- Weekly activities

CALENDRIER du 21 au 27 septembre 2015 Brussels, 18 September 2015 (Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 21 septembre President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Prof. Konstantinos Agorastos, President of the Union of Greek Regions. Mr receives Mr Murray McCully, Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand. Ms on a bilateral visit to Vilnius, Lithuania. Ms receives representatives of VOICE, the network of 84 European NGOs. Mr participates in the opening of the Philips HealthSuite Labs on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, the . Mr Maroš Šefčovič on Energy Union Tour to , : meets with Mr Werner Faymann, ; meets with Mr , Vice-Chancellor and Minister for Economy; meets with members of all parliamentary groups in the Austrian Parliament; meets with business representatives, social partners and civil society representatives in the fields of environment, transport and consumer protection. Mr in Berlin, Germany (21-22/09): gives a speech at the Humboldt University; meets with Ms Andrea Nahles, Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Germany, meets with members of the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag and other stakeholders. Mr receives Mr Ulrich Eckelmann, General Secretary of IndustiAll European Trade Union and Dr Laurent Zibell, Policy adviser at Innovation & Technology. Mr receives representatives of the German Parliament Development Committee. Mr Neven Mimica receives Mr Murray Mc Cully, Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand. Mr Neven Mimica receives Dr. Norbert Kloppenburg, member of the executive board of KfW Bankengruppe as well as Ms Anne Paugham, Chief Executive Officer of the Agence Française de Développement. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Miguel Angel Torres Riera, President and Managing Director of Bodegas Torres in Spain. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Ms and Mr Remco Dijkstra, Members of the Dutch Parliament. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receivesMr Maxim Timchenko, Chief Executive Officer of DTEK. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receivesMr Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the IEA (International Energy Agency). Mr in Norway (since Friday 19/09): visits the Longyearbyen Hospital; visits the Svalbard Satellite Station (SVALSAT); visits Veterinarian Office; meets with Mr Bent Høie, Norwegian Minister of Health and Care Services. Ms receives Mr Jørn Neergaard Larsen, Danish Minister for Employment. Ms Marianne Thyssen receives Mr Markus Beyer, Director General of Business Europe. Mr receives Mr John Swinney, Deputy First Minister of Scotland. Mr Pierre Moscovici and Ms Marianne Thyssen receive Mr Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam and Mr Jozias Van Aarsten, Mayor of The Hague. Mr Pierre Moscovici receives a delegation of the EU committee of the Dutch House of Representatives 'Tweede Kamer'. Mr Pierre Moscovici receives Mr Angel Ron, Chairman of Banco Popular. Mr receives Mr Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia / Coordinator for Migration Issues. Mr Jonathan Hill receives Mr John Swinney, Deputy First Minister of Scotland. Mr Jonathan Hill receives Mr Klaus-Peter Naumann, President of the Institute of German Auditors. Mr Jonathan Hill receives Mr Martin Blessing, Chairman of Commerzbank; Mr Nuno Amada, CEO, Banco Comercial Português; Mr Richard Laxer, CEO, GE Capital; Mr Karl Sevelda, CEO, Raiffeisen Zentralbank; and Mr. Carlo Vivaldi, Head of CEE Division of UniCredit. Mr Jonathan Hill receives Mr Vidar Helgesen, Minister of EU and EEA Affairs, Norway. Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in the Netherlands: visits ESTEC, European Space Research and Technology Centre, in Noordwijk, meets with Mr Henk Kamp, Minister of Economic Affairs, and Ms , Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, in The Hague. Ms Vĕra Jourová receives Ms Kateřina Valachová, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Mr is in Budapest: participates in the hearing at the Hungarian Parliament EU Committee. Ms Corina Creţu is in Vienna for the European Cooperation Day. She will launch a public consultation on cross border obstacles and launch the REGIO senior management road show on cross border cooperation. Ms receives Mr Jørn Neergaard Larsen, Danish Minister for Employment. Mr is in Luxembourg: delivers a keynote speech at the 2015 SET-Plan Conference; meets with Professor Eicke Weber, President of the European renewable Energy research Center (EUREC); meets with a delegation representing the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).

