June 18, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13597 York. I am certain that this day marks the cul- PERSONAL EXPLANATION cials to use computer technology in state gov- mination of much effort and hard work which ernment to cut costs and improve productivity. has led and will lead them to continued suc- HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER He developed a Taxpayer Bill of Rights to cess. In these times of uncertainty, limited re- OF NEW YORK guarantee that taxpayers were treated sources, and random violence in our commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with fairness, courtesy and common sense. nities and schools, it is encouraging to know In 1990, Bob Bullock was elected Lieutenant Friday, June 18, 1999 that they have overcome these obstacles and Governor, a job considered the most powerful succeeded. Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. in the State of Texas. In this position, he pre- 212, had I been present, I would have voted sided over the , made committee These students have learned that education ‘‘aye.’’ appointments, sat on key government boards, is priceless. They understand that education is and controlled the flow of legislation in the the tool to new opportunities and greater en- f Senate. deavors. Their success is not only a tribute to HONORING THE LIFE OF As the presiding officer of the Texas Sen- their strength but also to the support they GOVERNOR BOB BULLOCK ate, Governor Bullock overhauled the ethics have received from their parents and loved laws in an effort to restore public confidence ones. HON. in state government. He created the Texas In closing, I encourage all my colleagues to OF TEXAS Performance Review to analyze spending at support the education of the youth of America. state agencies and recommend cost-saving al- With a solid education, today’s youth will be HON. ternatives. He pushed through a constitutional tomorrow’s leaders. And as we approach the OF TEXAS amendment requiring voter approval before a new millennium, it is our responsibility to pave HON. state personal income tax could be enacted the road for this great Nation’s future. Mem- OF TEXAS and if the voters approved the tax, requiring bers of the U.S. House of Representatives I the money be earmarked for education. ask you to join me in congratulating the fol- HON. Governor Bullock is survived by his wife, lowing Academic Achievement Award Recipi- OF TEXAS Jan; a son, Robert D. (Bobby) Bullock, Jr. of ents: Marilyn Li and Daniel Ortiz. HON. RALPH M. HALL Austin; a daughter and her husband, Lindy and Phil Ward of Austin; a grandson, Grant OF TEXAS f Bullock Robinson of Austin; a stepdaughter HON. and her husband, Kimberly and Jeff Ader of HOUSE CHAPLAIN SEARCH OF TEXAS ; and a brother and his wife, Tom and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jane Bullock of Brenham. He is also survived by several nieces and nephews. Two sisters, Friday, June 18, 1999 HON. TOM BLILEY Sara Read and Louisa Bond preceded him in Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today, death. We would like to offer our sincere con- OF VIRGINIA my colleagues and I and the State of Texas dolences to Jan and the rest of his family. EARL POMEROY lost a legend. Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Governor Bullock’s accomplishments were passed away at the age of 69. shaped by his desire to make Texas the best OF NORTH DAKOTA Before coming to Congress, we served with state in the union. Governor Bob Bullock al- Governor Bullock as members of the Texas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ways ended his speeches with, ‘‘God bless State Senate. No Texan stood taller than Bob Texas.’’ Today, we would like to add, ‘‘God Friday, June 18, 1999 Bullock in his knowledge of Texas Govern- bless Bob Bullock.’’ ment, his influence over the affairs of Texas f Mr. BLILEY. Mr. Speaker, as co-chairs of and his deep commitment to our State. the chaplain search committee we are an- His love for our state was legendary. Each TRIBUTE TO DR. J. DANIEL nouncing to Members that we have begun our time he spoke of Texas, the feeling of his STEWART initial stages of the search. We encourage pride was very clear. He always said, ‘‘I have Members to recommend qualified candidates no agenda but what’s good for Texas. And I HON. JOE SCARBOROUGH to the search committee. They may do so by have no love, but Texas.’’ OF FLORIDA forwarding applicant materials to the Speak- Governor Bullock was born in Hillsboro, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES er’s office, H–232 Capitol, House of Rep- Texas on July 10, 1929. He was elected to the resentatives, , DC 20515, Atten- Texas House of Representatives in 1956 and Friday, June 18, 1999 tion: House Chaplain Search Committee. Ap- was reelected in 1958. While still in the Texas Mr. SCARBOROUGH. Mr. Speaker, I rise plicant materials should include a cover letter Legislature, Governor Bullock enrolled in law today to pay tribute to a man who has dedi- and resume. school. He earned a law degree from Baylor cated 25 years of his life to protecting the peo- As you know, the House Chaplain prepares University as well as a bachelor’s degree from ple of this great nation and ensuring the Amer- and delivers the daily prayer in the House of . He was also a grad- ican way of life. This gentleman has distin- Representatives; coordinates the use of the uate of Hill College in his hometown. guished himself as a community leader, a Prayer Room; speaks to visiting groups and Governor Bullock also served as an assist- dedicated family man, and a decorated civil gives invocations at events; assists Members ant attorney general, heading up the first anti- servant in the Air Force. The in contacts with religious groups; conducts trust and consumer protection division in that man I speak about today is Dr. J. Daniel wedding ceremonies, visits hospitals and con- office. He won several historic cases including Stewart, Executive Director, Air Force Devel- ducts memorial services; and is available at all a multi-million dollar recovery from five large opment Test Center at Eglin Air Force Base, times for pastoral counseling to Members and drug companies that conspired to fix prices. Florida. staff. Bob Bullock held other positions in Texas I could praise Dr. Stewart for his many suc- State government, serving on the Texas His- cesses as an engineer, an innovative manager The chaplain is one of five elected officers torical Commission, on the staff of former and leader, or his demonstrated commitment of the House of Representatives. The chaplain Governor , and as the Texas to doing what it takes to get our warfighters is paid $132,100 per year. Secretary of State. the weapon systems they need. I could men- The other members of the search committee In 1974, Bullock was elected Comptroller of tion his many academic accomplishments are: LOIS CAPPS, HELEN CHENOWETH, JAY Public Accounts. He would serve four terms earning multiple advanced degrees from some DICKEY, CAL DOOLEY, ANNA ESHOO, STEVE as the state’s chief tax collector. His tenure as of our most prestigious institutions. Or I could LARGENT, JOHN LEWIS, JOE PITTS, RALPH REG- Comptroller was marked by innovation and ef- applaud his decorations including the Presi- ULA, CIRO RODRIQUEZ, ROBERT SCOTT, JOHN ficiency. He became the first elected state offi- dential Rank Award ranking him in the top one SHIMKUS, TED STRICKLAND, ZACH WAMP, cial to adopt an equal employment opportunity per cent of civil servants in recognition to his HENRY WAXMAN, and DAVE WELDON. program. He was among the first elected offi- contributions to National Defense. But I’m sure

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