Melin Wins DFL Primary, Labor Endorsement Franken Says Health

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Melin Wins DFL Primary, Labor Endorsement Franken Says Health (ISSN 0023-6667) Melin wins DFL primary, labor endorsement Carly Melin has become the Prior to the Primary the frontrunner in the whirlwind NEALC had an endorsement race to replace Tony Sertich in meeting but no candidate was the Minnesota House of Repre- able to come up with the two- sentatives from District 5B. On thirds vote to win. Melin had Feb. 1 Melin won the DFL been endorsed by AFSCME Primary Election for the seat Councils 5 and 65, and that covers a lot of the Iron Education Minnesota. Pierce Range, but comes as far south carried the USW votes. as Solway Township near For Melin it’s on to the An Injury to One is an Injury to All! Highway 2 and Midway Road. Tuesday, Feb. 15 Special WEDNESDAY VOL. 116 The next morning she was Election for the House 5B seat. FEBRUARY 9, 2011 NO. 15 recommended for endorsement She will face Republican Paul to the Minnesota AFL-CIO by Jacobson, who Sertich defeated the North East Area Labor in November, and Independent Council (NEALC) and got that Cynthia Kafut-Hagen. Carly Melin endorsement Feb. 4. The district has 22,464 vot- Melin worked at the legisla- Sertich resigned his House ers and only 3,999 (17.8%) ture at one time for Sertich seat on Jan. 13 after being voted in the DFL Primary. doing research on proposed named by Gov. Mark Dayton Jacobson had 257 votes, Kafut- legislation and constituency on Jan. 11 as commissioner of Hagen 44, in their uncontested work. Early in her candidacy the Iron Range Resources & Primary Elections. Melin isn’t she picked up the support of Rehabilitation Board. Candi- taking anything for granted. Iron Range DFL icons Jerry dates had only a few days to “We worked hard for the Janezich and Joe Begich, who file for the office, with filings Primary on the people who are both served at the legislature. closing on Jan. 18. regular voters,” said Melin. “We encouraged Carly to A DFL Primary Election “Now we’re reaching out to a run because we have known was required as five candidates broader base with more mail- her and her family for many filed. Melin, who had been ings, doorknocks, phone bank- years,” said Janezich about he endorsed by the Senate District ing and community events. and his wife, Patty, who serve 5 DFL, easily outdistanced the We’re not letting February’s as Melin’s campaign co-chairs. field with 2005 votes. Shelley weather stop us. We were at “They’re active DFLers, work- Robinson received 1180, Ray Hib-Tac’s 6:00 a.m. shift ing on Wellstone’s campaign, At a Saturday, Jan. 22nd Citizen’s Federation press confer- Pierce, a member of USW change at 14 below.” my own, and many others who ence in the Labor Temple, Senator Al Franken said Demo- Local 6115, got 402, Flood- Melin is a Hibbing native served. They’re long-term crats will not allow the health care reform law to be wood Mayor Jeff Kletscher got and resides there as an attorney Democrats and we hope that repealed, that it’s the starting point for all further reform. 317, and former state rep. John employed by the Minnesota voters get to know Carly as The U.S. House passed a symbolic vote to repeal it, while Spanish got 95. All her DFL State Judiciary doing legal well as we do because she is the Senate voted 51-47 to keep it from Obama’s veto pen. opponents now support Melin. research for northeastern bright, energetic, and hard- Minnesota judges. She gradu- working.” Franken says health care reform just a start ated with honors from Bemidji “It is time to pass the torch On January 19 the Republi- come in the U.S. Supreme tion. Health care should be a State University and earned her to a new generation and she can-controlled U.S. House of Court after conservative state basic right, but it’s not in the law degree at Hamline will carry it well,” Begich said. Representatives made their courts get done with their wealthiest industrial nation in University. See Melin 7 first major action a symbolic attacks. the world. Human compassion nod to tea partiers by voting Three days after the House should overrule insurance com- No endorsement in Superior’s 245-189 to repeal President vote in the Duluth Labor panies.” Obama’s health care reform Temple’s Wellstone Hall, Franken said no one in Feb. 15 mayoral primary law. Three House Democrats, Senator Al Franken led a Germany, Switzerland, or Following screenings Feb. 2, Superior Federation of Labor Mike McIntyre (NC), Dan Citizen’s Federation press con- France goes bankrupt because delegates decided to wait until after the Tuesday, Feb. 15 Boren (Ok) and