5332 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 15, 1902. REGIMENTAL DISTRICTS. THE IMPERIAL YEOMANRY (IN SOUTH AFRICA). 1 oth Battalion, Lieutenant C. E. Thompson resigns The appointment of Brevet Colonel J. W . his Commission, and is granted the honorary Hughes-Hallett, C.B., D.S.O., from Lieu- rank of Lieutenant in the Army, with permis- tenant-Colonel half-pay, to be Colonel to sion to wear the uniform of the Corps. Dated command the 72nd (Seaforth Highlanders, 30th June, 1902. Ross-shire Buffs, the Duke of Albany's) and The description of 'Private R. H. More, who was 79th (the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) granted a Commission with the temporary rank Regimental Districts, vice Colonel H. G. of Lieutenant in the Army, in the Gazette of Grant, bears date 5th August, 1902, and not the 1'ith May, 1901, should be as now and not as previously stated. as therein stated. LINE BATTALIONS. $th Battalion, Lieutenant F. W. Packer resigns The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Lieutenant Claud his Commission. Dated 21st June, 1902. H. P. O'Hagan is placed on temporary half- pay on account of ill-health. Dated 29th July, llth Battalion, Lieutenant K. F. Powles resigns 1902. his Commission. Dated llth June, 1902. The undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be 12th Battalion, Lieutenant G. F. Pryor, Second Lieutenants:— Lieutenant 3rd Battalion Essex Regiment, is T. T. Oakes, vice R. B. M. Wood, seconded. removed from the Army, His Majesty having Dated 14th March, 1902. no further occasion for his services. Dated F. C. R. Studd, vice R. D. R. Troup, resigned. 16th August, 1902. Dated 16th April, 1902. E. B. Chichester, vice C. H. P. O'Hagan. Dated llth Battalion, Lieutenant Sir F. F. Fowke, Bart., 29th July, 1902. relinquishes his appointment, and is granted The Northumberland Fusiliers, Captain Henry F. the honorary rank of Lieutenant in the Army, Stobart is placed on temporary half-pay on with permission to wear the uniform of the account of ill-health. Dated 16th August, Corps. Dated 16th August, 1902. 1902. 2\st Battalion, Captain H. B. Clifford vacates his The Norfolk Regiment, Supernumerary Lieu- appointment as Adjutant. Dated 6th July, tenant Lloyd N. Jones-Bateman to be Lieu- 1902. tenant, vice J. P. L. Mostyn, seconded. Dated 28th Battalion, Lieutenant R. S. Wiley is removed 16th August, 1902. from the Service for absence without leave. Second Lieutenant Seymour H. Lee resigns his Dated 1st May, 1902. Commission. Dated 16th August, 1902. The Lincolnshire Regiment, Sergeant Percival Unattached, Major the Honourable W. L. Bagot, Frederick Whittall, from Royal Engineers, to D.S.O., relinquishes his Commission, and is be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- granted the honorary rank of Major in the tenant R. N. King, seconded. Dated 16th Army, with permission to wear the uniform of August, 1902. the Corps. Dated 29th July, 1902. Lieutenant C. Marwood Tucker, late 15th The Bedfordshire Regiment, The undermentioned Battalion, on relinquishing his Commission is Second Lieutenants to be Lieutenants:— granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant in W. H. Boteler, vice R. H. S. Whitchurch, trans- the Army, with permission to wear the uniform ferred to the Indian Staff Corps. Dated 27th of the Corps. Dated 23rd February, 1902. October, 1901. P. H. McCleverty, vice D. G. Ridgeway, trans- THE IMPERIAL YEOMANRY DEP6T. ferred to the Indian Staff Corps. Dated 20th Captain H. B. Clifford, from 21st Battalion, to be December, 190J. Captain. Dated 7th July, 1902. ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Supernumerary Second Lieutenant E. F. K. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, the promo- Graham to be Second Lieutenant, in succession tion to the rank of Lieutenant of Second Lieu- to Lieutenant W. F. B. Edwards, transferred tenant Charles H. Lumley is cancelled under to the Indian Staff Corps. Dated ICth August, the provisions of Article 19, Royal Warrant 1902. 26th October, 1900. Dated 16th August, 1902. The Royal Irish Regiment, Captain and Brevet Royal Garrison Artillery, Lieutenant Emile Major Ross A. Smyth is placed on temporary R. E. de Laveleye resigns his Commission. half-pay on account of ill-health. Dated 14th Dated 16th August, 1902. July, 1902. Second Lieutenant William D. Lindsay is The Lancashire Fusiliers, Supernumerary Captain seconded for service with the Native Artil- Eustace C. Brierley to be Captain, to complete lery, India. Dated 28th July, 1902. establishment. Dated 16th August, 1902. . ROYAL ENGINEERS. The Royal Scots Fusiliers, The promotion to the Brevet Colonel Henry L. Jessep, on completion rank of Captain of Lieutenant Maurice E. of five years' service as a regimental Lieu- McConaghey is antedated to 22nd January, tenant-Colonel, is placed on half-pay. Dated 1902, vice Brevet Major C. P. A. Hull, seconded. 27th July, 1902. Lieutenant Claud H. I. Jackson to be Captain, Major Francis G. Bond, C.B., to be Lieutenant- vice J. Duncan, D.S.O., seconded. Dated 31st Colonel, vice Brevet Colonel H. L. Jessep. January, 1902. Dated 27th July, 1902. The promotion to the rank of Lieutenant of Major James Stewart retires on retired pay. Second Lieutenant A. G. Bruce is antedated to Dated 16th August, 1902. 22nd January, 1902. Captain and Brevet Afajor Henry R. Gale to be Second Lieutenant W. Andrews to be Lieutenant, Major, vice F. G. Bond, C.B. Dated 27th vice C. H. I. Jackson. Dated 31st January, . July, 1902. 1902. Captain Geoffrey D. Close to be Major, vice E. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, Lieutenant C. JSpilsbury, retired. Dated 2nd August, John W. C. Kirk is seconded for service under 1902, . . the Foreign Office. Dated 9th August, 1902.