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Real : Illinois


A Q&A guide to commercial real estate 3. What other estates are permitted? Briefly describe each. for owners and purchasers in Illinois. This Q&A In Illinois, in addition to a absolute, the following freehold addresses state laws and customs that impact estates are permitted: the ownership and the purchase and sale of „„Life estates. This estate is measured by the life or lives of one or more persons. On the expiration of the , the fee interest commercial real estate, including real passes either to a third party or, if no third party is designated, taxes, transfer taxes, instruments for transferring reverts to the grantor. „„Estates for years. This estate is for a fixed amount of time and fee , execution and requirements, may be transferred. necessary disclosures, title insurance matters, (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/3.) and risk of loss. Federal, local, or municipal Fee tail estates are not permitted in Illinois. Any conveyance indicated law may impose additional or different to be a fee tail is deemed to be a fee simple absolute. (765 Ill. Comp. requirements. Answers to questions can be Stat. 5/6.) compared across a number of jurisdictions (see TAXES Real Estate Ownership: State Q&A Tool (http:// 4. In relation to real property taxes, please describe: „„The kind of property that is taxable as real property. „„Any kind of real property that is exempt from real property taxes. TYPES OF ESTATES AND TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY „„The current rate and nature of the taxes (for example, assessed value or school tax). 1. When an estate in real property is conveyed, granted, or demised, is it deemed to be transferred as an absolute fee „„The payment and collection procedures. simple estate? PROPERTY TREATED AS REAL PROPERTY When real property is conveyed, granted, or demised, it is deemed to Property subject to taxation as real property includes: be transferred as a fee simple estate unless express words limit the „„Land. grant, conveyance, or devise to a lesser estate (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. „„Permanent fixtures, which include: 5/13). „„buildings; 2. Is there specific language which must appear in a to „„structures; and convey an absolute fee simple estate? „„improvements. „„Minerals, including: No specific language is required to convey an absolute fee simple estate. Any deed that is substantially in the form of the general „„oil, and the right to remove it; provided in Chapter 765, Section 5/9 of the Illinois „„gas, and the right to remove it; and Compiled Statutes is deemed a transfer in fee simple absolute. „„coal. (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/1-130.)

© 2016 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Real Estate Ownership: Illinois

EXEMPTIONS „„Special warranty . The special warranty deed provides the Chapter 35, Sections 200/15-5 to 200/15-185 of the Illinois Compiled grantee with certain limited warranties and covenants and is most Statutes exempts multiple kinds of real property from property taxes, commonly used in commercial transactions. A special warranty including but not limited to: deed may warrant the grantor's clear fee title subject to certain specified exceptions and encumbrances. „„State property. „„Quitclaim deeds. A does not contain any „„Property owned by local government units and school districts. covenants of title. The grantor simply conveys whatever interest „„Property used exclusively for: the grantor has. (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/10.)

„„horticultural and agricultural societies; 6. Are there any specific state or local recording requirements „„schools; necessary to record a deed? In particular, please specify if: „„cemeteries; or „„Specific officers must sign for a or other entity. „„charitable purposes. „„Specific language is required to the authority of a RATE AND NATURE OF TAXES signatory for a corporation or other entity. Tax rates include multiple jurisdictional components and also vary „„A certificate of authority to do business in your state is required based on the presence of various public services including school if the grantee on the deed is a foreign company. districts, libraries, and special service areas (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. „„The corporation's seal is required on the signature page. 200/9-145 to 200/9-255). „„There are specific margins or headings required for the deed. The tax owed for real property is calculated by multiplying: „„A cover page is required for recording.

„„The equalized assessed value of the property (less any homestead „„There are any other requirements. exemptions). OFFICERS „„The aggregate rate for the tax code area in which the property lies. In Illinois, there is no requirement that a specific officer sign a deed The county clerk divides the county into tax code areas, in which all on behalf of a corporation. property is subject to the same combination of tax rates. LANGUAGE FOR SIGNATURE BLOCK For more information see Illinois Department of Revenue: Under- standing Your Property Tax Bill. No specific language is required on the signature page of the deed. However, the signature block should identify:

PAYMENT AND COLLECTION „„The person signing. Taxes are payable in two installments each year, due by specific dates „„The capacity of the signatory. set by the county. Taxes are paid in arrears for the previous year. Delinquent taxes are a on the real property and are subject to a AUTHORIZATION TO DO BUSINESS penalty of 1.5% per month. (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/21-15.) A certificate of authority to do business in Illinois is not required to record a deed. INSTRUMENTS AND EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS CORPORATE SEAL 5. What deeds (or other instruments) are used to convey fee title and which is most commonly used? Briefly describe each. No corporate seal is required (805 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/3.10(c)).

