TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………… Page 1-2 MAP OF SCHOOL…………………………………………… Page 3 CLASS SCHEDULE…………………………………………… Page 4 BCMS MISSION STATEMENT……..…………………………Page 5 BCSD STUDENT OUTCOMES..………………………………Page 5 ASSEMBLY RESPONSIBILITIES…………………………… Page 5 ATTENDANCE POLICY………………………………………Page 6 TARDY POLICY……………………………………………… Page 7 BULLETIN BOARDS………………………………………… Page 7 CLASSROOM PARTIES……………………………………… Page 7 CO-CURRICULAR INVOLVEMENT ……………………… Page 7 COMPUTER USE BY STUDENTS…………………………… Page 8 DAILY ATTENDANCE……………………………………… Page 8 DISCIPLINE PROCEDURE………………………………… Page 8 DRESS CODE………………………………………………… Page 9 EDUCATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL CHANGE…………Page 10 FIELD TRIPS………………………………………………… Page 10 FOOD AND POP IN THE CLASSROOM…………………… Page 10 FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES……………………………… Page 10 GRADES AND REPORT CARDS…………………………… Page 10-11 HALL PASSES………………………………………………… Page 11 HALLWAY RESPONSIBILITIES…………………………… Page 11 HARASSMENT POLICY……………………………………… Page 11 HOMEWORK………………………………………………… Page 12 HOUSEKEEPING…………………………………………… Page 12 ILLNESS……………………………………………………… Page 12 LESSON PLANS……………………………………………… Page 12 MONEY…………………………………………………………Page 13 BOOK FINES/MONEY OWED BY STUDENTS…………… Page 13 PARENT COMMUNICATION……………………………… Page 13 PREPARATION…………………………………………..…… Page 13 RECORD KEEPING………………………………………… Page 13 RESTROOM SUPERVISION………………………………… Page 13 STAFF HOURS………………………………………………… Page 14 STAFF MEETINGS………………… ………………………… Page 14 STUDENT SUPERVISION…………………………………… Page 14


SUBSTITUTE FOLDER……………………………………… Page 14 SUMMER SCHOOL…………………………………………… Page 15 TEACHER-IMPOSED SUSPENSIONS……………………… Page 15 TEXTBOOKS………..………………………………………… Page 16 WEAPONS POLICY…………………………………………… Page 16 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES……………………………… Page 16-18 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY………………………… Page 18-19



301 303 305 Staff Coun- 307 309 311 313 315 Lounge seling

Band room

Restrooms 300 304 115 312 314 316

112 114

113 111 110

107 109 108

106 201 105


Rest- Computer Lab rooms 102

Student Center Library Cafeteria

Gymnasium Restrooms Main Office RTC



1ST HOUR 7:40-8:34 (54 MINUTES)

PASSING 8:34-8:38 (4 MINUTES)

2ND HOUR 8:38-9:32 (54 MINUTES)

PASSING 9:32-9:36 (4 MINUTES)

3RD HOUR 9:36-10:30 (54 MINUTES)

8TH LUNCH 10:30-11:00 PASSING 10:30-10:34 PASSING 10:30-10:34

PASSING 11:00-11:04 4TH HOUR 10:34-11:00 4TH HOUR 10:34-11:30

6TH LUNCH 11:00-11:30

4TH HOUR 11:04-12:00 4TH HOUR 11:33-12:00 7TH LUNCH 11:30-12:00

PASSING 12:00-12:04 (4 MINUTES)

5TH HOUR 12:08-12:58 (54 MINUTES)

PASSING 12:58-1:02 (4 MINUTES)

6TH HOUR 1:02-1:56 (54 MINUTES)

PASSING 1:56-2:00 (4 MINUTES)

AC 2:00-2:25 (25 MINUTES)


Snow days are usually announced on the following radio and television stations:

WMPX 1490 AM, WUGN 99.7 FM. WCEN 1150 AM/94.5 FM, WHNN 96/FM/WIOG 102.5 FM, WUPS 98.5 FM, WCFX 95.3 FM, WJRT TV-12, WEYI TV 25 and on WNEM TV-



In order to facilitate the transition from the elementary to the secondary level, we the staff of the Bullock Creek Middle School, accept the responsibility to teach the identified curriculum to all students as they strive to attain their maximum potential. In partnership with parents and community, the staff will foster positive behaviors and attitudes that promote academic, social, emotional, and physical well-being. We believe that upon accomplishing our mission our students will demonstrate proficiency in study skills, patterns of attendance, and work performance that will ensure success at each subsequent level of education, and success as members of society.


