Perinatal Journal 2011;19(3):140-144

e-Adress: doi:10.2399/prn.11.0193008

Prenatal Diagnosis of Omphalocele and Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: a Case Report

Sema Tanr›verdi1, Rengin Ayçiçek1, Onur Ba¤c›1, Bertan Karabo¤a2, Ayd›n fiencan3, Faik Mümtaz Koyuncu4

1Celal Bayar Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi, Çocuk Sa¤l›¤› ve Hastal›klar› Anabilim Dal›, Neonatoloji Bilim Dal›, Manisa, Türkiye 2Celal Bayar Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi , Çocuk Sa¤l›¤› ve Hastal›klar› Anabilim Dal›, Manisa, Türkiye 3Celal Bayar Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi , Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dal›, Manisa, Türkiye 4Celal Bayar Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi, Kad›n Hastal›klar› ve Do¤um Anabilim Dal›, Manisa, Türkiye

Abstract Objective: We report a case with the diagnosis of omphalocele antenatally but additionally Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome neona- tally. Case: The case, which omphalocele was determined at 28th week of gestation prenatally, was delivered with cesarean section at 39th week. The case was operated immediately after birth. The case was assessed as Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome with clinical manifestations which were omphalocele, and macrosomy at birth. Conclusion: When anterior abdominal wall defect is determined such as omphalocele at prenatal or postnatal period, congenital malformations are considered which accompany omphalocel such as BWS and a detailed physical examination must be performed. Keywords: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, omphalocele, macroglossia, newborn.

Prenatal tan›l› omfalosel ve Beckwith-Wiedemann sendromu: Olgu sunumu Amaç: Prenatal USG ile omfalosel saptanan ve do¤umdan sonra Beckwith-Wiedemann sendromu saptanan bir olguyu literatür eflli¤inde sunulmaktad›r. Olgu: Prenatal 28. haftada yap›lan ultrasonografi ile omfalosel tan›s› alan hasta 39. gebelik haftas›nda sezaryen ile do¤urtuldu ve olgu do¤umdan hemen sonra opere edildi. Omfalosel, makroglosi ve makrozomi ile kendini gösteren Beckwith-Wiedeman Sendrom olarak tan›s› konuldu. Sonuç: Prenatal veya postnatal omfalosel gibi kar›n ön duvar› defekti olan olgular›n omfalosele efllik edebilecek konjenital anomalil- er aç›s›ndan özellikle de BWS aç›s›ndan dikkatli olunmal› ve iyi bir fizik muayene yap›lmas› gerekmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Beckwith-Wiedemann sendromu, omfalosel, makroglossi, yenido¤an.

Introduction wall.[1,2] Omphalocele is frequently associated with other congenital malformations. However, the fre- Prenatal sonography provides the possibility to quency of the reported associated malformations detect the majority of abdominal wall defects. for omphalocele ranges from 27% to 63%. Omphalocele and are the most com- Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) is a con- mon types. Omphalocele is a midline abdominal genital malformation which is associated with wall defect with extrusion of abdominal viscera, omphalocele.[2-4] covered by a membranous sac, into the base of the BWS is a rare congenital overgrowth condition umbilical cord and is the one of the most common characterized by pediatric features of macroglossia, congenital malformation of the anterior abdominal gigantism, omphalocele, visceromegaly, hemihy-

Correspondence: Sema Tanr›verdi, 6794 Sokak No 20 Daire 12 Karfl›yaka, ‹zmir e-mail: [email protected] Perinatal Journal 2011;19(3):140-144 141

perplasia, seizures (when there is neonatal hypo- gravida 1, para 0 mother (Figures 1-3). The case glycemia), renal malformations, prominent facial was operated immediately after birth (Figure 4). nevus flammeus, ear lob anomalies.[5,6] It affects The baby's weight was 4160 g (75th-90th p), approximately 1 in 14,000 births.[5] Female and height was 52 cm (75th-90th p) and head circum- male ratio is similar. This syndrome can be spo- ference was 36 cm (50th-75th p). Cardiac pulse, radic (85%) or inherited (15%).[7,8] respiration rate and blood pressure of baby were BWS was described independently by two normal. Omphalocele was determined. There was investigators. In 1963, Beckwith presented three anterior abdominal defect with bowel in the sac postmortem cases with macroglossia, omphalo- that covered by a transparent membranous and cele, cytomegaly of the fetal adrenal cortex, renal umbilical cord at the top of the sac. Also medullar dysplasia and visceromegaly. On the macroglossia, grooves in the ear lobe and macro- other hand, Wiedemann in 1964 reported three somia were determined. The other physical exam- cases of siblings with similar clinical characteristics, inations were normal (Figures 4-6). adding diaphragm defects and hypoglycemia.[9] WBC was 12,600/mm3, hemoglobin was 18.8 Macroglossia, defects of the abdominal wall g/dl, hematocrit was 53.1% and platelet was and macrosomy are three major features of BWS. 205,000/mm3 at CBC. Na was 129 mmol/L, K was Macroglossia is the most common feature in this 4.1 mmol/L, Cl, Ca, P04, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine syndrome.[7,8] Almost all known cases of BWS are and blood sugar were normal. The omphalocele diagnosed after birth on the basis of physical exam sac was covered with sterile wet pads for prevent- features.[10,11] We reported a case with BWS which ing heat and fluid loss until operation. Also incu- was characterized with macroglossia, macrosomia, bator temperature was increased. Blood glucose ear lobe creases, omphalocele which was diag- levels of baby were monitorized. The levels were nosed prenatal sonography and performed imme- normal. Abdominal organs of baby were placed into the and abdominal wall was diate surgical treatment to her. closed after 4 hours from birth. The case was assessed as BWS with clinical Case Report manifestations which were omphalocele, The case, which omphalocele was determined at macroglossia and macrosomy at birth. Abdominal 28th week of gestation prenatally, was delivered ultrasound was normal. There were not any with cesarean section at 39th week by 21 years old organomegaly or renal anomalies. Also echocar-

