Issued free to over 3,500 homes by courtesy of the Advertisers and the efforts of over 100 Voluntary helpers

Merry thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Editorial his edition of the Window for Wallingford spans two years and two seasons: the end of 2015 and Christmas, Tand then New Year and into January. As we move from one phase to the next, I’ve been particularly struck by this month’s ‘Reasons to be Proud of Wallingford’. There are always lots of reasons to be proud of our wonderful town, but what shines through this time is the amount of effort some of our community are prepared to make on behalf of others, and what a good time they seem to have doing it. At the concert on 28th November we had singers from the age of about 6 to some who may have been quite a bit beyond 60, and the fun they were having (while entertaining the audience brilliantly) was very obvious, and while everyone working on the bonfire and firework display was very grown up, some of the recipients of Poppy Awards are quite a bit younger too,

So, if the turn of the year has inspired you to new year resolutions, no matter what your age you could do much worse than joining one of Wallingford’s great local organisations so that you can have a lot of fun and do some real good too. What could be better? Lynda Atkins Editor [email protected]

A Christmas Message from The As Christmas inevitably approaches, many of us look forward to spending time with our families. This year Station Commander, RAF Benson will be the first for several years where the Puma Force will be deployed on operations over the festive period. t is hard to believe While they do everything they can to make it feel like that I have already Christmas, it isn’t the same as being at home. Likewise, Icommanded Royal several of our personnel will remain on duty throughout Air Force Benson for the period to ensure our continued safety. I will be over a year and, by raising a glass to all my personnel who are away from this time next year, their loved ones this Christmas. If you are able to spare I will have handed a thought, or raise a glass of your own, I am certain that over command to the personnel and their families would appreciate it. my successor. As I am sure many of you Finally, a formal ‘thank you’ from the team here at RAF will agree, Benson Benson for your unerring support. We wish you and is, without doubt, yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. one of the finest RAF stations and this Gp Capt Simon Paterson is in no small part RAF Benson due to the beautiful Oxfordshire surroundings and the incredible support we receive from you, the local community. Wallingford Wassail The past few months have been incredibly difficult for the Station as we have dealt with the loss of two of our most outstanding airmen. The support, kindness and compassion of the local community have made this immense loss more bearable. It has also helped the airmen, engineers and support staff who continue to fulfil the ongoing training mission in Afghanistan to know that their families at home are surrounded by such a wonderful community.

My whole team have once again achieved an immense amount over the past year, supporting UK interests at home and abroad. The move of the Chinook his year’s Wallingford Wassail is on Boxing Operational Conversion Flight to RAF Benson has been Day, Saturday 26 December, from 11am until an obvious cause for concern for some local residents; Tmidday in St Mary’s church. As ever, we will sing however, we are extremely grateful for the support West Gallery carols, drink spiced cider and generally that the introduction of this new aircraft type has celebrate Christmas in a different but very festive way. brought from you all. Your tolerance, understanding First timers and old hats equally welcome! and support are greatly appreciated. We are extremely proud of what we are able to achieve and I hope that Catherine and Will Lidbetter we continue to make you proud too. 833855

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 1 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Christmas Church Services A Christmas Message from Churches Together in the Wallingford Area St Mary’s Wallingford Thursday 24th December, : y the time you read this, I will have become a 4pm St Mary’s Crib Service for families and children Great Grandfather. My Granddaughter has 11.30pm, St Mary’s Sung Midnight Communion Bchosen to have her baby boy at home in South Devon. There she will be in a familiar environment, Friday 25th December: Christmas Day: with Grandma and possibly Great Grandma on hand. 8am Holy Communion, St Leonard’s There will also be a midwife to bring all the professional 10am Christmas Family Communion, St Mary’s. A expertise necessary for such an occasion. And if the service for all ages worst should happen it’s not far to a hospital with all the relevant medical facilities. Wallingford Baptist Church Compare that with when was born. Nobody there Sunday 20th December: to help, except a carpenter – not the best training for 4:30pm Family with Nativity delivering a baby. In a strange town, pushed to one side 6:30pm Traditional lessons & Carols by Candlelight by people rushed off their feet. And in a stable of all Friday 25th December: Christmas Day: places. Forget the pretty, pristine pictures of stables we 10:30am Christmas Celebration see on calendars. This was more like a grubby cave, with a rope across the entrance to stop the animals Wallingford Methodist Church escaping. They might have had a candle for light. At least you couldn’t see what you were treading in. Sunday 20th December 6pm Candlelight Carol Service But despite this very inauspicious start to life, here we Friday 25th December: Christmas Day are 2,000 years later still celebrating the birth of this baby. As we give gifts to each other, we are celebrating 10am Family Service God’s ultimate gift of life to everyone in the world. Thursday 31th December, New Year’s Eve Yes, we can look around and see a world trying to tear 11.30pm Watchnight service itself apart. But Christmas is the time to remember God’s blessing to us of joy, peace and hope. Wallingford Quakers So, may I bless you in the Name of Jesus, with Sundays 20th and 27th December 10.30am – Usual knowledge and understanding of the real meaning of Morning Service Christmas. May I bless your relationships with family, friends and neighbours, that you will enjoy a real sense St John the Evangelist Roman of togetherness. May I bless you so that whatever Thursday 24th December, Christmas Eve your circumstances you will experience the presence of God lifting your spirit and spreading His peace around 8pm – you. Finally may God lead you into the New Year with Friday 25th December: Christmas Day a desire to know more of Him and His love for you. 11am – Christmas Morning Mass On behalf of all the churches in the Wallingford area I Aston Tirrold wish you a very happy and joyful Christmas. Thursday 24th December, Christmas Eve Graham Atkins 7pm Carols and Readings Secretary CTWA Friday 25th December: Christmas Day 10.30am Christmas Day Worship The Window for Wallingford needs Sunday 27th December a volunteer! 10.30am Morning Worship Following the very sad death of John Tobias, one Ridgeway Community Church of our longest serving distributors, we need the help of a willing volunteer to do one of the town Sunday 20th December centre rounds. It only takes half an hour or so at 10.30am United Christmas Celebration at the Civic the end of each month, and we know your efforts Hall, Didcot will be much appreciated by all the recipients. 6.30pm Candlelit Carols with mince pies at Ridgeway Church, Wallingford If you can help us, please contact Friday 25th December: Christmas Day 10-11am Christmas Family Celebration at Ridgeway Andrew Blackwell on 825991 or Church, Wallingford Howard Roberts on 835145 Thank You!