Adult roles for which students need to be prepared:

We, the Bullock Creek School District, require our students to demonstrate that they apply the skills of lifelong learning as:

• Cooperative, contributing members of society. • Self-directed, creative, and innovative producers of society. • Individuals improving the well being of self, family, community and the environment. • Effective communicators using written, spoken, visual, and numeric language. • Critical thinkers who use information tools, technology, and problem solving strategies to solve problems.


Teachers are expected to attend all assemblies and to sit with the class that they escorted to the assembly except when they have a preparation hour. If the assembly is still going on when the prep hour is over, the teacher should attend the assembly. If the prep hour begins after the assembly has started, the teacher may leave the assembly. Teacher cooperation in seating and attendance will enhance our ability to control students in a mass setting. Teachers should report any student who behaves inappropriately during any assembly to the administration. Students who misbehave may be prohibited from attending future assemblies.




We believe that education is a life-long process. The attendance policy at Bullock Creek Middle School is designed to promote dependability and promptness. These qualities are important to an individual’s future and employability. The major responsibility for acceptable attendance lies with the individual student and his/her parents or guardians. Bullock Creek Middle School believes that students should be in attendance 90% of the semester in order to receive credit in a class.

*Absences that do not count against the 90% attendance requirement: dental and medical condition (verified).

The importance of punctual and regular attendance for every student cannot be over emphasized. A good attendance record has a direct effect on academic success. Students under the age of 16, who are absent excessively, will be reported to the Midland Truancy Officer.

Students must bring a written note to the office, signed by a parent or guardian the first day back to school after an absence. The note should state the exact days and the reason for the absence. Parents and guardians may also contact the school by phone regarding a student absence.

Any student arriving after the start of the school day must sign in on the “sign in sheet” in the office. A student is considered absent if he/she arrives later then ten (10) minutes into class. Any student leaving before the end of the school day must sign out in the office. We must know the physical location of all our students in case of emergencies. In most cases, students are allowed a grace period equaling the number of days absent during which time they must make up their work. Work not made up will be recorded as a zero. Students absent on the day that a test is given will be expected to make the test up the day they return.

When a student knows in advance he/she will miss school, the student must bring a note to the office to gain permission to be pre-excused.



1. First (1) unexcused tardy in a class in 9 weeks will result in a warning by the teacher.

2. The second (2) unexcused tardy, and each thereafter, in a class during a 9 week period may result in a lunch detention.

3. After 5 tardies in one class period parents/guardians shall be contacted by the classroom teacher.

Every 5 tardies are equal to 1 day of unexcused absence and will be included in attendance records.

*Over sleeping and late rides to school are not automatically considered an excused tardy since transportation to school is provided. Parents must sign in late students at the office


Bulletin board and wall displays add a great deal to the educational atmosphere of your classroom. Teachers are encouraged to make good use of the bulletin board and wall space available in their room.


All classroom parties must be approved by the administration and have a curricular element.


Teachers are encouraged to become actively involved in that portion of "school life" which takes place at the conclusion of the normal school day. Clubs and organizations are essential to the overall education of our students. Teacher participation in the role of advisor or audience is highly recommended and appreciated by our entire community.



Any student using a school computer must be supervised. This includes computers in the classroom, in a computer lab, or in the media center. Students are prohibited from using computers without supervision. Teachers are not to send students to a computer lab without supervision.


It is the responsibility of the teacher to take accurate attendance each hour of class time. It is expected that all teachers take attendance at the beginning of the hour. Teachers should take attendance using Skyward. If Skyward is not working, please wait until the end of the hour and try entering your attendance again. If Skyward is down for an extended period of time, the attendance office will notify the teachers as to how attendance should be reported. Students arriving later than 10 minutes after class starts should have a pass to be admitted to class. Those students without a pass should be sent to the office for an admit pass. Remember that a student leaving with more than ten minutes of class time remaining should be marked absent. If attendance was not taken during a class period during the day, teachers are asked to finalize attendance before ending the workday.

It is very important for accurate attendance that you take attendance at the beginning of the hour. You should make any corrections the same day to your attendance by using Skyward. The attendance office will call teachers who have not reported their attendance.


The classroom teacher should handle most student discipline. It is important that teachers keep accurate information regarding student discipline. Classroom disruptions should be handled using the Responsible Thinking Process.

