13384 • The Journal of Neuroscience, October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395

Cellular/Molecular Multiple Desensitization Mechanisms of Mechanotransducer Channels Shape Firing of Mechanosensory Neurons

Jizhe Hao and Patrick Delmas Centre de Recherche en Neurobiologie et Neurophysiologie de Marseille, Unite´ Mixte de Recherche 6231, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universite´delaMe´diterrane´e, 13344 Marseille Cedex 15, France

How desensitization of mechanotransducer currents regulates afferent signal generation in mammalian sensory neurons is essen- tially unknown. Here, we dissected desensitization mechanisms of mechanotransducer channels in rat sensory neurons that mediate the sense of touch and pain. We identified four types of mechanotransducer currents that distribute differentially in cutaneous nociceptors and mechanoreceptors and that differ in desensitization rates. Desensitization of mechanotransducer channels in mechanoreceptors was fast and mediated by channel inactivation and adaptation, which reduces the mechanical force sensed by the transduction channel. Both processes were promoted by negative voltage. These properties of mechanotransducer channels suited them to encode the dynamic parameters of the stimulus. In contrast, inactivation and adaptation of mechano- transducer channels in nociceptors had slow time courses and were suited to encode duration of the stimulus. Thus, desensitiza- tion properties of mechanotransducer currents relate to their functions as sensors of phasic and tonic stimuli and enable sensory neurons to achieve efficient stimulus representation.

Introduction described in mouse DRG neurons (Hu and Lewin, 2006), all MS In the mammalian somatosensory system, mechanosensory neu- currents characterized so far in rat sensory neurons are carried rons mediate the sense of touch and pain (Basbaum et al., 2009). nonselectively by cations (McCarter et al., 1999; Drew et al., 2002, The peripheral terminals of these neurons, whose cell bodies lie in 2007; McCarter and Levine, 2006; Coste et al., 2007). As with trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia (DRG), are responsible for the other sensory systems, the molecular identity of the transducer transduction of mechanical stimuli into action potentials (APs) in mammalian mechanosensation remains uncertain. that propagate to the CNS. Each sensory nerve fiber is fine-tuned ASIC2,3, TRPV1-4, TRPM8, as well as TRPA1 have been ruled to respond to distinct mechanical stimuli, including texture, out as likely candidates to mediate these currents (Drew et al., shape, vibration, and pressure, although the molecular basis un- 2004; Wetzel et al., 2007; Rugiero and Wood, 2009). derlying this functional diversity remains unclear (Tsunozaki and A common feature of MS currents is their nonstationary be- Bautista, 2009). havior in response to a maintained mechanical stimulation. Mechanosensitive neurons contain low-threshold mechano- Based on these properties, MS currents have been categorized as receptors (LTMs), which respond to light touch, vibration, rapidly adapting (RA), intermediately adapting (IA), and slowly stretch, or internally generated movements, and high-threshold adapting (SA) currents (Drew et al., 2002). Nonstationary behav- mechanoreceptors (HTMs), which sense noxious levels of pres- ior of mechanotransducer currents is a widespread feature in sure. The ability of these cells to detect mechanical cues relies, sensory cells. In response to a sustained bundle deflection, hair at least in part, on the presence of mechanotransducer channels cell receptor current declines or adapts through closure of trans- that rapidly transform mechanical forces into electrical signals duction channels (Crawford et al., 1989; Ricci et al., 1998; Vollrath et (Lumpkin and Caterina, 2007). Recent studies have established al., 2007). Hair cell adaptation reflects a shift of the current– that DRG neurons express several types of mechanosensitive stimulus relationship, changing the range of displacements to (MS) currents (McCarter et al., 1999; Drew et al., 2002; Hu and which the transducer channel is sensitive without reducing the Lewin, 2006; McCarter and Levine, 2006). Except for one current maximum response (Holt and Corey, 2000; Fettiplace and Hackney, 2006; Gillespie and Mu¨ller, 2009). Functionally, the Received June 9, 2010; revised July 27, 2010; accepted July 30, 2010. adaptive shift mechanism serves to preserve hair bundle sen- This study was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and by grants from the Agence sitivity in the face of large stimuli. At variance with hair cells, Nationale de la Recherche, Fondation Schlumberger, L’Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer Inca-2006, Insti- our understanding of the mechanistic basis and physiological tut UPSA de la Douleur, Institut pour la Recherche sur la Moelle E´pinie`re et l’Ence´phale, and Fondation pour la Recherche Me´dicale. J.H. was supported by a PhD studentship from the French Ministry of Research. significance of MS channel kinetics in somatosensory neurons Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Patrick Delmas, Centre de Recherche en Neurophysiologie et remain rudimentary. Recently, it has been proposed that MS Neurobiologie de Marseille, Unite´ Mixte de Recherche 6231, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, current kinetics in DRG neurons is dominated by inactivation Universite´delaMe´diterrane´e,CS80011,BoulevardPierreDramard,13344MarseilleCedex15,France.E-mail: instead of adaptation (Rugiero et al., 2010). [email protected]. DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2926-10.2010 A key challenge in mechanosensation is to establish whether Copyright © 2010 the authors 0270-6474/10/3013384-12$15.00/0 mechanotransducer currents are specialized in sensing different Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 • 13385

Table 1. Composition of intracellular solutions ͓ 2ϩ͔ Solution BAPTA EGTA CaCl2 Free Ca i MgCl2 MgATP NaGTP HEPES CsCl KCl 1 20 0.1 1 1 4 0.4 10 134 2 20 6.4 112 1 4 0.4 10 124 3 2 0.01 1 1 4 0.4 10 142 4 10 0.1 1 1 4 0.4 10 132 5 10 4.8 112 1 4 0.4 10 125 6 10 1 80 1 4 0.4 10 134 ͓ 2ϩ͔ Concentrations are expressed in millimolar except for free Ca i (nM). pH adjusted to 7.3 with CsOH (Solutions 1–5) or KOH (Solution 6); 297–303 mOsm/L.

