RUBEjOLDRING WILL DEATH KNELL OF PROPOSED PILOT JERSEY FARM M'COY MEETS O'DOWD IN ed Gross UNION LEAGUE IS SOUNDED LAST FRAWLEY LAW BOUT Victor in Capture Leading Baseball Men Will Vote Down Movement to Or Champion, Who Has Managed to Hold on ganize Secondary' ' Major . League-r-Decisi- on to Title for Three Years, Despite Many Defeats, Ml Fast Tilt Spoils Ed Barrow's Plans. ... Will Risk Title. RaceMeetJ , ' Louisville, Ky., Nov. 14. There will dricks, manager of the Indianapolis New York, Nov. 14 The Frawley Paul, Is a great favorite across the Basketball be no thiridi quasi major league. This club' of the American Association, and law, 'which has enjoyed six bridge and will have a host of admir- Unaugurate James C. MoGill, president of the club, ers at the ring side. And many-- of Obtains $10,000 in fact became evident yesterday, when - prosperous years, ..will pass Liberty Colonial Hall With that resulted because of McGill's re- quietly them anticipate a knockout victory pson at the committee on the revision of the fusal to release Hendricks so he .could out of 'existence when the old town for the St. O'Dowd Bonds, Hourless' Share of " Paul lad. has 40-2-0 Victory Over Bronx constitution in the minor leagues de- become manager of the St. Louis Na- clock strikes 12 tonight. But before cleaned up the welterweight division Donated cided to recommend to the NationaX tionals next season, ended last night. the followers of the good old pugilis- and in his last three fights at the Stake by August association the American asso- 4 Rve of New York that Hendricks, who declared tic game lay, their pet sport at rest; a Rink has scored knockouts. -- Mayor redistrict-In- g previously quick Belmont Takes a ciation (be left out of any he would rather return to JUs law new middleweight, champion may be Ever since McCoy won th6 iltle by Bally Clifford B. Wilson Makes thai may take place, and . also crowned. For is" practice than manage Indianapolis r tonight the njgh't dropping George Chip with a left Final Pimlico Handicap, when Joe (Tinker announced definitely next season, issued a statement that that Albertus' McCoy, holder of the hook in the first round of a local Opening Address. he would side with- the Western . ,301 that ' he had "forgotten the whole affair and title, clashes with pubnacious Mike bout several years ago, he has been Event. wheel of the circuit. . would do all ho could to win another O'Dowd,. from St. Paul, at the Cler- whipped time and again, but none of ( .Victory was awarded John Leavy Cool headed baseball men came to pennant for in 1918." mont club in his has able' to - the front declared them- Indianapolis Sporting Brooklyn. conquerors been Pimlico, Md., Nov. 14 It was an- - Land his famous Blue Ribbon basket- and openly "It has always been my ambition to Everybody the butcher, the baker knock him off his feet for 10 seconds. ' - nounced 2mJU team 40 minutes of thrill-- , selves against the formation of the a- and candlestick maker -- be In He here yesterday that August after new manage major league club and I will: fought Chip twice after winning at Colonial ball last evening:. ."secondary thirti major league: this, one, but have been disap- the Rink . to pay their last the and Belmont has sent to the publicity tag play were sought tonight title, although badly batter- - Tns local quintet took the - speedy They finally 'realized they trying pointed," Hendricks' statement read. spects to legalized -- boxing in the ed, was fighting hard at the end of committee of the Liberty Loan Com- to- upset, in a few days, what had mittee for his check for Bronx five of New York .into camp by "I am going back to Indianapolis and Rube Oldring, Connie Mack's great greatest state in the Union. The adc each fight. Maryland " 40 de- taken years to build, up, namely, the to fill is done is ac- $10,000, which he desires to have in- - the score of to 20, and thereby - Ameri- try up the weak spots caused by outfielder," with .baseball for vance sale exceptionally large McCoy surprised the boxing fans International league and the vested in second Lean