PROWEIN 2015 Düsseldorf, March 15 to 17

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PROWEIN 2015 Düsseldorf, March 15 to 17

PROWEIN 2015 düsseldorf, march 15 to 17

the most up-to-date expression of

Catalonia’s winemakers and producers are in a These express the individual personalities constant search for great wines. They are hel- of each winemaker and their wine-making ped in this quest by a long tradition which has expertise. been enriched by the most innovative produc- The common denominator is their high quality, tion techniques and methods. This helps them their capacity to satisfy all segments of the to obtain wines with the complex, nuance-rich market and their ability to adapt to the tastes of character of a territory that, while relatively sma- 21st century consumers. They meet the needs ll, presents a tremendous diversity of landscapes, of both those who prefer tried and tested values microclimates and varieties. One differen- and those who are constantly seeking new and tiating factor in Catalonia is that it has twelve surprising tastes and experiences. Designations of Origin (DO), which ensures great diversity. Each of our wines is very different from The forceful expression of these new values have the others, demonstrating an abundance of led Catalan wines to receive the acknowledge- creativity and reflecting a fertile and highly varied ment of some of the world’s leading wine spe- mosaic of identities. cialists and critics.

the fruit of great work

Wine unites economy and culture. The Cata- In terms of foreign trade, Catalonia mainly ex- lan Administration is firmly committed to qua- ports to the rest of Europe, the USA and Japan. lity and seeks to make Catalonia the leading The Catalan wine sector has a very sound and premium wine producer in Spain. Almost all competitive structure, with over 11,705 vine of Catalonia’s wine production has DO status, growers and more than 500 bottling wineries. which provides the added value of guaranteed Over 22,000 people work in the vineyards, wi- traceability and compliance with national and neries and associated service sector. There has international quality standards. been continued growth in the area covered by This commitment to quality differentiates Cata- Catalonia’s DO registered vineyards as a result lan products both within Spain and In overseas of the ever-improving quality of the pro- markets. duced in these zones. Wine and cava, which account for net sales of Vineyards cover more than 57,040 hectares in over € 1,000 million a year, constitute the third Catalonia and its total qualified wine produc- largest section of Catalonia’s agri-food industry. tion stands at over 2,740,000 hl.

6 7 designations of origin


Somewhere between tradition and modernity, Alella’s vines are gently Masia Museu Can Magarola The origins of Cava can be found in the golden age of Catalan wine- Consejo Regulador del Cava caressed by the sea breeze as they scratch at the earth and bury their Av. Sant Mateu, 2 making back in the mid-19th century. The “Cava Region” comprises Av. Tarragona, 24 roots deep in the well-drained soils that retain the sun’s heat. E-08328 Alella (Barcelona) 156 municipalities of which 132 are located in Catalonia. The E-08720 Vilafranca del Penedès municipality of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia is the nucleus and origin of this (Barcelona) The Mediterranean climate of the coast coexists with a more Phone: +34 935 559 153 region and its life-giving force. continental microclimate further inland. The coastal range checks the Fax: +34 935 559 153 Phone: (+34) 938 903 104 winds and helps to condense the moisture carried inland from the sea. Today, this is one of the most dynamic and prosperous sectors of Catalan Winemaking. Each year, it produces over 240 million bottles Historically speaking, this small zone has supplied Barcelona with which are sold to consumers throughout the world. wine and has presided over the tables of Barcelona’s well-to-do for [email protected] [email protected] centuries. Cava is a unique product which is different from any other quality sparkling wine. The most typical wines of Alella, whether dry or sweet, are made from different grape varieties and are light, aromatic and crystalline. Although it can be made from several different grape varieties, three Institut del Cava The wines made with Pansa Blanca, which are often blended with main white grape types are used: Macabeu, Xarel·lo and Parellada. C/ València, 15 Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc, are particularly noteworthy. The Others with proven oenological properties, such as Chardonnay, E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia rosés, which are fresh, aromatic and light, are made with Grenache, Malvasia, Pinot Noir, Red Grenache, Monastrell and Trepat, can also be (Barcelona) Pansa Rosada and Merlot. The reds are fruity and mild and are made added. Trepat is the only variety authorised for making Cava. The Phone: (+34) 938 910 236 with Cabernet Sauvignon, Ull de Llebre or Tempranillo and Merlot. distinctive personality and characteristics of Cava are the result of the soil type, grape variety and the land from which it is made. Cava is an authentic masterpiece of human invention. [email protected]

*DO Supra-autonomic.


Wine is part of the tradition and history of Catalonia. The geography Passeig Sunyer, 4-6 The Monastery of Poblet and the Order of the Knights Templar Torre del Portal de Sant Antoni and climate of the regions in this DO are both highly diverse and this is E-43202 Reus (Tarragona) constitute the historical references for the wine tradition of this area. C/ de la Volta, 2 reflected in its wines, which are the result of the interaction between The Catalan Modernist (Art Nouveau) style wineries, often referred to E-43400 Montblanc the local characteristics and human action. Phone: +34 977 328 103 as wine cathedrals, form part of the cultural heritage of this DO. (Tarragona) Fax: +34 977 321 357 The most common varieties that that define the identity of this This region, which is surrounded by mountains and crossed by the Phone: (+34) 977 926 905 DO represent the variety of territories found in vine cultivation in rivers Francolí and Anguera, enjoys a Mediterranean microclimate with Fax: (+34) 977 926 906 Catalonia. [email protected] continental influence which is responsible for significant differences between daytime and night-time temperatures. The soils were formed DO Catalunya is defined by a willingness to improve quality and by the erosive action of rivers. Increase the options for marketing; this has been rewarded with [email protected] honourable mentions, synonymous with a job well done, from its The geography and climate of La Conca de Barberà have combined to main international markets. endow it with optimum conditions for vine cultivation. The diversity of the authorized grape varieties encourages The freshness, quality and lightness of the white wines are mainly experimentation, both in the field and in the winery, and for this associated with the Macabeu and Parellada varieties, while reason, DO Catalunya is considered very innovative. It produces Chardonnay gives them greater consistence. The rosés are produced intense red wines which are well-balanced and full of strong, intense with the native Trepat variety and confer the unique personality to aromas. Its white wines are generally light and very fruity. this area. The traditional red wines are typically made with Tempranillo and Grenache grapes. The result is a silky, soft taste. They can also The rosés have a beautiful pink colour and smell of spring. The offer is be made using varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot, completed with solid fortified wines and interesting sparkling wines. Pinot Noir and Carignan and aged in barrels to obtain more body and greater persistence.


The Costers del Segre region covers territory in the comarques (local Complex de la Caparrella, 97 The areas in this DO take the form of a ring, with the majority of the Pl. Quartera, 6 districts) of El Pallars Jussà, El Segrià, L’Urgell, Les Garrigues, La E-25192 Lleida (Lleida) territory falling within the comarca (local district) of El Priorat, but some E-43730 Falset (Tarragona) Noguera and La Segarra. The region has seven sub-zones: Artesa de of the lands of the Ribera del Ebro corresponding to DO Montsant, Segre, Les Garrigues, El Pallars,Raimat, Segrià, Les Valls del Riu Corb Phone: (+34) 973 264 583 which is defined as a modern designation of origin with a long tradition Phone: (+34) 977 831 742 and L’Urgell. Fax: (+34) 973 264 583 in the production of red wine. The climate here is Mediterranean with Fax: (+34) 977 830 676 continental influences.R ainfall is very limited and there are sharp oscilla- The contrasts in temperature associated with the continental climate tions in temperature, although the southern part is a little warmer. On of this area is emphasised by its high exposure to solar radiation [email protected] the periphery of the DO, there are compact lands with calcareous soils, [email protected] and low rainfall. Each sub-zone has different climatic and soil on stony fluvial terraces, but which have a low water holding capacity. characteristics and landscapes with both mountains and plains. DO In some parts of Cornudella and Falset, we find the slate-based soils Costers del Segre is characterised by the expertise of its winemakers known locally as “llicorelles”, which are poor in organic matter. and their use of modern, innovative techniques. The vines exhibit low performance, an aspect that defines wine-making The red wines, which predominate in this area, are made with in this area and which makes them highly prized. The red wines, which Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot and Ull de Llebre or are most important in quantity, are mainly made from Grenache and Tempranillo. They are typically strong, balanced and well-structured. Carignan and typical local DO varieties such as Tempranillo, Syrah, Mer- The rosés, made with Ull de Llebre or Tempranillo, Merlot and lot and Cabernet, which are used in small percentages in coupages. DO Cabernet Sauvignon, are normally fresh and fruity. Montsant is also known for its young red wines. White wines, which The white wines are either traditional, and made with Macabeu, are increasingly present in this DO, are obtained from the Macabeu and Xarel·lo and Parellada, or modern, and made with Chardonnay, White Grenache grape varieties. Chardonnay, Muscat, Parellada and Sauvignon Blanc or Riesling. White grapes are also destined for Pansal all have a token presence in DO Montsant where they are used in making Cava. blends. This DO also produces rosés and liquors, with the latter forming part of the deeply rooted tradition of this winemaking area.


The sea and mountains; harmony and ruggedness. Contrast is the word Av. Marignane, 2 El Penedès is one of Europe’s richest and most diverse winemaking Edifici Àgora, Plaça Àgora that best definesDO Empordà, the peninsula’s oldest winemaking re- E-17600 Figueres (Girona) regions and Catalonia’s most productive and internationally best Pol. Ind. Domenys II gion. In fact, Empuries is traditionally regarded as the gateway through known. This DO is renowned for the outstanding quality of its E-08720 Vilafranca del Penedès which the Greeks initially introduced vines to the Iberian peninsula. Phone: (+34) 972 507 513 products and the dynamism of its people. (Barcelona) Fax: (+34) 972 510 058 DO Empordà includes a very wide range of wines. This includes fresh, The local terrain is comprised of small hills that rise from the sea and Phone: (+34) 938 904 811 tasty whites made with Macabeu, White Grenache and Chardonnay towards Montserrat and small valleys with rivers. Fax: (+34) 938 904 754 and rosés made with Samsó and Grenache. The rosés are characterised [email protected] by a distinctive cherry colour of varying intensity, their great personality The climate is Mediterranean, temperate, warm and mild, with considerable seasonal fluctuations in temperature.L ow rainfall and and delicate bouquet. These wines are fresh and have a moderate [email protected] alcohol content. a high incidence of solar radiation make El Penedès an ideal place to grow vines. Red wines currently account for the bulk of production and are essen- tially made from Samsó and Grenache grapes, which are complemented The outstanding variety of Penedès is Xarel·lo, which gives well- by such recently-introduced varieties as Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. structured, single variety young and aged wines. These are high quality wines that are full of body, well-constituted and The most traditional white wines are aromatic, lively and well- harmonic; they can also sometimes be carefully blended with “crianza” structured. The sparkling wines and rosés are fragrant, with intense vintage wines. These aged wines have very special bouquets and are aromas and persistence. The red wines are typically silky, aromatic and complex, spicy, tasty, full and pleasant on the palate. One of this area’s well-balanced, providing good body and alcohol contents ranging specialities is Grenache de L’Empordà, a natural sweet wine made with from 12 to 15º. this grape variety. This wine is warm and silky, virtues that together with Muscat def L’Empordà make this an exceptional wine for desserts.


Located in the middle of Catalonia, at the eastern end of the Central Casa de la Culla Much of Tarragona and the Ebro basin falls within the territory Av. Catalunya, 50 depression, there is a wine-producing island known as El Pla de Bages. C/ de la Culla, s/n of DO Tarragona, which produces some exceptional wines. The E-43002 Tarragona (Tarragona) E-08240 Manresa (Barcelona) comarques (local districts) of Tarragonès, Alt Camp, Baix Camp and The Mediterranean mountain microclimate, characterised by limited Ribera d’Ebre, all of which are located between the River Ebro and Phone: (+34) 977 217 931 rainfall and a very sharp differences in temperature, is very well-suited Phone: (+34) 938 748 236 the Mediterranean Sea, offer a pleasant landscapes with a benign Fax: (+34) 977 229 102 to vine cultivation. The poor, undulating soils form the personality of Fax: (+34) 938 748 236 climate that make this land a privileged territory. The Romans were these wines. The rigorous climate yields few grapes, but ones full of the true founders of DO Tarragona because it was they who originally excellent quality. highlighted the geographical origin of Tarragona when they exported [email protected] The terraced vines and associated drystone constructions that form [email protected] its wines throughout the Mediterranean area. the landscape of this territory and are products of the wine tradition The DO Tarragona has evolved over time and actively participated in of DO Pla de Bages. the winemaking revolution that Catalonia has experienced in recent The production of red wines is very important. Ull de Llebre, Merlot, years. In DO Tarragona, tradition combines with innovation. The Sumoll and Cabernet Sauvignon are the most common varieties used, results of the work and efforts of local producers and wineries can be with a lesser presence of the Red Grenache, Pinot Noir and Syrah tasted in every glass of wine. varieties. The resulting wines are typically fruity with good aromas. The climate, the direct influence of the sea and the gentle terrain have The Piquepoul is the most emblematic autochthonous variety and produced various “terroirs” which give the wines of DO Tarragona produces light, exquisite, white wines. It is also possible to find white a gentle, soft, fresh and typically Mediterranean character. The wines made from Macabeu, Parellada and Chardonnay. The rosé white wines are soft, delicate and light; the rosés are soft, shiny and wines are modern in character and made with Merlot and Cabernet transparent; and the reds are balanced, persistent, aromatic and full of Sauvignon. flavour. The liquors, known as Tarragona Classics, are typically mellow, silky and intense.


The prestige of El Priorat has been recognized with the highest quality C/ Major, 2 The most southern wine region in Catalonia is located between the River Ctra. Vilalba, 31 award: the QualifiedD esignation of Origin (DOQ). E-43737 Torroja del Priorat Ebro and the territory of Matarranya (Aragon). The limestone ridges E-43780 Gandesa (Tarragona) (Tarragona) of the Serra de Pàndols and the Ports Cavalls mountain passes preside The local climate is hard and extreme, with very sharp thermal over the spectacular scenery of a typically Mediterranean interior which Phone: (+34) 977 421 278 oscillations between day and night. The geography of this area, Phone: (+34) 977 839 495 includes La Plana, the high plateau and numerous valleys. Fax: (+34) 977 421 623 which has a time-honoured winemaking tradition, is spectacular, with Fax: (+34) 977 839 472 terraces and side slopes that are so steep that it is often necessary to The soils associated with vine cultivation are generally medium textured, build terraces for vine cultivation. The soils consist, which are based on well-drained, of variable depth and rich in limestone but very poor in or- [email protected] slates, are known locally as “Llicorelles”. The soil and climate cause a [email protected] ganic matter. Wine “combs” (farms based on accumulations of sediments very low grape yields, but confer the wines from this area with a very in the less calcareous areas) are very characteristic in this area. The local unique personality. climate is dry Mediterranean, with a strong continental influence, though this is mostly absent outside the vineyards in the growing season. White El Priorat is mainly known for its red wines, which are produced from Grenache is very important for understanding the specific wine culture Carignan, Red and Hairy Grenache, and - to lesser extent - from of this area. The white wines produced from this grape are probably the Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah. These wines are characterised ones which best express the local terroir and the culture of DO Terra Alta. by their complex aromas, rounded finish and fleshy taste. They are typically elegant and original and very well received. The white wines This area produces white, rosé and red wines and up to 4 different are made with the White Grenache, Macabeu and Pedro Ximénez types of wine-based liqueurs (sweet white wines, sweet red wines, “vi varieties and the rosé wines from Red Grenache. Full-bodied strong rancis” and naturally sweet wines). The particular characteristics of this wines and “vi rancis” complete the production of DOQ Priorat. landlocked area tend to be clearly expressed. They are essentially: the predominance of traditional varieties; a greater expression in the mouth than in the nose; and a remarkable persistence of taste.