2 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford A Christmas Message from The Mayor Wallingford Museum

of Wallingford hilst Wallingford Museum is closed for its winter s anyone who has ever been Mayor of break, the highly Wallingford will tell you, it is a huge privilege W successful Museum bookshop, Ato serve as Mayor of our wonderful town, and with its constantly changing stock Christmas is a time when all that is best here really of good second-hand books (all comes to the fore. It has been a busy year so far, and modestly priced), will remain open during January I have never stopped marvelling at the many ways and February. The shop will be open on Fridays and people in Wallingford find to create opportunities for Saturdays from 10.30am to 1.00pm. Do please continue the town to come together and have fun. to donate your second-hand books - and particularly those with an Agatha Christie connection! One of the most striking things about Wallingford is our sense of community: so many people do so much There will be two special exhibitions running in 2016. for others in so many different ways. We once tried, in ‘1066 - William comes to Wallingford!’ will feature the Town Office, to work out how many volunteers we William the Conqueror’s impact on Wallingford - had in the town, but gave up once we got past 500 including his crossing of the Thames here with his in the first few minutes. As we have moved through army 950 years ago after the Battle of Hastings. ‘300 our Christmas preparations, all the work being done years of Cartoons’ will be an unusual and fascinating for one-another has been so evident. I hope that the presentation revealing history through the work of cartoonists over the centuries. The Museum will re- spirit of Christmas which inspires hope and generosity open on 1st March 2016. can remain with us all throughout the year, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful and Separately arranged group visits to the Museum or Prosperous New Year. history walks (or combined) are proving increasingly popular. They can be specially tailored to your group’s Cllr Lynda Atkins requirements … out of hours, introductory talk, etc. Mayor of Wallingford If your group / society/ school would like to book for 2016 then please phone Judy Dewey as soon as possible, tel: 651127. Stu Darby

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 3 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Wallingford & District Wallingford Town Council Update Royal British Legion ou may have seen the article about Neighbourhood plans in the Autumn edition of opefully you all had a peaceful YSODC’s free newspaper ‘Outlook’. It stated that Christmas. May I wish you all a no matter how SODC ends up distributing houses HHappy New Year. The branch around South Oxfordshire, most communities in the now has a new Chairman. This is Andy district will be getting some. These houses will be in Farrow, with Andy Russell as the Vice addition to those already agreed. The article went on to Chairman. I would like to thank Frank Hames, the explain that it’s really important that local communities past Chairman, and his wife Carol, for all the work that have a chance to say where houses should go and they have put into the Branch over the past 14 years. that they can do this via a Neighbourhood Plan. They deserve to take it easy now. Neighbourhood planning is one of the manifestations

We were unable to cover as many house to house of the government’s support for localism and SODC collections with the poppies this year, but many of uses Neighbourhood Plans along with district-wide the shops, pubs and clubs had them so hopefully policies when agreeing new housing developments. no-one missed out on finding one. The weather for the street collections on the Friday and Saturday was However, neighbourhood planning is about much awful, but everyone gallantly struggled to cope with more than housing. Neighbourhood Plans help the elements. communities to come together to shape the future of their local area. It does includes where new houses Today, Saturday 28th November, we held our usual should go, but also includes businesses and shops. stall at the United Charities Fair and raised £98 for Neighbourhood plans, also describe what new the Appeal. This brings the total so far to £16,269.17. development should look like. Thank you everyone. Although Aidan and I plan to give up the poppy side of the Appeal, we will still be The preparation of a neighbourhood plan involves dealing with the wreaths. So all those that we supply community consultation and independent checking. wreaths to, this arrangement will still continue. The plan is then put to a community-wide referendum. Once a Neighbourhood Plan is in force following a The Branch meeting in January is Thursday 28th at successful referendum, it carries real legal weight. midday. Decision makers are obliged to consider proposals

for development in the neighbourhood against the If you need help then please contact us on the number below, or the National Helpline. Neighbourhood Plan.

Linda Shoebridge 2016 will be a busy year for neighbourhood planning 598479 in Wallingford. The Town Council is working with National Helpline 0808 802 8080 the consultants who prepared and took the Henley Neighbourhood Plan to referendum. It is important that all members of the community in Wallingford are able to contribute to the Plan. More information will follow in the Window for Wallingford and it will also appear on the Town Council website.

Why not make it your New Year’s resolution to join in with some positive planning for our local area?

