January 2008 January 2008

TTTHTHHHEEEE PPPAPAAARRRRIIIISSSSHHHHEEEESSSS ooofofff BBBEBEEERRRREEEE PARISH MAGAZINE EDITOR RRREREEEGGGGIIIISSSS aaanannndddd AAAFAFFFFFPPPPUUUUDDDDDDLLLLEEEE Alison Debenham with TURNERSPUDDLE ‘’Culver Dell“, Shitterton, , Wareham, . BH20 7HU The Rev’d Canon Ian Woodward Telephone: 01929 471780 Fax: 01929 472580 The Vicarage, Bere Regis, E-mail: [email protected] BH20 7HQ Tel: (01929) 471262 Producing this magazine each month is a voluntary activity. As I work full time, please do not expect an immediate response to phone messages or e-mails. I Our Vision: usually work on the magazine at weekends, so will try to acknowledge e-mails by the Sunday after they have been sent. To make Christ’s love known in the world today and to live out his teaching *************************************************

Please submit all announcements, copy or advertisements Our Mission: To encourage awareness of the presence of God through worship music to Alison, no later than the 15th of each month. and the arts; To encourage everyone in the Christian faith through example, learning ************************************************* and spiritual growth; To make our churches open and welcoming to all, and supportive of those in need; We regret that late submissions will not be included. To challenge injustice at home and abroad and to balance our care for the environment. ************************************************

Copy can be accepted handwritten, but preferably via e-mail as a Microsoft JANUARY 2008 Word attachment. Alternatively, a MS Word file on a CD or memory stick is acceptable. THOUGHTS FROM THE VICARAGEICARAGE Please ensure your virus software is fully up to date before e-mailing or So a New Year once again: what does it hold for us – will it be a better year than supplying on disk. Please do not use underlining , UPPER CASE formatting, or ’07 and if so how is one year better than another? A better summer we hope than include any tables or graphics. last year but not a repeat of the floods that devastated Tewkesbury and the For more advice on computer based copy, please ring Alison. surrounding areas. Some of the older folks say we don’t have winters like we used to and we must be in for a more prolonged cold spell soon – if only to kill of the ********************************************** garden bugs and flies and wasps that seem to survive so long into the new year.

Few of us can deny the evidence of global warming and I’m sure that 2008 will Distribution enquiries contact: Sally and Gordon see greater awareness and education for each of us to better understand our Cheeseman, 4 Elder Road, Bere Regis, BH20 7LY. own individual carbon footprint. I suppose its natural to compare one year with another, after all we have to do it in all our financial and business dealings and Telephone 01929 471022 even in Church and in our schools. We need a yardstick to measure ourselves. In

76 Church website: www.bereregiswith1 .org.uk January 2008 January 2008 our own community 2007 has been a year of joys and sorrows; for some there will be an effort to move on in to a more positive future and for others a reluctance to leave the past behind. We are all different and this difference is what makes family and community and nation and commonwealth. But what is it that we hold in DATES FOR common? Politically both nationally and internationally it will be another year of change? It will certainly be another year of challenge. In the Church of YOUR DIARY we will have the joy of hosting the 10 yearly Lambeth Conference at Canterbury in July for which we wonder and pray about unity in the Church and how we can demonstrate and share God’s love with our fellow Anglicans – and all mankind - I fervently hope we can. Then there will be the Olympic Games in China in August June and I ponder about political harmony and opportunities that sporting contests Gardening club, Annual outing. Venue and date tbc often bring into sharp focus. I know from my own experience that given China’s 6th, 7th, 8th Flower Festival at Affpuddle church considerable involvement in Sudan, will the Bejing Olympics be used to highlight 23rd PiP Village Quiz 7.30 p.m. China’s fuelling of the neo-genocide in Darfur or will this ongoing tragedy be settled soon with the joint African Union/United Nations Force? It should be one of our prayers for the New Year. No part of life is free from observation or critical July judgement. 1st Gardening club, Lady Brewer, Babs Dodwell 5th Affpuddle Church fete and Dog Show So thinking about comparisons year by year, I’ve been quite busy this past year with the schools in our Benefice. Sandford Middle School had it’s inspection this 13th Pop in Place, Bere Regis Open Gardens 10.00 am - 5.00 pm past year and was officially ‘Good’, with some ‘Outstanding’ features; but we have been further encouraged not only by this Ofstead report but also by our Key August Stage 2 results – the statutory test for our 10 year olds – in this we had exceptional 5th Gardening club, Barbecue at Shitterton Farmhouse results and we are the best Middle school in Dorset for KS2 in 2007. Then we had 15th 22nd 29th PiP Children’s Summer Activities 10.00 am - 11.45 am our statutory Church inspection which found Sandford Middle to be officially ‘outstanding’. All this is hugely gratifying and congratulations and thanks are due to Rob Graham the Head and all the staff and pupils. But it is important to September remember that all inspections are only a snapshot taken at one particular moment 2nd Gardening club, Chrysanthemums, Bob Symes in time. 6th PiP Perfomer of the Year Competition 7.00 p.m.

We cannot be certain of how 2008 will go but we will do our best – and that is all that God asks of us – our best for him and October one another. 7th Gardening club, Plum Harvest Supper , slide show by Peter Whittaker 18th PiP Jumble sale and mini auction 2.00 p.m. A very Happy New Year, With love and prayers PS. Some of you may have noticed that Bere Regis Church is now lit throughout November the night. This may seem extravagant but I hope you will understand that we have 4th Gardening club, Winter in the garden, Simon Goldsack had to take emergency measures. Many of you will, I hope be aware that like a 14th PiP Children in Need 10.00 am - 12.00 noon number of Churches and Schools our Church in Bere Regis has had lead stolen from its roof and we have to prevent it happening again. We have installed December cameras and a cctv system and placed prominent signs on the gates. The lead that was stolen was placed there in 1907 – 100 years ago. I find it surprising and 2nd Gardening club, landscape gardening and Christmas plants disappointing that some people are seemingly resigned to the inevitability of such 13th PiP Christmas Show 7.00 p.m. criminal theft. We have had a ‘crime number’ from the Police but no further word from them and the risk of repeat thefts is very high. Church has been raided five times! So could I ask you all to keep a good look out; report any suspicious vehicles or people to the police and let Bob Croom and Peter Wharf the Churchwardens know. This is our Church – yours and mine and we want to keep the Churchyard and the Church open2 to all. 75


DATES FOR The Vicar The Rev’d Canon Ian Woodward The Vicarage, Bere Regis, BH20 7HQ YOUR DIARY Tel 01929 471262 ([email protected]) 2008 Church Officials – Bere Regis

Licensed Lay Brenda Pitfield, Hillbutts, Bere Regis, BH20 7HZ 471391 January Minister 7th Pop in Place re-opens 10.00 a.m Church Wardens Bob Croom, 1, Bitchams Mead, Bere Regis, BH20 7ND 471905 8th Gardening club - New Year Party ([email protected]) 11th Pop in Place Bring and Buy Sale 10.00 a.m Peter Wharf, The Old Vicarage, Bere Regis BH20 7HQ 12th Pop in Place New Year Disco 7.30 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. ([email protected]) 472246 Secretary of PCC Chris Maunder, 15 North Street, Bere Regis BH20 7LA 471342 February ([email protected]) 5th Gardening club - Daffodils, John Blanchard. AGM Treasurer of PCC Gordon Phillips, 102, North Street, Bere Regis BH20 7LD 471525 15th Concert by the Denner Ensemble, Affpuddle church 7.30 p.m. ([email protected]) 21st Puppet Show, Head in the Clouds Organist & Choir Tim Colquhoun, Heatherdown, Brock Hill, BH20 7NH 471360

Master ([email protected]) March Weekly Pew Geoffrey Booth, Tower House, Bere Regis BH20 7JA 471586 4th Organic Vegetables, Sara Cross Sheet &Gift Aid ( [email protected] ) 11th Forest Forge, The Marrow, Drax Hall Flowers Jenny Kinahan, 13,White Lovington, Bere Regis BH20 7NF 472161 21st PiP Easter Egg Raffle & Easter Bonnet Parade 10.00 am - 12.00 noon ([email protected]) PCC Members - Roger Angel, David Gibbs, John House, Paula Kent, Richard Smith April Church Officials – Affpuddle 1st Gardening Club, Romantic Italian Gardens, Rosemary Le Grand. 18th Bournemouth Gilbert and Sullivan Society at Bere Regis Church Licensed Lay Jonathan Haigh, Hazel Cottage, 25, , DT2 7HS 471768 25th PiP AGM 10.30 a.m. Minister ([email protected]) 26th Bere Regis Church annual coach outing to Windsor Castle Church Warden Sandy Moriarty, The Hollow, Briantspuddle, DT2 7HX 471747 26th Gardening Club, Coffee morning and plant sale ([email protected])

May Secretary of PCC Elizabeth Whatley, (elizabeth.ew@ talktalk.net) 01305 848959 3rd Church coffee morning at Wareham Town Hall with cakes and plants Treasurer of PCC Mike Menzies, Starmoor, Throop, DT2 7JD 471263 6th Gardening club, European Alps and Flowers, Richard Collier [email protected] 17th PiP Performers Summer Concert 3.00 pm and 7.00 pm Organist Ivor Mullins, Grasmere, 12, Parmiter Road, Colehill, 01202 17th Coffee Morning at Launchfield House Wimborne, BH21 2BN 889227

Sacristan Erica Moriarty, The Hollow, Briantspuddle DT2 7HX 471747 PCC Members - Christine Coates, Janet Cropper, Sue Gibbs, David Griffiths, Audrey Grindrod, Richard Killer, David Nesling, David Payne.

