Archival copy: for current recommendations see or your local extension office.


Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals1 J. B. Unruh and J.B. Brecke2 often tiny. Ligule can be a membrane, a membrane Introduction with hairs on top, or hairs. See also the following tables: The best defense against weeds is a dense, vigorously growing turf. By adapting the right grass Table 4 Pre- Nonselective Weed Control. to the site and following correct cultural management, including proper fertilization, mowing, Table 5. Preemergence Controls. and irrigation, weeds will not be able to compete as Table 6. Preemergence Herbicides for putting well as with the turf. Before deciding to use any greens. weed control, diagnose first why the turf is thin and weeds are invading. Correct the basic problem of Table 7. Turfgrass Tolerance to Preemergence unhealthy turf before using any weed control. Herbicides. Herbicides are not a substitute for sound cultural practices. Table 8. Preemergence Herbicide Efficacy Ratings. The first step toward a successful weed management program is the accurate identification of Table 9. Postemergence Controls. the desirable and undesirable involved. There are about 100 weeds that commonly occur in the Table 10. Expected Control of Broadleaf Weeds major turfgrasses. These plants can be grouped as with Turf Herbicides. desirable grasses, weedy grasses (Table 1) , Table 12. Sedge Control. grass-like weeds (Table 2), sedges (Table 11) and broadleaf weeds (Table 3) . The following is a brief Table 13. Sedge Control and Turf Tolerance to description of representative plants in each group Various Herbicides. followed by general suggestions for control. Table 14. Turfgrass Tolerance to Postemergence Grasses Herbicides.

Leaves composed of a blade, a sheath, and a ligule. Leaf sheath is open. Ligule is usually present,

1. This document is ENH-86, one of a series of the Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida. Revised November 1997. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. J. B. Unruh, Assistant Professor, Turfgrass, West Florida Research and Education Center, Jay, Florida; and J.B. Brecke, Agronomist, Agriculture Research and Education Center, Jay, Florida.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Archival copy: for current recommendations see or your local extension office.

Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 2

Table 15. Common and Trade Names of Turf S=Safe at labeled rates; I=Intermediate safety, Herbicides. use at reduced rates; D=Damaging, do not use; NR=Not Registered for use on this turfgrass. 1 Presence of a herbicide in this listing does not G=good; F=fair; P=poor. constitute a recommendation. Trade names are used with the understanding that no endorsement is *Repeat applications are necessary for complete intended or no criticism is implied of similar control from all herbicides. products which are not mentioned. All chemicals 1 should be used in accordance with the manufacturer's S=Safe at labeled rates; I=Intermediate safety, instructions. use at reduced rates; D=Damaging, do not use; NR=Not Registered for use on this turfgrass. 2All herbicide rates are active ingredient rates 2 per acre. For product rates for formulations not listed, Asulam is labeled for 'Tifway' (419) check the label included with every herbicide Bermudagrass and St. Augustinegrass. container. 3Carpetgrass tolerance to herbicides listed has 1Non golf green only.2S=Safe at labeled rates on not fully been explored. mature, healthy turf; I=Intermediate safety - may cause slight damage to mature, healthy turf. Use only one-half the normal rate when temperatures are hot (>85 F) or if the turf is under water stress; NR=Not Registered for use on this turf species.

3Ethofumesate is labeled only for Dormant (D) bermudagrass overseeded with perennial ryegrass.

1E=Excellent, >89% control; G-Good, 80 to 89% control; F=Fair, 70 to 79% control; P=Poor, <70% control; L=Listed on the label but has not yet been tested fully at the University of Florida; -- = Data not available.

1A = annual, B = biennial; P = perennial; SA = summer annual; WA = winter annual.

2 E = excellent (>89%) control; F = Fair to good (70 to 89%), good control sometimes with high rates, however a repeat treatment 1 to 3 weeks later each at the standard or reduced rate is usually more effective; P = poor (<70%) control in most cases. Not all weeds have been tested for susceptibility to each herbicide listed.

1Presence of a herbicide in this listing does not constitute a recommendation. Trade names are used with the understanding that no endorsement is intended or no criticism is implied of similar products not mentioned. All chemicals should be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 3

Table 1. Weedy Grasses

Goosegrass, Annual; clump leaning out from center; stem flattened; center of clump white due to white leaf sheath; leaf sheath at center of Eleusine indica plant with a thin green stripe in center; seedhead usually with at least one branch below tip; seeds hang under branch.

Crowfootgrass, Annual; clump or running; leaf blade with thin stiff hairs along margin, hairs occur from base to tip or at least over half the Dactyloctenium aegyptium length of the blade; ligule a thin transparent membrane seen with magnification; seedhead with all branches at the tip; tip of branch with a small sharp point; seeds hang under branch.

Crabgrass, India Crabgrass (Digitaria longiflora) - Annual; running aboveground; usually found in dry sites; no hairs on plant; ligule a thin Archival Five species exist in Turf. transparent membrane visible to naked eye, but tiny; leaf blades quite short. copy: Blanket Crabgrass (D. serotina) - Annual; running aboveground, mat-forming; short leaves, hairy; found in moist to wet sites; for

same ligule as India crabgrass. Native. current

Southern Crabgrass (D. ciliaris) - Annual; clumps or loosely running; large leaves, hairy; found in dry sites; same ligule as India recommendations crabgrass; seedhead branches from several points.

Tropical Crabgrass (D. bicornis) - Annual; clumps or loosely running; large leaves, hairy; found in dry sites; same ligule as India crabgrass; seedhead branches all from the same point. see

Smooth Crabgrass (D. ischaemum) - Annual; clumps or loosely running; large leaves; few hairs on plant; same ligule as India Crabgrass. Found mainly in north Florida and the panhandle.

Thin or Bull Paspalum, Perennial; clump leaning out from center; hairy or smooth; hard short knotty root structure; seedheads with usually one or Paspalum setaceum occasionally 2 or 3 branches; tiny seeds hang from lower side of branches. or

Smallflowered Alexandergrass Perennial from stolons; leaf blade and sheath hairy; seedheads with two to seven branches or "fingers;" angle of branches your

Brachiaria subquadripara resembling a "signal flag;" reproduces by seed and stolons. local extension

Table 2. Grass-like Weeds office.

Leaves resemble grass leaves with parallel veination but lack a ligule and usually a sheath.

