Google for Education Designed with schools in mind, for Education offers devices, upgrades, apps and services that meet the needs of any customer.

Shareable devices and collaborative tools built for teachers and students. are lightweight, fast, and durable devices that update automatically and are easy for schools to Chromebooks for Education: set up and manage. They are also versatile devices that come in a variety of form factors and integrate with a world of apps that support all types of learning.

Unlocking the capabilities of Chrome OS and giving educators the freedom to deliver better learning outcomes. Admins can Chrome Education Upgrade: easily deploy and oversee 100 or 100,000 devices with unique, cloud-based management, automatic updates, built-in security, and 24/7 support.

US and Canada-based K12 district schools interested in buying Chromebooks and Chrome Education Upgrade in 2020, may 2020 Google for Education be eligible to receive free services along with purchase. These services, delivered by trusted Google for Education partners, services offer: are designed to help schools get the most out of Google for Education tools. For a detailed view of the services, see this website.

An online resource to help educators, administrators and developers work together to learn about apps and activity ideas for schools. The App Hub is dedicated to bringing Chromebook App Hub: transparency to developers’ data and accessibility policies, and to help decision makers find information about apps to meet the unique learning goals and policies of their school districts. To learn more visit

Inspire the next generation with a collection of six creativity tools Creativity Apps for Chromebooks, all easily purchased and managed at scale for Chromebooks: with Google Admin Console. Learn more about the collection of apps.

For more information, contact [email protected] or visit! Chromebook Refresh Guidance for Partners and Sales

Chromebook Refresh Guidance for Partners and Sales Information and guidance for helping schools refresh 1. Deliver Long Term Device Value: At Google for Education, solutions are built to help educators and IT administrators assist students to learn better together – at school, at home, or wherever they are. To do this, Chrome Education Upgrade was created. This includes: a. Updates approximately every 6 weeks b. Spans operating systems, browsers and hardware c. Updates applied in the background, no impact to user productivity d. Once applied, a simple reboot (<10 seconds) to take effect. 2. Devices that have reached their lifespan fall into the AUE category. AUE stands for Auto Update Expiration. a. After the AUE date is reached, existing and future policies may not work as intended, receive the latest security updates/fixes, nor technical support.

The Refresh Opportunity Common drivers for refresh: • General Wear and tear • Newer device models with added features and functionality become available • Shuffle older devise to lower grades & purchase new devices for higher grades as they work towards a 1:1 initiative • Note: AUE date is not typically a driver for refresher

Upgrading Benefits for Students: • Larger Screens (13” and 14” widescreen and 12” 3:2 displays) • Faster processors from Intel, AMD and MediaTEK • Convertible & tablet • Garaged stylus that doesn’t require pairing or batteries • World-facing cameras • Touch screens • Access to Android Apps

Upgrading Benefits for Teachers and Administrators: • Larger, higher resolution displays • Better performance with Intel Core chipsets, more memory and storage options • Business class warranty, support and services options • Seamless automatic updates that occur in the background • Streamline IT management with student devices

For more information, contact [email protected] or visit!