Environmental Report: Bemidji to Grand Rapids 230 kV Transmission Project April 30, 2009 In the Matter of the Application of Otter Tail Power Company, Minnesota Power, and Minnkota Power Cooperative for a Certificate of Need for 230- kV Transmission Line and Associated System Connections from Bemidji to Grand Rapids Minnesota PUC Docket No.E01, E015, ET-6/CN-07-1222 Page Left Intentionally Blank RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT UNIT PROJECT PROPOSERS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Otter Tail Power Company OFFICE OF ENERGY SECURITY Minnesota Power 85 7th Place East, Suite 500 Minnkota Power Cooperative St. Paul, Minnesota 55101‐2198 PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE Suzanne Lamb Steinhauer Bob Lindholm Energy Facility Permitting Manager‐Strategic Environmental 651.296.2888 Initiatives
[email protected] Minnesota Power 30 West Superior Street Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 355‐3342 Abstract On March 17, 2008, Otter Tail Power Company, Minnesota Power, and Minnkota Power Cooperative (Applicants) applied for a Certificate of Need (CON) from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) to build the proposed Bemidji – Grand Rapids 230 kV Transmission Project (Project). The application was accepted as complete by the Commission on July 22, 2008. The Project is a Large Energy Facility as defined by Minnesota Statute 216B.2421 and requires a CON from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The Project also will require a route permit, which will be reviewed by the Commission in a separate proceeding under Docket 07‐ 1327. An Environmental Report (ER) is required for the CON. The Department of Commerce is responsible for the preparation of this report under Minnesota Rules 7849.7010‐7110.