bonda , monstrated that they will again , this the drafting of i.Wickland for the army all time. He says he never will don cording to Matchmaker Sidney last week by beating Montana Dan Liberty ' imi "class" Basketball teams can association. and the enlistment of In the the and in the future and no doubt the famous in 12 Those through the Maryland committee. t y j be the of - To- O'Leary spangles again Burns, Sullivan rounds. who tfala Buffalo! Newark,, Baltimore- and The- will devote his entire . time to the arena to Its These bonds will be In part of "the country. ;' , navy. whole affair as been f ' will be Jammed capacity saw McCoy in that battle declare that presented by ronto Were the four International do- - down Belmont to the American Red It was an auspicious opening1 for Union and I will all I can to help farm in Jersey. when the two gladiators enter the the champion fought his best fight Cross.; - clubs to be selected for the win another - So as to They represent the purse won 4he Ribbon management. Besides Ixmisville, To- pennant in 1918." ring. have something to since winning the title and that he by ,VI fill- league. Indianapolis, President McGill . Hourless in the match race. ytctprftHia start, the hall was well Columbus were the eeced-er- a .revealed that he remember the last fight under the may surprise O'Dowd tonight. Sir withT. ronto and . Omar at the Laurel meet ed, and groat enthusiasm was display- - association. had demanded $15,000 from Branch MISKE AN EASY present law, moving pictures will be Michael, however, is confident that Khayyam from the American " ' ' .., mC Mayor Wilson was present, and Ro- Rickey, manager of the St. Louis club, taken of the battle. the last bout under the Frawley law recently. j: Verily, 'Providence, Richmond,:' ' Just to the when it briefly addressed the crowd before the chester and Montreal were to for Hendricks' contract. Rickey de- Both McCoy and O'Dowd finished is going to end with the knockout of previous race, willing was announced that in the event that , , ame, telling of the value of athletic aside. But Kansas Min- clined this .proposal. The St. Louis their training yesterday and look fit a champion. step City; IN Hourless won, the would . to the Individual Etfe of the par- kee re president sought to sign Hendricks last VICTOR BOUT and ready for a strenuous skirmish. Be this as It may, the boxing game winnings sport neapolis, St. Paul a. be donated Belmont to the Red ticipator and to the nation as a whole, fused to be frozen out, and their ap- -. Monday with the understanding that O'Dowd. although native" of , St. in the Empire State ends tonight. by 1 - Hendricks was Cross, the Maryland Loan and also touching upon the high plane peals have been recognize!. ' at liberty to negotiate. Liberty to Hendricks had said that McGill Publicity Committee wired to him to which it has been elevated by such It would have been most unfair agreed WITH BEARCAT if would not : . , to release him if an to asking buy Liberty men as Manager Leary. throw these franchises in the scrap opportunity . bonds he, ex- - manage, a club and preseift them to the Red Some brilliant basketball was heap.- ifnd then the courts probably major league presented Cross. ' pounded, and for the first game of would have had something to say itself. ;''-- '','"- - owners In four Accuse Kid Hberfeld New York, Nov. 14 , :- -: :- -: j The feature of the getaway day the "season, both teams displayed about it, for the these once as card was the Serial' how-eee- ii were to the Officials regarded a contender for the THE racing Handicap cities go very of the OVER TOP three-year-ol- amlendld form. The club ds Ribbons, prepared Chattanooga title, last received for and up in which" showed: a little more team work, limit for,.(their rights. They .were of the Southern Association filed a heavyweight night seven " some the severest thrashing of his career in mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmMMmmmmmmtmmmmwmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm horses faced the starter. Bally. , so In slated to berths in other before board of ar- and were not rusty their basket get triple petition the of with Robinson up. carried off the Clinton and White, were es minor league, butthey rebelled, and bitration yesterday asking settlement the ring the Broadway Sporting tossing. - ' honors. 