14 15 COMPANy stand pAGE COMPANy stand pAGE Acústic Celler / Ritme Celler H78-6 19 Josep Mª Rosell Mir J72-2 64 Agustí Torelló Mata H92-5 20 Lagravera F92-8 65 x Albet i Noya H78-3 21 Llopart Cava F86-3 66 Alsina & Sardà F86-7 22 Loxarel F78-11 67 AT Roca F86-4 23 Marco Abella H70-2 68 Barcelona Brands H86-4 24 Maria Casanovas Cava J72-3 69 Bolet Organic wines H92-6 25 Martí Serdà F70-2 70 Buil & Giné Wine CO H86-1 26 Mas Bertran Wines H78-1 71 Canals & Munné H78-5 27 Mas d’En Blei F70-5 72 Castell d’Age H92-9 28 Mas d’En Català H86-1 73 Castell del Remei & Cérvoles Celler F92-1 29 Mas Igneus H78-3 74 Castell d’Encus H78-4 30 Mas Rodó Vitivinícola F92-5 75 inde Castell d’Or Vins i Caves F70-3 31 Mascaró H92-10 76 Castell Sant Antoni H92-2 32 Maset del Lleó - Agrupació de viticultors artesanals, SL F86-1 77 Castellroig - Finca Sabaté i Coca F70-6 33 Masia Torreblanca F78-1 78 Cavas Torelló H92-7 34 Mata i Coloma - Cava Pere Mata F86-5 79 Caves Nadal H92-12 35 Mestres H92-4 80 Cavas Naveran F70-1 36 Mont Marçal H86-6 81 Celler Aixalà i Alcait H70-3 37 Oriol Rossell H92-3 82 Celler Ardèvol F70-6 38 Parató H86-5 83 Celler Balaguer i Cabré H70-3 39 Portal del Montsant - Gleva Estates F78-9 84 Celler Cairats F78-3 40 Recaredo - Celler Credo H86-3 85 Celler Carles Andreu H70-3 41 Ritme Celler / Acústic Celler H78-6 86 Celler Cedó Anguera H70-3 42 Roger Goulart H92-8 87 Celler de l’Encastell F70-6 43 Terra Remota J72-5 88 Celler de l’Era F70-5 44 Tomàs Cusiné F92-1 89 Celler Hidalgo Albert F92-3 45 Trossos del Priorat F86-6 90 Celler Rodanelles F78-5 46 U Més U Fan Tres J72-4 91 Celler Sant Rafel F78-10 47 Vinícola del Priorat F92-7 92 Celler Sort del Castell - Yzaguirre H78-2 48 Vins El Cep H92-1 93 Celler Vall Llach F92-4 49 Vins Grau F92-6 94 Celler Xavier Clua F86-5 50 Vinyes dels Aspres F70-6 95 Cellers Pascona F78-7 51 Vinyes Domènech F78-6 96 Cellers Unió F86-2 52 Wineintube F70-4 97 Cooperativa Falset Marçà F78-4 53 Costers del Priorat F86-1 54 De Muller H70-4 55 Empordàlia H70-6 56 Epicure Wines H70-5 57 legend Estones - Vins de Mas Sersal F78-8 58 Address DO Designation of Origin Ferrer Bobet H78-4 59 Web page DOq Qualified Designation of Origin Finca Viladellops F92-2 60 Email A wards Grup-Pons H70-1 61 Heretat Oller del Mas F86-4 62 Phone Joan Sardà H92-11 63 Contact person Acústic Celler STAND H78-6

Carrer Progrès, s/n E-43775 Marçà (Tarragona) (+34) 629 472 988 [email protected] Albert Jané Ubeda

Exports to: Germany, Switzerland, the USA, the UK, Denmark, Belgium, Russia, Australia, Canada, France, Poland, Sweden, Ireland, Norway, Puerto Rico, Korea, Japan... % Export: 70%

Albert Jané created the Acústic Bodega winery at the end of 2003, when he bought old Grenache vines that had been planted in 1932. He fell in love with the potential of DO Montsant, where it is possible to create important wines of the highest quality and, above all, unique wines with their own special traits and character. From this moment on, he started his search for old vines of autochthonous varieties, such as Red Grenache and Carignan (Mazuelo), from which to produce pure, country wines: acoustic wines. WINES

Acústic White 2012 cellars White Grenache, Macabeu, Grey Grenache DO Montsant

Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015: 9.67 points (best DO Montsant white wine in the white crianza ca- tegory); Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar 2013/2014: 90 points; Peñín Guide 2015; 90 points.

Acústic Red 2012 Carignan, Red Grenache DO Montsant

Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015: 9.76 points (second best wine in the guide); Stephen Tanzer’s Interna- tional Wine Cellar 2014: 91 points; Peñín Guide 2015: 91 points.

Acústic Rosé 2014 Grenache, Carignan DO Montsant

Production Year 2012 - Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015: 9.30 points (best DO Montsant wine); Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar 2013: 90 points.

Braó Red 2012 Grenache, Samsó DO Montsant

Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar 2014: 92 points; Peñín Guide 2015: 91 points.

Auditori Red 2011 Samsó, Grenache DO Montsant

Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015: 9.62 points; Peñín Guide 2015: 93 points; Jancis Robinson 2014: 18.5 points (highest score for a DO Montsant wine); Robert Parker 2014: 92 points.

more wines... Acústic Red 2014 -new product- (DO Montsant), Acústic White 2013 -new product- (DO Montsant).

18 19 Agustí Torelló Mata Albet i Noya STAND H92-5 STAND H78-3

La Serra, s/n E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) Can Vendrell de la Codina s/n E-08739 Subirats (Barcelona) (+34) 938 911 173 (+34) 938 994 812 [email protected] Antonio Álvarez [email protected] June Ordaz / Josep Jové

Exports to: Germany, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Exports to: Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, the Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, the USA, Canada, Peru, Colom- USA, the UK, Finland, Denmark, Canada, Ireland, Japan, France, Taiwan, bia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, New Zealand... Vietnam, Italy, Australia, Russia, China, Austria... % Export: 77%

The Agustí Torelló Mata cava is the result of personal commitment: the dedication of a whole family, and a team Over the past 37 years, we have made continuous progress in the development of ecological production of people, who -year after year and harvest after harvest- work hard to make possible the miracle of producing techniques and in improving our knowledge of the surrounding territory. This has helped us to better understand internationally renowned cavas with a truly unique personality. Our cavas are a product of the best Penedès how everything we do is connected to nature and how it has an impact on us too. For instance, during the last 15 wines. They respect the local land and autochthonous grape varieties, the terrain, the climate and the wine- years we have being developing a project to recover ancient varieties which have managed to survive naturally. making process and its tradition. These are cavas that evolve with a sense of perfection. For all these reasons, our wines reflect the character and singularity of our vineyards & terroirs. WINES WINES

Cava Agustí Torelló Mata Brut Reserve 2010 Xarel·lo Classic Wine 2013 Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo DO Penedès

Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 90 points. Peñín Guide 2015: 89 points; Parker 2013/2014: 86 points.

Cava Agustí Torelló Mata Rosé Trepat 2011 El Fanio Wine 2013 Trepat DO Cava Xarel·lo DO Penedès

Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 90 points. El Fanio 2012 - Millésime Bio: Bronze Medal; El Fanio 2012 - Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2013/2014: 89 points.

Cava Agustí Torelló Mata Brut Grand Reserve 2009 La Milana Wine 2011 Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava Caladoc, Ull de Llebre, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot DO Penedès

Peñín Guide 2015: 91 points; Millésime Bio 2015: Bronze Medal.

Cava Kripta 2007 Reserva Martí Wine 2008 Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava Ull de Llebre, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot DO Penedès

93 points Parker; 18/20 Jancis Robinson. Peñín Guide 2015: 93 points; Mundus Vini: Gold medal; Gilbert & Gaillard Guide: Gold medal, Parker 2013/2014: 90 points.

Cava Agustí Torelló Mata Grand Reserve Brut Nature Barrica 2009 Classic Penedès Brut Reserve 2011 Macabeu DO Cava Xarel·lo, Chardonnay, Macabeu, Parellada DO Penedès

Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 92 points. Peñín Guide 2015: 87 points.

Cava Agustí Torelló Mata Brut Grand Reserve 2009 (DO Cava). Petit Albet White Wine 2013 (DO Penedès), Petit Albet Red Wine 2013 (DO Penedès), Xarel·lo more wines... more wines... Classic Wine 2013 (DO Penedès), Merlot Pinot Noir Classic Wine 2013 (DO Penedès), Tempranillo Classic Wine 2013 (DO Penedès)...

20 21 Alsina & Sardà AT Roca STAND F86-7 STAND F86-4

Les Tarumbes, s/n E-08733 El Pla del Penedès (Barcelona) Carrer La Vinya, 15 E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) (+34) 938 988 132 (+34) 935 165 043 [email protected] Francesc Rovira [email protected] L ali Torelló

Exports to: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Exports to: the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic United Kingdom, Poland, China, Japan, South Korea... % Export: 8% % Export: 25%

The Alsina family has been working its vineyards and marketing its wines since the 19th century. For several AT Roca is the name of the new winery of Agustí and Lali Torelló Sibill and Torelló Jr.; it was created with the aim decades, the family mainly focused on still wines, but it began to produce its own cava in 1980. of producing wines which are the expression of our terroirs. The firstA T Roca wines revealed a clear commitment Our winery is located in the heart of the comarca of El Penedès. Our wines come from grapes produced by our to DO Penedès: organic viticulture, old vineyards, indigenous varieties, exclusively Reserva and Vintage products. own vineyards and our cavas are exclusively made from wine produced by Alsina Sardà. AT Roca presents 2 DO Penedès white wines and 2 sparkling white and rosé wines produced according to the “Classic Penedès” method. We also present a DO Montsant red wine produced at our winery in Falset”. WINES WINES

Cava Brut Nature Grand Reserve “Sello” 2010 Sparkling wine traditional method AT Roca Reserve 2012 (organic) Xarel·lo 50%, Macabeu 30%, Parellada 20% DO Cava 51% Macabeu, 24% Xarel·lo, 25% Parellada Penedès DO (Classic Penedès)

Cava Mas d’Alsina Sardà NV Floral White Wine Chardonnay 65%, Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava 75% Macabeu, 20% Malvasia from Sitges, 5% Muscat of Alexandria DO Penedès

Peñín Guide: 90 points; Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Silver Medal.

Cava Brut Reserve NV Sparkling wine traditional method AT Roca Rosé 2012 (organic) Macabeu 40%, Xarel·lo 40%, Parellada 20% DO Cava 55% Macabeu, 45% Monastrell Penedès DO (Classic Penedès) Mundus Vini: Gold Medal.

La Boltana Estate Wine 2014 Sileo Red Wine 2013 Xarel·lo 100% DO Penedès 80% Grenache, 20% Samsó DO Montsant

Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 90 points; Peñín Guide: 91 points; Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Silver Medal; Gold Baco.

Olèrdola Estate Wine 2010 Xarel·lo White Wine 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon 100% DO Penedès 100% Xarel·lo from the Casallarga de l’Ordal estate (Massís del Garraf) DO Penedès

Peñín Guide: 90 points.

Cava Gran Cuvée Vestigis 2007 (DO Cava); Cava Special Grand Reserve 2009 (DO Cava); Cal Janes more wines... Estate Wine 2011 (DO Penedès); Chardonnay + Xarel·lo Wine 2014 (DO Penedès); Merlot de Llàgrima Wine 2014 (DO Penedès).

22 23 Barcelona Brands Bolet Organic wines STAND H86-4 STAND H92-6

Carrer del Rossinyol 26 E-08818 Olivella (Barcelona) Finca Mas Lluet s/n E-08732 Castellví de la Marca (Barcelona) (+34) 681 271 045 (+34) 636 579 646 [email protected] Christopher Heirwegh [email protected] Xavier Bolet

Exports to: Europe, Japan and the USA Exports to: the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Germany, % Export: 80% Colombia... % Export: 30%

Barcelona Brands SL, which was set up in Barcelona, Spain, has contributed innovative and creative concepts to Our family-run winery, which is located in the Penedès wine region just south of Barcelona, produces high the wine, champagne and spirits industry. quality, organic wines. This small, boutique winery uses only grapes from our own vineyards and which have been produced and worked by the family itself. This ensures that the end result is of the highest quality. We follow the strictest organic growing procedures and are certified by the Catalan Ecological Production Council; we do not use any man-made products in our vineyards. WINES WINES

¡Hola! Vintage 2012/2013 Cava Brut Reserve - Own Organic Harvest Brut, Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava

¡Hola! Vintage 2013 Cava Brut Grand Reserve Family Selection - Own Organic Harvest Brut Pink, Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava

BIBA LA SANGRIA Xarel·lo - Own Organic Harvest Traditional White Sangria 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès

BIBA LA SANGRIA Cava Brut Rosé Pinot Noir - Own Organic Harvest NEW PRODUCT Traditional Red Sangria Pinot Noir DO Cava

Muscat & Gewürztraminer - Own Organic Harvest Muscat & Gewürztraminer DO Penedès

¡Hola! Vintage 2013 Extra Brut (DO Cava), ¡Hola! Vintage 2013 Brut Nature Pink (DO Cava), !Hola! Brut Classic Own Organic Harvest (DO Cava), Brut Nature Reserve Own Organic Harvest (DO Cava), more wines... Vintage 2013 Brut Nature (DO Cava), !Hola! Vintage 2013 Magnum Brut (DO Cava), BIBA Wine more wines... Brut Nature Grand Reserve Own Organic Harvest (DO Cava), Rosé Merlot Own Organic Harvest (DO Frizzante, BIBA Wine Frizzante, Lolea Sparkling Red Sangria, Lolea Sparkling White Sangria... Penedès).

24 25 Buil & Giné Wine CO Canals & Munné STAND H86-1 STAND H78-5

Ctra. Gratallops-Vilella Baixa km 11.5 E-43737 Gratallops (Tarragona) Ctra. Sant Sadurní-Vilafranca km 0.5 E-08770 Sant Sadurní d´Anoia (+34) 977 839 810 (+34) 938 910 318 [email protected] Helena Pagès / Xavier Buil [email protected] Natalia de la Calle Zancajo

Exports to: Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, the Exports to: Japan, Germany, Belgium, the USA, Denmark, the USA, Russia, Finland, the Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Netherlands, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Russia... the Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico, Japan... % Export: 90% % Export: 10%

Producing quality wines which are representative of their origins, easy to drink and easy to buy. The quality and personality of the cavas of Canals & Munné form part of a family tradition passed down from generation to generation since the company’s origins in 1915. The production of our cavas has been characterised by the pursuit of excellence and specialisation in the product. This excellence begins with the exclusive location of the vineyards and continues with the blending of the different varieties of the base wines that are used to produce each of our cavas. WINES WINES

Giné Giné 2012 Dionysus Brut Nature - Cava Reserve 2012 Red Grenache, Carignan DOq Priorat 60% Xarel·lo, 30% Chardonnay, 10% Macabeu - ORGANIC vines DO Cava

Wine & Spirits Magazine 2007: 91 points; Decanter World Wine Awards 2007: Silver Medal. Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Grand Gold Medal; “50 Great Cavas”: 95 points.

Joan Giné 2010 Rosé Pinot Noir Brut / Semi Dry - Cava Reserve 2012 Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat 100% Pinot Noir DO Cava

Decanter World Wine Awards 2007: Silver Medal. Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Gold Medal; “50 Great Cavas”: 96 points.

Pleret 2006 Brut Nature Canals & Munné - Cava Grand Reserve 2011 Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah DOq Priorat 40% Macabeu, 30% Chardonnay, 30% Parellada DO Cava

Mundus Vini 2007: Gold Medal. Decanter World Wine Awards: Bronze Medal; Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Silver Medal; Peñín Guide: 90 points; Zarcillo de Oro.

Baboix 2012 1915 by C&M - Brut Nature Cava Grand Reserve 2010 Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Ull de Llebre DO Montsant 80% Pinot Noir, 20% Xarel·lo DO Cava

Wine & Spirits Magazine: Best Catalan Wines 2009: 95 points. Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Grand Gold Medal; Decanter World Wine Awards: Recommended.

Pleret Sweet Red 2013 Gran Duc - Brut Nature Cava Grand Reserve 2009 Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat 60% Chardonnay, 25% Xarel·lo, 15% Macabeu DO Cava

Peñín Guide 2010: 90 points. Peñín Guide: 90 points.

Giné Rosé 2013 - DOQ Priorat; Joan Giné White 2013 - DOQ Priorat; 17-XI 2012 - DO Montsant; Reserva de L’Avi (Grandfather’s Reserve) - Brut Nature Cava Grand Reserve 2010 (DO Cava); Brut more wines... Baboix White 2013 - DO Montsant; Pleret Sweet White 2013 - DOQ Priorat. more wines... Canals & Munné - Cava Grand Reserve 2010 (DO Cava); Semi Dry Canals & Munné - Cava Reserve 2010 (DO Cava); Insuperable Brut / Semi Dry - Cava Reserve 2012 (DO Cava).

26 27 Castell d’Age Castell del Remei & Cérvoles Celler STAND H92-9 STAND F92-1

Ctra. Martorell-Capellades, 6-8 E-08782 La Beguda Baixa (Barcelona) Finca Castell del Remei E-25333 Castell del Remei (Lleida) (+34) 937 725 181 (+34) 973 580 200 [email protected] Olivia Junyent [email protected] Arnau Benet

Exports to: Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, % Export: 50% the USA, Hong Kong and Japan. % Export: 60%

The Castell d’Age cellars are the original creation of women belonging to the Junyent family. Here we have been Castell del Remei is one of Spain’s most important, prize-winning wineries and its origins date back to the year making organic wines and cavas of the highest quality, from the very start. Products, originating from the land and 1780. Our premium wines are carried by such airlines as KLM / Air France, Iberia and Lufthansa and also by Ferran the rain, which aim to touch upon the high point of our sense perceptions. Over 20 years ago, Anne Marie began Adria’s new restaurant “Tickets” in Barcelona. to cultivate and produce our organic wines and cavas. As the new generation following in her footsteps, we have Castell del Remei was the first winery in Spain to grow Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. Cérvoles Celler produces gone one step further with amove to biodynamic agriculture. The results are there to be seen. There in the taste. “single-estate wines” with an optimal balance between alcohol content and acidity. WINES WINES

Cava Anne Marie Brut Nature Reserve Gotim Bru 2012 40% Macabeu, 40% Xarel·lo, 20% Parellada DO Cava Tempranillo, Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah DO Costers del Segre

Wine Asia Challenge 2012: Bronze Medal; Premios Palacio (Palace Prizes) 2011: Gold Medal; Inter- Peñín guide: 90 points; Sommelier Wine Awards; Silver Medal. national Wine Challenge 2011: Recommended Cava.

