Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

Dr. Heide Imai PhD, MA , Dipl.-Ing. Architect, AIA Chapter January 2019

EDUCATION - QUALIFICATIONS 09/2005 - 09/2009 PhD in Urban Sociology Manchester Metropolitan , Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design (MIRIAD), Manchester, UK Dissertation Title: ’s Contested Alleyways: The Role of the Roji in Understanding Globalisation, Attachment and the Social Construction of Place 東京の路地を巡る論争: グローバル化及び住民の街への帰属意識と実践 から 理解する路地の役割 (Magna cum laude)

09/2004 - 08/2005 MA in Cultural Studies (Magna cum laude) Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK 09/2002 - 08/2003 MA in Communication and Retail Design Willem de Kooning Academy WDKA, Rotterdam, Netherland 10/1997-02/2002 Dipl.Ing. Architect in Architecture/ Engineering (Magna cum laude) HTWK Leipzig (Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur),

Language Ability Native German, Native Level/Fluent English, Japanese, Dutch Basic French, Russian, Certificate: Japanese (JLPT N2), TOEIC 855, IELTS 9.0

AWARDS, GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2016/17 Invitation Grant DAAD Germany, Prof. Anthusa Loeffler, HTWK Leipzig, Germany. 2015/2016 Travel Grant Urban Transformations: Taxonomies, Processes, Interventions, with Dr.Deljana Iossifova, University of Manchester, UK. 2014/2015 Grant Daiwa Foundation HARMONICA ALLEY, YOKOHAMA: A VISUAL ETHNOGRAPHY, with Dr.Deljana Iossifova, University of Manchester, UK. 2009 – 2012 Kakenhi - Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, , Japan (Total of 3 MioYen) 2009 - 2012 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral Research Fellow Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan 2007 Japan Foundation Research Fellowship, Japan Foundation Fellowship Program, Research Fellow Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan (Total of 1,5MioYen) 2007 Travel Grant, EAJS Doctoral Workshop, Toshiba Foundation, Japan 2006 JSPS Research Fellowship Summer Program 2006, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellow , Japan (Total of 1,6 Mio Yen) 2005 - 2008 Full-time Research Scholarship, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

2004 - 2005 Full-time EU Scholarship, Oxford Brookes University, UK 2002 – 2004 DAAD Scholarship for Graduates, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service), Germany 2001 Scholarship Leonardo da Vinci Program EU (European Union) 1997 Exchange Program Helsinki, Finland, German Governmental Exchange Program 2002/ 2005 Honour, Graduation with Magna Cum Laude, HTWK Leipzig, Oxford Brookes University

EXPERIENCE since 04/2017 Visiting Associate Professor Faculty of Global Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS), Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan. 04/2013 to 03/2017 Assistant Professor Faculty of Global Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS), Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan. 09/2012 to 03/2013 Adjunct Professor Course convenor: Globalization and Society, International Christian University, Faculty of Anthropology, Tokyo, Japan. 11/2009 to present Research Associate, Instructor and Editor Course contributor: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design, Theories of Architecture and Urban Design, Urban Design and Fieldwork Methods, Co+labo, Prof. Darko Radovic, , Tokyo, Japan. 11/2009 to present Guest Critic and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, HTWK Leipzig, Germany. 11/2009 - 05/2012 Postdoctoral Researcher JSPS fellowship (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) for post-doctoral research in the field of local social movements, urban and community planning in different metropolitan areas in Japan; Prof. Hidenobu Jinnai Lab, Department of Architecture, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan. 05/ 2011 Instructor Summer Semester SS 2011, Lectures and Workshops in Theories of Urban Society, Master thesis Research, Preparation and Review, HTWK Leipzig, Germany. 07/ 2010 Instructor Lecture and Workshops in Urban planning and Environmental Design, Faculty of Architecture, Meiji University, Japan. 05-07/ 2010 Part-time Lecturer Lecture Series, Semester Summer 2010, Lectures and fieldtrips, Comparable Fieldwork and Design Work in different areas as Nezu, Yanaka and Ueno, HTWK Leipzig, Germany. 05/2007-05/2008 Visiting Researcher Department of Architecture, Prof. Hidenobu Jinnai Lab, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan 10/2007 Instructor Seminar, Lecture Series, Lecture and Workshops in Urban Planning and Environmental Design, , Kyoto, Japan. 06-08/2006 Visiting Researcher, Research Fellow and Instructor Research, Lectures and Seminars in Fieldwork and Research Methods, Department of Architecture, Prof. Teruyuki Monnai Lab, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. 09/2005- 03/2006 Instructor, Research Assistant Lecture Series Cities and Bodies, Manchester School of Architecture, MMU/ University of Manchester UK, Lectures and Seminars in Fieldwork and Research Methods 11/2004 - 06/2005 Instructor


