Town of Hyde Park Village of Hyde Park Notice of Public Hearing
TOWN OF HYDE PARK VILLAGE OF HYDE PARK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Hyde Park Town Planning Commission and Hyde Park Village Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on Monday, November 6, 2017, beginning at 7:00 P.M. in the Hyde Park Municipal Office, 344 Vermont Route 15 West, to take comment on and consider the approval of the 2017 Town and Village Comprehensive Development Plan, the “2017 Plan.” If approved following the hearing, the Village Trustees and Selectboard will hold joint public hearings to consider adoption of the 2017 Plan which would then be effective for the next 8 years. The proposed plan substantially amends the energy and utilities section’s goals and objectives, updates demographic data and modifies all other plan chapters to remove projects completed since 2012 and proposes new recommendations for future land use development in the Town and Village of Hyde Park. The proposed Town and Village Comprehensive Plan includes the following section headings: Introduction, Public Services & Community Facilities, Education, Energy & Utilities, Transportation, Housing, Economic Development, Natural & Productive Resources, Historic & Scenic Resources, Land Use Plan, and Plan Implementation; and the following appendices; Implementing “Complete Streets” and Town & Village Maps. The draft 2017 Town and Village Comprehensive Plan and the Planning Commission’s report on the proposed plan, which summarizes the areas of change, may be viewed at: Town Clerk’s Office, 344 Route 15 West, PO Box 98, Hyde Park, Vermont 05655, the town website: or by contacting Town Administrator, Ron Rodjenski, at 888-2300, ext. 2, or
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