Dove Weed Annual; succulent; loosely running; leaf sheath closed; few hairs at base of blade on margin; tiny purple or blue-purple Murdannia nudiflora flower; seeds in tiny round capsules; in dayflower family. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 4

Table 2. Grass-like Weeds

Spreading Annual; succulent; leaves broadly lance-shaped, with closed sheaths; sheaths short with a few soft hairs on upper Dayflower margin; flowers with three blue petals, in leaf-like structure open on the margins. Commelina diffusa

Table 3. Broadleaves Archival

Match-head, Perennial; running aboveground; leaves opposite; leaves with teeth on margin; plant gray-green; flowers in heads on Phyla nodiflora long stalks resembling a match; flowers at tip purplish to white. copy:

Erect and Prostrate Annual; erect or prostrate branched stem; leaves opposite; base of leaf not equal; sap milky. Large number of for current Spurge, species occur in FL. hamaesyce species recommendations Chamber Bitter, Annual; erect branched stem; leaves alternate; fruit or small round capsules on short-stalks hang under the Phyllanthus urinaria branches; capsules have warts.

Sagotia Beggarweed, Perennial; runners aboveground; leaves trifoliate (three leaflets), alternate; leaflets on short stalks, broader toward Desmodium triflorum tip; flowers small, purple; fruit with 3 to 5 segments. see Rust Weed, Annual or perennial; forming clumps; leaves opposite, quite narrow, needlelike; flowers white, small 4-lobed; fruit dry, Polypremum procumbens indented at tip; leaves turn a rust color, hence the name.

Common Beggar-tick, Annual; erect branched stem, 2 inches to 9 feet tall; leaves opposite, simple (one leaf) on seedlings, young plants Bidens alba and the lower parts of older plants, leaves compound (3 to 9 leaflets) on mature plants; flowers white; fruits long,

narrow and stick to clothing; in Sunflower Family. or your

Brazil Pusley, Perennial; branched spreading stem; plant quite hairy; leaves opposite; leaf margin smooth; root thickened, fleshy, local Richardia brasiliensis with a thin upper portion so that it is easily broken when pulled; flowers white in a dense cluster at stem tips; fruits with stiff hairs. extension Florida Pusley, Annual; branched spreading stem; plant quite hairy; leaves opposite; leaf margin smooth; root a tap root, thick near

Richardia scabra plant and tapering downward; flowers white in a dense cluster at stem tips; fruits with bumps. office.

Florida Betony Perennial; branched erect stem from thin white underground runners and fleshy white tubers; leaves opposite, floridana simple, shovel-shaped, toothed, stalked; flowers pinkish-purple; fruit composed of four nutlets. Pennywort (dollarweed) Perennial from , occasionally with tubers; erect long-stalked leaves with scalloped margins; in center Hydrocotyle spp. of leaf, "umbrella-like" rather than at edge as in Dichondra; found in moist to wet sites; reproduces by seed, rhizomes, and tubers. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 5

Table 3. Broadleaves

Lawn Burweed Low-growing, freely branched winter annual. Leaves opposite, sparsely hairy and twice divided into narrow (Spurweed) segments or lobes. Flowers small and inconspicuous. Fruits clustered in leaf axils having sharp spines that can Soliva pterosperma cause injury to humans. Reproduces by seed.

Virginia Buttonweed Spreading perennial herb with hairy branched stems. Leaves opposite, elliptic to lance-shaped, sessile, joined Diodia virginiana across stem by membrane. Membrane with a few "hair-like" projections. White tubular flowers with four lobes at each leaf axil along the stem. Flower usually with only two . Fruit green, elliptically shaped, hairy, ridged and Archival at each leaf axil. Reproduces by seed, roots, and stem fragments. Favors moist to wet sites. copy: for

Table 4. Pre-plant Nonselective Weed Control (Refer to Herbicide Label for Specific Use Listing) current

Common Name Weeds Comments recommendations Trade Name Controlled Methyl bromide Dowfume Non-selective Methyl bromide is formulated as liquid gas under pressure that forms a vapor when released. MC-2 One to 1 1/2 lb material is required per 100 sq.ft. treated soils. Use the higher rate when soils are Bromogas heavy in texture, wet, or soil temperatures are below 60 F. Soil should be moist but not see Profume saturated. Plow soil 8 to 10 inches in depth and release the chemical under a gasproof (plastic) Terrogas cover. Most other soil pests are also controlled. Grass can be planted 2 to 3 days after application. Methyl bromide is a toxic material used by professional applicators only. Restricted Use Pesticide.

Metam-sodium Vapam Non-selective A cover is not required but increased control usually results with one. When a cover is not used, (metham) VPC cultivate the soil to the desired depth of metham penetration. Soil temperatures should be or

above 50F before use. Moisten the soil and use 1 to 2 pints of metham product per 100 sq.ft. in your 2 to 5 gallons of water. Dazomet rate is 8 to 10 oz product per 100 sq.ft. of prepared soil local surface and should immediately be incorporated with a rotary tiller 4 to 8 inches deep and

Dazomet Basamid sealed with water at 15 gals. per 100 sq.ft. Immediately irrigate metham to the depth control is extension Granular desired. If a cover is available, treat the soil in front of a rotary tiller. Cover the soil for 2 days, Planting may take place 2 to 3 weeks after treatment. Aeration may be required by rototilling office. before planting. Read and follow all label directions. Metham is now a restricted-use pesticide while Dazomet is not.

Glyphosate Roundup 4S Non-selective Glyphosate is applied only to unwanted vegetation and will not control non-germinated seeds, Roundup Pro diseases, nematodes, or other pests. Glyphosate (4 lb/gal) is applied at 2 oz. per gallon of water. Wait 2 to 3 weeks after application for regrowth and re-apply. A minimum of 3 applications will be required to control bermudagrass or torpedograss. Do not apply to desirable plants. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 6

Table 4. Pre-plant Nonselective Weed Control (Refer to Herbicide Label for Specific Use Listing)

Common Name Weeds Comments Trade Name Controlled Diquat Reward LS Non-selective Burn-down of undesirable above-ground grass and broadleaf weed growth. Spot spray using Burn-down 1-2 qts per 100 gallons of water. For broadcast application, use 1-2 pints per acre. To obtain expected results, a surfactant must be added.FinaleNon-selectiveGlufosinate is a nonselective water-soluble herbicide for application as a foliar spray for the control of a broad spectrum of

emerged annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds. Glufosinate (1 lb/gal) is applied at Archival 1.5-4.0 oz per gallon of water. Do not apply to desirable plants. copy: for current Table 5. Preemergence Controls1 (Refer to herbicide label for specific species and use listing) recommendations Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre)2 (rate of product/acre)

Comments. Preemergence herbicides provide 90 to 100 days residual control and require repeat applications for season-long control.