74 3 January 2008 Associatio Contact Tel AddressJanuary 2008 E-mail Meetings/Info BEREBERE REGISREGIS n

CHURCHCHURCH ROTASROTAS Dorset Latvia Jenny Silavs 471577 Fundraisiing for youth of link Link village of Ikskile in Latvia Bere Regis Sidesmen Kingsbere Tim Colquhoun 471360 Heatherdown, choir@tacmus Set rehearsal dates for each 6th 9.15 am Mr Bates/Mr House Consort Brock Hill ic.com performance Bere Regis Chalice Mr House / Mr Smith Evensong Kingsbere Miss G Miller 471745 3 Boswell’s Close Monthly Drax Hall 6.00 pm Mrs Jutting Quilters BH20 7JE 1st Wednesday @ 9.45 am Readers Kingsbere Music Tim Colquhoun 471360 Heatherdown, kmt@tacmusi Charitable trust supporting 13th 11.00am Mrs England with young people Trust Brock Hill c.com devotees of real music 6th Mrs Jutting Lenny’s - Bere Terry Vine 471693 The Bungalow, terry.vine@tis Weekly. RBL Club 20th Miss Frampton 20th 9.15am Mr Wharf/Mr Smith Regis Youth club Lane End, Bere cali.co.uk 1st Wednesday and Chalice Mr Croom/Mr Wharf Heath, BH20 7NP following Tuesday evenings 6.00 pm Miss Frampton Juniors (8-11) 7.15-9.00 Seniors (12-17) 7.15-10.00

27th 11.00am Miss Miller Mothers’ Union Nancy Gibson 472105 15 White NancyEGibson Monthly. Turberville Court Lovington @msn.com 1st Wednesday. 7.30 p.m. BH20 7NF Cleaning and Dusting Mobile Library Dorset County 01305 dorchestermo Alternate fortnights Car Council 224440 bilelibrary@d park orsetcc.gov.uk Mondays 9.20- 9.50 Cleaning Dusting Fridays 10.50 - 12.15

Mrs A Jones and Mrs J Miss D Le Maistre and Pop in Place Angela Jones 472261 7 Boswells Close Weekly. Drax Hall 5th January Nurrish Miss P Le Maistre BH20 7JE Monday and Friday mornings 10.00 - 12.00 12th and 19th January Mrs Tricia White and Mrs Mrs S Brady and Peter Wharf 472246 The Old Vicarage peterwharf@h Monthly surgery. Turberville Councillor West Street otmail.com Court, Communal Lounge Mrs A Colquhoun and Miss S Frampton and 26th January and 2nd 1st Saturday @ 9.30—10.00 Mrs W Underhill Mrs J Spicer February Royal British Mrs Glo Curtis 472620 32 Old Barn Road Glo.curtis@do Monthly at the club Legion Club rset.probation. 3rd Monday @ 7.30 p.m. Sanctuary Flower Guild gsx.gov.uk RBL Gardening Mrs Megan 471627 2 Manor House Monthly. RBL

Jan 6th and 13th Mrs C Burden and Mrs J Gibbs Club Stone 1st Tuesday. 8.00 p.m.          RBL Women's Mrs Eileen 471616 9 Elder Road Monthly. RBL Jan 20th and 27th Mrs J Herring and Mrs J Kinahan Section Maidment 3rd Wednesday. 2.00 p.m.          Twinning Mrs Ann 472424 3 Southbarn, southbarn@ti Meetings and events Association Robinson Sitterton, BH20 scali.co.uk arranged as and when. 7HU

Village scrap Jenny Silavs 471577 Scrap book for Affpuddle, First Sunday Coffee book Briantspuddle, Throop and Turnerspuddle 6th Brenda and Pat House W.I. (Bere Regis) Mrs Diane 472331 [email protected] Monthly Drax Hall 4 73 Edmunds om 3rd Tuesday @ 7.30 pm

Wildlife Events Mrs Tasie 471414 Talks in winter. CHURCHJanuary AND 2008 VILLAGE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHJanuary 2008 ROTAS ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS Sidesmen, Readers, Readings, Intercessors and Chalice Associatio Contact Tel Address E-mail Meetings/Info n Date Time Sidesmen Readers Readings

Ancient Order of Andrew Jones 19 Louise Road, andrew@jjo Monthly RBL Club Foresters Court Dorchester, DT1 2LT neser.freese 1st Monday - 7.30 pm 6 Jan 8.00 R Killer R Killer BCP as set Prospect 6575 rve.co.uk The 9.15 Benefice Communion at Bere Regis

Autumn Leaves Margaret Dann 472734 4 Bitchams Mead Monthly Drax Hall Epiphany Kath Jeeves 471175 “Larkspur” Snow Hill 2nd Wednesday @ 2.30 pm 13 Jan 9.15 E Moriarty S Moriarty Isa.42:1-9 Bere Regis Tim Colquhoun 471360 Heatherdown, Brock Hill choir@tacm Rehearsals weekly. 7.00 Baptism S Moriarty H Menzies Acts 10: 34-43 Church Choir usic.com p.m. every Friday in BR church of Christ & Plough Sunday S Sanderson Matt 3: 13-end

Bere Regis Cyril 471512 Village football and cricket 20 Jan 8.00 P Badcock P Badcock BCP as set Sports Club Cheeseman teams for all ages 3rd of 11.00 D Griffiths t.b.a t.b.a Cricket 472812 Football Herbie Swann 471728 Epiphany (Septuagesima) Dave Rigler

Bere Regis Parish Jim Parsons 471050 14 White Lovington Monthly, Drax Hall 27 Jan 9.15 D Reed P Neill 1 Cor 1: 10-18 Council Chairman BH20 7NF 2nd Thursday th of Ian Ventham 471480 Shitterton Farmhouse 4 R Killer R Killer Matt 4: 12-23 Vice Chairman BH20 7HU Epiphany (Sexagesima)

Bere Regis Bob Holman 01305 Camelot, Affpuddle bob.holman 5.30 p.m.—7.00 p.m. at the 3 Feb 08.00 R Killer R Killer BCP as set Swimming club 848262 DT2 7HH @tiscali.co. Purbeck Leisure Centre, uk Wareham Next 11.00 S Sanderson S Sanderson 2 Pet 1: 16-end Before F Solly F Solly Matt 17: 1-9 Bere Regis Lynda Crisford 471180 11 Bitchams Mead Michael.CRI Every Tuesday 10.30 a.m. Lent (Quinquagesima) Health Walks BH20 7ND SFORD@uk Bere Regis Car Park


Bere Regis Bell John England 471469 10, South Mead Normal practice night - Ringers Adrian 471774 Wednesdays 6.30 p.m. to Intercessions: 13 Jan, E Arkell; 27 Jan, E Whatley Standfield 472161 7.30 p.m. Jenny Kinahan Chalice: 13 Jan, S Moriarty; 27 Jan, M Menzies

Bere Regis First Steven Battishill 471334 Rye Hill office@bere First School for pupils aged

School - Headteacher BH20 7LP regis.dorset. 4+ to 9 years sch.uk

Bere Regis Scout Kim Benjafield 471170 6 Bitchams Mead kimbenjy@ Wednesdays 6 - 7 pm Group (Beavers) Beaver Leader BH20 7ND yahoo.co.uk 5¾ - 8 years (scout hut hire) Scout Hut, Elder Road

Bere Regis Scout Christine 472159 Thursdays 6.30 - 8 pm Group (Cubs) Whitfield 8– 10 ½ or 11 years Cub Leader Scout Hut, Elder Road

Bere Regis Scout Mike Whitfield 472159 Mondays 7.30 - 9 pm Group (Scouts) Scout Leader 10 ½ or 11 to 14 years

72 Scout Hut, Elder Road 5

Bere Regis Liz Teather 471216 The Old Mill, Doddings Fridays 10:30 a.m., including Toddler Music BH20 7NJ school holidays, Age 0 - 4, January 2008 January 2008


th Breakfast Sunday 6 January The Epiphany (white) Breakfast B&B  Ground Floor 8am Holy Communion (BCP) Affpuddle ♦ En-suite facilities  Secure Parking 9.15am Benefice Communion for The Epiphany Bere Regis ♦ Ground floor  Quiet Country Setting ♦ Colour television 2.30pm Epiphany carols and readings Turnerspuddle West Acres, West Street Chamberlaynes, Winterbourne Kingston Sunday 13 th January Baptism of Christ & Plough Sunday Bere Regis Blandford Forum DT11 9AT (white) 01929 471504 01929 471293 8am Holy Communion (BCP) Bere Regis www.westacres- 9.15am Parish Communion Affpuddle bedandbreakfast.co.uk 11am Family service for Plough Sunday Bere Regis

Chris’s Carpet Fitter Sunday 20 th January Third Sunday of Epiphany P J Bushby Window All aspects of carpet and (Septuagesima) (white) HOME vinyl fitting undertaken. 8am Holy Communion (BCP) Affpuddle Cleaning Domestic or commercial. 9.15am Parish Communion Bere Regis AND Your own materials fitted or Service home selection if preferred. 11am Family Communion Affpuddle Helpful advice always BUILDING available. The complete Telephone th carpet and flooring service. Sunday 27 January Fourth Sunday of Epiphany (Sexagesima) (white) 01929 471075 01202 624684 8am Holy Communion Bere Regis or freephone 0800 0688982 9.15am Parish Communion Affpuddle 11am Mattins Bere Regis Bere Regis MOT & Sunday 3 rd February Candlemas - Sunday next before Painter and Service Centre Andy Hawkins

Lent (Quinquagesima) (white) Decorator Class 4 MOTs by Motor Engineer 8am Holy Communion Affpuddle appointment Interior and 9.15am Parish Communion Bere Regis 10 working day retest Servicing, repairs, MOT 11am Mattins & Communion Affpuddle Exterior Work period preparation and tests £10 discount on MOT or full 6pm Evensong Bere Regis arranged. All makes of Gordon Tucker, service with this voucher car and LCV. Unit 1, Townsend Business Park. 10 Elder Road, Situated behind Shell Petrol Station, Competitive prices. th Bere Regis Bere Regis 5 Southmead. Wednesday 6 February Ash Wednesday (purple)

7pm Benefice Communion for Ash Wednesday Bere Regis 01929 472205 01929 471882 01929 471140

6 71 January 2008 January 2008

ADVERTISING RATES for the year 2008

(Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC) BERE REGIS CHURCH NEWS

Full page, full year £18£18£180£18 000 Full page, one month £28£28£28 BERE REGIS BELLRINGERS Half page, full year £105 Half page, one month £12£12£12 Practices start again on Wednesday 9th January at the usual Third page, full year £85£85£85 Third page, one month £10£10£10 time of 6.30pm. Any new ringers are always welcome. Quarter page, full year £70£70£70 Quarter page, one month £8£8£8 Well done to those who have started recently.

Small-Small -ads,ads, full year £50 Small-Small -ads,ads, one month Small --ads, full year £50£50 Small --ads, one month £7£7£7 MMMEMEEEEETTTTIIIINNNNGGGG OOOFOO FFF TTTTHT HHHEEEE BBBBEB EEERRRREEEE RRRRER EEEGGGGIIIISSSS Rates for charitable, community or nonnon----profitprofit organisations CHURCH TOUR GUIDES are charged at 50% of above.

Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years. Adverts inserted for part Please would all the tour guides come along, if they can, to their annual review years are charged at a propro----ratarata rate of the full year cost. meeting at 10 South Mead on Monday 7th January at 2.30pm to confirm arrangements for next years church guided tours. ArtArtArt-Art ---workwork for advertisements can be created, free of chachargerge for simple text, Anyone feeling that they would like to help us please come to this meeting. In £10£10£10 --- £££3£33300 for complex text and graphics previous years we have offered tours on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons during the months of May to September and it is not too arduous a task and you will meet some very interesting people.


SMALL ADS Funerals Jean Harvey on 26 th November at Bere Regis followed by cremation at Poole Sugaring Chartered Molly Carlyle on 6 th December at Bere Regis followed by Hardy Tree Effective removal of cremation at Poole Surgeons Architect body/facial hair.

Robert Beedle Jimmy Barnes on 10 th December at Bere Regis followed by All aspects of tree work Holistic professionally undertaken. R.I.B.A. interment in the Cemetery Stump removal, tree surgery, For professional advice, massage design and supervision for Interment of Ashes pruning, felling, reshaping. relaxing, excellent for Wood chippings and logs. complete works or stress and th extensions on new, On 29 November at Bere Regis, Lillian Porter For free estimates and related problems. advice existing, listed houses and On 29 th November at Bere Regis, Dennis Angel commercial buildings. Jackie Macintosh ITEC - 01300 341471 , mobile 07774 477435 Tel: 01929 471002 01929 471068 Church website: www.bereregiswith affpuddle.org.uk

70 7 January 2008 January 2008


Molly Carlyle Bingo every I wonder what your memories are of Molly. Sunday For me she was seemingly never old, always young at heart and a wonderful evening and wry sense of humour, hospitable, organised and a major organiser, firm but Gardening fair, and a deeply committed faith and that’s just a few memories in the relatively short time I have known her. Club first Tuesday Molly Louise Carlyle was born on 3 rd June 1924 in Aldershot - her father William Adolphus Church – a soldier in India in WW1 was in a sanatorium suffering from each month TB. Molly was the second of three daughters – her sisters were Vera and Iris. The Everyone family moved from Hampshire to Pimlico in where she spent her childhood. Schooling was at Holy Trinity Girls Central School in Westminster until welcome - all the children were evacuated from London because of the War and Molly contact and her younger sister Iris were sent to Hever in Kent. This separation was a very sad and worrying time for all. She returned to London in 1940 after completing Secretary her schooling and her first job was with Harrods in their bought ledger 472620 department. I think we can easily imagine Molly in Harrods. But the War became more intense and so the family was evacuated to Warminster in Wiltshire during the Blitz in the early 1940’s when incessant bombing made life extremely difficult and unsafe. Indeed not long after they left their Pimlico home it was bombed and badly damaged. In Warminster Molly met her life long friend Mary Gerard who is thankfully here today. In Warminster, Molly found a All regular advertisers - please note job with an Auctioneer/Estate Agent and in due course she found herself running the office when all the men in the company were called up. Molly almost became an American ‘war bride’ but Molly didn’t want to leave her Both our local parish websites - family and life in England behind for a country that seemed so far away. In 1946 she met Tom Carlyle, a soldier – and after a very short courtship they married in www.bereregis.org and Christ Church Warminster in March 1947. They started their married life together in Shoeburyness in Essex where they stayed for about two years. Then came an www.briantspuddle.info , automatically overseas posting to Ismailiya on the Suez canal Egypt where Molly joined Tom after six months in August 1950 and where their first child Christine was born in publish information on all full year advertisers in the November. With increasing unrest as Egypt moved eventually towards independence, families were sent this magazine at no extra charge. back to the UK at the end of 1951. Life in the Army meant being nowhere for more than a couple of years or so and thus they moved fron Gillingham in Kent Advertisers who place a duplicate advert in the where Katherine, sister to Christine was born; to Village Calendar also benefit from a discounted Germany and on to Cyprus where the youngest Tom was born and then by 1960 to Bovington when the family discovered the delights of Bere Regis. They spotted a house in the village whilst on the way to their Bere Regis website: www.bereregis.org

8 69 January 2008 January 2008


The monsoon stopped at the end of wider family in Warminster and thus they settled in Ryemount on Rye October and the rice harvest has Hill. ripened and the yield is good. Molly soon became involved in many and various Village activities: WI, PTA, Andrea and Allan have been to Youth Club, and attending Church where the children sang in the choir and Kathmandu for a UMN conference and rang the bells. She served on various committees including the Parish Council took the opportunity to visit the dentist! and was soon absorbed into village life. After the three children left home and married – Christine to Dennis Urick, Katherine to Paul Legg and Thomas to Doris, Recently they have been trekking in the high mountains and have visited Lake Molly started work as a secretary at ARC on Gallows Hill and later she took a Tilicho in the Manang Valley. This was an opportunity to observe the lives of the part time job with Barclays International in Poole. Tom and Molly enjoyed some people who live in the mountains: the way they live or rather exist. lovely holidays together but alas Tom died in November 1980 and Molly The political situation is still chaotic – elections for a constitutional assembly have changed jobs again and for five years was secretary to Bere Regis Village School. In 1988 Molly moved home from Rye Hill to Old Barn Road, which was been suspended due to pressure from Maoist and other regional groups. much easier to manage and from where she has had nearly 20 years of active Your prayers are asked for the work Andrea and Allan are doing in Nepal, the retirement. people of Nepal and the Christian church there. Molly’s sister Vera died in 1973 and sadly her younger sister Iris died earlier this year. But she has particularly enjoyed her grandchildren: Matthew, Dominic, AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH Paul, Kristian, Lucy, Tommy and Molly, and her great grandchildren: Jack and Oliver. COUNCIL Molly was always game to travel and over the years she has been out to the US At the December meeting of the Parish Council, Councillors received a many times to see Christine and Dennis and to see them in Saudi Arabia too; to presentation from the Motorcycle Club on an off-road motorcycle Cyprus, and to Italy with her friend Mary. She loved Germany especially the event they were planning for Bodminton Forest on 3 February, 2008 between the winefests. hours of 11am and 2pm. If successful, this would be a biennial event and would Molly always had a wide variety of interests- gardening and flowers and visiting be the only motorbike event allowed by the Forestry Commission in those woods. nurseries, quilting and sewing, Church life and particularly the Church garden Councillors were assured of the measures that would be taken to keep noise within Party where she worked with Gertie on the Jam stall. I can remember my first acceptable limits and to ensure that there would be no road-side parking. summer here when Molly said one day ‘ we’ll be round tomorrow to pick the gooseberries’ – thinking ‘that’s very kind’ and then not receiving any of my Councillors also learnt of a distressing event in the Parish where a dog was killed, gooseberries - but of course they were for selling for Church funds. Molly loved and the owner injured, by a herd of cattle that surrounded the dog whilst out on a baking and her therapy was a glass of wine and a good meal. She always walk. This tragic event underlines the need to be vigilant and to avoid walking valued her many friendships as witnessed here today including Sybil and dogs near cattle, especially if the herd contains calves or pregnant cows. Pauline, Marjorie and of course Mary and so many more. The issue of damage caused by trees overhanging roads, particularly during high winds, was brought to the attention of Councillors. The need was recognised for Throughout her five years of illness she very much any resident whose property included trees that bordered roads, to satisfy trusted and became fond of her specialist Dr Hilal. She themselves that their trees were unlikely to cause a hazard. had a unique sense of humour and enjoyed many giggles especially with her sister Iris. Molly was always The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Wednesday 9 January, 2008 at immaculately turned out and very gracious but one 7pm. little known secret about Molly is that it is thought she might have had a shoe fetish – no one knows how

68 9 January 2008 January 2008


many pairs of shoes she has. Even in hospital she was recounting that she still has a couple of pairs she hasn’t worn yet. A few weeks ago on a lovely sunny Sunday morning in Church; after I said goodbye to Molly after the Parish Communion, Molly waved and said ‘oh by the way I’ve now got Leukaemia, but I’ve had a good life’ and so it was when I got back from Sudan about ten days ago there was a message to say that Molly was in hospital and she was hoping that I might pop in to see her. I arrived late – at about ten o’clock at night but Molly was so pleased to see me. She was so grateful and positive – and we talked and talked and joked and shared the joy of life and the wonderful certainty of eternity – it was a very special time for me and Molly had made it so, just as she made life so special for so many people she met.

Jimmy Barnes Philip James Barnes known to everybody as Jimmy or Jim was born at Brickhill, Doddings in Bere Regis on 9 th May 1941.When he was two the family moved to Butt Lane just before his sister Pat was born – and I’m grateful to Pat and Vina for their help in this address. Jimmy spent a very happy childhood at Butt Lane playing with many friends and enjoying the company of the local farm workers. He attended Bere Regis School and in time passed his 11+ exams and went on to Blandford Grammar School. Sometimes on a summer morning he would ride his sister’s pony before going on to school at Blandford. Jimmy’s family moved Inspired by the famous Besozzi brothers to West Street in Bere Regis and Jimmy joined the Church Choir and was the who performed music for oboe and bassoon to crucifer – the carrier of the processional cross – for several years. Jimmy’s great critical acclaim throughout Europe in the mother Doris was somewhat a disciplinarian of a Churchwoman – and an 18th Century, the Denner Ensemble was formed abiding influence on Jimmy. Sister Pat describes Doris as more like a Vicar in her tore-establish this and other neglected double– devotions and commitment to the Church. I don’t know if that says more about reed repertoire composed by and for some of Jimmy’s mother or Vicars! After leaving school at 16 he decided to become a the most celebrated masters of the 18th century plumber, and served an apprenticeship with a family friend at Wallisdown in oboe and bassoon. Bournemouth and he brought himself a motorbike, which made Jimmy’s Specialising in historically informed mother very nervous. interpretations and using copies of 18th century After completing his plumbing apprenticeship he instruments including those of the famed joined the family building firm of G&L Barnes and woodwind maker Jakob Denner, the Denner Jimmy worked with the family for some time until he Ensemble is rapidly establishing itself at the started up his own plumbing business but he also kept forefront of the early music scene with its his building skills by building his own house in Bere thrilling, informative and exuberant Regis. Pat says his first hobby was fishing at which he performances . spent many hours on Chesil Beach. But he was to develop an almost consuming hobby of gardening –

