sara Doris the week-end lflIellt of Mr. and 2. A ..odera female ;gia to the Groveland, announce the birtb 'W�. . 1943 CCC Loan Cotton. her Mr. and Mrs. in the Pacific CHICKEN FRY 8QJlftnement of 600 iomatea, willcbfor! end 'w'it.11! parents, served sixteen on June 27th. She haa been Lanier, Mary Rushing; progra Ilia. Son Helldrill. • m�nths daught"r I serv- J. N. Lee alld Benoa. from ex- where he was chairmen: LeLo_ch, Loretta 'Roberta Hendrix, ef. Millen, Carl Bishop, would be located aw.,. .ny theater of operoatlOns, named Rosa Lee. Mrs. Hodges Betty Mias I MOMM 2/c, USN, leader. He holds and Vivian week witb 1(,. aad Smith entertailled a group .f frleada used for mal. priaonent • D'.J�:.:.r;;��:s;Ch, ed as a mortar squad Miss Esther Hol- Roberts, Virgini'a Morris IJI)ent the end lIIlii before her marriage ' SEE ME . The' Atlanta Constitution, TO SELL YOuR COTTON, lit WANT leIt ror Seattle, Washington, after ribbon and the committee, at a .ltickea fry Saturda,. .iXllt A uah lor the .egregstloa of jnvenile IF YOU "as the Good Conduct Iingsworth. Nell Nesmith; hospitality )'frs. Son Hendrix. his here. He was ribbon. W. A. La­ of Akill. Ga.... aDd mwrio were offenders to be oolllltrueted' ...pe8dinx furlough Asiatic-Pacific Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Burnsed and Aldric Cox, Butler Lewis. ·'Mw Margi-e Deal, Nevils, spe_ pOJld. and first wife to Chicago. ; The South's Standard Newsp;,lper before Re!resilaeate the f6111B1. unlt """,,,",panied by his th�ate� J. M. Lewis and Talmadge Anderson and Bytel last week a. th_ gue.t .f )lis_ enjoyed .upper. ,ia eouneetioo with family, Mr. and Mrs. nier, . two weeks STRAYED-From my home near ehielcea aad It. Upehurch will spend The visitors Miss Helen .Deal. i:o...i8ting of .aodwiebea, far as po••ible away fMIII 1944 CCC'Loan COtton ::11":'1 of last Mrs. J. W. Butler, Mis. Jane Martin. assisting Betty and but AIIIO can bUY80me of to Register on Tuesday week, family, ����������������������===����=� j and return here of a fruit _ Smith had as tea were served. GUM"" q.,luded Construction of a. iaatltutlon lTJl�el!l :in Detroit, Mich., cut right Hall and Haymon Butler and son, Jane Hall with the serving Mr. and Mr.. J. I. B. blue-tick hound, plug · �rom Oaren. �iIL cookies were Mrs. O. E. TRANSFER E. Jeweler M,. and Mrs. Mi.... 'Ruth Lanier, Deal, for aRd hardened Billie, of JacacksonvilJe, Fla� ""'re juice and JONES GETS J. BOWEN, dinner gue.t. Sunday ineorrisible. erimi-I McElveen have Sadi. Rufll mollie, Mr_ :and Mrs. A. F. ::Oir:lr'!O:to�f��mji!:.��. o�OY R. Mrs. E. W. DeLoach, Mrs. NEW AIR FIELD Deal and of Nevils. Mary Lee and Biabop, naIo who instigste priaon ::;. guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hodges Nesmith, TO ALL WORK PROMPTLY Harvey family, after Rt. Statesboro. DO� Parnell. and for ...... ,-.I to Portsmouth, Va.,. SANDEFER, 6, and Mrs. Corine of Teaehe�. Col­ Roberta"Hendrix, Rnby eo.. murders and whom, I Sunday. Leland Haygood Air Blythe- ·Mi•• Carene Deal, ait,pri.on Aat't'n Mc- (28jun1tp) Blytheville Army Field, " SOUTH MAIN STREET and J_ Smith, their mothers, Mn. I ....eek end witb ber EaIlter Lee, Dorothy boeause of their mental ."itUde, 'wi�------Mrs. Lee Hall and son, Johl) Dan- Melton. 7.-Pfc. Ru�us L. lege, .pent the ville, Ark., Jllly GA. invited to STATESBORO, Hora.. Deal B""1 Sheb.t, Dorotla;r .. of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. and The public is cordially rentlt, Mr. aad Mrs. Betty Deal, au 1I0pe rebablli\ation, STATE OF GtORGIA iel; Rushing a nati"e of Statesboro, Ga., .. DEPARTMENT OP'BAI1KING, with us .ro,",s, Mrs. J. L. Hendrix aad Mra. Mr. and Mr•. Earl the' music and sto.ies Mls.e. Hilda and Ha... 1 Hen­ Allen, daughter, Edith'; enjoy' whose parents live on Route 1, FOR SAL&:-Houseliold furnishlnl\! Mary Condition of ... haVII Elli. Morxaa Deal, Statement of Robert and aftemoon. We ito Gov. of Teschen College, Cltarlee Waters, Charts and children. Saturday was transferred for sale: Winthrop .ecretary �wix, Georgia Printed Ceiling SIMMONS ,Rushing 'Statesboro, recentlY' r- W. New members.' of ho_ Job adwia Deal, IbIory Deal. o. members. Ml'S. W. S. com- and chair, chest drawers, J!O!cJl the week eM at tbtir '1 of Savannah; sixty-two a 'Air .. Thomas, to BlYtheville Army Field.' lP�at Ji..- For the Publie· SEA'ISLAND' B:t\.INK were '1!ltlwin LeWil, Sara rockers, I)f8S8 fire set, mule, ploW., Robbie Akins, Bobby StrlDJr8r, Ready Nesmith lind Miss Georgia Ander- Saturday station 06! the First here. bat crew training fami double Iron bed,' springs, Ja.... Robert Smi� Mrs. Doris DeVaughn Roberts and tools, Eute. and Parnelle my Groover, Oo.ple\e Ii."" .f the legal eeUlnl GEORGIA son were of Mr. and O. Lanier, At bedS. Misses Rub,. from Farmeo Union WarehoUBe STATESBORO, guests Troop Carrier Command. present mattress, bedroom sU�l twin T. V. Office Across Street Lewis. tlte week end Franeill Burke, Gersld Lenier, 011 all xrades &ad .uta of, E. Nesmith Friday. Waldo motor as MRS. W. D. McGAULEY, phone 26OlI. l.oee, of Savannah, spent pri_ Business June 1945 he is assigned to the pool Her- ." At Close of 30, NESMITH Carl' 1. N. Lee; '11ae that will . and RAMONA , Mr. aDd Mrs. N. Morris, in" a .bnv,enioent • Members 0f th e NeVI'1s League (28junltp) theier BiIlho�. p'firatea a truck dri""r. wjth pare�., for the Superintendent of Bankl. Chairman. 