Annual Report




December 31, 1970






Town of Holderness, N. H.


December 31, 1970





Audit 27

Budget 9

Cemetery 18

Conservation Commission 19

Detailed Statement of Expenditures 11

Fire Department 15

Library Report 17

Officers 4

Planning Board Report 22

Procedures of 1970 Town Meeting 5

Vital Statistics 24

Warrant 7

Welfare 19 : : : : :


Moderator — Budget Committee:

Carlton Eisner Kevin Barlow, Ch. Charles Currier Edward L. Noyes, Jr. Asst. Moderator: F. E. Brown Harrison Sargent Harrison Sargent

Selectmen Superintendent of Cemeteries: Elward L. Noyes, Jr. Walter L. Greenleaf Norman Smith, Jr. Merlond E. McLoud, Sr. Library Trustees Town Clerk: Mary E. Nielsen Corinne M. Cripps Barbara Currier Laura Heath Treasurer:

Richard L. Gordon Park Board: Beverly Smith Accountant Patricia Giroux William M. Thomson Ann W. Noyes

Overseer of Welflare: Town Hall Committee: Laura Heath Earl F. Brown Lyle M. Thompson Tax Collector Paul Needham Bernice E. Shields

Commission: Road Agent: Conservation Malcolm Taylor Lyle M. Thompson Gertrude Eisner Hollis E. Willoughby Police Mary Conrad Pierce Beij G. Plant, Chief George Richards L. M. Thompson Almon Bushnell M. E. McLoud R. H. Galley E. L. Noyes Planning Board:

Fire; Gilbert Merrill Frances Ayer Lawrence P. Welch, Ward Donald Hagerman M. E. McLoud, Ward Lawrence Staples Lloyd 0. Perkins, Ward Ernest Chamberlain Clifton Hawkins, Chief Milton Huckins PROCEDURE OF THE HOLDERNESS TOWN MEETING — MARCH 10, 1970

At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Holdemess, qualified to vote in town affairs, and held in the Town House of said Holdemess, March 10, 1970 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following business was transacted. The Ballot Clerks being in position, the meeting was called to order at 10:00 A. M. by the moderator. The preface and Article 1 were read, after which the motion was made and seconded to disperse with Articles 2-19 until the evening meeting at 7:30 P. M. The Polls were declared open for Article 1 until 6:00 P. M. The results of Article 1 as ftollows: Total ballots cast — 283 Names on Checklists 650 Town Clerk — Corinne M. Cripps Town Treasurer — Richard L. Gordon Selectman for three years — Merlond E. McLoud, Sr. Tax Collector — Bernice E. Shields Library Trustee for three years— Laura M. Heath Overseer of Town Welfare — Laura M. Heath Superintendent of Cemeteries — Walter L. Greenleaf Trustee of Trust Funds for three years — Eleanor S. Wolf Fire Wards — Lawrence P. Welch, Merlond E. McLoud, Sr., Lloyd 0. Perkins Constable — George A. Plant The Polls were closed at 6:03 P. M. The business meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Moderator Carlton L. Eisner, who read the warrant and gave results of Article 1. Art. 2- Motion made and seconded to accept all reports of town commit- tees as printed in the Town Report. Vote in affirmative. Art. 3- Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $255.00 for Memorial Day to be used under the auspices of Arthur W. Forbes. Vote in affirmative. Art. 4- Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital. Vote in affirmative. Art. 5- Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $200.00 for the Town Health Fund. Vote in affirmative. Art. 6- Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $312.00 for the Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency. Vote in affirmative. Art. 7- Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $540.00 for the Lakes Region Mental Health Clinic. Vote in affirmative. Art. 8- M'otion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $365.00 as compensation to Ethel Piper for services rendered. Vote in affirma- tive.

Art. 9- Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum 'Oif $100.00 for the Town Conservation Commission. Vote in affirmative. Art. 10- Motion made and seconded to table Article 10 until Article 17 discussed. Vote in affirmative. Art. 11- Miction made and seconded to raise and appropriatae the sum of $2,500.00 as the town's share in conjunction with the State of N. H. and/or the United States towards the cost of a comprehensive master plan of the town. Vote in the affirmative. Art. 12- Motion made and seconded to authorize the Selectmen to make application for and accept any and all grants or offers for municipal plannnig purposes which may now or hereafter be forthcoming from the State of N. H. and/or the U. S. Vote in affirmative. Art. 13- Duplicate of Article 12. Art. 14- Motion made and seconded to adopt the provisions of Chapter 287 of the RSA relative to playing games of Beano in this town. Vote in af- firmative. Art. 15- Motion made and seconded to authorize the Selectmen to convey any Real Estate obtained by Tax Collectors Deed and execute any deed or deeds thereof in the name of the town. Vote in affirmative. Art. 16- Motion made and seconded to authorize the Selectmen to borrow in anticipation of taxes. Vote in affirmative. Art. 17- Motion made and seconded to raise $3,500.00 and appropriate the sum of $35,000.00 for new fire truck, the balance to be prorated over a period of ten years. Vote in affirmative. Art. 18- Motion made and seconded to exclude from the Social Security plan services in any class or classes of positions of election officials or election workers for a calendar quarter in which remuneration paid for such services Is less than $50.00. Vote in affirmative. Art. 19- Motion made and seconded to dismiss the article as Selectman Noyes explained that the money allowed to be raised for this year had been used, therefore, a full time Selectman with salary was impossible at this time. Vote in affirmative. Other business- Motion made and seconded that the town give a vote of thanks to Earle F. Brown for his three years of duty to the town as Selectman. This was given unanimously. Results of Article 10- Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for Chamber of Commerce and $200.00 for Lakes Region Assiociation not approved by Budget Committee. Vote in negative. Motion made and seconded to amend the budget from $100.00 to $250.00 for Civil Defense. Vote in affirmative. Motion made and seconded to amend the budget from $7,500.00 to $7,600.00 for Police Dept. with $100.00 of the amount to be used for Traffic Safety Control. Vote in affirmative. Amend Budget as foUows- Raised $3,500.00 for fire truck Increased Civil Defense $150.00 Increased Police Dept. $100.00 Voted to accept remainder of Budget as listed. Total expenditures $86,809.60 Motion made and seconded to ad.Tourn at 10:23 P. M. A True Record Corinne M. Cripps Town Clerk Hearing and Special Meeting was allowed by the Superior Court and Tax Commission in May 1970 on the vote regarding a new fire truck and Planning Board. Results as follows: Motion made and seconded that the town authorize and empower the Planning Board to exercise all subdivision authority as contained in RSA Chap. 36: 19-29. Vote in affirmative. Motion made and seconded to raise and appropriate the sum of $35,000 for the purchase of a fire truck and accessories and determine whether such sum shall be raised by borrowing under N. H. Municipal Finance Act.

^ Moderator Eisner stated that we needed a vote by ballot with § majority as it was a vote to bond the town. Vote in affirmative. A True Record Corinne M. Cripps Town Clerk THE STATE OF


You are hereby notified to meet at the Town House in said Holderness on Tuesday, the ninth day of March, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the polls shall be opened and shall close not earlier than six o'clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following- subjects, the second and subsequent arti- cles to be acted upon commencing at seven-thirty o'clock in the afternoon of said day:

Article 1. To choose all necessary town officers.

Article 2. To hear the reports of any Town Committee.

Article 3. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty-five dollars ($255,00) for Memorial Day.

Article 4. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital.

Article 5. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the town Health Fund.

Article 6. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Twelve Dollars ($312.00) for the Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency.

Article 7. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Forty Dollars ($540.00) for the Lakes Region Mental Health Clinic.

Article 8. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Sixty-Five Dollars ($365.00) as compensation to Ethel Piper for services rendered.

Article 9. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for use by the Town Conservation Com- mission.

Article 10. To see if the town will vote to make any alterations in the amount of money required to be raised and appropriated for the ensuing year for the support of the town, as recommended by the Budget Committee in its report, to raise and appropriate all sums so determined, and to pass on any other vote relating thereto.

Article 11. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to make application for and accept any and all grants or offers for municipal planning purposes which may now or thereafter be forthcoming from the State of New Hampshire and/or the United States. Article 12. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to con- vey any real estate obtained by Tax Collector's Deed and execute any deed or deeds thereof in the name of the town.

Article 13. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to borrow in anticipation of taxes.

Article 14. To see if the town will vote, as authorized under RSA 31:60, to empower the Selectmen to adopt, within thirty days of this annual meeting, a municipal sign and billboard ordinance, said ordinance to be recommended by the conservation commission and planning board following at least one pub- lic hearing, and that a certified copy of said sign and billboard ordinance as approved, shall be placed in the office of the Town Clerk. (Inserted by Petition)

Article 15. To see if the town will vote to provide that no person shall, at the same time, hold the office of Selectman and head of any Police Depart- ment, member of any Police Department, or head of the Fire Department, nor shall they receive any compensation from the Town other than their stated salary and expenses. (Inserted by Petition)

Article 16. To see what sum the town will vote to raise and appropriate for ambulance service provided by the Town of Plymouth during the ensuing year.

Article 17. To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this 19th day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-one.

/s/ Norman Smith, Jr. /s/ Edward L. Noyes, Jr. /s/ Merlond E. McLoud, Sr. SELECTMEN OF HOLDERNESS

A true copy. Attest:

/s/ Norman Smith, Jr. /s/ Edward L. Noyes, Jr. /s/ Merlond E. McLoud, Sr. SELECTMEN OF HOLDERNESS


Ap'propriatons and Estimates of Revenue for the Ensuing Year

January 1, 1971 to December 31, 1971 Compared with

Estimated and Actual Revenue, Appropriations and Expenditures of the

Previous Year January 1, 1970 to December 31, 1970

Estimated Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Previous Previous Ensuing Year Year Year 1970 1970 1971


From State:

Interest and Dividends Tax % 5,500.00 9,798.85 $ 9,600.00 Savings Bank Tax 500.00 838.58 800.00 Meals and Rooms Tax 2,500.00 4,675.29 4,600.00 Reimbursement a/c Old Age Assistance 75.71

From Local Sources Except Taxes:

Dog Licenses 450.00 416.50 410.00 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees 25.00 48.00 45.00 Interest Received on Taxes and Deposits 500.00 914.87 900.00 Income of Departments: (a) Highv^^ay, including rental of equipment 592.75 500.00 (b) Plowing Howe Rd., Ashland 150.00 150.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 13,500.00 14,321.46 14,300.00 Ambulance Remittances 40.00 120.00

Reimbursement a/c 6% Business Profits 1,013.00 1,114..00 From Local Taxes Other Than Property Taxes:

(a) Poll Taxes—Regular @ $2 700.00 888.00 870.00 (b) National Bank Stock Taxes 15.00 15.00 (c) Yield Taxes 389.64 200.00 TOTAL REVENUES FROM ALL SOURCES EXCEPT PROPERTY TAXES 34,177.65

*Amount To Be Raised By Prop. Taxes 54,416.97

TOTAL REVENUES $ 88,040.97 :

Approx. Estimated Actual Recom. Revenue Revenue by Budget Year Year Comm. 1970 1970 1971 APPROPRIATIONS General Government: Town Officers' Salaries $ 5,500.00 5,091.82 5,200.00 Town Officers' Expenses 4,000.00 4,341.77 4,500.00 Election and Registration Expenses 600.00 613.88 1,200.00 Expenses Town Hall and Other Town Bldgs. 500.00 1,370.00 500.00 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 1,500.00 1,273.79 1,350.00 Protection of Persons and Property: Police Department 7,600.00 8,102.14 7,600.00 Fire Department 10,300.00 6,427.20 6,800.00 Moth Exterm.—Blister Rust & Care of Trees 100.00 100.00 Insurance 1,000.00 816.50 1,350.00 Planning and Zoning 2,500.00 2,500.00 400.00 Damage by Dogs 500.00 200.00 Damages and Legal Expenses 500.00 1,025.50 800.00 Civil Defense 250.00 251.00 250.00 Health: Health Department, Inc. Hospitals & Ambulance 1,800.00 1,728.00 2,000.00 Vital Statistics 100.00 50.00 100.00 Town Dump and Garbage Removal 2,300.00 2,462.48 2,800.00 Highways and Bridges: Town Maintenance—Summer 11,500.00 12,760.75 12,500.00 Town Maintenance—Winter 19,000.00 17,640.36 19,000.00 Street Lighting 1,200.00 904.75 1,200.00 General Expenses of Highway Department 5,200.00 3,152.39 4,800.00 Town Road Aid 689.60 689.60 684.32 Libraries 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,300.00 Public Welfare: Town Poor 700.00 1,410.31 1,700.00 Old Age Assistance 500.00 2,093.12 2,200.00 Aid to Permanently and Totally Disabled 500.00 729.84 800.00 Patriotic Purposes: Memorial Day and Veterans' Associations 255.00 255.00 255.00 Recreation Conservation Commission 100.00 100.00 100.00 Parks and Playgrounds Incl. Band Concerts 550.00 565.90 886.65 Public Service Enterprises: Cemeteries 600.00 600.00 600.00 Ethel Piper Fund 365.00 365.00 365.00 Advertising and Regional Associations 1.00 1.00 000.00 Interest: On Temporary Loans 500.00 1,130.00 500.00 Outlay for New Construction & Perm. Improv.: Town Construction (Hwys. & Bridges) 5,000.00 5,194.30 5,000.00



Land $1,745,635 Buildings 3,180,671 Trailers 94,625 Electric Plants 170,524 Boats 99,430 Cows 2,100 Mills 2,160 Exemptions 174,800 (School, Elderly, Blind, Neatstock & Poultry)

DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS 1970 TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES: C. Cripps, Salary & Fees 1,652.60 C. Eisner, Mod. Salary 29.12 R. Gordon, Treas. Salary 400.00 L. Heath, Salary 260.00 M. McLoud, Salary 575.00 E. Noyes, Salary 600.00 B. Shields, Salary & Fees 950.10 N. Smith, Jr., Salary 625.00 TOWN OFFICERS' EXPENSES: B. Adams, Treas., T. Clerks Assoc. Dues 6.00 Assoc. N. H. Assessors, Dues 5.00 Austin's Pharmacy, Tapes 22.14 Ayer Insurance, Surety Bonds 203.00 Brown & Saltmarsh, Tax Book 10.60 C. Cripps, Supplies 22.61 B. Fortier, Trans, of Names .40 L. Heath, Supplies 12.52 Homestead Press, Stationery 32.45 Lasher Photo, Tapes 16.74 N. E. Tel., Tel. Service 80.29 G. Plant, Carpentry 66.50 Postmaster, Holderness, Postaige 207.08 Record Print, Reports 1,375.50 Sanel Auto, Role 6.48 B. Shields, Supplies 47.13 State of N. H., R.S.A. & Audit 475.29 Tax. Coll. Assoc, N. H., Dues 5.00 Wm. Thomson, Services 1,610.00 Wheeler & Clark, Dog Tags 43.50 C. Woods, Transfers 92.54 ELECTION & REGISTRATION: C. Eisner, Salary 65.00 A. Forbes, Salary 85.00 J. Greenleaf, Salary 75.00 L. Heath. Salary 59.40 L. Hall, Salarv 23.38 P. Needham, Salary 85.00 Record Print. Ballots 85.95 H. Sarg-ent, Salary 40.80 B. Shields, Salary 23.34 K. Smith, Salary 5.01 P. Whitman, Salary 66.00

11 EXPENSES TOWN HALL & OTHER BUILDINGS: Ashland Lumber Co., Supplies 58.80 H. Heath, Wiring & Repairs 62.10 Maddie's Elec, Supplies 12.44 N. E. Tel., Tel. Service 99.26 White Mtn. Power Go., Electric Service 227.52 H. Willoughby, Repairs & Painting 914.43 EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT & SOCIAL SECURITY: State of N. H., Town's Share 1,273.79 POLICE DEPARTMENT: R. Galley, Police Work & Exp. 1,728.00 Floyds, Equip. 63.15 M. McLoud, Sr., Police Work & Exp. 1,601.75 N. E. Gomm., Supplies 16.80 E. Noyes, Police Work & Exp. 467.25 F. O'Donnell, Transfer Radio 35.00 G. Plant, Police Work & Exp. 3,228.24 Town of Plymouth, Police Calls 122.50 Scientific Detection, Supplies 63.45 L. Thompson, Police Work & Exp. 276.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Holderness Fire Dept. 6,400.00 N. E. Tel., Tel. Service 27.20 INSURANCE: Ayer Insurance 816.50 PLANNING & ZONING Holderness Planning Board 2,500.00 DAMAGES & LEGAL EXPENSES: Batchelder & Murphy 1,025.50 CIVIL DEFENSE: Evans Radio, Radio Equip. 251.00 CONSERVATION COMMISSION: Holderness Cons. Gomm. 100.00 HEALTH DEPARTMENT & HOSPITALS: Dupuis Funeral Home, Ambulance 20.00 Holderness Health Fund 200.00 Lakes Region Mental Health 540.00 Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency 312,00 Town of Plymouth, Ambuluance 156.00 Sceva Speare Hospital, Contribution 500.00 VITAL STATISTICS: Gail Melanson, Census 50.00 TOWN DUMP & GARBAGE REMOVAL G. Cass, Labor 100.45 W. Danforth, Labor 1,737.75 E. Hubley, Labor 10.40 G. Thompson, Signs 66.00 J. Thompson, Machine Hire 48.88 L. Thompson, Machine Hire 499.00 TOWN MAINTENANCE, SUMMER: Ashland Hot Mix, Materials 483.28 12 Ashland Sand & Gravel, Materials 831.43 John Bourne, Equip. Hire 305.00 G. Cass, Labor 2,109.07 E. Coffee, Labor 1,780.50 W. Danforth, Labor 553.00 C. Howe, Gravel 263.25 E. Hubley, Labor 239.20 R. Melansion, Labor 422.13 E. Noyes, Equip. Hire 260.00 L. Thompson, Labor & Equip. 5,053.00 Paquette Paving, Materials 282.81 J. O. Thompson, Equip. Hire 87.98 TOWN MAINTENANCE, WINTER: Ashland Hot Mix, Materials 15.92 Ashland Sand & Gravel, Materials 283.50 Campton Sand & Gravel, Materials 219.98 E. Chamberlain, Snow Removal 100.00 G. Cass, Labor 1,935.50 E. Coffee, Labor 75.00 W. Dianforth, Labor 1,506.75 Diamiond Crystal Salt, Road Salt 115.15 R. Gordon, Plowing 72.00 Hazeltons, Equipt. 51.67 Hubley, Labor 696.80 International Salt, Road Salt 1,455.27 R. Melanson, Labor 219.35 M. E. McLoud, Plowing 4,421.83 Merrimack Farmers, Supplies 254.00 P. Needham, Plowing 10.00 E. Noyes, Equip. Hire 304.00 Paquette Paving, Materials 12.64 L. Perkins, Plowing 65.00 L. Thompson, Labor & Equip. Hire 5,734.50 L. Thompson, Jr., Labor 36.00 Tilton Sand & Gravel, Materials 45.50 STREET LIGHTING: N. H. Elec. Coop., Elec. Service 904.75 GENERAL EXPENSE HIGHWAY DEPT. Ashland Lumber Co., Supplies 13.40 Ayer Insurance, Ins. Grader 82.00 Barrett, Supplies 8.96 Batchelder Tree, Equip. Rental 15.00 Brooks Auto, Supplies 156.21 Brown & Saltmarsh, Payroll Sheets 7.50 Bucklin Tractor, Supplies 6.10 Cities Service, Gas & Oil 633.54 Chadwick Baross, Repairs 351.76 Deming Chevrolet, Repairs 218.60 Doug & Norm's Citgo, Kerosene 11.50 Gulf Oil, Lubricants 153.26 Hazelton, SupT)lies 60.82 Holderness Fire Dept., Boots 43.68 Lumbertown, Supplies 4.60 Merrimack Farmers, Supplies 17.50 N. E. Municipal Supply, Supplies 202.54 White Mtn. Power Co., Elec. Caution Signs 139.55 13 Plymouth Tire Co., Tire Repairs 45.00 Puccetti's, Supplies 200.42 Record Print, Signs 16.75 Sanel, Supplies 170.01 Texaco, Fuel & Oil 98.13 H. Thompson, Repairs 25.43 J. Thompson, Equip. Rental 117.30 C. B. Titus, Diesel Fuel 342.22