10 67 January 2008 January 2008


he spent hours and hours tending his vegetables and flowers and entered the local village shows. Always eager to learn any new tips about gardening and showing, he progressed to entering larger shows ever WINDS OF further afield winning many cups and medals. You will have noticed that the front cover of Jimmy’s order of service is a picture of his perfect parsnips ready for showing. He eventually took great pleasure in becoming a show judge. He C H A N G E was very involved in his passion and he made many good and abiding friendships until his illness took over and it’s good to see so many of Jimmy’s friends here today. Jimmy met Vina at the Clay Pigeon on Warden Hill on the road from Dorchester A CONCERT BY THE to Yeovil and in due time they married on Valentines Day 1977 - 30 years ago, DENNER ENSEMBLE and they enjoyed a very happy marriage. Step daughter Sadie says that in spite of Jimmy’s plumbing skills their taps always dripped for longer than anyone else’s. To mark their 25 th anniversary Jimmy and Vina hired a camper van and toured Scotland. But mostly their holidays were always about preparing or

MUSIC FOR WIND INSTRUMENTS, VIOLA DA GAMBA exhibiting or attending shows of flowers and vegetables and Sadie recalls often AND HARPSICHORD FROM 18TH CENTURY FRANCE, being with Jimmy in the judging tent at 6am in the morning – staging his perfect GERMANY AND ITALY. produce in a perfect way hoping for gold medals – they had to be out of the exhibitors’ tent by 9 am for the judges to do their worst. But in spite of early morning adventures he was a dear step-dad to Sadie, and he was a loving ST LAURENCE CHURCH brother to Pat and a dear uncle to Melanie and Felicity. But what is it about A F F P U D D L E flowers or vegetables we might dare to ask? And the answer is a great deal more than many of us would believe. There is the quality of the parsnip or onion or dahlia or gladioli whatever it may be; there is its finish, its proportions, its staging and its presentation, and of course all this having subject to being transported safely and in one piece to the show. The introduction of the speed FEBRUARY 15th 2008 humps in West Street Bere Regis was a black day and a real challenge for Jimmy when it came to safely transporting his gladioli or daffodils. Vina talks 7:30p.m. about Jimmy and his chums driving hundreds of miles to see other flower and produce shows in pursuit of the perfect parsnip and dahlia and other fruit flowers and vegetables. INAID OFSIPHOSABADLETSHE SCHOOL, KWAZULU LAND, SOUTH AFRICA With the development of digital photography Jimmy found a further interest and joined the Bere Regis Camera Club and attended a photography course. He enjoyed taking pictures of his flowers and TICKETS £10.00 vegetables. Jimmy had bravely endured hip problems from his teenage years and he was told he would to include interval drinks never climb ladders – but as a builder of course he did, Available from Kasia Robins - 01305 848180 in spite of some disability and the later on set of osteoarthritis.

66 11 January 2008 January 2008

OBITUARIES been late in 2008 before we would have ultimately know if our application was one of those that would be funded. Jimmy retired in May 2006 and he had a further hip operation in Thus not being selected to submit a second stage application is in one sense a November that year. This was successful. But it was a cruel blow, that positive outcome as it removes the gestation period in the community building having retired and with a much improved hip, cancer was discovered. Jimmy programme and allows the committee to concentrate on the other applications faced up to his final illness very bravely and stoically and Vina was a great and that would have been necessary to obtain the remaining £250,000 required to be constant comfort. I always came away from visiting him in West Street in recent able to put the project into action. We will however have to make maybe five or months saddened of course, but also humbled too and encouraged to make six additional applications to other charity funds to replace the sum it had been the very best of the time we have as Jimmy did. hoped to obtain form the national lottery and thus the committee will be working even harder on the project during 2008 to complete the additional applications. Jimmy was always a very caring person willing to help anyone. As the new Vicar in the village here six years The Connecting Dorset project is now rapidly approaching fruition. The ago I vividly recall Jimmy’s distinctive and friendly grin telephone line has been installed and all that Dorset Community Action needs to and his stories of my predecessors and his being in the complete the IT package so they can deliver and install it in the village hall is the Church choir. He has in a sense come home and he will broadband router. This they hope to be able to do early in January. be greatly missed by so many friends and Vina and Sadie and his family. The training of mentors hasn’t quite worked out as planned in December due to the first course being cancelled. However other training dates have been set and the training will be completed in January. It thus continues to look hopeful that we will be in position to commence the public access sessions at the end of January. A couple of “taster sessions” will be held in January so that anyone who wishes can see what is on offer and meet the mentors can do so. The other objective of

the taster sessions will be to determine times and days of the week when Bournemouth Gilbert potential users want the access sessions to take place. and Sullivan Operatic A Connecting Dorset newsletter will be sent to everyone in the Parish after the Society Christmas holiday to let everyone know hen the taster sessions are to be held. Peter Talbot Coming to Bere Regis Church

18th April 2008 Book Swap Club and Reading Group 7.30 p.m. A reminder that the book swap club will start with a coffee morning on Saturday Tickets: £9 12 th January 2008 between 10 and 12 noon in Briantspuddle village hall. This club Performing extracts from G&S including buffet supper is open to all readers, please bring a couple of your books along to swap and operas spend some time choosing your next read and chatting over a coffee. available from If there is enough interest we also plan to start a Reading Group. More details on

Churchwardens, John January 12 th or phone Angie Talbot on 01929 472483 or Jenny Beedle on 01929 Please support this important event which House (551266) and the 471002 for more information. Vicar will help to raise funds for our Church Angie Talbot

12 65 January 2008 January 2008

From the Andes to the Amazon Shirley Critchley gave a very interesting talk on her travels with John Blashford Snell in South America. The audience was entertained by her reminiscences and photographs of the expedition. After all the expenses were paid £44 was raised for hall funds. A programme of talks is being arranged for the new year. The confirmed programme will be published in future magazines. On 16th February the supper will be followed by Gardeners Question Time with Simon Goldsack from Holme Nurseries, Wareham. The tickets costing £8.00 are available from Philippa Thorniley. When booking PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU REQUIRE A VEGETARIAN MEAL. This should be a very pleasant and interesting talk. Early booking is recommended.

Activities for Young People We notice that several families with young children have recently moved into the village. We believe that there is a requirement for a regular activity for the children within the Parish. The obvious choice is for a combined Brownie and Cub pack. (We have been told that the Scouting/Guide movement supports such packs in rural areas). The Hall Committee would enable the formation of such a group but it would be up to interested people to organise and run the “outfit”. Volunteers are needed to run the pack and children to join it! This is a call to all willing helpers “out there”. If you are able to help or are a parent of a young child please contact either of us with your thoughts and ideas. Stephany Klejdys – (01929 472709)

Philippa Thorniley – (01929 471497)

Committee notes The committee received disappointing news during December that our application to the National Lottery community buildings fund has not been selected to continue into the second stage of the application process.

Whilst this was an opportunity to, if successful, receive £250,000 of funding it was also a rather protracted application process and it would have

64 13 January 2008 January 2008


On 8th December the Hall Committee was The “English” Hymn Book privileged to host the first performance of New Scorpion Band’s newest show, The Holly and The first popularly used collection of “hymns” was the metrical psalter of The Ivy. It was a real treat. The hall was Sternhold and Hopkins published by John Day in Londo n in 1562. Many packed, every seat had been sold by early religious lyrics were written in the 16 th and 17 th centuries, some of beautiful November. (Thanks to my note in December’s which are to be found in present-day hymn-books, but they were not at that magazine I was even able to sell some tickets time much used in public worship. James I, in 1633, gave the poet George which were returned on the day). Wither a patent to have his “Hymns and Songs of the Church” bound with Sternhold and Hopkins, but the combination came to nothing and it was not Tim, Brian, Robin, Sharon and Bob entertained us with traditional carols from until about a century later that what we should now c all “hymn-books” around the British Isles together with readings from Thomas Hardy, Dickens and appeared. Dylan Thomas. The audience was even persuaded to join in some of the choruses. Dr. Watts published his first book in 1707 and John Wesley's first such publication ap-peared in 1737 in Charleston, South Carolina. The latter After the show the audience repaired to the Social Club to enjoy a buffet supper contains metrical psalms, transla-tions from the Gr eek and the German, six laid on by Sue Jeanes, Jenny Beedle, Stephany Klejdys and Philippa Thorniley. The lyrics of George Herbert, thirty-seven hymns by Dr Watts and some others: show made a very jolly start to the Christmas Season, it was a successful joint this mingling of sources makes it the first hymn-bo ok of the modern type. The effort between the Bladen Social Club and the Briantspuddle Hall Committee and Methodist movement made enormous use of hymn singin g and the many after all the expenses were paid, £441 has been raised for the hall repair fund. later publications of the Wesleys kept it abundantl y supplied. They had, on the whole, a high poetical standard; John Wesley pro-tested against “the scandalous On 23rd February there will be a performance of The Beacons. When we doggerel of Sternhold and Hopkins”. The total number of hymns written by attended the Promoters’ evening they were the show case artists. The Beacons Charles Wesley is over 6,000, and amongst them are such universal favourites as “O consist of Oli-Wilson Dickson on violin and voice and Eddy Jay on accordian, for a thousand tongues to sing" and “Jesu, Lover of my soul”. Handel wrote three guitar and voice. You can expect to hear everything from mind bending hymn tunes for the Methodists, of which one (Gopsal to “Rejoice, the Lord is Macedonian dances to delicate Welsh airs from sizzling Gypsy serenades to barn- King”) is still in fre-quent use, and will be found in hymn-books of many storming Blue Grass. It promises to be another tremendous evening. Tickets denominations other than those of the Methodists. costing £6 will be available from the end of January from me, Philippa Thorniley. This was, indeed, the great flowering period of English hymnology. Such hymns as On 14th March we will be having a production from Boiling Kettle Theatre those just quoted, with Toplady's “Rock of Ages”, Newton's “How sweet the Company – “The Mad Woman in the attic”. I quote “Granny getting to grips with Name of Jesus sounds”, Watts's “O God, our help in ages past”, and “When I new technology produces some surprising results. Set in a rural community in survey the wondrous cross”, Doddridge's “Hark the glad sound" and Cowper's Somerset, The Mad Woman in the Attic is a humorous poignant play that “Hark, my soul! it is the Lord”, and “O for a closer walk with God” (which all challenges preconceptions about “senior citizens” in a world dominated by youth represent either 18 th century Nonconformity or Evangelical Anglicanism), seem culture. It will strike a chord with anyone who is going grey and give their younger now to be woven into the very texture of English-speaking Protestantism. The friends and relations a new perspective! hymn-tune books of this period are rather disappointing. Some of the fine old Tickets costing £6 will be available from the middle of February. Genevan and other psalm tunes are there (often much disfigured), but there are many florid tunes of a very secular character, and some of secular origin (the Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle website: www.briantspuddle.info