100 rebelled hard. . of a ''Kid." Elber-fel- d club. Dillon narrowly escaped a Bally, carrying pounds, pecially effective on the offensive, dispute involving Some good amateur bputs have contests are waged during the lull of took the lead soon after the was not behind. The Hlekey faction of the leasrue manager of the club last sea- knockout at the hands of Billy Miske, ' M. C. A. quarter Chough Harvey far v - been arranged by the Y, battle. The said to be mile was Won its fight when President Hickey son, and and' Graff, the St. Paul aspirant to the light Frenchare post passed, and although Owuuhp played a strong game In Players Hyatt athletic department to be . staged in quite as proficient at the sport as the hard pressed by Star Gazer, with one on appeared before the revision commit Whom Elberfeld sold to Little Rock heavyweight championship. ' ' fact, he was of the best players been Had Miske the gymnasium tomorrow evening. British. Buxton up, led for the remainder of' fiooe. On the defenlslve he was tee and although no report had two days before the close of, the sea- dropped theHoosie'r There are about a dozen the made last it came straight tram son. After Elberfeld Bearcat for the would have aspiring the distance. Hank O'Day, another at tower of while In night decifls-e- the sale signed down on the and " strength, rushing the that members had d to been the first time that the young boxers card, BOOSTING DOWNEY. Macomber entry, carrying top weight the ball down to the opposing goal, he meeting manage the Little Rock club next rugged all are to have trained faith, of 114 finished close '' to' a hands .off policy on the season. young from the of the reported Several pounds, behind baa few superiors. ;, play giant fully for this amateur carnival. prominent local men, as well his stable mate for third . American association.. , The Chattanooga, club' claims Elber Wabash had been treated in that as on last New London place. Chic', ' Reich aadMiiIieirere-- the -- The two Dick and Steven players year's bright Immediately after the news of the feld was under manner. the sullen brothers, who let, which carried the same weight as Contract as manager Only courage one club, have been retained by the f-- jsei rUmlnr stars'for the visitors. Reich, action bad leaked out, O. August; Ralph' Hanum, of the Hank O'Day and was one of the ''i committee's for 1918. club and of Dillon saved him from ' them- Who is a . Al Reich, the The also wants the vitality best rained in-- New Eng- management, are interesting was brpjtier of H. Wathen, HjotrteyDle; James MoGTll, sate put- to and the manner ) 'amateurs vorites, among the also rans. "f siil<t' .was , an i over To- of Hyatt and Graff set 'aside and being sleep,; Joe the selves in Tommy Downey's candidacy two ' lwumj boxer, the Bloger Bresnahan, land; Meersrflan, 'Belgian In the Consolation and a haA floor at once, as and Indianapolis; the releases of five other nlavera El- - In which he stood up under the bom- the Italian for the managerial berth of the Plant- mile the saying la, ledo,' and Edward Barrow, "Jjes-fel- fighter; .Hugo Sapelly, steeplechase, the second race on president set adrift bardment of the Minnesota mauler - ers. - a exhlbtted a speed which was at times of went Into canOqlled. The marvel,- John and Frank Jerome, Downey has not only had the program, High an outsider, - the. International' league, was filed new was matter Flyer, ' tialTBTig to the home team.. Mailer, petition by owners of a of wonderment to the Charles Atberton, Fred Boswith and world of experience in 'baseball, but is the sure betters session, tout,;when they adjourned they the club. They contend the five nlav-- crowd that the big club- one the cleanest,' most surprised thing, by was the packed ' Harold Hallsworth are all scheduled of gentlemanly He a. only hostile player had to give out ' ; - winning. paid his backers ;. huwuii, nothing ers were released without their knowl- house. ,'-- ;v.V v i' .. well liked ' who' to be) able to toss bas- of whicn , ' . to fight. Also S. Lundqulstv the. Swed- players in the sport, and handsome sum, the be-- appeared The committee, ai . , -- winning price . edge. ...