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

Cultural and Architectural Studies, Oxford Brookes University, UK, Lectures and Seminars in Cultural and Architectural Studies 4/2002-06/2004 Architect OD 205 architectuur bv, Delft, Netherlands, 03/1999-06/2001 Instructor Seminar - Series: Constructions, HTWK Leipzig, Germany, Lectures and Seminars, Course: Construction and Design 07/-10/2001 Intern Architect,Thijssen Architects, Maastricht, Netherlands, 02/-06/2001 Intern Architect, Wirth & Wirth Architekten, Leipzig, Germany, 07/-10/2000 Intern Architect, Lafour en Wijk Architects, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 09/1999-02/2000 Intern Architect, Goetz & Hootz Architekten, Munich, Germany,

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Memberships IKI - International Keio Institute for Architecture and Urbanism, Japan Research Committee 21 on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association (ISA-RC21) European Association of Japanese Studies, EAJS, Germany Architecture Humanities Research Association, AHRA Association of Japanese Geographers, AJG, Pacific Rim Community Design Network, RIM Japan-Affiliated Research Community Network, JARC-Net, Hosei University, Eco-ken, Prof. Hidenobu Jinnai, Japan JSPS, Japan Foundation, DAAD Alumni,

Event Initiation and Organization 09/2014 Session Organizer, A model for urban life in demographic change: Less is more (space) - A intercultural Comparison of Changing Regions in Japan and Germany, De-Growth Conference, Leipzig, Germany. 07/2014 Session Organizer, Navigating and Understanding Vernacular Landscapes in Global Cities: Everyday Practices, Commodification and Contestation, Regional and Urban Development, RC21, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan. 11/2012 IKI Symposium, MnM Project - Measuring the non-measurable: Derive Workshop, IKI Institute (International Keio Institute for Architecture and Urbanism) Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 11/2011 IKI Symposium, MnM Project -Measuring the non-measurable: Eco-urbanity analysis of the relationship between urban densities and intensities, IKI Institute (International Keio Institute for Architecture and Urbanism) Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 07/2009 Panel, The Cultures of Public Space - Reflections on Spaces of Public Interaction in Metropolitan Japan, Cultural Typhoon Conference 2009, Tokyo, 12/2008 Session, Reclaiming the Street - Urban Social Movements and New Approaches to Public Space in Cities in Asia, ISA RC21 Conference, Tokyo, Japan 11/2007 Interdisciplinary Workshop , In the centre and on the margin: situating the local community between Low and High-rise -The case of Yanesen, Tokyo, Laboratory of Regional Design with Ecology, Graduate School of Hosei University, Prof. Hidenobu Jinnai , Tokyo, 06/2007 Panel, East Asian Urban Transition: Manifold Scales of Contemporary Spatial and Cultural Transformation, 11th ASCJ Conference, Asian Studies Conference Japan, Tokyo,


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

Editorial Experience since 11/2012 Book Review Editor of Asian Urban History at the editorial board of the moderated, multi- disciplinary forum on urban history and scholarship H-Urban. 2011-2014 Editor, Small Tokyo and Split Case (2012), Workbook 1 and 2 (2013), Workbook 3, HK-BK- SI and Jiyugaoka (2014), Book Series MnM ‘Measuring the non’ measurable’, IKI, Keio University. 11/2007 Editor, Workshop YaNeSen - a Selection of Essays, in Another Tokyo. Administrative Work/ Services Academic supervision of students in research seminar courses (undergraduate, postgraduate up to PhD level) and assisting in the general administration of the university incl. university entrance exams, faculty budget, library, curriculum, foreign/ female and handicapped students, environmental awareness, PR, IT and other committees, administrative bodies and duties (total of 14 different committees)

Experience in PhD supervision and Membership in Examination Panels Numbers of Candidates supervised/co-supervised: total of 5 3 Students at HTWK Leipzig, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Faculty of Architecture, HTWK Leipzig, Germany 2 Students, MIRIAD, 2012 and 2013, (Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK) Manchester Metropolitan University, UK,