Cava Aurèlia Brut Nature Grand Reserve Oda Blanc 2013 40% Macabeu, 40% Xarel·lo, 10% Parellada, 10% Chardonnay DO Cava Macabeu, Chardonnay DO Costers del Segre

International Wine Challenge 2012: Silver Medal. Peñín Guide: 91 points.

Cava Olivia Brut Nature Reserve 1780 2008 100% Chardonnay DO Cava Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo, Grenache, Merlot, Syrah DO Costers del Segre

Challenge Millésime Bio 2013: Bronze Medal; Wine Asia Challenge 2012: Bronze Medal; Biofach In- Peñín Guide: 90 points; Catavinum World Wine & Spirits Competition: Gold Medal. ternational Wine Award 2011: Silver Medal; SIAL China Wine and Spirits Competition 2008: Gold Medal.

The Essence of Xarel·lo - White Wine Cérvoles Blanc 2013 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès Macabeu, Chardonnay DO Costers del Segre

Golden Medal Challenge Milesime Bio 2015. Peñín Guide: 92 points; Catavinum World Wine & Spirits Competition: Gold Medal.

Castell d’Age Tempranillo - Red Wine Crianza Cérvoles 2008 100% Tempranillo DO Penedès Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo, Grenache, Merlot DO Costers del Segre

Challenge Millésime Bio 2015: Silver Medal. Peñín Guide: 91 points; Catavinum World Wine & Spirits Competition: Gold Medal; AWC Vienna: Gold Medal.

Castell d’Age Blanc de Blancs - White Wine (DO Penedès); Castell d’Age Cabernet Sauvignon - Red Blanc Planell 2014 (DO Costers del Segre), Oda 2010 (DO Costers del Segre), Colors 2011 (DO more wines... Wine Crianza (DO Penedès); Fruit de Castell d’Age Wine (DO Penedès); Castell d’Age Merlot - Red more wines... Costers del Segre), Colors Blanc 2014 (DO Costers del Segre), Estrats 2006 (DO Costers del Segre), Wine Crianza (DO Penedès); Cava Poculum Boni Genii Brut Nature Grand Reserve (DO Cava)… Cava Castell del Remei (DO Cava).

28 29 Castell d’Encus Castell d’Or Vins i Caves STAND H78-4 STAND F70-3

C tra. Tremp-Santa Engràcia, km 5 E-25630 Talarn (Lleida) Mare Ràfols, 3, 1-4 E-08720 Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona) (+34) 973 252 974 (+34) 938 905 385 [email protected] Ignasi Pinedo Soler [email protected] Maria Dolors Suriol

Exports to: Andorra, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Exports to: 26 countries in the EU, Asia and the USA. Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, Canada, the % Export: 85% USA, Colombia, Australia, China, Japan, Hong Kong... % Export: 60%

Castell d’Encus was the result of the interest of Raül Bobet in finding land capable of yielding fresher wines, but Castell d’Or is a company that produces wines and cavas on its own 5,000 ha estate. The winery was created by a without sacrificing the production of grapes with an appropriate level of phenological maturity. The vines grow group of 9 different cooperatives from Catalonia and its official headquarters are located to the south of Barcelona. on pronounced slopes surrounded by woodlands where they are subjected to intense solar radiation combined Our aim is to supply our distributors with the best quality wines and cavas whose production we control from with exposure to cold winter nights and snows. Walking through the vineyards, it is possible to observe how the vineyard through to the wine cellar. Our wines are made using the most up-to-date technologies and offer a some of the grapes are still grown in areas that were carved out of the mountain stone. very special price-quality relationship. We also produce our own Arbequina extra virgin olive oil with DO Siurana. WINES WINES

Ekam 2013 Cossetània Brut Cava Riesling and Albariño DO Costers del Segre Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava

Ekam 2012 - Peñín Guide 2014: 90 points; Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2013-2014: 93 points. Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Silver Medal.

Taleia 2013 Esplugen Wine Sauvignon Blanc and Sémillon DO Costers del Segre Grenache, Carignan DOq Priorat

Taleia 2012 - Peñín Guide 2013 - 2014: 94 points; Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 92 points. Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Silver Medal.

Acusp 2013 Cossetània Reserve Red Wine 09 Pinot Noir DO Costers del Segre Cabernet Sauvignon DO Penedès

Acusp 2011-2012 - Peñín Guide 2014: 93 points; Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2014: 93 points. Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Silver Medal.

Thalarn 2013 L’Arboç 1919 Brut Cava Syrah DO Costers del Segre Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Penedès

Thalarn 2010-2012 - Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2012-2014: 95 points; Peñín Guide 2013: 96 Concours Mondial de Bruxelles: Gold Medal. points.

Quest 2013 Cava Flama d’Or Brut Imperial Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Petit Verdot DO Costers del Segre 30% Xarel·lo, 30% Macabeu, 30% Parellada, 10% Chardonnay DO Cava

Quest 2011 - Peñín Guide 2014: 96 points; Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 92 points.

30 31 Castell Sant Antoni Castellroig - finca Sabaté i Coca STAND H92-2 STAND F70-6

Passeig del Parc, 13 E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) Ctra. Sant Sadurní-Vilafranca, km 0.5 E-08739 Subirats (Barcelona) (+34) 938 183 099 (+34) 938 911 927 [email protected] Pere Canals [email protected] Marcel Sabaté / Ricard Zamora

Exports to: the USA, the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Exports to: France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Poland, Latvia, Mexico, China. Norway, the USA, Japan, Mexico, Brazil. % Export: 33% % Export: 45%

Castell Sant Antoni is a boutique winery which was founded in 1999 by the Canals-Vila family whose production Sabaté i Coca’s Castellroig is a small, family-run winery located in the old Riudebitlles Valley, just a few minutes mainly focuses on a collection of high expression cavas. It is located 30 minutes from Barcelona, ​in Sant Sadurní south of the city of Barcelona. A soil study of our 35 ha of vineyards - which have been manually, ecologically d’Anoia, a town well known worldwide for being the birthplace of cava. The winery has a free-run juice system and and sustainably worked for 4 generations - has identified over 16 different soil profiles which can be divided into mainly works with native varieties: Xarel·lo, Macabeu and Parellada, but sometimes also works with Chardonnay 62 different plots. Here, there is a special association with the Xarel·lo grape variety -and also with Macabeu, and Pinot Noir. Most of the vineyards are located on the family estate called “El Sot”, in the prelitoral mountains. Parellada, Ull de Llebre, Grenache and Trepat which has given rise to an extensive range of still and sparkling wines. WINES WINES

T orre de l’Homenatge 2003 Castellroig Brut Rosé Cava NEW PRODUCT Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava Trepat, Grenache DO Cava

Parker: 92 points; Peñín Guide: 94 points; Jancis Robinson 16.5 / 20 points.

Cava Brut Nature Castell Sant Antoni Grand Barrica Grand Reserve 2006 Castellroig Brut Nature 2011 Reserve Cava Chardonnay, Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava Macabeu, Parellada and Xarel·lo DO Cava

Gold Medal Sakura Awards Tokyo 2014; Peñín Guide: 92 points.

Cava Brut Nature Castell Sant Antoni Grand Reserve 2007 Sabaté i Coca Family 2008 Reserve Cava 40% Xarel·lo, 25% Macabeu, 20% Parellada, 15% Chardonnay DO Cava Xarel·lo (fermented in oak barrels) DO Cava

Parker: 90 points; Peñín Guide: 90 points.

Cava Brut Nature Reserve Castell Sant Antoni Camí del Sot Castellroig White Wine 2014 Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo 100% DO Penedès

Peñín Guide: 93 points.

Cava Castell Sant Antoni Grand Brut Sabaté i Coca Terroja Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada and Chardonnay DO Cava Xarel·lo (from 90-year-old vines) DO Penedès

Peñín Guide: 92 points.

Cava Primvs Brut Nature (DO Cava), Cava Primvs Rosé, Cava 37.5 Brut Nature, Cava Torre de Castellroig White Selecció 2012, Castellroig Red (Ull de Llebre) 2013, Castellroig Grand Reserve, more wines... l’Homenatge 1999, Cava Brut Nature Grand Reserve Castell Sant Antoni Grand Rosé (DO Cava). more wines... Castellroig Rosé Grenache, Castellroig Colletion Magnums...

32 33 Cavas Torelló Caves Nadal STAND H92-7 STAND H92-12

Ctra. Sant Sadurní-Gelida, km 13.4 E-08790 Gelida (Barcelona) Finca Nadal de la Boadella, s/n E-08733 El Pla del Penedès (Barcelona) (+34) 938 910 793 (+34) 608 891 388 [email protected] Toni de la Rosa Torelló [email protected] Gabriel Rius Alférez

Exports to: the USA, Puerto Rico, Chile, Mexico, Japan, China, Hong Exports to: the Netherlands, Belgium, Andorra, Denmark, Japan, Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Belgium, Norway, the Czech Republic, China, Germany, Israel, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, Andorra, the UK and France. % Export: 20% Singapore, Russia, the Caribbean. % Export: 40%

All the wines and cavas from this winery have their origins in the vineyards of Can Martí, the 135 ha estate Our vineyards are cultivated according to the guidelines established for integrated viticulture to give us the fruit located in the fertile comarca of L’Alt Penedès, which has belonged to the Torelló family since 1395. Each grape of the autochthonous grape varieties of Penedès: Xarel·lo, Parellada and Macabeu, with which we make patiently variety is harvested by hand at its optimum ripeness and then quickly transported to the wine presses to prevent matured cavas based on the traditional artisanal rituals associated with the champagne method. We have exten- oxidation. Whole bunches of grapes reach the presses in perfect condition. The presses have recently incorpora- ded our product range since 1998 and have now begun to produce our first white wines on the estate, which ted Inertys technology which further protects the must from oxidation during the grape pressing process. are made from Xarel·lo grapes. We have also produced Spain’s first sweet white wine made from natural Botrytis. WINES WINES

T orelló Pàl·lid Rosé Brut Reserve 2012 Nadal Brut Pinot Noir and Macabeu from our Can Martí vineyards DO Cava 60% Macabeu, 40% Parellada DO Cava

Repsol Guide 2015: 91 points. Silver Medal Selection das Genussmagazine; Gold Medal China Wine and Spirit Competition.

T orelló Brut Reserve 2010 Nadal Brut Rosé Macabeu, Xarel·lo and Parellada DO Cava 100% Pinot Noir DO Cava

Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2011: 90 Points; Wine Guide of Catalonia 2014: 9.32 points; Guía Gourmets 2014: 90 points; Peñín Guide 2015: 88 points.

T orelló Brut Reserve “Special Edition” 2010 Nadal Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2008 Macabeu, Xarel·lo and Parellada DO Cava 63% Parellada, 22% Xarel·lo, 15% Macabeu DO Cava

5th Challenge of the Best Spanish Wines for Asia: Gold Medal; Peñín Guide 2015: 90 points; La Sema- International Wine Challenge: Recommended. na Vitivinícola Guide 2014: 90 points; International Wine Challenge 2014: Bronze Medal.

T orelló 225 Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2010 Nadal Xarel·lo 2014 NEW PRODUCT Macabeu, Xarel·lo and Parellada DO Cava 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès

Peñín Guide 2015: 94 points; Guía Gourmets 2014: 94 points; Wine Guide of Catalonia 2014: 9.46 Silver Medal Tastavins 2013, Gold Medal Vinhoreca 2013; Platinum Medal DO Penedès; Silver Medal points; 3rd Challenge of the Best Spanish Wines: Gold Medal. AWC Vienna, Wine Guide of Catalonia: 9.43 points.

T orelló 3D by Custo Barcelona Brut Grand Reserve 2009 Nadal Brut Reserve Xarel·lo and Macabeu DO Cava 63% Parellada, 30% Macabeu, 7% Xarel·lo DO Cava

Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2014: 91 points; Peñín Guide 2015: 91 points; Repsol Guide 2014: 93 points.

T orelló Rosé Brut Reserve 2011 (DO Cava), Gran Torelló Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2009 (DO Cava), Nadal Xarel·lo Dry White Wine 2013 (DO Penedès), Nadal 1510 Late Harvest Wine (DO Penedès), more wines... Torelló Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2009 (DO Cava). more wines... Cava Ramón Nadal Giró Brut Grand Reserve 2008 (DO Cava), Cava Nadal Magnum Brut Grand Reserve 2004 (DO Cava), Cava Salvatge Brut Grand Reserve 2011 (DO Cava)...

34 35 Cavas Naveran Celler Aixalà i Alcait STAND F70-1 STAND H70-3

Can Parellada, Sant Martí Sadevesa E-08775 Torrelavit (Barcelona) Carrer Balandra, 8 E-43737 Torroja del Priorat (Tarragona) (+34) 938 988 274 (+34) 629 507 807 [email protected] Joan Duran [email protected] Jordi Aixalà / Susi Alcait

Exports to: the USA, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Japan, Poland, Exports to: Belgium, Germany, Poland, Denmark and China. Portugal... % Export: 30% % Export: 65%

Cavas Naveran is a family-run winery located at the very heart of El Penedès. We produce quality wines and A family cellar, which works following the organic farming since 2008. It’s placed in Torroja del Priorat, town cavas and have an annual production of approximately 400,000 bottles, with the possibility of increasing this where it’s also placed the “DOQ Priorat” (Priorat denomination of origen qualificated). The history of this cellar production to a million bottles a year. began in 2005, when we made the first bottle of wine, named Pardelasses. From the first bottle of Pardelasses, We work with almost all the different grape varieties, but specialise in Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Macabeu, Xarel·lo to today, our winery continues to be the result of an ambition and the beginning of a dream, something that we and Parellada. don’t want to forget and that will continue to be our past, present and future. WINES WINES

Cava Brut Vintage 2013 Coster de l’Alzina 2012 Organic Wine Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada and Chardonnay DO Cava 100% Carignan DOq Priorat

Cava Brut Vintage Rosé 2013 Pardelasses 2012 Organic Wine Pinot Noir DO Cava 50% Grenache, 50% Carignan DOq Priorat

9.40 Points Wine Guide of Catalonia 2011, 90 points Peñín Guide 2011, 87 points Parker 2009.

Cava Brut Vintage Nature 2011/2012 Les Clivelles de Torroja Organic Wine Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada and Chardonnay DO Cava 100% Carignan DOq Priorat

The 2011 cava obtained 92 points in the Peñín Guide with 5 stars and 90 points from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate.

Cava Perles Roses 2011/2012 Destrankis 2013 Organic Wine Pinot Noir DO Cava 80% Grenache, 20% Carignan DOq Priorat

The 2011 cava obtained 93 points in the Peñín Guide. 2009 production year, Best Priorat in the Wine Guide of Catalonia, 86 points Parker, 90 points Peñín Guide.

Cava Dama De Naveran 2012 Chardonnay and Parellada DO Cava

The 2011 cava obtained 91 points in the Peñín Guide with 4 stars and 91 points from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate.

36 37 Celler Ardèvol Celler Balaguer i Cabré STAND F70-6 STAND H70-3

Carrer Barceloneta, 14 E-43739 Porrera (Tarragona) Carrer La Font, 8 E-43737 Gratallops (Tarragona) (+34) 639 85 32 82 (+34) 626 175 077 [email protected] Ricard Zamora Isanda [email protected] Jaume Balaguer

Exports to: Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Austria Exports to: Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Belgium. and France, in Europe and also the USA, Japan. % Export: 40% % Export: 90%

Production began in the 17th - 19th centuries. Since then, we have followed in the footsteps of our forefathers; The Balaguer and Cabré winery, where our wines are currently made, is located in a renovated building dedicated we have always been associated with wine production in this wild territory. When we were hit by phylloxera, we to wine production. The building has a main production hall, which was the original ageing hall of this centu- changed over to almond and hazelnut production. In 1995, Josep Ardèvol, my older brother Albert Ardèvol, and ries-old house, and a tasting hall that offers magnificent views of the vineyards and the surrounding area. We Roser Galzeran, a good friend and female entrepreneur, decided to exploit our deeply rooted ties with this land have our own vineyards covering a total area of 4 hectares. These are almost exclusively planted with Grenache by creating the Ardèvol Cellar: a small, family-run, winery. and shared between the La Guinardera and Mas de Dalt estates. WINES WINES

Terra d’Hom 2010 - Aged red wine Cèrcol Daurat 2010 45% old Carignan vine, 35% Syrah, 20% Merlot DOq Priorat 100% Grenache DOq Priorat

Wine Advocate 87/100; Steve Tanzer wine access 92/100; Intern’l WeinPrämierung Zürich - Gold Top Priorat scoring 89/100.

Coma d’en Romeu 2011 - Aged red wine Lluna Vella 2012 NEW PRODUCT 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot, 20% Syrah, 10% Grenache DOq Priorat 100% Grenache DOq Priorat

Steve Tanzer 91/100.

Anjoli 2012 - Aged red wine La Guinardera 2010 50% Grenache, 50% Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat 100% Grenache DOq Priorat

Wine Advocate 89/100; Steve Tanzer 89/100.

