OMB N o 1 54 5- 0052 F orm - Return of Private Foundation 990 PF or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Treated a Private Foundation 4 as Department of the Treasury Note : The organization may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state 2003 Internal Revenue Service rennrhnn reniuremantc For calendar ear 2003, or tax ear beginning 2003, and e G Check all that apply Initial return Final return Amended return Address change Name cha Name of organization A Employer identification number Use the IRS label American Ex p ress Foundation 13-6123 529 Otherwise, Number and street (or P O box number if mail is not delivered Room/suite B Telephone number (see instructions) pant or type 200 Vese Street 40th Fl (212) 640-4648 $28 Specific City or town C If exemption application is pending, check here ~ - 11-4,s ut t io n s New York NY 10282 D 1 Foreign organizations, check here H Check type of organization X' Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation 2 Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, check _ _ ~~ Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Other taxable private foundation here and attach computation If private foundation status was terminated I Fair market value o a assets at end year ~ Accountin g method 'Cash ~X i Accrual E (from Part H, column c, line 16) 9 - under section 507(b)(1)(A), check here L, Other (specify) F If the foundation is in a 60 month termination ~ $ 8,657,754 .o' I (Part l, column d must be on cash basis ) under section 501(b)(1)(B), check here Part[ Analysis of Revenue and (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net (d) Disbursements Expenses (The total of amounts in expenses per books income income for charitable columns b, c, and d may not neces- purposes sanly equal the amounts in column a ) (cash basis only) (see instructlons) Contributions, gifts, grants, etc, received (atl sch) Z 6 , 63 7 , OOO (Y Ck ~ a d the loundn is not req to atl Sch B 2 Distributions from split-interest trusts 3 Interest on savings and temporary O cash investments 78,968 . 78,968 . 78,968 . 4 Dividends and interest from securities Sa Gross rents (Net rental income or (toss) ) ' 6a Net gain/(loss) from sale of assets riot on line 10 b Gross sales prices for all E assets on pine 6a 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line ~ E 8 Net short-term capital gain 9 Income modifications 10a Gross sales less returns and allowances ' - b Less Cost of goods sold c Gross profit/(loss) (att sch) " 11 Other income (attach schedule) j 4,735 . 12 Total. Add lines 1 through 11 26,720,703 . 78,968 . 78,968 . ' E ~ ('qrppapyyo~ of oiti rs, directors, trustees, etc -~ ' N~~~j~W~ ee sala ies and wages = mployee benefits 16a Legal fees (att o~~~ ~ t~1~~g fee ch sch) e Ot~'e~7 prof fees h sch) L -1 :6c Stmt 653,641 :,' e, i7 -teresim -- xes a h sched le) See Line 18 Stmt 68 , 1 S 6 . N ~f chedule) and depletion x v 20 Occupancy G E 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings 22 Printing and publications o P 23 Other expenses (attach schedule) N Harris Bank Fees 18,267 . 18,267 . 18,267 . - 24 Total operating and administrative s expenses . Add lines 13 through 23 740 064 . 18,267 . 18,267 . 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid 17,909,903 :- 17,909,903 . 26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 25 18 649, 967 18,267 . 18,267 . 17, 909, 903 . 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12 : . -'I a Excess of revenue over expenses _ and disbursements 8 , 070 , 736 . b Net Investment Income (if negative, enter ~0~) 60, 701 . 1 C Adjusted net Income (d negative, enter -0-) 60,701 . 1 BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions. TEEA0301 08/18/03 Form 990-PF (2003) Form990-PF(2003) American Exp ress Foundation 13-6123529 Page?_ Attached schedules and amounts in the description Beginning of year End of year lWart 11 Balance Sheets column should be (or end-of year amounts only (See instructions ~ (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value 1 Cash - non -interest-beanng 1,030, 120 8, 657, 754 . 8, 657, 754 . 2 Savings and temporary cash investments 3 Accounts receivable Less allowance for doubtful accounts 4 Pledges receivable Less allowance for doubtful accounts "' - 5 Grants receivable 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see instructions) 7 Other notes and loans receivable (attach sch) Less allowance for doubtful accounts s 8 Inventories for sale or use t 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges - s l0a Investments - U S and state government obligations (attach schedule) b Investments - corporate stock (attach schedule) c Investments - corporate bonds (attach schedule) 11 Investments - land, buildings, and equipment basis Less accumulated deprecation (attach schedule) 12 Investments - mortgage loans 13 Investments - other (attach schedule) 14 Land, buildings, and equipment basis Less. accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) 15 Other assets (describe ~ ) - "------16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers - see instructions Also, see age 1, item I) 1,030, 120 . 8, 657, 754 . 8, 657, 754 . 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses a 18 Grants payable j b 19 Deferred revenue 20 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, & other disqualified persons 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) t 22 Other liabilities (descnbel" - ) e 5 23 Total liabilities add lines 17 through 22 110. Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here Ll and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31 . N IF 24 Unrestricted e u t n 25 Temporarily restricted d 26 Permanently restricted Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here 01 X~ ; ° s a and complete lines 27 through 31 . t a 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds s n 28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund o e 29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds 1,030 , 120 . 8,657 , 754 . r 5 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see instructions) 1,030 , 120 . 8,657 , 754 . 31 Total liabilities and net assetslfund balances (see instructions) 1, 030, 120 . 8,657,754_ Part III Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return 1,030,120 . ~2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a 8 .070 .736 . 3 Other increases not included m line 2 (itemize) 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 . . . 9,100,856 . 5 Decreases notincluded inline 2(itemize) 0- 1997 Amended Return Item Ad]_u5t- 443,102 . 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5) - Part II, column (b), line 30 8,657,754 . BAA TEEA0302 08/15103 Form 990-PF (2003) Form 990-PF(2oo3) American Ex p ress Foundation 13-6123529 Page 3 Part IV Ca pital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income How (C) Date acquired (d) Date sold (a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g ,real estate, )) acquired MLC Company) P - Purchase (month, day, year) (month, day, year) 2-story back warehouse, or common stock, 200 shares D - Donation 1a b c d e (e) Gross sales pace (Q Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (or allowable) I plus expense of sale (e) plus (D minus (g)

a b c d e Complete only for assets in in column (h) and owned b the foundation on 12J31/69 (I) Gains (Column (h) (i) Fair Market Value (j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of column (i) gain minus column (k), but not less as of 12/31/69 as of 12/31/69 over column Q), if any than 0-) or Losses (from column (h))

a b c d e If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) -r If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 7 3 3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6) If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see instructions) If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 8 -' 3 dart V I Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income 0'For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income ) If section 494D(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank

Was the organization liable for the section 4942 tax on the distnbutable amount of any year in the base penod7 F1 Yes XO No If 'Yes,' the organization does not qualify under section 4940(e) Do not complete this part

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, see instructions before making any entries

a Base period years Adjusted qualifying distributions Net value of Distribution ratio Calendar year (or tax year nonchantable-use assets (column (b) divided by column (c)) beginning in) 2002 21,568,485 . 2,089,806 . 10 .320807 2001 18,876,826 . 9,135,000 . 2 .066429 2000 18,255,865 . 11,405,595 . 1 .600606 1999 17,468,365 . 27,951,580 . 0 .624951 1998 15 .828 .026 . 42,480 .425 . 0 .372596

2 Total of line 1, column (d) 2 14 .985389 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period - divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years . . . 3 2 .997078

4 Enter the net value of nonchantable-use assets for 2003 from Part X, line 5 1 4 1 - 10,530,583 .

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 1 5 I 31,560,979 .

6 Enter 11% of net investment income (11% of Part I, line 27b) 1 6 1 607 .

"7 Add lines 5 and 6 . . I 7 31,561

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 1 8 1 17,909,903 . If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1 b, and complete that part using a 1 % tax rate See the Part VI instructions . gpq Form 990-PF (2003) TEEA0303 08/15/03 Form 990-PF (2003) American Ex p ress Foundation 13-6123529 Page n art VI Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (section a4ao(a), 4940 (b), asao(e), or alas - see instructions) 1 a Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here '-- and enter 'N/A' on line 1 Date of ruling letter (attach copy of ruling letter if necessary - see instructions) b Domestic organizations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, 1 1,214 . check here I" a and enter 11% of Part I, line 27b c All other domestic organizations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, column (b) 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 2 0 ._ 3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 1,214 . 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 4 0 . ' 5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- 5 1,214 . 6 Credits/Payments a 2003 estimated tax pmts and 2002 overpayment credited to 2003 6a 9,520 . b Exempt foreign organizations - tax withheld at source 6b c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c d Backup withholding erroneously withheld 6d 7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d 7 9, 520 ._ 8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here F1 if Form 2220 is attached 8 9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ~ 9 10 Overpayment I( line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid ~ 10 8, 306 ._ 11 Enter the amount on line 10 to be Credited to 2004 estimated tax ~ 8,306 .1 Refunded ~ 11 Part VII-A Statements Re garding Activities Yes No 1 a During the tax year, did the organization attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it participate or intervene in any political campaigns 1 a X b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see instructions for definition) 1 b X

If the answer is 'Yes' to la or Ib, attach a detailed description of the activities and copes of any materials published or distributed by the organization in connection with the activities c Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? 1 c 'X d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year (1) On the organization B. $ (2) On organization managers 0- $ e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the organization during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on ' organization managers P. $ 2 Has the organization engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? 2 ^X 1/ 'Yes,' attach a detailed description of the activities

3 Has the organization made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles ------of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments If 'Yes,' attach a conformed copy of the changes 3 X 4a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 4a X b If 'Yes,' has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? 4b 5 Was there a IiqwdaGon, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? 5 X If 'Yes,' attach the statement required by General Instruction T 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either : " By language in the governing instrument or

" By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law remain m the governing instrument? 6 X 7 Did the organization have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? 11 Yes,' complete Part ll, column (c), and Part XV 7 X 8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see instructions) ~ NY

------I b If the answer is 'Yes' to line 7, has the organization furnished a copy a( Farm 990-PF to the Attorney General - (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If 'No,' attach explanation . . 8 b X 9 Is the organization claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2003 or the taxable year beginning in 2003 (see instructions for Part XIV)? I/'Yes,'complete Part XIV , . . 9 X 10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? 10 X If 'Yes,' attach a schedule listing their names and addresses 11 Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 11 I I X Web site address ~ N/A ~2 The books are in care of I- May Ellen Craig__-__---_------_- Telephone no ~ -(212)-640-4849-- Locatedat' 200 Vesey Street, New York, NY ZIP +a~ 10285-4800 13 Section 4947(a)(1)------nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 - Check here ------and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year ~I 13 BAA Form 990-PF (2003) lEEA0304 08/15/03 Form 990-PF(2003) American Ex p ress Foundation 13-6123529 Page Part VII-B Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 Ma Be Req uired File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the 'Yes' column, unless an exception applies . Yes No 1 a During the year did the organization (either directly or indirectly) (1) Engage m the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified persons a Yes XO No (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified persons Yes X No (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? X Yes No (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified persons Yes X No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person) ~ Yes X No

(6) Agree to pay money or properly to a government officials (Exception. Check 'No' if the organization agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days ) E ] Yes Xa No b If any answer is 'Yes' to l a(1)-(6), did any of the acts fad to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4941 (d) -3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? 1 b X Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here c Did the organization engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in la, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2003? 1 c X 2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the organization was a private operating foundation defined in section 49420(3) or 49420(5)) a At the end of tax year 2003, did the organization have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2003 ~ Yes E] No If 'Yes,' list the years 1" 20 , 20 , 20 , 19

b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the organization is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed incomes (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to --- all years listed, answer 'No' and attach statement - see instructions ) , 2bJ X c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here i 0' 20 , 20 , 20 , 19 3a Did the organization hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the years []Yes X~ No b If 'Yes,' did it have excess business holdings m 2003 as a result of (1) any purchase by the organization or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)p)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to ------determine if the organization had excess business holdings in 2003) 3b 4a Did the organization invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its _ charitable purposes? 4a X b Did the organization make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2003 . . J 4b -X 5a During the year did the organization pay or incur any amount to (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? a Yes O No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? . . . Yes X No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? . . e Yes 8 No , j (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc, organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)? X~ Yes a No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? ...... ~ Yes Xa No

b If any answer is 'Yes' to 5a(1)-(5), did any of the transactions fad to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4945 or m a current notice regarding disaster assistance -'---j (see instructions) . 5b X Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here c If the answer is 'Yes' to question 5a(4), does the organization claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? E] Yes E] No i If 'Yes,' attach the statement required by Regulations section 53 4945-5(d) - I 6a Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? . O Yes a No b Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contracts . . 6b X If you answered 'Yes' to 6b, also file Form 8870.

BAA TEFao3o5 oens/o3 Form 990-PF (2003) Form 99o-PF(2oo3) American Ex p ress Foundation 13-6123529 Paqe 6 art VIII Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, F on Managers, and Contractors 1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation mana gers and their com ensation (see instructions): (b) Title and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, hours per week I (I( not paid, enter-0-)I employee benefit I other allowances (a) Name and address devoted to position plans and deferred compensation See Attached Report-__-___


2 Compensation of five highest-paid em to ees (other than those included on line 1- see instructions) . I( none, enter'NONE: (a) Name and address of each employee (b) Title and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, paid more than $50,000 hours per week employee benefit other allowances devoted to position I I plans and deferred compensation none



Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 ' None 3 Five hi ghest-paid inde pendent contractors (or professional services - see instructions). If none, enter'NONE : a Name and address of each person aid more than $50,000 b) Type of service (c Compensation Institute-for-Corporate -and -Government - Strate , Delhi, NY Travel & Tourism Mg t 135,000 . JK Groom Inc ._-_ Plainsboro NJ Gift Matchin g Svc 131,273 Kurogane Kosakusho_Ltd- Osaka Ja p an Si gnboards 80,000 . Kunhardt Productions, - Inc . Cha a ua, NY Feasibilit y Stud 66,630 . Cindy_ Miller Design-----_-__--___--___-_-- New York, NY Feasibilit y Stud 60,425 . Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services ~ 1 ( See a t t C h )

Part IX-A Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year . Include relevant statistical information such as the number of organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc . Expenses 1 ------

2 ------

3 ------

4 ------

BAA lEEA0306 08115103 Form 990-PF (2003) Form 99o-PF(2oo3) American Express Foundation 13-6123529 Page 7 art IX-B Summary of Program-Related Investments see instructions) -

Describe the two largest investments made by the foundation during the tax dear on lines 1 and 2 1 Amount 1


All other program-related investments See instructions 3

Total. Add lines 1 through 3

Part X minimum investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part Foreign foundations, see instructions )

1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly m carrying out charitable, etc, purposes a Average monthly fair market value of securities la b Average of monthly cash balances 7b 10,690,947 . c Fair market value of all other assets (see instructions) lc d Total (add lines 1 a, b and c) 1d 10 .690,947 . e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and lc (attach detailed explanation) I 1 e 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets 2 0 . 3 Subtract line 2 from line ld 3 10,690,947 . 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1-1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see instructions) 4 160,364 . 5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets . Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 10,530,583 . 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 6 526,529 . Dlstributable Amount (see instructions) (Section 49420(3) and 0)(5) private gating foundations and certain foreign oraarnzations check here "' and do not complete this part ) 1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 7 526,529 2a Tax on investment income for 2003 from Part VI, line 5 2a 1 .214 . b Income tax for 2003 (this does not include the tax from Part VI .) 2b c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c 1,214 . 3 Distnbutable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1 3 525 .315 . 4a Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions 4a b Income distributions from section 4947(a)(2) trusts 4b c Add lines 4a and 4b ...... 4c 5 Add lines 3 and 4c 525,315 . 6 Deduction from distnbutable amount (see instructions) 7 Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII . line l 525,315 .

Part XII Qualifying Distributions (see instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc, purposes- a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc - total from Part I, column (d), line 26 17,909,903 . b Program-related investments - Total from Part IX-B 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc, purposes 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) 4 Qualifying distributions Add lines la through 3b. Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 17,909,903 . 5 Organizations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income Enter 11% of Part I, line 27b (see instructions) - 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 17 .909 .903 . " Note: The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years gqq Form 990-PF (2003)

TEEA0307 08/15/02 i Form 990-PF(2003) American Express Foundation 13-6123529 Page 8

Wa::rt XIII Undistributed Income (see instructions)

(a) (b) (c) (d) Corpus Years prior to 2002 2002 2003

1 Distributable amount for 2003 from Part XI, line 7 525, 315 . 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2002 a Enter amount for 2002 only 4,638 . b Total for prior years 20 , 20 , 19 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2003 a From 1998 8, 627, 750 . b From 1999 16,107, 156 c From 2000 17,717,567 . d From 2001 18,435,662 . eFrom 2002 21,470,455 . f Total of lines 3a through e 82,358,590 . 4 Qualifying distributions for 2003 from Part X11, line 4 01 $ 17,909,903 . ._ a Applied to 2002, but not more than line 2a 4,638 . b Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required - see instructions) c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required - see instructions) d Applied to 2003 distnbutable amount 525, 315, e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 17, 379, 950 . 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2003 0 (If an amount appears in column (d), the r same amount must be shown in column (a) )

6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: a Corpus. Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e. Subtract line 5 99,738,540 . I v b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract line 4b from line 2b 0 . c Enter the amount of prior years' undistribut- ed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section ,, 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed d Subtract line 6c from line 6b Taxable i amount - see instructions 0 . e Undistributed income far 2002 Subtract line 4a from line 2a . Taxable amount - see instructions - - 0 .

f Undistributed income for 2003. Subtract fines " 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be distributed in 2004 0 . 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of . . corpus to satisfy requirements imposed ' ' by section 170(b)(1)(E) or 4942(g~(3) (see instructions) . . 26, 637 000 . 8 Excess distributions carryover from 1998 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see instructions) 0 . ' 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2004. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from fine 6a 73, 101,540 . I 10 Analysis of line 9. a Excess from 1999 0 b Excess from 2000 15 , 81 5 , 473 " c Excess from 2001 . 18 , 435 , 662 d Excess from 2002 21 470, 455 e Excess from 2003 17, 379 950 . BAA Form 990-PF (2003)

TEEA0308 08/15/03 Form 990-PF(2oo3) American Ex p ress Foundation 13-6123529 9 art XIV I Private O peratin g Foundations (see instructions and Part VII-A, question 9) N/A 1 a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2003, enter the date of the ruling b Check box to indicate whether the organization is a private o eratm foundation described in section 4942 0)(3) or 2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax ear Prior 3 ears income from Part I or the minimum 2001 d 2000 investment return from Part X for a 2003 b 2002 t Total each year listed b 85% of line 2a c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly (or active conduct of exempt activities e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities Subtract line 2d from line 2c 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon a 'Assets' alternative test - enter (1) Value of all assets (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 49420)(3)(B)(i) b'EndowmenY alternative test- Enter 2/3 of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed c 'Support' alternative test - enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) - (2) Support from general public and 5 or . more exempt organizations as provided in section 4942(j)(3)(B)(ui) (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization (4) Gross investment income Part XV Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the 1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers : a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000) (See section 507(d)(2) ) not applicable

b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest . not applicable

2 Information Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc, Programs : Check here 11 a if the organization only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds If the organization makes gifts, grants, etc, (see instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d . a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed . see attached statement

b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include see attached statement

c Any submission deadlines: " none

d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors' none

BAA TEEAoao9 oansia3 Form 990-PF (2003) BAA TEEA0310 12/10/03 Form 990-PF (2003) Form 99o-PF(2oo3) American Express Foundation 13-6123529 Page 1t art XVI-A I Analysis of Income-Producing Activities

ter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded b section 512, 513, or 514

Business Amount Exclu- Amount Related or exempt code sion function income 1 Program service revenue code (see instructions) a b c d e f g Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 78 .968 . 4 Dividends and interest from securities 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate a Debt-financed property b Not debt financed property 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 9 Net income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue a b c d 40 e 12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e) ~, 78,968 . 13 Total. Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) 13 78,968 . (See worksheet in the instructions for line 13 to verify calculations .) Part XVI-B Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes

Line No. Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to the t accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) (See instructions ) 3 & 4 American Ex p ress Foundation does not carr y on an trade or business . All of its activities are substantiall y related to its exemp t function : it maintains an interest bearing account and investments in bonds and securities for the p ur pose of collecting and distributing funds pursuant to its exempt purpose .

BAA TEEA0501 08/15/03 Form 990-PF (2003) Form 990-PF 003) American Express Foundation 13-6123529 Page 12 Qart XVII Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations No 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations a Transfers from the reporting organization to a nonchantable exempt organization of (1) Cash 1 a (1) X (2) Other assets 1 a (2) X b Other transactions (1) Sales of assets to a nonchantable exempt organization 1 b (7) X (2) Purchases of assets from a nonchantable exempt organization 1 b (2) X (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets 1 b (3) X (4) Reimbursement arrangements 1 b (4) X (5) Loans or loan guarantees 1 b (5 X (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations 1 b 6) X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees 1 c X

d If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes,' complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization If the organization received less than fair market value in an transaction or sharing arrangement, show m column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received Line no (b) Amount involved (c) Name of noncharitable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangeme

2a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described m section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? 11 Yes E] No b If 'Yes,' complete the followin g schedule (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of

Under penalties of penury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying complete Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer or fiduciary) is based on all information

!~(!1/'~17 G Signature of icer or trustee N Preparer's E Paid signature 10- R Pre- E F,n'sname(or AMERICAN EXPRESS TAX OFFICE MeUseY ~ o°ioyedjelf-e 200 VESEY STREET, WFC-AET, 30 Only ZPdr~eand NEW YORK BAA

TEEAosoz Schedule B , OMB No 1545 0047 (Form 990,990-EZ or 990-PF) Schedule of Contributors 0epartment of the Treasury Supplementary information for Internal Revenue service line 1 of Form 990, 990-EZ and 990-PF (see ins' 2003 Name of organization Employer identification number American Express Foundation 13-6123529 Organization type (check one) Filers of : Section : Form 990 or 990-EZ 501(c)( ) (enter number) organization e 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation 527 political organization

Form 990-PF X 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation 501(c)(3) taxable private foundation

Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule (Note: Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check boxes) for both the General Rule and a Special Rule - see instructions )

General Rule - 0 For organizations filing Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or property) from any one contributor . (Complete Parts I and II )

Special Rules - a For a section 501(c)(3) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that met the 33-1/3% support test of the regulations under sections 509(a)(1)/170(b)(1)(A)(vi) and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of $5,000 or 2% of the amount on line 1 of these forms (Complete Parts I and II ) For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization fling Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year, aggregate contributions or bequests of more than $1,000 for use exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals (Complete Parts I, II, and III ) ~J For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization fling Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year, some contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc, purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than $1,000 (If this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc, purpose . Do not complete any of the Parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc, contributions of $5,000 or more during the year ) 1~ $

Caution: Organizations that are not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules do not file Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) but they must check the box in the heading of their Form 990, Form 990-EZ, or on line 1 of their Form 990-PF, to certify that they do not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2003) (or Form 990 and Form 990-EZ.


TEEA0701 12110/03 American Express Foundation 13-6123529 1

" Form 990-PF, Page 1, Part I, Line 18 Line 18 Stmt

Taxes: (see instructions) Rev/Exp Book Net Inv Inc I Add Net Inc -I Charity Disb 1997 Federal Tax 67,906 . 2002 NY State Tax 250 .

Total 68,156 .

Form 990-PF, Page 1, Part I, Line 16c L-16c Stmt

Line 16c - Other Professional Fees: Name of Provider Type of Service Provided Amount Paid

See attached statement 653,641 .

Total 653,641 .


is American Express Foundation 13-6123529 2

" Supporting Statement of:

Form 990-PF, pl/Line 1(a)

Description Amount

US Employees 52,059 . American Express Company 1,994 . Travellers Cheque 1,406,769 . American Express Travel Related Services Co . 17,547,187 . American Express Bank 1,068,552 . American Express Financial Advisors 6 .560,439 .

Total 26,637,000 .

Supporting Statement of:

Form 990-PF, pl/Line 25(d)

Description Amount

Community Service 1,746,000 . Cultural Programs 45,000 . United States Committees 1,874,560 . Economic Independence 3,411,273 . Scholarships 346,000 . Employee Giving 3,200,000 . Volunteer Action Fund 514,900 . International Committees 1,928,751 . Lower Manhattan 115,000 . American Express WTC Disaster Fund 205,000 . Employee Gift Matching 4,523,419 .

Total 17,909,903 .

Supporting Statement of:

Form 990-PF, p8/Line 2a Column (c)

Description Amount

Undistributed income for 2002 4,638 .

Total 4,638 .

Supporting Statement of:

Form 990-PF p10/Line 3a, Amount-1

Description Amount

See Attached Statement 17 .909 .903 . American Express Foundation 13.6123529

" Continued Supporting Statement of:

Form 990-PF p10/Line 3a, Amount-1

Description I Amount

Total 17,909,903 .


0 AMERICAN EXPRESS FOLOTION - WTC Fund American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

Form 990-PF-2003 PART I, LINE 1 (A)

Date Fair Market Donor Address Received Description Value

US Employees Alexendria, VA 1/7/2003 Cash $ 30,366 37

US Employees Alexendna, VA 1/23/2003 Cash $ 21,234 .72

US Employees Alexendria, VA 3/24/2003 Cash $ 458.00

American Express Company New York, NY 7/1/2003 Cash $ 1,993.54 $ 54,052.63 AMERICAN EXPREOOUNDATION 40 American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804 Form 990-PF-2003 PART I, LINE 1 (B)

Date Fair Market Donor Address Received Description Value Travellers Cheque New York, NY 2/12/2003 Cash 190,200 American Express TRS New York, NY 2/12/2003 Cash 3,343,350 American Express Bank New York, NY 2/10/2003 Cash 138,600 American Express Financial Advisors Minneapolis, MN 2/11/2003 Cash 977,850 American Express TRS New York, NY 3/7/2003 Cash 4,102,347 American Express Bank New York, NY 3/7/2003 Cash 511,176 American Express Financial Advisors Minneapolis, MN 3/7/2003 Cash 2,628,202 Travellers Cheque New York, NY 3/7/2003 Cash 642,000 American Express TRS New York, NY 4/1/2003 Cash 3,343,350 American Express Bank New York, NY 4/1/2003 Cash 138,600 American Express Financial Advisors Minneapolis, MN 4/1/2003 Cash 977,850 Travellers Cheque New York, NY 4/1/2003 Cash 190,200 American Express TRS New York, NY 7/1/2003 Cash 3,343,350 American Express Bank New York, NY 7/1/2003 Cash 138,600 American Express Financial Advisors Minneapolis, MN 7/1/2003 Cash 977,850 Travellers Cheque New York, NY 7/1/2003 Cash 190,200 American Express TRS New York, NY 10/1/2003 Cash 3,343,350 American Express Bank New York, NY 10/1/2003 Cash 138,600 American Express Financial Advisors Minneapolis, MN 10/1/2003 Cash 977,850 Travellers Cheque New York, NY 10/1/2003 Cash 190,200 American Express TRS New York, NY 12/22/2003 Cash 61,920 American Express Bank New York, NY 12/22/2003 Cash 2,580 American Express Financial Advisors Minneapolis, MN 12/22/2003 Cash 18,060 Travellers Cheque New York, NY 12/22/2003 Cash 3,440 American Express TRS New York, NY 12/29/2003 Cash 9,520 American Express Bank New York, NY 12/29/2003 Cash 396 American Express Financial Advisors Minneapolis, MN 12/29/2003 Cash 2,777 Travellers Cheque New York, NY 12/29/2003 Cash 529 Total 26,582,947 u 0 0

Form 990-PF-2003 PART I, LINE 11

Other Income Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) Grand Rapids, MI 12000 Fenway Community Health Center, Inc. (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) Boston, MA 75000 Junior Achievement of New York, Inc. (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) New York, NY 90 .00 UCLA Foundation, The (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) Los Angeles, CA 25000 Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) Anchorage, AK 200 .00 UCLA Foundation, The (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) Los Angeles, CA 225.00 UCLA Foundation, The (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) Los Angeles, CA 100.00 University Of Notre Dame Du Lac (Employee Gift Matching Reimbursement) Notre Dame, IN 3,000.00

Total 4,735.00 " AMERICAN EXPRE*UNDATION - American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

Form 990-PF-2003 PART I, LINE 18

Taxes Paid

1997 Federal Tax Payment 67,905.68 2002 New York State Tax Return Payment 250.00

Total 68.155.68 - AMERICAN EXPRESUNDATION American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

Form 990-PF-2003 PART I, LINE 23

Other Expenses Harris Fees Jan '03 Harris Trust Fee $681 .69 Jan '03 Harris Bank Fee 762.03 Feb '03 Harris Bank Fee 80009 Mar'03 Harris Bank Fee 96781 Apr'03 Harris Bank Fee 1,024.11 Apr '03 Harris Trust Fee 1179 .6 May '03 Harris Bank Fee 589.26 Jun '03 Harris Bank Fee 439.21 Jul '03 Harris Bank Fee 403.35 Jul '03 Harris Trust Fee 1,17432 Aug '03 Harris Bank Fee 153.22 Sep '03 Harris Bank Fee 1,348.12 Oct '03 Harris Trust Fee 1,307.10 Oct'03 Harris Bank Fee 3,09811 Nov'03 Harris Bank Fee 2,839.25 Dec '03 Harris Bank Fee 1,50000

Total $18,267.27 0 AMERICAN EXPREOUNDATION American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

Form 990-PF-2003 PART VIII, LINE 1


Kenneth I . Chenault Trustee As Required None

Jonathan S. Linen Trustee As Required None

Thomas Schick Chairman As Required None

Mary Beth Salerno President As Required None

Cornelia W. Higginson Secretary As Required None

Joseph Gagliano Counsel/Assistant Secretary As Required None

Terry Savage Assistant Secretary As Required None

Judy Gaviser Assistant Secretary As Required None

Gary Crittenden Treasurer As Required None

David L. Yowan Assistant Treasurer As Required None

Thomas Smith Assistant Treasurer As Required None

Mary Ellen Craig Comptroller As Required None 0 AMERICAN EXPREaUNDATION American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

Form 990-PF-2003 PART XV, LINE 3


After Administration

Community Service $1,746,000

Cultural Programs 45,000 United State Committees 1,874,560

Economic Independence 3,411,273

Scholarships 346,000

Employee Giving 3,200,000

Volunteer Action Fund 514,900

International Committees 1,928,751

Lower Manhattan 115,000

American Express WTC Disaster Fund 205,000 Employee Gift Matching 4,523,419

Total Foundation Contribution 17,909,903 AMERICAN EXPREOOUNDATION American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

Form 990-PF-2003

PART XV Information Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs

2a) American Express Philanthropic Program American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 10285-4804

2b) - Name and address of organization - Contact person, title, phone number - Geographic area served by organization - History of previous support from the American Express Philanthropic Program, Foundation or an American Express subsidiary - Amount of funds requested - Description of project, including information on target groups to be served, needs addressed, program objectives, activities to be undertaken, timetable - Detailed project budget - Proof of nonprofit status, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt notification - Board of Directors - Latest annual report (if not available, description of organization's overall mission and latest accomplishments) - Funding sources

2c) None


Payee Name Payee Address Payee Description Total Amount American Express Asset Management Group, Inc 50189 AXP Financial Center Money Mgmt Fees $3,00745 Minneapolis, MN 55474 Charities Aid Foundation Kings Hill GVAF - Administrative Fee $28,43200 West Mailing Kent, United Kingdom ME19 47A United Kingdom United Kingdom

Information Age Associates 47 Murray Place Consulting Services for electronic matching project $41,51400 Princeton, NJ 08540

JK Group Inc 104 Morgan Lane Gift Matching Processing $131,27254 Plainsboro, NJ 08536

MicroEdge, Inc. 619 West 54th Street Software $8,15485 10th Floor New York, NY 10019

Institute for Corporate and Government Strategy, RD #2 Box 1918 International Travel and Tourism Program Management $135,00000 Inc (ICGS) Delhi, NY 13753

Kurogane Kosakusho Ltd 1-4-26 Shinmachi 1-chome Kobe Tourist Signboard Project $80,00000 Nishi-ku, Osaka, 550-0013 Japan Japan

Choice Publishing Co, Ltd . 4F, No . 319, Bade Road, Section Writing, design & production of Tainan Cultural Heritage Trail $45,00000 , 4 (Taman, Taiwan) brochure . Taipei 105 Taiwan Taiwan

Cindy Miller Design 60 East 8th Street, 9M Museum of Freedom Seed Grant for feasibility study to $60,00000 New York, NY 10003 develop creative aspects of the museum concept

Cindy Miller Design 60 East 8th Street, 9M Expenses for Feasibility Study $42541 New York, NY 10003

Community Counselling Services, Co 461 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor Museum of Freedom Seed Grant for feasibility study to $50,00000 New York, NY 10017 develop creative aspects of the museum concept

Community Counselling Services, Co 461 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor Expenses for Feasibility Study $4,20557 New York, NY 10017

Kunhardt Productions, Inc. 480 Bedford Road Museum of Freedom Seed Grant for feasibility study to $60,00000 Chappaqua, NY 10514 develop creative aspects of the museum concept

Kunhardt Productions, Inc 480 Bedford Road Expenses for Feasibility Study $6,62966 Chappaqua, NY 10514





Fundacion Ante Viva Av . Cordoba 817 - 8th Dpto . 15 1007 Buenos Aires Argentina


$20,000.00 paid on 11/11/2003


0 For the seminar on heritage at San Ignacio, Argentina.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Fundacion Arte Viva Av. Cordoba 817 - 8th Dpto. 15 1007 Buenos Aires Argentina


$30,000.00 paid on 11/20/2003

(3) PURPOSE OF THE GRANT: 0 For the cultural heritage project contest in San Ignacio, Argentina. (4) AMOUNT SPENT BY GRANTEE :


(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability. 0 AMERICAN EXPRESS FOUNDATION, INC. FEIN 13-6123529 ATTACHMENT TO 2003 FORM 990-PF RETURN OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION




Asociacion Amigos del Museo de Arte Decorativo Av. Del Libertador 1902 1425 Buenos Aires Argentina


$40,000.00 paid on 10/16/2002


0 To complete restoration of the terrace of the building of the National Museum of Decorative Arts in Buenos Aires



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Fundacion Gerininare Av. Las Heras 2277 Buenos Aires Argentina


$20,000.00 paid on 4/10/2003


0 To provide food and food services to 10 children's homes where Amex employees volunteer.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Fundacao Gol de Letra (The Perfect Goal Foundation) Rua Antonio Simplicio, 170 Predio II Vila Albertina - Sao Paulo - SP Brazil 02354-290


$15,000.00 paid on 9/16/2003


To support the Virando o Jogo (Turning the Game) program assisting children and adolescents in order to contribute to their educational, cultural and social development through sports, arts, reading, writing, and computing activities.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Instituto Ayrton Senna Rua Dr. Olavo Egidio, 287 - 16' andar Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil 02037-000 Brazil


$50,000.00 paid on 8/22/2003

(3) PURPOSE OF THE GRANT: 0 To support the implementation of the Entrepreneurs for Human Development program to improve the quality of education for 7- to 14-year old children in Brazil.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Associacao de Apolo ao Programa Alfabetizacao Solidaria SAS quadra 05 Lote 5/4, bloco K-Brasilia-DF Brazil


$20,000.00 paid on 10/16/2002


0 To Support the second phase of the Solidarity Literacy Program, training literacy teachers to provide education to 800,000 students in 1,500 municipalities throughout the poorest parts of Brazil .



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the ftinds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Aldeias Infantis SOS Brasil Rua Jose Antonio Coelho, 400 Bairro : Vila Mariana CEP: 04011-061 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil


$60,000.00 paid on 12/13/2001


0 To support the building of a new cultural center at the SOS Village of Pedra Bonita in Rio de Janeiro and the establishment of a new transitory house in the Horton district of Sau Paulo, Brazil (Centro Cultural and Projecto Casa Transitoria).



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Tamana Association D-6 Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110 057 India


$25,000.00 paid on 7/14/2003


0 For the India Employee Related Grant, "Project Sahyog - Part 2", to provide furniture and fittings for a new center providing specialized training and education to children with multiple disabilities.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





M.S . Swaminathan Research Foundation Third Cross Street Taramani Institutional Area Chennai 600 113 India


$20,000.00 paid on 6/17/2002

(3) PURPOSE OF THE GRANT: 0 For the Garden for Visually Disabled Children.


$7,177 .45

(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the ftmds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Un16n de Empresanios para la Tecnologia en la Educaci6n, A.C. (UNETE) Leibnitz No. 11 - 401 Col. Anzures 11590 M6xico, D.F. Mexico


$50,000.00 paid on 12/5/2002


To provide computers and Internet access to two schools in Mexico City.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Asociacion de Amigos del MAP, A.C. Corregidores 823 segundo piso Lomas Virreyes CP 11000, Mexico D.F. Mexico


$60,000.00 paid on 11/7/2000 and $40,000.00 paid on 5/23/2001


To support the creation of educational programs at this new museum in Mexico City to inform visitors about the features and the social context in which the diverse forms of Mexican folk art were created.


$38,635 .00

(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's 40 reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability. AMERICAN EXPRESS FOUNDATION, INC. 0 FEIN 13-6123529 ATTACHMENT TO 2003 FORM 990-PF RETURN OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION




Sailability New Zealand Trust 8 Hirin' Avenue Remuera Auckland New Zealand


$27,000.00 paid on 10/1/2002


0 To upgrade equipment in sailing programs for young people and adults with disabilities.


$17,711 .00

(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Asian Art Options Pte. Ltd. 131 Devonshire Road Level 2 Singapore 239887


$30,000.00 paid on 6/25/2003


The Arts Educational Program, a program designed to run in public schools in 0 Singapore to bring art into every school and foster a better awareness in art history, art critisicm and art appreciation.


$0.00 (Check Lost Reissued in 2004)

(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Asian Art Options Pte. Ltd. 131 Devonshire Road Level 2 Singapore 239887


$45,000.00 paid on 12/5/2002


0 The Arts Educational Program, a program designed to run in public schools in Singapore to bring art into every school and foster a better awareness in art history, art critisicm and art appreciation .



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the ftinds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Kenan Foundation Asia Queen Sirikit National Convention Center 201/2, 2nd Floor, Zone D 60 New Ratchadapisek Rd. Thailand


$20,000.00 paid on 11/20/2003


0 The American Corporations for Thailand program.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Kenan Foundation Asia Queen Sirikit National Convention Center 2nd Floor, Zone D, Room 201/2 Bangkok 10 110 Thailand


$15,000.00 paid on 10/24/2001 and $15,000.00 paid on 10/30/2002


The American Corporations for Thailand program.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Kenan Foundation Asia Queen Sirikit National Convention Center 201/2, 2nd Floor, Zone D 60 New Ratchadapisek Rd. Klongtoey, Bangkok 10 110 Thailand


$48,000.00 paid on 12/5/2002 40 (3) PURPOSE OF THE GRANT: The Responsible Personal Financial Management in Thailand program.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability. is AMERICAN EXPRESS FOUNDATION, INC. FEIN 13-6123529 ATTACHMENT TO 2003 FORM 990-PF RETURN OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION




Money Advice Trust Rooms 109/110 Bridge House 181 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 40D United Kingdom


$40,000.00 paid on 11/11/2003 40 (3) PURPOSE OF THE GRANT: To support the National Debtline.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the ftinds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





WTC Platform Foundation c/o Rockwell Architecture Planning and Design, P.C. 5 Union Square West New York, NY 10003


$20,000.00 paid on 11/20/2003


0 The Incubator Project. Provide additional funds to complete investigation on the creation of a new project near Ground Zero that combines artists-in-residence space, performing and exhibition space, and artist housing.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





WTC Platform Foundation c/o Rockwell Architecture Planning and Design, P .C. 5 Union Square West New York, NY 10003


$100,000.00 paid on 12/16/2002


The Incubator Project. Provide a planning grant to investigate the creation of a new project near Ground Zero that combines artists-in-residence space, performing and exhibition space, and artist housing.



(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Teacher Chang Foundation 219, Sung Chiang Road Taipei, Taiwan 104 R.O.C.


$15,000.00 paid on 7/23/2003


Post-SARS counseling service programs in Taiwan. 0 (4) AMOUNT SPENT BY GRANTEE:


(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant.



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.





Sailability Wellington Trust PO Box 860 Wellington New Zealand


$20,000 .00 paid on 10/1/2002


Provide sailing opportunities to young people and adults with disabilities .


$15,841 .00

(5) To the knowledge of American Express Foundation, the grantee has not diverted any portion of the funds from the purpose of the grant .



(7) American Express Foundation has not undertaken any verification of the grantee's reports as there has not been any reason to doubt their accuracy or reliability.

0 0 Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

Institute de Acadernias Profissionalizantes $25,000 April 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address: Depto . Geographia-FFLCH-LENIADI Av. Lineu Prestes, 338 Cx. Postal 8105 05508-900 Sao Paulo, SP Brasd

Grant Purpose

Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed: See Report to Global Initiatives

2 . Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives 3 . Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 2004 : $0. (This Annual Report shall constitute Grantee's Final Report if all above grant funds have been spent).

Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section I above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY: Regina Araujo de Almeida DATE: May 3, 2004

TITLE: Director Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

Canadian Tourism Human Resources Counci-I $25,000 April 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address : Canadian Academy of Travel & Tourism Canadian Tourism Human Resources Counci-I 340 MacLaren St., Ste. 100 Ottawa, ONT K2P OM6 CANADA

Grant Purpose

Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed: See Report to Global Initiatives

Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives 3 . Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 2004 : $0. (This Annual Report shall constitute Grantee's Final Report if all above grant funds have been spent).

4 Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section I above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY: Bonnie Stevens DATE: May 3, 2004

TITLE: Director

is 0 Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

The Travel & Tourism Education Proyaramme (HK) Ltd. $25,000 Aprfl 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address: The Travel & Tourism Education Programme (HK) Ltd. 18/F Somerset House, Taikoo Place 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay Hong Kong

Grant Purpose

Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed: See Report to Global Initiatives

2 . Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives 3 . Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 2004 : $0. (This Annual Report shall constitute Grantee's Final Report if all above grant funds have been spent).

4 Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section I above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY: Patricia Lui DATE: May 3, 2004

TITLE: Director

0 9 Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

Travel and Tourism Program Hunga[y $32,000 April 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address : Foundation for School Development Rippi Ronai u.40 H-1068 Budapest HUNGARY

Grant Purpose

Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed: See Report to Global Initiatives

2. Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives 3. Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 200410. (This Annual Report shall constitute Grantee's Final Report if all above grant funds have been spent).

4 Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section 1 above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

5 . Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY: Attila Horvath DATE : May 3, 2004

TITLE: Director

0 0 Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

The Travel &-Tourism Education Programme Ireland $25,000 April 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address: Shanan, Coolnahoma Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Ireland

Grant Purpose

Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed: See Report to Global Initiatives

Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives *3. Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 2004 : $0. (This Annual Report shall constitute Grantee's Final Report if all above grant funds have been spent).

4 Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section I above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY:_Raymond Shanks DATE: May 3, 2004

TITLE: Director

0 0 Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

Jamaica Travel & Tourism Programme $10,000 April 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address : c/o Jamaica Tourist Board 64 Knutsford Boulevard Kingston 5, Jamaica

Grant Purpose

I Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed: See Report to Global Initiatives

Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 2004: $0. (This Annual Report shall constitute Grantee's Final Report if all above grant funds have been spent).

4 Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section I above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY: Essie Gardner DATE: May 3, 2004

TITLE : Director

0 0 Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

Travel & Tourism Education Programme $50,000 April 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address: c/o Concept Kaluzhskiy per.3 St. Petersburg 193015 RUSSIA

Grant Purpose

Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed: See Report to Global Initiatives

2. Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives 3. Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 2004: $20,000

0 4 Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section I above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

5. Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY:-Rachel Shackleton. DATE: May 3, 2004

TITLE: Director

0 0 Annual Report Grantee Organization Fiscal Year 2003

National Business Initiative $30,000 April 1, 2003 Grantee Name Original Grant Total Grant Date

Address: Travel & Tourism Alliance, 16' Floor National Business Initiative Metal Box Centre 25 Owl Street Auckland Park 2092 Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA

Grant Purpose

Progress made in accomplishing the above Grant Purpose (attach additional pages if more space is needed : See Report to Global Initiatives

2. Itemization of expenditures made from grant funds, including salaries, travel and supplies (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

See Report to Global Initiatives 3 . Amount of grant funds remaining as of January 1, 2004 : $0 . (This Annual Report shall constitute Grantee's Final Report if all above grant funds have been spent).

4 Grantee asserts that it has made all expenditures detailed in Section I above in futherance of the stated purpose of the grant.

Grantee asserts that it has complied with all of the terms and conditions of the grant specified in the Grant Agreement executed by the Grantee and

I swear under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this report on behalf of the above organization, and I have examined the foregoing statements and to the best of my knowledge they are true, correct and complete.

BY: Darryn Von Maltitz DATE: May 3, 2004

TITLE: Director

0 American Express Foundation Disbursements

0 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check- Number Advertising Council, Inc , The 261 Madison Avenue 2/25/2003 $25,00000 7853 New York, NY 100 16-2303 Brookings Institution, The 1775 Massachusetts Avenue 2/25/2003 $30,00000 7856 N W Washington, DC 20036-2188 Employment Policy Foundation 1015 15th Street, NW, Suite 2/25/2003 $5,00000 7857 1200 Washington, DC 20005 Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Inc 256 South 16th Street 3/11/2003 $30,00000 7867 Philadelphia, PA 19102 New York University P 0 Box 837 Peter Stuyvesant 3/11/2003 $75,00000 7873

Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania 3451 Walnut Street 4/10/2003 $10,00000 7892 Philadelphia, PA 19104-6284 Women and Philanthropy Inc 1015 18th Street, NW 4/23/2003 $10,00000 7912 Washington, DC 20036 National Minority AIDS Council, The 1931 13th Street NW 6/6/2003 $10,00000 7947 Washington, DC 20009-4432 Harlem Children's Zone 1916 Park Avenue 6/25/2003 $100,00000 7973 Suite 212 New York, NY 10037 Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Suite 400 6/25/2003 $15,00000 7985 1401 New York Avenue N W Washington, DC 20005-2124 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy 1150 Seventeenth Street, N W 7/23/2003 $25,00000 8018 Research Washington, DC 20036-4670

Center for Strategic & International Studies 1800 K Street, Northwest 7/23/2003 $25,00000 8021 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006 Uniform Law Foundation, The 211 E Ontario Street 7/23/2003 $1,00000 8032 Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60611 Funders Concerned About AIDS, Inc. 50 East 42nd Street 8/22/2003 $5,00000 8239 19th Floor New York, NY 10017 National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse 633 Third Avenue 8/22/2003 $75,00000 8249 at Columbia University, The New York, NY 10017 BBB Wise Giving Alliance 4200 Wilson Boulevard 9/1612003 $10,00000 8268 Arington, VA 22203-1838 BoardSource 1828 L Street, NW 9/16/2003 $10,000.00 8269 Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036-5114 Foundation Center, The 79 Fifth Avenue 9/16/2003 $10,00000 8275 New York, NY 10003 Urban Institute, The 2100 M Street, NW 9/16/2003 $10,00000 8288 Washington, DC 20037 National Alliance for Nonprofit Management 1899 L Street, NW 10/31/2003 $10,000.00 8451 6th Floor Washington, DC 20036 New York City Partnership Foundation, Inc. One Battery Park Plaza 11/11/2003 $75,00000 8535 New York, NY 10004-1479 Aspen Institute Inc. P 0 Box 222 11/19/2003 $20,00000 8549 Queenstown, MID 21658

Page 1 American Express Foundation Disbursements

Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues 116 East 16th Street 11/19/2003 $3,000 .00 8563 7th Floor New York, NY 10003 Manhattan Institute for Policy Research 52 Vanderbilt Avenue 11/19/2003 $25,00000 8582 New York, NY 100 17 Prol-iteracy Worldwide 1320 Jamesville Avenue 11/19/2003 $20,00000 8596 Syracuse, NY 13210 Women and Philanthropy Inc. 1015 18th Street, NW 11/19/2003 $10,00000 8638 Washington, DC 20036 Women's Funding Network 1375 Sutter Street 11/19/2003 $23,00000 8639 Suite 406 San Francisco, CA 94109 Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy 88 Kearny Street 11/20/2003 $3,000 .00 8649 Suite 1850 San Francisco, CA 94108 Close Up Foundation 44 Canal Center Plaza 11/20/2003 $100,00000 8661 Alexandria, VA 22314-1592 Community Foundation for the National Capital 1201 15th Street, N W 11/20/2003 $3,00000 8662 Region Washington. DC 20005 Hispanics In Philanthropy 88 Kearny Street 11/20/2003 $3,00000 8671 Suite 1850 San Francisco, CA 94108 National Organization on Disability 910 Sixteenth Street, NW 11/20/2003 $25,00000 8701 Suite 600 Washington, DC 20006 National Urban League, Inc 120 Wall Street 11/20/2003 $60,00000 8703 7th & 8th Floor New York, NY 10005 NYU Downtown Hospital 170 William Street 11/20/2003 $50,00000 8706 Development Office, Suite M52 New York, NY 10038-2649

American National Red Cross and its Constituent 8111 Gatehouse Road 12/9/2003 $500,000.00 8753 Chapters and Branches Falls Church, VA 22042 Center for the Advancement of Women 25 West 43rd St 12/9/2003 $10,00000 8755 Suite 1120 New York, NY 10036 Children's Defense Fund 25 E Street, NW 12/9/2003 $20,000.00 8757 Washington, DC 20001-1591 Foundation Center, The 79 Fifth Avenue 12/9/2003 $20,000.00 8763 New York, NY 10003 Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, 1090 Vermont Avenue, N.W. 12/9/2003 $150 .000.00 8764 Inc Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Women's Leadership Fund 110 Wall Street 121912003 $10,00000 8772 2nd Floor New York, NY 10005 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth 909 North Washington Street 12/10/2003 $25,00000 8773 Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314-1556 BoardSource 1828 L Street, NW 2/25/2003 $10,000 .00 7855 Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036-5114 American National Red Cross and its Constituent 8111 Gatehouse Road 4/23/2003 $7,500 .00 7893 Chapters and Branches Falls Church, VA 22042 American National Red Cross and its Consbtuent 8111 Gatehouse Road 5/15/2003 $17,500 .00 7915 Chapters and Branches Falls Church, VA 22042

Page 2 American Express Foundation Disbursements

0 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number American National Red Cross and its Constituent 8111 Gatehouse Road 5/15/2003 $25,00000 7916 Chapters and Branches Falls Church, VA 22042 Teacher Chang Foundation 219, Sung Chiang Road 7/23/2003 $15,00000 8031 Taipei, Taiwan 104 R 0 C. Taiwan Courage Fund, The c/o The National Healthcare 11/20/2003 $25,00000 8663 Group 6 Commonwealth Lane Level 6, GMTI Building Singapore 149547 Singapore

Total Community Service $1,746,000.00

New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox & Tilden Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street 2/25/2003 $25,00000 7861 Foundations,The New York, NY 10018-2788 Americans for the Arts 1000 Vermont Avenue NW, 12th 9/16/2003 $20 .00000 8264 Floor Washington, DC 20005 Total Cultural Heritage $45,000 .00

Beatitudes Center D 0 A R , Inc 555 W. Glendale 7/18/2003 $2,50000 8000 Phoenix, AZ 85021 Greater Phoenix Youth at Risk Foundation, Inc. 1001 E Pierce Street 7/18/2003 $7,50000 8004 Phoenix, AZ 85006 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 7/18/2003 $17,00000 8005 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 0 Save the Family Foundation of Arizona 450 W. 4th Place 7/18/2003 $10,00000 8009 Suite 402 Mesa, AZ 85201-5300 Self-Employment Loan Fund, Inc 1601 N 7th Street 7/18/2003 $10,00000 8010 Suite 340 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Southwest Leadership Foundation, Inc 2375 E Camelback Rd , Suite 7/18/2003 $5,00000 8011 #360 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Unlimited Potential P. 0 Box 8814 7/1812003 $15,00000 8014 Phoenix, AZ 85066 Assistance League of Phoenix Arizona Inc 7044 N. 7th St . 7123/2003 $10,00000 8019 Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phoenix Urban League, Inc 1402 South 7th Avenue 7/23/2003 $10,00000 8027 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3902 Aid to Adoption of Special Kids 501 East Thomas Road, Suite 9/16/2003 $8,00000 8259 100 Phoenix, AZ 85012 Alhambra Education Partnerships Inc 4510 North 37th Avenue 9/16/2003 $5,00000 8260 Phoenix, AZ 85019 Amencan National Red Cross and its Constituent 8111 Gatehouse Road 9/16/2003 $10,00000 8263 Chapters and Branches Falls Church, VA 22042 Arizona School-to-Work Partnership P.0 Box 10937 9/16/2003 $20,000.00 8265 Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0937 Anzona's Children Assocation 2833 N Third Street 9/16/2003 $5,00000 8266 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Central Arizona Shelter Services, Inc 1209 W. Madison 9/16/2003 $15,00000 8271 Phoenix, AZ 85027 Florence Crittenton Services of Anzona, Inc. 715 W Mariposa Street 9/16/2003 $25,00000 8273 0 Phoenix, AZ 85013

Page 3 American Express Foundation Disbursements

40 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona 755 East Willetta Suite 140 9/16/2003 $8,00000 8276 Phoenix, AZ 86006 Homeward Bound 2302 W Colter St. 9/16/2003 $10,00000 8279 Phoenix, AZ 85015 Valle del Sol, Inc 1209S 1st Avenue 9/16/2003 $10,00000 8289 Phoenix, AZ 85003-2605 Valley Leadership Corporation 4105 N. 20th Street, Suite 120 9/16/2003 $10,00000 8290 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Rebuilding Together-Valley of the Sun, Inc 2123 S Priest Drive - Ste 213 11/11/2003 $5,000.00 8538 Tempe, AZ 85282 Arizona Hotel Foundation 1240 East Missouri 11/19/2003 $12,50000 8548 Phoenix, AZ 85014 Fresh Start Women's Foundation 1130 E McDowell Road 11/19/2003 $10,00000 8561 Phoenix, AZ 85006 National Center for American Indian Enterprise 935 E. Juanita Avenue 11/19/2003 $5.00000 8586 Development, The Mesa, AZ 85204 Peoria Unified School District No 11 Cheyenne Annex 11/19/2003 $13,30000 8593 11806 N 87th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345 Sojourner Center P 0 Box 20156 11/19/2003 $20,00000 8601 Phoenix, AZ 85036- West Valley Child Crisis Center, Inc. P 0 Box 844 11/19/2003 $15,00000 8637 Glendale, AZ 856311 Kids Voting Arizona, Inc. 398 S Mill Avenue 11/20/2003 $3,000 .00 8689 Suite 304 Tempe, AZ 85281 Salvation Army & Its Components 440 West Nyack Road 11/20/2003 $3,00000 8714 West Nyack, NY 10994 Scottsdale Healthcare Foundation 10001 N 92nd Street 11/20/2003 $12,20000 8716 Suite 121 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Community Housing Partnership A CA Nonprofit 1010 Market Street 5/15/2003 $7,50000 7918 Public Benefit Corp San Francisco, CA 94102 Women's Initiative for Self Employment 1390 Market Street, Suite 113 5/15/2003 $5,00000 7927 San Francisco, CA 94102 Camp del Corazon 11615 Hesby Street 6/6/2003 $5,000 .00 7934 North Hollywood, CA 91601 Institute for Urban Research and Development 416 E. Broadway, 109 6/6/2003 $5,00000 7942 Glendale, CA 91205-1052 Los Angeles Women's Foundation 6030 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 6/6/2003 $7,50000 7944 303 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis 189 South Barksdale Street 6/25/2003 $10,000 .00 7957 Memphis, TN 38104 Catholic Guild for the Blind of Chicago 180 N Michigan Avenue 6/25/2003 $10,00000 7959 Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60601-7463 Cody Youth Foundation, Inc. 25 Granite Street 6/25/2003 $10,000 .00 7964 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Girls Incorporated of Fort Smith P.O. Box 1253 6/25/2003 $10,00000 7970 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Hannah More Center 12039 Reistertown Road 6125/2003 $10.000.00 797,2 Reistertown, MD 21136 Human Options, Inc. P 0 Box 53745 6/25/2003 $10,000.00 7974 Irvine, CA 92619 Junior Achievement Inc I Education Way 6/25/2003 $10,000.00 7979 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Page 4 American Express Foundation Disbursements

Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 6/25/2003 $10.00000 7980 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 6/25/2003 $10,00000 7981 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Donors Forum of Chicago 208 South La Salle 7/18/2003 $66000 8003 Suite 740 Chicago. IL 60604 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 7/18/2003 $10,00000 8006 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Visions for Children at Risk, Inc 2433 North Grand Blvd 7/18/2003 $10,00000 8015 St Louis, MO 63106 Women's Center 133 Park Street, N.E 7/18/2003 $12,00000 8016 Vienna, VA 22180 Alaska Hospitality Alliance 330 4th Avenue, Suite 201 7/23/2003 $10,00000 8017 Anchorage, AK 99501 Baton Rouge Area Young Womens Christian 3955 Government St 7/23/2003 $10,00000 8020 Association, Inc Suite 7 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 City Care Inc 136 N W 10th Street 7/23/2003 $10,00000 8024 Oklahoma, OK 731103 Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center, 915 T Street 7/23/2003 $10,00000 8030 Inc Sacramento, CA 95814 Atlanta Legal Aid Society Inc 151 Spring Street, NW 10/14/2003 $5,00000 8309 Atlanta, GA 30303-2097 Cass Community Social Services, Inc 11850 Woodrow Wilson 10/14/2003 $5,00000 8310 Detroit, MI 48206 Dress for Sucess Denver 1201 East Colfax Avenue, Suite 10/14/2003 $5,00000 8312 202 Denver, CO 80218 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 8765 West Higgins Road 10/23/2003 $5,00000 8322 Chicago, IL 60631 Fore Hope Inc. 925 Darby Creek Dr. 10123/2003 $5,00000 8323 Galloway, OH 43119 National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurs to 120 Wall Street 10/23/2003 $5,00000 8327 Disadvantaged & Handicapped Youth, Inc 29th Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 North Garland County Youth Center, Inc P 0. Box 8603 10/23/2003 $5,00000 8328 Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Alderson-Broaddus College Development Office 10/31/2003 $5,000.00 8336 P 0. Box 2154 Phillippi, WV 26416- Boys and Girls Club of South Hampton Roads 3415 Azalea Garden Road 10/31/2003 $5,00000 8356 Norfolk, VA 23513 Colorado Business Leadership Network 3630 Sinton Rd 10/31/2003 $5,00000 8369 Suite 103 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Employ & Ability Inc. 100-L Messina Drive 10/31/2003 $10 .00000 8381 Braintree, MA 02184 Fred and Gertrude England Hospitality Education 80 Wolf Road 10/31/2003 $6,00000 8390 Foundation, Inc Albany, NY 12205 Housing Network Rhode Island Association of Non- 790 North Main Street 10/31/2003 $10,00000 8415 Profit Housing Developers Providence, RI 02904 Lee A. Archer, Jr. Red Tail Youth Flying Program, One Militia Way 10/31/2003 $10,00000 8429 Inc., The Stewart Air National Guard Base Newburgh, NY 12550-5043 is

Page 5 American Express Foundation Disbursements

Is Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Michigan Restaurant Association Educational 225 West Washtenaw Street 10/31/2003 $10,00000 8441 Support Foundation Lansing, MI 48933 Massachusetts Restaurant Association Hospitality 95-A Turnpike Road 11/11/2003 $25,00000 8529 Institute, Inc Westborough, MA 0 1581-2868

Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 11/19/2003 $7,50000 8573 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 ORA Education Foundation 3800 North Portland 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8590 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Project Open Hand-Atlanta Inc 176 Ottley Drive NE 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8595 Atlanta, GA 30324- Tabor Community Services 439 East King Street 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8604 Lancaster, PA 17608-1676 Chicago Women in Trades (CWIT) 1657 West Adams, Suite 401 11/20/2003 $10.00000 8659 Chicago. IL 60612 Student Partner Alliance P 0 Box 566 11/20/2003 $20,00000 8720 Millburn, NJ 07041 Women's Business Center of Iowa, Inc. 136 36th Street Drive SE 11120/2003 $5,00000 8729 Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Big Apple Greeter I Centre Street, 119th Floor 4/1012003 $10,00000 7885 New York, NY 10007 Food for Survival, Inc c/o Hunts Point Co-op Market 4/10/2003 $5,00000 7887 355 Food Center Drive Bronx, NY 10474 City Harvest, Inc 575 Eighth Avenue, 4th Floor 5/15/2003 $75,00000 7917 United Kingdom New York City Gay and Lesbian Anh-Violence 240 West 35th Street, Suite 200 5/15/2003 $10.00000 7923 Project New York, NY 1000i

New York City Mission Society 105 East 22nd Street 5/15/2003 $5,00000 7924 New York, NY 10010 Bailey House, Inc. 275 Seventh Avenue 6/6/2003 $10,00000 7931 New York, NY 1000 1 Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation 1368 Fulton Street 6/6/2003 $15,000 .00 7932 Brooklyn, NY 11216-2630 Bowery Residents' Committee, Inc 324 Lafayette Street 616/2003 $15,00000 7933 New York, NY 10012 Careers Through Culinary Arts Program Inc 250 West 57th Street 616/2003 $10,000 .00 7935 Suite 2015 New York, NY 10107 Common Ground Community Housing 255 West 43rd Street 6/6/2003 $15,00000 7936 Development Fund Corp , Inc New York, NY 10036 Cooke Center for Learning and Development, The 475 Riverside Dnve 6/6/2003 $15,00000 7937 Suite 730 New York, NY 10 115-1118 Credit Where Credit Is Due, Inc 4211 Broadway 6/612003 $10,00000 7938 New York, NY 10033-3801 Fedcap Rehabilitation Services Inc. 211 West 14th Street 6/6/2003 $10,000.00 7939 New York, NY 10011-7157 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc 281 Park Avenue South 6/6/2003 $10,00000 7940 New York, NY 10010 Lower East Side Girls Club 220 East 4th Street 6/6/2003 $10,00000 7945 New York, NY 10009 National Center for Disability Services 201 LU Willets Road 6/6/2003 $10,00000 7946 Albertson, NY 11507

Page 6 American Express Foundation Disbursements

Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number New York Association for New Americans, Inc 17 Battery Place 6/6/2003 $20,00000 7948 8th Floor, North Building New York, NY 10004-1102 South Bronx Educational Foundation, Inc The Rosedale Center 6/6/2003 $10,000 .00 7949 1724 East 174th Street Bronx, NY 10472 Women's Venture Fund, Inc 240 West 35th Street, Suite 201 6/6/2003 $10,00000 7950 New York, NY 10001

Workshop in Business Opportunities 220 East 23rd Street . Suite 309 6/6/2003 $10,00000 7951 New York, NY 100 1 0-4606

Young Women's Christian Association of the City 610 Lexington Avenue 6/6/2003 $20,000 .00 7952 of New York New York, NY 10022-6053 Jackie Robinson Foundation, Inc. 3 West 35th Street, 11 th Floor 6/25/2003 $7,00000 7976 United Kingdom New-rel, Inc 151 West 26th Street, 6/27/2003 $15,00000 7997' 8th Floor New York, NY 1000 1 -6810 Alpha Workshops 245 West 29th Street 7/18/2003 $15,00000 7999 Suite 12A New York, NY 10001 National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurs to 120 Wall Street 7/18/2003 $15,00000 8008 Disadvantaged & Handicapped Youth, Inc. 29th Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 NPowerNY 145 West 30th Street, 8th Floor 8/22/2003 $10,00000 8252 New York, NY 1000 1

Vocational Foundation, Inc One Hanson Place 9/16/2003 $20,00000 8291 14th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11243 Working in Support of Education Inc 227 East 56th Street, Suite 201 9/16/2003 $20,00000 8292 New York, NY 10022

God's Love We Deliver 166 Avenue of the Americas 9/30/2003 $15,00000 8300 New York, NY 100 13 National Executive Service Corps 120 Wall Street, 16th Fl. 9/30/2003 $10,00000 8303 United Kingdom New York Citywde School to Work Alliance 32 Broadway 10th FI 9/30/2003 $10,00000 8304 New York, NY 10004-1654 Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York 1350 Broadway - Ste 1801 9/30/2003 $2,00000 8305 New York, NY 100 18 Friends of the Family Academy, Inc 219 West 135th Street 10114/2003 $15,000 .00 8313 New York, NY 10030 Common Cents New York, Inc. 570 Columbus Avenue 10/23/2003 $10,000 .00 8321 New York, NY 10024 GRADS Foundation, Inc., The 90-04 161st Street 10/23/2003 $5,000 .00 8324 Suite 308 Jamaica, NY 11432-6103 Prep for Prep 328 West 71st Street 10/23/2003 $10,000 .00 8329 New York, NY 10023-3599 Project Sunshine 25 West 45th Street 10/31/2003 $5,00000 8466 Suite 1400 New York, NY 10036 Beth Israel Medical Center 1 st Avenue at 16th Street 11/11/2003 $15,000.00 8502 New York, NY 10003

Page 7 American Express Foundation Disbursements

Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Coalition for the Homeless, Inc 89 Chambers Street, 3rd Floor 11/11/2003 $10,00000 850EP New York, NY 10007 Futures and Options, Inc 120 Broadway, Suite 3340 11/11/2003 $10,00000 8511 New York, NY 10271 Horticultural Society of New York, The 128 West 58th Street 11/11/2003 $10,00000 8519 New York, NY 10019-2103 Hudson Guild, The 441 West 26th Street 11/11/2003 $5,00000 8520 United Kingdom International Center in New York, The 50 West 23rd Street, 7th Floor 11/11/2003 $5,00000 8522 New York, NY 100 10-5205 Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc 208 West 13th Street 11/11/2003 $10,00000 8526 New York, NY 10011 Mouse, Inc 116 West Houston Street 11/11/2003 $5,00000 8532 3rd Floor New York, NY 10012 Sheltering Arms Childrens Service 129 west 27th Street 11/11/2003 $5 .00000 8539 New York, NY 1000 1 SoHo Partnership Inc 114 Greene Street 11/11/2003 $15,00000 8540 New York, NY 100 12 South Bronx Overall Economic Development 370 East 149th Street 11/11/2003 $5,00000 8541 Corporation Bronx, NY 10455 Sponsors for Educational Opportunity 23 Gramercy Park South 11/11/2003 $15,00000 8542 New York, NY 10003 Phoenix House Foundation, Inc 164 West 74th Street 11/19/2003 $15,00000 8594 New York, NY 10023 Suited for Success 274 Madison Avenue 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8602 Suite 906 New York, NY 10016 Henry Street Settlement 265 Henry Street 11/20/2003 $25,00000 8670 New York, NY 10002-4899 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 11/20/2003 $20,00000 8680 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Kingsborough Community College Auxiliary The City University of New York 11/20/2003 $10,000.00 8690 Enterprises Corporation 2001 Oriental Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11235

National Urban Technology Center, Inc 55 John Street, Suite 300 11/20/2003 $5,000 .00 8704 New York, NY 10038 US Foundation for the Inspiration and Recognition 200 Bedford Street 11/20/2003 $5,00000 8726 of Science and Technology Manchester, NH 03101 Volunteer Consulting Group, Inc. 6 East 39th Street 11/20/2003 $20,00000 8727 Suite 602 New York, NY 10016-0112 Baby Buggy Inc, The 520 Eighth Avenue 12/9/2003 $5,00000 8754 New York, NY 10018 Children's Aid Society, The 105 East 22nd Street 12/912003 $10,000.00 8756 New York, NY 10010 Leaming Leaders 352 Park Avenue South, 13th 12/9/2003 $5,00000 8767 floor New York, NY 100 10-1709 New York Community Trust 2 Park Avenue 12/9/2003 $10,000.00 8769 24th Floor New York, NY 100 16 Special Olympics New York, Inc. 21 1 East 43rd Street 12/9/2003 $5,000 .00 8770 Suite 1205 New York, NY 10017 40

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Council of Senior Centers and Services of New 49 West 45th Street, 7th FLoor 8/11/2003 $20,00000 8227 York City, Inc New York, NY 10036

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 120 Wall Street 4/23/2003 $10,00000 7906 International - New York New York, NY 10005-4001 Room at the Inn of the Triad, Inc P 0 Box 29584 4/23/2003 $10,00000 7910 Greensboro, NC 27429-9584 Women's Resource Center of Greensboro, Inc 1625 Spring Garden Street 4/23/2003 $6,00000 7913 Greensboro, NC 27403 YMCA of Greater Winston-Salem Metropolitan YMCA office 4/23/2003 $7,50000 7914 1144 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 5/15/2003 $10,00000 7922 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Best Friends of Rockingham, Inc. P 0 Box 5024 9/30/2003 $5,00000 8295 Eden, NC 27289-5024 Classroom Central, Inc 2116 Wilkinson Boulevard 9/30/2003 $8,000 .00 8297 Charlotte, NC 28208 El Centro Latino, Inc 101 Lloyd Street 9/30/2003 $10,00000 8299 Carrboro, NC 27510 Professionals in Transition Support Group 4410C Providence Lane 9/30/2003 $5,000 .00 8306 Winston-Salem, NC 27116 Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North 3655 Reed Street 9/30/2003 $15,00000 8307 Carolina, Inc Winston-Salem. NC 27107 United Way of North Carolina 2615 Two Hannover Square 9/30/2003 $15,00000 8308 Raleigh, NC 27601 Communities in Schools of Miami, Inc 11900 S W 128 Street 4/23/2003 $17,000.00 7894 Miami, FL 33186 Here's Help 15100 NW 27th Avenue 4/23/2003 $20,000.00 7902 Opa Locka, FIL 33054 Literacy Coalition of Broward County 1350 East Sunrise Bllvd. 4/23/2003 $10,00000 7907 Suite 118 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33304 Mercy Hospital Foundation, Inc. 3663 South Miami Avenue 4/23/2003 $5,000 .00 7908 Miami, FIL International Rescue Committee 122 East 42nd Street 5/15/2003 $10,000.00 7921 New York, NY 10168 Broward Partnership for Homeless, Inc. 920 Northwest 7th Avenue 8/22/2003 $20,00000 8233 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33311 Girl Scouts of Broward County, Inc. 4701 NW 33rd Avenue 8/22/2003 $17,00000 8241 Oakland Park, FL 33309 Kids in Distress, Inc 819 NE 26th St -- 2nd fl 8/22/2003 $15,00000 8246 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33305 Sheridan House, Inc. 4200 S W. 54th Court 8/22/2003 $15,00000 8254 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33314 Flonda Newspaper in Education Coordinators, Inc 333 S W 12 Ave 9/16/2003 $10,000.00 8274 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 National Conference for Community and Justice, 475 Park Ave South 9/30/2003 $13,80000 8302 Inc, The 19th floor New York, NY 10016-6901 Right Trak Inc. 8825 North Bayshore Drive 11/19/2003 $8,000 .00 8599 Miami, FIL 33138 Susan B Anthony Center, Inc. 3500 North State Rd . 7, Suite 11/19/2003 $10,000.00 8603 531 Lauderdale Lakes, FIL 33319

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Voices for Children Foundation, Inc 1500 N W 12 Ave 11/19/2003 $16,70000 8636 Suite 1117 Miami, FIL 33136 American National Red Cross and its Constituent 8111 Gatehouse Road 11/20/2003 $22,00000 8647 Chapters and Branches Falls Church, VA 22042 GILDA'S Club of South Florida 4340 Sheridan Street 11/20/2003 $10,00000 8668 Suite 102 Hollywood, FIL 33021 Children's Service Society of Utah 124 South 400 East, Suite 400 6/25/2003 $10,000 .00 7962 Salt Lake City, LIT 841 11 Community Nursing Services 6949 High Tech Drive 6/25/2003 $15,00000 7966 Salt Lake City, UT 84047-3757 Guadalupe Center Educational Program, Inc. 340 South Goshen Street 6/25/2003 $15,00000 7971 Salt Lake City, UT 84104-1216 Center City School 55 North Redwood Road 7/18/2003 $2,500 .00 8001 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Prevent Child Abuse Utah 2955 Harrison Boulevard 7/23/2003 $5,00000 8028 Suite 104 Ogden, UT 84403 National Conference for Community and Justice, 475 Park Ave South 8/2212003 $12,50000 8250 Inc, The 19th floor New York, NY 10016-6901 Copperview Community Center 8446 South Harrison Street 11/19/2003 $4,70000 8556 Midvale, UT 84047 Granite Education Foundation 382 East 3605 South 11/19/2003 $2,500 .00 8565 Salt Lake City, UT 84115-4697 Intermountain Therapy Animals 4835 South Highland Drive 11/19/2003 $8,000 .00 8571 #2125 P 0 Box 17201 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 P J 's Forgotten Children 1963 South 1200 East #701 11/19/2003 $6,00000 8591 Salt Lake City, UT 84105 Quest for the Gift of Life Foundation, The 6788 South 1300 East, Ste . P 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8598 Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 Utah Alcoholism Foundation 321 S. 600 E 11/19/2003 $10,00000 8634 Salt Lake City, LIT 84102 Assistance League of Salt Lake City P 0 Box 9353 11/20/2003 $12,20000 8651 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 Tri-County Independent Living Center of Utah P 0. Box 3297 11/20/2003 $3,000.00 8721 Ogden, UT 84409 Total Domestic Program $1,874,560.00

Girls Inc. 120 Wall Street 2/25/2003 $125,00000 7858 3rd Floor New York, NY 10005-3902 LEAD Program in Business, Inc. 14 East Hartwell Lane 2/25/2003 $10,000 .00 7860 Philadelphia, PA 19118 FBI National Academy Associates, Inc FBI Academy 3/11/2003 $5,00000 7869 Quantico, VA 22135 National Academy Foundation 39 Broadway 3/20/2003 $300,00000 7878 Suite 1640 New York, NY 10006 Catalyst for Women, Inc. 120 Wall Street, 5th Floor 4/10/2003 $15.000 .00 7886 New York, NY 10005 Community Foundation for the National Capital 1201 15th Street, N W 4/23/2003 $25,000 .00 7895 Region Washington, DC 20005

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Payee Nam Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Count-Me-In for Women's Economic 240 Central Park South 4/23/2003 $50,000.00 7898 Independence Suite 7H New York, NY 100 19 Teach for America, Inc 315 West 36th Street 5/15/2003 $25,00000 7925 6th Floor New York, NY 10018 Alu Like 458 Keawe Street 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7955 Honolulu, HI 96813 Captain Youth and Family Services 6 Clifton Common Court 6/25/2003 $24,36400 7958 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Center for Community Alternatives, Inc. 39 West 19th Street 6/25/2003 $28.09800 7960 New York, NY 10011 Coastal Enterprises, Inc 36 Water Street 6/25/2003 $28,50000 7963 P 0 Box 268 Wiscasset, ME 04578 Family Service Association of Bucks County One Oxford Valley 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7967 Suite 717 Langhorne, PA 19047 Family Services of Southern Wisconsin & Northern Family Service of Southern 6/25/2003 $15,00000 7968 Illinois Inc Wisconsin & Northern Illinois, Inc. 423 Bluff Street Beloit, WI 53511 Florence Crittenton Services of Topeka, Inc 2601 SW Western Avenue 6/25/2003 $26,08600 7969 Topeka, KS 66611 International Rescue Committee 122 East 42nd Street 6/25/2003 $15,00000 7975 New York, NY 10 168 Jewish Family Services 1151 College Avenue 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7977 Columbus, OH 43209 La Voz Latina Spanish Speaking Special Services 412 Market Street 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7983 Employment & Training Rockford, IL 61107 Latin American Community Center Development 403 North Van Buren Street 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7984 Corporation Wilmington, DE 19805 Northeast Economic Development Inc 111 South 1 st Street 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7987 Norfolk, NE 68701 Pinon Project, The 300 Elm 6/25/2003 $30,000.00 7988 PO Box 518 Cortez, CO 81321 Saginaw County Minonty Business Development 501 Lapeer, Suite 225 6/25/2003 $15,05000 7989 Center PO Box 1993 Saginaw, MI 48605 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 3211 4th Street, N E 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7990 Washington, DC 20017-1194 Village Family Service Center, The 300 - 3rd Avenue SW 6/25/2003 $25,00000 7991 Suite D Minot, ND 58701 Women at Work 50 North Hill Avenue, Suite 300 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7992 Pasadena, CA 91106

Youth and Shelter Services, Inc 1219 Buchanan 6125/2003 $26,67500 7993 Des Moines, IA 50316 Iona College 715 North Avenue 8/22/2003 $50,000.00 8244 New Rochelle, NY 10801 Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation 16 East 34 Street 8/22/2003 $5,00000 8247 New York, NY 10016-4326


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40 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number National Academy Foundation 39 Broadway 8/22/2003 $50,00000 8248 Suite 1640 New York, NY 10006 A Better Chance, Inc. 88 Black Falcon Avenue 9/16/2003 $25,00000 8258 Suite 250 Boston, MA 02110-2414 National Council on Economic Education 11 40 Avenue of the Americas 9/16/2003 $15,00000 8282 New York, NY 10036 National Urban Fellows. Inc 59 John Street 9/16/2003 $7,50000 8285 Suite 310 New York, NY 10038 Public Education Network 601 Thirteenth Street, N W 9/16/2003 $5,00000 8286 Suite 900 North Washington, DC 20005-3808 National Academy Foundation 39 Broadway 9/30/2003 $700,00000 8301 Suite 1640 New York, NY 10006 Jobs for Americas Graduates, Inc 1729 King Street 10/14/2003 $25,00000 8315 Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314 United Negro College Fund, Inc 120 Wall Street 11/11/2003 $50,00000 8543 9th Floor New York, NY 10005 Academy of Travel & Tourism 1727B Wili Pa Loop 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8544 Wailuku, H1 96793 American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd 11/19/2003 $10,00000 8546 Denver, CO 80221-4488 American Woman's Economic Development Corp 216 East 45th Street 1111912003 $20,00000 8547 10th Floor New York, NY 100 17 Broward Education Foundation, Inc 600 S E Third Avenue 11/19/2003 $10,00000 8550 CTACE, 11 th Floor Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33301 Chicago Board of Education 125 S Clark Street 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8551 Chicago, IL 60603-5200 Fund for Educational Excellence, Inc. 800 N Charles Street 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8562 Suite 450 Baltimore, MID 21201 Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities 8415 Datapoint Drive 11/19/2003 $25,000.00 8567 Suite 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street 11/19/2003 $25,00000 8569 San Francisco, CA 94105 Junior Achievement Inc. 1 Education Way 11/19/2003 $20,00000 8577 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc 2000 L Street, NW 11/1912003 $5,00000 8580 Suite 610 Washington, DC 20036 Magnet Educational Choice Association Inc. 1500 Biscayne Boulevard 11/19/2003 $15,00000 8581 Room 237 Miami, FIL 33132 Metro-Atlanta NAF Initiative, Inc. 2456 Tolliver Drive 11/19/2003 $10,00000 8583 Ellenwood, GA 30294 National Academy Foundation 39 Broadway 11/19/2003 $150,00000 8585 Suite 1640 New York, NY 10006

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number National Urban League, Inc 120 Wall Street 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8588 7th & 8th Floor New York, NY 10005 National Women's Law Center 11 Dupont Circle . NW 11/19/2003 $15.00000 8589 Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036-1207 Seattle Public Schools Department of School to Work 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8600 2120 South Jackson Street Suite 610 Seattle, WA 98144-2219 Urban Education Partnership, The 315 West Ninth Street 11/19/2003 $15,00000 8633 Suite 1110 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Arthur Ashe Institute For Urban Health, Inc 450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 1232 11/20/2003 $25,00000 8648 Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098

Boys & Girls Clubs of America National Headquarters 11/20/2003 $50.00000 8654 1230 W Peachtree St NW Atlanta, GA 30309-3447 Fund for Public Schools, Inc 52 Chambers Street 11/20/2003 $60,00000 8665 Room 305 New York, NY 10007 INROADS, Inc 10 South Broadway 11/20/2003 $10,00000 8673 St Louis, MO 63102-1734 International Rescue Committee 122 East 42nd Street 11120/2003 1 '50,00000 861 New York, NY 10168 National Consumers League, Inc 1701 K Street, Suite 1200 11/20/2003 $5,00000 8698 Washington, DC 20006 National Council of La Raza 1111 19th Street, N W 11/20/2003 $25,00000 8699 Ninth Floor Washington, DC 20036 National Restaurant Association Educational 175 West Jackson Blvd , 11/20/2003 $25,00000 8702 Foundation Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60604 United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate 11/20/2003 $50,00000 8723 Drive P 0 Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044 Communities In Schools, Inc. 277 South Washington Street 12/9/2003 $15,00000 8760 Suite 210 Alexandria, VA 22314 Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh 212 Ninth Street 11/21/2003 $30,000.00 8732 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Junior Achievement International 2748 Janitell Road 2/25/2003 $25,00000 7859 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Springboard Charitable Trust 3 Denmark Street 2/25/2003 $9,00000 7863 London, WC21-1 81-P United Kingdom United Kingdom Global Initiatives, Inc. RD #2 3/11/2003 $259,000 .00 7870 Box 191B Delhi, NY 13753 Springboard Charitable Trust 3 Denmark Street 3/24/2003 $59,50000 7879 London, WC2H 8LP United Kingdom United Kingdom

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Aid to Artisans, Inc 331 Wethersfield Avenue 4/10/2003 $120,00000 7881 Hartford, CT 06114 Aid to Artisans, Inc 331 Wethersfield Avenue 4/10/2003 $130,00000 7882 Hartford, CT 06114 Global Initiatives . Inc RD #2 4/10/2003 $55,00000 7890 Box 191 B Delhi, NY 13753 Junior Achievement International 2748 Janitell Road 6/6/2003 $25,00000 7943 Colorado Springs . CO 80906 Junior Achievement of Toronto and York Region 2 Adelaide Street West, Suite 10/14/2003 $67,50000 8316 300 Toronto, ON M51-1 1 L6 Canada Canada Aid to Arhsans, Inc 331 Wethersfield Avenue 11/20/2003 $10,00000 8642 Hartford, CT 06114 Total Economic Independence $3,411,273.00

Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America, Inc One Scholarship Way 7/23/2003 $339,00000 8023 P 0 Box 297 St Peter, MN 56082 University of Utah 304 Park Building 5/15/2003 $2,00000 7926 201 S Presidents Circle, #304 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9015 Mount Holyoke College 50 College Street 7/18/2003 $1,80000 8007 South Hadley, MA 0 1075 Lehigh University Reistratar Office 10/14/2003 $1,20000 8318 39 University Drive Bethlehem, PA 18019 UCLA Foundation, The 10920 Wilshire Blvd 10/14/2003 $2.000 .00 8319 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Total Employee Scholarships $346,000 .00

America's Charities 14150 Newbrook Drive 11/19/2003 $576,00000 8545 Suite 110 Chantilly, VA 20151 Community Health Charities 200 North Glebe Road 11/19/2003 $448,00000 8555 Suite 801 Arlington, VA 22203 Earth Share 3400 International Drive, NW 11/19/2003 $192,000.00 8558 Suite 2K Washington, DC 20008 Global Impact 66 Canal Center Plaza 11/19/2003 $160,000.00 8564 Suite 310 Alexandria, VA 22314 Greater T%mn Cities United Way 404 S 8th St 11/19/2003 $450,00000 8566 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street 11/19/2003 $32,000 .00 8568 San Francisco, CA 94105 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 11/19/2003 $64,000 .00 8576 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Mile High United Way, Inc. 2505 18th St 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8584 Denver. CO 80211

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number United Negro College Fund 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate 11/19/2003 $96,00000 8605 Drive P 0 Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044 United Way Community Services 1212 Griswold St 11/19/2003 $7,50000 8606 Detroit, MI 48226-1899 United Way in Chicago 560 W Lake St 11/19/2003 $30,00000 8607 Chicago, IL 60661 United Way of Allegheny County One Smithfield Street 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8608 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0730 United Way of Broward County 1300 South Andrews Avenue 11119/2003 $160,00000 8609 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316 United Way of Brown County 1825 Riverside Drive 11/19/2003 $15,00000 8610 P 0 Box 1593 Green Bay, WI 54305-1593 United Way of Burlington County, Inc P 0 Box 226 11/19/2003 $2,000.00 8611 Rancor-as, NJ 08073 United Way of Central Maryland, Inc 100 South Charles Street, 5th 11/19/2003 $10,00000 8612 Floor Baltimore, MD 21203 United Way of Greater Greensboro 1500 Yanceyville Street 11/19/2003 $75,00000 8613 Greensboro, NC 27415 United Way of King County 720 Second Avenue 11/19/2003 $6,00000 8614 Seattle, WA 98104 United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc 245 Summer Street, Suite 1401 11/19/2003 $19,50000 8615 Boston, MA 0221 0

United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc. 100 Edgewood Avenue, N E 11/19/2003 $20,00000 8616 Atlanta, GA 30303 United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc 1800 North Lamar 11/19/2003 $7,50000 8617 Dallas, TX 75202 United Way of Miami-Dade, Inc Ansin Bldg 11/19/2003 $20,00000 8618 3250 SW 3rd Avenue Miami, FL 33129 United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc 1300 Riverplace Blvd Ste 500 11/19/2003 $6,00000 8619 Jacksonville, FL 32207-1814 United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County 700 S Alamo 11/19/2003 $7.50000 8620 San Antonio, TX 78205 United Way of San Diego County 4699 Murphy Canyon Road 11/19/2003 $7,000.00 8621 San Diego, CA 92123 United Way of Tampa Bay, Inc 1000 North Ashley Street, Suite 11/19/2003 $7,500.00 8622 800 Tampa, FL 33764-1739 United Way of the Bay Area 221 Main Street, Suite 300 11/19/2003 $12,00000 8623 San Francisco, CA 94105 United Way of the Capital Area, Inc. 30 Laurel St. 11/19/2003 $2,00000 8624 Hartford, CT 06106 United Way of the Great Salt Lake Area 175 S.W Temple, Suite 30 11/19/2003 $70,00000 8625 Salt Lake City, UT 841 11 United Way of the Midlands 1805 Harney St 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8626 Omaha, NE 68102 United Way of the Nabonal Capital Area 95 M. St S.W 11/19/2003 $20,000.00 8627 Washington, DC 20024 United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast 2200 North Loop West 11/19/2003 $15,000.00 8628 Houston, TX 77018 United Way of Tn-State 120 Wall Street, 4th Floor 11119/2003 $325,000.00 8629 New York, NY 10005

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Payee Name Eum~ Check Date Amount Check Number United Way Services 1331 Euclid Ave 11/19/2003 $7,50000 8630 Cleveland, OH 44115 United Way, Inc 523 West 6th Street 11/19/2003 $15,00000 8631 Suite 345 Los Angeles, CA 90014-1217 Valley of the Sun United Way 1515 E Osborne Road 11/19/2003 $300,00000 8635 Phoenix, AZ 85014 Total Employee Giving $3,200,000.00

Abhinaya Theater 9105 Barrington Terrace 7/29/2003 $80000 8033 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 Actors Theatre of Phoenix P 0 Box 1924 7/29/2003 $2,00000 8034 112 North Central Avenue Suite Phoenix, AZ 85001-1924

Adoption Network Cleveland 1667 East 40th Street 7/29/2003 $60000 8035 Cleveland, OH 44103 Aid to Women, Inc 701 Center Point Rd NE 7/29/2003 $80000 8036 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Alliance of AIDS Services Carolina, The P.O Box 12583 7129/2003 $80000 8037 Raleigh, NC 27605 American Cancer Society, Inc 1599 Clifton Road, N E 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8038 Atlanta, GA 30329-4251 American Friends of Georgia, Inc P 0 Box 1200 7/29/2003 $60000 8039 Truro, MA 02666 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to 424 East 92nd Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8040 Animals, The New York, NY 10 128 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 27001 Agoura Road, Suite #150 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8041 Calabassas Hills, CA

Animal Humane Society 845 Meadow Lane North 7/29/2003 $80000 8042 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Animal Rescue and Foster Program, Inc P.O . Box 77393 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8043 Greensboro, NC 27417 ARC Hennepin-Carver Inc 4301 Hwy 7, 7/29/2003 $80000 8044 Suite 140 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, P.O Box 151 7/29/2003 $600.00 8045 Inc New York, NY 10274-0151 Arizona Council on Economic Education 8283 North Hayden Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8046 Suite 295 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Arizona Equine Rescue Organization 34522 N Scottsdale Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8047 Suite D-8, #168 Scottsdale, AZ 85262 Arizona Theatre Company 502 W Roosevelt Street 7/29/2003 $600 .00 8048 Phoenix, AZ 85003 Arts Council of Erie 3 East 4th Street 7/29/2003 $1,000 .00 8049 Suite 10 Erie, PA 16507 Arts Council of Northeast Tarrant County P.O Box 210816 7/29/2003 $80000 8050 Bedford, TX 76095-7816 AssocAation for the Handicapped, Inc. Children's 2315 Coliseum Drive 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8051 Center for the Physically Handicapped Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Basilica of St . Mary 88 N. 17th Street 7/29/2003 $1,500 .00 8052 Minneapolis, MN 55403

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Batavia Youth Bureau 12 MacArthur Drive 7/29/2003 $80000 8053 Batavia, NY 14020 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Colorado, Inc 2420 W 26th Avenue 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8054 #450-D Denver, CO 80211 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah 151 E 5600 S. 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8055 Suite 200 Salt Lake City, LIT 84107 Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Broward, Inc 301 E Las Olas Blvd #210 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8056 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33301 Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Nashua 33 Main Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8057 Suite 501 Nashua, NH 03054 Borough of Totowa First Aid Squad P 0 Box 619 7/29/2003 $80000 8058 Totowa, NJ 07512 Boy Scouts of America P 0. Box 152079 7129/2003 $1,00000 8059 Irving . TX 75015 Boy Scouts of America P 0 Box 152079 7/29/2003 $80000 8060 Irving, TX 75015 Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia, Inc 2901 Bridge Street 7/29/2003 $800.00 8061 Philadelphia . PA 19137 Boys and Girls Club of Union, Inc 530-534 West 7th Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8062 Plainfield, NJ 07060 Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue, Inc P 0 Box 54506 7/29/2003 $80000 8063 Phoenix, AZ 85078 Bringing the Outside World Inside Foundation 755 Bryn Mawr Avenue 7/29/2003 $60000 8064 Bryn Mawr, PA 10973 BSI Inc 5917 Telegraph Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8065 Alexandria, VA 22310 Bundles of Love 7975 166th Street West 7/29/2003 $80000 8066 Lakeville, MN 55044 Business Volunteers for the Arts 200 W Washington, 10th Floor 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8067 Phoenix, AZ 85003

Casa for Children, Inc 130 E Main Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8068 Suite 202 Canton, GA 30114 Center for Coordinating Acbon for Children's 7S721 Rt 53 7/2912003 $800 .00 8069 Health Respite House, The Naperville, IL 60540 Cherry Grove Community Association, Inc P 0. Box 4024 7/29/2003 $60000 8070 Cherry Grove, NY 11782 Chicanos Latinos Unidos En Servicio (CLUES) 2700 E Lake Street 7/29/2003 $2,00000 8071 Suite 1160 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Children's Fund, Inc P 0 Box 56303 7/29/2003 $60000 8072 Houston, TX 77256 Children's Museum of Utah 840 North 300 West 7/29/2003 $2,00000 8073 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Children's Safety Centers Network, Inc 281 Mana Avenue 7/29/2003 $1,000 .00 8074 St . Paul, MN 55106 Church of God Cleveland, TN 37320 7/29/2003 $60000 8075 Church of God of West Broward 1050 NW 43rd Avenue 7/29/2003 $600 .00 8076 Plantation, FIL 33313-6742 College Bound, Inc. 3715 Richmond Street 7/29/2003 $800 .00 8078 Chicago, IL 60618 Common Hope, Inc P.0 Box 14298 7/29/2003 $800 .00 8079 St. Paul, MN 55114

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40 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Communities in Schools of Broward County, Inc 4185 N State Rd 7 7/29/2003 $40000 8080 Lauderdale Lakes, FIL 33319 Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence 2416 E Washington Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8081 Suite E Bloomington, IL 61704-4472 Court Designated Child Advocates, Inc 509 Valley Way 7/29/2003 $60000 8082 Milpitas, CA 95035 Cowboys for Kids, Inc 47811 N 41st Ave 7/29/2003 $80000 8083 Phoenix, AZ 85087 Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America National Headquarters 7/29/2003 $40000 8084 386 Park Avenue South 17th Floor New York, NY 10016 Crossroads Foundation, The 3901 Chicago Avenue South 712912003 $400 .00 8085 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Dan Marino Foundation 1335 Shotgun Road 7/29/2003 $60000 8086 Sunrise, FL 33326 Downtown Open School 706 2nd Avenue South 7/29/2003 $60000 8087 Minneapolis, MN 55402- Ely Educational Foundation . Inc , The 595 NW 15th Street 7/29/2003 $60000 8088 Pompano Beach, FL 11178 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 8765 West Higgins Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8089 Chicago, IL 60631 Eye of the Storm Theatre 3754 Pleasant Ave S 7/2912003 $80000 8090 Suite 202 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Family Foundation One Capital Square 7/29/2003 $60000 8091 830 E Main Street Suite 1201 Richmond, VA 23219 Fil-Minnesotan Association P.0 Box 25861 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8092 Woodbury, MN 55125 Fine Arts Association of Arizona P 0. Box 30877 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8093 Phoenix, AZ 85046-0877 Fly-By Theater P 0 Box 157 7/29/2003 $80000 8094 Pine Lake, GA 30072 Fundacion Compartir, Inc P 0 Box 490097 7/29/2003 $600.00 8095 Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Gay Men of African Descent, Inc. 103 E 125th Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8096 Suite 503 New York, NY 10035 Genesee Valley BOCES Child Care Center 8250 State Street Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8097 Batavia, NY 14020 German-Amencan Heritage Foundation 1021 Marion Street 7/29/2003 $40000 8098 St Paul, MN 55117 Girl Scout Council Inc Arizona Cactus Pine 119 East Coronado Road 7/29/2003 $1,000.00 8099 Phoenix, AZ 85OG4 Girl Scout Council Inc Arizona Cactus Pine 119 East Coronado Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8100 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Girl Scout Council Inc. Arizona Cactus Pine 119 East Coronado Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8101 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Girl Scouts of Broward County, Inc 4701 NW 33rd Avenue 7/29/2003 $80000 8102 Oakland Park, FIL 33309 Girl Scouts, Tarheel Tnad Council, Inc. 8432 Norcross Road 712912003 $800 .00 8103 Colfax, NC 27235 Gods Little Acres 4551 NW 39th Avenue 7/29/2003 $40000 8104 Coconut Creek, FL 33063

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Greater Cleveland Committee on Hunger 1331 Euclid Avenue 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8105 Cleveland, OH 44115 Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery 5400 Glenwood Ave 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8106 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Greensboro Community Television, Inc 211 North Greene St 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8107 Greensboro, NC 27401 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 121 Habitat Street 7/29/2003 $60000 8108 Owego, NY Hebron Volunteer Fire Department 44 Main Street 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8109 Hebron, CT 06248 Hmong National Development, Inc 11 12 16th Street NW 7/29/2003 $40000 8110

Homenetmen 3347 North San Fernando Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8111 Los Angeles, CA 90065

Horace Greeley Education Fund P.O Box 242 7/29/2003 $60000 8112 Chappaqua, NY 10514 Horsepower, Inc 8001 Leabourne Road 7/29/2003 $2,00000 8113 Colfax, NC 27235 In the Fray, Inc P 0 Box 2415 7/29/2003 $600 .00 8114 Venice, CA 90294 Indian Music Society of Minnesota P 0 Box 581846 7/29/2003 $80000 8115 Minneapolis, MN 55458 Infinite Way. Inc 1957 NW 193rd Avenue 7/29/2003 $80000 8116 Pembroke Pines, FIL 33029 J J Hill Montesson 998 Selby Avenue 7/29/2003 $40000 8117 St Paul, MN Jewish Community Center of Greater of 45 Haver-ford Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8118 Philadelphia Wynnewood, PA 19096 John Carroll School 703 Churchville Road 7/29/2003 $60000 8121 Bel Air, MID 21014 JP Taravella High School of Broward County JP Taravella Band Patrons 7/29/2003 $40000 8122 10600 Riverside Drive Coral Springs, FL 33071 Junior Achievement Inc I Education Way 7/29/2003 $60000 8123 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8124 Colorado Spnngs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8125 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior League of Fort Lauderdale, Inc. 704 SE Ist Street 7129/2003 $600 .00 8126 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Junior League of Wilmington 1801 Market Street 7/29/2003 $60000 8127 Wilmington, DE 19802 Kids Day 4035 SW 200th Place 7/2912003 $1,00000 8128 Aloha, OR 97007-1178 Kiwanis Club of Lauderdale Lakes - West Sunrise P 0 Box 10088 7/29/2003 $800 .00 8129 Foundation, Inc. Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310 Korean American Family Services P.O. Nox 541429 7/29/2003 $60000 8130 Flushing, NY 11354 Lakeland Symphony Society, Inc P 0. Box 173 7/29/2003 $60000 8132 Parsippany, NJ 07054 League of Women Voters of Minneapolis Young Quninlan Building Suite 7/29/2003 $800 .00 8133 Education Fund 81 South Ninth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Numbef Life Choices Women's Clinic 9303 N 7th Street 7129/2003 $2,00000 8134 Suite 4 Phoenix, AZ 85020 Lincoln Park Community Shelter 638 West Deming Place 7/29/2003 $80000 8135 Chicago, IL 60614 Lions Club of Mount Kisco Community Betterment P 0 Box 187 7/29/2003 $60000 8136 Fund Mt Kisco, NY 10549 Literacy Coalition of Broward County 1350 East Sunrise BlIvd 7/29/2003 $60000 8137 Suite 118 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33304 Longfellow Community Council 2727 26th Avenue 7/29/2003 $60000 8138 South Minneapolis, MN 55406 Lupus Foundation of Colorado 6793 E Tennessee Avenue 7/29/2003 $80000 8139 Suite 100 Denver, CO 80224 Maggie and Erma's House, Inc 1501 West Friendly Avenue 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8140 Greensboro, NC 27403 Make A Wish of Greater Ohio and Kentucky, Inc 941 Chatham Lane 7/29/2003 $80000 8141 Suite 300 Columbus, OH 43221 Manassas Performing Arts, Inc 9004 Mathis Avenue 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8142 Manassas, VA 201 10 Maryland Food Bank 241 N Franklintown Road 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8143 Baltimore, MD 21223 Metro Old Boy Rugby Club 2826 West River Parkway 7/29/2003 $80000 8144 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Minnesota Guitar Society P.O Box 14986 7129/2003 $60000 8145 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Minnesota Orchestra[ Association 1111 Nicollet Mall 7/29/2003 $60000 8146 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Minnesota Spay/Neuter Project, Inc P.O Box 2067 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8147 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Minnesota Wildlife Haven, The 4328 Lyndale Avenue N 7/29/2003 $80000 8148 Minneapolis, MN 55412 Miracle House of New York, Inc. 80 Eighth Avenue 7/29/2003 $2,00000 8149 Room 709 New York, NY 10011-0109 Monroe Elementary School 901 Brookdale Drive 7/29/2003 $1,500.00 8150 Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 Morry's Camp 900 Dobby Ferry Road 7/29/2003 $60000 8151 White Plains, NY 10607 Most Holy Trinity School 535 East Alice Avenue 7/29/2003 $60000 8152 Phoenix, AZ 85020 Nabonal Associabon of Black and White Men P.O. Box 81236 7/29/2003 $800.00 8153 Together, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA 15217-4236 National Engineers Week Foundation 1420 King Street 7/29/2003 $2,00000 8154 Alexandria, VA 22314 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 733 Third Avenue 7/29/2003 $1,000.00 8155 New York, NY 10017 Neighborhood Christian Clinic, Inc., The 7000 North 16th Street 7/29/2003 $800.00 8156 Suite 120 PMB 310 Phoenix, AZ 85020 Newman Catholic Schools 2445 19th Street SW 7/29/2003 $80000 8157 Mason City, IA 50401 North Falmouth Elementary School 62 Old Main Road 7/29/2003 $400.00 8158 North Falmouth, MA 02556

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Northwoods Humane Society P 0 Box 513 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8159 Forest Lake, MN 55025 Open Arms of Minnesota, Inc. 1414 Franklin Avenue East 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8160 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Pakistan Information and Cultural Organization 1375 W Island Circle 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8161 Chandler, AZ 85248 Partners in Education Fourth Presbyterian Church 7/29/2003 $80000 8162 126 E Chestnut Chicago, IL 60611 PEASE Academy 601-13th Avenue S E 7/29/2003 $60000 8163 Minneapolis. MN 55414 People Building People P 0 Box 1083 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8164 West Chester, OH 45071-1083

Pets on Wheels of Scottsdale, Inc 7375 E 2nd Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8165 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Phoenix Area Rottweiler Rescue P 0 Box 5662 7/29/2003 $80000 8166 Peoria, AZ 85385-5662 Phoenix Children's Hospital Foundation 1919 E Thomas Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8167 Phoenix, AZ 85006 Phoenix District Tennis Association, Inc 3228 E Indian School Road 7/29/2003 $60000 8168 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Project Grad 1100 Louisiana 7/29/2003 $40000 8169 Suite 450 Houston, TX 77002 PTA North Carolina Congress 3501 Glenwood Ave 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8170 Raleigh, NC 27612-4934 R E A C H 1 Community Development 3304 North Church Street 7/29/2003 $60000 8171 Corporation, Inc Greensboro, NC 27405 Ramsey County Historical Society 323 Landmark Center 7/29/2003 $400 .00 8172 75 W. 5th Street St Paul, MN 55102 Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Cleveland, 4614 Prospect Avenue #205 7/29/2003 $80000 8173 Inc Cleveland, CH 44103 Sadie Nash Leadership Project 2 Willow Place 7/29/2003 $60000 8174 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Shoreview Northern Lights Variety Band 7/29/2003 $80000 8175 4025 Evergreen Place Shoreview, MN 55126 Showcase Concerts, Inc 1315 W Ocotillo 7/29/2003 $40000 8176 Phoenix, AZ 85013 South Florida Choral Arts, Inc P O.Box 9772 7/29/2003 $80000 8177 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33310 South Washington County Schools 8400 E Point Douglas Road 7/29/2003 $80000 8178 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 St. Francis of Assisi Animal Rescue c/o Dana Herman 7/29/2003 $60000 8179 26370 Freeport Avenue Wyoming, MN 55092 St. James School 507 S. Camp Street 7/29/2003 $40000 8180 Seguin, TX 78155 St Joseph's School - Yorkville 420 E 87th Street 7/29/2003 $600.00 8181 New York, NY 10128 St. Mary-Basha Catholic School 200 W Galveston 7/29/2003 $60000 8182 Chandler, AZ 85225 St. Michael's R C. Church 352 42nd Street 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8183 Brooklyn, NY 11232

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check. Number St Thomas More-St Edmund Roman Catholic 204-25 Rockaway Poni 7/29/2003 $80000 8184 Church. Inc Boulevard Rockaway Point, NY 11697 Statewide Independent Living Council 2400 North Centerl Avenue 7/29/2003 $80000 8185 #105 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Stepping Stone Theater Co 75 West 5th Street 7/29/2003 $60000 8186 Suite 314 St. Paul, MN 55102 Stevens Square Community Organization 116 E 18th Street 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8187 Minneapolis . MN 55403 Store to Door 1821 University Avenue W 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8188 Suite S109 St Paul, MN 55104 StreetWise Partners, Inc P 0 Box 1489 7/29/2003 $80000 8189 New York . NY 10185-1489 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc 5005 LBJ Freeway 7/29/2003 $2.000.00 8190 Suite 370 Dallas, TX 75244- Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association 121 Park Avenue 7/29/2003 $80000 8191 Swarthmore, PA 19081 Table to Table P 0 Box 1051 7/29/2003 $1,000 .00 8192' Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 Theater Mu, Inc 711 West Lake Street 7/29/2003 $60000 8193 #41 0 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Theatre Building Chicago, NFP 1225 W Belmont 7/29/2003 $40000 8194 Chicago, IL 60657 Theatre de la Jeune Lune 105 North First Street 7/29/2003 $40000 8195 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Transplant Foundation c/o Gift of Life Donor Program 7/29/2003 $80000 8197 2000 Hamilton St Suite 201 Philadelphia, PA 19130 Triad Academy 905 Friedberg Church Road 7/29/2003 $60000 8198 Winston Salem, NC 27127 Twin Cites Community Gospel Choir P.0 Box 29174 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8199 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429-0174

United Arts Council of Greensboro Greensboro Cultural Center 7/29/2003 $80000 8200 200 North Davie Street P 0 Box 877 Greensboro, NC 27402 United Cerebral Palsy of Minnesota 1821 University Avenue West 7/29/2003 $1,000.00 8201 Suite 219 South St Paul . MN 55104 United Methodist Outreach Ministries 3320 East Van Buren Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8202 Phoenix, AZ 85008 University of Hawaii Foundation 4303 Diamond Head Rd 7/29/2003 $1 .500 .00 8203 Honolulu, Hawaii University of Utah 304 Park Building 7129/2003 $600.00 8204 201 S Presidents Circle, #304 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9015 Village of East Sparta P.0 Box 7/29/2003 $1,000 .00 8205 East Sparta, OH 44626 Virginia Home for Boys 8716 West Broad Street 7/29/2003 $600 .00 8206 Richmond, VA 23294

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Visiting Nurse Association of the Denver Area, Inc 390 Grant Street 7/29/2003 $1,00000 8207 Denver, CO 80203 Volunteer Action Center of Broward County 1300 S Andrews Avenue 7/29/2003 $60000 8208 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316 Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Inc 64 Passaic Street 7/29/2003 $1 .00000 8209 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Wakefield Country Day School P 0 Box 739 7/29/2003 $60000 8210 Flint Hill, VA 22627-0739 Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit, Inc 115 East 9th Street 7/29/2003 $80000 8211 Apt 7C New York, NY 10003 Welstores of Minnesota, Inc Wise Penny Thrift Shoppe 7/29/2003 $80000 8212 310 Brighton Avenue Buffalo, MN 55313 White Bear Lake Area Historical Society P 0 Box 10543 7/29/2003 $60000 8213 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Win-Win Resolutions, Inc Self-Help Building 7/29/2003 $40000 8214 122 N. Elm Street, Suite M6 Greensboro, NC 27401 Women's Club of Coconut Creek 4321 NW 10th Street 7/29/2003 $800.00 8215 Coconut Creek, FIL 33066 Women's Foundation of Minnesota 155 Fifth Avenue South 7/29/2003 $80000 8216 Suite 900 Minneapolis . MN 55401 Worcester Arts Magnet School 135 St Nicholas Avenue 7/29/2003 $80000 8218 Worcester, MA 01606-1899 York Street Past Students Association P 0 Box 313430 7/29/2003 $60000 8219 Jamaica, NY 11431 Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Salt 3098 S Highland Drive, Suite 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8220 Lake Area 290 Salt Lake City, LIT 84106 Youth of America, Inc. 6102 NW 7th Avenue 7/29/2003 $80000 8221 Miami, FIL 33127 Youth Performance Company 610 West 28th Street 7/29/2003 $1,50000 8222 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Youth Softball Association of Coral Springs YSACS 7/29/2003 $80000 8223 P 0. Box 9192 Coral Springs, FIL 33067 Barth Syndrome Foundation, The 205 Puckett Road 811/2003 $80000 8224 Perry, FIL 32347 Broward Education Foundation, Inc. 600 S E Third Avenue 8/11/2003 $40000 8225 CTACE, 11 th Floor Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33301 Chameleon Theatre Circle, Inc., The 8398 139th Court 8/11/2003 $80000 8226 Apple Valley, MN 55124 HOPE Worldwide Ltd. Headquarters 8/11/2003 $60000 8228 148 E. Lancaster Wayne, PA 19087 PTA North Carolina Congress 3501 Glenwood Ave 8/11/2003 $1,50000 8230 Raleigh, NC 27612-4934 Chnshan Love Fellowship Academy Inc. 747 S. Federal Highway 8/22/2003 $1,00000 8235 Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Donors Forum of Chicago 208 South La Salle 8/22/2003 $600.00 8236 Suite 740 Chicago, IL 60604

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society 4800 West 57th Street 8/22/2003 $60000 8237 P 0 Box 5038 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5038 From Farm to Table, Inc clo David Dallis 8/22/2003 $60000 8238 216 Manor Road Little Neck, NY 11363 Girl Scout Council of Greater Minneapolis 5601 Brooklyn Blvd 8/22/2003 $80000 8240 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 Kansas City Rugby Foundation P 0 Box 33715 8/22/2003 $60000 8245 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207 Salvation Army & Its Components 440 West Nyack Road 8/22/2003 $80000 8253 West Nyack, NY 10994 Tunnel Light 18 Sherril Lane 8/22/2003 $80000 8256 Redlands, CA 92373 Boy Scouts of America P 0 Box 152079 9/16/2003 $1,00000 8270 Irving, TX 75015 National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurs to 120 Wall Street 9116/2003 $80000 8283 Disadvantaged & Handicapped Youth, Inc 29th Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 A Small Company in America P 0 Box 313 10/31/2003 $40000 8330 Deer Park, NY 11729-0313 Accountability Minnesota 2300 Myrtle 10131/2003 $1,75000 8331 Suite 180 St Paul, MN 55114 Adopt-A-Native-Elder P 0 Box 3401 10/31/2003 $400.00 8332 Park City, UT 84060 Advocacy Center for Childrens Education and 3606 Inverness Drive 10/31/2003 $25000 8333 Parent Training Greensboro, NC 27406 AIDS Care Partners 4457 Third Avenue S 10/31/2003 $55000 8334 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Al Amal School 1401 Gardena Avenue 10/31/2003 $1,750 .00 8335 Fridley, MN 55432 Angel Flight of New England, Inc Lawrence Municipal Airport 10/31/2003 $1,75000 8337 492 Sutton St North Andover, MA 01845 Angel Flight PA 501 Office Center Drive 10/31/2003 $1,00000 8338 Suite 015 Fort Washington, PA 19034 Animal Humane Society 845 Meadow Lane North 10131/2003 $55000 8339 Golden Valley, MN 55422 ARC Hennepin-Carver Inc 4301 Hwy 7, 10/31/2003 $1,00000 8340 Suite 140 Minneapolis, MN 55416 ARC Southeastern Minnesota, Inc. 903 W. Center Street 10/3112003 $850.00 8341 Rochester, MN 55902 Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired 3100 E Roosevelt Street 10/31/2003 $250.00 8342 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Arizona Humane Society of Phoenix 1521 W Dobbins Road 10/31/2003 $250.00 8343 Phoenix, AZ 85041 Arizona Humane Society of Phoenix 1521 W Dobbins Road 10/31/2003 $55000 8344 Phoenix, AZ 85041 Arizona Titans Baseball, Inc. 2439 E. Cheryl Drive 10/31/2003 $400.00 8345 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Artists Showcase of the Palm Beaches, Inc. 815 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd . 10/31/2003 $550.00 8346 West Palm Beach, FIL 33401


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0 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Asian American Coalition for Children and 50 Broad Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8347' Families, Inc Room 1701 New York, NY 10004 Asian Professional Extension, Inc 64 Fulton Street 10/31/2003 $55000 8348 New York, NY 10038 Aunt Marthas Youth Service Center 233 Joe Orr Road 10/31/2003 $70000 8349 Chicago Heights, IL 60411 Beatitudes Center D 0 A.R , Inc 555 W Glendale 10/31/2003 $1,400 .00 8350 Phoenix, AZ 85021 Bennett College 900 E Washington Street 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8351 Greensboro, NC 27401 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah 151 E 5600 S 10/31/2003 $25000 8352

001 L ~amrl %A Ly, U 1 EY4 1 V ( Body Positive, Inc 1144 East McDowell Road 10/31/2003 $55000 8353 Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85006 Bowery Residents' Committee, Inc 324 Lafayette Street 10/31/2003 $40000 835.4 New York, NY 100 1 2 Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis 189 South Barksdale Street 10/31/2003 $70000 8355 Memphis, TN 38104 Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS (BC/EFA) 165 West 46th Street, Suite 1300 10/31/2003 $40000 8357 New York, NY 10036

Broward County Film Society, Inc 1314 East Las Olas Blvd, #007 10/31/2003 $40000 8358 Ft Lauderdale, FIL 33301

Buckets for Hunger, Inc 4761 Coolidge 10/31/2003 $25000 8359 Oregon, WI 53575 Canyon View Elementary 3050 East 7800 South 10/31/2003 $55000 8360 Salt Lake City, LIT 84121 Capital Area Soccer League, Inc 3344 Hillsborough Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8361 Raleigh, NC 27607 Carrfour Corporation 155 S Miami Avenue #1150 10/31/2003 $25000 8362 Miami, FL 33131 Cat Assistance, Inc P 0. Box 539 10/31/2003 $700.00 8363 Ardsley, NY 10502 Champlin-Dayton Athletic Assocation, Inc. P 0. Box 112 10/31/2003 $40000 8364 Champlin, MN 55316 Chicago Cares, Inc. 300 West Adams Street 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8365 Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60606 City of Tamarac Citizen Emergency Response 7501 Pine Island Road 10/31/2003 $550 .00 8366 Team Tamarac, FL 33321 Clara Barton Open School 4237 Colfax Avenue South 10/31/2003 $55000 8367 Minneapolis,, MN 55409-1795 Club JAM 1130 Ruberta Ave 10/31/2003 $400 .00 8368 Glendale, CA 91201 Community Theatre Foundation of Greensboro 200 North Davie Street 10/31/2003 $1,000 .00 8370 Greensboro, NC Conshtubonal Foundation, The 226 West Rittenhouse Square 10/31/2003 $400 .00 8371 Suite 1006 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Corazon de Vida Foundabon 2062 Business Center Drive 10/31/2003 $550 .00 8372 Suite 225 Irvine, CA 92612

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Payee Name PaVee Address Check Date Amount Check Numbei Covenant House 460 West 41st Street 10/31/2003 $25000 8373 New York, NY 10036 Cray Youth and Family Services, Inc 321 North Jefferson Street 10/31/2003 $25000 8374 New Castle, PA 16101 Deerfield Park Foundation 836 Jewett Park Drive 10/31/2003 $70000 8375 Deerfield, IL 60015 Delta Research and Education Foundation 1703 New Hampshire Avenue 10/31/2003 $85000 8376 NW Washington, DC 20009 East Brunswick Community Players 210 Dunham's Corner Road 10/31/2003 $55000 8377 P 0 Box 181 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Easter Seals Southern California, Inc 1035 E Valley Parkway 10/31/2003 $70000 8378 Escondido, CA 92025 Eden Institute Foundation One Eden Way 10/31/2003 $25000 8379 Princeton . NJ 08540 Educational Alliance, The 197 East Broadway 10/3112003 $40000 8380 New York, NY 10002 Encore Dance Company Ltd P 0 Box 595 10/31/2003 $55000 8382 Dowagiac, MI 49047 Encore Wind Ensemble c/o Jennifer A Haugh 10/31/2003 $40000 8383 1912 Dupont Avenue S Suite 204 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Executive Women International Business-Career- 515 S 700 E 10/31/2003 $1,00000 8384 Development Program Suite 2A Salt Lake City, LIT 84102 Fair Winds Girl Scout Council 2029 C South Elms Road 10/31/2003 $70000 8385 Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Family Central, Inc 840 S W. 81 st Avenue 10/31/2003 $1,75000 8386 North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc 281 Park Avenue South 10/31/2003 $1,000 .00 8387 New York, NY 100 10 Florida Highway Patrol Auxiliary Foundation, Inc 7651 U S Highway 19 N 10/31/2003 $70000 8388 Pinellas Park, FL 33781 Food Lifeline 1702 NE 150th Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8389 Shoreline, WA 98155-7226 Friends of Children Youth and Family, Inc 7272 W. Oakland Park Blvd 10/31/2003 $550.00 8391 Lauderhill, FL 33313 Friends of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza 847 Second Avenue 10/31/2003 $1,00000 8392 New York, NY 10017 Galumph Interactive Theater 3243 Cedar Avenue South 10/31/2003 $40000 8393 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Gay Community Center of Philadelphia 1315 Spruce Street 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8394 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Gay Community Center of Philadelphia 1315 Spruce Street 10/31/2003 $550.00 8395 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Girl Scout Council Inc. Arizona Cactus Pine 119 East Coronado Road 10/31/2003 $550.00 8396 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Girl Scout Council of St. Croix Valley 400 South Robert Street 10/31/2003 $550.00 8397 St. Paul, MN 55107 Girl Scouts of Broward County, Inc. 4701 NW 33rd Avenue 10131/2003 $1,40000 8398 Oakland Park, FL 33309 Girl Scouts of Broward County, Inc 4701 NW 33rd Avenue 10/31/2003 $550 .00 8399 Oakland Park, FL 33309 Girl Scouts of Broward County, Inc. 4701 NW 33rd Avenue 10/31/2003 $55000 8400 Oakland Park, FL 33309

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Girl Scouts of Genesee Valley Inc 1020 John Street 10/31/2003 $70000 8401 West Henrietta, NY 14586-9757

