• F. R. Def Ends Democracy in Armistice Day Talk
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ADS WEATHER WANTOft result *! Tour ad will Cloudy and much rmch mnir thiin (1(1,000 onlder tonight and p emoiM daily. Tueadny with occa- Telephone 3.122. sional light snow. Heavy^Snowstorm Lashes North west F. R. Def ends Democracy in Armis^ tice Day Ta lk • - , Sacr ifices Greeks Rout Crack Billion More Qua ke Takes Higher Toll in Dr ifts Tie Not in Vain , Itali an Alps Troops In Tax Yield Rumani a Than War Woul d Up Traff ic; Depend on Four-Month Rain y Season Turns Cold Amer ica Told to Help Hold Mussolini in Check. To Be .Asked 1,000 to 2,000 Dead ; Whole Iowa Blizzard Delays Pays Tr ibute Athens—W—The Italian invaders of Greece "have lost the Levy on Soft Temperature at Tomb of battle in all sectors and are retreating in disorder toward Al- Dr inks, Secur ities, Villages Leveled. 10 Below at bania, Greek radio declared today. wm. _ w% _ ¦ A ni » ¦ _._ Search f or Lost Plane " the *>y noocri si. jonn. Williston , N. D. Unknown Soldier. Thus* the radio summarized a series of Greek successes which Profits Planned. Bucharest, Rumania — ¦(#>) — The it said had been won in 15 days oi Washington—(#>)—Treasury offi- most disastrous earthquake in this Spi rit Lake , Iowa—(fl?)—A bliz- ground above their homes. The Minneapolis — f.F) — A 50-mile By The Associated Press. bitter warfare "despite the superior- zard of "mid-February" intensity roar of the motor was loud. cials indicated today they were seek- kingdom's history killed between wind lashed southwestern Min- The United States paused mo- ity of the Italian forces." < . 1,000 and 2,000 persons, spread dev- today turned back searchers who Suddenly it stopped and in a mentarily In a mighty defense A smashing defeat of Italy's crack ing about $1,000,000,000 of additional astation across a 5,000-square-mile hoped to find traces of an air- few seconds a huge "splash" was nesota today, smashing com- Alpine Centaur division—trained for heard. Then silence. effort today to commemorate the Chamberla in. tax revenues from new levies on area yesterday and new tremors add- plane believed to have crashed » municating ' lines and paralyzing a year in Albania for a lightning such items as'soft drinks and secur- ed to the catastrophe today. and disappeared in the storm- The army plane, en route from traffic as the entire Northwest 11th day of an 11th month 22 attack through the mountains into tossed waters of Spirit lake last Minneapolis to Fort Crook, Neb., ities and increased levies on individ- In a few quivering seconds yester- felt winter's first icy sting. years ago which men once hoped Greece—was reported today by the day morning more of Rumania was night. An army plane scheduled is many hours overdue there heralded peace in our time. Former Br itish Greek high command who said.large ual income and corporate - excess laid in waste than would be destroy- to fly over this vicinity Is miss- and no trace of it has been Marshall was virtually isolat- units of the division were annihil- profits. ed in months of war. ing. found , army headquarters said, ed. Telephone calls were being ac- Of the three major allies ated. High " winds drove a heavy Army sources said the missing cepted subject to n 24 hour delay. fighting shoulder to shoulder when They said no definite tax plan had Whole villages were erased. Rag- Greece's highland troops were ing fires burned in Rumania oil snowfall into two and three-foot plane was piloted by Lieutenant Snow in that nren totaled six the Armistice was signed November Prem ier , Dead said to have swept on to the offen- yet been agreed upon. Congressional drifts and visibility was reduced Roller! M. Prange of Fort Crook Indies. The gale whipped this about leaders probably will be consulted fields. Masses of buildings were lev- 11, 1918, this country alone was at sive along the whole 100-mile fight- eled in Bucharest. Tens ol millions to less than 100 feet. and there may have been two in doop drifts. peace and unscourged by war as it Took Nat ion to ing front, routed the Centaur divi- before any decisions are made. While of dollars of damage was done to Coroner B. W. Jones and other persons with him- Temperatures tumbled spectac- sion in the Pindiis mountains, wiped such conferences are in progress, property. Thousands of persons Sheriff J. L. McQuirk , who made The flier took off at 4; 15 p. in. ularly. rendered reverential homage to the War When Peace along the out two Fascist battalions however, Secretary Morgenthau will were injured and other thousands a complete circuit of iakeshorc Sunday in a drizzle that reduced It was either raining, snowing or Unknown Soldier who personifies