Examiner or similar roles: External reviewer/examiner for 2 candidates (MIRIAD, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2013/2014) Internal examiner for 3 candidates (HTWK Leipzig, Germany, 2015) Internal advisor for 2 candidates (Faculty of Architecture, University of Manchester, 2013/2014) External advisor for 2 candidates (Keio and Tokyo University, 2016/2017)

Courses taught since 2013 . 1 Urban Anthropology 2 Cultural Geography 3 Sociology of Disaster 4 Tokyo Tales - Discovering the Hidden City 5 Modern Olympic Movement 6 Food and Society 7 Urban Sociology 8 Space in Japan 9 Urban Society 10 Introduction to Human Geography 11 City and Tourism 12 Developing Writing Skills through Travel Diaries 13 Japanese Architecture 14 Urban Environment 15 Globalization and Society 16 City and Film


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

PUBLICATIONS Authored Books  Imai, H. (2017) Tokyo Roji - The Diversity and Versatility of Alleys in a City in Transition, Routledge,  Imai, H. and M. Ursic (2019, forthcoming) Tokyo Creative - Revitalizing a Matured City (Palgrave Macmillan)  Jaeger, H. (2006) Roji Research – Diversity of Alleyways in Kyoto (Kyoto University)

Edited Books  Imai, H. and M. Gibert (Eds.) (2019, forthcoming) Asian Alleyways: an Urban Vernacular in Times of Globalization (Amsterdam University Press),

Peer-reviewed Papers and Book Chapters  Imai, H. (2018) Marginalized, Rediscovered and Commodified - The Perception of Alleyways in Contemporary Tokyo, GIS Journal, Volume 1, pp.63-72.  Imai, H. (2017) Back to the City - Sustainability and Creativity as a new Approach to revive the City from Inside, in Bremm, D. and L. Curtright (Eds) Sustainability and the City: Urban Poetics and Politics, pp.113-142.  Imai, H. (2017) Between Urban Poetics, Politics and Creativity - Urban Commons and Ordinary Places, GIS Journal, Volume 1, pp.117-24.  Imai, H. (2016) Situated Urban Rituals - Rethinking the meaning and practice of micro culture in cities in and Japan, GIS Journal, forthcoming, Volume 1, pp.41-86.  Imai, H. (2015) Preserving Tokyo’s Alleyways: from marginal to neighbourhood place?, GIS Journal, forthcoming, Volume 1, pp.1-18.  Imai, H. (2013) The Liminal Nature of Alleyways: Understanding the Alleyway Roji as a ‘Boundary’ between Past and Present, Journal Cities (h-index 62), Special Issue on Urban Borderlands, October 2013, 58–66.  Imai, H. (2012) Balancing Urban Revitalization, Tourism and Development Issues in times of Crisis - Kawagoe’s historical district as self-sustaining and resilient community, Journal Contemporary Japan (h-index 12), 24, 2, 149-178.  Imai, H. (2008) Senses on the move: multi-sensory encounters with street vendors in the Japanese urban alleyway roji, Journal Senses and the Society (h-index 10), Volume 3, 3, 329-339. Available here:

Non-refereed Papers and Book Chapters  Imai, H. (2014), Kidscape Jiyugaoka, in Radovic, Darko (Eds) Jiyugaoka, Tokyo: ichii shobou, pp.40  Imai, H. (2013), Dérive of Senses, MnM Workbook 2, Tokyo Dérive – In search of Urban Intensities, Radovic, Darko (Eds.) Tokyo: ichii shobou, pp.34-39  Imai, H. (2012), Small Urban Niches Rediscovered: Defining Tokyo’s cultural and alternative landscape, in Small Tokyo, Radovic, Darko and Davisi Boontharm (Eds.) Tokyo: ichii shobou, pp.88-95  Imai, H. (2010) Sensing Tokyo's Alleyways: everyday life and sensory encounters in the alleyways of a City in Transition, in Devorah Kalekin-Fishman and Kelvin E. Y. Low (Eds.) Everyday Life in Asia: Social Perspectives on the Senses Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate, pp. 64-84  Jaeger, H. (2008) Resonances of the roji: Shifting Public Space and Urban Life in between Low and High-rise, In Another Tokyo - Places and Practices of Urban Resistance, edited by Darko Radovic, Tokyo: ichii shobou, 2008, pp. 27-28