mechanical stimuli and shape afferent signal generation. Here, Mechanical stimulation. Mechanical stimulation was achieved using a we characterized desensitization properties of mechanotrans- fire-polished glass micropipette cemented to a piezo-electric actuator ducer currents in phenotypically identified sensory neurons and (Step Driver PZ-100; Burleigh), which was mounted on a micromanip- showed that desensitization kinetics plays a key role in the strat- ulator. The probe was positioned at an angle of 45° from horizontal. egy of the sensory neuron for discriminating mechanical stimuli. Downward movement of the probe toward the cell was driven by pClamp program (Molecular Devices). The probe was brought at 1.4 ␮mtothe Materials and Methods edge of the recorded cell by estimating the distance probe cell using cycling mechanical sweeps of 0.7 or 1.4 ␮m. Final adjustment was made Dissociation of DRG neurons. Young rats (male Wistar, 120–130 g) were once whole-cell recording has been established. Downward movement anesthetized with halothane and killed by severing of the carotid arteries was stopped once mechanical artifact was detected on the current base- in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. line and confirmed under visual control. The probe had a velocity rang- Dissociation and cultures of DRG neurons were established from ing from 2 to 800 ␮m/s during the ramp segment of the command for thoraco-lumbar DRGs as described previously (Coste et al., 2004; Coste forward motion, and the stimulus was applied for duration ranging from et al., 2007; Maingret et al., 2008). Briefly, DRGs were freed from their 10 ms to several seconds. Faster velocities tended to cause oscillation of connective tissue sheaths and incubated in enzyme solution containing 2 the probe. The probe was withdrawn relatively slowly over 10 ms, thus mg/ml collagenase IA (Sigma) for 45 min at 37°C and triturated in HBSS ensuring stability of patch-clamp recording. To assess the activation (Invitrogen). The resulting suspension was plated in Nunclon dishes stimulus midpoint, a series of mechanical steps in 0.7 ␮m increments was coated with 10 ng/ml laminin (Sigma). Culture medium was DMEM typically applied every 10–45 s, which allowed MS currents to fully re- supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum, 100 U/ml pen- cover between each stimulus. The distance probe cell was not subtracted icillin–streptomycin, 2 mML-glutamine, 25 ng/ml nerve growth factor, from the total distance traveled by the probe. Unless otherwise noted, MS and 2 ng/ml glial-derived neurotrophic factor (Invitrogen). Neurons currents were recorded at a holding potential of Ϫ60 mV. were maintained in a humidified atmosphere (5% CO , 37°C) for 12–16 2 Data and statistical analysis. pClamp 8.02, pClamp 10 (Molecular h before recording. Devices), and PRISM 4.0 (GraphPad Software) software suites were Identification of DRG neurons innervating glabrous skin of the hind- used to perform linear and nonlinear fitting of data. Current–stimu- paw. 1,1Ј-dioctadecyl-3,3,3,3Ј tetramethylindocarbocyanine per- lus [I( X)] curves were fitted using the following Boltzmann function: chlorate (DiI) was dissolved in DMSO (170 mg/ml) and diluted 1:10 I/I ϭ 1/(1 ϩ exp[(Stim Ϫ Stim)/k]), where I/I is the normal- in 0.9% sterile saline. Five microliters of this solution was injected max 50 max ized current, Stim is the stimulus of half-maximum channel activa- subcutaneously with an injection needle directed into the epithelium. 50 tion, and k is the steepness factor. The time courses of current decay DiI-labeled neurons were identified under epifluorescence illumina- were fitted to exponentials using the Chebyshev nonlinear least- tion with a Texas Red/rhodamine filter set. Neurons were studied squares fitting procedure. Cells were classified according to the time 10–15 d after injection. constant of MS current relaxation and to the presence or not of a Whole-cell patch-clamp recording. Patch-clamp recordings were per- persistent MS current, which was defined as the residual current re- formed using borosilicate electrodes having resistances ranging from 2 to maining after2sstimulus. Results are presented as mean Ϯ SEM, and 3.5 M⍀. The standard solution (Table 1, Solution 5) consisted of 125 mM n represents the number of cells examined. Statistical comparisons CsCl, 10 mM HEPES, 0.4 mM NaGTP, 4 mM MgATP, 1 mM MgCl , 4.8 mM 2 were analyzed using Student’s t test or ANOVA. p Ͻ 0.05 was consid- CaCl2, and 10 mM EGTA, adjusted to pH 7.3 with CsOH, giving free 2ϩ ered statistically significant. [Ca ]i of 112 nM. Pipette solutions in which CsCl was substituted by KCl or containing different amounts of the calcium buffers EGTA or BAPTA are listed in Table 1. The standard external solution consisted of Results the following (in mM): 132 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1 MgCl , 2.5 CaCl , 10 HEPES, 2 2 Identification of four types of mechanotransducer currents in and 10 D-glucose, adjusted to pH 7.3 with NaOH (300 mOsm/L). When mechanosensory neurons mentioned, tetrodotoxin (TTX) (500 nM) was added to the bath solution. 2ϩ Mechanical stimulation of DRG neurons evoked MS inward cur- The Ca -free external solution consisted of the following (in mM): 132 rents in 65% of neurons tested (n ϭ 545 of 835) (Fig. 1A,B). After NaCl, 3 KCl, 5 MgCl2, 10 HEPES, and 10 D-glucose, adjusted to pH 7.3 with NaOH (300 mOsm/L). Cells were superfused using a gravity-fed their initial activation, MS currents declined despite maintenance bath perfusion system at a flow rate of 2 ml/min, while bath solution was of the stimulus. By analogy with transducer properties in hair removed by continuous suction. cells (Eatock et al., 1987; Crawford et al., 1989), this mechanism Voltage and current recordings were made using an Axopatch 200B has been called adaptation by others (Drew et al., 2002; McCarter amplifier (Molecular Devices), filtered at 1 kHz, and sampled at 40–100 and Levine, 2006; Coste et al., 2007). However, because the ␮ s. Unless otherwise noted, currents were not leak subtracted. Voltage underlying mechanism is still unknown in sensory neurons, errors were minimized using 75–85% series resistance compensation. ⍀ we refer hereafter to this mechanism as current relaxation. For The access resistance typically ranged from 4.5 to 9 M . Cells for which most mechanosensitive neurons (n ϭ 353), the time course of the access resistance fluctuated after the whole-cell configuration had been attained were not recorded further. Cells showing spontaneous transducer current relaxation could be best fitted by a single- run-up or run-down of MS currents were discarded. Cell capacitance was exponential function. However, in 35% of recordings, relax- estimated from the time constant of the decay phase of a current transient ation exhibited multiple exponential components. Detailed elicited by a 10 mV hyperpolarizing step from a holding potential of Ϫ60 kinetics analysis was made on MS currents in which the major mV. All experiments were done at room temperature. portion of the current declined monoexponentially (Fig. 1A,B). 13386 • J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing

Figure 1. Properties of mechanotransducer currents in mechanoreceptors and nociceptors. A, Representative traces of MS currents elicited by a standard mechanical stimulus (8.5 ␮m) in four ␮ sensory neurons (Cm indicated). Time constants of current relaxation are indicated in each panel. The velocity of the mechanical probe was 800 m/s during the ramp segment. Holding potential, Ϫ60mV.B,FamiliesofMScurrenttracesevokedbyaseriesofmechanicalstepsin0.7␮mincrementsforthecellsshowninA.C,Frequencydistributionofrelaxationtimeconstants.Datacollected over 354 DRG neurons voltage clamped at Ϫ60 mV and stimulated with a standard mechanical stimulus. Gaussian fits identified four peaks of relaxation time constants. Bin width was 0.5, 1, 50,

and 100 ms for IR, IInt, IS, and IuS, respectively. D, Box plot summary of the cell membrane capacitance of cutaneous DRG neurons expressing IR, IInt, IS, and IuS. The central line represents the median, ϭ the edges of the box represent interquartiles, and the whisker lines indicate the extend of the distribution (n 125). E, Frequency histograms indicating the proportion of IR-, IInt-, IS-, and ϩ IuS-expressing neurons that express or not TTX-R Na currents (left) or that are sensitive or not to capsaicin (right). Data collected from 110 cutaneous DRG neurons. Based on Gaussian distribution of relaxation time constants, four notypes, we classified neurons according to cell capacitance, kinetically distinct MS currents could be distinguished, with properties of voltage-gated sodium currents, and capsaicin sen- Ϯ ϭ Ϯ rapid (IR) (3.3 0.15 ms, n 184), intermediate (IInt) (21.2 sitivity. Previous studies have shown that these parameters allow ϭ Ϯ ϭ 0.5 ms, n 82), slow (IS) (296 30 ms, n 38), and ultra-slow discrimination between polymodal nociceptors, LTMs and Ϯ ϭ (IuS) (1140 50 ms, n 49) relaxation time constants (Fig. 1C). HTMs (Drew et al., 2004; Coste et al., 2007). We found a clear In addition, IuS could be discriminated against other types of distinction between the phenotype distribution of MS currents. currents from the presence of a “persistent” component reaching IuS and IS were preferentially, but not exclusively, found in neu- ϳ 25% of peak current after 2-s-duration stimulus (supplemental rons having a relatively small cell capacitance, whereas IR and IInt Fig. 1A, available at www.jneurosci.org as supplemental mate- were most encountered in neurons having larger cell capaci-

rial). All MS currents identified here were nonselectively carried tance (Fig. 1D). The majority of IS- and IuS-expressing neu- by cations, with reversal potential ranging from Ϫ4toϩ5mV rons were found to express TTX-resistant (TTX-R) Na ϩ (supplemental Fig. 1B,C, available at www.jneurosci.org as sup- currents and, for some of them, capsaicin-induced currents

plemental material). Cutaneous DRG neurons innervating gla- (Fig. 1E). In contrast, the majority of IR-and IInt-expressing brous skin of the hindpaw were identified by the retrograde neurons exhibited a TTX-sensitive (TTX-S) Na ϩ current but administration of DiI. Of 125 mechanosensory neurons inner- no TTX-R current component. vating the skin and identified by fluorescent labeling, 39, 26, 15,

and 2% exhibited IR, IuS, IInt, and IS, respectively. In the remaining Differential susceptibility of mechanotransducer currents neurons (18%), kinetics could not be properly extracted. to desensitize Desensitization was promoted by a 10 ms conditioning mechan- Differential expression of mechanotransducer currents in ical stimulus, graded in amplitude, and followed by a 10 ms test

cutaneous mechanoreceptors and nociceptors stimulus to sample channel availability (Fig. 2A). IR and IInt were To determine whether the properties of MS currents found in strongly reduced by short conditioning stimuli, indicating that cutaneous DRG neurons correlated with specific neuronal phe- the prepulse decreased the availability of MS channels. In con- Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 • 13387

Figure 2. Differential desensitization sets functional properties of mechanotransducer currents. A, Effects of conditioning mechanical stimuli on IR, IInt, IS, and IuS. Shown are representative currenttracesevokedusingaseriesof10msconditioningstimuliofincreasingintensity(0–8.5␮min0.7␮mincrements),followedbyateststimulusto8.5␮m.Sweepswereappliedevery10s. B,Activation(opensymbols)andavailability(filledsymbols)relationshipsdeterminedbyprotocolsasinA.Availabilitycurvesarefirst-orderBoltzmannfunctionsreturningmidpointsof4.15Ϯ0.33 Ϯ ␮ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ and4.03 0.37 mforIR andIInt,respectively.Activationcurvesarefirst-orderBoltzmannrelationswithactivationstimulusmidpoints(Stim50)of5.6 0.04,5.00 0.08,5.2 0.11,and5.16 ␮ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ ␮ Ϯ ϭ 0.08 mforIR,IInt,IS,andIuS,respectively.Steepnessfactorswere0.81 0.03,0.98 0.08,0.95 0.1,and0.92 0.08 m,respectively.Eachdatapointisthemean SEM(n 8–35).Gray areas represent window currents.

trast, IS and IuS were little affected by the prepulse, consistent with stimulus of intermediate amplitude near the activation stimulus the modest relaxation of these currents during short mechanical midpoint. Comparison of IR(X) curves, generated at different stimuli. Availability curves derived from these protocols are time points during the conditioning stimulus, shows that activa- shown in Figure 2B and superimposed on activation curves de- tion curve shifted by ϳ1.3 ␮m along the x-axis, a mechanism that termined for each MS current by applying a series of increment- we will call hereafter adaptation (Fig. 3A–E). Nevertheless, the ing mechanical stimuli (Fig. 1B). A clear distinction between shift in activation curve did not account for the entire effect of the current types is the degree of overlap between the mechanical conditioning stimulus. As can be seen in Figure 3E, the activation dependences of activation and availability curves. I and I S uS curve of adapted IR channels had the same steepness as the con- showed a much larger overlap between availability and activation trol (non-adapted) activation curve but was reduced in ampli- curves and are therefore better suited to generating sustained tude relative to the control relationship. This suggested that some currents. In contrast, IR and IInt channels are not equipped to IR channels had inactivated during the conditioning stimulus. provide a steady current but are very capable of supplying tran- When the adapted and non-adapted activation curves were scaled sient currents. It should be noted from Figure 2B that a “window” to adjust for changes in maximal conductance, it can be seen that current is theoretically possible for both IR and IInt. However, this both curves plateaued for high-intensity stimuli (Fig. 3E, right), window current reflected the fact that some channels recovered indicating that inactivation predominates in this stimulus range. during the downward ramp segment of the conditioning stimu- Contribution of adaptation and inactivation can be evidenced by lus. To gain information about repriming kinetics of I and I , R Int comparing the percentage in reduction of I during the conditioning we used a double-pulse protocol, lengthening the interpulse in- R stimulus, depending on whether I was activated by moderate stim- terval gradually. Fractional recovery was well fitted with mono- R exponential functions with mean time constants of 7.7 Ϯ 1.3 and uli, in which both mechanisms operate, or by near-saturating stim- Ϯ uli, in which inactivation predominates (Fig. 3C,D). The kinetics 20.3 4msforIR and IInt, respectively (supplemental Fig. 1D, available at www.jneurosci.org as supplemental material). of adaptive shift of the IR(X) curve was investigated by sampling the activation stimulus midpoint against time after the onset of a Desensitization of mechanotransducer currents results from conditioning stimulus. The data were fitted with a single- Ϯ channel inactivation and adaptive shift in pressure sensing exponential function with a time constant of 4.4 1 ms and a mean amplitude of 1.25 Ϯ 0.2 ␮m (Fig. 3F). The time course was IR and IInt To explore the mechanisms underlying desensitization of mech- independent of the amplitude of the conditioning stimulus (Fig. anotransducer channels we determined the I(X) relationship be- 3G). Inactivation was determined by measuring IR evoked by fore and at various times during a maintained conditioning saturating stimuli at various time points after the onset of the stimulus. For these experiments, we typically used a conditioning conditioning prepulse. The time course of inactivation was fitted 13388 • J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing

by a monoexponential function with a time constant of 5.6 Ϯ 0.9 ms, which was independent of the conditioning stimulus amplitude (Fig. 3H). Neither the ampli- tude of adaptive shift nor inactivation was proportional to the size of the condition- ing stimulus (Fig. 3I). However, the po- sition of the inactivation curve lies rightward to that of the adaptive shift, indicating that stronger mechanical stimuli are needed to promote inactiva- tion (Fig. 3I).

IS and IuS To study I(X) relationships for IS and IuS, we delivered a series of test pulses, before and during a conditioning stimulus of moderate amplitude lasting up to 3.6 s (Fig. 4). Comparison of activation curves

for IS generated at different time points shows that activation curve shifted right- ward along the x-axis by ϳ1.44 ␮m. Acti- vation curve had comparable steepness as the non-adapted activation curve, but its maximal amplitude was reduced by ϳ30% (Fig. 4A,B). The adaptive shift for Ϯ IS developed with a time constant of 214 49 ms and saturated at 1.8 Ϯ 0.2 ␮m (Fig. 4C,D). The adaptive shift followed similar time course (200 ms Ͻ ␶ Ͻ 300 ms) with conditioning stimuli ranging from 2.9 to 5.7 ␮m (data not shown). Inactivation of

IS was determined at saturating stimuli and plotted against the amplitude of the conditioning stimulus in Figure 4D. The Figure 3. Alteration in pressure sensing and inactivation underlie desensitization of mechanotransducer I channels. A, Family result shows that stimuli substantially R of I traces elicited by a series of mechanical stimuli incremented in 0.7 ␮m steps. Sweeps were applied every 10 s. The relaxation above the activation stimulus midpoint R timeconstantofthiscurrentwas4.1ms.B,SamecellasinA.Aconditioningstimulus(4.3␮m)ofincreasingduration(4–1000ms) are necessary to promote IS channel inac- is now presented before a series of mechanical test steps (0.7 ␮m increment) to sample channel activation and availability. The tivation. Inactivation developed with a ␮ ϳ conditioning time (cT) is indicated. C, D, The 4.3 m conditioning step reduced IR by 86.5% when evoked by an intermediate time constant of 237 Ϯ 70 ms (n ϭ 5) ␮ ␮ stimulus(5.7 m,C)andbyonly56.9%whenevokedbyasaturatingstimulus(8.5 m,D).E,Left,IR(X)relationshipsdetermined (data not shown). before (F) and at different times (E; 4–1000 ms) after the onset of the conditioning stimulus. First-order Boltzmann relations ␮ ␮ The same conditioning paradigm yieldedaStim50 of4.92 mincontrolconditionsandof5.72,6.09,6.32,6.11,6.2,and6.21 matconditioningtimesof4,20,40, Ϯ F shifted IuS activation curve by 0.75 0.2 100, 400, and 1000 ms, respectively. Right, First-order Boltzmann relations obtained from eight cells determined before ( ) and ␮m and reduced conductance by ϳ25% 40 ms after (E) the onset of a conditioning stimulus of 4.3 ␮m. The dashed line represents the Boltzmann curve through the Ϯ ␮ Ϯ within 3.4 s (Fig. 4E,F). Both adaptive adapted IR(X) relation normalized to the control activation curve. Stim50 and slope factors were 5.3 0.03 m and 0.70 0.04 for the control activation curve and 6.3 Ϯ 0.06 ␮m and 0.72 Ϯ 0.05 for the adapted activation curve. F, Time course of the shift shift and inactivation had very slow time ␶ Ϯ ϳ in the activation pressure midpoint (Stim50) as a function of conditioning time. A single-exponential function with a of 4.4 1 courses of 1 and 4.5 s, respectively ϭ ⌬ ms (n 12) provided the best fit to the data. The filled symbols are from the neuron illustrated in E. Note that Stim50 gives the (Fig. 4G,H); these time courses were not amplitude of the adaptive shift induced by a conditioning stimulus of 4.3 ␮m. G, H, Averaged time constants of the adaptive shift significantly influenced by the ampli- (G) and inactivation (H) plotted against the amplitude of the conditioning stimulus. Each data point is the mean Ϯ SEM of 6–10 tude of the conditioning stimulus (data cells. Note that kinetics remained constant regardless of the amplitude of the stimulus. I, Amplitude of the adaptive shift (red

not shown). circles)andinactivatedfraction(bluebars)ofIR channelsplottedagainsttheamplitudeoftheconditioningstimulus.Theadaptive shiftreflectstheshiftofthemidpointofeachadaptedIR(X)curvesrelativetothemidpointofthecontrol(non-adapted)curve.The Both channel inactivation and Boltzmann curves through the points had a midpoint value of 3.05 Ϯ 0.46 ␮m for the adaptive shift and a midpoint value of adaptation are regulated by voltage 4.83 Ϯ 0.22 ␮m for inactivation (n ϭ 20–25). A comparison of MS currents recorded at Ϫ ϩ either 60 or 60 mV showed that cur- slowing above 0 mV for both IR and IuS (Fig. 5C,D). The break rent relaxation became less pronounced with membrane depo- point in the ␶(V) dependence was close to the reversal potential Ϫ larization. Exponentials fitted to IR traces recorded at 60 or of MS currents. To evaluate whether the direction of the current ϩ60 mV had time constants of 4 Ϯ 0.5 and 27 Ϯ 1.9 ms, respec- flow influenced the ␶(V) relationship, we used an asymmetrical Ϫ tively (Fig. 5A). Likewise, positive voltages also increased approx- chemical gradient setting Erev at 60 mV (supplemental Fig. 2, imately threefold the relaxation kinetic time constants of IuS (Fig. available at www.jneurosci.org as supplemental material). The ␶ ␶ 5B) and IInt (data not shown). A plot of versus voltage exhibited break point of the /V relationship remained identical, no matter no significant changes in ␶ between Ϫ60 and 0 mV and a steep the direction of the current flow. Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 • 13389

