“If You Don't Sacrifice for What You Want, What You Want Becomes The

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“If You Don't Sacrifice for What You Want, What You Want Becomes The Important Points “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice” ImportantQuestion Points 1 / प्रश्न 1 इस वर्ष के ववश्व दृष्टि दिवस2018 की ववर्यवु क्या है? What is the theme of this year’s World Sight day 2018? 1. दृष्टिहीनता और नहीं / No more Blindness 2. दृष्टि का महत्त्व / Make vision count 3. आँख और िेखभाल / Eye and Care 4. आँख की िेखभाल हर जगह / Eye Care Everywhere ImportantAnswer Points आँख की िेखभाल हर जगह / Eye Care Everywhere • World Sight Day 2018 is celebrated every year all over the world on Oct 11. • The theme of World Sight Day 2018 is “Eye Care Everywhere”. ImportantQuestion Points 2 / प्रश्न 2 स्ट्रⴂग 30-सिीय स्क्वाड के ष्टकस एकमात्र सिको आगामी ववश्व रेसललिंग चैंष्टियनलिि 2018 मᴂ सीष्टडिंग प्राप्त? होगी Which is the only Indian wrestler from a strong 30- member squad to get a seeding at the upcoming World Wrestling Championships 2018? 1. लजिंिर महल / Jinder Mahal 2. सुिील कुमार / Sushil Kumar 3. बजरिंग िुवनया / Bajrang Punia 4. खली / Khali ImportantAnswer Points बजरिंग िुवनया / Bajrang Punia • CWG and Asian Games gold medallist Bajrang Punia is the only Indian wrestler from a strong 30-member squad to get a seeding at the upcoming World Championships as he has been seeded third in the 65kg category in men’s freestyle competition. • World Wrestling Championships in Budapest, Hungary. 2018 October 20-28 ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 3 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न3 3 कौन-सा िेि “2019 इिंटरनेिनल एसोलसएिन ऑफ़ एथलेष्टटक्स फे डरेिन वर्ल्ष ररलेज़” की मेजबानी करने के ललए तैयार है? Which country is all set to host the 2019 International Association of athletics Federations World Relays? 1. जािान / Japan 2. यूएई / UAE 3. ऑस्ट्रेललया / Australia 4. भारत / India ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 3 जािान / Japan • Japan is all set to host the 2019 International Association of athletics Federations World Relays beginning May 11 ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 4 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न4 4 उत्तर प्रिेि सरकार ने ष्टकस िहर मᴂ राजनीवतक प्रलिक्षण सिंान की ािना की अनुमवत िे िी है? The Uttar Pradesh government has approved the setting up of a political training institute in which city? 1. मेरठ / Meerut 2. गालज़याबाि / Ghaziabad 3. लखनऊ / Lucknow 4. कानिुर / Kanpur ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 4 गालज़याबाि / Ghaziabad • In a first, the Uttar Pradesh government has approved the setting up of a political training institute in Ghaziabad. • The institute will give political training to public representatives and political workers, and will professionally groom political leadership in the country. ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 5 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न5 5 सुचचत्रा िरु ई को ष्टकस िेि मᴂ भारत की अगली राजनययक वनयु्त ष्टकया है? Suchitra Durai was appointed as the next Ambassador of India to which country? 1. थाईलैंड / Thailand 2. ष्टफललष्टि / Philippines 3. किंबोष्टडया / Cambodia 4. इिंडोनेलिया / Indonesia ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 5 थाईलैंड / Thailand • Suchitra Durai was appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Thailand. • Suchitra Durai is an Indian Foreign Service Officer (IFS) of 1988 batch. • She is at present, the High Commissioner of India to Kenya. ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 6 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न6 6 ववश्व बैंक के ववश्व ववकास ररिोटष 2018 का ववर्य क्या है? The theme of the World Bank's World Development Report 2018 is 1. रोज़गार और रािर की उन्नवत/ Employment and the growth of a nation 2. काम की बिलती प्रकृवत / The changing nature of work 3. सामालजक आिंिोलन और समाज का ववकास/ Social movements and growth of society 4. जीडीिी और रािर के ववकास की प्रकृ वत / Country and the nature of growth in GDP ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 6 काम की बिलती प्रकृवत / The changing nature of work • The World Bank released the Human Capital Index (HCI) as part of the World Development Report 2019. • The theme of the World Development Report (WDR) this year is "The Changing Nature of Work". • As part of this report, the World Bank has launched a Human Capital Project (HCP). • The HCI has been constructed for 157 countries. • The Index was released at the World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings in Bali, Indonesia. ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 6 • Singapore ranked first for its universal health care system, education exams results and life expectancy figures. • India was ranked at the 115th position. ImportantQuestionQuestion Points /7 प्रश्न / प्रश्न7 7 वैज्ञावनकⴂ ने एक नया कैमरा ववकलसत ष्टकया है जो िायि िवु नया का सबसे तेज़ कैमरा होगा। उसका नाम है: Scientists have developed a new camera which might be the world's fastest camera. It is called; 1. मोस्कवा / Moskva 2. टी-कि / T-CUP 3. सी स्ट्ैम्प / STAMP 4. डी ररको / Ricoh ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 7 टी-कि / T-CUP • Scientists have developed a new camera called the T- CUP. • T-CUP can capture 10 trillion frames per second. It can freeze time to see light in extremely slow motion. • It was developed by researchers at INRS (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique) led by Lihong Wang of California Institute of Technology, US. ImportantQuestionQuestion Points /8 प्रश्न / प्रश्न7 8 उस मानव अधिकार कायषकता का नाम बताइए लजᴂ यूरोष्टियन काउिंलसल का वेक्लव हैवेल प्राइज़ वमला है Name the human rights activist who won the Council of Europe's Vaclav Havel prize. 1. मोहम्मि आलसफ / Mohammed Asif 2. ओयुब वततेव / Oyub Titiev 3. रैमसस हेडन / Ramsus Heiden 4. रफेल सबेस्टस्ट्यन / Rafale Sebastian ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 7 ओयुब वततेव / Oyub Titiev • A human rights activist Oyub Titiev won the Council of Europe's Vaclav Havel prize. • The prize consists of 60,000-euro ($67,000) prize • Titiev is the prize’s 6th recipient. ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 9 प्रश्न / प्रश्न9 9 चीन के खखलाफ अिंतररािर ीय मैत्रीिूणष मैच के ललए भारतीय फुटबॉल टीम के कप्तान के 셂ि मᴂ ष्टकसे वनयु्त ष्टकया गयाहै? Who has been appointed as the captain of Indian football team for the international friendly match against China? 1. प्रीतम कोटल / Pritam Kotal 2. प्रोनय हलिर / Pronay Halder 3. सी के ववनीथ / C. K. Vineeth 4. सिंिेिख िंगन / Sandesh Jhingan ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 9 सिंिेि खिंगन / Sandesh Jhingan • Sandesh Jhingan was appointed as the captain of Indian football team for the international friendly match against China held in Suzhou, China. • This is the first time in 21 years, India and China played football after the Nehru Cup in Kochi in 1997. QuestionImportantQuestion Points /10 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न10 10 ष्टकस उद्योग वनकाय ने भारतीय ष्टडलजटल गेवमिंग सोसाइटी के गठन की घोर्णा की है? Which Industry body has announced formation of the Indian Digital Gaming Society? 1. FICCI 2. CII 3. ICICI 4. ASSOCHAM 5. NASSCOM ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 10 CII • Industry body CII announced formation of the Indian Digital Gaming Society. • IDGS will provide platform for the young start-ups and youths to unleash their creativity and contribute towards digital economy of the country. Digital Gaming sector will open up new avenues of skilling and help create more job opportunities in India,” the chamber said. QuestionImportantQuestion Points /11 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न10 11 21 अक्टूबर को दिल्ली मᴂ िुललस के रणोत्सव दिवस िर भारत का िहला रािर ीय िुललस सिंग्रहालय का उिघ् ाटन कौन करेगा? Who will inaugurate India's first national police museum in Delhi on the occasion of police commemoration day on October 21? 1. नरᴂद्र मोिी / Narendra Modi 2. नीतीि कुमार / Nitish Kumar 3. अरवविंि केजरीवाल / Arvind Kejriwal 4. मोहन िास / Mohan Das 5. सुरेि प्रभु / Suresh Prabhu ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 10 21 अक्टूबर को दिल्ली मᴂ िुललस के रणोत्सव दिवस िर भारत का िहला रािर ीय िुललस सिंग्रहालय का उिघ् ाटन कौन करेगा? Who will inaugurate India's first national police museum in Delhi on the occasion of police commemoration day on October 21? 1. नरᴂद्र मोिी / Narendra Modi 2. नीतीि कुमार / Nitish Kumar 3. अरवविंि केजरीवाल / Arvind Kejriwal 4. मोहन िास / Mohan Das 5. सुरेि प्रभु / Suresh Prabhu QuestionImportantQuestion Points 12/ प्रश्न / प्रश्न11 12 हररयाणा ने 13 अक्टूबर 2018 को मᴂ _____ फोष्टटषस मेमोररयल ररसचष इिंस्ट्ीट्यूट मᴂ अिने िहले तरह के रािर ीय ऑष्टटज़्म इिंटरवᴂिन ररसचष सᴂटर का िुभारिंभ ष्टकया था। Haryana launched first-of-its-kind National Autism Intervention Research Centre at Fortis Memorial Research Institute in _____, on October 13, 2018? 1. दहसार / Hisar 2. गु셁ग्राम / Gurugram 3. रोहतक / Rohtak 4. चिंडीगढ़ / Chandigarh 5. इनमᴂ से कोई नहीं / None of these ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 11 गु셁ग्राम / Gurugram • Haryana launched first-of-its-kind National Autism Intervention Research Centre at Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurugram. • This has been started in association with Behaviour Momentum India. • It will help people suffering from autism who need behavioural and medical experts to get educated, learn play and social skills and improve their quality of life QuestionImportantQuestion Points /13 प्रश्न / प्रश्न12 13 िलिम बिंगाल सरकार ने 12 अक्टूबर 2018 को इस साल मूसलिार बाररि के कारण होने वाले ष्टकसानⴂ को _____ 셁िए का मुआवजा िेने की घोर्णा की West Bengal Government announced to give a compensation of _____ rupees to farmers who had incurred loss due to hailstorm this year, on 12th October 2018? 1.
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