JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF DENTISTS Vol. 9 . DECEMBER, 1942 . No. 4 Contents A Standard Procedure for Determining Abrasion by Dentifrices. Maurice L. Minter, M.D., and Sidney Epstein, D.D.S 353 Concerning the Character of the Age Changes in Enamel and Dentin and Their Relation to the Vital Dental Pulp. Charles F. Bodecker, D.D.S 380 Critical Analysis of Dr. Bodecker's Paper. Wm. J. Gies, Ph.D 390 Dentistry Takes the Initiative. Albert L. Midgley, D.M.D., Sc.D 400 Won't You Walk a Little Faster? Willard C. Fleming, D.D.S 404 American College of Dentists: Proceedings of St. Louis Meeting: Board of Regents and Committee Chairmen, Aug. 27-28, 1942: Reports of Committees: Education. Willard C. Fleming, D.D.S., Chairman 409 Necrology. John V. Conzett, D.D.S., Chairman 412 Preventive Service. L. A. Cadarette, D.D.S., Chairman 416 Report of the Board of Regents. (Including report on Sectional Meetings.) Otto W. Brandhorst, D.D.S., Secretary 418 Meeting of New York and New Jersey Sections: Action Relative to the Journal of Dental Research. Lowrie J. Porter, D.D.S., Secretary, New York Section 433 Journal of Dental Research: William J. Gies Endowment Fund, Report of the Treasurer. Leuman M. Waugh, D.D.S., Treasurer 436 Editorials: Dental Literature, 447; Indium in Dentistry, 448; War, Accidents and the Future, 450; Work But Not for Pay, 452; Foes Within and Foes Without, 453; Journal of Dental Research: William J. Gies Endowment Fund, 453. Erratum 454 Correspondence and Comment: Additional Opinions on the Recent Commercial Exploitation of the Journal of Dental Research 455 Further Comment on "Admiralcy in the Navy Dental Corps" 461 Notes: Dental Research and Commercial Entanglements, 464; Personalities at Dental Meet- ings, 466; Does Yes Mean No?, 467; New Information About the "Harvard Plan", 468; Attendance at U.
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