Approximate timing of applications for preemergence crabgrass control are: February 1 in south Florida; February 15 in central Florida; and March 1 see

in north Florida. Goosegrass germinates approximately 3 to 4 weeks later than crabgrass. Adequate soil moisture, both prior to and following application, is necessary to ensure success. Dinitroaniline herbicides (e.g., benefin, oryzalin, pendimethalin, and prodiamine) are not recommended on high traffic areas such as athletic fields, cart paths, par-three tees, and areas not well established. For these high traffic areas with goosegrass, consider using a product containing oxadiazon for annual grass control and simazine for broadleaf weed control. Many herbicides are formulated as "stand alone" products as well as on granules in combination with a dry fertilizer as "weed-and-feed" products. or

Bermudagrass benefin Balan 2.5G Crabgrass, Apply only to well-established turf your

Centipedegrass (3.0 lbs) (120 lbs) crowfootgrass, before annual weed-grass seed local St. Augustinegrass 2.5 Benfin G annual bluegrass, germination. For continued weed Zoysiagrass (120 lbs) sandbur, some control, a second application 3 months extension Bahiagrass selected after the initial is required. For annual broadleaves. bluegrass control, use full rate in office. September. Minimum 3 month waiting period is required before reseeding. Read the label for irrigations requirements to activate the herbicide. Do not apply to immature turf, desirable overseeding, or on golf greens. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 7

Table 5. Preemergence Controls1 (Refer to herbicide label for specific species and use listing)

Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre)2 (rate of product/acre)

benefin (2 lbs) + Team 2G Same as for Same as for benefin. For use by trifluralin (1 lb) (150 lbs) benefin professional applicators only. Good for use in mixed stands containing cool and

warm-season turfgrasses. Archival

Bermudagrass bensulide Betasan 3.6G Same as for Same as for benefin. Safe on copy: Centipedegrass (7 and one half to 12 (209-348 lbs) benefin overseeded areas and golf greens. If

St. Augustinegrass and one half lbs) Pre-San 7G use on putting greens, apply at least 90 for Zoysiagrass (107-179 lbs) days before overseeding. current Bahiagrass Pre-San 12.5G (60-100 lbs) recommendations Lescosan 7G (107-179 lbs) Lescosan, 4E (1-3 gal) see ProTurf Weedgrass Preventer 8.5G (88-147 lbs)

DCPA Dacthal W-75 Same as for Same as for benefin. May be applied to (10 and one half (14 lbs) benefin, prostrate seedlings when they reach 1 to 2 inches

lbs) Dacthal 6F spurge in height. A repeat application at a half or (one and three fourths gal) rate is needed 60 days after the first to your

extend the control period. local extension Bermudagrass dithiopyr Dimension 1E Same as for Same as for benefin. May be applied to Centipedegrass (one half lbs) (one half gal) benefin actively growing golf greens. Do not use St. Augustinegrass within 3 months of seeding or sprigging. office. Zoysiagrass A total of one and one half lb ai/A is Bahiagrass allowed yearly but not to exceed one half lb ai/A per application. Postemergence crabgrass control may be inconsistent with some species. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 8

Table 5. Preemergence Controls1 (Refer to herbicide label for specific species and use listing)

Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre)2 (rate of product/acre)

oryzalin Surflan 4AS Same as for Same as for benefin. Use a one and one (one and one half (one and one half qts) benefin, half + one and one half lb ai/A split lbs) goosegrass application approximately 90 days apart

for best results. Longest period (21 Archival days) for preemergence herbicide before required activation by rainfall or copy: irrigation. Spring application on

overseeded, cool-season grasses may for prematurely thin them. current

oryzalin XL 2G Same as for Same as for benefin recommendations (one and one half (150 lbs) benefin, lbs) + goosegrass benefin (one and one half see lbs) pendimethalin Southern Weedgrass Same as for Same as for benefin. For use by (two and three Control 2.45G benefin, professional applicators only. A split fourths lbs) (113 lbs) goosegrass, oxalis, application of one and one half to 2.0 lb PRE-M 60DG, WP speedwell ai/A before weed seed germination (two and one half to five followed by a 1 to one half lb ai/A or

lbs) application 90 days later provides better your PRE-M 3.3 EC season-long control, especially when local (4.2-7.9 pts) heavy weed pressure is expected.

PRE-M/Fertilizer Check the product label for registration extension (check label) on golf greens. Spring application on Pendulum 60DG, WP overseeded, cool-season grasses may office. (two and one half to five prematurely thin them. lbs) Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 9

Table 5. Preemergence Controls1 (Refer to herbicide label for specific species and use listing)

Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre)2 (rate of product/acre)

metolachlor Pennant 7.8L Yellow nutsedge, For use on golf course fairways, sod (1.8-3.9 lbs) (2 to 4 pts) annual sedge, farms, and commercial . The sprangletop, some higher rate will be necessary for turf

Pennant 5G annual grass grown on high organic (i.e., muck) soils. Archival (40-80 lbs) suppression For commercial St. Augustinegrass sod production, do not use more than once copy: every 6 weeks and do not apply more

than 8 pts./A/yr. Tank mixing with for atrazine will increase the weed control current spectrum. Do not use Pennant on golf greens, tees, or aprons or within 4 recommendations months of overseeding. Irrigate within 7 days after application. see Bermudagrass prodiamine Barricade 65WG Same as for Same as for benefin. Split applications Centipedegrass (three fourths lbs) (1.15 lbs) benefin at 0.38 to 1.15 lbs/A 60 to 90 days apart St. Augustinegrass should be used for extended control and Zoysiagrass RegalKade will be required for goosegrass Bahiagrass (check label) suppression. May be applied to established ryegrass. Do not apply

more than twice yearly or to golf greens. or

RegalKade formulations are on dry your

fertilizer carriers. local extension isoxaben Gallery 75W Broadleaves Control is best for broadleaf weeds. (1.0 lb) (one and one third lbs) Tank mix with another preemergence herbicide for satisfactory grass weed office. control. In order to activate the material, 1/2" water is needed following application. Not labeled for golf greens. Do not reseed until 4 months after application. Do not apply to newly seeded turf until it has been mowed 3 times. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 10

Table 5. Preemergence Controls1 (Refer to herbicide label for specific species and use listing)

Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre)2 (rate of product/acre)

Bermudagrass napropamide Devrinol 50WP Same as for Do not apply to immature turf. A Centipedegrass (2.0 lbs) (4.0 lbs) benefin second application 8 to 10 weeks after St. Augustinegrass Devrinol 2G the first is suggested. Not

Bahiagrass (100 lbs) recommended for putting greens. Use Archival Devrinol 5G the reduced rates for turf maintained at (40 lbs) lower mowing heights. Irrigate after copy: Ornamental Herb. 5G application. Do not reseed or overseed