of IInt, IS, and IuS by acting on the time course of both adaptation and inactiva- tion (data not shown). We tested whether the voltage depen- dence of MS current relaxation was sensi- tive to variation in extracellular as well as intracellular [Ca 2ϩ]. Detailed analysis

was made on IR using intracellular solu- tions containing various concentrations of the Ca 2ϩ buffers, BAPTA or EGTA, and 2ϩ free [Ca ]i set at either 1 or 112 nM (Ta- 2ϩ ble 1, Solutions 1–5). Chelating [Ca ]i or 2ϩ nominally free [Ca ]o had no significant effects on the relaxation time constants of Ϫ ϩ IR at either 60 or 60 mV (Fig. 5F)or on the relaxation of the three other types of MS currents (supplemental Fig. 3, available at www.jneurosci.org as supple- mental material) (data not shown).

Long-duration mechanical stimulus promotes mechanical refractory period

of IR channels We noticed that large mechanical stimuli

of long duration caused IR channels to en- ter a nonconducting state from which re- covery could take several hundreds of milliseconds. An example of such an ex-

periment is shown in Figure 6. IR was first evoked by a 10 ms conditioning stimulus of 7.8 ␮m, followed by a 10 ms test stim- ulus to sample channel availability. This ϳ procedure reduced IR by 50% as a result of fast inactivation developing during the short conditioning stimulus (see above). The conditioning stimulus was then Figure 4. Kinetics of adaptation and inactivation of slow and ultra-slow mechanotransducer currents. A, IS traces elicited by a series of mechanical steps before and during a conditioning stimulus (4.3 ␮m) of increasing duration (20–3600 ms). The relax- lengthened from 50 to 1000 ms (Fig. 6A). ␮ ationtimeconstantofthiscurrentis205ms.Stepswereappliedevery45sandincrementedby0.7 msteps.B,IS(X)relationships After 200 ms conditioning step, IR was re- determined before (F) and 3600 ms after (E) the onset of the conditioning stimulus. First-order Boltzmann relations yielded a duced by 63%. The reduction further in- ␮ ␮ Stim50 of 4.7 m in control and of 6.1 m at conditioning time of 3600 ms. Steepness factors were 0.7 and 0.8, respectively. The creased to 83% with 600 ms conditioning dashed line represents the Boltzmann curve through the adapted IS(X) relation normalized to the control activation curve. C, Shift stimulus and then plateaued. Because the ␶ Ϯ ϭ inStim50 asafunctionofconditioningtime.Monoexponentialfitreturneda of214 49ms(n 6).Filledsymbolsarefromthe adaptive shift saturated for large condi- neuron illustrated in A and B. D, Amplitude of the adaptive shift (red circles) and inactivated fraction (blue bars) of IS channels tioning mechanical stimuli (Fig. 3I), we Ϯ ␮ ϭ plotted against the amplitude of the conditioning stimulus. Midpoint value for the adaptive shift was of 3.26 0.2 m(n 5) hypothesized that reduction in I resulted Ϯ ␮ ϭ R and 4.43 0.27 m for the inactivation curve (n 8). E, IuS traces elicited by a series of mechanical steps before (control) and ␮ from entry of IR channels into a slow inac- during a conditioning stimulus (4.3 m) of increasing duration (10–3400 ms). The relaxation time constant of this current was tivated state. However, to rule out a con- 1207 ms. Steps were applied every 45 s and incremented by 0.7 ␮m. F, I (X) relationships determined before (F) and 3400 ms uS tribution of adaptation, we converted I after (E) the onset of the conditioning stimulus. First-order Boltzmann relations yielded a Stim of 4.2 and 5.5 ␮m and R 50 traces obtained during the forward ramp steepness factors of 0.95 and 0.9, respectively. The dashed line represents the Boltzmann curve through the adapted IuS( X) curve normalized to the control activation curve. G, H, Adaptive shift (G) and fractional inactivation (H) plotted against segment of the mechanical stimulus into conditioning time. Exponential fits returned ␶ of 1012 Ϯ 213 and 4516 Ϯ 421 ms, respectively. Averaged data from seven I(X) relationship (Fig. 6B). This revealed neurons. that the shift in IR(X) relation determined after a 600 ms conditioning stimulus was identical to the shift obtained after a 20 ms Whether voltage affects kinetics of adaptation and inactiva- conditioning stimulus (Fig. 6B,C), indi- tion was examined in Figure 5E. The rate of adaptive shift was cating that long-duration stimuli did not promote further adap- estimated both at Ϫ60 and ϩ60 mV by sampling the position of tation of IR channels. Kinetics of IR channel entry into slow inactivated states was fitted with a monoexponential function, the IR(X) relationship during a standard conditioning stimulus. The time constant of adaptive shift was increased threefold, from yielding a mean time constant of 347 Ϯ 40 ms (Fig. 6C). In contrast 4 Ϯ 0.6 to 12 Ϯ 2 ms when switching from Ϫ60 to ϩ60 mV (Fig. to recovery from fast inactivation, which is monoexponential (sup- 5E). Fast inactivation followed the same pattern with a threefold plemental Fig. 1D, available at www.jneurosci.org as supplemental increase in its time constant (from 6.6 Ϯ 0.3 to 18.4 Ϯ 1.3 ms) material), recovery of IR channels from slow inactivation was best (Fig. 5E). Positive voltages also slowed down relaxation kinetics fitted by the sum of two exponential functions of approximately 13390 • J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing

equal amplitude with time constants of 100–230 and 2000–2600 ms (Fig. 6D,E).