If a teacher needs to remove a student immediately from class due to a classroom disruption after the RTP has been used, he/she should follow the procedure for a Teacher-Imposed Suspension.


Teachers should develop a list of classroom rules and procedures that they give to each student. A copy should also go home to the parents. All rules and procedures should be posted in the classroom. By the first week of school, please turn in a list of your classroom rules to the office.

Parental communication is essential in successful disciplinary procedures. Please keep parents informed of potential problems in your classroom. Parents are our best asset when kept informed. Professionally, you should keep a record of these parent contacts.



(A complete copy of the Middle School dress code for students can be found in the student/parent handbook.)

All students are required to wear clothing that is appropriate for school. Proper student dress and grooming is a responsibility of the student, their parents, and school personnel. A person’s dress and grooming must be in the best interest of the school with respect to the health, welfare, and safety of each individual and must not interrupt the orderly process of education at any time. Clothing should not call attention to the wearer because of design, cut, style, etc. Clothing should not disturb any school-related function. Teachers are asked to serve as a role model to students in regard to these dress code requirements.

The following are guidelines for student dress. The final decision as to what is appropriate dress for school will be made by the Middle School administration.

1. Sunglasses, revealing tops, and excessively torn clothing will not be worn at school. Tank tops, halter-tops, pajamas, shirts and dresses with spaghetti strap, backless shirts and overly baggy pants are inappropriate school clothing. In addition, hats and bandanas are not to be worn during the school day. All shirts must have sleeves to be considered acceptable.

2. All students will wear shirts that cover the midsection of their body.

3. Spandex/yoga pants, leggings or excessively tight pants or skirts may not be worn unless they are worn under pants, shorts or skirts of the appropriate length. This includes while the student is standing and/or seated.

4. Short and skirt length must be at least to the tips of the student’s fingers throughout the school day – this includes while the student is walking and/or seated.

5. Hooded sweatshirts are allowed in school as long as the hood is not up. Students wearing hoods up will be asked to remove hood and discipline action may be taken.

6. Pants or shorts must not have any rips, tears or holes above where the student’s finger tips fall at their side.

7. Shoes or casual footwear must be worn at all times to be in compliance with the state’s health and safety code. Slippers are not appropriate school shoes.

8. Clothes that promote gang affiliation, are obscene, promote violence, have sexual connotation, profanity, advertising for alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs will be considered inappropriate dress and will not be allowed in school.

Students wearing inappropriate attire will be required to change. This dress code is in compliance with the school code/school aid act.

If a teacher feels a student is violating the school dress code, the teacher should notify the student and the administration or counseling office. Staff are encouraged to present themselves professionally and follow these guidelines as an example to students.



Teachers shall assist the school in the improvement of its operation and educational program through participation in curriculum, special or departmental committees, and through sharing with other staff members those education practices, which they have found to be successful. Recognizing that teachers are specialists in their fields and have the necessary skill in dealing effectively with youth, they shall be charged with the responsibility of formulating and implementing meaningful changes in the curriculum and building operations through the building principal.


Field trip forms will be filled out at the beginning of the year. When planned with pre-determined educational outcomes, field trips are very beneficial experiences. Pre-approval from the building administrators is required. A field trip that requires the students to spend the night must have board approval. If a field trip is going to involve a large number of students, please inform the cafeteria so that they may plan accordingly.


Students are not to bring food or pop/ energy drinks into the classroom unless the classroom teacher has given the student permission. A teacher may deny a student from entering his/her classroom with a pop or any food.


The Board of Education has a policy on fund raising activities within the schools that require administrative approval for any sales or solicitations of funds. Only recognized school groups may conduct fund raising activities in school. Fund raising activities must be approved by the administration and placed on the school master calendar.

Any staff member who would like to have a fund raising activity should pick up a form in the office, complete it and turn it in to the Principal.


Report cards will be given to students every term (9 weeks). Teachers will use Skyward to report grades and citizenship/behavior comments.

As a general rule, students must complete all work by the end of the term in order to receive credit.


All teachers should be using an accumulated grading system. The grading system uses the letter grades: A, B, C, D, and E, with pluses and minuses.

A = Excellent D = Below Average B = Very Good E = Failing C = Average F = Failing due to excessive absences


Students are not to be allowed to leave the classroom during the class hour. Rest rooms should only be used in extreme emergency. If this situation should arise, a hall pass must be issued using the planner provided to the student. Teachers must give passes when sending students out of the room or to any other class. This must be kept to a minimum. If a teacher causes another student to be late to his/her next class, the teacher should issue the student a pass to prevent him or her from being marked tardy.