Girl Scouts of Utah 4355 S Morris Street 10/31/2003 $70000 8402 Taylorsville, UT 84119 God's Love We Deliver 166 Avenue of the Americas 10/31/2003 $1,75000 8403 New York . NY 10013 Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women 25 Sheldon SE 10/31/2003 $40000 8404 Suite 210 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Greene Public Library 179 Hopkins Hollow Road 10/31/2003 $1,75000 8405 P 0 Box 5008 Greene, RI 02827 Greensboro Chinese Association, Inc 201 Pineburr Road 10/31/2003 $55000 8406 Greensboro, NC 27409 Greensboro Urban Ministry 305 West lee Street 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8407 Greensboro, NC 27406 Greensboro Youth Soccer Association 2400 Sixteenth Street 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8408 Greensboro, NC 27405 Guadalupe Center Educational Program, Inc. 340 South Goshen Street 10/31/2003 $1,75000 8409 Salt Lake City, LIT 84104-1216 Healthy West Valley City 3600 S Constitution Blvd 10/31/2003 $700 .00 8410 West Valley City, UT 84119 Heart of America Humane Society P 0 Box 12703 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8411 Overland Park, KS 66282 Horizon Foundation, Inc 13 Martin Ln 10/31/2003 $1,00000 8412 Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Horizons for Youth 703 W Monroe 10/31/2003 $1,000.00 8413 Chicago, IL 60661 Horizons Initiative, The 90 Cushing Avenue 10/31/2003 $850.00 8414 Dorchester, MA 02125 Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the 5414B W Roosevelt Road 10/31/2003 $55000 8416 Elderly, Inc Chicago, IL 60644 Humane Society for Companion Animals 1115 Beulah Lane 10/31/2003 $550.00 8417 St Paul, MN 55108-2699 Immaculate Conception School 4497 W First Avenue 10/31/2003 $25000 8418 Hialeah, FL 33012 Intermountain Therapy Animals 4835 South Highland Drive 10/31/2003 $1,00000 8419 #2125 P 0 Box 17201 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Insh Cultural and Learning Foundation 1106 N Central Avenue 10/31/2003 $1,400 .00 8420 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Japan America Society of Chicago 20 N Clark Street 10/31/2003 $400.00 8421 Suite 750 Chicago, IL 60602 Kenny Community School 5720 Emerson Ave South 10/31/2003 $1,400 .00 8422 Minneapolis, MN 55419 Keshet 425 Huehl Road, #1313 10/31/2003 $400.00 8423 Northbrook, IL 60062-1258 Kids'n Kinship 14870 Granada Avenue 10/31/2003 $70000 8424 #127 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Lake Parks Foundation c/o Lake Farmpark 10/31/2003 $400 .00 8425 8800 Chardon Road Kirtland, OH 44094 is

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Payee Nam Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Lakeside Family & Children's Services 235 N Main Street 10/31/2003 $25000 8426 Spring Valley, NY 10977 Lavender Light The Black and People of All 70A Greenwich Avenue #315 10/31/2003 $70000 8427 Colors, Lesbian and Gay Gospel Choir, Inc New York, NY 100 11 Lawrence Hall Youth Services 4833 N Francisco Avenue 10/3112003 $25000 8428 Chicago, IL 60625 Life Restoration Ministries, Inc 5840 Washington Street 10/31/2003 $55000 8430 Bay #5 Hollywood, FL 33023 Lions of Illinois Foundation 2814 Dekalb Avenue 10/31/2003 $55000 8431 Sycamore, IL 60178 Literacy Volunteers of America Reading 122 N Elm Street 10/31/2003 $85000 8432 Connections, Inc, The Suite 520 Self-Help Center Greensboro, NC 27401 Lookout Mountain Elementary School 15 West Coral Gables 1013112003 $55000 8433 Phoenix, AZ 85023 Loring Nicollet Bethlehem Community Centers, 1925 Nicollet Avenue 10/31/2003 $55000 8434 Inc Minneapolis, MN 55403-3786 Magna FACT, Inc 9124 West 2700 South 10/31/2003 $25000 8435 Magna, LIT 84044 Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Hudson Valley, 828 South Broadway 10/31/2003 $850 .00 8436 Inc Tarrytown, NY 10591 Mattoon Area Pads Community Organization 2017 Broadway Avenue 10/31/2003 $25000 8437 Mattoon, IL 61938 Meals-On-Wheels Greater San Diego, Inc 2254 San Diego Ave 10/31/2003 $25000 8438 Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92110 Memorial Blood Centers of Minnesota 2304 Park Avenue South 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8439 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Mental Health Association of Arizona 6411 E Thomas Road 10/31/2003 $40000 8440 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Middlesex County Improvement Authority Middlesex County Food 10/31/2003 $1,75000 8442 Organization & Outreach Distribution Services 101 Interchange Plaza Cranbury, NJ 08512 Midway Contemporary Art 2500 University Avenue W 10/31/2003 $40000 8443 C-2 St Paul, MN 55114 Midwest Avian Adoption & Rescue Services, Inc. 6532 West Lake Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8444 St Louis Park, MN 55426 Minds Matter P.O . Box 147 10131/2003 $85000 8445 Rockefeller Center New York, NY 10185-0147 Minnesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Ave S 10/31/2003 $2,25000 8446 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Monroe Elementary School 901 Brookdale Drive 10/31/2003 $400 .00 8447 Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 Morning Star Community Development 1009 Chandler Avenue 10/31/2003 $25000 8448 Corporation Linden, NJ 07036 Mt . Airy Bantams Youth Association P.O Box 18891 10/31/2003 $40000 8449 Philadelphia, PA 19119 Museum of Science and Industry 57th & Lake Shore Drive 10/31/2003 $70000 8450 Chicago, IL 60637-2093 National Association of Street Schools 1567 Marion Street 10/31/2003 $25000 8452 Denver, CO 80218

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Nenneh Children Relief Fund, Inc, The 49 Crown Street 10/31/2003 $55000 8453 Suite 8M Brooklyn, NY 11225 New Mexico AIDS Services, Inc 625 Truman NE 10/31/2003 $1,40000 8454 Albuquerque, NM 87110 New York Cares, Inc 214 West 29th Street 10/31/2003 $70000 8455 5th Floor New York, NY 10003-2112 Northlight Theatre . Inc 9501 Skokie Blvd 10/31/2003 $40000 8456 Skokie, IL 60077 Nova High School 3600 College Avenue 10/31/2003 $40000 8457 Davie, FL 33314 Nurses of Israel Inc 32 Cerenzia Blvd 10/31/2003 $40000 8458 Elmont, NY 11003 Ocean Watch Foundation, Inc P 0 Box 5494 10/31/2003 $2,00000 8459 Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 Pet Rescue, Inc P 0 Box 393 10/31/2003 $2,00000 8460 Larchmont, NY 10538-0393 Phoenix Film Foundation 200 W Washington Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8461 10th FI Phoenix, AZ 85003 Pillsbury United Communities 3501 Chicago Avenue 10/31/2003 $55000 8462 Minneapolis . MN 55407 Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern 5651 N 7th Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8463 Arizona Phoenix, AZ 85014 Project for Pride in Living, Inc 2516 Chicago Avenue 1013112003 $40000 8464 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Project Plus Bergen County Area, Inc 355 Main Street 10/31/2003 $55000 8465 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Read Columbus Read, Inc. 374 W Virginialee Road 10/31/2003 $40000 8467 Columbus . CH 43209 Rescue A Golden of Arizona P 0 Box 31894 10/31/2003 $25000 8468 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1894 River Cibes Symphony Orchestra, Inc P 0 Box 477 10/31/2003 $1,75000 8469 Parkersburg, WV 26102 Scottsdale Community Players 7020 E 2nd St 10/31/2003 $1,00000 8470 Scottsdale, AZ 85251-5555 Sharing and Canng Hands, Inc 525 North 7th Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8471 Minneapolis, MN 55405 South Bronx Educational Foundation, Inc. The Rosedale Center 10/3112003 $55000 8472 1724 East 174th Street Bronx, NY 10472 Southeastern Guide Dogs 4210 77th Street East 10/31/2003 $85000 8473 Palmetto, FL 34221 Southside Family School 2123 Clinton Avenue South 10/3112003 $55000 8474 Minneapolis, MN 55404 St . Croix Valley Korean American Cultural Society, 671 Brudhurst Drive 10/31/2003 $700.00 8475 Inc. Hudson, WI 54016 St. Mark's School 1983 Dayton Avenue 10/31/2003 $700.00 8476 Saint Paul, MN 55104 Starks Charitable Foundabon P 0 Box 170103 10/31/2003 $400.00 8477 Hialeah, FIL 33017-0103 Staten Island AIDS Task Force, Inc 56 Bay Street 10/31/2003 $25000 8478 Staten Island, NY 10301 Sun Sounds Foundation, Inc. 2323 W 14th Street 10/31/2003 $850.00 8479 Tempe, AZ 85281

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Tree of Knowledge Learning Center 2490 Lee Blvd 10/31/2003 $40000 8480 Suite #210 Cleveland Heights, CH 44118 TreeUtah of Salt Lake City 511 West 200 South 10/31/2003 $55000 8481 Suite 150 Salt Lake City, LIT 84101 Tristan's Quest 709 Battleground Avenue 10/31/2003 $25000 8482 Greensboro, NC 27401 Twin Cibes Habitat for Humanity 3001 4 Street SE 10/31/2003 $25000 8483 Minneapolis . MN 55414 Under One Roof, Inc 549 Castro Street 10/31/2003 $70000 8484 San Francisco, CA 94114 United States Adaptive Recreation Center P 0 Box 2897 10/31/2003 $1,40000 848EP 43101 Goldmine Drive Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 Utah AIDS Foundation 1408 South 1100 East 10/31/2003 $2,25000 8486 Salt Lake City, UT 84105 Valley Academy, Inc 1520 W Rose Garden Lane 10/31/2003 $40000 8487 Phoenix, AZ 85027 Valley Humane Society, Inc 273 Spring Street 10/31/2003 $40000 8488 Pleasanton, CA 94566 Visions Services for the Blind and Visually 500 Greenwich Street 10/31/2003 $55000 8489 Impaired 3rd Floor New York, NY 1001 3-1354 Volunteer Center of Mancopa County 722 E Osborn Road 10/31/2003 $55000 8490 Phoenix, AZ 85014 Wabash Street Level Ministries, Inc P 0 Box 102 10/31/2003 $40000 8491 Wabash- IN 46992 Watts Willowbrook Boys & Girls Club 1339 East 120th Street 10/31/2003 $55000 8492 Los Angeles, CA 90059 West Redding Volunteer Fire Department P 0 Box 654 Umpawaug Road 10/31/2003 $850.00 8493 West Redding, MN 06896

Window to The World Communications, Inc 5400 North St Louis Ave 10/31/2003 $400.00 8494 (WTTW Channel 11) Chicago, IL 60625 Wisconsin Alumni Association 650 N Lake Street 10/31/2003 $400.00 8495 Madison, WI 53706 Women Venture 2324 University Ave 10/31/2003 $1,750 .00 8496 Suite 200 St Paul, MN 55114 Writers in the Schools 1523 West Main 10/3112003 $550 .00 8497 Houston, TX 77006 YES Kids P 0 Box 26726 10/31/2003 $700.00 8498 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Young Audiences of the Upper Midwest 416 Landmark Center 10/31/2003 $40000 8499 75 Fifth Street West St Paul, MN 55102 Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Salt 3098 S Highland Drive, Suite 10131/2003 $1,75000 8500 Lake Area 290 Salt Lake City, LIT 84106 Youth Outreach Foundation, Inc., The 715 Ingleside Avenue 10/31/2003 $70000 8501 Baltimore, MD 21228 Church of God Cleveland, TN 37320 11/11/2003 $1,000 .00 8504 Deer Valley Education Foundation, Inc. 20402 N. 15th Avenue 11/11/2003 $550.00 8506 Phoenix, AZ 85027- Flonda Baptist State Convention 1230 Hendricks Avenue 11/11/2003 $55000 8508 is Jacksonville, FIL 32207

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0 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Friends of the West Springfield Library, Inc 200 Park Street 11/11/2003 $70000 8509 West Springfield, MA 01089 General Council on Finance & Admins of the 1200 Davis Street 11/11/2003 $1,75000 8512 United Methodist Church Evanston, IL 60201 General Council on Finance & Admins of the 1200 Davis Street 11/11/2003 $70000 8513 United Methodist Church Evanston, IL 60201 General Federation of Womens Clubs 1734 N Street NW 11/11/2003 $55000 8514 Washington, DC 20036-2990 General Federation of Womens Clubs Arizona, 14242 N 73rd Place 11/11/2003 $70000 8515 Inc Phoenix, AZ 85032 Grace Fellowship Church of Buckeye 1300 N Miller Road 11/11/2003 $55000 8516 Buckeye, AZ 85326 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 121 Habitat Street 11/11/2003 $55000 851EI Owego, NY Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 11/11/2003 $55000 8523 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 11/1112003 $40000 8524 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 120 Wall Street 11/11/2003 $1,40000 8525 International - New York New York, NY 100054001 Little Tokyo Service Center, Inc 231 E Third Street 11/11/2003 $400.00 8527

LUZP MI IYCICa, UM VUU 10 Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 1333 South Kirkwood Road 11/11/2003 $55000 8528 St Louis, MO 63122 National Black MBA Association, Inc 180 North Michigan Avenue, 11/11/2003 $70000 8533 Suite 1400 0 Chicago. IL 60601 PTA North Carolina Congress 3501 Glenwood Ave 11/11/2003 $40000 8536 Raleigh, NC 27612-4934 PTA North Carolina Congress 3501 Glenwood Ave 11/11/2003 $40000 8537 Raleigh, NC 27612-4934 Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America, Inc. One Scholarship Way 11/19/2003 $55000 8553 P 0 Box 297 St Peter, MN 56082 Delta Sigma Theta Life Development, Inc 3855 Lenawee Avenue 11/19/2003 $85000 8557 Culver City, CA 90232 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 8765 West Higgins Road 11/19/2003 $55000 8559 Chicago, IL 60631 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 8765 West Higgins Road 11/19/2003 $1,00000 8560 Chicago, IL 60631 Junior Achievement Inc. 1 Education Way 11/19/2003 $2,000 .00 8574 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement Inc. 1 Education Way 11/19/2003 $1,40000 8575 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 PTA North Carolina Congress 3501 Glenwood Ave 11/19/2003 $1,75000 8597 Raleigh, NC 27612-4934 University of Minnesota Foundation 200 Oak Street Southeast 11/19/2003 $1,00000 8632' Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55454-1029 Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimers Association) 11/20/2003 $40000 8643 Association 225 North Michigan Avenue, 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60601-7633 American Cancer Society, Inc 1599 Clifton Road, N E. 11/20/2003 $250 .00 8644 Atlanta, GA 30329-4251 0

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number American Heart Association Inc 7272 Greenville Avenue 11/20/2003 $1,40000 8645 Dallas, TX 75231 American National Red Cross and its Constituent 8111 Gatehouse Road 11/20/2003 $40000 8646 Chapters and Branches Falls Church, VA 22042 Boy Scouts of America P 0 Box 152079 11/20/2003 $40000 8653 Irving, TX 75015 Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation 1111 Superior Avenue 11/20/2003 $25000 8655 Cleveland, OH 44114 City of Lakes Waldorf School, Inc 2344 Nicollet Ave S 11/20/2003 $70000 8660 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America National Headquarters 11/20/2003 $70000 8664 386 Park Avenue South 17th Floor New York, NY 10016 Institute for the Support of Educational Excellence, 7650 N 43rd Avenue 11/20/2003 $1,00000 8674 Inc Glendale, AZ 85301 Jane Addams Hull House Foundation 10 S Riverside Plaza 11/20/2003 $250.00 8676 Chicago, IL 60606 Japanese American Citizen's League San Francisco . CA 11/20/2003 $40000 8677' Junior Achievement Inc 1 Education Way 11/20/2003 $1,750 .00 8678 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement Inc. 1 Education Way 11/20/2003 $1,40000 8679 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 120 Wall Street 11/2012003 $1 .400 .00 8686 International - New York New York, NY 10005-4001 Kansas City Siamese Rescue, Inc P 0 Box 1245 11/20/2003 $400.00 8687 Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Little League Baseball, Inc P 0. Box 8265 11/20/2003 $2,00000 8692 Greensboro, NC 27419 Little League Baseball, Inc Williamsport, PA 11/20/2003 $40000 8693 Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 1333 South Kirkwood Road 11/20/2003 $1,00000 8694 St Louis, MO 63122 Maryland Regional Practitioners Network for 10 S Wolfe Street 11/20/2003 $25000 8695 Fathers and Families, Inc Baltimore, MD 21231 Massachusetts Conference of the United Church One Badger Road 11/20/2003 $55000 8696 of Christ Framingham, MA 01702-5517 National Conference for Community and Justice, 475 Park Ave South 11/20/2003 $1,750 .00 8697 Inc., The 19th floor New York, NY 100 16-6901 New Love and Faith M B Church, The 611 N Waller Avenue 11/20/2003 $550.00 8705 Chicago, IL 60644 Plantation Athletic League, Inc P.0 Box 550849 11/20/2003 $400.00 8707 Fort Lauderdale, FIL 33355 PTA Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers 1747 Oriando Central Parkway 11/20/2003 $250.00 8708 Orlando, FIL 32809

PTA North Carolina Congress 3501 Glenwood Ave 11/20/2003 $1,000 .00 8709 Raleigh, NC 27612-4934 PTA North Carolina Congress 3501 Glenwood Ave 11/20/2003 $400.00 8710 Raleigh, NC 27612-4934 Salvation Army & Its Components 440 West Nyack Road 11/20/2003 $850.00 8711 West Nyack, NY 10994 Salvation Army & Its Components 440 West Nyack Road 11/20/2003 $250 .00 8712 West Nyack, NY 10994 Salvation Army & Its Components 440 West Nyack Road 11/20/2003 $25000 8713 West Nyack, NY 10994

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0 Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Sandy Valley Local School District 5362 State Route 183 NE 11/20/2003 $40000 8715 Magnolia, OH 44643 Special School District #1 807 Northeast Broadway 11/20/2003 $1,40000 8718 Minneapolis, MN 55413 St Joseph's Catholic Orphanage Society 2823 Frankfort Avenue 11/20/2003 $1,000 .00 8719 Louisville, KY 40206 United Anglers of Southern California P 0 Box 2825 11/20/2003 $1,40000 8722 Torrance, CA 90509 White Dove Foundation P 0 Box 1902 11/20/2003 $1,40000 8728 Burnesville, MN 55337 Young Life 420 N Cascade Avenue 11/20/2003 $40000 8731

0520 Prol-iteracy Worldwide 1320 Jamesville Avenue 8/11/2003 $80000 8229 Syracuse, NY 13210 Toby House 1202 E Maryland 2/25/2003 $1,000.00 7865 Phoenix, AZ 85014 Body Positive, Inc. 1144 East McDowell Road 11/11/2003 $1,50000 8503 Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85006 Womens Resource Center 678 Front Street NW 11/19/2003 $40000 8640 Grand Rapids, M1 49504 Charities Aid Foundation Kings Hill 6/25/2003 $95,000 .00 7961 West Mailing Kent, United Kingdom ME19 4TA 0 United Kingdom United Kingdom Chanhes Aid Foundation Kings Hill 11/20/2003 $80,80000 8656 West Mailing Kent, United Kingdom ME19 4TA United Kingdom United Kingdom Total Global Volunteer Action $514,900.00 Fund

Ottawa International Jazz Festival 61 A York Street 2/25/2003 $40,000.00 7862 Ottawa, Ontano Canada KlN 5T2 Canada Junior Achievement of Toronto and York Region 2 Adelaide Street West, Suite 3/20/2003 $67,50000 7875 300 Toronto, ON M5H 1 L6 Canada Canada Learning Partnership of Greater Toronto, The 90 Eglinton Avenue East 3/20/2003 $30,000.00 7876 Suite 603 Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3 Canada Canada Learning Partnership of Greater Toronto, The 90 Eglinton Avenue East 3/20/2003 $5,000 .00 7877 Suite 603 Toronto, Ontario M413 2Y3 Canada 0 Canada

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Junior Achievement of Toronto and York Region 2 Adelaide Street West, Suite 4/10/2003 $20,00000 7891 300 Toronto, ON M51-1 I L6 Canada Canada Art Gallery of Ontario 317 Dundas Street West 8/2212003 $91,080.00 8232 Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G4 Canada Canada National Gallery of Canada 380 Sussex Drive 8/22/2003 $30,00000 8251 P 0. Box 427, Station A Ottawa, Ontario KIN 9N4 Canada Canada Glenbow-Alberta Institute 130 9th Avenue, S E 9/16/2003 $15,00000 8278 Calgary, Alberta Canada T2GOP3 Canada Art Gallery of Ontario 317 Dundas Street West 9/30/2003 $61300 8294 Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G4 Canada Canada Junior Achievement of Toronto and York Region 2 Adelaide Street West, Suite 11/20/2003 $41,00000 8685 300 Toronto, ON M5H 1 L6 Canada Canada United Way of York Region 3950 14th Avenue 11/20/2003 $20,00000 8724 Suite 13-14 Markham, Ontario L3R OBI Canada United Way of York Region 3950 14th Avenue 11/20/2003 $23,00000 8725 Suite 13-14 Markham, Ontario L3R 0131 Canada Springboard Charitable Trust 3 Denmark Street 2/25/2003 $25,00000 7864 London, WC21-1 81-13 United Kingdom United Kingdom Eugene O'Neill Memorial Theater Center 305 Great Neck Road 3/11/2003 $5,00000 7868 Waterford, CT 06385 Springboard Charitable Trust 3 Denmark Street 3/24/2003 $61,50000 7879 London, WC21-1 81-P United Kingdom United Kingdom Arts & Business Ltd Nutmeg House 4110/2003 $121,66000 7883 60 Gainsford Street Buder's Wharf London SE1 2NY United Kingdom United Kingdom

Arts International Inc 251 Park Avenue, 5th Floor 4/10/2003 $10,50000 7884 New York, NY 10010 Russian Arts Foundation 1333 No California Boulevard 7123/2003 $5,000 .00 8029 Suite 190 Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Silesian Dance Theatre 27 Zeromskiego Street 8/22/2003 $25,00000 8255 41-902 Bytom Poland Poland United Way International 701 North Fairfax Street 9/16/2003 $12.00000 8287 Alexandria, VA 22314-2045 International Hotel & Restaurant Association 251, rue du Faubourg Saint 10/14/2003 $10,00000 8314 Foundation for the Future Martin 75010 Paris France France Money Advice Trust Rooms 109/110 11/11/2003 $40,00000 8531 Bridge House 181 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 40D, United Kingdom United Kingdom National Gallery, The Trafalgar Square 11/11/2003 $140,00000 8534 London WC2N 5DN United Kingdom United Kingdom Junior Achievement International 2748 Janitell Road 11/20/2003 $5,00000 8681 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement International 2748 Janitell Road 11/20/2003 $5,00000 8683 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement International 2748 Janitell Road 11/20/2003 $16,00000 8684 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Springboard Charitable Trust 3 Denmark Street 12/9/2003 $8,64000 8771 London, WC21-1 81-P United Kingdom United Kingdom Council on Foundations 1828 L Street, N W 4/23/2003 $10,00000 7897 Washington, DC 20036-5168 Council on Foundations 1828 L Street, N W 5/15/2003 $5,00000 7919 Washington. DC 20036-5168 Allavida 55 Bond Way 6/25/2003 $5,000.00 7954 London SW8 1SJ United Kingdom United Kingdom Global Initiatives, Inc RD #2 8122/2003 $5,00000 8242 Box 191 B Delhi, NY 13753 United Way International 701 North Fairfax Street 8/26/2003 $50,00000 8257 Alexandria, VA 22314-2045 Grameen Foundation USA 1029 Vermont Avenue, N W. 11/11/2003 $25,00000 8517 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Global Fund for Women, The 1375 Sutter Street, Suite 400 11/20/2003 $15,000.00 8669 San Francisco, CA 94109 CIVICUS- World Alliance for Citizen Participation 11 12 16th Street NW Suite 540 12/9/2003 $30,000.00 8759 Washington, DC 20036

First Nabons Development Institute Inc. 2300 Fall Hill Ave 12/9/2003 $18,00000 8762 Suite 412 Fredericksburg, VA 22401

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Grameen Foundation USA 1029 Vermont Avenue, N W 4/23/2003 $50,00000 7901 Suite 400 Washington . DC 20005 Museum of Contemporary Art Limited Circular Quay West 4/23/2003 $20,00000 7909 PO Box R1286 Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia Australia US-ASEAN Council for Business and Technology, 1101 17th Street NW 4/23/2003 $50.00000 7911 Inc. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20038 Sawayaka Welfare Foundation Nihon Joshi Building 4F 5/2112003 $10,00000 7930 2-6-8, Shiba-koen, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0011 Japan Japan Asian Art Options Pie Ltd 131 Devonshire Road 6/25/2003 $30,00000 7956 Leve12 Singapore 239887 Singapore Junior Achievement International 2748 Janitell Road 612512003 $10,00000 7982 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Tamana Association D-6 Vasant Vihar 7/14/2003 $25,00000 7998 New Delhi 110057 India India Ulrike Schuermann PO Box 286 7/18/2003 $5,00000 8012 Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia Australia Center for China Shanghai International Arts 22F Yihai Building 9/30/2003 $50,00000 8296 Festival, The 211 Kang Ding Road Shangha1200041 China China Ulrike Schuermann PO Box 286 10/14/2003 $50000 8320 Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia Australia Mitra Mandiri Foundation Graha Aktiva 2nd Floor 11/11/2003 $25,00000 8530 JI HR Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kav 03 Kuningan Jakarta Indonesia Indonesia Charities Aid Foundation Kings Hill 11/20/2003 $10,20000 8658 West Mailing Kent, United Kingdom ME19 4TA United Kingdom United Kingdom Junior Achievement Intemational 2748 Janitell Road 1112012003 $20,00000 8682 Colorado Springs, CO 80906


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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Kenan Foundation Asia Queen Sinkit National 11/20/2003 $20,00000 8688 Convention Center 201/2, 2nd Floor, Zone D 60 New Ratchadapisek Rd Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Thailand Kurogane Kosakusho Ltd. 1-4-26 Shinmachi 1-chome 11/20/2003 $33,50000 8691 Nishi-ku, Osaka, 550-0013 Japan Japan

Smith Family, The PO Box 10500 11/20/2003 $37,50000 8717 Camperdown NSW 2050 Australia Australia Kurogane Kosakusho Ltd. 14-26 Shinmachi 1-chome 5/21/2003 $5,00000 7929 Nishi-ku, Osaka, 550-0013 Japan Japan

Sankei and Osaka Newspaper Social Welfare 2-4-9 Umeda Kita-ku 3/11/2003 $50.00000 7874 Association, The Osaka City 530-8277 Osaka Japan Japan National Heritage Fund Singapore History Museum 11/19/2003 $23,00000 8587 National Heritage Board 30 Merchant Road, #03-09/17, Riverside Point Singapore 058282 Singapore Funclacion Cimientos Cordoba 1255-Piso 4 4/10/2003 $10,00000 7888 Buenos Aires C1055AAC Argentina Argentina Fundacion Germinare Av. Las Heras 2277 4/10/2003 $20,00000 7889 Buenos Aires Argentina Argentina Funclacion Leer (Reading is Fundamental) Viamonte 1465 Piso 9 - Of 92 4/23/2003 $7,50000 7899 Buenos Aires C1055 ABA Argentina Argentina Funclacion Leer (Reading is Fundamental) Viamonte 1465 Piso 9 - Of 92 4/23/2003 $2,50000 7900 Buenos Aires C1055 ABA Argentina Argentina Junior Achievement Argentina Maipu 859, Piso 1 6/25/2003 $25.000 .00 7978 C1006ACK, Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentina Aid to Artisans, Inc 331 Wethersfield Avenue 8/22/2003 $50,00000 8231 Hartford, CT 06114


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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number Centro Mexicano para la Filantropica (CEMEFI) Cerrada de Salvador Alvarado 7 8/22/2003 $5,00000 8234 CID 11800 Col Escandon, Mexico D F. Mexico Mexico

Instituto Ayrton Senna Rua Dr Olavo Egidio, 287 - 16' 8/22/2003 $50,00000 8243 andar Sjo Paulo - SP - Brazil 02037-000 Brazil Associacao dos Paraplegicos; de Uberlandia Rua Juvenal Martins Pires 281 9/16/2003 $15,00000 826-j (APARU) Jardim Patricia - Uberlandia MG 384114-186 Brazil Brazil

Fundacao Gol de Letra (The Perfect Goal Rua Antonio Simplicio. 170 9/16/2003 $15,00000 8277 Foundation) Predio 11 Vila Albertina - Sao Paulo - SP Brazil 02354-290 Brazil EARTH University Foundation 5 Piedmont Center, Suite 215 11/11/2003 $25,00000 8507 Atlanta. GA 30305 Fundacion Arte Viva Laprida 1898, 14 - E 11/11/2003 $20,00000 8510 Buenos Aires (1425) Argentina Argentina Acao Moradia Av Getulio Vargas, 1883 11/20/2003 $13,30000 8641 Uberlandia - MG Brazil Brazil Asociacion de Amigos de la Catedral V. Antonio de Mendoza 130 11/20/2003 $100,00000 8650 Metropolitana de Mexico, A.C Lomas Virreyes Mexico, D.F . 11000 Mexico Associacao Saude Crianca Renascer Rua Jardirn Botanico, 414 11/20/2003 $11,757.50 8652 Parque Lage Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP 22461-000 Brazil Brazil

Fundacao Viva e Deixe Viver Rua Ministro Ferreira Alves, 136 11/20/2003 $12,500.00 8666 CEP 05009-060 Sao Paulo - SP Brazil Brazil

Fundacion Arte Viva Laprida 1898, 14 - E 11/20/2003 $30,00000 8667 Buenos Aires (1425) Argentina Argentina Junior Achievement Inc. 1 Education Way 12/9/2003 $5,00000 8765 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Total International Program $1,928,750 .50

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Payee Name Payee Address Check Date Amount Check Number City University of New York Economic 535 East 80th Street 11/19/2003 $25,00000 8554 Development Corporation New York, NY 10021 Lower Manhattan Project, Inc , The 120 Broadway - Suite 3340 9/16/2003 $15,00000 8281 New York, NY 10271 Lower Manhattan Project, Inc , The 120 Broadway - Suite 3340 11/19/2003 $5,00000 8579 New York, NY 10271 National Park Foundation 11 Dupont Circle, NW 12/9/2003 $25,000 .00 8768 Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Pace University 1 Pace Plaza 11/19/2003 $25,00000 8592 New York, NY 10038-1598 WTC Platform Foundation c/o Rockwell Architecture 11/20/2003 $20,00000 8730 Planning and Design, P.C 5 Union Square West New York, NY 10003 Total Lower Manhattan $115,000.00 Initiative

Wall Street Rising Corp 25 Broad Street 3/11/2003 $55,00000 1074 Suite 8T New York, NY 10004 Asian American Coalition for Children and 50 Broad Street 8/22/2003 $25,00000 1075 Families, Inc Room 1701 New York, NY 10004 Asian American Federation of New York, Inc 120 Wall Street, 3rd Floor 8/22/2003 $25,000.00 1076 New York, NY 10005 Asociacion Tepeyac de New York 251 West 14th Street 8/22/2003 $25,00000 1077 New York, NY 10011 Legal Aid Society Civil Support Division 8/22/2003 $25,00000 1078 One Battery Park Plaza New York, NY 10004 Visions Services for the Blind and Visually 500 Greenwich Street 8/22/2003 $25,00000 1079 Impaired 3rd Floor New York, NY 100 13-1354 Visiting Nurse Service of New York 107 East 70th Street 8/22/2003 $25,00000 1080 New York, NY 10021-5087 Total WTC Disaster Relief Fund $205,000 .00


Page 39 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Fenway Community Health Center, Inc. 132 Brookline Avenue 3Rd Floor, 75000 47238 6/29/2002 Boston, MA 02115 300 Committee Inc 157 Locust Street, Falmouth, MA 10000 52145 3/31/2003 02540 4-H Leaders Council of Anoka County 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, 5000 52146 3/3 1/2003 Andover, KN 55304 A Better Chance, Inc. - NY 825 Seventh Avenue - 2nd Fl., New 25.00 52147 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 19 ABC 25 Foundation 126 E Wing Street, Arlington 50.00 52148 3/3 1/2003 Heights, IL 60004 Abingdon Theatre Company 432 W. 42nd St, 4th Floor, New 1,10000 52149 3/31/2003 York, NY 10036 Abraham Fund Inc 477 Madison Ave, New York, NY 250.00 52150 3/31/2003 10022 Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes 100 1 14th St Nw Ste 100, 60000 52151 3/31/2003 Rochester, MN 55901-2525 Accion International 56 Roland St. STE 300, Boston, 1,500.00 52152 3/31/2003 MA 02129 Achieve Minneapolis I I I 3rd Ave South, Minneapolis, 22500 52153 3/31/2003 MN 55401 Action for Social and Ecological Justice Ltd 19 Church St Suite 10, Burlington, 5000 52154 3/31/2003 VT 05401-4452 Actors Theater of Minnesota 1043 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN 5000 52155 3/3 1/2003 55105-2610 tors Theatre of Phoenix P.0 Box 1924, Phoenix, AZ 85001 9,200.00 52156 3/31/2003

Adelphi University I South Ave., Garden City, NY 125.00 52157 3/31/2003 11530 Adirondack Council Inc - The Adirondack Council, Inc. P 0. Box D-2, Elizabethtown, NY 50.00 52158 3/31/2003 12932 Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund 3439 Prytania st Suite 200, New 20000 52159 3/31/2003 Orleans, LA 70115 Advertising Council Inc 261 Madison Avenue, I I th Floor, 1,00000 52160 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 16-2303 African Elephant Conservation Trust 10 State Street, Newburyport, NIA 100.00 52161 3/31/2003 01950 African Wildlife Foundation 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 120, 150.00 52162 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 AHRC New York City Foundation Inc 200 Park Avenue South, New 25000 52163 3/31/2003 York, NY 10003-1582 Aid Atlanta Inc 1438 West Peachtree Street N.W., 480.00 52164 3/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309-2955 Aid Atlanta Inc 1438 West Peachtree Street N.W., 720.00 52165 3/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309-2955 Aid To Adoption Of Special Kids - Aid To Adoption of 501 E. Thomas Rd. # 100, Phoenix, 2,000.00 52166 3/31/2003 Special Kids Arizona AZ 85012 AIDS Project Los Angeles Inc 3550 Wilshire Blvd #300, Los 1,400.00 52167 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90010 AIDS Project Los Angeles Inc 3550 Wilshire Blvd #300, Los 505 .00 52168 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90010 Zoological Park 500 Edgewood Ave, Akron, OH 250.00 52169 3/31/2003 Won 44307 Al- Amal School 1401 Gardena Ave, NE, Fridley, 1,125 .00 52170 3/31/2003 MN 55432

Page 1 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 40 Number Alan T Brown Foundation To Cure Paralysis 185 E 85th St, New York, NY 25000 52171 3/3 1/2003 10028-2140 Alaska Conservation Foundation 441 W. 5th Ave, Ste 402, 48800 52172 3/3 1/2003 Anchorage, AK 99501-2340 Alaska Wilderness League 122 C Street NW Suite 240, 1,025.00 52173 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20001 Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association 1057 Fireweed Ln Ste 102, 200.00 52 174 3/31/2003 Anchorage, AK 99503-1760 Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services Foundation Inc P.O. Box 643, West Seneca, NY 250.00 52175 3/31/2003 14224 Alexandria Country Day School Inc 2400 Russell Road, Alexandria, 10000 52176 3/31/2003 VA 22301 Allegheny College 520 N. Main Street, Meadville, PA 8,16000 52177 3/31/2003 16335 Allen-Stevenson School 132 East 78th Street, New York, 412.00 52178 3/31/2003 NY 10021 Alley Cat Allies Incorporated 1801 Belmont Road NW #20 1, 40.00 52179 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20009 Alley Cat Rescue Inc 3702 Webster Street, Brentwood, 25.00 52180 3/31/2003 MD 20722-0585 Alliance of American and Russian Women Inc P.O. Box 304, Orient, NY 11957 1,00000 52181 3/31/2003 Allina Health System 2750 Arthur Street, Roseville, MN 50.00 52182 3/31/2003 55113 Allina Health System 800 East 28th Street, Minneapolis, 750.00 52183 3/3 1/2003 MN 55407 *Ioha Foundation Inc Rr I Box 9 1 A, Fairlee, VT 05045- 25.00 52184 3/31/2003 9801 ALS Therapy Development Foundation 44 Glen Ave, Newton, MA 02459- 350.00 52185 3/3 1/2003 2066 Alumni Association of the Bronx High School of Science P.O. Box 145, Jerome Avenue 90.00 52186 3/3 1/2003 Station, Bronx, NY 10468-014C Alzheimer's Association Disease and Related Disorders 895 Mary Dunn Rd., Hyannis, MA 25.00 52187 3/31/2003 02601 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorder Assocation - 400 Moms Ave, Suite 251, 75.00 52188 3/31/2003 Alzheimees Association - Greater New Jersey Cha Denville, NJ 07834 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association 1028 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, 100.00 52189 3/31/2003 AZ 85006 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association Inc I 1000 Lincoln Dnve West, Suite 7, 25.00 52190 3/31/2003 Marlton, NJ 08053 Alzheimees Disease and Related Disorders Association, 4550 W. 77th Street, Suite 200, 100.00 52191 3/31/2003 Inc., Minnesota Lake Chapter Edina, MN 55435 Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association 225 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 920.00 52192 3/31/2003 IL 60601 Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association - 1850 York Road-Suite D, 3,515 .00 52193 3/31/2003 Alzheimees Association-Baltimore Central Chapt Timonium, MD 21093

Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association 5132 E. Pima Street, Tucson, AZ 100.00 52194 3/31/2003 85712-3628 Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association 2600 Poplar Ave, #400, Memphis, 25.00 52195 3/31/2003 TN 38112 heimers; Disease And Related Disorders Association - 9374 Olive Blvd, St. Louis, MO 50.00 52196 3/31/2003 OlIZZheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Assoc 63132

Page 2 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 16 Amateur Chamber Music Players, Inc 1123 Broadway N304, New York, 2500 52197 3/31/2003 NY 100 10-2007 AMAZE 3748 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis, 2500 52 198 3/31/2003 MN 55409-1020 Amenca Blu 1027 Washington Street, 2R, 10,000 .00 52199 3/31/2003 Hoboken, NJ 07030 Amencan Anti-Vivisection Society 801 Old York Rd Noble Plaza Ste 5000 52200 3/31/2003 204, Jenkintown, PA 19046-1685

American Bird Conservancy P 0. Box 249, The Plains, VA 10000 52201 3/31/2003 20198 Amencan Birkebemer Ski Foundation Inc 10527 Main Street, Hayward, WI 6,000.00 52202 3/31/2003 54843 American Boychoir School 19 Lambert Drive, Pnnceton, NJ 1,000.00 52203 3/3 1/2003 08540 American Brain Tumor Association 2720 River Road Suite 146, Des 37500 52204 3/31/2003 Plaines, IL 60018 American Cancer Society 1626 Locust Street, Philadelphia, 170.00 52205 3/31/2003 PA 19103 American Cancer Society 58 New Dorp Plaza, Staten Island, 225.00 52206 3/31/2003 NY 10306 American Cancer Society 600 First Ave , Rantan, NJ 08869 1,00000 52207 3/31/2003

American Cancer Society 8219 Town Center Dr, Baltimore, 2,525.00 52208 3/31/2003 MD 21236-5904 lamencan Cancer Society 882 7th St NW, Rochester, NM 2500 52209 3/31/2003 55901 American Cancer Society - Boca Raton 3350 NW Boca Raton Blvd., Suite 200.00 52210 3/31/2003 A-34, Boca Raton, FL 33431

American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 1755 Abbey Road, East Lansing, 25.00 52211 3/31/2003 MI 48823-1907 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 11432 Mayfield, Cleveland, OH 2500 52212 3/31/2003 44106 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 1599 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, 250.00 52213 3/31/2003 Cancer Society, Inc. GA 30329 American Cancer Society Inc 19 West 56th Street, New York, 50.00 52214 3/31/2003 NY 10019-3984 American Cancer Society Inc 2929 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, 225 .00 52215 3/31/2003 AZ 85016-8034 American Cancer Society Inc 77 E Monroe, Suite 1200, 25.00 52216 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 American Cancer Society Inc 1430 Prudential Drive, 1,008.00 52217 3/31/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32207 American Cancer Society Inc 1700 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 525.00 52218 3/31/2003 94612 American Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St., Edina, MN 275.00 52219 3/31/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 925 South Main, North Canton, 50.00 52220 3/31/2003 OH 44720 emencan Cancer Society Inc 669 Littleton Road, Parsippany, NJ 100.00 52221 3/31/2003 07054 American Cancer Society Inc 903 S. 17th Avenue, Suite B, 25.00 52222 3/31/2003 Wausau, W1 54401

Page 3 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 American Cancer Society Inc 777 Central Ave, Highland Park, IL 2500 52223 3/3 1/2003 60035 American Cancer Society Inc N19 W24350 Riverwood Drive, 1,135.00 52224 3/3 1/2003 Waukesha, WI 53188 American Cancer Society Inc N 19 W24350 Riverwood Drive, 85000 52225 3/31/2003 Waukesha, WI 53188 American Cancer Society Inc - Hope Lodge 411 2nd Street N W , Rochester, 2500 52226 3/31/2003 MN 55901 American Cancer Society, Inc. P .0 Box 815, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 10000 52227 3/31/2003

American Cancer Society, Inc. 75 Davids Dr, Hauppauge, NY 961 .00 52228 3/31/2003 11788 American Cancer Society, Inc. 75 Davids Dr., Hauppauge, NY 12500 52229 3/31/2003 11788 American Cancer Society, Inc. I I South Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, 5000 52230 3/31/2003 NC 27603 American College 270 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn 8,00000 52232 3/31/2003 Mawr, PA 19010 American Comm. for Shaare Zedek Hosp. in Jerusalem, 49 W . 45th St, New York, NY 7200 52233 3/31/2003 Inc. 10036 American Diabetes Association Inc 1701 North Beauregard Street, 10000 52234 3/3 1/2003 Alexandria, VA 22311 American Diabetes Association Inc 2325 N Mayfair Road #502, 50.00 52235 3/31/2003 Wauwatosa, WI 53226 mencan Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 1833, Merrifield, VA 1,975.00 52236 3/3 1/2003 0 22116 American Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd. Ste#300N, 1,19000 52237 3/3 1/2003 Fairfax, VA 22030 American Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 2787, North Canton, OH 125.00 52238 3/31/2003 44720 American Family Association P.0 Box 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803 100.00 52239 3/31/2003

Amencan Foundation for AIDS Research 120 Wall Street, 13th Floor, New 625.00 52240 3/31/2003 York, NY 10005 Amencan Friends of the Hebrew University Inc I I East 69th Street, New York, NY 40.00 52241 3/31/2003 10021 American Friends of Wingate Institute 7922 Turncrest Dr, Potomac, MD 600.00 52242 3/31/2003 20854-2773 American Friends Of Yad Eliezer Inc 1 102 E 26th St, Brooklyn, NY 350.00 52243 3/31/2003 11210-4609 American Friends of Yeshivat Hakotel 5834 Tyndall Avenue, Riverdale, 1,000.00 52244 3/31/2003 NY 10471 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 5000 52245 3/31/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 300.00 52246 3/31/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 American Heart Association 208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 100.00 52247 3/31/2003 900, Chicago, IL 60604 American Heart Association 100 Northern Concourse, Syracuse, 1,308 .00 52248 3/31/2003 NY 13220-3049 erican Heart Association 2550 U.S. Highway 1, North 100.00 52249 3/31/2003 Brunswick, NJ 08902 American Heart Association 1280 S Parker Road, Denver, CO 125.00 52250 3/31/2003 80231

Page 4 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 American Heart Association - Milwaukee 795 N Van Buren, Milwaukee, WI 1,20000 52251 3/3 1/2003 53202 American Heart Association Inc 4701 West 77th Street, 2500 52252 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55435 Amencan Heart Association Inc 144 South 500 E, Salt Lake City, 1,000.00 52253 3/3 1/2003 UT 84102 American Heart Association Inc 1818 Patterson Street, Nashville, 805.00 52254 3/3 1/2003 TN 37203 Amencan Heart Association Inc 9900 Ninth Street N., St 2500 52255 3/31/2003 Petersburg, FL 33716 American Heart Association Inc P 0 Box 672648, Manetta, GA 20000 52256 3/3 1/2003 30006 American Heart Association Inc 816 S Figueroa Street, Los 100.00 52257 3/3 1/2003 Angeles, CA 90017 American Heart Association Inc - Amencan Stroke 208 S LaSalle Street, Ste 900, 150.00 52258 3/31/2003 Association Chicago, IL 60604 Amencan Heart Association Westmont 801 N Cass Ave Suite 102, 550.00 52259 3/31/2003 Westmont, IL 60559 American Himalayan Foundation, The 909 Montgomery St #400, San 140.00 52260 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94133 American Humane Association 63 Inverness Drive East, 8500 52261 3/31/2003 Englewood, CO 80112 Amencan Humanics, Inc . 4601 Madison Ave, Kansas City, 10000 52262 3/3 1/2003 MO 64112 merican Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd, Denver, 5000 52263 3/31/2003 9 CO 80221 Amencan Institute for Cancer Research, The 1759 R Street, NW, Washington, 135.00 52264 3/31/2003 DC 20009 American Jewish Committee 165 E. 56th St., New York, NY 100.00 52265 3/31/2003 10022 American Kidney Fund Inc 6110 Executive Boulevard, Suite 30.00 52266 3/31/2003 10 10, Rockville, MD 20852 American Liver Foundation 75 Maiden Lane Suite 603, New 5000 52267 3/31/2003 York, NY 10038-48 10 American Liver Foundation 5755 Granger Rd. Suite 335, 12400 52268 3/31/2003 Independence, OH 44131 American Lung Association 432 Park Ave. South, New York, 2500 52269 3/31/2003 NY 10016 American Lung Association - AZ, Inc. 102 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, 100.00 52270 3/31/2003 AZ 85003 American Lung Association of Eastern Missouri 1118 Hampton Ave., St Louis, MO 50.00 52271 3/31/2003 63139 Amencan Lung Association of Minnesota 490 Concordia Avenue, St. Paul, 265.00 52272 3/31/2003 MN 55103-8014 Amencan Lung Association of NfN 490 Concordia Avenue, St Paul, 75.00 52273 3/31/2003 NfN 55103-8014 American Lung Association Of Nebraska 7 101 Newport Ave, Omaha, NE 50.00 52274 3/31/2003 68152-2153 American Lung Association Of Orange County 1570 East 17th Street, Santa Ana, 25.00 52275 3/31/2003 CA 92701-2842 merican Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th St., New 25.00 52276 3/31/2003 0 York, NY 10024-5192 American National Red Cross 150 Amsterdam Avenue, New 50.00 52277 3/31/2003 York, NY 10023

Page 5 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number American National Red Cross PO Box 745, 95 Horseblock rd, 50.00 52278 3/31/2003 Yaphank, NY 11980 American National Red Cross 1955 Monroe Drive, NE, Atlanta, 5500 52279 3/3 1/2003 GA 30324 American National Red Cross - American National Red 4333 Arlington Blvd , Arlington, 30.00 52280 3/31/2003 Cross - Arlington County Chapter VA 22203 American National Red Cross - American Red Cross PO Box 37243, Washington, DC 15000 52281 3/31/2003 20013 American National Red Cross - Minneapolis 1201 West River Parkway, 62500 52282 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55454 American National Red Cross and Its Constituent PO Box 1633, Salina, KS 67402- 10000 52283 3/31/2003 Chapters and Branches - American Red Cross-Northern 1633

American Red Cross - Los Angeles Chapter 2700 Wilshire Blvd , Los Angeles, 50.00 52284 3/31/2003 CA 90057 American Red Cross - Memphis 1400 Central Ave, Memphis, TN 10000 52285 3/3 1/2003 38104 American Red Cross - Salt Lake City 465 South 400 E , Salt Lake City, 10000 52286 3/31/2003 UT 841 10 American Red Cross - St Paul, M 176 South Robert Street, St. Paul, 2,075.00 52287 3/31/2003 MN 55107 American Red Magen David For Israel 888 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 1,43300 52288 3/31/2003 10106 American Red Magen David for Israel 200 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 50.00 52289 3/31/2003 60606-5829 lemencan Refugee Committee 430 Oak Grove Street - Suite 204, 100.00 52290 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55403 American Society For Technion- Israel Institute Of I I I W Washington # 1220, 2,500.00 52291 3/31/2003 Technology Inc Chicago, IL 60602 American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To 424 East 92nd Street, New York, 391 00 52292 3/31/2003 Animals NY 10128 American University 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 50.00 52293 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20016-8143 American University of Beirut 850 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, 500.00 52294 3/31/2003 New York, NY 10022 American Womans Economic Development Corp - 216 East 45th Street, 10th Floor, 2,000.00 52295 3/31/2003 American Women's Economic Development Corp. New York, NY 100 17 Amencares Foundation, Inc. 88 Hamilton Avenue, Stamford, 450.00 52296 3/31/2003 CT 06902 Americas Second Harvest - Amencias Second Harvest 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 1,000.00 52297 3/31/2003 60601 Amherst College Trustees Box 2221 Station 2, P.O. Box 550 .00 52298 3/31/2003 5000, Amherst, MA 0 1002-5000 Amigos De Las Americas 30 10 Mmnehaha Avenue South, 50 .00 52299 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Amit Women Inc 817 Broadway, New York, NY 50.00 52300 3/31/2003 10003 Amnesty International of USA, Inc. 322 8th Avenue, New York, NY 450.00 52301 3/31/2003 10001-4808 myotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 615 S Frederick Ave 308, 25.00 52302 3/31/2003 Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1243 01m'yotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association PO Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 25.00 52303 3/31/2003 91376-0565

Page 6 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Andre House Of Arizona Inc 213 S I I th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 10000 52304 3/3 1/2003 85007 Andre House Of California Inc 851 40th Street, Oakland, CA 5000 52305 3/3 1/2003 94608-3744 Andrew Glover Youth Program Inc 100 Centre St, New York, NY 5000 52306 3/3 1/2003 10013-4308 Angel Flight of New England Inc P 0 Box 1254, North Andover, 32000 52307 3/31/2003 MA 01845 Angel Planes - Miracle Flights For Kids 2756 N. Green Valley Pkwy #115, 65.00 52308 3/3 1/2003 Green Valley, NV 89014 Animal Coalition of Tampa Inc 8490 W Hi llsborough Ave # 156, 25.00 52309 3/3 1/2003 Tampa, FL 33615-3808 Animal Haven, Inc 35-22 Prince Street, Flushing, NY 2500 52310 3/31/2003 11354 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 1,435.00 52311 3/31/2003 Valley, NIN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 150.00 52312 3/3 1/2003 Valley, M-N 55422 Animal Legal Defense Fund 127 4th Street, Petaluma, CA 10000 52313 3/31/2003 94952-3005 Animal Medical Center 5 10 East 62nd Street, New York, 30000 52314 3/31/2003 NY 10021 Animal Protection League of Hillsborough County Inc 4640 Landscape Dr., Tampa, FL 50.00 52315 3/31/2003 33624 imal Protective Association 3809 N Kedzie, Chicago, IL 60618 5000 52316 3/31/2003

Animal Protective League 1729 Willey Ave., Cleveland, OH 10000 52317 3/31/2003 44113 Animal Rights Coalition Inc P 0 Box 8750, Bloomington, MN 50.00 523 18 3/31/2003 55408 Animal Sanctuary Of St Croix PO Box 847, Stillwater, MN 55082- 30.00 52319 3/31/2003 0847 Animals Benefit Club of Arizona, Inc. P.O. Box 26627, Phoenix, AZ 5000 52320 3/31/2003 85032-1952 Annunciation School 525 W. 54th St., Minneapolis, NfN 150.00 52321 3/31/2003 55419 Anoka County Historical Society 2135 3rd Avenue N, Anoka, MN 100 .00 52322 3/31/2003 55303 Anti-Cruelty Society, The 157 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, 100.00 52323 3/31/2003 IL 60610 Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith 823 United Nations Plaza, New 236.00 52324 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 17 Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith - Anti-Defamation 720 Market Street, San Francisco, 50.00 52325 3/31/2003 League CA 94122 Appalachian State University Foundation, Inc. 318 Founders Hall, Boone, NC 50.00 52326 3/31/2003 28608 Apropos-Housing Opportunities and Managment 185 Kisco Avenue Ste 4, Mt. 100.00 52327 3/31/2003 Enterprises Inc Kisco, NY 10549 ARC Minnesota - Association for Retarded Citizens - 1526 E. 122nd Street, Burnsville, 5000 52328 3/31/2003 .1119urnsville MN 55337 Of Hennepin County Inc 4301 Hwy 7, # 1 40, Minneapolis, 30.00 52329 3/31/2003 qW MN 55416 Archaeological Conservancy 5301 Central Ave., NE, Suite 902, 50.00 52330 3/31/2003 Albuqerque, NM 87108

Page 7 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Archbishop Molloy High School 83-53 Manton Street, 250.00 52331 3/31/2003 Bnarwood/Jamaica, NY 11435 Arizona Aerospace Foundation Inc 6000 East Valencia Road, Tucson, 5000 52332 3/31/2003 AZ 85706-9403 Arizona Cat Assistance Team Inc 53 11 E Sheridan Street, Phoenix, 150.00 52333 3/31/2003 AZ 85008 Arizona Community Foundation 2122 E. Highland Ave #400, 550.00 52334 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85016-4731 Arizona Equine Rescue Organization, Inc . 34522 N Scottsdale Road, 2,20000 52335 3/31/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85262 Arizona Humane Society of Phoenix 9226 N 13th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 225 .00 52336 3/31/2003 85021 Arizona Institute for Peace Education and Research 325 E Broadway, Tempe, AZ 25.00 52337 3/31/2003 85282-1405 Arizona Memorial Museum Association I Arizona Memorial P1, Honolulu, 2500 52338 3/31/2003 HI 96818-3145 Arizona Scholarship Fund Inc PO Box 2576, Mesa, AZ 85214- 500.00 52339 3/31/2003 2576 Arizona Science Center 600 E Washington Street, Phoenix, 23000 52340 3/31/2003 AZ 85004 Arizona Special Olympics Incorporated 3816 N. 7th St., Phoenix, AZ 2500 52341 3/31/2003 85014-5004 Arizona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 105.00 52342 3/31/2003 2260 nzona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 1,87000 52343 3/31/2003 0 2260 Arizona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 1,918.00 52344 3/31/2003 2260 Arizona Theatre Company 502 W Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ 50.00 52345 3/31/2003 85003 Arizona Zoological Society 455 N Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, 317.00 52346 3/31/2003 AZ 85008-3431 Ark 6450 N. California Avenue, 350.00 52347 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60645 Arlington Free Clinic Inc 2926 Columbia Pike, Arlington, 30.00 52348 3/31/2003 VA 22204 ARS Musica Chorale Inc P. 0. Box 525, Paramus, NJ 07652 200.00 52349 3/31/2003

Art Institute of Chicago, The I I I So Michigan St, Chicago, IL 102 .00 52350 3/31/2003 60603 Art Students League Of New York 215 W 57th St, New York, NY 50000 52351 3/31/2003 10019-2104 Arthritis Foundation 8556 W. National Avenue, West 100.00 52352 3/31/2003 Allis, WI 53227 Arthritis Foundation 657 Mission St, Suite 603, San 25 .00 52353 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94105 Arthritis Foundation Inc 122 East 42nd St., 18th Floor, New 150.00 52354 3/31/2003 York, NY 10 168-1898 Arthritis Foundation Inc 3740 Ridge Mill Drive, Hilliard, 150.00 52355 3/31/2003 OH 43026 Whritis Foundation Inc - Arthritis Foundation - 431 1 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 500.00 52356 3/31/2003 outhern California Chapter 530, Los Angeles, CA 90010 Arthritis Foundation Inc - Arthritis Foundation - St. Paul 1902 Minnehaha Avenue West, St. 280.00 52357 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55104

Page 8 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Arthritis Foundation Inc - Arthritis Foundation Illinois 29 E Madison # 500, Chicago, IL 40.00 52358 3/31/2003 Chapter - Chicago 60602 Arthritis Foundation Inc 200 Middlesex Turnpike, Iselin, NJ 10000 52359 3/31/2003 08830 Arthritis Research Institute Of America Inc 300 S Duncan Ave., Suite 240, 25.00 52360 3/31/2003 Clearwater, FL 33755 Asian Amencan Legal Defense and Education Fund 99 Hudson St 12th Floor, New 1,00000 52361 3/31/2003 York, NY 10013-2815 Asian Professional Extension Inc 64 Fulton Street, New York, NY 20000 52362 3/31/2003 10038 Assistance League of Phoenix Arizona Inc 7044 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85020- 75.00 52363 3/31/2003 5302 Associate Alumnae Of Douglass College - Douglass 181 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, 37500 52364 3/31/2003 College, Rutgers University NJ 08901 Associated Humane Societies Inc - Associated Humane 124 Evergreen Avenue, Newark, 500.00 52365 3/3 1/2003 Societies of New Jersey NJ 07114 Association For Development Of Dramatic Arts Inc - 330 Bowery, New York, NY 100 1 2 10000 52366 3/31/2003 Jean Cocteau Repertory Association House of Chicago 1116 N. Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, 200.00 52367 3/31/2003 IL 60651 Association of Anzona Food Banks Inc 2 100 N Central Ave Ste 230, 50000 52368 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-1400 Association of Former Students of Texas A & M 505 George Bush Drive, College 9000 52369 3/31/2003 University Station, TX 77840-2918 ssociation of Graduates of The United States Military 698 Mills Road, West Point, NY 50.00 52370 3/31/2003 0 cadamy 10996 Assumption - St. Bridget School 6220 32nd Avenue N E., Seattle, 1,60000 52371 3/31/2003 WA 98115 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America 1233 20th Street, NW, 50.00 52372 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Astraea Foundation Inc - Funders for Lesbian and Gay 116 E. 16th St 7th Floor, New 150.00 52373 3/31/2003 Issues York, NY 10003 Atlanta Community Food Bank, Inc. 970 Jefferson St. NW, Atlanta, GA 25 .00 52374 3/31/2003 30318 Atlanta Union Mission Corporation - Atlanta Union P .O. Box 1807, Atlanta, GA 30301 50.00 52375 3/31/2003 Mission, The Auburn University Foundation 317 S. College, Auburn, AL 36849 500.00 52376 3/31/2003

Audubon Canyon Ranch Inc 4900 Highway One, Stinson Beach, 100.00 52377 3/31/2003 CA 94970 Augsburg College 221 1 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis, 1,775.00 52378 3/31/2003 MN 55454 Augustana Care Corporation 1007 E. 14th St., Minneapolis, NfN 300.00 52379 3/31/2003 55404 Austin Preparatory School 101 Willow St., Reading, NM 250.00 52380 3/31/2003 01867 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 105804005 60.00 52381 3/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day - Florida Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 105804005 400.00 52382 3/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 250.00 52383 3/31/2003 Wanceron 3 Day Chicago Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 395.00 52384 3/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day Los Angeles

Page 9 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 10000 52385 3/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day Michigan Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 25 .00 52386 3/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day San Francisco Babe Ruth Birthplace Foundation Inc 216 18 Emory St, Baltimore, MD 37000 52387 3/3 1/2003 21230-0000 Babson College P.O Box 573 10, Babson Park, MA 100.00 52388 3/3 1/2003 02457 Bach Choir Of Bethlehem 423 Heckewelder Place, 534.00 52389 3/31/2003 Bethlehem, PA 18018 Bainbridge Education Support Team P 0 Box 1005 1, Bainbridge Island, 25.00 52390 3/31/2003 WA 98110 Ball State University Foundation P 0 Box 672, Muncie, IN 47308 2500 52391 3/31/2003 Ballet Of The Dolls Inc 820 18th Avenue NE, Minneapolis, 600.00 52392 3/31/2003 MN 55418 Ballet Works Inc 528 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 205, 32500 52393 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Baltimore County Literacy Works Inc 9100 Franklin Square Dnve, 2,000.00 52394 3/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21237 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Foundation Inc 1400 W Cold Spring Lane, 3,00000 52395 3/3 1/2003 Baltimore, MD 21209 Barnard College 3009 Broadway, Box AS, New 60000 52396 3/31/2003 York, NY 10027-6958 Barrow Neurological Foundation - Barrow Neurological 350 W Thomas Road, Phoenix, 7500 52397 3/3 1/2003 Aft1stitute AZ 85013 lWarry Telecommunications Inc 3401 S Congress Ave, Boynton 14500 52398 3/31/2003 Beach, FL 33426-8401 Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc PO Box 23173, Lincoln, NE 68512 2,000.00 52399 3/31/2003

Baruch College Fund I Bernard Baruch Way, New York, 85000 52400 3/31/2003 NY 10010 Bat Conservation International Inc P.O. Box 162603, Austin, TX 150.00 52401 3/31/2003 78716 Battered Womens Legal Advocacy Project 1611 Park Avenue # 2, 10000 52402 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55404-1683 Bay Area Discovery Museum 557 Me Reynolds Road, East Fort 85 .00 52403 3/31/2003 Baker, Sausalito, CA 94965 Beaufort County Arts Council P.O Box 634, Washington, NC 50.00 52404 3/31/2003 27889 Beck Center for the Cultural Arts 17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, 10000 52405 3/31/2003 OH 44107-3413 Bedford Free Library Bedford Village Green, Bedford, 500.00 52406 3/31/2003 NY 10506 Bedford Historical Society P.O. Box 491, Bedford, NY 10506 250.00 52407 3/31/2003

Beech Brook 3737 Lander Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 400.00 52408 3/31/2003 44124-5712 Beit Rabban Day School 8 W 70th St, New York, NY 10023- 25.00 52409 3/31/2003 4601 Beloit College 700 College St., Beloit, WI 53511 150.00 52410 3/31/2003

Margaret's School Jr. & Sr. High School 2501 Hwy 100 So., St. Louis Pk, 700.00 52411 3/31/2003 MN 55416 Bennington College Corporation Rt. 67 A, Bennington, VT 05201 1,000.00 52412 3/31/2003

Page 10 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Bentley College 175 Forest Street / Lewis 307, 8,00000 52413 3/31/2003 Waltham, MA 02452-4705 Berkeley Repertory Theatre 2025 Addison St , Berkeley, CA 10000 52414 3/31/2003 94704 Berkshire School Inc. 245 N Unden-nountam Road, 15000 52415 3/3 1/2003 Sheffield, MA 0 1257 Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School 3751 N Pine Grove, Chicago, IL 1,500.00 52416 3/3 1/2003 60613-4103 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary 5001 Angel Canyon Dnve, Kanab, 490.00 52417 3/31/2003 UT 84741 Beth Medrash Govoha of America P 0 Box 277, Lakewood, NJ 50000 52418 3/31/2003 08701 Bethany College 421 North First, Lindsborg, KS 1,15000 52419 3/31/2003 67456 Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services, Inc. 600 Hoffmann Drive, Watertown, 10000 52420 3/31/2003 WI 53094 Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School Bridges 3300 Chester Ave, Bethlehem, PA 10000 52421 3/31/2003 Foundation Inc 18020-2870 Betty Ford Center At Eisenhower 39000 Bob Hope Dnve, Rancho 2,50000 52422 3/31/2003 Mirage, CA 92270-3221 Big Brothers And Big Sisters Of New York City Inc - Big 223 East 30th St, New York, NY 5000 52423 3/3 1/2003 Brothers/Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. 10016 Big Brothers Big Sisters Alamo Area 202 Baltimore, San Antonio, TX 2500 52424 3/31/2003 78215-1907 ig Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Charlotte 740 W 5th Street, Charlotte, NC 125.00 52425 3/31/2003 is 28202 Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Greater Nashua Inc 33 Main St Ste 40 1, Nashua, NH 500.00 52426 3/31/2003 03060-2776 Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Greater Twin Cities 2550 University Avenue, Suite 30.00 52427 3/31/2003 4 ION, Saint Paul, M-N 55114 Big Brothers[Big Sisters - Cedar Rapids 206 Collins Rd, NE, Sste 202, 125.00 52428 3/31/2003 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Birthline Inc PO Box 7487, St Cloud, MN 56302 25.00 52429 3/31/2003 7487 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 357 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, 35.00 52430 3/31/2003 NY 11238 Black Ensemble Theater Corporation 4520 North Beacon Street, 100.00 52431 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60640 Blair Community Schools 140 S. 16th Street, Blair, NE 68008 100.00 52432 3/31/2003

Blake School 110 Blake Rd, Hopkins, MN 55343- 6,500.00 52433 3/31/2003 2093 Blessed Sacrament 24 Shea Place, New Rochelle, NY 500.00 52434 3/31/2003 10801 Blessed Trinity Catholic School 6720 Nicollet Avenue S., 300.00 52435 3/31/2003 Richfield, M 55423 Blind Service Association Inc 22 West Monroe St., Chicago, IL 25.00 52436 3/31/2003 60603-2500 Blodgett Butterworth Health Care Foundation - De Vos 100 Michigan Street NE MC-04, 500.00 52437 3/31/2003 AgIfihildren's Hospital Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Woomsburg Foundation, Inc. - Bloomsburg University of Development Center, Bloomsburg, 150.00 52438 3/31/2003 Pennsylvania PA 17815-1301 Bodine Of Germantown Inc 2432 Yester Oaks Dr, 100.00 52439 3/31/2003 Germantown, TN 38139-6420

Page 11 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Boston Globe Foundation Inc P 0. Box 2378, Boston, MA 02107- 2500 52440 3/3 1/2003 2378 Boston Latin School Foundation, Inc. 41 West Street, 6th Floor, Boston, 50000 52441 3/31/2003 MA 02111 Boston Public Library Foundation 700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 5000 52442 3/31/2003 02116 Boston Rescue Mission, Inc. 39 Kingston St, Boston, MA 125.00 52443 3/31/2003 02111-0069 Boston Symphony Orchestra Inc Symphony Hall, Boston, MA 365.00 52444 3/3 1/2003 02115 Bowling Green State University Foundation Inc Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling 1,100.00 52445 3/31/2003 Green, OH 43403 Boy Scouts Of America 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 2500 52446 3/3 1/2003 10118-0199 Boy Scouts of America Council 525 Foothill Blvd , Salt Lake City, 405.00 52447 3/31/2003 UT 84113-1199 Boy Scouts of America Council - Indianhead Council 393 Marshall Ave, Saint Paul, MN 92000 52448 3/31/2003 Boy Scouts of America 55102 Boy Scouts of America Nil Council 2969 N Greenfield Rd , Phoenix, 33000 52449 3/31/2003 AZ 85016 Boy Scouts Of American - Patriots Path Council 1170 Route 22 West, 15000 52450 3/31/2003 Mountainside, NJ 07092 Boylston Public Library Foundation Incorporated 695 Main St, Boylston, MA 0 1505- 50.00 52451 3/31/2003 1308 oys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland 6114 Broadway Avenue, 10000 52452 3/31/2003 0 Cleveland, OH 44127 Boys Club Of Broward County Inc - Boys'Clubs of 1401 NE 26th Street, Fort 5000 52453 3/31/2003 Broward County, Inc Lauderdale, FL 33305 Boys School Of St. Paul - St. Paul's School 11152 Falls Road, Brooklandville, 60000 52454 3/31/2003 MD 21022-8100 Boys Scouts of America Council - Boy Scouts of 15255 NW 82nd Avenue, Miami 100.00 52455 3/31/2003 America Lakes, FL 33016 Boys Scouts of America Council - Boy Scouts of 1200 E. 5400 S, Odgen, UT 84403- 20000 52456 3/31/2003 America - Trapper Trails Council 4599 Bradley University 1501 West Bradley Avenue, 2500 52457 3/31/2003 Peoria, IL 61625 Braille Institute of America Inc 741 N. Vermont Ave., Los 25.00 52458 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90029 Brandeis University P.O. Box 5491 10, MS 126, 1,400.00 52459 3/31/2003 Waltham, MA 02454-91 10 Breast Cancer Fund, The 2107 O'Farrell Street, San 100.00 52460 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94115-3419 Breck School 123 Ottawa Ave. N, Minneapolis, 3,500.00 52461 3/31/2003 MN 55422 Brevard Cultural Alliance Inc 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, 1,900.00 52462 3/31/2003 Viera, FL 32940-6605 Bridging, Inc. 201 W. 87th Street, Bloomington, 500.00 52463 3/31/2003 MN 55420 Bridgton Hospital South High St, Bridgton, ME 100.00 52464 3/31/2003 04009-0000 Ongharn Young University P.O. Box 27188, Provo, UT 84602 50.00 52465 3/31/2003

Bright Hope International 2060 Stonginton Ave., Hoffinan 100.00 52466 3/31/2003 Estates, IL 60195

Page 12 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date is Number Broadway Cares-Equity Fights Aids Inc - Broadway 165 West 46th Street, Suite 1300, 10000 52468 3/31/2003 Cares, Inc New York, NY 10036 Brooklyn Tech Foundation Inc 29 Ft. Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 2,10000 52469 3/3 1/2003 11217 Brooks School 1160 Great Pond Road, North 50000 52470 3/3 1/2003 Andover, MA 0 1 845 Brophy College Preparatory 4701 North Central Avenue, 775.00 52471 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85012 Brophy Community Foundation 4701 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 92500 52472 3/31/2003 85012-1723 Brown University Gift Cashier, Providence, RI 02912 7,42500 52473 3/31/2003

Brownstone School and Day Care Center, The 128 West 80th Street, New York, 100.00 52474 3/31/2003 NY 10024-6301 Brunswick School, Inc . 100 Maher Ave , Greenwich, CT 1,500.00 52475 3/3 1/2003 06830 Bryn Mawr College 101 North Menon Avenue, Bryn 5000 52476 3/3 1/2003 Mawr, PA 19010-2899 Buckley School in the City of New York 113 East 73rd Street, New York, 2,50000 52477 3/31/2003 NY 10021 Bucknell University Cooley Hall, Lewisburg, PA 17837 2,450.00 52478 3/31/2003

Buddy Foundation P. 0. Box 334, Arlington Heights, 25.00 52479 3/3 1/2003 IL 60006 ullis School Inc 10601 Falls Road, Potomac, MD 12500 52480 3/31/2003 9 20854 Bunnyluv Rabbit Resource Center Inc 25031 West Avenue Stanford, 1,50000 52481 3/31/2003 Suite 100, Valencia, CA 91355 Burlington County Animal Alliance 944 Ohio Ave, Trenton, NJ 08638- 2500 52482 3/31/2003 3928 Burr and Burton Seminary 57 Seminary Ave, Manchester, VT 500.00 52483 3/31/2003 05254 Business Volunteers for the Arts Phoenix Inc 200 W Washington St 10th Floor, 100.00 52484 3/3 1/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85032 Cabrini Medical Center - Cabrim Hospice 227 East 19th Street, New York, 100.00 52485 3/31/2003 NY 10003 Cactus High School 6330 W. Greenway, Glendale, AZ 250.00 52486 3/31/2003 85306 Cal State Hayward Educational Foundation 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward, 4400 52487 3/31/2003 CA 94542-3000 Calabasas High School Parent Faculty Club 22855 Mulholland Hwy, 150.00 52488 3/31/2003 Calabasas, CA 91302-2047 California Handicapped Skiers Foundation P.O. Box 2897, 43 101 Goldmine 600.00 52489 3/31/2003 Drive, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 California Polytechnic State Foundation ARS Heron Hall, San Luis Obispo, 50.00 52490 3/31/2003 CA 93407 California State Park Foundation 800 College Ave., Kentfield, CA 65.00 52491 3/31/2003 94914 California State University - Northridge Foundation 18111 Nordhaff St, Northridge, CA 300.00 52492 3/31/2003 91330-8296 0alifornia State University Long Beach Foundation 6300 State University Dr , Suite 50.00 52493 3/31/2003 332, Long Beach, CA 90815 California Trout, Inc. 870 Market Street, Suite 859, San 100.00 52494 3/31/2003 I Francisco, CA 94102

Page 13 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0, Calvary Hospital 1740 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 7500 5249S 3/3 1/2003 10461 Calvary Hospital Inc 1740 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 75.00 52496 3/31/2003 10461 Calvert Hall College Of Baltimore City Inc 8102 Lasalle Road, Baltimore, MD 7500 52497 3/3 1/2003 21286-0000 Calvert School 105 Tuscany Road, Baltimore, MD 250.00 52498 3/31/2003 21210 Cambridge Family & Childrens Service 929 Massachusetts Ave, 10000 52499 3/31/2003 Cambridge, MA 02139-3134 Cambridge In America PO Box 9123, New York, NY 1,00000 52500 3/3 1/2003 10087-9123 Campbell Hall -Episcopal- 4533 Laural Canyon Blvd, N 4,500.00 52501 3/3 1/2003 Hollywood, CA 91607 Camphill Village Minnesota Inc Rt 3 Box 249, Sauk Centre, MN 10000 52502 3/31/2003 56378-9321 Camps Newfound Owatonna Corp. - Newfound Camp for 4 Camp Newfound Road, Harrison, 25000 52503 3/3 1/2003 Girls Assoc ME04040 Cancer Care Inc. of the National Cancer Foundation 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, 2500 52504 3/31/2003 NY 10001 Cancer Wellness Center 215 Revere Drive, Northbrook, IL 25.00 52505 3/31/2003 60062 Canine Companions For Independence PO Box 446, Santa Rosa, CA 15000 52506 3/31/2003 95402-0446 apital District Gay & Lesbian Community Counci I Inc P 0 Box 13 1, Albany, NY 12201 400.00 52507 3/31/2003

Caramoor Center For Music & The Arts Inc P 0 Box 816, Katonah, NY 10536 25000 52508 3/3 1/2003

Cardigan Mountain School 62 Alumni Drive, Canaan, NH 3,000.00 52509 3/31/2003 03741 Care for the Homeless 12 West 21 st Street, New York, 250.00 52510 3/3 1/2003 NY 10010-6902 Caring for Cats Inc 126 Hickory Street, Mahtomech, 10000 52511 3/31/2003 MN 55110 Carleton College One North College Street, 1,100.00 52512 3/31/2003 Northfield, MN 55057 Camegie Hall Society Inc. 881 Seventh Avenue, New York, 210.00 52513 3/31/2003 NY 10032 Camegie Mellon University 5017 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, 275.00 52514 3/31/2003 PA 15213-3890 Carter Center Inc. One Copenhill Avenue, Atlanta, 210.00 52515 3/31/2003 GA 30307 Carthage College 2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, 10000 52516 3/31/2003 WI 53140 CASA Del Peregrino - CASA Del Peregrino Aguadilla P.O. Box 3837, Aguadilla, PR 200.00 52517 3/31/2003 Inc. 00605-3837 Case Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Avenue #212, 200.00 52518 3/31/2003 Cleveland, OH 44106-7035 Cathedral Preparatory Seminary 56-25 92nd Street, Elmhurst, NY 500.00 52519 3/31/2003 11373 atholic Charities 191 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, 150.00 52520 3/31/2003 0 NY 11201 Catholic Charities - New York 10 11 First Avenue, New York, NY 200.00 52521 3/31/2003 10022

Page 14 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Catholic Chanties of the Archdiocese of Chicago PO Box 1623, Chicago, IL 60690- 100.00 52522 3/3 1/2003 1138 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St Paul & Mpls P 0 Box 1414, Ncb04, 1,87500 52523 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55408-1414 Catholic Chanties Of The Diocese Of St Cloud 1730 7th Ave S, St Cloud, MN 10000 52524 3/31/2003 56301-5711 Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights 450 Seventh Ave 34th Floor, New 50.00 52525 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 10 123 Catholic Memorial High School 601 East College Ave, Waukesha, 20000 52526 3/31/2003 WI 53186-5598 Cats Exclusive, Inc 6350 W. Atlantic Blvd , Margate, 12000 52527 3/3 1/2003 FL 33063 Catskill Fly Fishing Center Inc - Catskill Fly Fishing P 0 Box 1295, Livingston Manor, 50.00 52528 3/31/2003 Center and Museum NY 12758 Center for Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment 4826 Chicago Ave. # 105, 5000 52529 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55417 Center for Coastal Studies Inc P.0 Box 1036, Provincetown, MA 100.00 52530 3/31/2003 02657 Center for Defense Information, Inc. 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 25.00 52531 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Center for Individual Rights 1233 20th St Nw Ste 300, 25.00 52532 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036-2363 Center for Inquiry Inc 3965 Rensch Road, Amherst, NY 500.00 52533 3/31/2003 14228 enter for Marine Conservation, Inc. 1725 DeSales St, N.W, 6800 52534 3/31/2003 0 Washington, DC 20036 Center For Orangutan And Chimpanzee Conservation Inc P.0 Box 488, Wauchula, FL 10000 52535 3/31/2003 - Center for Orangutan & Chimpanzee Conservatto 33873

Center for Science In the Public Interest 1875 Connecticut Ave, SW, Suite 3000 52536 3/31/2003 300, Washington, DC 20009-5728

Center for Social Services Lesbian & Gay Mens 3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 50.00 52537 3/31/2003 Community Center 92103 Center for the Arts 606 6th St, Crested Butte, CO 100.00 52538 3/31/2003 81224-0000 Center for the Study of Services 733 15th St. NW #820, 30.00 52539 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20005 Center For Victims of Torture 717 E River Rd., Minneapolis, MN 1,250.00 52540 3/31/2003 55455 Center to Prevent Handgun Violence 1225 "1" St. N.W . Suite 1100, 75.00 52541 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20005 Central College 812 University, Pella, IA 50219 500.00 52542 3/31/2003 Central High School 275 N. Lexington Parkway, Saint 2,000.00 52543 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55104-5400 Central Park Conservancy Inc 14 East 60th Street, New York, NY 168.00 52544 3/31/2003 10022 Centro Cultural Chicano 1915 Chicago Ave S, Minneapolis, 500.00 52545 3/31/2003 NIN 55404-1904 Chai Lifeline Inc. 151 West 30th Street, New York, 280.00 52546 3/31/2003 NY 10001 Ohai-Life Line 1] 40 NE 163 Street, North Miami 100.00 52547 3/31/2003 Beach, FL 33162

Page 15 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Challenge School Inc - Challenge Charter School Inc 5801 W Green Briar Drive, 40000 52548 3/3 1/2003 Glendale, AZ 85308 Chapel Haven Incorporated 1040 Whalley Ave, New Haven, 500.00 52549 3/3 1/2003 CT 06515 Chapin School 4101 Princeton Pike, Princeton, NJ 50000 52550 3/31/2003 08540 Chapin School Ltd., The 100 East End Avenue, New York, 100.00 52551 3/31/2003 NY 10028 Chappaqua Children's Workshop Box 254, Chappaqua, NY 10514 2500 52552 3/31/2003 Chappaqua School Foundation Inc PO Box 202, Chappaqua, NY 2500 52553 3/3 1/2003 10514 Charities Review Council Of Minnesota Inc 46 E 4th St. Suite 636, St Paul, MN 7500 52554 3/3 1/2003 55101 Charles Darwin Foundation, Inc 407 N Washington Street, Falls 2500 52555 3/3 1/2003 Church, VA 22046-3435 Charles River Association for Retarded Citizens Inc PO Box 920169, Needham, MA 50.00 52556 3/31/2003 02492 Charleston Interfaith Cnsis Ministry 573 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 25000 52557 3/3 1/2003 29403 Chashama Inc 1155 Avenue of the Amencas, 50000 52558 3/3 1/2003 New York, NY 10036-2711 Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy, Inc 413 North Main Street, Jamestown, 25000 52559 3/3 1/2003 NY 14701 Chesapeake Academy 1185 Baltimore Annapolis 50.00 52560 3/3 1/2003 Boulevard, Arnold, MD 21012 Ohesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc 6 Herndon Avenue, Annapolis, MD 13000 52561 3/31/2003 21403 Chevra Hatzalah 1340 E. 9th St, Brooklyn, NY 10000 52562 3/3 1/2003 11230 Chicago Chapter Magen David Adorn Inc - Magen David 8930 Gross Point Road #800, 5000 52563 3/31/2003 Adorn Skokie, IL 60077 Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or 1850 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL 25 .00 52564 3/31/2003 Visually Impaired - Chicago Lighthouse For The Blind 60608-1228

Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Orchestra] Association, 220 South Michigan Avenue, 232 .00 52565 3/31/2003 The Chicago, IL 60625 Chicago Volunteer Legal Services Foundation 100 N. LaSalle St., N900, Chicago, 75 .00 52566 3/31/2003 IL 60602 Chicanos Latinos Umdos En Servicios 220 South Robert St. S 103, 3,000.00 52567 3/31/2003 St.Paul, MN 55107 Child Welfare League Of America Inc 440 First Street, NW, 3rd Floor, 100.00 52568 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20001 Childhelp Inc 15757 N 78th Street, Scottsdale, 25.00 52569 3/31/2003 AZ 85260-1737 Childhope Foundation P.O. Box 458, Little Silver, NJ 100.00 52570 3/31/2003 07739-1202 Children for Children Foundation 985 Fifth Ave Ste 813, New York, 100.00 52571 3/31/2003 NY 10021-0142 Children International P.O. Box 419055, Kansas City, 716.00 52572 3/31/2003 MO 64131-3699 hildren's Aid Society 105 E 22nd Street, New York, NY 2,075.00 52573 3/31/2003 0 10010 Children's Health Care Foundation - Children's Hospitals 29 10 Centre Pointe Drive, 375.00 52574 3/31/2003 and Clinics Roseville, M 55113

Page 16 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Children's Home Society of Minnesota 1605 Eustis Street, St Paul, NfN 2,72500 52575 3/31/2003 55108 Children's Hunger Alliance 181 E Livingston Ave, Columbus, 12500 52576 3/3 1/2003 OH 43215-5778 Children's Medical Center Corporation 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 50.00 52577 3/3 1/2003 02115 Children's Memonal Foundation 2300 Children's Plaza, Chicago, IL 55000 52578 3/31/2003 60614 Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation, Inc 150 New Providence Road, 5000 52579 3/31/2003 Mountainside, NJ 07092 Children, Inc PO Box 538 1, Richmond, VA 100.00 52580 3/3 1/2003 23220-0381 Childrens Center of the Union Industrial Home of 864 Bellevue Ave, Trenton, NJ 10000 52581 3/3 1/2003 Trenton New Jersey - Union Industrial Home For Chil 08618-4408

Childrens Fund Inc PO Box 56303, Houston, TX 500.00 52582 3/3 1/2003 77256-6303 Childrens Health Care Foundation - Children's Medical 2910 Center Point Drive, 1,450.00 52583 3/3 1/2003 Center Roseville, MN 55113 Childrens Healthcare Of Atlanta 1680 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 10000 52584 3/3 1/2003 30329-2321 Childrens Hospital Foundation 34th St And Civic Ctr Blvd, 2500 52585 3/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19104-0000 Childrens Hospital Foundation At Wcmc Inc #I Kid's Comer, Valhalla, NY 100.00 52586 3/3 1/2003 10595-1644 Ohildrens Hospital Foundation Inc P 0. Box 1997 MS #3050, 2,210.00 52587 3/31/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997 Childrens Museum 300 Congress Street, Boston, MA 50000 52588 3/31/2003 02210-1034 Childrens Theater Company And School - Children's 2400 Third Avenue South, 52500 52589 3/31/2003 Theatre Company and School, The Minneapolis, MN 55404 Chris Homes Inc 3111 Clairmont Road Suite B, 97000 52590 3/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30329 Christian Appalachian Project Inc 322 Crab Orchard Road, Lancaster, 50.00 52591 3/31/2003 KY 40446 Christian Calvin School 4015 Inglewood Ave. So., Edina, 30000 52592 3/31/2003 MN 55416 Christian Childrens Fund 2821 Emerywood Parkway, 1,432.00 52593 3/31/2003 Richmond, VA 23294 Christian Health Care Center 301 Sicomac Ave, Wyckoff, NJ 50.00 52594 3/31/2003 07481 Christian Health Care Center Foundation Inc 301 Sicomac Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 25.00 52595 3/31/2003 07481-2159 Christian Herald Association Inc 229 Bowery, New York, NY 10002 289.00 52596 3/31/2003

Christopher House 2507 N Greenview, Chicago, IL 100.00 52597 3/31/2003 60614-2084 Chronicle Season Of Sharing Fund 901 Mission Street, San Francisco, 300.00 52598 3/31/2003 CA 94103 hrysalis A Center for Women - Chrysalis Center for 4432 Chicago Avenue South, 2,325.00 52599 3/31/2003 omen Minneapolis, M 55407 01h'urch Street School of Music and Art, Inc. 74 Warren St., New York, NY 200.00 52600 3/31/2003 10007

Page 17 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy Inc 11312 Snider Road, Cincinnati, 200.00 52601 3/31/2003 OH 45249 Citizens Against Family Violence Inc PO Box 210, Martinsville, VA 50.00 52602 3/31/2003 24114-0210 Citizens Against Government Waste 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 2500 52603 3/31/2003 No.400, Washington, DC 20036 Citizens for a Better Environment 1845 N Farwell Ave, Suite 220, 10000 52604 3/31/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Citizens For Conservation PO Box 435, Barrington, IL 600 10 2500 52605 3/3 1/2003

Citizens Scholarship Foundation Of America Inc - 4600 W 77th Street, Suite 340, 2,050.00 52606 3/31/2003 Minnesota Dollars for Scholars Minneapolis, M 55435 Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America Inc - St. P 0. Box 14 1, Saint Croix Falls, 50000 52607 3/31/2003 Croix Falls District Scholarship Foundation W1 54024 City Critters Inc P 0. Box 1345, New York, NY 5000 52608 3/31/2003 10013 City Harvest, Inc 575 Eighth Avenue 4th Floor, New 14,61400 52609 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 18 City Mission 53 10 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, 30.00 52610 3/3 1/2003 OH 44103 City Of Lakes Waldorf School 2344 Nicollett Ave S, Minneapolis, 100.00 52611 3/31/2003 MN 55404 CityMeals-on-Wheels 355 Lexington Ave., New York, 25000 52612 3/31/2003 NY 100 17-6603 lara-Mateo Alliance Inc 795 Willow Road, Bldg 323D, 50.00 52613 3/31/2003 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Clare Housing 68 West Exchange Street, St. Paul, 75.00 52614 3/31/2003 MN 55102 Claremont McKenna College 500 E 9th Street, Claremont, CA 600.00 52615 3/31/2003 91711-6400 Clark Atlanta University Inc 223 James P Brawley Drive SW, 1,00000 52616 3/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30314 Clarke College 1550 Clarke Drive, Dubuque, IA 200.00 52617 3/31/2003 52001 Cleveland Choral Arts Association - North Coast Men's PO Box 552, Lakewood, OH 44107 50.00 52619 3/31/2003 Chorus 0552 Cleveland Foodbank Inc 1557 E 27th St, Cleveland, OH 400.00 52620 3/31/2003 44114-4217 Cleveland Museum of Art 11150 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 95-00 52621 3/31/2003 44106 Cleveland State University Foundation Inc. 2605 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, 25.00 52622 3/31/2003 OH 44115 Cleveland Zoological Society 3900 Wildlife Way, Cleveland, OH 50.00 52623 3/31/2003 44109 Coachella Valley Rescue Mission 47-518 Van Buren, Indio, CA 1,000.00 52624 3/31/2003 92202-0514 Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS) 26 Peterboro, Detroit, MI 48201 5000 52625 3/31/2003 Colby College Mayflower Hill Dr., Waterville, 2,050.00 52626 3/31/2003 ME 04901 Aby Community College Endowment Association 1255 South Range, Colby, KS 50.00 52627 3/31/2003 67701 40olby-Sawyer College 100 Main St., New London, NH 25.00 52628 3/31/2003 03257

Page 18 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Colel Chabad 806 Eastern Pky, Brooklyn, NY 5000 52629 3/31/2003 11213-3534 Colgate University 13 Oak Dnve, Hamilton, NY 15000 52630 3/3 1/2003 13346 College of New Jersey P 0. Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628- 125.00 52631 3/31/2003 0718 College of New Rochelle 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY 350.00 52632 3/3 1/2003 10805-2308 College of Saint Benedict 37 South College Avenue, Saint 4,60000 52633 3/31/2003 Joseph, MN 56374-2099 College of St. Catherine Attn- Gift Processor - FI 2, 1,495.00 52634 3/31/2003 Development and External Relations, St. Paul, M-N 55105- 1794 College of St. Joseph the Provider, Inc. 71 Clement Road, Rutland, VT 50.00 52635 3/3 1/2003 05701 College Of St. Scholastica Inc 1200 Kenwood Ave, Duluth, MN 35000 52636 3/31/2003 55811 College of the Holy Cross Trustees One College Street, Worcester, MA 750.00 52637 3/31/2003 01610 College of William and Mary P 0 Box 1693, Williamsburg, VA 5,05000 52638 3/31/2003 23187 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Post Office Box 1776, 920.00 52639 3/31/2003 Williamsburg, VA 23187-1776 olorado College Th - Colorado College, The Development Office, Colorado 400.00 52640 3/31/2003 0 Springs, CO 80903 Colorado Energy Assistance Foundation 225 E 16th Avenue, Suite 200, 10000 52641 3/31/2003 Denver, CO 80203 Colorado Humane Society & SPCA Inc 2760 S Platte River Dr, 150.00 52642 3/31/2003 Englewood, CO 80110-1406 Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School 5 West 93rd Street, New York, NY 50.00 52643 3/31/2003 10025 Columbia Land Conservancy 25 Main St, P. 0. Box 299, 100.00 52644 3/31/2003 Chatham, NY 12037 Combined Jewish Philanthropies 126 High Street, Boston, MA 118.00 52645 3/31/2003 02110 Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in PO Box 35040, Boston, MA 02135- 50.00 52646 3/31/2003 America 0001 Committee for Economic Development 261 Madison Avenue, New York, 3,00000 52647 3/31/2003 NY 10016 Committee for Hispanic Children 140 W 22nd St Ste 302, New York, 1,600.00 52648 3/31/2003 NY 1001 1-2420 Committee on the Shelterless PO Box 2744, Petaluma, CA 94953 100.00 52649 3/31/2003 2744 Commonweal Foundation 475 Riverside Drive, Ste 405, New 100.00 52650 3/31/2003 York, NY 101 15-0499 Community Animal Welfare Society 516 E 13th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 400.00 52651 3/31/2003 84103-3231 Community Breast Health Project 545 Bryant St., Palo Alto, CA 25.00 52652 3/31/2003 94301 Oommunity Health Charities On Minnesota 4640 W 77th Street, Suite 179, 125.00 52653 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55435-4914 Community Service Society of New York 105 East 22nd Street, New York, 50.00 52654 3/31/2003 NY 10010

Page 19 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0- Community Solutions Fund 1619 Dayton Ave Room 323, St 1,50000 52655 3/3 1/2003 Paul, MN 55104-6206 Community Wireless of Park City PO Box 1372, Park City, UT 84060 55.00 52656 3/3 1/2003

Community Workshops Inc 174 Portland St, Boston, MA 666.00 52657 3/31/2003 02114-1714 Como Zoo And Conservatory Society 1021 Bandana Blvd E Ste 123, St 2500 52658 3/3 1/2003 Paul, MN 55108-5113 Companion Dog Connection, Inc dba Hearing and 2537 25th Ave S., Minneapolis, 25.00 52659 3/31/2003 Service Dogs of Minnesota MN 55406-1234 Compas Inc 75 W 5th St 304, St Paul, MN 12500 52660 3/3 1/2003 55102-1423 Compassion International Incorporated 12290 Voyager Parkway, Colorado 1,266.00 52661 3/31/2003 Springs, CO 80921-3668

Compatible Technology Inc Hamline University, Box 109, 4,00000 52662 3/31/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55104 Concordia College Corporation 901 South 8th Street, Moorhead, 13,634 .00 52663 3/31/2003 MN 56562 Concordia College St. Paul Minn. - Concordia University 275 Syndicate Street North, St 100.00 52664 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55104-5494 Connecticut College 270 Mohegan Ave, New London, 550.00 52665 3/31/2003 CT 06320 Conservancy for Historic Battery Park Inc I NY Plaza Concourse level, New 50.00 52666 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 10004 Oontra Costa Food Bank 401 0 Nelson Avenue, Concord, CA 50.00 52667 3/31/2003 94520 Convent of the Sacred Heart 1177 King Street, Greenwich, CT 5,00000 52668 3/31/2003 06831 Convent of the Sacred Heart of Miami Carrollton School 3747 Main Highway, Miami, FL 500.00 52669 3/31/2003 33133 Convention Of The Protestant Episcopal Church Of 3 100 Monkton Road, Monkton, 20000 52670 3/31/2003 Diocese Of Md - St James Academy MD 21 111 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 30 Cooper Square, New York, NY 50.00 52671 3/31/2003 10003 Cooperative For Assistance And Relief Everywhere Inc - 151 Ellis St. NE, Atlanta, GA 725.00 52672 3/31/2003 Care 30303 Copper Canyon Press P 0. Box 27 1, Port Townsend, WA 97.00 52673 3/31/2003 98368 Coral Springs Nature Center and Wildlife Hospital Inc 3916 Nw 73rd Ave, Coral Spring, 50.00 52674 3/31/2003 FL 33065-2140 Comell College 600 1 st Street West, Mount 100.00 52675 3/31/2003 Vernon, IA 52314 Comell University 55 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 6,375 .00 52676 3/31/2003

Cornerstone Advocacy Service 9730 Irving Avenue South, 2500 52677 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55431 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums 233 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 40.00 52678 3/31/2003 94108 Cotter High School 1115 West Broadway, Winona, 25.00 52679 3/31/2003 MN 55987 00-tuit Center for the Arts, Inc. P. 0. Box 2042, Cotuit, MA 02635 1,100.00 52680 3/31/2003

Page 20 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Counci I For The Performing Arts 305 S Main St, Jefferson, WI 10000 52681 3/31/2003 53549-1717 Council of Senior Centers & Services of New York City, 49 West 45th Street, Seventh Floor, 2,00000 52682 3/3 1/2003 Inc New York, NY 10036 Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 1,50000 52683 3/31/2003 10021 Courage Center 3915 Golden Valley Rd , Golden 1,68600 52684 3/3 1/2003 Valley, NIN 55422-0542 Court Appointed Special Advocates Inc 350 Broadway, New York, NY 200.00 52685 3/31/2003 10013-3911 Covenant Christian School In Panama City Inc 2350 Frankford Ave, Panama City, 100.00 52686 3/3 1/2003 FL 32405-2240 Covenant Classical School I I I Boland St, Fort Worth, TX 4,00000 52687 3/31/2003 76107-1221 Covenant House 346 West 17th Street, New York, 2,04500 52688 3/31/2003 NY 10011-5002 Covenant House Alaska P.O. Box 104640, Anchorage, AK 50.00 52689 3/3 1/2003 99510-4640 Covenant House California 1325 N Western Ave, Hollywood, 7500 52690 3/31/2003 CA 90027 Covenant House, Florida, Inc. 733 Breakers Avenue, Ft. 175.00 52691 3/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33304 Cowan Avenue Booster Club 7615 Cowan Ave, Los Angeles, 25000 52692 3/31/2003 CA 90045-1206 PA Endowment Fund Of Illinois 550 West Jackson, Suite 900, 2,47500 52693 3/31/2003 & Chicago, IL 60661 Creighton University 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, N-E 800.00 52694 3/31/2003 68178 Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum Inc 200 Sopris Avenue, Crested Butte, 200.00 52695 3/31/2003 CO 81224 Cretin-Derham Hall High School 550 So Albert Street, Saint Paul, 53000 52696 3/31/2003 MN 55116 Crippled Childrens Hospital 2924 Brook Rd, Richmond, VA 200.00 52697 3/31/2003 23220 CRISTA Ministries - World Concern 19303 Fremont Avenue North, 25.00 52698 3/31/2003 Seattle, WA 98133-0016 Cristo Rey Jesuit High School 1852 W. 22nd Place, Chicago, IL 500.00 52699 3/31/2003 60608 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Of America Inc. 2250 E. Devon Ave., Des Plaines, 25.00 52700 3/31/2003 IL 60018 Cross Christians Reaching Out In Social Service 9292 Wellington Ln, Maple Grove, 100.00 52701 3/31/2003 MN 55369-4010 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2929 Carlisle, Suite 230, Dallas, 50.00 52702 3/31/2003 TX 75204 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 150 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 400, 2500 52703 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60601 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 6931 Arlington Road, Bethesda, 590.00 52704 3/31/2003 MD 20814 Dakota Area Resources and Transportation for Seniors 1645 Marthaler Lane, West St. 100.00 52705 3/31/2003 Paul, NfN 55118 akota Communities Inc 680 O'Neill Drive, Eagan, 100.00 52706 3/31/2003 0 55121 Dale Warland Singers 2300 Myrtle Avenue, Saint Paul, 100.00 52707 3/31/2003 MN 55114-1893

Page 21 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 4~allas Foundation A Texas Nonprofit Corporation 900 Jackson St , Suite 150, Dallas, 25000 52708 3/3 1/2003 TX 75202-4454 Dana College 2848 College Drive, Blair, NE 25000 52709 3/31/2003 68008 Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 1,12500 52710 3/31/2003 02115 Dance Galaxy Inc 165 W 66th St 15J, New York, NY 7500 52711 3/31/2003 10023-6537 Davis Memorial Goodwill Industries 2200 S. Dakota Avenue, 3000 52712 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20018-1698 Day School Foundation 204 East Second Ave, ft732, San 50000 52713 3/31/2003 Mateo, CA 94401 De La Salle High School I De La Salle Dr., Minneapolis, 200.00 52714 3/3 1/2003 MN 55401 De Paul University Office of Alumni Relations and 5000 52715 3/31/2003 Networks, Chicago, IL 60601 Deaconess-G I over Hospital Corporation 148 Chestnut Street, Needham, MA 50.00 52716 3/3 1/2003 02492 Dean Academy And Junior College - Dean Junior 99 Main Street, Franklin, MA 5000 52717 3/31/2003 College 02038 Dedication And Everlasting Love To Animals 6021 Shannon Valley Road, Acton, 8000 52718 3/3 1/2003 CA 935 10 Deer Valley School District - Highland Lakes Schools 19000 N . 63rd Avenue, Glendale, 500.00 52719 3/31/2003 AZ 85308 eer Valley Unified District - Stetson Hills Elementary 25475 N Stetson Hills Loop, 75.00 52720 3/31/2003 chool Glendale, AZ 853 10 Deerfield Academy Box 306, Deerfield, MA 0 1 342 500.00 52721 3/31/2003 4-H Foundation 120 Townsend Hall Umv Of 5000 52722 3/3 1/2003 Delaware, Newark, DE 19717- 0001 Denison University P 0. Box D, Granville, OH 43023 60000 52723 3/31/2003 Denver Dumb Friends League 2080 S. Quebec St., Denver, CO 25.00 52724 3/31/2003 80231 DePauw University 300 E. Seminary, Greencastle, IN 1,000.00 52725 3/31/2003 46135 Descanso Gardens Guild, Inc. 1418 Descanso Drive, La Canada 45 .00 52726 3/31/2003 Flintridge, CA 91011 Desert Botanical Garden 1201 North Galvin Parkway, 175 .00 52727 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Desert Foothills Library Association P.O. Box 4070, Cave Creek, AZ 80.00 52728 3/31/2003 85327 Desert Mission, Inc 9229 N. 4th St., Phoenix, AZ 50.00 52729 3/31/2003 85020 Desert Sage Elementary School 4035 West Alameda Road, 10000 52730 3/31/2003 Glendale, AZ 853 10 Desert Shadow Middle School 5858 E. Sweetwater, Scottsdale, 200.00 52731 3/31/2003 AZ 85254 Detroit Educational Television Foundation Detroit Public Television, Detroit, 40.00 52732 3/31/2003 MI 48202 Detroit Educational Television Foundation WTVS - 7441 Second Blvd, Detroit, MI 88.00 52733 3/31/2003 S - Channel 56 48202 Oe it Symphony Orchestra 3663 Woodward Avenue, Suite 200.00 52734 3/31/2003 100, Detroit, MI 48201-2403

Page 22 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 40 Number Dexter School 20 Newton St, Brookline, MA 20000 52735 3/3 1/2003 02445 Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund 800 Cherokee Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 5000 52736 3/3 1/2003 30315 Dickinson College PO Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013 10000 52737 3/3 1/2003 Dieu Donne Paper Mill Inc 433 Broome Street, New York, NY 40000 52738 3/3 1/2003 10013-2622 Dillard High School 2501 NW I I th Street, Fort 24400 52739 3/3 1/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33311 Dillon Southwest Inc 3014 N Hayden Rd 101, Scottsdale, 100.00 52740 3/31/2003 AZ 85251-6531 Diocesan Council For The Society Of St Vincent De Paul P.O. Box 13600, Phoenix, AZ 1,10000 52741 3/3 1/2003 Diocese Phoenix 85002-3600 Diocese of Harrisburg - Delone Catholic High School 140 S Oxford Ave, 50.00 52742 3/3 1/2003 McSherrystown, PA 17344 Disabled Amencan Veterans Charitable Service Trust P 0 Box 1430 1, Cincinnati, OH 66500 52743 3/31/2003 45250-0301 Discipleship Outreach Ministries Incorporated 5220 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, NY 2,000.00 52744 3/3 1/2003 11220 Dishman Hills Natural Area Association 3415 South Lincoln Drive, 2500 52745 3/3 1/2003 Spokane, WA 99203 Diskin Orphan Home Of Israel Inc 1533 - 44th Street, Brooklyn, NY 2500 52746 3/31/2003 11219-1609 District 202 1601 Nicollet Ave South, 2500 52747 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 *istnct 39 Educational Foundation 615 Locust Road, Wilmette, IL 50-00 52748 3/3 1/2003 60091 Divers Alert Network Inc 6 West Colony Place, Durham, NC 32500 52749 3/31/2003 27705 Doctors Without Borders USA Inc 333 Seventh Avenue, Second 3,660.00 52750 3/31/2003 Floor, New York, NY 1000 1 -5004 Doe Fund Inc - The Doe Fund Inc. 232 East 84th Street, New York, 1,47500 52751 3/31/2003 NY 10028 Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. 10 175 Wheeler Rd , Central Point, 25.00 52752 3/31/2003 OR 975029360 Doll and Toy Museum of New York City - Doll and Toy PO Box 022189, Brooklyn, NY 350.00 52753 3/31/2003 Museum of NYC 11202 Donna Klein Jewish Academy Inc 9701 Donna Klein Blvd, Boca 250.00 52755 3/3 1/2003 Raton, FL 33428-1754 Dorot, Inc. 171 W 85th Street, New York, NY 86.00 52756 3/31/2003 10024 Double H - Hole In The Woods Ranch Inc 97 Hidden Valley Road, Lake 100.00 52757 3/31/2003 Luzerwe, NY 12846 Down Syndrome Network Inc 4025 E Chandler Blvd 70-C3, 500.00 52758 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85048-8829 Downtown Baltimore Child Care Inc 806 Park Ave, Baltimore, MD 25 .00 52759 3/31/2003 21201-4807 Drake University 2507 University Avenue, Des 15000 52760 3/31/2003 Moines, IA 50311-4505 ucks Unlimited, Inc. One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, 2,500.00 52762 3/31/2003 TN 38120 Ouke University Box 9058 1, Durham, NC 27708- 5,250.00 52763 3/31/2003 0581

Page 23 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number DuPage P.A D.S Inc - DuPage P A D S Inc - Public 705 W . Liberty Drive, Wheaton, IL 800.00 52764 3/3 1/2003 Action to Deliver Shelter 60187 Early Childhood Center Parents Association Inc - Early 334 Greenwich Street, New York, 1,00000 52765 3/3 1/2003 Childhood Center Parent Teachers Association NY 10013

Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund 426 1 7th Street, 6th Floor, 17500 52766 3/3 1/2003 Oakland, CA 94612 East Bay Habitat for Humanity, Inc 2619 Broadway, Oakland, CA 5000 52767 3/3 1/2003 94612-9957 East Bay Zoological Society 9777 Golf Links Road, Oakland, 6700 52768 3/31/2003 CA 94605 East Carolina University Foundation Inc 200 East Ist Street, Greenville, NC 25.00 52769 3/31/2003 27834 East Central Alabama United Cerebral Palsy, Inc. P.0 Box 694, Anniston, AL 36202 5000 52770 3/3 1/2003

East Valley Christian School Tuition Organization Inc P.0 Box 6580, Chandler, AZ 30000 52771 3/3 1/2003 85246 Eastern Michigan University Foundation P 0 Box 972057, Ypsilanti, MI 50.00 52772 3/3 1/2003 48197 Eco Education 210 East 10th Street, Suite 375, St. 2500 52773 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55 101 Eden Prairie Family Center 8040 Mitchell Road, Eden Prairie, 3000 52774 3/3 1/2003 MN 55344 Edina ABC Foundation 6754 Valley View Road, Edina, 7,70000 52775 3/3 1/2003 MN 55439 Odma Education Fund 5701 Normandale Rd, Edina, NiN 5000 52776 3/31/2003 55424 Educational Broadcasting Corp - Educational P 0. Box 1313, New York, NY 1,30000 52777 3/31/2003 Broadcasting Corporation 10019 Educational Enrichment Foundation 3809 E Third Street, Tuscon, AZ 10000 52778 3/3 1/2003 85716 Educational Television Assoc. of Metropolitan Cleveland 4300 Brookpark Rd , Cleveland, 150.00 52779 3/31/2003 OH 44134-1191 Elderhostel, Inc. I I Avenue De Lafayette, Boston, 200.00 52780 3/31/2003 MA 021 11 Elmira College One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901 22500 52781 3/31/2003

Elon College Office of Development, Elon 200.00 52782 3/31/2003 College, NC 27244 Emergency Foodshelf Network Inc 6714 Walker Street, St. Louis Park, 1,000.00 52783 3/31/2003 MN 55426 Emergency Fund for Needy People 208 S. LaSalle, Suite 776, Chicago, 50.00 52784 3/31/2003 IL 60604 Emerson School Inc 5425 Scio Church Rd, Ann Arbor, 500.00 52785 3/31/2003 MI 48103-9287 Emma Norton Residence 670 North Robert Street, St. Paul, 50.00 52786 3/31/2003 MN 55101-2523 Encompass Child Care Inc PO Box 1627, Green Bay, WI 1,000.00 52787 3/31/2003 54305-1627 ndangered Species Coalition 1101 l4th Street, NW, Suite 1400, 100.00 52788 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20005 Oiersol Associates Inc 55 Middlesex St, North 500.00 52789 3/31/2003 Chelmsford, MA 0 1863-1561

Page 24 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 English Language Institute In China 448 E Foothill Blvd , San Dimas, 10000 52790 3/31/2003 CA 91773 Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated 257 Park Avenue South, New 255.00 52791 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 10 Episcopal Community Services Inc 1730 Clifton Place # 1 04, 50.00 52792 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55403-3234 Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota - Episcopal Homes 490 E Lynnhurst Avenue, Saint 5000 52793 3/3 1/2003 Foundation Paul, M-N 55104-3449 Equality Now Inc 250 West 57th Street, New York, 10000 52794 3/3 1/2003 NY 10107 Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - ELCA World 8765 W Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 50.00 52795 3/31/2003 Hunger and Disaster Appeals 60631-4101 Evangelical Lutheran Church In Amenca-Community 1900 11 th Avenue S , Minneapolis, 1,400.00 52796 3/31/2003 Emergency Service Meals on Wheels MN 55404 Evans Scholars Foundation One Briar Rd, Golf, IL 60029 20000 52797 3/31/2003 Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Corporation - 1603 Orrington Suite 750, 350.00 52798 3/3 1/2003 Evanston Hospital Corporation Evanston, IL 60201 Exodus 4630 Munger Avenue, # I 10, 3,50000 52799 3/3 1/2003 Dallas, TX 75204 Exultate P 0. Box 22314, Eagan, MN 55122 700.00 52800 3/3 1/2003 0314 Ezer Mzion Inc 1276 46th Street, Brooklyn, NY 50.00 52801 3/31/2003 11219 Ezras Torah Fund Inc Torah Relief Society 235 East Broadway, New York, 25.00 52802 3/3 1/2003 NY 10002-1218 OM S C Corp 6750 W Broadway Avenue, 310.00 52803 3/3 1/2003 Brooklyn Park, " 55428 FACCS-Fnends of Animal Care & Control PO Box 80739, Phoenix, AZ 85060 6000 52804 3/31/2003 0739 Fairfield University 1073 North Benson Rd., Fairfield, 2500 52805 3/3 1/2003 CT 06824 Fairmont Community Hospital Foundation 835 Johnson St, Fairmont, 50.00 52806 3/31/2003 56031-0835 Faith Tabernacle Food Pantry 2801 W 30th St, Zion, IL 60099- 20000 52807 3/31/2003 3021 Families Against Drunk Driving Drugs & Discrm-unation PO Box 252 1, Litchfield Park, AZ 16,000.00 52808 3/31/2003 85340-2521 Family & Childrens Services of Central Maryland Inc 4623 Falls Road, Baltimore, MD 35.00 52809 3/31/2003 21209-4919 Family And Childrens Service 414 South Eighth Street, 100.00 52810 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404-1025 Family Center Inc 66 Reade Street, New York, NY 3,500.00 52811 3/31/2003 10007-1834 Family Foundation 830 East Main Street, Suite 1201, 4,545.00 52812 3/3 1/2003 Richmond, VA 23219 Family Matters Inc 7731 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago, 50.00 52813 3/31/2003 IL 60626 Family Place Inc P.O. Box 7999, Dallas, TX 75209 100.00 52814 3/31/2003 Family Resource Center 5828 N Clark, Chicago, IL 60660- 100.00 52815 3/31/2003 3202 larmly Service League of Suffolk County Inc 790 Park Ave., Huntington, NY 50.00 52816 3/31/2003 11743 Father Flanagan's Boys' Home 14 100 Crawford, Boys Town, NE 390.00 52817 3/31/2003 68010

Page 25 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Federation of Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays, Inc. 1726 M Street, NW, Washington, 50.00 52818 3/3 1/2003 DC 20036 Feed The Children Inc 333 N Mendian, Oklahoma City, 186.00 52819 3/31/2003 OK 73101 FeedingChildren International Inc 5401 Boone Ave N, New Hope, 25.00 52820 3/31/2003 MN 55428-3614 Fenway Community Health Center, Inc 132 Brookline Avenue 3Rd Floor, 275.00 52821 3/31/2003 Boston, MA 02115 Fergus Falls 544 Educaton Foundation - Fergus Falls 544 518 Friberg Avenue, Fergus Falls, 2500 52822 3/31/2003 Education Foundation MN 56537 Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center 16497 Snyder Rd, Chagrin Falls, 150.00 52823 3/31/2003 OH 44023-4313 Film Society Of Lincoln Center Inc - Film Society of 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 130.00 52824 3/3 1/2003 Lincoln Center, Inc., The York, NY 10023 Finlandia University Development Office, Hancock, MI 25.00 52825 3/3 1/2003 49930 First Folio Shakespeare Festival 146 Juliet Ct, Clarenden Hillls, IL 100.00 52826 3/31/2003 60514-1226 First Presbyterian Day School Inc 5671 Calvin Dnve, Macon, GA 3,000.00 52827 3/31/2003 31210 Flonda Research Institute For Equine Nurturing Devel & 1840 NE 65 Court, Fort 1,160.00 52828 3/3 1/2003 Safety Lauderdale, FL 33308-1055 Florida Wildlife Federation PO Box 6870, Tallahassee, FL 50.00 52829 3/31/2003 32314-6870 ly By Theater P.O. Box 157, Pine Lake, GA 20000 52830 3/3 1/2003 0 30072 Focus Hope 1355 Oakman Boulevard, Detroit, 5000 52831 3/3 1/2003 MI 48238 Focus On The Family 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado 10000 52832 3/3 1/2003 Springs, CO 80920 Food Bank of the Hudson Valley 195 Hudson Street, Cornwall On 50.00 52833 3/3 1/2003 Hudson, NY 12520 Food Bank,Inc. - Food Bank of North Carolina, Inc 3808 Tarheel Dnve, Raleigh, NC 25.00 52834 3/3 1/2003 27609 Food for the Poor, Inc. 550 SW 12th Ave, Bldg 4, 925.00 52835 3/3 1/2003 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Food People Allied to Combat Hunger 358 Saw Mill River Road, 5000 52836 3/31/2003 Millwood, NY 10546 Foothill-De Anza Community Colleges Foundation 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos 100.00 52837 3/31/2003 Hill, CA 94022 Foothills Academy P. 0 Box 4229, Cave Creek, AZ 530.00 52838 3/31/2003 85327 Foothills Educational Foundation 4515 E. Muirwood Dr., Phoenix, 50.00 52839 3/31/2003 AZ 85048 Fordham University 113 West 60th Street, New York, 150.00 52840 3/31/2003 NY 10023 Fortune Society Inc 53 West 23rd St., New York, NY 25.00 52841 3/31/2003 10011 Foundation Fighting Blindness Inc 11435 Cronhill Drive, Owings 25.00 52842 3/31/2003 Mills, MD 21117-2220 undation For New Jersey Public Broadcasting Inc 25 S Stockton Street, Trenton, NJ 30.00 52843 3/31/2003 0) 08625-0777 Foundation for Public Broadcasting in Georgia, Inc. 260 14th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 28.00 52844 3/31/2003 30318

Page 26 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Foundation for Shrewsbury Education Inc 20 Obre Place, Shrewsbury, NJ 20000 52845 3/31/2003 07702-4124 Foundation For The Utah Wi Idemess Coalition P.O Box 520974, Salt Lake City, 50000 52846 3/3 1/2003 UT 84152 Foundation of La Jolla High School 750 Nautilus Street, La Jolla, CA 2500 52847 3/31/2003 92037 Foundation of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA 100.00 52848 3/31/2003 02114 Foundation Of The State University Of New York At PO Box 6005, Binghamton, NY 20000 52849 3/31/2003 Binghamton Inc 13902-6005 Foundation of the Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd, 36000 52850 3/3 1/2003 Inc. Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 Foundation of the University of Medicine and Dentistry I World's Fair Drive - 2nd Floor, 10000 52851 3/31/2003 of NJ Somerset, NJ 08873 Founders Society Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 7000 52852 3/31/2003 48202 Franklin & Marshall College P 0 Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 5000 52854 3/3 1/2003 17604 Fraser Community Services 2400 W 64th St, Minneapolis, MN 25000 52855 3/3 1/2003 55423-1001 Fraxa Research Foundation Inc 45 Pleasant St, Newburyport, MA 1,00000 52856 3/3 1/2003 01950-2605 Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona 755 East Willetta Street Suite 140, 500.00 52857 3/3 1/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85006 resh Air Fund, The 633 Third Avenue, 14 Floor, New 2,175.00 52858 3/31/2003 0 York, NY 100 17 Fresh Air Inc 1808 Riverside Avenue, 50.00 52859 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55454 Friends Of Arcadia Neighborhood Leaming Center 4330 N 62nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 50000 52860 3/31/2003 85251-1911 Friends of Bronx Preparatory Charter School 1508 Webster Avenue, Bronx, NY 5000 52861 3/31/2003 10457 Friends Of Huntingdon Valley Library 625 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon 5000 52862 3/31/2003 Valley, PA 19006-6216

Friends of KIOS Broadcasting Service of Omaha Public 3230 Burt Street, Omaha, NE 7500 52863 3/31/2003 Schools 68131 Friends of St Aloysius Foundation Inc 33 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT 100.00 52864 3/31/2003 06840 Friends Of Terra Cotta Inc C/o California Historical 771 West End Avenue I OE, New 50.00 52865 3/31/2003 Society York, NY 10025 Friends of the Chappaqua Public Library PO Box 445, Chappaqua, NY 2500 52866 3/31/2003 10514 Friends of the Franklin Lakes Public Library 470 De Korte Drive, Franklin 25.00 52867 3/31/2003 Lakes, NJ 07417 Friends of the Grosse Pointe Public Library 10 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe, M 1 10000 52868 3/31/2003 48236 Friends of the Hoboken Public Library 500 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ 50.00 52869 3/31/2003 07030 Friends of the Marblehead Public Schools Inc P.O. Box 718, Marblehead, MA 1,000.00 52870 3/31/2003 01945-0718 Oriends of the Mississippi River 46 E. Exchange Street, Suite 606, 35.00 52871 3/31/2003 St. Paul, NIN 55 101

Page 27 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Friends Of The New York Transit Museum 130 Livingston St 9th Florr, 5000 52872 3/3 1/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11201-0000 Friends of the Ridgedale-Hennepin Area Library 12601 Ridgedale Dr., Minnetonka, 2500 52873 3/31/2003 MN 55305 Friends of the Ridgewood Library P.O. Box 174, Ridgewood, NJ 50.00 52874 3/3 1/2003 07450 Friends of the Sea Otter 125 Ocean View Blvd. #204, 75000 52875 3/3 1/2003 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Friends of the St Paul Farmers Market 760 Larson Ct., Shoreview, MN 6500 52876 3/31/2003 55126 Friends of the St. Paul Public Library 325 Cedar Street, Suite 555, Saint 10000 52877 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55101-1055 Friends Of West Virginia Public Radio Inc 600 Capitol Street, Charleston, WV 6000 52878 3/31/2003 25301 Friends of West Windsor Open Space Inc PO Box 73, West Windsor, NJ 100.00 52879 3/31/2003 08550-0073 Friends School of Baltimore Inc 5114 North Charles Street, 1,500.00 52880 3/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21210 Friends University 2 100 University, Wichita, KS 2500 52881 3/31/2003 67213 Friendship Venture Dba Childrens Disability Service - 10509 108th St, N W, Annandale, 2500 52882 3/31/2003 Friendship Ventures M-N 55302 Frontier Theatre 3553 Garfield Avenue South, 25000 52883 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55408 rost Valley YMCA 298 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, 50000 52884 3/3 1/2003 0 NJ 07042 Fund For Animals Inc - Fund for Animals, Inc., The 200 West 57th Street, New York, 16500 52885 3/3 1/2003 NY 10019 Fund for Public Schools, Inc 52 Chamber Street, New York, NY 150.00 52886 3/3 1/2003 10007 Fund For Wild Nature PO Box 50584, Eugene, OR 97405 100.00 52887 3/31/2003