Mardi 22 septembre Justice and Home Affairs Council, in Brussels. Informal meeting of Ministers for Energy, in Luxembourg. President Jean-Claude Juncker and Ms Kristalina Georgieva deliver speeches at the European Commission conference "Budget Focused on Results" hosted by Ms Kristalina Georgieva, in Brussels. Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Ms Marianne Thyssen, Mr , Ms Corina Creţu and Mr Carlos Moedas also participate. President Jean-Claude Juncker reçoit Laurent Berger, Secrétaire Général de la CFDT (Confédération française démocratique du travail). President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Honorary President of Atomium Culture - European Institute for Science, Media and Democracy (EISMD), Mr Michelangelo Baracchi Bonvicini, President of EISMD and Ms Erika Widegren, Chairman of the Advisory Board of REIsearch. Ms Federica Mogherini receives Mr Murray McCully, Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand. Ms Kristalina Georgieva receives Ms Vesna Pusić, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia. Mr Andrus Ansip meets with the Board of Directors of EuroCommerce, in Brussels. Mr Andrus Ansip receives Baroness Harding, CEO of TalkTalk. Mr Andrus Ansip receives Lord Puttnam, chairman of Atticus Education. Mr Jyrki Katainen gives inaugural lecture at the Institute for European Studies, in Brussels. Mr Günther Oettinger in the United States (San Francisco/Silicon Valley): meets with the top management of Facebook and a delegation from "Start Europe Comes to Silicon Valley – SEC2SV". Mr receives Mr Bekim Çollaku, Minister of European Integration of Kosovo. Mr Johannes Hahn receives Mr Vidar Helgesen, Minister of EEA and EU affairs of Norway. Mr Johannes Hahn receives Mr Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of Employment and Social policy of Serbia. Mr Johannes Hahn receives Mr Philip Hammond, UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Ms Cecilia Malmström in Washington D.C.: meets with Mr Michael Froman, U.S. Trade Representative, to take stock of the ongoing negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Also meets with Mr Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Ms Caroline Atkinson, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Markus Tacke, CEO of Siemens Wind Power and President of EWEA (European Wind Energy Association) as well as other members of EWEA. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Rokas Masiulis, Minister for Energy of Lithuania. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Yiorgos Lakkotrypis, Minister of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete makes closing remarks at the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan Conference, in Luxembourg. Mr participates in the Peripherial Martime Regions of Europe Conference, in Brussels. Mr Karmenu Vella receives the Pew Environment Group (European Maritime Programme). Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis is in Norway for official visit, including visit to the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). Mr receives Mr Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian Minister Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, also appointed as Coordinator for Migration Issues. Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos receives Mr Demetrios Papademetriou, President of MPI Europe, President Emeritus of MPI. Ms Marianne Thyssen receives Mr Vidar Helgesen, Minister of European Economic Area and EU Affairs of Norway. Mr Pierre Moscovici receives Mr Luis de Guindos, Minister of Finance of Spain. Mr Christos Stylianides receives Mr Patrice Paoli, Director, Centre de crise et de soutien, from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. Mr Jonathan Hill gives a keynote speech at the Long-term Investment Intergroup meeting on 'Institutional investors and the real economy", , Brussels. Mr Jonathan Hill gives a speech on financial services at the "Birmingham Made Me" event at the European Parliament, Brussels. Ms opens the ERTMS CCRCC (European Rail Traffic Management System Control Command and Radio Communication Conference) in Lille, . Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU SME Envoy,chairs a meeting of the Network of SME Envoys in Brussels, Charlemagne building. Mr Tibor Navracsics participates in the opening ceremony of the European Youth conference organised by the Luxembourgish Presidency, in Luxembourg. Mr Tibor Navracsics meets with Mr Sven Arne Hansen, President of the European Athletics Association, in Brussels. Mr Tibor Navracsics participates in the Van Buren’s Museum ceremony organised by Europa Nostra, in Brussels. Ms Vĕra Jourová meets with representatives of EuroCommerce Board, in Brussels. Ms Vĕra Jourová receives Mr Geoffrey Vos, President of European Networks of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ). Ms Vĕra Jourová receives Mr Vidar Helgesen, Minister of European Economic Area and EU Affairs of Norway. Ms Vĕra Jourová receives Ms Soňa Pőtheová, President of the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic. Ms Corina Creţu is in the Netherlands. She meets with Ms , State Secretary for Economic affairs, with Mr Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam, and Mr Maarten Struijvenberg, Councillor for Employment and Economic affairs of the city of Rotterdam. She visits EU funded projects in the field of Research & Innovation. Ms Corina Creţu attends the conference "Rural territories in the 2014-2020 policies of territorial cohesion and inclusive growth", organized by the intergroup on Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas, European parliament, in Brussels. Ms Margrethe Vestager receives Mr Luis de Guindos, Minister of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain. ​Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Alex Brenninkmeijer, Member of the Court of Auditors. Mr Carlos Moedas meets with Mr Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Honorary President, and Mr Baracchi Bonvinci, President of Atomium Culture, in Brussels. Mr Carlos Moedas attends an expert roundtable session on connecting European researchers at the European Parliament, in Brussels. Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Mark Ferguson, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland.