In Illinois, fee title is typically conveyed by: MARGINS OR HEADINGS

„„General warranty deeds. The general warranty deed provides the Each recorded instrument must have a blank space of 3.5 inches by grantee with the broadest protection for claims against title and 3.5 inches on the top right corner of its first page (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. is most commonly used in residential transactions. The general 5/9 to 5/11). warranty deed warrants that: COVER PAGE „„the grantor was the lawful owner of an indefeasible estate in fee No cover page is required. simple; „„the grantor has good right and full power to convey the estate; OTHER REQUIREMENTS „„the estate is free from all encumbrances; and Generally, conveyance instruments must:

„„the grantor will defend the grantee's title from claims of third „„Be in writing and signed by the grantor (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/1). parties. „„Include the names of the grantor and grantee (see 765 Ill. Comp. (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/8 and 5/9.) Stat. 5/9 and 5/10). „„Be recorded in the county in which the real estate is located (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/28).

2 © 2016 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Real Estate Ownership: Illinois

„„Contain with reasonable certainty a description of the property LIMITED PARTNERSHIP being conveyed (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/35c). STATE OF [STATE] ) „„Be accompanied by evidence of payment of transfer taxes or a COUNTY OF [COUNTY] ) statement of exemption (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/31-25). This instrument was acknowledged before me on [DATE] 7. Provide the statutory form of acknowledgment for: by [SIGNATORY NAME] as [SIGNATORY TITLE] of [LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NAME]. „„An individual. „„A corporation. [SEAL] ______„„A limited liability company. Notary Public „„A limited partnership. My Commission Expires: [DATE] „„A trustee. TRUSTEE Chapter 5, Section 312/6-105 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes STATE OF [STATE] ) provides short statutory forms of acknowledgment. However, they are not exclusive and do not preclude the use of other forms. COUNTY OF [COUNTY] )

INDIVIDUAL This instrument was acknowledged before me on [DATE] by [SIGNATORY NAME] as [SIGNATORY TITLE] of [NAME OF STATE OF [STATE] ) ENTITY]. COUNTY OF [COUNTY] ) [SEAL] ______This instrument was acknowledged before me on [DATE] by [SIGNATORY NAME]. Notary Public My Commission Expires: [DATE] [SEAL] ______Notary Public DISCLOSURES, NECESSARY FILINGS, AND TRANSFER TAXES My Commission Expires: [DATE] 8. Must the ultimate (whether direct or indirect) beneficial owner of an entity that owns real property be publicly disclosed? Briefly CORPORATION describe what is required and in what circumstances. STATE OF [STATE] ) In Illinois, the only information that must be publicly disclosed is the COUNTY OF [COUNTY] ) name and address of the entity or individual holding title to the real This instrument was acknowledged before me on [DATE] by property (765 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/35c). [SIGNATORY NAME] as [SIGNATORY TITLE] of [CORPORATION NAME]. 9. When a corporation is the fee title owner of real property, [SEAL] ______must it record any documents to evidence a merger, conversion, or name change? Notary Public My Commission Expires: [DATE] Documents evidencing a merger, conversion, or name change do not need to be filed in the real estate records. Title to property is not affected LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY by a merger or conversion. (805 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/11.50 and 120/6.) STATE OF [STATE] ) 10. In connection with state and local transfer, stamp or similar COUNTY OF [COUNTY] ) taxes, and direct transfers of real property: This instrument was acknowledged before me on [DATE] by „„Describe any taxes which apply when fee title ownership is [SIGNATORY NAME] as [SIGNATORY TITLE] of [LLC NAME]. directly transferred. [SEAL] ______„„What transfer tax returns (or other documents) must be filed for Notary Public direct transfers of real property? My Commission Expires: [DATE] „„What is the timing for filing the returns and paying the transfer taxes on direct transfers? „„Is there any type of real property or transaction that is exempt from a mortgage recording tax (or similar tax)? „„Are transfer taxes customarily paid by the purchaser or the seller in a direct transfer of real property?

