Report to: AGENDA ITEM 5 Flood Partnership Board Report Number: (EFPB 01/17) Date of report: 12/01/2017 County Divisions affected by the decision: All

Title of report : The Essex Capital Flood Programme

Report by : David Chapman Delivery and Enforcement Manager

Head of Service: John Meehan Acting Head of Environment and Flood Management

Enquiries to: John Meehan Acting Head of Environment and Flood Management 07827 976397

1. Purpose of report

1.1. To update the Flood Board on the Capital Flood Programme progress in 2016/17

2. Background

2.1 The Capital Flood Programme has a £19 million ECC budget broken down over 5 years. Last year the budget of £1.5 million was met. It has an ambitious programme in 2016/17 of £3.5 million for grants and projects. Next year the PLP element will come from Revenue so the Capital programme was reduced by £600,000 so the total programme now stands at £18.4 million. In addition ECC received a contribution of £800,000 for the Flood Alleviation Scheme from the SE Local Enterprise Partnership, reducing the Capital Programme to £17.6 million.

2.2 The Capital Flood Programme is broken down into 3 elements

1) Property Level Protection (PLP) is a scheme that offers previously flooded properties an opportunity to apply for individual protection. The applications are then vetted and prioritised. The latest PLP information will be covered by Oladipo Lafinhan.

2) The latest Community Flood Improvement Fund information will be covered by Oladipo Lafinhan.

3) Capital funded Flood Alleviation Schemes (FAS) forms the bulk of our programme; this area focuses on delivering projects on the ground in the areas most at risk of surface water flooding. Below is more specific detail on the Capital Programme Flood Alleviation Schemes.

3. Capital Programme Flood Alleviation Schemes (FAS) 2016/17

3.1 The aim of the Capital Programme is to deliver schemes which reduce the risk of surface water flooding to properties in Essex. Schemes on the programme go through a 3 step process as follows;

• Feasibility/Optioneering • Detailed Design • Construction

At the end of the Feasibility and Optioneering stages a review of each scheme is carried out to make sure it is still financially viable and delivers the benefits we are after.

3.2 Completed Feasibility/Optioneering studies

The Flood Team have completed 23 feasibility studies this year at a total cost of £417k, of which the EA have funded £142k through FDGIA and ECC have funded £275k.

• The 10 Jacob’s feasibility studies are complete and 5 were progressed into optioneering. The 5 Optioneering studies are now complete and they are all progressing to Detailed Design. • The 10 feasibility schemes being delivered by CH2M via the WEM framework are complete and 7 have progressed to the next stage which starts in January.

• The 3 feasibility studies being carried out by the Thames EA region are complete and all 3 have progressed to the next stage which starts in January.

3.1. New Feasibility Studies

The opportunity to complete more feasibility studies this financial year has been agreed with our consultants and 26 new sites have been identified. 11 new studies will be carried out by CH2M via the WEM framework with an estimated cost of £154k; these studies will be funded through FDGIA. 15 new studies will be carried by Jacobs with an estimated cost of £127k; these studies will be funded by ECC.

The rationale for preparing a substantial number of feasibility schemes is twofold: firstly to have schemes ready to start earlier in the year before the weather turns wet and reduces our delivery capability; and secondly to have as many schemes as ready as possible for the last 2-3 years of the programme when we will concentrate on delivery. Please see appendix A for the list of new studies.

3.2. Detailed Design

The 6 schemes originally in the detailed design phase of the programme have been complete and 8 new schemes have entered the detailed design phase. With the progression of the 5 year programme the aim for our capital programme is to complete the feasibility/optionering and detailed design stage the year before a scheme is scheduled for delivery. By doing this it gives us greater control over delivery and we can start work on the ground earlier in the year, which is good in spend monitoring terms and avoids the winters months which can delay delivery.

3.3. Construction

• The Hockley FAS is the first of our 2016/17 priority schemes to be completed. Work started on the 24 th October and was completed in the 16 th December.

• Mill Road, Foxearth started on the 12 th September and is programmed to be completed on the 3 rd February. The scheme has been delayed due to additional work being required on phase 4 and the two week Christmas shut down.

• Planning application approval has been granted for Rayleigh West PH1, West Horndon is expected by the 20 th January and the East Thundersley application is going to committee on the 27 th January.

• As part of the construction requirements for Rayleigh West PH 1&2, East Thundersley and West Horndon ground investigation surveys are being carried out to determine the suitability of locally sourced material to construct the bunds. The surveys will cost an estimated £107k

• Work on removing timber from Garnetts Wood has started. The timber will then be transported to where construction of the 13 leaky dams is programmed to start in February 2017.

4. Total ECC capital programme costs for 2016/17

4.1 The cost for the completed Feasibility/Optionering studies is £289k. 4.2 The estimated cost for the new Feasibility studies is £127k. 4.3 The estimated cost for schemes in the Detailed Design stage of the programme is £333k. 4.4 The cost of Ground Investigations, staff time and consultant fees is £179k. 4.5 The estimated cost for the Construction stage of the programme is £2.4m. 4.6 The value of PLP contributions are £375k. 4.7 The estimated CFIF contributions is £462k. This may change if more applications are received or if applicants fail to sign up to our legal agreement which releases the funds. Adding all 3 parts of the capital programme together including Ground Investigations, staff time and consultant fees, the total spend for 2016/17 is estimated to be £4.165m which is over budget by £665k. We are advised to over-programme to mitigate against problems and slippage creating underspend. The cost of construction may change due to difficult land owner negotiations that are ongoing for two of our priority schemes. If these two schemes do not get delivered then it will reduce spend by an estimated £560k, giving us an a potential overspend of £105k on a budget of £3.5m.

5. Recommendation

5.1 For Essex Flood Board Members to note progress on the Capital Flood Programme

Appendix A

Capital Programme

Project Name Reference Location Consultant 1 Chequers Road, EPP6 Epping Jacobs 2 Loughton Station EPP4 Epping Jacobs 3 Upper Loughton Brook EPP3 Epping Jacobs 4 The Avenue and Valley Hill, Loughton EPP7 Epping Jacobs 5 Pyrles Lane and Colebrook EPP2 Epping Jacobs 6 The Meadway Burkhurst Hill EPP5 Epping Jacobs 7 Old HAR13 Harlow Jacobs 8 Hawk, Lane Chelmsford FIR Chelmsford Jacobs 9 Temple Fields HAR12 Harlow Jacobs 10 Rivermill HAR9 Harlow Jacobs 11 BAS17 Jacobs 12 Great Stambridge ROC8 Jacobs 13 Victoria Gate HAR7 Harlow Jacobs 14 Limebrook Area MAL1 Jacobs 15 Little Hallingbury, FIR Uttlesford Jacobs 16 Stock Road BAS3 Basildon CH2M 17 Bowers Giffords BAS16 Basildon CH2M 18 Pilgrims Hatch BRENT -B Brentwood CH2M 19 Brentwood High Street BRENT -A Brentwood CH2M 20 Hutton BRENT -H Brentwood CH2M 21 Thrift Green BRENT -F Brentwood CH2M 22 Heybridge INGATE -C Brentwood CH2M 23 Moulsham CHE12 Chelmsford CH2M 24 Chelmer Village CHE9 Chelmsford CH2M 25 The Causeway MAL3 Maldon CH2M 26 The Lane, Mersea CH2M