--- Only once in the entire ten rounds by all his teammates.1 "Owner Plant " kets4 in last, year's form. Baum of San Francisco, president of ish pugilist (we almost forgot him). ihg $93.90. Obolus, winner of , the i floor,-an- was - ' was Dillon on the that We are informed would have to go a way to find : The reCareeing. of Harry WaHum the Pacific Coast JJeague, was chair - reliably that long third event, a selling race, also paid - at the of the ninth- session. " ' met 'wfth general approval of the man, held its session- behind locked beginning other attractions will be shown be- a better man available to guide his his supporters well, bringing" $42.80. 1 ' A stiff bander Dillon season. ' 1nnAZ doors.' None fof .its members would SENIORS' ANNUAL right dropped tween the bouts, all for a quarter ol team next Owing to an error in the petition Aftjho.ftmejdajiniTig on his side, but he sprang to his feet three-fifth- s of discuss what occurred. The other a dollar and a jitney, to the etate legislature requesting the t. before the referee even counted one. Sto-va- was'-'''"- The summary? members of the committee are John war tax.. , The announcement that George. ll Bowie meet, the racing which ' TL. Xarrell of N. Y., secre- REUNION III JANUARY - Miske Real Tornado. is with baseball i not scheduled to take has rMt Bfne BSbbons. Auburn, ' through place today ' J. Half a dozen times the com- been Goala SVtusu tary of the National Association; during , Al McCoy fights tonight. There ,1s taken seriously by those who know postponed for several days. In Total W. of bat Dillon, helpless, with his back is the meantime there will be" no v Morris Fort Worth, Tex, presi no distinction theae days in beating him well. George generally credited racing CTtntoa, 1 12 -' rf s ' dent of the Texas League; Dan OTSJeU The Seniors Golf Association at a against the ropes, covered his head Al McCoy but anybody McCoy with being one of our best little an- - in this state' until then. ' hndtB,it.MW.M. , 10 f president-o- the special held at the office of With his and stood there while ; i ? -.-.- of Hartford, Conn., meeting gloves grows rnouncers.- o ...... 4 0 8 - whips famous overnight. - Harvey, and R. Xj. Ble- Darwin 246 Miske rained blows on and , .V I .;.'1 2 4 Eastern Association, P., Klngsley, Broadway, body jaw. rg Dry Murray, of the Northwestern yesterday, voted to hold the annual Only once did Dillon land a blow that As means of - N Sharpe Explains - -- . 1' S wltt, president ' a gaining free pub- BEATING THE LAW!. OTswiunniydg- ...... 2 . reunion and . dinner some on Miske. Ijeagae. , time in seemed to have any effect Branch will the ; y Cornell's Defeats . licity Rickey keep move Gov. Whit- To Bcartjnst Map. January. It was less than a year This was in the second round, when name of his new for a What an idiotic 40 manager quiet ' of New York 10 ago, January 29 being the date, that a Dillon shot a - man and the legislature When the meeting adjourned at during rapid exchange time., Y.,-No- Bronx A. JL, was the Seniors' association was formed vicious to Miske's Jaw that sent have made with regard to boxing, the Ithaca, NV 14. This wafr 'o'clock today, the resolution pre right va-sit- y Goals-Foal- at in law," etc. Until tonight' at another easy day for the Cornell v Y. Total wants a Delmonlco's, and the constitu- the St. Paul spinning against the With leave of Nevl Frawley sented for passage. Tearney boy boxing taking 12 is carried on un-- . team, the regulars JwnEKa v. 1 0 2 eomxnlttee of three appointed, with tion adopted at the time provision ropes in a neutral corner.