INSIDE Campus District E

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INSIDE Campus District E JoinUs!∂ In The Community Paper For The Campus District! Help Celebrate This Wonderful Neighborhood With Us, Your Neighbors VOLUME TWO • ISSUE ELEVEN NOVEMBER 2012 INSIDE Campus District E. 22nd St. Project Wins CSU'S 25TH AnnuaL FALL $1.5 million of Funds From NOACA CAREER FAIR–Page 4 By Bobbi Reichtell Backpack Program Let Cedar Children Bring Home Food for Weekend –Page 6 Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World–Page 9 Bobbi Reichtell Named New Executive Director for Campus District Inc. By Janet Cannata This is an artist's rendering of what East 22nd Street would look like after the enhancements project is completed. This rendering is looking northbound near Prospect Avenue, with Trinity Cathedral on the right side. Image courtesy of City Architecture. A major funding milestone was ect, which has a total estimated proj- District, Inc (CDI) and Mayor Frank reached last month towards bringing ect cost of $5.8 million. The City of Jackson’s administration, prioritized new bike lanes, pedestrian improve- Cleveland, as the sponsor of the proj- this location for street improvements ments, landscaping and lighting ect, has committed $485,000 of local because of resident needs and desires to East 22nd Street from Euclid to matching funds. Additional funding by the area’s anchor institutions. Orange avenues. The Northeast Ohio is being sought for the project from “I’m pleased to learn of the Areawide Coordinating Agency (NO- state and federal sources with 2015 as NOACA award of $1.5 million of ACA) Governing Board approved the target year for construction. Transportation Enhancement funds,” $1.5 million for the Campus District’s Councilwoman Phyllis Cleve- Cleveland said. “It demonstrates that East 22nd Street Enhancements Proj- land, Ward 5, working with Campus Continued on Page 2 Campus District in Middle of Political Battleground Before Election By Bronson Peshlakai Bobbi Reichtell takes over the reins as executive director of Campus District, Inc. Bobbi Reichtell has been named executive director for the Campus District Inc. (CDI). In this role, Reichtell will lead efforts to work with the area’s anchor institutions, resi- dents and other stakeholders around community engagement, planning, neighborhood branding and physical development of the area. Reichtell, a Cleveland resident, has been an active leader in the community development field in Cleveland for over 25 years. Her experience includes housing reha- bilitation and new construction, President Barak Obama spoke to a crowd estimated to be about 9000 at CSU's Krenzler Field on Oct. 5, where rallygoers creating neighborhood parks and spent more than two hours waiting in the rain for Obama. In the background, the tall letters spelling "Vote Early" were made bike and pedestrian trails, brown- by FastSigns, a Campus District business. Photo by Craig Andersen field remediation and community In the several weeks leading up Kicking off the whirlwind stops held a campaign rally at Krenzler Field organizing at the neighborhood to the Presidential Election on Nov. this Election season in the District -- at Cleveland State University on Oct. 5. level. For the past seven years she 6, the Campus District has played setting the stage for making Northeast An estimated 9,000 people waited served as senior vice president for host to big name politicians, each Ohio a true battleground for Barack in rainy conditions for nearly two Programs at Neighborhood Prog- trying to win more votes for their Obama and Mitt Romney’s quest for hours before Obama took the stage in ress, Inc., in which she managed a presidential candidate. the presidency -- President Obama Continued on Page 10 Continued on Page 2 PAGE 2 CAMPUS District Observer Bobbi Reichtell Named New Executive Director for Campus District Inc. Continued from Page 1 CAMPUS $2 million annual grant program that Reichtell is looking forward to County Juvenile Detention Center, will invested in strategic areas around the working on the many initiatives started carry the energy of CSU south of Carn- City of Cleveland. by the Campus District leadership and egie Avenue and create new vitality in DISTRICT “I am incredibly excited to be former director Rockette Richardson. the neighborhood,” she said. selected as the director of the Campus “There are two projects that A native of Cleveland, Reichtell OBSERVER District,” Reichtell said. “The magnitude are critical to continue the momen- lives in the Detroit-Shoreway neigh- of investment that is occurring in the tum. The upcoming East 22nd Street borhood with her husband Mark Mc- Campus District by Cleveland State Transportation for Livable Communi- Dermott and has two adult children, The mission of the Campus