111810 Smith and etbera. fit the h.... hoell r&­ AI Called by friends formed a swimming Publicity W. Lee. fold to PIU'le, . . a 'few ••••_•• eei..ed in a limited quan\lty at the ������� �.-.--.-.--••••-••-.-.-.-.-.� 11101 •••• �. are .0 wor.e 1haa the S. J. Bu.ine.. , tllIax, the,. War PrIee and Rationing Board, ... of Charter, 1901 U�n������and�����d.��Dllte, Began The day was greatly enjoy- Tybee. Bulloch County Lad !!',651,624.46 to ohow the.. .fUntiture and fixtures.. 3,316.30 and in are still mBa 'enougll couumer. a .imple and powerful ta Misses Jane Hali two yean and saw service owned. 1.00 Time certificates of de- : Roberts, paet tbe aame ·<>thcr real estate CLElIlVllfWESS we could them and at t.o sma.h black mark", Wilhelmena and Anna Franoe whip weapOD help amount 131,616.48 Leila White Is North Africa, Sicily, Italy, vault and posits You '.cash in time be buman toward them. Mr. Pl'C)(tor aaid. 59,731.10 lJIdine Martin, Mary Thi. paper se""ral in meat," due from approved re- Saving dep��;t;':::::: Maude Row�, and Germany. han will "I would;", 00 the meat a Ne- probably say, Pri.....hown ..... eyo·�t a . an D ....rve • 1,146.137.97 h' R amona d months printed personal let,.,r agents Rus mg, ago them.- I .aid and anything to do with list are the hiXhest that DIS,. -<:hecks for clearing Bettie D-.Loach. Hazel Creasy, from which told of his ,invasion pri.. smith, milk if you follow the Doy lo..ed ones other banks 25,368.85 from your production .ame but I have of the .ise of due frbm and Boi>'- You'll get bigger .profits Salerno and Anzio Beach, the thing be ch.rged regardle.. 100.56 Carolyn Crawford, Dewey hands at Sicily, to .•. want these Ca�h . utensils dry 1I0me. I don" people he out. itelJls Franklin stables ... clean clean, renders remem­ at the ltore, pointed bie Maltin, Lorenza and rule of cleanliness. Clean and some of our may 'l()ther resources 3,084.41 bome are like they .. to do this is to "I can't think that we at HoWlewi.... c..n immediately IIelp and Mrs. Wal- of milk (an excellent way he used these words, ,Creasy, Ray Hodges - ... cooling ber I b3 while n�i1king quick with ao,{ for maldi.tribution of lIIea' .$2,981,�91.08 Total $2,981,591. the I have been." are here, relie... the Total il.'············· ton Nesmith. with fresh water and set tell you how .cared or similar container cool, sume hrute like Bit­ fill a half-barrel was except and out black market, .impl,. the letter which follow. anyoae .tamp County. if you want to produce high­ Well, of to h­ than the GilORG�A-Bulloch officer Iluthorized to .d- in are mighty, important and waB ler. That'. enou!:h that, refusing to pay more appeared before the undersigned, an HOME DElYIONSTRATION milk can it)-these written at Dachau, Germany: by P''1!pnally he i.o said B. McAllister who on oath, lays that MEETING' B...... ith all these people. prices listed and by report­ ...tmatll� dath. In county, C. COUNCIL milk. addressed to a brother, "Shig." ceiliog quality wi. writa . of the Sea Island and that the above and forego- I mnst dose aow, bu' all evidence of blatk market opera- -the Bank, demonstration council are eager to learn vJ�fpresident and The home Muse our l'ead�rs of the conditio", of said bank is true correct. 800n. he said. iIIIg �brt have and suf­ agaiJa tions to OPA," C. B. IIICALLISTER. Vice_President. met at the Woman's Club Saturday from those who fought Love ... 11-'; 1945. ladi"s of West is submitted all, to and lub.cribed before this 3rd da:y of July, afternoon with the fered, the letter being DOT. FOR RENEWAL OF cuAiTEii­ Sw� Public, Bulloch County, Ga. some of :.:" ELIZABETH KINGERY, Notary Side club as hostesses. The meeting for publication. Omitting GEORGIA-Bulloch Count:y. director. of aald do that we haye care- -, the SaId undersigned b.nk, certify led' paragraph., BY PUBLICATION To the Superior Court of County: Wei!the to tho was opened with group singing tlte opening personal SERVICE read aald report and tha' the same II true and correct accordini Foremost "a,,,'es The of the Bug- .r.Jb' D.... GEORGIA-Bulloch County. petition that the above .ign"ture Miss Mamie Lou· Anaerson. letter is a follows: ..,. of '�ur Information, knowledge and belief. and by M. Waters. & WagoD Company, respectfully "f t.bat fol- GermaJlY, Jack Waters vs. Georgia gy said bank is t he true and ienulne slgnatllr\o votional was given »y·Rev. Hart, Dachau, d!he vt",,-presldent of for Di..orce in the Superior shows: 1945. Suit charter to and June 15, - 1 That on 19, 1905, a C!lfJker. I" lowed by pledge flag singing. Bulloch CouDty. July . July Oood'/till. Court at said of 1945. the group. Wants was granted to petitio,",r by "l1hi�"3rd day July, of "God Bless America," by Hello "Shig": Term, 1945. . :O�A��O;:�i,UTH, that I'm no