- York, and wrestling once more perk- o'clock, the game running 1C 1- - 0 2 was made foi the annnni to der supervision of the state, bonds are through a half hour signal drill while fSeicfa. full power to act on readjustment of meeting Dillon naturally was trying during ing up, the fans of the metropolis the scrubs and freshmen battled. The 4 S IX be held coincident with the Seniors to" six-da- y deposited (by clubs holding bouts and 'Mailer; territory and a realignment of clubs the early rounds get x home to the have only to have the bike coaches a rest will Xssnb. O 2 tournament at Apawamii This de- chin with one of his race them to make theil the state reaps a big harvest in taxes hope that good rg t " deadly right thrust upon com- up the team for the Fordhanl t 2 cision to hold the reunion and din- on the exhibitions. Its boxing shape - Dreyfus, also will make a fight for hooks, but for the most the complete. We condole with - is Tearney ner means that the associa- part misery mission has direct control "over all game on Saturday. f 1.1 the1 reclassification of all leagues and probably blows went wild of the mark or Miske them. . : tion will make these an- .'.'. which means with In a statement on the Cornell foot- i, 8 4 . 20 for reduction of the mem gatherings avoided" them. clubs, promoters, the present nual affairs. cleverly to ball, situation today Dr. Al Sharpe said Befasee. Harry WsHum. Tlmefceop- - bership of the National Board of Ar- But Miske seldom missed a blow Cincinnati fans have moved tbje authority rejnove any unscrupulous no- . At the reunion' an amendment will of the ' that "there is team playing today r, Joe Waters. Time, two bitration from ten to five. that he aimed at his opponent, the Reds into second place next year, and scalpers, puhlic. that is a "record has .'periods,-- ... board is at pres- probably, be made to the constitution first shot of the bout In the are how can Tomorrow It is against the law. for making good that The unwieldly for mem- opening already figuring they not either veteran or experienced ma- ent," said. "Its members providing the extension, of a flush beat out the Giants for the these same clubs to operate under the - Tearney bers to 600, so as to round, right hander,; landing pennant. Is terial around which to build. Can of accommodate a ; same method. It; the law are scattered in, all corners 'the ' on the Hoosier's Jaw. Dillon here Has that good old anvil of which against you- he is a large and constantly wait- ' to a as in the and Imagine," said,'!:' "Harvard, country. What we should have - increasing he saw a chance to Cincinnati once boasted ceased ti stage fight, past, ' "CUPID" BLACK'S list.- The ' thought bring ' Princeton or Yale producing a team to a consider- ing association member- . i , . is not the law for a compact board devote, Miske down, but the swing missed by ring? , yet it against this year that could- compare with able of its time to minor league ship limit now Is E00. When the or- In on fight to be staged. Only now the au- part was formed there were a foot,. ThenMdske started an their, teams of former years?' Well, affairs. If an Important question is ganization offensive that was Irresistible and car- FOOTBALL IX FRANCE. dience will have to obtain membership the difference between those " those who to take advan- is' no club in only ELEVEN TO MEET presented to the present board foi neglected ried Dillon about the like a 'Association football, in to some "club," which teams and Cornell- is thai Cornell vis some times sev- tage of the opportunity to join, and ring ship popular other name. settlement it requires under In a gale. England, has won a high place in th anything than playing-an- d they are not." ( for a decision to be reach- since then they have regretted their baropoles is bad'L for the state ol ' ', eral weeks One round was a copy of the Frenchman's esteem' of the as s If boxing :"It would be , to avoid ML--AMERIC- tardiness. The officials feel, how- pre- game alto- - very easy A" ed because the issue must be handled New York, not prohibit it ever, that even with the increase it ceding one. (Miske. would lead left to sport. Twenty years ago association why such scores as 42 to 0 by simply not The to And New York ; by correspondence. boards the Jaw and hook the : to football was almost unknown in gether? if permits but if the oi Inter- the minors should be created will be possible to handle the field at right the teach the playing, value govern the next tournament same spot. Then he would vary by France, but today it has countless boxlsg ih any form, why collegiate athletics is what the United lines of the National Com- without" serious in along the inconvenience.