District University, Cuyahoga Community Col- ties Initiative (TLCI ) project will build Peter and Katie McDermott. She is on Observer is to attract, articulate and amplify lege, St. Vincent Charity Hospital, and the connective fiber between CSU, St. the board of the Cuyahoga County civic intelligence and community goodwill in this community and beyond. others speaks volumes about the trans- Vincent Charity Hospital and Tri- Land Bank and Bike Cleveland, a bike Published monthly with a current formative power of anchor institutions C Metro Campus. A complete and advocacy organization. She is a co- circulation of 5,500+ copies, this newspaper in neighborhoods.” green street with bike and pedestrian founder of GardenWalk Cleveland, a is available free of charge and can be found “I am confident that with Bobbi’s amenities can be the start of a Campus free self-guided garden walk of Cleve- at over 75 business locations, restaurants and leadership and experience we will District Greenway to knit the various land neighborhoods held annually. community gathering places throughout the Campus District, including Cleveland State build on the important work that has sectors of the community together, cre- Bobbi can be reached at the Cam- University, Cuyahoga Community College’s already been done to take advantage ate a brand for the District and make pus District office at 216-344-9200. Metropolitan Campus and St. Vincent Char- of our assets and advance our com- the street function better for residents, Janet Cannata is a project ity Medical Center/Sisters of Charity Health mon agenda as the Campus District,” students and employees. manager/writer in marketing System, as well as on our website at www. said Dr. Michael Schoop, board chair, “The other critical project, the communications at Cuyahoga The views and opinions expressed in Campus District Inc. redevelopment of the former Cuyahoga Community College. this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher and staff. The Campus District Observer reserves the right to review and approve all advertis- ing content, in accordance with editorial and community standards. Copyright 2012 @ The Campus District Observer, Inc. All rights reserved. Any reproduction is forbid- den without express written permission. This artist's rendering of the Become an Observer! East 22nd Street Enhancement The Campus District Observer is Project shows a view from the looking for people to get involved in the southeast corner of E. 22nd newspaper and the neighborhood. We seek Street and Community College volunteer writers, photographers, designers and illustrators to help with production of the Avenue. This concept photo newspaper. It does not matter if you are a pro- anticipates a new building fessional or amateur, our editorial staff will be built on the corner, which is glad to help you through the process. Register not what is there today. Image online at our website to submit stories, press courtesy of City Architecture. releases, letters to the editor and photos. Upcoming Publication Campus District E. 22nd St. Project Wins $1.5 million of Funds From NOACA Submission Date Deadlines Continued from Page 1 Wednesday, Nov. 21 Wednesday, Dec. 5 the community’s input into the process half billion dollars by Cuyahoga velopment Plan, which was prepared gave this project higher priority and Community College’s Metro Campus, with the help of a $75,000 NOACA For advertising information, call their voices were heard loud and clear.” Cleveland State University, and the St. TLCI planning award. The project (216) 344 – 9200 or email us at Community residents of the Vincent Charity Medical Center. The will expand transportation choices for [email protected].. nearby Cedar Estates have consistently project is expected to spark further everyone who uses East 22nd Street, expressed interest in making neigh- investment along East 22nd Street, and that is an important step toward The Campus District Observer is borhood streets more conducive for including the now-vacant former revitalizing downtown Cleveland.” powered by: Ninth Estate Software biking and walking. It was first identi- Juvenile Court Building. Jacob VanSicle, executive director fied through the 2010 Collaborative NOACA, which is the five- of Bike Cleveland, the region’s bike ad- Publisher Campus planning process spear-head- county regional transportation vocacy organization said “We are ex- Campus District, Inc. ed by Cuyahoga Community College planning and funding organization, cited to see funding being provided for Bobbi Reichtell, Executive Director Metropolitan Campus, then next in has been working on creating more the transformation of E. 22nd Street Editor the Promise neighborhood planning desirable conditions for walking into
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