Councillor Amanda Holland 16 High Street, Goring on Thames, RG8 9AR 01491 454095 [email protected]

Beacon Flooring-01.indd 1 3/12/15 14:32:20

4 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford What’s On at the Corn Exchange Thameside (Wallingford)U3A

LIVE ishing all our members a Very Happy New Friday 15th to Saturday 30th: Rapunzel. Come and Year. I do hope you have all had a really good let your hair down at Sinodun Players’ spectacular Wfestive season and we now look forward to annual panto which is brim full of fun and colourful 2016. This month the Coffee Morning will be held one characters. Young and old will be captivated by this the 2nd Friday 8th January (as the normal first Friday traditional tale of how a handsome prince rescues his is New Year’s Day this year). Usual venue, Centre 70: beloved from her lofty prison cell by climbing up her 10.30-12 noon. Do come along for a catch up chat long hair to reach her. with friends or meet new ones; it’s a very friendly and Among those out to help – and sometimes hinder informal gathering. – will be witches, a dancing robin, silly gnomes, ghosts, courtiers, pretty fairies and Dame Mathilda, We also set the ball rolling for the New Year with our the theatre cleaner. Celebration lunch on 15th January at The Milton Hill House Hotel, near Didcot. This always proves very Audiences will have lots of opportunities to boo, hiss, popular and is something good to look forward to after laugh, sing, clap, sneeze, quack and pat their heads what is usually the pre-Christmas rush in December. whilst rubbing their tummies. And the special effects promise to be awesome. Our Speaker meeting this month includes a talk by Times: 7.30pm with a 2.30 Saturday matinee Alastair Lack on The Anecdotal History of Oxford (no performances Sundays or Mondays). Tickets: £10 University. Alistair has given several talks to us over (Tues-Thurs), £12 (Fri& Sat), children £6. recent years and due to his popularity, we have him back again this month. The meeting will be on Wednesday, 20th January (the usual 3rd Wednesday). COMING UP March 15th-19th: Come and enjoy the well-loved If you are not already a member of our U3A, why not songs from Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang make it a New Year Resolution to come along and find Bang in this Spectacular Evening Celebrating the out more about us. I am sure you will soon discover Music of Richard and Robert Sherman. Directed new friends, a wide variety of Interest Groups to choose by Marilyn Johnstone, this show is a joint venture from as well as our normal monthly Speaker meetings between the Corn Exchange and professionally together with regular Outings to a wide mix of Places acclaimed Crescendo Music. of Interest which always make a good day out. Fun-packed memorable evening for all the family. Tickets, adults £15, children under-14 £12. We look forward to seeing you very soon: in the On sale now. meantime, I wish you all a Very Happy and healthy New Year. CINEMA February 4th: Yvonne Griffiths NT Live, Les Liaisons Dangereuses at 7pm Chairman February 5th & 6th: Star Wars, The Force Awakens (12Atbc)

Tickets and further information, including any last minute additions to cinema programme, available from or box office on 825000.

Carol Evans

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 5 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Neighborhood Police Advice Shillingford Park Homes who collected the money to purchase them at their coffee mornings. t is with sadness that we have to say goodbye this month to one of our team members. PCSO Louis I really hope we do not see any snow imminently but IPage who has been with the team since November if we do can I please ask that you are neighbourly and 2014 is moving on to be Police Officer within Thames look after the elderly who live nearby. If you have Valley Police. We wish him well in his new career and any concerns for their welfare please do not hesitate thank him for his contribution to Wallingford over the to phone us. In very bad weather we do liaise with past year. His replacement is PCSO Tarran Golby and local day centres and other agencies to help where we we welcome him to our team. can in getting food and medicine to local residents. However we only have a limited amount of resources As I am writing this article at 1600hrs it is already dark so if you have elderly neighbours for whom you can outside. Darker nights unfortunately make our homes do a bit of shopping for or pop to the pharmacy and more vulnerable to burglary. There a few simple steps get medicine it really helps. you can take to protect your home. If you have any groups who would like a crime • Don’t advertise you are not at home. Leave a light reduction talk or a game of crime reduction bingo on or invest in a light timer switch in the new year, please email me on sue.harris@ • Close and lock all your doors and windows when going to bed • Keep valuables out of sight. This includes May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas presents. Although it may seem lovely Christmas and happy and peaceful new year from to leave them all under the tree looking lovely. everyone working on the Wallingford Neighbourhood They will also look lovely to a potential burglar. Policing Team. PCSO Sue Harris • We are experiencing shed breaks in our area so please look at shed and garage security. • Do not leave presents or Christmas shopping in unattended vehicles. If they do get stolen you may find they are not covered on car or The Thames Consort at home insurance. Dorchester Abbey • If you are going away over the Christmas period, ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your home. n Sunday 31st January 2016 at 7pm the Ask them to undraw/draw curtains and take post Wallingford based ensemble The Thames in. Consider leaving a key with them. If something OConsort will be giving a concert in aid of does happen and emergency services need The Friends of Dorchester Abbey. The programme access to your home it could save your door from will include vocal and instrumental music by Purcell, our enforcer! Hassler, Buxtehude, Vivaldi and Mozart. Some of the music will have a slightly seasonal flavour! The singers • Do not advertise the fact you are going away of The Thames Consort are joined by Sharon Warnes on social media such as Facebook etc or upload and Claire Parkin (Violins) and Judith Dallosso (Cello), photographs of your holiday whilst still away. directed by Jeremy Boughton. Please also ensure you cover your pin number when out shopping and please do not leave your Do come and uplift your spirits on a winter evening handbag on your shopping trolley. I quite often walk and hear some beautiful music performed in the around supermarkets and see shopping trollies with splendid surroundings of the Abbey. Entry is free and unattended handbags left in the child seat. We there will be a collection at the end of the concert and have some purse bells available at the police station. all proceeds (after expenses) to go to the Friends of These were kindly donated by the kind residents of Dorchester Abbey. Jeremy Boughton