- hooking the right to the body, which followers. Its biggest booster is the promoters' and the public general States government and what our coun- OBaa-a- Nor. "T"ityM" mission.' , connive at an violation of rbntetaeB. is Dillon's tender1 French now, accord to '' indirect cil thinks is Cornell will continue' to s spot. government, for, it ftSaca-- powerful football eleven from Only $60,000 From .Drafts Dillon made his supreme effort In to an announcement, all the law? v " , build men for future service regardless" ing regiments Gov. Whit- the Rrst Naval District at Newport The annual report of John H. Far-rel- l, the third, when he stooki toe to toe are provided with association foot- To our untutored mind of scbrea It Is not a question '.of win- : and will 'meet the Etrst Naval District's secretary of the National Asso- with Miske and swapped punches at balls, i man has made, a grave mistake, ning as much as being trained to play teatri "from the Boston Navy Tard In ciation, revealed the inroads the war (Talk Of Sports close range. ' Dillon could not stand will acknowledge ; it at the next ses- the game es if you were winning." " the SXarvarQ Stadium on December 8, made on the minor leagues last sea- the fire of his opponent and finally The soldiers at the front find time sion of the legislature, when boxing waa' her last v . . t ; , ' ft azmouiiqed night. son. Ten :, leagues . were obliged to backed away, to play the game, and many exciting may again be legalized. FELSCII WANTED TO r. rrhe Wewpcrt team faas been called Manaeer MeOisw "hum AaMAaA In round Miske suspend and several were forced 'to the fourth drove , an "AH American" combination with to ' new hleh lmself far from the Dillon all about the ring, landing ter- , BE A WRESTLER Bne-a- shift their territory stir up -- maddening Nelson and Kid Williams, tttM i of coQegs stars, ' rific (Di- Battling gridiron . Na- throng, and will a of and face Mows, cutting HOWISON , f' Interest. The American and spend part the 9ody IMPROVES; the ;, and Swedes . who vwhOoifhe Boston eleven, coached by Class AA winter in Havana. llon's lips, and lumps over his Norwegians How field- - tional Leagues and the and Pretty soft,' say raising came io America have never attain- men's ambitions do change! former , coach at . ..- ON CUE (5Lo A r $60,000 ; into we. '. .' eyes. In desperation Dillon swung a GAINS RIVAL was 'jtarj, all-st- ar baplc-Oe- ld leagues' turned 'only ed much in the ring. It only a few years" ago that "Harrard, also 'has an the minors for drafted heavy right, but it circled the Wyn- prominence some llne-tjne-n. the hands of ' Andre Anderson, the giant Swede Happy Felsch, centre fielder of the JboI1 famous college nes tan's neck and did no 'damage. How-Iso- as with, $150,000 to The ashes of the Federal New Nov. 14. (Leonard n -- a few White Sox, saw a future players compared' League York, "white ope' discovered years dazzling '. conditions. refuse to rest It looked like a finish for Dillon in or of ! FmvSous effort to the two $200,000 under normal in peace. .Despite the played better billiarMs, more ago in Chicago, was looked upon as ahead him as, a mat artist. As bring Farrell that fact that : it la Vtar the fifth, when Miske drove his man last in hla but is not in the habit of t&axom . because of Secretary explained dead, Campbell profitable billiards, night a contender for honors, Happy doing I together had failed unwill- won against the ropes and had him shaky 18.2 strong ' but the major league clubs were has a Judgment against the 2,000 point match at with Welker much - ever came of him. things by half measures, he' was