Ruella 2011 100% Grenache DOq Priorat

38 39 Celler Cairats Celler Carles Andreu STAND F78-3 STAND H70-3

Carrer Era, 4-16, E-43746 Darmos (Tarragona) Carrer Sant Sebastià, 19 E-43423 Pira (Tarragona) (+34) 685 194 743 (+34) 977 887 404 [email protected] Ferran Masip [email protected] Bernat Andreu Ribó

Exports to: Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Estonia. Exports to: Belgium, the UK, Switzerland, Ireland, Denmark, Taiwan, % Export: 35% Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the USA. % Export: 30%

Celler Cairats produces and sells quality wines from DO Montsant. We combine the use of the most advanced Our family has grown vines since the 18th century. Our estates, which mainly grow the autochthonous grape technology with an ecological approach to viticulture. Ours are old vineyards, with ages between 20-65 years, varieties of Parellada and Trepat, are located in the municipalities of Pira, Forès, Sarral, Solivella, Barbera and which together with an accurate viticulture process and a strict selection of the best grapes, allows us to produce Montblanc. After carefully tending the vines, our grapes are hand-picked and transported in 20 kg boxes. excepcional wines. The municipalities of Darmós and Els Guiamets, where the vineyards and winery are located, After passing the selection table, they are pressed whole to produce the best quality must, from which we make maintain a centuries-old tradition in the growing of grapes and production of wineswith a strong personality. our wines and cavas. WINES WINES

Cairats 2013 Red wine Cava Carles Andreu Brut Nature Grenache, Carignan, Tempranillo DO Montsant Parellada (60%) Macabeu (40%) DO Cava

Cairats Selecció 2012 Red wine Cava Carles Andreu Rosé Trepat Brut Carignan, Grenache DO Montsant Trepat (100%) DO Cava

Cava Carles Andreu Reserve BN 2010 Parellada (60%) Macabeu (20%) Chardonnay (20%) DO Cava

Cava Carles Andreu Reserve Barrica BN 2011 Parellada (60%) Macabeu (20%) Chardonnay (20%) DO Cava

Carles Andreu Trepat Red Wine 2013 Trepat (100%) DO Conca de Barberà

Cava Carles Andreu Brut (DO Cava), Cava Carles Andreu Rosé Trepat Reserve Barrica (DO Cava), more wines... Carles Andreu Parellada White Wine (DO Conca de Barberà).

40 41 Celler Cedó Anguera Celler de l’Encastell STAND H70-3 STAND F70-6

Ctra. La Serra d’Almos-Darmos, km 0.2 E-43746 La Serra d’Almos Carrer del Castell, 13 E-43739 Porrera (Tarragona) (+34) 699 694 728 (+34) 977 828 146 [email protected] Xavi Cedó [email protected] Raimon Castellví / Ricard Zamora

Exports to: Poland, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, the United Exports to: Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, the UK, Sweden and Kingdom, France. Austria in Europe and the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Korea. % Export: 65% % Export: 95%

The Cedo Anguera winery is a family company which was founded in the territory of La Serra d’Almos within Celler de I’Encastell is a family-run winery belonging to Raimon Castellví and Carme Figuerola. We only use the Designation of Origin Montsant. We come from a family dedicated to the cultivation of vines and olives. grapes from the “Mas d’en Caçador” and “Mas d’en Ferran” estates, which have been owned and farmed by Our winery is located in the area called La Sorteta, an estate located near the village of La Serra d’Almos. our family for several generations. Our vineyards grow in an acidic slate-based soil that has been degraded by The fields cultivated by the Cedo Anguera family, which cover a total area of 18 hectares, all belong to the iron oxide, which is known locally as “Ilicorella”. This, combined with the extreme climate, ensures grapes of the Designation of Origin Montsant. highest quality, with each bottle of our wine offering the exceptional character of El Priorat. WINES WINES

Young Wine Anexe 2014 Roquers de Porrera - Red Wine Carignan, Grenache, Syrah DO Montsant 40% Carignan, 40% Grenache, 20% Merlot and Syrah DOq Priorat

100% Carignan Anexe 2014 Marge - Red Wine 100% monovarietal of Carignan, from vines over 70 years old DO Montsant 60% Grenache, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah DOq Priorat

100% Syrah Anexe 2014 100% monovarietal of Syrah DO Montsant

Clonic Crianza 2010 Carignan, Syrah, Cabernet DO Montsant

42 43 Celler de l’Era Celler Hidalgo Albert STAND F70-5 STAND F92-3

Mas de les Moreres, E-43360 Cornudella de Montsant (Tarragona) Carrer dels hospitals, 4 E-43141 Vilallonga del Camp (Tarragona) (+34) 977 262 031 (+34) 977 842 064 [email protected] Anna Tasias [email protected] Manel Hidalgo

Exports to: the UK, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Quebec Exports to: the USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, the UK, (Canada), Mexico. Switzerland. % Export: 65%

The Mas de les Moreres is home to the Celler de l’Era, a project that was started in 2002 by Albert Tasias and his The Hidalgo Albert family has been connected to the wine world for over 25 years and in 2004 we started a new pro- family. This is a 72 hectare estate located near Cornudella de Montsant, on the right bank of the River Arbolí. It ject at El Priorat. Our goal is to produce a quality, ecological wine, using a traditional way of working. All of the work has been planted with a total of 41,000 strains of local grape varieties such as Red Grenache and Samsó, as well carried out in the field is done by hand, avoiding the use of machinery as far as possible.T he grapes are harvested as with other varieties such as Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon. The grapes grow between dry stone walls with at the optimum point of their maturity and we pick the grapes of each variety from a given plot in 2 or 3 separate centuries of history, on mainly “Llicorella” soils: the typical slate-based soils of the comarca of El Priorat. harvesting operations. Our production capacity is 40,000 bottles per year of red wine and 2,000 bottles of white. WINES WINES

Bri del Celler de l’Era 2010 (organic) 1270 a vuit Red 2008 Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon DO Montsant Red Grenache (40%), Syrah (20%), Cabernet Sauvignon (20%), Merlot DOq Priorat (10%), Carignan (10%) Bronze Medal - International Wine Challenge 2014, 17/20 Jancis Robinson 2014, Peñín Guide 2014 - 91 points. Peñín Guide 92 points; Silver Medal Arribe Awards.

Mim del Celler de l’Era 2010 (organic) NEW PRODUCT 1270 a vuit Red 2009 Grenache, Carignan DO Montsant Red Grenache (40%), Syrah (20%), Cabernet Sauvignon (20%), Merlot DOq Priorat (10%), Carignan (10%)

Peñín Guide 92 points; Silver Medal Arribe Awards.

FINA Red 2011 NEW PRODUCT Red Grenache (50%), Syrah (30%), Cabernet Sauvignon (10%), Merlot (10%) DOq Priorat

1270 a vuit White 2013 White Grenache (100%) DOq Priorat

FINA Red 2010 Red Grenache (50%), Syrah (30%), Cabernet Sauvignon (10%), Merlot (10%) DOq Priorat

Peñín Guide 90 points; Peñín Guide 5 star quality-price relationship; Ciudad de Estella Gold Medal; Millessime Bio Gold Medal.

more wines... Bri Rosé 2014 (organic) -new product-. more wines... 1270 a vuit Red 2007 (DOQ Priorat).

44 45 Celler Rodanelles Celler Sant Rafel STAND F78-5 STAND F78-10

Finca La Plana, s/n E-43360 Cornudella de Montsant (Tarragona) Ctra. de la Torre, km 1.7 E-43774 Pradell de la Teixeta (Tarragona) (+34) 977 821 104 (+34) 689 792 305 [email protected] Eva Prim Amador [email protected] Xavier Peñas

Exports to: Sweden, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Exports to: Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, France, the UK, the USA, China and Andorra. Denmark, Sweden, the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico. % Export: 50% % Export: 70%

Ronadelles began its operations in 2002 with the aim of producing biodynamic wines that reflect the subtle Cellers Sant Rafel is a project to restore an old local winery that has been led by the Peñas-Just family. It includes nuances and character of a territory. This small, family-run, winery is dedicated to creating wines with their own an area of 46 hectares of vineyards and woodland, a wine-making cellar, ageing room and bottling and logistics identity, based on respect, sustainability and the know-how of past generations. The fact that our vineyards are plant, and modern facilities equipped with the latest technology. In 2003, Cellers Sant Rafel started to produce located in such a small area, but with various types of soil and relief, makes it possible to produce different types wines that faithfully represent the characteristics of the estate, its microclimate and Mediterranean influence. of wine, but with each one always standing out on account of its unique character and personality. Wines from a modern estate with the distinct Montsant style. WINES WINES

Cap de Ruc Garnatxa 2013 Solpost Blanc 2012 100% Red Grenache DO Montsant White Grenache DO Montsant

Tender Sweden Best Montsant Red. 92 points Peñín Guide 2015.

Petit Negre de Joanne Cox 2011 Solpost Fresc 2009 50% Red Grenache, 50% Samsó DO Montsant Grenache, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon DO Montsant

Tender Sweden Best Montsant Red. Bronze Medal Decanter World Wine Awards 2012; Commended, International Wine Challenge 2015.

Giral Vinyes Velles 2006 Solpost 2007 50% Red Grenache, 50% Samsó DO Montsant Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon DO Montsant

Bronze Medal Decanter World Wine Awards 2012; Bronze Medal, International Wine Challenge 2015; 92 points Peñín Guide.

Jaume Giral Gran Reserva 2007 Joana 2013 50% Red Grenache, 50% Samsó DO Montsant Grenache, Merlot DO Montsant

89 points Peñín Guide 2015.

Flor de Montsant Joana Selecció 2009 80% Red Grenache and 20% Carignan DO Montsant Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot DO Montsant

DO Montsant: Cap de Ruc White 2013, Cap de Ruc Rosé 2013, Cap de Ruc Crianza 2010, Petit Solpost Grenache 2013 (DO Montsant). more wines... Blanc de Joanne Cox 2012, Petit Rosat de Joanne Cox 2013, Petit Chardonnay de Joanne Cox 2013, more wines... Petit Passiment de Joanne Cox 2011.

46 47 Celler Sort del Castell - Yzaguirre Celler Vall Llach STAND H78-2 STAND F92-4

Ctra. Reus-El Morell, Km 7.8 E-43760 El Morell (Tarragona) Carrer Pont, 9 E-43739 Porrera (Tarragona) (+34) 977 840 655 (+34) 977 828 244 [email protected] Ruben Canalda [email protected] Albert Costa

Exports to: Exports to: the USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, 35 countries in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Belgium, Canada, Russia, China, Japan, Colombia, Brazil. % Export: 80%

At our Celler Sort del Castell winery, located in El Morell, between Reus and Tarragona, we follow a careful Celler Vall Llach was established by Enric Costa and Lluís Llach at Porrera, one of nine villages in southern production process to obtain the full range of Yzaguirre Classic vermouths: Yzaguirre Reserve vermouths, which Catalonia that make up the DOQ Priorat, in the early 1990s. The names of their wines are: Vall Llach, Porrera, are matured in oak barrels for 1 and 2 years; Yzaguirre Premium Rosé Vermouth; and Francisco Simó y Cia Idus, Aigua de Llum and Embruix. The first year of production of this winery was 1998, with that vintage arriving Vermouth, which is made according to our other formula. We also produce a wide range of high quality Sangria, on the market towards the end of 2000. Since it was founded, the day to day regime imposed for all of the Sweet Wine Liqueurs, Bittersweet Vinegars as well as our own DO Costers del Segre red wines. actions and processes carried out at Celler Vall Llach is based on rigor and quality and promoting the local territory. WINES WINES

MT 35 - 30 - 35 Vall Llach Wine from the Qualified Mas de la Rosa Estate 2012 A blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Red Grenache Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache DOq Priorat

99 points Proensa Guide 2015; 97 points Gourmets Guide 2015, 93 points Peñín Guide 2015.

Sangria Frisante Porrera Wine from the Village of Vall Llach 2012 Ingredients: natural extracts of 2 different kinds of oranges, lemon, blackcurrant, raspberry, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat cinnamon & curaçao extracts + red wine + white sugar 91 points Proensa Guide 2015; 97 points Gourmets Guide 2015, 93 points Peñín Guide 2015.

Mar & Sol Sangria 9% vol. NEW PRODUCT Idus de Vall Llach 2012 Ingredients: natural extracts of 3 different kinds of oranges, lemon, banana, cassis, cinnamon & Carignan, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache DOq Priorat extracts of curaçao + red wine + white sugar + citric acid + sorbic acid 92 points Proensa Guide 2015; 96 points Gourmets Guide 2015, 91 points Peñín Guide 2015.

Vermouth Yzaguirre Classic Red Embruix de Vall Llach 2012 Grenache, Carignan, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat

89 points Planeta Vino Magazine nº 56, 92 points Peñín Guide 2015.

Vermouth Yzaguirre Classic White Aigua de Llum de Vall Llach 2013 Viognier, White Grenache, Macabeu, Escanyavella, Muscat DOq Priorat

Yzaguirre Classic Rosé Vermouth, Yzaguirre Dry Reserve Vermouth, Yzaguirre Red Reserve Vermouth, more wines... Yzaguirre White Reserve Vermouth, Altaris Altar Wine.

48 49 Celler Xavier Clua Cellers Pascona STAND F86-5 STAND F78-7

Vall de Sant Isidre, 41 E-43782 Vilalba dels Arcs (Tarragona) (+34) 689 346 909 Camí dels Fontanals, s/n E-43730 Falset (Tarragona) [email protected] Xavier Clua (+34) 609 291 770 Exports to: the USA, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, [email protected] Toni Ripoll Sweden, Switzerland, China. % Export: 70%

Celler Xavier Clua is a small family winery with its own vineyards and a long tradition. We are located in La Terra Pascona was created in the Fontanales valley, an idyllic place for growing vines near the town of Falset. It consists Alta and produce wines based on white and red Grenache. Our aim is to capture the personality, character and of a 20 hectare estate, on which we can find different varieties of grapes and work with different terroirs based expression of the terroir that defines our wines, to cultivate vines in a way which is respectful of the environment on clay, granite, pebbles and slate. Our wines are a product of wine-making tradition. A careful, grain by grain, and to respect the heterogeneity of the soils and microclimates that result from the diversity of the local orography selection of each grape variety and the application of new oenological technologies have made Pascona a very and its interaction with the Mediterranean climate. special and different wine which expresses the typical character of the valley. WINES WINES

Mas d’en Pol White El Trencaclosques 2014 65% White Grenache, 20% Chardonnay, 15% White Sauvignon DO Terra Alta Syrah DO Montsant

Mas d’en Pol Red Lo Petitó de Pascona 2014 50% Red Grenache, 20% Syrah, 15% Merlot, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Terra Alta Merlot, Syrah DO Montsant

Il·lusió La Mare de Pascona 2013 White Grenache DO Terra Alta Grenache 100% DO Montsant

Silver medal, Grenaches Du Monde 2014.

Mil·lennium Criança Lo Pare de Pascona 2010 60% Red Grenache, 20% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Syrah, 5% Merlot DO Terra Alta Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon DO Montsant

Gran Vinari Gold 2011.

Mas d’en Pol Barrica Red Maria Ganxa 2014 Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot DO Terra Alta Young Carignan Grenache DO Montsant

El Solà d’en Pol White Wine (DO Terra Alta), El Solà d’en Pol Red Wine (DO Terra Alta), El Solà d’en more wines... Pol Rosé Wine (DO Terra Alta).

50 51 Cellers Unió Cooperativa Falset Marçà STAND F86-2 STAND F78-4

Joan Oliver, 16-24 E-43206 Reus (Tarragona) Miquel Barceló, 31 E-43730 Falset (Tarragona) (+34) 977 330 055 (+34) 977 830 105 [email protected] Òscar Ruiz [email protected] Manel López

Exports to: the Netherlands, the USA, Germany, China, the United Exports to: over 30 countries. Kingdom... % Export: 30% % Export: 54%

Producers of wine under the Designations of Origin Priorat, Montsant, Terra Alta, Tarragona, Catalunya and We are a cooperative with over a hundred years of history which was founded in 1912, is located in Falset, and Cava. With over 70 years of history. Mission statement: we have a firm commitment to our environment, our belongs to the DO Montsant. local territory and to working together with the members of our cooperative to offer high quality products that We produce high quality wines, using autochthonous grape varieties, Grenache and Carignan, which are the real are able to satisfy our customers and give added value to the local agricultural production and contribute to its protagonists as they transmit the essential character of our terroir. Wine experts know and greatly appreciate our sustainability. We are a market leader in Spain and export our products to over 60 countries. wines: still, generous, sweet wines and vermouths. WINES WINES

Llicorella Vitis 60 2009 NEW PRODUCT Ètim Verema Tardana White 2014 Grenache, Samsó, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah DOq Priorat 100% White Grenache DO Montsant

USA Wine Enthusiast: 91 points. Great Gold Medal 2014, Grenaches du Monde, Montpellier; AWC Vienna International Wine Challenge Gold Medal 2013.

Llicorella Classic 2010 NEW PRODUCT Ètim Negre 2013 Grenache, Merlot, Samsó DOq Priorat 60% Grenache, 30% Mazuelo, 10% Syrah DO Montsant

Silver Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2014. La Selección 2013, Gold Medal.

Perlat 2012 NEW PRODUCT Ètim Blanc 2014 Grenache, Samsó, Syrah DO Montsant 100% White Grenache DO Montsant

Silver Medal AWC Vienna International Wine Challenge 2013. AWC Vienna International Wine Challenge Silver Medal 2013.