(80-120 lbs) within six months after application. for current

Centipedegrass atrazine/simazine Atrazine Same as for benefin Apply to centipedegrass, St. St. Augustinegrass (2.0 lbs-sandy soil) Aatrex 4L, 90DG, 80W; plus pennywort Augustinegrass, and zoysiagrass only. recommendations Zoysiagrass (4.0 lbs-muck soil) Purge (dollarweed), Will provide good to excellent weed Simazine henbit, chickweed, control with a minimum of growth Princep 90DF, 4L burweed (or retardation to newly sprigged, sodded, Wynstar 90DF spurweed) and or plugged turf areas. Effectiveness will see + others some annual be reduced as weeds germinate and sedges. Perennial mature. Two applications are allowed broadleaf weeds per year. Pennywort is easiest to such as will garlic, control with a late fall and/or early winter dock and others application followed by a repeat usually escape. application 4 to 6 weeks later. Do not

apply within the root zone of or

ornamentals. Do not exceed 1 lb ai/A on your

newly sprigged turfgrass. Atrazine is a local Restricted Use Pesticide. extension office. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 11

Table 5. Preemergence Controls1 (Refer to herbicide label for specific species and use listing)

Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre)2 (rate of product/acre)

Bermudagrass oxadiazon Ronstar 2G Same as for For use on Bermuda, St. Augustine, and St. Augustinegrass (3.0 lbs) (150 lbs) benefin, zoysiagrasses only. Do not apply to Zoysiagrass goosegrass wet turf or to golf greens. Ronstar

50WP can be used only on dormant turf Archival or excessive phytotoxicity will result. Thoroughly irrigate following application copy: to increase effectiveness. Safest

preemergence herbicide on newly for sprigged or high traffic areas. A current combination of oxadiazon plus benefin on a 38% ureaformaldehyde nitrogen recommendations fertilizer is available as Regal Star.

Bermudagrass fenarimol Rubigan 1AS Annual bluegrass; A systemic fungicide that reduces the

(see comment) (see comment) also a fungicide infestation of Poa annua. Use 3 see

applications. Treatments should be spaced 10-14 days apart with the third 2 weeks prior to ryegrass overseeding and 30 day interval for Poa trivialis or bentgrass. Use 4 oz/1000 sq.ft. each for 3 applications; or 6 oz/1000 sq.ft. each

if 2 applications are used instead of 3. A or follow-up application of 2 oz/1000 sq.ft. your

may be necessary in early January for local season-long control where weed extension pressure is traditionally heavy. Provides little postemergence control. See

supplemental label for more information. office. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 12

Table 5. Preemergence Controls1 (Refer to herbicide label for specific species and use listing)

Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre)2 (rate of product/acre)

pronamide Kerb 50 W Annual bluegrass Make application at least 60 days prior (1.0 lb) (2.0 lbs) to overseeding. Do not apply on or upslope to desirable overseeded turf.

Activated charcoal can be used at 2 to 5 Archival lbs/1000 sq.ft. to "deactivate" pronamide when applied closer than 60 copy: days prior to overseeding. Restricted

Use Product. for current

ethofumesate Prograss 1.5 EC Annual bluegrass Provides annual bluegrass control in recommendations (1 lb) (two and two thirds qt) dormant bermudagrass overseed with perennial ryegrass. The first application should be 30 to 45 days following overseeding. The second should be 21

to 28 days later. Do not apply after see

February 1. Not labelled for greens or zoysiagrass. or your local extension office. Archival copy: for current recommendations see or your local extension office.

Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 13

Table 6. Preemergence Herbicides for Putting Greens (Refer to herbicide label for specific turf species and use listing)

Trade Names Ingredients Manufacturer/Distributor

Weedgrass Preventer bensulide Scotts Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control bensulide + oxadiazon Scotts Southern Weedgrass Control pendimethalin Scotts Dimension dithiopyr Rohm & Haas Betasan bensulide Gowan Kerb pronamide Rohm & Haas Rubigan fenarimol DowElanco Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 14

Table 7. Turfgrass Tolerance to Preemergence Herbicides (Refer to herbicide label for specific species listing)

Herbicides Bahia- Bermuda- Centipede- St. Augustine- Zoysia- Overseed grass grass1 grass grass grass Ryegrass

atrazine (Aatrex) NR2 NR S S I-S D benefin (Balan) S S S S S NR benefin+oryzalin (XL) S S S S S NR benefin+trifluralin (Team) S S S S S NR Archival bensulide (Betasan,PreSan) S S S S S I-S bensulide+oxadiazon NR S NR NR S NR copy: DCPA (Dacthal) S S S S S NR

dithiopyr (Dimension) S S S S S I for 3 ethofumesate (Prograss) NR S(D) NR I NR S(D) current isoxaben (Gallery) S S S S S NR

fenarimol (Rubigan) NR S NR NR NR S recommendations metolachlor (Pennant) S S S S S D napropamide (Devrinol) S S S S NR NR oryzalin (Surflan) S S S S S NR oxadiazon (Ronstar) NR S NR S S I pendimethalin (Pendulum) S S S S S NR see prodiamine (Barricade) S S S S S I pronamide (Kerb) NR S NR NR NR D simazine (Princep) NR I S S S D or your local extension office. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 15

Table 8. Preemergence Herbicide Efficacy Ratings

Herbicide Crabgrass Goosegrass Annual Common Henbit Lawn Corn bluegrass Chickweed Burweed Speedwell

atrazine (Aatrex) F1 P E E E E E benefin (Balan) G-E F G-E G G P E benefin+oryzalin (XL) E G E L L -- -- benefin+trifluralin (Team) E G E L L -- -- Archival bensulide (Betasan, PreSan) G-E F F P P P P bensulide+oxadiazon E G-E ------copy: DCPA (Dacthal) G-E F G E F P G

dithiopyr (Dimension) E G-E G-E G ------for

fenarimol (Rubigan) P P G P P P P current isoxaben (Gallery) F P F E L -- --

metolachlor (Pennant) G F ------recommendations napropamide (Devrinol) G-E G G E P E E oryzalin (Surflan) E G-E E L L -- P oxadiazon (Ronstar) G E G P P P G pendimethalin (Pendulum) E G-E G-E E L -- E prodiamine (Barricade) E G-E G G G G G see pronamide (Kb) F P G-E E P P E (Princep) F P E E E E E or your local extension office. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 16

Table 9. Postemergence Controls (Refer to herbicide label for specific turf species and use listing)

Comments: Active only on emerged, visible weeds. Best results occur when weeds are young. Temperatures above 85-90¡ may result in phytotoxicity (yellowing) to the turf. Repeat applications may be required for acceptable control. These should be timed 10 to 14 days apart. Do not mow within 48 hrs after application for most chemicals. Most postemergence herbicides require the use of a spreader-sticker, adjuvant, crop oil, or wetting agent. Read the label before adding these as many herbicides are pre-packaged with them already added. Common Name Trade Name Weeds Comments Grass (lbs ai/acre) (product rate/acre) Controlled Archival Bermudagrass 2,4-D Amine Several Brands Many broadleaf Apply when weeds are young and actively growing. Repeat Bahiagrass (1.0 lb) weeds including application in 10 to 14 days may be necessary for complete copy: Zoysiagrass See product label. matchweed, control. Use lower rates (0.5 lb ai/A) on 'Tifgreen' and 'Tifdwarf'