6 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Agatha Christie - 40 years on Wallingford Guiding

12 January 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the e are very pleased to announce that Sally death of Dame Agatha Christie at ‘Winterbrook House’. Hollingham is taking over as leader of the This Georgian residence, then in the Cholsey parish, Wnew Brownie Pack. A great many thanks for on the outskirts of Wallingford, had been her home, her support. with husband Sir Max Mallowan, since 1934. Her death was of world-wide interest, but her funeral All units are currently busy with Christmas bazaars, in Cholsey Church on a bleak, cold, winter’s day was a tree decorations and planning for 2016. I would like quiet family and friends affair - apart from the score of to wish all Guiders and unit helpers a Merry Christmas Press, some from as far away as South America. The Daily and a Happy New Year and thank them all for their Express remarked that ‘no one but Agatha Mary Clarissa dedication and enthusiasm. Mallowan - better known as Dame Agatha Christie - could have chosen the setting. It came straight from some of Ann Goddard the 80 books, the 70 million words which the undisputed Div Pres Queen of Crime, mystery and surprise had typed with three fingers for the last 60 years’; the Cholsey vicar, Mr Pare, was described as ‘positively Dickensian’. The full page in the Evening Post, with six photos of the event, was more respectful. The Wallingford Herald carried a succinct The White Tower under the Normans but accurate report, with the names of the chief mourners, details of the service, a photograph of the cortege and anuary’s talk to The Wallingford a note that there were only a couple of villagers present Historical and Archaeological when the hearse arrived. Agatha Christie’s desire for JSociety (TWHAS) will be by privacy was respected, even in death. Jeremy Ashbee. He will present ‘The White Tower under the Normans’. Today, her grave is visited by hundreds each year, and coach-loads of tourists pause outside Winterbrook Following his excellent talk on the Tower of House to take pictures. The time now feels right to London in the 13th and 14th centuries at the share our most famous local resident with the world. recent ‘Castles of the Thames Valley’ conference in The next Celebrating Agatha Christie Weekend on the Wallingford, Jeremy will be talking again about 9-11 September 2016, will commemorate the 40th the Norman core of the Tower, the White Tower. anniversary of her death in style, but on 12 January, there will be just a very simple wreath-laying ceremony Based on work he did some years ago ahead of at the graveside in Cholsey Churchyard at 10.30am. a major conservation campaign at the Tower, the talk will present a documentary and archaeological If you have local information about Agatha Christie or examination of the building, and comparison would like to help with the Weekend in September, with other parts of the complex and other towers then please phone 651127. elsewhere, to suggest what the intentions of the Judy Dewey Normans were when they built it, and how that contrasts with how it subsequently evolved and was used in practice. This talk will be held on Friday 8th January, 8 pm at Wallingford Town Hall. Visitors (£3) are most welcome.

Stu Darby

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30% off our Introductory session for new clients in January! (quoting ‘Window for Wallingford’) Tel: 01491 826 286 Ptolemy House, Reading Road, Wallingford, OX10 9DN

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 7

thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Measuring Happiness Reasons to be Proud of Wallingford

nce a certain level of wealth has been achieved, he Annual Poppy Appeal awards were presented does continued economic growth really make at the Royal British Legion meeting in November. Opeople happier and more satisfied with their TWithout all the helpers the collections would not lives? Or does the apparent rise in environmental be possible. The following awards were given to the damage, stress, depression and mental ill-health mean following for their service. that the engine of economic growth has become uncoupled from the train of human well-being? 5 years: Andy Farrow and daughter Charley. 10 years: Dee Cripps; Andy Russell and son Toby; Such questions have prompted academics and Peter Shelton; Edward Shoebridge. researchers to explore ways of measuring human well- 15 years: David Griffiths. being directly rather than by using GDP per capita as 25 years: Christine Kidley; Theresa Jordan. a proxy. But can well-being and life-satisfaction really 30 years: Aidan & Linda Shoebridge. be defined, measured and monitored? Can ‘Happiness Economics’ ever really be a science? And could it really The Home collecting unit went to Edward Shoebridge be, as some researchers have claimed, ‘a remarkable and the winners of this year’s Pub & Club awards were new tool for policymakers’? 1st: The Corn Exchange; 2nd: The Dolphin; 3rd: The Old Post Office. Peter Adamson’s talk on Tuesday 12th January, 7.30pm at Wallingford School Library will explore the Our thanks to you all, and the many others who help pros, cons and pitfalls of current attempts to measure each year. and compare levels of happiness and life-satisfaction in

the world’s advanced industrial societies. Aidan & Linda Shoebridge

Wallingford & District Poppy Appeal Organisers Peter Adamson was for sixteen years Senior Adviser to the Executive Director of UNICEF, with responsibility for the annual ‘State of the World’s Children’ report and ‘The Progress of Nations’. This year’s Wallingford 1155 Fireworks and Bonfire was another great event for the town. The Guy Fawkes