con- iioonflotfag schedules, the. players - ' from a series of to the nothing ' ' to risk": of Newark Feds to heavy rights billiard room. battles in his ,were so anxtoos for' the clash that ing, purchase promising .and will proceed Jaw. Dillon covered and bent over, to Cochran in the former's Tery Martin fought several tent, dreams, with nothing decided to take chance on' the players because' of' the , fear that they pick. $,000 from the corpse, through He made 495 points tot Cochran's 400 with Mellody of Boston when less than the world's championship, (they a ser- of keep his body away from the terrific Honey same settle service rivalries in would be called into the military the medium Harry. Sinclair. 15 In the second night's play. , He gained Honey was claiming welterweight and in those dreams did things fcjweetzier and . " blows that Miske sent In. After 80 - vice, ' ' ' 95 and is now behind, the once out Mellody to Frank Gotch that would make ' seconds the Hoosler points, honors, knocking npeeomosB. ; Tom of battering Anaagements have also fcocn made Suspension until, the end of the Hlokey, president of the, broke and to the centre totals for two nights toeing:, Cochran, and on . another occasion being that husky Iowa farmer run away Har-icrul- 10 12 'In- awsiy getting 720. tto brtoc Bddie nfsJian, former A war of or vsmall leagues, American assoelctlon has announced of clinched. 800; Howison, knocked out himself. Martin also and hide his face in a corner. But two or three weaker organi- In no uncertain terms club the ring at it close Joe then the baseball into star, back to the Cttadlum. He cluding that any Dillon was against the ropes again Last "night they stayed fought draws with Billy Rhoades, bug- got zations In Class B, will ' bo to secede from: his circuit will to at which ana Felsch's bean. So . tore himself Lwul lead bis Marines from Philadel probably trying at the IbelV taking heavy punishment, the hour graveyards Grim, Jack Blackburn, others, he on to thenew Dec. 1 against tne recommended by President Sexton at have a fine fight on its hands, Hlckey but he on his feet. Dillon's yawii also spectators. Oochrain wasn't hut was whlDDed by Mike "Twin" loose from his wrestling ambition, phia, - on trav- is to In a com- kept which ho His devoted Boston Navy xard. today's meeting.- War 'taxes prepared engage finish steam was an gone when he came out nearly up to the speed MguiUVan and Jimmy Gardner. and himself to the diamond bat new , triea the! block and Milwau- He elling expenses and gate admission with any league that for the sixth and his only hope was showed in first varied last important bout was in pastime. put as much pep into PAY and heavy subscriptions of the base to invade his territory, to the limit. He took a fearful from spurts to barren spells. He went kee in 1911. when he was knocked that as he did into his wrestling IlED SOX MUST ball public to: the Libert Loan, and stay ' out with bursts of snappy btlHards, out Bob Moha. - dreams, and, as knows, he r in the seventh, eighth and by everybody ' ' war charities will force The great mystery of the National beating however,- poking the balls briskly for made good. Nevertheless, can FEATEENITT $1,480 - ' ninth) and was sent to the. canvas at Happy organizations to close if they attempt League at the present moment is the of the tenth. runs of 47 and 25 when: It looked as HE still take on a few men and pin them r beginning SURE to start, President Sexton said. Barney Dryfuss. To sell or not to Dillon was a terrible beat- 11 Howison would catch him. RUPPERT down in jig time, as some of his comT 14v decision getting - occasions Arbany, Nov. Under a . , sell, that is the question, and rumors iHKHvlson oh various playeB have found out to their sur- -. Central Wflline to Suspend ing and was reeling all about the CAN GET JOHNSON panions .'rendered by the court pf appeals yes- are again gaining ground that Dry-fu- ss when the bell enkled the com- the best sort' of billiards, and he gath- prise. .Boston American League Tbe meeting of the Central league will let go of the Ot ered 108 In