lonlf­ defendant m eoert, for a period of twenty years, Little Garland Anderson sang ,You see from this To Georgia ·M. Waters, Directors of sald,,_Bank, Henry with eapital stock of. ten tho.usand ;t' are here in Dachau said matter: L, Dreams Are 'Getting Bet-. we authorl­ a solo, "lIfy �r in Munich; "ommanded to be (,10,000) dOlla.. paid in with a month You are hereby Time." Miss Anderso'!. a year­ read the paper. the increase thousand ter All the with rel,lable,/prpBtable now. If you next term of to fifty ' STATE DF GEORGIA Foremost is to provide you and appear at the ty sameJ<' DEPARTMENT OP BANKING, seeIdng read about the , a "Just a mWlt ha1'q of Bulloch "ounty, Ga., (,50,000) dollars. also sang Bolo, Praye�; milk in quantity;' iIlrge 01' small. ago you .uperior court char­ market. We want your any We of 2. That on 19, 1926, said Condltlon of IIIrs. Delmas Rushing aC­ around concentration camp here. wer! answer the complaiot .plai,}- July Statement of Away," with to .the order of tbis CLEAN MILK, for our customers. real things mentioned in the captloa ID hIS ter waa renewed by an Miss Imogene Bohler we must have good Il'ilk, bere before, and saw $11 tiff IT BEFORE� companist. 'But, n;turally, divorce. court. DID I can suit against you for THEY selections. of milk we sell. saw iD picfures. Petitioner desires fltat said COUNTY BANK rendere,d several piano because that's the only kind llbat you ti1e Hall. J. L. Renfroe, . S. BUI.:,COCti Witness the term a ..ery pretty sight be renewed for a further Mrs. Walter Holland, vice-presi­ tell you it wasn't of said COUlt. charter GEORGIA men, Judge years, as now provided STATESBORO, over the business meet­ hundreds of bodi-es of. June 1045. of thirty-live presided to see Thi 20, a AGAIN dent, effective 1945, IT . all ovel' O. L. BRANNEN, by statute, July 19, THEY CAN DO of Business June' 1946 which time were made and children lying Ita .' At Close 30, ing, at I.plans women of Bulloch c�rtified of a relolution by after ba­ Clerk Seperior Court copy annual to he held at " wbere they fell' the the of Banka. for our picnic tbe ground Georgia. (21jun4t) stockholder., authorizing fllingt.�f A. Called for by Superintendent Co�nty, .,.,.. \0 death. � for that purpose, LajHERIFF'S a hereof. Tractor President. W. D. ANDERSON. of the program to iso't hereto attached a. part With Far".all Ill. S. KENNEDY. The main feature AGENT Yes, it's hard belie,ve, GEORGf.A-Bulloch County. ing that . COfJN/fYt petitioner prays' 1984 . VOfJII I have t<>- Wherefore, Bu.lne•• , 14. AS., to the of Jan. 1934 Date Began Apr. revue with twenty-one only at outcry, � Cbarter, 19, was the style I beli-eve it, I will sell public renewed for said term ' said charter be .' fonldn't true. for before to and Many 'pJanteCJ The following and know it's the hiahest bidder cash, the RockI.. to the from dark dark, longer. ladies participating. I.saw it of thirty-live years, with righte, the Spring, &om the ahIftL LIABILITIES house door in ...... In two or three RESOURCES winners. are German�; the court Sta�esboro, heretofore en­ worried farmers iearched around the ciock, ldng ladies were milk­ These people th�y ID powers and privik!ges Atlantic : tell you how apply approved on the IIrst Tuesday Aug- seaboard, In "L02IlI! and discounts .... $ 494,082.45 Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Your Agent will gladly to) death IS Georgia hereafter be grant­ TlIROtlCH01lT made one of the greatest crope hllWry. Mrs. Roscoe Anderson; sec­ County thnt a natural hours of joyed, or that may of clear weather, but the cold They . think dying for S. Government secur- fund 50,000.00 First, milk Ask ust within the legal the sides signs U. Surplus lead you to bigger profits. that isn't Ger­ 1945, ed law to like corporations. and Mrs. cleanliness methods tha�will • by world-with hunger . Dekle; thh'd, and for anyone property war-tom itYes owned 1,274,200.00 Undivided profits 30,811.23 ond, Mrs. GrifY ing too good sal;, the following describ�d JOHN F. BRANNEN, rairut fell relentlesaly. In today'. or - beat them, one certalD tax fi fa even . ....•.. Delmas Rush­ them, under . . peoples . 7,728.42 B""-king house and lot. 12,000.00 Due to banks Arthur Riggs and Mrs. so they burn levied on fo;r Petitioners. month the secd should have diaeaae aJready staIIdng many him. �an of tax com- Attorney For more than a . 