Ryegrass pennywort, Bermudagrass. Amine formulations should be used as high for

2,4-D + 2,4-DP (dollarweed), volatile ester formulations have drift and volatility problems. For current See product label. wild hard-to-control perennial broadleaf weeds, formulations

garlic/onion, containing dicamba will increase control. One-half rate should be recommendations clover, plantains. used on centipedegrass and carpetgrass.

dicamba Banvel 4S White clover, Avoid drift. Do not apply within the root zone of ornamentals. see ( -one fourth lb) (one fourth - to one spurges, Repeat applications 10 to 14 days apart may be needed for See product label. half pts) woodsorrel, complete control but may also result in some turf injury. Check plus others dichondra label for use on greens.

dicamba Several brands Same as for Same as for dicamba. Refer to product label for rates as ( lbs) + contain these dicamba, also herbicide ratios vary depending on brands. Use only on actively

2,4-D, MCPP, mixtures. See matchweed, growing, non-stressed turf. Check label for use on golf greens or your MCPA, product label for pennywort. and/or 2,4-DP specific rates. local

(one half to three extension fourths lbs)

Bermudagrass MSMA/DSMA/CMA Several brands and Crabgrass, Repeat (2 to 4) applications at 7-10 day intervals are necessary, office. (2.0 lbs) formulations crowfootgrass, especially as weeds mature. Turf discoloration may occur, Bahiagrass, especially on 'Tifdwarf' and 'Tifgreen.' Use reduced rates on these nutsedge, cultivars. Apply when soil moisture is adequate. A nonionic Dallisgrass, surfactant is necessary but read the label for specific instructions thin paspalum, regarding this. Do not use on desirable St. Augustinegrass, alexandergrass, centipedegrass or Bahiagrass. Use low rates on zoysiagrass. sandspur Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 17

Table 9. Postemergence Controls (Refer to herbicide label for specific turf species and use listing)

Comments: Active only on emerged, visible weeds. Best results occur when weeds are young. Temperatures above 85-90¡ may result in phytotoxicity (yellowing) to the turf. Repeat applications may be required for acceptable control. These should be timed 10 to 14 days apart. Do not mow within 48 hrs after application for most chemicals. Most postemergence herbicides require the use of a spreader-sticker, adjuvant, crop oil, or wetting agent. Read the label before adding these as many herbicides are pre-packaged with them already added. Common Name Trade Name Weeds Comments Grass (lbs ai/acre) (product rate/acre) Controlled Archival MSMA (1.0 lbs) Several brands Crabgrass, Do not apply to turf under stress. Do not apply to tees, greens, or + metribuzin + Sencor 75DF goosegrass, closely mowed turf. Do not add surfactant with this combination. copy: ( lbs) (0.16 lbs) Dallisgrass, Do not apply within the root zone of shallow rooted ornamentals.

nutsedge, Some degree of short-term phytotoxicity can be expected, for

thin paspalum especially when applied during hot temperatures. current

Bermudagrass metribuzin Sencor 75DF Goosegrass, Same as for MSMA + metribuzin above. recommendations (one fourth lb) (one third lb) some broadleaf weeds

diclofop-methyl Illoxan 3EC Goosegrass For use only on golf courses. Young goosegrass plants are

(three fourths to 1 (1 to 1.4 qts) easiest to control. The high rate is needed for older plants. see

lb) Larger, mature goosegrass will not be adequately controlled. Do not mow 24-36 hours after applying. Control takes 2-3 weeks. May cause temporary (7 to 10 days) phytotoxicity. Treat only well established and actively growing turf. Wait 6 weeks before overseeding after the last application. Tank mixing with MSMA, 2,4-D, or metribuzin increases turf burn and reduces weed control.

Restricted Use Pesticide. or your

pronamide Kerb 50W Annual Do not apply on or up-slope to desirable overseeded turf as local (one and one half (3.0 lbs) bluegrass, pronamide may run. Time required for control increases as weeds lbs) ryegrass mature, therefore apply in late fall for optimum results. If applied in extension clumps spring, 3 to 4 weeks are required for control. Restricted Use

Pesticide. office.

simazine Princep T&O 4L Annual Do not exceed use rates. For winter annual weed control, apply 1 (1 lb) (1 qt) bluegrass, most qt/A in early fall (after Oct. 15) and repeat in early winter. Some annual winter yellowing of bermudagrass may result. Do not apply on or upslope broadleaf to desirable overseeded turf &/or golf greens. Do not use on weeds bermudagrass during spring 'green-up' or summer. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 18

Table 9. Postemergence Controls (Refer to herbicide label for specific turf species and use listing)

Comments: Active only on emerged, visible weeds. Best results occur when weeds are young. Temperatures above 85-90¡ may result in phytotoxicity (yellowing) to the turf. Repeat applications may be required for acceptable control. These should be timed 10 to 14 days apart. Do not mow within 48 hrs after application for most chemicals. Most postemergence herbicides require the use of a spreader-sticker, adjuvant, crop oil, or wetting agent. Read the label before adding these as many herbicides are pre-packaged with them already added. Common Name Trade Name Weeds Comments Grass (lbs ai/acre) (product rate/acre) Controlled Archival Tifway (419) asulam Asulox 3.34L Crabgrass, Do not apply to freshly mowed turf or turf under stress. On Bermudagrass, (2.0 lbs) (5 pts) goosegrass, Bermudagrass use on 'Tifway' only. *A repeat application for copy: St. sandspur, smutgrass control will be needed, but may increase turf injury and

Augustinegrass smutgrass* the label does not suggest more than one application per season. for

Do not use a surfactant. Not for homeowner use. current

MSMA Daconate 6 Grass Weeds Use only on St. Augustinegrass grown for sod production. recommendations (1.0 lb) (1.3 pts) Temporary discoloration will follow application. Do now apply to freshly mowed St. Augustinegrass sod or within 5 weeks of harvest. Apply when temperatures are less than 90 F and good soil moisture is present. Do not add a surfactant. see Centipedegrass atrazine/simazine Several Brands. Many broadleaf For hard to control weeds, make the first application in late winter St. (1 to 2 lbs) Read the label for weeds including and follow with another 4 to 6 weeks later. If weeds persist, follow Augustinegrass rates matchweed, atrazine applications with dicamba in 4 to 6 weeks. Some turf Zoysiagrass oxalis, injury can be expected with this. Two applications of atrazine are pennywort, allowed per year. Effectiveness will be reduced as weeds mature. Florida betony Do not apply within the root zone of ornamentals.

and some or annual sedges. your local extension dicamba Banvel 4S White clover, Avoid drift. Do not apply within the root zone of ornamentals. ( to one fourth lb) (one fourth to one spurge, Use low rates on St. Augustinegrass. Treat when temperatures half pt) woodsorrel are 80 For cooler to minimize turf damage. office.