Effect of mechanotransducer desensitization on firing responses To examine the role of mechanotrans- ducer channel desensitization on the ex- citability of sensory neurons, recordings were made using a KCl-based pipette so- lution. Identification of the current was first monitored in voltage-clamp mode, and firing behavior was then studied in the current-clamp mode. Figure 7 shows representative responses to mechanical stimulation in four cutaneous DRG

neurons expressing IR, IInt, IS, and IuS. At subthreshold mechanical intensities, membrane potential changes reflected passive membrane behavior. Above a threshold pressure intensity, neurons ex-

pressing IR or IInt fired a single AP during the dynamic phase of the stimulus but re- mained silent during its static phase (Fig. 7A,B). This phasic discharge resulted from the rapid relaxation of mechano- transducer currents because the neurons fired regularly in response to depolarizing current injection (Fig. 7A,B, right pan- els). In contrast, DRG neurons expressing

IS or IuS responded to mechanical stimu- Figure 5. Positive potentials oppose desensitization of mechanotransducer channels. A, B, Left, IR (A) and IuS (B) evoked by a lus by more sustained depolarization and 7.1␮mmechanicalstimulusataholdingpotentialofϪ60andϩ60mV.TheredtracesshowcurrentsrecordedatϪ60mVscaled ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϯ firing (Fig. 7C,D). Different degrees of fir- to those at 60 mV. Right, Relaxation time constants of IR and IuS recorded at 60 and 60 mV. Each data point is the mean SEM of 9–10 observations. C, D, Relaxation time constants for I (C) and I (D) were recorded at different membrane potentials. ing adaptation were seen between IS-or R uS Membrane potential was stepped for at least2stovoltages ranging from Ϫ60 to ϩ60 mV in 20 mV increments. Each data point IuS-expressing neurons. We quantified is the mean Ϯ SEM for 9–10 neurons. E, Time constants of adaptive shift and inactivation of I measured at Ϫ60 and ϩ60 mV. firing responses by computing the num- R F, Time constants of adaptive shift and inactivation of I recorded at Ϫ60 mV with different concentrations of extracellular ber of APs as a function of mechanical in- R or free intracellular calcium (as listed). The composition of solutions 1–5 can be found in Table 1. Each bar represents the tensity. The number of APs increased Ϯ Ϫ mean SEM of 6–15 cells. G, Time constants of adaptive shift and inactivation of IR recorded at either 60 mV (white proportionally with stimulus strength in bars) or ϩ60 mV (black bars) with different concentrations of extracellular calcium (as listed). Data recorded with solution 1. n ϭ 7–10 IS- and IuS- but not in IR- and IInt- cells. ***pϽ0.001. expressing neurons, which responded in an all-or-none manner (Fig. 7E). seen when APs were evoked by injecting depolarizing currents ϩ The impact of desensitization of IR and IuS on firing following (data not shown), which argued against a contribution of Na was also examined using pulse train of short-duration mechani- channel inactivation in this refractory period. Long-duration cal stimuli. Our data indicate that, although mechanical stimula- stimulation had little impact on the ability of IuS-expressing tion evoked APs and drove IR-expressing neurons at low neurons to follow stimulation (supplemental Fig. 4B, avail- frequencies (1–16 Hz), neurons were unable to follow mechani- able at www.jneurosci.org as supplemental material). cal pulse trains above 16 Hz (Fig. 7F). This fatigue phenomenon

occurred because of incomplete recovery of IR channels with Mechanotransducer desensitization kinetics serves to encode high stimulus frequencies and was not subsequent to Na ϩ the dynamic parameters of the mechanical stimulus channel inactivation because neurons kept their ability to fire To investigate whether mechanotransducer current amplitude in response to current injection at frequency Ͼ21 Hz (Fig. 7F, depends on the rate of stimulus application, cutaneous DRG neu- left). Action potentials faithfully followed high-frequency me- rons were subjected to stimuli having linear velocities ranging ␮ chanical stimulation in IuS-expressing neurons (Fig. 7G). from 10 to 800 m/s. A plot of current amplitude as a function of The electrophysiological impact of mechanical refractory the velocity of the stimulus revealed that there is a strong corre-

period caused by slow inactivation of IR channels was also inves- lation between the amplitudes of IR and IInt and the onset speed of tigated using paired-pulse mechanical stimulation of long- the stimulus (Fig. 8A–C). In effect, a threefold reduction in linear

duration stimuli (supplemental Fig. 4A, available at www. velocity fully occluded IR, suggesting that two competing pro- jneurosci.org as supplemental material). This paradigm caused cesses, activation and desensitization, were superimposed. IInt, IR-expressing neurons to develop a mechanical refractory period however, showed a lesser sensitivity to changes in the rate of that could last several hundreds of milliseconds. Because this stimulus onset compared with IR (regression slope of 0.09 vs 0.17 ␮ effect occurred only after long but not short conditioning s/ m, respectively). In contrast, IuS showed a weak dependency stimuli, it is likely to result from entry of IR channels into slow on the rate of stimulus onset, an 80-fold reduction in velocity ϳ inactivated states. Consistently, no failure in responses was reducing IuS amplitude by 50% (Fig. 8D,E). Electrophysiolog- Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 • 13391

Figure 6. Refractory period of IR channels caused by long-duration mechanical stimuli. A, Effect of lengthening the duration of the conditioning mechanical stimulus (10–1000 ms) in double-pulse protocol. Reduction in IR amplitude is indicated in each panel. B, Data from the cell shown in A. Left, Superimposition of IR traces recorded during the forward ramp segment of the conditioning stimulus (control, Ctr) and during the forward ramp segment of the test stimulus. The duration of the conditioning stimulus is indicated. Right, Normalized Boltzmann curves

derived from IR( X) relationships. C, The adaptive shift and inactivated fraction were plotted against conditioning time. The data points were fitted to one-phase exponential functions, giving time constants of 5.2 Ϯ 2 and 347 Ϯ 40 ms, respectively (n ϭ 4–8). D, Recovery from inactivation. A conditioning stimulus of 8.5 ␮m is followed by varying durations of the ␮ recovery period before a test pulse of 8.5 m to assay availability of IR channels. Sweeps were applied every 30 s, which allowed full recovery of the current. E, Fraction of recovered IR plotted against the recovery period duration. Open symbols are data from D, and filled symbols are averaged data from four to eight cells. Solid lines are monoexponential or biexponential fits giving mean recovery time constants of 6.6 Ϯ 0.8 ms (cT ϭ 10 ms), 80 Ϯ 28 and 2015 Ϯ 200 ms (cT ϭ 200 ms), 100 Ϯ 18 and 2615 Ϯ 209 ms (cT ϭ 600 ms), and 230 Ϯ 35 and 2232 Ϯ 43 ms (cT ϭ 1000 ms).

ical impact of varying stimulus velocity was investigated in ulus but not its static phase. In contrast, IuS-expressing cells still current-clamp mode in IR-, IInt-, and IuS-expressing neurons (Fig. fired continuously when linear velocity of the mechanical stimu- ϭ ␮ 8F–H). For all IR and IInt cells tested (n 12), firing ceased as the lus was dropped from 420 to 2 m/s (Fig. 8H). Thus, IR can act as velocity of the mechanical stimulus decreased, indicating that velocity detector, whereas IuS can encode duration of the stimulus these currents are suited to encode the dynamic part of the stim- and carry tonic signals. 13392 • J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing

Figure 7. Desensitization of mechanotransducer currents shapes firing adaptation in sensory neurons. A–D, Current-clamp responses evoked by mechanical stimuli in DRG neurons expressing

IR (A),IInt (B),IS (C),orIuS (D).Thedottedlineindicates0mVlevel.Notethat,althoughIR-andIInt-expressingneuronsfirephasicallyinresponsetomechanicalstimulus,theygenerateatrainofaction ϩ potentials in response to depolarizing current pulses. IR- and IInt-expressing neurons were nociceptive cells (presence of TTX-R Na currents). E, Number of action potentials per 500 ms plotted ϭ ‚ ϭ ࡗ ϭ E ϭ against the intensity of the mechanical stimulus in cells expressing IR ( , n 8), IInt ( , n 6), IS ( , n 8), and IuS ( , n 7). F, Failure of evoked responses to follow high-frequency mechanical stimulation in an IR-expressing neuron. Responses were evoked by a 10 ms mechanical stimulus applied at frequencies ranging from 12 to 21 Hz. Note no failures were seen in response to 3 ms depolarizing current pulses applied at 21 Hz (left). G, Absence of failure of evoked responses to follow high-frequency mechanical stimulation in an IuS-expressing nociceptive neuron.

Discussion neurons, regardless of their target of innervation. Both IR and IuS Identification of four types of mechanotransducer currents in were also predominantly found in DRG neurons innervating the sensory neurons glabrous skin of the hindpaw. IS was rarely encountered in cuta- Based on kinetics analysis, we identified four types of cationic neous DRG neurons (2%) compared with the overall population mechanotransducer currents in rat DRG neurons. Previous stud- (ϳ10%), indicating that these neurons might have different tar- ies have classified MS currents as rapidly, intermediately, or gets of innervation. Interestingly, most mechanosensitive DRG ϩ slowly adapting currents (Drew et al., 2002, 2004). The kinetics of neurons expressing IS or IuS exhibited TTX-R Na currents, in- IR found here is very similar to that of RA current (Drew et al., dicating that these cells are nociceptive; only a small fraction of 2004; Hu and Lewin, 2006). IS and IuS are likely to correspond to them showed polymodal properties by responding to capsaicin. previously described IA and SA currents, although detailed kinet- In contrast, IR was preferentially found in DRG neurons with ics analysis of these currents is lacking. IInt is identified here for relatively large diameter and expressing predominantly TTX-S Ͼ ϩ the first time. Analysis made in 350 cells indicates that IR and IuS Na currents, suggesting that they belong to a class of non- are the most commonly encountered MS currents in sensory nociceptive mechanoreceptors. Therefore, our data indicate that Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 • 13393

tion curve of the transducer along the stimulus axis. This may result from a re- laxation of tension in the linkage between the swing of the gate of the channel and the tension-sensing element and may be mediated by conformational rearrange- ments in the channel itself or in molecules in series with the tension- sensing element and connecting the chan- nel to the cytoskeleton or lipids (Fig. 9A,B). A substantial fraction of MS current, however, could not be reactivated after mechanical stimulation, indicating that some channels had inactivated. There- fore, both inactivation and adaptation act concurrently to reduce MS currents. These two mechanisms are common to all MS currents identified here, suggesting that a related physicochemical element determines the properties of MS channels. Nevertheless, adaptation and inactivation showed different mechanical dependen- cies. Adaptive shift occurred without the need for MS channels to open, whereas inactivation (either fast or slow) seemed to proceed once channels had opened. Consequently, for stimuli that elicit half- maximal responses, relaxation is domi- Figure8. Mechanotransducercurrentdesensitizationservestoencodespeedanddurationofmechanicalstimulusincutaneous nated by adaptation, whereas for stimuli

sensoryneurons.A,B,EffectsofvaryingtherateofonsetmechanicalstimulusonIR (A)andIInt (B).C,NormalizedIR (circles)andIInt eliciting saturating responses, relaxation (triangles)wereplottedasafunctionofstimulusvelocity.Alinearregressionwasfittedtothedata,givingaslopeof0.17and0.09 is dominated by inactivation, because the ␮ ϭ s/ mforIR andIInt, respectively(n 5–7).D,IuS wasevokedbyamechanicalstimulushavingarateofonsetrangingfrom800to adaptive shift saturates. A model incorpo- ␮ ϭ 10 m/s. E, Normalized IuS plotted as a function of stimulus velocity on semilogarithmic axes (n 8). F, Velocity-related firing rating these assumptions replicates MS ␮ property of an IR-expressing neuron. Four velocities (800, 554, 341, and 216 m/s) of probe displacement are shown. G, Velocity- ␮ channel behavior in the face of a condi- related firing property of an IInt-expressing neuron. Four velocities (800, 554, 341, and 216 m/s) of probe displacement are ␮ tioning mechanical stimulus (Fig. 9C). shown. H, Representative response of an IuS-expressing neuron at three different velocities (420, 5, and 2 m/s) of probe dis- placement. All neurons were identified by DiI labeling after hindpaw injection. What factors then might be responsible for the different kinetics of MS currents? One possibility is that MS channels are there are differences between subpopulations of DRG neurons composed of different sets of ␣ subunit isoforms or that the prop- with respect to the functional properties of mechanotransducer erties are modified by accessory subunits. The local environment channels. The molecular basis of these mechanotransducer chan- of the channels, in particular the membrane lipids, may also dif- nels has yet to be defined. fer. Our results do not discriminate between these possibilities.

Mechanisms of relaxation Modulation of adaptation and inactivation of and desensitization of mechanotransducer currents mechanotransducer currents by voltage Our data show that MS channel gating in sensory neurons de- We found that the rate of MS current relaxation in sensory neu- pends on both the force exerted and the sensitivity of that force. rons was almost invariant over the entire range of stimulus inten- In the most common interpretation derived from hair cell trans- sity. This is clearly different from hair cells, in which fast duction, channel opening occurs when tension stretches the adaptation is more prominent for moderate stimuli, whereas channel gating spring, an elastic element in series with the chan- slow adaptation occurs with larger mechanical displacements nel (Gillespie and Mu¨ller, 2009; Hu et al., 2010). As the mechan- (Gillespie and Mu¨ller, 2009). In hair cells, also, fast and slow ical stimulus is maintained, the free energy of the channel adaptations are mediated by different mechanisms involving decreases and the channel activity is no longer sustained. This Ca 2ϩ and myosin proteins (Gillespie et al., 1993; Lumpkin and mechanism, that we called here relaxation, can be seen as a Hudspeth, 1995; Ricci et al., 1998; Vollrath et al., 2007; Gillespie decay of MS current during a maintained mechanical stimulus. and Mu¨ller, 2009). In contrast, our data provides evidence that At variance with a recent report (Rugiero et al., 2010), our data adaptation in sensory neurons operates via a Ca 2ϩ-independent demonstrate that adaptation is a key regulatory process of MS route, in agreement with Rugiero et al. (2010). current amplitude. Because adapted MS channels could be reacti- An intriguing feature of relaxation was its voltage depen- vated instantaneously after relaxation, the channels were not in- dence. Relaxation was more pronounced at negative voltages activated but their gating sensitivity had changed as the result near resting potential and becomes progressively less evident of application of the conditioning step. Adaptation therefore can at more depolarized potentials. Depolarization-induced slowing be described operationally as a simple translation of the activa- in relaxation kinetics was observed for the four types of MS cur- 13394 • J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing

rents investigated and was associated with an alteration in both adaptation and inac- tivation kinetics. Adaptation is also sub- stantially reduced with depolarization in hair cells, an effect that has been ex- plained, at least in part, by changes in the driving force on Ca 2ϩ entry (Assad et al., 1989; Crawford et al., 1989, 1991; Haco- hen et al., 1989; Martinac, 2004). The present data, however, show that Ca 2ϩ had no effects on the voltage dependence of relaxation, suggesting that the channel molecule itself or another closely associ- ated subunit is intrinsically voltage sensi- tive, as suggested for MS channels in other systems (Gustin et al., 1988; Hamill and McBride, 1992; Suchyna et al., 2004; Akitake et al., 2005; Hamill, 2006).

Mechanotransducer desensitization contributes to firing adaptation Current-clamp experiments demonstrate that there is a marked difference in firing response between DRG neurons express-

ing rapid or slow MS currents. IR- and IInt- expressing neurons give a brief AP discharge in response to a ramp and hold

stimulus, whereas IS- and IuS-expressing Figure 9. Model for desensitization of mechanotransducer channels in sensory neurons. A, Kinetics scheme of MS channel

neurons instead respond by more sus- transitions. Applied force favors transition from the closed state (C) to the closed adapted (CA) state, followed by the open (O) and tained AP discharge. Importantly, these inactivated(I)states.TransitionsfromO,I,andCA statesbacktotheclosedstatewerefavoredbyforcewithdrawal.Transitiontothe differences were attributable to mechani- closedadaptedstatecanoccurduringexposureofthechanneltosubthresholdstimuli.Redarrowsdepicttransitionsmodulatedby cal factors because electrical stimulation voltage. B, Schematic representation of the main states of MS channels. Mechanical forces are conveyed to the pore-forming could not mimic mechanically evoked fir- structure via an elastic element/gating spring. In this model, the gating spring can be a cytoplasmic domain bound to phospho- ing adaptation in these cells. Although re- lipids/cytoskeletal elements or an associated protein. When the gating spring is stretched, channel domains are pulled apart (increased in area), favoring the open state. As force is maintained channel either inactivates or adapts. The inactivation process lationship between in vitro and in vivo was modeled as a ball-and-chain type inactivation, in which the inactivating ball could be either a cytoskeletal element or part of data remains speculative, the reported re- the channel protein. During adaptation, the stiffness of the gating spring remains constant but the channel collapses into a closed sults support the view that IuS plays a crit- conformation,eitherbyhelixdecoupling(asillustrated)ormovingoneendofthegatingspring.Assumingthatthebindingrateof ical role in generating sustained activities the inactivation ball and helix decoupling were affected by the position of a voltage-sensing subunit, one can account for the

of nociceptors in vivo. Conversely, IR cur- voltage dependence of inactivation and adaptation. C, Simulation of the effects of conditioning mechanical stimuli. C1, Schematic ␮ ␮ rent appears best suited to shape the pha- showing the position of the activation curve of IR if a conditioning step of 4.3 m causes a shift of the IR(X) relation of 1 m and ϭ ϩ Ϫ sic discharges of LTMs associated with adecreaseinconductanceof25%.TheprobabilityofthechannelbeingopenisgivenbyI/Imax 1/(1 exp[(Stim50 Stim)/k]). ␮ ␮ innocuous touch, although firing pattern Stim50 and k were 5 m and 0.7 for the control (non-adapted) curve and 6 m and 0.7 for the adapted curve. C2, Corresponding in vivo depends also on other factors, in- MS currents. Note the difference in current reduction for moderate and large mechanical stimuli. cluding support cells and specialized ter- minal structures. In addition, it is tempting to speculate that the of the MS channels. The adaptive shift serves to reset the conduc- tance of the transduction channel toward the resting value, re- refractory period of IR channels produced when high-intensity stimuli are administered may be responsible for the long-lasting storing sensitivity during a static stimulus that could potentially depression of LTMs seen after sustained noxious mechanical saturate transduction. This instantaneous sensitivity of MS chan- stimulation of the skin (Adriaensen et al., 1984; Handwerker et nels befits their role in detecting small changes of the stimulus and suited them to encode acceleration and vibration. The fact al., 1987). Mechanical refractory period of IR channels can therefore be envisioned as a filtering mechanism of nocicep- that IR and IInt currents are predominant in putative LTMs favors tive stimuli by non-nociceptive fibers. the view that their kinetics properties are adapted to encode the Finally, our study shows that gating dynamics of MS channels dynamic features of the stimulus, so critical in innocuous mech- plays a critical role in stimulus representation. The rapid relax- anosensation. Conversely, after a gradual change of pressure,

ation of IR, and to a lesser degree of IInt, by competing with only IS and IuS channels would be activated and capable of carry- activation, controls the net amplitude of MS currents. IR channels ing tonic signals typical of nociceptive responses. Thus, our data respond in full when stimulated by a pressure applied abruptly show that sensory neurons in vitro retain many properties of but are essentially inactive during slowly applied or static forces. mechanosensory nerve fibers in vivo and display MS currents The quick reaction to an abrupt stimulus and dumping of slowly with properties that are suited to encode important parameters of

applied forces indicate that IR and IInt channels respond as veloc- the mechanical stimulus. ity detectors. This property is important for detecting small Collectively, our data indicate that desensitization of MS cur- changes in the dynamic stimulus parameters. Adaptation also rents appears to be a critical aspect of afferent signal generation in acts as a mechanism that preserves the instantaneous sensitivity the sensory system. The difference in desensitization rate relates Hao and Delmas • Desensitization of MS Channels Tunes Firing J. Neurosci., October 6, 2010 • 30(40):13384–13395 • 13395 to the functions of MS channels as sensors for phasic or tonic hair-cell transduction channels: displacement and calcium dependence. stimuli and enables sensory neurons to achieve efficient stimulus J Neurosci 9:3988–3997. representation. Hamill OP (2006) Twenty odd years of stretch-sensitive channels. Pflugers Arch 453:333–351. 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