INDIAN MISSION of OKLAHOMA the METHODIST CHURCH Sixth Annual Session After Declaration of Union Twenty-Sixth Session Since Present Organization
THE MINUTES « OF THE » INDIAN MISSION OF OKLAHOMA THE METHODIST CHURCH Sixth Annual Session After Declaration of Union Twenty-Sixth Session Since Present Organization Centennial Anniversary of Oklahoma Methodism, first organized among the Indians of the Indian Territory, at Riley's Chapel, near what is now Tahlequah, Oklahoma, 1844 HELD AT SALT CREEK CHURCH NEAR HOLDENVILE, OKLAHOMA 1944-1945 r-gv Mm«!i**«»fg»gM*iu.=*3dferjj u HOFFMAN-SPEED PRINTING CO., MUSKOGEE, OKLA. THE MINUTES OF THE INDIAN MISSION OF OKLAHOMA THE METHODIST CHURCH + HELD AT SALT CREEK CHURCH NEAR HOLDENVILLE, OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 14-17, 1944 PASTOR HOST: THE REVEREND LUNA E. DUNSON Next Session to be Held at Springfield Church in the Creek Nation, Eight Miles Southeast of Okemah, Oklahoma WILLIAM U. WITT, Muskogee, Oklahoma, Editor BISHOP W. ANGIE SMITH 4 INDIAN MISSION OFFICERS OF THE INDIAN MISSION OF OKLAHOMA President Bishop W. Angie Smith, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Superintendent _William U. Witt, Muskogee, Oklahoma Secretary Gabriel R. John, Broken Bow, Oklahoma Treasurer Newman Long, Route 1, Holdenville, Oklahoma Superintendent, Methodist Home H H. Allen, Tahlequah, Oklahoma Superintendent, Methodist Assembly Sam Yancey, Fayetteville, Arkansas District Statistical Secretaries Eastern Benson Wallace, Route 2, Whitesboro, Oklahoma Central George Long, Route 5, Holdenville, Oklahoma Western Lee Motah, Star Route, Lawton, Oklahoma District Directors of Christian Education Eastern : Mrs. Johnson W. Bobb, Hugo, Oklahoma Central Mrs. Cora Derrisaw, 1308 North Collins, Okmulgee, Oklahoma Mrs. Rulison Haynie, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Western Linn Pauahty, Route 4, Ponca City, Oklahoma District Directors of Adult Work Eastern Kennedy Myers, Route 1, Idabel, Oklahoma Central James Burgess, Route 1, Henryetta, Oklahoma Western Conrad Mausape, Route 3, Carnegie, Oklahoma District Directors of Youth Work Eastern.
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