T. R. A.: Treas., State lof N. H., Town's Share 689.60 LIBRARIES: Holderness Public Library 1,600.00 TOWN POOR: Ashland I.G.A., Case #7 15.00 Ashland Pharmacy, Case #8 & #10 132.40 Town of Ashland, Transport Food 43.57 First Natl. Store, Case #8 35.00 Grafton County Home, Re. Names 822.54 P. Nedeau, Case #8 105.00 Dr. C. Proulx, Re. Names 36.00 N. Straw, Del. Surplus Food 221.00

O. A. A.: Treas., State of N. H. 2,093.12 APTD: Treas., State of N. H. 729.84 MEMORIAL DAY: A. Forbes, Celebration 255.00 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS: Holderness Park Bd. 550.00 Puccetti's Hardware, Supplies 15.90 CEMETERIES: W. Greenleaf, Maintenance 600.00 ETHEL PIPER FUND: E. Piper 365.00 ADVERTISING & REGIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Hold. C. of C. 1.00 INTEREST ON TEMPORARY LOANS: Pemigewasset National Bank 1,130.00 TOWN CONSTRUCTION: Ashland Lumber, Supplies 28.80 Campton Sand & Gravel, Materials 7.79 E. Coffee, Labor 135.00 G. Cass, Labor 123.75 R. Hartwig-, Gravel 290.00 R. C. Hazelton, Supplies 122.40 Lumbertown, Supplies 403.41 N. H. Bituminous, Materials 2,021.37 Paquette Paving, Materials 1,887.78 L. Thompson, Equip. Hire 174.00



Balance on hand, 1 Jan. $ 304.90 Received from Town Treasurer 6,400.00 Refund on Workmen' s Compensation 13.00 Sale of Fire Fighting Equipment 227.23

$ 6,945.13 EXPENDITURES Budget Item Budget Actually Over Under Allowance Spent Budget Budget Heat $ 620.00 $ 601.19 $ $ 18.81 Lights 250.00 231.35 18.65 Telephone 300.00 375.02 75.02 Ins. on Men 400.00 341.87 58.13 Ins. on Trucks 300.00 332.00 32.00 Ins. on Bldg. 170.00 143.65 26.35 Treas. Bond 10.00 10.00 Bank Charges 8.00 10.07 2.70 Stationery- 8.00 8.27 .27 Transportation 50.00 39.09 10.91 Custodian 275.00 275.00 Clerk 175.00 163.15 11.85 N.H.F.S.A. 40.00 43.00 3.00 Mutual Aid 50.00 50.00 Meeting Attendance 300.00 237.00 63.00 Gasoline 100.00 88.15 11.85 Oil 20.00 10.55 9.45 Vehicle Insp. 24.00 24.00 Replacement 600.00 599.84 .16 Maintenance 400.00 364.01 35.99 Hose 400.00 400.00 Coats 200.00 103.60 96.40 Alert System 400.00 312.55 87.45 Training 500.00 338.31 161.69 Pump Replacement 150.00 150.00 Manuals 50.00 62.50 12.50 Fire Calls 1,000.00 2,033.60 1,033.60

$ 6,800.00 $ 6,774.30 $ 1,159.09 $ 1,184.69 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 6,945.13 less TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,774.30


Per statement, Pemigewtsset Nat'l. Bank, 31 Dec. 277.28 less checks outstanding 106.55

Balance on hand, 31 Dec. 170.73 15 EMERGENCIES ANSWERED 1969 19 Dec. M. E. McLoud, house $ 33.00 22 Dec. Stanley Hall, house 95.00 29 Dec. True Farm, house 184.00 1970 21. Jan. Robert Ford, chimney 18.00 22 Jan. Mutual Aid, Ashland 143.00 2 Feb. Mutual Aid, Gilford 122.00 16 Feb. Archibald Ross, rescue 21.00 23 Feb. Mutual Aid, Ashland 25.00 28 Mar. Robert Melanson, auto 24.00 3 May E. Davis Woodbury, resuscitator 21.00 6 May Jet. 3 & 175, auto accident 15.00 10 May Squam Boats, Inc., resuscitator 21.00 18 May Mutual Aid, Moultonboro 28.00 19 May Kent Smith, oven 18.00 22 May Seven Pines, auto accident 30.00 2 June Grossman's, sawdust pile 27.00 10 June Harry Eagle, camp 105.00 21 June Mutual Aid, New Hampton 60.00 26 June Mutual Aid, Moultonboro 49.00 27 June Mutual Aid, Moultonboro 20.00 14 July Fire Investigation 9.00 25 July Mutual Aid, Plymouth 54.00 26 July West Wind Cottages, cottage 80.00 29 July Arita Graves, electrical 6.00 5 Aug. Dr. Paglia, camp 85.00 8 Aug. Ernest Brown, Grass 30.00 13 Aug. West Rattlesnake, climbing accident 56.00 15 Aug. Sandwich, forest fire 10.00 19 Aug. Richard West, electrical 3.00 15 Oct. Grossman's, store 319.00 28 Oct. Intervale, bonfire 42.00 6 Nov. Gladys Merrill, false alarm 42.00

1,795.00 Plymouth Fire Department 1970 1 Apr. Elk's Club, auto $ 53.50 2 June Grossman's, sawdust pile 43.85 13 Aug. Grossman's, sawdust pile 34.00 10 Sept. Route 93, auto 55.25 6 Nov. Gladys Merrill, false alarm 52.00



The 4,678 circulation figure indicates that the library is a con- sistently active influence serving Holderness and the surrounding areas. Reference work, difficult to present in statistical form, is more in demand. Children's services include orientation and use of the library, an activity that proves mutually helpful to both student and librarian. Also new this past summer were three story-hours with Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Nielsen.

The library opened in November an extra two hours on Friday evenings upon the request of our patrons, we plan to continue our six hours on Saturdays, and open 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. on Wednesdays during July and August.

Our major purchase this year has been new shades for all win- dows. The outside painting gives a fresh new look to the building. The insurance policy was reviewed and updated early in the year. An increase in the salaries was made to meet the minimum wage law in New Hampshire.

Mr. Harry Heath continues as janitor for the library. A new assistant on the staff is Mrs. Alan MacDonald (Arline) filling in for Mrs. Julia Piper retired from library work after faithfully con- tributing many hours to the Holderness Library.

We are grateful for the many books given to us this year. The bookmobile has visited on a regular schedule to supplement our book collection.

Your librarian has attended two more classes in the Public Techniques courses, during the year. LUCILLE M. HALL, Librarian



Balance, January 1, 1970 $ 1,125.35 Receipts, Town Appropriation 1,600.00

$ 2,725.35

17 EXPENDITURES Librarian $ 506.25 Assistant Librarian 262.65 Custodian 180.00 Insurance 146.20 Books, magazines 420.21 Electricity 64.73 Heating Fuel 99.54 Supplies 89.39 Repairs 500.00 Miscellaneous 179.20


Balance, December 31, 1970 $ 277.18 Proof of Balance: Balance in Meredith Trust Company, Per Statement December 31, 1970 $ 454.31 less outstanding checks, numbered, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238 177.13



Balance 1970 I 321.87 Received from Town May, 1970 600.00

921.87 LABOR: Randy Mardin $ 12.00 Robert Manion 105.00 Russell Manion 127.00 Reginald Clark 48.00 Walter Greenleaf 125.00 TRUCKING: Dorothy LaBlanc 20.00 PAINTING: Mrs. Elwin Melanson 85.50 SUPPLIES: Merrimack Store 93.51 Service Charges .34


Balance $ 305.52 WALTER GREENLEAF Supt. of Cemeteries


The Ashland Overseer of Welfare handles our government com- modities, 8 families receive the service. We have 8 receiving Old Age Assistance or Total Disabled bene- fits which the town pays 35% of total aid. We have had 5 cases of direct town aid. Overseer of Town Welfare LAURA HEATH


The biggest single event of 1970 in the struggle to keep Holder- ness from experiencing the same growing pains felt by many other towns was the passage of sub-division regulations. This means of guiding the town's development has a direct bearing on potential pollution and environmental quality. Thus the commission support- ed wholeheartedly the tireless work of the planning board.

A copy of the Jason Cortell Squam Lakes Pollution report was forwarded to the commission during 1970. This detailed study pinpoints various pollution "hotspots" on the two lakes and recom- mends corrective action. The commission intends to work further with the Water Supply & Pollution Control Commission, Squam Lakes Science Center, Squam Lakes Ass'n. and local health officials in continuing to monitor the quality of the lake water. Our feel- ing is that there should be much stricter enforcement of Squam's "A" classification which infers human potability standards. Ad- ditional requests for fluorescein due test packets were again re- ceived from septic tank users around the lake.

On June 11 the N. H. Water Supply & Pollution Control Commis- sion assured the commission in writing that there would be no approval of any plan for subsurface sewage disposal at Gilford In- dustry's Squamasee development if it did not meet established standards. Subsequently the developer's application was denied by the state.

Later in June the commission was again happy to send another boy to conservation camp at Allenstown. This year Jim Sargent 19 was chosen with the same financial arrangement being made through the kindness of the Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club.

To fill the expired term of Roy Melanson, Hollis Willoughby was appointed to the commission. Almon Bushnell replaced William Collins.

In August numerous complaints were received from East Hold- erness residents concerning acrid smoke and annoying fumes from the town dump. On four occasions, summer temperature inversions caused a smog-like haze in that part of town. The commission ad- vised residents that the town had only four more years in which to burn refuse, then state law would require other means of disposal such as high-heat incineration or landfilling. It was recommended that the dump not be incinerated during periods of extremely stable air. ^

In late November the commission was informed by the state mercury surveillance technician that pickerel and yellow perch taken from contained a maximum of 0.30 parts per million mercury in their flesh. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration has set O.SOppm as the maximum "safe" level. No investigation has been begun into the source of Squam*s mercury contamination but many theories have been offered.

At year's end the commission was negotiating with the Sun Oil Company of Framingham, Mass. in the hope of having the company reduce the height of its proposed "high-rise" sign on the Holder- ness Intervale. The commission feels that if safeguards are not taken now the traditional mountain view from our valley, long en- joyed by residents and visitors alike, will be lost behind a fore- ground of gaudy billboards and on-premise signs. Other requests were made of the Oil Company as well.

As always, we welcome visitors to any of our meetings. In ad- dition the minutes of the meetings and all other proceedings are open to inspection.

Respectfully submitted,


HOLDERNESS CONSERVATION COMMISSION Operating Budget Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970 Receipts 4.29.70 Town appropriation $ 100.00 9.18.70 Sale of 4 books (N. H. Everlasting) 16.00 10.22.70 Pemi Fish & Game Club for Conservation Camp 35.00

$ 151.00 Expenditures 4.29.70 Spruce Pond Conservation Camp (Tuition) 35.00 9.12.70 Society for Protection of N. H. Forests 53.33 9.18.70 Postage 6.00 11.23.70 Nat. Wildlife Federation (ecology pamphlets) 20.00 12.12.70 N. H. Ass'n. of Conservation Commissions (Dues) 35.00


Balance December 31, 1970 Pemigewasset National Bank $ 1.67

Conservation Fund Balance January 1, 1970 $ 155.05 Receipts 2.17.70 Spaulding Potter Charitable Trust 250.00 Interest to April 1 2.98 Interest to July 1 5.10 Interest to Oct. 1 5.16 Interest to Jan. 1 5.23 12.18.70 Mr. Charles Brau 50.00

$ 318.47 Unused 1969 appropriation 20.63 Expenditures -0-

Balance December 31, 1970 Plymouth Guaranty Savings Bank Account #41224 $ 494.15


Feb. 1, 1970 thru Feb. 1. 1971

From the Planning Board's studies, together with ideas and opinions gath- ered from meetings with members of numerous organizations in the Town, and talks with many individual townspeople, there appeared to be a common agreement that the most important and immediate need of the Town of Hol- derr.ess was the formulation and adoption of Subdivision Regulations. This was in no small measure due to the many impending developments that were occurring in the Lakes Region, and neighboring communities, and Holderness, without protective regulations, could be a victim of the whims and desires of any developer that might appear on the horizion. Hence the activities of the Planning Board during most of the past year has centered around the Subdivision Regulation concept. First a series of activities was conducted with the purpose in mind of giving information and discussing with the public the benefits that might be derived from such regu- lations, and the dangers of congestion and possible pollution of our lakes and streams, if there were no protective means to guide and control developments. This information was disseminated through the medium of informational talks before various groups, with individuals, and by articles in the press. When the Planning Board was first constituted it was not given the usual and necessary authority tgiven to such Boards, therefore a petition was readily circulated (and over subscribed) requesting the Selectmen to call a Special Town Meeting, when the voters would be given the opportunity to grant the Planning Board the necessary authority to "draw up" appropriate subdivision regulations, to hold a public hearing as required by state law, and to adopt such regulations. Such a special Town Meeting was held on May 26th, 1970 in conjunction with the Holderness Fire Department, who also required such a meeting for the appropriation of moneys for necessary fire fighting equipment. The necessary authority was granted to the Planning Board by a sizable majority vote. The formulation of the Subdivision Regulations covered a considerable period of time and much effort. This included an extensive study of the State Model Subdivision Regulations, and similar ones already adopted by over a dozen other surrounding communities, also conferences, consultations, and much correspondence with leading authorities in the field, sa well as vnth attorneys for legal advice and interpretation of state statutes. Two public hearings were held, one on October 21st and a second one on November 19th, 1970, and a coDv of th*^ regulations ^as been recorded with the Register of Deeds at the County Seat at Woods ville, N. H. Thus Holderness joins some 110 other communities in the state who have formulated and adopted regulations to guide and control development within their own domain.. Copies of the regulations may be viewed at the office lof the Town Clerk, the Secretary and Chairman of the Planning Board. Several inquiries for information regarding the Regulations, and requests for a copy of them are received each week, indicating the interest and probable development plans in the town. The Planning Board has been and continues to be in frequent contact with the State Office of Planning: and the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollu- tion Control Commission. The State Office of Planning has in preparation an informative booklet that will serve as an aide and guide in the implementation of the Town's Subdivision Regulations. The Planning Board took an active interest in alerting the townspeonle and lake shore land-owners relative to a Public Hearing on a petition for the construction of a platform and docks extending 140 feet out from the former Squamasee lake front. Due largely to the number of people who were present on the stormy sleeting April 2nd afternoon of the Public Hearing, the original 22 petition for extensive docks, etc. was greatly modified (to 70 ft.) by the Water Resources Board and the Governor's Council. With the appropriation lof $2,500 at the March 10th, 1970 Town Meeting, Holderness qualified for the new 701 Federal and State Aid Program, leading to a Comprehensive Plan, and much of the work planned by the Board for the coming months will be in relation to the Comprehensive Plan. Changes in the Federal Grant to states presently calls for a certain amount of work to be done on a yearly basis rather than carrying through the entire project in 12-18 months as formerly. Studies are continuing, and information and data are being assembled, leading to a Comprehensive Plan for the town. Thirteen towns, which include Holderness, Plymouth, Center Harbor, Sandwich and Gilford are also involved in such a program. The Environment Consulting Group of Cornish, N. H. has been chosen by the state as consultants who will do much of the investigative work. Recently the Holderness Planning Board spent an evening with the Asst. State Planner, and with the help of others from his office, updated the Town Map as regards listing the names of streets and mapping the topography of the area. From the information gathered at that meeting the state's Graphic Arts Dept. has produced an up to date Town Map, listing all accepted Town Roads, etc. We now need a generous Santa Claus to furnish named sign posts for our streets, thus aiding visitors to locate their friends and tourists to be directed to points of interest. The Planning Board has held twenty Board Sessions during the year, in addition to public hearings and furnishing a speaker for several group meet- ings. The Board Sessions are usually about two hours duration, and for each hour that the board may be in session, some twelve to fifteen hours additional have been spent in preparation of material, in conferences and correspondence, etc. It is indeed interesting and gratifying to note the sincere and increased interest and concern that many of the townspeople are now taking in those natural resources that nature has so bountifully blest this community. This is as it should be, for Holderness is their town, and its economy, atrractiveness and welfare is dependent on the wooded hills, green valleys, clear unpolluted streams and lakes that draw the vacationist and tourist to this area. A member of the Holderness Planning Board was in attendance at a meeting on Jan. 7, 1971 the Holderness Conservation Commission with the authorities of the Sun Oil Co., who will shortly establish a gasoline station in the intervale section on Holderness Road near 1-93 underpass. Holderness has no zoning, sign or bill-board ordinances to control height, size and illumination of commercial signs that may be a blot on the attractive- ness of the mountain landscape, hence the purpose of the meeting was to prevail upon the goodwill of the Sun Oil Go. in the erection of their sign, and the architectural design of the station. Sun Oil Co. flew two of their officials to the meeting, one from Framingham, Mass. and another from Portland, Maine, both of whom were most cordial and promised to consider the Commission's sev- eral requests in the interest of winning friendly local sentiment. Holderness can be a better and more attractive place in which to live, and will remain so as long as its people are interested and lend their efforts to help make it so. There is much work to be done. The Planning Board deeply appreciates public interest and support. The members of the Planning Board are:

Edward Noyes, representing the Selectmen Milton Huckins, new member Gilbert Merrill Donald Hagerman Frances Ayer, Secretary Ernest Chamberlain, Treasurer & Co-Chairman Lawrence M. Staples, Co-Chairman

23 I I < I <

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February 1, 1971 Board of Selectmen Holderness, New Hampshire Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is the report of the annual examination and audit of the accounts of the Town of Holderness for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1970, which was made by this Division in accordance with the vote of the Town. Exhibits as hereafter listed are included as part of the report. One of these audit reports must be given the Town Clerk as part of the permanent records. SCOPE OF AUDIT Included in the examination and audit were the accounts and records of the Board of Selectmen, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Town Clerk, Free Library, Fire Department, Park Board, Planning Board, Cemetery Fund, Conservation Commission and Trustees of Trust Funds. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Comparative Balance Sheets — December 31, 1969 and December 31, 1970: (Exhibit A-1) Comparative Balance Sheets, as of December 31, 1969 and December 31, 1970, are presented in Exhibit A-1. As indicated therein, the Surplus increased by $4,665.32, from $14,789.22 to $19,454.54, during 1970. Analysis of Change in Financial Condition: (Exhibit A-2) An analysis of the change in finacial condition of the Town during the year is made in Exhibit A-2, with the factors which caused the change indicated therein. These were as follows: Increase in Surplus: Net Budget Surplus $8,638.23 Accounts payable Adjustments 25.09 Tax Collector's Excess Credits 2.00

18,665.32 Decrease in Surplus: Surplus Used To Reduce Tax Rate 4,000.00

Net Increase in Surplus $4,665.32 Comparative Statements of Appropriations and Expendiitures - Estimated and Actual Revenues: Exhibits A-3 and A-4 Comparative statements of appropriations and expenditures, estimated and actual revenues for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1970, are presented in Exhibits A-3 and A-4. As indicated by the Budget Summary (Exhibit A-4), a revenue surplus of $10,385.12, less a net overdraft of appropriations of $1,746.89, resulted in a net budget surplus of $8,638.23. Summary of Statement of Receipts and Expenditures: (Exhibit B-1) A summary statement of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1970, made up in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts, is included in Exhibit B-1. Proof of the Treasurer's balance as of December 31, 1970, as indicated in Exhibit B-2. 27 :