20.00 think L. Zetterower, famine. ThIs . Dividends can J. Ji'nrnJture eand iixtul'es. 5,237.62 unpaid Anderson will I'aprescltt else they issued by Millions of one failure could bring ing. Mrs. do �nything the In the warm soil. major crop . for and amount checks 4,281.72 cruelty missiuner of said county, years it resolved the stockholders been germinating ma­ mlth formerly crossed the Rhme rIver under mtense free cers �tIon oRoscoe HIli of Statesboro a few days VISit at Claxton the A was Plus PATHE A RESOLUTION suspended consent In writing of all persona elected by the who are to theref:o� haVB ...... party lovely party given NEWS people for four and for 0IlII ,.... reeI- publl.lheil-ID and fred Jones of Statesboro and returned (as one BIngle amendment) Paragrapb XII Freedom 01 ooa· to be affected thereby, and DO perIIO!l be comml.ssloned by the and the n MT and Mrs Harry Dodd sISter Mrs B C DeLoach and family on With Mrs Lmton fir� en.:aged the enemy Proposing Govern_or, dento 0lears,the dletrlct from Wh1cIl BhBrIfr'a Thursday mght to amend the Constitution of the State eclenoe. All men have the natural and under legal dlaabillty to oontrict, Ia also for members Of the Clanenu AI· ad�� f':r from I to ItS after Saturday July 7th eleoted �!.,., aft.... daughter Sara have returned Mrs u.ster Brannen Jr and little Banks e'ltertammg forty guests at Mr and Mrs Charles orgamzatlOn successfuly of Georgla of 18'77 and all amendments Inallenable right. to worohlp God each capable of such COll881lt sembly aha11 be made to the Secretary are publl.lhed Regmald Paragraph II PreIIdent. ....-- for tbJw "HIGH to own 'nIe pre. weeJra son m of Hartwell are ItS missIon Son of Mr POWERED" thereof by striking In their entirety aceordlng th'I! dlctatee of hIa Paragraph II What acta YOId. Lea· of State unIeao otherwise provided by d a a VISit With their Tampa daughter tm. USO room MISS Ann Trice of Wood of announce the completing aldina' officer of the Senate IbaU be �odaOf�.....y dUllm. �mlIY NeWington With Robert and PhilliS Article I (Bill Of ArtIcle n conscience and no human authority 18Jatlve acta In violation of tbIa Con· law IIIBIIIatei...... Mr and Mrs W H Blitch I Mr and Mrs Brannen and Mrs Mikell he entered Lowery R1ghta) styled the P1'eaIdent of the Senate A spent VISltll1g Greenville Ala guest of Mrs Sidney birth of a son Charle. Jr Wiley (Elective ArtIcle m In any case control or Inter· stltutlon of the of the Into thl Leste� Regmald Brooks Franchise) (Leg. should, Qonst.ltutlon ARTICLE m President Pro Tempore shall be Blected a::c�b1.!DtrocfuctloDNo IooaI thiS week m Atlanta .."rVlce from Statesboro lalatlve fere WIth such right of cOnscience United States are Ilnd Ih. Judi· or IpeCJa) bill several days Sr Smith shared honors at thiS time Saturday June 23 at the Bulloch Starta 3 26 5 44 8 00 10 20 Deparbnent) ArtIcle IV (Pow· VOid,. LerlalaUye Department viva voce from the Senatore and ohall IhaU becom....• law � er of the General All8embly Over Tax· Paragraph XII!. BeIIII- clary shall 80 declare mem. then Ia attached to and With Mr and Mrs E H Ohambers Mrs BB Mouls "nd daughter Games contests were IIeotlon L act In caae of the lDade a pan and the feature reallnatlon ._ County Hospital Mrs Wood WIll be "DEAD OR ALIVE" atlon) Article V (Executive Depart· Uberty of eonoclence No IhliabltanOPinions!. SecUon V d!!lthl of laid bill a 00 f of I AT CAMP DIXIE Paragraph L Power _ted In Oen. or diIIabUlty of the l'I'IIIIldent or In notice 0IIrtI- Mr and Mrs Ralph Watson Jane ure spendmg the week at Sa of the entertainment In a novel con ment) Article VI ArtIcle of thla State shall be molested In per. Paragraph I State The fled b th remembered as MISS LouCille Wood Brannen and Rita With Rex Ritter (Judiciary) rlchlll. plIO: eral AlMmbly The legJaIative power the event of hIa suQC8IIIIon to the exe· b� or Betty Burney VII (Finance Taxation Public son or property or prohibited Crom pie of thla state have the 1nh8l'llll. by an' of NashVille Ga were guests durmg vannah Beach With Mrs J B John toest Know Your States Mike Me Starts 2 30 4 48 7 06 9 20 and of the State mall be vested In a Gen· cutlve power aftl'ril'.:ft of fJi• auacthCOIDPanildor, to tile cock of Statesboro Johnston of SWllmsboro klft last Debt) Article VIII (Education) ArtI· holding any_ pubItc office or trust on sole and exclusive right of affect that laid and L E WII I And JASPER S !"8iU!atlng eral All8embly which shall conaIat of a Paragraph m IDlpeaobmllDIII. The noUce has been 1II1II- the week of Rev Mr&, son Dougald Betty Mitchell and Ann MINSTRELS cle IX (Homesteads and account o( hIa re1lalollS opinions, but their Internal and the llahed week for Camp D,x,e Clayton Ga Exemptions) governm8llt, SeDate and House of Reprflllentatives Senate o1iaU have the 801. power to bl law No om. Mr and Mrs Carter Deal have re Mr and Mrs JIMames aI 0f Article X (Militia) Article XI (Coun· the right of liberty of COIl8CIence lhall police thereof and of and to w� Iiams Remlllgton were wlllnen Damty re oy 8th al.e� BeeUon IL I try Impeachments. �vided IlU been BI.... where they spend two months Sunday July ties and County ArtIcle XII not be so construed as to excuse acta abolIshIng their Constitution whenever a11,11 be abopereon Mrs Hudson Wilson Mrs J M celHd word from their son Carl that Atlanta announce the b,r,th of a W)1l Officers) Paragraph I Namber of _ton Paragraph IV TrIal ., Impeileb. 1Iahed. nor the term of preshments consisted of assorted "THREE (The Laws of General In of licentiousness or Justify practices It may be necessary to their and th"'bttt I They were accompanied to Atlanta IS A FAMILY" Operation safety and lenatorlal d1str1clll. The Senate manll. When Bitting for that � or 18IIitb1llled and Misses LOUise and Dor he IS back m the states and to Josie June 26th Porce In Thla XIII Incollslstent With the and I� IIJ Murphy hopes cookies nuts and punch and Mrs daughter Marilyn I With State) Article peace safety happlnesa shall consist of not more than the membere shall on orce I and ruty· be dath or af. .!!!.