Fund For Women Artist Inc PO Box 60637, Florence, MA 5000 52888 3/3 1/2003 01062 Fundacion Compartir Inc PO Box 661016, Miami Springs, 10000 52889 3/31/2003 FL 33266-1016 Fundacion Save A Sato Inc Calle C Villas De Caparra D2, 200.00 52890 3/31/2003 Guaynabo, PR 00966 GAIA Animal Rehabilitation Shelter - GAIA Animal PO Box 647, Webberville, MI 10000 52892 3/31/2003 Sanctuary 48892 Garrett-Jacobs Mansion Endowment Fund Inc I I W Mount Vernon Place, 3,000.00 52893 3/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21201-5103 Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc The Tisch Building, New York, 725.00 52894 3/31/2003 NY 100 11- 1913 General Assembly of the Christian Church Disciples of 2202 Prame Avenue, Cleveland, 200.00 52895 3/31/2003 Christ Inc - Cleveland Christian Home, Inc. OH 44109-1626 General Breed Fund 133 Kendrick Road, Harwich, MA 200.00 52896 3/31/2003 02645-1559 Genesis Club House Inc 274 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 5,000.00 52898 3/31/2003 01605-2106 eneva College 3200 College Avenue, Beaver 250.00 52899 3/31/2003 0 Falls, PA 15010 George School Route 413, Box 4438, Newtown, 2,000.00 52900 3/31/2003 PA 18940

Page 28 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 George Washington University 2033 K Street NW, Suite 3 10, 2500 52901 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20006 Georgetown University Alumni Association Inc Department Number 0733, 20000 52902 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20073-0733 Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School 1524 Thirty-Fifth St, NW, 40000 52903 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20007 Georgia Equality Project Foundation Inc PO Box 95421, Atlanta, GA 25000 52904 3/3 1/2003 303547-0421 Georgia O'Keeffe Museum 217 Johnson Street, Santa Fe, NM 6500 52905 3/3 1/2003 87501 Georgia Tech Foundation Inc Georgia Institute of Technology, 10000 52906 3/3 1/2003 Atlanta, GA 30332-9806

Germantown Friends School 31 West Coulter Street, 65000 52907 3/3 1/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19144 Gettysburg College PA Hall, Box 423, Gettysburg, PA 15000 52908 3/3 1/2003 17325 Gilbert & Sullivan Very Light Opera Co P 0 Box 580172, Minneapolis, 6000 52909 3/31/2003 MN 55458-0172 Gilbert Unified School District #41 140 S. Gilbert Rd, Gilbert, AZ 25000 52910 3/31/2003 85296 Gildas Club 195 W Houston Street, New York, 5000 52911 3/3 1/2003 NY 100 14 Gilman School, Inc. 5407 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 750.00 52912 3/31/2003 21210 Oilmour Academy Inc 34001 Cedar Road, Gates Mill, OH 6,247.00 52913 3/31/2003 44040 Girl Scout Council Inc-Anzona Cactus-Pine - Girl Scout 850 S Ironwood, Suite 1 14, Apache 20000 52914 3/31/2003 Troop 922 Junction, AZ 85220 Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia Inc 1577 Northeast Expressway, 3500 52915 3/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30329 Girl Scouts of Chicago 222 South Riverside Plaza Suite 10000 52916 3/31/2003 2120, Chicago, IL 60606 Gladney Fund 2300 Hemphill Street, Fort Worth, 1,200.00 52917 3/31/2003 TX 76110 Glaucoma Research Foundation 490 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 50.00 52918 3/31/2003 94102 Glendale American Elementary School 8530 North 55th Avenue, Glendale, 200.00 52919 3/31/2003 AZ 85302 Glenn Canyon Institute 316 East Birch Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 500.00 52920 3/31/2003 86002-0000 Glenwood School - Glenwood School For Boys 18700 South Halsted Street, 300.00 52921 3/31/2003 Glenwood, IL 60425 Global Fund for Women, Inc., The 1375 Sutter Street, Suite 400, San 1,000.00 52922 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94109 God's Love We Deliver, Inc. 166 Avenue of the Americas, New 62500 52923 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 13 Godchild Sponsorship Corp. 550 Vandalia St., St. Paul, MN 55000 52924 3/31/2003 55114 Goddard Riverside Community Center 593 Columbus Ave., New York, 100.00 52925 3/31/2003 NY 10024 00-Iden Empire Humane Society 10067 Joerschke Drive, Grass 50.00 52926 3/31/2003 Valley, CA 95945

Page 29 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Golden Gate University 536 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 12500 52927 3/3 1/2003 94105-2921 Gonzaga College High School 19 Eye Street, NW, Washington, 2,50000 52928 3/3 1/2003 DC 20001 Gonzaga University 502 E Boone Avenue, Spokane, 4,20000 52929 3/3 1/2003 WA 99258-0001 Good Samantan Mission Services Inc - Children's 8323 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 25.00 52930 3/3 1/2003 Mission Fund 32819 Goodnch Gannett Neighborhood Center 1368 E 55th St, Cleveland, OH 2,05000 52931 3/31/2003 44103-1316 Goodwill Industries Of Santa Clara County Inc 1080 N 7 St, San Jose, CA 95112 50.00 52932 3/31/2003 Goodwill Industries, Inc 553 Fairview Avenue N, St Paul, 1,00000 52933 3/31/2003 MN 55108 Grand Canyon Trust - Grand Canyon Trust, The 2601 N Fort Valley Road, 28500 52934 3/31/2003 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation 201 NW 4th Street, Grand Rapids, 4,300.00 52935 3/31/2003 MN 55744-0543 Grand Teton Music Festival Inc P.O. Box 490, Teton Village, WY 2,25900 52936 3/3 1/2003 83025 Grand View College 1200 Grandview Avenue, Des 10000 52937 3/3 1/2003 Moines, [A 50316 Greater Chicago Food Depository 4501 S. Tripp Ave, Chicago, IL 365.00 52938 3/31/2003 60632 Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches-Minnesota 1001 E Lake Street, Minneapolis, 90000 52939 3/31/2003 ood Share MN 55407-0509 101reater Philadelphia Food Bank Inc 302 W Berks Street, Philadelphia, 5000 52940 3/31/2003 PA 19122-2239 Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank I North Linden, Duquesne, PA 12500 52941 3/31/2003 15110 Greater Salina Community Foundation P 0. Box 2876, Salina, KS 67402- 300.00 52942 3/31/2003 2876 Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies 528 Hennepin Avenue # 404, 500.00 52943 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55403-3253 Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications P.O. Box 96 100, Washington, DC 80.00 52944 3/31/2003 Association Inc - Greater Washington Educ Telecom 20090-6100

Greater Yellowstone Coalition Inc P 0. Box 1874, Bozeman, MT 5000 52945 3/31/2003 59771 Green Bay Symphony Orch Inc - Green Bay Symphony P 0 Box 222, Green Bay, WI 4,100.00 52946 3/31/2003 Orchestra 54305-0222 Green Mountain College I College St., Poultney, VT 05764- 50.00 52947 3/31/2003 1199 Greenwich Country Day School Inc P.O. Box 623, Old Church Road, 800.00 52949 3/31/2003 Greenwich, CT 06836-0623 Greenwich Land Trust Inc 132 East Putnam Ave. Suite D, Cos 2,000.00 52950 3/31/2003 Cob, CT 06807 Greenwich Library - Friends of the Coscob Library 5 Smawoy Road, Cos Cob, CT 5,000.00 52951 3/31/2003 06807-2311 Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 232 East Eleventh St., New York, 100.00 52952 3/31/2003 NY 10003 lareyhound Adoption League of Texas Inc 3102 Maple Ave Ste 200, Dallas, 100.00 52953 3/31/2003 TX 75201-1369 Ground Zero Minnesota, Inc. 1976 Field Ave., St. Paul, M`N 25.00 52954 3/31/2003 55116

Page 30 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Guadalupe Center Educational Programs, Inc 340 South Goshen Street, Salt Lake 60200 52955 3/31/2003 City, UT 84104 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc 371 East Jericho Turnpike, 17500 52956 3/3 1/2003 Smithtown, NY 11787 Guide Dogs of America 13445 Glenoaks Blvd, Sylmar, CA 2500 52957 3/3 1/2003 91342 Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Inc 611 Granite Springs Road, 17500 52958 3/3 1/2003 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Gunnery Incorporated 99 Green Hill Road, Washington, 8,000.00 52959 3/3 1/2003 CT 06793 Gustavus Adolphus College 800 West College Ave, St. Peter, 625.00 52960 3/31/2003 MN 56082 Guthrie Theatre Foundation 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, 1,625.00 52961 3/31/2003 MN 55403 Habitat for Humanity Desert Foothills PO Box 1734, Cave Creek, AZ 200.00 52962 3/31/2003 85327-1734 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 6920 Union Avenue, Cleveland, 10000 52963 3/3 1/2003 OH 44105 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 601 North Clinton Avenue, 25.00 52964 3/3 1/2003 Trenton, NJ 08638-3446 Habitat for Humanity International Inc P 0 Box 200115, Anchorage, AK 75.00 52965 3/3 1/2003 99520-0115 Habitat for Humanity International Inc PO Box 102 1, Oshkosh, W1 54903- 125.00 52966 3/31/2003 1021 abitat for Humanity International Inc 443 Fairview Ave, Lancaster, PA 20000 52967 3/31/2003 0 17603-5343 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 516 E 35th Street, Charlotte, NC 50.00 52968 3/31/2003 28205 Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Habitat For 2350 Stanwell Drive, Concord, CA 266.00 52969 3/31/2003 Humanity Mt. Diablo 94520 Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Habitat for 17749 N. El Mirage Road, Sun 1,200.00 52970 3/31/2003 Humanity of the West Valley City, AZ 85374 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 322 West Lamar Street, Americus, 1,775.00 52971 3/3 1/2003 GA 31709-3498 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 322 West Lamar Street, Americus, 2,160.00 52972 3/31/2003 GA 31709-3498 Habitat For Humanity Of South Central Minnesota Inc - Po Box 202, St Peter, MN 56082 1,000.00 52973 3/31/2003 Habitat For Humanity - St. Peter Chapter Habonim Dror Foundation Inc PO Box 166, New York, NY 1000 1 180.00 52974 3/31/2003

Hackley School 293 Benedict Avenue, Tarrytown, 2,000.00 52975 3/31/2003 NY 10591 Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America I I I N. Wabash Ave, Suite 8 10, 36.00 52976 3/31/2003 Inc Chicago, IL 60602 Hadassah The Womens Zionist Organization Of America 50 West 58th Street, New York, 2,550.00 52977 3/31/2003 Inc - Hadassah Medical Relief Association NY 10019 Hamilton College Trustees 198 College Hill Road, Clinton, 250.00 52978 3/31/2003 NY 13323 Hamline University 1536 Hewitt Avenue C- 1917, 700.00 52979 3/31/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284 Ompden-Sydney College P.O. Box 637, Hampden-Sydney, 50.00 52980 3/31/2003 VA 23943 Hanahauoli School 1922 Makiki St, Honolulu, HI 150.00 52981 3/31/2003 96822-2099

Page 31 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number *arbor Heritage Society 100 1 East 9th Street Pier, 2500 52982 3/31/2003 Cleveland, OH 44114-1003 Harlem Educational Activities Fund Inc 200 Madison Ave, 5th Floor, New 50000 52983 3/31/2003 York, NY 10016-3903 Harriet Tubman Center - Harriet Tubman Women's 3111 Ist Ave South, Minneapolis, 7500 52984 3/3 1/2003 Shelter, Inc. MN 55408 Harrison Children's Center, Inc . Community Center, West Harrison, 150.00 52985 3/3 1/2003 NY 10604 Hatzilu Rescue Organization Inc 3500 Steven Rd, Baldwin, NY 100.00 52986 3/3 1/2003 11510-5048 Havern Center Inc 4000 S Wadsworth Blvd, Littleton, 10000 52987 3/31/2003 CO 80123-1308 Hawaii United Okinawa Association 94-587 Ukee St, Waipahu, HI 10000 52988 3/31/2003 96797-4214 Hawthorne Elementary Scholastic Academy 3319 N Clifton, Chicago, IL 60657 1,00000 52989 3/31/2003

Haym Salomon Geriatric Foundation 130 East 59th Street, New York, 500.00 52990 3/31/2003 NY 10022 Hazelden Foundation P 0 Box 11, Center City, MN 81000 52991 3/3 1/2003 55012-0011 Headwaters Fund 122 W. Franklin Avenue S. #518, 200.00 52992 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Health Law Advocates Inc 30 Winter St Ste 940, Boston, MA 62500 52993 3/31/2003 02108-4720 ealthcare Foundation of Cape Cod Inc 4 Bayview Street, West Yarmouth, 50.00 52994 3/31/2003 is MA 02673 Heard Museum, The 2301 N Central Avenue, Phoenix, 55000 52995 3/31/2003 AZ 85004 Heart and Hand for the Handicapped - Heart and Hand P.O. Box 520230, Flushing, NY 50.00 52996 3/31/2003 for the Handicapped Ltd 11352 Hearts at Home, Inc 900 W College Avenue, Non-nal, 60.00 52997 3/31/2003 IL 61761 Heifer Project International, Inc. 425 West Capital Avenue, Little 6,96400 52998 3/31/2003 Rock, AR 72201-3440 Helping Paws Of Minnesota Inc I I Seventh Avenue North, 75500 52999 3/31/2003 Hopkins, N1N 55343-0634 Helping Paws Of Minnesota Inc I I Seventh Avenue North, 664.00 53000 3/31/2003 Hopkins, M 55343-0634 Helping Paws Of Minnesota Inc I I Seventh Avenue North, 125 .00 53001 3/31/2003 Hopkins, M 55343-0634 Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church Social 511 Groveland, Minneapolis, M 50.00 53002 3/31/2003 Concerns Sales Corp - Community Meals Hennepin 55403 Avenue Hennepin Theatre Trust 805 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, 1,000.00 53003 3/31/2003 MN 55403 Henry Sibley Community Scholarship Fund 1897 Delaware Ave., W. St. Paul, 100.00 53004 3/31/2003 MN 55118 Henry Street Settlement 265 Henry Street, New York, NY 200.00 53005 3/31/2003 10002 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association Inc Post Office Box 696, West Branch, 150.00 53006 3/31/2003 IA 52358-0696 Oetnck-Martin Institute, Inc. 2 Astor Place, New York, NY 100.00 53007 3/31/2003 10003

Page 32 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Oigh Point University 833 Montlieu Av, High Point, NC 2500 53008 3/31/2003 27262 Hill School 717 East High Street, Pottstown, 10000 53010 3/31/2003 PA 19464 His Caring Place 4700 NW 74th Place, Pompano 400.00 53011 3/31/2003 Beach, FL 33073 Hispanic Scholarship Fund 55 Second Street, Suite 1500, San 125.00 53012 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94105 Hofstra University Hofstra Hall, Room 102, 75.00 53013 3/31/2003 Hempstead, NY 11 549-1 0 10 Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fund, Inc . 555 Long Wharf Drive, New 10000 53014 3/31/2003 Haven, CT 06511 Hollins College P 0 Box 9629, Roanoke, VA 5000 53015 3/31/2003 24020-1629 Hollywood Art and Culture Center Inc 1650 Harrison St, Hollywood, FL 10000 53016 3/31/2003 33020-6806 Holocaust Documentation & Education Center Inc 13899 Biscayne Blvd , Suite 404, 100.00 53017 3/31/2003 North Miami, FL 33181 Holt International Children's Services P 0 Box 2880, Eugene, OR 97402 50000 53018 3/3 1/2003

Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen 296 9th Ave, New York, NY 50 .00 53019 3/31/2003 10001 Holy Name Of Camden Jesuit Urban Service Team Inc - 522 State Street, Camden, NJ 50 .00 53020 3/31/2003 Guadalupe Family Services 08102 oly Trinity Schools P 0 Box 9, Winsted, N4N 55395- 2,000.00 53021 3/31/2003 18 0009 Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters 220 E 23rd St Ste 300, New York, 50000 53022 3/31/2003 Hippy U S A NY 10010-4606 Homefront Inc 1880 Princeton Avenue, 25000 53023 3/31/2003 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, Inc . 1717 Alliant Ave, STE 14, 5000 53024 3/31/2003 Louisville, KY 40299 Hoop A Paluza Inc . C/O Lowenstein Sandier PC, 7500 53025 3/31/2003 Roseland, NJ 07068 Hope Center, Inc 666 SW 4th Street, Miami, FL 1,50000 53026 3/31/2003 33130 Hope Program Inc. 157 Montague St ., Brooklyn, NY 250 .00 53027 3/31/2003 11201 Hopkins Education Foundation 100 1 Hwy 7, Hopkins, MN 55305- 100 .00 53028 3/31/2003 4723 Horace Greely Education Fund P .O. Box 242, Chappaqua, NY 500 .00 53029 3/31/2003 10514 Horace Mann-Bamard School 231 West 246 St ., Bronx, NY 500 .00 53030 3/31/2003 10471 Horizon Activities Center 23755 Lorain Road, Suite 200, N 400 .00 53031 3/31/2003 Olmsted, OH 44070 Horses Help PO Box 71005, Phoenix, AZ 85050 85000 53032 3/31/2003

Hospice Care Ohio - Hospice of Visiting Nurse Service 3358 Ridgewood Rd, Akron, OH 100 .00 53033 3/31/2003 44333 spice Minnesota 1600 University Ave Ste 30 1, Saint 50.00 53034 3/31/2003 & Paul, M-N 55104-3825 Hospice Of North Idaho Inc 9493 N. Government Way, 100.00 53035 3/31/2003 Hayden, ID 83835

Page 33 American Express Foundation Gift Matching avee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Hospice of Northern Virginia 9300 Lee Highway 5th Floor Suite 3000 53036 3/3 1/2003 #500, Fairfax, VA 22031-1207

Hospital For Special Surgery Fund Inc 535 East 70th Street, New York, 8,000.00 53037 3/3 1/2003 NY 10021 Hospitaller Brothers of St John of God 1 145 Delsea Drive, P.0 Box 1979, 50.00 53038 3/3 1/2003 Westville, NJ 08093 Hotchkiss School - Hotchkiss School, The PO Box 800, Lakeville, CT 06039- 35000 53039 3/3 1/2003 0800 Hour Children Inc 36-11 A 12th Street, Long Island 25.00 53040 3/3 1/2003 City, NY 11106 House of Ruth Baltimore Inc 2201 Argonne Drive, Baltimore, 75.00 53041 3/31/2003 MD 21218-1627 Housing Industry Foundation 1845 So. Bascom Ave., Cambell, 100.00 53042 3/3 1/2003 CA 95008 Housing Opportunities & Maintenance For The Elderly 5414 B West Roosevelt Rd , 3,140.00 53043 3/31/2003 Inc Chicago, IL 60644 Houston Food Bank 3811 Eastex Freeway, Houston, TX 2,000.00 53044 3/31/2003 77026 Howard University I Washington, DC 20059 1,00000 53045 3/31/2003 Howland Public Library 313 Main St, Beacon, NY 12508- 250.00 53046 3/31/2003 3016 Hull House Association - Jane Adams Hull House 10 South Riverside Plaza, Ste 200.00 53047 3/31/2003 Association 1700, Chicago, IL 60606-3801 uman Rights Watch Inc 350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118 10000 53048 3/31/2003 0 3299 Humane Farming Association P 0 Box 3577, San Rafael, CA 2500 53049 3/3 1/2003 94912 Humane Society for Companion Animals 11 15 Beulah Lane, St. Paul, NIN 280.00 53050 3/31/2003 55108 Humane Society Of Baltimore County Inc 1601 Nicodemus Road, 5000 53051 3/31/2003 Reisterstown, MD 21136 Humane Society Of Broward County 2070 Gnffin Rd., Ft. Lauderdale, 1,52500 53052 3/3 1/2003 FL 33312 Humane Society Of Broward County 2070 Griffin Rd., Ft. Lauderdale, 771 .00 53053 3/31/2003 Fl, 33312 Humane Society Of Broward County 2070 Griffin Rd., Ft. Lauderdale, 410.00 53054 3/31/2003 FL 33312 Humane Society Of Greater Miami Inc And Dade County 2 101 NW 95th Street, Miami, FL 40.00 53055 3/31/2003 Society For POCTA 33147 Humane Society Of Santa Clara Valley 2530 Lafayette Street, Santa Clara, 50.00 53056 3/31/2003 CA 95050-2689 Humane Society Of The United States 2 100 L Street, N.W., Washington, 540.00 53057 3/31/2003 DC 20037 Humane Society Of The United States 2 100 L Street, N.W., Washington, 280.00 53058 3/31/2003 DC 20037 Humane Society Of Utah 4242 S. 300 W, PO Box 573659, 75.00 53059 3/31/2003 Salt Lake City, UT 84154 Hunger Solutions Minnesota 3585 N Lexington Ave # 159, 175.00 53060 3/31/2003 Arden Hills, MN 55126-8016 *nter College Elementary School Parent Teacher 71 East 94th Street, New York, NY 25.00 53061 3/31/2003 ssociation Inc 10128-0000 Hunter College High School Parents Teachers 71 East 94th Street, New York 500-00 53062 3/31/2003 Association City, NY 10 128

Page 34 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Huntingtons Disease Society Of Amenca Inc 158 West 29th Street, 7th Floor, 30000 53063 3/31/2003 New York, NY 1000 1 I Have A Dream Foundation 330 Seventh Avenue, 20th Floor, 25000 53064 3/3 1/2003 New York, NY 1000 1 -5010 IIT Bombay Heritage Fund Inc 20440 Towne Centre, Cupertino, 10000 53065 3/3 1/2003 CA 95014-3218 Illinois Hoofed Animal Humane Society 10804 McConnell Rd., Woodstock, 25.00 53066 3/31/2003 IL 60098 Illinois Special Olympics Inc 605 E Willow Street, Normal, IL 100.00 53067 3/3 1/2003 61761-2862 Illinois State University Foundation 8000 Advancement Services, 50.00 53068 3/31/2003 Normal, IL 61790-8000 Illusion Theater And School Inc 528 Hennepin Avenue #704, 1,00000 53069 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55403 Imago Del Crisis Pregnancy Center 13864 E Eight Mile Rd, Detroit, 1,20000 53070 3/3 1/2003 MI 48205-1201 In Defense Of Animals 131 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA 6000 53071 3/31/2003 94941-2254 Indiana University Foundation P. 0. Box 2298, Bloomington, IN 1,10000 53072 3/3 1/2003 47402 mMotion, Inc 70 W. 36th St, New York, NY 10000 53073 3/3 1/2003 10018 Institute for International Economics 1750 Massachusetts Avenue NW, 1,00000 53074 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036-1903

Ostitute of Contemporary Art 955 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 50.00 53075 3/3 1/2003 02115 Inter-Faith Council for Social Service I 10 W. Main Street, Carrboro, NC 5000 53076 3/3 1/2003 27510 Interfaith Ministries, Inc. of Calhoun County Alabama P 0 Box 1444, Anniston, AL 25.00 53077 3/31/2003 36202 Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Avenue S., Wayzata, 35000 53078 3/31/2003 MN 55391 International Campaign For Tibet 1825 K Street NW, Suite 520, 50.00 53079 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20006 International College-Beirut Lebanon 215 Park Avenue South, New 10000 53080 3/31/2003 York, NY 10003 International Crane Foundation Inc P. 0 Box 447, Baraboo, WI 53913- 3500 53081 3/31/2003 0447 International Fund For Animal Welfare 41 1 Main Street, Yarmouth Port, 130.00 53082 3/31/2003 MA 02675 International House 500 Riverside Drive, New York, 925.00 53083 3/31/2003 NY 10027 International Justice Mission PO Box 58147, Washington, DC 20000 53084 3/31/2003 20037 International Marriage Encounter, Inc. 955 Lake Dr., St. Paul, MN 55120 50.00 53085 3/31/2003

International Rescue Committee Inc c/o Matching Gift Dept., New 1,500.00 53086 3/31/2003 York, NY 10 168-12 89 iternational Service Agencies 66 Canal Center, Alexandria, VA 125.00 53087 3/31/2003 22314 ®rternational Society of Antique Scale Collectors 540 Oakndge Dr, Cheshire, CT 115 .00 53088 3/31/2003 06450

Page 35 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 International Wildlife Coalition 70 E Falmouth Hwy, E Falmouth, 5000 53089 3/3 1/2003 MA 02536-5900 International Wolf Center 1396 Hwy 169, Ely, IN4N 55731 5500 53090 3/3 1/2003 Inver Grove Heights B E S T Foundation 2990 80th St. East, Inver Grove 48000 53091 3/3 1/2003 Heights, MN 55076 Iona College 715 North Avenue, New Rochelle, 10000 53092 3/3 1/2003 NY 10801 Iona Preparatory School 255 Wilmot Road, New Rochelle, 2,50000 53093 3/3 1/2003 NY 10804 Iowa State University Foundation Alumni Suite, Memorial Union, 100.00 53094 3/31/2003 Ames, IA 50014-7164 Islamic Foundation - Islamic Foundation School 300 W Highridge Road, Villa Park, 5000 53095 3/31/2003 IL 60181 Islamic Society Of North America Inc - Indian Muslim 800 San Antonio Rd #1, Palo Alto, 500.00 53096 3/3 1/2003 Relief Committee CA 94303 Islip Arts Council, Inc. 50 Irish Lane, East Islip, NY 11730 50.00 53097 3/3 1/2003

Israel Cancer Research Fund Inc 5200 W. Main Street, Skokie, IL 2,000.00 53098 3/3 1/2003 60077 Israel Emergency Solidarity Fund 98 Cuttermill Rd Ste 201n, Great 32800 53099 3/3 1/2003 Neck, NY 11021-3006 Jag Junior Fund Inc 123 E Ashland St, Doylestown, PA 29000 53 100 3/31/2003 18901-4620 James Madison University Foundation Inc. Gift Processing Unit, Harrisonburg, 250.00 53101 3/3 1/2003 VA 22807 Sane Goodall Institute P.0 Box 14890, Silver Spring, MD 5000 53102 3/31/2003 20911 Japan Aikido Assocation USA 5752 S Kingston Way, 2,000.00 53 103 3/31/2003 Englewood, CO 80111 Japan America Society of Chicago Inc 20 N Clark Street #750, Chicago, 1,000.00 53104 3/31/2003 IL 60602 Jewish Big Brothers Association Of Los Angeles 5700 Wilshire Blvd. #21215, Los 2,00000 53105 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90036 Jewish Campus Activities Board 215 South 39th Street, 50.00 53106 3/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Jewish Community Centers Of Chicago One South Franklin Street, #916, 50.00 53107 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Jewish Farmly & Childrens Service 4220 N 20th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 200.00 53108 3/31/2003 85015 Jewish Family Service of the North Shore Inc 17 Front Street, Salem, MA 0 1970- 250.00 53109 3/31/2003 3736 Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Inc 9901 Donna Klein Blvd, Boca 365.00 53110 3/31/2003 Raton, FL 33428 Jewish Federation of the North Shore Inc 21 Front Street, Salem, MA 0 1970 25.00 53111 3/31/2003

Jewish Foundation For The Righteous Inc 305 7th Avenue, 19 Floor, New 50.00 53112 3/31/2003 York, NY 10001 Jewish National Fund -Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Inc 60 Revere Drive, Northbrook, IL 50.00 53113 3/31/2003 60062 wish National Fund -Keren Kayemeth Leisrael- Inc 78 Randall Ave, Rockville Centre, 525 .00 53114 3/31/2003 NY 11570 Oe'wish Theological Seminary List College-Graduate 3080 Broadway, New York, NY 100.00 53115 3/31/2003 Alumni Assoc 10027-4649

Page 36 American Express Foundation Gift Matching avee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago I South Franklin Street, Chicago, 1,725.00 53116 3/3 1/2003 I L 60606 John Carroll University, Inc 20700 North Park Blvd , University 1,53500 53 117 3/3 1/2003 Heights, OH 44118 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts P 0. Box 10808, Arlington, VA 5000 53 118 3/3 1/2003 22210 Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street, 2,225.00 53 119 3/3 1/2003 Baltimore, MD 21218 Johnson Bible College 7900 Johnson Drive, Knoxville, 500 .00 53120 3/31/2003 TN 37998 Jorisson Cancer Center Foundation - UCLA - UCLA Dons & Louis Factor Health 5000 53 121 3/3 1/2003 Jonsson Cancer Center Sciences Building 8-950, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1780 Judge Memonal Catholic High School 650 South I 100 East, Salt Lake 100.00 53 122 3/3 1/2003 City, UT 84102 Julia L Butterfield Memonal Library 10 Moms Ave, Cold Spring, NY 150.00 53123 3/31/2003 10516-0000 Jumpstart for Young Children Inc 505 8th Ave, Suite 2207, New 3,825.00 53124 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 100 18 Jungle Theatre 711 West Lake St , Minneapolis, 100.00 53 125 3/31/2003 MN 55408 Junior Achievement 5721 Marlin Road, Suite 3500, 2,00000 53 126 3/3 1/2003 Chattanooga, TN 3 741 1 -0000 Junior Achievement Inc One Drexel Plaza, Philadelphia, PA 51700 53 127 3/31/2003 19104 eumor Achievement Inc - Junior Achievement of Greater 850 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1315, 2600 53128 3/31/2003 Cleveland Cleveland, OH 44114 Junior Achievement of East TN 4930 Lyons View Dnve, 2,000.00 53129 3/3 1/2003 Knoxville, TN 37919 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 175.00 53130 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest Inc 1800 White Bear Avenue North, 525 .00 53131 3/3 1/2003 Maplewood, MN 55109 Junior League of St Paul Inc 633 North Snerling Avenue, St . 2,000.00 53132 3/31/2003 Paul, N/fN 55104 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 2425 Fountainview #280, Houston, 25 .00 53133 3/3 1/2003 TX 77057 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 432 Park Avenue South, New 4,300.00 53134 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 16 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 432 Park Avenue South, New 1,218.00 53135 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 16 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 432 Park Avenue South, New 225 .00 53136 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 16 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 505 .00 53137 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 645 .00 53138 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 600 .00 53139 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 ivenile Diabetes Foundation International 1401 -13 Old Mill Circle, Winston- 765 .00 53140 3/31/2003 Salem, NC 27103 401u'venile Diabetes Foundation International 350 South 400 East, Suite G6, Salt 670 .00 53141 3/31/2003 Lake City, UT 84111

Page 37 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0i'vemle Diabetes Foundation International 350 South 400 East, Suite G6, Salt 44400 53142 3/31/2003 Lake City, UT 841 11 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 350 South 400 East, Suite G6, Salt 625.00 53143 3/31/2003 Lake City, UT 841 11 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 2500 53144 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 5000 53145 3/31/2003 10005 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 500 North Dearborn, Chicago, IL 1,78000 53146 3/31/2003 60610 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 1,35000 53147 3/3 1/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 82500 53148 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 78500 53149 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 1,33500 53150 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 555.00 53151 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 1,16000 53152 3/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International 24359 Northwest Highway, 202.00 53153 3/31/2003 Southfield, MI 48075 vemle Diabetes Research Foundation International 22 10 Millbrook Road , Suite 109, 50.00 53154 3/31/2003 & Raleigh, NC 27604 Juvenile Welfare Association 220 S State St 305, Chicago, IL 5000 53155 3/31/2003 60604-2169 Kahilu Theatre Foundation PO Box 549, Kamucla, HI 96743- 30000 53156 3/31/2003 0549 Kansas State University Foundation 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, 100.00 53157 3/31/2003 Manhattan, KS 66502-2911 Katonah Lewishboro UFSD P.O. Box 387, Katonah, NY 10536 500.00 53158 3/31/2003

KCET Community Television Of Southern California - 4401 Sunset Boulevard, Los 300.00 53159 3/31/2003 KCET Public Broadcasting of Southern California Angeles, CA 90027 KCRW Foundation Inc - KCRW National Public Radio 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 5000 53160 3/31/2003 90405-1628 KCTS Association 401 Mercer Street, Seattle, WA 70.00 53161 3/31/2003 98109 Kennedy-Kneger Children's Hospital Inc - Kennedy- 707 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 25 .00 53162 3/31/2003 Krieger Institute 21205 Kenny Neighborhood Association 5516 Lyndale Avenue South, 25 .00 53163 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55419-1757 Kent School I Macedonia Road, Kent, CT 2,000.00 53164 3/31/2003 06757 Kent State University Foundation, Inc. PO Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242- 3,025.00 53165 3/31/2003 9920 Kenyon College Director Of Advancement 430.00 53166 3/31/2003 Information Services, Gambier, OH 43022 Iseren Aniyim 39 Broadway, New York, NY 1,500.00 53167 3/31/2003 10006

Page 38 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0Keshet 425 Huehl Road # 13 B, 4,71800 53168 3/3 1/2003 Northbrook, IL 60062 Kew Forest School Inc 119-17 Union Turnpi ke, Forest 1,00000 53 169 3/3 1/2003 Hills, NY 11375 Keystone Montesson Charter School Inc P 0 Box 93185, Phoenix, AZ 25000 53170 3/3 1/2003 85070 Kidsmart 12175 Bridgeton Square Drive, 1,00000 53 171 3/3 1/2003 Bridgeton, MO 63044 Kinderhook Neighbors for Good Growth Inc PO Box 424, Kinderhook, NY 15000 53172 3/31/2003 12106 Kindenng Center 16120 NE Eighth Street, Bellevue, 8,00000 53173 3/3 1/2003 WA 98008 Kinship of Greater Minneapolis Inc 32 10 Oliver Avenur North, 100.00 53 175 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55412 Kips Bay Boys And Girls Club, Inc 1930 Randall Avenue, Bronx, NY 250.00 53176 3/3 1/2003 10473 Knox College Two East South Street, Galesburg, 5,00000 53 177 3/3 1/2003 IL 61401 KQED, Inc 2601 Manposa Street, San 20600 53178 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94110-1400 Kvie Inc 2595 Capitol Oaks Dr, 33500 53179 3/3 1/2003 Sacramento, CA 95833-2926 La Oportunidad, Inc 2233 University Ave., Suite 150, 65000 53 180 3/31/2003 St Paul, M 55114 a Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue, 300.00 53 181 3/3 1/2003 0 Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Lafayette College 307 Markle Hall, Easton, PA 2,650.00 53182 3/3 1/2003 18042 Lainies Angels 24 Oak Grove Lane, Edison, NJ 1,12500 53183 3/31/2003 08820 Lake Anna Rescue Inc PO Box 10 1, Bumpass, VA 23024- 100.00 53184 3/31/2003 0101 Lake County Humane Society 7564 Tyler Blvd, Mentor, OH 30.00 53185 3/3 1/2003 44060-4870 Lakes Environmental Association 102 Main Street, Bridgton, ME 10000 53186 3/31/2003 04009 Lakeview Pantry 3831 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 200.00 53187 3/3 1/2003 60613 Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. 120 Wall Street, Suite 1500, New 1,275.00 53188 3/31/2003 York, NY 10005-3904 Lambertville Ambulance & Rescue Squad Inc Alexander Avenue, P.O. Box 237, 50.00 53189 3/31/2003 Lambertville, NJ 08530 Lance Armstrong Foundation, Inc P.O. Box 161150, Austin, TX 305 .00 53190 3/31/2003 78716-1150 Land Stewardship Project 2200 Fourth St., White Bear Lake, 200.00 53191 3/31/2003 MN 55110 Las Brisas Elementary School 5805 W Alameda, Glendale, AZ 75 .00 53192 3/31/2003 85310-3601 Last Chance for Animals 8033 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, 25 .00 53193 3/31/2003 CA 90046 Ouren's Light 33 Inness Road, Tenafly, NJ 07670 1,000.00 53194 3/31/2003

Lawrence University of Wisconsin P.O. Box 2697, Appleton, WI 1,550.00 53195 3/31/2003 54912

Page 39 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number i Lawyers Alliance For New York 330 Seventh Avenue, New York, 5000 53 196 3/3 1/2003 NY 10001 LCMS World Relief 1333 S. Kirkwood Rd , St Louis, 5000 53197 3/3 1/2003 MO 63122 League for Animal Protection of Huntington Inc PO Box 390, Huntington, NY 5500 53 198 3/3 1/2003 11743-0390 League of Women Voters of Minnesota Education Fund 550 Rice St. Suite 20 1, St Paul, 30000 53 199 3/31/2003 MN 55103 Leaming Center for Homeless Families 614 East Grant Street, 50.00 53200 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Leech Lake Area Watershed Foundation 07316 State 371 NW, Walker, NfN 500.00 53201 3/3 1/2003 56484-2000 Legal Aid Society, The One Battery Park Plaza, New York, 60000 53202 3/31/2003 NY 10004 Legal Information For Families Today 350 Broadway, Suite 1203, New 50.00 53203 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 10013-3911 Lehigh University Development Office, Bethlehem, 20000 53204 3/31/2003 PA 18015 Les Turner Amyothropic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation 8142 N. Lawndale Avenue, Skokie, 1,65000 53205 3/31/2003 IL 60076 Lesbian and Gay Bands of America 1519 Mission St, San Francisco, 40000 53206 3/31/2003 CA 94103-2512 Lesbian And Gay Community Services Center Inc P 0 Box 5800, New York, NY !00 00 53207 3/3 1/2003 10249-5800 esley College 29 Everett Street, Cambndge, MA 2500 53208 3/31/2003 0 02138 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 8575 Gibbs Drive, Suite26 .2, San 3000 53209 3/31/2003 Diego, CA 92123 Leukemia & Ly-mphoma Society Inc 12850 Spurling Drive, Suite 190, 26.00 53210 3/31/2003 Dallas, TX 75230 Leukemia & Lyrnphoma Society Inc 3325 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 1,000.00 53211 3/31/2003 FL 33021 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 3325 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 1,705.00 53212 3/31/2003 FL 33021 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 446 Metroplex Dnve-Ste#A-200, 2,02500 53213 3/31/2003 Nashville, TN 37211-3112 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 5005 Mitchelidale, Suite 115, 75.00 53214 3/31/2003 Houston, TX 77092 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 902 Westpoint Parkway, Ste 300, 875.00 53215 3/31/2003 Cleveland, OH 44145 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 77 West Port Plaza, #10 1, St. 25.00 53216 3/31/2003 of Amenca Louis, MO 63146 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 5353 W Darmouth Avenue L.L., 100.00 53217 3/31/2003 of America Denver, CO 80227 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 1390 Market Street, Suite 1200, 150.00 53218 3/31/2003 of America San Francisco, CA 94102-5306 Leukemia Society of America 950 Isom Rd-N104, San Antonio, 25.00 53219 3/31/2003 TX 78216 Leukemia Society of America 495 Old Connecticut Path Suite 50.00 53220 3/31/2003 220, Framingham, MA 0 1701 ukemia Society of America 216 Haddon Ave, Ste. 328, 25.00 53221 3/31/2003 & Westmont, NJ 08108 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Fir, 1,375.00 53222 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 16

Page 40 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Leukemia Society Of America Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Flr, 28000 53223 3/3 1/2003 New York, NY 10016 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 2990 E Northern Ave , Suite E 100, 2,511 .00 53224 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 2990 E Northern Ave., Suite EIOO, 72600 53225 3/3 1/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 9143 Phillips Hwy #130, 5000 53226 3/31/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 800 Corporate Circle Room #100, 15000 53227 3/31/2003 Hamsburg, PA 17110 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 446 Metroplex Drive, Suite D-1 18, 12500 53228 3/31/2003 Nashville, TN 37211-4128 Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Leukemia Society of 5217 Wayzata Blvd. #22 1, 20000 53229 3/31/2003 America Minnesota Chapter Minneapolis, MN 55416 Leukemia Society of America Inc 100 West Monroe, Suite 16 10, 25.00 53230 3/3 1/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 Leukemia Society of America Upstate NY Chapter 6 Automation Lane, Albany, NY 150.00 53231 3/31/2003 12205 Lewis And Clark College - Lewis & Clark College 0615 SW Palatine Hill Road, 200.00 53232 3/31/2003 Portland, OR 97219 Library Foundation of Hennepin County 12601 Ridgedale Dr., Minnetonka, 12500 53233 3/3 1/2003 MN 55305 Life Healing Foundation 156 D N Kahaheo Avenue, Kailua, 100.00 53234 3/31/2003 H196734 feline Productions Inc - Lifeline Theatre 6912 N Glenwood Avenue, 500.00 53235 3/3 1/2003 0 Chicago, IL 60626 Lighthouse International I I I East 59th Street, New York, 160.00 53236 3/31/2003 NY 10022 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Inc 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 1,00000 53237 3/31/2003 York, NY 10023 Lincoln Park Zoological Society PO Box 14903, Chicago, IL 60614 467.00 53238 3/31/2003

Linden Hills Chamber Orchestra Inc. 4031 Sheridan Ave. South, 50.00 53239 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, NW 55410 Listening House of St. Paul Inc. 215 Ninth St W., St. Paul, M 25000 53240 3/31/2003 55102-1171 Literacy Volunteers of America - Reading Connections 122 N. Elm Street, Ste 910, 500.00 53241 3/31/2003 Inc Greensboro, NC 27401-2818 Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc. 141 Franklin St., Stamford, CT 500.00 53242 3/31/2003 06901 Literacy Volunteers of Mancopa County, Inc. 1500 E Thomas Road, Phoenix, 40000 53243 3/31/2003 AZ 85014 Literary Classics of the United States Inc 14 East 60 Street, New York, NY 50.00 53244 3/31/2003 10022 Little Brothers-friends Of The Elderly 1845 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, N4N 450.00 53245 3/31/2003 55407 Little Brothers-friends Of The Elderly 355 North Ashland, Chicago, IL 1,000.00 53246 3/31/2003 60607 Little Sisters of the Poor 330 S. Exchange St., St. Paul, MN 625.00 53247 3/31/2003 55102 Ottle Sisters Of The Poor Home For The Aged 4291 Richmond Road, Cleveland, 250.00 53248 3/31/2003 OH 44122 Little Sisters of the Poor of Los Angeles 2100 South Western Avenue, San 350.00 53249 3/31/2003 Pedro, CA 90732

Page 41 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Livingston County Helping Hands Inc P 0 Box 296, Smithland, KY 2500 53250 3/31/2003 42081 Loaves And Fishes Too 1917 Logan Ave South, 8500 53252 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55403-2846 Lochland School Inc 1065 Lochland Rd, Geneva, NY 1,00000 53253 3/31/2003 14456-3244 Loki Clan Wolf Refuge P 0 Box 1186, Conway, NH 50.00 53254 3/3 1/2003 03818-1186 Long Island Educational TV Council, Inc. P.0 Box 2 1, Plainview, NY 11803 20500 53255 3/3 1/2003

Loring Nicollet-bethlehem Community Centers Inc 1925 Nicollet Avenue, 200.00 53256 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55403-3786 Los Angeles County Museum Of Natural History 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los 5000 53257 3/3 1/2003 Foundation Angeles, CA 90007 Los Angeles Philharmonic Association 135 N Grand Ave, Los Angeles, 500.00 53258 3/31/2003 CA 90012 Los Angeles S P C A - Society for the Prevention of 5026 West Jefferson Blvd, Los 5000 53259 3/31/2003 Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles Angeles, CA 90016 Louisiana State University Foundation 3838 W. Lakeshore Dr, Baton 50.00 53260 3/31/2003 Rouge, LA 70808 Lowcountry Food Bank Inc 1635 Cosgrove Ave, Charleston, 25000 53261 3/31/2003 SC 29405-2316 Loyola Academy 1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, 1,000.00 53262 3/31/2003 IL 60091 yola College In Maryland Inc 4501 North Charles Street, 250.00 53263 3/3 1/2003 00 Baltimore, MD 21210-2699 Loyola High School of Los Angeles 1901 Venice Boulevard, Los 25000 53264 3/3 1/2003 Angeles, CA 90006 Loyola University of Chicago P.0 Box 6635, Chicago, IL 60680- 2,500.00 53265 3/31/2003 6635 Luke Society - Luke Society, Inc. 2204 S. Minnesota Ave , Ste 200, 500.00 53266 3/31/2003 Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Lupus Foundation of Colorado Inc 6795 E Tennessee Ave Ste 100, 800.00 53267 3/31/2003 Denver, CO 80224-1608 Lupus Foundation of Delaware Valley 25 Washington Ln Ste 39-1, 30.00 53268 3/31/2003 Wyncote, PA 19095-1403 Luther College 700 College Drive, Decorah, IA 455.00 53269 3/31/2003 52101 Luther North School Association 5700 W Berteau Ave, Chicago, IL 10000 53270 3/31/2003 60634-1717 Lutheran Agencies Organized In Service 4100 Franklin Blvd, Cleveland, OH 650.00 53271 3/31/2003 44113-2842 Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod-Concordia Seminary 801 De Mun Ave., St. Louis, MO 200.00 53272 3/31/2003 63105 Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association Of Greater 1468 W 25th St, Cleveland, OH 250.00 53273 3/31/2003 Cleveland 44113-3102 Lutheran Social Service Of Minnesota 2485 Como Ave., St Paul, NfN 325.00 53274 3/31/2003 55108 Lutheran Social Services Of Illinois 100 1 E. Touhy Street, Suite 50, 1,000.00 53275 3/31/2003 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Otheran University Association Valparaiso University, Loke Hall, 100.00 53276 3/31/2003 Valparaiso, IN 46383-9978 Lutheran World Relief Inc 700 Light St., Baltimore, MD 1,800.00 53277 3/31/2003 21230

Page 42 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 16 Lymphoma Research Foundation I I I Broadway, New York, NY 20000 53278 3/3 1/2003 10006 M.C. Preparatory School of Wisconsin Inc 2449 North 36th Street, 2500 53279 3/31/2003 Milwaukee, WI 532 10 Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue, St Paul, MN 210.00 53280 3/31/2003 55105-1801 Macmurray College 447 East College Avenue, 30.00 53281 3/31/2003 Jacksonville, IL 62650 Macphai I Center for the Arts 1128 LaSalle Avenue, 5000 53282 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Madeleine Choir School 250 First Avenue, Salt Lake City, 1,04000 53283 3/31/2003 UT 84103 Madison # I Middle School 5525 N. 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 10000 53284 3/3 1/2003 85016 Maie Bartlett Heard School 2301 W. Thomas, Phoenix, AZ 25000 53286 3/31/2003 85015 Maine Public Broadcasting Corporation 1450 Lisbon St, Lewiston, ME 3500 53287 3/31/2003 04240 Make A Wish Foundation PO Box 97104, Washington DC, 5000 53288 3/31/2003 WA 20090 Make A Wish Of Northeast Central And Southern Ohio 941 Chatham Lane, Suite 120, 50.00 53289 3/31/2003 Inc Columbus, OH 43221 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Arizona 711 East Northern Avenue, 275.00 53290 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85020-4154 ake-a-wish Foundation Of Metro New York Inc - Make- 85 Old Shore Rd, Port 50.00 53291 3/31/2003 -Wish Foundation of Nassau County, Inc Washington, NY 11050 Make-a-wish Foundation Of Minnesota - Make-a-Wish 5155 E River Road, Suite 402, 100.00 53292 3/31/2003 Foundation of M Minneapolis, NfN 55421 Make-A-Wish of Nebraska, Inc 11926 Arbor Street, Suite 102, 50.00 53293 3/31/2003 Omaha, NE 68144 Making Headway Foundation Inc. 115 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 75.00 53294 3/31/2003 10514 Malachi House Inc 28 10 Clinton Ave, Cleveland, OH 240.00 53295 3/31/2003 44113 Mama's Kitchen 1875 Second Avenue, San Diego, 25.00 53296 3/31/2003 CA 92 101 Mamaroneck Youth Junior Soccer League Inc PO Box 22 1, Mamaroneck, NY 500.00 53297 3/31/2003 10543-0221 Manhattan Beach Unified School District 1230 Rosecrans Ave#400, 1,000.00 53298 3/31/2003 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Manhattan College Office of College Advancement, 100.00 53299 3/31/2003 Sears Hall, Riverdale, NY 10471 Manhattan Theatre Club 311 West 43rd St. 8th Floor, New 1,087.00 53300 3/31/2003 York, NY 10036 Manhattanville College 2900 Purchase Street, Purchase, 100.00 53301 3/31/2003 NY 10577 Mankato State University Foundation Inc - Minnesota 121 Alumni Foundation Center, 185.00 53302 3/31/2003 State University, Mankato Foundation Mankato, MN 56001 March of Dimes 230 B. S Santa Fe, Salina, KS 100.00 53303 3/31/2003 67401 arch of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Staten Island 1173 Forest Ave., Staten Island, 500.00 53304 3/31/2003 0 NY 10310 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1025 Main Street, Wheeling, WV 100.00 53305 3/31/2003 26003

Page 43 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 March Of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1275 Mamaroneck Ave , White 20000 53306 3/31/2003 March Of Dimes - March of Dimes Birth Defects Found Plains, NY 10605

Marcy-holmes Neighborhood Association 13 13 SE 5th Street, # 138, 200.00 53307 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55414 Maret School Inc 3000 Cathedral Ave, NW, 3,00000 53308 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20008 Manan High School 7400 Military Avenue, Omaha, NE 16000 53309 3/31/2003 68134 Mancopa County Community College District 2323 W 14th Street, Tempe, AZ 68500 533 10 3/31/2003 Foundation 85281 Mancopa County Community College District 241 1 W. 14th Street, Tempe, AZ 100.00 533 11 3/31/2003 Foundation 85281-6941 Mann Agricultural Land Trust PO Box 809, Pt Reyes Station, CA 3000 533 12 3/3 1/2003 94956 Mann Community Food Bank 75 Digital Dr, Novato, CA 94949 3500 533 13 3/31/2003

Market Street Mission Inc 9 Market Street, Morristown, NJ 2700 53314 3/31/2003 07960 Marlboro College P 0 Box A, Marlboro, VT 05344 10000 533 15 3/3 1/2003 Marquette University PO Box 188 1, Milwaukee, W1 35000 53316 3/31/2003 53201-1881 Martha Jefferson Hospital 459 Locust Avenue, 25000 53317 3/3 1/2003 Charlottesville, VA 22902 artinsville Rescue Squad Inc P .0 Box 296, Martinsville, NJ 50.00 53318 3/31/2003 & 08836 Mary Washington College Foundation Mary Washington P. 0. Box 1908, College Station, 2500 53319 3/31/2003 College Fredericksburg, VA 22402-1908 Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation Inc 11767 Owings Mills Blvd., Owings 135 .00 53320 3/31/2003 Mills, MD 21117-1499 Maryland School For The Blind - The Maryland School 3501 Taylor Avenue, Baltimore, 10000 53321 3/3 1/2003 for the Blind MD 21236 Maryland Science Center 601 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 2,250.00 53322 3/31/2003 21230 Maryland Special Olympics Inc 8300 Guilford Road Suite A, 25.00 53323 3/31/2003 Columbia, MD 21046 Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service Inc 16 South Calvert Street, Suite 700, 50.00 53324 3/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21201-1781 Massachusetts Brain Injury Association 484 Main Suite 325, Worcester, 25.00 53325 3/3 1/2003 MA 01608-1817 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 238 Main Street, Suite 200, 30000 53326 3/31/2003 Cambridge, MA 02142 Massachusetts Maritime Academy Foundation Inc 10 1 Academy Drive, Buzzards Bay, 50000 53327 3/31/2003 MA 02532 Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 350 S. Huntington Ave., Boston, 25.00 53328 3/31/2003 Animals MA 02130 Matan B SeteT Bambi Inc 1728 53rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11204- 100.00 53329 3/31/2003 1524 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research 200 First Street, SW, Siebens 10, 300.00 53330 3/31/2003 Rochester, M-N 55905 10azon Inc., A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 25.00 53331 3/31/2003 260, Los Angeles, CA 90025 McCallie School 500 Dodds Ave., Missionary 250.00 53332 3/31/2003 Ridge, Chattanooga, TN 37404

Page 44 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number i Mckim Community Association Inc - McKim Center 11 20 E Baltimore Street, 1,00000 53333 3/3 1/2003 Baltimore, MD 21202 Meals On Wheels Of Central Maryland Inc 5 15 South Haven Street, Baltimore, 2500 53334 3/31/2003 MD 21224-4220 Mechanicville School Distnct - Mechanicville District 190 North Main Street, 10000 53335 3/31/2003 Public Library Mechanicville, NY 12118 Medic Alert Foundation P 0. Box 381015, Turlock, CA 11000 53336 3/3 1/2003 95381-9015 Medical Development for Israel, Inc 130 East 59th Street, Suite 1203, 20000 53337 3/31/2003 New York, NY 10022 Memorial Blood Center of Minneapolis 2304 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, 20000 53338 3/31/2003 NfN 55404 Memorial Sloan-kettenng Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 2,27600 53339 3/31/2003 10021-6007 Mercantile Library Association of the City of New York 17 E 47th St, New York, NY 100 17 7500 53340 3/3 1/2003 1920 Mercy Corps International 3015 SW First Ave., Portland, OR 2500 53341 3/31/2003 97201 Mercy Medical Center Inc 301 St Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 30000 53342 3/31/2003 21202-2102 Merely Players Community Theatre Inc I 10 Fulton, Mankato, N/[N 56001 10000 53343 3/31/2003 Merit Music Program Inc - Merit School of Music 47 West Polk Street, M-3, Chicago, 15000 53344 3/3 1/2003 IL 60605-2098 Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin 1593 Coney Island Avenue, 25000 53345 3/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11230 Oesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem-cwsp - Mesivta Tifereth Jer 145 East Broadway, New York, 2,500.00 53346 3/3 1/2003 Amr NY 10002 Metro Meals On Wheels Collaborative Inc PO Box 18232, Minneapolis, N4N 2500 53347 3/31/2003 55418 Metropolitan Family Services 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 10000 53348 3/31/2003 60604 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY 255.00 53349 3/31/2003 10028-0198 Metropolitan Opera Association Inc Lincoln Center, Box 930, New 50.00 53350 3/31/2003 York, NY 10023 Metropolitan Opera Guild Inc Box 231930, New York, NY 10023 160.00 53351 3/31/2003

Metropolitan Planning Council 25 E. Washington Street, Ste. 1600, 500.00 53352 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60602 Metropolitan State University Foundation 700 E Seventh Street, Saint Paul, 2500 53353 3/31/2003 MN 55106 Metropolitan Symphony Orchestral Association P. 0. Box 581213, Minneapolis, 50.00 53354 3/31/2003 NM 55458-1213 Miami Rescue Mission Inc 2159 NW I Court, Miami, FL 66500 53355 3/31/2003 33242 Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson Research Grand Central Station, New York, 715 .00 53356 3/31/2003 NY 10163 Michigan Anti Cruelty Society - Anti-Cruelty Association 13569 Joseph Campau, Detroit, MI 200.00 53357 3/31/2003 48212 Michigan Humane Society 26711 Northwestern Highway, 430.00 53358 3/31/2003 Southfield, MI 48034 Oichigan State University 4700 S. Hagadorn, Suite 220, East 300.00 53359 3/31/2003 Lansing, MI 48823

Page 45 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Mid Coast Genatnc Services Corp 58 Banbeau Dr, Brunswick, ME 1,00000 53360 3/3 1/2003 04011-3218 Mid-Ohio Foodbank 1625 West Mound Street, 25.00 53361 3/3 1/2003 Columbus, OH 43223 Middlesex Hospital 28 Crescent Street, Middletown, 3,000.00 53362 3/3 1/2003 CT 06457-3650 Midnight Mission, The 396 S Los Angeles Street, Los 30000 53363 3/3 1/2003 Angeles, CA 90013 Mikes Wish Foundation 49 Goodale St, Peabody, MA 2,500.00 53364 3/3 1/2003 01960-1262 Mile High Ministries 1520 Marion Street, Denver, CO 25000 53365 3/3 1/2003 80218 Miles B Carpenter Museum Inc 201 Hunter St, Waverly, VA 23890- 40.00 53366 3/3 1/2003 0000 Millsaps College 1701 North State St., Jackson, MS 1,00000 53367 3/3 1/2003 39210 Milwaukee Rescue Mission 830 North l9th Street, Milwaukee, 10000 53368 3/31/2003 WI 53233 Ministries United for Service & Training Inc 55 Elizabeth Church Rd, Marietta, 2500 53369 3/3 1/2003 GA 30060-7295 Minneapolis Crisis Nursery 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Golden 725.00 53370 3/3 1/2003 Valley, MN 55422-5120 Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation 920 East 28th St., Ste 100, 5000 53371 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55407 inneapolis Jewish Day School 4330 Cedar Lake Rd , St. Louis 118.00 53372 3/31/2003 & Park, MN 55416 Minneapolis Jewish Federation 13 100 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 200, 2,50000 53373 3/3 1/2003 Minnetonka, MN 55305-18 10 Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts - Minneapolis Institute 2400 3rd Avenue S , Minneapolis, 4,10500 53374 3/31/2003 of Arts MN 55404 Mmnehaha Academy 3 100 West River Parkway, 900.00 53375 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Minnesota Accounting Aid Society Inc 2314 University Avenue # 12, 17500 53376 3/31/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55114 Minnesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Avenue South, 2,160.00 53377 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55404 Minnesota Center for Book Arts 1011 South Washington Avenue, 25000 53378 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Minnesota Childrens Museum - Childrens Museum of 10 W. 7th Street, St. Paul, NfN 2,100.00 53379 3/31/2003 Minneapolis 55102 Minnesota Citizens Concerned For Life Inc Education 4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, 50.00 53380 3/31/2003 Fund MN 55409 Minnesota Crafts Council 528 Hennepin Ave 216, 30000 53381 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403-18 10 Minnesota Dance Alliance - Minnesota Dance Theatre 528 Hennepin Ave. S. 5th Fir, 30000 53382 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Minnesota Family Institute - The Minnesota Family 2855 Anthony Lane S., S-I 50, 90.00 53383 3/31/2003 Council Minneapolis, MN 55418-3265 innesota Federated Humane Societies 6613 Penn Ave. South #100, 30.00 53384 3/31/2003 Richfield, M 55423 Omnesota Foundation 55 Fifth Street E., Suite 600, Saint 110.00 53385 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55 101

Page 46 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Minnesota Friends of the Orphans 70 County Road C W #701, Saint 1,00000 53386 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55117-1306 Minnesota Fringe Festival 1614 Harmon PI Ste 301, 25.00 53387 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403-1965 Minnesota Histoncal Society 345 Kellogg Blvd W, Saint Paul, 28000 53388 3/3 1/2003 IvI[N 55102 Minnesota International Center 711 E River Rd, Minneapolis, MN 25000 53389 3/31/2003 55455 Minnesota International Health Volunteers 122 W Franklin Ave Suite 110, 10000 53390 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Minnesota Jewish Theater Company Po Box 16155, Saint Paul, MN 3600 53391 3/31/2003 55116 Minnesota Land Trust 2356 University Avenue West, 125.00 53392 3/31/2003 Suite 400, Saint Paul, M 55114 Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska, 10000 53393 3/3 1/2003 MN 55318-9613 Minnesota Medical Foundation 1342 PO Box 64001, Saint Paul, MN 625.00 53394 3/31/2003 55164-0001 Minnesota Museum Of American Art 75 West 5th Street, St Paul, MN 10000 53395 3/31/2003 55102- Minnesota Oncology Hematology Foundation 2550 University Avenue West, 250.00 53396 3/31/2003 Suite I I ON, Saint Paul, M 55 114

Minnesota Opera Company 620 N First Street, Minneapolis, 10000 53397 3/31/2003 MN 55401 lainnesota Orchestra Association P 0 Box 86, Minneapolis, MN 43000 53398 3/31/2003 55486 Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance Inc 6444 150th St SE, Pnor Lake, M 2,50000 53399 3/31/2003 55372-2105 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, 1,82800 53400 3/31/2003 MN 55101 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, 2,46500 53401 3/31/2003 MN 55101 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, 1,459.00 53402 3/31/2003 fvfN 55 101 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, 338.00 53403 3/31/2003 MN 55101 Minnesota Star, Inc. - Cedar Cultural Centre 416 Cedar Ave., S., Minneapolis, 250.00 53404 3/31/2003 MN 55454 Minnesota State Fair Foundation 1265 Snelling Ave N, St Paul, M 50.00 53405 3/31/2003 55108 Minnesota State Horticultural Society - University Of 1755 Prior Ave. North, Falcon 25.00 53406 3/31/2003 Minnesota Heights, MN 55113 Minnesota Valley Humane Society - Minnesota Valley 1313 E. Hwy. 13, Burnsville, M 100 .00 53407 3/31/2003 Humane Society of Dakota County 55337 Minnesota Wildlife Haven 4328 Lyndale Avenue N, 200.00 53409 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55412 Misericordia Home 6300 N Ridge Ave, Chicago, IL 1,250.00 53411 3/31/2003 60660-1017 ishawaka Foundation P.O. Box 3744, Bloomington, IL 500.00 53412 3/31/2003 61702 Oission Corps International Inc - San Alfonso Mission 11267 W. 75th Ave, Arvada, CO 1,950.00 53413 3/31/2003 80006

Page 47 American Express Foundation Gift Matching avee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Mission Inc 1000 Oliver Ave N, Minneapolis, 10000 53414 3/3 1/2003 MN 55411-3734 Mission Of Our Lady Of Mercy - Mercy Home for Boys 11 40 West Jackson Blvd , Chicago, 1,35000 534 15 3/3 1/2003 & Girls IL 60607 Missons Inc Programs/Home Free Shelter 3409 E Medicine Lake Blvd, 1,00000 53416 3/3 1/2003 Plymouth, MN 55441-2307 Missouri Botanical Garden Board of Trustees P 0 Box 299, St Louis, MO 55 .00 53417 3/31/2003 63166 Moline Gospel Temple - Temple Christian School 2305 7th Avenue, Moline, IL 50.00 53418 3/3 1/2003 61265 Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary Foundation 2078 Skillman Ave W, Roseville, 2500 53419 3/3 1/2003 MN 55113-5329 Monongalia General Hospital Foundation Inc 1200 J D Anderson Dr, 250.00 53420 3/31/2003 Morgantown, WV 26505-3494 Monsignor Bonner High School 403 n Lansdowne Ave., Drexel 10000 53421 3/31/2003 Hill, PA 19026 Montclair Art Museum 3 Mountain Ave , Montclair, NJ 130.00 53422 3/3 1/2003 07042 Montclair Kimberley Academy Foundation 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 15000 53423 3/31/2003 07042 Montgomery County Society for the Prevention of 19 East Ridge Pike, Conshohocken, 50.00 53424 3/31/2003 Cruelty To Animals - Montgomery County S P.C A. PA 19428 Moorhead State University Foundation 1104 7th Avenue S , Moorhead, 75 .00 53425 3/31/2003 MN 56563 oraga Educational Foundation PO Box 34, Moraga, CA 94556 5000 53426 3/3 1/2003 oravian Academy 7 East Market Street, 1, Bethlehem, 100.00 53427 3/31/2003 PA 18018-5991 Momingside College 1501 Momingside Avenue, Sioux 165.00 53428 3/31/2003 City, [A 51106 Moms Animal Foundation 45 Inverness Drive East, 55.00 53429 3/31/2003 Englewood, CO 80112 Most Holy Trinity Catholic School 3946 Wooddale Ave So., St Louis 25000 53430 3/31/2003 Park, MN 55416 Mothers Against Drunk Driving Foundation 511 E. John Carpenter Fwy #700, 250.00 53431 3/31/2003 Irving, TX 75062 Mount Evans Hospice Inc PO Box 2770, Evergreen, CO 100.00 53432 3/31/2003 80437-2770 Mount Holyoke College Development Office, South 4,550.00 53433 3/31/2003 Hadley, MA 01075 Mount Mercy College 1330 Elmhurst Dr Ne, Cedar 125.00 53434 3/31/2003 Rapids, IA 52402-4763 Mount Saint Michael Academy 4300 Murdock Avenue, Bronx, NY 50.00 53435 3/31/2003 10466 Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University One Gustave L. Levey Place, New 50.00 53436 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 19 Mount Union College 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, OH 50.00 53437 3/31/2003 44601-3929 MS Foundation for Women Inc 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 1,000.00 53438 3/31/2003 10005 ulticare Health Foundation P.O. Box 5296, Tacoma, WA 1,000.00 53439 3/31/2003 98415-0296 Oultiple Sclerosis Association Of America Inc 706 Haddonfield Rd., Cherry Hill, 50.00 53440 3/31/2003 NJ 08002

Page 48 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 49 Number Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Inc 6350 N Andrews Avenue, Fort 12500 53441 3/3 1/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 Muscular Dystrophy Association 4530 West 77th Street, #164, 2500 53442 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55435 Muscular Dystrophy Association 17 Bishop Hollow Rd, Newtown 75.00 53443 3/3 1/2003 Square, PA 19073 Muscular Dystrophy Association 8501 LaSalle Rd #21 1, Towson, 10000 53444 3/3 1/2003 MD 21286 Muscular Dystrophy Association 227 West First Street, Suite 302, 25.00 53445 3/31/2003 Duluth, MN 55802 Muscular Dystrophy Association 16600 West Sprague Road # 190, 2500 53446 3/3 1/2003 Cleveland, OH 44130 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Tucson, AZ 3300 East Sunrise Drive, Tucson, 750.00 53447 3/3 1/2003 AZ 85718 Museum Associates 5905 Wilshire Boulevard, Los 180.00 53448 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90036 Museum of American Folk Art 1414 Avenue of the Americas, 2500 53449 3/31/2003 New York, NY 10019 Museum Of Broadcast Communications - The museum 78 East Washington Street, 200.00 53450 3/31/2003 of Broadcast Communications (Chicago Cultural Center Chicago, IL 60602-9837

Museum of Jewish Heritage One Battery Park Plaza, New York, 50.00 53451 3/3 1/2003 NY 10004-1484 Museum of Science and Industry 57th St & Lake Shore Drive, 515.00 53452 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60601 Oly Brothers Table Inc 98 Willow Street, Lynn, MA 0 1901 405.00 53453 3/31/2003

My Sister's House, Inc P 0. Box 534 1, North Charleston, 250.00 53454 3/3 1/2003 SC 29405 My Sister's Place Inc 2 Lyon Place, Suite 300, White 50.00 53455 3/31/2003 Plains, NY 10601 Mylestone Equine Rescue A New Jersey Non-Profit 227 Still Valley Rd, Phillpsburg, 1,000.00 53456 3/31/2003 Corporation NJ 08865-7817 Mystic and Noank Library, Inc. 40 Library Street, Mystic, CT 2,000.00 53457 3/31/2003 06355 N 0 W Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. 395 Hudson Street, 5th Floor, New 200.00 53458 3/31/2003 York, NY 10014 Na Amat USA 8707 N. Skokie Blvd #1 12, Skokie, 650.00 53459 3/31/2003 IL 60077 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. 99 Hudson Street, Suite 1600, New 100.00 53460 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 13 Nanjing University Friendship Foundation 3 Leigh Road, Hillsborough, NJ 1,000.00 53461 3/31/2003 08844 Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Inc 250 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, 50.00 53462 3/31/2003 NY 11550 National Academy Foundation 39 Broadway, Suite 1640, New 4,000.00 53463 3/31/2003 York, NY 10006 National Alopecia Areata Foundation P.O. box 15-760, San Rafael, CA 25 .00 53464 3/31/2003 94915-0760 ational Arbor Day Foundation 21 1 N. 12th St., Lincoln, NE 68501 25 .00 53465 3/31/2003

0-ational Ataxia Foundation 2600 Fernbrook Lane, Suite 119, 100.00 53466 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55447

Page 49 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number National Audubon Society Inc . 700 Broadway, New York, NY 211 .00 53467 3/3 1/2003 10003-9501 National Audubon Society, Inc 2357 Ventura Dnve, St Paul, MN 50000 53468 3/31/2003 55125-1944 National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc 16633 N. Dallas Parkway, Suite 5000 53469 3/3 1/2003 600, Addison, TX 75001 National Center For Fathering - National Center for 10200 W 75th St., Suite 267, 5000 53470 3/31/2003 Fathenng, Inc Shawnee Mission, KS 66204 National Center For Learning Disabilities 381 Park Avenue Suite 1420, New 100.00 53471 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 16 National Childhood Cancer Foundation 440 East Huntington Drive, 25.00 53472 3/3 1/2003 Arcadia, CA 91006 National Childrens Cancer Society, Inc. 10 15 Locust, Suite 1040, St Louis, 25 .00 53473 3/31/2003 MO 63 101 National Disaster Search Dog Foundation Inc 206 N Signal Street, Suite R, Ojai, 50.00 53474 3/3 1/2003 CA 93023 National Easter Seal Society Inc 230 West Monroe Street, Suite. 150.00 53475 3/3 1/2003 1800, Chicago, IL 60606-4802 National Foundation For Cancer Research 4600 East West Highway, Suite 40.00 53476 3/3 1/2003 525, Bethesda, MD 20814 National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute 1325 Massachusetts Ave NW, 23500 53477 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20005 National Humane Education Society P.0 Box 340, Charles Town, WV 110.00 53478 3/31/2003 25414 ational Institute For Jewish Hospice 8723 Alden Dr Suite 652, Los 2500 53479 3/31/2003 0 Angeles, CA 90048 National Jewish Center For Immunology And Respiratory 1400 Jackson St #206, Denver, CO 150.00 53480 3/3 1/2003 Medicine - National Jewish Medical & Research 80206

National Kidney Foundation Inc 1373 Grandview Ave Ste 200, 250.00 53481 3/31/2003 Columbus, OH 43212-2804 National Kidney Foundation Of The Upper Midwest Inc 1660 S. Highway 100, Suite 530, 500.00 53482 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55416 National MS Society, Colorado Chapter 700 Broadway #808, Denver, CO 420.00 53483 3/31/2003 80203 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 315 South 48th Street, Suite 10 1, 220.00 53484 3/31/2003 Tempe, AZ 85281 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 221 1 West Meadowview Road, 25 .00 53485 3/31/2003 Suite 30, Greensboro, NC 27407 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 25.00 53486 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 2 Gannett Drive, White Plains, NY 25.00 53487 3/31/2003 10604 National Multiple Sclerosis Society I Reed Street, Suite 200, 400.00 53488 3/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19147 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 700 Broadway #808, Denver, CO 215.00 53489 3/31/2003 80203 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 8111 No. Stadium Dr.-Ste#100, 150.00 53490 3/31/2003 Houston, TX 77054 ational Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 575.00 53491 3/31/2003 apter NY 100 1 0-2094 0ational Multiple Sclerosis Society Northern Calif 150 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 595.00 53492 3/31/2003 Chapter 94612

Page 50 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number i National Multiple Sclerosis Society Wisconsin Chapter W223 N608 Saratoga Dnve, Suite 50.00 53493 3/3 1/2003 110, Waukesha, WI 53186-0401

National Osteoporosis Foundation 1232 22nd Street, NW, 25.00 53494 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20037 National Park Foundation I I Dupont Circle Nw, Ste 600, 6800 53495 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 National Parkinson Foundation Inc 1501 NW 9th Ave, Miami, FL 25000 53496 3/31/2003 33136 National Parks and Conservation Association 1300 19th Street, Washington, DC 20000 53497 3/31/2003 20036 National Relief Charities 70 Main St Ste 43, Warrenton, VA 2800 53498 3/31/2003 20186 National Research Fund for Tick Borne Diseases Inc 47 Langner Lane, Wilton, CT 15000 53499 3/31/2003 06897-2628 National Society Daughters Of The American Revolution 9527 S. Lacrosse Ave., Oak Lawn, 20000 53500 3/31/2003 Swallow Cliff Chapter IL 60453 National Society For Hebrew Day Schools 160 Broadway, New York, NY 50.00 53501 3/31/2003 10038-4201 National Society of the Daughters of the Amencan 1776 D Street NW, Washington, 2500 53502 3/31/2003 Revolution DC 20006-5392 National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum 1801 S Indiana Ave, Chicago, IL 50.00 53503 3/31/2003 60616-1308 National Wildlife Federation I 1100 Wildlife Center Dnve, 15600 53504 3/31/2003 Reston, VA 20190 Oational Women's Health Network 514 10th St. NW, Ste 400, 7500 53505 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20004 National Womens Law Center I I Dupont Circle NW Suite 800, 250.00 53506 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036-1207 Native American Heritage Association 4 10 Sheridan Lake Rd , Rapid City, 25.00 53507 3/31/2003 SD 57709-2495 Native Seeds Southwestern Endangered Andland 526 N 4th Ave, Tucson, AZ 85705- 20000 53508 3/31/2003 Resources Cleanng House, Inc 8450 Nativity of Our Lord School 1900 Stanford Avenue, St. Paul, 6,925 .00 53509 3/31/2003 M-N 55105 Natural Resources Defense Council Inc - Natural 40 West 20th Street, New York, 750.00 53510 3/31/2003 Resource Defence Council NY 10011 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N. Fair-fax Drive, Suite 100, 1,34500 53511 3/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, 51500 53512 3/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 Nature Conservancy Inc I 10 1 W. River Parkway, 100.00 53513 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Nature Conservancy Inc 2727 E. 21 st Street. Suite 102, 40.00 53514 3/31/2003 Tulsa, OK 74114 Nazareth College of Rochester 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 125.00 53515 3/31/2003 14618 Nebraskans For Public Television Inc 1800 N. 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE 25.00 53516 3/31/2003 68503 Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City Inc 121 West 27th Street, Suite 404, 50.00 53517 3/31/2003 New York, NY 1000 1 Ise-ighbors Against Noise Inc 55 Hudson St, New York, NY 100.00 53518 3/31/2003 10013-3350

Page 51 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Ner Israel Rabbinical College Inc 400 Mt Wilson Lane, Baltimore, 2,00000 53519 3/3 1/2003 MD 21208 New 42nd Street Inc 229 West 42nd Street, I Oth Floor, 2500 53520 3/3 1/2003 New York, NY 10036 New Brunswick Theological Seminary 17 Seminary Place, New 60000 53521 3/3 1/2003 Brunswick, NJ 08901 New Castle Historical Society P 0 Box 55, Chappaqua, NY 10000 53522 3/31/2003 10514-0055 New England Home For Little Wanderers 271 Huntington Avenue, Boston, 60.00 S3523 3/3 1/2003 MA 02115 New Eyes For The Needy Inc 549 Millburn Ave, Short Hills, NJ 1,05000 53524 3/31/2003 07078-3330 New Foundations Inc 287 E Sixth St, Suite 340, St Paul, 100.00 53525 3/3 1/2003 M 55101-1663 New Hope Crime Prevention Fund 4401 Xylon Ave No, New Hope, 5000 53526 3/3 1/2003 MN 55428-4843 New Hope Eagle Fire Co - New Hope Eagle Fire P 0. Box 314, New Hope, PA 5000 53527 3/31/2003 Company 18938 New Life Family Services 1515 E 66th St , Minneapolis, M 500.00 53528 3/3 1/2003 55423 New Mexico AIDS Services Inc 625 Truman NE, Albuquerque, NM 93800 53529 3/3 1/2003 87110 New School of California - Oak Hill School 441 Drake Ave, Mann City, CA 1,000.00 53530 3/3 1/2003 94965-1105 ew South Healthcare 1420 E. 7th Street, Charlotte, NC 10000 53531 3/3 1/2003 9 28204 New Ulm Area Catholic Schools 5 1 5 N. State, New Ulm, MN 56073 5000 53532 3/3 1/2003

New York And Presbyterian Hospital - New York 525 East 68th Street, Box 123, 525 .00 53533 3/31/2003 Hospital Comell Medical Center Fund Inc New York, NY 10021 New York Association for New Americans Inc 17 Battery Place, New York, NY 1,00000 53534 3/3 1/2003 10004-1102 New York Botanical Garden 200th Street & Southern Blvd., 5,060.00 53536 3/31/2003 Bronx, NY 10458 New York Cares, Inc. 214 W. 29th Street, 5th Floor, New 1,535.00 53537 3/31/2003 York, NY 1000 1 New York Cares, Inc. 214 W. 29th Street, 5tb Floor, New 725.00 53538 3/31/2003 York, NY 1000 1 New York Cares, Inc . 214 W 29th Street, 5th Floor, New 100.00 53539 3/31/2003 York, NY 1000 1 New York City Ballet, Inc. New York State Theatre, New 145.00 53540 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 10025 New York City Parents In Action Inc PO Box 555 Lennox Hill Station, 50.00 53541 3/31/2003 New York, NY 10021-0034 New York Civil Liberties Union Foundation 125 Broad St, New York, NY 850.00 53542 3/31/2003 10004-2400 New York Police and Fire Widows and Children's P 0 Box 26837, New York, NY 250.00 53543 3/31/2003 Benefit Fund Inc 10087-6837 New York Public Interest Research Group Fund Inc 9 Murray St. 3rd Floor, New York, 100.00 53544 3/31/2003 NY 10007 Qeu0 York Public Library, Astor, Lenox & Tilden, Fifth Avenue & 42nd Street, Room 40.00 53545 3/31/2003 wnclations 67, New York, NY 100 18 New York Restoration Project 31 west 56th street, New York, NY 50.00 53546 3/31/2003 10019

Page 52 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayce Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 New York Service Program for Older People Inc 188 W 88th St, New York, NY 25000 53547 3/31/2003 10024-2402 New York Special Olympics, Inc. 504 Balltown Road, Schenectady, 2500 53548 3/3 1/2003 NY 12304-2290 New York Therapeutic Communities Inc 266 West 3 7th Street 2 1 st, New 10000 53549 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 100 18 New York Times Neediest Cases Fund 229 West 43rd Street, New York, 8,34000 53550 3/3 1/2003 NY 10036 New York University P.O. Box 837, Peter Stuyvesant 1,370.00 53551 3/3 1/2003 Station, New York, NY 10009- 0837 New York Women's Foundation 34 W 22nd Street, New York, NY 50.00 53552 3/3 1/2003 10010-5805 New York Zoological Society 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 40.00 53553 3/3 1/2003 10460-1099 NEW, Inc /Fourth World Movement 7600 Willow Hill Dr, Landover, 300.00 53554 3/3 1/2003 MD 20785 Nichols School 1250 Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY 3,00000 53555 3/3 1/2003 14216 Nightingale-Bamford School 20 East 92nd Street, New York, 2,50000 53556 3/3 1/2003 NY 10128 Noahs Ark Animal Welfare Association 1915 Rt 46 W, Ledgewood, NJ 50.00 53557 3/31/2003 07852-0000 Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive, Dedham, MA 750.00 53558 3/3 1/2003 02026 41orth American Conference On Ethiopian Jewry Inc 132 Nassau St, # 412, New York, 10000 53559 3/3 1/2003 NY 10038 North Anoka County Emergency Foodshelf 1562 Viking Blvd NE, Cedar, N4N 11000 53560 3/31/2003 55011-9402 North Carolina State University Foundation Box 750 1, Raleigh, NC 27695- 5000 53561 3/31/2003 7501 North Carolina Symphony Society Inc 2 East South Street, Raleigh, NC 75.00 53562 3/31/2003 27601 North Dakota State University Development Foundation Box 5144 SU Station, Fargo, ND 75.00 53563 3/31/2003 58105 North Hawaii Community Hospital Inc 67 1125 Mamalahoa Hwy, 250.00 53564 3/31/2003 Kamuela, HI 96743-8496 North Lakeland Discovery Center Inc P.O. Box 237, Manitowsh Wtr, WI 200.00 53565 3/31/2003 54545-0237 North Park College & Theological Seminary 3225 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL 200.00 53566 3/31/2003 60625-4810 North Shore Animal League Inc 750 Port Washington Blvd, Port 70.00 53567 3/31/2003 Washington, NY 1 1050 North Shore Community Arts Foundation, Inc-Music 62 Dunham Road, Beverly, MA 50.00 53568 3/31/2003 Theatre - North Shore Music Theatre 01915 North Shore Health Care Foundation PO Box 454, Grand Marais, M-N 1,000.00 53569 3/31/2003 55604-0454 North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System 125 Community Drive, Great Neck, 25.00 53570 3/31/2003 Foundation NY 11021 orth Shore Medical Center Foundation Inc 81 Highland Ave, Salem, MA 1,000.00 53571 3/31/2003 01970-2714 40orth Star Hospice Inc 750 E. 34th Street, Hibbing, MN 75.00 53572 3/31/2003 55746-0174

Page 53 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Northeast Animal Shelter Inc 204 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA 12000 53573 3/31/2003 01970 Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corporation 132 Ralph Ave, Brooklyn, NY 12500 53574 3/3 1/2003 11233-1210 Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue 349 RI, 575.00 53575 3/3 1/2003 Boston, MA 02115 Northern Arizona University Foundation Inc Box 4094, Flagstaff, AZ 86011 100.00 53576 3/31/2003 Northern Illinois Food Bank 600 Industnal Drive, St Charles, 25.00 53577 3/3 1/2003 IL 60174 Northern Illinois University Foundation Controllers Office, DeKalb, IL 36000 53578 3/31/2003 60115 Northern Voices 1660 W County Road B, Roseville, 25.00 53579 3/31/2003 MN 55113-4033 Northern Westchester Hospital Center Foundation Inc 400 E Main St, Mount Kisco, NY 2500 53580 3/3 1/2003 10549-3417 Northfield Mount Hermon School 206 Main Street, Revell Hall, 15000 53581 3/31/2003 Northfield, MA 0 1360-1089 Northland College 1411 Ellis Avenue, Ashland, WI 25.00 53582 3/3 1/2003 54806-3999 Northwest College Foundation C/O Northwest College PO Box 579, Kirkland, WA 98083- 1,00000 53583 3/31/2003 0579 Northwest Medical Teams International P 0. Box 10, Portland, OR 97207- 5,00000 53584 3/31/2003 0010 Northwest Suburban Youth - Northwest Youth & Family 3490 Lexington Ave N, Shoreview, 5000 53585 3/31/2003 ervices MN 55126-2977 101orthwestern College 3003 Snelling Avenue N., St. Paul, 470.00 53586 3/31/2003 MN 55113-1598 Northwestern University 2020 Ridge, Room 230, Evanston, 2,97500 53587 3/31/2003 IL 60208-4305 Norwich University 158 Harmon Drive, Northfield, VT 50.00 53588 3/31/2003 05663 Notre Dame Academy High School 76-134 Howard Ave, Staten 250.00 53589 3/31/2003 Island, NY 10301 Notre Dame cle la Baie Academy 6 10 Maryhi I I Drive, Green Bay, WI 50.00 53590 3/31/2003 54303-2092 Notre Dame Preparatory School 815 Hampton Ln, Towson, MD 5,000.00 53591 3/31/2003 21286-1411 Notre Dame School of Manhattan 104 St Marks Place, New York, 25.00 53592 3/31/2003 NY 10009 Nova Southeastern University Inc. 3301 College Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, 25.00 53593 3/31/2003 FL 33314 O'Dea High School 802 Terry Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 10000 53594 3/31/2003

Oak Street Arts 309 Oak Street SE, Minneapolis, 230.00 53595 3/31/2003 MN 55414-2909 Oaks Indian Center P. 0 Box 130, Military Rd., Oaks, 250.00 53596 3/31/2003 OK 74359 Oberlin College Development Office, Oberlin, OH 500.00 53597 3/31/2003 44074-1089 cean City Volunteer Fire Co Inc 1409 Philadelphia Avenue, Ocean 1,000.00 53598 3/31/2003 City, MD 21842 40-Ohio State University Foundation - The Ohio State 113 Fawcett Center, Columbus, 250.00 53599 3/31/2003 University Foundation OH 43210

Page 54 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Okizu Foundation 8 Digital Dnve # 102, Novato, CA 50000 53600 3/31/2003 94949 Old Dominion University Educational Foundation # 129 New Administration Bldg, 30000 53601 3/31/2003 Norfolk, VA 23529-0000 Old Town School of Folk Music Inc 4544 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 20000 53602 3/31/2003 60625-2103 Olive Branch Mission 2636 West Marquette Road, 625.00 53603 3/3 1/2003 Chicago, IL 60629 Olive Crest Abused Childrens Foundation 515 - 116th Avenue NE, Suite 174, 1,000.00 53604 3/31/2003 Bellevue, WA 98004 One Israel Fund Ltd 366 Pearsall Avenue, Cedarhurst, 100.00 53605 3/3 1/2003 NY 11516-1001 Open Arms of Minnesota Inc 1414 Franklin Avenue East, 1,12500 53606 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Open Connections Inc 1616 Delchester Rd., Newtown 30000 53607 3/31/2003 Square, PA 19073 Open Door Maternity Home Inc 881 E 222 St, Euclid, OH 44123 15000 53608 3/3 1/2003 Opera Colorado 695 S Colorado Blvd , Suite 20, 100.00 53609 3/31/2003 Denver, CO 80246 Operation Smile Inc 6435 Tideater Drive, Norfolk, VA 60.00 53610 3/31/2003 23509 Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow Inc. 783 - 4th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 500.00 53611 3/31/2003 11232 Opportunity Enterprises Inc 2801 Evans Ave, Valparaiso, IN 1,50000 53612 3/3 1/2003 46383 Wportunity Partners Inc 5500 Opportunity Court, 50000 53613 3/31/2003 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Orangutan Foundation International 822 S Wellesley, Los Angeles, CA 10000 53614 3/31/2003 90049 Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival P.O. Box 646, Eastsound, WA 200.00 53615 3/31/2003 98245 Ordway Music Theatre 345 Washington St, St Paul, MN 276.00 53616 3/31/2003 55102-1419 Orech Lshabbos Inc 1355 52nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11219 100.00 53617 3/31/2003 3803 Oregon Public Broadcasting 7140 SW Macadam, Portland, OR 150.00 53618 3/31/2003 97219 Organ Transplant Fund Inc 1 102 Brookfield Ste 202, 25.00 53619 3/31/2003 Memphis, TN 38119-38 10 Ossining Food Pantry P.O. Box 869, Ossining, NY 10562 100.00 53620 3/31/2003

Our Fathers House Soup Kitchen Inc PO Box 7 1, Pompano Beach, FL 50.00 53621 3/31/2003 33061-0071 Our House of Minnesota, Inc. 1846 Portland Ave., St. Paul, MN 35.00 53622 3/31/2003 55104 Our Lady of Good Counsel Home 2076 St Anthony Ave., St. Paul, 150.00 53623 3/31/2003 MN 55104 Ovarian Cancer Reseach Fund Inc - Ovarian Cancer 14 Penn Plaza, Suite 1400, New 250.00 53624 3/31/2003 Research Fund, Inc. York, NY 10 1 22 verlake Hospital Foundation 1035 116th Avenue NE, Bellevue, 25.00 53625 3/31/2003 WA 98004 Overlea - Fullerton Recreation Council 4304 Fullerton Avenue, Baltimore, 25.00 53626 3/31/2003 MD 21236-4613 Oxfam-amenca Inc 26 West St., Boston, MA 021 11 25.00 53627 3/31/2003

Page 55 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 40 Number Okizu Foundation 8 Digital Drive # 102, Novato, CA 50000 53600 3/31/2003 94949 Old Dominion University Educational Foundation #129 New Administration Bldg, 30000 53601 3/31/2003 Norfolk, VA 23529-0000 Old Town School of Folk Music Inc 4544 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 20000 53602 3/31/2003 60625-2103 Olive Branch Mission 2636 West Marquette Road, 62500 53603 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60629 Olive Crest Abused Childrens Foundation 515 - 116th Avenue NE, Suite 174, 1,00000 53604 3/3 1/2003 Bellevue, WA 98004 One Israel Fund Ltd 366 Pearsall Avenue, Cedarhurst, 10000 53605 3/31/2003 NY 11516-1001 Open Arms of Minnesota Inc 1414 Franklin Avenue East, 1,125 .00 53606 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Open Connections Inc 1616 Delchester Rd., Newtown 30000 53607 3/3 1/2003 Square, PA 19073 Open Door Maternity Home Inc 881 E 222 St, Euclid, OH 44123 150.00 53608 3/3 1/2003 Opera Colorado 695 S. Colorado Blvd , Suite 20, 100.00 53609 3/31/2003 Denver, CO 80246 Operation Smile Inc 6435 Tideater Drive, Norfolk, VA 60.00 53610 3/31/2003 23509 Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow Inc. 783 - 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 50000 53611 3/31/2003 11232 Opportunity Enterprises Inc 2801 Evans Ave, Valparaiso, IN 1,50000 53612 3/31/2003 46383 Wportunity Partners Inc 5500 Opportunity Court, 50000 53613 3/31/2003 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Orangutan Foundation International 822 S. Wellesley, Los Angeles, CA 10000 53614 3/31/2003 90049 Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival P 0. Box 646, Eastsound, WA 200.00 53615 3/31/2003 98245 Ordway Music Theatre 345 Washington St, St Paul, MN 276.00 53616 3/31/2003 55102-1419 Orech Lshabbos Inc 1355 52nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11219 100.00 53617 3/31/2003 3803 Oregon Public Broadcasting 7140 SW Macadam, Portland, OR 150.00 53618 3/31/2003 97219 Organ Transplant Fund Inc 11 02 Brookfield Ste 202, 25.00 53619 3/31/2003 Memphis, TN 38119-38 10 Ossining Food Pantry P.O. Box 869, Ossining, NY 10562 10000 53620 3/31/2003

Our Fathers House Soup Kitchen Inc PO Box 7 1, Pompano Beach, FL 50.00 53621 3/31/2003 33061-0071 Our House of Minnesota, Inc. 1846 Portland Ave., St. Paul, MN 35 .00 53622 3/31/2003 55104 Our Lady of Good Counsel Home 2076 St Anthony Ave., St. Paul, 150.00 53623 3/31/2003 MN 55104 Ovarian Cancer Reseach Fund Inc - Ovarian Cancer 14 Penn Plaza, Suite 1400, New 250.00 53624 3/31/2003 Research Fund, Inc. York, NY 10 122 eriake Hospital Foundation 1035 116th Avenue NE, Bellevue, 25 .00 53625 3/31/2003 WA 98004 0vVerlea - Fullerton Recreation Council 4304 Fullerton Avenue, Baltimore, 25.00 53626 3/31/2003 MD 21236-4613 Oxfam-america Inc 26 West St., Boston, MA 021 11 25.00 53627 3/31/2003

Page 55 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0- P Buckley Moss Foundation for Childrens Education 601 Shenandoah Village Drive, 25.00 53628 3/31/2003 Waynesboro, VA 22980 Pacer Center Inc 8161 Normandale Blvd, 75.00 53630 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55437 Pacific Lutheran University Office of Development, HA- 109, 25.00 53631 3/31/2003 Tacoma, WA 98447 Pacific Lutheran University Office of Development, Tacoma, 3000 53632 3/3 1/2003 WA 98447 Pacific Opera Incorporated It 8 Hiawatha Ave, Oceanport, NJ 5,000.00 53633 3/3 1/2003 07757-1616 Pacific Public Radio Inc 1288 Bellflower Blvd, Long 40.00 53634 3/31/2003 Beach, CA 90815 Pacifica Foundation 2390 Champlain St N W, 50.00 53635 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20009 Packer Collegiate Institute 170 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, 15000 53636 3/3 1/2003 NY 11201 Padua Franciscan High School Endowment Trust - Padua 6740 State Road, Parma, OH 4,000.00 53637 3/31/2003 Franciscan High School 44134 Pakistan Information and Cultural Organization 1375 W Island Circle, Chandler, 2,00000 53638 3/31/2003 AZ 85248 Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust 77 4th Ave., Needham, MA 02494 500.00 53639 3/31/2003

Papago School 2013 North 36th Street, Phoenix, 250.00 53640 3/31/2003 AR 85008 radise Valley Unified School District 15002 N. 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ 420.00 53641 3/31/2003 0 85032 Paralyzed Veterans Of America Inc - Paralyzed Veterans 801 18th Street NW, Washington, 250.00 53642 3/3 1/2003 of America, DC DC 20006-3517 Parent Teacher Association of Ps 41 Manhattan - P. S. 41 116 West I I th St., New York, NY 100.00 53643 3/31/2003 PTA 10011 Parish Cupboard Inc 1023 Main St, W Springfield, MA 25.00 53644 3/31/2003 01089-4243 Park School Of Baltimore Inc 2425 Old Court Road, 500.00 53645 3/31/2003 Brooklandville, MD 21022 Park Square Theatre Company 408 St. Peter Street, Suite I 10, 100.00 53646 3/31/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1130 Parkinsons Disease Foundation, Inc. 7 10 West 168th St., New York, NY 50.00 53647 3/31/2003 10032 Parkinsons Disease Research Society 21 00 Pfingsten Glenbrook HsptI 10000 53648 3/31/2003 B I 10, Glenview, IL 60025-1301 Pastoral Center of the Diocese of Charlotte - TRACS - 1123 S. Church Street, Charlotte, 650.00 53650 3/31/2003 Traid Area Catholic School NC 28203 Pauls Pantry Inc 1529 Webster Court, Green Bay, 25 .00 53651 3/31/2003 WI 54302-1163 Paws Chicago I I 10 W 35th St , Chicago, IL 3000 53652 3/31/2003 60609-1442 Peck School 247 South St, Morristown, NJ 300.00 53653 3/31/2003 07960 Peddie School S Main St, Highstown, NJ 08520- 5,000.00 53654 3/31/2003 0000 diatric Aids Foundation 2950 3 1 st Street, Suite 125, Santa 50.00 53655 3/31/2003 Monica, CA 90405 Pediatric Interim Care Center Inc 233 South Second Avenue, Kent, 125.00 53656 3/31/2003 WA 98032

Page 56 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number IV Pelican Harbor Seabird Station Inc 1275 NorthEast 79th Street 200.00 53657 3/3 1/2003 Causeway, Miami, FL 33138-4206

Pen Lucy Action Network Inc 505 E 42nd St, Baltimore, MD 25.00 53658 3/31/2003 21218-1202 Peninsula Community Foundation 1700 South El Camino Real, Suite 500.00 53659 3/31/2003 300, San Mateo, CA 94402 Peninsula Open Space Trust 3000 Sand Hill Rd, B4, Suite 135, 2500 53660 3/31/2003 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Pennfield School Inc 321 East Main Road, Portsmouth, 1,600.00 53661 3/31/2003 RI 02871 Pennsylvania State University One Old Main, University Park, PA 710.00 53662 3/31/2003 16802 Pennsylvania Trolly Museum Association, Inc. 1 Museum Road, Washington, PA 100.00 53663 3/31/2003 15301-6133 Pennsylvania Youth Foundation 1244 Bambndge Road, 25.00 53664 3/31/2003 Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2199 Pennsylvanians Concerned About Alcohol Problems 900 S Arlington Ave Room 220, 10000 53665 3/31/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17109-5099 People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals 501 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 125.00 53666 3/31/2003 23510 People For Open Space, Inc. 530 Bush St , Suite 303, San 10000 53667 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94108 People Helping People PO Box 20253, Macon, GA 31205- 100.00 53668 3/31/2003 0253 *eople Serving People Inc 614 South Third Street, 190.00 53669 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc , The The Hope Center, Millwood, VA 25 .00 53670 3/31/2003 22646 Performance Zone, Inc. - The Field 161 Sixth Ave, New York, NY 11200 53671 3/31/2003 10013 Pet Adoption Fund 7515 Deering Avenue, Conoga 15000 53672 3/31/2003 Park, CA 91303 Pet Aid League, Inc. 5950 W. Oakland Park Blvd., 25.00 53673 3/31/2003 #102, Lauderhill, FL 33313 Pet Haven, Inc. of Minnesota P.O. Box 19105, Minneapolis, MN 175.00 53674 3/31/2003 55419 Pet Orphans Fund 7720 Gloria Ave, Van Nuys, CA 100.00 53675 3/31/2003 91406-1819 Pet Rescue 3440 NW 19 1 st Street, Miami, FL 40.00 53676 3/31/2003 33056 Philabundance Po Box 37555, Philadelphia, PA 75.00 53677 3/31/2003 19148- Philanthrofund Foundation 1409 Willow Street, Suite 305, 125.00 53678 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phillips Exeter Academy 20 Main Street, Exeter, NH 03833- 50.00 53679 3/31/2003 2460 Phoenix Art Museum 1625 North Central Avenue, 1,345.00 53680 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-1685 oenix Boys Choir 1131 E. Missouri Avenue, Phoenix, 1,000.00 53681 3/31/2003 AZ 85014 hoenix Childrens Hospital Jim Banos - Phoenix 1300 N. 12th St. #404, Phoenix, 540.00 53682 3/31/2003 Children's Hospital, Inc. AZ 85006

Page 57 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Phoenix Gospel Mission P 0 Box 6708, Phoenix, AZ 85005 2,100.00 53683 3/3 1/2003 6708 Phoenix Symphony Association, The 455 North Third Street, #390, 5000 53684 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-9765 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Inc. 5 100 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, 40.00 53685 3/31/2003 #404, Washington, DC 20016 Pine Haven Care Center Inc 210 3rd St Nw, Pine Island, MN 25.00 53686 3/31/2003 55963-9139 Plainsboro Rescue Squad, Inc PO Box 76, Plainsboro, NJ 08536 100.00 53687 3/31/2003 Plan International USA, Inc 155 Plan Way, Warwick, RI 02886 495.00 53688 3/31/2003

Planned Life Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio 2490 Lee Boulevard, Cleveland 100.00 53689 3/31/2003 Heights, OH 44118-1269 Planned Parenthood Association Of Utah 654 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, 500.00 53690 3/31/2003 UT 84102 Planned Parenthood Federation Of America Inc 434 W 33rd Street, New York, NY 1,21500 53691 3/3 1/2003 10001 Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts 1055 Commonwealth Ave, 100.00 53692 3/31/2003 Boston, MA 02215 Planned Parenthood Mar Moute, Inc. 1691 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 100.00 53693 3/3 1/2003 95126 Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona 5651 North Seventh St., Phoenix, 50000 53694 3/31/2003 AZ 85014 Planned Parenthood of Minnesota- South Dakota 1965 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN 3,225.00 53695 3/31/2003 55116 elanned Parenthood Of New York City Inc 26 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 225.00 53696 3/31/2003 10012 Playhouse Square Foundation 1501 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, 5000 53697 3/31/2003 OH 44115 Playing To Win For Life Foundation 208 W Washington, Suite 708, 2,825 .00 53698 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Playing To Win For Life Foundation 208 W Washington, Suite 708, 1,37500 53699 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Playing To Win For Life Foundation 208 W Washington, Suite 708, 200.00 53700 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Plays for Living 505 8th Avenue, New York, NY 10000 53701 3/31/2003 10018 Pleasantville Fund for Learning 60 Romer Ave, Pleasantville, NY 1,000.00 53702 3/31/2003 10570-3123 Plymouth Christian Youth Center American Lutheran 2301 Oliver Ave. No., 100.00 53703 3/31/2003 Church Minneapolis, NfN 55411 Plymouth Music Series 1900 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, 150.00 53704 3/31/2003 MN 55403 Point Pleasant First Aid & Emergency Squad PO Box 1744, Pt. Pleasant Beach, 150.00 53705 3/31/2003 NJ 08742-1744 Point Reyes Bird Observatory 4990 Shoreline Highway, Stinson 100.00 53706 3/31/2003 Beach, CA 94970 Police Athletic League, Inc. 34 1/2 East 12th Street, New York, 25.00 53707 3/31/2003 NY 10003 olice Bike Unity Tour Inc - Police Unity Tour Virginia P.O. Box 56385, Virginia Beach, 250.00 53708 3/31/2003 VA 23456 0o'lice Fresh Air Fund Of Westchester County Inc 175 Main Street, White Plains, NY 100.00 53709 3/31/2003 10601

Page 58 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Pope County Humane Society Inc 16942 Willow Dr, Glenwood, MN 50000 53710 3/31/2003 56334-9483 Pope John XXIII Catholic School 16235 N 60th St, Scottsdale, AZ 50000 53711 3/31/2003 85254-7323 Port Chester Carver Center Inc 400 Westchester Avenue, Port 5000 53712 3/31/2003 Chester, NY 10573 Portage County Animal Protective League P 0 Box 927, Ravenna, OH 44266 5000 53713 3/31/2003

Portland Maine Symphony Orchestra 477 Congress StreetMezzanme 100.00 53714 3/31/2003 Level, Portland, ME 04 101 Portland Museum of Art 7 Congress Square, Portland, ME 50.00 53715 3/31/2003 04101 Pratt Institute 200 Willoughby Avenue - NH 219, 25.00 53716 3/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11205 Presbyterian Church USA - Brick Church School 62 East 92nd Street, New York, 750.00 53717 3/31/2003 NY 10128 Prescott Fine Arts Association 208 N Manna, Prescott, AZ 86301 - 5000 53718 3/31/2003 3106 Prescott High School 1050 North Ruth Street, Prescott, 250.00 53719 3/31/2003 AZ 86301 Preservation Alliance of Minnesota, Inc. 75 West Fifth Street #516, St Paul, 25.00 53720 3/31/2003 MN 55102 President & Fellows Of Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street, 5,073 .00 53721 3/31/2003 Cambridge, MA 02138 esident & Fellows Of Middlebury College P.O. Box 500, Forest Hall, 50.00 53722 3/31/2003 0 Middlebury, VT 05753 President and Trustees of the Miami University Murstein Alumn Center, Oxford, 50.00 53723 3/3 1/2003 OH 45056 President and Trustees of Williams College 75 Park Street, Williamstown, MA 400.00 53724 3/31/2003 01267 Princeton Day School, Inc The Great Road, PO Box 75, 2,500.00 53725 3/31/2003 Princeton, NJ 08542 Pro-Life Action Ministries, Incorporated PO Box 75368, St Paul, NIN 2500 53726 3/31/2003 55175 Project A L S, Inc 51 1 Avenue of the Amenca's, 450.00 53727 3/31/2003 #34 1, New York, NY 100 11 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 190.00 53728 3/31/2003 York, NY 10285 Project For Pride In Living Inc 2516 Chicago Ave South, 500.00 53729 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Project H.O.M.E. 1515 Fairmount Avenue, 50.00 53730 3/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19130 Project Open Hand 730 Polk St. 3rd FIr, San Francisco, 150.00 53731 3/31/2003 CA 94109 Project Open Hand-Atlanta, Inc. 176 Ottley Dr., Atlanta, GA 30324 25 .00 53732 3/31/2003

Project Rainbow Inc 140 White Rose Mountain Lane, 100.00 53733 3/31/2003 Spenyville, VA 22740-2015

olife Minnesota Inc P. 0. Box 18669, Minneapolis, NfN 4,000.00 53734 3/31/2003 55418 Orotestant Episcopal Church In the USA Diocese of Long 23 Cedar Shore Drive, 200.00 53735 3/31/2003 Island New York - Grace Day School Massapequa, NY 11758

Page 59 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Providence College 549 River Avenue, 333 Eaton St , 50000 53736 3/3 1/2003 Providence, RI 02918 Providence Hospital - Providence Hospital and Medical 22255 Greenfield Road, Suite 228, 5,00000 53737 3/3 1/2003 Center Southfield, MI 48073 PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students 615 Holmby Ave, Los Angeles, CA 2,500.00 53738 3/31/2003 Inc - Warner Avenue Elementary PTA 90024-2535 PTA Minnesota Congress-Turtle Lake Elementary PTA It 41 W. County Road 1, 5000 53739 3/31/2003 Shoreview, 9N 55126 PTA New York Congress - Middle School 54 PTA 103 West 107th Street, New York, 25.00 53740 3/31/2003 NY 10025-3115 Purdue Foundation, Inc. 10 1 North Grant Street, West 15,90400 53741 3/31/2003 Lafayette, IN 47906 PXE International Inc 4301 Connecticut Ave , 50000 53742 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20008 Queens Borough Public Library 89-11 Merrick Blvd, Jamaica, NY 10000 53743 3/31/2003 11432 Queens College Foundation, Inc 65-30 Kissena Boulevard, 75.00 53744 3/31/2003 Flushing, NY 11367-0904 Quincy Animal Shelter Inc 56 Broad St, Quincy, MA 02169- 10000 53745 3/31/2003 4604 Quincy Interfaith Sheltering Coalition, Inc. 38 Broad Street, Quincy, MA 100.00 53746 3/31/2003 02169 Quinniptac College 275 Mt. Carmel Avenue, Hamden, 3,200.00 53747 3/31/2003 CT 06518 abbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva 2 Harrison Street, Edison, NJ 1,59000 53748 3/31/2003 0 08817 Ragamala Music and Dance Theater 711 W. Lake Street, Suite 102, 500.00 53749 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55408 Rainbow Hospital - Rainbow Babies & Childrens I 1100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, 200.00 53750 3/31/2003 Hospital OH 44106 Raising Special Kids 2400 N. Central Avenue ft 200, 50.00 53751 3/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Ramaz School 60 East 78th Street, New York, NY 2,55000 53752 3/31/2003 10021-0279 Ramsey County And Saint Paul Historical Society Inc 75 W 5th St # 323, St. Paul, MN 100.00 53753 3/31/2003 55102-1414 Rancho Feliz Charitable Foundation Inc 6910 East 5th Ave, Scottsdale, AZ 150.00 53754 3/31/2003 85251 Randolph Arts Guild 123 Sunset Drive North, Asheboro, 45 .00 53755 3/31/2003 NC 27203 Real Options For City Kids 590 Leland Ave., San Francisco, 500.00 53756 3/31/2003 CA 94134 Rector & Visitors Of The University Of Virginia PO Box 400807, Charlottesville, 50.00 53757 3/31/2003 VA 22906-9013 Red Rock Elementary PTO 3311 Commonwealth Ave, 125.00 53758 3/31/2003 Woodbury, NfN 55125 Red Rocks Music Festival 3028 E Finess Dr, Phoenix, AZ 250.00 53759 3/31/2003 85032-5697 Redeemer Lutheran Church - Redeemer Lutheran School 115 W Wayzata Blvd, Wayzata, 220.00 53760 3/31/2003 NW 55391-1541 0edmoon Theater 1438 W.Kinzie Street, Chicago, IL 150.00 53761 3/31/2003 60622-4120 Redwood Gospel Missions 10 1 6th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 25.00 53762 3/31/2003 95401

Page 60 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Regents Of The University Of Michigan P 0 Box 966, Ann Arbor, MI 2,340.00 53763 3/31/2003 48106-9940 Regional Food Bank of N.E N Y, Inc. 965 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, 2500 53764 3/31/2003 NY 121 10 Regis College 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 2,50000 53765 3/31/2003 02493 Regis High School Foundation 55 East 84th Street, New York, NY 1,35000 53766 3/3 1/2003 10028 Renbrook School 2865 Albany Ave, West Hartford, 500.00 53767 3/31/2003 CT 06117 Residential Resources For The Developmentally 3877 Alexander Rd., Atwater, OH 25.00 53768 3/31/2003 Challenged Inc. 44201 Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Cleveland Inc 4614 Prospect Avenue # 205, 1,00000 53769 3/31/2003 Cleveland, OH 44103 Rett Syndrome Research Foundation 4600 Devitt Dr, Cincinnati, OH 100.00 53770 3/31/2003 45246-1104 Rhodes College 2000 North Parkway, Memphis, 15000 53771 3/31/2003 TN 38112-1690 Richmond Rescue Mission PO Box 11 12, Richmond, CA 2500 53772 3/3 1/2003 94802 Ricks College 220 Kimball Bldg., Rexburg, ID 10000 53773 3/31/2003 83460-4140 Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road, 50.00 53774 3/31/2003 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3099 iders Mills Historical Association PO Box 1, Malden Bridge, NY 5000 53775 3/31/2003 0 12115 Ridgeview Foundation 500 S Maple, Wacoma, MN 55387 100.00 53776 3/31/2003

Ridgewood Education Foundation 49 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, NJ 75.00 53777 3/31/2003 07450 Ripon College, Board of Trustees of 300 Seward Street, P 0. Box 248, 200.00 53778 3/31/2003 Ripon, W1 54971 Riverside Park Fund Inc 475 Riverside Drive, #249, New 25.00 53779 3/31/2003 York, NY 10115 Robert F Kennedy Childrens Action Corps I I Beacon St., Suite 325, Boston, 50.00 53780 3/31/2003 MA 02108 Robert R. McCon-mck Tribune Foundation (Season for 435 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 770, 155.00 53781 3/31/2003 Sharing) Chicago, IL 60611 Robert W Woodruff Arts Center Inc 1280 Peachtree Street, N.E., 48300 53782 3/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309 Rockburst High School 9301 State Line Road, Kansas City, 500.00 53783 3/31/2003 MO 64114 Ronald McDonald House Near Children's Memorial 622 West Deming Place, Chicago, 25.00 53784 3/31/2003 Hospital IL 60614 Ronald Mcdonald House of Chapel Hill Inc 10 1 Old Mason Farm Road, Chapel 400.00 53785 3/31/2003 Hill, NC 27514 Roosevelt Elementary School 6000 South 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ 250.00 53786 3/31/2003 850404209 Rory David Deutsch Foundation Pediatric And Bramstern PO Box 547, Highland Park, IL 200.00 53787 3/31/2003 Tumor Res 60035 ose Resnick Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually 214 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, 25.00 53788 3/31/2003 Ompaired CA 94102 Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Avenue, 300.00 53789 3/31/2003 Rosemont, PA 19010-1699

Page 61 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40- Rosies Place Inc 889 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA 19000 53790 3/3 1/2003 02118 Roundabout Theatre Company Inc 231 W 39th Street, 12th Flr , New 5,000-00 53791 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 18 Rubicon Childrens Center Inc 4432-V Enterprise Street, Fremont, 2500 53792 3/31/2003 CA 94544 Ruffed Grouse Society 451 McCon-nick Road, Coraopolis, 4000 53793 3/3 1/2003 PA 15108 Rural California Broadcasting Corporation 5850 Labath Ave , Rohnert Park, 35.00 53794 3/3 1/2003 CA 94928 Rush North Shore Medical Center 9600 Gross Point Rd, Skokie, IL 1,50000 53795 3/31/2003 60076-1214 Rutgers University Foundation 7 College Avenue, Winants Hall, 1,125.00 53796 3/31/2003 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Rutherford Institute - Rutherford Institute, The 11 2 Whitewood Road, 5000 53797 3/31/2003 Charlottesville, VA 22901-7482 Rye Art Center Inc 51 Milton Road, Rye, NY 10580- 250.00 53798 3/31/2003 3854 Rye Country Day School Cedar Street, Rye, NY 10580 3,59200 53799 3/3 1/2003 Rye Free Reading Room 1061 Boston Post Road, Rye, NY 5000 53800 3/3 1/2003 10580 SO M E, Inc. 71 0 Street, NW, Washington, DC 23000 53801 3/3 1/2003 20001-1290 Sacramento Food Bank Services 3333 Third Avenue, Sacramento, 12500 53802 3/31/2003 CA 95817 leacramento Light Opera Association 15 10 J St Ste 200, Sacramento, CA 75.00 53803 3/31/2003 95814-2049 Sacramento Loaves and Fishes 1321 N C Street, Sacramento, CA 50.00 53804 3/31/2003 95814-0608 Sacred Heart Academy 3105 Lexington Road, Louisville, 1,000.00 53805 3/31/2003 KY 40206 Safe House Inc PO Box 1472, Largo, FL 33779- 5000 53806 3/3 1/2003 1472 Sahuanta School District 350 W. Sahuanta Road, Sahuanta, 250.00 53807 3/31/2003 AZ 85629 Saint Anns School 129 Pierpont, Brooklyn, NY 11 201 90000 53808 3/31/2003

Saint Francis College P . 0. Box 600, Development 250.00 53809 3/31/2003 Office, Loretto, PA 15940-0600 Saint Francis College 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY 100.00 53810 3/31/2003 11201 Saint Francis Episcopal Day School 335 Piney Point Road, Houston, 250.00 53811 3/31/2003 TX 77024-6505 Saint Mary's University of Minnesota 700 Terrace Heights #2 1, Winona, 100.00 53812 3/31/2003 NfN 55987-1399 Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Society- St. Paul Chamber The Hamm Building, St. Paul, MN 552-00 53813 3/31/2003 Orchestra Society 55102 Saint Paul Lutheran Church - St Paul Lutheran School 31 Washington Avenue, Batavia, 1,560.00 53814 3/31/2003 NY 14020 Salesian Boys and Girls Club of Columbus Inc 80 S Sixth St, Columbus, OH 75.00 53815 3/31/2003 43215-4726 Salt Lake Acting Company 168 West 500 North, Salt Lake 50-00 53816 3/31/2003 City, UT 84103

Page 62 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Salt Lake Interfaith Hospitality Network PO Box 651188, Salt Lake City, 50.00 53817 3/3 1/2003 UT 84165 Salt Lake Mens Choir A Non-Profit Utah Corporation PO Box 1844, Salt Lake City, LIT 9000 53818 3/3 1/2003 Dtd 090590 84110 Salvation Army 675 Seminole Avenue, Atlanta, GA 10000 53819 3/3 1/2003 30307 Salvation Army 1445 W Broward Blvd, Ft. 2500 53820 3/3 1/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33313 Salvation Anny P.0 Box 1977, Rocky Mount, NC 4000 53821 3/31/2003 27802 Salvation Army P 0. Box 8209, Naples, FL 34 101 50.00 53822 3/31/2003 Salvation Army 237 S. Montezuma, Prescott, AZ 100.00 53823 3/31/2003 86303 Salvation Army 2626 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, 55000 53825 3/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20037 Salvation Army 401 West 7th Street, Saint Paul, 19000 53826 3/31/2003 MN 55102 Salvation Army 190 S Maple St, Akron, OH 500.00 53827 3/31/2003 44302 Salvation Army 1370 Pennsylvania St Ste 100, 10000 53828 3/3 1/2003 Denver, CO 80203-5022 Salvation Army 11315 W Watertown Plank Road, 5000 53829 3/31/2003 Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Salvation Army & Its Components - Salvation Army 2707 East Washington, Phoenix, 350.00 53830 3/31/2003 hoenix AZ 85008 0 alvation Anny & Its Components - Salvation Arrny- Los 900 West James M Wood Blvd, 33500 53831 3/3 1/2003 Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90015 Salvation Army (Cleveland) P 0 Box 6538, Cleveland, OH 2500 53832 3/31/2003 44101-1538 Salvation Army (San Jose) 359 N. Fourth St., San Jose, CA 20000 53833 3/3 1/2003 95112 Salvation Army - Anniston, AL 420 Noble St., Anniston, AL 36202 100.00 53834 3/31/2003

Salvation Army - Lawrenceville P.0 Box 465373, Lawrenceville, 50.00 53835 3/31/2003 GA 30045 Salvation Army - Salvation Army in Greater New York, 120 West 14th Street, New York, 425 .00 53836 3/31/2003 The NY 10011 Salvation Army - The Salvation Army - Brooklyn Center 2445 Prior Avenue, Roseville, M 2,22800 53837 3/31/2003 55113 Salvation Army - The Salvation Army - Brooklyn Center 2445 Prior Avenue, Roseville, MN 2,810.00 53838 3/31/2003 55113 Salvation Army Greater New York 120 West 14th Street, New York, 500.00 53839 3/31/2003 NY 10011 Salvation Army Omaha 3612 Cuming St., Omaha, NE 25.00 53840 3/31/2003 68131 Salvation Army, The P 0 Box 52177, Phoenix, AZ 33000 53841 3/31/2003 85072 Salvation Army, The 5040 N Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 975.00 53842 3/31/2003 60630 Salvation Army, The 147 Berkeley St., Boston, MA 250.00 53843 3/31/2003 02116 Walvation Army, The 4 Gary Road, Union, NJ 07083 525.00 53844 3/31/2003 Salvation Army, The 626 Union Court, Green Bay, WI 250.00 53845 3/31/2003 54303