one sequence patience, terday, the club owners scheduled to be held yes- Pirate. bat, ? Dillon declared- that the weight by , ' some Nov. 14 Col. Ja- club wni here to to the Besebejl course, some one will have to come he 147 weakened him. even manipulation and capital Louisville, TSy., Annalsr ' jay cs was until today; to made, pounds, Today in Pugilistic terday postponed 1-- over late sPlayerB: Fraternity 1,480, the asso- across with a regular sura to get BfcQeke ecaled at 178 2 execution Which tided him bad cob Ruppert. who arrived yester- called, for await the action of the National since some pounds, in the of breaks. a from New York, was between the salary ciation in' to and them, Dryfuss announced K. O, Circus, a Pittsburgh feather- spots way position day with party Sox contract of Pttoher regard time' he He of consistent in for several hours with 1907 .. knocked out fin the Bed reclassification of minor terri- ago .that wouldn't sell for weight, stopped a novice named had a speed cueing conference Billy Papke i M. in 1012, and what league less than $1,000,000 in cold cash. of-- which netted him successive rune of Clark Griffith, Acoording to Col. Tony Caponi in two rounds at Peoria, Knrt Hageman W. But Young (Duffy in the second round, r , play-lin-g tory. Harry Stahlhefer, president Ti - S3- - 80,-- 1 32, 111.. . be actually received that season It doubtful whether anybody will ter which the lived upT108- and Ruppert it is only a question of time of the' league was unwilling to make want to PJttsburgher - Johnson. 1909 Joe Sid- wltn Jersey City. 1918 invest such a fortune in that to ills name and turned two hand- before he acquires Walter Jeanette defeated " was transferred to the any predictions in regard to the team Just now, since the Pirates have He stands to meet any reasona- ney Russell in fifteen rounds at Par- , Hagonmn season. Sonne of the club owners,, he springs. TERRY MARTIN, THE ready ersey City team against his will. He been losing money for several years. ble demand that Griffith may make. is. ' fsa-trnit- y. to NORWEGIAN ARTIST his claim to the said, had expressed a willingness On the other bands, has GATES WINS CJOLT? TITLE BIFF also learned that Wid Conroy 1910 Jack Brttton and assigned salary we decide to start Dryfuss ! It Wa Toung Tb, fourt ruled that on tSie suspend. "If I made a fortune out of the game in and e.t Paody Livingston of Mil- Baylor fought an eight round draw ' shall recommend the of an 84 ' ! . adoption the and he wtn Ifrank-U- n fees Miller at Statement o' f","ts shown, Hageman schedule Instead of 120 Smoky City, naturally Plnehurst, N, C Nov, 14, Terry Martin, welterweight hexer, waukee been selected by Memphis. A was entitled to the fired under game games," hang on as long as possible. wen an- was Mobs, on HOgfftaS M eeaoh erf the Yankees, 1910 Kline Billy salary ' If war Gates, of Broad Acres, the born in Norway, Nev, Patsy stopptd c -- Stahlhefer said. Then, the In the Bed Sex ontract. ... our we nual Carolina, golf toornamet here 14, 1884, years o to Conroy te a former Yankee of the Allen eight rounds at Albearj? N. seriously threatens operations Daniels and . William J. thlrtytbre Griffith Y' sea-- - Josephua yesterday, defeating J, Armstrong, day, Martin, whose real mtsw ww regime, ' will be .in a position to end our were at a, mass meet- I, Boat r COBFEZ C KOCKWELJj, plumb son without serious loss.". Bryan speakers of Groton, N, Y, H, C, Shannon, ot Martin Martinson, wa. one at (be A, former Wfctte player, Pat - ' a ing held in the District of Columbia won the second division few whe have taken has been obtained by the FRENCH AST) DTJTOXX BT7LBS v ing- and Heating, Jobbing specialty. ' : Brookport, yejy Norwegians Flaherty, - $1 for Hendricks addltlon-o- f SO 61 Main and Hillside avenue. Wanted 5,000 to celebrate .the Columbia tropy, ej4 Howard Wren, of Chieago, te the biff game. While OemsaEk Mobile stab of the Bomthern League fear AKwrrmp 1X4-2-- 2. B 10 tf The bitterness between Jack Hen to the column. third. has two ewfl!I'& as COWbt JOH3T BCST Phone "dry" the produced 4tesqgSSBsV -- - '