CECCHETTI classical

Support The Cecchetti Society Trust

The Cecchetti Society founded in 1922 to promote the teaching of the www.cecchetti.co.uk The Cecchetti Society Trust Cecchetti

The Cecchetti Society Trust was created to Cecchetti classical ballet is one of the most promote and support the art of classical ballet and respected training methods for young dancers, in particular the Cecchetti Method of training in teachers and professionals both in the UK and classical ballet. The Trust which is a Registered worldwide. The great virtuoso dancer and teacher Charity achieves this aim in a variety of ways - (1850 – 1928 ) was one of the including offering support to individual young most important influences on the foundation of ballet dancers and teachers to train, and also modern Classical Ballet training. He evolved a through publicising and promoting the Cecchetti method of training that is as relevant today as it was when first created - producing outstanding Method of training and producing educational artistic and technically accomplished dancers able resources. to work with today’s directors across the spectrum of classical and contemporary companies. His The Trust was established through a legacy from influence on has been far reaching Cyril Beaumont, the renowned dance historian and resulted in the creation of The Cecchetti and writer, and was formed by a Declaration of Society in 1922. Trust on 20th March 1978 with the object of: Patrons of The Cecchetti Society include Dame “The advancement of the education of the public Monica Mason DBE, David Bintley CBE, Darcey in the art of classical ballet and in particular that art Bussell CBE, Lesley Collier CBE and Kevin as perpetuated by the Cecchetti Method to O’Hare. include the furtherance of the Cecchetti Method of Training, the holding of classes and courses in classical ballet, organising of conferences and The Work of the Cecchetti Society Trust seminars on teaching methods and the publication of educational literature on ballet.” The Trust through careful management of invested funds is able to support a number of activities annually. These include bursaries for The current Trustees are: training, support for the Cecchetti Scholars, the Cecchetti Centre, Cecchetti Performance Awards, educational events and heritage projects. Miss Elisabeth Swan (Chairman) Dame Monica Mason DBE (Vice-Chairman) Donations to the Trust are needed both to sustain Ms Catherine Hutchon the existing levels of support, but also to meet the Mrs Sandy Mitchell increasing interest in the training of the Cecchetti Mr John Morgan Method and the increased demands on funds that Mr Christopher Nourse this exciting expansion needs. Miss Diane van Schoor The Cecchetti Society Trust would be most grateful for support from generous donors who are passionate about the art of classical ballet and the work of the Trust. What can a donation support? Are gifts eligible for Gift Aid?

The Trust welcomes donations of any value, but The Trust is a registered charity. If you are a UK tax the examples below give an indication of what a payer your gift would be eligible for Gift Aid and this donation could support. increases the value of your donation to the Trust by £30 would support a ticket to attend Cecchetti 25%. You need to complete the section on the Day for a Cecchetti volunteer application form.

£60 would support a teacher to attend a Course How will my donation be used? at the Cecchetti Centre The Trust does not usually specify how a gift will be £100 would support a Cecchetti Scholar in class used, but allocates donated funds to best meet the for a day requests for support received. However, donors are £500 would support a Bursary for a student or most welcome to indicate if a particular aspect of the teacher to attend a UK Summer School Trust’s work is of special interest to them e.g. supporting young dancers, teachers and would support a Bursary for a talented £1,000 professionals, the Cecchetti Scholars, the Cecchetti young dancer to attend a Cecchetti International Centre, Cecchetti Performance Awards, educational competition events and heritage projects. £2,000 would enable a Donor to have a Competition Award given in their name Legacies

£5,000 would support a day of filming for a The Cecchetti Society Trust would be delighted if you Cecchetti heritage project with professional would consider leaving a Gift to celebrate your dancers from and Birmingham interest and love of the Cecchetti Method. Any legacy Royal Ballet to the Trust should be discussed with your solicitor and details sent to the Chairman of the Trust, 28 Prykes Drive, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1TP. The Cecchetti Society Trust

I would like to support the Cecchetti Society Trust Gift Aid Statement The Cecchetti Society Trust is a registered Charity Number 275548 Title I wish the Cecchetti Society Trust to treat all Name qualifying gifts of money that I am making today and will make in the future, as Gift Aid donations. Address I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to Postcode the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate Telephone to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on Email every £1 that I give.

Payment I would like to donate to the Cecchetti Society Trust and have Signature

enclosed a cheque for the sum of Date £ made payable to The Cecchetti Society Trust Please return this form to: Miss Elisabeth Swan transferred by bank transfer the sum of Chairman: The Cecchetti Society Trust 28 Prykes Drive £ Chelmsford Essex CM1 1TP to The Cecchetti Society Trust, CAF Bank, Branch Sort Code 40 52 40, Account No. 00028613. Email: [email protected]

Data Protection Donors are welcome to indicate below if a particular This information is required for administrative aspect of the Trust’s work is of special interest to them purposes and may be used to send you information e.g. supporting young dancers, teachers and about Cecchetti Society Trust eventsand appeals. professionals, the Cecchetti Scholars, the Cecchetti Centre, Cecchetti Performance Awards, educational Please tick here if you Do NoT wish to receive events and heritage projects. further event information.

The Cecchetti Society Trust is a registered Charity Number No. 275548