Dairo 2012 Ètim Garnacha 2010 Grenache, Samsó, Syrah DO Montsant 85% Grenache, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Montsant

Silver Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2014; Bronze Medal International Wine & Spirit Parker 2013, 90 points. Competition 2014; Silver Medal International Wine Challenge.

Clos del Pinell White Grenache 2014 NEW PRODUCT Ètim Verema Tardana Red 2012 White Grenache DO Terra Alta 100% Red Grenache DO Montsant

Bronze Medal International Wine & Spirit Competition 2014; Commended, International Wine Peñín Guide 2015, 90 points. Challenge.

more wines... Clos del Pinell Crianza 2011 (DO Terra Alta), Dario Crianza (DO Montsant). more wines... New product range launch: Dama Blanc 2012, Senyor 2012, Lo Foc 2010, Dolç Joglar 2013.

52 53 Costers del Priorat De Muller STAND F86-1 STAND H70-4

Camí Pedra Estela, 34 E-43205 Reus (Tarragona) (+34) 977 300 556 Finca Sant Martí E-43736 Bellmunt del Priorat (Tarragona) [email protected] Nuria Vernis / Maria Buera (+34) 618 203 473 [email protected] José Mas Exports to: Germany, Belgium, Poland, France, Ukraine, Estonia, the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Ireland, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, China and Japan, amongst others. % Export: 60%

In 2002, a group of friends and winemakers: Enric Solé, Pau Urgell, Josep Massana and Marc Massana, joined De Muller, S.A. was founded in 1851 and produces and exports a very wide range of high quality wines under forces to convert a common dream into a reality: Costers del Priorat. the Denominations of Origin “Tarragona” and “Priorat”. The winery offers a huge selection of products from To do this, they used the century-old vineyards of Josep Ramón Sedó, a wine lover who found himself unable its own vineyards, including young, barrel fermented, “crianza”, “reserve” and altar Wines, Vermouth, Soleras to resist such an attractive project. The result of this passion, experience and dedication has been a series of and Sparkling Wines. genuine, sincere wines with an identity all of their own. WINES WINES

Elios 2013 Chardonnay De Muller Grenache, Carignan, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat 100% Chardonnay (oak fermented) DO Tarragona

90 points Peñín Guide 2015; 9/10 Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015, Silver Medal Decanter Wine Awards Best White Wine in Catalonia, Vinalies Championship; 1st prize DO Tarragona Contest. 2014, Production Year 2011- 89 points Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate 2013.

Mas viló 2013 Trilogia Muscat Sparkling Wine Grenache DOq Priorat 100% Muscat DO Tarragona

90 points Peñín Guide ; Silver Medal Concours Mondialle de Bruxelles 2014, Silver Medal Mundus Best Sparkling Wine in DO Tarragona Contest. Vini.

Pissarres 2012 Pusses Merlot - Syrah 2012 Carignan, Grenache DOq Priorat Merlot, Syrah DOq Priorat

92 points Peñín Guide 2015, 9.2/10 Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015; Production Year 2011- 91 points Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate 2013.

Blanc de Pissarres 2014 Sweet Aureo - Dry Aureo White Grenache, Macabeu, Pedro Ximénez DOq Priorat Grenache DO Tarragona

90 points Peñín Guide 2015, Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015; 91 points Repsol Guide 2014. 2nd prize DO Tarragona 2013, 1st prize DO Tarragona 2013 (respectively), Parker: 94 points.

Clos Cypres 2012 Iris Vermouth (Red, White, Golden), Reserve Vermouth Carignan DOq Priorat

92 points Repsol Guide 2014; 90 points Peñín Guide 2015, 9.5/10 Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015; Red: DO Tarragona 2014 2nd prize; Vinari 2014 Bronze; Reserve: Vinari 2014 Gold. Production Year 2011- 90 points Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate 2013.

Solimar White 2014 (DO Tarragona), Solimar Red 2012 (DO Tarragona), Solimar Rosé 2014 (DO more wines... Tarragona), Chardonnay 2014 (DO Tarragona), Syrah 2014 (DO Tarragona), Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 (DO Tarragona), Merlot 2012 (DO Tarragona), Porpores 2009 (DO Tarragona)...

54 55 Empordàlia Epicure Wines STAND H70-6 STAND H70-5

Ctra. de Roses, s/n E-17494 Pau (Girona) Arnau de Vilanova, 6 Entlo-4 E-08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) (+34) 972 530 140 (+34) 938 956 541 [email protected] Cristina Iglesias [email protected] Julie Lafont-Bizien

Exports to: the USA, China, Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Exports to: Germany, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, the Maldives, Norway, the % Export: 10% Netherlands, the United Kingdom... % Export: 90%

Empordàlia is a wine cooperative from the DO Empordà, a region in north-eastern Spain. Empordàlia was created in Franck Massard was a sommelier for 12 years. The most important of his projects began in El Priorat in 2004. 1974 and was the result of the union of a number of small farmers who decided to combine their knowledge and Since then, he has gradually honed his style to produce wines from various areas, most of which are micro- experience to produce wines that would reflect the tradition of L’Empordà. The working of our vines is in line with our projects. He works with the French consultant D. Roujou de Boubée. He celebrated his 10th harvest in 2014. He commitment to tradition; this explains why we always favour the autochthonous grape varieties of the L’Empordà: created Epicure Wines in 2011. Franck makes “Huellas”, his flagship product (a certified ecological wine from White Grenache, Macabeu and Muscat of Alexandria for white wines and Grenache and Mazuelo for red wines. the 2014 harvest), and “Humilitat” at Poboleda (Priorat). WINES WINES

Antima 2010 Huellas 2012 Grenache, Samsó DO Empordà 60% Carignan, 40% Grenache DOq Priorat

82 points and 2 stars in the Selection Magazine Tasting Competition. Production Year 2009 - 92 points Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate 2011.

Coromina 2010 Humilitat 2012 Grenache, Samsó DO Empordà 60% Grenache, 40% Carignan DOq Priorat

Production Year 2011- 88 points Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate 2013.

Balmeta 2012 Finca el Romero 2012 Grenache DO Empordà 100% Carignan DO Montsant

Carbon footprint certificate;S ilver medal in Grenaches du Monde; 85 points and silver medal in the Production Year 2011 - 91 points ABC Guide 2014; 89 points Peñín Guide 2015. Grenaches du Monde awards; 85 points and 3 stars in the Selection Magazine Tasting Competition.

Sinols Red 2013 El Mago 2013 Grenache, Samsó, Syrah DO Empordà 95% Grenache, 5% Syrah DO Terra Alta

Production Year 2012 selected by Decanter as one of 25 great wines on sale for under 20 GBP.

Sinols Criança 2012 Más Amor 2014 Grenache, Samsó, Syrah, Merlot DO Empordà 50% Carignan, 50% Grenache DO Catalunya

Production Year 2013 - 85 points Peñín Guide 2015.

Sinols White 2014 (DO Empordà), Sinols Rosé 2014 (DO Empordà), Sinols Reserve 2010 (DO Em- EDA 2010 (DOQ Priorat), El Brindis 2013 (DO Montsant), Cava Mas Sardana (DO Cava). more wines... pordà), Sinols Moscatell 2013 (DO Empordà), Sinols Grenache Solera (DO Empordà), Verdera White more wines... 2014 (DO Empordà).

56 57 Estones - Vins de Mas Sersal Ferrer Bobet STAND F78-8 STAND H78-4

President Lluís Companys, 4 1-4 E-43470 La Selva del Camp Ctra. Falset a Porrera, km 6.5 E-43730 Falset (Tarragona) (+34) 666 415 735 (+34) 609 945 532 [email protected] Sergi Montalà Balleste [email protected] Elena Guerre

Exports to: Exports to: the USA, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Colombia, Denmark, Andorra, Peru and Switzerland. the UK, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, China, Japan, % Export: 10% Taiwan, Singapore and the Dominican Republic. % Export: 45%

Vins de Mas Sersal is a winery that was established in 2008 with the aim of producing quality wines in the Ferrer Bobet was created as a result of the passion for the world and culture of wine of two old friends: Sergi Ferrer- comarques (local districts) of southern Catalonia, and more specifically inE l Priorat and La Terra Alta. This task Salat and Raul Bobet. The Ferrer Bobet winery only works with century-old Carignan and Red Grenache wines from is undertaken in the heart of nature and respecting the local natural environment. From the very beginning, we the best vineyards in El Priorat. Our soils are almost exclusively of the Llicorella type in the cooler areas and these have consciously worked with the traditional varieties of these areas: Grenache and Carignan, operating under are the highest altitude vineyards and those grown on the steepest slopes in the designation of origin. This ensures the designations of origin Montsant and Terra Alta, which are young, dynamic DOs with a great projection. an optimum phenolic maturity and the conservation of all the different flavours of the grapes and their acidity. WINES WINES

Estones 2012 NEW PRODUCT Ferrer Bobet Vinyes Velles 2012 Grenache, Samsó DO Montsant 70% Carignan, 30% Grenache DOq Priorat

Peñín Guide 2015 93 points ; Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015 9.53 points; El Pais Annual Wine Guide 2015 95 points; Planeta Vino-Guia Proensa Magazine 2015 92 points.

Petites Estones Negre 2013 NEW PRODUCT Ferrer Bobet Selecció Especial Vinyes Velles 2011 Samsó, Grenache DO Montsant 100% Carignan DOq Priorat

Peñín Guide 2015 94 points; Wine Guide of Catalonia 2015 9.63 points; El Pais Annual Wine Guide 2015 98 points; Planeta Vino-Guia Proensa Magazine 2015 99 points.

Estones de Mishima. Set tota la Vida 2013 NEW PRODUCT Grenache, Syrah, Samsó DO Montsant

Petites Estones Blanc NEW PRODUCT White Grenache DO Terra Alta

58 59 Finca Viladellops Grup-Pons STAND F92-2 STAND H70-1

Celler Gran, 6 E-08734 Olèrdola (Barcelona) Pol. Al-Kanis, Nave A - Ctra. N-230, km 11.2 E-25124 Rosselló (Lleida) (+34) 938 188 371 (+34) 973 730 525 [email protected] Marcelo Desvalls Leonori [email protected] Diego Pinedo

Exports to: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Exports to: Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, the Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, Mexico, the USA, Japan. Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Hong Kong, the USA, Brazil, Japan, China. % Export: 20% % Export: 80%

Viladellops is a small rural settlement located 40 km to the south of Barcelona. The climate, terroir and history Clos Pons is a family winery with a limited production which makes “pago” wines. An extreme, continental of this location provide the base for the Finca Viladellops project whose wines seek to express the personality of climate and rocky soil, which is very poor in organic matter, are the hallmarks of our organic vineyard, which is the Garraf Massif. The present winery dates from 1877. The Desvalls family, who own Viladellops, maintained located at an altitude of between 500 and 700 metres. These special conditions allow us to produce quality wines a tradition of bulk production until 1980. Then, in 1999, they decided to change to a more modern form of with a modern, international profile.T he character of Clos Pons is defined by its minerality, concentration, fresh viticulture, based on using autochthonous grape varieties such as Xarel·lo and Grenache. acidity and well-integrated wood. Clos Pons wines are the expression of its terroir. WINES WINES

Viladellops Xarel·lo 2014 Alges 2011 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès Grenache, Syrah, Tempranillo DO Costers del Segre

Mundus Vini Silver Medal.

Viladellops Garnacha 2014 Sisquella 2012 100% Grenache DO Penedès White Grenache, Albariño, Muscat of Alexandria DO Costers del Segre

Production Year 2009 Silver Medal - Academia de Tastavins 2011; Production Year 2011 Fulla Dorada Robert Parker 90 points; Peñín Guide 90 points; Decanter Silver. - Vinum Nature 2012; Production Year 2012 Fulla Grana - Vinum Nature 2014; Parker 90 points 2014.

Finca Viladellops Red 2011 Roc Nu 2010 60% Grenache, 40% Syrah DO Penedès Cabernet Sauvignon, Ull de Llebre, Grenache DO Costers del Segre

Production Year 2007 Silver Medal Criança - Academia de Tastavins 2011; Production Year 2007 Bron- Robert Parker 91 points; Peñín Guide 91 points. ze Medal - Decanter 2011; Production Year 2009 Silver Medal - Grenaches du Mon 2012; Production Year 2009 Bronze Medal - Academia Tastavins 2012. Roc de Foc 2011

Finca Viladellops Xarel·lo 2013 Macabeu DO Costers del Segre 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès Peñín Guide 91 points.

Production Year 2011 Gold Medal - Academia de Tastavins 2012; Parker 2014 90 points; Production Year 2012 Fulla Grana - Vinum Nature 2014; Production Year 2012 Silver Medal - Premis Vinari 2014. Serie 800: 810

Turó De Les Abelles 2011 Marselan DO Costers del Segre 50% Grenache, 50% Syrah DO Penedès Robert Parker 92 points; Peñín Guide 93 points.

Parker 2014, 92 points.

more wines... Jan Petit 2013 (DO Costers del Segre).

60 61 Heretat Oller del Mas Joan Sardà STAND F86-4 STAND H92-11

Ctra. Igualada, km 91 E-08241 Manresa (Barcelona) Ctra. Vilafranca-Sant Jaume Domenys, km 8.1 E-08732 Castellví de la Marca (+34) 938 768 315 (+34) 937 720 900 [email protected] John Llevat [email protected] Xavier Simal

Exports to: Canada, the USA, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Exports to: Ireland, Germany, Japan, Costa Rica, Cuba, Taiwan, Germany, France, Ireland, the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, China, Hong Belgium, Poland, Brazil, China, Jamaica, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Kong, Taiwan. Slovakia, Hong Kong, Estonia, Italy, the USA... % Export: 65%

The Oller del Mas winery extends over a 600 hectare estate which includes crop fields, woodlands and a golf Joan Sardà is a family-run winery dedicated to the production and ageing of wines and cavas. In 1927 Tomas course. It is located near Manresa, a town 50 km from Barcelona, and stands under the watchful, magical Sarda obtained a wine surplus as a result of a particularly good harvest and began to sell his wares in the city mountain of Montserrat. of Barcelona. Our vineyards, which are located in the centre of El Penedès, are made from autochthonous and It is presided over by a majestic castle that has witnessed its history and development. Vineyards, fields of cereals, international grape varieties. At Joan Sardà, we continue to conserve the entrepreneurial spirit of our founder nuts and olives are the main crops grown on the estate, all of which are certified as official organic products. and today our products are present in all the major world markets. WINES WINES

Arnau Oller, Family Selection 2011 Cava Joan Sardà Brut Nature Reserve 80% Merlot, 20% Red Piquepoul DO Pla de Bages 50% Macabeu, 40% Xarel·lo, 10% Parellada DO Cava

Silver at International Wine and Spirit Competition; Silver at Catavinum World Wine & Spirits Compe- tition; Silver at International Wine Guide 2012; Great Gold at Concours Mondial Bruxelles 2012.

Bernat Oller Negre 2012 Cava Joan Sardà Millennium Grand Reserve 90% Merlot, 10% Red Piquepoul DO Pla de Bages 50% Macabeu, 40% Xarel·lo, 10% Parellada DO Cava

Silver at International Wine & Spirit Competition 2014; Gold at International Wine Guide 2012; Silver at International Wine & Spirit Competition; Silver at 12th Iberwine International Wine Contest.

Oller Del Mas Especial Picapoll Negre 2013 NEW PRODUCT Joan Sardà Chardonnay 2014 100% Red Piquepoul DO Pla de Bages 100% Chardonnay DO Penedès

Bronze at International Wine & Spirit Competition 2014; Bronze at Decanter World Wine Awards 2013; Bronze at Challenge International du Vin 2013; Silver at Mundus Vini 2010.

Petit Bernat Negre 2014 Joan Sardà Reserve 2009 40% Syrah, 30% Cabernet Franc, 20% Merlot, 10% Red Piquepoul DO Pla de Bages 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot, 20% Tempranillo DO Penedès

Silver at Wine Master Challenge 2009; Gold at Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2008; Silver at Wine Master Challenge 2007; Gold at Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2006.

Petit Bernat Blanc 2014 Joan Sardà Cabernet Sauvignon Red 2012 60% White Piquepoul, 40% Macabeu DO Pla de Bages 100% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Penedès

Bronze at Decanter World Wine Awards 2012; Bronze at International Wine & Spirit Competition 2010; Silver at Wine Master Challenge 2008; Silver at Wine Master Challenge - Portugal 2007.

DO Penedès: Joan Sarda Criança 2011, Blanc Mariner 2014, Vinya Sardà White 2014, Vinya Sardà more wines... Red 2013, Rocamar Tempranillo Red 2013. DO Catalonia: Masia Ribot White 2014, Masia Ribot Red 2014. DO Cava: Cava Joan Sardà Brut Reserve, Cava Castell De Ribes Brut Nature.