Figure 1. Omphalocele. Prenatal ultrasound appearance. 142 Tanr›verdi S et al. Prenatal Diagnosis of Omphalocele and Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: a Case Report

Figure 2. Omphalocele. Pre-operative view. Figure 3. Omphalocele. Post-operative view.

Figure 4. Macroglossia. Figure 5. Ear lobe anomaly. diography was normal. The case is been following Omphalocele is frequently associated with for development of embryonal malignancies. other congenital malformations. However, the fre- quency of the reported associated malformations Discussion for omphalocele ranges from 27% to 63%.[2,3] Cardiac anomalies are seen at a rate of 15-25%.[2,3] Omphalocele is one of the most common congeni- BWS is a congenital malformation which is associ- tal malformations of the anterior abdominal wall. ated with omphalocele. Although volume of the intraabdominal is low, folds of the intraabdominal are developed normal- Previous reports have shown that the prenatal ly. The abdominal organs with surrounding amni- diagnosis of BWS may be suggested by ultrasound. otic sac are outside the abdominal cavity. Umblical Characteristic findings that may be detected with cord is in the amniotic sac and creates the top of prenatal sonography include macrosomia the sac. , spleen and all organs of the gas- macroglossia, omphalocele, polyhydramnios, hep- trointestinal tract may take place in the omphalo- tomegaly, and renal enlargement. Down syndrome, cele sac. Prenatal sonography provides the possi- trisomy 18 and other overgrowth conditions such bility to detect the majority of abdominal wall as Sotos’ syndrome, Weaver syndrome and defects.[1,2] Omphalocele was detected at 28th weeks Marshall-Smith syndrome, may have similar prena- of gestation by prenatal ultrasound at our case. tal ultrasound findings. Compared with BWS, these Perinatal Journal 2011;19(3):140-144 143

Figure 6. Macrosomia. other overgrowht conditions are usually not associ- polyhydramnios can be detected prenatally; how- ated with visceromegaly, macroglossia or omphalo- ever, others are not found until after birth.[6,14] In cele.[6] In our case, there were no other findings our case BWS was diagnosed with three major except of omphalocele at ultrasound in prenatal diagnostic criteria such as omphalocele, period and BWS was diagnosed with physical macroglosia and macrosomia. Minor features of examination findings in the postnatal period. the syndrome such as visceromegaly, renal malfor- BWS is a rare congenital overgrowth condition mations (renal medullary dysplasia, fetal lobula- characterized by pediatric features of macroglossia, tion, nephromegaly, renal cysts) were not in our gigantism, omphalocele, visceromegaly, hemihy- case. Hypoglycemia was not detected at the case. perplasia, seizures (when there is neonatal hypo- Echocardiography was normal glycemia), renal malformations, prominent facial This genetic syndrome has its apparent origin [5,6] nevus flammeus, ear lob anomalies. Almost all in an alteration of the expression of genes from the known cases of BWS are diagnosed after birth on chromosome 11 region p 15.5, which can be spo- the basis of physical exam features. While are no radic (85%), inherited (15%). This alteration has fixed diagnostic criteria for BWS and no one fea- been found primarily on the insulin growth factor ture is obligatory in making the diagnosis, postna- 2 genes which is a fetal growth factor.[7,8,13] BWS tal definitions include either three major features involves dysregulation of imprinted growth regula- (Anterior abdominal wall defect, macroglossia, tion of imprinted growth regulatory genes on chro- pre- or postnatal overgrowth) or two major fea- mosome 11p15.5. Female and male are similar to tures plus three minor features (ear creases on the the incidence of BWS.[7,8,13] Similiar clinical findings lobes or post-auricular pits, prominent facial nevus flammeus, hypoglycemia, nephromegaly, or hemi- of BWS were not in our case’s family so that we hyperplasia).[6,10,11] Clinically, it presents in diverse were considered our case as sporadic BWS. forms, its most common features being macroglos- was given to family. sia (97-100%) which can be asymmetric, defects of Our case’s omphalocele was detected at prena- the abdominal wall (77-80%), hypoglisemia (63%) tal period and was operated immediately after. The and macrosomy (68%).[7,8,12,13] Some of these features defects of the anterior abdominal wall must be such as nephromegaly and other findings like treated immediately from birth.[15] 144 Tanr›verdi S et al. Prenatal Diagnosis of Omphalocele and Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: a Case Report

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