AUDIT PROCEDURE The accounts and records of all Town Officials charged with the custody, receipt and disbursement of public funds were examined and audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing pro* cedures as were considered necessary in the circumstances. Verification of uncollected and unredeemed taxes was made by mailing notices to delinquent tax payers by the Tax Collector's records. The amount of uncollected ar.d unredeemed taxes as stated in this report are therefore subject to any changes which may be necssitated by the return of verification notices. GENERAL COMMENTS Current Surplus - $19,454.54: Inasmuch as there was no outstanding long term debt, the balance sheet surplus of $19,454.54, at December 31, 1970, represented the amount of current surplus (excess of total assets over current liabilities) at that date. Planning Board Cemetery Fund Conservation Commission In addition to recording bank deposits and checks drawn during the year on check book stubs, the Treasurers of the above departments are required to maintain multiple column type cash books wherein each item of receipt and expense must be entered. The use of these cash journals provides for the adequate distribution of cash transactions under appropriate revenue and expenditure classifications. Board of Selectmen - Minutes of Meetings Required: Attention is directed to the provisions of R.S.A. 91-A:2, concerning notice which must be given of the meetings of the Board of Selectmen and the minutes which must be kept of all such meetings. "91-A:2 Meetings Open to the Public. All public proceedings shall be open to the public, and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meetings of those bodies and agencies. Minutes of all such meetings, including names of members, persons appearing before the bodies or agencies, and a brief description of the subject matter discussed and final decisions shall be promptly recorded and open to the public inspection within seventy-two hours of the public meeting, — , and shall be treated as permanent records of any body or agency, without exception. Except in an emergency a notice of time of place of each such meeting shall be posted in two appropriatae public places or shall be printed in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or town at least twenty-four hours, excluding Sundays and legal holidays, prior to such meet- ings." Part Time Clerk for Board of Selectmen Recommended: Considering the amount of clerical work connected with the administration of Town affairs, serious consideration should be given to the feasibility of hiring a part time clerk to assist the Board of Selectmen in the execution of clerical tasks associated with the discharge of their administrative duties. Conclusion The provisions of Chapter 184, of the laws of 1955, require that this report or the summary of findings and recommendations (letter of transmittal) shall be published in the next annual report of the Town. We extend our thanks to, the officials of the Town of Holderness for their assistance during the course of the audit. Yours very truly, Frederick E. LaPlante Director DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING STATE TAX COMMISSION FEL: ec

28 : : :

TOWN OF HOLDERNESS INDEX EXHIBITS: Financial Information: A-1 - Comparative Balance Sheets - As of December 31, 1969 and December 31, 1970 A-2 - Analysis of Change in Financial Condition A-3 - Comparative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures A-4 - Comparative Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Summary Treasurer: B-1 - Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures B-2 - Summary of Treasurer's Account and Proof of Balance Tax Collector: C-1 - Summary of Warrants C-2 - Summary of Tax Sale Accounts C-3 - State Head Taxes - Summary of Warrants Town Clerk: D - Statement of Town Clerk's Account Library E - Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Fire Department: F - Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Park Board: G - Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Planning Board: H - Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Holderness Cemetery Fund: I - Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Conservation Commission J - Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Trust Funds: K - Statement of Trust Fund Principal, Income and Investments Surety Bonds L - Town Officers' Surety Bonds


Certificate of Audit

This is to certify that we have examined and audited the accounts and records of the Town of Holderness for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1970. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as were considered necessary in the circumstan- ces.

In our opinion, the Exhibits included herewith present fairly the finan- cial condition of the Town of Holderness as of December 31, 1970, together with the results of operations for the fiscal year ended on that date.

Respectfully submitted, Frederick E. LaPlante Director DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING STATE TAX COMMISSION FEL/lu

29 : —

EXHIBIT A-1 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Comparative Balance Sheets As of December 31, 1969 and December 31, 1970 1970 ASSETS December 31, 1969 December 31, Cash Town Treasurer $ 92,766.00 $124,009.08 Fire Dept. Treasurer (Contra) 322.20 170.73 In Hands of Tax Collector 2.00 2.00

$ 93,090.20 $124,181.81 Long Term Notes Authorized Unissued (Contra) 31,500.00 Accounts Due Toww: 180,30 From Park Board $ 180.30 State of N. H.— Gas Tax Refund 432.94 Town of Ashland 150.00

180.30 763.24 Unredeemed Taxes'. Levy of 1969 % $ 719.12 Levy of 1968 1,435.24 221.89 Levy of 1967 352.46

1,787.70 941.01 Uncollected Taxes'. Levy of 1970 $ $ 48,690.54 Levy of 1969 43,703.91 960.60 Levy of 1968 245.20 Levies of Prior Years 2.00 2.00

43,951.11 49,653.14 Uncollected State Head Taxes: State Account (Contra) $ 685.00 $ 535.00 Town Account 10.00

685.00 545.00

Total Assets $139,694.31 $207,584.20

LIABILITIES Decemter 31, 1969 Deceml)er 31, 1970 Appropriations Forwarded'. Revenue Accounts: Town Hall & Bldgs. iMaint. $ 4,476.66 $ 3,602.11 Police Dept. 63.86 Town Const.—Highway 513.89 319.59 Soc. Sec. & Ret. 211.18 329.44 Street Lighting 1P4 KO Town Dump 75.00 Damaeres & Legal Expenses 35.00 Non-Revenue Accounts: New Fire Truck 31,500.00

$ 5,265.59 $ 36,025.64 30 Accounts Payable: Overpayments to be Refunded $ 5.89 Withholding Tax Deductions Payable 407.80 580.20 F.I.C.A. Tax (Deductions Payable 211.18 329.44

624.87 909.64 Due State of New Hamipshire: State Head Taxes: Uncollected (Contra) $ 685.00 $ 535.00 Collected—Not Remitted 1,329.50 1,197.50

2,014.50 1,732.50 2% Bond & Debt Retirement Tax: Uncollected $ 120.72 $ 26.41 Collected—Not Remitted 81.36 64.94

202.08 91.35 Fire Dept. Funds (Contra) 322.20 170.73 School Dist. Tax Payable 116,475.85 149,199.80

Total Liabilities $124,905.09 $188,129.66 Surplus 14,789.22 19,454.54

Total Liabilities & Surplus $139,694.31 $207,584.20

EXHIBIT A-2 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Analysis of Change in Financial Condition Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Surplus—December 31, 1970 $ 19,454.54 Surplus—December 31, 1969 14,789.22

Increase in (Surplus $ 4,665.32


Increase in Surplus: Net Budget Surplus $ 8,638.23 Accounts Payable Adjustment 25.09 Tax Collector's Excess Credit 2.00

$ 8,665.32 Decrease In Surplus: Surplus Used To Reduce Tax Rate 4,000.00

Net Increase $ 4,665.32

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EXHIBIT A-4 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Comparative Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Summary

Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Revenues Estitnated Actual Excess Deficit

Taxes : Current Year: Property Taxes $319,662.88 $329,155.20 $ 9,492.32 $ Poll Taxes 2,750.00 974.00 1,776.00 Nat. Bank Stock Taxes 15.00 15.00 Yield Taxes 50.00 50.00 Prior Year: (Added Taxes) Property Taxes 638.60 638.60 Poll Taxes 52.00 52.00 Int. on Taxes 673.40 1,016.85 343.45 Surplus Used To Reduce Tax Rate 4,000.00 4,000.00 From State of N. H.: Int. & dividends Tax 9,799.00 9,798.85 .15 Saving's Bank Tax 839.00 838.58 .42 Meals & Rooms Tax 4,584.00 4,675.29 91.29 6% Business Profits Tax 5,925.00 5,925.44 .44 Reimb. a/c Motor Veh. Road Toll 432.94(1) 432.94 Blister Rust Refund 1969 Account 2.24 2.24 State Head Tax Comm. From Local Sources^ Exccot Taxes Motor Veh. Permit Fees 14,191.86 14,596.29 404.43 Dog Licenses 497.25 421.75 75.50 Business Licenses, Permits & Filing Fees 32.00 43.00 11.00 Rent of Town Prop. & Equip. 146.30 594.75 448.45

$363,150.69 $373,535.81 $ 12,237.19 $ 1,852.07

(1) Accounts Receivable—December 31, 1969 BUDGET SUMMARY

Actual Revenues $373,535.81 Estimated Revenues 363,150.69

Revenue Surplus $ 10,385.12 Overdrafts of Appropriations $ 9,786.25 Unexp. Balances of Appropriations 8,039.36

Net Overdraft Bal. of Appropriations 1,746.89

Net Budget Surplus % 8,638.23


Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures

Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970


Current Revenue:

Local Taxes'. Current Yean Property Taxes $273,325.63 Poll Taxes 746.00 Bank Stock Taxes 15.00 State Head Taxes 2,345.00


Prior Years'.

Property Taxes $ 42,452.08 Poll Taxes 218.00 Yield Taxes 389.64 State Head Taxes 710.00

43,769.72 Interest on Taxes 1,016.85 Penalties on State Head Taxes 83.00 Tax Sales Redeemed 3,079.11


State of New Hamipshire:

Int. & Dividends Tax 9,798.85 6% Business Profits Tax 5,925.44 Saving's Bank Tax 838.58 Rooms & Meals Tax 4,675.29 Reimb. a/c Blister Rust (1969 Account) 2.24 Reimb. a/c Aid To Perm. Disabled 75.71 Grader Rental 594.75


Local Sources, Except Taxes :

Motor Veh. Permit Fees 14,596.29 Dog Licenses 421.75 Business Licenses, Permits & Filing Fees 43.00


Total Current Revenue Receipts $361,352.21

35 : : :

Receipts Other Than Current Revenue: Temporary Loan $ 65,000.00 Appropriation Credits Insurance $ 90.48 Town iMaint. (Winter) 150.00 Health Dept. (Ambulance) 40.00 Town Poor 15.00 Soc. Sec. & Ret. (Park Board) 74.40

369.88 Withholding Taxes—Park Board (Contra) 95.00

$ 65,464.88

Total Receipts From All Sources $426,817.09 Balance—January 1, 1970 92,766.00

Grand Total $519,583.09 EXPENDITURES General Government'. Town Officers' Salaries 5,091.82 Town Officers' Expenses 4,341.77 Election & Reg. Exp. 613.88 Town Hall & Bldgs. Maint. 1,374.55

$ 11,422.02 Protection of Persons & Property Police Dept. $ 8,102.14 Fire Dept. 6,427.20 Insurance 816.50 Planning & Zoning 2,500.00 Civil (Defense 251.00 Conservation Comm. 100.00

$ 18,196.84 Health Health Dept. $ 1,728.00 Vital Statistics 50.00 Town Dump 2,462.48

$ 4,240.48 Highways & Bridges: Street Lighting $ 904.75 Gen. Exp. of Highway Dept. 3,152.39 Town Maint. 30,401.11 Town Road Aid 689.60

$ 35,147.85 Libraries 1,600.00

Pu b lie We Ifare Old Age Assistance $ 2,093.12 Town Poor 1,410.51 Aid to Permanently Disabled 729.84

4,233.47 36 : : : :

Patriotic Purposes: Memorial Day 255.00 Recreation Parks & Playgrounds 565.90 Public Service Enterprises: 600.00 Cemeteries Unclassified Emp. Ret. & Soe. Sec. 1,273.79 Damages & Legal Expenses 1,025.50 Ethel Piper Fund 365.00 Taxes Bought By Town 2,339.71 Discounts, Abatements & Refunds: Abatements: Property Taxes 119.30 Poll Taxes 2.20 State Head Taxes & Penalties 5.50


5,131.00 Interest On Temporary Loan 1,130.00 New Const, Equip. & Imp.: Town Const.—Highways 5,194.30 Indebtedness: Temporary Loan 65,000.00 Payments To Other Gov. Divisions: State of New Hampshire: State Head Taxes: 1969 Account $ 1,929.97 1970 Account 1,039.50

$ 2,969.47 2% Bond & Debt Ret. Tax 120.73 County Tax 24,977.06 School District Tax: 1969-70 Assessment $116,475.85 1970-71 Assessment 98,491.70


$243,034.81 1969 Withholding Tax Deductions Paid 407.80 1970 Withholding Tax Deductions Paid - a/c Park Be>ard 95.00 1969 F.I.C.A. Tax Deductions Paid 191.98 - 1970 F.LC.A. Tax Deductions Paid a/c Park Board[ 37.20

Gross Exp. During Year $396,483.65 Less: Unremitted 1970 Payroll Deductions:eductions Withholding Taxes $ 580.20 F.I.C.A. Taxes 329.44


Total Expenditures For All Purposesposes (Net) $395,574.01 Balance—December 31, 1970 124,009.08

Grand Total $519,583.09

37 —


Summary of Treasurer's Account and Proof of Balance

Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Balance—January 1, 1970 ? 92,766.00 Receipts During Year 426,817.09

$519,583.09 Expenditures During Year 395,574.01

Balance—December 31, 1970 $124,009.08


Balance in The Pemi. Nat. Bank of Plymouth, N. H. Per Statement December 31, 1970 $135,650.95 Add: Deposit in Transit 16,335.74

$151,986.69 Less: Outstanding Checks 27,977.61

Reconciled Balance—December 31, 1970 $124,009.08

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40 —

EXHIBIT C-2 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Summary of Tax Sale Accounts Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

—^Levies of 1969 1968 1967 DR. - Unredeemed Taxes January ]L, 1970 $ 1 1,435.24 $ 352.46 Tax Sale of August 29, 1970 2,339.71 Interest & Costs After Sale 32.84 72.51 32.63

% 2,372.55 1,507.75 $ 385.09 CR. Remittances To Treasurer: Redemptions $ 1,620.59 $ 1,213.35 $ 245.17 Interest & Costs 32.84 72.51 32.63 Abatements Allowed 107.29 Unredeemed Taxes - December 31, 1970 719.12 221.89

$ 2,372.55 $ 1,507.75 $ 385.09

EXHIBIT C-3 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS State Head Taxes - Summary of Warrants Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

DR. Levies of — 1970 1969 Head Taxes Committed to Collector 2,750.00 Added Taxes 225.00 160.00 Penalties Collected 7.50 75.50

$ 2,982.50 $ 920.50 CR. Remittances to Treasurer: Head Taxes $ 2,345.00 $ 710.00 Penalties 7.50 75.50 Abatements Allowed 95.00 125.00 Uncollected Head Taxes - December 31, 1970 535.00 10.00

$ 2,982.50 $ 920.50

EXHIBIT D TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Statement of Town Clerk's Accounts Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

DR. Motor Vehicle Permits Issued: 1969 - Nos. 196661 - 196687 $ 215.81 1970 - Nos. 196827 - 187600 500801 - 501000 517601 - 517700 563451 - 563471 13,954.75 1971 - Nos. 218201 - 218232 425.73

$ 14,596.29 41 :

Dog Licenses Issued: 147 @ $2.00 $ 294.00 9 @ $5.00 45.00 1 @ $1.00 l.OQ 1 @ $1.50 1.50 1 @ $1.75 1.75 2 Replacement Tags @ $.25 .50 2 Kennels @ $20.00 40.00 2 Kennels @ $12.00 24.00

$ 407.75 9 Penalties @ $1.00 9.00

416.75 Filing Fees 12.00

$ 15,025.04 CR. Remittances To Treasurer: Motor Vehicle Permits $ 14,596.29 Dog Licenses & Penalties 416.75 Filing Fees 12.00

$ 15,025.04

EXHIBIT E TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Free Library Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Balance - January 1, 1970 $ 1,125.35

Receipts : Town Appropriation 1,600.00

$ 2,725.35 Expenditures Librarian $ 506.25 Assistant Librarian 262.65 Custodian 180.00 Insurance 146.20 Books, Magazines and Periodicals 420.21 Electricity 64.73 Heating Fuel 99.54 Supplies 89.39 Repairs 500.00 Miscellaneous 179.20


Balance - December 31, 1970 277.18 PROOF OF BALANCE Balance in the Meredith Trust Company, Meredith, N. H. - Per Statement December 31, 1970 $ 454.31 Less: Outstanding Checks 177.13

Reconciled Balance - December 31, 1970 277.18


Fire Department

Statement of Account and Proof of Balance

Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

BalaRce - January 1, 1970 $ 304.90

Receipts : Town Appropriation $ 6,400.00 Sale of Equipment 227.23


$ 6,932.13

Expenditures : Heat $ 601.19 Electricity 231.35 Telephone 375.02 Insurance 804.52 Treasurer's Bond 10.00 Bank Service Charges 10.70 Stationery & Office Supplies 8.27 Transportation 39.09 Custodian's Salary 275.00 Clerk's Salary 163.15 Association Dues 43.00 Mutual Aid 50.00 Meeting Attendance 237.00 Gas & Oil 98.70 Replacements 599.84 Maintenance 364.01 Fire Calls 2,033.60 Training 338.31 Alarm System 312.55 Coats 103.60 Books 62.50


Balance - December 31, 1970 $ 170.73 PROOF OF BALANCE

Balance in The Pemigewasset National Bank, Plymouth, N. H. - Per Statement December 31, 1970 $ 277.28 Less: Outstanding Checks 106.55

Reconciled Balance - December 31, 1970 $ 170.73


Statement of Account and Proof of Balance

Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Balance - January 1, 1970 $ 370.07 Receipts During Year: Town Appropriation $ 550.00 Membership Dues 486.00 Red Cross 75.00 Sales of Beverages, Etc. 148.43


$ 1,629.50 Expenditures During Year: Labor $ 775.00 Electricity 26.36 Supplies 36.64 Purchases - Beverages, Etc. 124.15 Maintenance 101.00 Holderness Outing Club 200.00 Social Security Taxes 37.20


Balance - December 31, 1970 $ 329.15 PROOF OF BALANCE

Balance in The Pemigewasset National Bank, Plymouth, N. H. - Per Statement January 5, 1971 $ 498.55 Less: Outstanding Check 169.40

Reconciled Balance - December 31, 1970 $ 329.15

44 :

EXHIBIT H TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Planning Board Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Balance - January 1, 1970 $ 2,824.69 Receipts: Town Appropriation $ 2,500.00 Interest on Investments 178.07 Donations - Dr. Staples 50.00 Donation - Squam Lake Association 200.00(1)


$ 5,752.76 Expenditures State Assistance Program $ 800.00 Supplies & Printing 162.83 Legal Expenses 85.00 Maps 33.00 Advertising 8.00 Bank Service Charges 1.82

1,090.65 Balance - December 31, 1970 $ 4,662.11 PROOF OF BALANCE Balance in The Pemigewasset National Bank, Plymouth, N. H. - Per Statement December 31, 1970 $ 84.04 Cash on Deposit in the Plymouth Guaranty Savings Bank - Book #43201 4,578.07

Reconciled Balance - December 31, 1970 $ 4,662.11 (1) Earmarked for special needs of Planning Board

EXHIBIT I TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Holderness Cemetery Fund Statement of Account and Proof of Balance Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Balance - January 1, 1970 $ 322.20 Receipts During Year: Town Appropriation 600.00

$ 922.20 Expenditures During Year: Labor $ 417.00 Painting 179.01 Loam 20.00 Bank Service Charge .67


Balance - December 31, 1970 $ 305.52 PROOF OF BALANCE Balance in The Pemigewasset Njational Bank, Plymouth, N. H. - Per Statement December 31, 1970 $ 305.62 45 EXHIBIT J TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Conservation Commission

Statement of Account and Proof of Balance

Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1970

Balance - January 1, 1970 (Revised) $ 272.77 Receipts During Year: Town Appropriation $ 100.00 Interest 18.47 Sale of Books 16.00 Donation (For Bear Brook Camp) 35.00 Donations - Other 300.00