Book Reviews  Imai, H. (2016) Abdoumaliq Simone, Jakarta -Drawing the City Near, International Sociology Review (ISR), March 2016 31: 235-237


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

 Imai, H. (2018, forthcoming), Nikro, Norman Saadi & Sonja Hegasy, The Social Live of Memory: Violence, Trauma, and Testimony in Lebanon and Morocco (Palgrave Studies in Cultural Heritage and Conflict), International Sociology Review (ISR) (h-index 17)

Editorial  Imai, H. (forthcoming) Navigating and Understanding Vernacular Landscapes in Global Cities: Everyday Practices, Commodification and Contestation, Regional and Urban Development, RC21, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Special Issue (forthcoming)  Jaeger, H. (2008) Workshop YaNeSen - a Selection of Essays (Eds), In Another Tokyo - Places and Practices of Urban Resistance, Darko Radovic, Tokyo: ichii shobou, 2008, pp.17-27.

Upcoming Book Chapter Imai, H. (2019) Being and Becoming: Urban Change and Everyday Life in Megacity Tokyo, in International Handbook on Megacities and Megacity-regions, edited by Labbe, D. and A. Sorensen, Routledge. Paper Imai, H. (2019) Yokohama – Homeless, Artists and the New Urban, GIS Journal, Volume 1.

Under Review  Imai, H. (forthcoming) Everyday Yokohama – Homelessness, Art and the Contested City (Book Proposal under Review, Palgrave),  Imai, H., A. Loeffler and J. Weber (forthcoming) Sharing in Japan (Book Proposal under Review, Jovis Publisher)  Boontharm, D. and H. Imai (Eds.) (forthcoming) Urban Ordinaries (Book Proposal under Review)

INVITED TALKS AND PUBLIC LECTURES  12/2018 Lecture Tokyo Roji – Alleyways as Source for Resourceful Living, Faculty of System Engineering, Keio University.  10/2018 Lecture Tokyo Roji – Alleyways between Conflict, Change and Innovation, Lakeland College Tokyo.  04/2018 Lecture Tsukudajima between Tradition and Modernity, OAG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens), Tokyo.  04/2018 Guided Tour, Tsukudajima between Tradition and Modernity, OAG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens), Tokyo.  01/2018 Lecture Everyday City Making, Institute of Comparative Culture (ICC), , Tokyo.  10/2017 Lecture Tokyo's Roji, Faculty of Architecture, Hosei University, Tokyo.  10/2016 Lecture Tokyo's Rojis, DAAD Butterbrot und Bier, DAAD Wissenschaftlicher Gespraechskreis,  10/2016 Workshop "Urban Spaces in Japan", Prof. Jinnai Laboratory, Hosei University  05/2015 Workshop "Urban housing agendas under aging and shrinking societies in Germany and Japan" Lecture Creative Cities, Prof. Darko Radovic Lab., Keio University, Tokyo.  03/2015 Lecture, Mapping Social Innovation, PLUS Talks, Tokyo Transition Exhibition, Minami Senju, Tokyo.  11/2014 Guest Lecture Urban Creativity- liveable communities in Berlin and Tokyo, Prof. Davisi Boontharm, Sophia University, Tokyo.