Page 63 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry Inc 301 S Frio Street, Suite 260, San 7500 53846 3/31/2003 Antonio, TX 78207 San Diego Hospice Foundation Inc 431 1 Third Avenue, San Diego, 2500 53847 3/31/2003 CA 92103 San Diego Youth & Community Service Inc 3255 Wing St 550, San Diego, CA 2500 53848 3/31/2003 92110-4642 San Francisco Aids Foundation 995 Market Street, San Francisco, 32500 53849 3/31/2003 CA 94103 San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium 1388 Sutter Street, Suite 607, San 20000 53850 3/3 1/2003 Francisco, CA 94109-5452 San Francisco Museum of Modem Art 151 Third St, San Francisco, CA 3000 53851 3/31/2003 94103-3159 San Francisco Opera Association War Memorial Opera House, San 400.00 53852 3/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94102 Sanctuary For Families Inc P 0 Box 1406, New York, NY 1,00000 53853 3/3 1/2003 10268 Santa For The Very Poor Inc 135 S LaSalle Street, Sept 21 36, 2500 53854 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60674-2136 Sarasota Film Society Inc PO Box 3378, Sarasota, FL 34230- 5000 53855 3/31/2003 3378 Save the Children Federation Inc 54 Wilton Road, Westport, CT 248.00 53856 3/3 1/2003 06880 Save-the- Redwoods League 1 14 Sansorne Street, San Francisco, 50.00 53857 3/3 1/2003 CA 94104 arsdale Historical Society 937 White Plains Post Road, 150.00 53858 3/3 1/2003 0 Scarsdale, NY 10583-0431 Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc P 0 Box 92, Scarsdale, NY 10583- 60000 53859 3/31/2003 0092 Scenic Hudson Inc One Civic Center Plaza, 15000 53860 3/31/2003 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Schepens Eye Research Institute Inc. 20 Staniford Street, Boston, MA 1,00000 53861 3/31/2003 02114 School Community Council the John Melser Charrette 490 Hudson St, New York, NY 25000 53862 3/31/2003 School PS 3 10014-2818 School of Environmental Studies Education Foundation 12155 Johnny Cake Rd, Apple 100.00 53863 3/31/2003 Valley, NIN 55124-0000 School of the Future Parent Association 127 E 22nd St, New York, NY 100.00 53864 3/31/2003 10010-5403 Schwenkfelder Library 105 Seminary St, Pennsburg, PA 25.00 53865 3/31/2003 18073-1804 Science Museum Of Minnesota 120 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. 380.00 53866 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 5 S 102 Scott Carver Economic Council, Inc. 712 Canterbury Road S., Shakopee, 25.00 53867 3/31/2003 MN 55379 Scott Hazelcom Memorial Childrens Foundation 1185 Avenue Of The Americas, 5,975.00 53868 3/31/2003 New York, NY 10036 Scott Hazelcom Memorial Childrens Foundation 1185 Avenue Of The Americas, 2,425.00 53869 3/31/2003 New York, NY 10036 Scott Hazelcom Memorial Childrens Foundation 1185 Avenue Of The Americas, 450.00 53870 3/31/2003 New York, NY 10036 ottsdale Cultural Counci 1 7380 East Second Street, 140.00 53871 3/31/2003 0 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Scottsdale Unified School District - Copper Ridge 10 10 1 East Thompson Peak 500.00 53872 3/31/2003 Elementry School Parkway, Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Page 64 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Sea Island Habitat for Humanity, Inc 3487 McGill Court, Johns Island, 2500 53873 3/3 1/2003 SC 29455 Search Institute 615 First Avenue NE, Suite 125, 35900 53874 3/3 1/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55413-2455 Seattle Pacific University 3307 Third Ave West, Seattle, WA 10000 53875 3/3 1/2003 98119-1997 Seattle Symphony Orchestra Inc PO Box 21906, Seattle, WA 98111- 20000 53876 3/31/2003 3006 Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina 3655 Reed Street, Winston-Salem, 250.00 53877 3/31/2003 Inc NC 27107 Second Harvest Food Bank Of Santa Clara And San 750 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, CA 70000 53878 3/31/2003 Mateo Counties 95125-2118 Second Stage Theatre, Inc . 307 W 43rd St, New York, NY 50000 53881 3/31/2003 10036 Selfhelp Home Inc 908 W. Argyle, Chicago, IL 60640 25.00 53882 3/31/2003

Seminary of Immaculate Conception 440 W Neck Road, Huntington, 300.00 53883 3/31/2003 NY 11743 Senior Community Services 10709 Wayzata Blvd #I 11, 20000 53884 3/31/2003 Minnetonka, N4N 55305 Servants Of Relief For Incurable Cancer Holy Family 6707 State Rd, Parma, OH 44134- 10000 53885 3/3 1/2003 Home 4517 Severn School, Inc 116 Maple Avenue, Severna Park, 2,10000 53886 3/31/2003 MD 21146 eward Child Care Center Inc 2323 32nd Ave S, Minneapolis, 20000 53887 3/31/2003 0 NfN 55406-1459 Shaarey Bnos ChayiI Institute - Shevach High School 75-09 Main Street, Flushing, NY 5000 53888 3/31/2003 11367 Shady Hill School 178 Coolidge Hill, Cambridge, MA 2500 53889 3/31/2003 02138 Shaken Baby Alliance 1201 W. Lancaster Avenue, Fort 15000 53890 3/31/2003 Worth, TX 76102 Shaker Museum And Library 88 Shaker Museum Road, Old 100.00 53891 3/31/2003 Chatham, NY 12136 SHALVA, Inc - Shelter Advice & Legal Aid for Victims 1610 W. Highland, #9, Chicago, IL 3600 53892 3/31/2003 of Abuse, Inc. 60660 Share Our Strength Inc 733 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 1,000.00 53893 3/31/2003 20005 Shaw University 118 East South Street, Raleigh, NC 25.00 53894 3/31/2003 27601 Shelter Our Sisters Inc P.O. Box 217, Hackensack, NJ 100.00 53895 3/31/2003 07601 Sheridan House Inc 4200 S.W. 54th Court, Ft. 1,000.00 53896 3/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33314 Siena College 515 Loudon Road, Loudonville, 25.00 53897 3/31/2003 NY 12211-1462 Simmons College 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 1,50000 53898 3/31/2003 02115 Simon Wiesenthal Center 1399 S. Roxbury Drive, Los 936.00 53899 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90035-4792 mpson College 701 North C. Street, Indianola, IA 100.00 53900 3/31/2003 0 50125-1202 Slate Valley Museum Foundation 17 Water St, Granville, NY 12832- 200.00 53901 3/31/2003 1316

Page 65 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Slippery Rock Foundation Inc 100 Old Mam- 1 4 Maltby Avenue, 50000 53902 3/3 1/2003 Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Smith College 33 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 15000 53903 3/3 1/2003 01063 Smithsonian Institution 1000 Jefferson Drive, SW, Room 201 00 53904 3/3 1/2003 486, Washington, DC 20013-7012

Smithsonian Institution - National Air & Space Museum Independence Avenue @ Sixth 21000 53905 3/31/2003 Street MRC 321, Washington, DC 20560-0008 Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs See Inc - Afghan 20178 Rockport Way, Malibu, CA 100.00 53906 3/31/2003 Women's Mission 90265-5340 Society of Actuaries Foundation 475 N Martinglae Rd, 35.00 53907 3/31/2003 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Sojourner Center P.0 Box 20156, Phoenix, AZ 790.00 53908 3/31/2003 85036 Solar Cookers International 1919 2 1 st St # 10 1, Sacramento, 50.00 53909 3/31/2003 CA 95814-6827 Solid Grounds Inc PO Box 261459, Littleton, CO 500.00 53910 3/31/2003 80163-1459 Solomon Schechter Day School Of Raritan Valley 511 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, 5000 53911 3/31/2003 NJ 08816-2769 South Baltimore Homeless Shelter Inc 140 W West St, Baltimore, MD 2,00000 53912 3/31/2003 21230-3739 South Lake Hospital Inc 1099 Citrus Tower Blvd, Clermont, 50000 53913 3/31/2003 FL 34711-2787 South Street Seaport Museum 207 Front Street, New York, NY 2,50000 53914 3/31/2003 10038 Southeastern Greyhound Club Inc 1578 Gainey Road, Cairo, GA 180.00 53915 3/31/2003 39828 Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation 375 S. Euclid avenue, Tucson, AZ 500.00 53916 3/31/2003 85719 Southern Illinois University Foundation 1205 W. Chautauqua, Carbondale, 50.00 53917 3/31/2003 IL 62901 Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Avenue, 375.00 53918 3/31/2003 Montgomery, AL 36104 Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance 1471 S. I 100 East, Salt Lake City, 3,100.00 53919 3/31/2003 UT 84105 Southfield School Inc 10 Newton Street, Brookline, MA 1,35000 53920 3/31/2003 02445-7498 Southwest Center For Biological Diversity Inc PO Box 7 10, Tucson, AZ 85702 100.00 53921 3/31/2003 Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation and Educational Pmb 115 8711 E Pinnacle Peak 100.00 53922 3/31/2003 Foundation Inc Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85255-0000

Spare Key Foundation 820 Southview Blvd. Suite 102, 100.00 53923 3/31/2003 South St. Paul, MN 55075 Spay Neuter Assistance Program Inc PO Box 70286, Houston, TX 25.00 53924 3/31/2003 77270-0286 pecial Kids And Families Inc PO Box 22383, Memphis, TN 50.00 53925 3/31/2003 38122-0383 401pecial Olympics Inc - Special Olympics - Minnesota PO Box 120 1, Minneapolis, MN 50.00 53926 3/31/2003 55440

Page 66 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics International, PO Box 768, Schenectady, NY 7500 53927 3/31/2003 Inc. 12301-0768 Special Olympics of Northern California 3480 Buskirk Avenue, Suite 340, 2500 53928 3/31/2003 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Sponsors for Educational Opportunity Inc 23 Gramercy Park South, New 3,087.00 53929 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 10003-1747 Spnng Lake Park School District 8000 Highway 65 NE, Spring Lake 5000 53930 3/3 1/2003 Park, MN 55432 Spnngfield Township Library P.O Box 5 1, Flourtown, PA 19031 50.00 53931 3/3 1/2003

St Agnes Hospital Foundation Inc 430 E Division Street, Fond Du 50000 53932 3/3 1/2003 Lac, WI 54935-4560 St Bonifactus Minnetnsta Crime Prevention & Criminal P.O. Box 347, Mound, MN 55364- 5000 53933 3/31/2003 Apprhnsn Fnd 0347 St Charles Hospice Inc - Saint Charles Hospice P 0. Box 245, Port Jefferson 2500 53934 3/31/2003 Station, NY 11776 St Davids Child Development And Family Services 3395 Plymouth Road, Minnetonka, 25 .00 53935 3/31/2003 MN 55305 St Francis Academy Incorporated 509 East Elm Street, Salina, KS 50.00 53936 3/3 1/2003 67401 St John Center, Inc . 700 E Muhammad Ali Blvd, 10000 53937 3/3 1/2003 Louisville, KY 40202-1643 St Jude Childrens Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place, Memphis, TN 3,25500 53938 3/3 1/2003 38105 Louis Area Food Bank Inc 5959 St. Louis Ave., Saint Louis, 105 00 53939 3/3 1/2003 0 MO 63120 St Martin De Porres Residence Inc PO Box 7227, Lewiston, ME 10000 53940 3/31/2003 04243-7227 St Olaf College 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, 98000 53941 3/31/2003 MN 55057-1574 St Paul Academy And Summit School 1712 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, 2,950.00 53942 3/31/2003 MN 55105 St Paul Childrens Foundation Inc 1325 E Richards St, Tyler, TX 25.00 53943 3/31/2003 75702-6154 St Vincent Hospital - Hospital Sisters Third Order of St P.O Box 13508, Green Bay, W1 1,000.00 53944 3/31/2003 Francis 54307-3508 St. Alphonsus Parish School 7031 Halifax Avenue North, 1,050.00 53945 3/31/2003 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 St. Anastasia Catholic School 460 Lake St. SW, Hutchinson, M 100.00 53946 3/31/2003 55350 St. Andrews Presbytenan College 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, 50.00 53947 3/31/2003 NC 28352 St. Ann's Residential Services, Inc. 2954 Rice Street, St. Paul, MN 25.00 53948 3/31/2003 55113 St. Bernard's School, Inc. 4 East 98th Street, New York, NY 100.00 53949 3/31/2003 10029 St. Cloud State University Foundation, Inc. 720 4th Ave. S , St. Cloud, MN 200.00 53950 3/31/2003 56301-4498 St. Coletta's of Massachusetts, Inc. 405 Washington Street, Hanover, 5000 53951 3/31/2003 MA 02339 Croix Lutheran High School 1200 Oakdale Ave, W St Paul, MN 400.00 53952 3/31/2003 0. 55118 St. Francis Hospital Foundation, Inc., The 100 Port Washington Boulevard, 50.00 53953 3/31/2003 Roslyn, NY 11576

Page 67 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number i St Francis House P 0 Box 120499, Boston, MA 5000 53954 3/31/2003 02112-0499 St Francis of Assisi Animal Rescue 5301 239th Avenue, NE, Stacy, 20000 53955 3/31/2003 NfN 55079 St Hubert's Giralda 575 Woodland Avenue, P.O. Box 100.00 53956 3/31/2003 159, Madison, NJ 07940-0159

St. John's College PO Box 2800, Annapolis, MD 150.00 53957 3/31/2003 21404 St. John's Preparatory School 36148 - 130th Ave N , 1,25600 53958 3/31/2003 Collegeville, MN 56321-4000 St. John's Preparatory School 72 Spring Street, Danvers, MA 50 .00 53959 3/31/2003 01923 St John's University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 50.00 53960 3/31/2003 11439 St. Joseph Medical Center Foundation Inc 7601 Osler Dr, Towson, MD 2,525.00 53961 3/31/2003 21204 St. Joseph's Hope Community 611 East Franklin Avenue, 30000 53962 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 St. Joseph's Indian School North Main Street, Chamberlain, 10000 53963 3/3 1/2003 SD 57326 St Jude Academy 21689 Toledo Road, Boca Raton, 12500 53964 3/31/2003 FL 33433 St Judes Ranch for Children 100 St Jude's Street, Boulder City, 25 .00 53965 3/31/2003 NV 89005 et Labre Indian School 1000 Tongue River Road, Ashland, 21300 53966 3/31/2003 MT 59004 St. Lawrence University Development Services, Canton, NY 50000 53967 3/31/2003 13617 St. Louis Art Museum Foundation P.O. Box 7887 1, St . Louis, MO 50 .00 53968 3/31/2003 63178-8848 St Louis Park Emergency Program, Inc 4 100 Vernon Avenue South, St . 100.00 53969 3/31/2003 Louis Park, M 55416 St Louis Zoo Friends Association Forest Park, # I Government Dr ., 110 .00 53970 3/31/2003 St. Louis, MO 63110 ST. Mary's College I 10 Le Mans Hal l, Notre Dame, IN 1,650.00 53971 3/31/2003 46556 St. Marys Food Bank 2831 North 3 1 st Avenue, Phoenix, 1,385 .00 53972 3/31/2003 AZ 85009-1518 St. Michael's College I Winooski Park, Box 256, 10000 53973 3/31/2003 Colchester, VT 05439 St. Paul Christian Academy 5035 Hillsboro Rd., Nashville, TN 500 .00 53974 3/31/2003 37215 St. Stephen's Human Services, Inc . 221 1 Clinton Ave S, Minneapolis, 525 .00 53975 3/31/2003 MN 55404 St. Thomas Academy 955 Lake Drive, Mendota Heights, 50.00 53976 3/31/2003 MN 55120 St Thomas Aquinas High School Foundation 2801 SW 12th Street, Fort 250 .00 53977 3/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33312 Stanford University Board Of Trustees Of The Leland 326 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA 475 .00 53978 3/31/2003 nford Ju 94305-6076 Otanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center 415 East 93 Street, New York, NY 200 .00 53979 3/31/2003 10128

Page 68 American Express Foundation Ift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Stanley Museum Inc PO Box 77, Kingfi( d, ME 04947- 5000 53980 3/31/2003 0280 Stars of David International Inc 3175 Commercial I ve Ste 100, 200.00 53981 3/31/2003 Northbrook, IL 600 2-1923 Stella Mans Inc 1320 Washington ~ ve, Cleveland, 10000 53982 3/3 1/2003 OH 44113-2333 Stephen F. Austin State University Box 6092 SFA Stat )n, 100.00 53983 3/3 1/2003 Nacogdoches, TX -, i962 Steppenwolf Theatre Company 758 W North Aver ie, Chicago, IL 10000 53984 3/31/2003 60610 Stepping Stone of San Diego 3767 Central Ave, .' an Diego, CA 100.00 53985 3/3 1/2003 92105-2506 Stepping Stone Theater Co 75 W 5th St, suite 21 14, St Paul, 5400 53986 3/31/2003 MN 55102-1431 Stepping Stones Shelter Inc PO Box 712, Rocki lie, MD 20848- 150.00 53987 3/3 1/2003 0712 Stevens Institute of Technology Castle Point, Hobol --n, NJ 07030 10000 53988 3/31/2003

Stonehill Benevolent Foundation 3485 Windsor Ave Dubuque, IA 25 .00 53989 3/3 1/2003 52001-1312 Store To Door 1821 University A,~ -, Ste 109, St. 10000 53990 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55104 Storefront Group 6425 Nicollet Aven ie South, 200.00 53991 3/3 1/2003 Richfield, MN 554' 3-1668 ow Community Chest Inc. PO Box 392, Stow, MA 0 1775- 25000 53992 3/31/2003 0 0392 Student Sponsor Partnership of New Jersey Inc A New P 0 Box 566, Millburn, NJ 07041 6,00000 53993 3/31/2003 Jersey Non-Profit - Student Partner Alliance Suffield Educational Foundation - Suffield Foundation 1136 Mapleton Avenue, Suffield, 1,200.00 53994 3/31/2003 for Excellent Schools CT 06078 Suffolk University 8 Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 75.00 53995 3/31/2003 02108 Summer Camp Inc 8 Church St, Bridgton, ME 04009- 75.00 53996 3/31/2003 1101 Summit Counseling Center Inc 9855 Nesbitt Ferry Rd, Alpharetta, 6,250.00 53997 3/31/2003 GA 30022-5350 Summit School, Inc 2 100 Reynolda Road, Winston 25.00 53998 3/31/2003 Salem, NC 27106--9990 Summit Speech School 705 Central Ave, N Providence, NJ 50.00 53999 3/31/2003 07974 Sun Health Foundation Inc Dibia Boswell Hospital PO Box 2015, Sun City, AZ 85372 700.00 54000 3/31/2003 Foundation Sunrise Mountain High School 21200 N 83rd Avenue, Peoria, AZ 250.00 54001 3/31/2003 85382 Superior Hiking Trail Association P 0. Box 4, Two Harbors, MN 150.00 54002 3/31/2003 55616 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc 10819 Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, 175.00 54003 3/31/2003 OH 44106 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc P.0 Box 8489, Toledo, OH 43623 30.00 54004 3/31/2003

san G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 4401 Colwick Rd, Suite 304, 40.00 54005 3/31/2003 0 i Charlotte, NC 28211 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Race For 8070 La Jolla Shores Dr#509, La 25 .00 54006 3/31/2003 The Cure Jolla, CA 92037

Page 69 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number a Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - TX 5005 LBI Freeway, Suite 250, 7500 54007 3/3 1/2003 Dallas, TX 75244 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 341 West 38th Street 10th Floor, 1,55000 54008 3/3 1/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 341 West 38th Street 10th Floor, 725.00 54009 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 341 West 38th Street 10th Floor, 1,155.00 54010 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 341 West 38th Street 10th Floor, 805.00 54011 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 341 West 38th Street I Oth Floor, 600.00 54012 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 341 West 38th Street I Oth Floor, 22500 54013 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Swarthmore College 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, 550.00 54014 3/31/2003 PA 19081-1397 Synapse Productions Incorporated 220 East 4th Street, New York, NY 10000 54015 3/3 1/2003 10009 Syracuse University 820 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, 75.00 54016 3/31/2003 NY 13244-5040 T A S K Trenton Area Soup Kitchen PO Box 872, Trenton, NJ 08605 200.00 54017 3/31/2003 Tabor Academy 66 Spring Street, Marion, MA 1,000.00 54018 3/3 1/2003 02738 Taft School Corporation I 10 Woodbury Road, Watertown, 500.00 54019 3!31/2003 CT 06795 leampa Bay Performing Arts Center P 0 Box 518, Tampa, FL 33601 75000 54020 3/31/2003 Inc 1501 Barley Mill Rd, Wilmington, 2,211 00 54021 3/3 1/2003 DE 19807-2231 Tatmall Square Academy Inc I I I Trojan Trails, Macon, GA 20000 54022 3/31/2003 31210-3091 Teens Alone Inc 915 Main St, Hopkins, MIN 55343- 430.00 54023 3/3 1/2003 0000 Tempe Elementary School District N3 3205 S. Rural Road, Tempe, AZ 250.00 54024 3/31/2003 85282 Tesseract of Eagan Inc - Tesseract School of Eagan 3800 Tesseract Place, Eagan, M 200.00 54025 3/31/2003 55122 Texas Christian University TCU Box 297044, Fort Worth, TX 25 .00 54026 3/31/2003 76129 Texas Scottish Rite Hospital For Crippled Children 2222 Welborn Street, Dallas, TX 100.00 54027 3/31/2003 75219 Texas Tech University Foundation P. 0. Box 45025, Lubbock, TX 1,050.00 54028 3/31/2003 79409-5025 Theater Mu Incorporated 711 West Lake St. Suite 212, 50.00 54029 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55408-2918 Theatre Building Chicago NFP 1225 W Belmont Avenue, Chicago, 2,500.00 54030 3/31/2003 IL 60657-3205 Theatre Development Fund Inc 1501 Broadway, 2 1 st Floor, New 25 .00 54031 3/31/2003 York, NY 10036 Theatre Group of Los Angeles 135 North Grand Ave., Los 440.00 54032 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90012 eatre Latte-Da PO Box 50360, Minneapolis, NM 100.00 54033 3/31/2003 Oh 55405-0360 Theosophical Order of Service - Humanitarian Service 1425 S Neltnor Blvd. (Highway 100.00 54034 3/31/2003 Projects 50), West Chicago, IL 60185

Page 70 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Third Wave Inc - Third Wave Direct Action Corporation 116 East 16th Street, 7th Floor, 5000 54035 3/3 1/2003 New York, NY 10003 This Is the Place Foundation 2601 Sunnyside, Salt Lake Cty, UT 5,00000 54036 3/31/2003 84108-1453 Thomas Aquinas College 10000 N Ojai Rd , Santa Paula, 10000 54037 3/31/2003 CA 93060 Thomas Irvine Dodge Foundation - Thomas Irvine Dodge 365 West Mane Avenue, West 100.00 54038 3/31/2003 Nature Center Saint Paul, MN 55118 Thunderbird The Amencan Graduate School Of 15249 North 59th Avenue, 10000 54039 3/31/2003 International Management Glendale, AZ 85306 Tiger Haven 237 Harvey Road, Kingston, TN 50.00 54040 3/31/2003 37763-5440 Tillicurn Junior High School Parents Teachers & 16020 Se 16th, Bellevue, WA 2500 54041 3/31/2003 Students Association - Tillicum Middle School PTA 98008-5021 Time Out Inc PO Box 306, Payson, AZ 85547- 700.00 54042 3/31/2003 0306 Tohono Chul Park Inc 7366 N Pasco del Norte, Tucson, 3000 54043 3/31/2003 AZ 85704 Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation P.0 Box 30215, Walnut Creek, 85.00 54044 3/31/2003 CA 94598 Tower School In Marblehead Inc 75 West Shore Drive, Marblehead, 500.00 54045 3/31/2003 MA 01945 Towson State University Foundation Inc 8000 York Road, Baltimore, MD 1,02500 54046 3/31/2003 21252-0001 *oys for Tots P 0 Box 1947, Quantico, VA 250.00 54047 3/31/2003 22134 Tree House Animal Foundation 1212 W Carmen Ave, Chicago, IL 10000 54048 3/31/2003 60640-2902 Tree Trust 2350 Wychiff St Ste 200, Saint 2500 54049 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55114-1331 Tree Utah 511 W 200 South, Ste 150, Salt 500.00 54050 3/31/2003 Lake Cty, UT 84 101 Trees, Water And People 633 S. College Avenue, Fort 200.00 54051 3/31/2003 Collins, CO 80524 Tri County Humane Society 21287 Boca Rio Rd, Boca Raton, 150.00 54052 3/31/2003 FL 33487 Triad Health Project PO Box 5716, Greensboro, NC 50.00 54053 3/31/2003 27435 Trident Technical College Foundation Incorporated PO Box 61227, Charleston, SC 100.00 54054 3/31/2003 29419-1227 Trinity College 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 20000 54055 3/31/2003 06106 Trinity College 125 Michigan Ave., NE, 100.00 54056 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20017-1094 Trinity University 715 Stadium, Box 49, San Antonio, 300.00 54057 3/31/2003 TX 78212 Trinity-pawling School Corporation 700 Route 22, Pawling, NY 12564 500.00 54058 3/31/2003

Tropical Forest Foundation 2121 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, 1,000.00 54059 3/31/2003 VA 22314-2875 Unlimited National Office 1500 Wilson Blvd Suite 310, 123.00 54060 3/31/2003 OrOut Arlington, VA 22209-2404 Trust for Public Land 116 New Montgomery 4th floor, 25.00 54061 3/31/2003 San Francisco, CA 94105

Page 71 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Trustees Of Boston College Controllers Office More Hall 220 More Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 2,95000 54062 3/31/2003 02467 Trustees Of Boston University One Sherborn Street, 7th Floor, 55000 54063 3/31/2003 Boston, MA 02215 Trustees Of Columbia University In The City Of New 2960 Broadway, Mail Code 7724, 5,925.00 54064 3/31/2003 York New York, NY 10027 Trustees of Dartmouth College Fleet Building, Hanover, NH 1,67000 54065 3/31/2003 03755 Trustees Of Phillips Academy 180 Main Street, Andover, MA 20000 54066 3/31/2003 01810 Trustees Of Princeton University 330 Alexander Street, 2nd Floor, 1,53000 54067 3/3 1/2003 Princeton, NJ 08543-5357 Trustees of the Lawrenceville School P 0 Box 6125, Main Street, 2,500.00 54068 3/31/2003 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania - The Trustees 409A Franklin Building, 2,07500 54069 3/31/2003 of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6285 Trustees of Tufts College Packard Hall, Development 775.00 54070 3/31/2003 Records, Medford, MA 02155 Trustees of Union College - Schenectady 807 Union Street, Schenectady, NY 100.00 54071 3/31/2003 12308 Trustees of Westminster School Inc 995 Hopmeadow Street, P.0 Box 550.00 54072 3/31/2003 337, Simsbury, CT 06070 Tu Nidito Children and Family Services 3922 N Mountain, Tucson, AZ 13000 54073 3/31!2003 85719-1313 uesdays Angels Inc 2545 E Sunrise Blvd # 139, Fort 30000 54074 3/31/2003 0 Lauderdale, FL 33304 Turtle Creek Chorale P 0 Box 190137, Dallas, TX 10000 54075 3/31/2003 75219-0137 Twin Cities Academy 486 View St, St Paul, M`N 55102 60000 54076 3/31/2003 Twin Cities Community Gospel Choir PO Box 29174, Brooklyn Center, 200.00 54077 3/31/2003 MN 55429-0174 Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus 528 Hennepin Ave., S, 1,850.00 54078 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity 3001 4th Street, Minneapolis, NfN 3,675.00 54079 3/31/2003 55414 Twin Cities Jazz Society P. 0 Box 4487, St. Paul, NfN 100.00 54080 3/31/2003 55104 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, M 1,372.00 54081 3/31/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, NIN 1,709.00 54082 3/31/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 1,32000 54083 3/31/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 944.00 54084 3/31/2003 55101 UCLA Foundation, The 10920 Wilshire Blvd, Los 275.00 54085 3/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90024-1359 UCSB Foundation Development Office, HRC 100.00 54086 3/31/2003 Building, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 1130 Winian Institute of America, Inc. 2 East 79th Street, New York, NY 3,560.00 54087 3/31/2003 10021 LTkrainian Museum, The 203 Second Avenue, New York, 140.00 54088 3/31/2003 NY 10003

Page 72 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Under One Roof Inc 549 Castro Street, San Francisco, 300.00 54089 3/3 1/2003 CA 94114 Union College 3 10 College Street, Barbourville, 10000 54090 3/3 1/2003 KY 40906 Union Gospel Mission Assn Of Seattle - Union Gospel P 0 Box 202, Seattle, WA 98111 1,175.00 54091 3/31/2003 Mission Association of Seattle Union Gospel Mission Association Of St Paul 77 E 9th Street, St Paul, MN 3,55300 54092 3/31/2003 55101 Union Of Concerned Scientists Inc 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 2800 54093 3/31/2003 02238 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 130 Prospect Street, Cambridge, 250.00 54094 3/31/2003 MA 02139 United Arts Council Of Greensboro Inc 200 North Davie Street Box 5, 2,000.00 54095 3/31/2003 Greensboro, NC 27401 United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Cleveland 100 11 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, 65000 54096 3/31/2003 Inc OH 44106 - 4701 United Cerebral Palsy Of Central Md Inc - Cerebral Palsy 1700 Reisterstown Road, 5000 54097 3/31/2003 Foundation of Maryland Baltimore, MD 21208-2935 United Hospital Foundation 333 North Smith Avenue, St Paul, 2500 54098 3/31/2003 MN 55102 United Jewish Appeal Federation Of Jewish 130 East 59th Street, Suite 828, 1,991 .00 54099 3/31/2003 Philanthropies Of Ny Inc - United Jewish Appeal - Fed. New York, NY 10022 of United Methodist Church - Westwood United Methodist 10497 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1,000.00 54100 3/31/2003 eschool CA 90024 lanited Nations International School - The United 24 50 Fdr Dr, New York, NY 1,000.00 54101 3/31/2003 Nations International School 10010-4046 United Negro College Fund Inc 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr, 1,000.00 54102 3/3 1/2003 Fairfax, VA 22031 United Negro College Fund, Inc. Norwest Midland Building, 125 .00 54103 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55401 United States Committee For UNFPA, Inc 220 East 42nd Street, 23rd Floor, 100.00 54104 3/31/2003 New York, NY 100 17-5 806 United States Committee For Unicef 333 East 38th Street, New York, 1,960.00 54105 3/31/2003 NY 10016 United States Committee For Unicef 333 East 38th Street, New York, 25 .00 54106 3/31/2003 NY 10016 United States Committee Sports for Israel, Inc. 1926 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 1,025 .00 54107 3/31/2003 19103 United States Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW, 257 .00 54108 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20024-2126

United States Naval Academy Foundation Inc 247 King George Street, 1,000.00 54109 3/31/2003 Annapolis, MD 21402-5068 United States Olympic Committee One Olympic Plaza, Colorado 125 .00 54110 3/31/2003 Springs, CO 80909-5760 United Theological Seminary Of The Twin Cities 3000 Fifth Street Northwest, New 25 .00 54111 3/31/2003 Brighton, MN 55112 University at Albany Foundation 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, 500.00 54112 3/31/2003 NY 12222 *iversity Circle Incorporated 10831 Magnolia Dr, Cleveland, 125 .00 54113 3/31/2003 OH 44106-1807 University if California Davis Foundation - University of 1480 Drew Avenue, Suite 130, 250.00 54114 3/31/2003 California, Davis Foundation Davis, CA 95616

Page 73 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 University Of Anzona Foundation I I I I N Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ 1,77600 54115 3/31/2003 85721 University Of Baltimore Educational Foundation, Inc 1420 N Charles Street, Baltimore, 1,00000 54116 3/3 1/2003 MD 21201 University of California Berkeley Foundation 2440 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 35000 54117 3/31/2003 94720 University of California San Francisco Foundation Box 0248, San Francisco, CA 25000 54118 3/3 1/2003 94143 University of Central Florida Foundation, Inc 12424 Research Parkway # 140, 25.00 54119 3/31/2003 Orlando, FL 32826 University Of Chicago 5801 South Ellis Avenue-Room 7, 2,60000 54120 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60827 University of Colorado Boulder Foundation, Inc. P 0 Box 1140, Boulder, CO 80306 5,12500 54121 3/31/2003

University Of Delaware Office Of The Controller Development Office, Newark, DE 50.00 54122 3/31/2003 19716 University of Denver P.0 Box 100864, Denver, CO 2,22500 54123 3/3 1/2003 80250 University of Detroit Jesuit High School & Academy 3400 S Cambridge, Detroit, MI 1,100.00 54124 3/31/2003 48221 University of Georgia Athletic Association Inc - Georgia P 0. Box 1472, Athens, GA 30603- 9,00000 54125 3/3 1/2003 Educational Enhancement Fund 1472 University of Houston System P 0 Box 988, Houston, TX 77001 - 3000 54126 3/31/2003 0988 iversity Of Idaho Foundation Inc Gift Receipting Office, Moscow, 10000 54127 3/3 1/2003 a ID 83844-3147 University of Illinois Foundation PO Box 3429, Champaign, IL 7,554.00 54128 3/3 1/2003 61826-3429 University of Iowa Foundation PO Box 4550, Iowa City, IA 52244- 50.00 54129 3/31/2003 4550 University of Maine at Orono 5719 Crossland Hall, Orono, ME 100.00 54130 3/31/2003 04469 University of Maryland College Park Foundation Inc 7309 Baltimore Avenue, College 108.00 54131 3/31/2003 Park, MD 20740 University of Maryland Medical System Foundation Inc 29 South Greene Street, Suite 500, 25.00 54132 3/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21201-1544 University of Massachusetts 100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 5000 54133 3/31/2003 02123 University of Massachusetts Foundation Annual Fund, Memorial Hall, 100.00 54134 3/31/2003 Amherst, MA 0 1 003-5420 University Of Miami P 0 Box 025388, Coral Gables, FL 275.00 54135 3/31/2003 33102-9811 University Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 4,525.00 54136 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55455-2010 University Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 1,135 .00 54137 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55455-2010 University of Minnesota Foundation - City Song 90 Peters Hall, St. Paul, NfN 55108 2,000.00 54138 3/31/2003

University of Nebraska at Omaha Alumni Association 60th & Dodge Streets, Omaha, NE 50.00 54139 3/31/2003 68182 iversity Of Nebraska Foundation P.O. Box 82555, Lincoln, NE 50.00 54140 3/31/2003 01 68501 University Of Nevada Las Vegas Foundation - University 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las 450.00 54141 3/31/2003 of Nevada at Las Vegas Foundation Vegas, NV 89154-1006

Page 74 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 University of New Mexico Foundation, Inc. I University of New Mexico, 1,50000 54142 3/31/2003 Albuquerque, NM 8713 1 -0001 University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill P 0 Box 309, Chapel Hill, NC 4,775.00 54143 3/3 1/2003 27514 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill P.O Box 14920, Research 10000 54144 3/31/2003 Triangle, NC 27709 University Of North Dakota Foundation P 0 Box 8157, Grand Forks, ND 393.00 54145 3/31/2003 58202 University Of Notre Dame Du Lac I 100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 7,72500 54146 3/31/2003 46556-5612 University Of Oregon Foundation 1787 Agate Street,, Eugene, OR 5000 54147 3/3 1/2003 97403 University of Pittsburgh 200 S. Craig St, Pittsburgh, PA 325.00 54148 3/31/2003 15260 University of Portland 5000 N Willamette Boulevard, 20000 54149 3/3 1/2003 Portland, OR 97203 University of Rhode Island Foundation 4th Floor Davis Hall, Kingston, RI 150.00 54150 3/31/2003 02881 University Of Rochester Box 270032, Rochester, NY 14627 25000 54151 3/3 1/2003

University of Saskatchewan 223-117 Science Place, Saskaton, 20000 54152 3/31/2003 SK S7N5C8 University of South Carolina Educational Foundation 901 Sumter St Room 609, 181 00 54153 3/31/2003 Columbia, SC 29208 niversity Of South Dakota Foundation 414 East Clark, Vermillion, SD 125.00 54154 3/31/2003 0 57069 University of Southern California Kapriehan Hall # 124, Los Angeles, 120.00 54155 3/31/2003 CA 90089-2535 University Of St. Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue, #DEV, St 775.00 54156 3/31/2003 Paul, MN 55105-1096 University of Tennessee-Knoxville Gift Records Office, Knoxville, TN 8,000.00 54157 3/31/2003 37996-0108 University of Texas System P. 0. Box 297153, Houston, TX 500.00 54158 3/3 1/2003 77297 University of the Pacific Bums Tower, 4th Floor, Stockton, 500.00 54159 3/31/2003 CA 95211 University of the Pacific - University Of The Pacific 2155 Webster St, San Francisco, 250.00 54160 3/31/2003 School Of Dentistry CA 94115 University Of Toledo Foundation Driscoll Center Suite # 1 002, 50.00 54161 3/31/2003 Toledo, OH 43606 University of Utah Development Office, Salt Lake 840.00 54162 3/31/2003 City, UT 84112 University of Vermont and State Agricultural College 41 1 Main Street, Burlington, VT 350.00 54163 3/31/2003 05401 University of Virginia Alumni Association P 0. Box 3446, Univ. Station, 175 .00 54164 3/31/2003 Charlottesville, VA 22903 University of Washington Foundation Gift Policy Administration, Seattle, 50.00 54165 3/31/2003 WA 98101-1116 University Of Wisconsin Foundation 1848 University Avenue, P.O. Box 435 .00 54166 3/31/2003 8860, Madison, WI 53726 leniversity Of Wisconsin LaCrosse Foundation Inc 1725 State St., LaCrosse, WI 75.00 54167 3/31/2003 54601 University Of Wisconsin River Falls Foundation 4 10 S 3rd Street, River Falls, WI 100.00 54168 3/31/2003 54022

Page 75 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number University Of Wisconsin Stevens Point Paper Science D274 Science Building, Stevens 10000 54169 3/31/2003 Foundation Inc - University of Wisconsin Paper S Point, WI 54481

University Of Wisconsin-eau Claire Foundation Inc 214 Schofield Hall, Eau Claire, WI 225 .00 54170 3/31/2003 54703-4004 University of Wisconsin -Stevens Point Old Main Bldg, Rm 212, Stevens 25000 541 71 3/3 1/2003 Point, WI 54481-9900 University of Wyoming Foundation University Station, Box 3963, 22500 54172 3/31/2003 Laramie, WY 82071 University School 2785 SOM Center Rd., Hunting 200.00 54173 3/31/2003 Valley, OH 44022 University School Of Milwaukee Corporation 2 100 W Fairy Chasm Road, 100.00 54174 3/31/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53217 Up & Out of Poverty Saint Paul Inc. - Freedom Place, 653 Dale Street N, Minneapolis, 5000 54175 3/31/2003 Inc MN 55103 Urban Dove Inc 341 W 24th St, Box I O-C, New 25000 541 76 3/31/2003 York, NY 100 11- 1533 Urban Gateways 200 West Jackson, Ste 300, 3,500.00 54177 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 US Catholic Conference - All Saints School 19795 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, 1,200.00 54178 3/31/2003 MN 55044 US Catholic Conference - Academy of St. Benedict The 7033 S Honore St Chicago, IL 7500 54179 3/31/2003 African 60660 US Catholic Conference - All Saints Catholic School 10900 West Oakland Park Blvd., 250.00 54180 3/31/2003 Sunrise, FL 33351 *S Catholic Conference - Alleman High School 1103 - 40th St , Rock Island, IL 40000 54181 3/31/2003 61201 US Catholic Conference - Annunciation School 470 Westchester Ave, Tuckahoe, 200.00 54182 3/31/2003 NY 10707 US Catholic Conference - Archbishop Williams High 80 Independence Avenue, 400.00 54183 3/31/2003 School Braintree, MA 02184 US Catholic Conference - Basilica of St. Mary Food 88 N. 17th Street, Minneapolis, 1,456.00 54184 3/31/2003 Board N4N 55403 US Catholic Conference - Bishop George Ahr High I Tingley Lane, Edison, NJ 08820 25.00 54185 3/31/2003 School US Catholic Conference - Bishop Hendncken High 2615 Warwick Avenue, Warwick, 50.00 54186 3/31/2003 School RI 02889 US Catholic Conference - Bishop John A. Marshall 680 La Porte Road, Morrisville, 150.00 54187 3/31/2003 School VT 05661 US Catholic Conference - Bishop McGuinness High 1123 South Church St, Charlotte, 50.00 54188 3/31/2003 School NC 28203 US Catholic Conference - Campaign for Human 155 East Superior Street, Chicago, 500.00 54189 3/31/2003 Development IL 60611 US Catholic Conference - Cardinal Dougherty High 6301 N Second Street, 200.00 54190 3/31/2003 School Philadelphia, PA 19120-1599 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Archdiocese 75 Kneeland Street 8th Floor, 50.00 54191 3/31/2003 of Boston Boston, MA 02111-1931 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Corporation I I I I Superior Avenue, Cleveland, 1,150.00 54192 3/31/2003 OH 44114 S Catholic Conference - Catholic Memorial High 235 Baker Street, West Roxbury, 250.00 54193 3/31/2003 hool MA 02132 0'S' Catholic Conference - Catholic Relief Services P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 10,226 .00 54194 3/31/2003 21298

Page 76 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Tuition Organization 400 East Monroe, Phoenix, AZ 9,325.00 54195 3/3 1/2003 of the Diocese of Phoenix, Inc. 85004 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Tuition Support 192 S Stone, Tucson, AZ 85702 62500 54196 3/31/2003 Organization US Catholic Conference - Central Catholic High School 4824 Tuscarawas St. West, Canton, 2500 54197 3/31/2003 OH 44708-5198 US Catholic Conference - Christ the King/St. Thomas the 321OW 51stSt, Minneapolis, MN 2500 54198 3/3 1/2003 Apostle School 55410 US Catholic Conference - Cleveland Central Catholic 6550 Baxter Avenue, Cleveland, 2,500.00 54199 3/31/2003 High School OH 44105 US Catholic Conference - Futures In Education 3 10 Prospect Park W., Brooklyn, 700.00 54200 3/31/2003 Foundation Cathedral Preparatory Seminary NY 11215 US Catholic Conference - Gwynedd-Mercy College 1325 Sumneytown Pike, Gwynedd 125.00 54201 3/31/2003 Valley, PA 19437-0901

US Catholic Conference - Holy Angels Elementary 82 Possum Park Rd, Newark, DE 50.00 54202 3/31/2003 School 19711 US Catholic Conference - Holy Cross High School 26-20 Francis Lewis Blvd., 20000 54203 3/31/2003 Flushing, NY 11358 US Catholic Conference - Holy Cross Hospital 4725 North Federal Highway, Fort 10000 54204 3/31/2003 Foundation Lauderdale, FL 33308 US Catholic Conference - Holy Cross School 720 Elder Lane, Deerfield, IL 600.00 54205 3/3 1/2003 60015 US Catholic Conference - Holy Family School 3163 Kent Road, Stow, OH 44224 500.00 54206 3/31/2003 es Catholic Conference - Inner City Scholarship Fund 1011 First Ave., New York, NY 1,15000 54207 3/31/2003 10022 US Catholic Conference - John Carroll School 703 Churchville Road, Bel Air, 250.00 54208 3/31/2003 MD 21014 US Catholic Conference - Lake Catholic High School 6733 Reynolds Road, Mentor, OH 200.00 54209 3/31/2003 44060 US Catholic Conference - Loyola Blakefield P.O. Box 6819, Towson, MD 5,05000 54210 3/31/2003 21285-6819 US Catholic Conference - Loyola High School 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY 500.00 54211 3/31/2003 10028 US Catholic Conference - Maier Dei Catholic High 900 Mater Dei Drive, Breese, IL 1,000.00 54212 3/31/2003 School 62230 US Catholic Conference - Mater Dei High School 1300 Hannony Way, Evansville, 54 .00 54213 3/31/2003 IN 47720-6148 US Catholic Conference - Melbourne Central Catholic - 100 East Florida Ave., Melbourne, 50.00 54214 3/31/2003 Melbourne Central Catholic High School FL 32901 US Catholic Conference - Monsignor Edward Pace High 15600 NW 32nd Avenue, Miami, 400.00 54215 3/31/2003 School FL 33054 US Catholic Conference - Mount Alvemia High School 790 Centre Street, Newton, MA 250.00 54216 3/31/2003 02458 US Catholic Conference - Nativity Mission Center 204 Forsyth St, New York, NY 2,000.00 54217 3/31/2003 10002 US Catholic Conference - North Catholic High School 1400 Troy Hill Road, Pittsburgh, 125.00 54218 3/31/2003 PA 15212 Catholic Conference - Notre Dame High School for 3000 North Mango Avenue, 75.00 54219 3/31/2003 Is Chicago, IL 60634-5289 0Ssr Catholic Conference - Old Westbury School of the 25 Store Hill Road, Old Westbury, 3,000.00 54220 3/31/2003 Holy Child NY 11568

Page 77 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Mercy School 1730 Link Road, Winston Salem, 900.00 5422 1 3/3 1/2003 NC 27127 US Catholic Confetence - Queen Of Peace High School 191 Rutherford Place, North 10000 54222 3/3 1/2003 Arlington, NJ 07031-6091 US Catholic Conference - Regina Dominican High 701 Locust Road, Wilmette, IL 50.00 54223 3/3 1/2003 School 60091 US Catholic Confetence - Regina High School 1857 South Green, South Euclid, 40000 54224 3/3 1/2003 OH 44121 US Catholic Confetence - Saint Francis High School 2130 W Roosevelt Rd, Wheaton, 100.00 54225 3/3 1/2003 IL 60187 US Catholic Conference - Saint John the Baptist School 638 Mill Street, Excelsior, M 80000 54226 3/31/2003 55331 US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph's Home For P.0 Box 1414, NCB04, 1,52500 54227 3/3 1/2003 Children Minneapolis, MN 55480-1414 US Catholic Conference - Saint Peter Chanel High 480 Northfield Road, Bedford, OH 25.00 54228 3/3 1/2003 School 44146-2293 US Catholic Conference - Salesian Missions 2 Lefevre Lane, Box 30, New 80.00 54229 3/31/2003 Rochelle, NY 10802 US Catholic Conference - Sisters Care 1890 Randolph Avenue, Saint 10000 54230 3/31/2003 Paul, M 55105 US Catholic Conference - St Aloysius Catholic School 148/150 S Enterprise Street, 40000 5423 1 3/3 1/2003 Bowling Green, OH 43402 US Catholic Conference - St Agnes Academic School 13-20 124th Street, College Point, 250.00 54232 3/31/2003 NY 11356 Catholic Conference - St Augustine Hunger Center 2486 W 14th St, Cleveland, OH 5000 54233 3/31/2003 Qf~St Augustine Church 44113 US Catholic Confeience - St. Charles Borromeo School 214 West 142nd St., New York, 25 .00 54234 3/31/2003 NY 10030 US Catholic Conference - St Giles School 1030 Linden Avenue, Oak Park, IL 10000 54235 3/3 1/2003 60302 US Catholic Conference - St. Gregory The Great School 200 N University Drive, 1,00000 54236 3/31/2003 Plantation, FIL 33324 US Catholic Conference - St John Vianney Seminary 2115 Summit Avenue - Mail 250 .00 54237 3/31/2003 #5024, Saint Paul, MN 55105-1095

US Catholic Conference - St. John's University PO Box 7222 - Luke 105, 6,986.00 54238 3/31/2003 Collegeville, MN 56321-7222 US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph Elementary School 8416 Belair Road, Baltimore, MD 3,75000 54239 3/31/2003 21236 US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph's School for the 253 Baldwin Avenue, Jersey City, 100.00 54240 3/31/2003 Blind NJ 07306 US Catholic Conference - St Jude of the Lake School - 600 Mahtomedi Avenue, 50 .00 54241 3/31/2003 Saint Jude of the Lake School Mahtomedi, MN 55115 US Catholic Conference - St. Norbert College 100 Grant Street, DePere, WI 225 .00 54242 3/31/2003 54115-2099 US Catholic Conference - St. Odilia School 3495 N. Victoria, Shoreview, NfN 7500 54243 3/31/2003 55126 US Catholic Conference - St. Peter's Preparatory School 144 Grand Street, Jersey City, NJ 15,750.00 54244 3/31/2003 07302 S Catholic Conference - St. Raphael's School 7301 Bass Lake Road, Crystal, MN 160 .00 54245 3/31/2003 55428 40S Catholic Conference - St. Sebastian's School 1191 Greendale Avenue, Needham, 2,000.00 54246 3/31/2003 MA 02492

Page 78 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number US Catholic Confeience - St Stephen of Hungary School 408 East 82 Street, Newyork, NY 50000 54247 3/3 1/2003 10028 US Catholic Confeience - St Theresa School 18325 Minnetonka Blvd, Wayzata, 7500 54248 3/3 1/2003 MN 55391 US Catholic Confetence - St Thomas Aquinas School 4600 N Illinois Street, 50000 54249 3/31/2003 Indianapolis, IN 46208 US Catholic Confetence - Strake Jesuit College 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, 5000 54251 3/31/2003 Preparatory TX 77036-4699 US Catholic Confetence - Totino-Grace High School 1350 Gardena Ave. NE, Fridley, 5000 54252 3/31/2003 MN 55432 US Catholic Confeience - Ursulme Academy 85 Lowder Street, Dedham, MA 15000 54253 3/31/2003 02026 US Catholic Conference - Xavenan Brothers High School 800 Clapboardtree Street, 875.00 54254 3/31/2003 Westwood, MA 02090 US Catholic Conference - Xavier High School 6300 42nd Street NE, Cedar 30000 54255 3/31/2003 Foundation Rapids, IA 52406 USA Outreach Priority - 1 100 Cedarhurst Avenue, Suite 203, 5000 54256 3/31/2003 Cedarhurst, NY 11516-2012 Utah Society for Environmental Education 350 S 400 E Ste 64, Salt Lake Cty, 25 .00 54257 3/31/2003 UT 84111-2908 Utah State University Development Office M 10 1, Logan, 50000 54258 3/31/2003 UT 84322-1420 Valley Big Brothers/Big Sisters 1010E McDowell Rd, Phoenix, 22500 54259 3/31/2003 AZ 85006 alley Forge Military Academy Foundation 100 1 Eagle Road, Wayne, PA 2,500.00 54260 3/31/2003 0 19087 Valley Hospital Foundation 223 North Van Dien Ave, 175.00 54261 3/31/2003 Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Valley Of The Sun Hospice Association 15 1 0 E Flower Street, Phoenix, 55000 54262 3/31/2003 AZ 85014 Vancouver Humane Society & SPCA 2121 St. Francis Lane, Vancouver, 50.00 54263 3/31/2003 WA 98660 Vanderbilt University 201 Alumni Hall, Nashville, TN 750.00 54264 3/31/2003 37240 Vanguard University of Southern California 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 25000 54265 3/31/2003 92626 Vassar College Vassar College Development 5000 54266 3/31/2003 Office, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604- 0725 Ventura County Discovery Center 275 East Hillcreast Drive, Suite 100.00 54267 3/31/2003 170, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Inc. 27023 Church Hill Road, 75.00 54268 3/31/2003 Woodstock, VT 05091-9642 Vermont Land Trust 8 Bailey Ave, Montpelier, VT 25000 54269 3/31/2003 05602-2101 Vermont Mozart Festival I 10 Main Street, Burlington, VT 250.00 54270 3/31/2003 05401 Vest-A-Dog Inc 3529 Cannon Rd Ste 2-B-342, 70.00 54271 3/31/2003 Oceanside, CA 92056-4980 eterans Of Foreign Wars Foundation 406 W 34th Street Ste. 820, Kansas 100.00 54272 3/31/2003 City, MO 64111-2736 Oietnam Veterans Memorial Fund 1023 15th St. NW Suite 2, 50.00 54273 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20005-2602

Page 79 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Daie Number 0 Village Community School 272 W. 10th Street, New York, NY 3,30000 54274 3/31/2003 10014 Vincent L. Hawkinson Foundation 324 Harvard St. SE, Minneapolis, 10000 54275 3/31/2003 MN 55414 Vineyard Nursing Association Incorporated P 0 Box 2568, Oak Bluffs, MA 5000 54276 3/31/2003 02557-2568 Violence Prevention Institute Womens Crisis Center PO Box 367, Castle Rock, CO 40000 54277 3/31/2003 80104-0367 Virginia Congress of Parents and Teacher - Forestville 1085 Utterback Store Rd, Great 250.00 54278 3/31/2003 Elementary PTA Falls, VA 22066-1520 Virginia Military Institute Foundation, Inc. P 0 Box 932, Lexington, VA 2500 54279 3/31/2003 24450 Virginia Shenffs Institute Inc 701 East Franklin Street Suite 706, 2500 54280 3/31/2003 Richmond, VA 23219-2512 Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey Inc 141 Bodman Place, Red Bank, NJ 2500 54281 3/31/2003 07701-1096 Visiting Nurse Association of Long Island Inc 100 Garden City Plaza, Garden 25 .00 54282 3/31/2003 City, NY 11530-3203 Visiting Nurse Health System Inc 133 Luckie St, Atlanta, GA 30303- 10000 54283 3/31/2003 2005 Vocational Foundation Inc One Hanson Place 14th Floor, 500.00 54284 3/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11 243 Volunteer Consulting Group Inc 6 East 39th Street, Suite 062, New 250.00 54285 3/31/2003 York, NY 10016 olunteer Emergency Families for Children P 0 Box 35074, Richmond, VA 50000 54286 3/31/2003 0 23235 Volunteer Pool Of Highland Park 433 Vine Ave, Highland Park, IL 100.00 54287 3/3 1/2003 60035-2044 Volunteers Enlisted To Assist People - Veap, Inc. 9731 James Avenue South, 375.00 54288 3/31/2003 Bloomington, M 55431 Volunteers of America Inc 1660 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 5000 54289 3/31/2003 22314-3351 W B EZ Alliance Inc 848 E Grand Avenue, Navy Pier, 698.00 54290 3/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60611 Wabash College P 0. Box 352, Crawfordsville, IN 50.00 54291 3/31/2003 47933 Wagner College One Campus Road, Staten Island, 250.00 54292 3/31/2003 NY 10301 Wake Forest University PO Box 702 1, Winston-Salem, NC 3,72500 54293 3/31/2003 27109 Walker Art Center Inc 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, 190.00 54294 3/31/2003 MN 55403-0000 Walther Lutheran High School Association Inc 900 Chicago Avenue, Melrose 40.00 54295 3/31/2003 Park, IL 60160 WAMC 318 Central Avenue, P 0 Box 40.00 54296 3/31/2003 66600, Albany, NY 12206 Wardlaw Hartndge School 1295 Inman Ave, Edison, NJ 500.00 54297 3/31/2003 08820-1006 Warner Library 121 North Braodway, Tarrytown, 250.00 54298 3/31/2003 NY 10591 asatch Humane Help Save The Animals Incorporated 880 S. 500 West, Bountiful, UT 25.00 54299 3/31/2003 0 84010 Washburn Child Guidance Center 2430 Nicollet Ave. South, 300.00 54300 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55404-3492

Page 80 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Washington Acaderny of Perfort-ning Arts 18047 Ne 68th St Ste B 130, 10000 54301 3/31/2003 Redmond, WA 98052-6717 Washington Animal Rescue League 71 Oglethorpe Street NW, 50.00 54302 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20011 Washington Market School 55 Hudson Street, New York, NY 15000 54303 3/3 1/2003 10013 Washington State University Foundation Advancement Services, Ad Annex 400.00 54304 3/31/2003 101, Pullman, WA 99164-1927

Washington University Campus Box 1082, St. Louis, MO 35000 54305 3/31/2003 63130 Watchung Arts Council Inc - Watchung Arts Center 18 Stirling Road, Watchung, NJ 200.00 54306 3/31/2003 07060 Water Mill Museum P. 0 Box 63, Water Mill, NY 25.00 54307 3/31/2003 11976-0063 Way of the Shepherd - Way of the Shepherd Montesson 13200 Central Avenue NE, Blaine, 4,15500 54308 3/31/2003 Education Center MN 55434 Wellesley College 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 50.00 54309 3/31/2003 02481-8293 Wellesley Community Childrens Center Inc 106 Central St, Wellesley, MA 2500 54310 3/3 1/2003 02481-8268 Wellness Community-Baltimore Inc - The Wellness P 0. Box 755, Brooklandville, MD 5000 54311 3/3 1/2003 Commun i ty-Bal ti more 21022-0755 Wellness House 131 N. County Line Road, 5000 543 12 3/31/2003 Hinsdale, IL 60521 Sesleyan Education Center - Wesleyan Christian 1917 N. Centennial St , High Point, 5,000.00 54313 3/3 1/2003 Academy NC 27262 West Chester College Foundation Smith House - 209, West Chester, 50000 54314 3/3 1/2003 PA 19383-7100 West Hennepin Community Services Inc 100 1 Hwy 7, #217, Hopkins, MN 3000 54315 3/3 1/2003 55305-4723 West Side Montesson School 309 W 92nd St, New York, NY 1,500.00 54316 3/31/2003 10025-7213 Westchester Philharmonic Inc I I I North Central Ave # 425, 150.00 54317 3/31/2003 Hartsdale, NY 10530 Westminster Schools Inc. 1424 West Paces Ferry R, NW, 50.00 54318 3/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30327 Westonka Community Action Network Inc 1 1 55 County Rd 19, Minnetrista, 300.00 54319 3/31/2003 MN 55364 Westover School 412 Stillwater Ave, Stamford, CT 3000 54320 3/31/2003 06902 Westside Food Bank PO Box 13 10, Sun City, AZ 85372 54000 54321 3/31/2003

WGBH Educational Foundation 125 Western Avenue,, Boston, MA 445 .00 54322 3/31/2003 02134 Wheaton Christian Grammer School 530 Eeast Harrison, Wheaton, IL 3,000.00 54323 3/31/2003 60187 Wheaton College 25 East Main Street, Norton, MA 55000 54324 3/31/2003 02766 Wheaton College 501 College Ave, Wheaton, IL 8,000.00 54325 3/31/2003 60187 1weaton Montessori School 1970 N Gary Ave, Wheaton, IL 50.00 54326 3/31/2003 60187-3072

Page 81 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 White Bear Center for the Arts 2228 4th Street, White Bear Lake, 2500 54327 3/3 1/2003 M-N 55110 White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation 48 10 White Bear Pkwy, White 10000 54328 3/31/2003 Bear Lk, MN 55110-3345 White Plains Hospital Center - White Plains Hospital Davis Ave at East Post Rd , White 15000 54330 3/31/2003 Medical Center Plains, NY 10601 Whitman College Board of Trustees 345 Boyer Avenue, Walla Walla, 2500 54331 3/3 1/2003 WA 99362 Whitman-Walker Clinic Inc - Whitman-Walker Clinic 10 1 5 18th St NW, Suite#400, 90000 54332 3/3 1/2003 Inc - AIDS Marathon Washington, DC 20036 WHYY, Inc. 150 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, 250.00 54333 3/3 1/2003 PA 19106 Widener University One University Place, Chester, PA 7500 54334 3/31/2003 19013 Wigs for Kids Inc 21330 Center Ridge Rd I st Flr A, 10000 54335 3/31/2003 Rocky River, OH 44116-3251 Wilberforce University PO Box 1001, Wilberforce, OH 1,00000 54336 3/31/2003 45384-1001 Wild Horse Spirit Ltd 25 Lewers Creek Rd, Carson City, 10000 54337 3/31/2003 NV 89704-9589 Wi ld Life on Easy Street Inc 12802 Easy St, Tampa, FL 33625- 22500 54338 3/31/2003 3702 Wilderness Inquiry Inc 808 14th Avenue SE, Minneapolis, 250.00 54339 3/3 1/2003 MN 55414-1546 ildemess Society 1615 M Street NW, Washington, 45000 54340 3/31/2003 & DC 20036 Wildlife Care Center SPCA Of Broward County 3200 Sw 4th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, 95.00 54341 3/31/2003 FL 33315-3019 Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 2530 N. Dale Street, Roseville, MN 125.00 54342 3/31/2003 55113 Wildlife Waystation Inc 14831 Little Tujunga Canyon Rd, 25.00 54343 3/31/2003 San Fernando, CA 91342-5999

William Marsh Rice University Mai I Stop 8 1, Houston, TX 77005- 2,650.00 54344 3/31/2003 1892 William Paterson College Foundation 300 Pompton Road, Wayne, NJ 500.00 54346 3/31/2003 07470 Williams College P 0. Box 38, Williamstown, MA 1,100.00 54347 3/31/2003 01267 Williams School 182 Mohegan Avenue, New 1,000.00 54348 3/31/2003 London, CT 06320 Williams Syndrome Association Inc 1316 N Campbell Rd Ste 34, Royal 100.00 54349 3/31/2003 Oak, MI 48067-1555 Winchester Foundation for Educational Excellence PO Box # 1005, Winchester, MA 100.00 54350 3/31/2003 01890 Window to the World Communications Inc. 5400 N St Louis Ave., Chicago, 1,084.00 54351 3/31/2003 IL 60625 Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department Inc 1320 W Old Liberty Rd, 100.00 54352 3/31/2003 Sykesville, MD 21784-9329 Winona Area Catholic Schools Foundation 11 15 W. Broadway, Winona, MIN 100.00 54353 3/31/2003 55987-3222 14inona State University Foundation P.O. Box 5838, Winona, MN 50.00 54354 3/31/2003 55987

Page 82 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod - Pilgnm 3901 First Avenue S , Minneapolis, 10000 54355 3/3 1/2003 Lutheran School MN 55409 Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod - St John's 516 W Chestnut Street, Lake City, 55.00 54356 3/3 1/2003 Lutheran School MN 55041 WITF Inc 1982 Locust Ln , Hamsburg, PA 3900 54357 3/3 1/2003 17109 Wittenberg College Board Of Directors P 0 Box 720, Spnngfield, OH 52500 54358 3/31/2003 45501 WMHT Educational Telecommunications P.O. Box 17, Schenectady, NY 120.00 54359 3/31/2003 12301 Wnyc Radio- WNYC Foundation One Center Street 24th Floor, New 936.00 54360 3/31/2003 York, NY 10007 Women & Philanthropy Inc 10 15 - 18th Street NW, Suite 202, 10000 54361 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Women Against Military Madness 3 10 E 38th St. #225, Minneapolis, 1,00000 54362 3/3 1/2003 MN 55409 Women Venture 2324 University Ave West, Suite 860.00 54363 3/31/2003 200, St Paul, M-N 55114-1802

Women's Cancer Resource Center 4604 Chicago Avenue South, 15000 54364 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Women's Cnsis Center of Greater Newburyport Inc 2 Hams Street, Newburyport, MA 2500 54365 3/31/2003 01950-2610 Womens Center Of Greater Chicagoland 5116 N Cicero Ave Ste 10 1, 100.00 54366 3/3 1/2003 Chicago, IL 60630-2425 *ornens Funding Alliance 603 Stewart St, Suite 207, Seattle, 425.00 54367 3/3 1/2003 WA 98101-1229 Womens Resource Center In Alamance County 1343 S Main St, Burlington, NC 10000 54368 3/3 1/2003 27215-5768 Womensafe Inc PO Box 656, Chardon, OH 44024- 100.00 54369 3/31/2003 0656 Woodben-y Forest School 402 Woodberry Station, 1,000.00 54370 3/31/2003 Woodberry Forest, VA 22989 Woodland Park Zoological Society 601 North 59th Street, Seattle, WA 40.00 54371 3/31/2003 98103 Woodridge Elementary PTA 2003 65th Avenue W, Tacoma, 40.00 54372 3/31/2003 WA 98466-6215 World Leamer School of Chaska 112050 Hundertmark Rd, Chaska, 500.00 54373 3/31/2003 MN 55318-2817 World Leaming Inc - World Leaming, Inc. (School for P 0. Box 676, Brattleboro, VT 5,00000 54374 3/31/2003 International Training) 05301 World Monuments Fund, Inc . 95 Madison Ave., New York, NY 100.00 54375 3/31/2003 10016 World Neighbors Inc 4127 NW 122nd Street, Oklahoma 100.00 54376 3/31/2003 City, OK 73120 World Society for the Protection of Animals 34 Deloss Street, Framingham, MA 40.00 54377 3/31/2003 01702 World Vision, Inc. PO Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 2,218.00 54378 3/31/2003 98063-9716 orld Wildlife Fund Inc 1250 24th Street, NW, 760.00 54379 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20037 Oorld Wildlife Fund Inc 1250 24th Street, NW, 1,000.00 54380 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20037 WP-Org Inc - West Point Organization, Inc PO Box 595, Floyd, VA 24091 25.00 54381 3/31/2003

Page 83 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date I Number Wyoming Gobblers National Wild Turkey Federation 15 Gulf Rd, Wyorning, NY 14591 81000 54382 3/3 1/2003

Wyoming Seminar), 201 North Sprague Avenue, 5000 54383 3/3 1/2003 Kingston, PA 18704-3593 Xavier High School 30 West 16th Street, New York, 25.00 54384 3/3 1/2003 NY 10011 Y-me National Breast Cancer Organization Inc - Y-Me 212 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 180.00 54385 3/31/2003 National Breast Cancer Foundation 60607 Yale University P 0 Box 2038, New Haven, CT 2,07500 54386 3/31/2003 06521-2038 Yeshiva & Mesivta Toras Emes Kamenitz-Yeshiva Toras 1650 56th Street, Brooklyn, NY 57500 54387 3/31/2003 Emes 11204 Yeshiva Tifereth Moshe Inc 83 06 Abingdon Rd, Kew Gardens, 7900 54388 3/3 1/2003 NY 11415-0000 Yeshiva University 500 West 185 Street, BH725, New 100.00 54389 3/3 1/2003 York, NY 10033 YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago 801 N Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 10000 54390 3/3 1/2003 60610-1012 YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis 8950 Springbrook Dr., Coon 2500 54391 3/31/2003 Rapids, MN 55433 YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis - YMCA 4 W Rustic Lodge Avenue, 1,000.00 54392 3/3 1/2003 (Minneapolis) Minneapolis, M-N 55409 YMCA of St Paul 2233 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, 2,100.00 54393 3/31/2003 MN 55108 mca Of The Mid-peninsula 2400 Grant Rd., Mountain View, 2,00000 54394 3/31/2003 0 CA 94043 YMCA-Camp Menogyn 4 West Rustic Lodge, Minneapolis, 920.00 54395 3/31/2003 MN 55409 York Street Project 89 York Street, Jersey City, NJ 300.00 54396 3/31/2003 07302 Yorkville Common Pantry 8 East 109th Street, New York, NY 50.00 54397 3/31/2003 10029-3402 Young Adult Institute Inc 460 West 34th Street, New York, 5,35000 54398 3/31/2003 NY 10001 Young America's Foundation 110 Elden, Suite A, Herndon, VA 25.00 54399 3/31/2003 20170 Young Audiences ofAtlanta Inc 100 Edgewood Avenue NE, Suite 1,00000 54400 3/31/2003 1580, Atlanta, GA 30303-3029

Young Audiences-New York Inc One East 53rd Street, New York, 300.00 54401 3/31/2003 NY 10022 Young Harris College P 0 Box 275, Young Harris, GA 25.00 54402 3/31/2003 30582 Young Mens Christian Association 3335 Blaisdell Ave. So., 33.00 54403 3/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York - 125 West 14th Street, New York, 100.00 54404 3/31/2003 McBurney YMCA ISW 100 11 Young Mens Christian Association Of Metropolitan 30 South 9th Street, Minneapolis, 370.00 54405 3/31/2003 Minneapolis MN 55402 ung Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan 7601 42nd Avenue N, New Hope, 25.00 54406 3/31/2003 nneapolis MN 55427 000i'ung Mens Christian Association Of Metropolitan 4100 28th Ave. So, Minneapolis, 25 .00 54407 3/31/2003 Minneapolis - Hiawatha Branch YMCA MN 55406

Page 84 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Young Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan 7355 York Avenue South, Edina, 2800 54408 3/31/2003 Minneapolis - Soutbdale YMCA MN 55435-4701 Young Mens Chnsiian Association Of Metropolitan Box 37, Loretto, MN 55357 5000 54409 3/31/2003 Minneapolis - YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis

Young Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan 12301 Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka, 225.00 544 10 3/31/2003 Minnesota MN 55305 Young Mens Chnstian Association Of Ridgewood NJ 11 2 Oak St, Ridgewood, NJ 07450- 10000 54411 3/31/2003 2509 Young Mens Christian Association Saint Paul Area 476 Robert St. No., St. Paul, MN 2500 54412 3/31/2003 55101 Young Mens Christian Association Saint Paul Area - 3760 Lexington Ave N, 50.00 54413 3/3 1/2003 YMCA - Northwest Family Shoreview, M-N 55126 Young Women's Christian Association of San Jose, 375 S. Third Street, San Jose, CA 150.00 54414 3/31/2003 California 95112 Young Womens Christian Association 1130 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, 75.00 54415 3/31/2003 MN 55403-2405 Young Womens Christian Association of St Paul 375 Selby Avenue, St Paul, 50.00 54416 3/31/2003 Minnesota - YWCA of St Paul 55102-1790 Youth Focus Inc 1620 Fruitdale Avenue, San Jose, 2500 54417 3/31/2003 CA 95128 Youth Performance Company 610 W. 28th St , Minneapolis, M 75000 54418 3/31/2003 55408 Youthlink 41 N 12th St, Minneapolis, MN 2,200 OC 54419 3/31/2003 55403-1325 Isero Population Growth Inc 1400 16th Street, NW, #320, 25000 54420 3/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Zoological Society of San Diego PO Box 12027 1, San Diego, CA 25 .00 54421 3/31/2003 92112 Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association 1414 E. 4500 S, Suite 2, Salt Lake 25 .00 54422 5/23/2003 City, UT 84117 Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation USA - 2145 W. Elliot Rd, Chandler, AZ 1,00000 54423 5/23/2003 Tzu Chi Foundation Phoenix Office 85224 Group Health Plan Inc - Health Partners Hospice of the PO Box 1309, Minneapolis, MN 5000 54424 5/23/2003 Lakes 55440-1309 Habitat For Humanity International Inc - Habitat for 14325 Jane Street, Detroit, MI 1,25000 54425 5/23/2003 Humanity Metro Detroit 48205 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 77 West Port Plaza, #101, St. 50.00 54426 5/23/2003 of America Louis, MO 63146 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society 8033 University Blvd, Suite A, Des 75.00 54427 5/23/2003 Moines, IA 50325 Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue 349 RI, 100.00 54428 5/23/2003 Boston, MA 02115 University of the Pacific - University Of The Pacific 2155 Webster St, San Francisco, 500.00 54430 5/23/2003 School Of Dentistry CA 94115 US Catholic Conference - Xavier College Preparatory 471 0 North Fifth St., Phoenix, AZ 100.00 54431 5/23/2003 High School 85012 William Mitchell College of Law 875 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 150.00 54432 5/23/2003 55105-9982 tepping Stone Foundation 12 1 N. 8th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 4,500.00 54433 /3 2 85029 Obington Memorial Health Care Corporation - Abington 1200 Old York Road, Abington, 25.00 54434 6/30/2003 Memorial Hospital PA 19001

Page 85 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Achieve Minneapolis I I I 3rd Ave South, Minneapolis, 5000 54435 6/30/2003 MN 55401 Achievement Rewards For College Scientists Foundation 3104 E Camelback Road , Suite 32500 54436 6/30/2003 Inc 374, Phoenix, AR 85016 Actors Theater of Minnesota 1043 Grand Ave, St Paul, NIN 10000 54437 6/30/2003 55105-2610 Actors Theatre of Phoenix P 0 Box 1924, Phoenix, AZ 85001 6,35000 54438 6/30/2003

Adelphi University I South Ave., Garden City, NY 50000 54439 6/30/2003 11530 Advent School Corporation 15 Brimmer Street, Boston, MA 100.00 54440 6/30/2003 02108 African Medical & Research Foundation Inc 19 W 44th St Ste 170, New York, 25000 54441 6/30/2003 NY 10036-5902 African Wildlife Foundation 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 120, 5000 54442 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Agnes Irwin School PO Box 407, Ithan Ave & 25000 54443 6/30/2003 Conestoga Rd, Rosemont, PA 19010-0407 Agudath Israel Of America Inc 42 Broadway, New York, NY 2700 54444 6/30/2003 10004 Ahahui Koa Anuenue 1337 Lower Campus Road, 36000 54445 6/30/2003 Honolulu, HI 96822 Aid Atlanta Inc 1438 West Peachtree Street N.W., 27500 54446 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309-2955 laids Action Committee Of Massachusetts Inc 294 Washington Street, Boston, 7500 54447 6/30/2003 MA 02108 AIDS Foundation Houston Inc Formerly KS/AIDS 3202 Weslayan Annex, Houston, 65000 54448 6/30/2003 Foundation Inc TX 77027-5722 AIDS Foundation Houston Inc Formerly KS/AIDS 3202 Weslayan Annex, Houston, 555.00 54449 6/30/2003 Foundation Inc TX 77027-5722 AIDS Foundation of St. Louis 5615 Pershing Avenue, Suite 11, 50.00 54450 6/30/2003 St. Louis, MO 63112 AIDS Project Los Angeles Inc 3550 Wilshire Blvd #300, Los 55000 54451 6/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90010 A[- Amal School 1401 Gardena Ave, NE, Fridley, 2,10000 54452 6/30/2003 MN 55432 Alameda County Library Foundation 2450 Stevenson Blvd., Fremont, 200.00 54453 6/30/2003 CA 94538 Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association 1057 Fireweed Ln Ste 102, 440.00 54454 6/30/2003 Anchorage, AK 99503-1760 Alcoa High School 532 Faraday Street, Alcoa, TN 200.00 54455 6/30/2003 37701 Alexandra House Inc PO Box 49039, Blaine, M-N 55449 200.00 54456 6/30/2003

Alexandria Symphony Orchestra Inc - Alexandria 109 North Henry Street, 10000 54457 6/30/2003 Symphony Association Alexandria, VA 22314 Alfred University I Saxon Drive, Alfred, NY 14802 1,025.00 54458 6/30/2003 All Stars Project Inc - All Stars Network 543 W 42nd Street, New York, NY 200.00 54459 6/30/2003 10036 liance Defense Fund Inc 15333 N. Pima Road # 165, 730.00 54460 6/30/2003 9 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Alliance for Excellence District 65 Foundation PO Box 479, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 25.00 54461 6/30/2003

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American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Allma Health System 2750 Arthur Street, Roseville, MN 5000 54462 6/30/2003 55113 Alumni Association of the Bronx High School of Science P 0 Box 145, Jerome Avenue 5000 54463 6/30/2003 Station, Bronx, NY 10468-014C Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation 21 1 West 61 st St , New York, NY 7500 54464 6/30/2003 10023 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorder Assocation - 400 Morris Ave, Suite 25 1, 25000 54465 6/30/2003 Alzheimer's Association - Greater New Jersey Cha Denville, NJ 07834 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, 4550 W. 77th Street, Suite 200, 11000 54466 6/30/2003 Inc , Minnesota Lake Chapter Edina, M 55435 Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association 225 N Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 15000 54467 6/30/2003 IL 60601 American Brain Tumor Association 2720 River Road Suite 146, Des 7500 54468 6/30/2003 Plaines, IL 60018 American Cancer Society 2 Lyons Place, White Plains, NY 33000 54469 6/30/2003 10601 American Cancer Society 11117 Kenwood Rd., Cincinnati, 20500 54470 6/30/2003 OH 45242 American Cancer Society 3901 NW 79th Ave. Ste 224, 47500 54471 6/30/2003 Miami, FL 33166 American Cancer Society 124 Park Street, SE, Vienna, VA 5000 54472 6/30/2003 22180 American Cancer Society 8219 Town Center Dr, Baltimore, 50.00 54473 6/30/2003 MD 21236-5904 lemerican Cancer Society 4207 Lindell, Saint Louis, MO 2500 54474 6/30/2003 63108 American Cancer Society - Boca Raton 3350 NW Boca Raton Blvd., Suite 17500 54475 6/30/2003 A-34, Boca Raton, FL 33431

American Cancer Society - Flemington, NJ 84 Park Ave, Flemington, NJ 33000 54476 6/30/2003 08822 American Cancer Society - Houston P 0. Box 570127, Houston, TX 575.00 54477 6/30/2003 77257-0127 American Cancer Society - Orange Park 1732 Kingsley Ave., Sutie 3, 25.00 54478 6/30/2003 Orange Park, FL 32073 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 95 Schwenk Drive, Kingston, NY 50.00 54479 6/30/2003 12401 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 3211 N Front Street Suite 100, 25.00 54480 6/30/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17110 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 3407 NW 9 Avenue, #100, Fort 422.00 54481 6/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 372 Danbury Rd, Wilton, CT 5000 54482 6/30/2003 06897 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 1130 Vester Ave, Springfield, OH 10000 54483 6/30/2003 45503 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 241 John Knox Road, Tallahassee, 225.00 54484 6/30/2003 Cancer Society Inc FL 32303 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 930-B Wellness Drive, Greenville, 270.00 54485 6/30/2003 Cancer Society Inc NC 27834 mencan Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 1599 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, 600.00 54486 6/30/2003 ncer Society, Inc. GA 30329 01mr,'erican Cancer Society Inc 2200 Lake Blvd, Suite C, Atlanta, 250.00 54487 6/30/2003 GA 30319

Page 87 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 American Cancer Society Inc 77 E Monroe, Suite 1200, 5000 54488 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 American Cancer Society Inc 19 West 56th Street, New York, 1,18500 54489 6/30/2003 NY 10019-3984 American Cancer Society Inc 17060 Oak Park Avenue, Tinley 10500 54490 6/30/2003 Park, IL 60477 American Cancer Society Inc 2929 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, 27000 54491 6/30/2003 AZ 85016-8034 American Cancer Society Inc 1430 Prudential Drive, 68200 54492 6/30/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32207 American Cancer Society Inc 1700 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 300.00 54493 6/30/2003 94612 American Cancer Society Inc 1851 Old Cuthbert Road, Cherry 12500 54494 6/30/2003 Hill, NJ 08034 American Cancer Society Inc 2724 E Lakin, Suite 9, Flagstaff, 50.00 54495 6/30/2003 AZ 86004 American Cancer Society Inc 3311 S Packerland Dr., Ste A, De 175.00 54496 6/30/2003 Pere, WI 54115 American Cancer Society Inc 3716 Country Drive, Ste. 4, 25.00 54497 6/30/2003 Rhinelander, WI 54501 American Cancer Society Inc N19 W24350 Riverwood Drive, 535.00 54498 6/30/2003 Waukesha, WI 53188 American Cancer Society Inc 6500 Sugar Loaf Pkwy, Duluth, 1,080.00 54499 6/30/2003 GA 30097 mencan Cancer Society Inc 6500 Sugar Loaf Pkwy, Duluth, 73000 54500 6/30/2003 0 GA 30097 American Cancer Society Inc 6500 Sugar Loaf Pkwy, Duluth, 5000 54501 6/30/2003 GA 30097 American Cancer Society Inc Meriden Executive Park, Meriden, 9200 54502 6/30/2003 CT 06450-1004 American Cancer Society Inc 777 Central Ave, Highland Park, IL 2500 54503 6/30/2003 60035 American Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St., Edina, NfN 69600 54504 6/30/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St., Edina, M 576.00 54505 6/30/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St., Edina, MN 26300 54506 6/30/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 2255 South Oneida Street, Denver, 50.00 54507 6/30/2003 CO 80224 American Cancer Society Inc - American Cancer Society- 30 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 375.00 54508 6/30/2003 New England Division 01701 American Cancer Society, Inc. 75 Davids Dr., Hauppauge, NY 27.00 54509 6/30/2003 11788 American Cancer Society, Inc. 3407 N W. 9th Ave., #100, Ft. 2500 54510 6/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 American Cancer Society, Inc. 92 Read's Way, Suite 205, New 125.00 54511 6/30/2003 Castle, DE 19720 American Center For Law And Justice Inc 1000 Regent University Dr., Ste 100.00 54512 6/30/2003 422, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 erican Civil Liberties Union Foundation Inc 125 Broad Street, New York, NY 200.00 54513 6/30/2003 On 10004 American Diabetes Association Inc 4425 West Airport Freeway, Irving, 650.00 54515 6/30/2003 TX 75062

Page 88 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Amencan Diabetes Association Inc 4425 West Airport Freeway, Irving, 5000 54516 6/30/2003 TX 75062 American Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 1833, Merrifield, VA 215 .00 5451 7 6/30/2003 22116 Amencan Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd Ste#300N, 335 .00 54518 6/30/2003 Fairfax, VA 22030 American Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 2787, North Canton, OH 125.00 54519 6/30/2003 44720 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research 1150 Seventeenth St NW, 50000 54520 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 American Foundation for AIDS Research 120 Wall Street, 13th Floor, New 7500 54521 6/30/2003 York, NY 10005 American Friends Of Georgia Inc P 0 Box 1200, Truro, MA 02666 2,00000 54522 6/30/2003 American Friends of the Royal Court Theatre Inc PO Box 5042, New York, NY 155.00 54523 6/30/2003 10185-5042 American Fnends Of Yad Eliezer Inc 11 02 E 26th St, Brooklyn, NY 80000 54524 6/30/2003 11210-4609 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 25 .00 54525 6/30/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 85 .00 54526 6/30/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 Amencan Heart Association 208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 20000 54527 6/30/2003 900, Chicago, IL 60604 Amencan Heart Association 100 Northern Concourse, Syracuse, 585 .00 54528 6/30/2003 NY 13220-3049 lemencan Heart Association 2550 U S Highway 1, North 125 .00 54529 6/30/2003 Brunswick, NJ 08902 Amencan Heart Association 4414 Woodland Park Ave. North, 425 .00 54530 6/30/2003 Seattle, WA 98103 American Heart Association P. 0. Box 8835, Camphill, PA 2500 54531 6/30/2003 17001 American Heart Association 1280 S Parker Road, Denver, CO 295 .00 54532 6/30/2003 80231 American Heart Association 1689 East I I 5th St, Cleveland, OH 30.00 54533 6/30/2003 44106-3903 American Heart Association 17 10 Gi lbreth Road, Suite 100, 25 .00 54534 6/30/2003 Burlingame, CA 94010-1311 American Heart Association 6430 N.W. 5th Way, Ft. 495 .00 54535 6/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 Amencan Heart Association 4217 Park Place Ct, Glen Allen, 510 .00 54536 6/30/2003 VA 23060 American Heart Association P. 0. Box 15186, Austin, TX 425 .00 54537 6/30/2003 78754 American Heart Association Inc 1101 Northchase Parkway, Suite 1, 25 .00 54538 6/30/2003 Marietta, GA 30067 American Heart Association Inc 6800 W 93rd Street, Overland 50 .00 54539 6/30/2003 Park, KS 66212 American Heart Association Inc 9900 Ninth Street N., St . 50 .00 54540 6/30/2003 Petersburg, FL 33716 mencan Heart Association Inc 1818 Patterson Street, Nashville, 100.00 54541 6/30/2003 TN 37203 Ornerican Heart Association Inc P.0 Box 182160, Columbus, OH 100 .00 54542 6/30/2003 43218

Page 89 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number American Heart Association Inc 2300 Centrepark West Drive, West 10000 54543 6/30/2003 Palm Beach, FL 33409 American Heart Association Inc 660 E Mason St, Milwaukee, WI 410.00 54544 6/30/2003 53202 American Heart Association Inc - American Stroke 4600 Campus Drive, Irvine, CA 5000 54545 6/30/2003 Association 92612 American Heart Association Inc - American Stroke 208 S. LaSalle Street, Ste 900, 64500 54546 6/30/2003 Association Chicago, IL 60604 American Heart Association Inc - American Stroke 208 S LaSalle Street, Ste 900, 354.00 54547 6/30/2003 Association Chicago, IL 60604 American Heart Association, Inc. 5 Brookside Drive, Wallingford, 33000 54548 6/30/2003 CT 06492 American Heart Association-St. Louis'Chapter 4643 Lindell Blvd, St Louis, MO 55.00 54549 6/30/2003 63108 American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd, Denver, 25.00 54550 6/30/2003 CO 80221 American Institute for Cancer Research, The 1759 R Street, NW, Washington, 18000 54551 6/30/2003 DC 20009 American Institute of Philanthropy 3450 N Lake Shore Drive Ste 25 .00 54552 6/30/2003 2802, Chicago, IL 60657 American Junior Golf Association 1980 Sports Club Drive, Braselton, 25000 54553 6/30/2003 GA 30517 American Kidney Fund Inc 6110 Executive Boulevard, Suite 55 .00 54554 6/30/2003 10 10, Rockvi I le, MD 20852 merican Life League, Inc 1179 Courthouse Road, Stafford, 15000 54555 6/30/2003 0 VA 22554 American Liver Foundation 1500 Mc Andrews Road West, 17500 54556 6/30/2003 Burnsville, NIN 55337 American Lung Association 432 Park Ave. South, New York, 12000 54557 6/30/2003 NY 10016 American Lung Association 1440 West Washington Boulevard, 10000 54558 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60607 American Lung Association - AZ, Inc. 102 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, 2500 54559 6/30/2003 AZ 85003 American Lung Association of Minnesota 490 Concordia Avenue, St. Paul, 155.00 54560 6/30/2003 MN 55103-8014 American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th St., New 75.00 54561 6/30/2003 York, NY 10024-5192 American National Red Cross One Madison Ave., Madison, NJ 500.00 54562 6/30/2003 07940 American National Red Cross 106 North Broadway, White Plains, 80.00 54563 6/30/2003 NY 10603 American National Red Cross - American National Red 4333 Arlington Blvd., Arlington, 30.00 54564 6/30/2003 Cross - Arlington County Chapter VA 22203 American National Red Cross - Minneapolis 1201 West River Parkway, 1,550.00 54565 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55454 American National Red Cross - MO 10195 Corporate Square, St. Louis, 40.00 54566 6/30/2003 MO 63132 American National Red Cross and Its Constituent 100 W. I Oth Street, Suite 50 1, 25.00 54567 6/30/2003 hapters and Branches - American Red Cross Of The De Wilmington, DE 19801

0 mencan National Red Cross and Its Constituent P 0 Box 142, Buffalo, MN 55313 50.00 54568 6/30/2003 Chapters and Branches - American Red Cross Wright Ci

Page 90 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Da(e Number 0 American Paralysis Association A New Jersey Nonprofit 500 Moms Avenue, Springfield, 85.00 54569 6/30/2003 Corporation - Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foun NJ 07081

Amencan Parkinson Disease Association PO Box 49416, Atlanta, GA 30359 50.00 54570 6/30/2003

American Red Cross 8928 Volunteer Lane, Suite 100, 5000 54571 6/30/2003 Sacramento, CA 95826 American Red Cross 5290 Rivers Ave, Suite 300, N 100.00 54572 6/30/2003 Charleston, SC 29406 American Red Cross - Salt Lake City 465 South 400 E , Salt Lake City, 200.00 54573 6/30/2003 UT 841 10 American Red Cross - St Paul, N4N 176 South Robert Street, St Paul, 100.00 54574 6/30/2003 MN 55107 American Red Cross of Greater Chicago I I I East Wacker Drive, Chicago, 5000 54575 6/30/2003 IL 60601 American Red Cross, Central Arizona Chapter 6135 N. Black Canyon Hwy, 7500 54576 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85015-1812 American Red Cross-Montclair Chapter 63 Park St., Montclair, NJ 07042 250.00 54577 6/30/2003 American Red Magen David for Israel 200 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 100.00 54578 6/30/2003 60606-5829 American Red Magen David For Israel 888 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10000 54579 6/30/2003 10106 American Society for Technion- Israel Institute of 55 E 59th Street, New York, NY 10000 54580 6/30/2003 Technology Inc 10022 mencan Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To 424 East 92nd Street, New York, 915.00 54581 6/30/2003 emmals NY 10128 American University 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 50.00 54582 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20016-8143 American Values 2800 Shirlington Road # 610, 50000 54583 6/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22206 American Writers Theatre Chicago 664 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe, IL 50.00 54584 6/30/2003 60022-1622 American Youth Soccer Organization 3434 East 7800 South, Salt Lake 60000 54585 6/30/2003 City, UT 84121 Americans For Oxford Inc 198 Madison Avenue, New York, 100.00 54586 6/30/2003 NY 100 16 Amencares Foundation, Inc. 88 Hamilton Avenue, Stamford, 25.00 54587 6/30/2003 CT 06902 Americas Second Harvest - Amencias Second Harvest 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 275.00 54588 6/30/2003 60601 Amigos De Las Americas 5245 College Avenue, Suite 807, 75 .00 54589 6/30/2003 Oakland, CA 94618 Amit Women Inc 817 Broadway, New York, NY 25 .00 54590 6/30/2003 10003 Amnesty International of USA, Inc. 322 8th Avenue, New York, NY 565 .00 54591 6/30/2003 10001-4808 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 27001 Agoura Road, Calabasas 100.00 54592 6/30/2003 Hills, CA 91301 Anderson University, Inc. 1100 E. 5th Street, Anderson, IN 100.00 54593 6/30/2003 46012 Ondover Herbron Marlborough Youth Services 25 Pendleton Dr, Herbron, CT 50.00 54594 6/30/2003 06248-1525 Angelman Syndrome Foundation Inc 414 Plaza Drive, Westmont, IL 75 .00 54595 6/30/2003 60559-1265

Page 91 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 1,15000 54596 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 78500 54597 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 700 .00 54598 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 1,18000 54599 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 85000 54600 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 1,600.00 54601 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 61000 54602 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 41000 54603 6/30/2003 Valley, M-N 55422 Animal Place 3448 Laguna Creek Trail, 50 .00 54604 6/30/2003 Vacaville, CA 95688-9724 Animal Protective League 1729 Willey Ave, Cleveland, OH 5000 54605 6/30/2003 44113 Anne Frank Center USA 38 Crosby Street, Suite 5M, New 15000 54606 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 13 Anoka County Historical Society 2135 3rd Avenue N, Anoka, M-N 10000 54607 6/30/2003 55303 nti-Defamation League of Bnai Bnth 823 United Nations Plaza, New 50.00 54608 6/30/2003 0 York, NY 100 17 Appalachian State University Foundation, Inc . 318 Founders Hall, Boone, NC 5400 54609 6/30/2003 28608 Arc Of Hennepin County Inc 4301 Hwy 7, #140, Minneapolis, 127.00 54610 6/30/2003 MN 55416 Archbishop Molloy High School 83-53 Manton Street, 400 .00 54611 6/30/2003 Bnarwood/Jamaica, NY 11435 Archdiocese Of Newark - Scholarship Fund for Inner- 171 Clifton Ave, P. 0. Box 9500, 2,00000 54612 6/30/2003 City Children Newark, NJ 07104-9500 Arete Relief Services-Burmese Refugee Care 1666 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, 100.00 54613 6/30/2003 CA 94709 Arizona AIDS Project, Inc . 1427 N 3rd St # 125, Phoenix, AZ 395 .00 54614 6/30/2003 85004 Arizona Archaeological Society Inc Po Box 9665, Phoenix, AZ 85068- 100.00 54615 6/30/2003 9665 Arizona Cat Assistance Team Inc 5311 E. Sheridan Street, Phoenix, 255 .00 54616 6/30/2003 AZ 85008 Arizona Equine Rescue Organization, Inc . 34522 N Scottsdale Road, 4,575.00 54617 6/30/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85262 Arizona Humane Society of Phoenix 9226 N. 13th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 190 .00 54618 6/30/2003 85021 Arizona School Choice Trust, Inc 3737 East Broadway Road, 625 .00 54619 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Arizona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 934 .00 54620 6/30/2003 2260 nzona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 704 .00 54621 6/30/2003 0 2260 Arizona Theatre Company 502 W Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ 100 .00 54622 6/30/2003 85003

Page 92 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Arizona Zoological Society 455 N Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, 10000 54623 6/30/2003 AZ 85008-3431 Ark 6450 N California Avenue, 45000 54624 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60645 Arkansas State University Foundation Inc PO Box 1990, State University, AR 50.00 54625 6/30/2003 72467 Army Emergency Relief 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 20000 54626 6/30/2003 22332 Army Reserve Components Emergency Relief Fund 5636 E Mcdowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 1,15000 54627 6/30/2003 Foundation - Arizona National Guard Family Assistance 85008-3455

Arnold Gold Foundation 619 Palisade Ave. 2nd FIr, 50000 54628 6/30/2003 Englewood, NJ 07632 Arrowhead Ranch 12200 104th Street, Coal Valley, IL 100.00 54629 6/30/2003 61240-0370 Art Institute of Chicago, The I I I So Michigan St, Chicago, IL 3500 54630 6/30/2003 60603 Art Students League Of New York 215 W 57th St, New York, NY 50.00 54631 6/30/2003 10019-2104 Arthritis Foundation - St Louis Chapter 8390 Delmar, St. Louis, MO 63124- 25.00 54632 6/30/2003 2100 Arthritis Foundation Inc 23811 Chagrin Blvd, Cleveland, 22500 54633 6/30/2003 OH 44122-5525 Arthritis Foundation Inc - Arthritis Foundation - St. Paul 1902 Minnehaha Avenue West, St 2500 54634 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55104 Orthritis Foundation Inc - Arthritis Foundation Illinois 29 E Madison # 500, Chicago, IL 5000 54635 6/30/2003 Chapter - Chicago 60602 Arthritis Foundation Inc 200 Middlesex Turnpike, Iselin, NJ 2500 54636 6/30/2003 08830 Articulture 3745 Minnehaha Avenue S, 5000 54637 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55406-3429 Arts Council Incorporated Winston-Salem Arts Council - 305 West 4th St , Winston-Salem, 75 .00 54638 6/30/2003 Arts Council of Winston - Salem And Forsyth C NC 27101

Arts Council of Moore County, The 482 E. Connecticut, P 0. Box 405, 100.00 54639 6/30/2003 Southern Pines, NC 28388 Asia Society, The 725 Park Avenue, New York, NY 1,35300 54640 6/30/2003 10021-5088 Asian Art Museum Foundation Of San Francisco 1390 Market St Ste 10 16, San 11000 54641 6/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94102-5304 Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore 10 1 West Mount Royal Avenue, 44,366.00 54642 6/30/2003 Inc - Associated Jewish Charities & Welfare Fund Baltimore, MD 21201

Associated Marine Institutes Inc - Beaufort Marine 60 Honeybee Island Rd, Seabrook, 1,000.00 54643 6/30/2003 Institutes Inc SC 29940-3306 Associates of the University of Toronto Inc 8 10 Seventh Avenue, I Oth Floor, 6,000.00 54644 6/30/2003 New York, NY 100 19-0000 Association For Development Of Dramatic Arts Inc - 330 Bowery, New York, NY 100 1 2 14000 54645 6/30/2003 Jean Cocteau Repertory ssociation for Retarded Citizens of Greensboro Inc 207 M South Westgate Dr, 25.00 54646 6/30/2003 Greensboro, NC 27407 Ossociation for the Preservation of Civil War Sites Inc I I Public Square, Ste 200, 35.00 54647 6/30/2003 Hagerstown, MD 21741

Page 93 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Association of Arizona Food Banks Inc 2 100 N Central Ave Ste 230, 2500 54648 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-1400 Astraea Foundation Inc 116 E 16th Street, Seventh Floor, 2,00000 54649 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003 Atlanta Educational Telecommunications Collaborative 740 Bismark Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 25.00 54650 6/30/2003 30324 Atlanta Historical Society, Inc. 130 West Paces Ferry Road NW, 25000 54651 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30305 Atlanta Lesbian & (lay Pride Committee Inc 57 Executive Park S Ste 380, 25000 54652 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30329-2254 Atlanta Union Mission Corporation - Atlanta Union P 0 Box 1807, Atlanta, GA 30301 600.00 54653 6/30/2003 Mission, The Atlanta-fulton County Zoo Inc 800 Cherokee Avenue, S E, 71 00 54654 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30315 Augsburg College 221 1 Riverside Ave , Minneapolis, 45000 54655 6/30/2003 MN 55454 Aurora One Fund P 0. Box I 11, Aurora, OH 44202- 25.00 54656 6/30/2003 0111 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated Finance Group, Rye, NY 10580- 90000 54657 6/30/2003 4005 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated Finance Group, Rye, NY 10580- 1,360.00 54658 6/30/2003 4005 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated Finance Group, Rye, NY 10580- 390.00 54659 6/30/2003 4005 von Products Foundation Incorporated 1345 Avenue of The Americas, 355.00 54660 6/30/2003 0 New York, NY 10 105-0302 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 45000 54661 6/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 105804005 7500 54662 6/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day Boston Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 597.00 54663 6/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day Chicago Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 20000 54664 6/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day Chicago AVSC International Inc 440 9th Avenue 3rd Floor, New 2,000.00 54665 6/30/2003 York, NY 1000 1 Babson College P.O. Box 573 10, Babson Park, MA 100.00 54666 6/30/2003 02457 Bach Choir Of Bethlehem 423 Heckewelder Place, 50.00 54667 6/30/2003 Bethlehem, PA 18018 Back-to-School Clothing Drive Association PO Box 99, Glendale, AZ 85311 30.00 54668 6/30/2003 Bailey House Inc 275 7th Avenue, 12th Floor, New 3,500.00 54669 6/30/2003 York, NY 1000 1 Bainbridge Performing Arts 200 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge 50.00 54670 6/30/2003 Island, WA 98110-1812

Bainbridge Public Library Inc 1270 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge 50.00 54671 6/30/2003 Is, WA 98110-2721 Bais Yaakov of Boston Inc - Bais Yaakov of Boston High 561 Ward St, Newton Centre, MA 25.00 54672 6/30/2003 chool For Girls 02459-1109 is Yaakov of Spring Valley I I Smolley Drive, Monsey, NY 25.00 54673 6/30/2003 4 10952 Ball State University Foundation P .O. Box 672, Muncie, I[N 47308 100.00 54674 6/30/2003

Page 94 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Ballet Arizona 3645 East Indian School Road, 25 .00 54675 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Ballet Works Inc . 528 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 205, 50000 54676 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Baltimore Medical System Inc 3501 Sinclair Lane, Baltimore, MD 200.00 54677 6/30/2003 21213 Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Inc 1212 Cathedral St, Baltimore, MD 500.00 54678 6/30/2003 21239 Barnard College 3009 Broadway, Box AS, New 10000 54679 6/30/2003 York, NY 10027-6958 Barry University Inc. 11300 NE Second Ave, Miami 10000 54680 6/30/2003 Shores, FL 33 161-6695 Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc PO Box 23173, Lincoln, NE 68512 50000 54681 6/30/2003

Baruch College Fund 1 Bernard Baruch Way, New York, 995.00 54682 6/30/2003 NY 10010 Bat World Sanctuaiy 217 N Oak, Mineral Wells, TX 50.00 54683 6/30/2003 76067-4946 Bay State Performing Arts Inc PO Box 1390, Boston, MA 02117- 25.00 54684 6/30/2003 1390 Beatitudes Center D 0 A R Inc 555 W Glendale Ave, Phoenix, AZ 20000 54685 6/30/2003 85021-8763 Bellarmine College 2001 Newburg Road, Louisville, 2,47800 54686 6/30/2003 KY 40205 eloit College 700 College St , Beloit, WI 53511 5000 54687 6/30/2003 0 Bemidji State University Foundation 1500 Birchmont Dr NE, Box DPH, 3500 54688 6/30/2003 Bemidji, MN 56601 Benedictine Health System Foundation - St Francis 1455 St Francis Avenue, Shakopee, 3000 54689 6/30/2003 Health Care Foundation MN 55379 Bemlde-St. Margaret's School Jr. & Sr. High School 2501 Hwy 100 So , St. Louis Pk, 50000 54690 6/30/2003 MN 55416 Bentley College 175 Forest Street / Lewis 307, 75.00 54691 6/30/2003 Waltham, MA 02452-4705 Berea College 10 1 Chestnut St., Berea, KY 40403- 500.00 54692 6/30/2003 9986 Bergen Catholic High School 1040 Oradell Avenue, Oradell, NJ 250.00 54693 6/30/2003 07649 Berkeley-Carroll Street School 808 Union Street, Brooklyn, NY 250.00 54694 6/30/2003 11215 Berkshire School Inc. 245 N. Undermountain Road, 8,000.00 54695 6/30/2003 Sheffield, MA 0 1257 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary 5001 Angel Canyon Drive, Kanab, 525.00 54696 6/30/2003 UT 84741 Beth Israel Medical Center - Jacob Perlow Hospice First Ave. at 16th St., New York, 750.00 54697 6/30/2003 NY 10003 Bethel College 3900 Bethel Dr., St. Paul, MN 25.00 54698 6/30/2003 55112 Bethel New Life Inc 4950 W. Thomas, Chicago, IL 25.00 54699 6/30/2003 60651-3156 eide-A-Wee Home Association 41 0 East 3 8th Street, New York, 75.00 54700 6/30/2003 NY 10016 Big Brothers and Sisters of Green County Inc 3015 E Skelly Ste 21 1, Tulsa, OK 100.00 54701 6/30/2003 74105-6364

Page 95 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Big Brothers Big Sisters Association-Columbus & 1855 East Dublin Granville Road, 60000 54702 6/30/2003 Franklin County Columbus, OH 43229 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles Inc 1055 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 100.00 54703 6/30/2003 CA 90017 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Tampa Inc 405 N Reo St 260, Tampa, FL 75.00 54704 6/30/2003 33609-1038 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Coulee Region Inc - Big 158 Main St, Winona, M 55987 2500 54705 6/30/2003 Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Winona Big Brothers-Big Sisters of the Capital Region Inc - Tn- 1500 North Second St , Ste H, 10000 54706 6/30/2003 County Big Brothers-Big Sisters Inc Harrisburg, PA 17102-2527 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah Inc 151 E. 5600 South, Salt Lake City, 1,000.00 54707 6/30/2003 UT 84107 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah Inc 151 E. 5600 South, Salt Lake City, 67500 54708 6/30/2003 UT 84107 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah Inc 151 E. 5600 South, Salt Lake City, 635 .00 54709 6/30/2003 UT 84107 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah Inc 151 E 5600 South, Salt Lake City, 80400 54710 6/30/2003 UT 84107 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah Inc 151 E. 5600 South, Salt Lake City, 665.00 54711 6/30/2003 UT 84107 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah Inc 151 E. 5600 South, Salt Lake City, 263.00 54712 6/30/2003 UT 84107 Birmingham Jewish Day School - NE Miles Jewish Day 4000 Montclair Road, 150.00 54713 6/30/2003 School Birmingham, AL 35213-0000 ishop Loughlin Memorial High School 357 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, 12500 54714 6/30/2003 0 NY 11238 Blessed Tnnity Catholic School 6720 Nicollet Avenue S., 250.00 54715 6/30/2003 Richfield, MN 55423 Bloomsburg Foundation, Inc. - Bloomsburg University of Development Center, Bloomsburg, 50.00 54716 6/30/2003 Pennsylvania PA 17815-1301 Blue Mountain Center of Meditation, Inc. P. 0. Box 256, Tomales, CA 94971 200.00 54717 6/30/2003

Bluffton College 280 W College Ave., Blufflon, OH 100.00 54718 6/30/2003 45817 Bnai Bnth Foundation Of The United States 1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, 61 .00 54719 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Board of Trustees for the University of Alabama PO Box 87010 1, Tuscaloosa, AL 570.00 54720 6/30/2003 35487-0101 Bobbi and the Strays Inc 107-57 1 00th St, Ozone Park, NY 100.00 54721 6/30/2003 11417-2634 Boca Raton Museum Of Art Inc 501 Plaza Real, Boca Raton, FL 75.00 54722 6/30/2003 33432 BookEnds 6520 Platt Ave, Suite 33 1, West 2,50000 54723 6/30/2003 Hills, CA 91307-3218 Booker T Washington Child Development Center Inc 1519 E Adams St, Phoenix, AZ 1,300.00 54724 6/30/2003 85034-1122 Bookworm Learning Center 2531 Carroll Street, Greensboro, 1,000.00 54725 6/30/2003 NC 27408 Boston Center for Adult Education 5 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, 2,000.00 54726 6/30/2003 MA 02116 Oston College High School 150 Morrissey Boulevard, 50.00 54727 6/30/2003 Dorchester, MA 02125 Boston Symphony Orchestra Inc Symphony Hall, Boston, MA. 75 .00 54728 6/30/2003 02115

Page 96 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Boundary Waters Wilderness Foundation 401 N 3rd Street, Ste 290, 6000 54729 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Bowdoin College 4 100 College Station, Brunswick, 150.00 54730 6/30/2003 ME 04011 Bowery Residents Committee Inc 324 Lafayette Street, New York, 4,000.00 54731 6/30/2003 NY 10012 Bowling Green State University Foundation Inc Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling 5,025.00 54732 6/30/2003 Green, OH 43403 Boy Scouts of America 630 Janet Ave, Lancaster, PA 10000 54733 6/30/2003 17601-4527 Boy Scouts of America 60 Wellington Road, Milford, CT 5,00000 54734 6/30/2003 06460-0032 Boy Scouts of America 3231 Atlantic Ave, Raleigh, NC 2500 54735 6/30/2003 27604-1639 Boy Scouts of America - South Florida Council Boy 15255 N W. 82 Ave., Miami Lakes, 100.00 54736 6/30/2003 Scouts of America FL 33016 Boy Scouts of America Council 5300 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis, 395.00 54737 6/30/2003 N4N 55422-5118 Boy Scouts of America Council 3120 Ranier Ave. S, Seattle, WA 100.00 54738 6/30/2003 98144 Boy Scouts of America Council - Indianhead Council 393 Marshall Ave, Saint Paul, MN 1,539.00 54739 6/30/2003 Boy Scouts of America 55102 Boy Scouts of America Ntl Counci I P. 0. Box 1698, Kinston, NC 50.00 54740 6/30/2003 28501 oy Scouts of America Ntl Council P.O Box 5005, San Mateo, CA 500.00 54741 6/30/2003 0 94402 Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Boy Scouts of 1340 Juliana St, Parkersburg, WV 7500 54742 6/30/2003 America Council 26101 Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Boy Scouts Of 2145 SW Front Ave, Portland, OR 25 .00 54743 6/30/2003 Amenca-Cascade Pacific Council 97201 Boy Scouts of Amencan National Counci 1 600 N. Wheeling Rd., Mt. 1,000.00 54744 6/30/2003 Prospect, IL 60056 Boys & Girls Clubs Of Metro Atlanta Inc 100 Edgewood Ave Suite 700, 100.00 54745 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30303 Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach 1085 Laguna Canyon Road, 500.00 54746 6/30/2003 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Boys And Girls Clubs Of Lowcountry Inc P.O Box 1482, Beaufort, SC 4,000.00 54747 6/30/2003 29901-1482 Boys Club Of Broward County Inc - Boys'Clubs of 1401 NE 26th Street, Fort 2,500.00 54748 6/30/2003 Broward County, Inc. Lauderdale, FL 33305 Boys Club Of Scottsdale Inc 10515 East Lakeview Drive, 2,000.00 54749 6/30/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Boys Scouts of America - Boy Scouts of America 5300 Glenwood Avenue, 375.00 54750 6/30/2003 Council Minneapolis, MN 55422 Boys Scouts of America - Northern NJ Council Boy 25 Ramapo Valley Road, Oakland, 50.00 54751 6/30/2003 Scouts of America NJ 07436 Bradford Educational Foundation Umv. of Pittsburgh @ Bradford, 100.00 54752 6/30/2003 300 Campus Dr., Bradford, PA 16701 --Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue Inc 6001 E Surrey, Scottsdale, AZ 1,000.00 54753 6/30/2003 85254-3842 Mravo Colorado At Vail-beaver Creek P.O. Box 2270, Vail, CO 81658 1,000.00 54754 6/30/2003 Bread for the World Institute Inc 50 F St. NW Ste. 500, Washington, 25.00 54755 6/30/2003 DC 20001-1530

Page 97 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Breck School 123 Ottawa Ave N, Minneapolis, 2,50000 54756 6/30/2003 MN 55422 Breckenndge Music Institute Inc PO Box 1254, Breckenridge, CO 4,00000 54757 6/30/2003 80424 Bndge Communities Inc 505 E Crescent Blvd, Glen Ellyn, 25.00 54758 6/30/2003 IL 60137-4529 Bridging, Inc. 201 W. 87th Street, Bloomington, 60.00 54760 6/30/2003 MN 55420 Bngham Young University P 0. Box 27188, Provo, UT 84602 17500 54761 6/30/2003

Brophy College Preparatory 4701 North Central Avenue, 45000 54762 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85012 Brown University Gift Cashier, Providence, RI 02912 50000 54763 6/30/2003

Bruceton High School Alumni Association PO Box 205, Bruceton Mills, WV 500.00 54764 6/30/2003 26525-0249 Bryn Mawr College 10 1 North Menon Avenue, Bryn 75000 54765 6/30/2003 Mawr, PA 19010-2899 Bucknell University Cooley Hall, Lewisburg, PA 17837 500.00 54766 6/30/2003

Business Barn Stage Company PO Box 15 1, Los Altos, CA 94023- 150.00 54767 6/30/2003 0151 Business Volunteers for the Arts Phoenix Inc 200 W Washington St 10th Floor, 70000 54768 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85032 actus High School 6330 W Greenway, Glendale, AZ 12500 54769 6/30/2003 0 85306 California Handicapped Skiers Foundation P 0 Box 2897, 43 101 Goldmine 300.00 54770 6/30/2003 Dnve, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 California Marine Mammal Center Mann Headlands, Sausalito, CA 40.00 54771 6/30/2003 94965 California State University - Northndge Foundation 18111 Nordhaff St, Northridge, CA 100.00 54772 6/30/2003 91330-8296 Calliope Womens Chorus PO Box 80077, Minneapolis, MN 800.00 54773 6/30/2003 55408-8077 Calvary Hospital 1740 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 25.00 54774 6/30/2003 10461 Cambridge School Inc 1800 Worthington Heights Pky, 100.00 54775 6/30/2003 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Camp Fire Boys and Girls 26 10 University Ave West, St Paul, 25 .00 54776 6/30/2003 NfN 55114-1090 Camps Newfound Owatonna Corp. - Newfound Camp for 4 Camp Newfound Road, Harrison, 250.00 54777 6/30/2003 Girls Assoc. ME 04040 Cancer Care Inc. of the National Cancer Foundation 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, 30.00 54778 6/30/2003 NY 10001 Cancer Research Fund Of The Damon Runyon-Walter 675 Third Avenue, New York, NY 25.00 54779 6/30/2003 Winchell Fou 10017 Cancer Therapy And Research Center 7979 Wurzbach Road, San 25.00 54780 6/30/2003 Antonio, TX 78229 Cancer Wellness Center 215 Revere Drive, Northbrook, IL 25.00 54781 6/30/2003 60062 anisnis High School 1180 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY 25.00 54782 6/30/2003 14209-1494 Carl Lewis Fund Inc 55 Washington Street, Suite 309, 100.00 54783 6/30/2003 East Orange, NJ 07017

Page 98 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Carleton College One North College Street, 40000 54784 6/30/2003 Northfield, MN 55057 Camegie Hall Society Inc. 881 Seventh Avenue, New York, 310.00 54785 6/30/2003 NY 10032 Carroll County General Hospital Inc Foundation 200 Memorial Avenue, 5000 54786 6/30/2003 Westminster, MD 21157 Carter Center Inc. One Copenhill Avenue, Atlanta, 27500 54787 6/30/2003 GA 30307 Cartwright Elemenlary District #83 3401 N 67th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 20000 54788 6/30/2003 85033 Casa Allegra Community Services 4340 Redwood Highway @ 1 2 1, 200.00 54789 6/30/2003 San Rafael, CA 94903 Cass Gilbert Society Inc PO Box 4066, Saint Paul, N/[N 2500 54790 6/30/2003 55104 Cathedral Preparatory Seminary 56-25 92nd Street, Elmhurst, NY 1,01500 54791 6/30/2003 11373 Catholic Charities 320 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 25.00 54792 6/30/2003 21201-4493 Catholic Charities 144 W Wood St, Youngstown, 25000 54793 6/30/2003 CH 44503 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago PO Box 1623, Chicago, IL 60690- 100.00 54794 6/30/2003 1138 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St Paul & Mpls P.0 Box 1414, Ncb04, 1,660.00 54795 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55408-1414 atholic Charities Of The Archdiocese Of St. Paul & 1 121 46th Street E., Minneapolis, 10000 54796 6/30/2003 k-plS N/fN 55407 Catholic Education Foundation - Bert Miller Scholarship 4200 Kentucky Avenue, 5000 54797 6/30/2003 Fund Evansville, IN 47724-0169 Cecilia Society 1773 Beacon Street, Brookline, 25 .00 54798 6/30/2003 MA 02445 Center for Arts Education Inc 225 W 34th St Ste 820, New York, 1,000.00 54799 6/30/2003 NY 10122-0049 Center for Creative Arts 200 North Davie St., Greensboro, 25.00 54800 6/30/2003 NC 27401 Center for Independent Artists PO Box 6510, Minneapolis, M[N 50.00 54801 6/30/2003 55406-0510 Center for Marine Conservation, Inc. 1725 DeSales St., N.W, 50.00 54802 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Center for Science In the Public Interest 1875 Connecticut Ave., SW, Suite 64.00 54803 6/30/2003 300, Washington, DC 20009-5728

Center for Social Services Lesbian & Gay Mens 3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 100.00 54804 6/30/2003 Community Center 92103 Center for the Study of Services 733 l5th St. NW #820, 150.00 54805 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20005 Center For Victims of Torture 717 E River Rd., Minneapolis, M 275.00 54806 6/30/2003 55455 Central Florida Young Mens Christian Association 7000 Dr. Phillips Blvd, Orlando, 50.00 54807 6/30/2003 FL 32803-5721 Central Lutheran School 1400 Elm St, New Haven, IN 3,300.00 54808 6/30/2003 46774-1740 Oentral Methodist College 41 1 CMC Square, Fayette, MO 50.00 54809 6/30/2003 65248

Page 99 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Central Park Conservancy Inc 14 East 60th Street, New York, NY 26800 54810 6/30/2003 10022 Central Pennsylvania Friends of Jazz PO Box 10738, Harrisburg, PA 2500 54811 6/30/2003 17105-0738 Central San Fernando Valley Alliance For The Mentally 14545 Sherman Circle, Van Nuys, 33 .00 54812 6/30/2003 III CA 91405-0000 Central Virginia Educational Telecommunications Corp 23 Sesame St, Richmond, VA 2500 54813 6/30/2003 23235 Char Lifeline Inc. 151 West 30th Street, New York, 500.00 54814 6/30/2003 NY 10001 Chammade High School 340 Jackson Avenue, Mineola, NY 800.00 54815 6/30/2003 11501 Channel Island Young Mens Christian Association 36 Hitchcock Way, Santa Barbara, 2,00000 54816 6/30/2003 CA 93105-3102 Chapin School Ltd , The 100 East End Avenue, New York, 20000 54817 6/30/2003 NY 10028 Chappaqua Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc PO Box 453, Chappaqua, NY 200.00 54818 6/30/2003 10514-0453 Charleston Symphony Orchestra 77 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC 80000 54819 6/30/2003 29401 Chatham Emergency Squad, Inc. 31 N. Passaic Avenue, Chatham, 200.00 54820 6/30/2003 NJ 07928 Cherry Grove Community Association Inc PO Box 4024, Cherry Grove, NY 50000 54821 6/30/2003 11782-0998 hesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. 6 Herndon Avenue, Annapolis, MD 25 .00 54822 6/30/2003 0 21403 Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity Inc 5820 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 150.00 54823 6/30/2003 21212-3610 Chicago Coalition for the Homeless 1325 So. Wabash, Chicago, IL 50.00 54824 6/30/2003 60605 Chicago Histoncal Society 1601 North Clark Street, Chicago, 3000 54825 6/30/2003 I L 60614 Chicago Shakespeare Theater 800 East Grand, Chicago, IL 60611 250.00 54826 6/30/2003

Chicago Zoological Society 3300 Golf Road, Brookfield, IL 59 .00 54827 6/30/2003 60513-0719 Chicagoland Conservative Jewish High School 7800 W. Lyons Street, Morton 36.00 54833 6/30/2003 Foundation Grove, IL 60053 Chico State University Foundation E.C. Sapp Hall, Chico, CA 95929- 25.00 54834 6/30/2003 0155 Childcare International 715 W. Orchard Drive Suite 7, 240.00 54835 6/30/2003 Bellingham, WA 98226-7607 Children Cancer Research Fund, Inc. 4930 West 77th Street Suite 364, 1,07000 54836 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NTN 55435-4809 Children International P 0 Box 419055, Kansas City, 33500 54837 6/30/2003 MO 64131-3699 Children's Health Care Foundation - Children's Hospitals 29 10 Centre Pointe Dn ve, 1,285.00 54838 6/30/2003 and Clinics Roseville, M-N 55113 Children's Hospital Foundation 1245 E. Colfax Ave #400, Denver, 25.00 54839 6/30/2003 CO 80218-2218 Ouldren's Medical Center Corporation 300 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 100.00 54840 6/30/2003 02115 Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation, Inc. 150 New Providence Road, 125.00 54841 6/30/2003 Mountainside, NJ 07092

Page 100 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Children, Inc PO Box 5381, Richmond, VA 15000 54842 6/30/2003 23220-0381 Childrens Dream Foundation 75 South Broadway, Ste 475, 2500 54843 6/30/2003 White Plains, NY 10601 Childrens Fund Inc PO Box 56303, Houston, TX 50000 54844 6/30/2003 77256-6303 Childrens Health Care Foundation - Children's Medical 29 10 Center Point Drive, 14500 54845 6/30/2003 Center Roseville, M 55113 Childrens Hospital Foundation - Children's Foundation I I I Michigan Ave., NW, 100.00 54846 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 200 10 Childrens Hospital Foundation Inc P.0 Box 1997 NIS #3050, 4,025.00 54847 6/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997 Chi ldrens Theater Company And School - Children's 2400 Third Avenue South, 790.00 54848 6/30/2003 Theatre Company and School, The Minneapolis, M 55404 Childsplay, Inc PO Box 517, Tempe, AZ 85280 10000 54849 6/30/2003 Chimp Haven Inc 7 10 Spring Street, 3rd Floor, 2500 54850 6/30/2003 Shreveport, LA 71101 Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation Incorporated 333 Chnstian Street, Wallingford, 250.00 54851 6/30/2003 CT 06492 Chris Homes Inc 3111 Clairmont Road Suite B, 10000 54852 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30329 Christian Appalachian Project Inc 322 Crab Orchard Road, Lancaster, 25.00 54853 6/30/2003 KY 40446 Christian Calvin School 4015 Inglewood Ave. So, Edina, 1,20000 54854 6/30/2003 M7N 55416 Ishristian Childrens Fund 2821 Emerywood Parkway, 85000 54855 6/30/2003 Richmond, VA 23294 Christian Family Care Agency Inc 3603 N 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 5000 54856 6/30/2003 85013-3638 Christian Herald Association Inc 229 Bowery, New York, NY 10002 12500 54857 6/30/2003