Mercredi 23 septembre Extraordinary, informal meeting of the heads of state or government, in Brussels. College meeting, in Brussels. President Jean-Claude Juncker and the College receive the President and the other Members of the European Court of Auditors. President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Finnish Prime Minister, Mr Juha Sipilä. President Jean-Claude Juncker participates in the Extraordinary, informal meeting of the heads of state or government, in Brussels. Ms Federica Mogherini receives Mr Philip Hammond, UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Mr Andrus Ansip receives Mr Philip Hammond, UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Mr Maroš Šefčovič in Luxembourg: meets with Mr Tord André Lien, Minister of Petroleum and Energy of Norway; meets with Mr George Lakkotrypis, Minister of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus; meets with Mr Rokas Masiulis, Minister of Energy of Lithuania, meets with Mr Kristen Michal, Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure of the Republic of Estonia. Mr Jyrki Katainen meets with Mr Phillip Hammond, UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, in Brussels. Mr Jyrki Katainen speaks at the Informal Energy Council on the subject of "The EU financing landscape for energy and new opportunities linked to the European Fund for Strategic Investments". Mr Günther Oettinger in the United States (San Francisco/Silicon Valley): meets with the top managements of Google, Apple, eBay, Mercedes-Benz North America Research Centre. Ms Cecilia Malmström in Washington D.C.: meets with Mr Richard Trumka, President of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Henk Kamp, Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands. Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Vilnius, Lithuania: delivers speech at the World Dairy Summit. Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos receives Mr Jorge Domecq, EDA Chief Executive. Mr Jonathan Hill receives Mr Ron Walkier, President of the European Association of Public Banks. Ms Violeta Bulc receives Mr Graziano Delrio, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Italy. Mr Tibor Navracsics opens the 10th anniversary of European Researchers' Night: "Science is wonder-full", in Brussels. Ms Margrethe Vestager receives the Board of the Confederation of Finnish Industries. Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Matt Brittin, President of Google Europe. Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Vitor Manual da Silva Caldeira, President of Court of Auditors.