�edu the I b Mrs Hmton Booth and Mrs Glb MarjOrie Reynolds (Amendmenta to the and of the state. II Enameratlon for durina' ... Wilson were Visitors m Savannah be home soon at Piedmont Mrs Constitution) Paragraph of rllrllto four membere and there shall be no\ flrmatlon and IhaIJ be hlch-"--such person was othy Banks was slsslSted In serving by Hospital Maloy and Charles Ruggles not prealdsd over I Blected an­ Johnston Gibson Johnston Jr by Insertlng In lleu thereof after the Paragraph XIV ApproprIations to denIal 0' oth..... The enumerallon more than four �• lIBDle be T Dorethea Deal I s�n Stc rts 2 15 00 fifty SenatorIal D1B by the Chief Justloe or the PraeIdIng approved by the 'Tuesday Sgt 'a"A.... Mrs William Wright MISS DoriS Llndseu MISS Rita Lind IS the Cormer daugh 4 5 47 9 40 Preamble of the Constitution of the churcbe&, lleCts etc, forbidden. No of rights herein contaIned as a pera of the jlIJOo attend a bo near part trlcts with one Senator from each l>Ia. Justice of the Court. Shoula jurladlctlon l'S also mil' 'IS camp shall ever taken the of this SUpreme affected .In a Phm Harold Cone '" spend arrive thiS week end from tCi of r and Mro W POIea Tm. State of Georgia of 1877 new ArtIcles money be from Constitution shall not be con· trlct as now the 1 on Chief Will Tamlla sey and Mrs Lmton'MG Lamer On constituted or as here. Chief JUStice be dlaqua1Uled, the the question w-. Clayton Monday Tuesday Wednesday as follows Article I (Bill of Rights) public Treasury directly or indirectly strued to deny to the people an)' after created The various Senate ahalJ :;r�umlaw ohall L Cone after nmetleen months serv I to awhile With her moth..r aIternoon MISS Ann are Mr and In, Senatorial ee1ect a Justice of the add any Ohver III8IIIIIer spend Friday paternal grandparents July 9th 10th 11th ArtIcle II (Elective Franchise) ArtIcle In aid of any church sect or denoml· herent rlghta which may have shall II I they Dlatrlcta be comprised of the Supreme Court to presld. No p8I'IOIl or a With hiS mother Mrs R m nation of or of aectar· hitherto municipal coano .ng leave Mrs W S Preetorlus was hostess to a few friends at a Hugh J Maloy of Plttaburg "NATIONAL VELVET" (Leglalatlve Department) ArtIcle religiOnists any enjoyed counties as now and the aIui1l be convicted Without the Ian provided con· �vr::::�ra toth':tty, the membero iii IV (Public utwtles Eminent Domain institution Section VI General Which are e lce overseas I Mr and Mrs Lester Sr show at the S 2/c who III techmcolor All8embly shall have authority currence of two·thIrda of the memo arected by the Edenft,ld picture party Georgia pMernSn CHJ ICDKEEdNenFfieRldY spent Police Power Insurance Paragraph XV Uberty of I Tidewater UU.. 0011- I P8Cple, IIIIClb " Companies _h Parqraph , to create rearracge and these bers present. law must provide M,ss Chnstme Carruthers Amerl Dukes and Mrs W C With Elizabeth TaylQr Donald or of chang� thAt the _- Mrs Lyman Theatel followed by refreshlnents at last week With hIS parents Mr and CrISp Contracts etc) Article V (Executive the preoa ruaranteed. No law firmed The Act of the Clanerat AI Dlstricta within the herein ::al membeis I and Mrs Samuel C Hunmcutt and lImItationa Paragraph V Ja.....enta In Impejieb. SO addsd mUlt Fort Mc Sgt Mickey Rooney Department) Article VI shall ever be passed to curtail or sembly approved December 1902 ... Red Cross worker of Graham were m Savannah Saturd ay the and later III th e Mrs D A Edenfield was honored (Judiciary) 6, stated menll. Judgmenta In cas.. Of 1m. el:"� a e"n College Pharmacy I estraIn ,b_Y_ majority vote of th. I announce the b Irth of a daughter Starts 3 00 5 08, 7 16 9 20 Article VII (FInance Taxation and the liberty of or of which extenda the title of ownenhlp fled of Q!IaII., the week ..nd With her of Mrs H J s��L BeaUon IlL peachment shall not .xtend fUrth.r th. political <:Iell.n, spent for the funeral Bragg afternoon sWlmmlllg III the college With a chicken fry Friday eVen IIIII' at Public Debt) ArtIcle VIII (Education) the press any person may.peaI< write of landa abutting on tidal water to low affec subdlYllloD Jennifer at I PhI N ber , than removal from office and die. vte0d-' Mrs J L Carruthers Article IX (Homestead and and publish his sentiments on all sub· water mark Ia ratified and COIl· ""other Mr and Mrs Naughton Beasley pool was enJoY"ld Saturday evemng LakeSide Others pNsent IIIcluded Commrt 12th and 13th Exemp- hereby House qualification to and rs umucu IS July firmed taU::.gra/he W::f hol� enjoy any ParagraPh XVI to vital June 8tth� B��oCh �ounty �os tlons) Article X (MUltla) ArtIcle XI jecta beina' responsible for the abuse Re�resa:f=.,; Iff Statute. an. MISS Gwen Wilson has returned and of Savan a AND THE shall conslat of office honor trust or profit, WithIn tlons 0' I small daughter Fay MISS Vlrglllla Lee Floyd IIIvlted few M,ss Betty Jones Thomas Sheffield "PRINCESS (Counties and Municipal of that liberty representatives appor. 