competition was judged by Deputy Mayor Ros Lester, Working with the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre with the winning Guy placed on the bonfire. in Florence, Peter also initiated the ‘Report Card’ series monitoring child well-being in advanced industrial Wallingford 1155 organised the event and would like economies and has been series editor for the last to extend a huge, heartfelt thanks to everyone who twelve years. helped. This list is not exhaustive as many good souls offered their time with no expectation of reward and Meetings are very informal. Speakers talk for about half are too numerous to list, making this one of the largest an hour, then we break for refreshments and return for community events in the area! Thanks go to Haynes a lively question and answer session. We are grateful Car Care Centre, Grundons and Paul Simmonds for the that the support of local company Triaster, Wallingford firewood, Blanchford building supplies and Jim Baxter School and the generosity of our speakers ensures that for cleaning up the ash the following morning. Many each event is free to attend. We are also privileged to other organisations helped including Wallingford Town be a Café Scientifique. ( AFC, Crowmarsh Pre School, Fir Tree School, Crowmarsh Youth FC, St Johns School, St Nicholas School, Amanda Holland Rainbow Pre-School, Wallingford Babybar, Wallingford Rugby Club, Wallingford School, Wallingford Scouts, Wallingford Rowing Club, Wallingford Guides, Centre 70 Thursday Club, Wallingford Fire Service and the Army Explosive Ordnance Division based in Didcot

The choreography of the fireworks to music was down to Karl Mitchell- Shead from Wallingford and his amazing team at Illusion Fireworks, and was without doubt amazing!

8 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford anyone. The message came across loud and clear and Each organisation that helped and many others will resulted in many people who had made donations on benefit from a donation. All the profits from staging the way in donating again as they left! this event are distributed to charities, youth and local organisations, so thanks to the good people The finale of the concert involved all 80 plus singers of Wallingford and the surrounding area for their and guests performing two numbers together, which generosity. This is a huge boost to the good causes was a tremendous sight and sound to behold. involved and ensures the event can be staged next All in all it was a wonderful evening, which resulted year of Saturday 5th November 2016. in the even more wonderful total of £960 towards the Fund. The Children’s Choir and Junior Choristers Without the generous donations of time, money, had raised £440 at an earlier event so we now have firewood and goodwill from the people of Wallingford, £1400 for Lynda. Sue’s original target was to buy one businesses, charities and all involved events like this defibrillator (roughly £850) but Wallingford Parish could not take place and the town would be worse off. Church Choir are aiming to nudge this up to two with Your continued support is important; please continue some timely Carol Singing! donating and volunteering. A huge thank you to all concerned. Unfortunately Santa’s Sleigh won’t be visiting Wallingford and surrounding villages in December this Sue Huntingford-Ledger year. Santa needs a break and 1155 needs more input from people willing to offer a few hours of their time to help at many of the events in Wallingford. Most of the organising is done over a beer at the Comrades club; please get in contact if you want to join in and help keep these events going in your town.

See you again next year Mark Brett Chair of Wallingford 1155 [email protected] Wallingford 1155 Wallingford Fireworks

On Saturday November 28th St. Mary’s Church, Wallingford was once again full to the rafters with audience and performers coming together to raise money for the Mayor’s Defibrillator Fund. The Wallingford Children’s Choir, the Wallingford Singers and the Parish Choir Junior Choristers, together with guest artistes, sang, played and narrated their way through an amazing range of musical styles resulting in an incredibly varied concert.

After the interval there was a presentation on the need for, and the use of defibrillators from the Ambulance Service. It was obvious from the reactions of the audience that people in general were not previously aware of the number of events yearly where we have the potential to save a life, and how crucial very early intervention is. People were reassured to learn that the defibrillator talks you through precisely what to do and that there is no need to be afraid of using it. It can safely be used by

KUNDALINI YOGA “The Yoga of Awareness” Kundalini Yoga has all the usual physical benefits of a normal yoga practice. It can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age and ability, it has the flexibility to push you past your comfort zone as well as offering the choice of going at your own pace. Kundalini Yoga is a complete science that involves breath (pranayam), yoga postures (asanas), hand and arm movements, sound, mantra, meditation and relaxation. It can be dynamic in its practice, vast in practical information and powerful in its experience. It combines the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of yoga in to one system. Kundalini Yoga enables you to harness the energy of your mind and emotions so you can be in control of yourself, rather and being controlled by your thoughts and feelings. Classes on Mondays, 7.15-8.45pm at Wallingford Leisure Centre, Wallingford School, St.George’s Road, Wallingford, OXON OX10 8HH. For more information contact Rachel (0741-5355487).

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 9 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Didcot and Wallingford Ramblers New Year Tennis Coaching

ri 1st 10:00 SU648912 Moderate 7.5 miles. Meet t Portcullis Tennis Club we want to ensure at Ewelme recreation ground car park. Walk everyone can get the opportunity to play Fvia Ewelme Park and Harcourt Hill. Registered Atennis. We are therefore offering any new or Assistance Dogs only. Contact Barry Cowlard returning players signing up to weekly group coaching 838707 the opportunity to sign-up to a weekly group coaching session in January or February 2016 and get your first Sun 10th 13:30 SU526882 Moderate 6 miles. Meet at 12 weeks for just £45.00! East Hagbourne, Upper Cross near Church. This is a monthly village ramble that varies from 5 to 7 miles. The club runs weekly after school coaching sessions Contact Paul Chambers 01235 816365 for 5-18 year olds of all abilities. Coaching is available throughout the week and on Saturday mornings. Thur 14th 10:00 SU648912 Moderate 7 miles. Meet at Ewelme recreation ground car park. Walk to Upperton More information about the club and our coaching and Britwell Salome. Contact John Rust 836563 timetable can be found on our website at: www. . Spaces are limited so book early Sun 31st 10:30 SU668873 Moderate 6.5 miles. Meet to avoid disappointment. at Nuffield in the car park by church. This is a circular walk to English Farm and Ipsden Heath. Registered Portcullis Tennis Club is a thriving place to play tennis Assistance Dogs only. Contact Kate Hart 838689 / in Wallingford. With 5 courts, over 250 members and 07966 756770 a thriving junior, adult and match sections, Portcullis Sue White Tennis Club is the best place to play.