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue, SE, 1,120.00 54858 6/30/2003 Grand Rapids, MI 49560-0600 Christian Relief Services Charities Inc - Christian Relief 8815 Telegraph Road, Lorton, VA 5000 54859 6/30/2003 Services, Inc. 22079 Church of the Heavenly Rest Day School-Trevor Day I I East 89th St., New York, NY 4,250.00 54860 6/30/2003 School 10128 Church of the Sacred Heart-Sacred Heart School 4050 Hubbard Ave. No., 75.00 54861 6/30/2003 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Citadel Development Foundation 171 Moultrie St., Charleston, SC 1,500.00 54862 6/30/2003 29409 Citizen's Scholarship Foundation of America - St Louis 2831 Huntington Avenue S, Saint 50.00 54863 6/30/2003 Park Dollars for Scholars Louis Park, MN 55416 Citizens Against Government Waste 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 50.00 54864 6/30/2003 No 400, Washington, DC 20036 City Harvest, Inc 575 Eighth Avenue 4th Floor, New 150.00 54865 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 18 City Of Hope 6245 N 24th Parkway, # I 10, 400.00 54866 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85016 ityMeals-on-Wheels 355 Lexington Ave., New York, 125.00 54867 6/30/2003 NY 100 17-6603 Oi%qc Orchestra of Minneapolis 624 Morgan Ave. So., 25 .00 54868 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55405

Page 101 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Clare Housing 68 West Exchange Street, St Paul, 8,20000 54869 6/30/2003 MN 55102 Clarke College 1550 Clarke Drive, Dubuque, IA 25 .00 54870 6/30/2003 52001 Clean Up the River Environment 114 S First St W, Montevideo, MN 3800 54871 6/30/2003 56265-1435 Clean Water Fund 1002 Ocean Ave, Belmar, NJ 7500 54872 6/30/2003 07719 Clemson University Foundation PO Box 1889, Clemson, SC 29633 50000 54873 6/30/2003

Cleveland Institute of Music 1 1021 East Boulevard, Cleveland, 1,00000 54874 6/30/2003 OH 44106-1776 Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS) 26 Peterboro, Detroit, MI 48201 25.00 54875 6/30/2003 Colby College Mayflower Hill Dr, Waterville, 300 .00 54876 6/30/2003 ME 04901 Colel Chabad 806 Eastern Pky, Brooklyn, NY 10000 54877 6/30/2003 11213-3534 Colgate University 13 Oak Dnve, Hamilton, NY 47500 54878 6/30/2003 13346 College At New Paltz Foundation Inc 75 S Manheim Blvd, Suite 9, New 75 .00 54879 6/30/2003 Paltz, NY 12561-2443 College Hill Child Care 2300 Old Chapman Street, 20000 54880 6/30/2003 Greensboro, NC 27403-2527 College of Saint Benedict 37 South College Avenue, Saint 10000 54881 6/30/2003 Joseph, NIN 56374-2099 9ollege of St. Catherine Attn: Gift Processor - F12, 8,425.00 54882 6/30/2003 Development and External Relations, St Paul, M 55105- 1794 College of St. Elizabeth 2 Convent Rd., Morristown, NJ 25.00 54883 6/30/2003 07960 College Of St. Scholastica Inc 1200 Kenwood Ave., Duluth, N4N 739.00 54884 6/30/2003 55811 College of the Holy Cross Trustees One College Street, Worcester, MA 8,100.00 54885 6/30/2003 01610 College of William and Mary P.O. Box 1693, Williamsburg, VA 300.00 54886 6/30/2003 23187 College of Wooster, The Gault Alumni Center, Wooster, CH 200.00 54887 6/30/2003 44691 College Preparatory School 6100 Broadway, Oakland, CA 100.00 54888 6/30/2003 94618 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Post Office Box 1776, 105 .00 54889 6/30/2003 Williamsburg, VA 23187-1776 Colorado College Th - Colorado College, The Development Office, Colorado 250.00 54890 6/30/2003 Springs, CO 80903 Colorado State University Foundation 4 10 University Services Center, 100.00 54891 6/30/2003 Fort Collins, CO 80523 Columbia County Historical Society Inc 5 Albany Avenue, Kinderhook, NY 100.00 54892 6/30/2003 12106-0311 olumbia Heights Independent School District 13 1400 49th Avenue NE, Columbia 200.00 54893 6/30/2003 Heights, M 55421 0olumbia-Presbyterian Medical Center Fund Inc - 654 W 170th Street, New York, 345 .00 54894 6/30/2003 Presbyterian Hospital NY 10032-3784

Page 102 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Combined Jewish Philanthropies 126 High Street, Boston, MA 1,69000 54895 6/30/2003 02110 Committee for Economic Development 261 Madison Avenue, New York, 33000 54896 6/30/2003 NY 10016 Common Hope 550 Vandalia St, St. Paul, MN 71500 54897 6/30/2003 55114 Community AIDS Resource Inc 35 10 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 300, 586.00 54898 6/30/2003 Miami, FL 33137 Community Impact 721 Central Avenue, Mountain 5000 54899 6/30/2003 View, CA 94043 Community Music Center of Boston 34 Warren Ave, Boston, MA 1,15000 54900 6/30/2003 02116 Community Partners Inc - Changing Perceptions P 0 Box 2625 1, Los Angeles, CA 28500 54901 6/30/2003 90026-0251 Community Solutions Fund 1619 Dayton Ave Room 323, St 250.00 54902 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55104-6206 Como Zoo And Conservatory Society 1021 Bandana Blvd E Ste 123, St 8000 54903 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55108-5113 Companion Dog Connection, Inc dba Hearing and 2537 25th Ave S , Minneapolis, 10000 54904 6/30/2003 Service Dogs of Minnesota MN 55406-1234 Compassion International Incorporated 12290 Voyager Parkway, Colorado 1,067.00 54905 6/30/2003 Springs, CO 80921-3668

Concordia College Corporation 901 South 8th Street, Moorhead, 825.00 54906 6/30/2003 MN 56562 loonejo Hospice Inc 80 E. Hillcrest Drive, Suite 204, 10000 54907 6/30/2003 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Connecticut Public Broadcasting Inc 240 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, 4500 54908 6/30/2003 CT 06106-3185 Constitutional Foundation 226 W. Rittenhouse Square, Suite 50000 54909 6/30/2003 1006, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Convention Of The Protestant Episcopal Church Of 3 100 Monk-ton Road, Monkton, 2,925.00 54910 6/30/2003 Diocese Of Md - St James Academy MD 21 111 Coolidge School Science Olympiad 89 Birch Meadow Drive, Reading, 250.00 54911 6/30/2003 MA 0 1867-1624 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 30 Cooper Square, New York, NY 15000 54912 6/30/2003 10003 Cooperative For Assistance And Relief Everywhere Inc - 151 Ellis St. NE, Atlanta, GA 1,380.00 54913 6/30/2003 Care 30303 Coral Springs Nature Center and Wildlife Hospital Inc 3916 Nw 73rd Ave, Coral Spring, 50000 54914 6/30/2003 FL 33065-2140 Cornell University 55 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 930.00 54915 6/30/2003

Corporation of Mercer University 1400 Coleman Ave., Macon, GA 25 .00 54916 6/30/2003 31207-0003 Cortland College Foundation P.O. Box 2000,436 Miller Bldg., 50.00 54917 6/30/2003 Cortland, NY 13045 Council For Jewish Elderly 3003 West Toughy Avenue, 2,500.00 54918 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60645 Outage Center 3915 Golden Valley Rd., Golden 276.00 54919 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422-0542 Covenant Classical School I I I Boland St, Fort Worth, TX 5,000.00 54920 6/30/2003 76107-1221

Page 103 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 10 Covenant House 346 West 17th Street, New York, 1,606.00 54921 6/30/2003 NY 10011-5002 Covenant House, Florida, Inc 733 Breakers Avenue, Ft. 15000 54922 6/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33304 Creighton University 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 10000 54923 6/30/2003 68178 Cretin-Derham Hall High School 550 So Albert Street, Saint Paul, 200.00 54924 6/30/2003 MN 55116 CRISTA Ministries - World Concern 19303 Fremont Avenue North, 75.00 54925 6/30/2003 Seattle, WA 98133-0016 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation 1815 W. Missouri Avenue # 103, 1,000.00 54926 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85015 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Of America 386 Park Avenue South, 17th 1,05000 54927 6/30/2003 Floor, New York, NY 100 16-8804 Crohns & Colitis Foundation Of America 1885 University Avenue West, 100.00 54928 6/30/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55104 Crossroads House I I Liberty St, Batavia, NY 14020- 50.00 54929 6/30/2003 3226 Crystal Springs Upland School 400 Uplands Drive, Hillsborough, 25.00 54930 6/30/2003 CA 9401 0 Culture Shock Dance Troup Inc 809A 15th Street, Oakland, CA 2,300.00 54931 6/30/2003 94607 Cumberland College 6180 College Station Drive, 5000 54932 6/30/2003 Williamsburg, KY 40769 ystic Fibrosis Association of Greater New York, Inc 60 East 42nd Street, S- 1563, New 69000 54933 6/30/2003 ID York, NY 10 165-1563 Cystic Fibrosis Association of Greater New York, Inc. 60 East 42nd Street, S- 1563, New 755.00 54934 6/30/2003 York, NY 10 165-1563 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2929 Carlisle, Suite 230, Dallas, 25.00 54935 6/30/2003 TX 75204 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2421 N. Mayfair Rd., Milwaukee, 100.00 54936 6/30/2003 WI 53226 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1005 Bullard Ct., Suite 105, 5000 54937 6/30/2003 Raleigh, NC 27615 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 5001 Mayfield Road # I 11, 25.00 54938 6/30/2003 Lyndhurst, OH 44124 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Ft. Lauderdale, FL 3443 N.W. 55th Street, Bldg.#7, 75.00 54939 6/30/2003 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 207, 50.00 54940 6/30/2003 Oakland, CA 94612 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 1611 W. County Road B, St Paul, 2,605.00 54941 6/30/2003 MD 55113 Cystinosis Research Network Incorporated 8 Sylvester Road, Burlington, MA 175.00 54942 6/30/2003 01803 Dakota Woodlands Inc 3430 Wescott Hills Dr., Eagan, 120.00 54943 6/30/2003 MN 55123 Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 499.00 54944 6/30/2003 02115 Dana Hall Schools 45 Dana Road, Wellesley, NtA 50.00 54945 6/30/2003 02482-9010 arcy School A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Inc 346 East Mt. Pleasant Avenue, 500.00 54946 6/30/2003 0 Livingston, NJ 07039-1502 Darwin Scientific Foundation Incorporated 407 N Washington St Ste 105, 50.00 54947 6/30/2003 Falls Church, VA 22046-3436

Page 104 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Dash To Cure Diabetes PO Box 1224, Barrington, IL 2500 54948 6/30/2003 60011-1224 Davis Memonal Goodwill Indusmes 2200 S. Dakota Avenue, 3000 54949 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20018-1698 De La Salle High School I De La Salle Dr., Minneapolis, 1,00000 54950 6/30/2003 MN 55401 De Paul University Office of Alumni Relations and 25.00 54951 6/30/2003 Networks, Chicago, IL 60601 Defenders of Wildlife - Defenders of Wildlife, Inc . 1101 14th St, NW, Suite 1400, 125.00 54952 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20005 Del Mar Foundaion PO Box 2913, Del Mar, CA 92014- 500.00 54953 6/30/2003 5913 Del Mar-Leucadia AAUW Community Action Project 12941 Cammito En Flor, Del Mar, 50000 54954 6/30/2003 Inc - AAUW Homeless Babies Project CA 92014 Delbarton School 230 Mendham Road, Morristown, 2,00000 54955 6/30/2003 NJ 07960 Denver Bach Society 1350 Washington Street, Denver, 10000 54956 6/30/2003 CO 80203 DePauw University 300 E Seminary, Greencastle, IN 125 .00 54957 6/30/2003 46135 Depelchin Childrens Center 4950 Memorial Drive, Houston, 217.00 54958 6/30/2003 TX 77007 Desert Botanical Garden 1201 North Galvin Parkway, 690.00 54959 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Joevereux Foundation 1000 Cobb Place, Suite 360, 10000 54960 6/30/2003 Kennesaw, GA 30144 Diabetes Association Of Greater Cleveland 3601 South Green Road 100, 10000 54961 6/30/2003 Cleveland, OH 44122-5719 Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust P.O. Box 1430 1, Cincinnati, OH 762 .00 54962 6/30/2003 45250-0301 Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust 3725 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, 3200 54963 6/30/2003 KY 41076-1712 Diskin Orphan Home Of Israel Inc 1533 - 44th Street, Brooklyn, NY 5000 54964 6/30/2003 11219-1609 Doane College 1014 Boswell Avenue, Crete, NE 50000 54965 6/30/2003 68333 Doctors Without Borders USA Inc. 333 Seventh Avenue, Second 3,331 .00 54966 6/30/2003 Floor, New York, NY 1000 1 -5004 Doe Fund Inc - The Doe Fund Inc. 232 East 84th Street, New York, 100.00 54967 6/30/2003 NY 10028 Doll and Toy Museum of New York City - Doll and Toy PO Box 022189, Brooklyn, NY 250.00 54968 6/30/2003 Museum of NYC 11202 Dominican University of California 50 Acacia Ave, San Rafael, CA 50.00 54969 6/30/2003 94901 Drew University Development Records, Madison, 25 .00 54970 6/30/2003 NJ 07940 Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street, 3 10, 5,00000 54971 6/30/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Ducks Unlimited, Inc. One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, 2,000.00 54972 6/30/2003 TN 38120 Oke University Box 905 8 1, Durham, NC 27708- 1,625 .00 54973 6/30/2003 0581 Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund 426 17th Street, 6th Floor, 25.00 54974 6/30/2003 Oakland, CA 94612

Page 105 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 East Harlem Tutonal Program, Inc 2050 Second Avenue, New York, 2500 54975 6/30/2003 NY 10029 East Metro Womens Council 3521 Century Ave. North, White 3000 54976 6/30/2003 Bear Lake, M-N 55110 East Valley Chnstian School Tuition Organization Inc P.O Box 6580, Chandler, AZ 1,900.00 54977 6/30/2003 85246 Eastern Christian School Association Development Office, North 5000 54978 6/30/2003 Haledon, NJ 07508 Eastern Massachusetts Literacy Council Inc 400 High Street, Medford, MA 25.00 54979 6/30/2003 02155 Eckerd College 4200 54th Ave So, St.Petersburg, 7500 54980 6/30/2003 FL 33711 Eden Prairie Schools 8 100 School Road, Eden Prairie, 60.00 54981 6/30/2003 MN 55344 Eduacdent 109 Old Padonia Road, 100.00 54982 6/30/2003 Cockeysville, MD 21030 Educational Alliance, Inc , The 197 East Broadway, New York, 50.00 54983 6/30/2003 NY 10002 Educational Broadcasting Corp - Educational P.O. Box 1313, New York, NY 2,087.00 54984 6/30/2003 Broadcasting Corporation 10019 Educational Broadcasting Corp - Educational P.O. Box 1313, New York, NY 42500 54985 6/30/2003 Broadcasting Corporation 10019 Elderhostel, Inc I I Avenue De Lafayette, Boston, 50.00 54986 6/30/2003 MA 021 11 Igin Symphony Orchestra Association 20 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120 350.00 54987 6/30/2003

Eli & Bessie Cohen Hillel Academy 6 Community Rd, Marblehead, MA 40000 54988 6/30/2003 01945-2706 Elim Care, Inc. 7485 Office Ridge Circle, Eden 2,00000 54989 6/30/2003 Prairie, MN 55344-3636 Elm Shakespeare Company P.O Box 206029, New Haven, CT 250.00 54990 6/30/2003 06520 Emelin Theatre for the Performing Arts, Inc. 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck, 7500 54991 6/30/2003 NY 10543 Emergency Foodshelf Network Inc 6714 Walker Street, St Louis Park, 2500 54992 6/30/2003 MN 55426 Emerson College 100 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 25.00 54993 6/30/2003 02116 Emmanuel School of Religion One Walker Dr., Johnson City, TN 2,250.00 54994 6/30/2003 37601 Emory University 809 Gatewood Road, Atlanta, GA 525.00 54995 6/30/2003 30322 Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore City 400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, 500.00 54996 6/30/2003 MD 21201 Enough Is Enough! 746 Walker Road, #116, Great 100.00 54997 6/30/2003 Falls, VA 22066 Entertainment Industry Foundation 11132 Ventura Blvd#40 1, Studio 200.00 54998 6/30/2003 City, CA 91604 Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated 257 Park Avenue South, New 25.00 54999 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 10 Oilepsy Foundation of Minnesota Inc 1600 University Avenue W. # 205, 1,000.00 55000 6/30/2003 St. Paul, M 55104 Epiphany School Foundation Inc 234 East 22nd Street, New York, 1,250.00 55001 6/30/2003 NY 10010

Page 106 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Episcopal Mission Society In the Diocese of New York - 3439 Main Highway, Coconut 2,000.00 55002 6/30/2003 St. Stephen's Episcopal Church and Day School Grove, FL 33133

Episcopal School In The City Of New York 35 East 69th Street, New York, NY 500 .00 55003 6/30/2003 10021 Esse Aficionado Inc 295 Convent Avenue # 26, New 50 .00 55004 6/30/2003 York, NY 10031 Ethan Allen Institute 4836 Kirby Mtn Rd, Concord, VT 100.00 55005 6/30/2003 05824-9798 Ethical Fieldston Fund 33 Central Park West, New York, 5000 55006 6/30/2003 NY 10023 Evangelical Lutheran Church In Amenca-Community 1900 11 th Avenue S , Minneapolis, 2,000.00 55007 6/30/2003 Emergency Service Meals on Wheels MN 55404 Evans Scholars Foundation One Briar Rd ., Golf, IL 60029 400.00 55008 6/30/2003 Exodus 4630 Munger Avenue, #I 10, 2,500.00 55009 6/30/2003 Dallas, TX 75204 Ezras Torah Fund Inc Torah Relief Society 235 East Broadway, New York, 50.00 55010 6/30/2003 NY 10002-1218 F M S C Corp 6750 W Broadway Avenue, 25 .00 55011 6/30/2003 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Faith Tabernacle Food Pantry 2801 W 30th St, Zion, (L 60099- 1,40000 55012 6/30/2003 3021 Family Center Inc 66 Reade Street, New York, NY 25 .00 55013 6/30/2003 10007-1834 amily Foundation 830 East Main Street, Suite 1201, 1,394.00 55014 6/30/2003 0 Richmond, VA 23219 Family Hope Services, Incorporated 3315 Ferribrook Lane No, 150 .00 55015 6/30/2003 Plymouth, MN 55447 Family Matters Inc 7731 N Marshfield Ave , Chicago, 145 .00 55016 6/30/2003 IL 60626 Family Service Center of Wilmette Glenview Northbrook 1167 Wilmette Ave, Wilmette, IL 50 .00 55017 6/30/2003 Kenilworth 60091 Family Service League of Suffolk County Inc 790 Park Ave., Huntington, NY 100.00 55018 6/30/2003 11743 Family Services Inc 6 10 Coliseum Drive, Winston 90 .00 55019 6/30/2003 Salem, NC 27106 Family Support Network 1821 University ave Suite 2025, St . 10000 55020 6/30/2003 Paul, M`N 55104 Family Violence Center Inc 11 20 University Ave, Green Bay, 75 .00 55021 6/30/2003 WI 54302 Farm Sanctuary, Inc . 3150 Aikens Road, Watkins Glen, 50 .00 55022 6/30/2003 NY 14891 Father Flanagan's Boys'Home 14 100 Crawford, Boys Town, NE 185.00 55023 6/30/2003 68010 Fay School, Inc . 48 Main Street, Southborough, MA 500 .00 55024 6/30/2003 01772 Feed The Children Inc 333 N. Meridian, Oklahoma City, 85 .00 55025 6/30/2003 OK 73 101 Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Inc PO Box 142, Bloomfield, CT 250 .00 55026 6/30/2003 06002-1424 larst Choice Women's Resource Centers 82 Speedwell Avenue, Morristown, 30 .00 55027 6/30/2003 NJ 07960 Fish Middleton Jazz Scholarship Fund Inc P.O. Box 1768, Silver Spring, MD, 50.00 55028 6/30/2003 20915

Page 107 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Fisk University 1000 17th Ave North, Nashville, 5000 55029 6/30/2003 TN 37208 Florida Research Institute For Equine Nurturing Devel & 1840 NE 65 Court, Fort 2,34500 55030 6/30/2003 Safety Lauderdale, FL 33308-1055 Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, Inc P 0 Box 2000, Boys Ranch, FL 10000 55031 6/30/2003 32060 Florida Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics Florida, H 05 Citrus Tower Blvd, Clermont, 3000 55032 6/30/2003 Inc. FL 34711-1905 Florida Wildlife Federation PO Box 6870, Tallahassee, FL 6000 55033 6/30/2003 32314-6870 Focus Hope 1355 Oakman Boulevard, Detroit, 35 .00 55034 6/30/2003 MI 48238 Focus On The Family 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado 47500 55035 6/30/2003 Springs, CO 80920 Food Allergy Network 10400 Eaton Place, Fairfax, VA 100.00 55036 6/30/2003 22030-2208 Food Bank of Oakland County - Oakland County Food 120 E. Columbia, Pontiac, MI 20000 55037 6/30/2003 Bank 48343 Food Bank of the Hudson Valley 195 Hudson Street, Cornwall On 2500 55038 6/30/2003 Hudson, NY 12520 Food For The Hungry Inc P 0 Box 12349, Scottsdale, AZ 7500 55039 6/30/2003 85267-9917 Food for the Poor, Inc 550 SW 12th Ave, Bldg 4, 52500 55040 6/30/2003 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 rbes Regional Hospital - Forbes Hospice 6655 Frankstown Rd, Pittsburgh, 50.00 55041 6/30/2003 00 PA 15206 Fordham Preparatory School East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 50000 55042 6/30/2003 10458-5175 Fordham University 1] 3 West 60th Street, New York, 1,726.00 55043 6/30/2003 NY 10023 Foundation for Public Broadcasting in Georgia, Inc. 260 14th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 50.00 55044 6/30/2003 30318 Foundation for Santa Barbara City College 721 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 250.00 55045 6/30/2003 93109 Foundation for the Conservation of Arizonas Wildlife 2221 W Greenway Rd, Phoenix, 25000 55046 6/30/2003 AZ 85023-4312 Foundation of La Jolla High School 750 Nautilus Street, La Jolla, CA 500.00 55047 6/30/2003 92037 Foundation Of The State University Of New York At PO Box 6005, Binghamton, NY 50.00 55048 6/30/2003 Binghamton Inc 13902-6005 Fountain Hills Community Theater Inc PO Box 18312, Fountain Hills, AZ 700.00 55049 6/30/2003 85269-8312 Fox Chase Cancer Center 7701 Burholme Avenue, 50.00 55050 6/30/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19111 Framelme 145 Ninth Street, San Francisco, 4500 55051 6/30/2003 CA 94103-3809 Francis W. Parker School 330 West Webster, Chicago, IL 1,650.00 55052 6/30/2003 60614 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation - Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesm West, Scottsdale, AZ 3,000.00 55053 6/30/2003 oundation, The 85261 ed Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 1100 Fairview Avenue N LY-20, 40.00 55054 6/30/2003 Seattle, WA 98109-1024 Fremont Community Health Services 3300 Fremont Ave N, Minneapolis, 100.00 55055 6/30/2003 MN 55412-2405

Page 108 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Fresh Air Fund, The 633 Third Avenue, 14 Floor, New 5000 55056 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Fresh Air Inc 1808 Riverside Avenue, 107.00 55057 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55454 Fresh Air Society 6735 Telegraph Rd Ste 380, 2500 55058 6/30/2003 Bloomfield, MI 48301-3179 Friends of Eastern Foundation Station #8, Portales, NM 88130 50000 55059 6/30/2003 Friends Of John Jay Homestead - Friends of the John Jay P 0 Box 148, Katonah, NY 10536- 10000 55060 6/30/2003 Homestead Inc 0148 Fnends of Lasalle Language Academy Inc 1734 N Orleans St, Chicago, IL 75000 55061 6/30/2003 60614-5720 Friends of Lord Stirling Stable PO Box 240, Basking Ridge, NJ 70000 55062 6/30/2003 07920-0240 Friends of Seven 3911 South Regal, Spokane, WA 4000 55063 6/30/2003 99223 Friends of South High Foundation Inc 3131-19th Avenue South, 10000 55064 6/30/2003 Mineapolis, MN 55407 Friends Of The Encino-Tarzana Branch Library 18231 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 25 .00 55065 6/30/2003 91356-3630 Friends of the Franklin Lakes Public Library 470 De Korte Drive, Franklin 50000 55066 6/30/2003 Lakes, NJ 07417 Friends of the Israel Defense Forces 29 East Madison, Suite 1514, 2,000.00 55067 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60602 Friends Of The Minneapolis Public Library 250 Marquette Avenue South # 200.00 55068 6/30/2003 400, Minneapolis, NIN 55401 Onends of the Mississippi River 46 E. Exchange Street, Suite 606, 2500 55069 6/30/2003 St Paul, MN 55 101 Friends of the National Zoo c/o The National Zoological Park, 8800 55070 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20008 Fnends Of The Parks And Trails Of St. Paul And Ramsey 1621 Beechwood Avenue, St Paul, 4200 55071 6/30/2003 County MN 55116-2409 Friends of the Petaluma Animal Shelter Inc PO Box 751191, Petaluma, CA 4500 55072 6/30/2003 94975-1191 Friends of the Rogers Memonal Library 91 Coopers Farm Road, 50.00 55073 6/30/2003 Southampton, NY 11968-4832 Friends of the St. Paul Public Library 325 Cedar Street, Suite 555, Saint 138.00 55074 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55101-1055 Friends Of The Torpedo Factory Art Center Inc 105 North Union Street, 87400 55075 6/30/2003 Alexandria, VA 22314-3217 Friendship Venture Dba Childrens Disability Service - 10509 108th St., N.W., Annandale, 170.00 55077 6/30/2003 Friendship Ventures N4N 55302 Frontier Theatre 3553 Garfield Avenue South, 50000 55078 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55408 Frost Valley YMCA 298 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, 25.00 55079 6/30/2003 NJ 07042 Gala Choruses Inc P.O. Box 65084, Washington, DC 5000 55080 6/30/2003 20035 Gannon University 109 University Square, Erie, PA 500.00 55081 6/30/2003 16541 ay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation 5455 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1500, 1,500.00 55082 6/30/2003 Los Angeles, CA 90036 40a: & Lesiban Community Center Of Greater Fort PO Box 70518, Ft Lauderdale, FL 36.00 55083 6/30/2003 Lauderdale Inc 33307-0518

Page 109 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0- Gay Mens Health Cnsis Inc The Tisch Building, New York, 175 .00 55084 6/30/2003 NY 100 1 ]- 1913 General Council on Finance & Admins of the United 4845 NE 25 Avenue, Fort 1,00000 55085 6/30/2003 Methodist Church - Chnst Church School Lauderdale, FL 33308 Geneseo Foundation Inc I College Cir Erwin 202, Geneseo, 10000 55086 6/30/2003 NY 14454-1401 Genesis Jobs Inc 2629 Huntingdon Ave, Baltimore, 10000 55087 6/30/2003 MD 21211-31 11 Geneva College 3200 College Avenue, Beaver 3000 55088 6/30/2003 Falls, PA 15010 George Washington University 2033 K Street NW, Suite 3 10, 2500 55089 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20006 Georgetown University Alumni Association Inc Department Number 0733, 8,25000 55090 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20073-0733 Georgia Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics 3772 Pleasantdale Road, Ste 195, 55.00 55091 6/30/2003 Georgia, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30340 Georgia Tech Foundation Inc Georgia Institute of Technology, 10000 55092 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30332-9806

Gilda's Club Of Metro Detroit 3517 Rochester Road, Royal Oak, 425 .00 55093 6/30/2003 MI 48023 Girl Scout Council Inc-Anzona Cactus-Pine 119 East Coronado Road, Phoenix, 10000 55094 6/30/2003 AZ 85004 Girl Scout Council Of Greater Minneapolis 3 10 East 38th Street, Minneapolis, 100.00 55095 6/30/2003 MN 55409 lairl Scout Council of Greater Minneapolis 5601 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn 100.00 55096 6/30/2003 Center, MN 55429 Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia Inc 1577 Northeast Expressway, 10000 55097 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30329 Girl Scout Council Of St. Croix Valley 400 S. Robert Street, St Paul, MN 500.00 55098 6/30/2003 55107 Girl Scouts Connecticut Trails Council Inc 20 Washington Avenue, North 25.00 55099 6/30/2003 Haven, CT 06473 Girl Scouts of America - Illinois Crossroads Council, Inc. 650 N. Lakeview Parkway, Vernon 50.00 55100 6/30/2003 Hills, IL 60061-8116 Girl Scouts of Westchester - Putnam, Inc. 2 Great Oak Lane, Pleasantville, 150.00 55101 6/30/2003 NY 10570 Girl Scouts Peacepipe Council P 0. Box 156, Redwood Falls, MN 75.00 55102 6/30/2003 56283-0156 Global Partners for Development 6040 Commerce Blvd Ste 105, 3,550.00 55103 6/30/2003 Rohnert Park, CA 94928-2181 God's Love We Deliver, Inc. 166 Avenue of the Americas, New 50.00 55104 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 13 Good Counsel, Inc. PO Box 6068, Hoboken, NJ 07030 100.00 55105 6/30/2003

Goodwill Industries, Inc. 553 Fairview Avenue N, St. Paul, 15000 55106 6/30/2003 MN 55108 Gorilla Foundation P. 0. Box 620530, Woodside, CA 90.00 55107 6/30/2003 94061 oshen College 1700 S. Main Street, Goshen, IN 200.00 55108 6/30/2003 46526 eoucher College 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, 25 .00 55109 6/30/2003 Baltimore, MD 21204-2794

Page 110 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Grameeni Foundation USA 1029 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 400, 7,00000 55110 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20006 Grand Canyon Trust - Grand Canyon Trust, The 2601 N Fort Valley Road, 40000 55111 6/30/2003 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Grand View College 1200 Grandview Avenue, Des 100.00 55112 6/30/2003 Moines, IA 50316 Grandview Christian Ministries 800 Second Ave NW, Cambridge, 1,000.00 55113 6/30/2003 MN 55008-1034 Granite School District - Oakwood Elementary School 58 15 South Highland Drive, Salt 29000 55114 6/30/2003 Lake City, UT 84121 Greater Atlanta Christian Schools Inc 1575 Indian Trail Road, Norcross, 1,00000 55115 6/30/2003 GA 30093 Greater Chicago Food Depository 4501 S Tripp Ave, Chicago, IL 105.00 55116 6/30/2003 60632 Greater Cleveland Committee On Hunger 1331 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 1,280.00 55117 6/30/2003 44115-1819 Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity Inc PO Box 1172, Green Bay, WI 100.00 55118 6/30/2003 54305-1172 Greater Miami Jewish Federation 4200 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, 700.00 55119 6/30/2003 FL 33137 Greater Miami Opera Inc - Florida Grand Opera 1200 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33145 25000 55120 6/30/2003

Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches-Minnesota 100 1 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, 70500 55121 6/30/2003 Food Share MN 55407-0509 reater Minneapolis Council of Churches-Minnesota 100 1 E Lake Street, Minneapolis, 22500 55122 6/30/2003 elood Share MN 55407-0509 Green Lake Elementary School PTA 2400 N 65th, Seattle, WA 98103 10000 55123 6/30/2003 Greensboro Independent School Corporation - 5401 Lawndale Drive, Greensboro, 20000 55124 6/30/2003 Greensboro Day School NC 27455 Greensboro Music Academy Foundation Incorporated 1327 Beaman Place, Greensboro, 2,50000 55125 6/30/2003 NC 27408-8723 Greenwich Hospital Association 5 Penyridge Road, Greenwich, CT 25.00 55126 6/30/2003 06830 Greyhound Pets of America 3525 Manassas Ave, Melbourne, 15000 55127 6/30/2003 FL 32934-8350 Groton School Corp. P 0. Box 991, Groton, MA 01450 10000 55128 6/30/2003 Group for the South Fork, Inc. P. 0. Box 569, Bndgehampton, NY 5000 55129 6/30/2003 11932 Guideposts A Church Corporation - Peale Center for 66 E Main Street, Pawling, NY 25.00 55130 6/30/2003 Christian Living 12564 Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Inc. 611 Granite Springs Road, 200.00 55131 6/30/2003 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Guild For The Blind 180 N. Michigan, Suite 1700, 1,000.00 55132 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60601-7463 Guilford Crisis Pregnancy Ministries, Inc. 917 N. Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 50000 55133 6/30/2003 27401 Gustavus Adolphus College 800 West College Ave., St. Peter, 650.00 55134 6/30/2003 MN 56082 Guthrie Theatre Foundation 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, 1,350.00 55135 6/30/2003 MN 55403 &bitat for Humanity International Inc P.O. Box 159, Nashua, NH 0306 1 - 100.00 55136 6/30/2003 0159 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 27475 Ynez Rd # 390, Temebula, 100.00 55137 6/30/2003 CA 92591-4612

Page 111 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 621 W Lester Street, Tucson, AZ 50.00 55138 6/30/2003 85705 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 322 West Lamar Street, Americus, 1,50500 55139 6/30/2003 GA 31709-3498 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 322 West Lamar Street, Amencus, 850.00 55140 6/30/2003 GA 31709-3498 Habitat for Humanity of Collier County 11550 East Tarmarm Trail, Naples, 1,875.00 55141 6/30/2003 FL 34112 Hadassah The Womens Zionist Organization Of Amenca- 10 13 Diamond Head Way, Palm 1,724.00 55142 6/30/2003 Hadassah Hatikvah Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of 4820 Minnetonka Blvd #407, 5000 55143 6/30/2003 America, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55416 Hale Elementary School 1220 East 54th Street, 5000 55144 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55417 Hamline University 1536 Hewitt Avenue C- 1917, 100.00 55145 6/30/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284 Hampden Township Volunteer Fire Company 295 South Sporting Hill Road, 25.00 55146 6/30/2003 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Hanover Food Shelf 11 024 Church St. NE, P. 0. Box 8, 600.00 55147 6/30/2003 Hanover, MN 55341 Hatzilu Rescue Organization Inc 3500 Steven Rd, Baldwin, NY 100.00 55148 6/30/2003 11510-5048 Have A Heart Childrens Cancer Society Inc 2938 Hempstead Turnpike, Suite 25.00 55149 6/30/2003 217, Levittown, NY 11756 waii Alliance for Arts In Education 2445 Kaala St, Honolulu, HI 96822 20000 55150 6/30/2003 0a 2204 Hawaii Public Radio 738 Kaheka Street, Honolulu, HI 35.00 55151 6/30/2003 96814-3726 Hawaii Public Television Foundation 2350 Dole Street, Honolulu, HI 35.00 55152 6/30/2003 96822-2410 Hazelden Foundation P. 0. Box 11, Center City, M-N 5000 55153 6/30/2003 55012-0011 Healthcare Foundation of Cape Cod Inc 350 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 100.00 55154 6/30/2003 02540 Healtheast Foundation 1690 University, Suite 250, St. 150.00 55155 6/30/2003 Paul, M 55104-3729 Hebrew Academy Of Cleveland 1860 S Taylor Rd, Cleveland, OH 25 .00 55156 6/30/2003 44118-5300 Hebrew Academy Of West Queens 88 01 102nd Street, Richmond Hill, 25 .00 55157 6/30/2003 NY 11418-2114 Heifer Project International, Inc. 425 West Capital Avenue, Little 1,345 .00 55158 6/30/2003 Rock, AR 72201-3440 Help Hospitalized Veterans 36585 Penfield Lane, Winchester, 25 .00 55159 6/30/2003 CA 92596 Helping Paws Of Minnesota Inc I I Seventh Avenue North, 600.00 55160 6/30/2003 Hopkins, M 55343-0634 Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum, Inc. Rt 52, Winterthur, DE 19735 5,000.00 551616/30/2003 Henry Sibley High School 1897 Delaware Avenue, Mendota 25.00 55162 6/30/2003 Heights, MN 55118 entage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave NE, 500.00 55163 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 200024999 40HT Foundation International Inc PO Box 8087, New Haven, CT 300.00 55164 6/30/2003 06530-0087

Page 112 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Hilton Head Orchestra Inc PO Drawer 5757, Hilton Head 1,25000 55165 6/30/2003 Island, SC 29938 Himalayan Healthcare Inc P 0 Box 737, New York, NY 10000 55166 6/30/2003 10024 Historic Beaufort Foundation P 0 Box 11, Beaufort, SC 29901 1,000.00 55167 6/30/2003 History Theatre, Inc 30 E 10th St , St Paul, MN 55101 25.00 55168 6/30/2003

Hmong Amencan Partnership 1075 Arcade St , St Paul, M-N 100.00 55169 6/30/2003 55106 Hmong National Development Inc It 12 16th Street NW, Suite I 10, 20000 55170 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Hollins College P 0 Box 9629, Roanoke, VA 50.00 55171 6/30/2003 24020-1629 Hollywood Historical Society Inc 1520 Polk Street, Hollywood, FL 40000 55172 6/30/2003 33020-5246 Holmdel Youth Activities Association PO Box 49, Holmdel, NJ 07733- 25.00 55173 6/30/2003 0049 Holy Innocents Episcopal School Inc 805 Mt Vernon Highway, NW, 250.00 55174 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30327 Holy Trinity Schools P 0. Box 9, Winsted, MN 55395- 300.00 55175 6/30/2003 0009 Home of the Good Shepherd 5 100 Hodgson Rd , St Paul, MN 150.00 55176 6/30/2003 55126 Home Park Community Improvement Association Inc 1015 Tumlin St NW, Atlanta, GA 30000 55177 6/30/2003 30318 Gope College 141 East 12th Street, PO Box 9000, 50.00 55178 6/30/2003 Holland, MI 49422 Horace Mann-Bamard School 231 West 246 St., Bronx, NY 1,500.00 55179 6/30/2003 10471 Horizon Foundation Inc 13 Martin Lane, Sicklerville, NJ 385.00 55180 6/30/2003 08081-4480 Horizons Initiative, Inc 90 Cushing Ave, Dorchester, MA 1,11300 55181 6/30/2003 02125 Hortons Kids Inc 4704 South 3 1 st, Arlington, VA 500.00 55182 6/30/2003 22206 Hospice and Palliative Care of Metropolitan Washington - 9300 Lee Highway - 5th Floor, 30.00 55183 6/30/2003 Hospice of the National Capital Region Fair-fax, VA 22031-1207

Hospice Care of the Lowcountry Inc 20 Palmetto Pky Ste 104, Hilton 5,000.00 55184 6/30/2003 Head, SC 29926-3759 Hospice of Baltimore Inc 6701 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 5000 55185 6/30/2003 21204-6808 Hospice of Martin & St Lucie Inc 1201 SE Indian Street, Stuart, FL 50.00 55186 6/30/2003 34997 Hospice Support Care of Williamsburg Inc 4445 Powhatan Parkway, 25.00 55187 6/30/2003 Williamsburg, VA 23188 Hotchkiss School - Hotchkiss School, The PO Box 800, Lakeville, CT 06039- 100.00 55188 6/30/2003 0800 House Of Chanty Inc 5 1 0 S. 8th St., Minneapolis, NfN 25.00 55189 6/30/2003 55407 sing Opportunifies & Maintenance For The Elderly 5414 B. West Roosevelt Rd., 100.00 55190 6/30/2003 Onocu Chicago, IL 60644 Houston Food Bank 3 811 Eastex Freeway, Houston, TX 1,000.00 55191 6/30/2003 77026

Page 113 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Hudson Link for Higher Education In Prison Inc PO Box 862, Ossining, NY 10562 2500 55 192 6/30/2003 Hudson Opera House Inc 327 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 5000 55193 6/30/2003 12534-0316 Humane Society for Companion Animals 1115 Beulah Lane, St Paul, M-N 37500 55194 6/30/2003 55108 Humane Society Of Baltimore County Inc 1601 Nicodemus Road, 500.00 55195 6/30/2003 Reisterstown, MD 21136 Humane Society Of Broward County 2070 Griffin Rd , Ft Lauderdale, 2,255.00 55196 6/30/2003 FL 33312 Humane Society Of The United States 2 100 L Street, N.W ., Washington, 28000 55197 6/30/2003 DC 20037 Humane Society Of Utah 4242 S 300 W, PO Box 573659, 100.00 55198 6/30/2003 Salt Lake City, UT 84154 Humane Society Of Wright County 4375 Highway 55 SE, Buffalo, MN 32500 55199 6/30/2003 55313 Hunter College High School Parents Teachers 71 East 94th Street, New York 936.00 55200 6/30/2003 Association City, NY 10 128 Huntington Hospital Association 270 Park Ave, Huntington, NY 10000 55201 6/30/2003 11743 Ice Skating Institute of America Education Foundation - 1328 Highway 96, White Bear 50000 55202 6/30/2003 City Of White Bear Lake Sports Center Lake, MN 55110 Illinois Women Involved In Nurturing Giving Sharing 975 S Durkin Drive, Springfield, IL 250.00 55204 6/30/2003 Inc 62704-8902 Immaculate Conception Seminary 171 Clifton Avenue, Newark, NJ 2,275.00 55205 6/30/2003 07104 Defense Of Animals 131 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA 6000 55206 6/30/2003 94941-2254 In Series, Inc 2801 Upton Street, NW, 125.00 55207 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20008 Incarnate Word Academy 2788 Normandy Drive, St. Louis, 100.00 55208 6/30/2003 MO 63121 Indiana University Foundation P. 0. Box 2298, Bloomington, IN 200.00 55209 6/30/2003 47402 Inland Northwest Health Services - Children's Miracle PO Box 304, Spokane, WA 992 10- 25.00 55210 6/30/2003 Network 0304 Interfaith Care Alliance P.O. Box 16529, Austin, TX 78761 25.00 55211 6/30/2003

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners I 10 Grand Avenue S , Wayzata, 100.00 55212 6/30/2003 MN 55391 International Campaign For Tibet 1825 K Street NW, Suite 520, 50.00 55213 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20006 International Fund For Animal Welfare 41 1 Main Street, Yarmouth Port, 85.00 55214 6/30/2003 MA 02675 International Justice Mission PO Box 58147, Washington, DC 300.00 55215 6/30/2003 20037 International Orthodox Christian Charities Inc I 10 West Road, Suite 360, 54000 55216 6/30/2003 Baltimore, MID 21204-2365 International Planned Parenthood Federation 120 Wall Street, 9th floor, New 150.00 55217 6/30/2003 York City, NY 10005-3902 ritemational Relief Association 17300 W. Ten Mile, Southfield, MI 250.00 55218 6/30/2003 48075 Ontemational Rescue Committee Inc c/o Matching Gift Dept., New 675.00 55219 6/30/2003 York, NY 10 168-1289

Page 114 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Dale 0 Number Iona College 715 Nor-th Avenue, New Rochelle, 10,90000 55220 6/30/2003 NY 10801 Iowa Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics Iowa 3737 Woodland Ave Room Suite 2500 55221 6/30/2003 325, West Des Moines, IA 50266- 1937 Iowa State University Foundation Alumni Suite, Memorial Union, 10000 55222 6/30/2003 Ames, IA 50014-7164 Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch Inc 7291 CR 6, SW, Stewartville, MN 200.00 55223 6/30/2003 55976 Isabel Gotzkowsky and Friends Inc 1780 First Ave, New York, NY 15000 55224 6/30/2003 10128-6956 James Dick Foundation for the Performing Arts P.O. Box 89, Round Top, TX 200.00 55225 6/30/2003 78954-0089 Jane Goodall Institute P 0 Box 14890, Silver Spring, MD 5000 55226 6/30/2003 20911 Japan Aikido Assocation USA 5752 S. Kingston Way, 50000 55227 6/30/2003 Englewood, CO 80111 Japanese American Citizens League 1765 Sutter Street, San Francisco, 3,47500 55228 6/30/2003 CA 94115 Jawaahir Dance Company 1940 Hennepin Avenue, 30000 55229 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Jazz at Lincoln Center Inc 33 West 60th Street, New York, 75.00 55230 6/30/2003 NY 10023-6969 Jean Lyle Childrens Center 130 North Howell Ave, St. Paul, 200.00 55231 6/30/2003 MN 55104 10ewish Community Center of the Greater St Paul Area 1375 St Paul Avenue, St. Paul, 25.00 55232 6/30/2003 MN 55116 Jewish Community Center On The Upper West Side 334 Amsterdam Avenue, New 500.00 55233 6/30/2003 York, NY 10023 Jewish Community Day School Scholarship Fund 12701 N. Scottsdale Road # 20 1, 625.00 55234 6/30/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Jewish Community Federation Of Cleveland 1750 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 900.00 55235 6/30/2003 44115-2106 Jewish Council For Public Affairs 443 Park Avenue South, New 1,250.00 55236 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 16 Jewish Family & Childrens Service 4220 N. 20th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 200.00 55237 6/30/2003 85015 Jewish Family & Childrens Service - Jewish Family & 13 100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 400, 425.00 55238 6/30/2003 Childrens Service of Minneapolis Minnetonka, MN 55305 Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles - 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800, 50.00 55239 6/30/2003 United Jewish Fund Los Angeles, CA 90048 Jewish Federation Of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike, South 2,200.00 55240 6/30/2003 River, NJ 08882 Jewish Federation Of Greater Phoenix 12701 North Scottsdale Road # 6,000.00 55241 6/30/2003 201, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Inc 9901 Donna Klein Blvd., Boca 2,600.00 55242 6/30/2003 Raton, FL 33428 Jewish Historical Society Of Upper Midwest Inc Sholom Home East, Minneapolis, 25 .00 55243 6/30/2003 MN 55416 -wish National Fund -Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Inc 60 Revere Drive, Northbrook, IIL 2,000.00 55244 6/30/2003 60062 0ewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago I South Franklin Street, Chicago, 11,375.00 55245 6/30/2003 IL 60606

Page 115 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 John Carroll University, Inc. 20700 North Park Blvd , University 2,50000 55246 6/30/2003 Heights, OH 44118 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts P.O. Box 10808, Arlington, VA 467.00 55247 6/30/2003 22210 John G Shedd Aquarium Society 1200 S. Lake Shore Drive, 13000 55248 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60605 Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street, 63000 55249 6/30/2003 Baltimore, MD 21218 Johnson Bible College 7900 Johnson Drive, Knoxville, 10000 55250 6/30/2003 TN 37998 Judson College, A Baptist Institution 1151 N State Street, Elgin, I L 25000 55251 6/30/2003 60123 Jumpstart for Young Children Inc 505 8th Ave, Suite 2207, New 675 .00 55252 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 18 Jungle Theatre 711 West Lake St., Minneapolis, 180.00 55253 6/30/2003 MN 55408 Juniata College 1700 Moore Street, Huntingdon, 120.00 55254 6/30/2003 PA 16652 Junior Achievement The Dana Warp Mill, Westbrook, 2500 55255 6/30/2003 ME 04092 Junior Achievement of East TN 4930 Lyons View Drive, 25000 55256 6/30/2003 Knoxville, TN 37919 Junior Achievement of Hawn 1136 Union Hall , Suite 3 10, 96000 55257 6/30/2003 Honolulu, HI 96813 nior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,106.00 55258 6/30/2003 0 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,24000 55259 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 875.00 55260 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,330.00 55261 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 95000 55262 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 903.00 55263 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 885.00 55264 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,500.00 55265 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 905.00 55266 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 795.00 55267 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 871 .00 55268 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 725.00 55269 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 580.00 55270 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 mor Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 920.00 55271 6/30/2003 0 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 775.00 55272 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17

Page 116 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number I Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,08500 55273 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 99000 55274 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,15700 55275 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 87500 55276 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 90500 55277 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 910.00 55278 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 78000 55279 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 83000 55280 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,150.00 55281 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 93500 55282 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,105.00 55283 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,24500 55284 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 nior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,055.00 55285 6/30/2003 0 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,03000 55286 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,13400 55287 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,373 .00 55288 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,135 .00 55289 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 780.00 55290 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,325 .00 55291 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,17500 55292 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 840.00 55293 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,070.00 55294 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,13000 55295 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,30000 55296 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 980.00 55297 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 nior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 925.00 55298 6/30/2003 0 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,020.00 55299 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17

Page 117 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,20000 55300 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,10000 55301 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,12800 55302 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,257.00 55303 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 1,23800 55304 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 1,30900 55305 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 61500 55306 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of South Florida 2335 East Atlantic Blvd., 2nd 1,79000 55307 6/30/2003 Floor, Pompano Beach, FL 33062

Junior Achievement of South Florida 2335 East Atlantic Blvd , 2nd 8000 55308 6/30/2003 Floor, Pompano Beach, FL 33062

Junior League of Baltimore Inc 3818 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, 700.00 55309 6/30/2003 MD 21211 Junior League of Wilmington Inc 1801 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 5000 55310 6/30/2003 19802-4810 venile Diabetes Foundation 6901 Vista Drive, West Des 25.00 55311 6/30/2003 & Moines, IA 50266 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 432 Park Avenue South, New 50.00 55312 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 16 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 1415 Sunrise Blvd, Suite 504, Ft. 7500 553 13 6/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33304 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Englewood 560 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood 75.00 55314 6/30/2003 Cliffs, NJ 07632 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 500 North Dearborn, Chicago, IL 35.00 55315 6/30/2003 60610 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 105.00 55316 6/30/2003 10005 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 53000 55317 6/30/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International 1628 East Morehead Street, 100.00 55318 6/30/2003 Charlotte, NC 28207 Kansas State University Foundation 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, 150.00 55319 6/30/2003 Manhattan, KS 66502-2911 Kansas University Endowment Assoc P.0 Box 928, Lawrence, KS 3,04000 55320 6/30/2003 66044-0928 Kathy Giusti Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Inc I I Forest Street, New Canaan, CT 900.00 55321 6/30/2003 06840-6613 KBEM-Mmneapolis Public Schools 1555 James Ave. NO., 85 .00 55322 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55411 KCET Community Television Of Southern California - 4401 Sunset Boulevard, Los 200.00 55323 6/30/2003 CET Public Broadcasting of Southern California Angeles, CA 90027 CTS Association 401 Mercer Street, Seattle, WA 25.00 55324 6/30/2003 40 98109 Kennedy-Krieger Children's Hospital Inc - Kennedy- 707 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 25.00 55325 6/30/2003 Krieger Institute 21205

Page 118 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number KentSchool I Macedonia Road, Kent, CT 5,00000 55326 6/30/2003 06757 Keshet 425 Hueh I Road # 13 B, 78600 55327 6/30/2003 Northbrook, IL 60062 Kidney Cancer Association - National Kidney Cancer 1234 Shennan Avenue, Suite 203, 3000 55328 6/30/2003 Association Evanston, IL 60202-1375 Kids World, Inc 1408 Robbins Street, Sac City, IA 800.00 55329 6/30/2003 50583 Kindhearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development PO Box 233 10, Toledo, OH 43623- 10000 55330 6/30/2003 9998 Kindness Is Doing Something Special For Kids, Inc. 3907 Kiess Drive, Glenview, IL 5000 55331 6/30/2003 60025 King Of Kings Lutheran Church - King Of Kings 2330 N Dale St, Roseville, MN 100.00 55332 6/30/2003 Lutheran School 55113-4510 Kiwarns Ambulance Service Of Boonton Inc 150 Lathrop Avenue, Booton, NJ 17500 55333 6/30/2003 07005 Knox College Two East South Street, Galesburg, 61500 55334 6/30/2003 IL 61401 KQED, Inc. 2601 Manposa Street, San 7000 55335 6/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94110-1400 KTEH-TV Foundation 1585 Schallenberger Road, San 25.00 55336 6/30/2003 Jose, CA 95131-2434 KUOW-Puget Sound Public Radio 4518 University Way NE #3 10, 7500 55337 6/30/2003 Seattle, WA 98105-4535 vie Inc 2595 Capitol Oaks Dr., 52500 55338 6/30/2003 0 Sacramento, CA 95833-2926 La Salle University 1900 W Olney Ave, Box 809, 4,00000 55339 6/30/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19141 Lake Country School Montesson Learning Environments 3755 Pleasant Ave. S , 1,000.00 55340 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Lake County Humane Society 7564 Tyler Blvd, Mentor, OH 30.00 55341 6/30/2003 44060-4870 Lake Forest College 555 N. Sheridan & College Road, 250.00 55342 6/30/2003 Lake Forest, IL 60045 Lake Placid Sinfornetta Inc P.O. Box 1303, Lake Placid, NY 125 .00 55343 6/30/2003 12946-5303 Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua Ltd P.O. Box 455, Washburn, WI 50.00 55344 6/30/2003 54891-0455 Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. 120 Wall Street, Suite 1500, New 300.00 55345 6/30/2003 York, NY 10005-3904 Lance Armstrong Foundation, Inc P 0. Box 161150, Austin, TX 175.00 55346 6/30/2003 78716-1150 Lawrence Hospital Center 55 Palmer Avenue, Bronxville, NY 200.00 55347 6/30/2003 10708 Lawrence University of Wisconsin P.O. Box 2697, Appleton, WI 1,075.00 55348 6/30/2003 54912 League of Volunteers of Newark California 35233-C Newark Blvd, Newark, 25.00 55349 6/30/2003 CA 94560 League of Women Voters - Minneapolis Education Fund 81 S. Nineth Street, Suite 335, 500.00 55350 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Oather Archives and Museum 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, 50.00 55351 6/30/2003 IL 60626-5006 Leech Lake Area Watershed Foundation 07316 State 371 NW, Walker, NiN 500.00 55352 6/30/2003 56484-2000

Page 119 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date I Number Legal Information For Families Today 350 Broadway, Suite 1203, New 5000 55353 6/30/2003 York, NY 10013-3911 Lehigh University Development Off-ice, Bethlehem, 57500 55354 6/30/2003 PA 18015 Lehigh Valley Public Telecommunications Corp - WLVT Attn Matching Gifts, Bethlehem, 25.00 55355 6/30/2003 TV, Channel 39 PA 18015-4799 Les Turner Amyothropic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation 8142 N Lawndale Avenue, Skokie, 5,22500 55356 6/30/2003 IL 60076 Les Turner Amyothropic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation 8142 N. Lawndale Avenue, Skokie, 4,900.00 55357 6/30/2003 IL 60076 Les Turner Amyothropic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation 8142 N Lawndale Avenue, Skokie, 1,48600 55358 6/30/2003 IL 60076 LeSea, Inc. - LeSea, Inc LeSea Global Feed the Hungry PO Box 12, South Bend, IN 46624 4000 55359 6/30/2003

Lesley College 29 Everett Street, Cambridge, MA 500.00 55360 6/30/2003 02138 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 800 Corporate Circle, Suite 100, 2500 55361 6/30/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17110 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 1311 Mamaroneck Ave, White 5000 55362 6/30/2003 Plains, NY 10605 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 6811 West 63rd Street, Ste 202, 50.00 55363 6/30/2003 Shawnee Mission, KS 66202 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 3325 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 64000 55364 6/30/2003 FL 33021 eukerma & Lymphoma Society Inc 6033 Century Blvd #300, Los 5000 55365 6/30/2003 is Angeles, CA 90045 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 8575 Gibbs Drive, Suite26.2, San 5000 55366 6/30/2003 Diego, CA 92123 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 12850 Spurling Drive, Suite 190, 25 .00 55367 6/30/2003 Dallas, TX 75230 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 2225 City Gate Drive, Columbus, 36500 55368 6/30/2003 OH 43219-3651 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 4053 Maple Road, Suite 110, 2500 55369 6/30/2003 Amherst, NY 14226 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 902 Westpoint Parkway, Ste 300, 35 .00 55370 6/30/2003 Cleveland, OH 44145 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 530 Dexter Avenue North, Seattle, 75 .00 55371 6/30/2003 WA 98109 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 5950 Fairview Rd Suite 250, 75 .00 55372 6/30/2003 Charlotte, NC 282 10 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 1390 Market Street, Suite 1200, 125.00 55373 6/30/2003 of America San Francisco, CA 94102-5306 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 5353 W. Darmouth Avenue L.L., 50.00 55374 6/30/2003 of America Denver, CO 80227 Leukemia Society of America 8600 LaSalle Rd, #314, Baltimore, 75.00 55375 6/30/2003 MD 21286 Leukemia Society of America 495 Old Connecticut Path Suite 30000 55376 6/30/2003 220, Framingham, MA 0 1701 Leukemia Society of America 45 Springfield Ave., Springfield, 350.00 55377 6/30/2003 NJ 07081 eukemia Society of America 555 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 5000 55378 6/30/2003 403, Melville, NY 11747 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 2990 E. Northern Ave., Suite EIOO, 625.00 55379 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85028

Page 120 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Leukemia Society Of America Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Flr, 1,16500 55380 6/30/2003 New York, NY 100 16 Leukemia Society Of Amenca Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Flr, 900.00 55381 6/30/2003 New York, NY 100 16 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 1421 E 12 Mile Road Bldg A, 50.00 55382 6/30/2003 Madison Heights, MI 48071 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 9143 Phillips Hwy # 130, 10000 55383 6/30/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 800 Corporate Circle Room #100, 2500 55384 6/30/2003 Harnsburg, PA 17110 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 3105 Fite Circler Suiteft 101, 25.00 55385 6/30/2003 Sacramento, CA 95827 Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Leukemia Society of 5217 Wayzata Blvd. #22 1, 717.00 55386 6/30/2003 America Minnesota Chapter Minneapolis, MN 55416 Leukemia Society of Amenca Inc 100 West Monroe, Suite 16 10, 10000 55387 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 Leukemia Society of Amenca Upstate NY Chapter 6 Automation Lane, Albany, NY 100.00 55388 6/30/2003 12205 Lial Elementary School 5700 Davis Road, Whitehouse, OH 500.00 55389 6/30/2003 43571 Liberty University, Inc. 1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, 20000 55390 6/30/2003 VA 24502 Lifeworks Services Inc 11 20 Centre Pointe Dnve, # 100, 275.00 55391 6/30/2003 Mendota Heights, M 55120 ncoln Park Zoological Society PO Box 14903, Chicago, IL 60614 700.00 55392 6/30/2003

Lindsborg Community Hospital 605 W Lincoln, Lindsborg, KS 2,000.00 55393 6/30/2003 67456-2328 Linfield College 900 SE Baker Street, Mcminnville, 4000 55394 6/30/2003 OR 97128-6894 Listeners Community Radio of Utah, Inc 1971 West North Temple, Salt 2500 55395 6/30/2003 Lake City, UT 84118 Literacy Volunteers Of America 120 Findeme Ave, Bridgewater, NJ 100.00 55396 6/30/2003 08807-3149 Literacy Volunteers of America - Reading Connections 122 N. Elm Street, Ste 910, 15000 55397 6/30/2003 Inc Greensboro, NC 27401-2818 Little Brothers-friends Of The Elderly 1845 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 1,060.00 55398 6/30/2003 55407 Little Brothers-friends Of The Elderly 1845 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 590.00 55399 6/30/2003 55407 Little Brothers-friends Of The Elderly 1845 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 665.00 55400 6/30/2003 55407 Little Brothers- fri ends Of The Elderly 1845 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 785.00 55401 6/30/2003 55407 Little Brothers-friends Of The Elderly 1845 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, M`N 375.00 55402 6/30/2003 55407 Little Sisters of the Poor 330 S. Exchange St., St. Paul, MN 50.00 55403 6/30/2003 55102 Little Sisters of the Poor of the State of Pennsylvania 1028 Benton Avenue, Pittsburgh, 50.00 55404 6/30/2003 PA 15212-1607 vingston County Helping Hands Inc P.O. Box 296, Smithland, KY 100.00 55405 6/30/2003 42081 Lofte Association Inc - Lofte Theatre PO Box 63, Manley, NE 68403- 100.00 55406 6/30/2003 0081

Page 121 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number f Long Island Alzheimers Foundation Inc 5 Channel Dnve, Port Washington, 4,00000 55407 6/30/2003 NY 11050 Long Island University Central Office University, 60000 55408 6/30/2003 Brookville, NY 11 548 Loras College 1450 Alta Vista Street, Dubuque, 40.00 55409 6/30/2003 IA 52001 Loring Community School 2600 44th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 9000 55410 6/30/2003 55412 Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Comminity Services 1625 N. Schrader Blvd., Los 3000 55411 6/30/2003 Center Inc - Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Community Angeles, CA 90028 Serv Los Angeles Orphans Home Society - Hollygrove Home 800 North Vine Street, Los 50000 55412 6/30/2003 for Children Angeles, CA 90038 Los Angeles S P C A - Society for the Prevention of 5026 West Jefferson Blvd, Los 25.00 55413 6/30/2003 Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles Angeles, CA 90016 Lowcountry Open Land Trust Inc 485 East Bay Street, Charleston, 10000 55414 6/30/2003 SC 29403-6230 Lowell Observatory 1400 West Mars Hill Road, 35.00 55415 6/30/2003 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Lowell School 11 20 S I st Ave, Phoenix, AZ 40000 55416 6/30/2003 85003-2604 Loyola College In Maryland Inc 4501 North Charles Street, 1,125.00 55417 6/30/2003 Baltimore, MID 21210-2699 Loyola High School of Los Angeles 1901 Venice Boulevard, Los 42500 55418 6/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90006 *oyola University 7214 St.Charles Ave., New 15000 55419 6/30/2003 Orleans, LA 70118 Loyola University of Chicago P.O. Box 6635, Chicago, IL 60680- 1,025.00 55420 6/30/2003 6635 Luther College 700 College Drive, Decorah, [A 8,00000 55421 6/30/2003 52101 Luther Seminary 2481 Como Ave. West, St. Paul, 1,000.00 55422 6/30/2003 MN 55108 Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Concordia College 800 N. Columbia, Seward, NE 200.00 55423 6/30/2003 68434 Lutheran High School Association of Greater Minnesota 8201 Park Ave South, 25000 55424 6/30/2003 Bloomington, MN 55420-2471 Lutheran Social Service Of Minnesota 2485 Como Ave., St Paul, NIN 50.00 55425 6/30/2003 55108 Lutheran World Relief Inc 700 Light St, Baltimore, MD 300.00 55426 6/30/2003 21230 Lymphorna Research Foundation I I I Broadway, New York, NY 2,025.00 55427 6/30/2003 10006 Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue, St Paul, MN 190.00 55428 6/30/2003 55105-1801 Machon Haarava North America Ltd - Arava Institute For 293 Barnumville Rd, Manchester, 100.00 55429 6/30/2003 Environmental Studies VT 05255-9478 Macmurray College 447 East College Avenue, 25.00 55430 6/30/2003 Jacksonville, IL 62650 adeleme Choir School 250 First Avenue, Salt Lake City, 170.00 55431 6/30/2003 UT 84103 Oadisons Foundation Inc P.O. Box 241956, Los Angeles, CA 500.00 55432 6/30/2003 90024

Page 122 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Madre, Inc. 121 West 2 7ths #30 1, New York 250.00 55433 6/30/2003 City, NY 10001 Maggies Place Inc 1419 E Garfield, Phoenix, AZ 3500 55434 6/30/2003 85001 Maine Handicapped Skiing RR2 Box 197 1, Newry, ME 04261 16500 55435 6/30/2003

Maine Public Broadcasting Corporation 1450 Lisbon St, Lewiston, ME 35.00 55436 6/30/2003 04240 Make A Wish Foundation PO Box 97104, Washington DC, 14000 55437 6/30/2003 WA 20090 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Washington, Inc. P 0 Box 97104, Washington, DC 20000 55438 6/30/2003 20090 Make-a-Wish Foundation Of Michigan 3390 Pine Tree Road, Lansing, MI 200.00 55439 6/30/2003 48911 Make-a-wish Foundation Of Minnesota - Make-a-Wish 5155 E. River Road, Suite 402, 7500 55440 6/30/2003 Foundation of MN Minneapolis, MN 55421 Manhattan Beach Education Foundation 1230 Rosecrans, Suite 400, 6,100.00 55441 6/30/2003 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Manhattan College Office of College Advancement, 8,00000 55442 6/30/2003 Sears Hall, Riverdale, NY 10471 Manhattan Theatre Club 311 West 43rd St. 8th Floor, New 3500 55443 6/30/2003 York, NY 10036 Mankato State University Foundation Inc - Minnesota 121 Alumni Foundation Center, 55 .00 55444 6/30/2003 State University, Mankato Foundation Mankato, M-N 56001 ap International P.0 Box 215000, Brunswick, GA 2500 55445 6/30/2003 0 31521-5000 Maple City Health Care Center 213 Middlebury St., Goshen, IN 50000 55446 6/30/2003 46528 Maquoketa Area Foundation 120 1/2 South Main, Maquoketa, 125.00 55447 6/30/2003 IA 52060 Marc Roberts Cancer Fund Inc 74 Brick Blvd Ste 104, Brick, NJ 50.00 55448 6/30/2003 08723-7985 March of Dimes - North Jersey Chapter 55 Route 46, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 300.00 55449 6/30/2003

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 515 East 4500 South, Salt Lake 1,76800 55450 6/30/2003 City, UT 84107 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 515 East 4500 South, Salt Lake 51600 55451 6/30/2003 City, UT 84107 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 515 East 4500 South, Salt Lake 530.00 55452 6/30/2003 City, UT 84107 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 1,932.00 55453 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 700.00 55454 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 875.00 55455 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 575.00 55456 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 690.00 55457 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 0[arch of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 927.00 55458 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 690.00 55459 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350

Page 123 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 56500 55460 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 42500 55461 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 1616 E Indian School Rd., tt200, 475.00 55462 6/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85016 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 1500 W. Third Ave, #303, 5000 55463 6/30/2003 Columbus, OH 43212 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 1220 SW Morrison, Portland, OR 251 .00 55464 6/30/2003 97205 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Cranbury 5 Cedar Brook Drive, Cranbury, NJ 23500 55465 6/30/2003 08512 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Edina, MN 5233 Edina Industrial Blvd , Edina, 605.00 55466 6/30/2003 MN 55439 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Edina, NfN 5233 Edina Industrial Blvd , Edina, 525.00 55467 6/30/2003 MN 55439 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Edina, MN 5233 Edina Industrial Blvd., Edina, 42500 55468 6/30/2003 MN 55439 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Orange 2031 Orchard Drive, Suite 250, 32000 55469 6/30/2003 County Newport Beach, CA 92660-0754 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Staten Island 1173 Forest Ave., Staten Island, 2,40000 55470 6/30/2003 NY 10310 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1451 S. King Strett # 504, 76500 55471 6/30/2003 Honolulu, HI 96814 arch of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1904 3rd Avenue #230, Seattle, 1,955.00 55472 6/30/2003 0 WA 98101 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - 100 1 W. Cypress Creek Rd # I 10, 810.00 55473 6/30/2003 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - 100 1 W. Cypress Creek Rd # I 10, 530.00 55474 6/30/2003 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - 100 1 W. Cypress Creek Rd # I 10, 110.00 55475 6/30/2003 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 March Of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1275 Mamaroneck Ave., White 4,984.00 55476 6/30/2003 March Of Dimes - March of Dimes Birth Defects Found Plains, NY 10605

March of Dimes Green Bay 790 Parkview Road, Green Bay, 550.00 55477 6/30/2003 WI 54304 March of Dimes Green Bay 790 Parkview Road, Green Bay, 101 .00 55478 6/30/2003 W1 54304 Marcus House 6332 N 14th Place, Phoenix, AZ 200.00 55479 6/30/2003 85014-1429 Maria's Children International 4321 W. Highway 13, Savage, M[N 1,000.00 55480 6/30/2003 55378 Marian High School 7400 Military Avenue, Omaha, NE 100.00 55481 6/30/2003 68134 Mancopa County Community College Distnct 2323 W. 14th Street, Tempe, AZ 570.00 55482 6/30/2003 Foundation 85281 Mancopa County Community College District 2411 W. l4th Street, Tempe, AZ 500.00 55483 6/30/2003 Foundation 85281-6941 arm Agncultural Land Trust PO Box 809, Pt. Reyes Station, CA 150.00 55484 6/30/2003 94956 Oarist High School 4200 W. I I 5th Street, Chicago, IL 225.00 55485 6/30/2003 60655 Marlboro College P.O. Box A, Marlboro, VT 05344 200.00 55486 6/30/2003

Page 124 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Marquette University High School - Marquette University 3401 West Wisconsin Avenue, 50000 55487 6/30/2003 High School Foundation, Inc Milwaukee, WI 53208 Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Scholarship Committee - 906 Pennwood Circle, Lancaster, 5,00000 55488 6/30/2003 MLK, Jr. Scholarship Committee PA 17601 Maryland Institute 1300 Mount Royal Ave, 5000 55489 6/30/2003 Baltimore, MD 21217 Maryland Lupus Foundation Inc 7400 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 50000 55490 6/30/2003 21204-7531 Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation Inc 11767 Owings Mills Blvd., Owings 95 .00 55491 6/30/2003 Mills, MD 21117-1499 Maryland Watermens Association Cheasapeake Bay Epa 1805A Virginia St, Annapolis, MD 10000 55492 6/30/2003 Inc 21401-4033 Massachusetts General Hospital - Massachusetts General 100 Charles River Plaza Suite 600, 100.00 55493 6/30/2003 Hospital / NIGH Boston, MA 02114-4719 Massachusetts Special Olympics Association 450 Maple Street, P 0. Box 303, 5000 55494 6/30/2003 Incorporated Danvers, MA 0 1923 Master Chorale of Washington Inc - National Choral 1200 29th Street NW Suite LL2, 750.00 55495 6/30/2003 Foundation Washington, DC 20007 Masters School 49 Clinton Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, 15000 55496 6/30/2003 NY 10522 May Institute Inc One Commerce Way, Norwood, 150.00 55497 6/30/2003 MA 02062 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research 200 First Street, SW, Siebens 10, 60000 55498 6/30/2003 Rochester, MN 55905 cdermott Center - Haymarket Center 120 Sangamon Blvd, Chicago, IL 5000 55499 6/30/2003 & 60607-2202 Medical Center Memorial Foundation, Inc. 400 E. 10th Street P. 0. Box 2208, 50.00 55500 6/30/2003 Anniston, AL 36202 Meharry Medical College 1005 D B . Todd Blvd, Nashville, 1,00000 55501 6/30/2003 TN 37208 Memorial Foundation Inc 3435 Johnson St, Hollywood, FL 50.00 55502 6/30/2003 33021-5420 Memorial Sloan-kettenng Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 675.00 55503 6/30/2003 10021-6007 Mental Health Association Foundation Inc 59 Broad St., Eatontown, NJ 07724 50.00 55504 6/30/2003

Mercy Corps International 3015 SW First Ave., Portland, OR 358.00 55505 6/30/2003 97201 Merrick Inc 1636 Gervais Avenue, Suite 14, 3,025.00 55506 6/30/2003 Maplewood, MN 55109-2130 Mesivta Keser Torah of Central Jersey Inc 503 11 th Ave , Belmar, NJ 07719- 500.00 55507 6/30/2003 2409 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY 808.00 55508 6/30/2003 10028-0198 Metropolitan Opera Association Inc Lincoln Center, Box 930, New 200.00 55509 6/30/2003 York, NY 10023 Metropolitan Opera Guild Inc Box 231930, New York, NY 10023 190.00 55510 6/30/2003

Metropolitan State University Foundation 700 E Seventh Street, Saint Paul, 875 .00 55511 6/30/2003 MN 55106 laiami Rescue Mission Inc 2159 NW I Court, Miami, FL 30.00 55512 6/30/2003 33242 Michigan Humane Society 26711 Northwestern Highway, 500.00 55513 6/30/2003 Southfield, MI 48034

Page 125 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 49 Number Michigan State University 4700 S Hagadom, Suite 220, East 10000 55514 6/30/2003 Lansing, MI 48823 Mid Michigan Community College Foundation 1375 South Clare Ave, Harrison, 5000 55515 6/30/2003 MI 48625 Midway Initiative - Midway Contemporary Art 2500 University Avenue, Suite C2, 1,100.00 555 16 6/30/2003 Saint Paul, M 55114 Millbrook School Millbrook School Road, Millbrook, 5000 55517 6/30/2003 NY 12545 Millbum-Short Hills Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc. PO Box 226, Millburn, NJ 07041 275.00 55518 6/30/2003 Milwaukee Art Museum, Inc. 750 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive, 60.00 55519 6/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Minneapolis College Of Art & Design - Minneapolis 2501 Stevens Avenue South, 2500 55520 6/30/2003 College of Art and Design Minneapolis, M 55404 Minneapolis Crisis Nursery 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Golden 10000 55521 6/30/2003 Valley, M 55422-5120 Minneapolis Pops Orchestra 2712 41 st Avenue, Minneapolis, 125.00 55522 6/30/2003 NfN 55406 Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts - Minneapolis Institute 2400 3rd Avenue S., Minneapolis, 1,18500 55523 6/30/2003 of Arts MN 55404 Mmnehaha Academy 3 100 West River Parkway, 1,050.00 55524 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NTN 55406 Minnesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Avenue South, 25.00 55525 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55404 Minnesota Chorale-Hennepin Center for the Arts 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 21 1, 71000 55526 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55403 tinnesota Citizens Concerned For Life Inc Education 4249 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, 10000 55527 6/30/2003 Fund NfN 55409 Minnesota Fighting AIDS on Bikes 4457 3rd Avenue South, 615 .00 55528 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55409 Minnesota Foundation 55 Fifth Street E., Suite 600, Saint 20000 55529 6/30/2003 Paul, M 55 101 Minnesota Geneological Society 5768 Olson Memorial Highway, 200.00 55530 6/30/2003 Golden Velley, NfN 55422 Minnesota Guitar Society P 0. Box 14986, Minneapolis, MN 2,50000 55531 6/30/2003 55414 Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd W, Saint Paul, 290.00 55532 6/30/2003 MN 55102 Minnesota International Health Volunteers 122 W Franklin Ave. Suite 110, 250.00 55533 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55404 Minnesota Land Trust 2356 University Avenue West, 50.00 55534 6/30/2003 Suite 400, Saint Paul, N4N 55114 Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska, 570.00 55535 6/30/2003 M-N 55318-9613 Minnesota Medical Foundation 1342 PO Box 64001, Saint Paul, M[N 625.00 55536 6/30/2003 55164-0001 Minnesota Naral Foundation 550 Rice Street, Suite 205, Saint 40.00 55537 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55103 Minnesota Opera Company 620 N. First Street, Minneapolis, 300.00 55538 6/30/2003 MN 55401 innesota Orchestra Association P.O. Box 86, Minneapolis, NfN 4,025.00 55539 6/30/2003 55486 Omnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, 574.00 55540 6/30/2003 NfN 55 101

Page 126 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Minnesota Revels Inc 317 W 48th St , Minneapolis, M-N 11000 55541 6/30/2003 55409 Minnesota Special Olympics Inc 400 South 4th Street, Suite 915, 26500 55542 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Minnesota Star, Inc - Cedar Cultural Centre 416 Cedar Ave., S , Minneapolis, 4000 55543 6/30/2003 MN 55454 Minnesota State Fair Foundation 1265 Snelling Ave N, St Paul, MN 20000 55544 6/30/2003 55108 Minnesota Trail Riders Association P 0 Box 984, Burnsville, MN 25 .00 55545 6/30/2003 55337-0984 Minnesota Valley YMCA 13850 Portland Avenue, 2500 55546 6/30/2003 Burnsville, MN 55337 Minnesota Wildlife Haven 4328 Lyndale Avenue N, 20000 55547 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55412 Minnesota Zoo Foundation 13000 Zoo Blvd, Apple Valley, 10000 55548 6/30/2003 MN 55124-4621 Minnetonka Center for the Arts 2240 North Shore Dr., Wayzata, 5000 55549 6/30/2003 MN 55391 Miss Porter's School, Inc 60 Main Street, Farmington, CT 1,25000 55550 6/30/2003 06032 Mission Of Our Lady Of Mercy - Mercy Home for Boys 1140 West Jackson Blvd , Chicago, 35000 55551 6/30/2003 & Girls IL 60607 Molloy College 1000 Hempstead Ave, Rockville 5,10000 55552 6/30/2003 Center, NY 115 70 onmouth Health Care Foundation 300 Second Ave, Long Branch, NJ 1,50000 55553 6/30/2003 & 07740-6303 Monroe Board of Education - WMNR 10 1 4 Monroe Turnpike, Monroe, 3500 55554 6/30/2003 CT 06468 Montgomery County Historical Society 2700 North 4th Street, Red Oak, IA 1,00000 55555 6/30/2003 51566 Monticello Brown Summit Elementary School 5006 NC 150, Browns Summit, NC 2500 55556 6/30/2003 27214 Montshire Museum of Science, Inc . P. 0. Box 770, Norwich, VT 05055 80.00 55557 6/30/2003

Moorhead State University Foundation 1104 7th Avenue S., Moorhead, 150.00 55558 6/30/2003 MN 56563 Most Holy Trinity Catholic School 3946 Wooddale Ave. So., St. Louis 20000 55559 6/30/2003 Park, MN 55416 Mothers Against Drunk Driving Foundation 511 E. John Carpenter Fwy #700, 230.00 55560 6/30/2003 Irving, TX 75062 Mounds Park Academy 2051 East Larpenteur Ave., St. 1,000.00 55561 6/30/2003 Paul, M 55109 Mount Holyoke College Development Office, South 1,450.00 55562 6/30/2003 Hadley, MA 01075 Mount Saint Mary Academy Inc 3756 Delaware Ave., Kenmore, 25.00 55563 6/30/2003 NY 14217-1015 Mount Saint Michael Academy 4300 Murdock Avenue, Bronx, NY 20000 55564 6/30/2003 10466 Mount Sinai Hospital I Gustave L. Levy Place, New 350.00 55565 6/30/2003 York, NY 10029 laount Union College 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, OH 25.00 55566 6/30/2003 44601-3929 Mountain Ridge High School 22800 N. 67th Avenue, Glendale, 250.00 55567 6/30/2003 AZ 85310

Page 127 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 41 Mountain West Friends of Hospitalized Children, Inc - 935 East South Temple, Salt Lake 10000 55568 6/30/2003 Ronald McDonald House-Salt Lake City City, UT 84102 Moving Image Inc - Moving Image, Inc , The 209 West Houston St., New York, 121 00 55569 6/30/2003 NY 10014 Multiple Sclerosis Association Of Amenca Inc 706 Haddonfield Rd., Cherry Hill, 75.00 55570 6/30/2003 NJ 08002 Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Inc 6350 N. Andrews Avenue, Fort 18000 55571 6/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 Multiple Sclerosis Resources of Central New York Inc P 0 Box 237, East Syracuse, NY 2500 55572 6/30/2003 13057 Municipal Art Society, The 457 Madison Avenue, New York, 7500 55573 6/30/2003 NY 10022 Muscular Dystrophy Association 10 Riverside Dr., Suite 105, 25.00 55574 6/30/2003 Lakeville, MA 02347 Muscular Dystrophy Association 40600 Van Dyke Suite #7, Sterling 26500 55575 6/30/2003 Heights, MI 48313 Muscular Dystrophy Association 1030 St George Avenue, Avenel, 155.00 55576 6/30/2003 NJ 07001 Muscular Dystrophy Association 2185 Northlake Pkwy., Suite 1, 10000 55577 6/30/2003 Tucker, GA 30084 Muscular Dystrophy Association 8501 LaSalle Rd #21 1, Towson, 50.00 55578 6/30/2003 MD 21286 Muscular Dystrophy Association 430 North Michigan, Chicago, IL 35000 55579 6/30/2003 60611 uscular Dystrophy Association 6161 Busch Blvd Suite 324, 10000 55580 6/30/2003 & Columbus, OH 43229 Muscular Dystrophy Association 11 40 Avenue of the Americas, Ste 750.00 55581 6/30/2003 180 1, New York, NY 10036 Muscular Dystrophy Association 812 S Fisk St Green Bay, WI 280.00 55582 6/30/2003 54304 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Muscular Dystrophy 541 1 E. State Street, Suite 205, 50.00 55583 6/30/2003 Assocation Rockford, IL 61108 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Muscular Dystrophy 10201 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 275.00 55584 6/30/2003 Association Inc 22030 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Muscular Dystrophy 10201 S. 5 1 st St., Suite 170, 750.00 55585 6/30/2003 Association, Inc. Phoenix, AZ 85044 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Muscular Dystrophy 10201 S. 51st St., Suite 170, 225.00 55586 6/30/2003 Association, Inc. Phoenix, AZ 85044 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Secaucus, NJ 25 East Spring Vally Ave, 25.00 55587 6/30/2003 Maywood, NJ 07607 Museum Of Flight Foundation 9404 E Marginal Way, Seattle, WA 36.00 55588 6/30/2003 98108-0000 Museum Of Modem Art I I West 53 Street, New York, NY 270.00 55589 6/30/2003 10019 Mylestone Equine Rescue A New Jersey Non-Prof it 227 Still Valley Rd, Philipsburg, 1,00000 55590 6/30/2003 Corporation NJ 08865-7817 N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc. 7019 Lynmar Lane, Edina, MN 5000 55591 6/30/2003 55423 Na Amat USA 8707 N. Skokie Blvd #1 12, Skokie, 52.00 55592 6/30/2003 IL 60077 hville Rescue Mission P.O. Box 333229, Nashville, TN 50.00 55593 6/30/2003 Ws 37203 Nassau County Police Activity League Inc 1490 Franklin Ave, Mineola, NY 50.00 55594 6/30/2003 11501-0175

Page 128 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 National Abortion Federation 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, 3000 55595 6/30/2003 Suite #600, Washington, DC 20036

National Activist Network, The P 0 Box 19515, Sacramento, CA 2500 55596 6/30/2003 95819 National Alliance for Autism Research Inc 414 Wall Street Research Park, 10000 55597 6/30/2003 Princeton, NJ 08540 National Arbor Day Foundation 21 1 N 12th St , Lincoln, NE 68501 100.00 55598 6/30/2003

National Association for Down Syndrome P 0 Box 4542, Oak Brook, IL 5000 55599 6/30/2003 60522 National Audubon Society Inc 2357 Ventura Drive # 106, Saint 50.00 55600 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55125 National Audubon Society Inc 700 Broadway, New York, NY 5000 55601 6/30/2003 10003-9501 National Conference for Community and Justice Inc 359 West Pierpont Avenue, Salt 100.00 55602 6/30/2003 Lake City, UT 84105 National Council Of Jewish Women 1500 S Hwy. 100, Suite 330, 25.00 55603 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55416 National Council of Young Israel 264 15 77th Ave, New Hyde Park, 100.00 55604 6/30/2003 NY 11040-1401 National Down Syndrome Society 666 Broadway, New York, NY 2500 55605 6/30/2003 10012 National Easter Seal Society Inc 230 West Monroe Street, Suite 22700 55606 6/30/2003 1800, Chicago, IL 60606-4802 eational Federation Of The Blind Of Minnesota Inc 100 E 22nd Street, Minneapolis, 2500 55607 6/30/2003 MN 55404 National Foundation For Cancer Research 4600 East West Highway, Suite 150.00 55608 6/30/2003 525, Bethesda, MD 20814 National Humane Education Society P.0 Box 340, Charles Town, WV 50.00 55609 6/30/2003 25414 National Kidney Foundation Inc 1107 Kenilworth Drive, Baltimore, 170.00 55610 6/30/2003 MD 21204 National Law Enforcement Officers Memonal Fund Inc 400 7th Street NW, Washington, 2500 55611 6/30/2003 DC 20004 National Multiple ScleTOSIS Society 700 Broadway #808, Denver, CO 100.00 55612 6/30/2003 80203 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 1422 Euclid Ave. #333, Cleveland, 180.00 55613 6/30/2003 OR 44115-1901 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 401 Tomahawk Drive, Maumee, 25 .00 55614 6/30/2003 OR 43537 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 1867 Lackland Hill Parkway, Saint 5000 55615 6/30/2003 Louis, MO 63146 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 10946 Beaver Dan Rd Ste E, Hunt 600.00 55616 6/30/2003 Valley, MD 21030-0000 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 10 1 A First Avenue, Waltham, MA 25 .00 55617 6/30/2003 02451 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 2440 South Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 665 .00 55618 6/30/2003 115, Los Angeles, CA 90064

tional Multiple Sclerosis Society 9844-C Southern Pines Blvd., 100.00 55619 6/30/2003 & Charlotte, NC 28273 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 845.00 55620 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Page 129 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 72000 55621 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 26300 55622 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 3 15 South 48th Street, Suite 101, 31500 55623 6/30/2003 Tempe, AZ 85281 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Hauppauge, NY 200 Parkway Drive South, 10000 55624 6/30/2003 Hauppauge, NY 11788 National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 1,560.00 55625 6/30/2003 Chapter NY 100 10-2094 National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 78000 55626 6/30/2003 Chapter NY 10010-2094 National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 40500 55627 6/30/2003 Chapter NY 10010-2094 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Northern Calif. 150 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 5000 55628 6/30/2003 Chapter 94612 National Multiple Sclerosis Society South Florida 3201 West Commercial Blvd, Suite 155.00 55629 6/30/2003 Chapter 127, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Wisconsin Chapter W223 N608 Saratoga Drive, Suite 130.00 55630 6/30/2003 110, Waukesha, WI 53186-0401

National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Inc 705 North Mountain Road, Suite 23500 5563 1 6/30/2003 G 1 02, Newington, CT 06111-141 1

Oational Multiple Sclerosis Society- Maine Chapter 175 Lancaster St., Portland, ME 25 .00 55632 6/30/2003 04104 National Multiple Sclerosis Society-San Diego 8840 Complex Drive, Suite 130, 75 .00 55633 6/30/2003 San Diego, CA 92123 National Neurofibromatosis Foundation 95 Pine St 16th Flr, New York, NY 50.00 55634 6/30/2003 10005 National Osteoporosis Foundation 1232 22nd Street, NW, 10000 55635 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20037 National Parks and Conservation Association 1300 19th Street, Washington, DC 215 .00 55636 6/30/2003 20036 National Psoriasis Foundation 6600 SW 92nd Ave, Suite 300, 110.00 55637 6/30/2003 Portland, OR 97223 National Relief Charities 70 Main St Ste 43, Warrenton, VA 50.00 55638 6/30/2003 20186 National Repertory Orchestra Inc Colorado Philhan-nonic PO Box 6336, Breckenridge, CO 2,000.00 55639 6/30/2003 80424 National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United 1725 Massachussets Ave., NW, 250.00 55640 6/30/2003 State Washington, DC 20036 National Wildlife Federation I I 100 Wildlife Center Drive, 135.00 55641 6/30/2003 Reston, VA 20190 National Yiddish Book Center, Inc 1021 West Street, Amherst, MA 3600 55642 6/30/2003 01002 Nativity of Our Lord School 1900 Stanford Avenue, St. Paul, 775.00 55643 6/30/2003 M[N 55105 ,,IoLqatural Resources Defense Council Inc - Natural 40 West 20th Street, New York, 110.00 55644 6/30/2003 source Defence Council NY 10011 Vature Conservancy Arizona Chapter 15 10 East Fort Lowell Road, 50.00 55645 6/30/2003 Tucson, AZ 85719

Page 130 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date a Number Nature Conservancy Inc I 10 1 W. River Parkway, 200.00 55646 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, 1,74500 55647 6/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, 520.00 55648 6/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 Nature Discovery Center Inc 7112 NewCastle Street, Bellaire, 25.00 55649 6/30/2003 TX 77401 Navajo Nation Health Foundation PO Box 5050, Window Rock, AZ 10000 55650 6/30/2003 86515 Navy-Manne Corps Relief Society 4015 Wilson Blvd 10th Floor, 5000 55651 6/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22203-1954 Nebraska Childrens Home Society Foundation 3549 Fontenelle Boulevard, 1,500.00 55652 6/30/2003 Omaha, NE 68104-0000 Nebraska Humane Society 8929 Fort St., Omaha, NE 68134 45.00 55653 6/30/2003 Nebraskans For Public Television Inc 1800 N 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE 3000 55654 6/30/2003 68503 Needham Community Council Inc 51 Lincoln Street, Needham, MA 50.00 55655 6/30/2003 02492 Needham Education Foundation Inc P. 0 Box 920145, Needham, MA 5000 55656 6/30/2003 02492 Neighborhood House Association 179 Robie Street E., St Paul, MN 100.00 55657 6/30/2003 55107 Neighborhood Housing Service of New Britain Inc 223 Broad St, New Britain, CT 400.00 55658 6/30/2003 06053 leeighborhood Music School Inc 100 Audubon Street, New Haven, 41000 55659 6/30/2003 CT 06510-1206 Neighbors Link Corp c/o Presbyterian Church, Mount 100.00 55660 6/30/2003 Kisco, NY 10549-3955 New England Home For Little Wanderers 271 Huntington Avenue, Boston, 50.00 55661 6/30/2003 MA 02115 New Jersey Performing Arts Center Corporation One Center Street, Newark, NJ 6,000.00 55662 6/30/2003 07102 New Jersey Shakespeare Festival 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 250.00 55663 6/30/2003 07940 New Jersey Special Olympics Inc 3 Princess Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 50.00 55664 6/30/2003 08648 New Jersey Tap Ensemble Inc 340 Franklin St, Bloomfield, NJ 100.00 55665 6/30/2003 07003-3491 New Life Family Services 1515 E. 66th St., Minneapolis, NIN 200.00 55666 6/30/2003 55423 New Lothrop Area Public Schools 9285 Easton Road, P.O. Box 339, 300.00 55667 6/30/2003 New Lothrop, MI 48460 New York And Presbyterian Hospital - New York 525 East 68th Street, Box 123, 150.00 55668 6/30/2003 Hospital Comell Medical Center Fund Inc New York, NY 10021 New York Botanical Garden 200th Street & Southern Blvd., 40.00 55669 6/30/2003 Bronx, NY 10458 New York City Ballet, Inc. New York State Theatre, New 1,300.00 55670 6/30/2003 York, NY 10025 ew York City Opera, Inc. NY State Theater, New York, NY 52.00 55671 6/30/2003 10023 Oew York Public Library, Astor, Lenox & Tilden, Fifth Avenue & 42nd Street, Room 634.00 55672 6/30/2003 Foundations 67, New York, NY 100 18

Page 131 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number New York Restoration Project 31 west 56th street, New York, NY 10000 55673 6/30/2003 10019 New York Special Olympics - Monroe County I Grove Street, Suite 207, 10000 55674 6/30/2003 Pittsford, NY 14534 New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association Inc - 80 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205 30000 55675 6/30/2003 Fred and Gertrude England Hospitality Educati New York State Sheriffs Association Institute, Inc. 27 Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207- 10000 55676 6/30/2003 1002 New York University P 0 Box 837, Peter Stuyvesant 425.00 55677 6/30/2003 Station, New York, NY 10009- 0837 New York Zoological Society 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 208.00 55678 6/30/2003 10460-1099 Newark Public Radio, Inc 54 Park Place, Newark, NJ 07102 5000 55679 6/30/2003 Newman High School Foundation - Newman Catholic 2445 19th Street, SW, Mason City, 2,000.00 55680 6/30/2003 High School Foundation IA 50401 Nightingale-Bamford School 20 East 92nd Street, New York, 30000 55681 6/30/2003 NY 10128 North Anoka County Emergency Foodshelf 1562 Viking Blvd NE, Cedar, MN 150.00 55682 6/30/2003 55011-9402 North Carolina Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics - P.O. Box 25968, Raleigh, NC 5000 55683 6/30/2003 NC 27601 North Carolina State University Foundation Box 7501, Raleigh, NC 27695- 150-00 55684 6/30/2003 7501 orih Carolina Symphony Society Inc 2 East South Street, Raleigh, NC 7500 55685 6/30/2003 27601 North Carolina Zoological Society Inc 4403 200 Pkwy, Asheboro, NC 3400 55686 6/30/2003 27203 North Charlotte Boxing Club - North Charlotte Boxing 407 E. 36th St., Charlotte, NC 1,00000 55687 6/30/2003 Club Inc. 28205 North Dakota State University Development Foundation Box 5144 SU Station, Fargo, ND 150.00 55688 6/30/2003 58105 North Park College & Theological Seminary 3225 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL 25.00 55699 6/30/2003 60625-4810 North Shore Animal League Inc 750 Port Washington Blvd., Port 25.00 55690 6/30/2003 Washington, NY 11050 North Shore Community Arts Foundation, Inc-Music 62 Dunham Road, Beverly, MA 50.00 55691 6/30/2003 Theatre - North Shore Music Theatre 01915 North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System 125 Community Drive, Great Neck, 50.00 55692 6/30/2003 Foundation NY 1 1021 North Shore School District 11 2 Education Foundation 1936 Green Bay Rd, Highland 200.00 55693 6/30/2003 Park, IL 60035-3112 Northeast Animal Shelter Inc. 204 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA 30.00 55694 6/30/2003 01970 Northeastern Educational Television Of Ohio Inc 1750 Campus Center Drive, Kent, 100.00 55695 6/30/2003 OH 44240-5191 Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue 349 RI, 1,700.00 55696 6/30/2003 Boston, MA 02115 Northern Arizona University Foundation Inc Box 4094, Flagstaff, AZ 86011 5,10000 55697 6/30/2003 orthern Illinois University Foundation Controllers Office, DeKalb, IL 100.00 55698 6/30/2003 60115 Oorthem Michigan University Development Fund 1401 Presque Isle, Marquette, MI 25.00 55699 6/30/2003 49855

Page 132 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date f Number Northern Voices 1660 W County Road B, Roseville, 5000 55700 6/30/2003 MN 55113-4033 Northfield Mount Hermon School 206 Main Street, Revell Hall, 50000 55701 6/30/2003 Northfield, MA 0 1360-1089 Northwest Christian College 82 8 E I I th Ave, Eugene, OR 1,000.00 55702 6/30/2003 97401-3727 Northwestern College 10 1 7th St Sw, Orange City, [A 75000 55703 6/30/2003 51041-1923 Northwestern College 3003 Snelling Avenue N., St Paul, 2,475.00 55704 6/30/2003 MN 55113-1598 Northwestern University 2020 Ridge, Room 230, Evanston, 1,200.00 55705 6/30/2003 IL 60208-4305 Notre Dame Academy High School 76-134 Howard Ave , Staten 250.00 55706 6/30/2003 Island, NY 10301 Notre Dame de la Baie Academy 6 10 Maryhill Drive, Green Bay, WI 100.00 55707 6/30/2003 54303-2092 Nova Southeastern University Inc 3301 College Ave , Ft. Lauderdale, 25.00 55708 6/30/2003 FL 33314 Nutley Volunteer Emergency Rescue Squad PO Box 172, Nutley, NJ 07110- 25000 55709 6/30/2003 0172 NYSARC Inc - Association for the Help of Retarded 189 Wheatley Road, Glen Head, 500.00 55710 6/30/2003 Children NY 11545-2699 Oak Street Arts 309 Oak Street SE, Minneapolis, 130.00 55711 6/30/2003 IAN 55414-2909 ak Tree Volunteer Fire Company Edison Division of I Beverly Street, Edison, NJ 08820- 2500 55712 6/30/2003 re 2552 Oceana Inc 2501 M Street NW Suite 300, 5000 55713 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20037-1311 Od Yosef Chai 860 44th Street, Brooklyn, NY 25.00 55714 6/30/2003 11220 Ohel Cluldrens Home And Family Services Inc 4510 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 1,05000 55715 6/30/2003 11204 Ohio State University Foundation - The Ohio State 113 Fawcett Center, Columbus, 150.00 55716 6/30/2003 University Foundation OH43210 Ohr Torah Institutions Of Israel Inc 49 W 45th St Suite 701, New York, 36.00 55717 6/30/2003 NY 10036 Okizu Foundation 8 Digital Drive # 102, Novato, CA 200.00 55718 6/30/2003 94949 Olana Partnership PO Box 199, Hudson, NY 12534 60.00 55719 6/30/2003 Olive Branch Mission 2636 West Marquette Road, 25 .00 55720 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60629 Olive Crest Abused Childrens Foundation 515 - 116th Avenue NE, Suite 174, 250.00 55721 6/30/2003 Bellevue, WA 98004 Open Arms of Minnesota Inc 1414 Franklin Avenue East, 25.00 55722 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Opera Company of Philadelphia 1420 Locust Street, Philadelphia, 280.00 55723 6/30/2003 PA 19102-4204 Opera Orchestra Of New York Inc 239 West 72nd Street, Suite 2r, 4,000.00 55724 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10023 eration Food Search Inc 6282 Olive Blvd, Saint Louis, MO 85.00 55725 6/30/2003 63130-3300 4 V-- ORBIS International Inc 520 Eighth Avenue, I I th Floor, 25 .00 55726 6/30/2003 New York, NY 100 18

Page 133 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Wayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Oregon Food Bank Inc PO Box 55370, Portland, OR 40000 55727 6/30/2003 97238 Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association 15 South Pioneer, Ashland, OR 2500 55728 6/30/2003 97520 Oregon State University Foundation 850 Southwest 35th Street, 10000 55729 6/30/2003 Corvallis, OR 97333 Orono Alliance for Education PO BOX 21 1, Long Lake, MN 50000 55730 6/30/2003 55356 Otsar Family Services Inc 2334 W 13th St, Brooklyn, NY 25.00 5573 1 6/30/2003 11223-5639 Our Lady of Good Counsel Home 2076 St. Anthony Ave., St Paul, 3000 55732 6/30/2003 MN 55104 Oxfam-amenca Inc 26 West St , Boston, MA 021 11 175.00 55733 6/30/2003 Pacific Northwest Ballet 301 Mercer Street, Seattle, WA 70000 55734 6/30/2003 98109 Pacific Opera Incorporated 1] 8 Hiawatha Ave, Oceanport, NJ 7,000.00 55735 6/30/2003 07757-1616 Packer Collegiate Institute 170 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, 500.00 55736 6/30/2003 NY 11201 Palm Beach Photographic Workshops Inc - Palm Beach 55 Northeast 2nd Avenue, Delray 25000 55737 6/30/2003 Photographic Centre Beach, FL 33444 Paradise Valley High School 3950 E. Bell Road, Phoenix, AZ 64600 55738 6/30/2003 85032 Paralyzed Veterans Of America Inc - Paralyzed Veterans 801 18th Street NW, Washington, 50.00 55739 6/30/2003 f America, DC DC 20006-3517 arents Available To Help Inc PO Box 611, Trumbull, CT 06611 500.00 55740 6/30/2003 Parents of Angels Inc 3209 Westchester Ave, Bronx, NY 5000 55741 6/30/2003 10461 Parents Television Council, Inc 707 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 85.00 55742 6/30/2003 CA 90017 Parish Day School Of The Episcopal Church Of The 14115 Hillcrest, Dallas, TX 75254- 1,50000 55743 6/30/2003 Transfiguration 8699 Parkview Elementary School 2530 Spruce Place, White Bear 75.00 55744 6/3012003 Lake, MN 55110 Parkway Alumni Association 455 N Woods Mill Rd, 100.00 55745 6/30/2003 Chesterfield, MO 63017-3327 Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles P.0 Box 54700, Los Angeles, CA 2,500.00 55746 6/30/2003 90054-0700 Peace Lutheran Church - Children of Peace Lutheran Day 4512 France Ave North, 75.00 55747 6/30/2003 Care Robbinsdale, NfN 55422-1306 Pencil, Inc. 30 W . 26th Street, 2nd Floor, New 10000 55749 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 10 Peninsula Open Space Trust 3000 Sand Hill Rd, B4, Suite 135, 100.00 55749 6/30/2003 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Pennsylvania State University One Old Main, University Park, PA 100.00 55750 6/30/2003 16802 Pennsylvanians Concerned About Alcohol Problems 900 S Arlington Ave Room 220, 75.00 55751 6/30/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17109-5099 Penrickton Center for Blind Children 26530 Eureka Road, Taylor, MI 50.00 55752 6130/2003 48180 ople for Animals Inc 433 Hillside Ave, Hillside, NJ 25.00 55753 6/30/2003 0 07205 People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals 501 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 175.00 55754 6/30/2003 23510

Page 134 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 People for Minneapolis Parks Fund 4800 Minnehaha Avenue, 7000 55755 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55417 People Responding In Social Ministry 2323 Zenith Ave No , Golden 15000 55756 6/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 People Serving People Inc 614 South Third Street, 2500 55757 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Performance Zone, Inc - The Field 161 Sixth Ave, New York, NY 2500 55758 6/30/2003 10013 Performing Arts Center Foundation, Inc I I I I McMullen Booth Rd, 1,00000 55759 6/30/2003 Clearwater, FL 33759 Philadelphia Museum of Art 26th & Ben Franklin Parkway, 19000 55760 6/30/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19130 Philadelphia Orchestra Association 260 S Broad Street, Philadelphia, 35000 55761 6/30/2003 PA 19102 Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra - Philharmonica 180 Redwood Street, San 100.00 55762 6/30/2003 Baroque Orchestra of the West Francisco, CA 94102 Phi I harmon ic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc. 10 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 12900 55763 6/30/2003 York, NY 10023 Phillips Exeter Academy 20 Main Street, Exeter, NH 03833- 40000 55764 6/30/2003 2460 Phipps Center for the Arts 109 Locust Street, Hudson, W1 25.00 55765 6/30/2003 54016 Phoenix Area Rottweiler Rescue 6503 W. Frye Rd #3, Chandler, AZ 8500 55766 6/30/2003 85226 hoenix Art Museum 1625 North Central Avenue, 377.00 55767 6/30/2003 0 Phoenix, AZ 85004-1685 Phoenix Boys Choir 1131 E Missouri Avenue, Phoenix, 85000 55768 6/30/2003 AZ 85014 Phoenix Center Association 1202 North Third Street, Phoenix, 2,000.00 55769 6/30/2003 AZ 85004 Phoenix District Tennis Association Inc -USTA Phoenix 3228 E Indian School Rd 105, 2,00000 55770 6/30/2003 Area Phoenix, AZ 85018-5005 Phoenix Gospel Mission P.O. Box 6708, Phoenix, AZ 85005 1,400.00 55771 6/30/2003 6708 Phoenix Symphony Association, The 455 North Third Street, #390, 15000 55772 613012003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-9765 Phoenix Symphony Guild 5024 N 65th Avenue, Glendale, 15000 55773 6/30/2003 AZ 85301-7206 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Inc. 5 1 00 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, 25.00 55774 6/30/2003 #404, Washington, DC 20016 Pillsbury Neighborhood Services 1201 37th Ave N, Minneapolis, 72500 55775 6/30/2003 MN 55412 Pillsbury Neighborhood Services 1201 37th Ave N, Minneapolis, 455.00 55776 6/30/2003 MN 55412 Pillsbury Neighborhood Services 1201 37th Ave N, Minneapolis, 635.00 55777 6/30/2003 M-N 55412 Pillsbury Neighborhood Services 1201 37th Ave N, Minneapolis, 61000 55778 6/30/2003 MN 55412 Pillsbury Neighborhood Services 1201 37th Ave N, Minneapolis, 375 .00 55779 6/30/2003 M-N 55412 lot Knob Elementary 1436 Lone Oak Rd, Eagan, MN 190.00 55780 6/30/2003 0 55122 Pine Street Inn Inc 444 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA 50.00 55781 6/30/2003 02118-2404

Page 135 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date P Number Piney Grove Elementary School PTA 1500 Piney Grove Rd 5000 55782 6/30/2003 Kemersville, NC 27284 Pingry Corporation, The PO Box 366, Martinsville, NJ 30000 55783 6/30/2003 08836 Plan International USA, Inc 155 Plan Way, Warwick, RI 02886 66.00 55784 6/30/2003

Planned Parenthood Association Of Utah 654 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, 10000 55785 6/30/2003 UT 84102 Planned Parenthood Federation Of America Inc 434 W. 33rd Street, New York, NY 68000 55786 6/30/2003 10001 Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona 5651 North Seventh St., Phoenix, 2,00000 55787 6/30/2003 AZ 85014 Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey Inc - 29 N Fullerton Street, Montclair, 25000 55788 6/30/2003 Planned Parenthood Essex County NJ 07042 Planned Parenthood of Minnesota- South Dakota 1965 Ford Parkway, St Paul, M[N 600.00 55789 6/30/2003 55116 Planned Parenthood Of New York City Inc 26 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 15000 55790 6/30/2003 10012 Plantation Athletic League Inc 6000 SW 19th Street, Plantation, 1,700.00 55791 6/30/2003 FL 33317 Plattsburgh College Foundation - Plattsburgh College 10 1 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 75 .00 55792 6/30/2003 Foundation, Inc 12901 Playhouse Square Foundation 1501 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, 5000 55793 6/30/2003 OH 44115 aying To Win For Life Foundation 208 W Washington, Suite 708, 10000 55794 6/30/2003 9 Chicago, IL 60606 Plymouth Christian Youth Center American Lutheran 2301 Oliver Ave No., 200.00 55795 6/30/2003 Church Minneapolis, MN 55411 Police Athletic League, Inc 34 1/2 East 12th Street, New York, 150.00 55796 6/30/2003 NY 10003 Polycystic Kidney Research Foundation 4901 Main St reet, Ste 200, Kansas 100.00 55797 6/30/2003 City, MO 64112-2634 Port Chester Carver Center Inc 400 Westchester Avenue, Port 50000 55798 6/30/2003 Chester, NY 10573 Presbyterian Church USA - Brick Church School 62 East 92nd Street, New York, 500.00 55799 6/30/2003 NY 10128 President & Fellows Of Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street, 660.00 55800 6/30/2003 Cambridge, MA 02138 President & Fellows Of Middlebury College P.O. Box 500, Forest Hall, 50.00 55801 6/30/2003 Middlebury, VT 05753 President and Trustees of Bates College Lane Hall, 2 Andrews Rd., 1,525.00 55802 6/30/2003 Lewiston, ME 04240 President and Trustees of the Miami University Murstein Alumn. Center, Oxford, 450.00 55803 6/30/2003 OH 45056 Pride St Louis PO Box 2826, St Louis, MO 63111 - 400.00 55804 6/30/2003 0026 Primary Stages Company, Inc. 131 West 45th Street, 2nd floor, 96.00 55805 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10036 Princeton Class Of 1946 Memorial Fund Inc Po Box 201 1, Princeton, NJ 08543- 2,000.00 55806 6/30/2003 2011 nceton Montesson Society 487 Cherry Valley Road, Princeton, 250.00 55807 6/30/2003 NJ 08540 Professional Association of Treatment Homes 2324 University Ave. W # 120, 800.00 55808 6/30/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55114

Page 136 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 40 Number Project Bread - the Walk for Hunger Inc 160 North Washington St, 5th Fl, 25.00 55809 6/30/2003 Boston, MA 02114 Providence Health Foundation Inc 22255 Greenfield Rd Ste 228, 5,00000 55810 6/30/2003 Southfield, MI 48075-3728 PTA Minnesota Congress - People United For South 3131 l9th Ave S , Minneapolis, 20000 55811 6/30/2003 High MN 55407 PTA Minnesota Congress Northport 5421 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn 30.00 55812 6/30/2003 Center, MN 55429-3359 Purdue Foundation, Inc. 10 1 North Grant Street, West 2,60000 55813 6/30/2003 Lafayette, IN 47906 Queens Hatzolo Aid Inc 11 4 Mowbray Dr, Kew Gardens, 50.00 55814 6/30/2003 NY 11415-1438 Quinnipiac College 275 Mt Carmel Avenue, Hamden, 6,500.00 55815 6/30/2003 CT 06518 Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva 2 Harrison Street, Edison, NJ 50.00 55816 6/30/2003 08817 Rails To Trails Conservancy I 100 17th St NW, I Oth Floor, 195.00 55817 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Rainy River Community College 1501 W. Hwy 7 1, International 300.00 55818 6/30/2003 Falls, N4N 56649 Rancho High School Alumni Association Inc P 0 Box 364467, North Las 300.00 55819 6/30/2003 Vegas, NV 89036-8467 Randolph Macon Woman's College 2500 Rivermont Avenue, 275.00 55820 6/30/2003 Lynchburg, VA 24503 leapid Assistance to Community Emergencies 1030 Hills Miller Rd, Delaware, 280.00 55821 6/30/2003 OH 43015 Rebecca Center Inc 5937 Woodbine St, Ridgewood, 5000 55822 6/30/2003 NY 11385-3236 Red Cloud Indian School 100 Mission Drive, Pine Ridge, SD 25.00 55823 6/30/2003 57770 Regents Of The University Of Michigan P 0 Box 966, Ann Arbor, MI 550.00 55824 6/30/2003 48106-9940 Regents of the University of Minnesota - Radio 6 10 Rang Center, Minneapolis, 200.00 55825 6/30/2003 KJKUOM MN 55455-0415 Regional Hospice Services Inc 2 101 Beaser Ave, Ashland, WI 1,000.00 55826 6/30/2003 54806-3638 Regions Hospital Foundation 640 Jackson St, St. Paul, MN 10000 55827 6/30/2003 55101 Regis College 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 555.00 55828 6/30/2003 02493 Regis High School Foundation 55 East 84th Street, New York, NY 100.00 55829 6/30/2003 10028 Regis Jesuit High School 16300 East Weaver Place, Aurora, 200.00 55830 6/30/2003 CO 80016 Renaissance Social Services Inc 2575 W . Lyndale, Chicago, IL 200.00 55831 6/30/2003 60647-5503 Renee Schick Germlas Chesed Inc 1472 East 17th Street, Brooklyn, 1,800.00 55832 6/30/2003 NY 11230-6704 Repertory Dance Theatre PO Box 510427, Salt Lake City, 25.00 55833 6/30/2003 LIT 84151-0427 sidential Resources For The Developmentally 3877 Alexander Rd., Atwater, OH 25.00 55834 6/30/2003 *Challenged Inc. 44201 Retrieve A Golden of Minnesota 7500 North St, St Louis Park, MN 250.00 55835 6/30/2003 55426-0000

Page 137 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date I Number Rett Syndrome Research Foundation 4600 Devitt Dr, Cincinnati, OH 200.00 55836 6/30/2003 45246-1104 Rheedlen Foundation Inc-Rheedlen Centers for Children 2770 Broadway, New York, NY 8,00000 55837 6/30/2003 & Families, Inc 10025 Rhode Island Community Foundation One Union Station, Providence, RI 2500 55838 6/30/2003 02903-1758 Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road, 12500 55839 6/30/2003 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3099 Ripon College, Board of Trustees of 300 Seward Street, P.O. Box 248, 8000 55840 6/30/2003 Ripon, WI 54971 Riverside Park Fund Inc 475 Riverside Drive, #249, New 50.00 55841 6/30/2003 York, NY 10 115 Robbinsdale Women's Center 3826 N. Broadway, Robbinsdale, 7500 55842 6/30/2003 MN 55422 Robert R McCon-mck Tribune Foundation (Season for 435 N Michigan Ave., Suite 770, 1,250.00 55843 6/30/2003 Sharing) Chicago, I L 60611 Robert W Woodruff Arts Center Inc 1280 Peachtree Street, N.E , 163.00 55844 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309 Rochelle Lee Fund 5153 N Clare St 206, Chicago, IL 50.00 55845 6/30/2003 60640-0000 Rollins College 1000 Holt Avenue, Box 2719, 500.00 55846 6/30/2003 Winter Park, FL 32789 Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Memphis Inc 535 Alabama Avenue, Memphis, 50.00 55847 6/30/2003 TN 38105 Oonald Reagan Presidential Foundation 40 Presidential Dr Ste 200, Simi 25.00 55848 6/30/2003 Valley, CA 93065-0666 Roseville Stnng Ensemble 1140 Brooks Ave W, Roseville, 10000 55849 6/30/2003 N,fN 55113-3201 Rosies Place Inc 889 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA 150.00 55850 6/30/2003 02118 Rotary Foundation Of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 1,600.00 55851 6/30/2003 IL 60201 Rutgers University Foundation 7 College Avenue, Wmants Hall, 1,025.00 55852 6/30/2003 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Rutherford Institute - Rutherford Institute, The 112 Whitewood Road, 50.00 55853 6/30/2003 Charlottesville, VA 22901-7482 Rye Country Day School Cedar Street, Rye, NY 10580 1,00000 55854 6/30/2003 S L E Foundation Incorporated 149 Madison Ave Ste 205, New 15000 55855 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 16 Sabatham Community Center 3 10 East 3 8th St. Room 200, 66500 55856 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, M 55409 Sabathani Community Center 3 10 East 38th St. Room 200, 640.00 55857 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Sabathant Community Center 3 10 East 3 8th St. Room 200, 610.00 55858 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, M 55409 Sabatham Community Center 3 10 East 3 8th St. Room 200, 490.00 55859 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Sabathani Community Center 3 10 East 3 8th St. Room 200, 621 .00 55860 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, M 55409 abatham Community Center 3 10 East 3 8th St. Room 200, 570.00 55861 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Sabathani Community Center 3 10 East 3 8th St. Room 200, 225.00 55862 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55409

Page 138 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Sacramento Public Library Foundation 828 1 Street, Sacramento, CA 5000 55863 6/30/2003 95814 Sacred Heart University 5151 Park Ave, Fairfield, CT 3500 55864 6/30/2003 06825 SADD Students Against Driving Drunk, Inc P.O. Box 800, Marlborough, MA 25.00 55865 6/30/2003 01752 Sadlers Wells Association Inc 15 East 9 Ist Street, Apt 313, New 4,000.00 55866 6/30/2003 York, NY 10128 Safe Horizon Inc 2 Lafayette St 3rd Fl, New York, 10000 55867 6/30/2003 NY 10007-1307 Safe House Inc PO Box 1472, Largo, FL 33779- 10000 55868 6/30/2003 1472 Saint Edward State Park Playground 6344 Ne 15 1 st St, Kenmore, WA 20000 55869 6/30/2003 98028-4376 Saint Francis College 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY 100.00 55870 6/30/2003 11201 Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Society - St Paul Chamber The Hamm Building, St Paul, MN 3,02500 55871 6/30/2003 Orchestra Society 55102 Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity 2260 Summit Ave, St. Paul, NIN 12000 55872 6/30/2003 55105 Salisbury School, Inc 251 Canaan Road, Salisbury, CT 1,250.00 55873 6/30/2003 06068 Salisbury State University Foundation Inc PO Box 2655, Salisbury, MD 7500 55874 6/30/2003 21802-2655 alt Lake Acting Company 168 West 500 North, Salt Lake 5000 55875 6/30/2003 0 City, UT 84103 Salvation Army P.O. Box 9918, Santa Fe, NM 250.00 55876 6/30/2003 87504 Salvation Army P.O. Box 263 1, Sacramento, CA 10000 55877 6/30/2003 95834 Salvation Army 6500 Harry Hines, Dallas, TX 20000 55878 6/30/2003 75231 Salvation Army P .O. Box 1977, Rocky Mount, NC 52.00 55879 6/30/2003 27802 Salvation Army 1122 Green, Harrisburg, PA 17102 2500 55880 6/30/2003

Salvation Army 2626 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, 50.00 55881 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20037 Salvation Army 11315 W. Watertown Plank Road, 200.00 55882 6/30/2003 Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Salvation Army & Its Components - Salvation Anny 2707 East Washington, Phoenix, 50.00 55883 6/30/2003 Phoenix AZ 85008 Salvation Army & Its Components 16 Sterling Avenue, White Plains, 650.00 55884 6/30/2003 NY 10606 Salvation Army - Lawrenceville P.O. Box 465373, Lawrenceville, 200.00 55885 6/30/2003 GA 30045 Salvation Army - Salvation Army in Greater New York, 120 West 14th Street, New York, 75.00 55886 6/30/2003 The NY 10011 Salvation Army - The Salvation Army - Brooklyn Center 2445 Prior Avenue, Roseville, MN 1,185.00 55887 6/30/2003 55113 Olvation Army, The 147 Berkeley St., Boston, M.A 100.00 55888 6/30/2003 02116 Salvation Army, The 4 Gary Road, Union, NJ 07083 150.00 55889 6/30/2003

Page 139 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Salvation Army, The PO Box 53 10, Greensboro, NC 10500 55890 6/30/2003 27435-0310 Salvation Army, The P.0 Box 52177, Phoenix, AZ 5000 55891 6/30/2003 85072 Salvation Army, The 5040 N Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 2500 55892 6/30/2003 60630 Salve Regina University 100 Ochre Point Avenue, Newport, 25000 55893 6/30/2003 RI 02840 Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation 1150 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 100.00 55894 6/30/2003 10128 San Diego Symphony Orchestra Association 1245 7th Avenue, San Diego, CA 15000 55895 6/30/2003 92101 San Francisco Aids Foundation 995 Market Street, San Francisco, 40500 55896 6/30/2003 CA 94103 San Francisco Food Bank 900 Pennsylvania Avenue, San 75.00 55897 6/30/2003 Francicso, CA 94107 San Francisco Opera Association War Memorial Opera House, San 2,50000 55898 6/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94102 San Francisco Unified School Distnct-KALW 500 Mansell St, San Francisco, CA 40.00 55899 6/30/2003 94134 San Marcos Symphony Inc PO Box 6475, Chandler, AZ 85246- 2500 55900 6/30/2003 6475 San Mateo County Community College - KCSM-TV 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd, San 12500 55901 6/30/2003 Mateo, CA 94402 anta Barbara Museum of Art 1130 State St , Santa Barbara, CA 10000 55902 6/30/2003 0 93101-2746 Save the Children Federation Inc 54 Wilton Road, Westport, CT 935.00 55903 6/30/2003 06880 Save-the-Redwoods League 1 14 Sansome Street, San Francisco, 6500 55904 6/30/2003 CA 94104 School District of Cuba City-Cuba City High School 10 1 N. School Street, Cuba City, 250.00 55905 6/30/2003 WI 53807 School Of American Ballet Inc 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 50.00 55906 6/30/2003 York, NY 10023-6592 Science Museum Of Minnesota 120 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. 522.00 55907 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55102 Scott Hazelcorn Memonal Childrens Foundation 1185 Avenue Of The Americas, 20000 55908 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10036 Scottsdale Leadership Inc 4141 N Granite Reef Ste 102, 30.00 55909 6/30/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85251-2866 Seaford School District 390 N. market St., Seaford, DE 145.00 55910 6/30/2003 19973 Seashare 600 Encksen Ave Ne Ste 3 10, 50.00 55911 6/30/2003 Bainbndge Is, WA 98110-2836 Seattle Art Museum P. 0. Box 22000, Seattle, WA 158.00 55912 6/30/2003 98122-9700 Seattle Opera Association Inc P.O. Box 9248, Seattle, WA 98109- 400.00 55913 6/30/2003 0248 Seattle Pacific University 3307 Third Ave. West, Seattle, WA 150.00 55914 6/30/2003 98119-1997 Oattle Symphony Orchestra Inc PO Box 21906, Seattle, WA 98111 - 175.00 55915 6/30/2003 3006 Sebago-Long Lake Region Chamber Music Festival, Inc. P.O. Box 145, Brunswick, ME 350.00 55916 6/30/2003 04011