$ 742.24 Expenditures During Year: Books 59.33 Dues 35.00 Postage 66.00 Bear Brook Camp 35.00 Miscellaneous 51.09


Balance - December 31, 1970 495.82 PROOF OF BALANCE

Balance in The Pemigewasset National Bank, Plymouth, N. H. - Per Statement December 31, 1970 $ 22.30 Cash On Deposit in the Plymouth Guaranty Savings Bank - Book #41224 473.52

Reconciled Balance - December 31, 1970 495.82

46 ( I I

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Town Officers* Surety Bonds 1970

Number Amount Term Beginning

Tax Collector: Bernice E. Shields American Fidelity Company 77-07-30 $23,000.00 March 10, 1970

Town Treasurer'. Richard L. Gordon American Fidelity Company 77-81-63 $20,000.00 March 10, 1970

Town Clerk: Corinne M. Cripps American Fidelity Company 86-31-02 $ 4,000.00 March 10, 1970

Trustees of Trust Funds: Harrison A. Sargent New Hampshire Insurance Co. 95-51-41 $ 1,000.00 March 11, 1969 Charles J. Ayer II American Fidelity Company 82-28-31 $ 1,000.00 March 12, 1968 Eleanor S. Wolf New Hampshire Insurance Co. 92-56-75 $ 1,000.00 March 10, 1970

Constable & Chief of Police: George A. Plant American Fidelity Company 82-28-96 $ 1,000.00 March 10, 1970


SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS SCHOOL BOARD TERM EXPIRES Frederick E. Brown 1971 Kevin J. Barlow 1971 Appointed to fill unexpired term of Wilfred J. Johnson, Resided Barbara C. Currier 1972 Moderator Carlton L. Eisner Clerk Gertrude L. Eisner Treasurer Joseph A. Carvelli Bookkeeper Donna K. Hill School Doctor Alastair Craig, M. D. Assistant Superintendent of Schools N. Kenneth Smith Superintendent of Schools M. Wayne Bowie


In the absence of the moderator the annual meeting of the Holderness School District was called to order at 9:30 a. m. on March 7, 1970, by Gertrude Eisner, temporary moderator appointed by the School Board. Mrs. Eisner read Arti- cle one as follows: I move the polls remain open for voting on Article 1 until 6:00 P. M. and then be opened again from 7:30 P. M. to 9 P. M. or until all who wish have had a chance to vote and that the remaining articles be acted upon at 8:00 P. M. tonight. Mrs. Currier moved Article 1. Mr. Frederick Brown seconded the motion. Mrs. Eisner asked for a voice vote which was in the affirmative without opposition. At 10 A. M. the Moderator, Mr. Carlton Eisner, announced the polls were open for voting. At 6:00 P. M. he announced the polls closed until 7:80 P. M. The meeting was reopened at 7:30 P. M. for voting. At 8:00 p. m. the polls were closed and the meeting was called to order by Mr. Eisner who read the warrant. He then requested Mr. Stanley Hall to lead the group in prayer. After the prayer a pledge of allegiance to the Flag was given by the assembly. Mr. Pierce Beij read Article 2 as follows: I move the District accept the reports of the audit of the General Fund, Treasurer, School Lunch Program that was made by the Division of Muni- cipal Accounting of the State Tax Commission and the reports of the Agents of the District as printed in the Annual Report. Mr. Carvelli seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the voice vote was in the affirmative without opposition. Mr. Harrison moved and Mr. Ayer seconded Article 3 as follows: I move the District vote to approve the contingency fund of $250. listed in the budget in accordance with RSA 198:4b. The motion was carried by voice vote without opposition. Mr. Frederick Brown moved and Mr. Pierce Beij seconded Article 4 as follows: I move the District vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $268,193.15 for the support of Schools, for the payment of salaries for school district offi- cials and agents, and for the payment of the statutory obligations of the District and to authorize an application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the state together with other income; the School Board to certify to the selectmen the balance between the revenue and the appropriation, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the Town. :

Mr. Brown explained that the original budget figure of $267,354.18 had been increased by $640.00 for a part-time secretary at the school. Mr. Gordon re- quested that the budget be taken up item by item. He so moved and Mr. Willoughby seconded the motion. The ensuing argument contained explana- tions from Mr. Frederick Brown regarding the need for an additional teacher and raise in present salary schedule, explanation from Mr. King regarding the clerical duties formerly handled by the principal to be taken over by the secre- tary. Discussions continued concerning additional transportation occasioned by the location of the new high school, and need for additional equipment in the school and the fencing of the school yard. Holdemess becomes part of the Ply- mouth Union as of July 1. After further discussion regarding the increase of

26.3 '^r over last year Mr. Brown moved the question. Mr. Wolf seconded. The moderator requested a voice vote which was in the affirmative unanimously. Mrs. Ayer read and Mrs. Farley seconded Article 5 as follows:

I move the District authorize the School Board to make application for and to accept, on behalf of the District, any or all grants or offers for educa- tional purposes which now or hereafter may be forthcoming from the State of New Hampshire and/or United States.

There was no discussion and the motion was carried by voice vote without op- position.

Mr. William Thomson moved and Mr. Frederick Brown seconded Article 6 as follows

I move the District vote to elect the School District officers at the annual

Town Meeting effective in 1971 in accordance with RSA 197:l-a. The Moderator explained, in answer to questions, that the town and school offi- cers can be voted on from two ballots at the town meeting at the same time. The motion was carried by voice vote without opposition. The Moderator read Article 7 as follows:

To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting. Mr. Brown spoke to thank the townspeople for supporting the budget. The results of the voting were announced by the moderator as follows:

Total ballots cast 209

Moderator Carlton L. Eisner 188 spoiled 4 blank 17 Clerk Gertrude L. Eisner 191 spoiled 1 blank 17 Treasurer Joseph A. Carvelli 182 Richard Gordon 2 George Plant 1 spoiled 3 blank 21 Member - School Board Connie Armstrong 83 Barbara Currier 124 spoiled 2

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Carvelli, seconded by Mr. Needham.

Respectfully submitted, GERTRUDE ELSNER



To the Inhabitants of the School District in the Town of Holdemess quali- fied to vote in district affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Central School in said district on the 6th day of March, 1971 at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon, to act upon the fol- lowing subjects:

1. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and Truant Officer, and fix the compensation of any other officers or agent of the district.

2. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or Officers chos- en, and pass any vote relating thereto.

3. To choose Agents, Auditors and Committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant.

4. To see what sum of money the district will raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the salaries of school district officials and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the district, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the state foundation aid fund together with other income; the school board to certify to the selectmen the balance between the estimated re- venue and the appropriation, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the town.

5. To see if the District will vote to authorize the School Board to make application for and to accept on behalf of the District any or all grants or offers for educational purposes which may now or hereafter be forthcoming from the State of New Hampshire and /or the United States.

6. To see if the District will establish a contingency fund to meet the costs of unanticipated expense which may arise during the year in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.) all in accordance with RSA 198:4-b.

7. To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.

Given under our hands at said Holderness this 17th day of February 1971. Frederick Brown Kevin Barlow Barbara Currier HOLDERNESS SCHOOL BOARD

A true copy of Warrant—Attest: Frederick Brown Kevin Barlow Barbara Currier HOLDERNESS SCHOOL BOARD THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE

To the Inhabitants of the School District in the town of Holderness qualified to vote in District affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said district on the 9th day of March 1971, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, to act upon the following subjects:

1. To choose a Moderator for the coming year.

2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year.

3. To choose a Member of the School Board for the ensuing three years, and one for one (1) year.

4. To choose a Treasurer for 'the ensuing year.

Given under our hands at said Holderness this 17th day of February 1971. Frederick Brown Kevin Barlow Barbara Currier HOLDERNESS SCHOOL BOARD A true copy of Warrant—Attest: Frederick Brown Kevin Barlow Barbara Currier HOLDERNESS SCHOOL BOARD


School Recom. Approved Board by Budget Budget Budget Committee 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 'urpo se of Appropriation

100. Administration 110. Salaries $1,095.00 $ 1,095.00 $ 1,095.00 135. Contracted Services 845.00 845.00 845.00 190. Other Expenses 630.00 620.00 620.00

200. Instruction 210. Salaries 82,178.00 92,580.00 89,000.00 215. Textbooks 1,535.00 1,871.00 1,871.00 220. Library & Audiovisual Mt'ls. 1,305.00 1,350.00 1,150.00 230. Teaching Supplies 3,000.00 3,435.00 3,150.00 235. Contracted Services 620.00 740.00 740.00 290. Other Expenses 1,024.00 1,744.00 1,544.00

300. Attendance Services 15.00 15.00 15.00

400. Health Services 2,150.00 2,300.00 1,700.00

500. Pupil Transportation 16,864.00 18,304.00 17,224.00 600. Operation of Plant 610. Salaries 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 630. Supplies 1,535.00 1,550.00 1,535.00 635. Contracted Services 425.00 425.00 300.00 640. Heat 2,890.00 2,890.00 2,690.00 645. Utilities 2,703.00 2,360.00 2,300.00

700. Maintenance of Plant 3,483.00 2,483.00 1,933.00

800. Fixed Charges 850. Employee Retire. & F.I.C.A. 5,063.00 6,022.28 6,022.28 855. Insurance 2,671.00 3,415.00 3,415.00 900* School Lunch & Spec. Milk Prog. 2,700.00 4,100.00 4,100.00 1000. Student-Body Activities 700.00 750.00 700.00 1200. Capital Outlay 1265. Sites 500.00 250.00 250.00 1266. Buildings 372.00 190.40 59.40 1267. Equipment 1,098.00 3,014.30 2,600.00 1300. Debt Service 1370. Principal of Debt 25,875.00 25,875.00 25,875.00 1371. Interest on Debt 11,732.83 10,627.19 10,627.19 1477. Outgoing Transfer Accounts in State 1477.1 Tution 82,383.00 94,732.00 94,732.00 1477.3 Supervisory Union Exp. 7,564.35 7,940.04 7,940.00 1900. Miscellaneous Contingency Fund 250.00 250.00 250.00 REVENUE & CREDITS AVAILABLE TO REDUCE SCHOOL TAXES Estimated Revenue Approved Board's Budget Revenues Budget Committee 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72

UNENCUMBERED BALANCE 11,146.16 0000.00 0000.00 Revenue from State Sources: Sweepstakes 1,442.99 1,400.00 1,400.00 School Building Aid 7,912.50 7,762.50 7,762.50 Revenue from Federal Sources: Sch. Lunch & Special Milk Program 0000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

TOTAL REVENUES and CREDITS 20,501.65 10,362.50 10,362.50 DISTRICT ASSESSMENT From Property Taxes and Payment in Lieu of Taxes 247,691.50 286,260.71 279,020.37



September 9, 1970 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The School Board Holderness School District Holderness, New Hampshire Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is the report of the annual examination and audit of the accounts of the Holderness School District for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970, which was made by this Division. Exhibits as hereafter listed are in- cluded as part of the report. SCOPE OF AUDIT Included in the examination and audit were the accounts and records of the School Board, School District Treasurer, and School Lunch account. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REVENUE ACCOUNTS Comparative Balance Sheets - General Fund: (Exhibit A-1) Comparative Balance Sheets - General Fund - as of June 30, 1969 and June 30, 1970, are presented in Exhibit A-1. As indicated therein, the Net Debt of the District decreased by $12,371.64 from $253,100.48 to $240,728.84, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970. Analysis of Change in Financial Condition - General Fund: (Exhibit A-2) An analysis of the change in the current financial condition of the School District during the fiscal year is made in Exhibit A-2, with the factors which caused the change indicated therein. These were as follows: Decreases in Net Debt: Bonds Paid During Year $20,000.00 Long Term Notes Paid During Year 1,875.00 Net Budget Surplus 11,146.16

$33,021.16 Increases in Net Debt: Long Term Notes Issued During Year $20,000.00 Surplus Used to Reduce School Tax 649.52


Net Decrease in Net Debt $12,371.64

Comparative Statements of Appropriations and Expenditures - Estimated and Actual Revenues - General Fund: (Exhibits A-3 & A-4) Comparative statements of appropriations and expenditures, estimated and actual revenues - general fund - for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970, are presented in Exhibits A-3 and A-4. As indicated by the Budget Summary (Exhibit A-4), a net unexpended balance of appropriations of $11,423.90, less a revenue deficit of $277.74, resulted in a net budget surplus of $11,146.16.

8 :


Classified Statements of Receipts and Expenditures -

General Fund: (Exhibit B-1) A classified statement of receipts and expenditures - general fund - for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970, made up in accordance with the uniform classi- fication of accounts, is included in Exhibit B-1. Proof of the Treasurer's bal- ance as of June 30, 1970, is indicated in Exhibit B-2. Exhibit B-3 discloses the activity in the Non-Revenue Building Fund ac- count during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970.

Statement of School Lunch Account: (Exhibit C) A statement of the Holderness School Lunch account is presented in Exhibit C.

Statement of School Tax Account: (Exhibit D) A statement of the School Tax Account with the Town of Holderness is included in Exhibit D. As indicated therein, as of June 30, 1970, the School District had received from the Town the total of the 1969-70 School Tax in the amount of $196,659.75, plus an advance of $11,307.80 on the 1970-71 School Tax.

Statement of Long Term Indebtedness: (Exhibit E) A statement of the outstanding long term indebtedness of the School Dis- trict as of June 30, 1970, showing annual debt service requirements, is con- tained in Exhibit E. GENERAL COMMENTS Current Surplus: The current surplus (excess of current assets over current liabilities) increased by $10,496.64, from $649.52 to $11,146.16 during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970, as shown herewith: June 30, 1969 June 30, 1970 Current Assets $65,688.21 $22,522.82 Current Liabilities 65,038.69 11,376.66

Current Surplus $ 649.52 $11,146.16

School Lunch Account:

Vendor invoices should be retained by the School Lunch Fund Treasurer to support expenditures incurred in the operation of the lunch program. Conclusion

The provisions of Chapter 184, of the Laws of 1955, require that the audi- tors' summary of findings and recommendations (letter of transmittal) shall be published in the next annual report of the School District. Publication of the exhibits contained in this report is optional at the discretion of the School Board, but this letter must be published in its entirety.

We extend our thanks to the officials of the Holderness School District for their assistance during the course of the audit.

Yours very truly,


September 9, 1970 CERTIFICATE OF AUDIT

This is to certify that we have examined and audited the accounts and records of the Holderness School District for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970.

Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as were considered necessary in the circum- stances.

In our opinion, the Exhibits included herewith present fairly the financial condition of the School District as of June 30, 1970, together with the results of operations for the fiscal year ended on that date.

Respectfully submitted,


FEL: tfb


Financial Information:

Revenue Accounts: (General Fund) A-1 — Comparative Balance Sheets - As of June 30, 1969 and June 30, 1970 A-2 — Analysis of Change in Financial Condition A-3 — Comparative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures A-4 — Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Surplus Treasurer Revenue Accounts: B-1 — Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures - General Fund B-2 — Summary of Treasurers' Acct. and Proof of Balance - General Fund Non-Revenue Account: B-3 — Building Fund Account - Statement of Receipts, Expenditures and Proof of Balance School Lunch Account: C - Statement of Receipts, Expenditures and Proof of Balance School Tax Account: D - Statement of School Tax Long Term Indebtedness: E - Statement of Long Term Indebtedness, Showing Annual Maturities of Principal and Interest

10 EXHIBIT A-1 HOLDERNESS SCHOOL DISTRICT Comparative Balance Sheets - General Fund As of June 30, 1969 and June 30, 1970

Cash: Assets June 30, 1969 June 30, 1970 General Fund $ 2,774.52 $ 22,493.36 School Lunch Fund (Contra) 664.75 29.46 Building Fund Account (contra) 42,248.94

$ 45,688.21 $ 22,522.82 Notes Authorized - Unissued 20,000.00

Total Assets $ 65,688.21 $ 22,522.82 Net Debt 253,100.48 240,728.84

Total Assets & Net Debt $ 318,788.69 $ 263,251.66 Liabilities Appropriations Forwarded (Exhibit C) $ 2,125.00 $ 39.40 Accounts Owed by District: Advance on 1970-71 Appropriation 11,307.80 School Lunch Fund (Contra) 664.75 29.46 Building Fund Account (contra) 42,248.94 Long Term Notes Outstanding 18,750.00 36,875.00 Bonds Outstanding 235,000.00 215,000.00 Unexpended Balances of Non-Revenue Appropriations 20,000.00

Total Liabilities $ 318,788.69 $ 263,251.66

EXHIBIT A-2 HOLDERNESS SCHOOL DISTRICT Analysis of Change in Financial Condition - General Fund Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1970

Net Debt - June 30, 1969 $ 253,100.48 Net Debt - June 30, 1970 240,728.84

Decrease in Net Debt $ 12,371.64

Analysis of Change Decreases in Net Debt: Bonds Paid During Year $ 20,000.00 Long Term Notes Paid During Year 1,875.00 Net Budget Surplus 11,146.16

$ 33,021.16 Increases in Net Debt: Long Term Notes Issued During Year $ 20,000.00 Surplus Used to Reduce School Tax 649.52


Net Decrease $ 12,371.64 11 I2,-OZ,6I 01 suopBudojddy

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Revenues Estimated Actual Excess Deficit Surplus Used to Reduce School Tax $ 649.52 $ 649.52 $ $ 1969-70 School District Tax 196,659.75 196,659.75 State Aid: Building Aid 7,012.50 6,712.50 300.00 Sweepstakes 1,520.78 1,483.79 36.99 Other Revenues: Tuition 54.25 54.25 Filing Fees 5.00 5.00

$205,842.55 $205,564.81 $ 59.25 $ 336.99 Budget Summary Unexpended Balances of Appropriations $ 15,941.54 Overdrafts of Appropriations 4,517.64

Net Unexpended Balance of Appropriations $11,423.90 Actual Revenues $205,564.81 Estimated Revenues 205,842.55

Revenue Deficit 277.74

Net Budget Surplus $ 11,146.16

EXHIBIT B-1 HOLDERNESS SCHOOL DISTRICT Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures - General Fund Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1970

Receipts Local Taxation Current Appropriation $196,659.75 Advance on 1970-71 Appropriation 11,307.80

$ 207,967.55 State Aid: Building Aid $ 6,712.50 Sweepstakes 1,483.79

8,196.29 Federal Aid: School Lunch & Special Milk Program 1,256.48 Other Receipts: Tuition $ 54.25 Filing Fees 5.00


Total Receipts From All Sources $217,479.57 Balance - July 1, 1969 2,774.52

Grand Total $ 220,254.09

14 Expenditures

Administration: Salaries 811.10 Contracted Services 778.34 Other Expenses 688.37

$ 2,277.81

Instruction: Salaries 65,753.95 Textbooks 871.53 Library & Audiovisual Material 167.11 Teaching Supplies 2,378.91 Contracted Services 453.00 Other Expenses 535.87


Attendance Services 10.00

Health Services 1,943.90

Operation of Plant: Pupil Transportation 16,154.00 Salaries $ 4,189.80 Supplies 1,605.25 Contracted Services 106.74 Heat 3,193.65 Utilities 2,760.21

11,855.65 Maintenance of Plant 2,644.54 Fixed Charges: Employee Retirement & F.I.C.A. 3,473.17 Insurance 2,068.82

5,541.99 School Lunch & Special Milk Program 4,107.18 Student-Body Activities 780.21 Capital Outlay: Sites 500.00 Buildings 67.97 Equipment 610.88

1,178.85 Debt Service: Principal of Debt 21,875.00 Interest on Debt 11,758.45

33,633.45 Outgoing Transfer Accounts In-State: Tuition 44,362.24 Supervisory Union Expenses 3,100.54