Centipedegrass dicamba + 2,4-D, Several brands White clover, Observe same precaution as dicamba above. Refer to product St. 2,4-DP, MCPA, contain these spurge, label for rates. A second application on centipedegrass 7-14 days Augustinegrass and/or MCPP mixtures woodsorrel, later may be needed. Use low rates on St. Augustinegrass. A tank Zoysiagrass ( one fourth to one pennywort mix of atrazine at 1 lb ai/A + 2,4-D and dicamba at 0.2 lb ai/A each half lb) provides good control with minimum turf damage when temperatures are 80 F or cooler. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 19

Table 9. Postemergence Controls (Refer to herbicide label for specific turf species and use listing)

Comments: Active only on emerged, visible weeds. Best results occur when weeds are young. Temperatures above 85-90¡ may result in phytotoxicity (yellowing) to the turf. Repeat applications may be required for acceptable control. These should be timed 10 to 14 days apart. Do not mow within 48 hrs after application for most chemicals. Most postemergence herbicides require the use of a spreader-sticker, adjuvant, crop oil, or wetting agent. Read the label before adding these as many herbicides are pre-packaged with them already added. Common Name Trade Name Weeds Comments Grass (lbs ai/acre) (product rate/acre) Controlled Archival bromoxynil Buctril 2L Many young Labeled only for non-residential turf, seed and sod production. ( to one half lb) (1 to 2 pts) broadleaf Contact herbicide. Safe on seedling or sprigged turf. Tank mixing copy: weeds with 2,4-D, dicamba, &/or MCPP will provide increased control but

should be used only on established turf. May also be used on for

Bermudagrass, Bentgrass, and Ryegrass. Restricted Use current Pesticide. recommendations Bermudagrass, bromoxynil Buctril 2L Many young Labeled only for non-residential turf, seed and sod production. St. (one fourth to one (1 to 2 pts) broadleaf Safe on seedling or sprigged turf. Tank mixing with 2,4-D, Augustinegrass half lb) weeds dicamba, &/or MCPP will provide increased control but should be used only on established turf. Zoysiagrass see

Bahiagrass Atrazine + Prompt 5 Many broadleaf Prompt is intended for the postemergence control of a broad Bentazon (.83 - (one and one third weeds including spectrum of broadleaf weeds but does not control grasses. Apply 1.5 lbs) to two fifths pts.) matchweed, early post-emergence with thorough coverage. oxalis, pennywort, Florida Betony

and some or sedges your local extension Centipedegrass sethoxydim Vantage 1.0L Crabgrass, Apply before weeds mature. Repeat applications are necessary (one third lbs) (2.25 pts) goosegrass and to suppress Bermudagrass or Bahiagrass. Safe on

other annual centipedegrass seedlings after the third mowing. office. grasses

Bermudagrass hexazinone Velpar 2L Smutgrass, Labeled only for non-cropland turf such as roadsides, railroads, (2 to 6 lbs) (1 to 3 gal) some broadleaf industrial sites, and underneath utility lines. Soil moisture must be Bahiagrass weeds present for herbicide activity. Best control and least turf damage follows late winter application. Do not apply after April. Temporary turf discoloration can be expected following treatment, especially to Bahiagrass. Do not use underneath desirable shrubs or trees. Read and follow all label directions before use. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 20

Table 9. Postemergence Controls (Refer to herbicide label for specific turf species and use listing)

Comments: Active only on emerged, visible weeds. Best results occur when weeds are young. Temperatures above 85-90¡ may result in phytotoxicity (yellowing) to the turf. Repeat applications may be required for acceptable control. These should be timed 10 to 14 days apart. Do not mow within 48 hrs after application for most chemicals. Most postemergence herbicides require the use of a spreader-sticker, adjuvant, crop oil, or wetting agent. Read the label before adding these as many herbicides are pre-packaged with them already added. Common Name Trade Name Weeds Comments Grass (lbs ai/acre) (product rate/acre) Controlled Archival chlorsulfuron Lesco TFC 75DF Broadleaves Apply treatment to control perennial bunch-type grasses such as (0.05 to one fourth (1 to 5.3 oz) tall fescue or ryegrass and many other broadleaf weeds in actively copy: lb) growing established bahiagrass and bermudagrass. Apply when

turf is not under heat or drought stress. Additional moisture by for

rainfall or irrigation is needed to activate herbicide. current

Bermudagrass sulfometuron Oust 75DG Fescue, Highway roadside use only. Use in spring (1 to 3 oz/a) 30 days recommendations (0.05 to 0.19 lb) (1 to 2 oz/a) Broadleaf after green-up or 1 to 2 weeks after mowing. Also used in late fall Bahiagrass weeds to early winter (1 to 4 oz/a). Often tank-mixed with MSMA (3 to 4 lbs ai/a) for broader spectrum of weed control in bermudagrass. see

St. ethofumesate Prograss 1.5EC Common Timing is critical. Spring applications should start in late Feb. Augustinegrass (3.0 lb) (2 gal/A) Bermudagrass (South FL) or early (central FL) to mid (North FL and Northward) control/ March. Repeat in 30 days. Tank mixing with atrazine or simazine suppression at 2 lb ai/A significantly increases suppression. Temporary St. Augustinegrass stunting may result. Do not overlap. or your

Zoysiagrass fenoxaprop Acclaim 1EC Annual grass Young, actively growing weeds are easiest to control. Do not local (0.12 to 0.35 lb) (15 to 45 oz/A) weeds, apply to moisture- or heat-stressed turf. Repeat application in 2 to Bermudagrass 3 weeks may be required for complete control. Do not mow for 24 extension suppression hrs after application. office. Zoysiagrass fluazifop Fusilade T&O Annual grasses Add nonionic surfactant. Repeat application in 4 weeks. Minor, (0.047 to 0.078 lbs) II(2EC) short-term turf phytotoxicity may occur, especially when applied (3 to 4 oz/a) Common during hot, dry weather. Bermudagrass Suppression Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 21

Table 10. Expected Control of Broadleaf Weeds With Turf Herbicides.

Lifecycle Atrazine/ 2,4-D Mecoprop Dicamba 2,4-D + 2,4-D + 2,4-D 2,4-D Metsulfuron Triclopyr + Weed Simazine MCPP 2,4-DP +MCPP, + clopyralid (or MCPP) dicamba triclopyr Betony, P1 E-F2 F F F-E F F F-E ------Florida

Bittercress, WA -- E F E E E E ------Archival hairy

Bindweed, P -- E-F F E E-F E E ------copy: field for

Black Medic A -- P F E F E E -- -- E current

Burclover A -- F-P E E E-F E E ------recommendations

Buttercups WA,B&P F E-F F F-P E E E -- -- E Buttonweed, P -- E-F F F F E-F E-F F-P -- -- Va. see Carpetweed SA E E F E E E E ------ Carrot, wild A,B -- F F E F E-F E -- E --

Catsear P -- E-F F E E E E -- -- E Dandelion

Chamber- SA,P E ------or

bitter your

Chickweed, WA E P E-F E E E E E E E local

common extension

Chickweed, WA,P F F-P E-F E E E E E-F -- E

mouseear office.