00de, how amended. the former MISS Zada Flllch Sgt corporations) ARTICLE IL tloned thla State but the convicted or section NO:-- - among the seveml counties Of party of the Iter home III Savannah after spendlllg nah were guests durlllg the week of friends to her home on North Main S 2/c MISS Eva Mae Edenfield PIRATE" Article XII (The Laws of General Op Paragraph XVI leInrea, shaU code shall be to Hen"Y Searches,. EleoUve Franchlle the State as follows To the nevertheleso be Ilabls, BIId sub· ed or .;:, has Just returned Craig eratlon In Porce In This State) ArtI· ..nd ..arrants The right of me people elghl repealad by m�e two weeks With her granrlparents her Mr Mrs Clayt Mar street for an IIIformal of HunmCftt Banks MISS Mamie Lou Johnson M BeeOoa L counties the ject to indictment trial Ito title mer::. "* parents lind party games cle XIII (Amendmenta the COnstl· to be secure In their hOIl8e6 having largest population judgment or to the number of Field Ala whe", he has been t --LIBEL FOR DIVORCE persons Parqraph I EJeoU_ by ballot three and punlahment to law tlon of the ...."'r and Mrs Hudson Wilson tin tutlon) Article and effecta representatives each to the accordlng the Code but M,ss Carter and Allen saC West and MISS Cleo ER"" FET""S"" GUEST Rogers spandlllg ,t 1,\ ...... ment ohall be changed by the General yean, and for pOWere and CCII'JIIII'a8 show Howard Jr on une a"t a IOn _"". I held In 1945 to be seized citizen one Pl'I_vUaaes to I QltthJO a1s50n "t' ta You are commanded to be Aul!U8!', Every of this State who Ie a at Ito first "eaalon after each year realdenta of the counties from panles private Alice MISS Lamer entertamed Yellow Bluff where were Jomed hereliY WHEREAS me of thla Paragraph XVII and InYIII· AaoembIy to make or .� ""'rt Amason and daughter Dr and Mrs B A Deal and Mrs Shirley M C they purpose sIngle SlaV8l')' cltlJlen of the United Statu elllht.een census which elected � Hospital Ft McPh and appear at the next term of the taken by the UnJted States precincts, nOl' amendment Is to coordInata the pro- untary aeJ\Vltade There shaU be with· or to estabH-�_, a with a of parties thIS Mr and Mrs r...ster Lee and MISS years old upwaraa not II ;;;ve returned from stay at Savan Albert Deal were dmner guests Sun group delightful M by court of BuHoch Geor· In the laborIng Government In accordance with the Paragraph S_"er The preeld· ferries, nor to �son r� �n I superior conty IlO8ed substantIal prlnclplel of 0I1I8n1C State of Georgia neither IIlavery under any Of the dlaabUltiSl Ing officer of � Of week as a to M,.s Carol Lee of Savannah named In provtalona Of I of Section the "House of Rep_. mate Beach and other pOlllts on the of Mrs William Deal complimont Joyce gla to answer the complamt of the law Into one subject matter of the nor Involuntary oervltude eave as thUi Paragraph oIlIldieD flut- It �_ :a� day ev"mng of ';;r ��;s Mr: ArtIcle, aDd poueu.tng tne JIIIaIi. lILof tbIa artIr_l. tatlvea IhaIl be n:vled the � Of n:::r Jean Carter of Fla who IS �:�:o:a�af:�:�IY mentIOned In the III Cona1;ltutlon It beIng impracticable punishment Ibr crime after 1ep1 oon· f1catlbns by." &he maimer In eoa,t the DeSoto Beach Club Savannah Tampa plaintiff, captIOn provic!ed by It, mall fiii' an Ilea... the BOII88 of RepresentaUves, IlIId ohaU ere wIIIch lat Anderson of IV .IIIaU ... _ M 0 Register Cpl HOME FROM PACIFIC hi. libel for divorce otherwise than In one subject matter vlctlon thereof elector and be be enrateed b Iii return I thiS week liS guest of Mis. against YQu entitled to reKlater and I Term of m_ben. The elected viva voce from the It Lieut Robert Moulder ha. Beach "pendmg Mrs ar and one amendment to the reo Paragraph XVIII Status of the Paragraph body may oooter r.....--l _ IS the son of Mr and Seaman '!lrannen has perfect vote at election tbIa .u af Cannady !tobert Witness th.. Hon J L Renfroe, any by tha people members of tbe General Pal"1lll"aph III. ._ te ...... COl"JlOl'llte t.v l1li InD. S C air base after Lallier Begmmng the enjoyable arnwgement sought and to render cmlen. The social status of the cltI· Provided that no AII8eJiIbly JIOWVI � to GreenVille Mrs Bob Hagan has returned from W E of Ellabelle rived at hiS ho,"" here to awhile of said court soldier aaI10r or mao shall be elected for two and ohall The RoIlS. of Representatlvea aha11 Pl'lvate pn�... lID Cannady spend Judge unnecessary the evil consequences of zen ohall never the subject of rIne In years OOIDP&IlIes was house on . lep· the or have viSit here With M,.s Frances An Beach she laNt fairs the party Monday .:..:..:....:::.._;:..:...:..:...:.:..:..