Total Expenditures For All Purposes $ 197,760.73 Balance - June 30, 1970 22,493.36

Grand Total $ 220,254.09 15 : :


Summary of Treasurers* Account & Proof of Balance - General Fund

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1970

Balance - July 1, 1969 $ 2,774.52 Receipts During Year 217,479.57

$ 220,254.09 Expenditures During Year 197,760.73

Balance - June 30, 1970 $ 22,493.36 Proof of Balance Balance in the Pemigewasset National Bank, Plymouth, N. H. Per Statement June 29, 1970 $ 30,722.95 Less: Outstanding Checks 8,229.59

Reconciled Balance - June 30, 1970 $ 22,493.36


Summary of Receipts, Expenditures and Proof of Balance

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1970

Balance - July 1, 1969 $ 42,248.94 Receipts Proceeds of Long Term Notes $ 20,000.00 Sale of Equipment 275.00 Interest on Invested Funds 166.66


62,690.60 Expenditures General Construction $ 40,860.68 Equipment 12,519.55 Architect Fees 2,335.00 Site Development 3,611.79 Other Construction Expenses 3,363.58


Balance - June 30, 1970 $ - - Proof of Balance Balance in the New England Merchants National Bank, Boston, Mass. - Per Statement June 30, 1970 $ 463.73 Less: Outstanding Check 463.73

Reconciled Balance - June 30, 1970 $ - - 16 : :

EXHIBIT C HOLDERNESS SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of School Lunch Program Account & Proof of Balance Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1970

Balance - July 1, 1969 $ 664.75 Receipts Lunch Sales - Children $ 6,724.74 Lunch Sales - Adults 383.90 Reimbursements 1,257.18 Contribution 413.69 Miscellaneous .84


$$ 9,445.10 Expenditures Food $ 6,562.66 Labor - Adults 2,001.98 Equipment 420.29 Oas 46.62 Social Security Taxes 291.54 Supplies & Miscellaneous 92.55


Balance - June 30, 1970 I 29.46 Proof of Balance Balance in the Pemigewasset National Bank - Per Statement June 30, 1970 $ 51.33 Less: Outstanding Checks 21.87

Reconciled Balance - June 30, 1970 $ 29.46

EXHIBIT D HOLDERNESS SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of School Tax Account Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1970

1969-70 School Tax $196,659.75 Received From Town of Holderness During Year: July 11, 1969 $ 10,000.00 July 15, 1969 10,000.00 September 29, 1969 10,000.00 October 15, 1969 5,000.00 November 21, 1969 10,000.00 December 10, 1969 25,000.00 December 22, 1969 10,000.00 January 14, 1970 25,000.00 February 16, 1970 10,000.00 March 16, 1970 20,000.00 April 20, 1970 20,000.00 May 20, 1970 20,000.00 June 8, 1970 32,967.55

$ 207,967.55 Less: Advance on 1970-71 School Tax 11,307.80

$ 196,659.75 17 I o oooo oo o P! o "S ooooo ft) O

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Statement of Long Term Indebtedness, Showing Annual

Maturities of Principal and Interest

As of June 30, 1970

Total - Maturities - Fiscal Year Ending Principal Interest

June 30 1971 $ 25,875.00 $ 11,732.81

June 30, 1972 25,875.00 10,627.19

June 30 1973 20,875.00 9,521.57

June 30, 1974 15,875.00 8,720.94

June 30, 1975 15,875.00 7,975.31

June 30, 1976 11,875.00 7,229.69

June 30 1977 11,875.00 6,664.07

June 30 1978 11,875.00 6,098.44

June 30 1979 11,875.00 5,532.81

June 30 1980 10,000.00 5,000.00

June 30 1981 10,000.00 4,500.00

June 30 , 1982 10,000.00 4,000.00

June 30 1983 10,000.00 3,500.00

June 30 1984 10,000.00 3,000.00

June 30, 1985 10,000.00 2,500.00

June 30 1986 10,000.00 2,000.00

June 30 1987 10,000.00 1,500.00

June 30 1988 10,000.00 1,000.00

June 30 1989 10,000.00 500.00

1 251,875.00 $ 101,602.83


Hereby submitted is my first Annual Report as your Superintendent of Schools.

It is a rewarding experience working with the Holdemess School Board and school system. You have a fine building and atmosphere in which to edu- cate your children. I have also been impressed with the competence and en- thusiasm of your staff. They have a professional attitude and seem to be will- ing to put in as much time as necessary to get a good job done. I hope most of the teachers will agree to return. A veteran staff makes a big difference in the quality of education.

Insofar as curriculum is concerned there are two areas I (think we should look at. They are science and mathematics. We are already doing something about a science program. Plymouth State College next year, through a Fed- eral Grant, is going to offer elementary science classes to teachers, at no cost, that will earn them six graduate credits. After the course has been completed and books as well as materials needed to implement the program are supplied, we should find an improvement in this area. This should be done with little expense because the program is going to be centered on a self-help basis rather than the textbook approach. In mathematics I think we should look to the possibility of offering more modern mathematics to those who seem to be college bound.

The Home Economics and Shop program which was recently adopted has worked out well. We were fortunate in obtaining a fully qualified Industrial Arts teacher for the boys, and although we are limited in scope to what we can do because of equipment, this seems to be a valuable addition to the curriculum. We are limited also in what we can do in the way of Home Economics but more diverse activities should result as time goes on.

Next year we are recommending the adoption of the SRA testing service. For several years the program has been State operated but in my opinion never has been satisfactory. The testing itself has been done in the Fall as I think it should be, but it has been so late when the results were returned they have been practically useless as a teaching tool. In operating our own pro- gram we can have some control over the testing time and when the results are available. We intend to establish our own school and Union norms as a diagnostic instructional tool for the use of the teachers and principals. Again this should raise the instructional achievement.

A Title III ESEA project for the education of slow learners has been sub- mitted to the proper State agency. The State Title III committee will review the application in March for possible acceptance. The situation looks favorable at this time. If the projeet is funded, it should go a long way to help us deal with our educationally exceptional children.

In summary I would like to say that I feel you have a good school; mater- ials and supplies seem to be adequate; and as I have mentioned previously, you have what I consider to be an excellent staff. If we can keep them together, and continue to work, I see no reason why we should not have one of the best schools of its size in the state.

If you have questions or concerns of an educational nature about your school or your child, please feel free to contact this office.

Respectfully submitted,

M. WAYNE BOWIE, Superintendent of Schools


- Chapter 189, Section 48 Revised Statutes Annotated of the State of New Hampshire, requires that the school district annual report show the total amount paid to the Superintendent of Schools as per the following quotation "Reports. Each superintendent of a supervisory union shall annually prepare a report of the total salary paid to the superintendent, showing in detail the amount paid by the state and each local school district, and their share of same. Said report shall be filed with the school board of each school district involved and shall be included in the annual report of the respective school district as a separate entry. A like report and entry shall be made for each assistant super- intendent, teacher consultant, and business adminstrators, if any is in service in the union."

One-half of the supervisory union expenses is prorated among the several school districts of the union on the basis of adjusted valuations. One-half pro-rated on the basis of average daily membership in the school for the previous school year ending June 30th. The salary of $14,500. which is being paid the Superintendent of Schools for 1970-1971 is made up as follows: $2500. paid by the State of New Hampshire and $12,000.. pro-rated among the several school districts comprising Union #48. The salary of the Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools for the same period is $12,000. of which $2700. is paid by the State of New Hampshire, leaving a balance of $9,300. to be paid by the various districts comprising the Union. The tables below show the portion of salary and travel charged to each district. SUPERINTENDENT

Percentage Salary Travel

Campton 15.36 $; 1,843.20 $ 153.60 HOLDERNESS 21.87 2,624.40 218.70 Plymouth 37.39 4,486.80 373.90 Rumney 10.42 1,250.40 104.20 Thornton 7.41 889.20 74.10 Waterville Valley 3.24 388.80 32.40 Wentworth 4.31 517.20 43.10

100.00% $12,000.00 $ 1,000.00 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT

Campton 15.36 $; 1,428.48 $ 153.60 HOLDERNESS 21.87 2,033.91 218.70 Plymouth 37.39 3,477.27 373.90 Rumney 10.42 969.06 104.20 Thornton 7.41 689.13 74.10 Waterville Valley 3.24 301.32 32.40 Wentworth 4.31 400.83 43.10

100.00% $ 9,300.00 $ 1,000.00 M. WAYNE BOWIE Superintendent of Schools


To the School Board, Superintendent of Schools, Parents and Citizens of Holdemess:

I respectfully submit my second annual report as Principal of the Holder- ness Central School. Personnel Returning Teachers Mrs. Patricia Heinz Kindergarten Mrs. Claudia Spangler Grade 1 Miss Susan Dalziel Grade 2 Mrs. Sally Baillargeon Grade 4 Miss Marilyn Barden Math /Language Arts Mrs. Nancy Hogan Social Studies / Language Arts Mrs. Diane Whiston Music New Teachers Miss Linda Morse Grade 3 Mrs. Kathleen Lutter Science / Home Economics Mrs. Barbara Mullen Language Arts / Physical Education Mr. Dean Tirrell Industrial Arts / Physical Education Mrs. Frances Lamm Art Supporting Staff Mrs. Frances Currier Teachers' Aide Mrs. Donna Hill Secretary Food Service Mrs. Rose Carvelli Manager Mrs. Marjorie Hayes Assistant Mrs. Marion Watts Assistant Mrs. Norma Pike Assistant Janitorial Mr. Albert Gilcris The New Year

Holderness played host this year to all the returning elementary teachers and administrators in the Plymouth Supervisory Union. Superintendent M. Wayne Bowie greeted the gathering and wished all success in the ensuing year. He then introduced his new assistant, Mr. N. Kenneth Smith, who set forth some of the goals that would be: sought during the 1970-71 school year. Holderness officially joined the Plymouth Supervisory Union July 1, 1970.

Following the opening of school, schedules and routines were quickly set in motion and planning began for the coming weeks. Immediate attention was directed toward the new New Hampshire Department of Education's Minimum Standards and Recommendations for Public Elementary Schools which must be met by September 1, 1972. Writing and revision of the school philosophy and the revision of curriculum was an initial step taken by the staff in order that compliance of the standards will be met.

Curriculum Changes

This year has seen the expanding of the curriculum in several important areas. Through the efforts of Mr. Dean Tirrell, Holderness Central has been able to offer a fully developed woodworking curriculum in grades 5-8. It is hoped by September of 1971 a course in power mechanics, electricity, and mechanical drawing will also be provided. This will place Holderness in a very select group of schools in New Hampshire that are currently offering both industrial arts and home economics to fifth and sixth grade youngsters. 22 A second curriculum change has taken place with the physical education program. Last year we provided physical education for boys and g^irls in grades 5-8. This year we have expanded the program to include grades 1-4 with some important changes. Through the cooperation of the physical edu- cation department of Plymouth State College and Mrs. Mullen, we have been able to provide for our pupils a new concept in physical education called Movement Education. The emphasis is placed on the development of very basic skills and attitudes related to movement and space. This promising pilot program has been exciting to witness and certainly demonstrates the opportuni- ties afforded when college and community mutually seek common goals.

It is imperative that I mention two other innovative efforts being made in classrooms. Mrs. Spangler in Grade 1 and Miss Dalziel in Grade 2 have, through their own creativity and resourcefulness made remarkable strides in providing a child-centered, activity-oriented, individualized program for their children. Visitors have been particularly impressed that so much progress could be made simply through teacher initiative These four areas of curri- culum improvements are but examples (outstanding though they be) of a total process that has been set in motion. In the coming months and years we are confident that further improvements will transpire.


The school wishes to thank Mrs. Lester Hall for her many volunteer hours of work in our school library cataloguing books and helping to organize our card catalogue.

We also wish to thank those students and faculty members at the Holder- ness Boys' School who have faithfully appeared to help provide individual as- sistance ito a number of our pupils.

The school wishes to acknowledge the retirement of Mrs. Mavis Corbett who devoted many years to the instruction of Holderness youth. Her dedica- tion, service, and success as a teacher will be remembered by those who knew her as a teacher or a colleague.

Events and Activities

Winter Carnival Science Fair Weekly Assemblies Recreational Skiing Club Activities Yearbook Science Center field trips W P N H Programs Spring Arts Festival Conclusion

Once again it gives me great pleasure to report upon the progress of your school. We feel that through your continued support we have been able to provide a creative, meaningful, satisfying education for the children of our community.

Respectfully submitted,

E. HARLAN KING, JR., Principal


for the

Fiscal Year July 1, 1969 to June 30, 1970


Cash on Hand July 1, 1969 (Treasurer's bank balance) $ 2,774.52 Received from Selectmen Current Appropriation $ 196,659.75 Advance on Next Year's Appropriation 11,307.80 Revenue from State Sources 8,196.29 Revenue from Federal Sources 1,256.48 Received from Tuitions 54.25 Received from all Other Sources 5.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 217,479.57

Total mount Available For Fiscal Year (Balance and Receipts) 220,254.09 Less School Board Orders Paid 197,760.73 Balance on Hand June 30, 1970 (Treasurer's Bank Balance) 22,493.36

JULY 20, 1970 JOSEPH A. CARVELLI District Treasurer


This is to certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, bank state- ments and other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Holderness of which the above is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970, and find them correct in all respects. July 27, 1970

John J. Durr, Jr. Richard L. Hornbeck Auditors


September Total

0-18 Local in Schools 1970 412 217 1969 381 199 1968 365 199 1967 362 181 1966 348 153 1965 363 161 1964 316 136

Ages as of September 1, 1969

Boys }irls Total Less than 1 year 9 10 19 1 year 13 9 22 2 years 10 8 18 3 years 7 5 12 4 years 6 7 13 5 years 12 17 29

57 56 113 ENROLLMENT School September Enrollments 1970 217 1969 203 1968 199 1967 184 1966 153 1965 160 1964 134


Adopted School Calendar for 1971-1972

September 7, 1971 — Teachers' Meetings and Workshops

September 8, 1971 Schools Open

October 11, 1971 Schools 'Closed - Columbus Day (Teacher Workshops)

October 22, 1971 State Teachers' Convention

October 25, 1971 Schools Closed - Veterans' Day

November 25-26, 1971 Schools Closed - Thanksgiving Recess

November 29, 1971 Schools Reopen

December 23, 1971 Schools Close 3;00 P. M. - Christmas Recess

January 3, 1972 Schools Reopen

February 18, 1972 Schools Close 3:00 P. M. Washington's Birthday Recess

February 28, 1972 Schools Reopen

April 14, 1972 Schools Close 3:00 P. M. - Spring Recess

April 24, 1972 Teacher Workshops

April 25, 1972 Schools Reopen

May 29, 1972 Schools Closed - Memorial Day

June 21. 1972 Schools Close - Summer Recess

This calendar provides for 183 school days and 3 days of Teacher Workshops. State Law requires 180 school days. Time beyond that may be used at the discretion of the local district.






DESCRIPTION ft Value assessed Total NAME OF Real & PERSONAL Property Valuation Valuation

Adams, Bessie M. Trailer 931 Adams, Harold Trailer 2,000 Adams, Stanley C. & Gladys K. 80A land & House 2,910 Exemption Allen, Stanley R. & Marion S. Jacques shld & Cottage 5,000 1 boat 800 5,800 Anderson, William R. & Elizabeth M. Land & bldgs, 1%A 2,835

Armstrong, John C. <& Constance A. 5 A Land & House 8,998 Avery, Frank K. & Eva M. lA Land & bldgs 1,000 Avery, Maurice W. & Madeline S. Land & bldgs 1,400 Avery, Mona A. Land & bldgs 800 Avery, Thomas J. Land & bldgs 1,000 Exemption Avery, Richard P. & Ivis M. I^and & ibldgs 1,200 Exemption Ayer, Charles J. & Frances C. 15 A Land & bldigs 6,246 Ayers, Robert F. & Elizabeth A. lA Land 380 Trailer 1,140 1,520 Baker, Benjamin Boat 100 Baker, Kenneth M. & Shirley E. 5A Land & bldgs 2,296 Exemption Baker, Raymond & M. Lillian McDonald property 7,000 Brogren property 4,000 11,000 Baker, Loren & Linda 8A E. Evans Id & bldgs 3,149 Barlow, Kevin J. & Anne E. Land & bldgs 2,970 2 Exemptions Barton, Richard W. & Aleta M. 142* shld, land. Inn and 8 cottages 16,300 2 boats 50 16,356 Batchelder, Norma M Land & bldgs 3,780 Exemption Bears, Charles R. Trailer 1,758 Beij, Pierce H. & Katherine S. 200A Smith Farm 75A Brown Pasture 75A Eastman Lot 6,410 44' Nicolay shld 700 7,110 Berry, N. Louise Land & bldg 1,500 Est. Anna Blanchard lA Land & Cottages 1,360 RESIDENT

DESCRIPTION a VALUB ASSESSED Total NAME OF REAL & Personal property Valuation Valuation Beal, George & Carol White Oak Motel & Cottages 25,000 Blanchard, Ella M. 2A Id & 17 Little Holland Cottages 20,000 Blake, Allen Trailer 2,000 Boat Service, Inc. Boat Basin & Shop 5,700 Bourne, Philip W. & Jonathan F. 1.2A shld & Cottage 7,296 Boyce, Linden A. Trailer 1,045 Brock, Everett & Ora L. Trailer 2,061 Brcgren, Donald & Nancy Currier house & land 3,380 Exemption Brooks, Lurlene Land & bldgs 700 Brown, Abbey Trailer 2,000 Brown, Earl P. & Marguerite C. 4 A Land, House & Unfin. bldg 5,800 Brown, Llewelljni & Naomi D. 104' shld & cottage 3,089 Brown, Ernest E. & Ida P. House 750 Brown, Ida P. in/tr for Orvill & Mildred Tyrrell 3A Land 250 Brown, PVederick E. & Phyllis K. 4A Ld & Unfin. house 4,237 1 Vehicle 100 4,337 Burleigh Farm Assoc. 20(>A Id & bldg3 47,350 14 cattle 2,100 Pumps 200 Exemption 1,000 4g,650 Burtt, Floyd W. & Shirley B. 4A Land & bldgs 3,760 Bushnell, Nellie J., Richard Galley & Frances V. Goud 3A Land & bldgs 3,500 Butler, Alexander Trailer 1,853 Exemption Butler, Desmond, Florence, George T. & Richard P. True Farm 125A 9,620 Camie, Norman M. & Ethel 0. 4A Taylor Property 8,300 Exemption Carpenter, Jon Trailer 1,283 Carter, Nettie M. Trailer 1,220 Carvelli, Joseph A. & Rose E. 40A land, shld & bldgs 9,300 Cass, George %A Land & bldgs 900 Exemption RESIDENT

DESCRIPTION & Value Assessed Total OF REAL & NAME Valuation Valuation Personal property j

Chabot, Andre & Teresa Chocorua Point Lots 14 15, 16 cottage & garage 3,350 Pearce Id & bldgs 5,500 8,850 Chaffee, Roy W. & Ethel I. lA Land & house & garage 3,000

Chamberlain, Ernest ]L. & Helen M. lA Land & House 4,520 Shop 510

House & Id, 6 River St;. 4,380 House & Id. 14 River St. 4,730 24A Huckins Ld. Rt. 175 720 14,860 Exemption Champney, Paulene B House & Land 2,000 House & Land 550 2,550 Chase, Mary E. Land & Bldgs 7,000 Chayer, Nora I. Trailer 1,160 Exemption Chayer, Grant & Noyes, Ora Trailer 1,950 Clapper, William & Ruth Land & bldgs 2,760 Exemption Clark, Reginald 150A Land & bldgs 6,148 Exemption 1,900 4,248 Exemption Closson, David D. 4A Id & bldgs 4,720 l/36th int. Cottager's bathing cove 100 1 boat lOO 4,920 Closson, H. Terry 2A Id & bldgs 8,030 Colbum, Marion W. House & Land 2,340 Collins, William G. & Sophie F. Shld & 4 cottages 6,500