Much can be done to improve the discipline in the halls. Teachers are asked not to tolerate running or loud, boisterous behavior. Pupil conduct in the halls is one of the first things that impress favorably, or otherwise, a visitor in our school. Bullock Creek Middle School is counting on cooperation from each teacher from the first day of school to reduce noise and confusion. Teachers will not be assigned specific supervision schedules but every teacher is expected to be in the hallways during the change of classes and interactive time.


(A complete copy of the school district’s harassment policy shall be found in the Student/Parent Handbook.)

Teachers should be aware of the district’s harassment policy. Conduct constituting harassment may take different forms, such as verbal, non-verbal and physical contact. It may be in the form of sexual harassment or in a variety of other forms of harassment such as gender, ethnic, religious, disability, height, and weight harassment. Cyber bullying is one other form of harassment the teachers should be aware of. Please report any evidence of this behavior to the administration.

Teachers need to ensure that they are not allowing any type of action in their classroom that could be considered harassment. If a teacher notices student harassment, they should put an end to it, document the incident and report it to administration if necessary.



Homework related to class work should be assigned in all academic classes. Whenever possible, allow some class time for the student to attempt the work and receive clarification before it is taken home.


Ventilation and lighting are a very important part of education. Use the lights whenever they are needed, but turn them off when you are not in the room and at the end of the day. When leaving a classroom, each teacher should check to see that the chairs are in order and the room is in good condition. The teacher holding the last class in each room each day is responsible for turning off lights, shutting the windows, closing the curtain, and locking the door. Our building has many visitors after school and in the evening. It is important that you lock and close all doors leading to your classroom when you are ready to leave for the day. If there are times that your room does not appear to have been cleaned as well as it should have been, please bring this to the attention of the administration. In the same respect, it will be brought to your attention times when your room does not appear as orderly as it should be. Please be alert for any misuse of furniture or school property at all times and take it upon yourself to promptly correct the situation. Students must not be allowed to take advantage of school property. Teachers are asked to be especially aware of this fact and act quickly and decisively if a student is misusing property.


In case you are unable to teach because of illness or emergency, please contact Aesop before 6:45 am using the internet web site www.aesoponline.com. If you still are having problems please call Curt Moses at (989) 750-5923.


Lesson plans should be prepared by all teachers at all times. Please provide lesson plans when requested by administration or during a formal classroom observation. Plans should be written with the intent of possibly a substitute teacher using them with understanding and clarity. In an emergency you may also e-mail emergency lesson plans to Mrs. McCaffrey at [email protected] . Please also Cc a copy of the your emergency lesson plan to the building administrator as well. All teachers will be asked to submit an emergency lesson plan to the office that will remain on file in the event that the teacher is unable to report and send plan.



All depositing of money and requesting of checks shall be done through Mrs. McCaffrey in the main office. All money is to be counted, coins rolled, and an accounting of the money included.


A list of all students who have money due, or lost/damaged books should be turned in to Mrs. McCaffrey at the end of each year. Any other property belonging to a teacher or the Middle school should be turned in each year as well.


Teachers shall evaluate, record, and report to the parents the progress or lack of progress of their child and other pertinent information. Communication with parents is the easiest way to prevent problems between the parent, student, and teacher. The telephone is the quickest way to communicate with parents. Written communications to parents are to be cleared with the principal if they pertain to the class as a whole or if they outline plans or activities. If it is merely a communication to the parent regarding a pupil's schoolwork or social behavior, this procedure may be followed at the discretion of the teacher. Remember, parents appreciate positive calls as well as calls concerning problems that students have.


Each teacher has at least one preparation period per day. The purpose of this period is to enable the teacher to confer with students and also give time for class preparation. Parental contacts are appreciated and encouraged during this preparation period.


Teachers shall maintain grades and attendance records at all times. It should be possible to review and evaluate a student's academic and attendance record at any time. Each teacher should have a consistent way for determining tardiness.


Staff are encouraged to help monitor the supervision of the school bathrooms during each day. If a teacher notices any problem in a restroom, he or she should report it immediately to the office. Students are less likely to vandalize a restroom if they think that a staff member might enter the restroom



The Middle School building will be open no later than 7:00 a.m. The exact time for our staff to report will be 7:20 a.m. Staff should be in assigned areas for interactive time at 7:25 to 7:40 a.m. Instruction 7:40 to 2:25. Staff may depart 2:40. If there is a need for an exception to this, please discuss it with the building principal on an individual basis.