For more information and to book a free taster please contact the tennis hub on 0800 888 6030 or email Wallingford Town Information Centre [email protected] Sarah Gniadek-Pitt e hope you all have a very pleasant Christmas Programme Manager and Best wishes for the New Year. W Community Tennis Association We would also like to remind you that we are now operating winter hours, opening at 10am and closing at 2pm, Monday to Saturday and will revert to ‘summer hours’ on Monday 29th February 2016. Wallingford Flower Club

Lynne, Penny, Jackie and Wendy ane Rowton Lee - Westminster Abbey Flower Co- 826972 ordinator will be giving a talk with slides “Arranging [email protected] JFlowers in Westminster Abbey” at Wallingford Flower Club meeting on Wednesday 13th January at 7pm for 7.45pm in Crowmarsh Village Hall.

Members and Visitors welcome, visitors £4 each. For further information call 834303. Sales Table/Coffee available Fay Crabbe Programme Secretary

10 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Wallingford Carnival Youth Wallingford Local Producers Market Ambassador 2016 s the Regal Centre open? Yes it is! Come in and discover Wallingford Local Producers Market on n 2014 Wallingford moved away from the outdated Saturday 9th, 16th and 23rd of January, from 10am ‘beauty contest’ of the Carnival Princess Competition I to 1pm, and every Saturday in February. While the and replaced it with a Carnival Youth Ambassador I Regal Centre will be partially hidden for essential and two Aides. Competitors are selected to represent maintenance behind metal fences and scaffolding from the Wallingford area by making a presentation on mid-January onwards, the only entrances will be the the contribution they make to their community, how main doors from St Martin’s Street and the south door they get involved and why they are proud of their facing Goldsmiths Lane car park. community. We are very sorry that neither of these entrances The competition is open to all students in Year 7 at is suitable for mobility scooters. The work is due to Wallingford School and other Year 7 students who be completed by 8th March, when the easy access attend other schools but live within the OX10 postcode. entrance on the north side of the building will be It is gender sensitive and open to males and females. open again. The Ambassador and Aides will represent the youth in Wallingford Local Producers’ Market has a wide range the area and will be expected to attend Carnival Day of products including local organic vegetables, meat, (Saturday, June the 18th 2016) and other major events eggs, bread and cakes, ready to eat food, preserves, in the town along with other dignitaries. jewellery, ceramics, plants and soft furnishings. It’s a great place for gifts as well as your weekly shop. Just If you would like to express an interest in the competition send an email to [email protected] and you’ll then please contact me in the first instance for more keep up to date with market news, special offers and information. new products, so you can plan your shopping and have time to enjoy breakfast, cake and coffee at our Theresa Jordan café. We look forward to seeing you soon. www. Wallingford Carnival Committee 836240 [email protected] Wendy Tobitt

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 11 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford A Baroque Feast for the New Year! A Thought for the Slower Among Us

he Band of Music is a group of young professionals local reader has contacted the Window for specialising in baroque music on authentic Wallingford with a plea that when we are out Tinstruments. They have engagements across the Aand about around the town we all pause think country and abroad, but by a lucky chance (for us!) a bit about those among us who take a bit longer to several of them have settled in Cholsey, including oboist get around. Frances Norbury, and they are keen to raise their profile locally. They have arranged a series of three concerts at The lovely gentleman was patiently waiting in the Post St Mary’s Church, Wallingford, and the final one is at Office for the barrier to be lifted so that he could send 4pm on Sunday 3 January with harpsichord, oboe and some post, but found that when it went up younger, strings. Music is by Bach, Albinoni, Handel and Corelli fitter people passed him by to get to the tills. They – his Christmas Concerto. They have experimented probably didn’t realise that was what he was waiting with different starting times and this one will be for – until the barrier is opened, there isn’t really a accompanied by tea and cake, included in the ticket queue to be part of – so he was standing nearby. price of £12 (accompanied children free). Tickets are Despite arriving early to avoid a rush, he ended up available at the Town Information Centre or via their behind several others. website where you can learn more about them. So, if you are rushing around busily as we all do, please do pause just for a second and make sure that Proceeds will be shared between the Band and St someone with a stick or a child’s buggy or a walking Mary’s Tower fund. They are also booked for the frame isn’t heading in the same direction and perhaps summer season of Music at St Peter’s in 2016 so here’s in need of a bit of consideration. your chance to get a preview! Lynda Atkins Roger Morgan ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Henley Philatelic Society

Special Offer at the Sports Park f your New Year’s resolution is to find a new hobby and you enjoy collecting Stamps, Postcards and allingford Sports Park is offering their function Iother Post related items do visit us one evening rooms free of charge (ie no room hire charge) soon. We wish you all a good New Year. Wthroughout the month of January 2016. If you wish to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, have a January 13 – Chairman’s evening, an interesting and business/conference to arrange or any event, please enjoyable evening to start the New Year. bear this unique venue in mind. January 27 – Member’s evening – up to 9 page display If you want to visit for a tour of our facilities please let on the letters I and/or J and/or K me know or why not pop in for a drink. We are open to all. Meetings are usually held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at Bix Village Hall at 7.45 Dave Greedy Sports Park Manager p.m. from September to June inclusive. Visitors and 835044 new members are welcome. Details 681739 or on our 07746646632 website: - or visit our website - Wallingford Sports Park Penny Black