Page 140 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Dale 0 Number Second Chance for Felines P 0. Box 276, Bnghan City, UT 2,000.00 55917 6/30/2003 84302 Second Harvest St Paul Food Bank 1 140 Gervais Avenue, St. Paul, 1,10500 55918 6/30/2003 MN 55117 Senior Action In a Gay Environment, Inc 305 7th Avenue, New York, NY 35 .00 55919 6/30/2003 10001 Servants Of Relief For Incurable Cancer Inc - Our Lady 760 Pollard Blvd., Atlanta, GA 25 .00 55920 6/30/2003 of Perpetual Help Home 30315 Seton Hall University 457 Centre Street, Ring Building, 90000 55921 6/30/2003 South Orange, NJ 07079

Share Our Strength Inc 733 15th St NW, Washington, DC 5000 55922 6/30/2003 20005 Share Self-help For Women With Breast Or Ovarian 1501 Broadway, Suite 1720, New 65000 55923 6/30/2003 Cancer Inc - Share Self Help Action & RAP Exprnc fo York, NY 10036

Shelter Ministries of Dallas 2929 Hickory St, Dallas, TX 2500 55924 6/30/2003 75226 Shenandoah Valley Educational Television Corporation 298 Port Republic Rd, 5000 55925 6/30/2003 Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3063 Shepherds Gate 1660 Portola Avenue, Livermore, 25.00 55926 6/30/2003 CA 94551 Sheridan Hills Elementary School 5001 Thomas St, Hollywood, FL 5000 55927 6/30/2003 33021-3411 enffs Auxiliary Volunteers Of The Green Valley 601 N La Canada, Green Valley, 2500 55928 6/30/2003 'strict Inc AZ 85614-3440 Shoreview Northern Lights 674 Whitebear Avenue, Saint Paul, 30000 55929 6/30/2003 MN 55106 Shorewalkers Inc PO Box 20748, New York, NY 100.00 55930 6/30/2003 10025-1516 Signature Theatre Inc 3806 South Four Mile Run Drive, 3,250.00 55931 6/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22206-2305

Silent Witness National Initiative, Inc. 20 NE Second Street, Suite I 10 1, 160.00 55932 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Simon Wiesenthal Center 1399 S. Roxbury Drive, Los 561 00 55933 6/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90035-4792 Simpson Housing Services, Inc. 2740 First Avenue S., Minneapolis, 630.00 55934 6/30/2003 MN 55408 Sister Kenny Foundation 800 E. 28th Street - Internal Zip 125.00 55935 6/30/2003 12103, Minneapolis, MN 55407 Skewed Visions PO Box 19594, Minneapolis, MN 200.00 55936 6/30/2003 55419-0594 Smith College 33 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 350.00 55937 6/30/2003 01063 Smithsonian Institution 1000 Jefferson Drive, SW, Room 158.00 55938 6/30/2003 486, Washington, DC 20013-7012

Soaring Eagle PO Box 879, Billings, MT 59103- 250.00 55939 6/30/2003 0879 Ociety For Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Inc 1838 Greene Tree Road, Baltimore, 1,000.00 55940 6/30/2003 MD 21208

Page 141 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Society For The Preservation and Encouragement of P 0 Box 811, Mattoon, IL 61938 20000 55941 6/30/2003 Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America Inc - SPEBS

Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Of 590 North State Rd , Braircliff 3500 55942 6/30/2003 Westchester Manor, NY 10510-1522 Sojourner Center P 0 Box 20156, Phoenix, AZ 6800 55943 6/30/2003 85036 Solana Beach Foundation for Learning 309 N Rios, Solana Beach, CA 1,00000 55944 6/30/2003 92075 Solomon Schechter Day Schools 32 10 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 40000 55945 6/30/2003 60062 Soropinust Foundation Inc - Soropirmst International PO Box 271096, Salt Lake City, 1,000.00 55946 6/30/2003 Foundation of Salt Lake UT 84127 South Carolina Coastal Conservation League Inc PO Box 1765, Charleston, SC 10000 55947 6/30/2003 29402-1765 South Shore Young Mens & Young Womens Hebrew 15 Neil Court, Oceanside, NY 100.00 55948 6/30/2003 Association Inc 11572 South Washington County School District - Early 8400 E Point Douglas Road, 50.00 55949 6/30/2003 Childhood Family Education Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Southeast Baltimore Catholic Academy Inc - Archbishop 201 South Condling, Baltimore, 4,00000 55950 6/30/2003 Borders School MID 21224 Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation 375 S. Euclid avenue, Tucson, AZ 52500 55951 6/30/2003 85719 Southern Illinois University Foundation 1205 W Chautauqua, Carbondale, 5000 55952 6/30/2003 IL 62901 00-uthern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Avenue, 32000 55953 6/30/2003 Montgomery, AL 36104 Southfield School Inc 10 Newton Street, Brookline, MA 1,500.00 55954 6/30/2003 02445-7498 Southport Junior Yacht Club Sailing Foundation P 0 Box 57, Southport, ME 04576- 250.00 55955 6/30/2003 0057 Southside Family School Inc 2123 Clinton Ave South, 5000 55956 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, NTN 55404-2650 Southside Life Care Center Inc 4105 Chicago Avenue South, 120.00 55957 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Southwest Center For Biological Diversity Inc PO Box 7 10, Tucson, AZ 85702 125.00 55958 6/30/2003 Southwest Indian Foundation 100 W. Coal Ave., Gallup, NM 59.00 55959 6/30/2003 87301 Southwest Minnesota University Foundation 1501 South Street, Marshall, MN 25.00 55960 6/30/2003 56258 Southwest Texas State University Developernent 601 University Drive, San Marcos, 50.00 55961 6/30/2003 Foundation - Southwest Texas State University TX 78666 Southwestern Conservative Baptist Bible College - 2625 E. Cactus Road, Phoenix, AZ 100.00 55962 6/30/2003 Southwestern College 85032 Special Gifts Theatre Inc PO Box 223 1, Northbrook, IL 75.00 55963 6/30/2003 60065 Special Kids And Families Inc PO Box 22383, Memphis, TN 50.00 55964 6/30/2003 38122-0383 Special Olympics Inc P.O. Box 7580, Phoenix, AZ 85011 25.00 55965 6/30/2003

ecial Olympics Inc - Special Olympics - Minnesota PO Box 1201, Minneapolis, MN 310.00 55966 6/30/2003 55440 Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics International, PO Box 768, Schenectady, NY 300.00 55967 6/30/2003 Inc. 12301-0768

Page 142 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Special Olympics of Northern California 3480 Buskirk Avenue, Suite 340, 10000 55969 6/30/2003 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Spence-Chapin Services To Families and Children 6 East 94th Street, New York, NY 25000 55970 6/30/2003 10128 Spina Bifida Association Of Texas Inc 705 W Ave B Suite 300, Garland, 2500 55971 6/30/2003 TX 75040 Spirit Of 67 Foundation 67 W Deerpath Rd, Lake Forest, IL 5000 55972 6/30/2003 60045-2110 Spokane Interplayers Ensemble P 0 Box 1961, Spokane, WA 25.00 55973 6/30/2003 99210 Spoleto Festival U S A , Charleston, SC 29401 1,000.00 55974 6/30/2003 St Joseph Academy 3430 Rocky River Drive NW, 25.00 55975 6/30/2003 Cleveland, OH 44111-2999 St Jude Childrens Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place, Memphis, TN 1,68800 55976 6/30/2003 38105 St Jude Childrens Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place, Memphis, TN 1,39500 55977 6/30/2003 38105 St Marys Armenian Apostolic Church - Chamlian 4444 Lowell Ave, Glendale, CA 1,07900 55978 6/30/2003 Armenian School 91214 St Olaf College 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, 1,75000 55979 6/30/2003 MN 55057-1574 St Paul Academy And Summit School 1712 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, 1,000.00 55980 6/30/2003 MN 55105 St Paul Urban Tennis Program 970 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN 8500 55981 6/30/2003 55105-3014 Ot Peter Church - St Peter Catholic Church and School 1881 Knaeville Road, Geneva, IL 3,000.00 55982 6/30/2003 60134-1801 St. Alcums Montesson School 6144 Churchill Way, Dallas, TX 400.00 55983 6/30/2003 75230-1899 St Ann's Residential Services, Inc. 2954 Rice Street, St Paul, MN 1,000.00 55984 6/30/2003 55113 St. Anne's Mission to Children 116 E. Summer Avenue, Saint 40000 55985 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55117-2347 St. Basil College 195 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, 10000 55986 6/30/2003 CT 06902 St. Cloud State University Foundation, Inc. 720 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud, NfN 675.00 55987 6/30/2003 56301-4498 St. Croix Lutheran High School 1200 Oakdale Ave, W St Paul, MN 50.00 55988 6/30/2003 55118 St. Elizabeth Academy 3401 Arsenal, St Louis, MO 63118 2500 55989 6/30/2003

St. Francis House P 0 Box 120499, Boston, MA 49.00 55990 6/30/2003 02112-0499 St. John the Baptist School 12508 Lynn Ave. So., Savage, NfN 500.00 55991 6/30/2003 55378 St. John's College PO Box 2800, Annapolis, MD 150.00 55992 6/30/2003 21404 St. John's University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 450.00 55993 6/30/2003 11439 Joseph Medical Center Foundation Inc 7601 Osler Dr., Towson, MD 500.00 55994 6/30/2003 21204 St. Jude Academy 21689 Toledo Road, Boca Raton, 500.00 55995 6/30/2003 FL 33433

Page 143 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number St Labre Indian School 1000 Tongue River Road, Ashland, 149.00 55996 6/30/2003 MT 59004 St Louis Park Emergency Program, Inc 41 00 Vernon Avenue South, St 250.00 55997 6/30/2003 Louis Park, MN 55416 St Mary's Food Bank 2831 North 3 1 st Avenue, Phoenix, 755.00 55998 6/30/2003 AZ 8SO09-1518 St Mary's University of Minnesota 700 Terrace Heights, #2 1, Winona, 5000 55999 6/30/2003 MN 55987 St. Patrick High School 5900 W Belmont, Chicago, IL 10000 56001 6/30/2003 60634 St. Paul's School 325 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 500.00 56002 6/30/2003 03301-2591 St. Rita School for the Deaf 1720 Glendale Milford Rd , 100.00 56003 6/30/2003 Cincinnati, OH 45215 St Stephen's Human Services, Inc 221 1 Clinton Ave S, Minneapolis, 10000 56004 6/30/2003 MN 55404 Stage Left Theatre 3408 N Sheffield, Chicago, IL 150.00 56005 6/30/2003 60657-1608 Stanford University Board Of Trustees Of The Leland 326 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA 8,000.00 56006 6/30/2003 Stanford Ju 94305-6076 Stanley M Isaacs Neighborhood Center 415 East 93 Street, New York, NY 10000 56007 6/30/2003 10128 State Theatre Regional Arts Center at New Brunswick I I Livingston Ave, New 350.00 56008 6/30/2003 nc Brunswick, NJ 08901-1903 aten Island University Hospice- Staten Island 256 Mason Avenue, Staten Island, 50000 56009 6/30/2003 0niversity Hospital NY 10305 Steppenwolf Theatre Company 758 W . Nor-th Avenue, Chicago, IL 175.00 56010 6/30/2003 60610 Stepping Stone Theater Co 75 W 5th St, suite 314, St Paul, 800.00 56011 6/30/2003 MN 55102-1431 Sterile Feral Inc 722 Kingston Avenue, Rome, GA 25.00 56012 6/30/2003 30161-3233 Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools 1408 Ellis Street, Stevens Point, 250.00 56013 6/30/2003 W1 54481 Stony Brook Foundation Inc Admin. Room 322, Stony Brook, 150.00 56014 6/30/2003 NY 11794-1201 Stowe Schools Foundation For Educational Advancement PO Box 820, Stowe, VT 05672- 300.00 56015 6/30/2003 Inc 0820 Stratton Winhall Education Foundations Inc Po Box 200, Bondville, VT 05340- 300.00 56016 6/30/2003 0200 Student Conservation Association, Inc , The P.O. Box 550, Charlestown, NH 25 .00 56017 6/30/2003 03603-0550 Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association Inc PO Box 3 53 1, New York, NY 500.00 56018 6/30/2003 10008-3531 Stuyvesant High School Parent's Association 345 Chambers Street, New York, 250.00 56019 6/30/2003 NY 10282 Suffield Educational Foundation - Suffield Foundation 1136 Mapleton Avenue, Suffield, 100.00 56020 6/30/2003 for Excellent Schools CT 06078 Summit Association for Gerontological Endeavor (Sage) 50 Deforest Ave., Summit, NJ 500.00 56021 6/30/2003 07901 mmit Public Radio and TV Inc PO Box 6392, Breckenridge, CO 500.00 56022 6/30/2003 80424-6392 Sun Angel Foundation Inc PO Box 872205, Tempe, AZ 85287 520.00 56023 6/30/2003

Page 144 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Dale 4y Number Sunset Spirit Softball Association 15533NW Trokehner Way, 5,00000 56024 6/30/2003 Portland, OR 97229 Superstition Area Land Trust PO Box 582, Apache Jct, AZ 100.00 56025 6/30/2003 85217-0582 Surprise Lake Camp 307 Seventh Ave Ste 900, New 4,00000 56026 6/30/2003 York, NY 1000 1 -6007 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation PO Box 530109, Dept G-00 125, 61000 56027 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30353 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation P.O. Box 510004, New Berlin, WI 160.00 56028 6/30/2003 53151 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, M 780.00 56029 6/30/2003 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Susan G 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd 223, 50.00 56030 6/30/2003 Komen Cancer Foundation Sacramento, CA 95825 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc 13555 SW 10 1 Lane, Miami, FL 150.00 56031 6/30/2003 33186 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Susan G 1911 North Fort Myer Dr., Ste 11 2, 200.00 56032 6/30/2003 Komen National Race for the Cure Arlington, VA 22209 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - TX 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250, 31000 56033 6/30/2003 Dallas, TX 75244 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc 341 West 38th Street 10th Floor, 500.00 56034 6/30/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Sutter Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice 1900 Powell Street, Emeryville, 100.00 56035 6/30/2003 CA 94608 warthmore College 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, 7500 56036 6/30/2003 0 PA 19081-1397 Synapse Productions Incorporated 220 East 4th Street, New York, NY 250.00 56037 6/30/2003 10009 Syracuse University 820 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, 2500 56038 6/30/2003 NY 13244-5040 Taft School Corporation I 10 Woodbury Road, Watertown, 50000 56039 6/30/2003 CT 06795 Tahoe Heritage Foundation PO Box 8586, South Lake Tahoe, 150.00 56040 6/30/2003 CA 96158-1586 Talmudical Academy of Baltimore Inc 4445 Old Court Road, Baltimore, 500.00 56041 6/30/2003 MD 21208 Tappers With Attitude 8700 Georgia Ave Ste B, Silver 35.00 56042 6/30/2003 Spring, MD 20910-3618 Taylor University 236 West Reade Ave., Upland, IN 8,00000 56043 6/30/2003 46989 Technoserve Inc 49 Day Street, Norwalk, CT 06854 25.00 56044 6/30/2003

Texas A & M University 12th Man Foundation PO Drawer L- 1, College Station, 1,132.00 56045 6/30/2003 TX 77844-91 01 Thayer Academy 745 Washington Street, Braintree, 2,100.00 56046 6/30/2003 MA 02184 Theater Mu. Incorporated 711 West Lake St. Suite 212, 800.00 56047 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, M[N 55408-2918 Theatre in the Round Players 245 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis, 250.00 56048 6/30/2003 NfN 55454 tel College 75 College Ave, Greenville, PA 200.00 56049 6/30/2003 16125 Thunderbird The American Graduate School Of 15249 North 59th Avenue, 2,500.00 56050 6/30/2003 International Management Glendale, AZ 85306

Page 145 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Tiger Haven 2 3 7 Harvey Road, Kingston, TN 5000 56051 6/30/2003 37763-5440 Toccoa-Stephens County YMCA, Inc. P 0 Box 169 ], Toccoa, GA 30577 10000 56052 6/30/2003

Torah Academy High School of Brooklyn 2066 East 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY 1,00000 56053 6/30/2003 11223 Torah Academy of Minneapolis 2800 Joppa Ave S, St Louis Park, 25.00 56054 6/30/2003 MN 55416-4104 Torah Institute of Lakewood Inc 327 Carey Street, Lakewood, NJ 1,650.00 56055 6/30/2003 08701 Toras Emes Academy Of Miami Inc 1051 North Miami Beach Blvd, 18000 56056 6/30/2003 Miami Beach, FL 33162 Towson State University Foundation Inc 8000 York Road, Baltimore, MD 2,05000 56057 6/30/2003 21252-0001 Travelers Aid Society 2 10 S Rio Grande St, Salt Lake 30000 56058 6/30/2003 City, UT 84101-1104 Tree Trust 2350 Wycliff St Ste 200, Saint 25.00 56059 6/30/2003 Paul, M 55114-1331 Trees, Water And People 633 S. College Avenue, Fort 100.00 56060 6/30/2003 Collins, CO 80524 Triad Health Project PO Box 5716, Greensboro, NC 65.00 56061 6/30/2003 27435 Trinity College 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 2500 56062 6/30/2003 06106 nnity Episcopal School, Inc 3850 Pittaway Road, Richmond, 15000 56063 6/30/2003 0 VA 23235 Trustees Of Boston College Controllers Office More Hall 220 More Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 14,45000 56064 6/30/2003 02467 Trustees Of Boston University One Sherbom Street, 7th Floor, 37500 56065 6/30/2003 Boston, MA 02215 Trustees Of Columbia University In The City Of New 2960 Broadway, Mail Code 7724, 8,892.00 56066 6/30/2003 York New York, NY 10027 Trustees of Dartmouth College Fleet Building, Hanover, NH 1,400.00 56067 6/30/2003 03755 Trustees of Eastern Mennonite College, Inc. 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 100.00 56068 6/30/2003 22802 Trustees of Grinnell College PO Box 805, Grinnell, IA 50112- 3000 56069 6/30/2003 0805 Trustees Of Phillips Academy 180 Main Street, Andover, MA 200.00 56070 6/30/2003 01810 Trustees Of Princeton University 330 Alexander Street, 2nd Floor, 2,519.00 56071 6/30/2003 Princeton, NJ 08543-5357 Trustees of Princeton University - Princeton University - 16 Mcmullan Farm Lane, West 5000 56072 6/30/2003 Class of 1979 Chester, PA 19382 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania - The Trustees 409A Franklin Building, 5,805 .00 56073 6/30/2003 of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6285 Trustees of Tufts College Packard Hall, Development 8,025.00 56074 6/30/2003 Records, Medford, MA 02155 TSQ Inc 67 07 Austin St, Forest Hills, NY 158 .00 56075 6/30/2003 11375-3533 esdays Angels Inc 2545 E. Sunrise Blvd. # 139, Fort 250.00 56076 6/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33304 Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity 3001 4th Street, Minneapolis, MN 2,235.00 56078 6/30/2003 55414

Page 146 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Twin Cities Jazz Society P 0 Box 4487, St Paul, NIN 4000 56079 6/30/2003 55104 Twin Cities Marathon Inc 4050 Olson Memorial Highway, 40000 56080 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55422 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 1,63700 56081 6/30/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, 96500 56082 6/30/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 82600 56083 6/30/2003 55101 UCLA Foundation, The 10920 Wilshire Blvd, Los 25000 56084 6/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90024-1359 Ukrainian Museum, The 203 Second Avenue, New York, 5000 56085 6/30/2003 NY 10003 Union Academy Foundation 3828 Old Charlotte Hwy, Monroe, 1,00000 56086 6/30/2003 NC 28110-7329 Union Gospel Mission Assn Of Seattle - Union Gospel P 0. Box 202, Seattle, WA 98111 2,10000 56087 6/30/2003 Mission Association of Seattle Union Gospel Mission Association Of St Paul 77 E 9th Street, St. Paul, MN 80500 56088 6/30/2003 55101 Union Of Concerned Scientists Inc 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 10000 56089 6/30/2003 02238 United Arts Council Of Greensboro Inc 200 North Davie Street Box 5, 5000 56090 6/30/2003 Greensboro, NC 27401 nited Food Bank 358 E Javelma Avenue, Mesa, AZ 2500 56091 6/30/2003 0 85210-6207 United Hospital Foundation 333 North Smith Avenue, St. Paul, 25.00 56092 6/30/2003 MN 55102 United Jewish Appeal Federation Of Jewish 130 East 59th Street, Suite 828, 4,500.00 56093 6/30/2003 Philanthropies Of Ny Inc - United Jewish Appeal - Fed. New York, NY 10022 of United Jewish Appeal of MetroWest 901 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 750.00 56094 6/30/2003 07981 United Jewish Federation of Bergen County & North I I I Kinderkamack Road., River 2,050.00 56095 6/30/2003 Hudson Inc Edge, NJ 07661 United Jewish Federation of Utah 2 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake 7,00000 56096 6/30/2003 City, UT 84113 United Methodist Outreach Ministries Inc 3320 E Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ 1,100.00 56097 6/30/2003 85008 United Nations Foundation 1301 Connecticut Avenue NW, 300.00 56098 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036-1815 United Negro College Fund Inc 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr., 750.00 56099 6/30/2003 Fairfax, VA 22031 United Negro College Fund Inc 119 E Seventh Street, Suite I -B, 1,00000 56100 6/30/2003 Charlotte, NC 28202 United Service Organizations Inc 1008 Eberle Place SE, Washington, 255.00 56101 6/30/2003 DC 20374 United States Committee For UNFPA, Inc 220 East 42nd Street, 23rd Floor, 500.00 56102 6/30/2003 New York, NY 10017-5806 ited States Committee For Unicef 333 East 38th Street, New York, 3,055.00 56103 6/30/2003 NY 10016 10nited States Committee For Unicef 333 East 38th Street, New York, 50.00 56104 6/30/2003 NY 10016

Page 147 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date q Number United States Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW, 1,17500 56105 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20024-2126

United States Naval Academy Foundation Inc 247 King George Street, 1,00000 56106 6/30/2003 Annapolis, MD 21402-5068 United States Olympic Committee One Olympic Plaza, Colorado 7500 56107 6/30/2003 Springs, CO 80909-5760 United Way of Suburban Chicago - United Way of 777 Central Ave Ste 5, Highland 10000 56108 6/30/2003 Highland Park/Highwood Park, IL 60035-3246 University Of Arizona Foundation 1111 N Cherry Ave., Tucson, AZ 2,15000 56109 6/30/2003 85721 University of Arkansas Fort Smith Foundation Inc P. 0. Box 3649, Fort Smith, AR 100.00 56110 6/30/2003 72913-3649 University Of Baltimore 1420 N Charles St., Baltimore, 1,00000 56111 6/30/2003 MID 21201 University Of Baltimore Educational Foundation, Inc 1420 N Charles Street, Baltimore, 2,50000 56112 6/30/2003 MD 21201 University of Buffalo Foundation, Inc. P 0 Box 900, Buffalo, NY 14226- 2500 56113 6/30/2003 0900 University of California Berkeley Foundation 2440 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 5000 56114 6/30/2003 94720 University Of Central Arkansas Foundation Inc - UCA Box 4986, Conway, AR 5000 56115 6/30/2003 University of Central Arkansas Fdn, Inc. 72032 University Of Chicago 5801 South Ellis Avenue-Room 7, 7,25000 56116 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60827 laniversity of Colorado Boulder Foundation, Inc P 0. Box 1140, Boulder, CO 80306 25.00 56117 6/30/2003

University of Colorado Foundation Inc P 0 Box 11 40, Boulder, CO 10000 56118 6/30/2003 80306 University of Dayton 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 2500 56119 6/30/2003 45469 Office Of The Controller Development Office, Newark, DE 100.00 56120 6/30/2003 19716 University of Denver P.O. Box 100864, Denver, CO 25000 56121 6/30/2003 80250 University of Evansville 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, 50.00 56122 6/30/2003 IN 47722 University Of Florida Foundation Inc P.O Box 14425, Gainesville, FL 10000 56123 6/30/2003 32604 University of Illinois Foundation PO Box 3429, Champaign, IL 175 .00 56124 6/30/2003 61826-3429 University of Iowa Foundation PO Box 4550, Iowa City, TA 52244- 625 .00 56125 6/30/2003 4550 University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation Inc 515 W. Lombard St., Baltimore, 1,000.00 56126 6/30/2003 MD 21201 University of Maryland College Park Foundation Inc 7309 Baltimore Avenue, College 2,032 .00 56127 6/30/2003 Park, MD 20740 University of Massachusetts 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 150.00 56128 6/30/2003 02123 niversity Of Miami P.O. Box 025388, Coral Gables, FL 1,525.00 56129 6/30/2003 33102-9811 niversity Of Minnesota Alumni Association 200 McNamara Alumni Center, 4,205.00 56130 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55455

Page 148 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number University Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 2,74000 5613 1 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55455-2010 University Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 10000 56132 6/30/2003 Minneapolis, M 55455-2010 University Of Minnesota Foundation - Law School - 229 19th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 25.00 56133 6/30/2003 University of Minnesota Law School 55455 University of M i ssoun -Columbia 109 Reynolds Alumni Center, 60000 56134 6/30/2003 Columbia, MO 65201 University of Montana Foundation P 0. Box 7159, Missoula, MT 2500 56135 6/30/2003 59807-7159 University of Nebraska at Omaha 6001 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 50.00 56136 6/30/2003 68182 University of Nebraska at Omaha Alumni Association 60th & Dodge Streets, Omaha, NE 100.00 56137 6/30/2003 68182 University Of Nebraska Foundation P 0 Box 82555, Lincoln, NE 50000 56138 6/30/2003 68501 University of New Mexico Foundation, Inc. I University of New Mexico, 8000 56139 6/30/2003 Albuquerque, NM 8713 1 -0001 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill P 0. Box 14920, Research 10500 56140 6/30/2003 Triangle, NC 27709 University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill P 0 Box 309, Chapel Hill, NC 92500 56141 6/30/2003 27514 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Center for P 0. Box 14920, Research Triangle 55.00 56142 6/30/2003 blic Television - U`NC Center for Public T Pa, NC 27709-4900 jjjVniversity of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 S College Rd, Wilmington, 2500 56143 6/30/2003 NC 28403 University of North Florida Foundation 4567 St. Johns Bluff Road S., 150.00 56144 6/30/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32224 University of Northern Colorado Foundation, Inc. University of Northern Colorado, 10000 56145 6/30/2003 Greeley, CO 80639 University Of Northern Iowa Foundation Accounting Office, Cedar Falls, IA 25.00 56146 6/30/2003 50614-0282 University Of Notre Dame Du Lac I 100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 1,50000 56147 6/30/2003 46556-5612 University Of Oregon Foundation 1787 Agate Street,, Eugene, OR 50.00 56148 6/30/2003 97403 University of Pittsburgh 200 S. Craig St., Pittsburgh, PA 50.00 56149 6/30/2003 15260 University Of Rochester Box 270032, Rochester, NY 14627 50.00 56150 6/30/2003

University of Scranton 800 Linden Street, P.O. Box 1385, 35000 56151 6/30/2003 Scranton, PA 1851046 10 University Of South Dakota Foundation 414 East Clark, Vermillion, SD 225 .00 56152 6/30/2003 57069 University Of South Florida Foundation Inc 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 1,100.00 56153 6/30/2003 33620 University of Southern California Kaprielian Hall # 1 24, Los Angeles, 1,750.00 56154 6/30/2003 CA 90089-2535 University Of St. Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue, #DEV, St. 500.00 56155 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55105-1096 iversity of Texas at Austin P.O. Box 7458, Austin, TX 78713 50.00 56156 6/30/2003

University of Utah Development Office, Salt Lake 375 .00 56157 6/30/2003 City, UT 84112

Page 149 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number University of Virginia Alumni Association P.O Box 3446, Univ Station, 150.00 56158 6/30/2003 Charlottesville, VA 22903 University of Washington Foundation Gift Policy Administration, Seattle, 50.00 56159 6/30/2003 WA 98101-1116 University Of Wisconsin Foundation 1848 University Avenue, P 0 Box 485.00 56160 6/30/2003 8860, Madison, WI 53726 University Of Wisconsin La Crosse Foundation Inc 1725 State St., La Crosse, WI 50.00 56161 6/30/2003 54601 University Of Wisconsin River Falls Foundation 41 0 S 3rd Street, River Falls, WI 5000 56162 6/30/2003 54022 University Of Wisconsm-eau Claire Foundation Inc 214 Schofield Hall, Eau Claire, WI 650.00 56163 6/30/2003 54703-4004 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Old Main Bldg, Rm 2 12, Stevens 50.00 56164 6/30/2003 Point, WI 54481-9900 Up & Out of Poverty Saint Paul Inc - Freedom Place, 653 Dale Street N, Minneapolis, 200.00 56165 6/30/2003 Inc MN 55103 Upper East Side Hatzolah, Inc. 125 East 85th Street, New York, 30000 56166 6/30/2003 NY 10028 Upper Iowa University P. 0 Box 1857, Fayette, IA 52142 2500 56167 6/30/2003

Urban Pathways Inc 575 Eighth Ave , 9th Flr, New 12500 56168 6/30/2003 York, NY 100 18-3011 US Catholic Conference - Academy of Holy Angels 6600 Nicollet Avenue, Richfield, 500.00 56169 6/30/2003 MN 55423-2498 S Catholic Conference - Ambler Catholic Elementary 259 Forest Avenue, Ambler, PA 500.00 56170 6/30/2003 10School 19002 US Catholic Conference - Archbishop Curley High 3701 Sinclair Lane, Baltimore, MD 25000 56171 6/30/2003 School 21213 US Catholic Conference - Benedictine University 5700 College Road, Lisle, IL 500.00 56172 6/30/2003 60532-0900 US Catholic Conference - Benet Academy 2200 Maple Ave, Lisle, IL 60532 27500 56173 6/30/2003

US Catholic Conference - Bourgade Catholic High 4602 N. 3 1 st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 100.00 56174 6/30/2003 School 85017 US Catholic Conference - Brooklyn Prepartory Alumni Loyola Hall, Bronx, NY 10458 2500 56175 6/30/2003 Association - NY US Catholic Conference - Cathedral High School 312 7th Ave., North, P. 0. Box 900.00 56176 6/30/2003 1579, St. Cloud, N4N 56302 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Campaign for Human 328 West Kellogg Blvd, Saint 25.00 56177 6/30/2003 Development Paul, M 55102 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Corporation I I I I Superior Avenue, Cleveland, 250.00 56178 6/30/2003 OH 44114 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Buffalo 525 Washington Steet, Buffalo, NY 1,300.00 56179 6/30/2003 NY - Catholic Charities of Buffalo New York 14203 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Medical Mission 10 West 17th Street, New York, 2500 56180 6/30/2003 Board NY 10011-5765 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Relief Services P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 875.00 56181 6/30/2003 21298 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Tuition Organization 400 East Monroe, Phoenix, AZ 1,250.00 56182 6/30/2003 f he Diocese of Phoenix, Inc. 85004 lost Catholic Conference - Columbus High School 3231 West 9th Street, Waterloo, IA 300.00 56183 6/30/2003 50702 US Catholic Conference - Convent of the Sacred Heart I East 91 St St, New York, NY 25.00 56184 6/30/2003 School 10128

Page 150 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 US Catholic Conference - Corpus Christi School 907 New Road, Elsmere, DE 19805 2500 56186 6/30/2003

US Catholic Conference - Father English Community 435 Main St, Paterson, NJ 07501- 100.00 56187 6/30/2003 Center 2817 US Catholic Conference - Holy Child Jesus School 11 1-02 86 Avenue, Richmond Hill, 821 00 56188 6/30/2003 NY 11418 US Catholic Conference - Holy Cross School 720 Elder Lane, Deerfield, IL 10000 56189 6/30/2003 60015 US Catholic Conference - Holy Family School 3163 Kent Road, Stow, OH 44224 2,00000 56190 6/30/2003

US Catholic Conference - Holy Name High School 6000 Queens Highway, Parma 2500 56191 6/30/2003 Height, OH 44130 US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conception School 125 W 45th Street, Hialeah, FL 1,000.00 56192 6/30/2003 33012 US Catholic Conference - Incarnate Word Academy 6618 Pearl Road, Parma Heights, 5000 56193 6/30/2003 OH 44130 Us Catholic Conference - Inner City Scholarship Fund 10 11 First Ave., New York, NY 3000 56194 6/30/2003 10022 US Catholic Conference - Kennck Seminary 5200 Glennon Drive, Saint Louis, 200.00 56195 6/30/2003 MO 63119 US Catholic Conference - Mana High School 6727 S California Avenue, 2500 56196 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60629 US Catholic Conference - Nativity of Mary School 9900 Lyndale Ave South, 6,00000 56197 6/30/2003 Bloomington, N4N 55420 S Catholic Conference - Notre Dame High School for 3000 North Mango Avenue, 10000 56198 6/30/2003 lairls Chicago, IL 60634-5289 US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Consolation 1799 Hamburg Tpk , Wayne, NJ 600.00 56199 6/30/2003 School 07470 US Catholic Conference - Parkvalley Catholic School 145 Jersey Ave So , Golden 1,000.00 56200 6/30/2003 Valley, M-N 55426 US Catholic Conference - Regina High School 1857 South Green, South Euclid, 100.00 56201 6/30/2003 OH 44121 US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart Elementary 75 Commercial Street, Weymouth, 40000 56202 6/30/2003 School MA 02188 US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School 615 McDade Street, Conroe, TX 50.00 56203 6/30/2003 77301-2753 US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School Fund 203 Church Road, Oxford, PA 4,000.00 56204 6/30/2003 19363 US Catholic Conference - Saint Ambrose of Woodbury 4125 Woodbury Drive, Woodbury, 5,000.00 56205 6/30/2003 School N/fN 55129 US Catholic Conference - Saint Charles Preparatory 201 0 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 8,000.00 56206 6/30/2003 School 43209 US Catholic Conference - Saint John the Evangelist I I I New Balch Street, Beverly, 125 .00 56207 6/30/2003 School MA 01915 US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph's Home For P 0. Box 1414, NCB04, 375 .00 56208 6/30/2003 Children Minneapolis, MN 55480-1414 US Catholic Conference - Saint Michael Elementary 1600 South Marion Raod, Sioux 2,000.00 56209 6/30/2003 School Falls, SD 57106 US Catholic Conference - Saint Stanislaus Kostka Soup 1351 W. Evergreen Street, 500.00 56210 6/30/2003 Kitchen Chicago, IL 60622 Catholic Conference - Salesian Missions 2 Lefevre Lane, Box 30, New 75 .00 56211 6/30/2003 & Rochelle, NY 10802 US Catholic Conference - St Vincent Senior Citizens 2131 West Third Street, Los 50.00 56212 6/30/2003 Nutrition Program Inc Angeles, CA 90057

Page 151 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 40 Number US Catholic Conference - St Agnes of Bohemia Pansh 2651 S. Central Park, Chicago, IL 1,000.00 56213 6/30/2003 School 60623 US Catholic Conference - St. Charles Borromeo 100 E. Wynnewood Road, 5000 56214 6/30/2003 Seminary Wynnewood, PA 19096 US Catholic Conference - St Croix Catholic School 621 South 3rd Street, Stillwater, 1,200.00 56215 6/30/2003 MN 55082 US Catholic Conference - St. Francis Preparatory School 6 100 Francis Lewis Blvd , Fresh 100.00 56216 6/30/2003 Meadows, NY 11365 US Catholic Conference - St. Giles School 1030 Linden Avenue, Oak Park, IL 3,000.00 56217 6/30/2003 60302 US Catholic Conference - St Gregory Elementary School 3440 No. l8th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 100.00 56218 6/30/2003 85015 US Catholic Conference - St. Gregory The Great School 200 N University Drive, 3,500.00 56219 6/30/2003 Plantation, FL 33324 US Catholic Conference - St Jean Baptiste High School 173 East 75th Street, New York, 50.00 56220 6/30/2003 NY 10021 US Catholic Conference - St. John's University PO Box 7222 - Luke 105, 1,428.00 56221 6/30/2003 Collegeville, N4N 56321-7222 US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph School 6 New Street, Mendham, NJ 07945 1,00000 56222 6/30/2003

US Catholic Conference - St. Mark's School - Saint 1983 Dayton Avenue, Saint Paul, 800.00 56223 6/30/2003 Mark's School MN 55104 US Catholic Conference - St Michael School 314 W. Willow Avenue, Wheaton, 620.00 56224 6/30/2003 IL 60187-5091 S Catholic Conference - St. Norbert College 100 Grant Street, DePere, WI 1,200.00 56225 6/30/2003 0 54115-2099 US Catholic Conference - St. Norbert School 1817 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, 6,500.00 56226 6/30/2003 IL 60062-1595 US Catholic Conference - St. Pius X St. Leo School 6905 Blondo Street, Omaha, NE 200.00 56227 6/30/2003 68104 US Catholic Conference - St. Rose School 580 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 3,000.00 56228 6/30/2003 02150 US Catholic Conference - St. Theresa School 40 Saint Theresa Avenue, West 25.00 56229 6/30/2003 Roxburg, MA 02132 US Catholic Conference - St. Thomas the Apostle School 45 1 0 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 2,450.00 56230 6/30/2003 85016 US Catholic Conference - St. Ursula Academy 4025 Indian Rd., Toledo, OH 100.00 56231 6/30/2003 43606 US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent DePaul Catholic 1385 Spring Lane, Salt Lake City, 650.00 56232 6/30/2003 School UT 84117 US Catholic Conference - Totmo-Grace High School 1350 Gardena Ave. NE, Fridley, 1,100.00 56233 6/30/2003 MN 55432 US Catholic Conference - Trinity High School 7574 West Division St, River 75 .00 56234 6/30/2003 Forest, IL 60305 US Catholic Conference - Union Catholic Regional High 1600 Martine Avenue, Scotch 400.00 56235 6/30/2003 School Plains, NJ 07076 US Catholic Conference - Ursulme Academy 85 Lowder Street, Dedham, MA 1,000.00 56236 6/30/2003 02026 US Catholic Conference - Xavier High School 6300 42nd Street NE, Cedar 150.00 56237 6/30/2003 ..,Loundation Rapids, 1A 52406 Catholic Conference-St. Anselm College 100 St. Anselm Dri ve, Manchester, 3,500.00 56238 6/30/2003 IF NH 03102 USA Outreach Priority - 1 100 Cedarhurst Avenue, Suite 203, 50.00 56240 6/30/2003 Cedarhurst, NY 11516-2012

Page 152 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number Utah State University Development Office M 10 1, Logan, 55000 56241 6/30/2003 UT 84322-1420 UW-Plattsville Foundation Inc. 415 Karrmann Library, Platteville, 100.00 56242 6/30/2003 WI 53818 Valley Big Brothers/Big Sisters 1010 E. McDowell Rd, Phoenix, 20000 56243 6/30/2003 AZ 85006 Valley Hospital Foundation 223 North Van Dien Ave, 75.00 56244 6/30/2003 Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Valley Of The Sun Hospice Association 15 10 E. Flower Street, Phoenix, 100.00 56245 6/30/2003 AZ 85014 Valley of the Sun Young Mens Christian Association - 5517 N 17th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 25.00 56246 6/30/2003 YMCA of Phoenix and Valley of the Sun 85015

Valley Youth Theatre 807 N Third St., Phoenix, AZ 100.00 56247 6/30/2003 85004 Vanderbilt University 201 Alumni Hall, Nashville, TN 250.00 56248 6/30/2003 37240 Vanguard University of Southern California 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 1,000.00 56249 6/30/2003 92626 Vanished Children's Alliance 991 W. Hedding Street, San Jose, 25.00 56250 6/30/2003 CA 95126 Venice Family Clinic 604 Rose Ave., Venice, CA 90291 25.00 56251 6/30/2003

Vermont Foodbank P 0. Box 254, South Barre, VT 5000 56252 6/30/2003 05670 Oermont Institute of Natural Science, Inc . 27023 Church Hill Road, 50.00 56253 6/30/2003 Woodstock, VT 05091-9642 Vermont Public Radio The Public Radio Center, 19500 56254 6/30/2003 Colchester, VT 05446 Vermont State Colleges - Castleton State College Seminary St., Castleton, VT 05735- 1,000.00 56255 6/30/2003 9987 Veterans Of Foreign Wars Foundation 406 W 34th Street Ste. 820, Kansas 25.00 56256 6/30/2003 City, MO 64111-2736 Village School For Children Inc 100 West Project Street, 125.00 56257 6/30/2003 Waldwick, NJ 07463 Villanova University 800 Lancaster Ave , Vi I lanova, PA 100.00 56258 6/30/2003 19085 Virginia Student Aid Foundation Inc Attn Velma Sites PO Box 400833, Charlottesville, 1,650.00 56259 6/30/2003 VA 22904 Volunteer Center Of Greensboro Inc 1500 Yancyville St, Greensboro, 925 .00 56260 6/30/2003 NC 27405-6932 Volunteer Impact 23077 Greenfield Ste LL 10, 50.00 56261 6/30/2003 Southfield, MI 48075 Volunteers And Friends Of The Boston Harbor Islands 349 Lincoln St., Building 45, 100.00 56262 6/30/2003 Inc - Volunteers & Friends of the Boston Harbor Hingham, MA 02043

Volunteers Enlisted To Assist People - Veap, Inc. 9731 James Avenue South, 200.00 56263 6/30/2003 Bloomington, M 55431 Volunteers of America Inc 511 W 200 S Ste 160, Salt Lake 355.00 56264 6/30/2003 Cty, UT 84101-1286 Olunteers of America, The 340 West 85th Street, New York, 25.00 56265 6/30/2003 NY 10024-3804 W B EZ Alliance Inc 848 E. Grand Avenue, Navy Pier, 735.00 56266 6/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60611

Page 153 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Wagner College One Campus Road, Staten Island, 50000 56267 6/30/2003 NY 10301 Wake Forest University PO Box 702 1, Winston-Salem, NC 1,15300 56268 6/30/2003 27109 Wakefield Country Day School Inc PO Box 739, Flint Hill, VA 20187 52000 56269 6/30/2003 Waldorf College 106 South 6th Street, Forest City, 30.00 56270 6/30/2003 IA 50436 Wartburg College 222 Ninth St NW, PO Box 1003, 3,00000 56271 6/30/2003 Waverly, IA 50677 Washington & Lee University Development Building, Lexington, 1,000.00 56272 6/30/2003 VA 24450 Washington County Historical Association 102 N, 14th Street, Fort Calhoun, 10000 56273 6/30/2003 NE 68023 Washington Hospital Center Foundation I 10 Irving St NW, Washington, 50000 56274 6/30/2003 DC 20010-2975 Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit, Inc. 1 1 5 East 9th Street-7C, New York, 25000 56275 6/30/2003 NY 10003 Wave Hill, Inc 675 West 252 Street, Bronx, NY 10000 56276 6/30/2003 1047 1 Way of the Shepherd - Way of the Shepherd Montesson 13200 Central Avenue NE, Blaine, 55000 56277 6/30/2003 Education Center MN 55434 Wayne State Foundation I I I I Main Street, Wayne, NE 2500 56278 6/30/2003 68787 WBHM 650 11 th St So , Birmingham, AL 35 .00 56279 6/30/2003 35294 Wellesley College 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 12500 56280 6/30/2003 02481-8293 Wellness Community-Atlanta Inc 5775 Peach Tree Dunwoody Rd., 125 .00 56281 6/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30342 Welstores of Minnesota Inc - Wise Penny Thrift Shoppe 3 10 Brighton Ave S, Buffalo, M 400.00 56282 6/30/2003 55313-2303 Wesleyan Education Center - Wesleyan Christian 1917 N. Centennial St., High Point, 940.00 56283 6/30/2003 Academy NC 27262 Wesleyan University 48 Wyllys; Ave., Middletown, CT 4,30000 56284 6/30/2003 06459-0472 West Hempstead Community Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 304, West Hempstead, 50.00 56285 6/30/2003 NY 11552 West Honolulu Rotary Club Foundation 1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1021, 400.00 56286 6/30/2003 Honolulu, HI 96814 West Lutheran High School 3350 Harbor Lane No., Plymouth, 100.00 56287 6/30/2003 MN 55447 West Valley Child Crisis Center Inc PO Box 844, Glendale, AZ 85311- 50.00 56288 6/30/2003 0844 Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 209 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 25.00 56289 6/30/2003 15222 Westminster College 1840 South 1300 East, Salt Lake 50.00 56290 6/30/2003 City, UT 84105 Westside Food Bank PO Box 13 10, Sun City, AZ 85372 300.00 56291 6/30/2003

estwood Playhouse Inc - Geffen Playhouse, Inc. 10886 Le Conte Ave, Los Angeles, 125.00 56292 6/30/2003 0 CA 90024-3021 WGBH Educational Foundation 125 Western Avenue,, Boston, MA 218.00 56293 6/30/2003 02134

Page 154 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number WGBY Public TV/A Division of WGBH Educational 44 Hampden Street, Spnngfield, 4000 56294 6/30/2003 Fdn MA 01103 Wheaton College 25 East Main Street, Norton, MA 8,00000 56295 6/30/2003 02766 Wheeler High School 600 B St, Fossil, OR 97830 200.00 56296 6/30/2003 White Dove Foundation PO Box 1902, Burnsville, MN 4,74000 56297 6/30/2003 55337 White Wind Wildlife Society 7541 W Broadway, Forest Lake, 300.00 56298 6/30/2003 MN 55025-8833 Whitman College Board of Trustees 345 Boyer Avenue, Walla Walla, 200.00 56299 6/30/2003 WA 99362 Whitman-Walker Clinic Inc - Whitman-Walker Clinic 10 1 5 18th St. NW, Suite#400, 25000 56300 6/30/2003 Inc - AIDS Marathon Washington, DC 20036 Wigs Without Worry-A Minnesota Based Non-Profit 912 40th Ave NE, Columbia 171 00 56301 6/30/2003 Corporation Heights, MN 55421-2908 Wildcare Terwilliger Nature Education & Wildlife 76 Albert Park Lane, San Rafael, 2,300.00 56302 6/30/2003 Rehabilitaton CA 94901 Wilderness Society 1615 M Street NW, Washington, 525.00 56303 6/30/2003 DC 20036 Wildlife Care Center SPCA Of Broward County 3200 Sw 4th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, 15000 56304 6/30/2003 FL 33315-3019 Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 2530 N Dale Street, Roseville, MN' 20000 56305 6/30/2003 55113 William Carey College 498 Tuscan Avenue, Hattiesburgh, 15000 56306 6/30/2003 MS 39401 Oilham Marsh Rice University Mail Stop 8 1, Houston, TX 77005- 10000 56307 6/30/2003 1892 Williams College P.O. Box 38, Williamstown, MA 25000 56308 6/30/2003 01267 Williston Northampton School - Williston Northhampton 19 Payson Avenue, Easthampton, 50.00 56309 6/30/2003 School, The MA 01027 Win-Win Resolutions Inc 122 N Elm St, Greensboro, NC 210.00 56310 6/30/2003 27401-2842 Window to the World Communications Inc. 5400 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, 3,540.00 56311 6/30/2003 IL 60625 Windsor High School 50 Sage Park Road, West 100.00 56312 6/30/2003 Simsbury, CT 06095 Winona State University Foundation P.O. Box 5838, Winona, MN 125.00 56313 6/30/2003 55987 Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod - Fox Valley 5300 N. Meade St., Appleton, WI 40000 56314 6/30/2003 Lutheran High School 54913-8383 Wisconsin Humane Society 4500 West Wisconsin Avenue, 120.00 56315 6/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53208 Wittenberg College Board Of Directors P.O. Box 720, Springfield, OH 1,000.00 56316 6/30/2003 45501 Wnyc Radio- WNYC Foundation One Center Street 24th Floor, New 72300 56317 6/30/2003 York, NY 10007 Woman Safe Center 303 1 st Ave Ne Ste 365, Fanbault, 50.00 56318 6/30/2003 NfN 55021-5297 omen In Need Inc 1 15 West 3 1 st Street, New York, 50.00 56319 6/30/2003 NY 10001 Oood County Society For Crippled Children And Adults Dils Center, Box 19, Parkersburg, 250.00 56320 6/30/2003 Inc WV 26101

Page 155 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Wooster School Ridgebury Road, Danbury, CT 10000 56321 6/30/2003 06810 Worcester Jewish Community Center 633 Salisbury Street, Worcester, 5000 56322 6/30/2003 MA01609 Working Opportunities for Women - Career Solutions 1295 Bandana Blvd. Suite 110, St. 60000 56323 6/30/2003 Paul, MN 55108 Works in New Directions, Inc . P.0 Box 13856, Sacramento, CA 1,00000 56324 6/30/2003 95853 World Emergency Relief 2270-D Camino Vida Roble, 7500 56325 6/30/2003 Carlsbad, CA 92009 World Learner School of Chaska It 2050 Hundertmark Rd, Chaska, 4500 56326 6/30/2003 MN 55318-2817 World Rehabilitation Fund Inc 386 Park Avenue South, Suite 500, 11000 56327 6/30/2003 New York, NY 100 16 World Relief Corp of National Association of 7 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 30000 56328 6/30/2003 Evangelicals MD 21202 World Society for the Protection of Animals 34 Deloss Street, Framingham, MA 2500 56329 6/30/2003 01702 World Vision, Inc PO Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 1565600 56330 6/30/2003 98063-9716 World Vision, Inc. PO Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 25.00 56331 6/30/2003 98063-9716 World Wildlife Fund Inc 1250 24th Street, NW, 700.00 56332 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20037 yorning Seminary 201 North Sprague Avenue, 2500 56333 6/30/2003 0 Kingston, PA 18704-3593 Xavier High School 30 West l6th Street, New York, 80.00 56334 6/30/2003 NY 10011 Y-me National Breast Cancer Organization Inc - Y-Me 212 W Van Buren, Chicago, IL 2500 56335 6/30/2003 National Breast Cancer Foundation 60607 Yakima Athletic Club Swimming 2501 Racquet Lane, Yakima, WA 25.00 56336 6/30/2003 98902-6114 Yale University P. 0. Box 2038, New Haven, CT 3,780.00 56337 6/30/2003 06521-2038 Yeshiva Ateres Yisroel 8 101 Avenue K, Brooklyn, NY 4,47500 56338 6/30/2003 11236 Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic 181 Pennington Ave, Passaic, NJ 25 .00 56339 6/30/2003 07055 Yeshiva Rabbi Samson - Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael 100 Bennett Avenue, New York, 2500 56340 6/30/2003 Hrisch NY 10033 Yeshiva Torah Vodaath 425 East 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY 180.00 56341 6/30/2003 11218 YMCA of Greater Winston-Salem 1 144 West Fourth Street, Winston- 3,000.00 56342 6/30/2003 Salem, NC 27103 YMCA of St. Paul 2233 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, 1,000.00 56343 6/30/2003 MN 55108 Ymca Of The Mid-peninsula 2400 Grant Rd., Mountain View, 300.00 56344 6/30/2003 CA 94043 York Street Past Students Association 89-00 170th St. Apt. 5G, Jamaica, 6,000.00 56345 613012003 NY 11432 semite Foundation - The Yosmite Fund 155 Montgomery Street, San 100.00 56346 6/30/2003 00 Francisco, CA 94104 Young America% Foundation I 10 Elden, Suite A, Herndon, VA 25.00 56347 6/30/2003 20170

Page 156 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Daie Number 40 Young Mens Chnstian Association of Hamsburg 123 Forster Street, Hamsburg, PA 20000 56348 6/30/2003 17102-3409 Young Mens Chnstian Association of Metropolitan Los 401 S Hope, Los Angeles, CA 50.00 56349 6/30/2003 Angeles 90071 Young Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan 1711 West Broadway, 125 .00 56350 6/30/2003 Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN 55411 Young Mens Chnstian Association Of Metropolitan 30 South 9th Street, Minneapolis, 475 .00 56351 6/30/2003 Minneapolis M-N 55402 Young Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan 7355 York Avenue South, Edina, 10500 56352 6/30/2003 Minneapolis - Southdale YMCA MN 55435-4701 Young Mens Chnstian Association of Metropolitian 161 W Wisconsin Avenue, 2500 56353 6/30/2003 Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53203-2601 Young Mens Chnstian Association St. Paul Area 1761 University Ave W, St Paul, 40000 56354 6/30/2003 MN 55104 Young Womens Chnstian Association 1130 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, 33000 56355 6/30/2003 MN 55403-2405 Young Womens Chnstian Association Of The City Of 610 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 50.00 56356 6/30/2003 New York - YWCA of the City of New York 10022 Youth Consultation Service Inc 270 Union Street, Hackensack, NJ 250.00 56357 6/30/2003 07601 Youth Frontiers, Inc. 6009 Excelsior Blvd, Minneapolis, 5,000.00 56358 6/30/2003 MN 55416 YWCA of Seattle- King - Snohomish County 1118 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 28200 56359 6/30/2003 98101 achary and Elizabeth M Fisher Center for Alzheimers One Intrepid Square, 46th Street & 50000 56360 6/30/2003 Isesearch 12 Avenue, New York, NY 10036

Zero Population Growth Inc 1400 16th Street, NW, #320, 100.00 56361 6/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Zonta Club of Buffalo Foundation Inc - Zonta 73 High Street, Buffalo, NY 14203- 250.00 56362 6/30/2003 International Distnct 4 1149 Zoological Society of Milwaukee 10005 W Blue Mound Road, 7500 56363 6/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53226 Zoological Society of San Diego PO Box 12027 1, San Diego, CA 50.00 56364 6/30/2003 92112 1420 Charitable Organization - 1420 Third Avenue 1420 Third Avenue, San Diego, 4,000.00 56365 9/30/2003 Chantable Organization, Inc. CA 92101 1 st US Volunteer Cavalry Regiment - Tampa Rough 601 N. 19th Street, Tampa, FL 500.00 56366 9/30/2003 Riders 33605 621 Foundation 2959 Hamline Avenue N, Saint 100.00 56367 9/30/2003 Paul, NN 55113-1664 A Better Chance, Inc. - NY 825 Seventh Avenue - 2nd Fl., New 2,00000 56368 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 19 Abingdon Theatre Company 432 W. 42nd St, 4th Floor, New 100.00 56369 9/30/2003 York, NY 10036 Abington Fnends; School 575 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, 50.00 56370 9/30/2003 PA 19046 Actors Theater of Minnesota 1043 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN 50.00 56371 9/30/2003 55105-2610 ctors Theatre of Phoenix P.O. Box 1924, Phoenix, AZ 85001 6,430.00 56372 9/30/2003 lo'dam, Foundation Inc P.O. Box 10415, Winston-Salem, 250.00 56373 9/30/2003 NC 27104

Page 157 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Adoption Network Cleveland 1667 East 40th Street, Suite B 1, 70000 56374 9/30/2003 Cleveland, OH 44103 AHRC New York City Foundation Inc 200 Park Avenue South, New 2500 56375 9/30/2003 York, NY 10003-1582 Aid To Women Inc 701 Center Point Road NE, Cedar 1,200.00 56376 9/30/2003 Rapids, IA 52402 Aids Action Committee Of Massachusetts Inc 294 Washington Street, Boston, 1,61000 56377 9/30/2003 MA 02108 Aids Action Committee Of Massachusetts Inc 294 Washington Street, Boston, 27500 56378 9/30/2003 MA 02108 AIDS Network Inc 600 Williamson St., Madison, W[ 10000 56379 9/30/2003 53703 AIDS Project New Haven Inc 1302 Chapel St, New Haven, CT 240.00 56380 9/30/2003 06511-4515 Air Force Menional Foundation 1501 Lee Hwy, Arlington, VA 100.00 56381 9/30/2003 22209-1109 Alaska Raptor Rehabilitation Center, Inc. P 0. Box 2984, Sitka, AK 99835 10000 56382 9/30/2003 Albany Area Community Center 744 Lake Street, Albany, MN 1,00000 56383 9/30/2003 56307-0187 Alderson Broaddus College Inc College Hill, Philippi, WV 26416 1,00000 56384 9/30/2003 Aleh Foundation 5317 13th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 10000 56385 9/30/2003 11219 Alexandra House Inc PO Box 49039, Blaine, M-N 55449 5000 56386 9/30/2003

live Hospice Inc 1718 Patterson Street, Nashville, 25 .00 56387 9/30/2003 0 TN 37203 All Stars Project Inc - All Stars Network 543 W 42nd Street, New York, NY 25.00 56388 9/30/2003 10036 Allegheny College 520 N Main Street, Meadville, PA 1,91500 56389 9/30/2003 16335 Alley Cat Allies Incorporated 1801 Belmont Road NW #20 1, 35.00 56390 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20009 Alliance Defense Fund Inc 15333 N. Pima Road # 165, 7500 56391 9/30/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 ALS Association Bay Area Chapter 140 Geary Street, 4th Floor, San 100.00 56392 9/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94108 Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation 1516 Jefferson Hwy, Brenthouse 50.00 56393 9/30/2003 Suite 240, Metairie, LA 70121- 2484 Alumni Association of Orange County Community 115 South Street, Middletown, NY 25.00 56394 9/30/2003 College Inc 10940 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorder Assocation - 400 Moms Ave, Suite 25 1, 50.00 56395 9/30/2003 Alzheimees Association - Greater New Jersey Cha Denville, NJ 07834 Alzheimees Disease and Related Disorders Association, 4550 W. 77th Street, Suite 200, 125 .00 56396 9/30/2003 Inc., Minnesota Lake Chapter Edina, MN 55435 Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association 225 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 105.00 56397 9/30/2003 IL 60601 Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association 5132 E. Pima Street, Tucson, AZ 200.00 56398 9/30/2003 85712-3628 mazon Medical Project, Inc. 106 Brodhead Street, Mazomanie, 25.00 56399 9/30/2003 W1 53560 0American Cancer Society 8219 Town Center Dr, Baltimore, 125.00 56400 9/30/2003 MID 21236-5904

Page 158 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number American Cancer Society 130 - 4th Street SW, Mason City, 50000 56401 9/30/2003 IA 50401 American Cancer Society 900 Michigan Ave, Columbus, OH 889.00 56402 9/30/2003 43215 American Cancer Society 882 7th St. NW, Rochester, M 10000 56403 9/30/2003 55901 American Cancer Society 3721 23rd Street South, St. Cloud, 25000 56404 9/30/2003 MN 56301 American Cancer Society 237 N Main St., West Bend, WI 25 .00 56405 9/30/2003 53095 Amencan Cancer Society 360 State Route 101, Suite 501, 50.00 56406 9/30/2003 Bedford, NH 03110-5032 American Cancer Society 1380 Livingston Lane, Jackson, 50.00 56407 9/30/2003 NIS 39213 Amencan Cancer Society 58 New Dorp Plaza, Staten Island, 15000 56408 9/30/2003 NY 10306 American Cancer Society 4 A Oak Branch Drive, 25.00 56409 9/30/2003 Greensboro, NC 27407 American Cancer Society Route 422 And Sipe Ave, Hershey, 25.00 56410 9/30/2003 PA 17033-0000 Amencan Cancer Society 4234 N. Knoxville, Peoria, IL 270.00 56411 9/30/2003 61614 American Cancer Society 801 Broad Street, Shrewsbury, NJ 59000 56412 9/30/2003 07702 Werican Cancer Society 3901 Briscoe Road, Parkersburg, 37500 56413 9/30/2003 WV 26104 American Cancer Society 4207 Lindell, Saint Louis, MO 390.00 56414 9/30/2003 63108 American Cancer Society - Altoona, WI 2427 N Hillcrest Pkwy., Suite 7, 100.00 56415 9/30/2003 Altoona, WI 54720-9730 Amencan Cancer Society - West Orange 767 Northfield Ave., West Orange, 25.00 56416 9/30/2003 NJ 07052 Amencan Cancer Society Divisions Inc 8317 Elderburg Rd, Madison, WI 75.00 56417 9/30/2003 53717 Amencan Cancer Society Divisions Inc 4312 E. State Street, Rockford, IL 150.00 56418 9/30/2003 61108 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 143 First Street, Batavia, IL 605 10 100.00 56419 9/30/2003

Amencan Cancer Society Divisions Inc 300 Scott Ave., Morgantown, WV 2500 56420 9/30/2003 26508 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc P.O. Box 9099, Toronto, OH 12500 56421 9/30/2003 43964 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 121 Roberts St., Fargo, ND 58102 100.00 56422 9/30/2003

American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 100 Tri-State International, Ste. 330.00 56423 9/30/2003 125, Lincolnshire, IL 60069 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 314 Good Drive, Lancaster, PA 350.00 56424 9/30/2003 17603 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 43099 N. Ridge Rd, Elyria, OH 100.00 56425 9/30/2003 44035 encan Cancer Society Divisions Inc 50 W Hillcrest Dinve, Thousand 50.00 56426 9/30/2003 Oaks, CA 91360 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 4080 First Avenue NE, Cedar 100.00 56427 9/30/2003 Cancer Society Inc Rapids, 1A 52402

Page 159 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 5110 Sprinkle Road, Portage, M 1 10000 56428 9/30/2003 Cancer Society Inc 49002 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 1599 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, 10000 56429 9/30/2003 Cancer Society, Inc GA 30329 American Cancer Society Inc 2200 Lake Blvd, Suite C, Atlanta, 2500 56430 9/30/2003 GA 30319 American Cancer Society Inc 77 E. Monroe, Suite 1200, 610.00 56431 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 American Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St., Edina, MN 95000 56432 9/30/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St., Edina, MN 1,31000 56433 9/30/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St., Edina, MN 400.00 56434 9/30/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 11331 Amherst St., Silver Spring, 25 .00 56435 9/30/2003 MD 20902 American Cancer Society Inc 1430 Prudential Drive, 500.00 56436 9/30/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32207 American Cancer Society Inc 1700 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 150.00 56437 9/30/2003 94612 American Cancer Society Inc 19 West 56th Street, New York, 225.00 56438 9/30/2003 NY 10019-3984 American Cancer Society Inc 2929 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, 5000 56439 9/30/2003 AZ 85016-8034 mencan Cancer Society Inc N19 W24350 Riverwood Drive, 1,865.00 56440 9/30/2003 0 Waukesha, WI 53188 American Cancer Society Inc 6500 Sugar Loaf Pkwy, Duluth, 23000 56441 9/30/2003 GA 30097 American Cancer Society Inc 3 311 S. Packerland Dr., Ste A, De 175.00 56442 9/30/2003 Pere, WI 54115 American Cancer Society Inc 220 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 100.00 56443 9/30/2003

American Cancer Society Inc Meriden Executive Park, Meriden, 50.00 56444 9/30/2003 CT 06450-1004 American Cancer Society Inc 1900 S. Hawthorne Road, Suite 100.00 56445 9/30/2003 622, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 American Cancer Society Inc 903 S. 17th Avenue, Suite B, 5000 56446 9/30/2003 Wausau, WI 54401 American Cancer Society Inc 3076 Princeton Pike, 250.00 56447 9/30/2003 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 American Cancer Society Inc I 100 Ireland Way Suite 20 1, 815.00 56448 9/30/2003 Birmingham, AL 35205 American Cancer Society Inc 2655 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 100, 100.00 56449 9/30/2003 San Diego, CA 92108 American Cancer Society Inc 20 Mercer Street, Hackensack, NJ 50.00 56450 9/30/2003 07601 American Cancer Society Inc 17060 Oak Park Avenue, Tinley 40.00 56451 9/30/2003 Park, IL 60477 American Cancer Society Inc - American Cancer Society - 1150 S. Dixon Road, Kokomo, IN 200.00 56452 9/30/2003 ,d=C;rant County Unit 46902 mican Cancer Society Inc - American Cancer Society - P. 0. Box 19140, Seattle, WA 25.00 56453 9/30/2003 Seattle 98109-1140 American Cancer Society Inc - American Cancer Society- 30 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 1,665 .00 56454 9/30/2003 New England Division 01701

Page 160 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 American Cancer Society Inc - American Cancer Society- 30 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 350.00 56455 9/30/2003 New England Division 01701 American Cancer Society, Florida Division, Inc. 3709 West Jetton Avenue, Tampa, 10000 56456 9/30/2003 FL 33629 American Cancer Society, Inc . 820 Davis Street, Suite #206A, 255.00 56457 9/30/2003 Evanston, IL 60201 American Cancer Society, Inc . 100 W Palatine Road, Ste 150, 7500 56458 9/30/2003 Palatine, IL 60067 American Cancer Society, Inc . 5555 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 15000 56459 9/30/2003 43017 American Center For Law And Justice Inc 1000 Regent University Dr , Ste 200.00 56460 9/30/2003 422, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 American Composers Forum 332 Minnestoa St Ste E- 1 45, St 25.00 56461 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55101-1300 American Diabetes Association Inc 4425 West Airport Freeway, Irving, 1,32500 56462 9/30/2003 TX 75062 American Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 1833, Mernfield, VA 1,39500 56463 9/30/2003 22116 American Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd Ste#300N, 830.00 56464 9/30/2003 Fairfax, VA 22030 American Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd Ste#300N, 585 .00 56465 9/30/2003 Fairfax, VA 22030 American Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd. Ste#300N, 510.00 56466 9/30/2003 Fairfax, VA 22030 merican Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd Ste#300N, 36000 56467 9/30/2003 0 Fairfax, VA 22030 American Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 2787, North Canton, OH 2500 56468 9/30/2003 44720 American Foundation for AIDS Research 120 Wall Street, 13th Floor, New 5000 56469 9/30/2003 York, NY 10005 American Friends of the Israel Museum 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 20000 56470 9/30/2003 10110 American Friends Of Yad Eliezer Inc 11 02 E 26th St, Brooklyn, NY 454 .00 56471 9/30/2003 11210-4609 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 125.00 56472 9/30/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 75 .00 56473 9/30/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 American Heart Association 208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 2,310.00 56474 9/30/2003 900, Chicago, IL 60604 American Heart Association 100 Northern Concourse, Syracuse, 250.00 56475 9/30/2003 NY 13220-3049 American Heart Association 2550 U.S . Highway 1, North 150.00 56476 9/30/2003 Brunswick, NJ 08902 American Heart Association 4414 Woodland Park Ave. North, 50.00 56477 9/30/2003 Seattle, WA 98103 American Heart Association P. 0. Box 8835, Camphill, PA 25.00 56478 9/30/2003 17001 American Heart Association 1280 S Parker Road, Denver, CO 100.00 56479 9/30/2003 80231 Werican Heart Association 237 E. Marks St, Orlando, FL 50.00 56480 9/30/2003 32803 American Heart Association P. 0. Box 15186, Austin, TX 370.00 56481 9/30/2003 78754

Page 161 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 American Heart Association 4217 Park Place Ct , Glen Al len, 25.00 56482 9/30/2003 VA 23060 American Heart Association - Iowa Affiliate I I I I Ninth Street, Suite 280, Des 2500 56483 9/30/2003 Moines, IA 50314 American Heart Association - Tempe 2929 S 48th Street, Tempe, AZ 5000 56484 9/30/2003 85282 American Heart Association Inc 816 S Figueroa Street, Los 2500 56485 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90017 American Heart Association Inc 9900 Ninth Street N , St. 80.00 56486 9/30/2003 Petersburg, FL 33716 American Heart Association Inc 2929 South 48th St, Tempe, AZ 1,47000 56487 9/30/2003 85282 American Heart Association Inc 3312 Northside Dr, Ste 1401 A, 3000 56488 9/30/2003 Macon, GA 312 10 American Heart Association Inc 3741 Center Point Rd NE, Cedar 25 .00 56489 9/30/2003 Rapids, IA 52402 American Heart Association Inc - American Stroke P.0 Box 15186, Austin, TX 7876 1 - 1,462 .00 56490 9/30/2003 Association 5186 American Heart Association Inc - American Stroke 208 S LaSalle Street, Ste 900, 850.00 56491 9/30/2003 Association Chicago, IL 60604 American Heart Association, Inc. 5 Brookside Drive, Wallingford, 250.00 56492 9/30/2003 CT 06492 American Hospice Foundation Inc 2120 L Street NW #200, 100.00 56493 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20037 encan Humane Association 63 Inverness Dnve East, 60.00 56494 9/30/2003 Englewood, CO 80112 American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd, Denver, 8300 56495 9/30/2003 CO 80221 American Institute for Cancer Research, The 1759 R Street, NW, Washington, 2500 56496 9/30/2003 DC 20009 American Jewish League For Israel Inc 400 N. Flagler Drive, APt. PH-134, 1,08000 56497 9/30/2003 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 American Jewish World Service 45 West 36th Street, New York, 500.00 56498 9/30/2003 NY 100 18 American Liver Foundation 5777 West Century Blvd., Los 200.00 56499 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90045 American Liver Foundation - American Liver Foundation 50 Broadway, New York, NY 75.00 56500 9/30/2003 - Greater New York 10004 American Lung Association 1440 West Washington Boulevard, 25.00 56501 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60607 American Lung Association 61 Broadway, New York, NY 150.00 56502 9/30/2003 10006 American Lung Association - AZ, Inc. 102 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, 100.00 56503 9/30/2003 AZ 85003 American Lung Association of Maine 122 State Street, Augusta, ME 100.00 56504 9/30/2003 04330 American Lung Association Of Utah 1930 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT 25.00 56505 9/30/2003 84106-2317 American Lung Association of Washington 2625 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 125.00 56506 9/30/2003 98121 erican Lung Association of Wisconsin 13 100 W. Lisbon Road, Suite 700, 50.00 56507 9/30/2003 W Brookfield, W1 53005-2508 American Museum of Asmat Art 35 10 Vivian Ave, St. Paul, MN 100.00 56508 9/30/2003 55126

Page 162 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 American National Red Cross 214 Sth St., 2nd Floor, 150.00 56509 9/30/2003 Parkersburg, WV 26 101 American National Red Cross - American National Red 4333 Arlington Blvd , Arlington, 8000 56510 9/30/2003 Cross - Arlington County Chapter VA 22203 American National Red Cross - American Red Cross PO Box 37243, Washington, DC 22500 56511 9/30/2003 20013 American National Red Cross - American Red Cross - 285 Columbus Avenue, Boston, 7500 56512 9/30/2003 Boston MA 02116 American National Red Cross - Minneapolis 1201 West River Parkway, 7500 56513 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55454 American National Red Cross and Its Constituent 430 West Orange St , Lancaster, 2500 56514 9/30/2003 Chapters and Branches - American Red Cross PA 17601 American National Red Cross and Its Constituent 825 18th Street, Charleston, IL 42000 56515 9/30/2003 Chapters and Branches - American Red Cross East Cent 61920

American Paralysis Association A New Jersey Nonprofit 500 Moms Avenue, Springfield, 2500 56516 9/30/2003 Corporation - Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foun NJ 07081

American Red Cross (Bergen Crossroads Chapter) 74 Godwin Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 2,000.00 56517 9/30/2003 07450 American Red Cross - Central Maryland Chapter 4700 Mt Hope Drive, Baltimore, 25000 56518 9/30/2003 MD 21215-3231 American Red Cross - St. Paul, MN 176 South Robert Street, St Paul, 80.00 56519 9/30/2003 MN 55107 mencan Red Cross-Broward County 521 NE 4th Avenue, Ft 1,00000 56520 9/30/2003 0 Lauderdale, FL 33301 American Red Cross-Metro NJ 2 Gardner Road, Fairfield, NJ 100.00 56521 9/30/2003 07004 American Red Magen David For Israel 888 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 850.00 56522 9/30/2003 10106 American Refugee Committee 430 Oak Grove Street - Suite 204, 100.00 56523 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 American School In London Foundation P.O. Box 59 10, Princeton, NJ 725.00 56524 9/30/2003 08543 American Society for Techmon- Israel Institute of 55 E 59th Street, New York, NY 2,00000 56525 9/30/2003 Technology Inc 10022 American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To 424 East 92nd Street, New York, 391 00 56526 9/30/2003 Animals NY 10128 American Values 2800 Shirlington Road # 610, 150.00 56527 9/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22206 American Womans Economic Development Corp - 216 East 45th Street, I Oth Floor, 250.00 56528 9/30/2003 American Women's Economic Development Corp. New York, NY 100 17 American Youth Hostels Inc 622 Selby Ave, Saint Paul, N4N 25 .00 56529 9/30/2003 55104 Americas Second Harvest - Amencias Second Harvest 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 225.00 56530 9/30/2003 60601 Amherst College Trustees Box 2221 Station 2, P.O. Box 1,552 .00 56531 9/30/2003 5000, Amherst, MA 0 1002-5000 Amnesty International of USA, Inc. 322 8th Avenue, New York, NY 420.00 56532 9/30/2003 10001-4808 yotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn - ALS Association, 333 N. Washington Avenue, Suite 25.00 56533 9/30/2003 WChapter 105, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1352

Page 163 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 116 John Street, New York, NY 250.00 56534 9/30/2003 10038 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 27001 Agoura Road, Calabasas 2500 56535 9/30/2003 Hills, CA 91301 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 3316 NE Clackamas, Portland, OR 25000 56536 9/30/2003 97232 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association PO Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 200.00 56537 9/30/2003 91376-0565 Angel Flight of New England Inc P 0. Box 1254, North Andover, 600.00 56538 9/30/2003 MA 01845 Angel Flight Pennsylvania - Angel Flight East 501 Office Center Dr Suite 0 15, 240.00 56539 9/30/2003 Fort Washington, PA 19034-3208

Animal Haven of Asheville PO Box 9697, Asheville, NC 2500 56540 9/30/2003 28815-0697 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 1,98200 56541 9/30/2003 Valley, N4N 55422 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 2500 56542 9/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Legal Defense Fund 127 4th Street, Petaluma, CA 2500 56543 9/30/2003 94952-3005 Animals Benefit Club of Arizona, Inc. P .0 Box 26627, Phoenix, AZ 25.00 56544 9/30/2003 85032-1952 Anniston Museum Endowment Corporation P . 0 Box 1587, 800 Museum Dr, 25.00 56545 9/30/2003 Anniston, AL 36202-1587 enoka County Brotherhood Council Inc. 2615 9TH Ave No, Anoka, MN 25.00 56546 9/30/2003 55303 Anti-Cruelty Society, The 157 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, 50.00 56547 9/30/2003 IL 60610 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'nth 10495 Santa Monica Blvd., Los 50.00 56548 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90025 Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith 823 United Nations Plaza, New 25.00 56549 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Appalachian Mountain Club 5 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108 43.00 56550 9/30/2003 Appalachian Trail Conference 799 Washington Street, Harpers 50.00 56551 9/30/2003 Ferry, WV 25425-0807 Arc Minnesota 770 Transfer Road, Ste. 26, Saint 2,000.00 56552 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55114 Arc Of Hennepin County Inc 4301 Hwy 7, # 140, Minneapolis, 2,000.00 56553 9/30/2003 N4N 55416 Archaeological Institute of America 656 Beacon Street 4th Floor, 25.00 56554 9/30/2003 Boston, MA 02215-2010 Archdiocese Of Newark - Scholarship Fund for Inner- 171 Clifton Ave , P. 0. Box 9500, 25.00 56555 9/30/2003 City Children Newark, NJ 07104-9500 Arizona Animal Welfare League, Inc. 30 North 40th Place, Phoenix, AZ 252.00 56556 9/30/2003 85034 Arizona Equine Rescue Organization, Inc. 34522 N Scottsdale Road, 2,15000 56557 9/30/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85262 Arizona Humane Society of Phoenix 9226 N. 13th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 10000 56558 9/30/2003 85021 zona Opera Company 4600 N. 12th St., Phoenix, AZ 1,000.00 56559 9/30/2003 0- 85014 Arizona Science Center 600 E. Washington Street, Phoenix, 200.00 56560 9/30/2003 AZ 85004

Page 164 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Arizona Special Olympics Incorporated 3816 N 7th St , Phoenix, AZ 2500 56561 9/30/2003 85014-5004 Arizona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 1,235 .00 56562 9/30/2003 2260 Arizona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 15000 56563 9/30/2003 2260 Arizona Theatre Company 502 W Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ 2500 56564 9/30/2003 85003 Arizona Zoological Society 455 N Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, 139.00 56565 9/30/2003 AZ 85008-3431 Ark 6450 N California Avenue, 600.00 56566 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60645 Arlington Free Clinic Inc 2926 Columbia Pike, Arlington, 3000 56567 9/30/2003 VA 22204 Army Reserve Components Emergency Relief Fund 5636 E Mcdowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 40000 56568 9/30/2003 Foundation - Arizona National Guard Family Assistance 85008-3455

Art Institute of Chicago, The I I I So Michigan St., Chicago, IL 35200 56569 9/30/2003 60603 Arthritis Foundation 657 Mission St, Suite 603, San 25.00 56570 9/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94105 Arthritis Foundation - Arthritis Foundation, Inc 1313 E Osborn Road Suite 200, 8000 56571 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85014 Arthritis Foundation Inc 3805 Cutshaw Avenue - Suite 200, 2500 56572 9/30/2003 Richmond, VA 23230 *rthritis Foundation Inc 8333W McNab Road N201, 25.00 56573 9/30/2003 Tamarac, FL 33321 Arilintis Foundation Inc - Arthritis Foundation - St Paul 1902 Minnehaha Avenue West, St. 50.00 56574 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55104 Arts Council of Northeast Tarrant County - Northeast PO Box 210816, Bedford, TX 70000 56575 9/30/2003 Tarrant Arts Council Inc 76095-7816 Artsbridge, Inc. 935 Market Street, Parkersburg, 100.00 56576 9/30/2003 WV 26102 Associate Alumnae Of Douglass College - Douglass 181 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, 150.00 56577 9/30/2003 College, Rutgers University NJ 08901 Associated Humane Societies Inc - Associated Humane 124 Evergreen Avenue, Newark, 25.00 56578 9/30/2003 Societies of New Jersey NJ 07114 Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore 10 1 West Mount Royal Avenue, 1,250.00 56579 9/30/2003 Inc - Associated Jewish Charities & Welfare Fund Baltimore, MD 21201

Associated Talmud Torahs Of Chicago 2828 W. Pratt Blvd., Chicago, IL 75000 56580 9/30/2003 60645 Association For Development Of Dramatic Arts Inc - 330 Bowery, New York, NY 100 1 2 2,000.00 56581 9/30/2003 Jean Cocteau Repertory Association For Diplomatic Studies & Training 2814 N. Underwood Street, 300.00 56582 9/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22213 Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites Inc I I Public Square, Ste 200, 25 .00 56583 9/30/2003 Hagerstown, MD 21741 Association of Graduates of The United States Military 698 Mills Road, West Point, NY 600.00 56584 9/30/2003 adamy 10996 *axia Telangiectasia Children's Project, Inc. 668 South Military Trail, Deerfield 50.00 56585 9/30/2003 Beach, FL 33442 Atlanta Educational Telecommunications Collaborative 740 Bismark Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 28.00 56586 9/30/2003 30324

Page 165 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date I Number Atlanta Union Mission Corporation - Atlanta Union P 0 Box 1807, Atlanta, GA 30301 100.00 56587 9/30/2003 Mission, The Atlanta-fulton County Zoo Inc 800 Cherokee Avenue, S E , 9000 56588 9/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30315 Augsburg College 2211 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis, 25.00 56589 9/30/2003 MN 55454 Augustana Lutheran Church-Community Emergency 1900 11 th Ave South, 1,115.00 56590 9/30/2003 Service Minneapolis, MN 55404 Augustana Lutheran Church-Community Emergency 1900 11 th Ave South, 495.00 56591 9/30/2003 Service Minneapolis, MN 55404 Augustana Lutheran Church-Community Emergency 1900 11 th Ave South, 53000 56592 9/30/2003 Service Minneapolis, MN 55404 Augustana Lutheran Church-Community Emergency 1900 11 th Ave South, 130.00 56593 9/30/2003 Service Minneapolis, NfN 55404 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated Finance Group, Rye, NY 10580- 1,175.00 56594 9/30/2003 4005 Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 5000 56595 9/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day - Flonda Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 2,505.00 56596 9/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 55000 56597 9/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 5000 56598 9/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day Atlanta von Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 2500 56599 9/30/2003 10ancer 3 Day Boston Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 350.00 56600 9/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day Chicago Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 50.00 56601 9/30/2003 Cancer 3 Day San Francisco AVSC International Inc 440 9th Avenue 3rd Floor, New 25.00 56602 9/30/2003 York, NY 1000 1 Babson College P.O. Box 573 10, Babson Park, MA 6,525 .00 56603 9/30/2003 02457 Bainbridge Island Schools Trust - Bainbridge Public 8489 Madison Ave NE, 200.00 56604 9/30/2003 Schools Trust Bainbndge Island, WA 98110 Baker University 8th & Grove Streets, Baldwin City, 3500 56605 9/30/2003 KS 66006 Baldwin-Wallace College 275 Eastland Road, Berea, OR 500.00 56606 9/30/2003 44017 Ball State University Foundation P.O Box 672, Muncie, IN 47308 75.00 56607 9/30/2003 Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. 890 Broadway, New York, NY 700.00 56608 9/30/2003 10003 Ballet Works Inc. 528 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 205, 1,050.00 56609 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Baltimore County Police Foundation Inc PO Box 116, Rider-wood, MD 250.00 56610 9/30/2003 21139-0116 Baltimore Hebrew Day School Incorporated 7401 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, 1,000.00 56611 9/30/2003 MD 21208 altimore Museum of AM Inc. 10 Art Musuem Drive, Baltimore, 1,250.00 56612 9/30/2003 MD 21218 0altimore Symphony Orchestra Inc 1212 Cathedral St, Baltimore, MD 50.00 56613 9/30/2003 21239

Page 166 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Barbara Ann Kannanos Cancer Institute 110 East Warren Ave , Detroit, MI 2500 56614 9/30/2003 48201-9987 Barnard College 3009 Broadway, Box AS, New 50000 56615 9/30/2003 York, NY 10027-6958 Barrow Neurological Foundation - Barrow Neurological 350 W Thomas Road, Phoenix, 2500 56616 9/30/2003 Institute AZ 85013 Barry Goldwater High School Band Boosters 2820 W Rose Garden Lane, 2,05000 56617 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85027 Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc. PO Box 23173, Lincoln, NE 68512 15000 56618 9/30/2003

Batten Disease Support and Research Association 16022 Blue Skies, Livonia, MI 1,400.00 56619 9/30/2003 48154 Bay Area Humane Society and Animal Shelter 1830 Radisson St, Green Bay, WI 140.00 56620 9/30/2003 54302-2057 Bay Path College 588 Longmeadow St, 10000 56621 9/30/2003 Longmeadow, MA 0 1106-0000 Bayith Lepleitot Inc 1362 E 2 1 st St, Brooklyn, NY 1,70000 56622 9/30/2003 11210-4513 Baylor University P 0 Box 97050, Waco, TX 76798- 125.00 56623 9/30/2003 7050 Beaver Country Day School Inc 791 Hammond Street, Chestnut 75000 56624 9/30/2003 Hill, MA 02467 Bee Athletic Boosters Club 4562 Hunting Valley Lane, 1,34000 56625 9/30/2003 Brecksville, OH 44141-0396 er Hagolah Institutes Inc 671 Louisiana Avenue, Brooklyn, 10000 56626 9/30/2003 & NY 11239 Beit T'Shuva 8831 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles, 10000 56627 9/30/2003 CA 90034-3223 Beloit College 700 College St , Beloit, WI 53511 8,000.00 56628 9/30/2003

Benilde-St Margaret's School Jr. & Sr. High School 2501 Hwy 100 So , St. Louis Pk, 100.00 56629 9/30/2003 NfN 55416 Bennington County Humane Society, Inc. PO Box 620, Shaftsbury, VT 05262 25.00 56630 9/30/2003

Bentley College 175 Forest Street / Lewis 307, 9,500.00 56631 9/30/2003 Waltham, MA 02452-4705 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary 5001 Angel Canyon Dnve, Kanab, 95.00 56632 9/30/2003 UT 84741 Beth Tfiloh Community School Foundation Inc 3300 Old Court Rd, Baltimore, MD 1,200.00 56633 9/30/2003 21208-3316 Bethany Lutheran College 700 Luther Drive, Mankato, MN 70000 56634 9/30/2003 56001 Big Brothers And Big Sisters Of New York City Inc - Big 223 East 30th St., New York, NY 25.00 56635 9/30/2003 BrotheTs/Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. 10016 Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Greater Twin Cities 2550 University Avenue, Suite 5000 56636 9/30/2003 4 ION, Saint Paul, M-N 55114 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Utah Inc 151 E. 5600 South, Salt Lake City, 350.00 56637 9/30/2003 UT 84107 Blake School 110 Blake Rd, Hopkins, M-N 55343- 10,300.00 56638 9/30/2003 2093 ue Ridge School Incorporated Route 627, Dyke, VA 22935 100.00 56639 9/30/2003 Olufflon College 280 W. College Ave., Blufflon, OH 1,000.00 56640 9/30/2003 45817

Page 167 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number I*= Brith Hillel Foundation - Los Angeles Hillel 6505 Wilshire Blved, Los Angeles, 1,50000 56641 9/30/2003 Council, Inc. CA 90048 Bnai Bnth International 2020 K St NW 7th Floor, 10300 56642 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20006 Boggy Creek Gang A Hole In the Wall Gang Camp Inc 30500 Brantley Branch Road, 25000 56643 9/30/2003 Eustis, FL 32736 Bolder Options 2020 First Avenue South, 2500 56644 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M~N 55404 Bolles School 7400 San Jose Boulevard, 100.00 56645 9/30/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32217-9975 Bonnie Bergin Assistance Dog Institute 1215 Sebastopol Road, Santa Rosa, 25.00 56646 9/30/2003 CA 95407 Boston Center for Adult Education 5 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, 25000 56647 9/30/2003 MA 02116 Boston Rescue Mission, Inc 39 Kingston St, Boston, MA 25.00 56648 9/30/2003 02111-0069 Bowdom College 4 100 College Station, Brunswick, 10000 56649 9/30/2003 ME 04011 Boy Scouts of America Council 1800 7th Ave., Rockford, IL 61104 50.00 56650 9/30/2003

Boy Scouts of America Council 3120 Ranter Ave. S., Seattle, WA 40000 56651 9/30/2003 98144 Boy Scouts of America Council 1191 Scout Drive, Sartell, M 3000 56652 9/30/2003 56377 y Scouts of America Counci 1 5300 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis, 850.00 56653 9/30/2003 & MN 55422-5118 Boy Scouts of America NtI Counci 1 2969 N. Greenfield Rd , Phoenix, 2500 56654 9/30/2003 AZ 85016 Boy Scouts of America Nd Counct 1 800 Ellinwood Way, Pleasant Hill, 50.00 56655 9/30/2003 CA 94523 Boy Scouts Of America Trust Fund - Boy Scouts of 4468 S Main Road, Millville, NJ 100.00 56656 9/30/2003 America - Southern New Jersey Council 08332 Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia Inc 2901 Bridge Street, Philadelphia, 25.00 56657 9/30/2003 PA 19137 Boys Club Of Parkersburg, Inc. 1200 Mary St, Parkersburg, WV 500.00 56658 9/30/2003 26101-4933 Boys Hope & Girls Hope 340 Gest St, Cincinnati, OH 45203- 200.00 56659 9/30/2003 1822 Boys Scouts of America Council - Boy Scouts of 15255 NW 82nd Avenue, Miami 200.00 56660 9/30/2003 America Lakes, FL 33016 Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue Inc 6001 E Surrey, Scottsdale, AZ 300.00 56661 9/30/2003 85254-3842 Bramson Ort Technical Institute 69-30 Austin Street, Forest Hills, 1,77500 56662 9/30/2003 NY 11375 Brattleboro Retreat Anna Marsh Lane, Brattleboro, VT 250.00 56663 9/30/2003 05301 Breck School 123 Ottawa Ave. N, Minneapolis, 6,500.00 56664 9/30/2003 MN 55422 Bridging, Inc. 201 W. 87th Street, Bloomington, 25.00 56665 9/30/2003 MN 55420 0gharn Young University P 0. Box 27188, Provo, UT 84602 2,050.00 56666 9/30/2003

Bringing the Outside World Inside Foundation 755 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn 5,000.00 56667 9/30/2003 Mawr, PA 19010

Page 168 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Broadway Cares-Equity Fights Aids Inc - Broadway 165 West 46th Street, Suite 1300, 10000 56668 9/30/2003 Cares, Inc New York, NY 10036 Broadway Theatre Inc 1455 S E. 17th Street Causeway, 2,00000 56669 9/30/2003 Fort Lauderdale, FL 333 16

Bronx Defenders 860 Courtlandt Avenue, Bronx, NY 100.00 56670 9/30/2003 10451-0000 Bronx House-Emanuel Camps Inc 547 Saw Mill River Road, Suite 150.00 56671 9/30/2003 31), Ardsley, NY 10502 Brooklyn Botanic Garden Corporation 1000 Washington Avenue, 223.00 56672 9/30/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11215 Brooklyn Institute Of Arts And Sciences - Brooklyn 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, 15000 56673 9/30/2003 Institute of Arts & Sciences NY 11238-6052 Brooklyn Public Library Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 25.00 56674 9/30/2003 11238 Brooks School 1160 Great Pond Road, North 50000 56675 9/30/2003 Andover, MA 0 1 845 Broward County School District - Westglades Middle 11000 Holmberg Road, Parkland, 50.00 56676 9/30/2003 School FL 33076 Broward Public Library Foundation Inc 100 South Andrews Avenue, Fort 50.00 56677 9/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33301 Brown University Gift Cashier, Providence, RI 02912 675.00 56678 9/30/2003

BSI Inc 5917 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, 8,000.00 56679 9/30/2003 VA 22310 Isucknell University Cooley Hall, Lewisburg, PA 17837 1,25000 56680 9/30/2003

Business Volunteers for the Arts 200 W Washington St I Oth FIr, 25000 56681 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85003-1611 Business Volunteers for the Arts Phoenix Inc 200 W Washington St 10th Floor, 250.00 56682 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85032 Cabrmi Connections 800 West Huron Street I st Floor, 75.00 56683 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60622 California Musical Theatre 15 10 J St Ste 200, Sacramento, CA 250.00 56684 9/30/2003 95814-2049 California State Park Foundation 800 College Ave., Kentfield, CA 40.00 56685 9/30/2003 94914 Calvary Hospital 1740 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 55.00 56686 9/30/2003 10461 Calvin College 3201 Burton St SE, Grand Rapids, 600.00 56687 9/30/2003 MI 49546 Camp Dora Golding 5515 New Utrecht Ave, Brooklyn, 50.00 56688 9/30/2003 NY 11219-4630 Camp Fire Boys and Girls 2610 University Ave West, St Paul, 50.00 56689 9/30/2003 MN 55114-1090 Camp Heartland Project Inc - Camp Heartland, Inc. 1845 N. Farwell Ave , Suite 3 10, 200.00 56690 9/30/2003 Milwaukee, W1 53202 Camphill Village Minnesota Inc Rt 3 Box 249, Sauk Centre, MN 100.00 56691 9/30/2003 56378-9321 Camps Newfound Owatonna Corp. - Newfound Camp for 4 Camp Newfound Road, Harrison, 250.00 56692 9/30/2003 Is Assoc. ME 04040 QarncerR Care Inc - Cancer Care of Connecticut 120 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT 100.00 56693 9/30/2003 06851

Page 169 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Cancer Research Foundation Of America 1600 Duke Street, Suite 110, 3000 56694 9/30/2003 Alexandria, VA 22314 Cancer Wellness Center 215 Revere Drive, Northbrook, IL 20000 56695 9/30/2003 60062 Canine Partners for Life 230 Whitehorse Rd., Cochranville, 1,00000 56696 9/30/2003 PA 19330-0170 Capital University 2199 East Main Street, Columbus, 2,00000 56697 9/30/2003 OH 43209 Cardinal Hayes High School 650 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 50000 56698 9/30/2003 10451 Cantas Good Samaritan Medical Center Inc 235 N Pearl St, Brockton, MA 10000 56699 9/30/2003 02301-1794 Carleton College One North College Street, 1,251 .00 56700 9/30/2003 Northfield, MN 55057 Carnegie Institute 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, 10000 56701 9/30/2003 PA 15213 Carter Center Inc. One Copenhill Avenue, Atlanta, 17500 56702 9/30/2003 GA 30307 Carthage College 2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, 100.00 56703 9/30/2003 WI 53140 Cary Christian Center Inc PO Box 57, Cary, MS 39054-0057 10000 56704 9/30/2003

CASA Center for Prevention of Abuse & Violence - 77 E Thomas Rd Ste If 2, Phoenix, 50.00 56705 9/30/2003 Center Against Sexual Abuse AZ 85012-3116 se Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Avenue #212, 50.00 56706 9/30/2003 0a Cleveland, OH 44106-7035 Cathedral Church of St John the Divine - Cathedral 1047 Amsterdam Ave, New York, 50000 56707 9/30/2003 Community Cares, Inc NY 10033 Cathedral High School Education Foundation PO Box 1579, St Cloud, MN 56302 10000 56708 9/30/2003 1579 Cathedral Preparatory Seminary 56-25 92nd Street, Elmhurst, NY 280.00 56709 9/30/2003 11373 Catholic Charities 320 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 40.00 56710 9/30/2003 21201-4493 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St Paul & Mpls P.0 Box 1414, Ncb04, 923 .00 56711 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55408-1414 Catholic Eldercare Community Foundation Inc 817 Main Street Ne, Minneapolis, 25.00 56712 9/30/2003 MN 55413-1931 Catholic High School - VA 4552 Princess Anne Road, Virginia 100.00 56713 9/30/2003 Beach, VA 23462 Catholic High School of Baltimore Inc 2800 Edison Highway, Baltimore, 400.00 56714 9/30/2003 MD 21213-1696 Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights 450 Seventh Ave. 34th Floor, New 25 .00 56715 9/30/2003 York, NY 10 123 Cats Exclusive, Inc. 6350 W. Atlantic Blvd., Margate, 27500 56716 9/30/2003 FL 33063 Center For Animal Care And Control Inc I I Park Place, New York, NY 25 .00 56717 9/30/2003 10007-2801 Center for Food Action in New Jersey 192 W. Demarest Ave, Englewood, 150.00 56718 9/30/2003 NJ 07631 Onter for Marine Conservation, Inc. 1725 DeSales St., N.W., 25.00 56719 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Center For National Independence In Politics - Project One Common Ground, Philipsburg, 25.00 56720 9/30/2003 Vote Smart MT 59858-9767

Page 170 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Center for Science In the Public Interest 1875 Connecticut Ave , SW, Suite 7500 56721 9/30/2003 300, Washington, DC 20009-5728

Center For Victims of Torture 717 E River Rd, Minneapolis, MN 21000 56722 9/30/2003 55455 Central Community Housing Trust 1625 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, 50.00 56723 9/30/2003 MN 55404-1634 Central Lutheran School 1400 Elm St, New Haven, IN 5,350.00 56724 9/30/2003 46774-1740 Central Methodist College 41 1 CMC Square, Fayette, MO 25000 56725 9/30/2003 65248 Central Michigan University Carlin Alumni House, Mt. 50000 56726 9/30/2003 Pleasant, MI 48859 Central Park Conservancy Inc 14 East 60th Street, New York, NY 185 .00 56727 9/30/2003 10022 Chammade High School 340 Jackson Avenue, Mineola, NY 10000 56728 9/30/2003 11501 Chaminade-Julienne High School 505 S Ludlow St, Dayton, OH 150.00 56729 9/30/2003 45402 Charles River Association for Retarded Citizens Inc PO Box 920169, Needham, MA 100.00 56730 9/30/2003 02492 Charleston Symphony Orchestra 77 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC 500.00 56731 9/30/2003 29401 Chebra Agudas Achim Chesed Shel Emeth Hebrew Free 363 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 50.00 56732 9/30/2003 unal Assoc. Inc 10001-3904 10hicago Architecture Foundation 224 S Michigan Avenue, Chicago. 55 .00 56733 9/30/2003 IL 60604 Chicago Cares Inc 300 W. Adams Street, Suite 300, 4,125 .00 56734 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Chicago Chapter Magen David Adom Inc - Magen David 8930 Gross Point Road #800, 50.00 56735 9/30/2003 Adom Skokie, IL 60077 Chicago Zoological Society 3300 Golf Road, Brookfield, IL 36 .00 56736 9/30/2003 60513-0719 Chico State University Foundation E C. Sapp Hall, Chico, CA 95929- 50.00 56737 9/30/2003 0155 Child Welfare League Of America Inc 440 First Street, NW, 3rd Floor, 100.00 56738 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20001 Child-link International 6508 Stevens Ave, Richfield, NfN 120.00 56739 9/30/2003 55423-1664 Childcare International 715 W Orchard Drive Suite 7, 280.00 56740 9/30/2003 Bellingham, WA 98226-7607 Children Cancer Research Fund, Inc. 4930 West 77th Street Suite 364, 1,000.00 56741 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 554354809 Children International P.0 Box 419055, Kansas City, 350.00 56742 9/30/2003 MO 64131-3699 Children's Health Care Foundation - Children's Hospitals 29 10 Centre Pointe Drive, 500.00 56743 9/30/2003 and Clinics Roseville, NfN 55113 Children's Home Society of Minnesota 1605 Eustis Street, St. Paul, MN 325 .00 56744 9/30/2003 55108 hildren's Hospital Foundation 700 Children's Drive, Columbus, 20000 56745 9/30/2003 OH 43205 40-Children's Memorial Foundation 2300 Children's Plaza, Chicago, IL 100.00 56746 9/30/2003 60614

Page 171 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Children, Inc PO Box 53 8 1, Richmond, VA 7500 56747 9/30/2003 23220-0381 Childrens Health Care Foundation - Children's Medical 2910 Center Point Drive, 1,30000 56748 9/30/2003 Center Roseville, MN 55113 Childrens Hospital Foundation Inc P 0 Box 1997 MS #3050, 25.00 56749 9/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997 Childrens Oncology Services of Illinois Inc 200 N Lasalle Street, Suite 2100, 15000 56750 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Childrens Oncology Services of Illinois Inc 264 Cottonwood Dr, Elk Grove 2500 5675 1 9/30/2003 Village, IL 60007 Childrens Oncology Services Upper Midwest - Ronald 608 Ontario St. SE, Minneapolis, 50000 56752 9/30/2003 McDonald House MN 55414 Childrens Receiving Home of Sacramento 3555 Auburn Blvd, Sacramento, 5000 56753 9/30/2003 CA 95821-2005 Childrens Theater Company And School - Children's 2400 Third Avenue South, 4,05000 56754 9/30/2003 Theatre Company and School, The Minneapolis, MN 55404 Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation Incorporated 333 Christian Street, Wallingford, 500.00 56755 9/30/2003 CT 06492 Christchurch School 49 Seahorse Lane, Christchurch, 10000 56756 9/30/2003 VA 23031 Christian Appalachian Project Inc 322 Crab Orchard Road, Lancaster, 10000 56757 9/30/2003 KY 40446 Christian Childrens Fund 2821 Emerywood Parkway, 637.00 56758 9/30/2003 Richmond, VA 23294 ristian Family Care Agency Inc 3603 N 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 1,20000 56759 9/30/2003 Oh 85013-3638 Christian Foundation For Children And Aging One Elmwood Ave, Kansas City, 240.00 56760 9/30/2003 KS 66103-2118 Christian Record Services Inc - National Camps For PO Box 6097, Lincoln, NE 68506- 35.00 56761 9/30/2003 Blind Children 0097 Christian Relief Services Charities Inc - Christian Relief 8815 Telegraph Road, Lorton, VA 2500 56762 9/30/2003 Services, Inc. 22079 Chrysalis A Center for Women - Chrysalis Center for 4432 Chicago Avenue South, 10000 56763 9/30/2003 Women Minneapolis, MN 55407 Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia-St. 711 St Christopher's Rd , 25.00 56764 9/30/2003 Christopher's School Richmond, VA 23226 Church World Service P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46517 25.00 56765 9/30/2003 Church World Service Inc P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46517 25.00 56766 9/30/2003 Cincinnati Museum Association Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 250.00 56767 9/30/2003 45202 Citadel Development Foundation 171 Moultrie St., Charleston, SC 25000 56768 9/30/2003 29409 Citizens for a Better Environment 1845 N. Farwell Ave., Suite 220, 30.00 56769 9/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America - Dollars for 1897 Delaware Ave, Mendota 100.00 56770 9/30/2003 Scholars Henry Sibley Community Scholarship Heights, MN 55118

Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America Inc - Dollars 480 E. James Ave, Grantsburg, WI 25 .00 56771 9/30/2003 for Scholars Grantsburg 54840 ity College Fund 138tb Street and Convent Avenue, 250.00 56772 9/30/2003 New York, NY 10031 01i,ty Harvest, Inc. 575 Eighth Avenue 4th Floor, New 10,950.00 56773 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 18

Page 172 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number CityMeals-on-Wheels 355 Lexington Ave , New York, 2500 56774 9/30/2003 NY 10017-6603 Clare Housing 68 West Exchange Street, St Paul, 25.00 56775 9/30/2003 MN 55102 Claremont McKenna College 500 E 9th Street, Claremont, CA 25000 56776 9/30/2003 91711-6400 Clark Atlanta University Inc 223 James P. Brawley Drive SW, 1,00000 56777 9/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 303 14 Clean Water Fund 326 E Hennepin Ave., 11000 56778 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Cleveland Choral Arts Association - North Coast Men's PO Box 552, Lakewood, CH 44107 10000 56779 9/30/2003 Chorus 0552 Cleveland Lutheran High School Association Inc 14805 Detroit Ave. #250, 100.00 56780 9/30/2003 Lakewood, OH 44107 Coastal AIDS Quilt Project P 0 Box 3448, Myrtle Beach, SC 500.00 56781 9/30/2003 29578 Colby College Mayflower Hill Dr, Waterville, 28000 56782 9/30/2003 ME 04901 Colgate University 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 75000 56783 9/30/2003 13346 College Hill Child Care 2300 Old Chapman Street, 200.00 56784 9/30/2003 Greensboro, NC 27403-2527 College of New Rochelle 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY 50000 56785 9/30/2003 10805-2308 Ilege of Notre Dame of Maryland 4701 North Charles St , Baltimore, 5,000.00 56786 9/30/2003 100 MD 212 10 College of Saint Benedict 37 South College Avenue, Saint 17500 56787 9/30/2003 Joseph, MN 56374-2099 College of St. Catherine Attn Gift Processor- F12, 1,00000 56788 9/30/2003 Development and External Relations, St. Paul, MN 55105- 1794 College of the Holy Cross Trustees One College Street, Worcester, MA 300.00 56789 9/30/2003 01610 Colleges of the Seneca Hobart and William Smith Office of Development, Geneva, 1,05000 56790 9/30/2003 Colleges NY 14456 Colma Historical Association 1198 EI Camino Real, Colma, CA 440.00 56791 9/30/2003 94014 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Post Office Box 1776, 140.00 56792 9/30/2003 Williamsburg, VA 23187-1776 Colorado College Th - Colorado College, The Development Office, Colorado 500.00 56793 9/30/2003 Springs, CO 80903 Colorado Nonprofit Development Center 4130 Tejon Street Suite A, Denver, 150.00 56794 9/30/2003 CO 80211 Colorado Railroad Historical Foundation Inc P. 0. Box 10, Golden, CO 80402 170.00 56795 9/30/2003 Colorado School of Mines Fndt P.O. Box 4005, Golden, CO 80401 1,300.00 56796 9/30/2003

Columbia-Presbytenan Medical Center Fund Inc - 722 West 168th Street, New York, 35 .00 56797 9/30/2003 Columbia University School of Public Health NY 10032-2603 Drnmemorative Air Force PO Box 62000, Midland, TX 1,000.00 56798 9/30/2003 79711-2000 Oo'mmon Hope 550 Vandalia St., St. Paul, MN 710.00 56799 9/30/2003 55114

Page 173 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Communities Acting To Heighten Awareness And 528 Willow Avenue, Cedarhurst, 25 .00 56800 9/30/2003 Learning Inc NY 11516 Community Animal Welfare Society 516 E 13th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 50000 56801 9/30/2003 84103-3231 Community Foundation for Jewish Education of 618 S Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 2,00000 56802 9/30/2003 Metropolitan Chicago I L 60605 Community Foundation Serving Coastal South Carolina 90 Mary Street, Charleston, SC 1,000.00 56803 9/30/2003 Inc 29403 Community General Hospital of Greater Syracuse - 4900 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 10000 56804 9/30/2003 Auxiliary Community General Hospital 13215-0000 Community Hospice Foundation Inc 295 Valley View Blvd, Rensselaer, 735 .00 56805 9/30/2003 NY 12144 Community Hospice Foundation Inc 295 Valley View Blvd, Rensselaer, 50000 56806 9/30/2003 NY 12144 Community Impact 721 Central Avenue, Mountain 25 .00 56807 9/30/2003 View, CA 94043 Community Scholarship Fund of Pleasantville New York PO Box 153, Pleasantville, NY 20000 56808 9/30/2003 10570-0153 Community Services Council - Utah Food Bank 1025 South 700 W, Salt Lake City, 50 .00 56809 9/30/2003 UT 84104 Como Zoo And Conservatory Society 1021 Bandana Blvd E Ste 123, St 2500 56810 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55108-5113 Companion Dog Connection, Inc dba Hearing and 2537 25th Ave S., Minneapolis, 5000 56811 9/30/2003 Service Dogs of Minnesota MN 55406-1234 ompassion International Incorporated 12290 Voyager Parkway, Colorado 392 .00 56812 9/30/2003 0 Springs, CO 80921-3668

Conception Abbey Inc - Conception Seminary College P.O. Box 502, Conception, MO 25.00 56813 9/30/2003 64433 Concordia College Corporation 901 South 8th Street, Moorhead, 1,00000 56814 9/30/2003 N4N 56562 Conesus Fest For Chanty Inc I I Cynthia Cir, Orchard Park, NY 25 .00 56815 9/30/2003 14127-1671 Connecticut Public Broadcasting Inc 240 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, 10000 56816 9/30/2003 CT 06106-3185 Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation 940 Whitney Ave, Hamden, CT 250 .00 56817 9/30/2003 06517-4002 Constitutional Foundation 226 W. Rittenhouse Square, Suite 50000 56818 9/30/2003 1006, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Cooperative For Assistance And Relief Everywhere Inc - 151 Ellis St. NE, Atlanta, GA 335 .00 56819 9/30/2003 Care 30303 Cornell College 600 1 st Street West, Mount 75 .00 56820 9/30/2003 Vernon, IA 52314 Cornell University 55 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 985 .00 56821 9/30/2003

Corporation of Haver-ford College 370 Lancaster Ave., Haverford, PA 25 .00 56822 9/30/2003 19041-1392 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums 233 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 40 .00 56823 9/30/2003 94108 rrectional Association of New York 135 East 15th Street, New York, 50 .00 56824 9/30/2003 00 NY 10003 Council for a Livable World Education Fund I 10 Maryland Ave SE Suite 20 1, 35 .00 56825 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20002-5626

Page 174 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 5000 56826 9/30/2003 10021 Courage Center 3915 Golden Valley Rd , Golden 40000 56827 9/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422-0542 Covenant House 346 West 17th Street, New York, 1,135 .00 56828 9/30/2003 NY 10011-5002 Creighton University 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 3600 56829 9/30/2003 68178 Cretm-Derham Hall High School 550 So Albert Street, Saint Paul, 2,391 .00 56830 9/30/2003 MN 55116 Crisis Nursery Inc 2334 E Polk Street, Phoenix, AZ 20000 56831 9/30/2003 85006 CRISTA Ministries - World Concern 19303 Fremont Avenue North, 7500 56832 9/30/2003 Seattle, WA 98133-0016 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Of America 386 Park Avenue South, 17th 5000 56833 9/30/2003 Floor, New York, NY 100 16-8804 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Of Amenca Inc. 2250 E. Devon Ave, Des Plaines, 25.00 56834 9/30/2003 I L 60018 Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America 8420 Delmar Boulevard, Suite 503, 25.00 56835 9/30/2003 St. Louis, MO 63124 CSLA Foundation 5151 State University Drive, Adm 50000 56836 9/30/2003 809, Los Angeles, CA 90032

Cultural Center For The Arts 100 1 Market Ave North, Canton, 1,00000 56837 9/30/2003 OH 44702-1024 loulture Shock Dance Troup Inc 809A 15th Street, Oakland, CA 2,90000 56838 9/30/2003 94607 Cuyuna Range Food Shelf Inc PO Box 33, Crosby, NfN 5644 1 - 5000 56839 9/30/2003 0033 Cystic Fibrosis Association of Greater New York, Inc. 60 East 42nd Street, S- 1563, New 180.00 56840 9/30/2003 York, NY 10 165-1563 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1950 Sawtelle Blvd, Ste 328, Los 1,000.00 56841 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90025 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation PO Box 96305, Washington, DC 25.00 56842 9/30/2003 20090-6305 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1611 W. County Road B, # 22 1, 350.00 56843 9/30/2003 Roseville, MN 55113-4053 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 114 Perimeter Road-Unit G&E, 10000 56844 9/30/2003 Nashua, NH 03063 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 150 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 400, 120.00 56845 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60601 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 207, 1,105 .00 56846 9/30/2003 Oakland, CA 94612 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 550 Latona Rd. Bldg. D Ste.408, 25.00 56847 9/30/2003 Rochester, NY 14626 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 6931 Arlington Road, Bethesda, 25.00 56848 9/30/2003 MD 20814 Cystmosis Research Foundation 18802 Bardeen Avenue, Irvine, CA 100.00 56849 9/30/2003 92612 aily Bread Food Bank 5850 NW 32nd Ave, Miami, FL 41000 56850 9/30/2003 33142 40,akota Area Resources and Transportation for Seniors 1645 Marthaler Lane, West St. 100.00 56851 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55118

Page 175 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Dakota Communities Inc 680 O'Neill Drive, Eagan, MN 4000 56852 9/30/2003 55121 Dana College 2848 College Drive, Blair, NE 3000 56853 9/30/2003 68008 Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 25000 56854 9/30/2003 02115 Dance Theatre Workshop 219 West 19th Street, New York, 25000 56855 9/30/2003 NY 10011 Danish Immigrant Museum P 0. Box 470, Elk Hom, IA 51531 25000 56856 9/30/2003

Day2 Inc - Empire State AIDS Ride PO Box 984, New York, NY 10024 5000 56857 9/30/2003 1437 De La Salle High School I De La Salle Dr, Minneapolis, 10000 56858 9/30/2003 MN 55401 De Paul University Office of Alumni Relations and 250.00 56859 9/30/2003 Networks, Chicago, IL 60601 De Porres Delta Ministries Inc P 0. Box 207, Marks, MS 38646 2500 56860 9/30/2003 Dedham Country Day School 90 Sandy Valley Road, Dedham, 250.00 56861 9/30/2003 MA 02026 Deerfield Academy Box 306, Deerfield, MA 0 1 342 1,00000 56862 9/30/2003 Deertrees Foundation Limited P.0 Box 577, Harrison, ME 04040 500.00 56863 9/30/2003

Defenders of Wildlife - Defenders of Wildlife, Inc 110 1 14th St., NW, Suite 1400, 10000 56864 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20005 enver Art Museum Inc 100 West 14th Avenue Parkway, 20000 56865 9/30/2003 Denver, CO 80204 Desert Botanical Garden 1201 North Galvin Parkway, 50.00 56866 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Detroit Educational Television Foundation Detroit Public Television, Detroit, 10000 56867 9/30/2003 MI 48202 Detroit Symphony Orchestra 3663 Woodward Avenue, Suite 30000 56868 9/30/2003 100, Detroit, MI 48201-2403 Dillard University 2601 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, 3,000.00 56869 9/30/2003 LA 70122 Diocesan Counci I For The Society Of St Vincent De Paul P.O. Box 13600, Phoenix, AZ 85000 56870 9/30/2003 Diocese Phoenix 85002-3600 Diocese of Southeast Florida Inc - Saint Philip's 11 42 Coral Way, Coral Gables, FL 200.00 56871 9/30/2003 Episcopal School 33134 Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust 3725 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, 397.00 56872 9/30/2003 KY 41076-1712 District 202 1601 Nicollet Ave. South, 350.00 56873 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Diversityworks 1629 Telegraph Ave Ste 500, 300.00 56874 9/30/2003 Oakland, CA 94612 Doctors Without Borders USA Inc. 333 Seventh Avenue, Second 270.00 56875 9/30/2003 Floor, New York, NY 1000 1 -5004 Doe Fund Inc - The Doe Fund Inc. 232 East 84th Street, New York, 250.00 56876 9/30/2003 NY 10028 Donorschoose Inc 42 West 24th Street, New York, 227.00 56877 9/30/2003 NY 10010 Own Syndrome Association Of Minnesota 668 Transfer Road, Saint Paul, MN 25.00 56878 9/30/2003 55114 Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota 668 Transfer Road, Saint Paul, MN 50.00 56879 9/30/2003 55114

Page 176 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Downtown Baltimore Child Care Inc 806 Park Ave, Baltimore, MD 5000 56880 9/30/2003 21201-4807 Dress for Success New York 32 E 3 1 st St Ste 602, New York, 20000 56881 9/30/2003 NY 10016-6881 Dress for Success Tampa Bay Inc 2912 Beagle Place, Seffner, FL 40000 56882 9/30/2003 33584-5904 Drew University Development Records, Madison, 25 .00 56883 9/30/2003 NJ 07940 Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart 3601 Burt Street, Omaha, NE 55000 56884 9/30/2003 68131 Ducks Unlimited, Inc . One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, 5000 56885 9/30/2003 TN 38120 Duke University Box 9058 1, Durham, NC 27708- 72500 56886 9/30/2003 0581 Dundalk Community College Foundation Inc 7200 Sollers Point Road, Dundalk, 25000 56887 9/30/2003 MD 21222 Dwight-englewood School 315 East Palisade Avenue, 3,841 .00 56888 9/30/2003 Englewood, NJ 07631-0489 East Brunswick Rescue Squad 346 Cranbury Road, East 5000 56889 9/30/2003 Brunswick, NJ 08816-3179 East Central Alabama United Cerebral Palsy, Inc P.O Box 694, Anniston, AL 36202 40000 56890 9/30/2003

East Valley Christian School Tuition Organization Inc P 0. Box 6580, Chandler, AZ 625 .00 56891 9/30/2003 85246 ster Seal Society Of Central Ohio 565 Children's Drive West, 75 .00 56892 9/30/2003 & Colimbus, OH 43205 Edgewood Elementary School 6601 Xylon Avenue N., Brooklyn 50 .00 56893 9/30/2003 Park, NfN 55428 Edina Education Fund 5701 Normandale Rd., Edina, M 550 .00 56894 9/30/2003 55424 Educational Broadcasting Corp - Educational P.O. Box 1313, New York, NY 2,16000 56895 9/30/2003 Broadcasting Corporation 10019 Educational Broadcasting Corp - Educational P.O Box 1313, New York, NY 25000 56896 9/30/2003 Broadcasting Corporation 10019 Educational Infon-nation Corporation WCPE Radio P.O. Box 828, Wake Forest, NC 50 .00 56897 9/30/2003 27588 Elgin Symphony Orchestra Association 20 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120 750 .00 56898 9/30/2003

Elizabeth Peabody House Association 277 Broadway, Somerville, MA 25 .00 56899 9/30/2003 02145-2005 Elizabethtown College One Alpha Drive, Elizabethtown, 50.00 56900 9/30/2003 PA 17022 Elm Creek Elementary School 9830 Revere Lane North, Maple 25.00 56901 9/30/2003 Grove, MN 55369 Emergency Foodshelf Network Inc 6714 Walker Street, St. Louis Park, 450 .00 56902 9/30/2003 MN 55426 Emerson College 100 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 50 .00 56903 9/30/2003 02116 Emory University - Emory Vaccine Research Center Yerkes Regional Primate Research 880 .00 56904 9/30/2003 Center, Atlanta, GA 30322

Oncore Dance Company Ltd PO Box 595, Dowagiac, MI 49047- 1,000.00 56905 9/30/2003 0595

Page 177 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number & English Language Institute In China 448 E Foothill Blvd, San Dimas, 20000 56906 9/30/2003 CA 91773 Entertainment Industry Foundation 11132 Ventura Blvd#401, Studio 530.00 56907 9/30/2003 City, CA 91604 Entertainment Industry Foundation 11132 Ventura Blvd#40 1, Studio 40000 56908 9/30/2003 City, CA 91604 Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated 257 Park Avenue South, New 8000 56909 9/30/2003 York, NY 10010 Epilepsy Foundation of Washington 3800 Aurora Avenue, North Suite 10000 56910 9/30/2003 370, Seattle, WA 98103-8721

