WWW.NAVYLEAGUE.ORG.AU • @NAVYLEAGUEAUST • OCT-DEC 2016 VOLUME 78 No.4 THE MAGAZINE OF THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA THE GLOBAL WEST HOW THE USN, RAN & IS ALL AT SEA JMSDF ARE POSTURING TO COUNTER THE PLA THE IMPERATIVE OF CRITICAL SYSTEMS FORMATION OF NAVY PART I ~ DESIGN THINKING THE ISRAELI DEFENCE FORCE NAVY, 1939-1959 $5.95 INC.GST AUSTRALIA’S LEADING NAVAL MAGAZINE SINCE 1938 is the tailoring of purpose-built logistic solutions which deliver the most effective, efficient and sustainable outcomes for our clients. Our engineered approach is built on STRANG’s 90 years of experience, expertise, dedication and innovation. STRANG engineers world-leading solutions encompassing Supply Line Logistics, Project Freight Forwarding, Advisory Services and Port and Terminal Operations. We Engineer these Logistic Solutions globally, for example at Port Ehoala Madagascar depicted above, where we provide cargo handling, logistics, stevedoring and port services. Contact us www.stxgroup.com.au +61 2 9669 1099 Volume 78 No.4 THE MAGAZINE OF THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA FEDERAL COUNCIL SOUTH AUSTRALIA DIVISION President: Graham M Harris, RFD (Incl. Northern Territory) 07 THE GLOBAL WEST IS ALL AT SEA Senior Vice-President: Patron: His Excellency, John Jeremy, AM The Governor of South Australia. By Professor Julian Lindley-French Vice-Presidents: President: Dean Watson, RFD LCDR Roger Blythman, RFD, Hon. Secretary: Miss J E Gill Mark Schweikert PO Box 3008, Unley, SA 5061 11 THE IMPERATIVE OF CRITICAL SYSTEMS Hon. Secretary: Philip Corboy Telephone: (08) 8272 6435 DESIGN THINKING FOR SCALING AND PO Box 128, Clayfield, Qld 4011 Mob: 0421 280 481 WESTERN AUSTRALIA DIVISION COMPOSING NAVY’S FUTURE SYSTEMS Email:
[email protected] Patron: Her Excellency, AND SHIPS The Governor of Western Australia.