-�------This June 29 1945 bf mWtary na\al services serve until the time fIXed law for the sole power to vote Impeach. to-,g Of tile � Savannah where 'p"nt I With hiS parents Mr and Mrs Grover a portion by or reo latlon of the by 8U)IerIor oourta Of portion adoption United Statu aha11 the ment thla The show was attend d m the HATTIE POWELL acquire the of the next General cJUuoges lIIIa1nst all persona who tlon �lIdIeitem _ dorson and Rev and Mrs Carl An Mrs picture Jectlon which would In case of adop· Paragraph XIX C1vU ... of an convenIng Al_J COJ')Iorate week WIth Mr and Doug Hagan DINNER HONORING Brannen after an absence of elgh aathorlt, rlghta elector by reason Of beIng ohell have been 01' may bit In office PIfiI- later home made Ice Clerk Court tlon of some and rejection of perlor to m1Utary The civil All8embly I.ges to ...... �.� evenmg and Dept'I Superior portions authority stationed on duty In tbIa State IIecUon banJrfng -_.. - ...... der,on' I and Mr and Mrs H M Roach of LT SHELL BRANNEN teen months He has been m shall Paragraph II Election when. The VD road 08, riill- servlIIg Bulloch others result In a Constitution lack· be superior to the military and m I canal uiviii cream was served on the lawn at th" I Oounty GeorIP8 Paragraph Who ...Utled to ..... first election for Paragraph EJeotlon, mama, ..... Mrs W ;;; PreetorlUs has return"d Mrs John F Brannen no soldier shall In time members' of the Clan. and Claxton "The home of the JOHN F BRANNEN ina' correlation of peace be Ister and vote; To entitle a telegraph paCific person to eral All8embly under tbIa Constitution oondact IJIIIch HoUII shal1 lUld cOm�:.tlc:ha�lie __ Lallier home on South Mam street ...... quartered In any hOllSe ""Ithout the granted a VISit m Tampa With Sgt and Allen who has received hiS on North Mam street was the ...... Plaintiff s NOW THEREP'ORE BE IT RE· register and vote at any eJection be the of the election by th :lirom Zach Attorney consent of by shall take place on TUesday after the udge returns In IIIIch of .... and sceneW re n r='f""'our'" SOLVED BY THE GENERAL ABBEY· the owner nor In time of the people he shall have and manner .: William T and was Attendmg thiS party spendlllg a dmner --A-=-N-TE--D----T-o t=a'"""'th"'r"'e=e=o realaed In first In November 1946 and d1aOl'dJJq lcatlons of Its memben and =-�be� Mrs Wright ac, discharge from military serv ce after of a happy occaSion Friday (5JII16tp) war except by the clvU In tile Monday bJi law and U room unfurnished apartment close BLY OF GI!lORGIA maglatrate State One year next t1ie ohall have power to them for In the the were Misses Carter Betty such manner as precedIng subsequent elections biennially. on punlah � home by her little grand SIX months In the mght Lt Shell Brannen Jr of Section One may, be provided by election and In the tafy OJ State oh compallled servmg twenty honorlllg m preferable permanent no chlldl.. n FOR SALE-Five room house In good law county In which that day until the of election (I disorderly )lehavior, or",ntdlaqua1ltted lID Barbara Ann Brannen the he offers to vote day mIaconduct, by act In any re Smith Patty home J L That Constitution of the State six: monthll next pre. censure caseO thl1li In liOn Sonny Artley Wright African and Italian thearers has Stilson who has Just returned any time up to September 1st condition West Main street painted XX The changed by law tine imprisonment or expul. the that _, of Georgia of 18'1'7 and all Amendments Contempll. cedIng the election sian legfalatun BIIAu and chll Banks Ann Oliver and Jill Bryan war 111 NorrIS Ho inSide and out a mee little honse of he Parqraph m Meetln, of.the Oaft. but no member shall be (Il'OVIde by Mr" Howard Dadisman turned to hiS home hele aft'r be mil' a prisoner of Ger QUATTLEBAUM phone thereof after the Preamble paragrafth Courts to for con· IV expeUed laws b what s-"II appearing Parqraph Qaa1Itlcations of eral The General a vote of pelIOJl such of Brooklet Tu"sd a fternoon tel POBox 600 500 JOSIAH ZETTEROWER f.0werempt shall be limite All8embIy Aaoembly except by two.tblrda of the be cIulit8i- dren Carol Ann and Dean have re had as ay 1944 A four (28)un4tp) price �2 be and It Is hereby to be J'Unlsl:iby legislative electors. citizen of this state �ted. Mr and Mrs Roy Parker many Slllce December proposed acta Every shall meet In regular sesalon on the House to which he belongl amended as one amendment shall be entitled to as an elec p.__ In five 0 clock MISS Lamel IIlvlted sIngle by reglater second In 1947 and II ..... DPh X V I I I -tulmed to then home Jefferson th.a week Mrs course dmner was served Tnose pres Paragraph XXI Imprloonment (0. tor Monday January Paragraph Contempto, how pan. guests durmg past strlklng therefrom In their entirety and to vote In all elections In eald Ilhed. The-General � I I Ann Waters debt. There shall be no biennIally thereafter on the same day Each HOUle may pllllla1i Aaoembly Ihall her father S L Moore �lsses Jr and state by ha... 110 "lfter vlsltmg Vernon Hall apd ch Idren Jerry and ant ,\ere Lt Shell Brannen Article I (Bill of Rights) Article II imprIsonment who Ia not disqualified under the until the to relieve for debt date shall be changed by ImJlrlBonment not extending Prlncfpals or __ I a Lee loy an tnnler guesrlc� (Elective Franchise) ArtIcle m (Leg provlalons