62 63 Josep Mª Rosell Mir Lagravera STAND J72-2 STAND F92-8

Ctra. de Tamarite, 9 E-25120 Alfarràs (Lleida) (+34) 973 761 374 Barri El Rebato s/n E-08739 Subirats (Barcelona) [email protected] Sergio Garcia (+34) 938 911 354 [email protected] Pau Rosell Exports to: 12 countries. % Export: 60%

The Mir family has farmed the Can Guineu estate (“The House of the Fox”) in Subirats since the 16th century. The Lagravera is a family-owned winery that produces exclusive, quality wines which are certified as Organic and family began making wine back in 1776 and sold it in bulk to other wineries. However, it was not until 1980 that Biodynamic. The wine-making process includes a three-stage selection and production at a truly original and the current owner (who represents the 17th generation of the family) began to bottle wine under his own brand unique location (a former gravel pit). It also involves unique, 125-year-old vines growing autochthonous grape name. These 64 hectares grow the following grape varieties: Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada, White Grenache, Merlot, varieties, some of which have yet to be identified. We produce wine with names like “La Pell” (The Skin). Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. The wines made from the different grape varieties are separately fermented. We work with top restaurants and retail our products throughout the world. WINES WINES

Pla de la Creu White NEW PRODUCT Ónra Blanc 2013 Xarel·lo, Red Xarel·lo DO Catalunya 60% White Grenache, 25% Chenin, 15% White Sauvignon DO Costers del Segre

Masia Posta 2012 Laltre 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot DO Catalunya 80% Monastrell, 20% Red Grenache DO Costers del Segre

Marc Mir Ónra Negre 2011 Xarel·lo, Chardonnay, White Grenache DO Catalunya 70% Red Grenache, 20% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Costers del Segre

Gold Medal Mundus Vini Biofach.

Cava Marc Mir Brut Nature Reserve Ónra Molta Honra Negre 2010 Pinot Noir, Chardonnay DO Cava 75% Red Grenache, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Costers del Segre

Cava Can Guineu Brut Nature Reserve La Pell 2012/2013 (from mystical 125 year-old vines) Macabeu, Chardonnay DO Cava White Grenache, Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Grumet, Red Grenache, Piquepoul DO Costers del Segre de les Carenilles, Monastrell, Mandó, Trobat...

Pla de la Creu Rosé (DO Penedès), Pla de la Creu Red (DO Penedès), Cava Can Guineu Rosé Brut Ónra Molta Honra Blanc 2012 (DO Costers del Segre), Ónra ViDePedra Solera (DO Costers del Segre). more wines... Nature (DO Cava), Cava El Serralet Brut Nature (DO Cava). more wines...

64 65 Llopart Cava Loxarel STAND F86-3 STAND F78-11

Ctra. Sant Sadurní-Ordal, km 4 E-08739 Subirats, Els Casots (Barcelona) Can Mayol, s/n E-08735 Vilobí del Penedès (Barcelona) (+34) 938 993 125 (+34) 938 978 001 [email protected] Jesi Llopart [email protected] Cristina Vaqué

Exports to: the USA, Canada, Russia, Belgium, Denmark, the UK, Exports to: Sweden, Norway, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany... Germany, Japan, the USA. % Export: 20% % Export: 70%

We have been viticulturists since the 14th century and family cava producers since 1887. We have more than 125 Loxarel was created as a result of the restless and innovative spirit that pushed Josep Mitjans to produce 1000 years of experience of making quality cavas at a family-run winery. The Can Llopart de Subirats Estate, which is bottles of sparkling wine for his own consumption in 1985. located at Alt Penedès, Barcelona, consists of 95 hectares of organically farmed vineyards exclusively dedicated to Using the former Can Mayol air-raid shelter in Vilobí del Penedès as a winery, Mitjans discovered the potential our fine cavas and wines.T his is a special geological setting, with mountain vineyards, located at altitudes between of family vineyards that had already been farmed for five generations. The secret behind our products is a 350 and 510 metres, which enjoy a privileged microclimate and offer panoramic views of the surrounding area. dedication to organic and biodynamic agriculture that is committed to the local territory. WINES WINES

Llopart Original 1887 Grand Reserve Brut Nature 2008 A Pèl by Loxarel 2013 50% Parellada (Montonoga), 25% Macabeu, 25% Xarel·lo DO Cava Grenache, Merlot DO Penedès

91 points Parker, 95 points Peñín Guide 2015, 93 points Peñín Guide 2014.

Llopart Leopardi Grand Reserve Brut Nature 2009 White Grenache by Loxarel 2012 40% Macabeu, 40% Xarel·lo, 10% Parellada, 10% Chardonnay DO Cava 100% White Grenache DO Penedès

91 points Parker, 91 points Wine Enthusiast 2013, 92 points Peñín Guide 2015, Best Sparkling Wine Guia Gourmets 2014, 92 points Peñín Guide 2014.

Llopart Imperial Grand Reserve Brut 2011 Ops by Loxarel 2013 50% Xarel·lo, 40% Macabeu, 10% Parellada DO Cava Samsó and Red Grenache DO Penedès

91 points Peñín Guide 2015 - Magnum, 89 points Peñín Guide 2014.

Llopart Rosé Reserve 2012/2013 A Pèl 2014 60% Monastrell, 20% Grenache, 20% Pinot Noir DO Cava Xarel·lo 100% DO Penedès

90 points Peñín Guide 2015, 91 points Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2014, 89 points Peñín Guide 2014, 91 points Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2013.

Llopart Brut Reserve 2012/2013 Xarel·lo by Loxarel 30% Macabeu, 40% Xarel·lo, 30% Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo 100% DO Penedès

90 points Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 2013, Bronze Decanter 2013.

Llopart Imperial Brut 2011 (DO Cava), Llopart Ex Vite Brut Grand Reserve 2007 (DO Cava), Llopart Amaltea by Loxarel 2012 (DO Penedès), 109 by Loxarel (DO Penedès), 790 2008 (DO Penedès), Cora more wines... Microcosmos Brut Nature Rosé Reserve 2011 (DO Cava), Llopart Magnum Brut Grand Reserve 2011 more wines... by Loxarel 2014 (DO Penedès), LXV Loxarel Red Xarel·lo 2013 (DO Penedès), Mas Cargols 2008 (DO (DO Cava), Llopart Integral 2013 Brut Nature Reserve (DO Cava), Llopart Clos Fòssils (DO Penedès)... Penedès), 999 by Loxarel (DO Penedès), EOS by Loxarel 2012 (DO Penedès)…

66 67 Marco Abella Maria Casanovas Cava STAND H70-2 STAND J72-3

Ctra. Porrera-Cornudella del Montsant km 1.5 E-43739 Porrera Ctra. Sant Sadurní-Piera km 7.5 E-08784 Sant Jaume Sesoliveres (+34) 933 712 407 (+34) 938 910 812 [email protected] David Marco [email protected] Rosa Casanovas

Exports to: more than 15 different countries, mainly in Europe, the Exports to: Belgium, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, USA and China. Germany (Berlin), Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Malaysia, % Export: 80% the USA. % Export: 25%

Marco Abella has produced wines at Porrera (DOQ Priorat) since the 15th century. The winery, which is owned Maria Casanovas is a family-run winery located at the heart of the Penedès region, the capital of cava. Since by the Marco family, was built in 2005 and seeks to transmit the character and essence of the village of Porrera our beginnings, we have produced unique, elegant cavas, with the continuity, fidelity and innovation that through its organic and biodynamic agriculture. Our 30 hectares of vineyards, which are spread over five plots of characterize us and make our brand one of the most sought after on the market. In 1984, after decades in the mainly autochthonous grape varieties (Grenache and Carignan), are located at an altitude of between 500 and world of the vine and wine, Maria Casanovas and her children began to produce premium quality cavas. Our 700 metres. This explains why our wines stand out for their freshness, finesse and elegance. medium and long term aged cavas are made with the greatest of care and respect for the natural environment. WINES WINES

Clos Abella 2010 Maria Casanovas Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2010 Carignan 70%, Grenache 26%, Cabernet Sauvignon 4% DOq Priorat 42% Chardonnay, 38% Pinot Noir, 20% traditional varieties Xarel·lo, DO Cava Macabeu and Parellada 90 points at Wine Spectator 2014; 93 points at Wine Enthusiast 2014; 93 points for Josh Raynolds at Stephen Tanzer’s IWC, 2014; 97 points and and Gold Medal at TOP100 Wine in China 2014. Peñín Guide 2015, 92 points.

Loidana 2011 Maria Casanovas Brut Nature Pinot Noir Rosé Grenache 45%, Carignan 35%, Cabernet Sauvignon 20% DOq Priorat 90% Pinot Noir, 10% Chardonnay DO Cava

90 points for Josh Raynolds at Stephen Tanzer’s IWC 2014; 91 points at TOP100 Wine in China 2014.

Mas Mallola 2009 Maria Casanovas Glaç Brut Nature N/V Grenache 50%, Carignan 50% DOq Priorat 40% Pinot Noir, 60% traditional varieties Xarel·lo, Macabeu and Parellada DO Cava

Silver medal at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2014; Gold medal at Mundus Vini 2014; 91 points at Decanter 2014; 91 points and Silver medal at TOP 100 Wine in China 2014.

Òlbia 2013 Maria Casanovas Glaç Rosé Brut Nature N/V 33% Macabeu, 33% Viognier, 33% White Grenache DOq Priorat 40% Pinot Noir, 60% traditional varieties Xarel·lo, Macabeu and Parellada DO Cava

Bronze medal at the Decanter 2013; Silver medal at Premis Vinari 2013, the 2nd best white wine in Catalonia; Bronze medal at Premis Vinari of Catalan Wines 2013, the 3rd best Priorat wine.

Maria Casanovas Brut de Brut N/V 100% Traditional varieties Xarel·lo, Macabeu and Parellada DO Cava

68 69 Martí Serdà Mas Bertran Wines STAND F70-2 STAND H78-1

Mas del Pont, s/n E-08792 Santa Fe del Penedès (Barcelona) Mas Bertran, Ctra. BP2121, km 7.7 Sant Martí Sarroca (Barcelona) (+34) 938 974 411 (+34) 938 990 859 [email protected] Alex Virgili [email protected] Roser Carbó

Exports to: Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Exports to: Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, the the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, An- UK, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, the USA, Indonesia, Singapore, dorra, Japan, Colombia. % Export: 35% Norway, Finland... % Export: 40%

We are young and have ground-breaking ideas. Our J. B. Berger Winery, which is one of the oldest in Spain, was The wines of this winery bear the unquestionable mark of El Penedès and the classic quality of El Penedès. founded in 1878. It boasts a long experience in viticulture and in bulk winemaking. In 1987, we started bottling The main grape varieties used are Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada and Sumoll and there is constant monitoring at Santa Fe del Penedès, where we make our “Martí Serdà & Mr. Vins” wines and cavas. In the last few years, the throughout the winemaking process, which combines the latest technologies with traditional methods. Nature children of the owners have become involved in a project aimed at dynamising many aspects of the winery. Our then takes charge. We intervene as little as possible in order to obtain the maximum performance and allow goal is to produce wines and cavas that express the autochthonous varieties and terroir of our lands in El Penedès. the vine to express itself as freely as possible. The year of production sets the pace and this is always different. WINES WINES

El Xitxarel·lo 2014 Balma 2012 Brut Nature Reserve 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Penedès

John McClane World Tasting Die Hard 2015: 95 points; Escalfabraguetes Spirits 2014: 96 points; Plati- Silver medal at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2014, 88 points 2015 Peñín Guide, 9.15 points 2015 num CertificateL ife of Brian Wines; Gold Medal at Premis Triliats of Catalan Wines 2014. Guide to the Wines of Catalonia, 2 stars in the Premium Wine competition at Prowein 2014.

El Bandarra 2014 (Vermouth) Argila 2010 Brut Nature Reserve 3 years 50% Xarel·lo, 50% Macabeu A single variety Xarel·lo wine made with strains over 65 years old DO Penedès

Bill Murray’s GD 2014: 92 points; Passerell WTF 2015: 98 points; Gold Medal at TOP100 Wine Mr. Silver medal at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2014, 91 points 2015 Peñín Guide, 9.61 points 2015 Bean 2014; Sheldon Cooper Wine Awards 2015: 90 points. Guide to the Wines of Catalonia, 3 stars in the Premium Wine competition at Prowein 2014.

Sorbet Pale Rosé 2014 Argila Rosé 2012 Brut Nature Reserve 80% White Grenache, 20% Red Grenache DO Catalunya A single variety Sumoll wine made with strains over 65 years old DO Penedès

Gold Medal at Jockey Club Ibiza 2014; Roberto Parquet 2014: 91 points; Peña de l’Espardenya 2015: Silver medal at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2014, 89 points in the 2015 Peñín Guide, 9.38 92 points; Platinum at Cap de Fava Master Challenge 2014; Best Rosé at Steve Urkel’s Wines 2015. points in the 2015 Guide to the Wines of Catalonia.

Cava MO Brut Nature Nutt 2014, White Wine 30% Macabeu, 45% Xarel·lo, 25% Parellada DO Cava A single variety Xarel·lo wine made from vines over 60 years old DO Penedès

Best Sparkling Wine at Premium Wine Competition La Bleda 2014; Gold at International Wine and Recommended at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2014, 89 points in the 2015 Peñín Guide, 9.20 Ring my Bell 2015; Concours Mondial de Passerells 2012: 92 points. points in the 2015 Guide to the Wines of Catalonia.

Cava Martí Serdà Grand Reserve Vintage 2007 Nutt Grenache 2013, Red Wine 60% Xarel·lo, 25% Chardonnay, 15% Macabeu DO Cava Grenache and Syrah DO Montsant

Great Dictator Wines 2013: 98 points; 92 Avocado Wine List 2014; Gold Medal at Vas Decanto 2013; 1 star in the Premium Wine competition at Prowein 2014. Silver Medal at La Bleda Wine Challenge 2014; Petter Griffin’s BestS parkling of the year 2014.

El Cabronet Red 2013 (DO Penedès), Vinyet White 2014 (DO Penedès), Vinyet Rosé 2014 (DO Pene- more wines... dès), Vinyet Red 2011 (DO Penedès), Cava Martí Serdà Brut Rosé (DO Cava), Cava Cuvée Real Vinta- ge 2006 (DO Cava), Cava Martí Serdà Brut (DO Cava), Veni Vidi Vinum Red 2014 (DO Catalunya)...

70 71 Mas d’en Blei Mas d’en Català STAND F70-5 STAND H86-1

Mas d’En Blei, E-43361 La Morera del Montsant (Tarragona) (+34) 977 262 031 Carrer Major, 13 2-3 E-43730 Falset (Tarragona) [email protected] Anna Tasias (+34) 670 606 371 Exports to: the UK, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Quebec [email protected] Xavier Buil (Canada), Mexico. % Export: 65%

Mas d’En Blei is located in a privileged corner of El Priorat. It occupies 17 hectares on the banks of the River Siu- The Mas is not just a typical Catalan farmhouse, it is also an excellent production centre. This is where cereals rana, at Morera de Montsant, which are impregnated with such typical Mediterranean herbs as rosemary, thyme are grown, where livestock is fattened, where olive oil is made and where the best wines are produced. It is the and lavender and also has pine trees. It is surrounded by silence and unspoilt nature. birthplace of the Mediterranean diet. The estate recovered its agricultural origins thanks to the Mas d’En Blei project and through the planting of Mas Català will show you the marvellous products that are made at farmhouses in every corner of Catalonia. You 20,000 strains of predominantly autochthonous grape varieties such as Grenache and Carignan. will discover its terroir and grape varieties and also enjoy its tremendous diversity. WINES WINES

Blei 2011 Mas Català Red 2013 Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Franc DOq Priorat Grenache and Syrah DO Terra Alta

Silver Medal - Decanter 2014, Bronze Medal - International Wine Challenge 2014.

Clos Martina 2012 Grenache, Pedro Ximenez, Pansal DOq Priorat

Silver Medal - International Wine Challenge 2014, Bronze Medal - Decanter 2013, 2014.

more wines... Blei Liber 2011 -new product-, new harvests of Blei and Clos Martina -new products-.

72 73 Mas Igneus Mas Rodó Vitivinícola STAND H78-3 STAND F92-5

Ctra. Sant Pere Sacarrera-Sant Joan Mediona, km 2 E-08773 Mediona (Barcelona) (+34) 932 385 780 Ctra. Falset-Vilella Baixa km 11.1 E-43737 Gratallops (Tarragona) [email protected] Alexandra Manovel / Cristina Sala (+34) 977 262 259 [email protected] June Ordaz / Josep Jové Exports to: the USA, Mexico, Japan, China and some other European countries. % Export: 50%

Mas Igneus’ vines grow at various altitudes causing that the optimum maturity levels rarely coincide among Mas Rodó is a family project that was created with the clear aim of producing original, single variety, high quality different plots. That implies that the harvest is always very progressive. At the same time, the design of the cellar, wines. Since it started business in 2008, it has sought to reap the results of a piece of work that has always with numerous small deposits, allows us to separately ferment each individual plot working on microvinification strived for exclusivity. Since its origins, Mas Rodó has sought to produce quality, single variety wines, working basis. This makes possible to always pick the grapes when they have attained their optimum ripening level. All with autochthonous white grape varieties such as Macabeu and Montonega, a variety that only grows in the the wines produced meet the organic production requirements. upper part of El Penedès at an altitude of 500 m. We have decided to focus on this variety and to recover it. WINES WINES

Barranc dels Comellars White 2013 Mas Rodó Montonega 2013 White Grenache, Pedro Ximénez DOq Priorat 100% Montonega DO Penedès

90 points Peñín Guide (5 Stars), 9.20 points Wine Guide of Catalonia, Bronze Decanter Awards.

