BY SISTER of IRISH LORD That Both Leading Political Parties Nominate Vet Candidates So Much of It Loose in U
?Tv4- -V "' ■‘ *1: r\-/.'i-. ‘> ' c f A ■‘Ail i';.A !-'* r '.f ; i i w ' HBX PRESS RUN X.J AVBRAOB DAILY CIBCULATIOX OF THB EVENING HERALD for the month of March, 1926, 4,736 VOL. XU V., NO. 160. Classified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN.,. WEDNESDAY, APML (TWELVE PAGES) BILLY SUNDAY MAY RUN Shot Today; by Woman PICKOFHCERS FOR PRESIDENCY OP U. S. BUCKNER TELS Cincinnati, April 7. — Billy Sunday, Vnrld-famous evange list, today was on record as AT METHODIST harboring presidential aspira AMAZING TALE tions. Speaking before an audience HEEn^TODAY of more than 4,000 persons in OF _ALC0HQL Music Hall here, the fiery evan gelist announce that in the event BY SISTER OF IRISH LORD that both leading political parties nominate vet candidates So Much of It Loose in U. S, Rev. L. G. Horton, of Mans in the 1928 presidential race he DRIVE DRUNK IN STAMFORD y himself would run for the presi AND YOU DRIVE TO JAIL Hon. Violet Mbina G i b ^ field, Mass., Elected Secre- dency on an independent ticket. He Says, It Hurts Smug LEAGUE WILL 4 <!> Stamford, April 7.—A day In Jail at least will be the lot of Sister of Lord Ashbourne, tary— Memorial Services gling and Is Exported Into anyone who is convicted before REJECT U. S. Jifdge James R. Brlnckerhof of AWARD BOND ISSUE Wet Canada. a charge of driving a vehicle Sends Bullet Into Face of Held— Banquet Tonight. while under the influence of li RESEPAHONS quor. Alex Novack recelVed that ' Italian Premier, Then TO HARTFORD HRM Washington, April 7.— A monster sentence from Judge Brlncker The entire conference of the hof today beside being fined New England Southern area of the underworld Industry, flaunting the $100 and costs.
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