Ecology, Politics, and Economic Life in Plymouth County, Massachusetts
The Enduring Commons: Ecology, Politics, and Economic Life in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 1691 - 1815 by John Benjamin Cronin A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (History) in The University of Michigan 2016 Doctoral Committee: Emeritus Professor J. Mills Thornton III, Chair Professor Arun Agrawal Professor Philip Deloria Professor Martin Hershock Professor Maris Vinovskis Assistant Professor Michael Witgen To Mum, Dad, Luke, and Billy. ii Acknowledgments In writing this dissertation, I have been fortunate, to paraphrase Sir Isaac Newton, to stand on the shoulders of giants. This list is necessarily incomplete, for it could become its own book. Any omissions are my fault alone and are much regretted. First of all, I wish to acknowledge the deep love, affection, and support of my family. My mother, Judith Palmer Cronin, and my father, Robert Emmett Cronin, and my brothers Luke Cronin and Billy Cronin have been constant, loving, and full of patience. It has been a long road for the whole family, this project, and it is to them first and foremost that I owe its completion. I love them with all my heart, and I owe them my deepest thanks. I also wish to say a few words about the Chair of my Dissertation Committee, Prof. J. Mills Thornton III of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His patience has been nearly incredible, his understanding legendary, and his kind wisdom deeply appreciated. Ever since I took his course on Jacksonian America in my second year of graduate studies at Michigan, I have been lucky enough to call Mills my advisor.
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