Barranc dels Comellars Red 2012 Mas Rodó Macabeu 2013 Red Grenache, Carignan DOq Priorat 100% Macabeu DO Penedès

Gold Medal 48th Quality Wine Competition for DO Penedès, Best White with Crianza from Catalonia (9.72 points) Wine Guide of Catalonia, Gold Medal Monovino Spain, Silver Medal IWCC.

FA104 2013 Mas Rodó Merlot 2011 White Grenache DOq Priorat 100% Merlot DO Penedès

AF 104 2012 Parker 90 points, Peñín Guide 92 points. Gold Medal IWCC, Bronze Decanter Awards, Silver Medal Monovino Spain.

FA206 2012 Mas Rodó Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Red Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah DOq Priorat 100% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Penedès

AF 206 2010 Parker 89 points; FA206 2011 Peñín Guide 88 points. Gold Medal 48th Quality Wine Competition for DO Penedès, Gold Medal Monovino Spain, Gold Medal IWCC.

Coster de l’Ermita 2012 Mas Rodó Incògnit Rosé 2014 NEW PRODUCT Red Grenache, Carignan DOq Priorat Coupage DO Penedès

Coster de l’Ermita 2011 Parker 92 points, Peñín Guide 92 points.

FA112 2011 (DOQ Priorat). Mas Rodó Reserva de la Propietat 2008 -new product- (DO Penedès), Mas Rodó Incògnit White 2013 more wines... more wines... -new product- (DO Penedès).

74 75 Mascaró Maset del Lleó - Agrupació de viticultors artesanals, Sl STAND H92-10 STAND F86-1

Casal, 9 E-08720 Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona) Ctra. Vilafranca-Igualada, km 19 E-08792, La Granada del Penedès (Barcelona) (+34) 938 901 628 (+34) 938 180 342 [email protected] Maria Mata [email protected] Marc Massana

Exports to: the USA, Norway, Belgium, Germany, the UK, the Exports to: Europe, China, Japan, Canada, Colombia, the USA, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy. Philippines, Russia. % Export: 15%

Mascaró is a company with a long tradition in the production of wines, cavas and spirits. In 1946, Don Narciso The wine-making origins of Maset date back to the year 1777, when the lands of Maset del Lleó belonged to the Mascaró, who had been born into a family of distillers and wine merchants, created his own company and de- Abbey of Montserrat and feudal tributes had to be paid to work them. Since then, eight generations of the Mas- cided to focus on the production of brandies and cavas with the Mascaró brand. On its “Mas Miquel” estate, sana family have been linked to the cultivation of these lands. During this time, Maset has undergone significant which had previously been owned by monks from the neighbouring Cistercian monastery of Santes Creus and “El growth. This has been particularly pronounced in recent years, with the incorporation of wineries from the main Castell”, the family tenderly cultivates classic Penedès grape varieties as well as other more international varieties. Spanish Designations of Origin. This has made it one of Spain’s largest Winery Groups. WINES WINES

Mascaró Cava Grand Reserve “Cuvée Antonio Mascaró” 2010 Maset del Lleó Syrah Crianza 2009 Parellada, Macabeu, Chardonnay DO Cava Syrah DO Catalunya

Silver at International du Vin Challenge 2013, Silver at Wine Masters Challenge 2013.

Mascaró Cava Reserve Brut Nature “Pure” Maset del Lleó Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2010 Parellada, Macabeu DO Cava Cabernet Sauvignon DO Penedès

Gold at Bacchus 2013.

Mascaró Cava Reserve Brut “Nigrum” Maset del Lleó Merlot Foc Reserve 2009 Parellada, Macabeu and Xarel·lo DO Cava Merlot DO Penedès

Silver at International du Vin Challenge 2013, Silver at Wine Masters Challenge 2013.

Mascaró X.O. “EGO” brandy Maset del Lleó Brut Macabeu DO Penedès Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava

Mascaró “Narciso” brandy Maset del Lleó Aurum Brut Nature Ugni White DO Penedès Chardonnay, Xarel·lo DO Cava

76 77 Masia Torreblanca Mata i Coloma - Cava Pere Mata STAND F78-1 STAND F86-5

M asia Torreblanca, s/n E-08734 Olèrdola (Barcelona) Montserrat, 73 E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) (+34) 607 268 869 (+34) 938 183 968 [email protected] Montse Nicolas [email protected] Pere Mata

Exports to: Italy, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, Exports to: Belgium, Germany, Norway, Denmark, the USA, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Australia, Japan. Japan... % Export: 40% % Export: 60%

Masía Torreblanca is located to the south of Barcelona and surrounded by idyllic vineyards and Mediterranean Mata i Coloma is a small family company that began its work based on the acquired knowledge of Pere Mata, flora. This beautiful estate has been closely linked to the production of wine and Cava since its origins, which who studied oenology and sought to recover the tradition of his two grandfathers, who had made cava and wine date back to the 15th century. Within its age-old walls, our small, family winery produces a limited range of according to traditional artisanal techniques. exclusive Cavas and still wines. In this way, we control the quality of our wines and strive to achieve elegant and Each cava has its own unique identity, marked by the idiosyncrasy and particular characteristics of each terroir. fruity aromas and flavours. The result is a series of cavas whose quality has helped them to make a name for themselves in the market. WINES WINES

Cava Torreblanca Brut Nature Cava Pere Mata L’Origen Grand Reserve 2009 Macabeu, Xarel·lo and Parellada DO Cava Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava

Cava Torreblanca Brut Rosé Cava Pere Mata L’Ensamblatge Grande Reserve 2008 Pinot Noir, Grenache DO Cava Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava

Cava Torreblanca Brut Nature Reserve 2011 Cava Pere Mata Reserva Familia Grand Reserve 2008 Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada, Chardonnay DO Cava Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava

Cava Torreblanca Grand Reserve 2009 Cava Pere Mata Cuvée Barcelona 2009 NEW PRODUCT Xarel·lo, Parellada, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir DO Cava Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava

Cava Grimau Family Reserve 2011 Cava Pere Mata Trepat Rosé NEW PRODUCT Chardonnay, Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava 100% Trepat DO Cava

C ava Torreblanca Brut Nature, Cava Torreblanca Brut Rosé (DO Cava), Cava Torreblanca Brut Nature Cava Pere Mata Brut Reserve, Cava Pere Mata Cupada nº 13. more wines... Reserve 2011 (DO Cava), Cava Torreblanca Grand Reserve 2009 (DO Cava), Cava Grimau Family more wines... Reserve 2011 (DO Cava), Cava Trencadís Brut Nature 2013 (DO Cava)...

78 79 Mestres Mont Marçal STAND H92-4 STAND H86-6

Plaça de l’Ajuntament, 8 E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) Finca Manlleu, s/n E-08732 Castellví de la Marca (Barcelona) (+34) 938 910 043 (+34) 938 918 281 [email protected] Nico James [email protected] Jaume García

Exports to: Exports to: over 30 countries around the world: with particular Belgium, Germany, Norway, Denmark, the USA, Japan. reference to Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Denmark, Germany, the % Export: 20% USA, Japan, China, Singapore... % Export: 75%

Cava Mestres has been a family company since 1312 and has been a leading promotor of the term “Cava” Mont Marcal is a winery located in Castellví de la Marca, about 50 km southeast of Barcelona, in the very heart of El since 1959. We were pioneers in the fermentation and ageing of the wine base in oak barrels before the 2nd Penedès. It was founded in 1975 by Sr. Sancho when he decided to leave the music industry and to devote his life fermentation in the bottle, using 100% natural cork. Disgorging is carried out by hand, bottle by bottle. “The to his passion of producing Cava and Wine. Mont Marcal stands out for its ability to provide its clients with a wide maximum expression of cava... “ variety of wines which have a common denominator: a constant standard of quality, which improves year after year, combined with a high level of customer care and and a flexible delivery service which is highly professional. WINES WINES

Mestres “1312” Brut Special Reserve Cava Aureum by Mont Marçal Grand Reserve Brut Nature 2009 NEW PRODUCT 30% Macabeu, 30% Xarel·lo, 40% Parellada DO Cava Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava

Bronze Decanter. Gold Medal Mundus Vini 2014; Bronze Medal Japan Wine Challenge 2013; 91 points Parker.

Mestres Coquet Grand Reserve Brut Nature 2009 NEW PRODUCT Cava Extremarium by Mont Marçal Brut Reserve 30% Macabeu, 45% Xarel·lo, 25% Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada, Chardonnay DO Cava

91 points Wine Enthusiast. Gold Medal Mundus Vini 2014; Silver Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2014; Bronze Medal Decanter 2014; Silver Medal International Wine & Spirit Competition 2013.

Mestres Mas Via Grand Reserve Familiar 2000 Cava Gran Cuvée by Mont Marçal Brut Reserve 15% Macabeu, 75% Xarel·lo, 10% Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada, Chardonnay DO Cava

93 points Parker, 9.75 Wine Guide of Catalonia (The best cava from Spain). Gold Medal Mundus Vini 2014; Silver Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2014; Bronze Medal Japan Wine Challenge 2013; Bronze Medal International Wine & Spirit Competition 2013.

Mestres Clos Nostre Senyor Grand Reserve Premium 2004 Cava Mont Marçal Brut Rosé 20% Macabeu, 60% Xarel·lo, 20% Parellada DO Cava Trepat DO Cava

93 points Parker; 93 points Peñín Guide. Bronze Medal Japan Wine Challenge 2014, Silver Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2013, Bronze Medal International Wine & Spirit Competition 2013, Bronze Medal Japan Wine Challenge 2013.

Mestres Visol Brut Nature Private Grand Reserve 2007 Cava Mont Marçal Brut Reserve 35% Macabeu, 40% Xarel·lo, 25% Parellada DO Cava Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada, Chardonnay DO Cava

90 points Peñín Guide. Silver Medal Mundus Vini 2014; Bronze Medal Japan Wine Challenge 2014; Silver Medal Japan Wine Challenge 2013; Bronze Medal International Wine & Spirit Competition 2013.

Cava Gran Cuvée by Mont Marçal Brut Rosé (DO Cava), Cava Palau Brut (DO Cava), Mont Marçal more wines... White Wine 2014 (DO Penedès), Mont Marçal Rosé Wine 2014 (DO Penedès), Mont Marçal Red Wine 2014 (DO Penedès), Mont Marçal Criança Wine 2011 (DO Penedès).

80 81 Oriol Rossell Parató STAND H92-3 STAND H86-5

Propietat Can Cassanyes, s/n E-08732 Castellet i Gornal (Barcelona) Can Respall de Renardes s/n E-08733 El Pla del Penedès (Barcelona) (+34) 977 671 061 (+34) 938 988 182 [email protected] Salvador Moliner Cols [email protected] Mireia Via

Exports to: Japan, China, Belgium, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Exports to: Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Slovakia, the USA... Switzerland, Austria, Poland, the UK, Russia, Japan, Peru, Mexico. % Export: 40% % Export: 25%

This family company is dedicated to the production of cavas and fine wines made exclusively from grapes from Parató is a family winery that was founded in 1975. Our main mission is to produce high quality wines and cavas our own 85 hectare estate. using only grapes from our 94 hectares of organic vineyards. Our product range consists of white, rosé and red, A careful viticulture which respects the natural environment and a tradition of producing wines and cavas, han- semicrianza and reserva wines and traditional reserva and gran reserva cavas. ded down from generation to generation, are the secrets behind the success of this winery. Our main objective at Prowein is to make contact with new importers and distributors in order to promote the international distribution of our products and establish a reliable long term business relationships. WINES WINES

Cava Brut Cuvée Especial 2013 Finca Renardes Red 2013 Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava Ull de Llebre, Cabernet Sauvignon, Samsó DO Penedès

Harvest 2012: Bronze Medal XIX Concurs Vins i Caves de Catalunya “Girovi ‘14”; Harvest 2011: 89 points Peñín Guide 2014.

Cava Brut Nature 2012 Parató Xarel·lo 2014 - Organic Wine NEW PRODUCT Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès

Harvest 2012: 86 points Peñín Guide 2014.

Cava Reserva Propietat 2009 Parató Passió Reserva 2006 NEW PRODUCT Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava 70% Ull de Llebre, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Penedès

95 points Vivir el Vino Guide, 91 points Peñín Guide.

Virolet 2014 Parató Samsó 2011 Xarel·lo DO Penedès 100% Samsó DO Penedès

90 points Peñín Guide, DO Penedès - Bronze Medal. Gold Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2013 (2008 harvest); Peñín Guide 2014 90 points (2008 harvest).

Rocaplana 2012 Cava Parató Brut Reserve Syrah DO Penedès Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada, Chardonnay DO Cava

91 points Wine Advocate (Robert Parker). Silver Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2013; Peñín Guide 2014 88 points.

Cava Brut Rosé 2012 (DO Cava), Cava Grand Reserve 2010 (DO Cava), Xino Xano White 2014 (DO Parató Pinot Noir Rosé 2014 - Organic Wine (DO Penedès), Parató Red Clàssic Reserve (DO Penedès), more wines... Penedès), Xino Xano Rosé 2014 (DO Penedès), Xino Xano Red 2014 (DO Penedès), Cerveres 2012 more wines... Parató Xarel·lo XXV 2010 (DO Penedès), Àtica 3X3 2013 (DO Penedès), Àtica Pinot Noir 2007 (DO (DO Penedès). Penedès), Cava Parató Brut Nature Reserve (DO Cava), Cava Parató Semi Seco Reserve (DO Cava)...

82 83 Portal del Montsant - Gleva Estates Recaredo - Celler Credo STAND F78-9 STAND H86-3

Carrer de Dalt, s/n E-43775 Marçà (Tarragona) Tamarit, 10 E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) (+34) 650 716 671 (+34) 938 910 214 [email protected] Gonzalo Cle [email protected] Alex Bautista / Clàudia Nortes

Exports to: the USA, Belgium, Colombia, Japan, Sweden, Exports to: the USA, Peru, Finland, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands. Switzerland, Ukraine. % Export: 15% % Export: 8%

The Portal del Montsant winery is located in a historic building that used to house the Marca Cooperative. It is Recaredo is a family-run company which was established in 1924 and which specialises in the production of known for its work with autochthonous grape varieties: Grenache and Carignan and produces wines that are Millésime Brut Nature Sparkling Wines which are aged for between 30 months and more than 12 years. The subtle, modern and complex. The vinery uses tanks of various sizes and this allows it to produce different wines Recaredo family firmly believes that a great wine reflects the land of its origin; this explains why they carry out dry, from each vineyard. The crus are of extraordinary quality and vary according to local soil characteristics (clay, organic and biodynamic agriculture (certified by Demeter) in the vineyards on their 50 ha family-owned estate. calcareous and sandy soils). Many of the vines are over 65 years old. Celler Credo specialises in white, biodynamic wines based on Xarel·lo. WINES WINES

Bruberry Red 2013 “Recaredo Terrers” Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2008 NEW PRODUCT 48% Carignan, 43% Grenache, 9% Syrah DO Montsant 46% Xarel·lo, 40% Macabeu, 14% Parellada DO Cava

89 Wine & Spirits Magazine, Peñín Guide 90 points. Wine Advocate: 92 points.

Bruberry White 2013 NEW PRODUCT “Recaredo Brut de Brut” Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2006 80% White Grenache, 20% Macabeu DO Montsant 53% Xarel·lo, 47% Macabeu DO Cava

Peñín Guide 90 points. Wine Advocate: 94, 93 and 92 points for previous vintages.

Brunus Rosé 2013 “Recaredo Reserva Particular” Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2004 100% Grenache DO Montsant 33% Xarel·lo, 67% Macabeu DO Cava

Wine Advocate: 95 points.

Brunus 2010 Celler Credo Miranius 2013 40% Carignan, 30% Grenache, 20% Syrah, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Montsant 86% Xarel·lo, 14% Macabeu DO Penedès

Peñín Guide 92 points.

Santbru 2009 Celler Credo Aloers 2013 60% Carignan, 15% Grenache, 20% Syrah, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon DO Montsant 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès

92 Wine Spectator, 92 Wine & Spirits Magazine, Peñín Guide 93 points. Wine Advocate: 90 points for previous vintage.

more wines... Santbru White 2010. more wines... Celler Credo Can Credo 2012 (DO Penedès).

84 85 Ritme Celler Roger Goulart STAND H78-6 STAND H92-8

Carrer Sindicat, s/n E-43375 La Vilella Alta (Tarragona) Major, 6 E-08635 Sant Esteve Sesrovires (Barcelona) (+34) 629 472 988 (+34) 937 713 159 [email protected] Albert Jané Ubeda [email protected] Gabriel del Castillo Morete

Exports to: Germany, Switzerland, the USA, the UK, Denmark, Exports to: Japan, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, the Belgium, Russia, Australia, Canada, France, Poland, Sweden, Ireland, United Kingdom, Norway, the Baltic States, Poland. Norway, Puerto Rico, Korea, Japan. % Export: 70% % Export: 90%

From 2010 onwards, Albert Jane continued his experience in El Priorat by creating the Ritme Celler project. This Thanks to a process of careful selection, Roger Goulart produces high quality cavas from the best grapes from was based on the same philosophy of making unique wines that express the rhythm, identity and purity of the El Penedès. These cavas are subjected to a lengthy ageing process which is naturally conditioned by constant wines and slate-based slopes of El Priorat. At present, the project involves 7 hectares of its own vineyards and a temperatures throughout the year. Their price-quality relationship makes them very attractive in markets in which winery located at Alta Vilella, on an old farm with a total area of 1000 m2. consumers know the product.