The purpose of building faculty meetings is to provide the opportunity to handle the general business of school, which in turn, helps to enhance the effectiveness of our teaching and building operation. Meetings will be held every two weeks and will begin promptly at 2:35. Please check the monthly calendar that is handed out for dates and times of these meetings. Anyone that has to miss a staff meeting must clear this through the Principal and make arrangements to get the information at a later date. Please make an effort to stay informed.


The supervision of students, at all times, is vital. Good supervision will help to recognize potential problems before they occur and to take the appropriate action. It will also help to limit times where you may be liable for the results of student's actions. Teachers shall be aware of the standards of conduct expected of pupils in the halls, lunchroom, and on the school grounds; teach these standards; and enforce them. It shall be the teacher's responsibility to supervise students and not condone student behavior, which is contrary to school policy. Teachers shall be responsible for those students assigned to them for each class period and shall remain in the classroom to supervise said students except for extreme emergencies. Attendance at assemblies during class time is expected.


Each teacher is asked to keep a folder regarding their classroom operation and specific information they would want a substitute to be aware of. This will be kept in the teacher’s classroom to be used by the substitute teacher when he/she arrives in the morning. This folder will need to be completed (including emergency lesson plans) no later than the second Friday of the school year. Please also provide a copy of this folder and emergency lesson plan to the main office. In the event that the emergency lesson plan has been used, a new plan should be submitted. PLEASE PRINT ATTENDANCE SHEETS FOR YOUR SUBSTITUTE. SEATING CHARTS ARE HELPFUL FOR THE SUBSTITUTE.



Bullock Creek offers a summer program for students who are performing below grade level. This program is designed to accelerate learning through quality instruction designed to meet the individual needs of the student.


(A complete copy of this policy can be found in the Student/Parent Handbook.)

Pursuant to School Code, a teacher may immediately remove and suspend a student from a class, subject, or activity when the student engages in conduct prohibited by law, Board of Education, or by the School Code of Conduct.

Prohibited conduct includes when a student’s behavior is so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it interferes with the teacher’s ability to effectively teach or manage the class, or interferes with the ability of other students to learn.

The Teacher-imposed Suspensions components are as follows:

1. A teacher must have “good reason to believe” the student’s conduct warrants suspension under this policy. After determining a student has violated this policy, the teacher shall immediately send the student to the office for appropriate action. The teacher shall send to the office a “Removal from class” form with the student when possible and report the suspension to the principal or designee. 2. Any student suspended under this policy shall not be allowed to return to the class, subject, or activity from which he or she was suspended until the passage of one (1) full school day from the time of the student’s infraction unless otherwise permitted by mutual agreement of the teacher who ordered the suspension and the principal/designee. 3. If the student remains in school, the principal or designee shall ensure that the student is under appropriate supervision. 4. A student attending separate class periods throughout the school day shall be permitted during the term of the suspension to attend other classes taught by other teachers only when the student’s conduct does not rise to the level of requiring a multiple day suspension or expulsion in accordance with Board of Education policy or the school’s student handbook. 5. Within 24 hours of the teacher-imposed suspension, the teacher shall ask the student’s parent/guardian to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension. An administrator shall attend the conference if requested. 6. A written summary of the incident and the parent/guardian contact must be provided to the building principal or designee within 24 hours after the parent/guardian contact was made.



Each textbook that is signed out by a student should be carefully inspected and information regarding the condition of the textbook should be recorded on the textbook sign out sheet. Teachers should inspect the text and sign out sheet when the book is issued. It is important that all information regarding the text be recorded.


(A complete copy of the district’s weapons policy can be found in the Student/Parent handbook.)

If a teacher notices a student in possession of a dangerous weapon, he/she must report this immediately to the administration.

Although not considered a weapon by state law, a student with a knife blade of less than 3” is a violation of school rules. Please report these issues to the building administrator as soon as possible.



From time to time we will hold fire drills, tornado drills, and other emergency drills as needed. Students are to follow the directions of school personnel in these situations. In an actual emergency, the cooperation of everyone can avoid tragedy. Procedures are posted in every classroom.

The exit that should be used during fire drills is posted near the door of each classroom. When the fire alarm sounds:

1. Close all windows and turn out all lights. 2. All students, teachers, and other persons should leave the building through the designated exit. 3. Move to the exits quickly but do not run or push. 4. Be calm and quiet. 5. Move away from the building and leave sidewalks and exits clear. 6. Return to the building when the bell sounds.