12 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Swap Shop is Back Trees: a camera’s perspective

ustainable Wallingford’s next Swap Shop is to be held t the January meeting on Saturday 30th January in the Regal Centre, from of the Wallingford S09.45 to 11.30. As usual it is free to everyone and AGardening Club, Richard provides the opportunity to pass on unwanted items to a Roslyn will talk about ‘Trees : a good home, and/or pick up something useful, instead of camera’s perspective’. Richard adding to the waste problem. No clothes, shoes or paint is Head Gardener at Blewbury please. For large items, bring a photo or description to Manor. He has been working display. You can swap small portable electrical items after there for 22 years, and during testing to show that they work - they must have a CE” that time has seen some great mark; no TVs or computers please. Items for swapping changes, such that the gardens have developed into must be brought before 10.30, to give more people a something quite wonderful. Richard’s talk will describe chance to take them. Fluorescent light tubes, low energy light bulbs, CDs, video and audio cassettes and mobile the aesthetic beauty of trees, both native and exotic, phones will be collected for recycling. and the role they play in our gardens.

Offers of help are always welcome, to ensure that we The talk will be held at Ridgeway Community Church, can continue to run these events. If you are interested Wallingford at 7.30pm on Thursday 14th January. in helping, even just for half an hour, please call Visitors very welcome £2. Lorna on 201316, or speak to one of the helpers on Isabelle Darby January 30th. 836867 Mark Palmer

SOS Quiz is Back!

he local branch of the RNLI will be holding their annual S O S Quiz evening on Saturday 6th February Tat the Masonic Hall, 7 for 7.30, teams of 6. The usual supper of Sausages, Onion Gravy and Jacket Spuds will be served, there will also be raffle. Tickets, at £10 each, are available from me on 835145 or Betty Pike on 835781

Jan Roberts

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 13 Fireplace Magic new ad 23/7.indd 1 6/8/15 14:21:43 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Blues and Beers will be Back The Didcot Lottery

he weekend of 10th & 11th June 2016 will he Didcot Lottery was set up by two local mums see the 26th Wallingford Blues & Beer Festival who felt there was a need for more financial in The Regal Centre with, arguably, its’ best Tsupport for local good causes. The aim of the T lottery is to provide a source of local financial support, ever line-up. Since the inception of the event it has raised more than £47,000 for local music-based and which is open for local groups, charities and individuals to apply to. children’s charities. The lottery is open for anyone within the SODC/ Britain’s godfather of rhythm and blues, Wilko Johnson, Vale District, who is over the age of 16. This includes headlines Friday night and follows sell-out nights of his Wallingford and the local villages. Members can also former bands at the Festival; The Blockheads (2014) apply for funding. All forms are available to download on and Dr Feelgood (2015). In support will be Liam Ward, our website . You can also email “the best harmonica player in Britain”. Described as any questions to us at [email protected] “tremendous... splendid, wistful”, Liam’s blues harp based four-piece brings juke-joint blues to town. At only £2 per month membership is payable by Thomas Ford revisits the festival to open at 7pm - a standing order. There will be a monthly draw with 3 one man blues cyclone with his Delta guitar picking cash prizes for members. The remainder of the money will then be placed into the charity pot. We have an style. Tickets £25. allocation committee who meet monthly, and choose a charity from submitted applications. For this to work Laurence Jones returns to headline Saturday night. though we need people to take part and join! This 24 year old is predicted to be the future of blues. “A cross between Eric Clapton and Buddy Guy,” says Simply set up your standing order using the bank Walter Trout. Rising stars Red Butler will be a fantastic details on the form. Fill in the form and send back to support to Laurence. BabaJack open on Saturday us for our admin records and we will issue you your night with their unique brew of blues, roots and folk. membership number. It’s that’s easy! Tickets £20. We hope that the lottery will become a success as The Saturday afternoon ‘Family Session’ tries to we have the potential ability to help so many people within the South Oxfordshire community. showcase more local bands with Hiproute (Swindon), Matt Edwards Band (Chalgrove) and Big Joe Bone Claire Hughes signed up for an eclectic blues line-up, along with the winners of a Wallingford School competition. Only £7 for adults with accompanied children free.

There are five major 2015 British Blues award winners at this years’ festival which underlines the increasing success of this fabulous event.

Weekend tickets are only £40 for all three sessions with all tickets for sale on-line and in KP and the Tourist Information Centre from February. Please book early to avoid disappointment as we sold out both nights in advance in 2015. Meanwhile keep visiting www. for regular updates.

Geoff Goddard Chairman

14 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Introducing Wallingford Can you help us? Triathlon Club allingford Museum is looking for people to help with the running of this popular allingford Triathlon Club is a brand new attraction and we would love to hear from multi discipline sports club based in Cholsey. W you if you have half a day or more to spare once a We are a group of like-minded people who W month. Our band of volunteer custodians are critical wish to train and race together as a group, and have to the museum’s success and we need people to greet begun our training regime in earnest, building towards visitors and be in attendance for a morning or afternoon the 2016 triathlon season. once a month between March and November. Our new displays for 2016 We offer up to 6 coached/led training sessions each will include ‘1066 - William comes to Wallingford!’ and week including; ‘300 years of Cartoons’. No previous experience necessary other than a desire • Improvers running session to meet people! • Intermediate running session • Coached drill sessions (British Athletics Qualified Please contact Gerard Latham on 832224 or email Coach) [email protected] • Spin Class • Coached swim training (ASA level 1 Coach) Steve Capel-Davies • Bi-weekly club rides

We are a British Triathlon Affiliated club, which means, as a member, you can take advantage of the discounted Home Nations membership, thus saving you money on Day memberships required to race and providing you with insurance when you train/race. Club membership is available as Full or Social, both giving you access to local discounts and offers and the opportunity to make friends whilst either getting fit or honing those existing multi-discipline skills.