Equality Florida Inc 1222 South Dale Mabry High Way, 25.00 56911 9/30/2003 Tampa, FL 33629 Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art Inc 125 West Bay Road, Amherst, MA 65 .00 56912 9/30/2003 01002 ESF College Foundation Inc - Suny College Of I Forestry DT, Syracuse, NY 132 10- 10000 56913 9/30/2003 Environmental Science And Forestry 2712 ETV Endowment of South Carolina, Inc . 401 E. Kennedy Street, Suite B-1, 50000 56914 9/30/2003 Spartanburg, SC 29302 Evangelical Lutheran Church In America-Community 1900 11 th Avenue S , Minneapolis, 1,59500 56915 9/30/2003 Emergency Service Meals on Wheels MN 55404 Evangelical Lutheran Synod - King of Grace Lutheran 6000 Duluth Street, Golden Valley, 7,300.00 56916 9/30/2003 School MN 55422 Evans Scholars Foundation One Briar Rd, Golf, IL 60029 20000 56917 9/30/2003 vanston Northwestern Healthcare Corporation - 1603 Orrington Suite 750, 50000 56918 9/30/2003 Ovanston Hospital Corporation Evanston, IL 60201 Exotic Feline Breeding Compound Inc HCR 1, Box 84, Rosamond, CA 2500 56919 9/30/2003 93560-9705 Eye Bank for Sight Restoration Inc 120 Wall Street, Floor 3, New 10000 56920 9/30/2003 York, NY 10005 Eye Dog Foundation 21 1 S Montclair Street, 100.00 56921 9/30/2003 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Eye of the Storm Theatre 3600 16th Avenue South, 2,150.00 56922 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55407 F M S C Corp 6750 W Broadway Avenue, 150.00 56923 9/30/2003 Brooklyn Park, NfN 55428 Families In Crisis Inc 18010 N Tatum Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 800.00 56924 9/30/2003 85032-1507 Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Familes of Spinal P.O. Box 538, Medford, NJ 08055 10000 56925 9/30/2003 Muscular Atrophy Family Foundation 830 East Main Street, Suite 1201, 1,000.00 56926 9/30/2003 Richmond, VA 23219 Family Research Council Inc 801 G Street NW, Washington, DC 250.00 56927 9/30/2003 20001 Family Resource Associates Inc 35 Haddon Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 600.00 56928 9/30/2003 07702-4007 Family Service League of Suffolk County Inc 790 Park Ave., Huntington, NY 450.00 56929 9/30/2003 11743 Farm Sanctuary, Inc. 3150 Aikens Road, Watkins Glen, 100.00 56930 9/30/2003 NY 14891 Other Flanagan's Boys' Home 14 100 Crawford, Boys Town, NE 75.00 56931 9/30/2003 68010 Feed The Children Inc 333 N. Meridian, Oklahoma City, 35.00 56932 9/30/2003 OK 73101

Page 178 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Field Museum of Natural History 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, 130.00 56933 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60605-2496 Field School Foundation - Hale-Field School Foundation 4645 4th Avenue South, 25000 56934 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409-2631 Film Society Of Lincoln Center Inc - Film Society of 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 45.00 56935 9/30/2003 Lincoln Center, Inc , The York, NY 10023 First Department Assigned Counsel Corporation - Office 45 W 45th St 7th Flr, New York, 10000 56936 9/30/2003 Of The Appellate Defender NY 10036-4602 First Place P 0 Box 22536, Seattle, WA 150.00 56937 9/30/2003 98122-0536 Five Towns Community Chest 124 Franklin Place, Woodmere, 1,500.00 56938 9/30/2003 NY 11598 Flonda International University Foundation, Inc University Park, P C. 230, 2500 56939 9/30/2003 Tarmarm Campus, Miami, FL 33199 Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center Inc 93600 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier, 50.00 56940 9/30/2003 FL 33070-2815 Florida Lions Conklin Center For The Multihandicapped 405 White St, Daytona Beach, FL 25.00 56941 9/30/2003 Blind Inc 32114-2925 Florida Research Institute For Equine Nurturing Devel & 1840 NE 65 Court, Fort 2,920.00 56942 9/30/2003 Safety Lauderdale, FL 33308-1055 Fly By Theater P.O. Box 157, Pine Lake, GA 2,175 .00 56943 9/30/2003 30072 Focus On The Family 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado 250.00 56944 9/30/2003 Springs, CO 80920 00-od Allergy Network 10400 Eaton Place, Fairfax, VA 15000 56945 9/30/2003 22030-2208 Food For The Hungry Inc P 0 Box 12349, Scottsdale, AZ 50.00 56946 9/30/2003 85267-9917 Food for the Poor, Inc. 550 SW 12th Ave, Bldg 4, 775.00 56947 9/30/2003 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Food Lifeline 1702 NE 150th St., Shoreline, WA 5000 56948 9/30/2003 98155 Fordham University 113 West 60th Street, New York, 1,125.00 56949 9/30/2003 NY 10023 Forest Guardians 312 Montezuma Av. Suite A, Santa 25.00 56950 9/30/2003 Fe, NM 87505 Fortune Society Inc 53 West 23rd St., New York, NY 50.00 56951 9/30/2003 10011 Foundation Fighting Blindness Inc 11435 Cronhill Drive, Owings 2500 56952 9/30/2003 Mills, MD 21117-2220 Foundation for Coast Guard History 5006-236th Avenue NE, Redmond, 125.00 56953 9/30/2003 WA 98053-0000 Foundation for Public Broadcasting in Georgia, Inc. 260 14th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 280.00 56954 9/30/2003 30318 Foundation of the University of Medicine and Dentistry I World's Fair Drive - 2nd Floor, 50.00 56955 9/30/2003 of NJ Somerset, NJ 08873 Founders Society Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 325.00 56956 9/30/2003 48202 )ur Oaks Inc Foundation 5400 Kirkwood Blvd SW, Cedar 100.00 56957 9/30/2003 Rapids, 1A 52404-5216 0(ox Chase Cancer Center 7701 Burholme Avenue, 50.00 56958 9/30/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19111

Page 179 American Express Foundation Gift Matchtng ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Frances Jacobson Early Childhood Center Inc 477 Longwood Avenue, Boston, 1,00000 56959 9/30/2003 MA 02215-0000 Fredericksburg Community Health Center P 0. Box 246, Fredericksburg, TX 1,00000 56960 9/30/2003 78624 French Institute Alliance Francaise 22 E 60th St., New York, NY 8000 56961 9/30/2003 10022-1077 Fresh Air Fund, The 633 Third Avenue, 14 Floor, New 32500 56962 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Fresh Air Society 6735 Telegraph Rd Ste 380, 22500 56963 9/30/2003 Bloomfield, MI 48301-3179 Friend of Pleasant Bay Inc 104 Crowell Rd, Chatham, MA 10000 56964 9/30/2003 02673 Friends For Steven Inc. PO Box 5994, Buffalo Grove, IL 4800 56965 9/30/2003 60089 Friends of Animal Adoptions, Inc 809 E 7th St , St. Paul, MN 55 106 1,10000 56966 9/30/2003

Friends of Israel Scouts Co Inc 50 West 58th Street, New York, 10000 56967 9/30/2003 NY 10019 Friends of Lake Anna State Park 3601 Burton Road, Bumpass, VA 100.00 56968 9/30/2003 23024 Friends Of Literacy Inc 101 East Fifth Avenue, Knoxville, 2,00000 56969 9/30/2003 TN 37917 Friends of Loring Park Inc PO Box 52074, Minneapolis, M-N 17500 56970 9/30/2003 55402-5074 ends Of McGill University Inc P 0. Box 5096, New York, NY 250.00 56971 9/30/2003 a 10185-0056 Friends of Seven 3911 South Regal, Spokane, WA 2500 56972 9/30/2003 99223 Friends of Straus Park Inc Cathedral Station, New York, NY 10000 56973 9/30/2003 10025 Friends of the Earth 1025 Vermont Ave, NW, 3rd 2500 56974 9/30/2003 Floor, Washington, DC 20005 Fnends of the Fredericksburg Area Battlefields PO Box 124, Trevilians, VA 23170- 50.00 56975 9/30/2003 0124 Friends of the Library of the Chathams 214 Main St, Chatham, NJ 07928 2500 56976 9/30/2003

Fnends of the Old Burying Ground 42 North Broadway, Tarrytown, 2500 56977 9/30/2003 NY 10591 Friends Of The Orphans P .O. Box 25507, Tempe, AZ 85285 300.00 56978 9/30/2003 5507 Friends of the Orpheum Theatre 203 W Adams, Phoenix, AZ 100.00 56979 9/30/2003 85003 Friends of the Palo Alto Childrens Theatre 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 125.00 56980 9/30/2003 CA 94301 Friends Of The Parks And Trails Of St. Paul And Ramsey 1621 Beechwood Avenue, St Paul, 50.00 56981 9/30/2003 County MN 55116-2409 Friends Of The Torpedo Factory Art Center Inc 105 North Union Street, 585 .00 56982 9/30/2003 Alexandria, VA 22314-3217 Fnends of the Wild Flower Garden, Inc PO Box 3793, Minneapolis, MN 25 .00 56983 9/30/2003 55403 Oriends of WFCR Broadcasting Council PO Box 2085, Amherst, M.A. 01004 40.00 56984 9/30/2003

Friends School of Baltimore Inc 5114 North Charles Street, 50.00 56985 9/30/2003 Baltimore, MID 212 10

Page 180 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number f a Friendship Venture Dba Childrens Disability Service - 10509 108th St, N W , Annandale, 2500 56986 9/30/2003 Friendship Ventures MN 55302 Frost Valley YMCA 298 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, 1,27500 56987 9/30/2003 NJ 07042 Fund For Animals Inc - Fund for Animals, Inc., The 200 West 57th Street, New York, 6000 56988 9/30/2003 NY 10019 Fund For Women Artist Inc PO Box 60637, Florence, MA 50.00 56989 9/30/2003 01062 Gateway Pregnancy Center Inc 960 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 2500 56990 9/30/2003 07111-3301 Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation 5455 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 1500, 39.00 56991 9/30/2003 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Gay Community Center Of Philadelphia 1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, 1,00000 56992 9/30/2003 PA 19107-5601 Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc The Tisch Building, New York, 97500 56993 9/30/2003 NY 10011-1913 Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc The Tisch Building, New York, 73500 56994 9/30/2003 NY 10011-1913 Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc The Tisch Building, New York, 99000 56995 9/30/2003 NY 100 11- 1913 Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc The Tisch Building, New York, 150.00 56996 9/30/2003 NY 100 11- 1913 Genesee County CASA for Children I West Main Street, Batavia, NY 50000 56997 9/30/2003 14020 eorgetown University Alumni Association Inc Department Number 0733, 16000 56998 9/30/2003 0 Washington, DC 20073-0733 Georgia State University Foundation, Inc . University Plaza, Atlanta, GA 5000 56999 9/30/2003 30303-3083 Gillette Childrens Hospital Foundation 200 E University Ave, St. Paul, 125.00 57000 9/30/2003 MN 55101-2507 Girl Scout Council Inc-Anzona Cactus-Pine 119 East Coronado Road, Phoenix, 10000 57001 9/30/2003 AZ 85004 Girl Scout Council Of St. Croix Valley 400 S Robert Street, St. Paul, MN 25 .00 57002 9/30/2003 55107 Girl Scouts Of Broward County 4701 NW 33 Avenue, Ft 400.00 57003 9/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 Global Fund for Women, Inc., The 1375 Sutter Street, Suite 400, San 1,075 .00 57004 9/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94109 Global Learning Inc 400 Union Avenue, Brielle, NJ 7,900.00 57005 9/30/2003 08730 God's Child Project P.O. Box 1573, Bismarck, ND 50000 57006 9/30/2003 58502-1573 God's Love We Deliver, Inc. 166 Avenue of the Americas, New 100.00 57007 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 13 Golden Gate National Parks Association Fort Mason, Building 201, San 40.00 57008 9/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94123 Good Counsel, Inc. PO Box 6068, Hoboken, NJ 07030 5000 57009 9/30/2003

Good News Partners 1600 W. Jonquil Terrace, Chicago, 4,900.00 57010 9/30/2003 IL 60626 Wodwill Industries Of Southern California 342 North San Fernando Road, Los 25.00 57011 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90031 Goodwill Industries, Inc. 553 Fairview Avenue N, St. Paul, 900.00 57012 9/30/2003 MN 55108

Page 181 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Goshen Hospital & Health Care Foundation Inc P 0 Box 139, Goshen, IN 46527- 10000 57013 9/30/2003 0139 Grace House of Minneapolis 4457 3rd Ave S , Minneapolis, 10000 57014 9/30/2003 MN 55409 Grand Canyon Trust - Grand Canyon Trust, The 2601 N. Fort Valley Road, 35.00 57015 9/30/2003 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Grand Valley State University 301 West Fulton, Grand Rapids, 10000 57016 9/30/2003 MI 49504-6492 Granite School District - Oakwood Elementary School 5815 South Highland Drive, Salt 20000 57017 9/30/2003 Lake City, UT 84121 Grant Union High School Alumni Association PO Box 660412, Sacramento, CA 50.00 57018 9/30/2003 95866-0412 Graycliff Conservancy Inc PO Box 207, Amherst, NY 14226- 5000 57019 9/30/2003 0207 Great Swamp Watershed Association - The Great Swamp PO Box 300, New Vernon, NJ 50.00 57020 9/30/2003 Watershed Association 07976 Greater Chicago Food Depository 4501 S. Tripp Ave., Chicago, IL 100.00 57021 9/30/2003 60632 Greater Miami Jewish Federation 4200 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, 70000 57022 9/30/2003 FL 33137 Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches-Minnesota 100 1 E Lake Street, Minneapolis, 125 .00 57023 9/30/2003 Food Share MN 55407-0509 Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications P.0 Box 96 100, Washington, DC 285.00 57024 9/30/2003 Association Inc - Greater Washington Educ. Telecom 20090-6100

Oreen Bay Symphony Orch Inc - Green Bay Symphony P 0 Box 222, Green Bay, WI 10000 57025 9/30/2003 Orchestra 54305-0222 Greensboro Chinese Association Inc 201 Pineburr Road, Greensboro, 1,00000 57026 9/30/2003 NC 27455 Greenwich Academy Inc 200 North Maple Avenue, 50000 57027 9/30/2003 Greenwich, CT 06830 Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Inc 611 Granite Springs Road, 200.00 57028 9/30/2003 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Guilford Crisis Pregnancy Ministries, Inc. 917 N. Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 500.00 57029 9/30/2003 27401 Gustavus Adolphus College 800 West College Ave., St Peter, 1,225.00 57030 9/30/2003 N4N 56082 Guthrie Theatre Foundation 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, 950.00 57031 9/30/2003 MN 55403 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 1800 W 12th St 102, Sioux Falls, 25.00 57032 9/30/2003 SD 57104-3930 Habitat for Humanity International Inc PO Box 902, Framingham, MA. 173.00 57033 9/30/2003 01701-0902 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 601 North Clinton Avenue, 25.00 57034 9/30/2003 Trenton, NJ 08638-3446 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 322 West Lamar Street, Americus, 1,540.00 57035 9/30/2003 GA 31709-3498 Habitat for Humanity of Minnesota Inc 113 - 27th Ave, NE, Suite T, 75.00 57036 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55418 amilton College Trustees 198 College Hill Road, Clinton, 250.00 57037 9/30/2003 NY 13323 Oamline University 1536 Hewitt Avenue C- 1917, 1,350.00 57038 9/30/2003 Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284

Page 182 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Hanover Visiting Nurse Association Inc 550 Hanover Street, Hanover, MA 5000 57039 9/30/2003 02339 Hartford Stage Company 50 Church Street, Hartford, CT 68700 57040 9/30/2003 06103 Hazelden Foundation P 0 Box 11, Center City, MN 2,00000 57041 9/30/2003 55012-0011 Health Education & Resource Organization Inc 1734 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, 100.00 57042 9/30/2003 MD 21201-5804 Healtheast Foundation 1690 University, Suite 250, St. 18500 57043 9/30/2003 Paul, M 55 104-3729 Heard Museum, The 2301 N Central Avenue, Phoenix, 12500 57044 9/30/2003 AZ 85004 Heart Disease Research Foundation 50 Court St , Suite 306A, 2500 57045 9/30/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11 201 Help Hospitalized Veterans 36585 Penfield Lane, Winchester, 4000 57046 9/30/2003 CA 92596 Hendrix College 1600 Washington Ave, Conway, 2,50000 57047 9/30/2003 AR 72032 Henry's Fork Foundation Inc P.0 Box 550, Ashton, ID 83420- 15000 57048 9/30/2003 0550 Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave. NE, 5500 57049 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20002-4999 High lands-Cashiers Hospital Inc PO Box 742, Highlands, NC 2874 1 - 1,45000 57050 9/30/2003 0190 ill-Murray High School 2625 Larpenteur Ave E, 25.00 57051 9/30/2003 0 Maplewood, MN 55109 Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Tzedek 800 Eighth Street NW, 5000 51052 9/30/2003 Hillel Washington, DC 20001 His House Inc - His House Children's Home 20000 NW 47th Ave, Opa Locka, 100.00 57053 9/30/2003 FL 33055-1543 Historic Bath Foundation Inc PO Box 238, Bath, NC 27808 50.00 57054 9/30/2003 Historic Hudson Valley 150 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, 10000 57055 9/30/2003 NY 10591 Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fund, Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive, New 100.00 57056 9/30/2003 Haven, CT 06511 Holland Senior Citizens Center Inc Evergreen Commons 480 State St, Holland, MI 49423 25.00 57057 9/30/2003

Hollins College P 0. Box 9629, Roanoke, VA 921 00 57058 9/30/2003 24020-1629 Holocaust Documentation & Education Center Inc 13899 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 404, 50.00 57059 9/30/2003 North Miami, FL 33181 Holy Name Of Camden Jesuit Urban Service Team Inc - 522 State Street, Camden, NJ 250.00 57060 9/30/2003 Guadalupe Family Services 08102 Homenetmen 501 E Colorado St, Glendale, CA 2,00000 57061 9/30/2003 91205 Homeward Bound Foundation - Homeward Bound 8401 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis, 50.00 57062 9/30/2003 MN 55426 Hope College 141 East 12th Street, PO Box 9000, 500.00 57063 9/30/2003 Holland, MI 49422 pe Of Lee County Inc - Hope Hospice of Lee County, 9470 Health Park Circle, Fort 250.00 57064 9/30/2003 Myers, FL 33908 00,Ikins Education Foundation 100 1 Hwy 7, Hopkins, NfN 55305- 50.00 57065 9/30/2003 4723

Page 183 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Honzon Homes Inc 360 Byron Street, Mankato, MN 1,00000 57066 9/30/2003 56002-3032 Hospice and Palliative Care of Metropolitan Washington - 9300 Lee Highway - 5th Floor, 10000 57067 9/30/2003 Hospice of the National Capital Region Fairfax, VA 22031-1207

Hospice Care Ohio - Hospice of Visiting Nurse Service 3358 Ridgewood Rd, Akron, OH 2500 57068 9/30/2003 44333 Hospice Minnesota 1600 University Ave Ste 30 1, Saint 2500 57069 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55104-3825 Hospice of Contra Costa, Inc 2051 Harrison Street, Concord, CA 100.00 57070 9/30/2003 94520 Houghton College I Willard Avenue, Houghton, NY 5000 57071 9/30/2003 14744 House Of Chanty Inc 5 10 S. 8th St , Minneapolis, M 7500 57072 9/30/2003 55407 House Rabbit Society 148 Broadway, Richmond, CA 5000 57073 9/30/2003 94804 Houston Food Bank 3811 Eastex Freeway, Houston, TX 1,150.00 57074 9/30/2003 77026 Houston Food Bank 3811 Eastex Freeway, Houston, TX 58500 57075 9/30/2003 77026 Houston Humane Society 14700 Almeda, Houston, TX 100.00 57076 9/30/2003 77053 Houston SPCA 900 Portaway Drive, Houston, TX 20000 57077 9/30/2003 77024 eoward University I Washington, DC 20059 100.00 57078 9/30/2003 Human Life Alliance 3570 Lexington Avenue North, Ste 2500 57079 9/30/2003 205, St Paul, MN 55126-8058 Humane Farming Association P.O.Box 3577, San Rafael, CA 50.00 57080 9/30/2003 94912 Humane Society for Companion Animals 1115 Beulah Lane, St. Paul, MN 175.00 57081 9/30/2003 55108 Humane Society Of Broward County 2070 Griffin Rd, Ft. Lauderdale, 235.00 57082 9/30/2003 FL 33312 Humane Society of Parkersburg P.0 Box 392, Parkersburg, WV 100.00 57083 9/30/2003 26102 Humane Society Of The United States 2 100 L Street, N. W., Washington, 225.00 57084 9/30/2003 DC 20037 Hunter College Elementary School Parent Teacher 71 East 94th Street, New York, NY 50.00 57085 9/30/2003 Association Inc 10128-0000 Hydrocephalus Association 870 Market, Suite 705, San 50.00 57086 9/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94102 Ice Skating Institute of America Education Foundation - 1328 Highway 96, White Bear 500.00 57087 9/30/2003 City Of White Bear Lake Sports Center Lake, NfN 5 511 0 lit Delhi Excellence Foundation Inc 571 Central Avenue,Suite 105, 3,002.00 57088 9/30/2003 New Providence, NJ 07111 Illinois Fatherhood Initiative 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, 500.00 57089 9/30/2003 IL 60606 Illinois Special Olympics Inc. 605 E. Willow Street, Non-nal, IL 25 .00 57090 9/30/2003 61761-2862 Omaculate Conception Seminary 171 Clifton Avenue, Newark, NJ 30000 57091 9/30/2003 07104 Independent School District #279 - Osseo Area Schools 11200 93rd Ave North, Maple 25.00 57092 9/30/2003 Grove, MN 55369

Page 184 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number Independent Sector 1200 18th Street NW, Suite 200, 25000 57093 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Indian Creek Nature Center 6665 Otis Road SE, Cedar Rapids, 2500 57094 9/30/2003 IA 52403 Indiana University Foundation P. 0. Box 2298, Bloomington, IN 95000 57095 9/30/2003 47402 Institute for Food and Development Policy 398 60th St, Oakland, CA 94618 25.00 57096 9/30/2003 Institute For International Cooperation & Development 56968 Dailey Rd, Dowaglac, MI 25.00 57097 9/30/2003 Michigan 49047-9795 Institute of Range & the American Mustang PO Box 998, Hot Spnngs, SD 3000 57098 9/30/2003 57747-0998 Interfaith Alliance Foundation Inc 1331 H Street, NW, Washington, 25 .00 57099 9/30/2003 DC 20005 Interfaith And Home Services Inc - Senior Services PO Box 175, Chatham, NJ 07928 25000 57100 9/30/2003 Cemer of the Chathams International Aid Inc 17011 W. Hickory, Spring Lake, 100.00 57101 9/30/2003 MI 49456 International Campaign For Tibet 1825 K Street NW, Suite 520, 25000 57102 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20006 International Crane Foundation Inc P. 0. Box 447, Baraboo, WI 53913- 25.00 57103 9/30/2003 0447 International Essential Tremor Foundation 7046 W 105th St, Overland Park, 25.00 57104 9/30/2003 KS 66212-1803 International Fund For Animal Welfare 411 Main Street, Yan-nouth Port, 75.00 57105 9/30/2003 MA 02675 Otemational House 500 Riverside Drive, New York, 95000 57106 9/30/2003 NY 10027 International Mountain Bicycling Association P.O. Box 7578, Boulder, CO 80306 100.00 57107 9/30/2003 7578 International Rescue Committee Inc c/o Matching Gift Dept., New 1,200.00 57108 9/30/2003 York, NY 10168-1289 Iona College 715 North Avenue, New Rochelle, 15000 57109 9/30/2003 NY 10801 Iowa State University Foundation Alumni Suite, Memorial Union, 100.00 57110 9/30/2003 Ames, IA 50014-7164 Irondale High School Band Booster Club-Ihs Bbc PO Box 120283, New Brighton, 25 .00 57111 9/30/2003 M`N 55112-0015 Italian Home For Children Inc 1125 Centre St., Jamaica Plain, 25 .00 57112 9/30/2003 MA 02130 Ithaca College 260 Alumni Hall, Ithaca, NY 100.00 57113 9/30/2003 14850 Its the Journey Inc 180 Allen Road, Atlanta, GA 395 .00 57114 9/30/2003 30328 Jackson County Development Authority 104 Miller Dr., Ripley, WV 25271 200.00 57115 9/30/2003

Jane Addams Resource Corporation 4432 N. Ravenswood Avenue, 500.00 57116 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60640 Jane Goodall Institute P.O Box 14890, Silver Spring, MD 25 .00 57117 9/30/2003 20911 pan Aikido Assocation USA 5752 S. Kingston Way, 1,000.00 57118 9/30/2003 Englewood, CO 80111 Oenna's Dream, Inc P.O. Box 1387, Yorktown Heights, 50.00 57119 9/30/2003 NY 10598

Page 185 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Jennings Do - Dads Association PO Box 25935, Jennings, MO 16000 57120 9/30/2003 63136-0935 Jewish Board of Family & Childrens Services Inc 120 West 57th Street, Room 913, 5000 57121 9/30/2003 New York, NY 10019-3371 Jewish Braille Institute of America, Inc I 10 East 30 Street, New York, NY 25.00 57122 9/30/2003 10016 Jewish Campus Activities Board 215 South 39th Street, 11800 57123 9/30/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Jewish Community Federation Of Cleveland 1750 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 8,000.00 57124 9/30/2003 44115-2106 Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst Inc 7802 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 250.00 57125 9/30/2003 11214-1508 Jewish Educational Center 330 Elmora Ave, Elizabeth, NJ 4,60000 57126 9/30/2003 07208 Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles - 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800, 1,500.00 57127 9/30/2003 United Jewish Fund Los Angeles, CA 90048 Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Inc 9901 Donna Klein Blvd, Boca 1,00000 57128 9/30/2003 Raton, FL 33428 Jewish Federation Of Southern New Jersey 1301 Springdale Road, Suite 200, 60.00 57129 9/30/2003 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Jewish Historical Society of Upper Midwest Inc Sholom Home East, Minneapolis, 2500 57130 9/30/2003 N1N 55416 Jewish Museum, The 1109 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 8600 57131 9/30/2003 10128 wish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago I South Franklin Street, Chicago, 1,755.00 57132 9/30/2003 IL 60606 Jobs for Youth - Chicago Inc 50 East Washington, 4th Floor, 25.00 57133 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60602 John Hopkins University-John Hopkins School of Art 3400 North Charles Street, 500.00 57134 9/30/2003 and Sciences Baltimore, MD 21218 Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street, 697.00 57135 9/30/2003 Baltimore, MD 21218 Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation - UCLA - UCLA Dons & Louis Factor Health 50.00 57136 9/30/2003 Jonsson Cancer Center Sciences Building 8-950, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1780 Jumpstart for Young Children Inc 505 8th Ave, Suite 2207, New 36.00 57137 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 18 Jungle Theatre 711 West Lake St., Minneapolis, 1,02500 57138 9/30/2003 MN 55408 Junior Achievement 636 W. Southern Avenue, Tempe, 60000 57139 9/30/2003 AZ 85282 Junior Achievement of East TN 4930 Lyons View Drive, 250.00 57140 9/30/2003 Knoxville, TN 37919 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 615.00 57141 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St. Ste 203, New 500.00 57142 9/30/2003 York, NY 10017 Junior Achievement of South Florida 2335 East Atlantic Blvd., 2nd 400.00 57143 9/30/2003 Floor, Pompano Beach, FL 33062

01mor Achievement Southeast Texas Inc 2115 East Governors Circle, 787.00 57144 9/30/2003 Houston, TX 77092 Junior Achievement Southeast Texas Inc 2115 East Governors Circle, 75.00 57145 9/30/2003 Houston, TX 77092

Page 186 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Junior League Of Central Westchester Inc 1039 Post Rd, Scarsdale, NY 6800 57146 9/30/2003 10583-3036 Just One Life Inc 475 5th Avenue Suite 114, New 25000 57147 9/30/2003 York, NY 10017 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 1400 1 St. NW #500, Washington, 10000 57148 9/30/2003 DC 20005 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Englewood 560 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood 1,060.00 57149 9/30/2003 Cliffs, NJ 07632 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Englewood 560 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood 1,66000 57150 9/30/2003 Cliffs, NJ 07632 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 7500 57151 9/30/2003 10005 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 200 E Joppa Rd St 300, Towson, 25000 57152 9/30/2003 MD 21286-0000 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 1800 Appleton Rd Suite 2, 5000 57153 9/30/2003 Menasha, WI 54952 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 50.00 57154 9/30/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - 8400 Baymeadows Way, 25000 57155 9/30/2003 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Jacksonville, FL 32256

Kansas State University Foundation 2323 Anderson Ave, Suite 500, 17500 57156 9/30/2003 Manhattan, KS 66502-2911 KCET Community Television Of Southern California - 4401 Sunset Boulevard, Los 50.00 57157 9/30/2003 CET Public Broadcasting of Southern California Angeles, CA 90027 OCRW Foundation Inc - KCRW National Public Radio 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 50.00 57158 9/30/2003 90405-1628 KCTS Association 401 Mercer Street, Seattle, WA 12500 57159 9/30/2003 98109 Kennesaw State University Foundation Inc 1000 Chastain Road, Kennesaw, 100.00 57160 9/30/2003 GA 30144 Keren Hayeled Hatzalah 1482 4 1 street, Brooklyn, NY 61 .00 57161 9/30/2003 11218-3512 Keshet 425 Huehl Road #I 3B, 4,000.00 57162 9/30/2003 Northbrook, IL 60062 Keuka College Development Office, Keuka Park, 25.00 57163 9/30/2003 NY 14478 Kids Our Future Trust Fund 733 Summer Street, Stamford, CT 150.00 57164 9/30/2003 06901 Kindness Is Doing Something Special For Kids, Inc 3907 Kiess Drive, Glenview, IL 50.00 57165 9/30/2003 60025 Knox College Two East South Street, Galesburg, 2,050.00 57166 9/30/2003 IL 61401 KQED, Inc. 2601 Manposa Street, San 166.00 57167 9/30/2003 Francisco, CA 94110-1400 KTEH-TV Foundation 1585 Schallenberger Road, San 100.00 57168 9/30/2003 Jose, CA 95131-2434 Kutztown University Foundation Wiesenberger Alumni Center, 50.00 57169 9/30/2003 Kutztown, PA 19530 R/KXJZ, Inc. 3416 American River Dr., Ste B, 150.00 57170 9/30/2003 Sacramento, CA 95864 W'arche Tahoma Hope 12303 36th Avenue E, Tacoma, 50.00 57171 9/30/2003 WA 98446

Page 187 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number La CASA De Mana Retreat House 801 Ladera Lai ie, Santa Barbara, 2,50000 57172 9/30/2003 CA 93108 La Rabida Children's Hospital & Research Center East 65th Stree t@Lake Michigan, 10000 57173 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60 i49 Lacasa of Goshen Inc 202 North Coti ige Ave., Goshen, 700.00 57174 9/30/2003 IN 46528 Lake Conroe Association PO Box 525, Willis, TX 77378- 10000 57 175 9/30/2003 0525 Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. 120 Wall Stree , Suite 1500, New 75.00 57176 9/30/2003 York, NY 100(5-3904 Lance Armstrong Foundation, Inc P .0 Box 1611 iO, Austin, TX 1,25000 57177 9/30/2003 78716-1150 Late Onset Tay-Sachs Foundation 1303 Paper Mi I Rd, Erdenheim, 10000 57178 9/30/2003 PA 19038-702, Laurel School I Lyman Circl(, Shaker Hts, OH 100.00 57179 9/30/2003 44122-9929 Lawrence Technological University 2 1000 West Tc n Mile Road, 2500 57180 9/30/2003 Southfield, MI 48075-1058 Lawrence University of Wisconsin P 0. Box 2697 Appleton, WI 35.00 57181 9/30/2003 54912 League for Animal Protection of Huntington Inc PO Box 390, Huntington, NY 2500 57182 9/30/2003 11743-0390 Learning Disabilities Association Inc 4301 Highway 7 Suite 160, 1,000.00 57183 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, N IN 55416-5802 egal Aid Society, The One Battery Park Plaza, New York, 30000 57184 9/30/2003 0 NY 10004 Lehigh University Development Office, Bethlehem, 100.00 57185 9/30/2003 PA 18015 Les Turner Amyothropic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation 8142 N Lawndale Avenue, Skokie, 43600 57186 9/30/2003 IL 60076 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 4125 N. 124th Street, Unit A, 75.00 57187 9/30/2003 Brookfield, W1 53005 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 5005 Mitchelldale, Suite 115, 175.00 57188 9/30/2003 Houston, TX 77092 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 902 Westpoint Parkway, Ste 300, 330.00 57189 9/30/2003 Cleveland, OH 44145 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 12850 Spurting Drive, Suite 190, 50.00 57190 9/30/2003 Dallas, TX 75230 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 3325 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 315.00 57191 9/30/2003 FL 33021 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 5353 W. Darmouth Avenue L.L, 5000 57192 9/30/2003 of America Denver, CO 80227 Leukemia Society of America 401 North Salina Street, New York, 52.00 57193 9/30/2003 NY 13203 Leukemia Society of America 8600 LaSalle Rd, #314, Baltimore, 226.00 57194 9/30/2003 MD 21286 Leukemia Society of America 5845 Richmond Highway, 450.00 57195 9/30/2003 Alexandria, VA 22303 Leukemia Society of America 216 Haddon Ave., Ste. 328, 25 .00 57196 9/30/2003 Westmont, NJ 08108 eukemia Society of America 45 Springfield Ave., Springfield, 300.00 57197 9/30/2003 NJ 07081 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Fir, 1,481 .00 57198 9/30/2003 New York, NY 100 16

Page 188 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Leukemia Society Of America Inc 2990 E. Northern Ave , Suite E 100, 33000 57199 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Leukemia Society Of Amenca Inc 800 Corporate Circle Room 0100, 50.00 57200 9/30/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17110 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 1421 E 12 Mile Road Bldg A, 35000 57201 9/30/2003 Madison Heights, MI 48071 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 2333 N Broadway, Ste 432, Santa 500.00 57202 9/30/2003 Ana, CA 92706 Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Leukemia Society of 5217 Wayzata Blvd #22 1, 1,04200 57203 9/30/2003 Amenca Minnesota Chapter Minneapolis, MN 55416 Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Leukemia Society of 5217 Wayzata Blvd #22 1, 10000 57204 9/30/2003 America Minnesota Chapter Minneapolis, MN 55416 Leukemia Society of America Inc. 100 West Monroe, Suite 1610, 1,05000 57205 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 Leukemia Society of America Inc Georgia Chapter 2625 Cumberland Parkway Suite 235.00 57206 9/30/2003 205, Atlanta, GA 30339 Leukemia Society of America, Inc., PA 2 Gateway Center - 13N, 25.00 57207 9/30/2003 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Liberty University, Inc 1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, 70000 57208 9/30/2003 VA 24502 Life Link PO Box 6094, Santa Fe, NM 87502 11000 57209 9/30/2003

Lifeline Productions Inc - Lifeline Theatre 6912 N Glenwood Avenue, 500.00 57210 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60626 Oncoln Park Zoological Society PO Box 14903, Chicago, IL 60614 11800 57211 9/30/2003

Lindsay Wildlife Museum 1931 First Avenue, Walnut Creek, 55.00 57212 9/30/2003 CA 94596 Little Brothers-friends Of The Elderly 1845 E Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 55.00 57213 9/30/2003 55407 Little Orphan Ammals Inc - Little Orphan Animals Inc PO Box 268, Peekskill, NY 10566- 20000 57214 9/30/2003 0268 Loaves And Fishes Too 1917 Logan Ave South, 200.00 57215 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55403-2846 Long Island Educational TV Council, Inc. P 0. Box 2 1, Plainview, NY 11803 40.00 57216 9/30/2003

Longyear Foundation --Longyear Museum and Hist. 1125 Boylston Street, Chestnut 10000 57217 9/30/2003 Society - Longyear Museum and Historical Society Hill, MA 02467

Loomis Institute - Loomis Chaffee School 4 Batchelder Rd, Windsor, CT 100.00 57218 9/30/2003 06095-3028 Los Angeles S P C A - Society for the Prevention of 5026 West Jefferson Blvd, Los 25.00 57219 9/30/2003 Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles Angeles, CA 90016 Louise Wise Services Inc 55 W. 125th Street, Ste 1320, New 1,000.00 57220 9/30/2003 York, NY 10027 Loyola High School of Los Angeles 1901 Venice Boulevard, Los 500.00 57221 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90006 Loyola University 7214 St.Charles Ave., New 50.00 57222 9/30/2003 Orleans, LA 70118 ike Society - Luke Society, Inc. 2204 S. Minnesota Ave., Ste. 200, 1,000.00 57223 9/30/2003 Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Outher College 700 College Drive, Decorah, IA 100.00 57224 9/30/2003 52101

Page 189 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Lutheran Agencies Organized In Semce 41 00 Franklin Blvd, Cleveland, OH 5,45000 57225 9/30/2003 44113-2842 Lutheran High School Association Of Nassau And 131 Brookville Road, Brookville, 25000 57226 9/30/2003 Suffolk Counties NY 11545 Lutheran Social Service Of Minnesota 2485 Como Ave, St Paul, NtfN 100.00 57227 9/30/2003 55108 Lutheran World Relief Inc 700 Light St, Baltimore, MD 50000 57228 9/30/2003 21230 Lymphoma Research Foundation I I I Broadway, New York, NY 125 .00 57229 9/30/2003 10006 Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, NM 63500 57230 9/30/2003 55105-1801 Macphad Center for the Arts 1128 LaSalle Avenue, 200.00 57231 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, " 55403 Madeleine Choir School 250 First Avenue, Salt Lake City, 10000 57232 9/30/2003 UT 84103 Madonna University 36600 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, 50.00 57233 9/30/2003 MI 48150-9983 Maggie and Ermas House Inc 1501 W Friendly Ave, Greensboro, 50000 57234 9/30/2003 NC 27403-1206 Maimomdes School 34 Philbnck Road, Brookline, MA 3600 57235 9/30/2003 02445 Make A Wish Foundation PO Box 97104, Washington DC, 450.00 57236 9/30/2003 WA 20090 ake A Wish Foundation of Northern Illinois 640 North La Salle, Chicago, IL 1,135 .00 57237 9/30/2003 0 60610 Make A Wish Foundation of Richmond and Western 9211 Forest Hill Avenue, Ste 205, 10000 57238 9/30/2003 Virginia Richmond, VA 23235 Make A Wish Of Northeast Central And Southern Ohio 941 Chatham Lane, Suite 120, 125 .00 57239 9/30/2003 Inc Columbus, OH 43221 Make A Wish of Utah Incorporated - Make-a-Wish 2091 East 4800 South, Salt Lake 225 .00 57240 9/30/2003 Foundation of Utah City, UT 84117 Make-a-Wish Foundation Of Michigan 3390 Pine Tree Road, Lansing, MI 12500 57241 9/30/2003 48911 Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Carolina Inc 121 W. Trade Street, Suite 1600, 10000 57242 9/30/2003 Charlotte, NC 28202-5007 Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Florida, Inc. PO BOX 17377, Ft. Lauderdale, 50.00 57243 9/30/2003 FL 33318 Manhattan Beach Education Foundation 1230 Rosecrans, Suite 400, 400.00 57244 9/30/2003 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Manhattan College Office of College Advancement, 25.00 57245 9/30/2003 Sears Hall, Riverdale, NY 10471 Mankato State University Foundation Inc - Minnesota 121 Alumni Foundation Center, 25.00 57246 9/30/2003 State University, Mankato Foundation Mankato, NfN 56001 Maquoketa Area Foundation 120 1/2 South Main, Maquoketa, 12500 57247 9/30/2003 IA 52060 Marc Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Foundation I I I I Stewart Avenue, Bethpage, 75.00 57248 9/30/2003 NY 11714 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 362.00 57249 9/30/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 larch of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 515 East 4500 South, Salt Lake 1,662.00 57250 9/30/2003 City, UT 84107 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation I I I W. Jackson Blvd. #2200, 258.00 57251 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60604

Page 190 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Edina, MN 5233 Edina Industrial Blvd , Edina, 81500 57252 9/30/2003 MN 55439 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Orange 2031 Orchard Drive, Suite 250, 5000 57253 9/30/2003 County Newport Beach, CA 92660-0754 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Staten Island 1173 Forest Ave , Staten Island, 3,25000 57254 9/30/2003 NY 10310 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 3000 Weslayan, Suite 100, 52700 57255 9/30/2003 Houston, TX 77027 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 3000 Weslayan, Suite 100, 475.00 57256 9/30/2003 Houston, TX 77027 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 3105 E Skelly Dr #50 1, Tulsa, OK 100.00 57257 9/30/2003 74105 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1904 3rd Avenue #230, Seattle, 1,11000 57258 9/30/2003 WA 98 101 March Of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - 1325 S Colorado Blvd #508, 395.00 57259 9/30/2003 March Of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Denver, CO 80222-3320 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - 100 1 W Cypress Creek Rd ft I 10, 660.00 57260 9/30/2003 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Ft Lauderdale, Fl, 33309 March Of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1275 Mamaroneck Ave, White 17500 57261 9/30/2003 March Of Dimes - March of Dimes Birth Defects Found Plains, NY 10605

Marcus House 6332 N 14th Place, Phoenix, AZ 250.00 57262 9/30/2003 85014-1429 .~ancopa County Community College District 2323 W 14th Street, Tempe, AZ 63700 57263 9/30/2003 . undation 85281 Wanst High School 420OW 115th Street, Chicago, IL 25000 57264 9/30/2003 60655 Mark Hindy Charitable Foundation, Inc. 58 Mitchell Avenue, West 2,00000 57265 9/30/2003 Caldwell, NJ 07006 Marquette University PO Box 188 1, Milwaukee, WI 125.00 57266 9/30/2003 53201-1881 Mary C. Wheeler School, Inc 216 Hope St., Providence, RI 50.00 57267 9/30/2003 02906 Maryland SPCA of Baltimore City Inc 3300 Falls Road, Baltimore, MD 50000 57268 9/30/2003 21211 Maryland Special Olympics Inc 8300 Guilford Road Suite A, 25.00 57269 9/30/2003 Columbia, MD 21046 Maryland Zoological Society Inc - Baltimore Zoological Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, MD 65.00 57270 9/30/2003 Society, Inc. 21217 Massachusetts Audubon Society Inc 208 South Great Road, Lincoln, 80.00 57271 9/30/2003 MA01773 Massachusetts General Hospital - Massachusetts General 100 Charles River Plaza Suite 600, 75.00 57272 9/30/2003 Hospital / MGH Boston, MA 02114-4719 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 238 Main Street, Suite 200, 1,50000 57273 9/30/2003 Cambridge, MA 02142 Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 350 S. Huntington Ave., Boston, 25.00 57274 9/30/2003 Animals MA 02130 Mathew Forbes Romer Foundation Inc 9858 Glades Rd, Suite 191, Boca 25.00 57275 9/30/2003 Raton, FL 33434-3983 ay Institute Inc One Commerce Way, Norwood, 150.00 57276 9/30/2003 MA. 02062 Oayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research 200 First Street, SW, Siebens 10, 150.00 57277 9/30/2003 Rochester, MN 55905

Page 191 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Mazon Inc , A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Bundy Dnve, Suite 6000 57278 9/30/2003 260, Los Angeles, CA 90025 McAuley Water Street Mission 90 Lafayette St, New York, NY 25000 57279 9/30/2003 10013 Mckinley Community PO Box 11066, Minneapolis, MN 2,000.00 57280 9/30/2003 55412 McQuaid Jesuit High School 1800 Clinton Ave So., Rochester, 10000 57281 9/30/2003 NY 14618-2659 Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire Inc 5105 Paulsen St Suite 143B, 40000 57282 9/30/2003 Savannah, GA 31405 Medic Alert Foundation P 0 Box 381015, Turlock, CA 50.00 57283 9/30/2003 95381-9015 Medic One Foundation - Medic One Ems Foundation 325 - 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 75.00 57284 9/30/2003 98104-2499 Medical Development for Israel, Inc. 130 East 59th Street, Suite 1203, 200.00 57285 9/30/2003 New York, NY 10022 Meharry Medical College 1005 D B Todd Blvd, Nashville, 1,000.00 57286 9/30/2003 TN 37208 Memorial Sloan-kettenng Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 45000 57287 9/30/2003 10021-6007 Mercer Street Friends Center 151 Mercer Street, Trenton, NJ 1,30000 57288 9/30/2003 08610 Mercy Corps International 3015 SW First Ave., Portland, OR 425.00 57289 9/30/2003 97201 emam Park Community Services 2000 St Anthony Avenue, Saint 2500 57290 9/30/2003 0 Paul, MN 55104 Mesivta Keser Torah of Central Jersey Inc 503 11 th Ave., Belmar, NJ 07719- 500.00 57291 9/30/2003 2409 Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin 1593 Coney Island Avenue, 130.00 57292 9/30/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11230 Mesorah Hentage Foundation 4401 2nd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 50.00 57293 9/30/2003 11232-4212 Metro West Humane Society Inc P. 0. Box 1068, Framingham, MA 350.00 57294 9/30/2003 01701-0205 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY 243.00 57295 9/30/2003 10028-0198 Metropolitan Opera Association Inc Lincoln Center, Box 930, New 1,940.00 57296 9/30/2003 York, NY 10023 Metropolitan Opera Guild Inc Box 231930, New York, NY 10023 550.00 57297 9/30/2003

Michigan State University 4700 S. Hagadom, Suite 220, East 100.00 57298 9/30/2003 Lansing, MI 48823 Michigan Tech Fund 1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 2,600.00 57299 9/30/2003 49931 Mid-Pacific Institute 2445 Kaala St., Honolulu, HI 50.00 57300 9/30/2003 96822 Middlesex Hospital 28 Crescent Street, Middletown, 1,000.00 57301 9/30/2003 CT 06457-3650 Midnight Mission, The 396 S. Los Angeles Street, Los 75.00 57302 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90013 ill Valley Schools Community Foundation 409 Sycamore Ave, Mill Valley, 400.00 57303 9/30/2003 0 CA 94941-2231 Milwaukee Art Museum, Inc. 750 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive, 25.00 57304 9/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53202

Page 192 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Milwaukee Rescue Mission 830 North 19th Street, Milwaukee, 20000 57305 9/30/2003 WI 53233 Milwaukee Women's Center, Inc 611 N. Broadway, Suite 230, 22500 57306 9/30/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Minneapolis Crisis Nursery 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Golden 25.00 57307 9/30/2003 Valley, MN 55422-5120 Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation 920 East 28th St , Ste 100, 50.00 57308 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Minneapolis Jewish Day School 4330 Cedar Lake Rd , St. Louis 5000 57309 9/30/2003 Park, MN 55416 Minneapolis League Of Catholic Women Inc 207 S Ninth St, Minneapolis, MN 20000 57310 9/30/2003 55402 Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation 914 S 8th Street, Suite 600, 300.00 57311 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404-1204 Minneapolis Musical Theatre Inc 9711 16th Street West, St. Louis 250.00 57312 9/30/2003 Park, M-N 55426 Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts - Minneapolis Institute 2400 3rd Avenue S, Minneapolis, 7500 57313 9/30/2003 of Arts MN 55404 Minnesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Avenue South, 880.00 57314 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M`N 55404 Minnesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Avenue South, 920.00 57315 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M`N 55404 Minnesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Avenue South, 571 00 57316 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 innesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Avenue South, 8000 57317 9/30/2003 & Minneapolis, MN 55404 Minnesota Childrens Museum - Childrens Museum of 10 W. 7th Street, St Paul, MN 5000 57318 9/30/2003 Minneapolis 55102 Minnesota Citizens Concerned For Life Inc Education 4249 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, 5000 57319 9/30/2003 Fund MN 55409 Minnesota Fighting AIDS on Bikes 4457 3rd Avenue South, 725.00 57320 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55409 Minnesota Fighting AIDS on Bikes 4457 3rd Avenue South, 810 .00 57321 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Minnesota Fighting AIDS on Bikes 4457 3rd Avenue South, 1,195.00 57322 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Minnesota Foundation 55 Fifth Street E., Suite 600, Saint 25.00 57323 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55101 Minnesota Geneologicall Society 5768 Olson Memorial Highway, 100.00 57324 9/30/2003 Golden Velley, M-N 55422 Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd W, Saint Paul, 16500 57325 9/30/2003 M`N 55102 Minnesota International Center 711 E. River Rd., Minneapolis, M`N 800.00 57326 9/30/2003 55455 Minnesota Lakes Association P .O. Box 32 1, Brainerd, MN 56401 65.00 57327 9/30/2003

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska, 730.00 57328 9/30/2003 M'N 55318-9613 Minnesota Medical Foundation 1342 PO Box 64001, Saint Paul, MN 50.00 57329 9/30/2003 55164-0001 innesota Museum Of American Art 75 West 5th Street, St. Paul, M-N 75.00 57330 9/30/2003 0 55102- Minnesota Naral Foundation 550 Rice Street, Suite 205, Saint 125.00 57331 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55103

Page 193 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Minnesota Opera Company 620 N First Street, Minneapolis, 10000 57332 9/30/2003 MN 55401 Minnesota Orchestra Association P 0 Box 86, Minneapolis, MN 24000 57333 9/30/2003 55486 Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance Inc 6444 150th St SE, Prior Lake, NIN 5000 57334 9/30/2003 55372-2105 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St Paul, 20400 57335 9/30/2003 MN 55101 Minnesota Special Olympics Inc 400 South 4th Street, Suite 915, 430.00 57336 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Minnesota State Council on Economic Education 1994 Buford Ave, St Paul, MN 10000 57337 9/30/2003 55108 Minnesota State Fair Foundation 1265 Snelling Ave N, St Paul, M 5000 57338 9/30/2003 55108 Minnesota Teen Challenge Christian Academy Inc 1619 Portland Ave South, 50.00 57339 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404-1507 Minnesota Valley Humane Society - Minnesota Valley 1313 E. Hwy. 13, Burnsville, MN 13500 57340 9/30/2003 Humane Society of Dakota County 55337 Minnesota Valley YMCA 13850 Portland Avenue, 75.00 57341 9/30/2003 Burnsville, NIN 55337 Minnesota Waldorf School 70 E County Road B, Maplewood, 50000 57342 9/30/2003 MN 55117 * Minnesota Wildlife Haven 4328 Lyndale Avenue N, 1,03000 57343 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55412 innesota Womens Foundation - Women's Foundation 155 Fifth Ave. S., Suite 900, 100.00 57344 9/30/2003 Of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55401 Minnesota Zoo Foundation 13000 Zoo Blvd, Apple Valley, 100.00 57345 9/30/2003 NfN 55124-4621 Minnetonka Public School Foundation For Excellence In Po Box 585, Excelsior, M 5533 1 - 15000 57346 9/30/2003 Teaching And Lea 0585 Misencordia Home 6300 N Ridge Ave, Chicago, IL 375.00 57347 9/30/2003 60660-1017 Mission Of Our Lady Of Mercy - Mercy Home for Boys 1 140 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 62500 57348 9/30/2003 & Girls IL 60607 Missouri Historical Society P 0. Box 11 940, St Louis, MO 50.00 57349 9/30/2003 63112 Monongalia General Hospital Foundation Inc 1200 J D Anderson Dr, 250.00 57350 9/30/2003 Morgantown, WV 26505-3494 Monroe Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization 901 Brookdale Dr, Brooklyn Park, 100.00 57351 9/30/2003 Pto MN 55444-2121 Monteverdi Music School Inc Po Box 1062, Montpelier, VT 50.00 57352 9/30/2003 05602 Moorhead State University Foundation 1104 7th Avenue S., Moorhead, 50.00 57353 9/30/2003 M-N 56563 Morris Animal Foundation 45 Inverness Drive East, 100.00 57354 9/30/2003 Englewood, CO 80112 Morton Cure Paralysis Fund 121 Washington Ave S Unit 1717, 50.00 57355 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55401 Mothers Against Drunk Driving Foundation 511 E. John Carpenter Fwy #700, 75.00 57356 9/30/2003 Irving, TX 75062 laount Holyoke College Development Office, South 125.00 57357 9/30/2003 Hadley, MA 0 1075 Mount Mercy College 1330 Elmhurst Dr Ne, Cedar 125.00 57358 9/30/2003 Rapids, IA 524024763

Page 194 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Mount Olivet Rolling Acres Inc 7200 Rolling Acres Rd, Victoria, 50000 57359 9/30/2003 MN 55386-0220 Mount Saint Mary's College 16300 Old Emmitburg Road, 2,00000 57360 9/30/2003 Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Multiple Sclerosis Association Of America Inc 706 Haddonfield Rd., Cherry Hill, 2500 57361 9/30/2003 NJ 08002 Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Inc 6350 N. Andrews Avenue, Fort 17500 57362 9/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 Municipal Art Society, The 457 Madison Avenue, New York, 50.00 57363 9/30/2003 NY 10022 Muscular Dystrophy Association 4578 S Highland Dr #290, Salt 3000 57364 9/30/2003 Lake City, UT 84117 Muscular Dystrophy Association 10 Riverside Dr., Suite 105, 2500 57365 9/30/2003 Lakeville, MA 02347 Muscular Dystrophy Association 4530 West 77th Street, # 1 64, 17500 57366 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M`N 55435 Muscular Dystrophy Association 1919 S Jones Blvd , Las Vegas, 1,95400 57367 9/30/2003 NV 89146 Muscular Dystrophy Association 3701 Executive Center Drive, 730.00 57368 9/30/2003 Austin, TX 78731 Muscular Dystrophy Association 4530 Park Rd., Ste 3 10, Charlotte, 7500 57369 9/30/2003 NC 28219 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Muscular Dystrophy 10201 S 5 1 st St., Suite 170, 10500 57370 9/30/2003 Association, Inc . Phoenix, AZ 85044 uscular Dystrophy Association - Tucson, AZ 3300 East Sunrise Drive, Tucson. 6000 57371 9/30/2003 AZ 85718 Museum of Contemporary Art Inc 770 NE 125th Street, Miami, FL 40.00 57372 9/30/2003 33161 Museum of Fine Arts 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, 50.00 57373 9/30/2003 MA 02115 Museum Of Modem Art I I West 53 Street, New York, NY 420.00 57374 9/30/2003 10019 Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Inc PO Box 4258, Wayne, NJ 07474- 25.00 57375 9/30/2003 4258 Na Amat USA 8707 N. Skokie Blvd # 1 12, Skokie, 50.00 57376 9/30/2003 IL 60077 Nami - National Alliance for the Mentally 111 2107 Wilson Blvd, # 300, 100.00 57377 9/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22201 National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and 60 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 404, 500.00 57378 9/30/2003 Depression Great Neck, NY 11021-3196 National Arbor Day Foundation 21 1 N. 12th St., Lincoln, NE 68501 80.00 57379 9/30/2003

National Association of Street Schools 1567 Marion Street, Denver, CO 2,500.00 57380 9/30/2003 80218-1512 National Ataxia Foundation 2600 Fembrook Lane, Suite 119, 25.00 57381 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55447 National Caregiving Foundation 801 N. Pitt St. #116, Alexandria, 25.00 57382 9/30/2003 VA 22314 National Childhood Cancer Foundation 440 East Huntington Drive, 100.00 57383 9/30/2003 Arcadia, CA 91006 Oational Conservatory of Dramatic Arts 1556 Wisconsin Ave. NW, 100.00 57384 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20007 National Corporation for Substance Abuse Recovery 9441 W. McRae Way, Peoria, AZ 50.00 57385 9/30/2003 85382

Page 195 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0, Number National Council Of Jewish Women Incorporated 53 West 23rd Street, 6th Floor, 25000 57386 9/30/2003 New York, NY 100 10 National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library 30 16th Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids, 75000 57387 9/30/2003 IA 52404-5904 National Easter Seal Society Inc 230 West Monroe Street, Suite 13000 57388 9/30/2003 1800, Chicago, IL 60606-4802 National Engineer Week Foundation - Future City PO Box 6503 1, Phoenix, AZ 85082 2,50000 57389 9/30/2003 Competition - Phoenix Region National Foundation For Cancer Research 4600 East West Highway, Suite 12500 57390 9/30/2003 525, Bethesda, MD 20814 National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute 1325 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 3500 57391 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20005 National Jewish Center For Immunology And Respiratory 1400 Jackson St ft206, Denver, CO 2500 57392 9/30/2003 Medicine - National Jewish Medical & Research 80206

National Law Center For Children And Families 3819 Plaza Drive, Fairfax, VA 12500 57393 9/30/2003 22030 National Liberty Museum 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 50000 57394 9/30/2003 PA 19106-2707 National MS Society, Colorado Chapter 700 Broadway #808, Denver, CO 375.00 57395 9/30/2003 80203 National Multiple Sclerosis Bergen Passaic Chapter I Kahsa Way - Suite 205, P.O. Box 805.00 57396 9/30/2003 1606, Paramus, NJ 07652 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 2,14500 57397 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55415 Oational Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 1,080.00 57398 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 60000 57399 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 85000 57400 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 1,05500 57401 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 425.00 57402 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society I Reed Street, Suite 200, 50.00 57403 9/30/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19147 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 10 1 First Ave , Suite 6, Waltham, 50.00 57404 9/30/2003 MA 02154 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 700 Broadway #808, Denver, CO 31000 57405 9/30/2003 80203 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 8111 No. Stadium Dr -Ste# 100, 10000 57406 9/30/2003 Houston, TX 77054 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 246 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst, NJ 75.00 57407 9/30/2003 07755 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 2440 South Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 50.00 57408 9/30/2003 1 1 5, Los Angeles, CA 90064

National Multiple Sclerosis Society 10946 Beaver Dan Rd Ste E, Hunt 40.00 57409 9/30/2003 Valley, MD 21030-0000 Otional Multiple Sclerosis Society 10 1 A First Avenue, Waltham, MA 575 .00 57410 9/30/2003 02451 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 1040 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 25.00 57411 9/30/2003 15219-6220

Page 196 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 1629 Ave D # 2C, Billings, NIT 2500 57412 9/30/2003 59102-3026 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 3840 Ridgeway Dr, Birrningham, 26500 57413 9/30/2003 AL 35209-5506 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 511 West 41 st Ave, Ste# 10 1, 200.00 57414 9/30/2003 Anchorage, AK 99503 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Illinois 9 10 W. Van Buren, Chicago, I L 87000 57415 9/30/2003 Chapter 60607 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Illinois 910 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 1,08500 57416 9/30/2003 Chapter 60607 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Illinois 910 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 55000 57417 9/30/2003 Chapter 60607 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Illinois 910 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 40000 57418 9/30/2003 Chapter 60607 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Hauppauge, NY 200 Parkway Drive South, 15000 57419 9/30/2003 Hauppauge, NY 11788 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Michigan Chapter 21311 Civic Center Drive, 75.00 57420 9/30/2003 Southfield, MI 48076 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Midlands Chapter 7 101 Newport Ave , Suite 203, 50.00 57421 9/30/2003 Omaha, NE 68152--2 10 National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 30000 57422 9/30/2003 Chapter NY 10010-2094 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Not-them Calif 150 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 50.00 57423 9/30/2003 Chapter 94612 ational Multiple Sclerosis Society South Florida 3201 West Commercial Blvd, Suite 2500 57424 9/30/2003 ehapter 127, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Upstate New York 1650 South Avenue Suite 100, 25.00 57425 9/30/2003 Chapter Inc Rochester, NY 14620 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Wisconsin Chapter W223 N608 Saratoga Drive, Suite 25.00 57426 9/30/2003 110, Waukesha, WI 53186-0401

National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Utah Chapter 2995 So. West Temple. Ste. C, Salt 250.00 57427 9/30/2003 Lake City, UT 84115 National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Washington DC 2021 K Street NW #715, 25.00 57428 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20006 National Museum of Womens History P.O. Box 1296, Annandale, VA 10000 57429 9/30/2003 22003 National Neurofibromatosts Foundation 95 Pine Street, New York, NY 2500 57430 9/30/2003 10005 National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Inc 500 NE Spanish River Blvd, Boca 50.00 57431 9/30/2003 Raton, FL 33431-4516 National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Inc PO Box 6023, Naperville, IL 5000 57432 9/30/2003 60567 National Park Foundation I I Dupont Circle Nw, Ste 600, 35.00 57433 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 National Parkinson Foundation Inc 1501 NW 9th Ave., Miami, FL 150.00 57434 9/30/2003 33136 National Parks and Conservation Association 1300 19th Street, Washington, DC 200.00 57435 9/30/2003 20036 Otional Philanthropic Trust - Breast Cancer 3-Day 2709 Media Center Drive, Los 2,070.00 57436 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90065 National Society Daughters Of The American Revolution 9527 S. Lacrosse Ave., Oak Lawn, 250.00 57437 9/30/2003 Swallow Cliff Chapter IL 60453

Page 197 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number O'nonal Symphony Orchestra Association of John F Kennedy Center, 217 .00 57438 9/30/2003 Washington D C Washington, DC 20566 National Wildlife Federation I 1100 Wildlife Center Dnve, 39500 57439 9/30/2003 Reston, VA 20190 National Yiddish Book Center, Inc 1021 West Street, Amherst, MA 136.00 57440 9/30/2003 01002 Native Seeds Southwestern Endangered Andland 526 N 4th Ave, Tucson, AZ 85705- 25000 57441 9/30/2003 Resources Clearing House, Inc 8450 Nativity of Our Lord School 1900 Stanford Avenue, St. Paul, 5,10000 57442 9/30/2003 MN 55105 Natural Resource Information Providers 1748 Humphrey Court, Northfield, 20000 57443 9/3012003 MN 55057 Natural Resources Defense Council Inc - Natural 40 West 20th Street, New York, 20000 57444 9/30/2003 Resource Defence Council NY 10011 Nature Conservancy - South Carolina Chapter P.O . Box 5475, Columbia, SC 500 .00 57445 9/30/2003 29205 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, 96000 57446 9/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, 15500 57447 9/30/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 Naval War College Foundation Inc 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 2,005.00 57448 9/30/2003 02841-1207 Nazareth College of Rochester 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 10000 57449 9/30/2003 14618 ebraska Humane Society 8929 Fort St , Omaha, NE 68134 7500 57450 9/30/2003 leeighbors Inc 218 13th Avenue South, South 2500 57451 9/30/2003 Saint Paul, M-N 55075 New England Home For Little Wanderers 271 Huntington Avenue, Boston, 50 .00 57452 9/30/2003 MA 02115 New England Mountain Bike Association Inc P.O. Box 222 1, Acton, MA 0 1720- 50 .00 57453 9/30/2003 4803 New Eyes For The Needy Inc 549 Millbum Ave, Short Hills, NJ 250 .00 57454 9/30/2003 07078-3330 New Hope GYN Cancer Support Group 4854 South Wellington Drive, 40000 57455 9/30/2003 Springfield, MO 65810-1637 New Jersey Conservation Foundation 170 Longview Rd, Far Hills, NJ 275 .00 57456 9/30/2003 07931 New Jersey Family Policy Council Inc 40 Baldwin Road, Parsippany, NJ 150 .00 57457 9/30/2003 07054 New Jersey Symphony Orchestra 2 Central Avenue, Newark, NJ 100 .00 57458 9/30/2003 07102 New Life Family Services 1515 E. 66th St ., Minneapolis, MN 505 .00 57459 9/30/2003 55423 New Milford Community Ambulance Corp PO Box 102, New Milford, CT 5000 57460 9/30/2003 06776-0102 New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players Inc 302 West 91 st Street, New York, 2,000.00 57461 9/30/2003 NY 10024 New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox & Tilden, Fifth Avenue & 42nd Street, Room 1,193 .00 57462 9/30/2003 Foundations 67, New York, NY 100 18 ~w York Shakespeare Festival 425 Lafayette St ., New York, NY 300 .00 57463 9/30/2003 10003 Oew York State Restaurant Association Educational 409 New Kamer Rd, Albany, NY 400 .00 57464 9/30/2003 Foundation Inc 12205-3883

Page 198 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 New York Theatre Workshop Inc 79 East 4th Street, New York, NY 12500 57465 9/30/2003 10003 New York Times Neediest Cases Fund 229 West 43rd Street, New York, 6,00000 57466 9/30/2003 NY 10036 New York University P 0. Box 837, Peter Stuyvesant 1,125.00 57467 9/30/2003 Station, New York, NY 10009- 0837 New York Zoological Society 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 8700 57468 9/30/2003 10460-1099 Newark Public Radio, Inc. 54 Park Place, Newark, NJ 07102 100.00 57469 9/30/2003 Niagara University Lewiston Rd , Niagara University, 25000 57470 9/30/2003 NY 14109-2008 Nightingale-Bamford School 20 East 92nd Street, New York, 30.00 57471 9/30/2003 NY 10128 Nikkei Concerns 1601 East Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 500.00 57472 9/30/2003 98122-5640 No Place Like Home Communities 4168 Adair Avenue N, Apt. 1, 10000 57473 9/30/2003 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive, Dedham, MA 50000 57474 9/30/2003 02026 Norfolk Academy 1585 Wesleyan Drive, Norfolk, VA 150.00 57475 9/30/2003 23502 Norfolk State University 700 Park Avenue, Norfolk, VA 10000 57476 9/30/2003 23504 Morth American Foundation for the University of PO Box 293, Littleton, MA 01460- 400.00 57477 9/30/2003 ,qWanchester Inc 0293 North Anoka County Emergency Foodshelf 1562 Viking Blvd NE, Cedar, MN 10000 57478 9/30/2003 55011-9402 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State 1601 East Market Street, 60.00 57479 9/30/2003 University - North Carolina A&T State University Greensboro, NC 27406 North Carolina Central University Foundation Inc 1801 Fayetteville Street, Durham, 50.00 57480 9/30/2003 NC 27707 North Carolina Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics - P.0 Box 25968, Raleigh, NC 25.00 57481 9/30/2003 NC 27601 North Carolina State University Foundation Box 7501, Raleigh, NC 27695- 15000 57482 9/30/2003 7501 North Central College 30 N. Brainard, P . 0. Box 3063, 1,000.00 57483 9/30/2003 Naperville, IL 60540-4690 North Memorial Health Care - North Hospice 3300 Oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale, 25.00 57484 9/30/2003 MN 55422 North Shore Animal League Inc 750 Port Washington Blvd., Port 85.00 57485 9/30/2003 Washington, NY 11050 Northern Illinois University Foundation Controllers Office, DeKalb, IL 200.00 57486 9/30/2003 60115 Northern Minnesota Public Television 1500 Birchmont Drive, Bemidji, 120.00 57487 9/30/2003 MN 56601 Northern Voices 1660 W County Road B, Roseville, 50.00 57488 9/30/2003 MN 55113-4033 Northfield Union of Youth Inc 303 Water St S, Northfield, MN 50.00 57489 9/30/2003 55057-2045 rthwest College Foundation C/O Northwest College PO Box 579, Kirkland, WA 98083- 1,000.00 57490 9/30/2003 0) 0579 Northwest Indiana Public Broadcasting Inc 8625 Indiana PI, Merrillville, IN 150.00 57491 9/30/2003 46410-6369

Page 199 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Northwestern College 3003 Snelling Avenue N , St. Paul, 1,59200 57492 9/30/2003 MN 55113-1598 Northwestern Memorial Foundation 750 N Lake Shore Drive P542, 2500 57493 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60611 Northwestern University 2020 Ridge, Room 230, Evanston, 1,250.00 57494 9/30/2003 IL 60208-4305 Northwoods Humane Society PO Box 82, Hayward, WI 54843- 2,500.00 57495 9/30/2003 0082 Notre Dame High School - Batavia, NY 73 Union St., Batavia, NY 14020 150.00 57496 9/30/2003 Nova Southeastern University Inc. 3301 College Ave , Ft Lauderdale, 150.00 57497 9/30/2003 FL 33314 NYSARC Inc - Association for the Help of Retarded 189 Wheatley Road, Glen Head, 250.00 57498 9/30/2003 Children NY 11545-2699 Oakfield-Alabama Central School District - Oakfield- 7001 Lewiston Road, Oakfield, NY 20000 57499 9/30/2003 Alabama High School Football Boosters 14125 Oaks Indian Center P 0. Box 130, Military Rd., Oaks, 5000 57500 9/30/2003 OK 74359 Oberlin College Development Office, Oberlin, OH 50000 57501 9/30/2003 44074-1089 Oberon Theatre Ensemble Inc 545 Eighth Ave Suite 402, New 175.00 57502 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 18 Ohel Childrens Home And Family Services Inc 4510 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 53600 57503 9/30/2003 11204 Ohio Special Olympics, Inc. 3303 Winchester Pike, Columbus, 50.00 57504 9/30/2003 OH 43232 Ishio State University Foundation - The Ohio State 113 Fawcett Center, Columbus, 15000 57505 9/30/2003 University Foundation OH 43210 Ohio University Foundation P.O Drawer 869, Athens, OH 2500 57506 9/30/2003 45701 Old Town School of Folk Music Inc 4544 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 25.00 57507 9/30/2003 60625-2103 Olive Branch Mission 2636 West Marquette Road, 250.00 57508 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60629 Open Arms of Minnesota Inc 1414 Franklin Avenue East, 2,225.00 57509 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Open Door Christian School, Inc. 8287 West Ridge Road, Elyria, OH 2,500.00 57510 9/30/2003 440354498 Open Eye Figure Theatre P.O. Box 8763, Minneapolis, MN 100.00 57511 9/30/2003 55408 Opening Act Inc 163 W 76th St, New York, NY 8000 57512 9/30/2003 10023-8325 Operation Able Of Greater Boston Inc 131 Tremont St, Suite. 301, 50.00 57513 9/30/2003 Boston, MA 02111-1336 Operation Respect Inc 2 Penn Plaza 23rd. Floor, New 750.00 57514 9/30/2003 York, NY 10 1 21 Orange County High School of the Arts Foundation 101 0 N. Main Street, Los Alamitos, 1,000.00 57515 9/30/2003 CA 92701 Orange County Performing Arts Center 600 Town Center Drive, Costa 2,000.00 57516 9/30/2003 Mesa, CA 92626 Oegon Shakespeare Festival Association 15 South Pioneer, Ashland, OR 575.00 57517 9/30/2003 97520 regon State University Foundation 850 Southwest 35th Street, 960.00 57518 9/30/2003 Corvallis, OR 97333

Page 200 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 40 Number Organ Transplant Fund Inc 1102 Brookfield Ste 202, 2500 57519 9/30/2003 Memphis, TN 38119-38 10 Orono Alliance for Education PO BOX 21 1, Long Lake, NIN 50000 57520 9/30/2003 55356 Osborne Association Inc 36-3 1 38th Street, Long Island 3,50000 57521 9/30/2003 City, NY I 1101 Our Town Family Center Inc PO Box 26665, Tucson, AZ 85716- 10000 57522 9/30/2003 6665 Ovarian Cancer Reseach Fund Inc - Ovarian Cancer 14 Penn Plaza, Suite 1400, New 30000 57523 9/30/2003 Research Fund, Inc. York, NY 10 1 22 Oxfam-america Inc 26 West St., Boston, MA 021 11 2500 57524 9/30/2003 Pacific Media Ministry 1775 Hancock St., Ste. 200, San 4,000.00 57525 9/30/2003 Diego, CA 92110-2036 Pacifica Foundation - Pacifica Foundation-KPFT 419 Lovett Blvd., Houston, TX 3000 57526 9/30/2003 77006 Packer Collegiate Institute 170 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, 200.00 57527 9/30/2003 NY 11201 Pakistan Information and Cultural Organization 1375 W Island Circle, Chandler, 1,000.00 57528 9/30/2003 AZ 85248 Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust 77 4th Ave, Needham, MA 02494 3,38500 57529 9/30/2003

Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust 77 4th Ave, Needham, MA 02494 3,295 .00 57530 9/30/2003

Paradise Valley Christian School 2401 E Cactus, Phoenix, AZ 85032- 4,00000 5753 1 9/30/2003 7039 learalyzed Veterans Of America Inc - Paralyzed Veterans 801 18th Street NW, Washington, 60.00 57532 9/30/2003 of America, DC DC 20006-3517 Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research 125 Marymont Ct, Middletown, 500.00 57533 9/30/2003 OH 45042-3755 Parent Teacher Organization - North East School PTO 82 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford, 150.00 57534 9/30/2003 CT 06903 Parents Television Council, Inc 707 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 2500 57535 9/30/2003 CA 90017 Park Square Theatre Company 408 St. Peter Street, Suite I 10, 25.00 57536 9/30/2003 Saint Paul, N4N 55102-1130 Parkersburg Area Community Foundation P.O. Box 1762, 501 Avery Street, 1,000.00 57537 9/30/2003 Parkersburg, WV 26102 Parkinson Alliance, Inc 633 Prospect Avenue, Princeton, 40.00 57538 9/30/2003 NJ 08540 Parks & People Foundation For Baltimore Recreation & 800 Wyman Park Drive, Suite 0 10, 250.00 57539 9/30/2003 Parks Baltimore, MD 21211 Passaic Hebrew Institute - Yeshivat Beit Hillel of Passaic 565 Broadway, Passaic, NJ 07055 4,960.00 57540 9/30/2003 - Hillel Academy Paul Taylor Dance Foundation, Inc. - Paul Taylor Dance 552 Broadway, New York, NY 100.00 57541 9/30/2003 Company 10012-9948 Peace College of Raleigh Inc. 15 E. Peace St, Raleigh, NC 27604- 200.00 57542 9/30/2003 1194 Peaceworkers - Nonviolent Peaceforce 801 Front Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 500.00 57543 9/30/2003 55103 echatric Interim Care Center Inc 233 South Second Avenue, Kent, 150.00 57544 9/30/2003 WA 98032 40etnikese Island School Inc 49 School St. Box 16 1, Woods 100.00 57545 9/30/2003 Hole, MA 02543

Page 201 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Ga Number Peninsula Youth Theatre 2500 Old Middlefield Way, 5000 57546 9/30/2003 Mountain View, CA 94043-2346 Pennsylvania State University One Old Main, University Park, PA 285.00 57547 9/30/2003 16802 Pennsylvanians Concerned About Alcohol Problems 900 S Arlington Ave Room 220, 100.00 57548 9/30/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17109-5099 Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust 2955 Edge Hill Road, Huntingdon 5000 57549 9/30/2003 Valley, PA 19006-5099

People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals 501 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 25.00 57550 9/30/2003 23510 People Responding In Social Ministry 2323 Zenith Ave No., Golden 100.00 57551 9/30/2003 Valley, M 55422 People Serving People Inc 614 South Third Street, 100.00 57552 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc , The The Hope Center, Millwood, VA 50.00 57553 9/30/2003 22646 Pepperdine University 24255 Pacific Coast Highway, 50.00 57554 9/30/2003 Malibu, CA 90263 Pet Rescue Incorporated Box 393, Larchmont, NY 10538- 310.00 57555 9/30/2003 0393 Philanthrofund Foundation 1409 Willow Street, Suite 305, 1,000.00 57556 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc 10 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 194.00 57557 9/30/2003 York, NY 10023 Ohoenix Art Museum 1625 North Central Avenue, 17000 57558 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-1685 Phoenix Bach Choir PO Box 16956, Phoenix, AZ 85011 200.00 57559 9/30/2003 6956 Phoenix Gospel Mission P.O. Box 6708, Phoenix, AZ 85005 2,650.00 57560 9/30/2003 6708 Phoenix Symphony Association, The 455 North Third Street, #390, 90.00 57561 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-9765 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Inc. 5 100 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, 100.00 57562 9/30/2003 tA04, Washington, DC 20016 Pine Street Inn Inc 444 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA 25.00 57563 9/30/2003 02118-2404 Pingry Corporation, The PO Box 366, Martinsville, NJ 100.00 57564 9/30/2003 08836 Plan International USA, Inc. 155 Plan Way, Warwick, KI 02886 828.00 57565 9/30/2003

Planned Parenthood Federation Of America Inc 434 W. 33rd Street, New York, NY 655.00 57566 9/30/2003 10001 Planned Parenthood of Chester Co 8 South Wayne Street, West 300.00 57567 9/30/2003 Chester, PA 19382 Planned Parenthood of Minnesota- South Dakota 1965 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN 2,550.00 57568 9/30/2003 55116 Planned Parenthood-World Population Los Angeles 1920 Marengo St, Los Angeles, CA 25.00 57569 9/30/2003 90033-1317 aying To Win For Life Foundation 208 W Washington, Suite 708, 5,575.00 57570 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 401'aywright's Center Inc. 2301 Franklin Ave. E., 200.00 57571 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55406-1099

Page 202 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Plymouth Christian Youth Center American Lutheran 2301 Oliver Ave No, 30000 57572 9/30/2003 Church Minneapolis, MN 5541 1 Plymouth Music Series 1900 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, 15000 57573 9/30/2003 MN 55403 Point Reyes Bird Observatory 4990 Shoreline Highway, Stinson 2,500.00 57574 9/30/2003 Beach, CA 94970 Pomona College 550 College Way, Claremont, CA 14300 57575 9/30/2003 91711-6325 Pope County Hearts & Hands Inc 206 6th Ave NW, Glenwood, NIN 250.00 57576 9/30/2003 56334-1162 Population Institute - Population Institute, The 107 Second St , NE, Washington, 125.00 57577 9/30/2003 DC 20002 Port Edwards Educational Foundation, Inc. 801 Second Street, Port Edwards, 1,000.00 57578 9/30/2003 WI 54469 Pratt Institute 200 Willoughby Avenue - NH 219, 2500 57579 9/30/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11205 Pregnancy Distress Center Of Columbus Inc 665 East Dublin-Granville Road, 150.00 57580 9/30/2003 Columbus, OH 43229-3245 President & Fellows Of Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street, 5,325 .00 57581 9/30/2003 Cambridge, MA 02138 President & Fellows Of Middlebury College P.O. Box 500, Forest Hall, 62500 57582 9/30/2003 Middlebury, VT 05753 President and Trustees of Bates College Lane Hall, 2 Andrews Rd, 1,500.00 57583 9/30/2003 Lewiston, ME 04240 sident and Trustees of the Miami University Murstein Alumn Center, Oxford, 50.00 57584 9/30/2003 Ore OH 45056 Princeton Theological Seminary PO Box 82 1, Princeton, NJ 08542 50000 57585 9/30/2003 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 46500 57586 9/30/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 565.00 57587 9/30/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 440.00 57588 9/30/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 515.00 57589 9/30/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 500.00 57590 9/30/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 455.00 57591 9/30/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 250.00 57592 9/30/2003 York, NY 10285 Project Life 1935 County Rd B2, Roseville, 1,000.00 57593 9/30/2003 MN 55113-2722 Project Open Hand 730 Polk St. 3rd Fir, San Francisco, 75.00 57594 9/30/2003 CA 94109 Project Sunshine Inc 25 West 45 th Street ste.# 1 400, 250.00 57595 9/30/2003 New York, NY 10036 Prolife Minnesota Inc P. 0. Box 18669, Minneapolis, 1VfN 10000 57596 9/30/2003 55418 spect Park Alliance, Inc. 95 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, 100.00 57597 9/30/2003 NY 11215 orrovidence College 549 River Avenue, 333 Eaton St., 250.00 57598 9/30/2003 Providence, RI 02918

Page 203 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40- PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students 350 Bell Lane, Mill Valley, CA 65.00 57599 9/30/2003 Inc - Tamalpais Valley School PTA 94941 PTA Minnesota Congress - Burroughs Community 1501 W 50th, Minneapolis, MN 10000 57600 9/30/2003 School PTA 55419 PTA Utah Congress - Western Hills Elementary PTA 5190 S Heath Ave, Kearns, UT 5000 57601 9/30/2003 84118 Ptach Of Baltimore Inc 10712 Marnottsville Rd, Rand, 1,00000 57602 9/30/2003 MD 21133 Public Broadcasting of Northwest Pennsylvania Inc 8425 Peach Street, Ene, PA 16509 12000 57603 9/30/2003

Putnam County Historical Society Inc - Putnam County 63 Chestnut Street, Cold Spring, 125.00 57604 9/30/2003 Historal Society & Foundry School Museum NY 10516

Queen of Angels Catholic Elementary School 11340 Woodstock Road, Roswell, 50000 57605 9/30/2003 GA 30075-2548 Queen of Peace Foundation 301 Second St NE, New Praque, 25000 57606 9/30/2003 MN 56071-1709 Quinnipiac College 275 Mt. Carmel Avenue, Hamden, 2,50000 57607 9/30/2003 CT 06518 Rabbinical College of Telshe 28400 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, 2,55000 57608 9/30/2003 OH 44092 Rae & Joseph Gann Beth El Preschool of Newton Inc 561 Ward St, Newton Centre, MA 3600 57609 9/30/2003 02459-1109 Rails To Trails Conservancy 1100 17th St. NW, 10th Floor, 40.00 57610 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 6each Inc. P. 0. Box 34197, Juneau, AK 100.00 57611 9/30/2003 99803 Real Options For City Kids 590 Leland Ave, San Francisco, 25000 57612 9/30/2003 CA 94134 Red Cloud Indian School 100 Mission Drive, Pine Ridge, SD 50.00 57613 9/30/2003 57770 Red Rocks Music Festival 3028 E Fness Dr, Phoenix, AZ 750.00 57614 9/30/2003 85032-5697 Regents Of The University Of Michigan P.O. Box 966, Ann Arbor, MI 300.00 57615 9/30/2003 48106-9940 Regents of the University of Minnesota - Friends of 84 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, 11000 57616 9/30/2003 Northrop Dance Season MN 55455 Regis High School Foundation 55 East 84th Street, New York, NY 50.00 57617 9/30/2003 10028 Rescue Team 4747 E. Elliott Road #29-415, 150.00 57618 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85044-1629 Rett Syndrome Research Foundation 4600 Devitt Dr, Cincinnati, OH 100.00 57619 9/30/2003 45246-1104 Retum-united Fund Education Russian Immigrant 39 Broadway, Suite 3300, New 50.00 57620 9/30/2003 Children Israel York, NY 10006 Rhode Island Project A I D S Inc 232 W. Exchange St, Providence, 50.00 57621 9/30/2003 RI 02903 Richard Stockton College Of NJ Foundation PO Box 195, Pomona, NJ 08240 200.00 57622 9/30/2003 Richmond Symphony - Richmond Symphony, The 300 W. Franklin Street, Richmond, 200.00 57623 9/30/2003 VA 23220 pon College, Board of Trustees of 300 Seward Street, P.O. Box 248, 200.00 57624 9/30/2003 0 Ripon, WI 54971 Road Runners Club of America - St. Jude Runner 4722 North Sheridan Rd., Peoria, 125.00 57625 9/30/2003 Association IL 61614

Page 204 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayce Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number I Robert W Woodruff Arts Center Inc 1280 Peachtree Street, N E , 20000 57626 9/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309 Robin Hood Foundation 826 Broadway, 7th Floor, New 10000 57627 9/30/2003 York, NY 10003 Rochester Community Care Home Inc RR# I Box 4, Rochester, VT 05767 50000 57628 9/30/2003

Rockport Public Library 17 School St, Rockport, MA 2500 57629 9/30/2003 01966 Rocky Hill School 530 Ives Road, East Greenwich, RI 10000 57630 9/30/2003 02818 Ronald McDonald House 1640 Scott Street, San Francisco, 150.00 57631 9/30/2003 CA 94115 Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Of Phoenix 501 East Roanoke Ave., Phoenix, 25.00 57632 9/30/2003 AZ 85004 Room at the Inn of the Triad, Inc PO Box 29584, Greensboro, NC 2,800.00 57633 9/30/2003 27429 Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Avenue, 2,50000 57634 9/30/2003 Rosemont, PA 19010-1699 Ross Ragland Theatre 21 8 North 7th St, Klamath Falls, 10000 57635 9/30/2003 OR 97601-6017 Rotary Foundation Of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 100.00 57636 9/30/2003 IL 60201 Rotary Foundation Of Rotary International - Rotary Club PO Box 75133, Chicago, IL 60675 25000 57637 9/30/2003 of Honolulu Sunrise undabout Theatre Company Inc 231 W 39th Street, 12th Flr., New 35.00 57638 9/30/2003 0 , York, NY 100 18 Roxbury Latin School 10 1 St. Theresa Avenue, West 4,50000 57639 9/30/2003 Roxbury, MA 02132-3496 Royal Family Kids Camp Inc 3000 W Mac Arthur, Santa Ana, 1,66600 57640 9/30/2003 CA 92704 Royal Oak Foundation Inc 26 Broadway #950, New York, NY 75.00 57641 9/30/2003 10004 Rutgers University Foundation 7 College Avenue, Wmants Hall, 2,30000 57642 9/30/2003 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Rye Country Day School Cedar Street, Rye, N-Y 10580 50.00 57643 9/30/2003 S T A R Inc A/K/N Standing Together Against Rape 1057 W. Fireweed Lane, 200.00 57644 9/30/2003 Anchorage, AK 99503 Sabathani Community Center 3 10 East 3 8th St. Room 200, 2500 57645 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, NW 55409 Sacramento Public Library Foundation 828 1 Street, Sacramento, CA 60.00 57646 9/30/2003 95814 Sacred Heart Academy 3105 Lexington Road, Louisville, 250.00 57647 9/30/2003 KY 40206 Sacred Heart School 322 W. Maple St., Lombard, IL 30.00 57648 9/30/2003 60148-2498 Safe Inc 268 Meadow Vista LN, Deer 100.00 57649 9/30/2003 Lodge, MT 59722-9732 Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Society - St. Paul Chamber The Hamm Building, St Paul, NIN 100.00 57650 9/30/2003 Orchestra Society 55102 ailem Academy & College P. 0. Box 10548, Winston-Salem, 200.00 57651 9/30/2003 NC 27108 40alt Lake Mens Choir A Non-Profit Utah Corporation PO Box 1844, Salt Lake City, UT 50.00 57652 9/30/2003 Dtd 090590 84110

Page 205 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Salvation Army 20 Riverside Avenue, Red Bank, 4000 57653 9/30/2003 NJ 07701 Salvation Army 424 Third Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 2500 57654 9/30/2003 15219 Salvation Army 6500 Harry Hines, Dallas, TX 10000 57655 9/30/2003 75231 Salvation Army & Its Components - Salvation Army 2707 East Washington, Phoenix, 25.00 57656 9/30/2003 Phoenix AZ 85008 Salvation Army & Its Components tt Finance Dept - P. 0 Box 6538, Cleveland, OH 50000 57657 9/30/2003 The Salvation Army (Cleveland) 44101-1538 Salvation Army - Salvation Army ii i Greater New York, 120 West 14th Street, New York, 550.00 57658 9/30/2003 The NY 10011 Salvation Arrny - The Salvation An ny - Brooklyn Center 2445 Prior Avenue, Roseville, NIN 1,200.00 57659 9/30/2003 55113 Salvation Army, The PO Box 53 10, Greensboro, NC 2500 57660 9/30/2003 27435-0310 Salvation Army, The 5040 N Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60.00 57661 9/30/2003 60630 San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry Inc 301 S . Frio Street, Suite 260, San 15000 57662 9/30/2003 Antonio, TX 78207 San Francisco AIDS Foundation 995 Market Street, San Francisco, 32500 57663 9/30/2003 CA 94103 San Jose State University One Washington Square, San Jose, 225.00 57664 9/30/2003 CA 95192-0257 n Mar Chi ldrens Home, Inc 8504 Mapleville Road, Boonsboro, 305.00 57665 9/30/2003 & MD 21713 San Mateo County Community Col ege - KCSM-TV 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd, San 8500 57666 9/30/2003 Mateo, CA 94402 San Ramon Valley Educational FOL ndtion - Rancho 180 Hernme Ave, Alamo, CA 70000 57667 9/30/2003 Romero Elementary School 94507 Sanctuary For Families Inc P 0 Box 1406, New York, NY 42500 57668 9/30/2003 10268 Sandy Ground Historical Society Inc 1538 Woodrow Road, Staten 50.00 57669 9/30/2003 Island, NY 10309-1716 Save the Children Federation Inc 54 Wilton Road, Westport, CT 240.00 57670 9/30/2003 06880 Save the Manatee Club, Inc. 500 N Maitland Ave., Maitland, 25.00 57671 9/30/2003 FL 32751 Scarsdale Foundation PO Box 542, Scarsdale, NY 10583- 100.00 57672 9/30/2003 0542 School for Friends 2121 Decatur Place, NW, 25000 57673 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20008 School for Language and Commun cation Development 100 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Cove, 50000 57674 9/30/2003 NY 11542 School of the Holy Child 2205 Westchester Avenue, Rye, 3,000.00 57675 9/30/2003 NY 10580-1940 Science Museum Of Minnesota 120 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. 25.00 57676 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55102 Science Museum Of Minnesota-St. Croix Watershed 16910 152nd Street N , Manne On 100.00 57677 9/30/2003 esearch Station Saint Croix, NfN 55047 ott Hazelcorn Memorial Childrer s Foundation 1185 Avenue Of The Americas, 3,250.00 57678 9/30/2003 0 New York, NY 10036 Scottsdale Leadership Inc 4141 N Granite Reef Ste 102, 5000 57679 9/30/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85251-2866

Page 206 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 6 Sea Girt Lighthouse Citizens Committee Inc PO Box 83, Sea Girt, NJ 08750- 25 .00 57680 9/30/2003 0083 Sea Island Habitat for Humanity, Inc 3487 McGill Court, Johns Island, 90000 57681 9/30/2003 SC 29455 Seattle Art Museum P. 0 Box 22000, Sea"le, WA 158.00 57682 9/30/2003 98122-9700 Seattle Pacific University 3307 Third Ave West, Seattle, WA 20000 57683 9/30/2003 98119-1997 Seattle University 900 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122 3,000.00 57684 9/30/2003

Second Chance for Felines P 0. Box 276, Brighan City, UT 100.00 57685 9/30/2003 84302 Second Chance Society 2787 E Oakland Park Blvd Ste 205, 1,00000 57686 9/30/2003 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33306-1630

Second Harvest St Paul Food Bank 11 40 Gervais Avenue, St. Paul, 75.00 57687 9/30/2003 MN 55117 Second Stage Theatre, Inc. 307 W 43rd St, New York, NY 7500 57688 9/30/2003 10036 Senior Action In a Gay Environment, Inc. 305 7th Avenue, New York, NY 250.00 57689 9/30/2003 10001 Servicemembers Legal Defense Network Inc P 0 Box 6530 1, Washington, DC 2500 57690 9/30/2003 20035-5301 Seton Hall University 457 Centre Street, Ring Building, 100.00 57691 9/30/2003 South Orange, NJ 07079

41Seward Neighborhood Group 2412 E. Franklin Ave , 35.00 57692 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M 55406 Shade Tree Incorporated PO Box 669, Las Vegas, NV 89125 200.00 57693 9/30/2003

Shakespeare Society Inc 45 E. 78th Street, New York, NY 38.00 57694 9/30/2003 10021 Sharing And Canng Hands Inc 525 North 7th Street, Minneapolis, 82500 57695 9/30/2003 MN 55405 Shaw Festival Foundation 800 Fleet Bank Building, Buffalo, 150.00 57696 9/30/2003 NY 14202 Shawano Medical Center Foundation Inc 309 N. Bartlette St, Shawano, WI 25.00 57697 9/30/2003 54166-6005 Shelter Against Violent Environments, Inc PO Box 8283, Fremont, CA 94537 25.00 57698 9/30/2003

Shepherds Gate 1660 Portola Avenue, Livermore, 25 .00 57699 9/30/2003 CA 94551 Sheridan House Inc 4200 S.W 54th Court, Ft. 25 .00 57700 9/30/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33314 Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children - A Colorado 2025 East River Rd., Minneapolis, 100.00 57701 9/30/2003 Corp. MN 55414 Sidwell Friends School 3825 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, 150.00 57702 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20015 Silver Bow Humane Society 699 Centennial Ave, Butte, MT 25.00 57703 9/30/2003 59701-2872 emon Wiesenthal Center 1399 S. Roxbury Drive, Los 325.00 57704 9/30/2003 Angeles, CA 90035-4792 Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center Inc 243 W 24th St, New York, NY 500.00 57705 9/30/2003 10011

Page 207 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Sjogrens Syndrome Foundation Inc 8120 Woodmont Ave, Suite 530, 2500 57706 9/30/2003 Bethesda, MD 20814 Slate Valley Museum Foundation 17 Water St, Granville, NY 12832- 350.00 57707 9/30/2003 1316 Smith College 33 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 2,25000 57708 9/30/2003 01063 Smithsonian Institution 1000 Jefferson Dnve, SW, Room 401 00 57709 9/30/2003 486, Washington, DC 20013-7012

Society for the Prevention of Cruletly to Animals 5850 Brannen Road South, 250.00 57710 9/30/2003 Lakeland, FL 33813 Sojourner Center P 0. Box 20156, Phoenix, AZ 25.00 57711 9/30/2003 85036 Solomon Schechter Day School Of Raritan Valley 51 1 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, 1,450.00 57712 9/30/2003 NJ 08816-2769 Sos Beagle Rescue, Inc 2905 Walkertown Rd, Dayton, TN 50.00 57713 9/30/2003 37321-6496 SOS Childrens Village Of Florida Inc 3681 NW 59th Place, Coconut 590.00 57714 9/30/2003 Creek, FL 33073-4134 South Shore Hospital Inc - Hospice of the South Shore 55 Fogg Road, Weymouth, MA 2500 57715 9/30/2003 02190 South St Paul Educational Foundation 100 7th Ave. No, So. St. Paul, MN 800.00 57716 9/30/2003 55075 Southern Anzona AIDS Foundation 375 S Euclid avenue, Tucson, AZ 1,25000 57717 9/30/2003 85719 10outhern Cross Astronomical Society 10221 Sw 116th Avenue, Miami, 25.00 57718 9/30/2003 FL 33176-2565 Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Avenue, 26000 57719 9/30/2003 Montgomery, AL 36104 Southern Theater Foundation Corp 1420 Washington Ave S, 1,550.00 57720 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55454-1038 Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance 1471 S. I 100 East, Salt Lake City, 350.00 57721 9/30/2003 UT 84105 Southfield School Inc 10 Newton Street, Brookline, MA 750.00 57722 9/30/2003 02445-7498 Southside Family School Inc 2123 Clinton Ave South, 150.00 57723 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M 55404-2650 Southwest Center For Biological Diversity Inc PO Box 7 10, Tucson, AZ 85 702 250.00 57724 9/30/2003 Southwest Indian Foundation 100 W. Coal Ave., Gallup, NM 50.00 57725 9/30/2003 87301 Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation and Educational Pmb 115 8711 E Pinnacle Peak 100.00 57726 9/30/2003 Foundation Inc Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85255-0000

Southwestern Conservative Baptist Bible College - 2625 E. Cactus Road, Phoenix, AZ 100.00 57727 9/30/2003 Southwestern College 85032 Spanish Theatre Repertory Co Ltd - Repertorio Espanol 138 E 27th Street, New York, NY 50.00 57728 9/30/2003 10016 Spaulding For Children 8552 Katy Fwy Ste 300, Houston, 241 .00 57729 9/30/2003 TX 77024-1817 aulding Rehabilitation Hospital Corporation 125 Nashua Street, Boston, MA 250.00 57730 9/30/2003 02114 Opecial Olympics P.O. Box 3010, Norristown, PA 25.00 57731 9/30/2003 19404

Page 208 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date IV Number Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics - Minnesota PO Box 1201, Minneapolis, MN 10000 57732 9/30/2003 55440 Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics International, PO Box 768, Schenectady, NY 25.00 57733 9/30/2003 Inc 12301-0768 Special Olympics New York, Inc PO Box 744, Holmes, NY 12531 10000 57734 9/30/2003 Special Olympics Wisconsin Inc 2339 W. Wisconsin Avenue, 3,10000 57735 9/30/2003 Appleton, WI 54914 Spence School 22 East 9 1 st Street, New York, NY 2,250.00 57736 9/30/2003 10128 Spence-Chapin Services To Families and Children 6 East 94th Street, New York, NY 100.00 57737 9/30/2003 10128 Spinal Injury Tournament - Spinal Injury Research 5159 Sunset Terrace, Batavia, NY 30500 57738 9/30/2003 14020 Springfield College 263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 25.00 57739 9/30/2003 01109 SS Simon and Jude School 6351 N. 27th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 25.00 57740 9/30/2003 85017 St Croix Valley Community Foundation 516 Second Street Suite 214, 20000 57741 9/30/2003 Hudson, WI 54016-0039 St Davids Child Development And Family Services 3395 Plymouth Road, Minnetonka, 5000 57742 9/30/2003 MN 55305 St Joseph College Corporation 1678 Asylum Av, West Hartford, 10000 57743 9/30/2003 CT 06117-2700 St Joseph Hospital 172 Kinsley Street, Nashua, NH 8000 57744 9/30/2003 03060 lot Jude Childrens Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place, Memphis, TN 94500 57745 9/30/2003 38105 St Jude Childrens Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place, Memphis, TN 88200 57746 9/30/2003 38105 St Jude Childrens Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place, Memphis, TN 5000 57747 9/30/2003 38105 St Olaf College 1520 St Olaf Avenue, Northfield, 629.00 57748 9/30/2003 M-N 55057-1574 St. Agnes Catholic Schools 530 Lafond Avenue, St. Paul, MN 2,525.00 57749 9/30/2003 55103 St. Francis House P 0 Box 120499, Boston, MA 25.00 57750 9/30/2003 02112-0499 St. James the Apostle School 490 S. Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, 50.00 57751 9/30/2003 IL 60137-4580 St. John's University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 135.00 57752 9/30/2003 11439 St. Joseph's Indian School North Main Street, Chamberlain, 55.00 57753 9/30/2003 SD 57326 St. Jude Academy 21689 Toledo Road, Boca Raton, 10000 57754 9/30/2003 FL 33433 St. Labre Indian School 1000 Tongue River Road, Ashland, 5000 57755 9/30/2003 MT 59004 St. Lawrence University Development Services, Canton, NY 1,000.00 57756 9/30/2003 13617 Lukes Community Services Inc - St. Luke's Lifeworks 141 Franklin Street, Stamford, CT 100.00 57757 9/30/2003 06901 01( Mary's College I 10 Le Mans Hall, Notre Dame, IN 2500 57758 9/30/2003 46556

Page 209 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 St. Mary's Food Bank 283 1 North 3 1 st Avenue, Phoenix, 55500 57759 9/30/2003 AZ 85009-1518 St. Stephen's Human Services, Inc. 221 1 Clinton Ave S, Minneapolis, 12500 57760 9/30/2003 MN 55404 St. Vladimir Seminary 575 Scarsdale Road, Tuckahoe, NY 10000 57761 9/30/2003 10707 Stages Theatre Company I I I I Mainstreet, Hopkins, MN 1,00000 57762 9/30/2003 55343 Stanford University Board Of Trustees Of The Leland 326 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA 1,850.00 57763 9/30/2003 Stanford Ju 94305-6076 Starbright Foundation - Starbright Pediatric Network 1850 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, 10000 57764 9/30/2003 CA 90025 Staten Island AIDS Task Force Inc 56 Bay St. 6th floor, Staten Island, 100.00 57765 9/30/2003 NY 10301-1900 Stevens Square Community Organization Inc I 10 E l8th St Ste 11 2, 1,00000 57766 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403-3794 Stony Brook Foundation Inc Admin Room 322, Stony Brook, 50.00 57767 9/30/2003 NY 11 794-1201 Stout University Foundation, Inc. 320 South Broadway, Menomonie, 25.00 57768 9/30/2003 WI 54751-0790 Street Cats Inc 5217 South Sheridan Road, Tulsa, 7500 57769 9/30/2003 OK 74145 Student Sponsor Partnership of New Jersey Inc A New P.O. Box 566, Millburn, NJ 07041 11,000.00 57770 9/30/2003 Jersey Non-Profit - Student Partner Alliance tuyvesant High School Parent's Association 345 Chambers Street, New York, 2500 57771 9/30/2003 0 NY 10282 Suited for Success Inc 274 Madison Avenue, New York, 100.00 57772 9/30/2003 NY 10016-0402 Sun Angel Foundation Inc PO Box 872205, Tempe, AZ 85287 120.00 57773 9/30/2003

Sun Publishing Company 107 North Roberson Street, Chapel 25.00 57774 9/30/2003 Hill, NC 27516 Supenor Hiking Trai I Association P.O. Box 4, Two Harbors, M[N 7500 57775 9/30/2003 55616 Susan B Anthony House Inc 17 Madison St, Rochester, NY 100.00 57776 9/30/2003 14608-1928 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation PO Box 530109, Dept G-001 25, 420.00 57777 9/30/2003 Atlanta, GA 30353 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, MN 1,005 .00 57778 9/30/2003 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, MN 590.00 57779 9/30/2003 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, MN 1,150.00 57780 9/30/2003 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, NfN 540.00 57781 9/30/2003 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, MN 90000 57782 9/30/2003 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, MN 590.00 57783 9/30/2003 55435 san G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, MN 25.00 57784 9/30/2003 & 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 100 Grand St., New Bntain, CT 65.00 57785 9/30/2003 06050

Page 21 0 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 4700 N University Street, Suite 92, 25.00 57786 9/30/2003 Peoria, IL 61614 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc PO Box 6697 1, Saint Louis, MO 2500 57787 9/30/2003 63166-6971 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Susan G 1911 North Fort Myer Dr , Ste 11 2, 22500 57788 9/30/2003 Komen National Race for the Cure Arlington, VA 22209 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 1900 N Northlake Way # 237, 7500 57789 9/30/2003 Seattle, WA 98103 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - TX 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250, 63500 57790 9/30/2003 Dallas, TX 75244 Susan G. Komen Foundation P.O. Box 16842, Columbus, OH 3000 57791 9/30/2003 43216 Syracuse University 820 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, 2500 57792 9/30/2003 NY 13244-5040 T A S K Trenton Area Soup Kitchen PO Box 872, Trenton, NJ 08605 10000 57793 9/30/2003 T J Martell Foundation 6 Fox Chase Rd, Madison, NJ 75.00 57794 9/30/2003 07940 Tada Theatre and Dance Alliance Inc 15 W 28th St, Floor 3, New York, 25.00 57795 9/30/2003 NY 10001-6109 Take the Field Inc 655 Madison Ave 5th Fl, New 20000 57796 9/30/2003 York, NY 10021-8043 Team USA Minnesota Distance Training Center 4417 Momingside Rd, 100.00 57797 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55416-5042 Ted Warthen Center 2046 N Twweap Drive, St George, 125.00 57798 9/30/2003 UT 84770 Weater Mu Incorporated 711 West Lake St. Suite 212, 19000 57799 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55408-2918 Theatre Building Chicago NFP 1225 W Belmont Avenue, Chicago, 1,400.00 57800 9/30/2003 IL 60657-3205 Theatre De La Jeune Lune 105 North First Street, 2,72500 57801 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55401 Theatre Development Fund Inc 1501 Broadway, 2 1 st Floor, New 75 .00 57802 9/30/2003 York, NY 10036 Theatre in the Round Players 245 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis, 100.00 57803 9/30/2003 MN 55454 Theatre In the Square, Inc. I I Whitlock Avenue, Marietta, GA 100.00 57804 9/30/2003 30064 Theodore Roosevelt Council, Boy Scouts of America, 544 Broadway, Massapequa, NY 150.00 57805 9/30/2003 Inc. 11758-5010 Theos Work 120 Claremont Road, Ridgewood, 1,500.00 57806 9/30/2003 NJ 07450-41 11 Thunderbird High School 1750 West Thunderbird Road, 250.00 57807 9/30/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85023-6307 Tides Center - NAPAWF Tides Center I I 12-16th Street, NW #I 10, 100.00 57808 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Tiferes Academy High School 1960 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn, 36.00 57809 9/30/2003 NY 11234-3121 Tikva Corp 260 West 36th Street, New York, 500.00 57810 9/30/2003 NY 10018 Ti I licum Junior High School Parents Teachers & 16020 Se 16th, Bellevue, WA 25.00 57811 9/30/2003 udents Association - Tillicum Middle School PTA 98008-5021 Oom Fennessey Back To School Project 5277 Infinity Ct., Grove City, OH 30.00 57812 9/30/2003 43123

Page 211 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Tomorrow's Children's Fund, Inc c/o Hackensack Medical Center, 10000 57813 9/30/2003 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Tomorrows Hope Inc 147 W Rockwell, Jefferson, WI 2500 57814 9/30/2003 53549-2048 Torah Academy Of Bergen County 1600 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, 25000 57815 9/30/2003 NJ 07666-3609 Torah Institute of Lakewood Inc 327 Carey Street, Lakewood, NJ 50000 57816 9/30/2003 08701 Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition PO Box 29150, Washington, DC 10000 57817 9/30/2003 International 20017-0150 Tour De Friends I I Dupont Circle Nw Suite 60 1, 2500 57818 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Towson State University Foundation Inc 8000 York Road, Baltimore, MD 2500 57819 9/30/2003 21252-0001 Toys for Tots P 0. Box 1947, Quantico, VA 13000 57820 9/30/2003 22134 Transplant Foundation of South Florida Inc 1801 N W 9th avenue, Suite 150- 50000 57821 9/30/2003 B, Miami, FL 33136-2113 Triad Health Project PO Box 5716, Greensboro, NC 50.00 57822 9/30/2003 27435 Triad Stage Inc 232 South Elm Street, Greensboro, 90.00 57823 9/30/2003 NC 27401 Trinity Lutheran Church - Trinity Lutheran School 824 Wisconsin Ave, Sheboygan, 100.00 57824 9/30/2003 WI 53081-4030 nity Senior Services Inc 107 10 Shore Front Pkwy, 16000 57825 9/30/2003 & Rockaway Park, NY 11694-2637 Trust for Public Land 116 New Montgomery 4th floor, 2500 57826 9/30/2003 San Francisco, CA 94105 Trustees Of Boston College Controllers Office More Hall 220 More Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 125.00 57827 9/30/2003 02467 Trustees Of Boston University One Sherbom Street, 7th Floor, 50.00 57828 9/30/2003 Boston, MA 02215 Trustees Of Columbia University In The City Of New 2960 Broadway, Mail Code 7724, 7,78500 57829 9/30/2003 York New York, NY 10027 Trustees of Dartmouth College Fleet Building, Hanover, NH 3,150.00 57830 9/30/2003 03755 Trustees of Lawrence Academy at Groton PO Box 992, Groton, MA 01450- 500.00 57831 9/30/2003 0980 Trustees Of Phillips Academy 180 Main Street, Andover, NIA 2,50000 57832 9/30/2003 01810 Trustees Of Pnnceton University 330 Alexander Street, 2nd Floor, 550.00 57833 9/30/2003 Princeton, NJ 08543-5357 Trustees of Reservations 572 Essex Street, Beverly, MA 100.00 57834 9/30/2003 01915-1530 Trustees of the Hamline University of Minnesota 1536 Hewitt Avenue, St. Paul, NIN 25.00 57835 9/30/2003 55104 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania - The Trustees 409A Franklin Building, 425 .00 57836 9/30/2003 of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6285 Trustees of Tufts College Packard Hall, Development 50.00 57837 9/30/2003 Records, Medford, MA 02155 Nidito Children and Family Services 3922 N Mountain, Tucson, AZ 10000 57838 9/30/2003 85719-1313 Turnage Theaters Foundation Inc 144 West Main Street, 250.00 57839 9/30/2003 Washington, NC 27889-0276

Page 212 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus 528 Hennepin Ave, S , 2500 57840 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity 3001 4th Street, Minneapolis, M 820.00 57841 9/30/2003 55414 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 1,17200 57842 9/30/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 540.00 57843 9/30/2003 55101 Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation Inc 411 Longbeach Pkwy, Bay Village, 25.00 57844 9/30/2003 OH 44140-1327 Ukrainian Museum, The 203 Second Avenue, New York, 2,050.00 57845 9/30/2003 NY 10003 Umass Memorial Foundation Inc - University Memorial 15 Belmont St, Worcester, MA 1,00000 57846 9/30/2003 Foundation 01605 Union Gospel Mission Assn Of Seattle - Union Gospel P.0 Box 202, Seattle, WA 98111 1,65000 57847 9/30/2003 Mission Association of Seattle Union Gospel Mission Association Of St Paul 77 E 9th Street, St. Paul, MN 18500 57848 9/30/2003 55101 Union Of Concerned Scientists Inc 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 75.00 57849 9/30/2003 02238 United Arts Council Of Greensboro Inc 200 North Davie Street Box 5, 28000 57850 9/30/2003 Greensboro, NC 27401 United Arts of Central Florida Inc 2715 W Fairbanks Avenue, Winter 3200 57851 9/30/2003 Park, FL 32789 nited Cerebral Palsy Of Prince Georges & Montgomery 3901 Woodhaven Ln, Bowie, MD 450.00 57852 9/30/2003 Oounties Md 20715 United Food Bank 358 E. Javelma Avenue, Mesa, AZ 70.00 57853 9/30/2003 85210-6207 United Hospice Of Rockland Inc I I Stokum Lane, New City, NY 50.00 57854 9/30/2003 10956 United Jewish Appeal Federation Of Jewish 130 East 59th Street, Suite 828, 300.00 57855 9/30/2003 Philanthropies Of Ny Inc - United Jewish Appeal - Fed. New York, NY 10022 of United Jewish Appeal Federation Of Ventura County 7620 Foothill Road, Ventura, CA 2,500.00 57856 9/30/2003 93004 United Jewish Appeal of MetroWest 901 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 750.00 57857 9/30/2003 07981 United Jewish Community of Broward County Inc 5890 S Pine Island Rd, Davie, FL 500.00 57858 9/30/2003 33328-5933 United Methodist Church & Its Affiliated Organizations - 475 Riverside Drive Room 1445, 410.00 57859 9/30/2003 United Methodist Committee on Relief New York, NY 10 115-0099

United Methodist Church - Glide Foundation 330 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 1,200.00 57860 9/30/2003 94102 United Service Organizations Inc 1008 Eberle Place SE, Washington, 50.00 57861 9/30/2003 DC 20374 United States Association For UNHCR 1775 K St NW, Suite 290, 25 .00 57862 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20006-1517 United States Committee For Unicef 333 East 38th Street, New York, 1,585 .00 57863 9/30/2003 NY 10016 01ited States Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW, 147.00 57864 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20024-2126

Page 213 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number United States Olympic Committee One Olympic Plaza, Colorado 17500 57865 9/30/2003 Springs, CO 80909-5760 Unity Temple Restoration Foundation 875 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 200.00 57866 9/30/2003 60301 University at Albany Foundation 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, 1,80900 57867 9/30/2003 NY 12222 University if California Davis Foundation - University of 1480 Drew Avenue, Suite 130, 100.00 57868 9/30/2003 California, Davis Foundation Davis, CA 95616 University Of Arizona Foundation I I I I N Cherry Ave , Tucson, AZ 100.00 57869 9/30/2003 85721 University Of Baltimore Educational Foundation, Inc 1420 N Charles Street, Baltimore, 225 .00 57870 9/30/2003 MD 21201 University of Cali forma Berkeley Foundation 2440 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 25000 57871 9/30/2003 94720 University Of Chicago 5801 South Ellis Avenue-Room 7, 250.00 57872 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60827 University of Cincinnati Foundation PO Box 19970, Cincinnati, OH 80000 57873 9/30/2003 45219-0970 University of Colorado Foundation Inc P 0 Box 1140, Boulder, CO 1,000.00 57874 9/30/2003 80306 University of Connecticut Foundation Incorporated 2390 Alumni Drive Unit 3206, 12500 57875 9/30/2003 Storrs, CT 06269-3206 University of Dayton 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 10000 57876 9/30/2003 45469 iversity Of Delaware Office Of The Controller Development Office, Newark, DE 100.00 57877 9/30/2003 On 19716 University Of Florida Foundation Inc P.O. Box 14425, Gainesville, FL 17500 57878 9/30/2003 32604 University of Georgia Foundation U of GA Foundation Bldg, Athens, 5000 57879 9/30/2003 GA 30602 University of Houston System P.O. Box 988, Houston, TX 77001- 35 .00 57880 9/30/2003 0988 University of Illinois Foundation PO Box 3429, Champaign, IL 30500 57881 9/30/2003 61826-3429 University of Iowa Foundation PO Box 4550, Iowa City, IA 52244- 250.00 57882 9/30/2003 4550 University of Kansas School of Medicine Wichita 101 0 N Kansas, Wichita, KS 67214 50.00 57883 9/30/2003 Medical Practice 3124 University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation Inc 515 W . Lombard St, Baltimore, 175.00 57884 9/30/2003 MD 21201 University of Maryland College Park Foundation Inc 7309 Baltimore Avenue, College 4,276.00 57885 9/30/2003 Park, MD 20740 University of Maryland Foundation, Inc. 3300 Metzerott Road, Adelphi, MD 125.00 57886 9/30/2003 20783 University of Maryland Medical System Foundation Inc 29 South Greene Street, Suite 500, 3,500.00 57887 9/30/2003 Baltimore, MD 21201-1544 University of Massachusetts Foundation Annual Fund, Memorial Hall, 3,05000 57888 9/30/2003 Amherst, MA 01003-5420 University Of Miami P.O. Box 025388, Coral Gables, FL 600.00 57889 9/30/2003 33102-9811 iversity Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 8,915.00 57890 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55455-2010 University Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 585 .00 57891 9/30/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55455-2010

Page 214 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 University Of Minnesota Foundation - Law School - 229 19th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 10000 57892 9/30/2003 University of Minnesota Law School 55455 University Of Nebraska Foundation P 0 Box 82555, Lincoln, NE 125.00 57893 9/30/2003 68501 University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill P 0. Box 309, Chapel Hill, NC 1,07500 57894 9/30/2003 27514 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Center for P 0. Box 14920, Research Tnangle 5000 57895 9/30/2003 Public Television - UNC Center for Public T Pa, NC 27709-4900 University Of North Dakota Foundation P.O. Box 8157, Grand Forks, ND 1,000.00 57896 9/30/2003 58202 University Of Notre Dame Du Lac I 100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 1,25000 57897 9/30/2003 46556-5612 University Of Oregon Foundation 1787 Agate Street,, Eugene, OR 35000 57898 9/30/2003 97403 University of Pittsburgh 200 S Craig St ., Pittsburgh, PA 50.00 57899 9/30/2003 15260 University Of Rochester Box 270032, Rochester, NY 14627 3,000.00 57900 9/30/2003

University of Scranton 800 Linden Street, P.O. Box 1385, 250.00 57901 9/30/2003 Scranton, PA 18510-4610 University of South Carolina Educational Foundation 901 Sumter St. Room 609, 60000 57902 9/30/2003 Columbia, SC 29208 University Of St . Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue, #DEV, St. 57500 57903 9/30/2003 Paul, MN 55105-1096 Oniversity of Texas at Austin P.O Box 7458, Austin, TX 78713 26000 57904 9/30/2003

University of the South, The 735 University Avenue, Sewanee, 500.00 57905 9/30/2003 TN 37383-1000 University of Utah Development Office, Salt Lake 210 .00 57906 9/30/2003 City, UT 84112 University of Virginia Darden School Foundation PO Box 7726, Charlottesville, VA 50.00 57907 9/30/2003 22906-7726 University Of Wisconsin Foundation 1848 University Avenue, P.O. Box 2,500.00 57908 9/30/2003 8860, Madison, WI 53726 University Of Wisconsin La Crosse Foundation Inc 1725 State St ., La Crosse, W1 50 .00 57909 9/30/2003 54601 University Of Wisconsm-eau Claire Foundation Inc 214 Schofield Hall, Eau Claire, WI 75.00 57910 9/30/2003 54703-4004 Up & Out of Poverty Saint Paul Inc . - Freedom Place, 653 Dale Street N, Minneapolis, 55.00 57911 9/30/2003 Inc . MN 55103 Ursuline School of New Rochelle - The Ursuline School 1354 North Avenue, New 250 .00 57912 9/30/2003 Rochelle, NY 10804 US Catholic Conference - Academy of Holy Angels 6600 Nicollet Avenue, Richfield, 100.00 57913 9/30/2003 MN 55423-2498 US Catholic Conference - Basilica of St. Mary Food 88 N. 17th Street, Minneapolis, 810 .00 57914 9/30/2003 Board MN 55403 US Catholic Conference - Basilica of St. Mary Food 88 N. 17th Street, Minneapolis, 750 .00 57915 9/30/2003 Board MN 55403 US Catholic Conference - Basilica of St. Mary Food 88 N. 17th Street, Minneapolis, 610 .00 57916 9/30/2003 zird MN 55403 atholic Conference - Bishop George Ahr High I Tingley Lane, Edison, NJ 08820 1,500.00 57917 9/30/2003 0cohool US Catholic Conference - Brooklyn Prepartory Alumni Loyola Hall, Bronx, NY 10458 50 .00 57918 9/30/2003 Association - NY