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APPLICABLE TAXES FOR DIRECT TRANSFERS RETURNS Transfer taxes are $0.50 for each $500 of value or fraction of it. See Question 10: Returns. Counties and municipalities impose transfer taxes at different rates. (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/31-10 and 200/31-65.) FILING AND PAYMENT DEADLINES See Question 10: Filing and Payment Deadlines. There are multiple exemptions to the transfer tax under state, county, and municipal statutes. Commonly exempted property includes: CUSTOM „„Property acquired from or by any exclusively charitable, religious, See Question 10: Custom. or educational organization. „„Property acquired by the mortgage holder in a foreclosure RECORDING INTERESTS AND TITLE INSURANCE proceeding. 12. Where are ownership interests recorded and how are they (See 35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/31-45.) indexed?

RETURNS In Illinois, ownership interests in real property are recorded in the When a transferred deed is recorded, it must be accompanied by a county recorder office where the property is located (765 Ill. Comp. transfer tax declaration. Transfer tax declarations are prescribed by Stat. 5/28). are indexed by location and by their property the state, county, and municipality. identification number.

The transfer tax declaration form for the state is available on the 13. Do title insurance companies or attorneys typically conduct Illinois Department of Revenue's website. title searches? Counsel should check counties' and municipalities' websites for their Title insurance companies typically conduct title searches in Illinois. transfer tax declaration forms.

FILING AND PAYMENT DEADLINES 14. What form of title assurance is available to a purchaser? For example, is an abstract of title, a title insurance policy, or a title The county recorder collects transfer taxes through the sale of opinion more common? revenue stamps (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/31-15). A transferred deed is accepted for filing only if the proper stamps are affixed to it (35 Ill. The most commonly used form of title assurance in Illinois is an Comp. Stat. 200/31-20). owner's policy of title insurance. The Illinois Department of Revenue conducts random investigations into unpaid taxes and the county's State's Attorney may prosecute 15. Are title insurance premiums or service charges for owners' and collect them (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/31-60). title insurance policies regulated? Is the cost of title insurance negotiable within a specified range of rates? Are there any CUSTOM discounts available for reissued policies? The parties to the transaction typically to determine who will Title insurance premiums are not regulated in Illinois (215 Ill. Comp. pay the transfer taxes. Stat. 155/19). Title insurance premiums and their related costs are freely negotiable. 11. In connection with state and local transfer, stamp or similar taxes, and indirect transfers of ownership interests in real 16. List the title endorsements available for an owner's title property: insurance policy for non-residential property. „„Does an indirect transfer of real property ownership interests trigger transfer taxes? For example, would the transfer of There are many endorsements for American Land Title Association corporate or membership interests of an owner of real property (ALTA) title insurance policies issued in Illinois. These endorsements trigger transfer taxes? include: „„What transfer tax returns (or other documents) must be filed for „„ALTA 3.1 (Zoning). indirect transfers of real property ownership interests? „„ALTA 6 (Deletion of Arbitration). „„What is the timing for filing the returns and paying the transfer „„ALTA 17 (Utility Access). taxes on indirect transfers? „„ALTA 18 (Tax Parcel). „„Are transfer taxes customarily paid by the purchaser or the seller „„ALTA 19 (Contiguity). in an indirect transfer of real property ownership interests? „„ALTA 26 (Subdivision). APPLICABLE TAXES FOR INDIRECT TRANSFERS Transfer taxes are triggered by the transfer of more than 50% ownership interest in a real estate entity (35 Ill. Comp. Stat. 200/31-5 and 200/31-10).

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17. Is the risk of loss during the contract period typically on the 20. Is there significant regulation and taxation of real property seller or on the purchaser if the contract is silent? locally? Is there significant variation in the regulation and taxation? The risk of loss during the contract period is typically on the purchaser if the contract is silent. There is significant variation in local regulation and taxation of real property. Assessments vary based on multiple factors including the REAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT VEHICLES nature of the property (for example, residential or commercial), its 18. What are the most common forms of investment vehicle for location, and use. real property and what are the most common entities used?

Limited liability companies are the most common form of investment vehicle for real property in Illinois, although other forms are also used.

19. Are real estate investment trusts (REITs) or similar entities currently permitted? If so, are they common?

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are permitted and common in Illinois.

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