14 63 January 2008 January 2008

promotion of secular tunes to this sacred use is not, however, confined to any one period or country; for an example “Rule, Britannia” and the “Dam Busters’ March” today!). “Fugueing Tunes”, i.e. tunes in which a voice or two fell momentarily silent and then came in with an imitation of some preced-ing voice, were also introduced amongst the hymn-singing denominations, and they may still be heard occasionally in England; they have come to be called “Old Methodist Tunes” (actually rather a misnomer). These tunes were popular in the American Colonies, which produced many of their own. Some tunes involved much repetition of the words, often very arbitrarily, and there were often ludicrous distortions of sense sometimes involved: “He's our best bul—, He's our best bul—, He's our best bulwark still”, or “Bring down Sal-, Bring down Sal-, Bring down Salvation from the skies, or “And catch the flee-, And catch the flee-, And catch the fleeting hour”. Nevertheless, there is a body of 18 th century hymn tunes that is both melodious and dignified and so retains what looks likely to be a permanent place in the use of the churches. Examples are Croft's St. Anne (usually sung to “O God, our help in ages past”) and his Hanover (usually sung to “O worship the King”), and Miller's Rockingham (an adaptation of a somewhat earlier tune and now usually sung to “When I survey the wondrous cross”).

62 15 January 2008 January 2008

From this point onwards hymn writers and hymn-tune composers became so FOOTBALL TRAINING numerous that it is difficult to summarize their activities. Just as the Evangelical Adults movement of the 18 th century had inaugurated the popu-larity of the hymn , so the High Church (or Oxford) Movement of the earl y and middle 19 th Wednesday nights: 7.00 at Bere Regis Recreation Ground century gave it renewed vigour, for the Anglican ch urch had at last accorded hymns, as distinct from metrical psalms, general ac ceptance - long after the All footballers are welcome to come along and show us what you’ve got! nonconforming bodies had all done so. In 1861 appea red “Hymns Ancient and Year 6 Under 11,s Modern”, which (with many additions and revi-sions) is still a ve ry popular book in the Anglican communion (it is recorded that during the first ninety years of its Tuesday nights: 6.30 at Bere publication a hundred million copies were sold). Wi th it are associated the Regis Recreation Ground names of such composers as William Henry Monk, John Bacchus Dykes, and Sir John Stainer; the best of their tunes are worthy, b ut the second-best fall into Call Mark Miller for more the class rather of part-song than of hymn, dependi ng overmuch on information 01929 471683. New sweetness of harmony (they have been brutally calle d 'the strawberry jam of players welcome. music'), and owing little to strength and shapeline ss of melody - the latter the Juniors true mark of a good hymn tune. A thoroughly revised edition of this book in 1904 was unfortunately very badly supported, and th e old editions, with some Saturday mornings: 10.30 until additions, outdistanced it in popularity. There hav e been several revisions 12.00 at Bere Regis Recreation since – some more successful than others! The most recent edition, published Ground to coincide with the introduction of Common Worship , is entitled “Common

Praise”. In 1928 the inter-denominational “Songs of Praise” was published, it too enjoying several revisions up to the present da y. A much-used “inter- From reception to under 10’s, all children are welcome on a Saturday morning. denominational” collection is the combined compilat ion of the Mission With qualified coaches involved these sessions are both educational and fun. England volumes, published as “Mission Praise” in 1990, itself subsequently up -dated and modernised. Another useful addition to the library, which is so wide in its diversity that it has to be published i n two volumes, is the “Celebration Hymnal for Everyone” (1994). The compilers of this collection have ensured that both music and words are as close to the original as possible, rendering it a valuable reference work fo r church musicians. However, perhaps one of the best of the modern book s (1997), faithfully maintaining both poetry and harmony in proper keys, as well as providing real and musical representations of new “hymns” (so ngs), is the “BBC Songs of Praise”. But there are only 401 of them! (But I expect there is a further edition – with additions - since I penned this arti cle!) There is now a tendency to restore to the older tun es some of the rhythmic LOCAL MP variety they once possessed; it is argued that few of them ought to appear as that unbroken series of notes of one length to w hich from the middle of Annette Brooke MP holds regular surgeries in the constituency each the 19 th century they were reduced (and regrettably still ar e in some week. For details of forthcoming surgeries and to make appointments “modern” hymn-books). Passing mention must be made here of the individuals should phone 01202 693555. appearance of a small school of Roman Catholic hymn writers, contemporary with the High Church Anglican hymn writers of the 1 9 th century. Frederick Andrew May, Constituency Organiser - Mid Dorset & North Poole William Faber (1814-63) and Edward Caswall (1814-78 ) are the most important of these: very many of their hymns are to be found in Protestant 14 York Road, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 8ET. T: 01202 658629 F: 01202 hymnals (some-times with neat doctrinal changes). F aber was an Oratorian 658420 and the founder of the Brompton Oratory, London, an d, true to the practice

16 61 January 2008 January 2008

Juniors – Under 11’s of his order, made great use of popular music. Unfo rtunately his taste in Results music was doubtful and many of his hymns were wedded to trivial tunes! Sadly, this trait has manifested itself again in th e musings of compilers of 25 th November several recently published so-entitled “inter-denom inational” volumes! Milborne 2: Dorchester Magpies 4 An attempt at a genuinely congregational selection of tunes for the Angli- can Church, with less frequent tendency to the sent imental, was, however, Scorers: Harry Fearnley, Jake Climo made in the publica-tion of the “English Hymnal” in 1906 (new edition 1933); Man of the Match: Laurence Stevens both plainsong and folk-song melodies were freely i ntroduced (Ralph Vaughan Williams was one of the original members of the compilation 9th December (Youth Cup Round 3) committee). This book enjoyed substantial success d espite the considerable opposition to its acceptance and use, by the then A rchbishop of Canterbury Rossgarth Youth DL 5: Milborne 0 (1903-28), Randall Thomas Davidson, who it seems wa s a somewhat dour, Man of the Match: Ben Sach “Victorian” Scot! It was completely revised in 198 6 as the “New English Hymnal” with its supplement “New English Praise” published in 2006. This is the book currently favoured by most Church of England ( and many other Anglican) cathedrals and churches which support a c horal tradition. Table (as at 14 th December) Sadly, today in the 21 st century, there are also some appalling “popular” Played Points hymn-books in which the contents stray for incompre hensible editorial reasons Dorchester Magpies 9 22 from the original language, poetry, meaning and har mony of the authors and composers, and contain many banal and artless moder n offerings. Some Heathlands 7 16 have been produced merely for commercial interests and others in response Weymouth Wanderers 9 16 to the modern creed of political correctness (and w ith a bewildering lack of knowledge of the English language), and some embrac ing both these Lytchett RT Utd 7 15 lamentable aspirations. However, as with all colle ctions over the years that are bereft of intellectual stimulation, they have t heir short day and are then Sherborne Town 7 13 consigned to the shelf, the attic or the levelling of broken-legged tables. Milborne 6 12 Mercifully, contributions of merit outlive those of mediocrity! But, needless to say, all existing books are open to criticism by so meone somewhere – and, of Chickerell 6 12 course, receive it!

Dorchester Rangers 8 6 A very happy and harmonious 2008 to everyone! Poole Town Rovers 9 0 Weymouth Cougars 8 0 For more up to date results, tables and fixtures log onto to the Bere Regis Sports Club website www.bereregis.com , which has links direct to the DCFA website and more information on Bere Regis FC.

60 17 January 2008 January 2008

Wool RBL 11 16 Ferndown Sports 12 14 BERE Lytchett RT 12 11 Cranborne 8 7 REGIS Piddletrenthide utd 10 6 CHURCH Bradford Sports 9 6 T&H 8 5 OUTING 9 5

26th April Adult Sundays – DIVISION TWO Results Leaving from the th Car Park at 7.30 25 November a.m. prompt Morden 4: Bere Regis 2

Scorers: Mick Mahoney, Thomas Bennett Tickets: Table (as at 14 th December) Played Points £22.00 for over 60s Upton WMC 10 26 £23.50 for others Bryanston Club 8 22 Admission White Swan 8 19 includes St Kings Arms 11 14 George’s Chapel Bere Regis 8 13 Contact John and Hamworthy Labour Club 11 13 Pat 01929 551266 Windgreen CM 9 12

Book and pay by Three Cross 10 12 Dumpton Academicals 9 12 Morden 11 10

Damory Hammers 9 7 Broadmayne 8 0

18 59 January 2008 January 2008


Saturday team kit sponsor- BW 6 Jan Sue Taylor Sue Taylor AUTOS 13 Jan Audrey Grindrod Audrey Grindrod 2007/8 Sponsors- KINGSBERE 15 Jan (Tuesday) SPECIAL CLEAN 9.00a.m. ACCOUNTANTS, ROWLANDS WAIT until noon TOURING PARK & RUSSELL FRENCH MOTORS. 20 Jan Sue Gibbs Sue Gibbs

27 Jan Elizabeth Whatley Elizabeth Whatley Adult Saturdays – DIVISION ONE Results CHURCHYARD MOWING ROTA FOR 2008 17 th November The rota for the season will be circulated at the end of February. Unless I hear to Bere Regis 10: Wool RBL 3 the contrary, I will presume that those already on the rota are happy to continue. The milder climate we now experience has compelled us to extend the mowing Scorers: Dale Wright (3), Shaun Cope (2), Matt Elford (2), Matt Bennett (2), season and to cut the grass at times more frequently than fortnightly. Already, Richard Sawyer. some of our volunteers are cutting the grass twice during the season, so a few 24 th November more newcomers to the rota would be very welcome. Bere Regis 5: Piddletrenthide Utd 1 We are one of few churches with a voluntary arrangement for grass cutting and this results in a large financial saving for our church. The commitment of volunteers Scorers: Pete Macklin, Matt Elford, Dale Wright, Shaun Cope, Wayne Cope. is exemplary and we continue to be grateful to Kasia Robbins and Philip Saunders for the storage of the mowers. 1st December Sandy Moriarty Bere Regis 3: AFC Bluebridge 1 Scorers: Dale Wright (2), Alex Moorse. RECYCLE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE Table (as at 14 th December) Played Points If you would like to recycle your Christmas tree please call me on or before 6 th Parley Sports 12 26 January and I will collect it and put it through my wood chipper. This will be FC Polonia 10 25 recycled as Biomass and used for Stourpaine 10 24 compost or fuel. My service is free but you may wish to make a donation to a Bere Regis 11 19 Christmas charity – Mike 471263 Bishops Caundle 11 17 AFC Bluebridge 13 17

58 19 January 2008 January 2008

BERE REGIS NEWS BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Jim Parsons - 01929 471050 Vice Chairman: Ian Ventham - 01929 471780

The December meeting opened with a brief discussion with our two Community Police Officers. They had little to report about crimes to the Council but did report DORSET PRINT that they are in and around the village frequently. The Council expressed its concern to them regarding the congestion at the top of Manor Farm Road ADVERTISEMENT around the time when the school buses are collecting the children. As the Surgery opens earlier there is a clash of patients and schoolchildren. There is also the fear of a potential accident as the children are reported to be on the road. A discussion concerning a alternative picking up point failed to produce a satisfactory solution. Thus the Community Officers have been requested to attend the site when the buses are picking up and to offer some suggestions as to how the matter can be resolved.