1. Time permitting, notification will be made over the P.A. system, followed by intermittent ringing of the class passing bell.

2.. When notification is received, students should take cover in the following manner : Room Report To Gym Locker Room Cafeteria Locker Rooms/ Gym Hall RTC Locker Rooms Library Locker Rooms Room 102 Bathroom-8th Gr hall* Room 104 Bathroom-8th Gr hall* Room 105 Room 105 Room 106 Bathroom- 8th Gr hall* Room 107 Room 107 Room 108 Bathroom-8th Gr hall* Room 109 Room 107 Room 110 Room 107 Room 111 Room 111 Room 112b Room 112 b Room 113 Room 111 Room 115 Room 115 Room 201 Room 105 Band Room Room 304 Room 300 Room 111 Room 301 Room 112a Room 303 Room 112a Room 304 Room 304 Room 305 Hall Between 105 and 107 Room 307 Room 115 Room 309 Hall Between 111 and 115 Room 311 Bathroom-6th Gr Hall* Room 312 Bathroom-6th Gr Hall* Room 313 Bathroom-6th Gr Hall* Room 314 Bathroom-6th Gr Hall* Room 315 Bathroom-6th Gr. Hall* Room 316 Girls clothes closet Main Office Main office conference room Kitchen Kitchen Interior Storage Room Computer Lab Computer Lab offices

*Boys take cover in boys bathroom and girls into the girls bathroom

3. If a situation arises that the above procedures cannot be taken due to the lack of time, all students should remain in the classroom and take cover next to the inside wall and sit with their face and head protected.



1. Notification will be made over the P.A. system. Situation will be given at this time. 2. You are to lock your door and not let any student(s) in or out of your classroom. 3. You should place the red or green card under your classroom door. 4. The halls and bathrooms will be checked by the principal. 5. Outside doors will be locked by custodian. 6. Teachers and students are not to use school phones or cell phones. 7. Teachers and students are to remain in classrooms until the all clear is given



The Bullock Creek Board of Education complies with all federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and with all requirements and regulations of the U.S. Department of Education. It is the policy of the Bullock Creek Board of Education that no person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, height, weight, marital status or handicap shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity for which it is responsible or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.

Inquiries concerning the application of, or grievances of, (1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (2) Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (4) Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 19901.

If any person believes that Bullock Creek School District, or any part of the school organization, has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations of (1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (2) Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (4) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and (5) Title II of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 they may bring forward a complaint, which shall be referred to as a grievance, to the district’s Civil Rights Coordinator at the following address: Director of Instructional Services Bullock Creek School District 1420 S. Badour Road Midland, MI 48640 (989) 631-9022

2. The person who believes a valid basis for grievance exists shall discuss the grievance informally and on a verbal basis with the district’s Civil Rights Coordinator, who shall in turn investigate the complaint and reply with an answer to the complainant within ten (10) business days. If this reply is not acceptable to the complainant, he/she may initiate formal procedures according to the following steps:


STEP 1: A written statement of the grievance signed by the complainant shall be submitted to the district’s Civil Rights Coordinator within ten (10) business days of receipt of answers to the informal complaint. The Coordinator shall further investigate the matters of grievance and reply in writing to the complainant within ten (10) business days.

STEP 2: A complainant wishing to appeal the decision of the district’s Civil Rights Coordinator may submit a signed statement of appeal to the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) business days after receipt of the Coordinator’s response. The Superintendent shall meet with all parties involved, formulate a conclusion, and respond in writing to the complainant within ten (10) business days.

STEP 3: If unsatisfied, the complainant may appeal through a signed, written statement to the Board of Education within ten (10) business days of receiving the Superintendent’s response in step two. In an attempt to resolve the grievance, the Board of Education shall meet with the concerned parties and their representative within ten (10) business days of the receipt of such an appeal. A copy of the Board’s disposition of the appeal shall be sent to each concerned party within ten (10) business days of this meeting.

STEP 4: If at this point the grievance has not been satisfactorily settled, further appeal may be made to the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202.Inquiries concerning the nondiscriminatory policy may be directed to Director, Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202.

The local Coordinator, on request, will provide a copy of the district’s grievance procedure and investigate all complaints in accordance with this procedure.

A copy of each of the Acts and the regulations on which this notice is based may be found in the Civil Rights Coordinator’s office.