of Section II of Article II beyon<\, l:":ern � ..nd M,.s Sadie Maude Moore I Beaufort S C and Mrs A V,rglll P�tty :ank� Mrs Shell Btannen of StIlson Mrs law By concurrent resolution adopl Lhe aesslon any person not a member forfeited recOlllllZances Nancy Islatlve Department) Article IV (Pow· Paragraph XXII Anns rlrht to of this Constitution and who � from UII who Betty Proctot Ann Remmgton d and Mrs POllSeasea ed by a majority of members electell who ohall be IrUUty of by thereof either Mr and Mrs George Mulling M and daughter Shirley John F Brannen Sr Mr er of the General over Taxa keep and bear The right of the the quallflcatlons Para· contempt fuament betore or atIiIr Gulledge Assembly people prescribed In to bOth Houses the General any behavior unle.. to a to All8embly disorderly In Ita pres the 'Were enroute from the mountams of Jill Bryan sWlmmmg �n Mr and tlon) Article V (Executive Depart keep and bear arms shall not be graphs II and m of this Sectlon or In ��ente th�",- p� Camp LeJeune N C Fred Brmson Swamsboro may adjourn any regular session to ence or who shall rescue or attempt shaJJ have er ment) Article VI ArtIele infringed but the General who wUl JlO&8esa them at the date of a beeD m Ca.ol Jean at the poo (JudicIary) Aaoembly such later date as It for re. to rescue and NOI th Georgia to their hom- Bax MISS Uldme Nesmith has leturned college p�rt�ft°r W S Hanner and W S Han",'r may fix any person arrested by order placed In the ca- Mrs VII (Finance Taxation and Public shall have power to prescribe the the election occurrina' next after hili e were convening In regular session but ohall of either Rouse tJ's,yrehf8lltdhed proper officers week end the sWim drmks and sandWiches manner In which anns ley were guests dUring the home aftel a week m Sa Jr Mr and M rs J0 h n F Brannen Debt) Article VIII (Education) Artl may be borne registration and who In addition remain sQendmg In regular sesalon no longer Paragraph m Prlvlle,. of mem � XIX_ Y_ and served at the Co I Ph �cy cle IX (Homesteads and Paragraph XXIII Legislative thereto comes within either of the b red. Dan .. <>f her Mr and Mrs E L her sister and other rei Brannen Jr Exemptions) ja than seventy (70) days In the allgre ben The members of both House. terrBPhwhen Whenever parents vannah With and John F Article X dlclal and executive classes u the Ooa­ (MlIltla) Artlcle XI (Coun powen separate provided for In the two follow shall :lte�1on a evenmg t�eg;e estureal�0 en gate durina' the term for which the be free from arrest durIng theIr requires vote of 'Barnes atlves Sh'c) was ed home Wednesday ties and Officers) Article XII The legIslative judicIal and executIve Ing subdivisions of this �f two-thInIII accompan County paragraph members were elected It It shall ad on the General or both hOll8eo a 1 attendan�e AIi§embly for the tertamment was hayrl«lstran Any person to whom the Senate and the House question shall .t In case of 81r medal vannah Beach given Sunday July 1 at the home where hiS

11111 t 1880 GFfS INCREASED STATESBORO MAN IS CONGRATULATED I STATESBORO LAD GRANT FOR ROADS ADVAt;CES IN RANK Seventy Seven Per Cent John Slaton Rushin, Increase For the Coming Given Raise to Lieutenant Year Compared To Last Colonel At Dow Field

Majo John S Rueh nl .on of Mr ond Mra C M RUlh nl of Stat.­ boro now d rector (\f peraonnel allll admln Itrat .e lel'9 eel at Dow Field, Banlor MalIN hal JUBt been prolllot­ Id to I eutenant colonel SuperYI.I­ nl tbe 1I(0rll of personal a«alrl mil- and IIIvlllan penonne man.... ment g1'(\und ..fety the chaplaJna the adjutant the lIled cal dl'flaloa, nMlllge""e and _atlt:v the 1"aI oflice the IIl1ance d viI on nfo."... tlon anel ecIucatlon and the edJIIln'" mtlon of an the lqUadronl on tile lIeld Colonel Ruhlnl hal man:v ,.. aponalbll t .a Dow 11' .Id located at Banlor Ma ne II one of the tran. Atlantic a r balNI of the A r Tranlport 00.. mand and part of the famou. aerial h Ihwa:v to Europe Africa an Goes To Miami Beaeh AI� Throulb Dow F led ha.. ..IN For Formal p Proeesslng thou••nda of combat bomben bou_ And New A8IIllI'nment for the varlou. war theat,n .. well al man, hundreda of carlo and other a reraft At the preaent time tile North Atlantic dlvlalon I redaplor. nl the 8th and 16th Air Forou wJtiI the war wea". bombers belnll tlOWII back throulh the lame rOUM on wluu �he:v CTolled nto combat. Colone Ruah nl a II1B8 .,adua� of Statelboro Hllh School and a .ta dent at South Georsta Teachera Col- 91. began MI. nlilttlU'J' caNer '" apend nl f� .umm,ra at OM'tC campI n �rrJ' �d a member of the COI.i Artillery of � Georl a Nltlonl' GuN. H. � a seeend I outenant In the O,.anlspl R.le,,",1 n 1938 and went on actlft dut, n the Firat Infantry In 18� Af�r lpendln, IfOlDet me at .... era uaBea In the Un Md Statu, be waa Hnt to Fo.rt Pepperell N_ foundland 0l\;'����� 19G � ��1IIr- bale of the ATe at StaPhenvi� Newfoundland

MOVE TO PROTECT CAMP STEWART F,ar Big Geqrgla Tract Be Declared Waste Lands And Made Federal Reserve

ELLIS ARNALL Goemo stetlon IX

Pa agr!ggrolrt;!!,c;::.�i���nd ...b