There was one Parishioner present at the meeting. He came from Hyde and complained of the noise emanating from the Shooting School at Gallows Hill. He stated that the sound absorbing bunds that were supposed to be installed were not as designed so hence the noise was louder than intended. He had written to the District Council but had not received any response and so he requested assistance from our Council. We have promised to write to the District Council outlining the complaint and requesting a response.

Parishioners will have seen that the new bridge over the stream is now in place. The pathway to the south leading to Southbrook has yet to be completed but that is going to happen quite soon. There are one or two problems like a wet boggy area to be overcome but when completed it will provide for a ‘safe route to school’ from the village. The bridge was the brainchild of Mr Malcolm Munro and he undertook much of the work and organising the major tasks himself. In recognition of his endeavours with the project the Council decided that it was apt that the bridge should be named ‘ Malcolm’s Bridge’.

20 57 January 2008 January 2008 presentation entitled “All the Angels Sang”. Pastor Jim spoke of God’s special Christmas present. Our thanks to all who took part!. The Council has been very concerned about the Central Stores over the past six months. In particular they are concerned about the correspondence with the Please note that the Chapel Toddlers Group starts up again this month on District Council. Our Council is in favour of the Café service that was being offered Monday 14 th January (1.30-3.00pm) and the Sonseekers Youth Club for 7-12 year but the District Council imposed such restrictions that it was not worth opening. olds starts up again on Friday 11 th with a games evening and on the 18 th our New The reasons for these restrictions has been questioned by our Council and we Year’s Party . Club times are 6-7.30pm. have not received a satisfactory response as yet. It is the Council’s intention to pursue the matter.

Bere Regis Congregational Chapel All gardeners are reminded that there is a ready supply of rotted mulch at the top end of the Cemetery. It is free to all who would like to take it. We only request that Butt Lane when it is taken that the area is left in a tidy state. CM Our aim is to offer compassionate pastoral help and counsel to any in our village who feel the need to talk. It doesn’t matter what you believe or what state you’re in. God loves you and in Christ there is an answer. DRAX HALL Contact Pastor Jim on the phone number above. The Hall has had a good year and has been kept very busy. This reflects on our income from hirings such that the majority of our running costs are covered by the hire Sunday Worship every week at 10am - (Junior Church each week for charges. This might appear to be obvious but there are youngsters) many halls that have to hold special events to pay the electricity bill etc. The AGM will be held in March/April and DRAX ***** Parishioners are most welcome to attend and to partake in Monday Chapel Toddlers Group* 1.30-3.00pm -restarts on Monday 14 th the activities of their Village Hall. HALL January We have some live performances in the new year. In ***** February at half term there will be a puppet show for the children (that’s everyone really!). Then in March we have a play directed at the gardening fraternity. Wednesdays from 10.30am- 12.00pm - Early Days Café for Young Mums Watch out for the posters and dates. (for details phone Lynda Essex on 07766 257902) CM *****

Fridays a from 6-7.30pm - Sonseekers Club* for 7-12 yr olds BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP - restarts on Friday 11 th January

*during term time only January 8th We have a very nice free lunch at 12.30 and after lunch our A.G.M. We are a very friendly group, if you are interested in arranging flowers and gardening you may like to join us, information from, Pat House, 01929 551266.

56 21 January 2008 January 2008

BERE REGIS SCOUT GROUP THE CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL This is a picture of a group of scouts and young leaders holding a cheque we have just received BUTT LANE, BERE REGISSS from the Co-operative group. The cheque was for the sum of £500 and we are going to spend it on new 2/3 man tents. We offer New Beginnings! our very grateful We all like the thought of owning something brand spanking new – maybe you thanks for the received a special present over Christmas! And as we move into a New Year kind donation. there is a sense that we can all ‘start afresh’ and aspire to improve on our ‘life skills’! Some will be making New Year resolutions, no doubt, but more often than not these will be broken within a very short time. The reality is that starting anew is not so easy as we think. If only we could wipe the slate clean and begin the year with a blank canvas. The Gospel message of God’s redeeming love is that with His help and by His grace, we can start anew. The God of the Bible is a God of new beginnings for those who will put their trust in Him. Jesus died and rose again so that our old selfish nature could be dealt with and we could experience a brand new life centred on Jesus. Paul the apostle puts it like this, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” . (2 Corinthians 5:17). As you face the year ahead with it’s new challenges and opportunities - why not reach out to God and trust Him for each step of the way ahead? For more information phone Pastor Jim Morris on 01929 471270

Chapel News and Diary Dates: BERE REGIS W.I. Our thanks to all who supported our Christmas activities. The Afternoon Carol Service at a new time of 4.00pm proved to be popular with many families and we had a good attendance. The Service featured some new musicians that The November meeting which took place in the Drax brought a touch of both brass and strings to the music. We were also blessed by Hall , Bere Regis was an evening devoted to the a lovely duet from Joyce Healey and Sue Close. subject of Homoeopathy. Mrs Sohani Gonzalez BA,MCH,RS HOM, who has practiced for many years The Chapel Toddlers Group Christmas Party proved a hit as mums and children gave a very interesting talk , with a lively audience enjoyed an afternoon of fun, fellowship in the company of Pastor Jim and the talkback on the two hundred year old alternative, yet Toddlers Team. Puppets Harry Hedgehog and Sunny put in an appearance, complete system of medicine. She explained the basic telling the familiar Christmas story and singing some seasonal carols. And, of outlines and principles and gave explanatory leaflets, course Father Christmas was on hand to dish out the presents. indeed our own Royal Family have been advocates, Mrs Gonzalez informed the group that the Queen and Members of our Friday Sonseekers Club and Junior Church worked hard to Prince Charles are both homoeopathy patients. present this years Family Nativity Service on the 23rd, which featured the

22 55 January 2008 January 2008

With over 30 years motor vehicle experience, 10 years of which has been spent with Honda and Toyota main dealers, we are delighted to offer competitive, high quality servicing and maintenance. Alington Avenue Simon Dobinson (Toyota and HONDA Honda Service Manager 1986 Dorchester - 1996) and Mike Hughes NISSAN (Honda trained and experienced) are also DAIHATSU delighted to inform both new and old clients of their newly MITSUBISHI increased workshop area. Main dealer service with TOYOTA collection and delivery, loan cars, and valet service MAZDA combined with cost SUZUKI th, effective, skilled 01305 261111 The next meeting will be held in the Drax Hall on January 15 workmanship. 2008 , our speaker will be from Dorset Blind Association and we will SUBARU have our annual competition to judge ‘the best Christmas card’. New members are always welcome, if you are new to the village, why not come along and see what we get up to on the BEES third Tuesday of each month……. for more information contact: Mrs Jan Nurrish 01929 472214 Len Watts is an agent for Exomite Apis Dispensers NATIONAL and Thornes. He will take orders for bee equipment Mrs Diane Edmonds 01929 472331 and have it delivered to your door. Carriage must be FEDERATION paid on all items. OF WOMEN’S INSTITUTES BS foundation shallows and brood in stock. Good clean wax bought. 1lb and ½ lb honey jars in stock. 8 oz cut comb containers. Phone for prices DVD presentation and talks on bee keeping given to and information local groups and societies. Contact Len for details. Member of BIBBA and D&WBKA and BBKA 01929 471347

54 23 January 2008 January 2008

I. J. SPILLER & SONS Advertise here for Quality interior and exterior painting, only £70 per year. decorating, and property maintenance The best value in Free estimates local advertising. 01305 848126 or 01305 848523 [email protected] If you respond to an advertiser, don’t forget to tell them where you saw

For a no their ad. obligation free RGW quotation Decorating Services Phone Russ: and Property 01929 Maintenance 471628 For a friendly and reliable Mobile 07989 service at affordable prices 342195 The Catholic Churches of Lulworth, Wareham & Wool St. Edward’s, Shatters Hill, Wareham St. Mary’s, Lulworth Castle Chapel, St. Joseph’s, The Square, Wool

Father Geoffrey Watts, The Priest’s House, The Square, Wool, BH20 6DW - 01929 463334. Miss Karen Cheeseman, Head Teacher, St. Mary’s School, The Square, Wool - 01929 462565. Sister Rita (Parish Sister), Loreto, Shatters Hill, Wareham - 01929 552820.