Mike Ross ference attended by about 80 of a health care condition. Primary Election to consider a mayoral endorsement. An (Ark), had joined all 242 people in saying his party will “But more than half of the endorsement will be considered again at the Wednesday, March Republicans, including our not allow the law to be bankruptcies in America are 2 meeting which begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Superior Public own reps. Chip Cravaack (MN- repealed. because of a medical crisis,” Library. City council candidates will also be screened at that 8) and Sean Duffy (WI-7). “It would be a disaster, a ter- said Franken. The law is on the time. There are no Primary Election races for city council. The vote had no traction in rible idea to repeal this law,” right track to stop that by elim- Four candidates filed for mayor. Gil Davidson, Bruce Hagen, the democratically-controlled said Franken. “We’re on the inating the cap on lifetime ben- and Kevin Peterson showed up for screening. The only one who U.S. Senate, losing along party right track on this law. All efits. It also allows children to declined to be screened was Dan Raihala. Peterson and Raihala lines 51-47. A veto by Presi- health care reform should be stay on their parent’s plan until are businessmen. Davidson, a mechanic for Superior Public dent Obama was waiting in the based on that law.” He said the they’re 26. People with pre- Works, is president of AFSCME Local 244 and SFL Sergeant at Oval Office, but wasn’t need- more people actually know and existing conditions won’t be Arms. Hagen was Superior mayor for 12 years, has worked at a ed. The next fight will probably learn about the law the less denied coverage in 2014. number of levels of government, and owns a business. they want it repealed. He said when you talk to The mayor’s office has been vacant since Dave Ross resigned “Only eighteen percent of people who want the law Jan. 3 as mayor to be secretary of the Wisconsin Dept. of those surveyed want it to be repealed they’ll admit that cov- Regulation and Licensing in Gov. Scott Walker’s administration. repealed in the latest survey,” erages like those are worth The city council chose not to fill the mayor’s seat, letting voters said Franken. having. decide in the Tuesday, April 5 General Election. Duluth AFL-CIO Central “Everyone needs to be The Superior Federation endorsed two unopposed, incum- Labor Body President Dan insured, so we’ll have to subsi- bents for the school board on Feb. 2nd. Both Mary Klun and O’Neill said in this economy dize those who can’t afford it John Hendricks said they thought Superior public schools were too many families are strug- up to 400 percent of the pover- doing pretty well, but both wish more citizens would get gling and health care is low on ty level on a sliding scale,” involved, even to the point of wishing they had opponents. their list of expenses. Franken said. “It would be the Also attending the Feb. 2 screening was Marla Stephens, one “That’s not right,” said largest tax cut in the history of of the candidates involved in the Feb. 15 Primary Election for O’Neill. “So many families are our country.” the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Any endorsement in that race will on the verge of bankruptcy Opponents say they must come from the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, which has not made because of a health care condi- See Health 6 any endorsements at press time. “10,000 Black Men Named George” up on Labor Movie Night Feb. 24 February is Black History Sleeping Car Porters. All black pation Proclamation, Randolph Rustin.” APRI, a constituency The essence of trade Month and the next Labor porters were simply called initiated the March on Wash- group of the AFL-CIO, forged unionism is social uplift. Movie Night will feature “George” after George ington for Jobs and Freedom. It an alliance between the civil “10,000 Black Men Named Pullman, the first person to was at that gathering that a rights movement and the labor The labor movement George,” a 95 minute drama employ emancipated slaves. young Martin Luther King, Jr. movement. President Nixon traditionally has been about union activist Asa Philip The award-winning 2002 delivered his “I Have a Dream” called Randolph “the most dan- the haven for Randolph’s efforts to organize release was written by Cyrus speech...and Randolph passed gerous man in America.” the black porters of the Nowrasteh, directed by Robert his torch to a new generation of Labor Movie Night will be the dispossessed, Pullman Rail Company in Townsend, and stars Andre civil rights leaders.
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