CALENDAR University of Queensland

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CALENDAR University of Queensland CALENDAR OF THE University of Queensland FOR THE YEAR 1937 E ditor: T. E. JONES, B.A. The matter contained in this book has been wholly set np and printed in Australia by the Government Printer, Brisbane. Year of Publication, 1937 BRISBANE : By Authority oi the University of Queensland : DAVID WHYTE, Government Printer* Price 3/. The Calendar O F T H E University of Queensland FOR THE YEAR . 1937 . Editor: T. E. JONES. B.A. T h e matter in this book has been wholly set-up and printed by the Government Printer. Brisbane. Year of Publication. 1937 BRISBANE: By Authority of the University of Queensland: D AVID W HYTE, Government Printer- Price 3/. CALENDAR—UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Academic Costume 74 Act to Incorporate and Endow the University of Queensland 31 Adult Matriculation 316 Alphabetical Table of Contents 5 Benefactions bestowed by Private Persons 280 Bibliographical Record, 1936 266 Calendar for January, 1937-March, 1938 14 Class Lists, Final Honours Examination, 1936 1 267 Classifying Examinations of Department of Public Instruction 326 Degrees conferred in 1936 268 Details of Subjects— Faculty of Agriculture .. .. .. .. 177 Faculty of Arts 92 Faculty of Commerce 169 Faculty of Dentistry 188 Faculty of Engineering 145 Faculty of Law 196 Faculty of Medicine 201 Faculty of Science 127 Faculty of Veterinary Science 209 External Students 126 General Rules 81 * Graduation in a Second Faculty Lectureships, Medals, Prizes, Scholarships— Archibald Scholarship 245 C.M.A. Award 265 Duncan McNaughton Scholarship 261 Ford Memorial Medal 254 Foundation Scholarships (Government) 239 Free Passages to Europe 244 Freemasons’ Scholarships 262 Gertrude Mary Woolcock Memorial Prize 258 Gold Medals (Government) 240 Hall Fellowship in Economic Biology .. 252 Hall Fellowship in Engineering 250 Heal-Warry Prize 244 To be published in the Supplement. CALENDAR—UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S —continued. Lectureships, Prizes, Medals, Scholarships—continued— PAGE, Henry Monteith Prize 260 John Thomson Lectureship 253 Kate McNaughton of Roma Scholarship 260 Macrossan Memorial Lectureship 256 McDermott Memorial Prize 255 Mcllwraith Engineering Scholarships 253 Morrow Prize .. 243 Munro Memorial Scholarships 264 Philp Scholarship .. 249 Priest Memorial Prize 262 Raff Memorial Scholarship 255 Rhodes Scholarship 246 Scholarship for the Encouragement of Original Research (Government) .. 242 Scholarship for Engineering (Government) 241 Slade Scholarship 259 Taylor Memorial Prize 263 Travelling Scholarships (Government) 240 William Woolcock Memorial Prize 258 Library Rules .. .. .. .. .. 78 List of Graduates 290 Preface 9 Prizes and Class Lists in Final Honours Examinations from 1923 to 1936 ................................................. 270 ♦Regulations relating to— Admission ad eundem gradum * Admission ad eundem statum * Appointments Board * Certificate in Accpuntancy * Conduct of Business of the Council 70 Diploma in Civil Engineering (not at present offered * Diploma in Commerce * Diploma in Education * Diploma in Journalism *■ Diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering * Diploma in Mining Engineering (not at present offered) * Diploma in Public Administration (not at present offered) * Degrees— Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Pass Degree) .. * Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) * Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Chemistry (Pass Degree) * Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Chemistry (Honours) * Bachelor of Arts (Pass Degree) * Bachelor of Arts (Honours) * ♦ To be published in the Supplement. CALENDAR—UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. 7 T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S —continued. ♦Regulations relating to— Degrees—continued— PAGE. Bachelor of Commerce (Pass Degree) ♦ Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) .. * Bachelor of Dental Science .. ■ * Bachelor of Engineering (Pass Degree) * Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) * Bachelor of Laws (Pass Degree) * Bachelor of Laws (Honours) * Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery * Bachelor of Science (Pass Degree) * Bachelor of Science (Honours) * Bachelor of Science in Forestry * Bachelor of Veterinary Science ♦ Master of Agricultural Science * Master of Applied Science .. ♦ Master of Arts * Master of Commerce .. He Master of Engineering He Master of Laws He Master of Science He Master of Surgery He Doctor of Agricultural Science H* Doctor of Dental Science He Doctor of Economics He Doctor of Engineering He Doctor of Laws He Doctor of Letters He Doctor of Medicine .. He Doctor of Science He Doctor of Veterinary Science He Discipline of the University . He External Studies H« Fees .. 