Jeudi 24 septembre Informal meeting of Ministers of Health, in Luxembourg. Mr Frans Timmermans receives Ms Susan Denham, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ireland. Mr Andrus Ansip receives representatives of Broadcast Networks Europe. Mr Andrus Ansip participates in the launch of the Europe's startup ecosystem mapping project, in Brussels. Mr Maros Šefčovič on Energy Union Tour to Finland (24-25/09): on 24/09 meets in Helsinki with Mr Juha Sipilä, Prime Minister of Finland; meets with some of Members of the Grand Committee of the Finnish Parliament; meets with Mr , Minister of Economic Affairs. Mr Valdis Dombrovskis in , France: meets with Mr , Prime Minister of France. Mr Günther Oettinger in the United States (Washington): speaks at the World Congress of Savings and Retail Banks and at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS); meets with Tom Wheeler, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman, and with Penny Pritzker, U.S. Commerce Secretary. Ms Cecilia Malmström in New York: delivers the 2015 Isaiah Berlin Lecture at Liberal International. Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr George Hatzimarkos, Governor of South Aegean and Ms Christiana Kalogirou, Governor of North Aegean. Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Joachim Rukwied, President of the German Farmers Association. Mr Karmenu Vella meets with Maltese Parliamentarians, in Brussels. Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Luxembourg for the Informal meeting of Ministers of Health; meets in the margins with Mr Juha Rehula, Finnish Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services, and with Ms Sophie Løhde, Danish Minister of Health and the Elderly. Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos receives Mr Constantine Mihalos, Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Ms Marianne Thyssen in Portugal: attendstheConference of the Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes. M. Pierre Moscovici à Paris: rencontre M. François Villeroy de Galhau, chargé par le gouvernement français d'une mission sur le financement de l'investissement; participe à la conférence "Après le psychodrame grec, quelles améliorations pour l'UEM?" organisée par l'Institut . Mr Phil Hogan in Ireland on official visit including farm visits and the Ploughing Championships in Laois. Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Malta: meets with Mr Louis Grech, the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Jose Herrera, Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Growth, and representatives of Malta Enterprise. She also participates in a stakeholder workshop on opportunities for SMEs and micro- enterprises organised by Ms Myriam Dalli, Member of the European Parliament, in collaboration with GRTU, the General Retailers' and Traders' Union, and MEA, the Maltese Employers Association. Ms Vĕra Jourová in : meets with Mr Petro Poroshenko, President, Mr Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister, meets with Mr Pavlo Petrenko, Minister of Justice, meets with Mr Viktor Shokin, Deputy Prosecutor General, meets with representatives of main bar associations, meets with Representatives of parliamentary parties, meets with representatives of the High Council of Justice. Mr Tibor Navracsics participates in a panel discussion at the Passau - Icunet congress "New Horizons". Ms Margrethe Vestager gives an opening speech at the ICN Merger Workshop and 25th year celebration of the EU Merger Regulation, in Brussels. Mr Carlos Moedas receives the Board of Presidents of the European Ceramic Industry Association (Ceram-Unie). Mr Carlos Moedas meets with Mr James Anderson, Head of Corporate Government Affairs of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), in Brussels. Mr Carlos Moedas meets with high-level industry representatives including Prima Industry, VDMA, Bayer, BMW of Horizon 2020 Contractual Public-Private-Partnerships, in Brussels. Mr Carlos Moedas attends the award ceremony "For Women in Science" organised by L'Oreal Foundation-UNESCO, in Brussels.

Vendredi 25 septembre Mr Andrus Ansip meets with Mr Hideaki Omija, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries President and CEO. Mr Maroš Šefčovič on Energy Union Tour to Finland: (24-25/09): on 25/09 in Vaasa gives a speech at the Borgaregatans high school; participates in the Citizens' Dialogue; participates in the business seminar: "Global growth from the leading energy cluster in the Nordic countries". Mr Jyrki Katainen travels to Singapore to present the Investment Plan for Europe. Mr Günther Oettinger in the United States (Washington): meets with Mr Stefan Selig, U.S. Commerce Under Secretary, with Mr Edith Ramirez, Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman, with Ms Cathy Novelli, Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and Environment. Ms Cecilia Malmström in New York: speaks to students and faculty at Columbia University on "TTIP and beyond: EU Trade policy in the 21st century". Mr Neven Mimica attends the summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in New York. Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Luxembourg for the Informal meeting of Ministers of Health. Ms Marianne Thyssen attends an extraordinary meeting with managing authorities of the European Social Fund and the Fund for the Most Deprived in response to the refugee crisis, in Brussels. Mr Phil Hogan in Sligo, Ireland, for the opening of the Sligo Aurivo Co-Operative Society (Dairy Produce Merchants). Mr Jonathan Hill receives Mr Alex Wynaendts, Chairman and CEO of Aegon NV. Ms Margrethe Vestager in Copenhagen:meets with the European Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament; meets with the party leader of the Danish Socialists' Party, Ms Pia Olsen Dyhr; meets with the party leader of the Danish Peoples' Party, Mr Kristian Thulesen Dahl; meets with Mr Morten Østergaard, leader of the Danish Social Liberal Party; meets with Mr Anders Samuelsen, leader of the Liberal Alliance. Mr Carlos Moedas attends stakeholder meeting on "Simplification in Horizon 2020" at the Committee of the Regions, in Brussels. Mr Carlos Moedas delivers a keynote speech and has an exchange of views at the EPP Youth Council meeting, in Brussels.