We aim to race not only triathlons, but everything from 5km Fun Runs to Half and Full Marathons, Super Sprint Triathlon to Half and Full Ironman distance, and everything in between! If you are currently a single discipline athlete or purely curious, please come and join us for a training session as we are sure the ‘triathlon bug’ will bite you, as it has us! You can find out more information by visiting www.wallingfordtriathlonclub. or searching for our page on Facebook.

We look forward to welcoming you in January!

Gary King Chairman

please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements 15 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford

hat’s on JANUARY 2016 Every Monday, Friday and Saturday Coffee at St Mary’s Every Sunday Wallingford Runners meet for a run. Contact Church 10 – 12 number is now 07720 204783 or 07919 692532 First Monday The Music Club for children with disabilities 1st Sunday 1.30, Market Place, cyclists relaxed road ride, and additional needs call Sophia Nicholls 07768 298 297 all welcome or Julie Hinton 01189 722322 Second Sunday Wallingford Model Club meet at the Fire Every Monday Optimists over 50 Badminton, Regal Station 10 till 5. All welcome. Tel George Clark 200861 Centre 2.15 – 4 3rd Sunday 1.30, Market Place, cyclists longer road ride, Every Monday Table Tennis at the Regal Centre, 7.15 - 10.00pm experienced riders. Every 3rd Monday NCT sling library at Bean and ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Brew, 10 – 11 2nd Toy Library for Children with Special Needs Every Tuesday Lunches at Methodist Church Centre 12.30 pm and their families. Contact Pamela Every Tuesday Wallingford and District Art Club, on 07717280995 Centre 70 at 7.30 3rd Baroque Music from the Band of Music at St Mary’s Every Tuesday 2 – 4 Age UK Games Afternoon at Millington House 6th Wallingford WI Beetle and chat social evening, 7.30 at Ridgeway Church Centre contact Carole 835265 Second Tuesday PiP’s Carers’ Support Group, St Mary’s Church, 2pm 6th Wallingford U3A Moscow to Vladivostok on the Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday Young at Heart Club 2 - 4 Trans Siberian Express phone Hermione at the Masonic Centre. on 01865 858 024 2nd/4th Wednesdays Henley Philatelic Society Bix Village 8th TWHAS talk: the White Tower Hall at 7.45 (not July/August) Every Wednesday 6pm at The Methodist Church - Boys’ 9th Deadline for copy for the Window for Wallingford Brigade ages 5 to 18 12th Friendship Group Visit to the Holy Land Every Wednesday: RunWallingford meet at The Leisure tel 835074 Centre at Wallingford School at 19.00. Contact 07970 807108. All abilities welcome. 12th Café Scientifique – Can Happiness be Measured? Every Thursday Coffee Morning, Methodist Church 14th Gardening Club Trees: A Camera’s Perspective Centre 10.30 to 12 19th Farmers’ Market Every Thursday Wallingford Photographic Club 7.45 Crowmarsh Pavilion (not July/August) 20th Thameside (Wallingford)U3A: Anectodal History Every Friday Wallingford Country Market 8.30 – 11.15 of Oxford University in the Regal Centre. 26th Friendship Group Wallingford Now and Then Every Friday and Saturday Coffee at the Corn tel 835074 Exchange, 10 – 2 28th Collection and Distribution day for The Every Friday and Saturday Coffee at St Mary’s Church 10 – 12 Window for Wallingford Every Friday - Charter Market in the Market Place Every Saturday WAGS Store open at Centre 70, 10-12 28th RBL Branch Meeting. 12 midday. Masonic Centre Most Saturdays Local Producers’ Market, Regal Centre 10 – 1 30th Swap Shop in the Regal

INDOW FOR WALLINGFORD is published Editor: Lynda Atkins on a non-profit making basis and is compiled 39 Station Road, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0JX and distributed entirely by volunteers. Telephone: 01491 839120 [email protected] All material published is copyright and may not be copied, stored, reproduced or transmitted in whole Distribution Manager: Andrew Blackwell, or in part by any means whatsoever without the 7 Chalmore Gardens, Wallingford, OX10 9EP written consent of the Editor. Telephone: 01491 - 825991 For adverts/inserts, contact Albry Printing Co. Ltd. The opinions expressed in this magazine are not Telephone: 01491 - 836282 necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor is pleased to receive material for publication, but reserves the Publication Date: 1st of the month right to amend or reject it at her discretion.

161 please mention window for wallingford if you respond to any of our advertisements

38 Sinodun Road, Wallingford Tel: 01491 837932 Fruit & Vegetables • Newspapers • Magazines Beers & Wines • Mobile Top-up Vouchers Plus the National Lottery


WE ARE HERE OA Opening hours: D DIDCOT GARAGE Mon-Sat. 6.00am-8.00pm WANTAGE ROAD Sunday 6.30am-1.00pm STATION ROAD