86 General Regulations 81 Institute of Modern Languages .. He Matriculation— Agriculture He Applied Science He Arts He Commerce He Dentistry He Engineering He Law He Medicine He Science He Veterinary Science He To be published in the Supplement. 8 CALENDAR—UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. T A B LE OF C O N T E N T S —continued PAGE, Residential Colleges .. .. .. .. .. .. 318 Roll of Hdnour . .. .. .. .. 289 Senate, Staff, and Committees .. .. ... .. .. 44 Social and Sporting Activities .. .. .. .. 321 Standing Rules and Orders of the Senate . .. 55 *Statutes relating to— * Admission ad eundem gradum . .. * Admission ad eundem siatum . .. * Appointments Board .. ' . .. * Beirne School of Law .. .. .. * Boarding Places of Undergraduates .. .. .. * Certificates and Diplomas.. .. .. * Degrees .. .. .. .. .. .. * Discipline of the University .. .. .. * Election of Senate .. .. .. .. .. 61 Emeritus Professors .. .. .. .. .. * External Studies .. .. .. .. .. * Faculties .. .. .. .. .. * Fees . .. .. .. .. * Institute of Modern Languages .. .. * Matriculation .. .. .. .. .. .. * Mcllwraith Scholarships .. .. .. .. * Music Advisory Board .. .. .. .. .. 68 Philp Scholarship .. .. .. .. * Professorial Board .. .. .. .. .. * Seal of the University .. .. .. .. .. 68 Standing Committees of the Senate .. .. .. * Student Benefactions .. .. .. .. .. .. 285 Time Tables .. .. .. .. .. .. 212 * To be published in the Supplement. THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. PREFACE. T he University of Queensland was inaugurated and endowed by an Act of the Legislature of Queensland which received the Royal Assent on ioth December, 1909, the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment o f. responsible government in the State. The Act, “ The University of Queensland Act of 1909,” created a body corporate consisting of a Senate and Council, and Graduate and Undergraduate Members, with perpetual succession and a common seal. The Senate.—The Senate, which is the governing body of the University, consists of twenty persons. The first members were appointed by the Governor in Council on 14th April* 1910, and on that day the University is deemed by the Act to have been constituted. The first Senate held office until 17th June, 1916. The second Senate, like all subsequent Senates, con­ sisted of ten members appointed by the Governor in Council and ten members elected by the Council of the University. An election of ten members of the Senate by the Council was held on 12th February, 1935. Members then elected will hold office for three years from 1st March, 1935. The remaining ten members of the Senate were appointed by the Governor in Council. The next Senate election will be held in February, 1938. The Senate elects, at its first meeting held after the first Tuesday in March of every year, two of its members to be respectively Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University. The present Chancellor is the Honourable Sir James William Blair, Chief Justice of Queensland; and the Vice-Chancellor, is William Nathaniel Robertson, C.M.G., C.B.E., M.B., C.M., F.R.A.C.S. PAST CHANCELLORS: 1910-1915—His Excellency Sir William Macgregor, P.C., G.C.M.G., C.B., LL.D., M.D. 1915-1922— Sir Pope Alexander Cooper, K.C.M.G., M.A., Chief Justice of Queensland. 1922-1926—His Excellency Sir Matthew Nathan, P.C., aC.M.G., LL.D. 1926-1927—The Honourable Andrew Joseph Thynne. 10 CALENDAR—UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. PAST VICE-CHANCELLORS: 1910-1916—Reginald Heber Roe, M.A. 1916-1926—The Honourable Andrew Joseph Thynne. y Powers of Senate.—The Senate has the entire manage­ ment and control of the affairs, concerns, and property of the University, and is empowered to appoint Deans, Pro­ fessors, Lecturers, Examiners, and other officers and servants of the University. At its meeting on 22nd April, 1910, the Senate adopted the device of working through internal committees. At first tentative, this committee system was rearranged and given fixity early in 19 11. A very great deal of work and responsibility ‘falls to the Chairmen of the more important Standing Committees. Notable chairmanships during the life of the first Senate were those of Mr. J. L. Woolcock (Education) and Mr. J. D. Story (Administrative), both held for the duration of the Senate, and again of Mr. Story (Finance) from the beginning pf 1913. Statutes of the University.—The Senate has power to make, alter, and repeal Statutes with respect to the manage­ ment, good government, and discipline of the University, the course of education therein, and other matters. Such Statutes, when sealed with the Common Seal, are trans­ mitted to the Secretary for Public Instruction for the approval of the Governor in Council, and, upon being approved, are published in the Government Gazette. When so published, the Statutes have the force of law in Queens­ land. Copies of every Statute must be laid before Par­ liament; and the House may annul any Statute wholly or in part without preJudice
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