Samedi 26 septembre Ms Kristalina Georgieva in New York (until 27/09): co-hosts the High Level Discussion "The future of humanitarian beyond the Sustainable Development Goals: addressing fragility, Conflict and Violence" (together with Norway's Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Børge Brende), and the discussion on "Integrating Humanitarian Work and the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda" (together with Mike Penrose, Executive Director, Action Against Hunger France, and Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the Millennium Development Goals); takes part in a discussion between the UN High Level Panels on Humanitarian Financing and Peacebuilding. Mr Günther Oettinger in the United States (New-York): participates in the Broadband Commission for Digital Development meeting. Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Vienna, Austria, for theEuropean Cancer Congress.

Dimanche 27 septembre

Prévisions du mois d'octobre: 01-02/10 Competitiveness Council, in Luxembourg 05/10 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, in Luxembourg 05/10 , in Luxembourg 05-08/10 European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg 06/10 Economic and Financial Affairs Council, in Luxembourg 07/10 Informal meeting of Ministers for Transport, in Luxembourg 08/10 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, in Luxembourg 08-09/10 Justice and Home Affairs Council, in Luxembourg 12/10 Foreign Affairs Council, in Luxembourg 13/10 General Affairs Council, in Luxembourg 14/10 European Parliament plenary session, in Brussels 15-16/10 European Council, in Brussels 22-23/10 Agriculture and Fisheries Council, in Luxembourg 26/10 Environment Council, in Luxembourg 26/10 Foreign Affairs Council, in Luxembourg 26-29/10 European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg

Prévisions du mois de novembre: 09/11 Eurogroup, in Brussels 10/11 Economic and Financial Affairs Council, in Brussels 11/11 European Parliament plenary session, in Brussels 13/11 Economic and Financial Affairs Council, in Brussels 16-17/11 Foreign Affairs Council, in Brussels 16/11 Agriculture and Fisheries Council, in Brussels 17/11 General Affairs Council, in Brussels 23/11 Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council, in Brussels 23-26/11 European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg 26/11 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, in Brussels 26/11 Informal meeting of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning, in Luxembourg 27/11 Foreign Affairs Council, in Brussels 27/11 Informal meeting of Ministers for Urban Policy 30/11-01/12 Competitiveness Council, in Brussels

Prévisions du mois de décembre: 30/11-01/12 Competitiveness Council, in Brussels 02/12 European Parliament plenary session, in Brussels 03-04/12 Justice and Home Affairs Council, in Brussels 07/12 Eurogroup, in Brussels 08/12 Economic and Financial Affairs Council, in Brussels 08/12 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, in Brussels 09/12 Informal meeting of Ministers for Development Cooperation, in Luxembourg 10-11/12 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, in Brussels 14-15/12 Agriculture and Fisheries Council, in Brussels 14-17/12 European Parliament plenary session, in Strasbourg 15/12 General Affairs Council, in Brussels 15/12 Foreign Affairs Council "Trade", in Brussels 16/12 Environment Council, in Brussels 17-18/12 European Council, in Brussels

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 19 au 20 septembre: Ms Anna-Kaisa Itkonen: +32 460 764 328 Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 498 982 748 Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tel.: +32 229 52123 CLDR/15/5675