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

 07/2014 Olympic Tokyo - the events of 1940, 1964 and 2020, International Symposium, In the Search of Urban Quality, Brazilian Embassy, Tokyo  05/2014 Guest Lecture Urban Resilience: the future of livable communities in Berlin and Tokyo, Prof.Davisi Boontharm, Sophia University,Tokyo  12/2013 Lecture, Social Innovation and Resilient Communities in Tokyo, Prof.Darko Radovic Co+labo, Keio University Tokyo,  12/2012 Lecture, Creative cities with cultural continuities - The interplay between public and private, Prof.Darko Radovic Co+labo, Keio University Tokyo,  02/2012 Research presentation, Unesco World Heritage Committee’s Visit to Yanaka, Tokyo, in cooperation, with Prof. Akiko Shiihara, Tokyo University of Fine Arts,  12/2011 Lecture, Tokio's umkämpfte Hintergassen - Rojis, Positionen, HTWK Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany  05/ 2011 Lecture, On Roji and Japanese Urbanism, Prof.Darko Radovic Co+labo, Keio University Tokyo, Japan  05/2011 Lecture, Urban Movements in cities in Japan, Symposium Reassessing the Urban in a Global Context: learning from cities in Japan, HTWK Leipzig, Germany,  07/2010 Lecture, Local Spaces Rediscovered: Alternative lifestyles in contemporary Tokyo, Workshop Mukojima, Prof.Hidenobu Jinnai, Hosei University  07/2010 Lecture, On roji – Tokyo’s Contested Alleyways: The Role of the Roji in Understanding Globalisation, Attachment and the Social Construction of Place, Tokyo Creative Urbanism Revisited 19-31 July 2010, NUS-Co+labo Workshop, Keio University, Japan  07/2010 Lecture, What is good Urban Design? The case of Tokyo, Lecturer Yasuyuki Yanagisawa, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan  05/2010 Lecture, Tokyo zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Bedeutung und Funktion von Stadt-, Zwischen- und Kleinstrauemen, Symposium Small Urban Spaces within the city, HTWK Leipzig, Germany  12/2007 Research presentation, Research Fellowship: Resonances of the roji: shifting public space and urban life in between Low- and High-rise in contemporary Tokyo, Japan Foundation, Tokyo, Japan  10/2007 Lecture, Small versus Large and Low versus High – Current Urban Challenges in cities in UK and Japan, as part of Lecture Series on Japanese Studies, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan,  05/2007 Lecture, Kyoto University, Prof. Teruyuki Monnai, Kyoto, Japan  04/2007 Lecture, Transformation der Strasse: Stadtstruktur, Ort und Alltagswelt – die Hintergasse im heutigem Tokyo, Prof. Evelyn Schulz, Japan Centre, Ludwig Maximilian, University Munich, Germany  04/2007 Presentation, Graduate Fieldwork Workshop, Prof. David Slater, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan  05/2006 Lecture ‘Stadt der Lücken: Tokio und die Japanische Stadt, HTWK Leipzig, Germany  03/2006 Lecture , Tokyo – City of Breathing Gaps, Japan Centre Manchester North West, UK

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS  07/ 2018 Paper Presentation Urban Ordinaries between Local and Global, IPHS Conference, Yokohama, Japan.  10/ 2017 Paper Presentation, Tokyo Roji - Everyday Urbanism, Symposium Urban Transformation, Tongji University, .


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

 06/2016 Paper Presentation Social Tokyo Roji - Alleyways between Conflict and Cultural Innovation, Conference Lanes and Neighbourhoods in Cities in Asia, Asian Urbanisms Cluster at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.  05/2016 Paper Presentation Situated Urban Rituals - Rethinking the Meaning and Practice of Micro Culture in Cities in East Asia and Japan, ICADUC 2016: 18th International Conference on Architectural Design and Urban Context, Amsterdam, NL.  10/2015 Paper Presentation Ordinary Scapes - taking back Streets, Alleys and other Everyday Niches, RE-DO Conference On Sustainability and Culture’s Role in Sustainable Futures, Aarhus, Denmark.  08/2015 Paper Presentation Insurgent Space in Tokyo? - Mobilizing Social Media for Urban Resilience and Situational Awareness to get back into public space, RC21 Conference 2015, The Ideal City - between Myth and Reality, .  08/2015 Paper Presentation, Whose right to stay? - Commercial and Residential Gentrification in the Case of traditional Neighbourhoods in Japan and , RC21 Conference 2015, The Ideal City - between Myth and Reality, Italy  08/2015 Paper Presentation, Social Innovation, Change and the Future of Resilient Communities in Urban Tokyo, ICSAUD 2015: XIII International Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design, Barcelona, .  06/ 2015 Paper Presentation with Prajakta Khare, Conceptualization of Social Entrepreneurship in , ICSB World Conference, Entrepreneurship at a Global Crossroads, Dubai.  11/2014 Paper Presentation, Social Innovation, Change and the Future of Resilient Communities in urban Tokyo, 2014 ANZTSR Conference Resilience, Change and the Third Sector, Christchurch, NZ,  09/2014 Paper Presentation, A spatial Anthropology of the Changing Use of Urban Spaces in Tokyo, Session, Less is more (space)“ - A intercultural Comparison of Changing Regions in Japan and Germany, De-Growth Conference, Leipzig, Germany,  07/2014 Paper Presentation, Making Places for Identity: Urban Alleyways as Places of Belonging and Displacement, Panel The Street and the Urban Public Sphere: Diversity, Difference, Inequality, Regional and Urban Development, RC21, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan,  11/2013 Paper Presentation ,New Geographies of Theory: Understanding Vernacular Landscapes as Spatialities and Temporalities of Urban Intensities, MnM Measuring the Non-Measurable Conference 2013, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan  08/2013 Paper Presentation, Social Entrepreneurship and the meaning of resilient communities in urban Tokyo, Panel Community resilience in the urban context, RC 21 Conference 2013 Resourceful Cities, Berlin, Germany  11/2011 Paper presentation, Walks in Yanaka, Tokyo, AIA Conference Crafting Japan , 2011 Northwest & Pacific Region Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan  09/2011 Paper presentation, Preserving Tokyo’s Alleysways: from marginal to neighbourhood place?, APSA 2011, 11th International Congress of Asian, Planning Schools Association, Tokyo, Japan  09/2011 Paper presentation, Resonances of the roji: Re-evaluating the Role and Meaning of Urban Alleyways in contemporary Tokyo, UIA2011 Tokyo, 24th World Congress of Architecture, Tokyo, Japan


