We support renewables as an important contribution to address the impacts of climate change. In most locations and circumstances, site-based renewable technologies can be successfully installed with minimal effect on the natural heritage.

We have installed renewable energy systems at many of our own offices, visitor centres and nature reserves where we can demonstrate significant benefit for the costs.

This helps us achieve our Low Carbon Vision which shapes how we will get to being a truly low Carbon organisation. In most cases these investments also saves SNH money, thus making better use of public funds. We operate the following renewable energy systems:

RE Property Install Energy CO2 Comments type date output saved (kWh/yr.) (kg/yr.) Reserve and 2003 c25,000 kWh c5,500 Avoids bringing fuel Visitor Centre (in Firth of kg onto island. Forth) - 20m2 array Promotes low- Carbon story. Golspie office (Highland) – 2012 c18,000 kWh c12,500 Replaces grid 25kW - 200m2 array kg electricity Inverness Great Glen 2012 c36,000 kWh c25,000 Replaces grid House office (Highland) – kg electricity 50kW - 400 m2 array Dingwall office (Highland) 2012 c10,900 kWh c6,000 Replaces grid 15kW – 120 m2 array kg electricity Battleby office (Perthshire) 2012 c14,550 kWh c10,000 Replaces grid – 20kW - 180m2 array kg electricity Cairnsmore of Fleet 2013 c11,200 kWh c6,300 Replaces grid Reserve and Visitor Centre kg electricity. Promotes (Dumfries & ) – two low-Carbon story 2

Solar Photovoltaic Solar

arrays of 120m panels

- Isle of May Reserve and 2013 c5,300 kWh c1,600 Replaces diesel. Visitor Centre (via Fife) – kg) Promotes low- additional 5m2 panels Carbon story. office 2013 c11,200 kWh c6,300 Replaces grid Electricity Electricity (Galloway) – 120m2 panels kg electricity. Noss Reserve and Visitor 1990s Not known Not Avoids bringing fuel Centre (Shetland) – two x known onto island. 1m2 panels – hot water. Promotes low- Carbon story Tentsmuir Reserve (Fife) – 2008 Not known Not To pump water to a) two PV panels (c250W) – known enable flooding and reserve management b) provide water for grazing animals

- Rum Reserve and Visitor 1900s c200,000 kWh c48,000 Avoids need to bring Centre (Highland) - 30kW, kg fuel onto island. plus 15kW Induction Promotes low-

hydro generator Carbon image to

Electricity Electricity NNR visitors.

Creag Meagaidh Reserve 2014 c249,000 kWh c47,200 Replaces diesel & and Visitor Centre (Highland) kg LPG at off-grid site. – 15kW run-of-river Simplifies NNR management Noss Reserve and Visitor 1990s c3,000 kWh c750 kg Avoids need to bring Centre (Shetland) - 750w - fuel onto island. charges 12v battery for Promotes low- lights, fire alarm, radio etc. Carbon image to NNR visitors. turbine Forvie Reserve and Visitor 2011 c15,000 kWh) c8,000 Promotes low- Centre (Aberdeenshire) - kg Carbon image to

Wind Wind

NNR visitors.

– St Cyrus Reserve and 2014 c22,400 kWh c12,200 Replaces grid Visitor Centre kg electricity. Promotes (Aberdeenshire) - 15kW low-Carbon image to turbine NNR visitors.

Electricity Electricity Tentsmuir Reserve (Fife) – 2008 To enable seasonal reserve management flooding of reserve Reserve & 2009 c21,500 kWh 5,000 kg Saves electricity for

Visitor Centre (Highland) – (prior to hydro office & deer larder stores surplus from diesel installation) (chiller) at off-grid generator location. Simplifies NNR Management Rum Reserve and Visitor 2011 c51,000 kWh c12,000 Saves electricity for Centre kg office & deer larder (Highland) (chiller) at off-grid Battery Storage Battery location. Simplifies NNR Management Aviemore office (Highland) 2005 c86,300 kWh c20,000 Avoids oil or LPG at – wood pellets – office and kg rural location heating 2013 Golspie office (Highland) - 2009 c152,000 kWh c30,000k Part of low Carbon wood pellets - office heating g design for new building Aberdeen office owned by 2010 c30,400kWh c600kg Part of low Carbon SEPA – wood pellets office (SNH share) (SNH design for new heating share) building Battleby office, training & 2010 c672,000 kWh c158,000 Biomass replaces oil


- conference centre kg and kerosene. (Perthshire) – wood pellets office heating

Heat Heat Kinlochewe office and field 2011 c86,000 kWh 22,800 Replaces oil heating station (Highland) – office kg heating Inverness Great Glen 2013 c48,0000 kWh c93,700 Replaces gas House office (Highland) – kg heating at already 199 kW wood pellet boiler – very Green building. office heating

Forvie Reserve & Visitor 2008 c1,100 kWh c580 kg Promotes low-

eat Centre (Aberdeenshire) Carbon image to NNR visitors. St Cyrus Reserve & Visitor 2008 c1,500 kWh c800 kg Promotes low- Centre (Aberdeenshire) Carbon image to

source h source - NNR visitors.

Pumps Battleby office, training & 2008 c1,200 kWh c650kg Pre-heats water conference centre (Perth) for central heating


– Cairnsmore of Fleet 2008 c2,000 kWh c500 kg Simpler heating Reserve & Visitor Centre system for remote

Heat Heat (Dumfries & Galloway) visitor centre Inverness Great Glen 2006 c23,000 kWh c4,000 kg Part of low Carbon House office (Highland) design 10m2 – hot water Battleby office, training & 2008 c3,000 kWh c100kg Pre-heats water conference centre for central heating (Perthshire) – 1m2 panel

Inverness Great Glen 2013 c3,000 kWh c150kg Pre-heats water House office (Highland) – for central heating additional 1kW array Aviemore office (Highland) 2013 c3,000 kWh c100kg To reduce hot – 1kW array water costs

Solar Thermal Solar

– Isle of May Reserve and 2013 c3,000 kWh c 2,700kg Replaces oil or Visitor Centre (via Fife) – diesel. Avoids

Heat Heat 1kW array bringing fuel onto island. Promotes low-Carbon image to NNR visitors. Battleby office, training & c3,000 kWh c150kg To complement conference centre other renewables (Perthshire) – 1kW array at high-profile site Estimated total renewable energy c2,518,150 541,180 outputs, fuels avoided or saved kWh/year kg/year

See for information on ’s National Nature Reserves.

Further investment depends on several factors that shape what we can ACTUALLY achieve:  Ownership - we do not own all of the properties we occupy, which limits opportunities at some locations which might otherwise be good prospects.  Location - there must be suitable technologies, space to fit systems and local fuel (for biomass).  Cost versus savings - we prioritise investments that will bring best Financial AND Carbon savings. Over time we will carry out all of the investments that are meaningful.  Natural heritage implications - especially regarding wind turbines (potential bird strikes and landscape impacts).

Whenever we consider options for new or replacement properties, renewable energy systems are always a high priority. Version Date: April 2015