2 boats 3O0) 6,800 Exemption Coleman, C. Bruce & Elizabeth S. Trailer 2,200 Exemption Comeau, Arthur G. 3A Land & bldgs 1,000 Exemption

Conkey, Flora Land & Bldgs 2,58C\ Exempt 1,90C\ 680 Conrad, J. F. & Mary W. lOA land & bldgs 14,00C 50A Projects, inc. Id. 1,90C1

Boat 35C) 16,250 Converse, David & Eunice Trailer Exemption 2,129 Converse, Jessie S. Land & bldgs 2,08C\ Shld & Cabins 9,73C> 11,810 RESIDENT

Description & Value L 1 JK a Assessed Total NAMEr* OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation Converse, Rudolph K. & Betty W. Felten property 4,310 Corbett, Derwood W. Land & bldgs 3,620 Cote, Richard I. & Helen A. Trailer 1,160

Currier, Bertram K. <& Patricia N. Land & bldgs 5,700 Currier, Charles L. & Frances Land & Bldgs 4,910 Exemption Currier, Dorothy A. Land & Bldgs 1,500 Currier, Preston B. &

Mary 7 1/2 A Land & bldg 3,535 Exemption Currier, Richard L. & Barbara C. Land & bldgs 4,000 Currier, Stuart H. & Byrle D. 100' shld & cottage 4,000 Boat 220 4,220 Exemption Dana, Donald E. & Evangeline W. Twitchell Id & bldgs 5,000 Daly, Carl F. Shld & Cottage 5,875 Dane, Peter & Martha 8.7A Id & bldgs 7,600 l^A Melanson Intervale 1,330 8,930 Danforth, Worthen M. & Celia M. 7A Id & bldgs 600 Davie, Helen M. 200A Ld & Bldgs 9,180 Davie, Marjorie A. 4A Id & bldgs 2,600 Davis, Guy E. Land & Bldgs 1,000 Davis, Wendell J. Land & Bldgs 600 Exemption Dearborn, Richard & Judith 5.5A Pulsifer Id & bldgs 10,123 De Manziarly, Yolande Land & Bldgs 3,410

Demers, Maurice W. i& Ruby G. Land & Bldgs 3,000 Doane, Donald Boat 241 Downing, Jonas T. & Laura M. Lots 13 & 14, cottage and garage 3,100 7 boats 300 Exempt 1,900 1,500 Dragon, Robert T. & Mary L. Trailer 1,857 Dunlap, Charles W. & Marjorie Winsior Rest. & Joubert property 8,500 Exemption Eastman, Barry Trailer 2,375 land 380 2,755 RESIDENT

Description & Value Assesses i Total NAME OF Real a Valuation Personal Property Valuation | Eastman, Edward T. & Florence H. Trailer 700 land 300 1,000 Exemption Eastman, Lillian A. Land & bldgs 3,000 Eisner, Oarlton L. & Gertrude L. 80A Id & bldgs 3,800 175A U.S. Plywood Id 1,995 5,795 Fabian, Richard V., Jr. 300' shld & lots 1, 2 & 3 1.37A Lot 25 4.66A 6,000 Boat 1,100 7,100 Fairclough, Herbert S. 1/2 A R. Leavens Id & bldg 500 114 A Id & shld & cottage 4,500 5,000 Fairclough, Mae A. 50' shld & cottage 1,500 Farley, David C. & Patricia A. IV2A, lot #10 & house 5,897 Farmar, Florence, Arthur, Marjorie & Lablanc, Dorothy Farm & bldgs 3,000 Felten, Ambrose & Ann L. Ld & garage 1,140 Trailer 2,375 Boat 100 3,615 Fiore, Dante M. &

Elizabeth T. 3 1/2 A land & bldgs 4,570 Fitzpatrick, James & Marie 13A land & house 2,720 Motel 5,000 Pool 1,500 19,220 Forbes, Arthur W. Dorothy H. 51A land & bldgs 4,100 17A land 193 Exempt 1,900 2,393 Exemption Ford, Robert W. & Patricia D. 35 A Land & bldgs 1,050 50A Land 570 Trailer 800 2,420 Exemption Ford, Hattie Land & camp 400 Fracher, Edmund L. & Vvonne Ld, house & apt. 4,960 Gehling, Marion L. Shld, cottage & camp 4,500 George, Russell & Hazel Land & camp 600 Girioux, Gerard Jr., & Hazel Land & bldgs 5,970 Giverson, Alice M. Land & bldgs 1,000 Exempt 1,000 Glines, Darius 15A Land & bldg 700 RESIDENT

Description & Value Assesrcopr. NAME OF REAL & ASSESSED Total Personal Property Valuation Valuation Gordon, Richard L. & Gladys P. 35A land & bldgs 2A Leavitt land 12,740

Cottage, boathouse & apt;. 3,480 Evans property 1,330 Barn 1,500 2 boats 500 19,550 Goss, Russell P. & Mary L. Shld & 12 cottages 16,000 8 boats 400 16,400 Goyette, Richard G. & Beverly IVaA land 380 Trailer 2,530 2,910 Graton, Arnold M. & Elizabeth A. Land & house 2,000 Graton, Arnold M. Black Horse Motel 12,500 Land & Cabins 7,500 20,000 Graton, Stanley Austin land 380 Trailer 2,000 2,380 Greenleaf, John L. & Miary C. 75A land & bldgs 2,270 Exempt 1,900 370 Exemption Greenleaf, Walter L. 200A Farm Id & bldgs 2,280 Pearl Pasture 150 Evans land 150 13 1/2 A Morrill land 150 2,730 Greenwood, Reginald & Gertrude H. 45' shld & cottage 2,700 Land 1,000 Trailer 1,080 4,780 Guion, Richard P. & Jean M. 8A land & bldgs 3,212 Boat 100 3,312 Exemption Grossman^s of N. H. Avery land 1,000 Willouighby Id & bldgs 2,760 Apt. bldg 6,000 Wiggin lot 1,000 Brown Id & bldg 3,000 Land & sheds 2,550 Mill & bldg-s 3,500 Store & Warehouse 3,500 23,310 Haan, Peter & Elsie McLoud Id & bldg 5,019 Hack, Bert H. & Marion S. 2.9 A land & cottage 12,500 Hall, Lester J. lA Land & house 1,508 54 A M. Henry land 615 P. Hall Id & bldgs 2,372 4,495 Hannaford, Harold & Florence M. Land & bldgs 4,000 Boat 175 4,175 Exemption RESIDENT

Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & PERSONAL PROPERTY Valuation Valuation Harrison, Steven & Martha Land, cabins & house 8,000 Hanson, Frederick Trailer 1,200 Exemption

1 Harris, H. Russell & Patricia A. 1.6A land & bldffs 11,229 Hartwell, Hubert C, Jr. & Lillian Land & garage 190 Trailer 1,300 1,490 Est. Bertha Hawkins Land & cottage 1,800 Hawkins, Clifton H. & Dorice 2A land & bldgs 4,000 Exemption Hayes, Mrs. J. E. 7A Johnson property 2,397 Boat 250 2,647 Hayes, Marjo^rie S. 8A Land & bldgs 1,500 Heath, Annie M. Lots 15, 16 & 3 cottages 5,000 Heath, George L. House & Land 3,000 lOA Wood lot 200 Stock in trade 100 3,300 Heath, Harry L. 14A Ld & unfin. house 2,000 Exemption Heath, Lester A. 40A land & bldg 3,500 Exemption Heath, Laura M. Pearl pasture 300 Henry, Vina M. 35A land & bldgs 4,020 Hickman, J. Henry & Emily J. Ogdon lot #4 & cottage 5,000 Boats 2 760 5,760 Hill, A. Walter & Donna K. Van Aalst property 2,500 Exemption Hill, Walter W. & Edna C. Land & bldg 4,020 shld & cottage 3,500 7,520 Hill, Katherine A. Land & bldgs 1,500 Holderness School for Boys 685A Land, Bldgs & School Plant 448,350 Exempt 150,000 298,350 Holland, Ralph R. & Land & bldgs 4,620 Myrtle T. Exemption Howe, Arthur & Priscilla Boat 275 Howe, Charles A. & Eva L. Land & bldgs %A 3,000 Hovey, William B. & Marilyn R. lA Land & bldgs 4,200 Howe, Charles P. 2A, 85' shld & new unfin. bldg 1,820 138A Land & bldgs 3,070 4,890 RESIDENT

Description & Value ASSESSED Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation Howe, David P. & Amelia M. 60A Farm Id & bldgs 1,880 Camp & lot 800 2,180 Howe, David, Jr. & Joyce L. Land & bldgs 1,500 Exemption Hubley, David & Dawn Land & bldgs 2,700 Exemption Hubley, Earl P. & Mary J. Trailer 2,460 Exempt 1,900 560 Huckins, Florence 130A Land & Bldgs 6,400 Huckins, Maurice %A Shaw Land 100 Huckins, Milton W. 52 1/2 A Land & bldgs 4,330 80A Webster land 950 l^/^A Intervale land 150 Road machinery 1,900 7,330 Huckins, Reginald W. & Dorothy E. 220' shld & cottage 6,070 Boat 350 6,420 Hunkins, Ines M. 7A land & house 700 Trailer 2,162 2,862 Hunnewell, Kate Land & cottage 3,040 Hunt, Leonard & Shirley Land 4,624 Trailer 900 Boat 380

White Oak sh lots 4, 5 , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26 & 27

Webster land & Housei 19,200 25,104 Hurd, William A. & Phyllis J. 5A Hunter land & bldg 8,444 Hutchins, Archie T/and & bldgs 2,200 Exempt 1,900 300 Jenkins, Earl S. Boat 100 Johnson, Fred C. & Rhea Land & bldgs 3,600 Exemption Johnsion, Wilfred & Patricia B. 1.2 A Young Id & bldg 8,633 Exemption Jones, Gordon H. & Ijeone A. Graig Id & bldgs 5,700 Exemption Kariten, Herbert H. & Mary C. 5A Ethel Piper place 4,427 Kennedy, Albert C. & Joan H. T>and & bldgS 3,500 Exemption Kent, Gordon & Denise Giroux Id & bldgs 5,707 RESIDENT

Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

King, E. Harlan 2A Laughy Id & house 4,430 Kip & Joe's, Inc. Garage 8,000 Davison prop. 2,700 Attardo prop. 2,700 Boats 500 13,900 Knapp, Arthur J. & Ruth L. Land & bldg 1,450 Ladeau, Liza A. 35A land 700 Trailer 600 1,300 LaPointe, Everett, Jr., & Dorothy L. Trailer 975 Exemption Laware, Lucy Camp 500 Exemption Leech, John V. 4% A land & bldgs 11,000 Lowies, Roland C. & Doris M. shld & cottage 5,760 Boat 600 6,360 Long, Harold C. & Doris M. Shld & cottage 7,500 Boat 300 7,800 Exemption Laughy, Gladys E. Land 380 Trailer 1,620 2,000 LaFoe, David & Theresa A. Trailer 1,800 Lord, Russell H. lA land & house 8,436 Mack, Alice G. 1/2 A Id & bldg 500 Mack, Gary A. & Linda Trailer 800 Marden, Richard E. & Eliziabeth A. Ld & bldgs 1,890 Marshall, Lena G. Ld & bldgs 1,890 Exempt 1,890 Martel, Emile & Margaret L. 7 1/2 A Id & bldgs 6,000 McCarthy, James T. & Genevieve Ld & bid, Moor prop 3,500 Kelley shld & cottage 5,200 House, shld & cabins 16,800 3 boats 300 25,850 McCuin, Clifford & Florence Bragg Id & house 6,080 McClay, Theodore & Ruth Land & bldgs 2,200 Exemption McCormack, Alice R. Trailer 1,160 McCormack, Euna Nellie Ames prop. 1,000 Lot on River St. 380 Trailer 450 1,830 McCormack, John G. & Euna Ld & blders 19 River St. 3,520 Exemption


DESCRIPTION & Value assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

McCutcheon, Stanley D. Land & bldgs 3,200 & Dorothy J. Mathews, Harold W. & Janet L. 38A Id, Bhid & cottage 6,756 Martel, William i/^A Downing prop 1,000 Trailer 500 1,500 McAulay, Alice G. 50' shld & 3 cottages 6,000 McLoud, Merlond E. & Martha A. 5 cottages & sh lots #7, 8, 10, 11 & 13 17,725 1.99A land, Coxboro Rd. 500 Boat 100 18,325 Meade, Marjorie Shld & cottage 7,000 nr 1 TTM • T^ o Melan&on, Elwin R. & Gale B. Glines Id & unfin. house 950 Melanson, Roy E. & L.ena Ld & cottage '#1 4,300 Ld & cottage #2 4,300 Ld & bldgs. Homestead 1,500 Plant land 320 20A Jewell land 228 56A Morrill land 638 36A Evans land 410 I;d & bldg at corner 180 €. Melanson prop 1,600 ^ A. Intervale land 180 Mill 400 14,056 Merrill, Gladys 71A land & bldgs 2,496 Merrill, Robert L. & Gloria Trailer 1,900 lA land ,^80 2,280 Merrill, Joan L. Ant. house 7,500 Tots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 2^ Shenard Park 1,500 9,000

Fvemntion" Merrill, Gilbert Boat 200 Metevier, Homer J. & Paulene 4A land & bldgs 2,000 ^^A Downing prop. 900 2,900 Miclon, Delphia W. & Gertrude E. 10 A. Parriseau land 190 s>ild, cottage & boathouse 4,000 Boat 100 4,290 Miller, Gerald & Lorraine Ld & bldf's, River St. 2,540 Fxemntion Milliken, Sylvia Land & bldgs 2,670 F^^emntion Est. Milford S. Morgan 85 A Goss Id & bldgs 2,560 Morrison, Edith Trailer 2,000


Description & Value ASSESSED Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Morrisey, Barbara C. Trailer 1,454 Morse, Robert A. & Joan F. Melanson lots #9, 10 iand cottage 2,500 Exemption Miner, Edith P. Land & bldg Rt. 113 2,400 Marden lots 5, 6 & cottage 12,000 14,400 Nielsen, Knud B. & Mary E. Homestead & 2 cottages, boathouse & lots 7, 8, 9 and bldgs 5,700 Lots 10, 11, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 & 37 1,800 3 boats 600 8,100 Niles, Nancy J. Howe land 800 Trailer 1100 1,400 Noyes, Edward L. & Ann W. 400A Conrad Id & bldg 13,000 O'Donnell, Francis E. & Concetta E. Ld, homestead, shop & garage 6,000 Oliveski, John & Rosemary Jones & Morin Id & house 7,000 Peart, Alrlc & Grace Land & bldg 1,230 Parry, Sherman P. Trailer 2,056 Perkins, Lloyd 0. 850' shld 6,650 27A Land & bldgs 1,925 Trailer 950 9,525 Perkins, Winnie W. 350' shld 2,000 190' shld & cottage 4,600 lA land & bldgs 3,414 10,014 Pettengill, Mildred M. 129' shld & cottage 6,121 Boat 150 6,271 Pickel, Frederick & Sandra lA Sorrenson prop 1,920 Pike, Harold & Norma 1%A land & house 4,000 Boat 300 4,300 Piper, Julia Lot 1, 2, 3, 4 & bldg 2,500 Exempt 1,900 600 Piper, Richard P. Jr. Lots 5, 6 & cottage 1,200 Evemption Plant, Elmer & Max Motel 24,300 3 cottages 3,900 Garage 2,000 30,200 Plant, George A. Edith L. 1'>KA land & bldg 3,100 Pillsbury lot 50 3,150 Putnam, John P"+nam market 6.500 ishld & cottage 3,500 Triplett land 513 10,513 Exemption


Description a Value ASSESSED Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Putnam, Verna 75A Id & cottage 5,940 Exemption Potter, Arthur R. & Lucille M. Whipple Id & cottage 4,000 Exemption Provino, Frank & Viola P. Karsten Motel 12,660 Ramsey, George W. & Isabel B. Trailer 1,080 Exemption Richards, George W. Boat 300 Ricker, Albion & Mildred A. 25A Id & house 1,000 Trailer 1,000 2,000 Robinson, Arnold & Georgette H. lOA land & bldgs 2,828 Exemption Robinson, Edwin D. 111* shld & cottage 2,525 Exempt 1,900 625 Ross, Archibald D. & Eleanor H. Land & bldg 3,500 Exemption Rockywold-Deephaven Bacon property 27,000 Camps, Inc. Haskel Id & camp 1,200 Felch & Bennett land & bldgs 2,500 lOOA Greanleaf Farm 1,500 Shld & bldgs 52,000 Whittemore Id & camp 2,000 Van Ness property 5,500 Bixby Id & bldg 3,300 Birch Island 700 True land 600 McBride property 5,200 Walsh shld & bldgs 5,950 lA Bradley property 4,500 93 Boats 5,900 117,850 Rogers, Delia land & bldgs 2,700 Exemption Est. John Romani V2 int. Bowling Alleys & Kilpatrick land 4,500 A. C. Long prop., store 4,500 9,000 Royea, Ibra B. & Ruth A. 14A land & house 1,760 Metal garage 730 2,490 Exemption Royea, Ibra D. & Agnes 159A land & bldgs 3,600 Ryea, Harold D. & Barbara J. Trailer 2,190


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real a Personal Property Valuation Valuation Sanderson, Richard E. & Mary H. Sh lots 1, 2, 3, 16 & cottages 14,480 Closson land 4,560 Lot #20 1,000 Boat 575 20,615 Exemption Sargent, Harrison A. & Eileen R. 2A Id & house 5,670 Exemption Sargent, Harrison F. & Ada A. Land & camp 1,000 Exempt 1,000 Sargent, Samuel F. & Patsy R. Land 570 Trailer 4,030 4,600 Exemption Saulnier, Howard Trailer 2,000 Sava, John & Pat Hi Knapp prop. 12,000 Schmidt, Charles Squam Lakes Club 54,740 Shields, Bemice E. & Henry G., Jr. Land & bldgs 4,600 Exemption Simoneau, Gerald J. Trailer 1,076 Exemption Siek, Richard A. & Jean M. 114A Morgan Id & house 11,127 Boat 575 11,702 Sargent, Marcus Trailer 1,500 Exemption Sleeper, Maurice B. & Marie F. Lot 29 & cottage 2,000 Boat 58 2,058 Exemptiion Small, Orville L. lOA Land & bldgs 4,882 Exempt 1,900 2,982 Exemption Smith, Gwendolyn E. H. Smith Homestead 4,000 Smith, Norman P. 100A land & bldgs 4,500 275A H. Smith Id & camp 3,125 Land & cottage 4,000 Merrill land 500 Piper land 1,150 13,275 Smith, Norman P., Jr. & Beverly A. 3. 6A Land & cottage 4,000 Exemption Smith, John W. Trailer 2,000 Exemption Smith, George & Gail Willoughby ld& bldg 2,806