Chicory P -- E E E E E E -- E --

Cinquefoil, P -- E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F ------common

Clover, SA -- E E E E E E ------crimson

Clover, hop WA E F E E E E E E -- E Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 22

Table 10. Expected Control of Broadleaf Weeds With Turf Herbicides.

Lifecycle Atrazine/ 2,4-D Mecoprop Dicamba 2,4-D + 2,4-D + 2,4-D 2,4-D Metsulfuron Triclopyr + Weed Simazine MCPP 2,4-DP +MCPP, + clopyralid (or MCPP) dicamba triclopyr Clover, P E F E E E E E E-F E E white

Daisy, P -- P F E F F E ------Archival English

Daisy, P,B -- F F F F F E-F ------copy:

oxeye for current Dandelion P E-F E E E E E E F-E E -- recommendations Dayflower, SA G-E F F F F-G F-G F-G F-G P -- Spreading

Dichondra P E-F E F E-F E E E -- -- E

Dock, P F F F-P E F F E-F F F E see

broadleaf & curly

Doveweed SA G-E F F F F-G F-G F-G F-G P --

Garlic, wild P -- E-F P E-F E-F E-F E-F -- E-F --

Geranium, WA -- E E-F E E E E -- E-F -- or your Carolina local Hawkweed P -- E-F P E-F E-F E-F E-F ------extension Healall P -- E P E-F E E E -- -- E

Henbit WA E F-P F E F E-F E E E-F -- office. Ivy, ground P -- F-P F E-F F F-E E-F ------

Knawel WA -- P F E E-F E-F E -- -- ­­

Knotweed, SA E P F E E-F E-F E ------prostrate

Lambs- SA -- E E E E E E -- E-F -- quarter, common

Lespedeza SA E F-P E E E-F F E -- -- E Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 23

Table 10. Expected Control of Broadleaf Weeds With Turf Herbicides.

Lifecycle Atrazine/ 2,4-D Mecoprop Dicamba 2,4-D + 2,4-D + 2,4-D 2,4-D Metsulfuron Triclopyr + Weed Simazine MCPP 2,4-DP +MCPP, + clopyralid (or MCPP) dicamba triclopyr Mallow P -- F-P F E-F E-F E-F E-F ------

Mugwort P -- F F-P E-F F F F ------Archival Mustard, WA E E F E E E-F E -- F --

wild copy: for Onion, wild P -- F P E-F F F E -- E-F -- current

Parsley- WA E P E-F E-F E-F P E-F E -- -- recommendations piert Pearlwort WA -- E-F E-F -- E-F E-F E-F ------

Pennywort P E E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F E-F ------(dollarweed) see Pepperweed, WA -- E E-F E E-F E E ------VA

Pigweed WA -- E E E E- E E -- E-F --

Plantains P F-P E F-P P E E E F-P F E or your Purslane, SA G F P E F F E-F -- F -- common local extension Red sorrel P -- P E E E-F F E -- -- E

Shepherds- WA -- E E-F E E-F E-F E ------office. purse

Speedwell, WA E F-P F-P F-P F-P F-P F-P ------corn

Spurge, SA E-F F F E F E-F E-F E-F -- E-F prostrate

Spurge, SA E F-P E-F E-F E-F E-F E E-F -- E-F spotted

Spurweed WA E-F F E-F E E-F F E E -- E (lawn burweed) Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 24

Table 10. Expected Control of Broadleaf Weeds With Turf Herbicides.

Lifecycle Atrazine/ 2,4-D Mecoprop Dicamba 2,4-D + 2,4-D + 2,4-D 2,4-D Metsulfuron Triclopyr + Weed Simazine MCPP 2,4-DP +MCPP, + clopyralid (or MCPP) dicamba triclopyr Strawberry, P -- P F E-F F P E-F ------Indiamock

Thistles B,P -- E-F F E E-F E-F E -- F -- Archival

Violet, WA -- F-P F-P E-F F-P F F-P ------copy: Johnny-jump-

up for current Violet, wild P -- F-P F-P E-F F-P F F-P F-P -- E-F recommendations Woodsorrel, P F P P F F-P F-P F-P -- E-F E-F yellow Yarrow P -- F F-P E F-P F E-F -- E-F --

Yellow WA -- E-F F E-F E-F E-F E ------see


Table 11. Sedges. Leaves composed of a blade, a sheath, and a ligule. Leaf sheath is closed. Ligule is often absent, when present is tiny. Stem is often triangular. or your

Yellow Nutsedge, Perennial; underground runners; runners stop at tubers; tubers sweet to taste or with little flavor; seedhead yellow. local Cyperus esculentus Leaf tip needle-shaped. extension Purple Nutsedge, Perennial; underground runners that continue from tuber to tuber, forming chains; tubers bitter to taste; seedhead Cyperus rotundus purple or reddish. Leaf tip boat-shaped. office. Globe Sedge, Perennial; forming clump; shiny green leaves; base hard; seedheads like small globes. Cylindric Sedge just as Cyperus globulosus common; has all the same characteristics as the above differing only in the seedhead which is shaped like a cylinder with smaller and finer flowers.

Perennial (Green) Mat forming perennial from reddish purple rhizomes. Leaves and stems, dark green. Seedhead simple, nearly round Kyllinga or oblong, with three short leaves just below. Reproduces by seed and rhizomes. Found in low areas or where Cyperus brevifolius moisture is excessive.