Curriculum Vitae Heide Imai

 07/2010 Paper presentation, Local Spaces Rediscovered: Alternative Lifestyles in Contemporary Tokyo, Symposium, Alternative (to) Politics: Youth, Media, Performance and Activism in Urban Japan, Sophia University, University Institute of Comparative Culture, Japan  06/2010 Paper presentation, Tokyo’s Contested Alleyways: The Role of the Roji in Understanding Globalisation, Attachment and the Social Construction of Place, Global Studies Conference 2010, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea  07/2009 Paper Presentation The Question of Micro Public Spaces: Re-evaluating the Role and Meaning of Urban Alleyways in contemporary Tokyo, Cultural Typhoon Conference 2009, Tokyo,  09/2008 Paper presentation, Resonances of the roji: shifting public space and urban life in between Low and High-rise in contemporary Tokyo, 12th EAJS Conference, European Association for Japanese Studies, Lecce, Italy  11/ 2007 Paper presentation, 8th APSA Conference, ASIA PACIFIC REGION: SOCIETIES IN TRANSFORMATION, Asia Pacific Sociological Association, Penang, ,  11/2007 Paper presentation Interdisciplinary Workshop , In the centre and on the margin: situating the local community between Low and High-rise -The case of Yanesen, Tokyo, Laboratory of Regional Design with Ecology, Graduate School of Hosei University, Prof. Hidenobu Jinnai , Tokyo,  06/2007 Paper presentation, Between the lines: situating the local community between low and high rise – The case of Tsukudajima, Tokyo, 11th ASCJ Conference, Asian Studies Conference Japan, Tokyo,  05/2007 Paper presentation, 4th EAJS Workshop for Doctoral Students, Oxford University, UK, European Association for Japanese Studies,  11/2006 Paper presentation, 6th mAAN International Conference, Modern Asian Architecture Network, Tokyo, Japan  11/2005 Paper presentation, Urban Complexity: The dynamics and meaning of human movement in an everyday perspective, Conference Urban Spaces in Japan, Koenigswinter, Germany German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF)

INTERVIEWS – MEDIACOVERAGE  Imai, H. (2018) Tokyo Roji, Special Feature, in Internazionale Magazine 06/2018, Italy,  Imai, H. (2014 – 2015) Harmonica Alley, Yokohama: a visual ethnography - See more at: 2015/#sthash.8NjJ2xYl.dpuf  Imai, H. (2014) Urban Development in Postwar Japan, Project Leader, The Boston Consulting Group  Imai, H.(2014) Futurescape Tokyo - an interdisciplinary research project discussing the future of Tokyo, by Maja Alton and journalist Anneli Enqvist, Stockholm, Sweden, Available here: imai.html  Imai, H.(2012) Rojis in Japan - an Interview, Camponovo Baumgartner, ETH Zuerich. Available here:  Imai, H. (2012) Proudly presented...Tokyo’s Contested Alleyways, LeArch Zwanzig12, 20 Jahre Architektur (20 Years Architecture) HTWK Leipzig, Edition Kultur Druck, pp. 252-253.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE  Referee (Journals) - International Sociology Reviews (ISR),  Referee/ Reviewer - Palgrave Publisher,  Editor – Journal International Social Sciences,