Description & Value ASSESSED Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Sorensen, Oswald F. <& Bertha M. Belle shld & cottages 12,100 lOA Id, shld & cottages 14,340 Boat 138 Boat 80 26,658 Exemption Spencer, Arnold & Evelyn H. Boat 200 125' shld & cottage 8,800 9,000 Stafford, Henry W. 4aA land & bldgs 5,500 Staples, Lawrence M. & Olive M. 1%A Id, shld & cottage 9,400 Stillings, Franklin W. & Joyce A. Land & 2 cottages 1,541 Exemption St. Cyr, Andrew & Dorothy Land & house, River St. 3,260 Exemption Stone, Morton C. & Gwynneth B. 200A land & hldgs 5,000 Sylvestre, Peter Land & bldgs, River St. 3,300 Exempt 1,900 1,400 Taylor, Dana, Nina & Delivan land & bldgs 1,800 Taylor, Ruth E. lOOA land & bldgs 4,670 Taylor, Malcolm, Jr. & Helen land & cottage 3,549 Taylor, Malcolm 3rd Milliken land 570 Taylor, Lyman & Ethel land & cottage 6,430 Exempt 1,900 4,530 Tenny, Cecil & Charlotte Land & cottage 2,500 Thimmer, Peter J. & Dorothy M. 1/^ int. Kennedy Id & cottages 2,400 Thomson, William M. 800' shld & bldgs 27,060 Thompson, George A. & Bertha M. Land & bldgs 3,800 Thompson, Lyle H. & Doris P. Land & bldgs 3,590 Tower, Ross H. & Alice M. 4A Id & bldgs 3,180 Boat 58 Trailer 375 3,613 Tucker, Myra P. Land & bldgs 600 Urquhart, John H. & Margaret T. 470' shld & main house 15,875 Cottage 1,805 Other bldgs 380 Exempt 1,000 17,060


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal property Valuation Valuation

Van Vliet, Esther M. 3A land 57 114' shld & house 5,160 5,217 Ward, James Land 380 Wallner, Woodruff Closson Land 400 Severance Place 6,225 6,625 Waltermere, Edith 49A land & bldgs 2,280 Watts, John C. & Marion F. Godfrey shld & cottage 4,000 2A Jim Ward prop 3,800 175' shld & cabins 30,400 Boat 100 38,300 Weaver, Edythe A. Shld & cottage 3,500 Exempt 1,900 1,600 Webster, Constance P. 14A Id & bldgs 15,346 Webster, Frank G. & Maryche 14.2A Camp Minimum 21,425 Games island 2,500 (^OOA Cotton Mt. land 2,700 103A Fairclough land 8,160 ?2A Merrill & Basin Islands 8,800 ll.lA M. F.Webster Homestead 35,780 27.3A M. R. Webster Homestead 15,095 52.5A Mooney Point Cp. Paugus 32,737 430A Mt. Livermore land 1,935 4C0A New Discovery land 4,560 lllA Pine Hill land 8,350 500A Sleeper-Billows Id 2,250 VatA y2 int. boathouse 1,500 375A V2 int. Tobey Farm 7,889 40A y2 int. Livermore Id 180 6 boats 600 154,461 Welch, Lawrence & Cripps, Corinne Welch land 800 Id, bidets & store 6,700 7,500 Exemption Werner, Eric & Dag'a 200' shld & cottages 16,200 Wescott, Ralph H. & Maria R. Demers prop 4,910 Exemption Westberg, Walter & Dorothy Land & house 5,404 Exemption Whiston, Jerry I^and & bldgs 6,570 Boat 100 6,670 Whitman, Paul E. & JamVe A. 2^ A Id & unfin. house 4,300 Whittemore, Albert P & Helen L. Land & bldgs 1,200 Exemption


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation Whitten, Linwood & Jane Jefferson prop 2,370 Wigigett, Christine Trailer 1,267 Willoughby, Hollis E. & Alberta E. 85A land & bldgs 3,500 Land & bldgs 3,760 House & lot #5 River 2,990 Land, Market bldg & Restaurant 3,710 13,960 Wolf, Eleanor S. 36A land & bldg 3,500 Wood, Violet S. Land & bldg 1,000 Exemption York, Rosemary Ld & bldg River St. 3,050 Young, Norman C. & Pam L. Ld & bldgs 3,000 Land, Cox Hill 750 Trailer 345 4,095 Young, William & Susan 60A land & bldgs 3,520 Exempt 1,900 1,620 Exemption Zimmer, Anthony 1.3A Austin Id 380 Trailer 2,000 2,380 Zimmer, William & Rose Austin Id 76 Land & bldgs 1,400 1,476


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Adams, Carleton W. Proctor shld & cottage 5,500 Adams, Fletcher Boat 500 Ahern, Henry D. Baker shld & cottage 3,500 Althoff, Charles C. 90' shld & cottage 5,000 Boat 150 5,150 Alvord, Buell 18A Howe Id & sh prop & 3 cottages 20,940 Alvord, James B. Boat 190 Alviord, Theo Pariseau Id & cottage 6,000 3 boats 135 6,135 Anderson, Olov T. & Ruth S. 400' Stone shld & cottage 10,840 2 boats 370 11,210 Andersen, Paul H. & Ella C. %A Proctor shld & cottage 179' Bickford shld 7,183 Boat 250 7,433 Anderson, Dr. Wallace Boat 100 J.L. Antrim, Jr., Nora Lee Antrim, Emma R. Lamere & James E. & John W. Reily SVzA B. F. Allen Id & cottages 6,500 Archfield, Augustus T. 184' shld & cottage 5,472 Boat 281 5,753 Arnold, Herbert & Beryle J. 1/3 int. Thurber land & bldg 2,675 1/36 int. Cottager's bathing cove 100 2,775 Ayotte, Robert & Roberta C. Tear Property 3,000 Kenneth E. & Doris E. Bailey, Ray & Eleanor Bailey, & Lowell Pearce Lots #6 & 6A, 25* shld 2i^A Pine Knot Lodge Ass*n 4,000 Evelyn Baker & Arita Graves Biggin property 12,000 Barr Place & gift shop 8,000 Bioat 100 20,100 Cpt. John S. Barleon, Jr. Boat 100 Barry, Ellen F. 23A Gardner prop 5,500 17A, 600' shld & cottage 15,400 3 boats 150 21,050 Barnes. William S. & Mary W. 17A, 635' shld & cottage 16,625 5 A Fairclough wood lot 95 Boat 175 16,895

18 NON-RESIDENT Description & Value Assessed total NAME OF Real a Personal Property Valuation Valuation Batchelder, Henrietta M. 8A Cramer land 760 Ballinger, Robert Boat 760 Beenhouwer, Owen & Lill Littlemore Bios land 190 Bellevance, Peter H. & Helen S. Camp Sanborn 4,000 Boat bO 4,050 Bennett, Richard & Marsden, William Morgan land & camp 1,550 Bellaud, Jean B. & Urilda B. 2^A, Lots 5 & 5A & bldgs 3,000 Bennett, Miles 1/4 A Potato Island 2,500 2 boats 300 2,800 Bennett, John T. Jr. 2 boats 2,693 Berry, Donald T. Young Id & bldg 950 Berry, Leo J. & Bertha W. 2y2A C. Berry Place 2,490 Capron land 300 1/36 int. Cottager's bathing cove 100 2,890 Bergen, Elston & Nancy 1/3 int. Thurber land & bldg 2,675 1/36 int. Cottager's bathing cove 100 2,775 Bergren, Richard 75A Carlton prop. 19,926 Bensch, Michael B. & Eleanor M. 8A H. Small land 304 Bettencourt, Albert H. & Eleanor A. 176' shld & Pine Lodge 8,352 Blake, Warren A. & Lillian Spohrer prop. 5,000 Blaisdell, Roger J. 50' shld & cottage 5,000 Blanchard, Forest & Eleanor 2A Id, boathouse & cottage 4,000 Blo'om, Mimi Boat 40 Bloom, Robert 2 boats 300 Bios, Peter Jr. & Joan lA Blos land 190 Bios, Peter & Merta 45A Bean Place 513 18A Whitman prop. 9,556 10,069 Bonanno, Carmen S. ^dams Id & cottage 9,909 Boat 300 10,209 Bothwell, Theodore P. 83' King shld & cottages 7,419 Bowden, P. P., Inc. 50A land, shld, cottages, igarage & boathouses 30,000 2 boats 469 30,469 Boynton, Evan L. & Palmeri, Ogostine K. 14A Pinemere Properties, Inc. 8,300 3 boats 260 8,560


Description a Value Assessed I Total OF Real & NAME Valuation Valuation Personal Property (

Brayshaw, Donald C. & Evelyn Kelley land & cottage 2,850 Brau, Charles F. Deming shld & cottage 9,700 3 boats 2,569 12,289 Bronwell, Arthur B. & Virginia W. Gannon shld & oottaige 6,500 Boat 50 6,550 Bresnahan, Thomas & Elaine lA Id. sh lots #9 & bldg 8,830 Brown, Iva L. Buffum shld & cottage & boathouse 6,000 Brown, Natalie Wadsworth shld & Camp Finistere 6,000 Boat 600 6,600 Brown, J. Wilcox 3 boats 380 Boardman, Earl lOOA Balch & Huckins Id 2,000 Brown, Roger S. & Edith C. Lot #5, Ghooorua Pt. 1,600 Brown, Roy H. & Bemice D. Trailer 1,200 Buckley, Arthur & Francis M. 60' LeVoy shld & cottage 2,888 Byron, Evelyn S. Simmons land 200 Brandhorst, Richard Boat 650 Galley, Roger Mclioud lot 380 Boat 100 480 Came, Guy C. Boat 225 Camp Deerwood, Inc. 98A, 1,650' shld, 18 bldgs & boathouse 40,140 35 boats 4,000 New house & Id 10,450 54,590 Camp Winnetaska, Inc. 25A Camp Ilee 15,000 Boats 500 15,500 Car&on, Joseph & Elizabeth 4A Melanson Id & cottage 2,990 Carson, Richard 0. & Yvonne M. Melanson land 1,000 Cata Corporation E. Thompson land 100 Chabot, Peter A. & Alice H. Billadeau Id & cottage 4,300 Boat 1,537 5,837 Chandler, Marcia P. & Virg-inia E. 50' shld & bldgs 1,800 Chase, Anthony B. lOA Cornell land 114 Chenard, Peter McLoud land 2,500 Chenev, Frank L. Boat 300 Chestnut Hill Farm ^ss'n. Land 508A 10,750 Chpvalier, Bruce & Frika Mathew lot #2 & cottage 1,350 Choate, Thomas & Jane 55A Webster Id & bldgs 39,045 2 boats 722 39,767


Description & Value ASSESSED Total NAME OF Real. 6e PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUATION Valuation Christoff, Kosta & Euphemia iy2A Hillside Inn prop. 7,658 Trailer 50 7,708 Cicco, Michael, Jr. & Beverly Land & cabins 14,750 Cizyski, William & Phoebe 125' shld & cottage 5,400 Clay, John Brown lot 133 Colliander, Ralph T.

& Helen F. l^/^A land, Coxboro Rd , 570 Comegys, Walker B. & Adelaide E. 340' Begole shld & cottages 17,100 3 boats 800 17,900 Conklin, John C. & Nancy W. 500' Forbes shld & bldgs 12,950 Connary, Merlin Shld 500 Connary, Harlan T. Boat 180 Converse, John L. & Ruth R. 150A U. S. Plywood prop. 4,140 Conrad, Doris B. Shld & cottage 2,500 Copenhaver, Dr. L. B. Boat 100 Cote, George & Helen Shld & cottage 4,000 Boat 200 4,200 Coolidge, Harold J. Utopia Island 6,500 Part of Long Island, camps & boathouse 11,000 Boat 2,900 20,400 Crane, Bruce Boat 100 Crane, Henry D. & Emily T. Hadley Island 2,500 2 boats 1,000 3,500 Colby, Richard Boat 152 Crawford, Elizabeth K. 800' shld, 40A & bldo's 19,760 3 boats 400 20,160 Crone, Katherine G. 7 1/2 A, 500' shld & cottage 14,060 Crowell, William M. & Barbara H. 300' Whittall shld & cottage 11,420 2 boats 238 75' Avery shld 1,500 13,158 Crowley, Mary E. Maynard shld & cottage 4,000 Cummings, Charles, Jr. Jeanette Miller Prop. shld & cottage 3,000 Cunningham, Charles H. Shld & cottage 7,500 2 boats 200 7,700 Custance, Robert W. & Ruth B. Maynard prop. 5,800 3 boats 1,520 7,320


Description & Value ASSESSED Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Currier, Elwin A. Jennie Piper prop. 4,300 Dame, Sherburn B. Shld & cottage 4,000 Daniels, Edwin C. & Priscilla D. 3.5A shld & 2 cottages 4,500 Davenport, Richard P. ^A Tyler prop. 1/12 int. Cottager's bathing cove 3,365 4A Northrop prop. 6,140 9,505 Davis, Milton A. & Doris I. 100' shld & cottages & boathouse 3,740 Boat 175 3,915 Davis, Walter & Dagmar 92A Laughy prop. 3,000 Davison, Edith M. Davison Garage 2,500 250A Houghton Id & shld 2,850 5,350 Dearborn, Barbara 3A Intervale land 3,500 DeGroat, Austin Boat 266 DeFlaminis, Edith M lA McCread Id & cottage 800 Dilorio, Mildred Leavitt shld & cottage 3,500 D'Ambrosia, Patrick B. Greenleaf Id, Rt. 113 1,000 Denison, Mary S. 2 boats 1,230 Denton, Wynnes 4 boats 700 DeNino, Peter Boat 100 DeWitt, Dr. Reginald Shld & cottage 4,000 Boat 1,700 5,700 Doggett, Edward Shld & cottage 3,500 Downes, Dr. W. G., Jr. Shld & cottage 6,000 2 boats 200 6,200 Dunnell, William W., Jr. Great Island & cottage 8,500 Gay lot & boathouse 1,000 8 boats 175 9,675 Durgin, Paul Proctor shld & cottage 2,200 Nelson shld & cottage 2,000 4,200 Dore, Glen Trailer 1,000 Dunphy, Edwin B. Boats 125 Duran, Carlos & Caroline J. l^^A Boynton prop. Motel & Rest. 13,300 Dyment, John T. & Ruth I. Hopmoen Id & cottage 3,000 Eades, John Boat 100 Eagle, Harry 1%A Drew Id & camp 1,870 Eastman, Robert B. Shld & cottage 4,000

Eames, Robert C . Boat 380 Farmar, Arthur G. Jones Pasture 1,900 Farnham, Mabel E. 22A J. Clark prop. 500 Farnsworth, Albert Shld & cottage 3,000 H. & Betty P. May land 600 Farnum, Edgar Boat 200 Fauver, Alfred & Bertha Lucy Schmuck, prop. 2,482


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Field, Mark G. Boat 100 Field, W. Stanley & Carlotta M. Connary shld & cottage 7,100 Field, Logan S. & Flora R. S6V2A Timberland prop. 14,495 Finenco, John 190' shld & cottage 6,610 Boat 100 6,710 Fisher, Rudolph J. Shld, cottage & garage 17,560 Boat 250 17,810 Fletcher, John C. & Elizabeth D. Shld & 6 camps 10,950 Flint, Laurence B. & Elizabeth M. 15A, 600' shld & lots 1, 2, 3 & cottages 13,400 Boat 500 13,900 Flint, Richard B. Boat 100 Fowler, Wesley & Lynde, Norman 110' Johnson shld & cottage 4,700 Boat 50 4,750 Fowler, Edward D. Boat 380 Fox, John Lots 11 & 19 & unfin. Camp, White Oak prop. 8,850 Francesco, Louis Kilpatrick Id & % int. Bowling Alleys 7,500 Francesco, Peter Boat 100 Franconia Paper Corp. Land 5A 400 Franck, Douglas W. Boat 350 Frank, Kevin Boat 100 Frank, Mary H. 3A Ld & bldgs, Smith prop. 21/^A Main prop. 7A Island, White Oak Pond 6,800 French, Herbert Boat 380 Gabriel, Ralph H. & Christene Ogdon shld & cottage 4,700 3 boats 250 4,950 Gadd, Thomas B. Shld & cottage 4,500 Gaffney, Thomas 3 A Merrill land 57 Gaumont, John C. & Theresa C. 120' shld & unfin. cottage 6,080 Boat 625 6,705 Gilbert, Owen J. 25' shld, lot #4 475 Glidden, Lawson W. 100' shld & cottage 4,760 Gomez, Raymond & Emma S. McLoud lot 720 Goodhue, John Willoughby land 550 Goodrich, Eleanor B. 30A land & bldgs 4,350 4/36 int. Cottager's bathing oove 400 4,750 Gott, Rodney C. Boats 4 2,200 Graton, Milton S. 12A Edna Evans land 351


Description & Value Total NAME OF Real a Assessed Personal Property Valuation Valuation Graziano, Anthony & Irene B. 485A Fred Avery Id 6,601 Greenleaf, Horace Est. 75A land Rt. 113 855 Gregg, David A. 3rd Boat 300 Gregg, David A. lA Perch Island 1,500 3 boats 650 2,150 Gregg, Virginia 2y2A Id & cottage 10,500 Ogdon lot #6 3,000 Swain prop. 1,650 15,150 Gould, Lela B. 4A, 250' shld & cotta^ 6,325 Grumman, G. Sterling, H. Helen B. & Ethel S. Otis shld & cottage 3,515 lA Id. & Longfellow cottage 6,574 Boat 1,950 12,039 Gilfiord Industries, Inc. Gamp Squamassee 36,450 7A May Id & camp 5,000 41,450 Gulf Oil Corp. 2A land & bldg 22,200 Gwilliams, Ralph H. Davison Id & Cp. 2,000 Hagney, Ruth C. Boat 380 Haines, Edith M. 169' shld & Cp. Comfort 4,211 Hall, Kathryn M. 178' shld 3,382 Est. Harold Haley Boat 300 Ham, T. Hale & Fanny C. 40A Moon Island & cottage 7,000 Hanna, Mrs. Paul E. 300' shld & cottage 8,200 Harlow, Douglas C. & Patricia A. 4/7 King shld & bldgs 1,432 Boat 50 1,482 Harris, Henry Jr. Boats 200 Harris, Mary W. 75A Willoughby Farm 3,375 Harris, Henry U. & Mary W. 4.4A Webster shld & cottage, lots 17 & 18 20,000 Hartley, Eugene L. & Ruth E. 75A Avery land 1,425 Hartwig, Romain E. Fnhbard est. & 180A Whitman prop. 4,452 Haseltine, Beulah 5A Curry prop. 6,300 Haseltine, Franklin Boat 200 Hawkins, Kenneth & Thelma Bastow shld & cottage 4,000 Hawley, Frank Roy Smith Id & bldgs 10,000 Henderson, James Jr. 110' shld & cottage 4,590 Hession, Anne S. Keith Id & bldgs 4,000 Hiam, Peter 50A Chestnut Hill Assoc, land & bldg 32,000 Hill, Lewis G. & Rowena E. 96' shld & cottage 4,184 Boat 600 4,784


Description 8e Value assessed Total NAME OF Real Be PERSONAL Property Valuation Valuation Hilliker, Eugene F. & Mary D. Goodrich Id & bldgs 3,830 4/36 int. Cottager's bathing cove 400 4,230 Hays, Antoinette V. Boat 278 Hodges, Inc., Richard G. & Margaret B. 20A Piper shld & bldgs 16,462 Hole, Helen G., Kieser Melvin & Elizabeth B 1/4 A Laurel Isl. & bldgs 5,648 Boat 300 5,948 Howell, Jerome Boat 200 Howland, Glenroy Trailer 1,073 Hoag, John P. Boat 200 Huckins, Leroy & Laura P. 5A R. Piper Id White Oak Pond 100 Houston, Putnam S. Boat 62 Hunt, Marshall 16A. 175' West Wind 2,000 Hunter, William S. A. Hunter prop. 2,710 Ireland, Roy B. & Anne Loeb White Oak Shore lots #7, 8, 21, 22 & cottage 14,330 3 boats 704 15,034 Irvine, David J. & Theresa Mathew prop. 3,800 Jess, Thomas Jr. Dean lot 500 Johndroe, M. Elizabeth & E. Doris Keener 32A Huckins Id & bldgs 3,000 Johnson, Lee T. & Lillian C. Lot #50 & cottage 4,500 Kaplan, Sara May shld 3,000 Keefer, Scott Boat 175 Keith, Susan B. 90A Cromwell Point & boathouse 18,000 71/^ A Amesbury Id & bldgs 10,130 3A Berry Mills prop. 800 lA Bacon Id & cottage 6,190 8/36 int Cottager's bathinor cove 800 35,920 Kelley, Barbara 70' shld & cottage 3,500 Kelley, Charlotte B. Boat 1,200 Kelley, John J. & Anna G. Shld & bldgs 4,000 Boat 200 4,200 Kemple, Cammila 174' Main shld & bldg 3,839 75A Piper Lnad 855 4,694 Keniston, Priscilla L. Boat 232 Kenyon, Everett Boat 100 Kimbell, Arthur R. Boat 521 Kittridge, George W. Boat 175 Kellog, Howard Webster Id & bldg 20,200 King, James W. 50' shld & cottage 4,000 Bioat 100 4,100