Efforts Failed. Kalamas river on the Italian right left homeless and terror-stricken. cottages last night, said all resi- visibility to a minimum. He told sleeti ng at practically every west its World war dead. flank, and crumbled the Italian left present his plan for increasing the New Shocks. dents.on the.shore told the same airport attendants he intended weather station. At several places In London embattled Britain will Odiham, England —<ff)— Neville wing at bombarded Koritza, in Al- federal debt limit $15,000,000,000 to Again at midmorning today, earth story. to fly a direct compass course, a mixture of all three stopped every- bania. $20,000,000,000 above the present , they heard but remain within Bight of the - must, Chamberlain, 71, imw Sj ||i ||||| tremors shook this capital toppling About 6:30 p. m., thing but " traffic. " forego her annual observance and | | ||||g Greek confidence grew apace as $49,000,000,000 restriction in order to balconies and adding to the death an airplane circling: close to the ground. The forecast was for snow and make the day one of rededication— the first downpours of the four- finance the defense Drouram. lists which grew steadily as com- much colder. to the memory both of those who month whiter rainy season made Tax on Profits. munications were re-established Wadena , in western Minnesota, and fell between 1914 and 1918, made war when jf|||L slush of snow in the mountain Upward revision of the recently- with provinces where village after reported nbout four inches of snow of those who have died in the pres- there was no f %$? iriW&>« ^sdi passes, deepened the mud in the enacted excess profits tax was taken village reported fatalities yesterday. on the ground last night , with less- ent struggle. lowland roads and threatened to bog almost for granted by a number of Explosions and fires in the ruins Paris, where once France paid down mechanized war. Treasury officials. From this revi- of an apartment house where nearly Molotoff on Way to solemn tribute each year to the Principal gains claimed today by sion alone, they hinted, the revenue 200 were entombed killed an unde- Cold Wave World war fallen, is in the hands the high command were in the Pin- possibilities run as high as $500,- termined number of Iron Guard res- Predicted Here. of a conquering army and the na- dus mountains, central section of 000,000, but probably less. *• cure workers. Bursting gasoline tion has a new roster of dead to the border .battlefront, where the The corporate excess profits tax, tanks spat flames through the Berlin for Axis Talks A sudden shift in wind from add to the long list of the former Italian Alpine division was trapped together with the increased corpor- wreckage, sealing the fate of those the east to the west was noted flfOl* trapped beneath and it was not here at 10:40 a. in. today by Lo- II u* * in an attempted drive toward Met- ate income . tax enacted with It a Faith in Democracy. sovon, northeast of Ioannina. few weeks ago, were said by some to known how many searchers had gone Discussion of British Guarantee to cal Wea ther Observer J. It. At Washington, however, Presi- In Disorderly Retreat. necessitate a similar increase in in- to their deaths. Tur key on Dardanelles Expected. Johns who predicted the cold dent Roosevelt expressed the grati- What was left of the division was dividual income tax rates which Tens of thousands of German wave would arrive In Winona peace and then as ^^B soldiers quartered in the kingdom tude and remembrance of a nation i^^^^J reported retreating in disorder, might bring in upwards of $100,000,- Berlin —W— Soviet Russia's premier-foreign commissar, soon af ter the change. at peace when he went to Arling- ain's people in the leaving behind uncounted dead and 000 more taxes. pitched in swiftly to help Iron In 15 minutes from the tlniB ton national cemetery where the ^^M^BHj^^ ' Guardists, firemen, police and Ru- Vyacheslaff Molotoff , sped toward Berlin today for discussions the wind shifted , the temper- almost all its equipment—even med- Officials said that, while the ex- , Unknown Soldier of 1917-1918 lies thei r grimmest —— ical supplies. cess profits law is designed to cap- manian troops in the rescue work which some sections of the German press indicated might center ature dropped from 50 degrees to entombed. Neville which was hampered seriously by on the problem of British-guaran- 42 degrees, he said. war, the former "With this large unit," a commu- ture a portion of the extra profits broken , communications, Including . Roosevelt voiced faith In an Arm- prime minister Chamberlain nique declared,,, "the enemy planned apparently ahead for corporation^ " teed Turkey, guardian of.