+ Ritme White 2011 Cava Gran Cuvée Extra Brut 2008 White Grenache, Macabeu DOq Priorat Ull de Llebre, Cabernet Sauvignon, Samsó DO Cava

Peñín Guide 2015: 91 points; Peñín Guide 2014: 90 points; Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar Decanter World Wine Awards UK 2014 Bronze Medal 2008 harvest; Finger Lakes International Wine 2013: 91 points; 9,52/10 points Guia de Catalunya 2014. Challenge USA 2014 Silver Medal 2008 harvest; International Wine & Spirit Competition UK 2014 Silver Medal 2008 harvest; International Wine Challenge UK 2014 Bronze Medal 2008 harvest. Ritme Red 2013 Cava Brut Nature 2010 Selection from 15 to 40 year old vines aged in French oak DOq Priorat 40% Xarel·lo, 30% Macabeu, 25% Parellada and 5% Chardonnay DO Cava 91 points Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar 2014; Peñín Guide 2015: 91 points. Finger Lakes International Wine Challenge USA 2014 Silver Medal 2008 harvest; Peñín Guide Spain 2014 90 Points 2008 harvest; International Wine Challenge UK 2014 Silver Medal 2008 harvest. Plaer Red 2012 Cava Brut 2011 Carignan, Grenache DOq Priorat 40% Xarel·lo, 30% Macabeu, 30% Parellada DO Cava 92 points Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar 2014. Decanter World Wine Awards UK2014 Commended 2011 harvest; Finger Lakes International Wine Challenge USA 2014 Silver Medal 2010; International Wine & Spirit Competition UK 2014 Silver Medal 2011. Etern Red 2011

Llicorella, Carignan, Grenache DOq Priorat Cava Brut Rosé 2011 Peñín Guide 2015: 92 points; Peñín Guide 2014: 91 points; 92 points Stephen Tanzer’s International 40% Grenache, 55% Monastrell, 5% Pinot Noir DO Cava Wine Cellar 2013; 9,62/10 points Guia de Catalunya 2014. Decanter World Wine Awards UK 2014 Commended; Finger Lakes International Wine Challenge USA 2014 Silver Medal 2010 harvest; International Wine & Spirit Competition UK 2014 Silver Medal 2011; International Wine Challenge 2014 Bronze Medal.

86 87 Terra Remota Tomàs Cusiné STAND J72-5 STAND F92-1

Ctra. Capmany, km 6 E-17751 Sant Climent Sescebes (Girona) Plaça Sant Sebastià, 13 E-25457 El Vilosell (Lleida) (+34) 972 193 727 (+34) 973 176 029 [email protected] Joan Frei [email protected] Carlos Mora

% Export: 70%

Terra Remote is a winery which was created in 1999 by Marc & Emma Bournazeau. It has an evident soft spot for T oday, the Tomàs Cusiné cellar leads the astonishing diversity of terroir found in inland Catalonia; this ranges the territory in which it is located and, as a consequence, seeks to integrate itself within the natural landscape from the extreme, arid lands of Castell del Remei to the experiences of the southern region, where hillsides climb that surrounds it. This provides the basis for the philosophy of Terra Remota and forms part of its performance to altitudes that embrace the exceptionally fresh conditions found at Vilosell and Cérvoles. in every way. The main criteria governing the organisation of the winery can be summarised in three concepts: All of these wines are both full of character and capable of fully reflecting the characteristics of the soils from quality, respect for the raw material (organic production) and respect for its identity. which they are produced. WINES WINES

Caminante 2013 White Wine Auzells 2014 White Grenache 50%, Chardonnay 35%, White Chenin 15% DO Empordà Macabeu, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Riesling, Albariño DO Costers del Segre

Recommended Decanter World Wine Awards 2014. 93 points Peñín guide, 91 points Stephen Tanzer, Gold Medal International Wine Guide.

Caminito 2013 Rosé Wine Llebre 2013 Red Grenache 60%, Syrah 40% DO Empordà Tempranillo DO Costers del Segre

90 points Peñín Guide, 90 points Stephen Tanzer.

Tan Natural 2013 Red Wine Vilosell 2012 100% Red Grenache DO Empordà Tempranillo, Syrah DO Costers del Segre

90 points Stephen Tanzer.

Camino 2011 Red Wine Geol 2011 Red Grenache 40%, Syrah 30%, Cabernet Sauvignon 20%, Tempranillo 10% DO Empordà Samsó, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon DO Costers del Segre

Bronze Medal Decanter World Wine Awards 2014; Silver Medal WSA Challenge 2014 Singapore. 93 points Peñín Guide, Gold Medal International Wine Guide.

Red Wine Clos Adrien 2010 Finca Comabarra 2010 Syrah 90%, Red Grenache 10% DO Empordà Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon DO Costers del Segre

Silver Medal WSA Challenge 2014 Singapore. 91 points Peñín Guide, 92 points Robert Parker.

Usted 2009 Red Wine (DO Empordà). Finca La Serra 2014 (DO Costers del Segre), Finca Racons 2011 (DO Costers del Segre), Drac Màgic more wines... more wines... 2013 (DO Catalunya), Drac Màgic White 2014 (DO Catalunya), Cara Nord 2013 (DO Conca de Barberà), Cara Nord White 2014 (DO Conca de Barberà), Mineral 2013 (DO Montsant).

88 89 Trossos del Priorat U Més U Fan Tres STAND F86-6 STAND J72-4

Ctra. Gratallops-Vilella Baixa, km 10.65 E-43737 Gratallops (Tarragona) Masia Navines, Barri Els Pujols E-08736 Font-Rubí (Barcelona) (+34) 670 590 788 (+34) 938 974 069 [email protected] Enric Vives / Eva Escudè [email protected] Jordi Montserrat

Exports to: Switzerland, Germany, the UK, China, Taiwan, the Exports to: Japan, the USA, Sweden, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, the USA, Japan, Sweden... Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, % Export: 85% Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Poland and Italy. % Export: 68%

We are a family company located at Gratallops, in the heart of El Priorat. Our passion is to produce fine, elegant 1+1=3 (One Plus One Is Three) began its commercial activity ten years ago, but the founders of our winery had wines with a personality that belongs to the terroir of El Priorat. We grow organic crops in the 21 hectares of already been working in the wine business for many years before that. The name 1+1=3 refers to the sum of our own vineyards, all of which are located in the municipality of Gratallops and registered and certified by the the different synergies: the passion for work well done in the vineyards and in the creation of the wine by the CCPAE (Catalan Council for Ecological Agriculture). All the soils in our vineyards are of the Llicorella type (based oenologist Josep Piñol; Josep Antoni Bonell’s love for the much appreciated fruit that gives us our Penedès wine on slate native to Priorat) and are characterised by their lack of organic matter. and his coordination of the ageing and bottling of the wine. WINES WINES

Abracadabra 2013 Cava 1+1=3 Brut Nature Special Grand Reserve White Grenache, Macabeu DOq Priorat Xarel·lo, Pinot Noir DO Cava

2014 - Peñín Guide, Spain: 92 points; 2013 - Zarcillo, Spain: Silver; 2013 - Decanter, UK: Silver; 2013 - Peñín Guide, Spain: 91 points.

Lo Petit de la Casa 2011 Cava 1+1=3 Brut Nature Pinot Noir Red Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat Pinot Noir DO Cava

Bronze Medal Decanter; 90 points Peñín Guide. 2014 - Catavinum World Wine & Spirits Competition, Spain: Silver Medal; 2011 - Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 90 points.

Lo Mon 2010 Cava 1+1=3 Brut Red Grenache, Carignan, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon DOq Priorat Xarel·lo, Parellada, Macabeu DO Cava

93 points Peñín Guide, Silver Medal Decanter, 92 points Robert Parker. 2014 - Peñín Guide: 89 points; 2011 - Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 88 points; 2011 - Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar: 87 points; 2011 - The Best Spanish Wines for Asia (HK 2011): Silver Medal.

Pam de Nas 2010 Cygnus Brut Nature Organic Cava Red Grenache and Carignan DOq Priorat Parellada, Xarel·lo, Macabeu DO Cava

93 points Peñín Guide, Silver Medal Decanter. Internationaler Bioweinpreis 2014: Gold Medal; 2014 - Eco Racimo: Silver Medal; International Organic Wines Competition 2014: Silver Medal; Mundus Vini BioFach 2014: Silver Medal. Organic certification: CCPAE (Catalonia); BIOSUISSE (Switzerland).

Cygnus Brut Organic Cava Parellada, Xarel·lo, Macabeu DO Cava

Internationaler Bioweinpreis 2014: Silver; International Organic Wines Competition 2013: Silver Medal; 2013 - Peñín Guide: 90 points; Mundus Vini BioFach 2012: Silver Medal.

Cava Brut Nature; Special Pinot Noir - Blanc de Noirs; Cava Brut Nature; Special Xarel·lo; Xarel·lo more wines... 1+1=3 White Wine; Dahlia 1+1=3 White Wine; Viognier Xarel·lo White; 1+1=3 Dèfora Red - Grenache, Carignan.

90 91 Vinícola del Priorat Vins El Cep STAND F92-7 STAND H92-1

Carrer Piró, s/n E-43737 Gratallops (Tarragona) Can Llopart de les Alzines E-08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) (+34) 977 839 167 (+34) 938 912 353 [email protected] Jordi Miró [email protected] Maite Esteve

Exports to: the USA, Canada, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Exports to: the USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Russia, Japan, Switzerland, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic. Singapore, Denmark. % Export: 80% % Export: 80%

Vinicola del Priorat is an original Priorat winery located at Gratallops, 150 km southwest of Barcelona. The history Vins el Cep is a combination of terroir, tradition and the strength of the Carreras, Esteve, Masanaand Parera families. of Vinícola del Priorat began back in 1917, with the cooperative movement. In 1991, four cooperatives took the In 1980, these four families embarked upon a joint project to produce high quality wines and cavas based on the decision to build the current installations, joining forces to constitute a single cooperative. The owners are the vineyards of their forefathers, who have produced wine since the 15th century. Their 200 hectares of vineyards are 125 members. Between them, they have around 205 hectares of vineyards, divided into more than 300 small located in the heart of El Penedès, in the area of Espiells, among plains and low hills that rise to heights of between plots, located around the four villages. 200 and 400 metres. Its moderately warm temperatures are typical of the area near the Mediterranean coast. WINES WINES

Ònix Clàssic 2013 Claror Brut Nature Grand Reserve 2010 (biodynamic) Black Grenache, Samsó DOq Priorat Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava

Wine Enthusiast 90 Points; Wine Advocate 90 Points.

Clos Gebrat 2013 Mim Brut Reserve 2011 (ecological) Red Grenache, Samsó, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah DOq Priorat Xarel·lo, Macabeu, Parellada, Chardonnay DO Cava

Vinari D’Or - Best Reserve Cava and Best Ecological Cava; Wine Advocate 90 Points.

L’Obaga 2013 Marqués De Gelida Grand Selection 2009 Red Grenache, Syrah DOq Priorat Xarel·lo, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Macabeu, Parellada DO Cava

Vinari De Bronze - Best Grand Reserve Cava.

Nadiu 2013 Clot Del Roure Xarel·lo 2013 (ecological) Red Grenache, Samsó, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah DOq Priorat 100% Xarel·lo DO Penedès

Ennak 2013 Gr5 Senders 2013 Red Grenache, Syrah, Ull de Llebre, Merlot DO Terra Alta Ull De Llebre, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah DO Penedès

Ònix Classic 2014, Ònix Fusió 2012, Ònix Evolució 2010, Ònix Selecció 2012, Clos Gebrat Criança Marqués De Gelida Exclusive Brut Reserve 2011 (DO Cava), Marqués De Gelida 4 Heretats Brut more wines... 2010, Nadiu Criança 2011, Ennak+ 2012, Jordi Miró Experience 2013, L’Om 2013, L’Om Criança more wines... Nature Grand Reserve 2011 (DO Cava), L’Alzinar Brut Reserve 2012 (DO Cava). 2012.

92 93 Vins Grau Vinyes dels Aspres STAND F92-6 STAND F70-6

Ctra. Maians-Castellfollit del Boix, km 75.5 E-08255 (Barcelona) Veïnat Can Pou- Carrer Església, 9 E-17459 Campllong (Girona) (+34) 938 356 002 (+34) 972 463 146 [email protected] Marta Pujadó Grau [email protected]

Exports to: Belgium, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Exports to: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, the United Switzerland, Finland, the USA, Taiwan, China. Kingdom. % Export: 15% % Export: 35%

Vins Grau is a small family business located at Maians, Pla de Bages. The company, which has been dedicated The Vinyes dels Aspres winery is located in the municipality of Cantallops, the northernmost settlement in the to world of wine since 1885, is currently run by the 5th generation of the family. We manage our vineyard with interior of L’Alt Empordà. It is sheltered by the mountains of L’Albera, a territory that gradually undulates through special care and by applying traditional techniques; the results can be seen in products of the highest quality. the foothills of the Pyrenees. In this particularly harsh, dry area, we find vineyards that have belonged to the same We make white, rosé and red wines and prepare them to reach the market under excellent conditions, thereby family for generations. The 30 hectares of vines, with an average age of 30 years, are divided into 14 plots that transmitting the dedication, effort and perseverance of our team. form part of the DO Empordà. The soils, which are based on granite and schist, are old and stony. WINES WINES

Jaume Grau Grau Special Selection 2012 Blanc dels Aspres 2014 Merlot, Ull de Llebre/Tempranillo, Cabernet Franch, Syrah DO Pla de Bages White Grenache DO Empordà

Gold Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2013.

Jaume Grau Grau GRATVS Crianza 2009 Oriol dels Aspres Negre 2014 Merlot and Ull de Llebre/Tempranillo DO Pla de Bages Various DO Empordà

Gold Medal Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2013.

Cava Jaume Grau Rosé Negre dels Aspres 2012 Pinot Noir, Trepat, Grenache DO Cava Grenache, Samsó, Cabernet Sauvignon DO Empordà

Cava Jaume Grau Brut Nature S’Alou 2012 Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada DO Cava Grenache, Syrah, Merlot DO Empordà

Bluebird Reserve Sparkling Wine Sweet Wine From Raisins Macabeu, Xarel·lo, Parellada - Espumoso Azul (Sparkling Blue) 100% Red Grenache DO Empordà

Jaume Grau Grau AVRVM 2014 (DO Pla de Bages), Jaume Grau Grau Rosé Merlot 2014 (DO Pla de Oriol dels Aspres Blanc 2014 (DO Empordà), Oriol dels Aspres Rosé 2014 (DO Empordà), Bac de les more wines... Bages), Jaume Grau Picapoll Cent-Kat 2014 (DO Pla de Bages), Jaume Grau Red Sumoll Cent-Kat more wines... Ginesteres Sweet Wine (DO Empordà). 2013 (DO Pla de Bages), Clos del Reco Red 2014 (DO Catalunya)...

94 95 Vinyes Domènech Wineintube STAND F78-6 STAND F70-4

Camí del Collet, s/n E-43776 Capçanes (Tarragona) Pol. Ind. Les Planes de la Serra - C/ Sud, 15 E-43814 Vila-Rodona (+34) 670 375 828 (+34) 977 639 384 [email protected] Edgar Domenech Nogueroles [email protected] Jaume Duran

Exports to: Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, the USA, Switzerland, Exports to: everywhere. Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Japan. % Export: 75% % Export: 60%

Vinyes Domènech is a 15 hectare estate with a total of 20,000 very low production strains; it is located in a Wineintube, SL, which has a winery at Vila-rodona (Tarragona), was created with the aim of innovating and sheltered natural area between the Serra de Llaberia and El Montalt. It stands at 450 metres above sea level developing the packaging of various types of wine in bag and tube formats and also of manufacturing sangrias and enjoys a unique microclimate that makes for some really singular wines. This is a bioclimatic winery which is and other wine-based beverages. The quality of our wines is the result of the meticulous work carried out in our well integrated within the surrounding area. The highly functional architecture uses 90% renewable energy and vineyards and wineries and the enthusiasm of all our team; it has been recognised by several prizes and mentions makes use of rainwater and that from other natural sources; this is therefore a green and sustainable project. in both national and international competitions. WINES WINES

Teixar 2011 Vermouth, Rosé, Syrah, Chardonnay, Tempranillo, Blanco, Merlot, Sangria and Verdejo 100% “Hairy” Grenache from 70 year-old vines DO Montsant NEW PRODUCT

Parker: 94 points.

Furvus 2011 80% Red Grenache and 20% Merlot DO Montsant

Silver Medal Grenaches Du Monde.

Rita 2013 NEW PRODUCT 100% White Grenache from 50 year-old vines DO Montsant

Bancal del Bosc 2013 Grenache, Carignan and Syrah, selected from strains taken from 3 DO Montsant different terraces

Gold Medal Grenaches Du Monde.

Bancal del Bosc White 2013 NEW PRODUCT 100% White Grenache DO Montsant

Parker: 92 points; Gold Medal Grenaches Du Monde.

96 97

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