Description a Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

King, Linden Trailer 2,000 Kisselburgh, Roland & Jean D. 3/7 King shld & cottage 1,149 Est. of William J. Krusizki & Frank Pilote 150A Glover land 3,040 Kuhn, Louis C. Jr., & Nancy H. 550' Cannon shld & cottage 20,280 Boat 100 20,380 Knox, David Boat 380 Knox, Kenneth Boat 100 Kunhardt, Kenneth B. Boat 170 Ladd, Robert Blueberry Island 300 Lambert, Frank 6A G. Lambert Id 228 Lambert, Elizabeth F 7A Owl Brook Id & camp 1,500 Lamson, David F. 2A shld & cottage 4,500 Boat 800 6,300 Lawrence, 0. K. & Glendora E. 73A Whitman prop. 832 100' Pulsifer shld 1,140 5A cottage & lot 6,213 8,185 Leavitt, Guy & Irene Shld & cottage 3,500 0. Small shld 600 4,100 Levin, George E. & Anna M. 5A Colliander prop. 10,344 Lanier, Jean B. 8A Camp Algonquin, De Merrit shld & boathouse 26,300 Boat 950 27,250 Lee, William E. & Joyce E. IVzA, 200' Speer shld & cottage, Mooney point 8,000 Lenentine, Halstone & Jean Land & bldgs, Deming, Chevrolet 38,818 Boat 1,100 39,918 Levesque, John W. 24A A. Blanchard Id 500 Levoy, Milan C. & Doris E. Ld & Cp Morning Star 3,500 Ld, Cp Lake View & garage 4,000 T/ot #7 Cotton Cove 500 Boat 100 8,100 Curran, Florence Woodman shld & cottage 5,000 Livens, Mary Ann 2.5 A Willoughby shld & bldgs 42,200 Lovett, A. Sidney 9A Id & bldgs 7,160 Cottage 1,325 8,485 Lovett, A. Sidney, Jr. lA land & cottage 5,860 16A Hawkins land 182 35A Cilley land 665 3 boats 430 7,137


Description a Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Lovett, Richard V2 int. in 75' Bruchon shld & cottage 1,250 4 boats 300 1,550 Lunny, Joseph A. & Dorothy E. Moryl shld & cottage 2,600 Luhtala, Arthur N. Trailer 1,800 Boat 200 2,000 Luquer, P. Thatcher & Elizabeth R. 7.13A F. Webster Id & cottage 10,546 Boat 150 10,696 LyTnan, Jean Shld & cottage 15,000 3 boats 600 15,600 Lyman, Frank Jr. Kilpatrick Id & sap house 1,600 Macleod, Cameron Boat 150 Maher, Harold J. Oulette shld & cottage 4,000 Main, Alice A. 91A B. Piper Id & bldgs 11,545 Marden, Mark A. & Jacqueline 124' shld & cottage 4,236 Boat 100 4,336 Marden, Robert W. Marden Id. Rt. 113 200 Marriott, Emmett J. & Catherine Lot #3, shld & cottage 4,000 Boat 100 4,100 Mark, Robert B. Ld & Cp 266 Marsh, Irving R. lA Closson Id & bldg 4,050 Martz, William B. 45A Caridi Id & cottage 3,805 Matheson, Kenneth Smith land 500 May, Richard T. & May F. John May Id 201A 2,290 May, Rollo & Florence 40A Id, guest house & house 6,380 BtO'at 100 6,480 McCtormack, Kenneth & Marjorie House & Id River St. 2,480 McDowell, Ann 18.87A land Hays Road 1,600 MacDonald, Kenneth Boat 76 Meakin, John B. & Dorothy D. 7V2A Goodrich Id & bldgs 2,265 Boat 100 2,365 Melendy, Merton B. & Althea V. Shld & cottage 2,500

Metcalf , Dr. Joanna J Id & cottage 2,000 Boat 800 2,800 Middlebrook, L. F., Jr Boat 600 Miller, Helen C. Ld & gift shop 4,000 Miller, Marguerite Mudget Land 300 Miller, Russell C. E. Holderness School bldg & Id 800 Mines, Barry T. 6/36 int. Cottager's bathing cove 600


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Monti, Elizabeth K. Shld & 2 cottages 7,000 Moren, Russell 2A Pulsifer Id 880 Marris, C. C. 96A Pinehurst prop. & Manor house 175A Farmhouse, 6 bldgs & shld 23,040 A Frame 5,000 Boat 160 28,200 Morrison, Carl S. & Musgrove, Donna M. Grace Hazen shld & cottage 6,000 Morrison, Ruth E., Lois C. & John C. %A Miorrison Island 3,000 Robert Morrison Boat 300 Morrison, Nyleen, Wholey, Janice & Jcnness, Alfred Main shld & Mitchell Island 800 Morrison, Ralph B. & Robert H. Ld & Meadowbrook cottage 4,500 Moser, Chris Boat 300 Moses, Harold & Sarah 60' shld & cottage lA 2,684 Murdock, Francis L. & Mary B. 151A Cox pasture 2,869 Muise, Martin V. McLoud Land 600 Mumford, George S., Jr. 215' shld & cottage 9,113 Boat 583 9,696 Murgatroy, Bernard B. & Mabel Lot 18, Chocorua Point 900 Murphy, Gardner & Lois B. Land & bldgs 4,465 Murphy, William C. & Margaret M. Lot 21, Chocorua Point 1,400 Musgrove, Frank Merrill shld & cottage 6,500 Boat 100 6,600 Murdough, Thomas G. B.oat 500 Morss, Horace Boat 100 Morss, Sherman 10.25A land & bldgs 3,000 Naasar, Joseph G. & Esther P. Lot #22 & cottage Chocorua Point 5,550 Neel, Mary Wilson Webster lot 5,400 Boat 200 5,600 Newell, Robert L. Lot #1, Ogdon Id & cottage 4,500 N.H. Electric Co-op., Inc. 75.92 miles of line 89,956.64 New England Tele & Tele Smith Id & bldgs 3,000 Northrop, Filmer C. 4/36 int. Cottager's bathing cove 400 Nourse, Freeman Boat 550


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real a Personal Property Valuation Valuation Noyes, George W. Boat 250

Nioyes, Morgan P. 6 1/2 A Roberts Id & bldgs 3,801 Cottage 456 Boat 150 Boat 58 4,465 Nord, Elin 0. lA White Oak shld & cottage 995 Nazmola, Z. Anthony & Anna 2y2A, 2 cottages & Id 4,500 Ohnemus, Walter E. Boat 222 Orton, Russell C. &

Janet B. 3 1/2 A, 290' shld & cottage 10,165 2 boats 425 10,590 Owens, Henry E. Owens land 1,000 Harden Id & cottage 4,000 L. Eastman prop. 3,600 8,600 Owen, Nelson L. & Eva A. G. Avery prop. 1,700 O'Neil, John Boat 250 Paddock, Elizabeth Foster shld & cottage 3,800 125' Squires shld 2,375 6,175 Paglia, Ann J. Wilder shld & cottage 6,000 Paley, William S. Schraft prop. 46,284 2 boats 1,500 47,784 Parker, Howard G. & Margaret A. V2 int. Plant Id & Kennedy cottage 2,400 Boat 1,000 3,400 Paris, F. Wynne 3 boats 400 Peach, Gordon, Jr. & Martha R. lA Lindsay shld & cottage 8,100 Peart, Alric & Cynthia Trailer 1,474 Pease, B. F. & Mary, Est. 20A Hill woodlot 350 Pemi. Fish & Game Club, Inc. Pratt land & club bouse 2,500 Peoples, Norman C. & Margaret R. Shld & cottage 4,000 Boat 70 4,070 Perkins, Paul Swamp land 50 Phelps, Maxwell 0., M. D. Boat 282 Phillips, Henry 20A McLoud Id & bldg 9,880 Phillips Petro. Co. Intervale Id 4,200 Plantamura, Michael J. Shld & cottage 3,000 Plantamura, Michael J. & Marion Shld & cottage 3,500 Boat 200 3,700 Plymouth Bldg. Assoc. Inc. Elks Club Id & bldg 6.25A 13,000


Description & Value assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation

Poitras, Robert R. Mathew lot #1 & V2 of #8 & unfin. bldg 1,550 Boat 180 1,730 Porter, Lois B. Boat 200 Porter, William Q. 20A shld & 2 cottages 6,000 Boat 100 6,100 Postlewaite, Robert D. & Mary E. Dolloff shld & cottage 3,300 Boats 275 3,575 Powell, Eugene A. & Bernice M. 192' shld & Cp. Fayal 5,148 Preston, Rev. G. Boat 700 Preston, Frederick B. Boat 100 Preston, Jerome & Richard G. 48A Id, 9 cottages, garage, Gehling Id., & 0. A. Brown prop. 59,000 Preston, Elwin G. B'oat 350

Pringle, Charles A. <& Lela C. 95' shld & cottage 3,583 2 boats 100 3,683 Public Service Co. of N. H. Power Lines 36,605.40 Pulsifer, Bertram & Laura E. 35A Thompson shld & unfin. bldg 12,840 50A Pasture land 570 145A Fred Rowe prop. 1,653 lA Meade shld 1,000 Wood lot 100 16,163 Rand, Robert H. & Juliet B. Gammtons' shld & cottage 4,400 2 boats 200 4,600 Rand, Watson & Erma S. Shld & cottage 6,000 2 boats 175 6,175

Rasmussen, Robert ^ f. & Dorothy B. 100' shld, lot #9 1,900 Reardon, Rev. Arthur, Tierney, Rev. James & Joseph P. Buche The Mountaineers 43' shld & right of way to boathouse 7,345 Reardon, William J. & Reta L. White Oak Shores Lot #13 & bldgs 5,910 Rich, Olive F. 2A shld & Arcadia cott. 9,000 6 boats 600 9,600 Richer, Antoinette Wilder shld & cottage 5,500 Richer, Arthur G. Boat 50 Richelson, Julius Boat 125 Ridgley, Barbara Boat 50


Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal Property Valuation Valuation Ristaino, Joseph & Lucille McLoud Id & bldg 4,750 Keniston, Davis B. 3rd & Kennedy, Robert F. 2nd 275' shld & cottage "Red Lodge" 7,000 Boat 40 7,040 Rusby, Dorothy Chooorua Point Lot #4 & cottage 100' shld 5,470 Russell, Margaret P. 50' Frost shld & cottage 5,095 Boat 50 5,145 Ryan, Robert 15A Graziano prop. 16,354 Russel, Anna H. 144A Frey land 2,736 Sabine, Mary L. Boat 400 Sacco, Ralph & Edna Cicco Id & bldg 3,450 Saliba, Moses A. Btoat 100 Sanborn, Blanche P. lOOA Pasture land 1,140 Wood lot 11 1,151 Scholz, Martha I. .106' shld & cottage 4,014 Scutter, George M. Boat 175 Schwartz, Evangeline 80' shld, Cp Ilee lot 1,000 Schwartz, Irving & Ida 100' shld & cottage 4,860 Sewall, Harold A. 1%A Id & cottage 3,000 Segal, Mrs. Sam Trailer 1,490 Shanker, Benjamin Boat 50 Shaw, Katherine R. 3/4A shld & cottage 2,700 Boat 75 2,775 Simpson, Hubert, Mary L. & Marion S. 165A Greenleaf Id & cottage 4,135 Small, Cloyd E. 70' shld & cottage 1,800 Small, Howard A. & Mary E. lOOA Smith Id 1,140 20A Benton Id & sugar house 600 1,740 Smith, Barr & Judith M. 100' Marden shld & cottage 4,940 Smith, Dorothy Leavitt shld & cottage 4,000 Smith, Daxrell D. & Joyce M. Mathew lot #15 & camp 1,690 Smith, Gertrude 165' shld & cottage 4,735 Smith, Gordon W. & Janice L. Lot #11, Heritage Hill 550 Smith, Howard Boat 300


DESCRIPTION & Value ASSESSED A 1 TriTw 1 /^^ OF Real & NAME Valuation Valuation Personal Property 1

Smith, Eleanor W. 536' Osborn beach prop. 3,000 390' Asquam prop., pump- house & boathouse 6,000 25' Keith beach prop. 375 25' Asquam beach prop. 2,500 2/3 Keith shld & cott. 3,000 65A Shepard Hill prop.. 5 cottages & water tower 21,500 6A Goodrich Id & tea house 3,000 39,375 Smith, Stephen W. Boat 225 Smith, Woodrow 45A Dinsmore prop. 855 65A Frank Heath prop. 1,140 1,995 Smylie, Charles H. Boat 450 Snow, Rev. Albert W & Janet A. 200', IV2A shld & cottage River lot #7 4,500 Boat 100 4,600 Soutter, Dr. Lamar 25A Bowman Island 5,000 Boat 150 5,150 Spaulding, Philip D. Spaulding shld & cottage 4,500 Sperry, H. William Karsten Id 3,040 Span^ler, Frederick R. Trailer 1,170 Squam Lakes Assoc. Closson land 1,000 Squam Boats, Inc. 812 River frontage & bldgs 30,300 Squires, Harry N. Jr. 124' shld & cottage 4,856 St. Anselm^s College 135' Geisel ishld & cottage 5,065 Stanley, Edward A. & Marion J. 20A Forbes Id & bldg 760 200' Washburn shld 1.7A 3,800 Starr, John C. Boat 50 Stark, Archibald 125A Pulsifer Id & bldg 5,500 Morgan Id 950 6,450 Straw, John C. & Nancy McLoud lot #19 760 Stevens, Philip & Marion 350', 22A shld & land 4,000 Stone, Gunvor A. 33A Id, bldg & boathouse 7,000 Boats 2 500 7,500 Stevens, Edward & Marie 1/3 int. Thurber Id & bldgs 2,675 1/36 int. Cottager's bathing cove 100 3 boats 500 3,175 St. Cyr, Clauvis E. & Shirley H. lA Bert Hill Id 400 Stewart, Victoria T. Boat 200 Strand, Carl C. & Patricia B. Olson lot #3 & unfin. bldg 1,000


Description & Value assessed Total NAME OF Real & Personal property Valuation Valuation Swinerton, Lester B. 4A E. Holderness Meeting House & Id 600 lA Thibadeau Id 100 700 Smith, Vem L. Boat 100 Taylor, Harold 16A Main shld & house 5,150 Taylor, J. Arthur 55' shld & 3A Id & bldgs 16,640 Taylor Brothers, Malcolm Jr., Frederick B. & Theodore 52A, 1,500' shld & cottage B. F. Allen Est. 24,525 Taylor, Theodore 28A Sinclair Id 1,100 2A Jennie Piper Id 350 5 A Jeanette Dow prop. 8,000 9,450 Temple, John P. Btoat 200 Thileen, Ralph H. & Lois L. 65' shld & cottage 2,324 Thomas, George Boat 1,000 Thompson, Joseph D. Middleton Id 200 Trafford, Bernard W. Boat 200 Triplett, William H. Camp Wachusetts 32,480 Boats 900 33,380 Todd, Donald P. & Priscilla M. SVzA Dana Id & cottage 4,500 3 boats 200 4,700 Townsend, Richard S. White Oak Shores lot #10 2,280 Twombly, Gray H. 11A Berry prop. 1,000 Tyrrell, Harry E. & Constance J. 5A Kinser prop. 2,600 U. S. Plywood 200A Jones Id 2,500 Vincent, Arthur Trailer 400 Wadsworth, George P. & Louella 14A Conrad Id & cottage 5,936 Waldron, Bert Boat 100 Waldron, Eugene & Julia Dunton prop. 2,809 Waight, Donald C. Boat 760 Ward, Alice E. 148' shld & cottage 4,812 Ward, Peter Boat 250 Walsh, Thomas B. & Medora G. 363' shld, 2 cottages & bo'athouse 16,897 6 boats 700 17,597 Washburn, H. Bradford, Jr. 200' Webster shld & cottage 11,760 3 boats 525 12,280 Webster, Jane DeP. Est. 74A Wallace farm 3,975 Webster, Edwin S., Jr. Boat 200

33 A


Description & Value Assessed I Total NAME OF REAL & Personal Property Valuation | Valuation

Trustees u/w Edwin S. Webster Checkerberry, Sheep, Mink & Groton Islands 29.5 11,800 17A DeMerritt shld 44,100 24A E. S. Webster Homestead 38,000 290A Smith, George & Downing Id 1,305 5.5 Sanborn Id 6,300 404A Willoughby & Langdon shld & bldgs 51,300 M:A, 1/2 int. Boathouse 1,500 375A, y2 int. Tobey Farm 7,889 40A, Vz int. Livermore prop. 180 162,374 Welch, Harry E. & Amelia S. Smith Id & Tr. park 2,300 Cheney Id & Marlet home 4,000 6,300 Welch, Mary P. 165* shld & Cp Whittier 5,635 Westburgh, Dr. Edward M. & Doris G. Shld & bldgs 8,410 West, Eric F. & Eugenia 12A 650' shld, oo'ttage & boathouse 16,350 Boat 50 16,400 West, Richard S. & Ruth S. 65A West Id 1,235 9A & 1,227' shld & unfin. house 24,313 25,548 West, Richard S. 8A Pickel Farm & bldgs 3,500 Westberg, Ingrid 28A Hollonquest s;hld & bldgs 5,000 West Wind Realty 271A Harold Webster Id 9,880 Weymiouth, Tyler Boat 2 200 White, Hazel M. L. 75A Carr prop 3,000 Cottage & Id 1,000 4,000 Whitehead, Robert, Jr. 10' Main shld & Richardson Island 6,000 5 boats 200 6,200 Whiting, John T. Shld & cottage Mooney Point 7,000 Whitworth, Foster P. Boat 900 Wicksman, Robert S. & Dorothy M. White Oak Shores lot #6 & cottage 6,100 Boat 50 6,150 Williams, James B. 414' shld & cottage 14,866 Boat 500 15,366 Wood, Walter & Beverly 110' shld & cottage 4,990 Wood, Rawson L. Boat 300 Woodbury, E. Davis 75' Harris shld & bldgs 4,085

34 NON-RESIDENT Description & Value Assessed Total NAME OF Real ae Personal property Valuation Valuation Woodward, Douglas & Beverly Mathew lot #4 400 Worthen, Leon & Bertha 200A W. B. Worthen prop. 2,280 Watson, Harold S. Smith Worthen Id 110 2,390 27A Curry & Melanson Id 456 Hovey, Nancy L. & Haven Berry prop. 2,500 2,956 Walcott, Harry A. 50* Hovey shld & cottage 10,070 Yarnall, James B. Boat 100 Young, Emmett W. & Elizabeth E. Pearsion Id & barn 310 Young, Marie Shld & cottage 3,500 Young, Robert T. & Elvira 0. 11.7A Ann Young Est. 8,930 Ogdon shld & cottage 5,000



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