Normal Mass Times

Saturday FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY 6.30 pm LULWORTH There is a children’s liturgy group at the 11.00am service at Wareham. Sunday MASS 9.00 am WOOL For mass times on Weekdays or Holy Days of Obligation please contact Father Sunday MASS 11.00 am WAREHAM

24 53 January 2008 January 2008

RECIPE OF THE MONTH Courtesy of Pat House

Sausages in Cider

· 1 tablespoon vegetable oil · 1/2 oz butter · 1lb good quality pork sausages · 1 large onion, thinly sliced · 14oz can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed · 14oz can chopped tomatoes · 1/2 teaspoon dried chilli flakes · 2 tablespoons tomato puree · 1/2 pint dry cider JOHN HOWARTH · salt and pepper Heating Services Ltd Over thirty years experience Heat the oil and butter in a flameproof casserole dish, Sauté the Oil boiler and heating systems sausages until browned all over. Remove and cut the sausages in half lengthways. Add the onion to the pan and cook gently until Service - Repair - Installation softened. Aga, Rayburn and Stanley Return the sausages to the pan together with the rest of the cooker service ingredients, season to taste, cover and cook for about half and All service hour. engineers/ Serve with mashed potatoes and cabbage. technicians are

OFTEC registered 01305

52 25 January 2008 January 2008

AUTUMN LEAVES OVER 50’’’’S CLUB The Tree Specialist The December meeting went with a swing with more than 50 members singing carols with great gusto. The All aspects of tree work members then had a festive tea and Christmas raffle undertaken and gift. Tree surgery, felling, pruning, The January New Years party on Wednesday 9th at crown reduction 2.30pm will feature another visit of David Andrews who will keep you all amused. There will be the usual raffle and there is still space for a Also dangerous trees few new members - please just come along and you will be made very welcome. Fully insured and NPTC qualified Also seasoned logs £50 per load PURBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT Please call Gavin 07730581047 Bere Regis Polling Station 01929 471032 Following consultation with the Parish Council and District Council PDC have decided to move the polling station from the school to the Drax Hall. The Polling Station is where you go to vote at election times which are normally on a Thursday. Elections include General, County Council, District and Euro elections which mean that a Polling Station is required once a year at most. It has been moved for two reasons. First it will mean less disruption to the children as the school either has to close or lose a major room every time there is an election with associated potential security issues. Second it is felt that the Drax Hall is more central to the whole of Bere Regis.

The erection of a meteorological mast at East Stoke. This planning application was discussed at considerable length at the November Planning Board and myself and another Councillor moved an amendment to defer the application whilst consultation took place with all the residents of Purbeck and not just those at East Stoke where the mast would be situated. The initial mast will be a test mast to confirm the meteorological projections and financial viability of the project and will be 80 Metres tall. This may be followed

26 51 January 2008 January 2008

later by a further planning application for up to six turbines of 125 Metres in a similar location. For a matter of such perceived impact and importance throughout the district we viewed it as vital that all interested parties are consulted. If you wish to review the scheme on the PDC web site the reference number is 6/2007/0594. The relevant officer to contact at PDC is Rob Jeffries Telephone 01929 557229 email [email protected] if you have any comments. He would be pleased to answer any questions although as we have not yet received any application for the six turbines he will not be able to comment on that potential application until it is actually received. I am not allowed to express any opinion on this until the process of consultation is complete and it comes back before the Planning Board - probably in February.

Surgery Surgeries are held on the first Saturday of every month. These are held at the communal Lounge in Turbeville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. and in the Village Club from 10.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. If you have any questions or queries related to the business of Purbeck District Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get to the surgery my email address is [email protected] .

Peter Wharf, District Councillor

House Wanted Family Home Needed! Professional couple need to move from Poole closer to Dorchester. We need a house with at least 3 bedrooms and a reasonable sized garden. Preferably an acre or more. We are prepared to consider any property regardless of state of repair.

07800 811943

50 27 January 2008 January 2008

Pop In Place Poppets – Baby and Toddler Group

The Poppets Parent/Carer Baby and Toddler Group meet on a Thursday 1.30pm to 3pm. (during term time). This group provides a useful link for young families both as a social occasion and also for friendship. For more information contact Trish on 01929-472418. Planning The Pop In Place Performers We are a group of people of all ages and abilities who stage regular Community a new Performances featuring Dance, Drama, and Music. New members of any age will be most welcome. (No children under class 3 age please) kitchen or We meet on a Thursday 6pm to 7.45pm at the Drax hall, apart from the second Thursday as its Parish Council. To find out more telephone Alison on 01929-472023. You must register by filling in a registration form and paying £1.00 on your first visit bathroom? then 50p per week thereafter.

Additional Help Required If you are able to spare a few hours to help your community we would welcome you as a Volunteer onto our Project Team. Contact us at the Drax Hall on a Call your local Monday or Friday morning or telephone Angela on 01929-472261. specialist A complete one- 01929 472580 Dates for the Diary stop service with 7th January Pop In Reopens Monday 10.00am

quality 11 th January Bring and Buy Sale Friday 10.00am craftsmanship. 12 th January New Year Disco Saturday 7.30pm to 11.00pm Everything from innovative design and drawings, to Marti supply and fitting. Authorised dealer for Matchmaker kitchens and Debenham approved installer for Ocean Bathrooms

28 49 January 2008 January 2008


Welcome to the New Year Appointment System Our first general session is on Monday 7 th January. We The practice is in the process of making the way you can make an appointment hope you all had a pleasant Christmas and New Year more useful to your needs. We are trying several methods over the next month or break and wish you all a Happy New Year. We extend a so and will be asking your feedback to see how you as patients find it. Once we welcome to anyone who comes through the door so have finalised the scheme we will be giving you full details both in this parish why not pop in for a tea/coffee and a social conversation. We meet on Monday magazine and in an updated practice information leaflet which will be available and Friday mornings from 10.00am to 12.00noon. in February. In the meantime please bear with us as we try and improve our service for you.

‘Bring and Buy’ Sale – Friday 11 th January Private Prescriptions The Pop In Place are running a ‘Bring and Buy Sale’ on Friday 11 th January. Seek st out that unwanted Christmas gift or any other good quality items. Perhaps you As from 1 January 2008 we will no longer need to lose a few pounds and wish to part with that extra box of sweets. Come dispense drugs on a private prescription and along to our New Year sale. charge the NHS fee of £6.85 per item. This is because the healthcare professional (e.g. consultant, dentist) who prescribed the drug is New Year Disco – Saturday responsible for your clinical care and the issuing of 12 th January the prescription and not your GP. We are able to dispense the drugs to you but we will have to The Pop In Place are holding a ‘New charge the cost of the drug plus a dispensing fee. Year Disco’ on Saturday 12 th January. Come along and enjoy the fun between When continued medication is required you will 7.30pm to 11.00pm. be assessed by the GP in the same way as an NHS patient but the GP cannot be made to prescribe the recommended treatment if it is contrary to their normal clinical practice. In this case a decision will need to be reached between the patient and GP as to whether it is continued privately.

(This follows British Medical Association guidance to the General Medical Services contract regulations 24). Open Gardens 2008 Please contact our dispensary if you wish to find out the cost of a drug dispensed on a private prescription. The charge will be based on: Following the feedback from last year’s very successful event we are planning to hold this years ‘Open Gardens’ on 13 th Cost of drug + VAT Plus a dispensing fee A minimum charge of £4 will July 2008. apply. Although this may seem a long way ahead the planning stages have to be We will keep our price as competitive as possible but please remember that you started in the near future. Offers of gardens for should be made in writing to have the choice of purchasing your private medication from other dispensing Alison Bennett at 3, Rye Hill Close, Bere Regis by 1 st April. The offers need to be services. submitted by this date so we can arrange the insurance for the event. Dr Tim Harley

Dr Richard Tingay

48 29 January 2008 January 2008

Countryside Tree Surgeons Ltd

Professionals specialising in all aspects of tree and hedge care by NPTC

 Tree Surgery Tel: 01929 472783  Fencing Mob: 07979 447777  Hedge Call Wayne Pitman for a free no trimming obligation quotation  Site clearance Fully insured

Quality Tax and KingsBere Accounting

For professional advice, dealing with all Accountants aspects of accounts and tax

Day and evening appointments available

Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304 [email protected]

30 47 January 2008 January 2008


[email protected]

46 31 January 2008 January 2008

or the Police. It is also a good idea to keep any garden tools under lock and key in sheds etc' as criminals like to use these to force entry to homes and buildings. With the above in mind, I would like to point out that although Bere Regis suffers from such incidents from time to time, they are few and far between, figures do show that we live in one of the most crime free areas of the country. Finally, if anyone wishes to contact myself or the other members of your Safer neighbourhood Team, you will find our contact details on our posters, on notice boards, around the village. Jon Stuart PC1813.


In November the Women’s Section of the RBL held a Coffee Evening for the Poppy Appeal. We raised £229 which was a very good effort on such a wet night. We thanks BERE REGIS FIRST SCHOOL everyone who braved the weather and Hot School Meals for Bere Regis School ! supported us. Legislation came into force in September 2006, as part of a three phase I wonder how many introduction to the government’s standards for food in schools across the country, people noticed all which is aimed at improving the quality and nutritional content of hot meals served in schools. those lovely little poppies in front of the Cenotaph made by the Ragamuffins. I for one was very touched by this fine gesture. Thank you to all the leaders of the Together they cover all food sold or served in schools including breakfast, lunch Ragamuffins. and after school meals. The Women’s Section had our annual Carol Service when other organisatios The most effective method of achieving the recommendations is through the joined us. With Pastor Jim and mrs Jeeves providing music and fun we had a delivery of a hot meal service. lovely evening. To put the icing on the cake the men do all the tea making and washing up. Thanks to all. As many of you will be aware Dorset’s First and Primary schools stopped providing hot school meals in the early 1980s, stripping/demolishing the kitchens in the Eileen Maidment process. Flowers for the Cenotaph in January - Mrs Presslee and Mrs Maidment At the present time we do not have any existing facilities that will enable us to

32 45 January 2008 January 2008

Meetings in 2008 produce a meal that will meet the standards and satisfy an Ofsted 7th Feb. at Cyril Wood Court at 7.30pm “Gardening for Wildlife” - An illustrated talk assessment. We are hoping that there will by Tony Bates. be some investment in the buildings and equipment that will allow us to cater for 29 th March “Wildlife on Our Doorstep” – A guided walk around the village led by our children’s needs, however this will not Brian Edwards. (Time and starting point to be announced later) extend to a facility to operate a 3rd May 10am “ Birds and flowers at Higher Hyde Reserve” led by John Wright an traditional kitchen. ecologist Dorset Wildlife trust volunteer. So what are our options: 1st Sept. at Pampered Pigs at 4pm “Countryside Stewardship” Talk and walk led A frozen regenerated meal service which by Kevin Crocker would work at this school if some alteration were made to our current accommodation. Investigating if a local resource is AN INTRODUCTION TO OUR COMMUNITY POLICE available that could/would support us in OFFICER this endeavour Recently groups of our children worked Hello all, My name is Jon Stuart and I am the community police officer covering with members of the Dorset Health Food Bere Regis. I hope this small entry in the parish magazine can be useful and Trust over a period of four weeks to informative to you regarding items of crime and disorder. prepare, cook and serve a school dinner to all in the school.