Annual Sedge Annual; spreads by seed formed from clusters of flat spikes. Spikes greenish, sometimes glossy, up to 1-inch long. Cyperus compressus Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 25

Table 12. Sedge Control

Grass Common Name Trade Name Weeds Controlled Comments (lbs ai/acre) (product rate/acre) Bahiagrass bentazon Basagran T&O 4L Yellow nutsedge, Apply when yellow nutsedge is actively growing under Bermudagrass (1-2 lb) (2-4 pts) globe sedge, good soil moisture conditions. Repeat applications will Centipedegrass Lescogran 4L annual sedge and probably be necessary. Will not satisfactory control St. Augustinegrass (2-4 pts) some broadleaf purple nutsedge. Not labeled for golf greens. A

weeds pre-packaged combination of bentazon and atrazine is Archival available as Prompt. copy: halosulfuron Manage 75WP Most nutsedges Note the low use rate. Nutsedges should be actively

(0.03 to 0.06 lb) (0.67 to 1.33 oz) growing when treated. Repeat application(s) 3 to 4 for weeks apart will be needed for complete control. current

Bermudagrass MSMA/DMSA Several brands Yellow nutsedge, Repeat application will be needed 10 to 14 days apart. recommendations Zoysiagrass (2.0 lbs/4.0 lbs) annual (water) Use a wetting agent. Some turf discoloration can be sedge expected. 2,4-D (2.0 lbs)

Bermudagrass imazaquin Image 1.5LC Purple nutsedge, Do not apply to newly seeded, sodded, sprigged areas. see

Centipedegrass (- 1/2 lb) (two to two and one sandspur, wild Apply only to actively growing turfgrass. Not St. Augustinegrass third pts) garlic, some labeled for use on Bahiagrass or golf greens. Repeat Zoysiagrass broadleaves applications may be required as weeds mature. Treated turf may have a compacted growth habit and seedhead formation may be inhibited. Do not use on overseeded turf. or Bermudagrass imazaquin + Image 1.5LC Many sedges Repeat applications may be required as weeds mature. your

MSMA/DSMA (2 pts) + Several local

( + 1-2 lbs/4.0lbs) Brands extension office. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 26

Table 13. Sedge Control and Turf Tolerance to Various Herbicides (Refer to herbicide label for specific species listing)

Nutsedge Control Turf Tolerance Herbicide(s)* Purple Yellow Annual Kyllinga Bermuda- Carpet St.Augustine Bahiagrass Centipede Zoysiagrass Overseed grass -grass Ryegrass/


Basagran P G G F-G S S S S S S S-I Archival

Image G G G G I I S D D S D copy: Manage G G G G S - - S S S S - - for

MSMA/DSMA F F F-G F S-I D D D D I D current Image + G G G G I I D D D S D MSMA/DSMA recommendations see or your local extension office. Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 27

Table 14. Turfgrass Tolerance to Postemergence Herbicides (Refer to herbicide label for specific species listing)

Herbicide Bahiagrass Bermudagrass Carpetgrass Centipedegrass St. Zoysiagrass Overseed Augustinegrass Rye/Blends asulam (Asulox) D1 S-I2 D3 D S-I NR D atrazine (Aatrex) NR NR I S-I S-I I D bentazon (Basagran) S S S S S S S-I bromoxynil S S S S S S S

chlorsulfuron I I NR NR NR NR NR Archival 2,4-D S S I I I S S-I

2,4-D+dicamba S S I I I S S-I copy: 2,4-D+2,4-DP S S I I I S I-D 2,4-D+MCPP S S I I I S I-D for current 2,4-D+MCPP+dicamba S S I I I S I-D 2,4-D+MCPP+2,4-DP S S I I I S I-D recommendations dicamba (Banvel) S S I I I S I diclofop (Illoxan) NR S NR NR NR NR NR DSMA,MSMA D S D D D I D ethofumesate NR D - - NR I NR D

fenoxaprop (Acclaim) I-D I-D D D D I I see

hexazinone (Velpar) I I-S NR NR NR NR D MCPA+MCPP+2,4-DP S S I I I I I-D MCPP S S I I I S I metribuzin (Sencor) D S-I D D D NR D metsulfuron (Escort) D S I NR S-I S D pronamide (Kerb) NR S NR NR NR NR D

sethoxydim (Vantage) D D D S D D D or simazine NR I - - S S S - I D your

sulfometuron I I NR NR NR NR NR local extension

Table 15. Common and Trade Names of Turf Herbicides. office.

Common Name Manufacturer/Distributor Trade Name(s) Asulam Rhone-Poulence Asulox 3.34L Atrazine Novartis, Ortho, Security, + others Aatrex, Atrazine Plus, Purge II, + others Benefin DowElanco + others Balan, Crabgrass Preventer, + others Benefin & oryzalin DowElanco XL 2G Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 28

Table 15. Common and Trade Names of Turf Herbicides.

Common Name Manufacturer/Distributor Trade Name(s) Benefin & oxadiazon Regal Chemical RegalStar

Benefin & trifluralin DowElanco Team 2G Bensulide Gowan, Scotts, + others Betasan, Pre-San, Bensumec 4, Lescosan, Weedgrass Preventer, Archival Bentazon BASF, Lesco Basagran T&O, Lescogran 4L

Bentazon & Atrazine BASF Prompt copy:

Bromoxynil Rhone-Poulenc Buctril 2L for current Chlorsulfuron Lesco TFC 75DG recommendations 2,4-D Rhone Poulenc, Riverdale, + others Many

DCPA ISK Biosciences + others Dacthal 75WP, Garden Weed Preventer, + others Dicamba Novartis, Scotts, + others Vanquish 4L, K-O-G Weed Control, + others see

Diclofop AgrEvo Illoxan 3EC

Dithiopyr Rohm & Haas Dimension 1L

Diquat Zeneca Reward LS

DSMA ISK Biosciences DSMA Liquid, Methar 30 or

Ethofumesate AgrEvo Prograss 1.5L your local Fenoxaprop AgrEvo Acclaim extension Fluazifop Zeneca Fusilade II

Glufosinate AgrEvo Finale 1L office.

Halosulfuron Monsanto Manage 75WP

Hexazinone DuPont Velpar 2L

Imazaquin American Cyanamid Image 1.5L

Isoxaben DowElanco Gallery 75DF

MCPA Rhone-Poulenc Weedar MCPA

MCPP PBI/Gordon, Ortho, + others Mecomec 4, MCPP, + others

MCPP, 2,4-D + dicamba + MCPA and/or PBI/Gordon, Lesco, Riverdale, Sierra, Trimec Southern/3-Way Selective/Eliminate DG/33- 2,4-D Ortho, + others Weed Management for Florida's Turfgrass Professionals 29

Table 15. Common and Trade Names of Turf Herbicides.

Common Name Manufacturer/Distributor Trade Name(s) Metribuzin Miles Sencor 75DF

Metochlor Novartis Pennant MSMA ISK Biosciences Daconate 6, MSMA 6.6L, Drexar 530, others

Napropamide Zeneca, UHS, Lesco Devrinol 50DF, Ornamental Weeder 5G Archival Oryzalin DowElanco Surflan AS copy: Oxadiazon Rhone-Poulenc Ronstar 2G, 50WP for

Pendimethalin Lesco, American Cyanamid, Scotts Pre-M, Pendulum 60DG, WP, 3.3EC, Southern current Weedgrass Control, Halts recommendations

Prodiamine Novartis Barricade 65WG

Pronamide Rohm & Haas Kerb 50WP

Sethoxydim BASF Vantage see

Simazine Novartis + others Princep T&O, others

Sulfometuron DuPont Oust or your local extension office.