wasAfter far a longfrom break, idle, Gabrielle during which is set she to self-titled . thanTlie a singeryear aller bas takingbeen silent a well-eamed for more GABRIELLE tourholiday to promote following her an international exhaustive world hit, Dreams. During the hiatus, the singer RETURNING WITH AIIMITLESS FOUNTAIN OF MELODY' secondhas given album, birth workingwith and completed En her Vogue producers Poster & McElroy and label particularly in the US where she may mate Ashley Beedie. repositionclassic, timeless her aller record being that away wm The singer has also d follow Seal and Des'ree in selling R&B Gabrielle's long-time creative partners, It worked like a dream. Gabriel eyepatch and assumed f backdistinctive to the BritishAmericans twist. with However, a the BenThe BoilerhouseWolff- who contributedBoys - Andy 10 Dean songs and to producedlimitless fountain some of the of melody best si œgsw


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