I have been a Police Constable with 14 years service, 7years in London and now The meal consisted of home-made soup and a variety of bread rolls followed by 7years at Wareham where I have spent the last 6years on response duties, I have scones and jam. The overwhelming feeling amongst the children was one of now had the pleasure of being the Community Beat Officer for Sandford, great enjoyment! Lytchett Matravers and Bere Regis since May this year and I am looking forward to working with your community for many years to come in company with the It would be really great if a local group or individual could provide a similar Two Police Community Support Officers Mark Benwell and Trevor Dunesby. service for us on a regular basis. Together we form your Safer If you are able to advise us on this or you know of anyone who would be Neighbourhood Team. interested please give us a ring at the school on 01929 471334. A few months ago the village suffered For further information on the Hot School Meals Programme visit the webpage about half a dozen burglaries / walk-in at: thefts, I am glad to report that since the beginning of November no such reports www.dorsetforyou.com/schoolmeals have been made. However, I would like to point out that people should not relax too soon, Christmas is almost upon us and the Steve Battishill, Head Teacher, Bere Regis School opportunist thief will be very much active. Please can I ask that you all keep your door and windows closed when you’re out, and where appropriate locking them should be considered. Upon no account should strangers, who knock upon your door, be accommodated without verifying their credentials with either the company they claim to be from

44 33 January 2008 January 2008


We successfully completed our abseil from the water tower at Tower Park – it was pretty scary but a great feeling when we reached the ground. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone in Bere Regis who sponsored us – your support has been amazing. We are still collecting in the last few sponsors but expect to have raised around £700 in total which is fantastic. In addition we have individual sponsors from family and friends. We would like to say a particular thank you to the following business organisations who kindly sponsored us:

· Old Barn Dental Practice

· MAE Electrical

· Kingsbere Accountants Ltd

· Rowlands Wait

· Bere Regis Post Office

· The Spar Shop

· The Pop In Place We would also like to say a special thank you to members of the Pop In Place who have invited us to join the “The Gifts for Santa Christmas Show”. Proceeds from this event and a coffee morning to be held in January will also go towards our fundraising. Thank you for your support.

Beckie White and Hope Rogers

34 43 January 2008 January 2008 President - Russell White R O G S Captain - Martin “Many older people could be putting their health at risk by not adequately c/o Mr G R Storey, Secretary Debenham heating their home. With high fuel costs it is understandable that many pensioners 9 Boswells Close, Bere Regis, BH20 7JE worry about paying expensive bills. Yet millions of older people are missing out on Secretary - Guy Storey Telephone:- 01929 471041 benefits or help with heating costs that could make meeting their bills easier. www.bereregis.com e-mail: [email protected]

“We would urge any older person who is finding heating costs are putting a strain Golf Days held every month, usually the last Friday, from February through to October. on their finances to contact us on 01305 269444 to find out what they could be missing out on.” V E N U E S 2008 Age Concern is also calling on the Government to provide more money for DATE TROPHY VENUE WINNER vulnerable older people. The charity wants to see the annual Winter Fuel Payment increased by £100, the Basic State Pension raised to at least £119 per week, and Friday 29th February Members Challenge Cup Barton on Sea GC automatic benefits payments introduced, so all pensioners can afford to heat Friday 28th March GRS Trophy Dorset Golf & Country their homes. Friday 25th April Whitbread Shield Wheathill GC

Friday 30th May Captain’s Cup Romsey GC

BERE REGIS WILDLIFE WATCH Friday 27th June Landlord’s Cup Dunwood Manor GC

Friday 25th July Jim Corbin Cup Moors Valley GC Who are we? We are a group of local people keen to learn more about the natural environment of our Parish. Friday 29th August President’s Cup Salisbury & South Wilts

What do we do? At present we meet occasionally in different parts of the Friday 26th Rob Hall Trophy Crane Valley GC

Parish to find out about a particular aspect of wildlife or conservation. Friday 31st October Zoom Trophy Came Down GC What would we like to do? We would like to do an audit of the wildlife of the ROGS on tour - Meon Valley Golf & Country Club (6th - 8th June 2008). Parish and maintain an ongoing record. This would be available to anyone AGM - Bere Regis Sports Club. (tbc) interested. It would also enable us to monitor the changes that are taking place Christmas Cup of Good Cheer/Dinner Dance - Bulbury Woods - 13th December due to alterations in weather patterns and other factors. In the future we would like to do some specific conservation work within the Parish.

What can you do? Come and join us at one or more of the events listed overleaf. Everyone is welcome. No special knowledge is required, just an interest in wildlife. Children are very welcome if accompanied by an adult We are also very keen to hear from anyone who has been keeping records of birds, butterflies, insects etc, either in your garden or more widely within the local environment. We would also be interested in seeing any photographs of wildlife subjects you might have taken locally. Why not bring them along to the first meeting?

42 35 January 2008 January 2008 ROGS AGE CONCERN DORCHESTER ROGS Christmas Cup of Good Cheer and Presentation evening - Saturday 15th FEAR OF WINTER BILLS CAUSING December 2007 OLDER PEOPLE IN DORSET TO RISK Well Saturday the 15 th December brought the first test of THEIR HEALTH my new Captaincy with the Captain v President, Ryder Cold-related illnesses contribute to the deaths of Cup Challenge and the Xmas Cup of Good Cheer. We thousands of older people each year in the winter were greeted at Bulbury Woods with coffee and bacon baps and an excellent months. With predictions of colder weather this course for the time of the year, only one temporary green and all tee boxes in winter 1, Age Concern Dorchester is urging older people in Dorset to claim help use. We were also lucky with the weather although cold. with heating and benefits, such as Pension Credit, available to help them to stay We had 31 players including 3 guests, my brother Rob Debenham, Ian Jarred and warm and well. Tony Armstrong In the last six years alone, there were almost 150,000 excess winter deaths of It was rather disappointing for myself (Captain Debo) as the so called friends on those aged 65 plus 2, with cold-related illnesses such as pneumonia contributing to my table have nicknamed me, as my team suffered defeat to the President’s many thousands of these deaths. Many older people worry about affording high team ( Russ White ) 7 points to 9. fuel bills, yet by not heating their home adequately they could be putting their health at risk. The Christmas Cup of Good Cheer was won by Roger Pedro Rodriguez Duncanson with a massive 45 points playing off a handicap of 25. Second was a The charity is warning that millions of well overdue medal for John, the pittbull, Pitts who I am told played a very steady pensioners are missing out on benefits which round to finish with 36 points and third was Roger Johns who playing off a could help to make it easier to meet their bills, handicap of 10 did very well to come in with 35 points. because they find the system difficult to understand, are embarrassed about claiming There was £30.00 in the 2s kitty and that was shared between Julian, the or simply don’t realise they’re entitled to the vice ,Flower, Roger Johns and Dean, the A team, Merritt. extra cash. Many older people are also Nearest the pin on the 6th was Rob Acey and nearest the pin in two on the 17th unaware that they may be able to claim help was Dean Merritt with a blind shot over the trees from the practice ground. with energy efficiency, insulation and heating improvements. Guest prize went yet again to my brother Rob Debenham. He won last year too! As part of its year-long Your Rights benefits I would like to thank all the members who donated prizes for the day. campaign, Age Concern Dorchester is urging people to get in touch to find out what they Members revised handicaps will be published on our ROGS Members’ website could claim. The charity can provide free www.societygolfing.co.uk , login as royaloak with the password bereregis. advice and information about what money benefits and help with heating they may be The Dinner Dance and Presentation evening was attended by 67 members and entitled to, and can help to make claiming guests and as usual Nikki, John and crew provided us with a fabulous meal and simple. service. Age Concern Dorchester has free information booklets “ Your Winter Warm Up” As the new incoming Captain it was my pleasure to announce all the winners of and thermometers to encourage people to claim the welfare benefits and help the year’s monthly competitions and this year the Cups and Trophies were with heating that they may be entitled to. presented by the sponsor. Anthony Page Information & Advice Co-ordinator for Age Concern Dorchester, Some of the Cups and Trophies are presented annually and are as follows; said:

36 41 January 2008 January 2008

· Most improved Player 2007 was Chris Sumner

· The Highest Score of the season went to Guy Storey

· The Drax Consistency Trophy with an average of 37.5 over 5 matches was won by Dean Merritt

· The Russ White

Challenge Cup went to yours truly, Martin Debenham

· The Tourist Trophy fought in Portugal was won by Brett Standerwick

· The Shaun Brady Summer Knockout went to Roger Johns and the Paul Ebsworth Shield was won by John Ruskin Next year’s Christmas presentation and golf will be on Saturday Dec 13 th 2008 at Bulbury Woods.

I would like to end by thanking all who donated prizes for the raffle and Julian Flower, my Vice, for all his help on the day and finally to wish you all a very Happy New Year looking forward to the matches ahead. Captain Debo.

40 37 January 2008 January 2008

POPP CELEBRATES ROADSHOW SUCCESS Dorset’s Partnership for Older People’s Project (POPP) is celebrating the success of its home safety and falls prevention roadshow. POPP teamed up with Dorset Fire and Rescue Service (DFRS) to hold the events in community halls and fire stations in 14 locations across the county. Around 900 people picked up information on a wide range of issues including health, local activities and older people’s forums. Professionals were also on hand to offer advice on potential dangers in the home, including faulty or damaged electrical equipment leading to domestic fires and injuries caused by slips, trips and falls. POPP project manager Sue Warr, said: “One of the main reasons that older people fall and get admitted to hospital can be badly fitting slippers, so we were delighted to collect 700 pairs of battered old slippers and replace them with brand new pairs for free.” Dorset POPP is funded by central government as one of 29 national pilot programmes to improve the quality of life for injured by fires in their own homes.” older people by making sure that Dorset County Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services, opportunities are put in place locally to David Crowhurst added: promote healthy lifestyles, independence and preventative services and activities. The “I am so pleased that the roadshows were well attended. They gave us an project is supported by a number of partner opportunity to give people lots of advice on staying independent, which will help organisations, including Age Concern, Help them remain living in their own homes and communities for as long as they wish.” and Care, Dorset Primary Care Trust and Dorset Food and Health Trust. All played an important role in the success of this campaign.

DFRS group coordinator, Alun Morgan said: “One of our key aims is to improve community safety by risk reduction. Through our involvement with these events, we have arranged visits to over 170 homes to carry out safety checks and, where appropriate, offer free electric blankets, heaters or chip pans in a bid to reduce the number of older people killed or

38 39