Page 215 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 10 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of 222 North 17th Street, 5000 57919 9/30/2003 Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA 19103-1922 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Community 400 East Monroe St, Phoenix, AZ 6,850.00 57920 9/30/2003 Foundation 85004 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Relief Services P.0 Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 8,00000 57921 9/30/2003 21298 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Tuition Organization 400 East Monroe, Phoenix, AZ 50000 57922 9/30/2003 of the Diocese of Phoenix, Inc 85004 US Catholic Conference - Corpus Christi School 5528 Hogue Road, Evansville, IN 1,50000 57923 9/30/2003 47712 US Catholic Conference - Good Shepherd Park Valley 145 Jersey Ave S , Golden Valley, 30000 57924 9/30/2003 Catholic School MN 55426 US Catholic Conference - Holy Family Academy 5900 W. Lake St ., St Louis Park, 1,00000 57925 9/30/2003 MN 55416 US Catholic Conference - Holy Ghost Preparatory School 2429 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, PA 50.00 57926 9/30/2003 19020 US Catholic Conference - Hudson Catholic High School 790 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, 1,00000 57927 9/30/2003 NJ 07306 US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Grace School 183 10 Middletown Road, Parkton, 100.00 57928 9/30/2003 MD 21120 US Catholic Conference - Radio Information Service For 9541 Church Circle Drive, 30 .00 57929 9/30/2003 Blind & Printed Handicapped Belleville, IL 62223 US Catholic Conference - Saint Charles Preparatory 20 10 E. Broad St , Columbus, OH 8,000.00 57930 9/30/2003 School 43209 S Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph's Academy 2307 S. Lindbergh, Saint Louis, 3,50000 57931 9/30/2003 0 MO 63131 US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph's College 245 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 50 .00 57932 9/30/2003 11205 US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph's Home For P 0. Box 1414, NCB04, 12500 57933 9/30/2003 Children Minneapolis, MN 55480-1414 US Catholic Conference - Saint Paul of the Cross School 140 S Northwest Hwy ., Park Ridge, 5000 57934 9/30/2003 IL 60068 US Catholic Conference - Saint Peter Chanel High 480 Northfield Road, Bedford, OH 25.00 57935 9/30/2003 School 44146-2293 US Catholic Conference - Salesian Missions 2 Lefevre Lane, Box 30, New 55.00 57936 9/30/2003 Rochelle, NY 10802 US Catholic Conference - St Francis Monastery The 135 West 3 1 st Street, New York, 1,000.00 57937 9/30/2003 Breadline Of The Poor, Inc. NY 10001 US Catholic Conference - St Marys Elementary School 202 South Orange, Fredericksburg, 2,000.00 57938 9/30/2003 TX 78624 US Catholic Conference - St. Agnes School 2311 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 2,200.00 57939 9/30/2003 85006 US Catholic Conference - St. Anthony Parish Food W6977 Church St ., Neopit, WI 1,000.00 57940 9/30/2003 Pantry 54150 US Catholic Conference - St. Bernard's School 170 W. Rose Ave, St . Paul, MN 25 .00 57941 9/30/2003 55117 US Catholic Conference - St. Dominic School 420 E Briarcliff Road, 500 .00 57942 9/30/2003 Bolingbrook, IL 60440-3099 US Catholic Conference - St. Elizabeth Catholic 921 W. State Street, Rockford, IL 35 .00 57943 9/30/2003 Community Center 61102 Catholic Conference - St. Germaine School 9735 S. Kolin Avenue, Oak Lawn, 3,000.00 57944 9/30/2003 4w IL 60453 US Catholic Conference - St. Ignatius College Prep 1076 W. Roosevelt, Chicago, IL 3,000.00 57945 9/30/2003 60608

Page 216 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 US Catholic Conference - St John's Feed The Hungry 22 Mulberry St, Newark, NJ 07102 25000 57946 9/30/2003 Program US Catholic Conference - St John's University PO Box 7222 - Luke 105, 3,13500 57947 9/30/2003 Collegeville, M 56321-7222 US Catholic Conference - St Joseph School 2617 Waterloo Rd, Mogadore, OH 40000 57948 9/30/2003 44260 US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph's School 25 Church Street, Ronkonkoma, 250.00 57949 9/30/2003 NY 11779 US Catholic Conference - St. Odilia School 3495 N. Victoria, Shoreview, N4N 250.00 57950 9/30/2003 55126 US Catholic Conference - St. Olaf Catholic Church 215 South Eighth St., Minneapolis, 12000 57951 9/30/2003 Exodus Hotel MN 55402 US Catholic Conference - St Paul's Parish - St. Paul 241 South Main Street, North 100.00 57952 9/30/2003 Catholic School Canton, OH 44720 US Catholic Conference - Trinity High School 581 Bridge St., Manchester, NH 2500 57953 9/30/2003 03104 US Catholic Conference - University of St Mary of the 1000 E. Maple, Mundelein, IL 2500 57954 9/30/2003 Lake - Mundelein Seminary 60060 US Catholic Conference - Villa Angela St Joseph High 18491 Lakeshore Blvd , Cleveland, 500.00 57955 9/30/2003 School OH 44119 US Catholic Conference - Xaverian Brothers High School 800 Clapboardtree Street, 50000 57956 9/30/2003 Westwood, MA 02090 US Catholic Conference-St . Anselm College 100 St. Anselm Drive, Manchester, 50000 57957 9/30/2003 NH 03102 S Navy Memorial Foundation 701 Pennsylvania Ave Nw, 1,00000 57958 9/30/2003 0 Washington, DC 20004-2608 USA Outreach Priority - 1 100 Cedarhurst Avenue, Suite 203, 3600 57959 9/30/2003 Cedarhurst, NY 11516-2012 Usher Mansion Historical Foundation 440 Navajo, Lake Quiviva, KS 15000 57960 9/30/2003 66217 USO of Metropolitan Washington 228 McNair Rd Building 405, Fort 50.00 57961 9/30/2003 Myer, VA 22211-1103 Utah AIDS Foundation 1408 S. I 100 E., Salt Lake City, 410.00 57962 9/30/2003 UT 84105 Utah Coalition for Animals - No More Homeless Pets In 324 S 400 W, Suite C, Salt Lake 41300 57963 9/30/2003 Utah City, UT 84101-1155 Vail Place Inc 15 Ninth Avenue South, Hopkins, 35.00 57965 9/30/2003 NfN 55343-7618 Valley Big Brothers/Big Sisters 1010 E. McDowell Rd, Phoenix, 500.00 57966 9/30/2003 AZ 85006 Valley Of The Sun Hospice Association 15 10 E. Flower Street, Phoenix, 100.00 57967 9/30/2003 AZ 85014 Vassar College Vassar College Development 1,35000 57968 9/30/2003 Office, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604- 0725 Vermont Etv Inc 88 Ethan Allen Ave., Colchester, 25 .00 57969 9/30/2003 VT 05446 Vermont Land Trust 8 Bailey Ave, Montpelier, VT 100.00 57970 9/30/2003 05602-2101 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund 1023 15th St. NW Suite 2, 75.00 57971 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20005-2602 Oi'lar Center Arts Foundation PO Box 3822, Avon, CO 81620- 5,500.00 57972 9/30/2003 3822

Page 217 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Vineyard Theatre And Workshop Center Inc 108 E 15th St, New York, NY 25.00 57973 9/30/2003 10003-2102 Violence Prevention Forum 448 Ignacio Blvd, Ste 127, Novato, 10000 57974 9/30/2003 CA 94949 Virginia Military Institute Foundation, Inc. P 0. Box 932, Lexington, VA 5000 57975 9/30/2003 24450 Virginia Museum of Natural History Foundation P.0 Box 400768, Charlottesville, 10000 57976 9/30/2003 VA 22904 Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc. 201 Pack Bldg, Blacksburg, VA 35000 57977 9/30/2003 24061-0336 Visiting Nurse Association 2953 Sierra Court, Iowa City, IA 50.00 57978 9/30/2003 52246 Vizsla Rescue Fund Inc P 0. Box 1443, Oakley, CA 94561 12000 57979 9/30/2003

Vocational Foundation Inc One Hanson Place 14th Floor, 500.00 57980 9/30/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11 243 Volunteers And Friends Of The Boston Harbor Islands 349 Lincoln St, Building 45, 150.00 57981 9/30/2003 Inc - Volunteers & Friends of the Boston Harbor Hingham, MA 02043

Voyageur Outward Bound School 10 1 E Chapman St, Ely, M-N 5573 1 - 50.00 57982 9/30/2003 1229 W B EZ Alliance Inc 848 E. Grand Avenue, Navy Pier, 10000 57983 9/30/2003 Chicago, IL 60611 Wagner College One Campus Road, Staten Island, 100.00 57984 9/30/2003 NY 10301 Oake Forest University PO Box 702 1, Winston-Salem, NC 5000 57985 9/30/2003 27109 WANIC 318 Central Avenue, P.0 Box 118.00 57986 9/30/2003 66600, Albany, NY 12206 Wardlaw Hartndge School 1295 Inman Ave, Edison, NJ 50.00 57987 9/30/2003 08820-1006 Wartburg College 222 Ninth St. NW, PO Box 1003, 2,000.00 57988 9/30/2003 Waverly, IA 50677 Wartburg Home of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Bradley Ave., Mt. Vernon, NY 100.00 57989 9/30/2003 10352 Wasatch Humane Help Save The Animals Incorporated 880 S. 500 West, Bountiful, UT 200.00 57990 9/30/2003 84010 Washburn Youth Baseball Association 5516 Elliot Ave S, Minneapolis, 200.00 57991 9/30/2003 MN 55417-2450 Washington & Lee University Development Building, Lexington, 15000 57992 9/30/2003 VA 24450 Washington State University Foundation Advancement Services, Ad Annex 25 .00 57993 9/30/2003 10 1, Pullman, WA 99164-1927

Washington University Campus Box 1082, St. Louis, MO 40000 57994 9/30/2003 63130 Watchung Arts Council Inc - Watchung Arts Center 18 Stirling Road, Watcbung, NJ 500.00 57995 9/30/2003 07060 We are Family Foundation 3 10 West 52nd St., New York, NY 500.00 57996 9/30/2003 10019 Can Ride Inc PO Box 11 02, Minnetonka, MN 50.00 57997 9/30/2003 lee 55345-0102 Wellesley College 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 400.00 57998 9/30/2003 02481-8293

Page 218 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Wesleyan University 48 Wyllys Ave, Middletown, CT 8500 57999 9/30/2003 06459-0472 West Nottingham Academy 1079 Firetower Road, Colora, MD 2500 58000 9/30/2003 21917 West Suburban Special Recreation Foundation Inc 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park, 10000 58001 9/30/2003 IL 60131 West Virginia University Foundation, Inc. One Waterfront Place, 7th Floor, 60000 58002 9/30/2003 Morgantown, WV 26505-1650

Western Coventry School 4588 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 1,00000 58003 9/30/2003 02816 Westmont College 955 La Paz Road, Santa Barbara, 25.00 58004 9/30/2003 CA 93108 Westover School 1237 Whittemore Road, 50000 58005 9/30/2003 Middlebury, CT 06762 Westside Food Bank PO Box 13 10, Sun City, AZ 85372 1,25000 58006 9/30/2003

WGBH Educational Foundation 125 Western Avenue,, Boston, MA 32000 58007 9/30/2003 02134 Whitman-Walker Clinic Inc - Whitman-Walker Clinic 10 1 5 18th St NW, Suite#400, 455 .00 58008 9/30/2003 Inc - AIDS Marathon Washington, DC 20036 Wilderness Society 1615 M Street NW, Washington, 5000 58009 9/30/2003 DC 20036 Wildlife Care Center SPCA Of Broward County 3200 Sw 4th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, 75 .00 58010 9/30/2003 FL 33315-3019 Oldlife Rehabilitation Center 2530 N Dale Street, Roseville, NfN 32500 58011 9/30/2003 55113 William Marsh Rice University Mai I Stop 8 1, Houston, TX 77005- 50.00 58012 9/30/2003 1892 William Mitchell College of Law 875 Summit Ave., St Paul, MN 1,325 .00 58013 9/30/2003 55105-9982 Window to the World Communications Inc. 5400 N St. Louis Ave, Chicago, 5,340.00 58014 9/30/2003 IL 60625 Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund C/O David Berdon LLP, New 25.00 58015 9/30/2003 York, NY 100 17 Windrush Farm Therapeutic Equitation, Inc. 30 Brookview Road, Boxford, NfA 20000 58016 9/30/2003 01921-2216 Wingspan Life Resources 2954 Rice Street, St. Paul, M 1,000 .00 58017 9/30/2003 55113 Winthrop University Foundation 105 Tillman, Rock Hill, SC 29733 10000 58018 9/30/2003 WMHT Educational Telecommunications P 0. Box 17, Schenectady, NY 100.00 58019 9/30/2003 12301 Wnyc Radio- WNYC Foundation One Center Street 24th Floor, New 677.00 58020 9/30/2003 York, NY 10007 Wolf Haven 3111 Offut Lake Road, Tenino, 125.00 58021 9/30/2003 WA 98589 Women and Infants Hospital of Rhode Island 10 1 Dudley Street, Providence, RI 50.00 58022 9/30/2003 02905-2401 Women Venture 2324 University Ave West, Suite 4,500.00 58023 9/30/2003 200, St Paul, N4N 55114-1802

Qooster School Ridgebury Road, Danbury, CT 300.00 58024 9/30/2003 06810

Page 219 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number World Monuments Fund, Inc 95 Madison Ave, New York, NY 7500 58025 9/30/2003 10016 World T E A M Sports 2108 South Boulevard, Suite 10 1, 10000 58026 9/30/2003 Charlotte, NC 28203 World Vision, Inc PO Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 467.00 58027 9/30/2003 98063-9716 World Wildlife Fund Inc 1250 24th Street, NW, 76500 58028 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20037 World Wildlife Fund Inc 1250 24th Street, NW, 2500 58029 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20037 WXXI Public Broadcasting Council P 0. Box 3002 1, Rochester, NY 3000 58030 9/30/2003 14603 Xavier High School 30 West 16th Street, New York, 20000 58031 9/30/2003 NY 10011 Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, 960.00 58032 9/30/2003 OH 45207 Yakima Greenway Foundation I I I South 18th Street, Yakima, 2500 58033 9/30/2003 WA 98901 Yale New Haven Hospital 20 York Street, New Haven, CT 500.00 58034 9/30/2003 06504-0000 Yale University P 0 Box 2038, New Haven, CT 57500 58035 9/30/2003 06521-2038 Yeshiva Bais Lemudei Hashem - Jewish Center for 430 Kent Ave, Brooklyn, NY 36000 58036 9/30/2003 Special Education 11211 eshiva Gedolah of Waterbury 359 Cooke Street, Waterbury, CT 25.00 58037 9/30/2003 0 06710 Yeshiva Rabbi Samson - Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael 100 Bennett Avenue, New York, 36.00 58038 9/30/2003 Hnsch NY 10033 YMCA of St. Paul 2233 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, 1,000.00 58039 9/30/2003 MN 55108 Young Mens Christian Association P.0 Box 500, 261 Townsend 10000 58040 9/30/2003 Avenue, Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538 Young Mens Christian Association of Fanwood-Scotch 1340 Martine Avenue, Scotch 25.00 58041 9/30/2003 Plains Plains, NJ 07076 Young Mens Christian Association Of Metropolitan 30 South 9th Street, Minneapolis, 40.00 58042 9/30/2003 Minneapolis MN 55402 Your Public Radio Corporation 2216 North Charles Street, 365.00 58043 9/30/2003 Baltimore, MD 21218 Youth Performance Company 610 W 28th St., Minneapolis, MN 2,150.00 58044 9/30/2003 55408 Youthlinc 4517 Abinadi Rd, Salt Lake City, 100.00 58045 9/30/2003 UT 84124-4033 Zero Population Growth Inc 1400 16th Street, NW, #320, 25.00 58046 9/30/2003 Washington, DC 20036 US Catholic Conference - Xavier High School 6300 42nd Street NE, Cedar 37500 58047 9/30/2003 Foundation Rapids, IA 52406 A I D S Volunteers Of Cincinnati 220 Findlay Street, Cincinnati, OH 100.00 58048 12/31/2003 45202 ARP Andrus Foundation 601 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 30.00 58049 12/31/2003 20049 Obington Friends School 575 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, 50.00 58050 12/31/2003 PA 19046

Page 220 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number Accion International 56 Roland St STE 300, Boston, 2500 58051 12/31/2003 MA 02129 Achieve Minneapolis I I I 3rd Ave South, Minneapolis, 450.00 58052 12/31/2003 MN 55401 Actors Theatre of Phoenix P 0 Box 1924, Phoenix, AZ 85001 50.00 58053 12/31/2003

Adam Foundation Inc P.O Box 10415, Winston-Salem, 50000 58054 12/31/2003 NC 27104 ADC Research Institute 4201 Connecticut Avenue NW, 100.00 58055 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20008 ADEC, Inc . P 0 Box 398, Bristol, IN 46507 100.00 58056 12/31/2003 Adirondack Architectural Heritage 1790 Main Street, Suite 3 12, 25.00 58057 12/31/2003 Keeseville, NY 12944 Adopt-A-Native Elder Program P.O. Box 3401, Park City, UT 12000 58058 12/31/2003 84060 Adoption Advocates International 401 E Front St, Port Angeles, WA 500.00 58059 12/31/2003 98362-3113 Adoption Network Cleveland 1667 East 40th Street, Suite B 1, 200.00 58060 12/31/2003 Cleveland, OH 44103 Advocate Charitable Foundation - Advocate Health and 2025 Windsor Drive, Oak Brook, 10000 58061 12/31/2003 Hospitals Corporation IL 60523 Aerospace Science & Technology Education Center of 2633 N Villa Avenue, Oklahoma 1,000.00 58062 12/31/2003 Oklahoma Foundation City, OK 73107 Aga Khan Foundation USA 1825 K Street NW, Washington, 5000 58063 12/31/2003 DC 20006 Oid Atlanta Inc 1438 West Peachtree Street N.W., 730.00 58064 12/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309-2955 Aid Atlanta Inc 1438 West Peachtree Street N.W., 125.00 58065 12/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30309-2955 Aid To Women Inc 701 Center Point Road NE, Cedar 1,00000 58066 12/31/2003 Rapids, IA 52402 Aids Action Committee Of Massachusetts Inc 294 Washington Street, Boston, 275.00 58067 12/31/2003 MA 02108 AIDS Project Los Angeles Inc 3550 Wilshire Blvd #300, Los 1,100.00 58068 12/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90010 Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin, Inc. P.O. Box 92487, Milwaukee, WI 120.00 58069 12/31/2003 53203-0487 AIDS Survival Project 139 Ralph McGill Blvd, Atlanta, 250.00 58070 12/31/2003 GA 30308 AIDS Walk for San Diego P.O Box 3068, San Diego, CA 175.00 58071 12/31/2003 92163-1068 Al- Amal School 1401 Gardena Ave, NE, Fridley, 5,875.00 58072 12/31/2003 MN 55432 Alameda County Library Foundation 2450 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, 800.00 58073 12/31/2003 CA 94538 Alan T Brown Foundation To Cure Paralysis 185 E 85th St, New York, NY 25000 58074 12/31/2003 10028-2140 All Seasons Food Rescue 670 Transfer Rd., Suite 21 A, Saint 100.00 58075 12/31/2003 Paul, M-N 55114 eg eny College 520 N. Main Street, Meadville, PA 375 .00 58076 12/31/2003 16335 Iliance Defense Fund Inc 15333 N. Pima Road # 165, 100.00 58077 12/31/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Page 221 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Alternative Crisis Pregnancy Center Inc P 0 Box 2118, Poughkeepsie, NY 2500 58078 12/31/2003 12601-4518 Alternatives Unlimited Inc 54 Douglass Rd , Whitinsville, MA 1,00000 58079 12/31/2003 01588-9963 Alzheimer's Association, Massachusetts Chapter 36 Cameron Avenue, Cambridge, 50.00 58080 12/31/2003 MA 02140 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorder Assocation - 400 Moms Ave, Suite 25 1, 40000 58081 12/31/2003 Alzheimer's Association - Greater New Jersey Cha Denville, NJ 07834 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders 4709 Golf Road, #1015, Skokie, IL 125.00 58082 12/31/2003 60076 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association 5601 S 27th St , Suite 10 1, 1,000.00 58083 12/31/2003 Lincoln, NE 68512 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association 8333 W. McNab Rd. # 129, 2500 58084 12/31/2003 Tamarac, FL 33321 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association 1227-B Menomonie, Eau Claire, 12500 58085 12/31/2003 WI 54703 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association 460 Bnelle Ave., Staten Island, NY 150.00 58086 12/31/2003 10314 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association Inc 11000 Lincoln Drive West, Suite 7, 5000 58087 12/31/2003 Marlton, NJ 08053 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, 4550 W. 77th Street, Suite 200, 675.00 58088 12/3 1/2003 Inc , Minnesota Lake Chapter Edina, MN 55435 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, 4550 W. 77th Street, Suite 200, 685.00 58089 12/31/2003 Inc., Minnesota Lake Chapter Edina, MN 55435 lzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, 4550 W 77th Street, Suite 200, 12500 58090 12/31/2003 c., Minnesota Lake Chapter Edina, M 55435 Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association 225 N Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 1,14500 58091 12/31/2003 IL 60601 Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association 2500 N Reynolds Rd, Toledo, OH 125.00 58092 12/31/2003 43615-2820 Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association 785 Mamaroneck Ave, White 10000 58093 12/31/2003 Plains, NY 10605 Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association 85 Watervliet Ave., Albany, NY 440.00 58094 12/31/2003 12206-2023 Alzheimers Disease And Related Disorders Association 360 Lexington Ave 5th Floor, New 150.00 58095 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 17 Alzheimers Disease And Related Disorders Association - 9374 Olive Blvd, St. Louis, MO 100.00 58096 12/31/2003 Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Assoc 63132

Alzheimers Disease And Related Disorders Association 2540 N Santiago Blvd, Orange, CA 1,000.00 58097 12/31/2003 Inc 92867 American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation 150 N Michigan Ave Suite 2040, 30000 58098 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60601-7524 Amencan Anti-Vivisection Society 801 Old York Rd Noble Plaza Ste 60.00 58099 12/31/2003 204, Jenkintown, PA 19046-1685

American Breast Cancer Foundation 1055 Taylor Avenue, #201 A, 25.00 58100 12/31/2003 Towson, MD 21286 American Cancer Society 1393 Progress Way, Suite 908, 750.00 58101 12/31/2003 Eldersburg, MD 21784 lemencan Cancer Society 8219 Town Center Dr, Baltimore, 25.00 58102 12/31/2003 MD 21236-5904 American Cancer Society 58 New Dorp Plaza, Staten Island, 350.00 58103 12/31/2003 NY 10306

Page 222 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number American Cancer Society 2 Lyons Place, White Plains, NY 73200 58104 12/3 1/2003 10601 American Cancer Society 18505 W Twelve Mile Rd, 60300 58105 12/31/2003 Southfield, MI 48076 American Cancer Society 4207 Lindell, Saint Louis, MO 10000 58106 12/3 1/2003 63108 American Cancer Society - Boca Raton 3350 NW Boca Raton Blvd, Suite 250.00 58107 12/31/2003 A-34, Boca Raton, FL 33431

Amencan Cancer Society - Flemington, NJ 84 Park Ave, Flemington, NJ 11000 58108 12/31/2003 08822 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 1615 West Chester Pike, Suite 102, 50.00 58109 12/31/2003 West Chester, PA 19382 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 95 Schwenk Drive, Kingston, NY 565 .00 58110 12/3 1/2003 12401 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 3211 N Front Street Suite 100, 31500 58111 12/3 1/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17110 American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 12211 W. Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 100 .00 58112 12/31/2003 Cancer Society - Southwest Division 85374 Amencan Cancer Society Divisions Inc - American 1599 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, 280.00 58113 12/31/2003 Cancer Society, Inc GA 30329 American Cancer Society Inc 77 E Monroe, Suite 1200, 780.00 58114 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 American Cancer Society Inc 77 E Monroe, Suite 1200, 24500 58115 12/3t/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 lamencan Cancer Society Inc 3316 West 66th St, Edina, MN 970.00 58116 12/31/2003 55435-2556 American Cancer Society Inc 669 Littleton Road, Parsippany, NJ 100.00 58117 12/31/2003 07054 American Cancer Society Inc 2255 South Oneida Street, Denver, 50.00 58118 12/31/2003 CO 80224 American Cancer Society Inc N 19 W24350 Riverwood Drive, 67500 58119 12/31/2003 Waukesha, WI 53188 American Cancer Society Inc N19 W24350 Riverwood Drive, 50.00 58120 12/31/2003 Waukesha, WI 53188 American Cancer Society Inc 2655 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 100, 200.00 58121 12/31/2003 San Diego, CA 92108 American Cancer Society Inc 3311 S Packerland Dr., Ste A, De 37500 58122 12/31/2003 Pere, WI 54115 American Cancer Society Inc 19 West 56th Street, New York, 100.00 58123 12/31/2003 NY 10019-3984 American Cancer Society Inc - American Cancer Society- 30 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 500.00 58124 12/31/2003 New England Division 01701 American Cancer Society, Florida Division, Inc. 3709 West Jetton Avenue, Tampa, 25.00 58125 12/31/2003 FL 33629 American Cancer Society, Inc. 75 Davids Dr., Hauppauge, NY 525.00 58126 12/31/2003 11788 American Cancer Society, Inc. 820 Davis Street, Suite #206A, 75.00 58127 12/31/2003 Evanston, IL 60201 mencan Cancer Society, Inc. 97-77 Queens Blvd, Suite I 110, 25.00 58128 12/31/2003 Rego Park, NY 11 374 Ornerican Cancer Society, Inc. 1765 Challenge Way, Suite 1 15, 100.00 58129 12/31/2003 Sacramento, CA 95815

Page 223 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number American Cancer Society, Inc. 3407 N W. 9th Ave, #100, Ft. 205.00 58130 12/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33309 American College 270 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn 7500 58 13 1 12/31/2003 Mawr, PA 19010 American Diabetes Association Inc 4425 West Airport Freeway, Irving, 22500 58132 12/31/2003 TX 75062 Amencan Diabetes Association Inc 30300 Telegraph Road, Bingham 5000 58133 12/31/2003 Farms, MI 48025-4508 American Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 1833, Merrifield, VA 2,885.00 58134 12/31/2003 22116 American Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd. Ste#300N, 92000 58135 12/31/2003 Fairfax, VA 22030 American Diabetes Association Inc 3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd Ste#300N, 600.00 58136 12/31/2003 Fairfax, VA 22030 American Diabetes Association Inc 4040 Moorpark Avenue, San Jose, 5000 58137 12/3 1/2003 CA 95117 American Diabetes Association Inc PO Box 2787, North Canton, OH 75000 58138 12/31/2003 44720 American Diabetes Association Inc. 6325 Sandburg Rd #1100, Golden 25.00 58139 12/31/2003 Valley, MN 55427 American Foundation for AIDS Research 120 Wall Street, 13th Floor, New 7500 58140 12/31/2003 York, NY 10005 American Friends of Alyn Hospital Inc 51 East 42nd Street, New York, 325 .00 58141 12/31/2003 NY 10017 mencan Friends of Selah Inc 25 W. 45th st suite 1405, New 50.00 58142 12/31/2003 0 York, NY 10036 American Friends Of Yad Eliezer Inc 11 02 E 26th St, Brooklyn, NY 55000 58143 12/31/2003 11210-4609 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 100.00 58144 12/31/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 American Health Assistance Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive, 100.00 58145 12/31/2003 Clarksburg, MD 20871 American Heart Association 2600 SW 3rd Avenue, Ste 900, 525.00 58146 12/31/2003 Miami, FL 33129 American Heart Association 2600 SW 3rd Avenue, Ste 900, 35000 58147 12/31/2003 Miami, FL 33129 American Heart Association 208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 180.00 58148 12/31/2003 900, Chicago, IL 60604 American Heart Association 100 Northern Concourse, Syracuse, 150.00 58149 12/31/2003 NY 13220-3049 American Heart Association 122 East 42nd Street, New York, 710.00 58150 12/31/2003 NY 10168 American Heart Association 4217 Park Place Ct., Glen Allen, 50.00 58151 12/31/2003 VA 23060 American Heart Association 2550 U.S. Highway 1, North 150.00 58152 12/31/2003 Brunswick, NJ 08902 American Heart Association 7203 Poplar St., Annandale, VA 275.00 58153 12/31/2003 22003 American Heart Association 625 W. Ridge Pike-BldgA- 75.00 58154 12/31/2003 Ste# 100, Conshohocken, PA 19428 1180 Ornerican Heart Association 4414 Woodland Park Ave. North, 50.00 58155 12/31/2003 Seattle, WA 98103

Page 224 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Amencan Heart Association Inc 7272 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 3000 58156 12/3 1/2003 75231-4599 Amencan Heart Association Inc 1818 Patterson Street, Nashville, 25600 58157 12/31/2003 TN 37203 American Heart Association Inc 144 South 500 E, Salt Lake City, 83000 58158 12/3 1/2003 UT 84102 American Heart Association Inc 144 South 500 E, Salt Lake City, 2500 58159 12/31/2003 UT 84102 American Heart Association Inc 9900 Ninth Street N., St . 150.00 58160 12/31/2003 Petersburg, FL 33716 American Heart Association Inc 2929 South 48th St ., Tempe, AZ 10000 58161 12/31/2003 85282 American Heart Association Inc 2149 Velp Avenue, Green Bay, WI 2500 58162 12/3 1/2003 54303 American Heart Association Inc 4916 Hills & Dales Rd NW, 500 .00 58163 12/3 1/2003 Canton, OH 44708 Amencan Heart Association Inc P 0 Box 182160, Columbus, OH 7500 58164 12/31/2003 43218 American Heart Association Inc - American Stroke P.0 Box 15186, Austin, TX 78761 - 531 00 58165 12/31/2003 Association 5186 Amencan Heart Association Inc - American Stroke 208 S LaSalle Street, Ste 900, 50.00 58166 12/31/2003 Association Chicago, IL 60604 American Heart Association Westmont 801 N Cass Ave Suite 102, 25.00 58167 12/31/2003 Westmont, IL 60559 mencan Heart Association, Inc. 5 Brookside Dnve, Wallingford, 2500 58168 12/31/2003 0 CT 06492 American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd, Denver, 25 .00 58169 12/31/2003 CO 80221 American Institute for Cancer Research, The 1759 R Street, NW, Washington, 14000 58170 12/31/2003 DC 20009 American Jewish Committee 165 E 56th St ., New York, NY 10000 58171 12/31/2003 10022 Amencan Jewish Congress 15 E 84th St . room 601, New 5000 58172 12/31/2003 York, NY 10028 Amencan Liver Foundation 27 E Monroe, #700A, Chicago, IL 25000 58173 12/31/2003 60603 American Lung Assn Of Ct Inc - Amencan Lung 45 Ash Street, East Hartford, CT 25 .00 58174 12/31/2003 Association 06108 American Lung Association 61 Broadway, New York, NY 25 .00 58175 12/31/2003 10006 American Lung Association 1440 West Washington Boulevard, 565 .00 58176 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60607 American Lung Association 1440 West Washington Boulevard, 380 .00 58177 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60607 American Lung Association 2020 S . Andrews Avenue, Fort 150.00 58178 12/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33316 American Lung Association of Greater Norfolk County, 25 Spring St ., Walpole, MA 02081 75 .00 58179 12/31/2003 Inc . American Lung Association Of Hudson Valley Inc 35 Orchard Street, White Plains, 50 .00 58180 12/31/2003 NY 10603 Omerican Lung Association of Maryland Inc . 1840 York Rd., Suite M, 25 .00 58181 12/31/2003 Timonium, MD 21093 American Lung Association of Minnesota 490 Concordia Avenue, St. Paul, 675 .00 58182 12/31/2003 MN 55103-8014

Page 225 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Dale 0 Number American Lung Association Of Nebraska 7 101 Newport Ave, Omaha, NE 5000 58183 12/3 1/2003 68152-2153 American Lung Association of Pennsylvania 3001 Old Gettysburg Road, Camp 25.00 581 84 12/3 1/2003 Hill, PA 17011 American Lung Association of Washington 2625 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 2500 58185 12/3 1/2003 98121 American Lung Association of Wisconsin 13 100 W. Lisbon Road, Suite 700, 10000 58186 12/3 1/2003 Brookfield, WI 53005-2508 American National Red Cross 342 Fifth Avenue North, Bayport, 100.00 58187 12/3 1/2003 MN 55003 American National Red Cross 85 Second St., San Francisco, CA 650.00 58188 12/3 1/2003 94105 American National Red Cross - American National Red 4333 Arlington Blvd , Arlington, 3000 58189 12/3 1/2003 Cross - Arlington County Chapter VA 22203 American National Red Cross - American Red Cross PO Box 37243, Washington, DC 1,035.00 58190 12/31/2003 20013 American National Red Cross and Its Constituent 100 W. 10th Street, Suite 501, 14500 58191 12/3 1/2003 Chapters and Branches - American Red Cross Of The De Wilmington, DE 19801

American Paralysis Association A New Jersey Nonprofit 500 Moms Avenue, Springfield, 50.00 58192 12/31/2003 Corporation - Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foun NJ 07081

American Red Cross 8928 Volunteer Lane, Suite 100, 550.00 58193 12/3 1/2003 Sacramento, CA 95826 mencan Red Cross (Bergen Crossroads Chapter) 74 Godwin Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 25 .00 58194 12/31/2003 is 07450 American Red Cross - Los Angeles Chapter 2700 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, 10000 58195 12/31/2003 CA 90057 American Red Cross - St. Paul, MN 176 South Robert Street, St. Paul, 1,02500 58196 12/31/2003 MN 55107 American Red Cross of Greater Chicago I I I East Wacker Drive, Chicago, 5000 58197 12/31/2003 IL 60601 American Red Cross, Central Arizona Chapter 6135 N. Black Canyon Hwy., 2,150.00 58198 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85015-1812 American Red Magen David For Israel 888 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 336.00 58199 12/31/2003 10106 American Red Magen David For Israel 2 100 Hallandale Beach Blvd, 1,000.00 58200 12/31/2003 Hallandale, FL 33009 American Society for Banatric Surgery Foundation Inc 7328 West University Avenue 200.00 58201 12/31/2003 Suite F, Gainesville, FL 32607- 1635 American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To 424 East 92nd Street, New York, 128.00 58202 12/31/2003 Animals NY 10128 American Symphony Orchestra Inc 333 West 39 Street, New York, NY 2,000.00 58203 12/31/2003 10018 American University 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 250.00 58204 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20016-8143 American Values 2800 Shirlington Road # 610, 500.00 58205 12/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22206 merican Womens Yacht Racing Inc 185 W End Ave, 20P, New York, 500.00 58206 12/31/2003 NY 10023-5548 10Amherst College Trustees Box 2221 Station 2, P.O. Box 350.00 58207 12/31/2003 5000, Amherst, MA 0 1002-5000

Page 226 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number Amigos De Las Americas 5618 Star Lane, Houston, TX 20000 58208 12/3 1/2003 77057-9802 Amnesty International of USA, Inc. 322 8th Avenue, New York, NY 15000 58209 12/3 1/2003 10001-4808 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn - ALS Association, 333 N Washington Avenue, Suite 12500 58210 12/31/2003 MN Chapter 105, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1352

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 27001 Agoura Road, Calabasas 135.00 58211 12/3 1/2003 Hills, CA 91301 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 5920 E. Central # 102, Wichita, KS 2500 58212 12/31/2003 67208 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 615 S Frederick Ave 308, 15000 58213 12/31/2003 Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1243 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association PO Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 35000 58214 12/31/2003 91376-0565 Anderson University, Inc. 1100 E. 5th Street, Anderson, IN 5000 58215 12/31/2003 46012 Animal Humane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 1,500.00 58216 12/31/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Hurnane Society Of Hennepin County 845 Meadow Lane North, Golden 33000 58217 12/31/2003 Valley, MN 55422 Animal Legal Defense Fund 127 4th Street, Petaluma, CA 8500 58218 12/31/2003 94952-3005 Animal Welfare League Of Alexandria Virginia 41 01 Eisenhower Avenue, 50000 58219 12/31/2003 corporated Alexandria, VA 22304 Onimal Welfare League Of Arlington Va Incorporated 2650 S Arlington Mill Drive, 3000 58220 12/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22206 Animals Benefit Club of Arizona, Inc. P 0. Box 26627, Phoenix, AZ 100.00 58221 12/31/2003 85032-1952 Anti-Cruelty Society, The 157 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, 70.00 58222 12/31/2003 IL 60610 Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith 823 United Nations Plaza, New 45.00 58223 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 17 Appalachian Trail Conference 799 Washington Street, Harpers 30.00 58224 12/31/2003 Ferry, WV 25425-0807 Archbishop Molloy High School 83-53 Manton Street, 25.00 58225 12/31/2003 Bnarwood/Jamaica, NY 11435 Archdiocese Of Newark - Scholarship Fund for Inner- 171 Clifton Ave, P . 0 Box 9500, 1,000.00 58226 12/31/2003 City Children Newark, NJ 07104-9500 Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York Inc P.O. Box 15 1, New York, NY 200.00 58227 12/31/2003 10274-0151 Arizona Equine Rescue Organization, Inc. 34522 N Scottsdale Road, 6,000.00 58228 12/31/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85262 Arizona Humane Society of Phoenix 9226 N. 13th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 75.00 58229 12/31/2003 85021 Arizona Science Center 600 E. Washington Street, Phoenix, 750.00 58230 12/31/2003 AZ 85004 Arizona Society for the Importance of Animals 18611 N 22nd St Lot 44, Phoenix, 25.00 58231 12/31/2003 AZ 85024-3081 -izona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260, Tempe, AZ 85280- 1,014.00 58232 12/31/2003 2260 Olizona Theatre Company 502 W Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ 150.00 58233 12/31/2003 85003

Page 227 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Ark 6450 N California Avenue, 55000 58234 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60645 Ark III - Dance 2260 Oak Grove Road, Walnut 32000 58235 12/3 1/2003 Creek, CA 94598 Art Start Incorporated 285 W Broadway Rm 620, New 15000 58236 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 13-2272 Arthntis Foundation Inc 2 19 North Broad St 2nd Floor, 10000 58237 12/31/200-1 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Arthritis Foundation Inc - Arthritis Foundation Illinois 29 E Madison # 500, Chicago, IL 4500 58238 12/31/2003 Chapter - Chicago 60602 Arthritis Foundation Inc 448 East 400 South, # 103, Salt 25.00 59239 12/31/2003 Lake City, UT 84124 Arthritis Research Institute Of America Inc 300 S Duncan Ave, Suite 240, 25.00 58240 12/31/2003 Clearwater, FL 33755 Artspace Inc 329 W Pierpont Ave, Salt Lake 2500 58241 12/31/2003 City, UT 84101-1712 Asian American Curriculum Project Inc 83 - 37th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 10000 58242 12/31/2003 94403 Assistance League of Phoenix Arizona Inc 7044 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85020- 1,00000 58243 12/31/2003 5302 Associate Alumnae Of Douglass College - Douglass 181 Ryders; Lane, New Brunswick, 7500 58244 12/31/2003 College, Rutgers University NJ 08901 Associated Catholic Charities, Inc. 320 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, 1,550.00 58245 12/31/2003 MD 21201 ssociated Early Care and Education Inc 95 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 25000 58246 12/31/2003 0 02116 Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore 10 1 West Mount Royal Avenue, 5,30000 58247 12/31/2003 Inc - Associated Jewish Charities & Welfare Fund Baltimore, MD 21201

Association for Mentally III Children of Westchester Inc 550 Albany Post Road, Bnarcliff 2500 58248 12/31/2003 Manor, NY 105 10 Association For The Advancement Of Blind And PO Box 560247, College Point, 129.00 58249 12/31/2003 Retarded Inc NY 11356-0247 Association of Arizona Food Banks Inc 2 100 N Central Ave Ste 230, 525 .00 58250 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-1400 Assumption High School 2170 Tyler Lane, Louisville, KY 50000 58251 12/31/2003 40205 Atlanta Community Food Bank, Inc. 970 Jefferson St. NW, Atlanta, GA 400.00 58252 12/31/2003 30318 Atlanta-fulton County Zoo Inc 800 Cherokee Avenue, S.E., 57900 58253 12/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30315 Auburn University Foundation 317 S. College, Auburn, AL 36849 500.00 58254 12/31/2003

Augsburg College 221 1 Riverside Ave , Minneapolis, 575.00 58255 12/31/2003 MN 55454 Augustana College Development Offfice, 639 38th 100.00 58256 12/31/2003 Street, Rock Island, IL 61201 Augustana College Association 2001 S Summit Ave, Sioux Falls, 1,70000 58257 12/31/2003 SD 57197 urora One Fund P.O. Box I 11, Aurora, OH 44202- 25.00 58258 12/31/2003 0111 40v'on Products Foundation Incorporated Finance Group, Rye, NY 10580- 75.00 58259 12/31/2003 4005

Page 228 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number I Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 1,05000 58260 12/3 1/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 1,17500 58261 12/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 1,110.00 58262 12/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 485.00 58263 12/3 1/2003 Cancer 3 Day - New York Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 2500 58264 12/31/2003 Cancer 3 Day Chicago Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Avon Plaza, Rye, NY 10580-4005 54.00 58265 12/3 1/2003 Cancer 3 Day Los Angeles Bainbridge Island Parent-Teacher- Student Organization - 9343 Sportsman Club Road, 150.00 58266 12/31/2003 Sakai Intermediate School PTO Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Ball State University Foundation P.0 Box 672, Muncie, IN 47308 150.00 58267 12/31/2003 Baltimore County Literacy Works Inc 9100 Franklin Square Drive, 1,600.00 58268 12/3 1/2003 Baltimore, MD 21237 Baltimore Hebrew College Inc 5800 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, 50.00 58269 12/31/2003 MD 21215-3932 Baltimore Life Underwriters Charitable Foundation 720 Light St, Baltimore, MD 500.00 58270 12/31/2003 21230-3818 Barry Goldwater High School Band Boosters 2820 W Rose Garden Lane, 900.00 58271 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85027 Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc PO Box 23173, Lincoln, NE 68512 205.00 58272 12/31/2003

Saruch College Fund I Bernard Baruch Way, New York, 22500 58273 12/3 1/2003 NY 10010 Basswood Elementary School PTO 15425 Bass Lake Rd, Maple Grove, 25.00 58274 12/31/2003 MN 55311-3238 Batten Disease Support and Research Association 120 Humphries Drive, 300.00 58275 12/31/2003 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Bay Path College 588 Longmeadow St, 100.00 58276 12/31/2003 Longmeadow, MA 0 1106-0000 Bayith Lepleitot Inc 1362 E 2 1 st St, Brooklyn, NY 1,850.00 58277 12/31/2003 11210-4513 Baystate Health Foundation Inc 280 Chestnut Street, Springfield, 210.00 58278 12/31/2003 MA 01199 Beaufort Memorial Hospital Endowment Foundation 1005 Ribaut Rd Suite 2 1, 1,500.00 58279 12/31/2003 Beaufort, SC 29901-2233 Bedford Free Library Bedford Village Green, Bedford, 250.00 58280 12/31/2003 NY 10506 Bellevue Schools Foundation P.O. Box 40644, Bellevue, WA 50.00 58281 12/31/2003 980154644 Beloit College 700 College St., Beloit, WI 53511 75.00 58282 12/31/2003

Bemidji State University Foundation 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE, Box DPH, 30.00 58283 12/31/2003 Bemidji, MN 56601 Bennett College 900 East Washington Street, 1,250.00 58284 12/31/2003 Greensboro, NC 27401-3239 ennington Free Library 10 1 Silver St., Bennington, VT 25.00 58285 12/31/2003 05201 40'e'ntley College 175 Forest Street / Lewis 307, 250.00 58286 12/31/2003 Waltham, MA 024524705

Page 229 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Berea Childrens Home 202 East Bagley Road, Berea, CH 10000 58287 12/3 1/2003 44017-2039 Bergen Philharmonic P 0 Box 174, Teaneck, NJ 07666 2500 58288 12/31/2003 Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School 3751 N Pine Grove, Chicago, IL 5000 58289 12/3 1/2003 60613-4103 Best Friends Animal Sanctuary 5001 Angel Canyon Drive, Kanab, 17500 58290 12/31/2003 UT 84741 Bethany Christian Services 3025 Harbor Lane N., Plymouth, 50000 58291 12/3 1/2003 M`N 55447 Betty Ford Alpine Gardens 183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 1,00000 58292 12/31/2003 81657-4511 Big Brothers Big Sisters Association-Columbus & 1855 East Dublin Granville Road, 20000 58293 12/3 1/2003 Franklin County Columbus, OH 43229 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hudson County 83 Wayne Street, Room 208, Jersey 105.00 58294 12/31/2003 City, NJ 07302 Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Greater Twin Cities 2550 University Avenue, Suite 7500 58295 12/31/2003 4 ION, Saint Paul, MN 55114 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of the National Capital Area 102 10 Greenbelt Road, Suite 900, 2500 58296 12/31/2003 Lanham, MD 20706-6210 Bikur Cholim of Far Rockaway Lawrenceation Inc P 0 Box 294, Lawrence, NY 11559 36.00 58297 12/31/2003 0294 Biola University, Inc. 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, CA 25000 58298 12/31/2003 90639 Birmin ham AIDS Outreach Inc P 0 Box 550070, Bin-ningham, AL 260.00 58299 12/31/2003 35255 eirthrigght of Cedar Rapids Inc 375 Collins Rd, Suite 107, Cedar 75 .00 58300 12/31/2003 Rapids, IA 52402-3168 Birthright of Northern Westchester and Putnam Co Inc P 0 Box 338, Mohegan, NY 25 .00 58301 12/31/2003 10547 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 357 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, 10000 58302 12/31/2003 NY 11238 Blake School 110 Blake Rd, Hopkins, MN 55343- 150.00 58303 12/31/2003 2093 Blessed Tirmity Catholic School 6720 Nicollet Avenue S., 250.00 58304 12/31/2003 Richfield, M 55423 Blodgett Butterworth Health Care Foundation - De Vos 100 Michigan Street NE MC-04, 480.00 58305 12/31/2003 Children's Hospital Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation - B'nai B'nth Hiflel PO Box 20526, Stanford, CA 25.00 58306 12/31/2003 Foundation at Stanford University 94305 Bnai Brith International 2020 K St. NW 7th Floor, 50.00 58307 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20006 Boardsource 1828 L Street NW, Suite 900, 100.00 58308 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036-5114 Bobbi and the Strays Inc 107-57 1 00th St, Ozone Park, NY 130.00 58309 12/31/2003 11417-2634 Bonnie Bergin Assistance Dog Institute 1215 Sebastopol Road, Santa Rosa, 160.00 58310 12/31/2003 CA 95407 Boston Medical Center Corporation 88 East Newton Street, Boston, 25.00 58311 12/31/2003 MA 02118 )undary Waters Wilderness Foundation 401 N 3rd Street, Ste 290, 75.00 58312 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55401 40(o(wery Residents Committee Inc 324 Lafayette Street, New York, 200.00 58313 12/31/2003 NY 10012

Page 230 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date I Number Bowling Green Community Foundation Inc PO Box 1175, Bowling Green, OH 2,00000 58314 12/31/2003 43402 Bowling Green State University Foundation Inc Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling 1,30000 58315 12/3 1/2003 Green, OH 43403 Bowling Green-Warren County Humane Society PO Box 1456, Bowling Green, KY 30.00 583 16 12/3 1/2003 42102-1456 Boy Scouts of America Council 3120 Ranier Ave S, Seattle, WA 15000 58317 12/31/2003 98144 Boy Scouts of Amenca Council 525 Foothill Blvd., Salt Lake City, 15500 58318 12/3 1/2003 UT 84113-1199 Boys & Girls Club Of King County - Boys and Girls 603 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA 25.00 58319 12/3 1/2003 Clubs of King County 98101 Boys & Girls Club of Minneapolis 2575 University Avenue W, Saint 56000 58320 12/31/2003 Paul, MN 55114-1069 Boys & Girls Club of the Delaware Valley Inc 212 Centre St, Trenton, NJ 08611 - 2500 58321 12/31/2003 2217 Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland 6114 Broadway Avenue, 100.00 58322 12/3 1/2003 Cleveland, OH 44127 Boys Choir of Harlem, Inc. 2005 Madison Avenue, New York, 100.00 58323 12/31/2003 NY 10035 Boys Hope & Girls Hope 340 Gest St, Cincinnati, OH 45203- 10000 58324 12/31/2003 1822 Boys Town Jerusalem Foundation Of America Inc 12 West 3 1 st Street. #300, New 50.00 58325 12/31/2003 York, NY 1000 1 randeis University P 0 Box 5491 10, MS 126, 5000 58326 12/31/2003 0 Waltham, MA 02454-91 10 Breck School 123 Ottawa Ave. N, Minneapolis, 2,000.00 58327 12/31/2003 MN 55422 Bridge Fund of New York Inc 271 Madison Avenue, Suite 907, 8000 58328 12/31/2003 New York, NY 100 16 Bndgehampton Child Care & Recreational Center, Inc. 551 Sag Harbor Tpk, P. 0. Box 50.00 58329 12/31/2003 1197, Bridgehampton, NY It 932 Bridging, Inc. 201 W. 87th Street, Bloomington, 750.00 58330 12/31/2003 MN 55420 Bridgton Hospital South High St, Bridgton, ME 100.00 58331 12/3 1/2003 04009-0000 Brigham Young University P .O. Box 27188, Provo, UT 84602 25.00 58332 12/31/2003

Brimmer and May School 69 Middlesex Road, Chestnut Hill, 1,000.00 58333 12/31/2003 MA 02467 Bringing the Outside World Inside Foundation 755 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn 3,400.00 58334 12/31/2003 Mawr, PA 19010 Brooklyn Botanic Garden Corporation 1000 Washington Avenue, 143 .00 58335 12/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11215 Brooklyn Bureau Of Community Service 285 Schermerhorn Street, 25.00 58336 12/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11217 Brooklyn Public Library Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 100.00 58337 12/31/2003 11238 Brophy College Preparatory 4701 North Central Avenue, 65000 58338 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85012 *Other Rice High School 1000 1 S. Pulaski Rd., Chicago, IL 500.00 58339 12/31/2003 60655 Broward County School District - Westglades Middle I 1000 Holmberg Road, Parkland, 43.00 58340 12/31/2003 School FL 33076

Page 231 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Brown University Gift Cashier, Providence, R1 02912 5000 58341 12/3 1/2003

Building With Books Inc P 0. Box 1674 1, Stamford, CT 1,25000 58342 12/31/2003 06905 Business Volunteers for the Arts 200 W Washington St 10th Fir, 200.00 58343 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85003-1611 Butler University 4600 Sunset Avenue, Indianapolis, 1,00000 58344 12/31/2003 IN 46208 Byram Animal Rescue Kindness Squad P 0 Box 593, Stanhope, NJ 07874- 50.00 58345 12/31/2003 0593 Cactus High School 6330 W. Greenway, Glendale, AZ 500.00 58346 12/31/2003 85306 Caldwell Academy P 0. Box 4212, Greensboro, NC 25000 58347 12/31/2003 27406 California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - 80 S Momingside Dr, Manhattan 6,00000 58348 12/31/2003 Robinson Elementary School - Robinson Eleme Beach, CA 90266-6562

California Musical Theatre 15 10 J St Ste 200, Sacramento, CA 25.00 58349 12/31/2003 95814-2049 California Scottish Rite Foundation Sacramento Clinic 6151 H St., P. 0. Box 19497, 25.00 58350 12/31/2003 Sacramento, CA 95819 California Trout, Inc. 870 Market Street, Suite 859, San 100.00 58351 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94102 Calvin Christian School 4015 Inglewood Ave So., Edina, 325 .00 58352 12/31/2003 MN 55416 Walvin College 3201 Burton St SE, Grand Rapids, 25 .00 58353 12/31/2003 MI 49546 Camp Dudley YMCA, Inc. 126 Dudley Road, Westport, NY 100.00 58354 12/31/2003 12993 Camp Fire Boys and Girls 26 10 University Ave West, St Paul, 20000 58355 12/31/2003 MN 55114-1090 Camp Kinderland Inc 16 Court St Ste 2105, Brooklyn, 180.00 58356 12/31/2003 NY 11 241-1021 Campaign for Stuyvesant Alumni & Friends Endowment 345 Chambers Street, New York, 1,000.00 58357 12/31/2003 Fund Inc NY 10282 Cancer Care Inc. of the National Cancer Foundation 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, 179.00 58358 12/31/2003 NY 10001 Cancer Center for Healthy Living Inc 5215 N. Knoxville, Peoria, IL 100.00 58359 12/31/2003 61614-5014 Cancer Wellness Center 215 Revere Drive, Northbrook, IL 72 .00 58360 12/31/2003 60062 Canine Assistants, Incorporated 3160 Francis Road, Alpharetta, GA 25 .00 58361 12/31/2003 30004 Canine Companions for Independence P.O. Box 4568, Oceanside, CA 25 .00 58362 12/31/2003 92052 Cantabile Inc P.O. Box 553, Piscataway, NJ 150.00 58363 12/31/2003 08855-0553 Cantus PO Box 25770, Woodbury, MN 100.00 58364 12/31/2003 55125 ipital City AIDS Fund Inc PO Box 160636, Sacramento, CA 100.00 58365 12/31/2003 95816-0581 02a'rdigan Mountain School 62 Alumni Drive, Canaan, NH 1,000.00 58366 12/31/2003 03741

Page 232 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Carleton College One North College Street, 1,850.00 58367 12/3 1/2003 Northfield, M 55057 Carnegie Hall Society Inc 881 Seventh Avenue, New York, 18500 58368 12/3 1/2003 NY 10032 Carnivore Preservation Inc - Carnivore Preservation Trust P 0 Box 553, Pittsboro, NC 27312- 2500 58369 12/3 1/2003 Inc 0553 Caroline Center 900 Somerset Street, Baltimore, 100.00 58370 12/31/2003 MD 21202 Carter Center Inc. One Copenhill Avenue, Atlanta, 75.00 58371 12/31/2003 GA 30307 CASA De Esperanza De Los Ninos Incorporated P 0. Box 66581, Houston, TX 50.00 58372 12/31/2003 77266-6581 Casa de los Ninos, Inc I 10 1 N. 4th Ave , Tucson, AZ 35000 58373 12/31/2003 85705 Case Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Avenue #212, 600.00 58374 12/3 1/2003 Cleveland, OH 44106-7035 Catalyst Foundation 7 10 St Olaf Ave., Suite 100, 250.00 58375 12/31/2003 Northfield, MN 55057 Cathedral Preparatory Seminary 56-25 92nd Street, Elmhurst, NY 680.00 58376 12/31/2003 11373 Catholic Charities 191 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, 100.00 58377 12/3 1/2003 NY 11201 Catholic Diocese of Galveston- Houston - Inner City 1700 San Jacinto, Houston, TX 100.00 58378 12/31/2003 Catholic Schools 77002 leatholic University Of America 103 LCI Building, Washington, DC 12500 58379 12/3 1/2003 20064 Cecilia Society 1773 Beacon Street, Brookline, 5000 58380 12/31/2003 MA 02445 Centennial Place Elementary 531 Luckie Street Northwest, 185.00 58381 12/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30313-2401 Center for Chnstian Studies 2300 E. 88th Street, Bloomington, 3,00000 58382 12/31/2003 MN 55425 Center for Coastal Studies Inc P.0 Box 1036, Provincetown, MA 100.00 58383 12/31/2003 02657 Center for Community Justice, Inc. 121 South 3rd Street, Elkhart, IN 2500 58384 12/31/2003 46516 Center for Early Education 563 North Alfred Street, West 3,000.00 58385 12/31/2003 Hollywood, CA 90048 Center for Independent Artists PO Box 65 10, Minneapolis, MN 1,05000 58386 12/31/2003 55406-0510 Center for Jewish History Inc. 15 West l6th Street, New York, 25.00 58387 12/31/2003 NY 10011 Center for Manne Conservation, Inc. 1725 DeSales St., N.W., 50.00 58388 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Center for Public Justice, The 2444 Solorrions Island Road #20 1, 500 .00 58389 12/31/2003 Annapolis, MD 21401 Center for Social Services Lesbian & Gay Mens 3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 5000 58390 12/31/2003 Community Center 92103 Center for Strategic and International Studies Inc. 1800 K Street, Northwest, Suite 7,000.00 58391 12/31/2003 400, Washington, DC 20006 6tral College 812 University, Pella, 1A 50219 25.00 58392 12/31/2003 eCentral Community Housing Trust 1625 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, 38.00 58393 12/31/2003 MN 55404-1634

Page 233 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Central Illinois Greyhound Adoption Inc 2208 Sierra Drive, Pekin, IL 61554- 10000 58394 12/3 1/2003 6318 Central Illinois Riding Therapy Inc 305 Neumann Dr, East Peoria, IL 25.00 58395 12/31/2003 61611-3040 Central Lutheran School 775 Lexington Parkway, St Paul, 25.00 58396 12/31/2003 MN 55104 Central Michigan University Carlin Alumni House, Mt 1,000.00 58397 12/31/2003 Pleasant, MI 48859 Central Minnesota Task Force on Battered Women P 0 Box 367, St. Cloud, MN 56302 5000 58398 12/31/2003

Central Park Conservancy Inc 14 East 60th Street, New York, NY 3500 58399 12/31/2003 10022 Central Virginia Educational Communications 8 101 A . Lee Highway, Falls 3000 58400 12/31/2003 Corporation Church, VA 22042 Chai Lifeline Inc. 15 1 West 30th Street, New York, 24300 58401 12/3 1/2003 NY 10001 Challenge School Inc - Challenge Charter School Inc 5801 W. Green Briar Drive, 40000 58402 12/31/2003 Glendale, AZ 85308 Chammade High School 340 Jackson Avenue, Mineola, NY 5000 58403 12/31/2003 11501 Chappaqua School Foundation Inc PO Box 202, Chappaqua, NY 5000 58404 12/31/2003 10514 Charities Review Council Of Minnesota Inc 46 E 4th St. Suite 636, St Paul, MN 100.00 58405 12/31/2003 55101 hanty League PO Box 530233, Birmingham, AL 44500 58406 12/31/2003 0 35253-0233 Charleston Symphony Orchestra 77 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC 2,00000 58407 12/31/2003 29401 Charlotte Country Day School 1440 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 200.00 58408 12/31/2003 28226 Chatahoochee High School 5230 Taylor Road, Alpharetta, GA 375.00 58409 12/31/2003 30022 Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. 6 Hemdon Avenue, Annapolis, MD 30.00 58410 12/31/2003 21403 Chess-in-the-schools Inc 520 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 250.00 58411 12/31/2003 10018 Chicago Chapter Magen David Adorn Inc - Magen David 8930 Gross Point Road #800, 550.00 58412 12/31/2003 Adorn Skokie, IL 60077 Chicago Humanities Festival 500 North Dearborn, Chicago, IL 4900 58413 12/31/2003 60610 Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Association, 220 South Michigan Avenue, 200.00 58414 12/31/2003 The Chicago, IL 60625 Chicago Zoological Society 3300 Golf Road, Brookfield, IL 4,000.00 58415 12/31/2003 60513-0719 Child Care Inc 275 Seventh Avenue, 15th Floor, 1,000.00 58416 12/31/2003 New York, NY 1000 1 Child-link International 6508 Stevens Ave, Richfield, MN 125.00 58417 12/31/2003 55423-1664 Childcare Works-Education Division 1628 Elliot Ave S, Minneapolis, 260.00 58418 12/31/2003 MN 55404-1625 ildren Cancer Research Fund, Inc. 4930 West 77th Street Suite 364, 335.00 58419 12/31/2003 0h Minneapolis, NIN 55435-4809 Children International P.O. Box 419055, Kansas City, 110.00 58420 12/31/2003 MO 64131-3699

Page 234 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 6 Number Children's Aid Society 105 E 22nd Street, New York, NY 5000 58421 12/31/2003 10010 Children's Health Care Foundation - Children's Hospitals 29 10 Centre Pointe Dnve, 70000 58422 12/31/2003 and Clinics Roseville, MN 55113 Children's Home Society of Minnesota 1605 Eustis Street, St Paul, MN 1,50000 58423 12/3 1/2003 55108 Children's Memorial Foundation 2300 Children's Plaza, Chicago, IL 7500 58424 12/3 1/2003 60614 Children's Oncology Society of New York, Inc., The 405 E 73rd Street, New York, NY 4000 58425 12/3 1/2003 10021 Children, Inc PO Box 5381, Richmond, VA 15000 58426 12/31/2003 23220-0381 Childrens Health Care Foundation 2525 Chicago Ave So , 2500 58427 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Childrens Health Care Foundation - Children's Medical 29 10 Center Point Drive, 32500 58428 12/31/2003 Center Roseville, MN 55113 Childrens Heartlink 5075 Arcadia Ave, Minneapolis, 25000 58429 12/31/2003 MN 55436-2306 Childrens Hospital Corporation 300 Longwood Ave, Main 9 North, 1,00000 58430 12/3 1/2003 Boston, MA 02115 Childrens Hospital Foundation 34th St And Civic Ctr Blvd, 5000 58431 12/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19104-0000 Childrens Hospital Foundation - Childrens Hospital One Perkins Square, Akron, OH 337.00 58432 12/31/2003 Medical Center Of Akron 44308-1062 hildrens Hospital Foundation At Wcmc Inc #1 Kid's Comer, Valhalla, NY 2500 58433 12/31/2003 0 10595-1644 Childrens Hospital Foundation Inc P.O. Box 1997 MS #3050, 10000 58434 12/31/2003 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997 Childrens Hospital Foundation Inc 5583 Waterford Lane, Appleton, 60000 58435 12/31/2003 WI 54913 Childrens Museum of Utah 840 North 300 West, Salt Lake 2,000.00 58436 12/31/2003 City, UT 84103 Childrens Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation PO Box 6635, Bloomingdale, IL 300.00 58437 12/31/2003 60108 Chippewa Middle School 5000 Hodgson Road, St. Paul, NfN 15000 58438 12/31/2003 55126 Chnstian Appalachian Project Inc 322 Crab Orchard Road, Lancaster, 300.00 58439 12/31/2003 KY 40446 Christian Childrens Fund 2821 Emerywood Parkway, 1,874.00 58440 12/31/2003 Richmond, VA 23294 Christian Family Care Agency Inc 3603 N 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 5000 58441 12/31/2003 85013-3638 Christian Health Care Center Foundation Inc 301 Sicomac Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 100.00 58442 12/31/2003 07481-2159 Christian Herald Association Inc 229 Bowery, New York, NY 10002 90.00 58443 12/31/2003

Christian Record Services Inc - National Camps For PO Box 6097, Lincoln, NE 68506- 25.00 58444 12/31/2003 Blind Children 0097 Christian Recovery Center 6120 Earle Brown Drive, 50.00 58445 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55430-2123 Onstian Reformed World Relief Committee 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue, SE, 500.00 58446 12/31/2003 Grand Rapids, MI 49560-0600 Christian Relief Services Charities Inc - Christian Relief 8815 Telegraph Road, Lorton, VA 25 .00 58447 12/31/2003 Services, Inc. 22079

Page 235 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Christians Reaching Out To Society Inc 4401 Garden Ave, West Palm Bch, 2500 58448 12/31/2003 FL 33405-2541 Church of the Sacred Heart-Sacred Heart School 4050 Hubbard Ave No, 205.00 58449 12/31/2003 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy Inc 113 12 Snider Road, Cincinnati, 550.00 58450 12/3 1/2003 OH 45249 Cincinnati Museum Center For Natural And Cultural 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati, 87.00 58451 12/3 1/2003 History CH 45203-1129 Cincinnati Right To Life Education Foundation 1802 W Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, 5000 58452 12/3 1/2003 OH 45239-4829 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1241 Elm St, Cincinnati, OH 250.00 58453 12/31/2003 45202-7531 Citizens Against Government Waste 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 2500 58454 12/3 1/2003 No 400, Washington, DC 20036 Citizens Campaign Fund for the Environment 225A Main St., Farmingdale, NY 150.00 58455 12/31/2003 11735 Citizens Committee for Children of New York 105 East 22nd Street, New York, 40000 58456 12/31/2003 NY 10010-5413 Citizens For Scottsdale Strays P 0 Box 928, Scottsdale, AZ 75.00 58457 12/31/2003 85252-0928 City Harvest, Inc. 575 Eighth Avenue 4th Floor, New 2,42500 58458 12/3 1/2003 York, NY 100 18 City Life Center, Inc P.0 Box 8616, Minneapolis, M 80.00 58459 12/31/2003 55408-0616 ty Of Hope 5215 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 175.00 58460 12/31/2003 0 60077 City Of Hope 6245 N 24th Parkway, # 110, 4000 58461 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85016 City of Hope 3333 West Commercial Blvd # 106, 290.00 58462 12/31/2003 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 CityMeals-on-Wheels 355 Lexington Ave., New York, 25 .00 58463 12/31/2003 NY 100 17-6603 Clean Water Fund 326 E Hennepin Ave., 2500 58464 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Clean Water Fund 1002 Ocean Ave, Belmar, NJ 35.00 58465 12/31/2003 07719 Cleveland Foodbank Inc 1557 E 27th St, Cleveland, OH 1,225.00 58466 12/31/2003 44114-4217 Cleveland Zoological Society 3900 Wildlife Way, Cleveland, OH 100.00 58467 12/31/2003 44109 Coastside Family Medical Clinic Inc 22 5 S Cabn Ito Hwy Ste I 00-A, 25.00 58468 12/31/2003 Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1738 Coe College 1220 1 st Avenue N.E., Cedar 50.00 58469 12/31/2003 Rapids, IA 52402 Colel Chabad 806 Eastern Pky, Brooklyn, NY 50.00 58470 12/31/2003 11213-3534 Colgate University 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 200.00 58471 12/31/2003 13346 College At New Paltz Foundation Inc 75 S Manheim Blvd, Suite 9, New 100.00 58472 12/31/2003 Paltz, NY 12561-2443 Wiege Bound Inc 4541 N. Ravenswood Avenue, 500-00 58473 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60640 College Bound-Dollars for Achievers 18000 Studebaker Rd, Suite 655, 250.00 58474 12/31/2003 Cerritos, CA 90703-2692

Page 236 American Express Foundation Gift Matching avee. Name Address Amount Check Check Date 41 Number College of New Jersey P 0. Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628- 100.00 58475 12/3 1/2003 0718 College of New Rochelle 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY 12500 58476 12/31/2003 10805-2308 College of Saint Benedict 37 South College Avenue, Saint 525.00 58477 12/31/2001 Joseph, MN 56374-2099 College of St. Catherine Attn Gift Processor - F 1 2, 4,500.00 58478 12/3 1/2003 Development and External Relations, St Paul, NIN 55105- 1794 College Of St Scholastica Inc 1200 Kenwood Ave., Duluth, MN 3000 58479 12/3 1/2003 55811 Colon Cancer Alliance 175 9th Ave, New York, NY 10011 25.00 58480 12/31/2003 4924 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Post Office Box 1776, 265.00 58481 12/31/2003 Williamsburg, VA 23187-1776 Colorado Energy Assistance Foundation 225 E 16th Avenue, Suite 200, 12000 58482 12/31/2003 Denver, CO 80203 Columbia Heights Independent School District 13 1400 49th Avenue NE, Columbia 10000 58483 12/31/2003 Heights, MN 55421 Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center Fund Inc - 654 W 170th Street, New York, 50.00 58484 12/31/2003 Presbyterian Hospital NY 10032-3784 Columbus Rotary Foundation Inc 5 E Long St, Columbus, OH 43215- 275.00 58485 12/31/2003 2915 40ombined Jewish Philanthropies 126 High Street, Boston, MA 150.00 58486 12/31/2003 02110 Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in PO Box 35040, Boston, MA 02135- 30.00 58487 12/31/2003 America 0001 Committee of 100 Inc 677 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, New 900.00 58488 12/31/2003 York, NY 10022 Common Hope 550 Vandalia St., St. Paul, M-N 590.00 58489 12/31/2003 551 14 Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County 1300 North Dutton Avenue, Santa 500.00 58490 12/31/2003 Rosa, CA 95401 Community Emergency Assistance Program, Inc . 6840 78th Avenue North, Brooklyn 100.00 58491 12/31/2003 Park, NIN 55445 Community Foundation Of New Jersey P 0 Box 317, Morristown, NJ 50.00 58492 12/31/2003 07936-0317 Community Services Agency - Community Services 204 Stierlin Rd., Mountain View, 70.00 58493 12/31/2003 Agency of Mountain View and Los Altos CA 94043 Community TV Foundation of S. Florida Television 14901 N.E. 20th Ave., Miami, FL 30.00 58494 12/31/2003 Station WPBT 33181 Companion Dog Connection, Inc dba Hearing and 2537 25th Ave S, Minneapolis, 350.00 58495 12/31/2003 Service Dogs of Minnesota MN 55406-1234 Compas Inc 75 W 5th St 304, St Paul, MN 75.00 58496 12/31/2003 55102-1423 Compassion International Incorporated 12290 Voyager Parkway, Colorado 142.00 58497 12/31/2003 Springs, CO 80921-3668

Soncert For The Cure Inc 258 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA 150.00 58498 12/31/2003 02446 Concordia College Corporation 901 South 8th Street, Moorhead, 8,400.00 58499 12/31/2003 MN 56562

Page 237 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Conservation Fund A Nonprofit Corporation 1800 North Kent Street, P 1 120, 20000 58500 12/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22209 Convention Of The Protestant Episcopal Church Of 3 100 Monkton Road, Monkton, 2500 58501 12/31/2003 Diocese Of Md - St. James Academy MD 21 111 Cooperative For Assistance And Relief Everywhere Inc - 151 Ellis St. NE, Atlanta, GA 565.00 58502 12/31/2003 Care 30303 Cornell University 55 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 3,535.00 58503 12/31/2003

Council For Excellence In Government 1301 K St, NW Suite 450 West, 500.00 58504 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20005-3317 Counci I of Senior Centers & Services of New York City, 49 West 45th Street, Seventh Floor, 2,00000 58505 12/31/2003 Inc New York, NY 10036 Council on Foreign Relations, Inc 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 30000 58506 12/31/2003 10021 Courage Center 3915 Golden Valley Rd., Golden 22500 58507 12/31/2003 Valley, MN 55422-0542 Covenant Classical School I I I Boland St, Fort Worth, TX 2,000.00 58508 12/31/2003 76107-1221 Covenant House 346 West 17th Street, New York, 38000 58509 12/31/2003 NY 10011-5002 Covenant House, Florida, Inc. 733 Breakers Avenue, Ft. 10000 58510 12/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33304 CPA Endowment Fund Of Illinois 550 West Jackson, Suite 900, 250.00 58511 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60661 eraig D Tifford Foundation Inc 81 Nathan Hale Dr, Stamford, CT 42000 58512 12/31/2003 06902-1006 Creative Gifts Inc Box 22 1, Canton, CT 06019 500.00 58513 12/31/2003 Creighton University 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 900.00 58514 12/31/2003 68178 Cretm-Derham Hall High School 550 So. Albert Street, Saint Paul, 3,150.00 58515 12/31/2003 MN 55116 CRISTA Ministries - World Concern 19303 Fremont Avenue North, 5000 58516 12/31/2003 Seattle, WA 98133-0016 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Of America 386 Park Avenue South, 17th 310.00 58517 12/31/2003 Floor, New York, NY 100 16-8 804 Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America 280 Hillside Avenue, Needham, 250.00 58518 12/31/2003 MA 02494 Cross View Lutheran Church - Cross View Early 6645 Mccauley TrI St, Edina, NfN 50.00 58519 12/31/2003 Childhood Center 55439-0000 Crossroads Adoption 4620 W. 77th St. # 105, 50.00 58520 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55435 CSC Repertory Ltd. 136 East 13th Street, New York, 25 .00 58521 12/31/2003 NY 10003 Cure Autism Now 5455 Wilshire Blvd. #715, Los 500.00 58522 12/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90036 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation PO Box 96305, Washington, DC 75 .00 58523 12/31/2003 20090-6305 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1611 W. County Road B, # 22 1, 100.00 58524 12/31/2003 Roseville, NIN 55113-4053 tic Fibrosis Foundation 2642 E. 2 1 st St. # 100, Tulsa, OK 60.00 58525 12/31/2003 74114 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2929 Carlisle, Suite 230, Dallas, 125.00 58526 12/31/2003 TX 75204

Page 238 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 1611 W County Road B, St Paul, 25000 58527 12/3 1/2003 MD 55113 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 693 1 Arlington Road, Bethesda, 100.00 58528 12/3 1/2003 MD 20814 Dalton Schools, Inc 108 East 89 St., New York, NY 1,25000 58529 12/31/2003 10128 Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 1,001 .00 58530 12/31/2003 02115 Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 47500 58531 12/31/2003 02115 David Lipscomb University 3901 Granny White Pike, 25000 58532 12/31/2003 Nashville, TN 37204 Davis Memorial Goodwill Industries 2200 S Dakota Avenue, 2500 58533 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20018-1698 Day School Foundation 204 East Second Ave, #732, San 500.00 58534 12/31/2003 Mateo, CA 94401 DDD Foundation Inc P.O Box 95946, Atlanta, GA 12500 58535 12/31/2003 30347 De Paul University Office of Alumni Relations and 50.00 58536 12/3 1/2003 Networks, Chicago, IL 60601 De Porres Delta Ministries Inc P. 0 Box 207, Marks, MS 38646 25 .00 58537 12/31/2003 Deafness Research Foundation 1050 17th St Nw Ste 70 1, 25 .00 58538 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036-5515 Dedication And Everlasting Love To Animals 6021 Shannon Valley Road, Acton, 25 .00 58539 12/31/2003 CA 935 10 Oenison University P 0 Box D, Granville, OH 43023 7,000.00 58540 12/31/2003 Denver Dumb Friends League 2080 S Quebec St., Denver, CO 400.00 58541 12/31/2003 80231 Denver Rescue Mission P.O. Box 5206, Denver, CO 80217 350.00 58542 12/31/2003

Descanso Gardens Guild, Inc. 1418 Descanso Drive, La Canada 50.00 58543 12/31/2003 Flintridge, CA 91011 Desert Botanical Garden 1201 North Galvin Parkway, 150.00 58544 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Desert Foothills Library Association P.O. Box 4070, Cave Creek, AZ 60.00 58545 12/31/2003 85327 Detroit Symphony Orchestra 3663 Woodward Avenue, Suite 300.00 58546 12/31/2003 100, Detroit, MI 48201-2403 Diocesan Counci I For The Society Of St Vincent De Paul P.O. Box 13600, Phoenix, AZ 200.00 58547 12/31/2003 Diocese Phoenix 85002-3600 Diocese of Camden - House of Chanty 631 Market Street, Camden, NJ 250.00 58548 12/31/2003 08103 Diocese of Metuchen - Foundation For Catholic P.O. Box 191, Metuchen, NJ 08840 400.00 58549 12/31/2003 Education Diocese of Southeast Florida Inc - Saint Philip's 1142 Coral Way, Coral Gables, FL 500.00 58550 12/31/2003 Episcopal School 33134 Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust 3725 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, 686.00 58551 12/31/2003 KY 41076-1712 Diskin Orphan Home Of Israel Inc 1533 - 44th Street, Brooklyn, NY 104.00 58552 12/31/2003 11219-1609 lastrict 202 1601 Nicollet Ave. South, 1,250.00 58553 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Divers Alert Network Inc 6 West Colony Place, Durham, NC 250.00 58554 12/31/2003 27705

Page 239 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Doctors Without Borders USA Inc 333 Seventh Avenue, Second 1,58700 58555 12/31/2003 Floor, New York, NY 1000 1 -5004 Doe Fund Inc - The Doe Fund Inc. 232 East 84th Street, New York, 1,02500 58556 12/31/2003 NY 10028 Dominican Academy 44 East 68th Street, New York, NY 200.00 58557 12/31/2003 10021 Dominican University 7900 W Division St., River Forest, 5000 58558 12/3 1/2003 IL 60305-9909 Dominican University of California 50 Acacia Ave, San Rafael, CA 100.00 58559 12/31/2003 94901 Domus Foundation 102 Clinton Ave, Stamford, CT 10000 58560 12/31/2003 06901 Donna Klein Jewish Academy Inc 9701 Donna Klein Blvd, Boca 25000 58561 12/3 1/2003 Raton, FL 33428-1754 Dorot, Inc. 171 W 85th Street, New York, NY 100.00 58562 12/31/2003 10024 Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati 1821 Summit Road, Suite 102, 25000 58563 12/31/2003 Cincinnati, OH 45237-2818 Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota 668 Transfer Road, Saint Paul, MN 50500 58564 12/31/2003 55114 Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota 668 Transfer Road, Saint Paul, MN 525 .00 58565 12/31/2003 55114 Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota 668 Transfer Road, Saint Paul, MN 4800-3 58566 12/31/2003 55114 own Syndrome Association of Minnesota 668 Transfer Road, Saint Paul, MN 8000 58567 12/31/2003 0 55114 Down Syndrome Network Inc 4025 E Chandler Blvd 70-C3, 1,250.00 58568 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85048-8829 Downtown Community Television Center Inc 87 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 25.00 58569 12/31/2003 10013 Downtown Open School 706 2nd Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 485.00 58570 12/31/2003 55402 Dress for Success Tampa Bay Inc 2912 Beagle Place, Sefffier, FL 600.00 58571 12/31/2003 33584-5904 Ducks Unlimited, Inc. One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, 300.00 58572 12/31/2003 TN 38120 Ducks Unlimited, Inc. 4570 W. 77th St. # 179, Edina, MN 40000 58573 12/31/2003 55435 Duke University Box 9058 1, Durham, NC 27708- 1,500.00 58574 12/31/2003 0581 Dunes Fund, Inc. 8 Perry Street, New York, NY 50.00 58575 12/31/2003 10014 DuPage P.A.D.S. Inc - DuPage P.A.D.S. Inc.- Public 705 W. Liberty Drive, Wheaton, IL 280.00 58576 12/31/2003 Action to Deliver Shelter 60187 Dysautonomia Foundation, Inc. 633 Third Ave.- I 2th Floor, New 850.00 58577 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 17 Dystonia Medical Research Foundation One E. Wacker Drive #2900, 50.00 58578 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60601-3001 East Brunswick Friends Of The Library-Fnends of the 2 lean Walling Civic Center, East 50.00 58579 12/31/2003 ibrary East Brunswick Brunswick, NJ 08816 st Brunswick Rescue Squad 346 Cranbury Road, East 35.00 58580 12/31/2003 Brunswick, NJ 08816-3179 East Central Alabama United Cerebral Palsy, Inc. P.O. Box 694, Anniston, AL 36202 200.00 58581 12/31/2003

Page 240 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number V East Valley Chnstian School Tuition Organization Inc P 0 Box 6580, Chandler, AZ 62500 58582 12/3 1/2003 85246 Eastern Michigan University Foundation P 0 Box 972057, Ypsilanti, MI 15000 58583 12/31/2003 48197 Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association Inc 75-20 Astona Blvd, Jackson 5000 58584 12/31/2003 Heights, NY 113 70-1131 Eastover Elementary School 2834 Colony Road, Charlotte, NC 30000 58585 12/3 1/2003 28204 Edina ABC Foundation 6754 Valley View Road, Edina, 4,00000 58586 12/3 1/2003 MN 55439 Edina Education Fund 5701 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN 35000 58587 12/31/2003 55424 Education Foundation Of Bloomington c/o Community Education 300.00 58588 12/3 1/2003 Department, Bloomington, MN 55431 Educational Broadcasting Corp - Educational P 0. Box 1313, New York, NY 17500 58589 12/31/2003 Broadcasting Corporation 10019 Educational Foundation for Highland Park Independent 4201 Grassmere, Dallas, TX 75205- 30000 58590 12/31/2003 School District 1040 Educational Resource & Service Center, Inc. 10 10 1 W. Jefferson Blvd , Culver 2,00000 58591 12/31/2003 City, CA 90232 Electronic Frontier Foundation Inc 454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, 250.00 58592 12/31/2003 CA 941 10 Eli & Bessie Cohen Hillel Academy 6 Community Rd, Marblehead, MA 1,00000 58593 12/31/2003 01945-2706 Islon College Office of Development, Elon 25000 58594 12/3 1/2003 College, NC 27244 Elsas Ark Inc PO Box 2726, East Hampton, NY 250.00 58595 12/31/2003 11937-0252 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Inc 600 S Clyde Moms Blvd, Daytona 10000 58596 12/31/2003 Beach, FL 32114 Emerald Heights Academy 1420 NW Gilman Blvd., #2144, 100.00 58597 12/31/2003 Issaquah, WA 98027 Emergency Foodshelf Network Inc 6714 Walker Street, St. Louis Park, 375.00 58598 12/31/2003 MN 55426 Emerson College 100 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 25.00 58599 12/31/2003 02116 Emily Krzyewski Family Life Center Inc 905 West Main Street Box 11, 250.00 58600 12/31/2003 Suite 19A, Durham, NC 27701 Emma Willard School 1086 Madison Avenue, Troy, NY 20000 58601 12/31/2003 12180 Emory University 809 Gatewood Road, Atlanta, GA 25.00 58602 12/31/2003 30322 Encore Wind Ensemble Inc 375 Oakwood Drive, Shoreview, 400.00 58603 12/31/2003 MN 55126 Entertainment Industry Foundation 11132 Ventura Blvd#40 1, Studio 25.00 58604 12/31/2003 City, CA 91604 Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated 257 Park Avenue South, New 130.00 58605 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 10 Dhilanthropy Foundation Org Inc I 10 1 15th St NW, Washington, DC 2,000.00 58606 12/31/2003 20005-5002 lopliphany Catholic School 1900 111 th Avenue NW, Coon 205.00 58607 12/31/2003 Rapids, N4N 55433

Page 241 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Episcopal Mission Society In the Diocese of New York - 3439 Main Highway, Coconut 25000 58608 12/3 1/2003 St Stephen's Episcopal Church and Day School Grove, FL 33 133

Equality Florida Inc 1222 South Dale Mabry High Way, 2500 58609 12/31/2003 Tampa, FL 33629 Ene Philharmonic 1006 State Street, Ene, PA 16501- 40000 58610 12/3 1/2003 1878 European Children Adoption Services 6050 Cheshire Lane North, 5000 58611 12/31/2003 Plymouth, MN 55446-3541 Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - ELCA World 8765 W Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 100.00 58612 12/31/2003 Hunger and Disaster Appeals 60631-4101 Evans Scholars Foundation One Briar Rd., Golf, IL 60029 65000 58613 12/3 1/2003 Evanston Township High School District Foundation 1600 Dodge Ave, Evanston, IL 2500 58614 12/31/2003 60204 Exotic Feline Breeding Compound Inc HCR 1, Box 84, Rosamond, CA 30.00 58615 12/3 1/2003 93560-9705 Exultate P.0 Box 22314, Eagan, MN 55122 1,40000 58616 12/31/2003 0314 Ezra Lemarpeh 4920 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 2500 58617 12/3 1/2003 11219 Ezras Torah Fund Inc Torah Relief Society 235 East Broadway, New York, 7200 58618 12/31/2003 NY 10002-1218 F M S C Corp 6750 W Broadway Avenue, 388.00 58619 12/31/2003 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 irfield University 1073 North Benson Rd , Fairfield, 7500 58620 12/3 1/2003 0 a CT 06824 Fairview Foundation 6121 Wooddale Avenue S # 2, 2500 58621 12/31/2003 Edina, MN 55424 Fairygodmother Foundation 2020 Lincoln Park West, Suite 25.00 58622 12/31/2003 37E, Chicago, IL 60614-4734 Faith Tabernacle Food Pantry 2801 W 30th St, Zion, IL 60099- 250.00 58623 12/31/2003 3021 Faithful Fools Street Ministry 234 Hyde St, San Francisco, CA 25.00 58624 12/31/2003 94102-3324 Falls Hunger Coalition Inc 1000 5th St, Intl Falls, MN 56649- 100.00 58625 12/31/2003 2243 Famicos Foundation Inc 1325 Anseel Rd, Cleveland, OH 90.00 58626 12/31/2003 44106-1079 Families of SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) - P. 0 Box 196, Libertyville, IL 575.00 58627 12/31/2003 Libertyville 60048-0196 Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy P 0. Box 4874 1, Coon Rapids, MN 25.00 58628 12/31/2003 55448 Family Central Inc 840 S W 8 1 st Ave., North 105.00 58629 12/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33068 Family Focus Inc 330 Laurel Avenue, Highland Park, 40.00 58630 12/31/2003 IL 60035 Family Foundation 830 East Main Street, Suite 1201, 500.00 58631 12/31/2003 Richmond, VA 23219 Family Matters Inc 7731 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago, 50.00 58632 12/31/2003 IL 60626 mily Research Council Inc 801 G Street NW, Washington, DC 250.00 58633 12/31/2003 & 20001 Family Resource Associates Inc 35 Haddon Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 50.00 58634 12/31/2003 07702-4007

Page 242 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Family Resource Center 5828 N Clark, Chicago, IL 60660- 100.00 58635 12/3 1/2003 3202 Family Services of Elkhart County Inc 101 E Hively, Elkhart, IN 46517- 25 .00 58636 12/3 1/2003 2129 Family Services of Portage County Inc 143 Gougler Ave, Kent, OH 44240 10000 58637 12/3 1/2003

Father Flanagan's Boys' Home 14 100 Crawford, Boys Town, NE 30000 58638 12/3 1/2003 68010 Feed The Children Inc 333 N. Menchan, Oklahoma City, 10000 58639 12/31/2003 OK 73101 Feminist Majority Foundation - Arlington 1600 Wilson Blvd #801, 5000 58640 12/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22209 Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center 16497 Snyder Rd, Chagrin Falls, 27500 58641 12/31/2003 OH 44023-4313 Fil-Minnesotan Assocation - Fil-Minnesotan Association P 0. Box 25861, Woodbury, MN 1,100.00 58642 12/31/2003 55125 Fill & Mind & Heart Inc 5241 41 st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 10000 58643 12/3 1/2003 55417-2229 First Coast Womens Services 11215 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, 1,000.00 58644 12/31/2003 FL 32223-7230 Fitchburg State College Foundation 160 Pearl St , Fitchburg, MA 10000 58645 12/31/2003 01420 Florida Atlantic University Foundation Inc 3932 RCA Blvd., Suite 3210, Palm 2500 58646 12/31/2003 Beach Gardens, FL 33410-4228

Olonda Christian School of Dade County Inc 4200 Southwest 89th Avenue, 25000 58647 12/3 1/2003 Miami, FL 33165-5336 Florida Lions Conklin Center For The Multi handicapped 405 White St, Daytona Beach, FL 2500 58648 12/3 1/2003 Blind Inc 32114-2925 Florida Research Institute For Equine Nurturing Devel & 1840 NE 65 Court, Fort 2,705 .00 58649 12/31/2003 Safety Lauderdale, FL 33308-1055 Florida Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics Florida, 1105 Citrus Tower Blvd, Clermont, 25 .00 58650 12/31/2003 Inc. FL 34711-1905 Florida West Coast Public Broadcasting Inc PO Box 4033, Tampa, FL 33677- 365 .00 58651 12/3 1/2003 4033 Florida Wildlife Federation PO Box 6870, Tallahassee, FL 30.00 58652 12/31/2003 32314-6870 Flowing Wells School District - Flowing Wells High 1556 W. Prince Road, Tucson, AZ 200.00 58653 12/3 1/2003 School 85705 Fly By Theater P.O Box 157, Pine Lake, GA 100.00 58654 12/31/2003 30072 FMann Humane Society 171 Bel Mann Keys Blvd, Novato, 35.00 58655 12/31/2003 CA 94949 Focus On The Family 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado 838.00 58656 12/31/2003 Springs, CO 80920 Food Bank Of The Rockies 10975 E . 47th Ave., Denver, CO 200.00 58657 12/31/2003 80239-9800 Food For The Hungry Inc P.O. Box 12349, Scottsdale, AZ 100.00 58658 12/31/2003 85267-9917 )od for the Poor, Inc. 550 SW 12th Ave, Bldg 4, 705.00 58659 12/31/2003 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 0(o'odbank of Monmouth & Ocean Counties 3300 Route 66, Neptune, NJ 07753 50.00 58660 12/31/2003

Page 243 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Foothills International Forum P 0 Box 1602, Evergreen, CO 80000 58661 12/3 1/2003, 80437-1602 Fordham University 113 West 60th Street, New York, 17500 58662 12/31/2003 NY 10023 Fore Hope Inc C/O Darby Dan Farm, Galloway, 1,40000 58663 12/31/2003 OH 43119 Fort Greene Association Inc PO Box 170563, Brooklyn, NY 2500 58664 12/3 1/2003 11217-0563 Foundation for Accounting Education Inc 530 Fifth Ave 5th Fir, New York, 18000 58665 12/31/2003 NY 10036-5101 Foundation for Early Learning 444 NE Ravenna Blvd, Seattle, 15000 58666 12/31/2003 WA 98115 Foundation For Financial Planning Inc - IAFP 5775 Glenndge Drive N.E, #13300, 1,33400 58667 12/31/2003 Foundation, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30328-5364 Foundation for Public Broadcasting in Georgia, Inc 260 14th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 13000 58668 12/31/2003 30318 Foundation Healthsystern Minnesota 6500 Excelsior Blvd., St Louis 25.00 58669 12/31/2003 Park, MN 55426 Foundation HealthSystem Minnesota - Parkinson P.0 Box 650, Minneapolis, MN 10000 58670 12/31/2003 Association of Minnesota 55440 Foundation of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA 2,00000 58671 12/31/2003 02114 Foundation Of The State University Of New York At PO Box 6005, Binghamton, NY 30000 58672 12/31/2003 Binghamton Inc 13902-6005 undation of Trustees for the Family Learning Center PO Box 1123, Edwards, CO 81632- 2,49400 58673 12/31/2003 0 1123 Fountain House, Inc 425 West 47th Street, New York, 150.00 58674 12/31/2003 NY 10036 FOWOL Inc - AIDS Fund 1227 Locust Street, Philadelphia, 5000 58675 12/31/2003 PA 19107 Franciscan Childrens Hospital & Rehabilitation Center 30 Warren St, Bnghton, MA 02135- 25 .00 58676 12/31/2003 3680 Franciscan Family Apostolate Inc 93 Country Way, Madison, CT 290.00 58677 12/31/2003 06443 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation - Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ 2,500.00 58678 12/31/2003 Foundation, The 85261 Franklin & Marshall College P. 0. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 50.00 58679 12/31/2003 17604 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 1100 Fairview Avenue N LY-20, 2500 58680 12/31/2003 Seattle, WA 98109-1024 Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona 755 East Willetta Street Suite 140, 400.00 58681 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85006 Fresh Air Fund, The 633 Third Avenue, 14 Floor, New 100.00 58682 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 17 Fresh Air Inc 1808 Riverside Avenue, 100.00 58683 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55454 Friendly Sons of St Patnck Foundation 105 E Fourth St, Suite 1500, 250.00 58684 12/31/2003 Cincinnati, OH 45202-4032 Friends and Relatives of Institutionalized Aged I I John Street, New York, NY 35.00 58685 12/31/2003 10038 ends For Steven Inc. PO Box 5994, Buffalo Grove, IL 25.00 58686 12/31/2003 60089 Friends of Fana, Minnesota, Inc. 527 Rivera Drive, New Brighton, 2,000.00 58687 12/31/2003 NfN 55112

Page 244 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number Friends Of Huntingdon Valley Library 625 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon 25.00 58688 12/31/2003 Valley, PA 19006-6216

Friends of Lakota Wolf Preserve Inc 89 Mt. Pleasant Road, Columbia, 10500 58689 12/3 1/2003 NJ 07832 Friends Of McGill University Inc P.0 Box 5096, New York, NY 500.00 58690 12/31/2003 10185-0056 Friends Of Mozart Inc Post Office Box 24, New York, NY 500.00 58691 12/3 1/2003 10150 Friends of Music In Middletown Inc 14 Wilcox Ave, Middletown, NY 4000 58692 12/31/2003 10940-4912 Friends of St Aloysius Foundation Inc 33 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT 500.00 58693 12/31/2003 06840 Friends of the Anderson Program, Inc . - P.S. 9 459 Columbus Avenue - PMB 5000 58694 12/3 1/2003 #334, New York, NY 10024 Friends of the Cranbury Public Library Inc 23 North Main Street, Cranbury, 2500 58695 12/31/2003 NJ 08512-3203 Friends Of The Cultural Center Inc 73000 Fred Wanng Dr, Palm 2,000.00 58696 12/3 1/2003 Desert, CA 92260-0000 Friends Of The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, Inc 6005 Osuna Road NE, 15000 58697 12/31/2003 Albuquerque, NM 87109 Friends of the East Broad Top Inc 2016 A Park Ave, Richmond, VA 50.00 58698 12/31/2003 23220-2712 Friends Of The Minneapolis Public Library 250 Marquette Avenue South # 1,07500 58699 12/31/2003 400, Minneapolis, XfN 55401 Onends of the Mississippi River 46 E. Exchange Street, Suite 606, 40.00 58700 12/31/2003 St. Paul, MN 55 101 Friends of the Peapack Gladstone Library Inc P 0. Box 369, Peapack, NJ 07977 250.00 58701 12/31/2003 Friends Of Wim Inc P 0. Box 0 1 -2500, Miami, FL 12000 58702 12/31/2003 33101-2500 Friends United for Juvenile Diabetes Research 1700 Ryders Lane, Highland Park, 20000 58703 12/31/2003 IL 60035-0585 Friendship Community Services Inc PO Box 8437, Minneapolis, NTN 1,400.00 58704 12/31/2003 55408-0437 Friendship Foundation 10509 108th St. NW, Annandale, 8,000.00 58705 12/31/2003 NIN 55302 Friendship Venture Dba Childrens Disability Service - 10509 108th St, N.W., Annandale, 525.00 58706 12/31/2003 Friendship Ventures MN 55302 Fund For Animals Inc - Fund for Animals, Inc., The 200 West 57th Street, New York, 115.00 58707 12/31/2003 NY 10019 Fund for Park Avenue New York Inc I 10 East 42nd St Rm 1300, New 200.00 58708 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 17 Fundacion Save A Sato Inc Calle C. Villas De Caparra D2, 200.00 58709 12/31/2003 Guaynabo, PR 00966 Furman University 3300 Poinsett Highway, Greenville, 25.00 58710 12/31/2003 SC 29613 Gads Hill Center 1919 W . Cullerton, Chicago, IL 150.00 58711 12/31/2003 60608 Gathering of Southeast Wisconsin Inc 804 E Juneau Ave, Milwaukee, WI 100.00 58712 12/31/2003 53202-2714 y And Lesbian Community Center Of Utah 355 North 300 West, Ist floor, Salt 100.00 58713 12/31/2003 Lake City, UT 84103 Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc The Tisch Building, New York, 525.00 58714 12/31/2003 NY 100 11- 1913

Page 245 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 General Council on Finance & Admins of the United 4845 NE 25 Avenue, Fort 1,25000 58715 12/31/200.5 Methodist Church - Christ Church School Lauderdale, FL 33308 General Israel Orphans Home for Girls 132 Nassau Street, New York, NY 2500 58716 12/31/2003 10038 General Society of Mechanics & Tradesmen 20 West 44th Street, New York, 12500 58717 12/31/2003 NY 10036-6604 Geneva College 3200 College Avenue, Beaver 200.00 58718 12/31/2003 Falls, PA 15010 George & Ann Lopez-Richie Alarcon CARE Foundation PO Box 529, Van Nuys, CA 91408 20000 58719 12/31/2003

Georgetown Preparatory School Inc 10900 Rockville Pike, North 25000 58720 12/31/2003 Bethesda, MD 20852 Georgetown University Alumni Association Inc Department Number 0733, 47500 58721 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20073-0733 Georgia Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics 3772 Pleasantdale Road, Ste 195, 2500 58722 12/31/2003 Georgia, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30340 Gilbert Unified School District #41 140 S Gilbert Rd, Gilbert, AZ 400.00 58723 12/31/2003 85296 Girl Scout Council Inc-Anzona Cactus-Pine 119 East Coronado Road, Phoenix, 35.00 58724 12/31/2003 AZ 85004 Girl Scout Council Of Bergen County - Girl Scouts 300 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ 2500 58725 12/31/2003 Council of Bergen County 07652 Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 43 West 23rd Street, New York, 50.00 58726 12/31/2003 NY 10010-4203 irl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia Inc 1577 Northeast Expressway, 40.00 58727 12/31/2003 0 Atlanta, GA 30329 Girl Scout Council Of St Croix Valley 400 S Robert Street, St. Paul, MN 7500 58728 12/31/2003 55107 Girl Scouts Mt Wilson Vista Council 10 1 East Wheeler Ave, Arcadia, 50.00 58729 12/31/2003 CA 91006-3216 Girl Scouts of Dupage County Council 2400 Orgden Avenue, Lisle, IL 2500 58730 12/31/2003 60532 Girl Scouts of Freedom Valley P.O. Box 814, Valley Forge, PA 25.00 58731 12/31/2003 19482 Girl Scouts Tarheel Triad Council Inc 8432 Norcross Road, Colfax, NC 1,000.00 58732 12/31/2003 27235-9754 Girls on the Run Chicago Inc PO Box 14694, Chicago, IL 60614- 5200 58733 12/31/2003 0694 Global Fund for Women, Inc., The 1375 Sutter Street, Suite 400, San 25.00 58734 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94109 Golden Gate National Parks Association Fort Mason, Building 20 1, San 50.00 58735 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94123 Golden Gate University 536 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 175 .00 58736 12/31/2003 94105-2921 Goodwill Industries, Inc. 553 Fairview Avenue N, St. Paul, 2,125 .00 58737 12/31/2003 MN 55108 Gordon College 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, 50.00 58738 12/31/2003 MA 01984 Goshen Hospital & Health Care Foundation Inc P.O. Box 139, Goshen, IN 46527- 50.00 58739 12/31/2003 0139 School P.O. Box 85, South Wales, NY 500.00 58740 12/31/2003 Ow 14139 Grace House of Minneapolis 4457 3rd Ave. S., Minneapolis, 1,000.00 58741 12/31/2003 MN 55409

Page 246 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Da(e 0 Number Grand Symphonic Winds PO Box 75675, Saint Paul, MN 10000 58742 12/31/200 3 55175 Great River Greening 35 W Water Street Suite 201, St. 2500 58743 12/31/2003 Paul, MN 55107 Greater Chicago Food Depository 4501 S. Tripp Ave., Chicago, IL 18400 58744 12/31/2003 60632 Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches-Minnesota 100 1 E Lake Street, Minneapolis, 468.00 58745 12/31/2003 Food Share MN 55407-0509 Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies 528 Hennepin Avenue # 404, 500.00 58746 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403-3253 Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications P.O. Box 96 100, Washington, DC 3000 58747 12/3 1/2003 Association Inc - Greater Washington Educ Telecom 20090-6100

Greater Yellowstone Coalition Inc P 0 Box 1874, Bozeman, MT 50.00 58748 12/31/2003 59771 Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf Inc 3000 Dewey Ave, Rochester, NY 5000 58749 12/31/2003 14616-3729 Greencroft Foundation Inc 1721 Greencroft Blvd., Goshen, IN 10000 58750 12/31/2003 46527-0819 Greenpeace Fund Inc 702 H Street NW Ste 300, 1,565.00 58751 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20001-3734 Greensboro Interfaith Hospitality Network Inc - Guilford PO Box 20227, Greensboro, NC 5000 58752 12/31/2003 Interfaith Hospitality Network Inc 27420-0227 Greensboro Urban Ministry 305 West Lee St, Greensboro, NC 10000 58753 12/31/2003 27406 *reenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 232 East Eleventh St., New York, 5000 58754 12/31/2003 NY 10003 Greyhounds Only Inc 743 Landon Avenue, Winthrop 100.00 58755 12/31/2003 Harbor, IL 60096 Ground Zero Minnesota, Inc. 1976 Field Ave., St. Paul, MN 2500 58756 12/3 1/2003 55116 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc 371 East Jericho Turnpike, 50.00 58757 12/31/2003 Smithtown, NY 11787 Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Inc. 611 Gran i te Springs Road, 50.00 58758 12/31/2003 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Gulf Coast Community College Foundation Inc 5230 West Highway 98, Panama 25.00 58759 12/31/2003 City, FL 32401 Gurnee Rotary Club Charitable Foundation P.O. Box 67 1, Gurnee, IL 60031 200.00 58760 12/31/2003 Gustavus Adolphus College 800 West College Ave., St. Peter, 50.00 58761 12/31/2003 MN 56082 Guthrie Theatre Foundation 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, 1,050.00 58762 12/31/2003 MN 55403 H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center And Research Institute 12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 20000 58763 12/31/2003 Foundation Inc 33612 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 621 W Lester Street, Tucson, AZ 25.00 58764 12/31/2003 85705 Habitat for Humanity International Inc P.O. Box 7305, Charlottesville, VA 10000 58765 12/31/2003 22906-7305 Habitat for Humanity International Inc 420 West Wyoming Ave, 100.00 58766 12/31/2003 Cincinnati, 014 45215 Oabitat for Humanity International, Inc. 322 West Lamar Street, Americus, 1,660.00 58767 12/31/2003 GA 31709-3498 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 322 West Lamar Street, Americus, 880.00 58768 12/31/2003 GA 31709-3498

Page 247 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Habitat for Humanity of Collier County 11550 East Tarmarm Trail, Naples, 625.00 58769 12/3 1/2003 FL 34112 Habitat For Humanity of Northern Virginia, Inc. 4451 First Place South, Arlington, 1,000.00 58770 12/31/2003 VA 22204 Hadassah The Womens Zionist Organization Of America 50 West 58th Street, New York, 1,00000 58771 12/3 1/200-1 Inc - Hadassah Medical Relief Association NY 10019 Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of 4820 Minnetonka Blvd #407, 5000 58772 12/3 1/2003 America, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55416 Hamilton Middle School PTSA Seattle Council 16 10 North 4 1 st Street, Seattle, 52500 58773 12/31/2003 WA 98103 Hamilton Wings 14 Crescent St, Elgin, IL 60123- 2500 58774 12/3 1/2003 6268 Hamline University 1536 Hewitt Avenue C- 1917, 1,05000 58775 12/31/2003 Saint Paul, NfN 55104-1284 Hammer Residence Fund 1909 East Wayzata Blvd, Wayzata, 50.00 58776 12/31/2003 MN 55391 Hampden Township Volunteer Fire Company 295 South Sporting Hill Road, 25.00 58777 12/3 1/2003 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Harlem RBI Inc P 0. Box 871, New York, NY 550.00 58778 12/3 1/2003 10029 Harold Washington Apartments - Lakeftont Single Room 4946 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 100.00 58779 12/31/2003 Occupancy Corp. 60640 Harvey School 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 2,50000 58780 12/31/2003

awaii Opera Theatre 987 Waimanu St, Honolulu, HI 1,125.00 58781 12/31/2003 is 96814 Hazelden Foundation P. 0 Box 11, Center City, M 525.00 58782 12/31/2003 55012-0011 Hazon Inc I I I 8th Avenue, I I th Floor, New 2500 58783 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 11 Headwaters Fund 122 W. Franklin Avenue S. #518, 335 .00 58784 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55404 Heal the Bay 3220 Nebraska Avenue, Santa 25000 58785 12/31/2003 Monica, CA 90404 Healing the Children MI-01-1 4530 Roger B Chaffee Dr SE, 535 .00 58786 12/31/2003 Grand Rapids, MI 49548-7522 Healthcare Foundation of Cape Cod Inc 4 Bayview Street, West Yarmouth, 100.00 58787 12/31/2003 MA 02673 Heart and Hand for the Handicapped - Heart and Hand P.O. Box 520230, Flushing, NY 1,970.00 58788 12/31/2003 for the Handicapped Ltd. 11352 Heartland Greyhound Adoption PO Box 342, Bondurant, IA 50035- 100.00 58789 12/31/2003 0342 Hebrew Academy For Special Children Inc 1311 55th Street, Brooklyn, NY 50.00 58790 12/31/2003 11219 Heidelberg College 3 10 E. Market St., Tiffin, OH 250.00 58791 12/31/2003 44883 Heifer Project International, Inc. 425 West Capital Avenue, Little 950.00 58792 12/31/2003 Rock, AR 72201-3440 Help Hospitalized Veterans 36585 Penfield Lane, Winchester, 25.00 58793 12/31/2003 CA 92596 elping Paws Of Minnesota Inc I I Seventh Avenue North, 100.00 58794 12/31/2003 Hopkins, M 55343-0634 Helping Up Mission of Baltimore City Inc 1029 East Baltimore Street, 30.00 58795 12/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21202

Page 248 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Hera Foundation 0207 Cams Ln, Carbondale, CO 10000 58796 12/31/2003 81623-9581 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association Inc Post Office Box 696, West Branch, 6000 58797 12/31/2003 [A 52358-0696 Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave. NE, 27500 58798 12/3 1/2003 Washington, DC 20002-4999 Highland Park Histoncal Society P 0 Box 56, Highland Park, IL 5000 58799 12/31/200 3 60035-0056 Hill House Inc 10 Riverside Ave, Riverside, CT 1,00000 58800 12/31/2003 06878 Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Tzedek 800 Eighth Street NW, 5000 58801 12/31/2003 Hillel Washington, DC 20001 Histiocytosis Association Of America Inc 72 East Holly Avenue, Suite 10 1, 50.00 58802 12/31/2003 Pitman, NJ 08071-1022 Hofstra University Hofstra Hall, Room 102, 10000 58803 12/31/2003 Hempstead, NY 11 549-1010 Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fund, Inc. 555 Long Wharf Drive, New 50.00 58804 12/31/2003 Haven, CT 06511 Holy Innocents Episcopal School Inc 805 Mt Vernon Highway, NW, 50000 58805 12/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30327 Holy Name of Jesus School 155 County Road 24, Wayzata, 25000 58806 12/31/2003 MN 55391 Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters 220 E 23rd St Ste 300, New York, 1,000.00 58807 12/31/2003 Hippy U S A NY 10010-4606 omebase Youth Services 931 E Devonshire, Phoenix, AZ 20000 58808 12/3 1/2003 0 85014-4616 Hoop A Paluza Inc. C/O Lowenstein Sandier PC, 17500 58809 12/31/2003 Roseland, NJ 07068 Hope Center, Inc. 666 SW 4th Street, Miami, FL 1,800.00 58810 12/31/2003 33130 Hope Pregnancy Centers Inc P.0 Box 29006 1, Davie, FL 33329 2500 58811 12/31/2003

Horace Mann Elementary School 2001 Eleanor Avenue, Saint Paul, 250.00 58812 12/31/2003 MN 55116 Horace Mann-Barnard School 231 West 246 St Bronx, NY 62500 58813 12/31/2003 10471 Horsepower Sanctuaries PO Box 58, Lockwood, CA 93932 100.00 58814 12/31/2003

Hospice Of Central PA PO Box 266, Enola, PA 17025- 50.00 58815 12/31/2003 0266 Hospice of Tuscarawas County Inc 201 West Third Street, Dover, OH 25.00 58816 12/31/2003 44622-2919 Hospital For Special Surgery Fund Inc 535 East 70th Street, New York, 8,000.00 58817 12/31/2003 NY 10021 Hospital Hospitality House of Richmond Inc PO Box 10090, Richmond, VA 25.00 58818 12/31/2003 23219 Hotchkiss School - Hotchkiss School, The PO Box 800, Lakeville, CT 06039- 20000 58819 12/31/2003 0800 House Of Charity Inc 5 10 S. 8th St., Minneapolis, MN 1,28000 58820 12/31/2003 55407 9ouston Food Bank 3811 Eastex Freeway, Houston, TX 125.00 58821 12/31/2003 77026 Humane Animal Rescue Team 2085 Grimes Canyon, Fillmore, 25.00 58822 12/31/2003 CA 93016

Page 249 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Humane Farming Association P 0 Box 3577, San Rafael, CA 5000 58823 12/3 1/2003 94912 Humane Society for Companion Animals It 15 Beulah Lane, St Paul, M-N 2,86000 58824 12/3 1/2003 55108 Humane Society Of Broward County 2070 Griffin Rd., Ft Lauderdale, 205.00 58825 12/3 1/2003 FL 33312 Humane Society Of The United States 2 100 L Street, N.W , Washington, 32000 58826 12/3 1/2003 DC 20037 Humane Society of the United States 1515 Linden St., #220, Des 25.00 58827 12/3 1/2003 Moines, IA 50309 Humane Society Of Wright County 4375 Highway 55 SE, Buffalo, MN 3000 58828 12/3 1/2003 55313 Hunter College High School Parents Teachers 71 East 94th Street, New York 50000 58829 12/31/2003 Association City, NY 10 128 Hydrocephalus Association 870 Market, Suite 705, San 75.00 58830 12/3 1/2003 Francisco, CA 94102 Ida Crown Jewish Academy 2828 West Pratt, Chicago, IL 3600 58831 12/3 1/2003 60645 Illinois Special Olympics Inc. 605 E. Willow Street, Normal, IL 75.00 58832 12/3 1/2003 61761-2862 Illinois State University Foundation 8000 Advancement Services, 52500 58833 12/3 1/2003 Normal, IL 61790-8000 Imago Del Crisis Pregnancy Center 13864 E Eight Mile Rd, Detroit, 4,500.00 58834 12/3 1/2003 MI 48205-1201 maculate Conception School 4030 Jackson Street, NE, Columbia 25 .00 58835 12/31/2003 On Heights, MN 55421 In Defense Of Animals 131 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA 50.00 58836 12/31/2003 94941-2254 In Series, Inc 2801 Upton Street, NW, 12500 58837 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20008 Independence High School 6602 N 75(h Avenue, Glendale, AZ 20000 58838 12/31/2003 85303 Indiana University Foundation P. 0. Box 2298, Bloomington, IN 25.00 58839 12/31/2003 47402 Institute for Children with Cancer and Blood Disorders P 0 Box 109, New Brunswick, NJ 750.00 58840 12/31/2003 08903 Institute For Educational Achievement Inc 381 Madison Avenue, New 2,500.00 58841 12/31/2003 Milford, NJ 07646 Institute Of Internal Auditors Research Foundation 247 Maitland Ave, Altamonte 100.00 58842 12/31/2003 Springs, FL 32701-4907 Interfaith Housing Association of Westport/Weston ., Inc. 45 Jesup Road, Westport, CT 3,500.00 58843 12/31/2003 06880 Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Avenue S ., Wayzata, 625.00 58844 12/31/2003 MN 55391 International Fund For Animal Welfare 411 Main Street, Yarmouth Port, 125.00 58845 12/31/2003 MA 02675 International Justice Mission PO Box 58147, Washington, DC 300.00 58846 12/31/2003 20037 International Rescue Committee Inc c/o Matching Gift Dept, New 75.00 58847 12/31/2003 York, NY 10 168-12 89 eternational Stanislavsky Theater Studio Inc 1742 Church Street NW, 75.00 58848 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036-1302 International Wolf Center 1396 Hwy. 169, Ely, NfN 55731 25 .00 58849 12/31/2003

Page 250 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Intrepid Museum Foundation Inc One Intrepid Square, W 46th Street 2500 58850 12/31/2003 & 12th Avenue, New York, NY 10036 Iona College 715 North Avenue, New Rochelle, 25000 58851 12/31/2003 NY 10801 Iowa Special Olympics Inc - Special Olympics Iowa 3737 Woodland Ave Room Suite 5000 58852 12/3 1/2003 325, West Des Moines, IA 50266- 1937 Iowa State University Foundation Alumni Suite, Memorial Union, 100.00 58853 12/3 1/2003 Ames, [A 50014-7164 frondale Senior High School 2425 Long Lake Road, New 20000 58854 12/3 1/2003 Brighton, MN 55112 Israel Childrens Cancer Foundation Inc 505 Eight Ave, Suite 803, New 5000 58855 12/3 1/2003 York, NY 100 1 8-4548 Ithaca College 260 Alumni Hall, Ithaca, NY 3000 58856 12/3 1/2003 14850 Its the Journey Inc 180 Allen Road, Atlanta, GA 25.00 58857 12/3 1/2003 30328 Jacob Bums Film Center Inc 39 Washington Ave , Pleasantville, 55.00 58858 12/31/2003 NY 10570-2117 Jag Junior Fund Inc 123 E Ashland St, Doylestown, PA 300.00 58859 12/3 1/2003 189014620 Jane Goodall Institute P.O. Box 14890, Silver Spring, MD 5000 58860 12/31/2003 20911 pan Aikido Assocation USA 5752 S. Kingston Way, 1,000.00 58861 12/31/2003 Englewood, CO 80111 Jefferson County Humane Society 3672 Abbey Road, House Springs, 75.00 58862 12/3 1/2003 MO 63051 Jeffrey T. Latman Foundation P.O Box 229, Albertson, NY 30000 58863 12/31/2003 11507-229 Jewish Association For Developmental Disabilities 190 Moore Street, Suite 4 10, 100.00 58864 12/31/2003 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Jewish Campus Activities Board 215 South 39th Street, 50.00 58865 12/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Jewish Community Centers Of Chicago One South Franklin Street, #916, 200.00 58866 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Jewish Community Federation Of Cleveland 1750 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 8,250.00 58867 12/31/2003 44115-2106 Jewish Council On Urban Affairs 618 S Michigan Ave 700, Chicago, 75.00 58868 12/31/2003 IL 60618 Jewish Education Program Of Queens 76-01 147th St, Flushing, NY 50.00 58869 12/31/2003 11367 Jewish Family & Childrens Service - Jewish Family & 13 100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 400, 5400 58870 12/3112003 Chi ldrens Service of Minneapolis Minnetonka, MN 55305 Jewish Family & Childrens Services 2150 Post Street, San Francisco, 100.00 58871 12/31/2003 CA 94115 Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles - 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800, 25 .00 58872 12/31/2003 United Jewish Fund Los Angeles, CA 90048 Jewish Federation Of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike, South 25.00 58873 12/31/2003 River, NJ 08882 Wish Federation Of Greater Phoenix 12701 North Scottsdale Road # 5,000.00 58874 12/31/2003 201, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Inc 9901 Donna Klein Blvd., Boca 250.00 58875 12/31/2003 Raton, FL 33428

Page 251 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Jewish Federation Of Southern New Jersey 1301 Springdale Road, Suite 200, 10800 58876 12/3 1/2003 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Jewish Federation of the North Shore Inc 21 Front Street, Salem, MA O 1970 36.00 58877 12/31/2003

Jewish Historical Society of Upper Midwest Inc Sholom Home East, Minneapolis, 2500 58878 12/31/2003 MN 55416 Jewish National Fund -Keren Kayemeth Leisrael- Inc 78 Randall Ave, Rockville Centre, 50.00 58879 12/3 1/2003 NY 11570 Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago I South Franklin Street, Chicago, 2,71300 58880 12/31/2003 IL 60606 Jewishgen Inc 2951 Manna Bay Dr # 1 30-472, 100.00 5888 1 12/3 1/2003 League City, TX 77573 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library Foundation Columbia Point, Boston, MA 25.00 58882 12/3 1/2003 Incorporated 02125 Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street, 100.00 58883 12/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21218 Jumpstart for Young Children Inc 505 8th Ave, Suite 2207, New 975.00 58884 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 18 Junior Achievement - Junior Achievement, Inc 3220 Northline Avenue, 2,25000 58885 12/3 1/2003 Greensboro, NC 27408 Junior Achievement Inc One Education Way, Colorado 50.00 58886 12/31/2003 Springs, CO 80906 Junior Achievement of East TN 4930 Lyons View Drive, 1,175.00 58887 12/3 1/2003 Knoxville, TN 37919 mor Achievement of Hawn 1136 Union Hall, Suite 310, 1,37500 58888 12/31/2003 Honolulu, HI 96813 Junior Achievement of New York Inc 205 East 42nd St Ste 203, New 5000 58889 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 17 Junior Achievement of South Florida 2335 East Atlantic Blvd , 2nd 1,065.00 58890 12/31/2003 Floor, Pompano Beach, FL 33062

Junior Achievement of South Florida 2335 East Atlantic Blvd , 2nd 1,205.00 58891 12/3 1/2003 Floor, Pompano Beach, FL 33062

Junior League of Louisville Inc 501 S 2nd St, Louisville, KY 40.00 58892 12/31/2003 40202-1864 Jupiter Symphony Of New York Inc 155 W 68th St, New York, NY 250.00 58893 12/31/2003 10023-5808 Juvenile Daibetes Foundation - Juvenile Diabetes 20 Walnut St. #318, Wellesley, 25.00 58894 12/31/2003 Foundation International MA 02481 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 740 Broad Street, Shrewsbury, NJ 955.00 58895 12/31/2003 07702 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 740 Broad Street, Shrewsbury, NJ 3000 58896 12/31/2003 07702 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 1400 1 St. NW #500, Washington, 930.00 58897 12/31/2003 DC 20005 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 1400 1 St. NW #500, Washington, 135 .00 58898 12/31/2003 DC 20005 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 432 Park Avenue South, New 425 .00 58899 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 16 lavenile Diabetes Foundation - Englewood 560 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood 50.00 58900 12/31/2003 Cliffs, NJ 07632 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 500 North Dearborn, Chicago, IL 2,175.00 58901 12/31/2003 60610

Page 252 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 4343 East Camelback Road, Suite 5000 58902 12/3 1/2003 450, Phoenix, AZ 85018 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 121 Second Street, 2nd Flr , San 50.00 58903 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94105 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 7 101 Newport Avenue, Omaha, NE 2500 58904 12/31/2003 68152 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 200 E Joppa Rd St 300, Towson, 75.00 58905 12/31/200.3 MD 21286-0000 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 30 Cilenn Street, White Plains, NY 465.00 58906 12/31/200.3 10603 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International I I I I S Arroyo Parkway, #400, 5,570.00 58907 12/3 1/2003 Pasadena, CA 91105 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 4500 Rockside Road #420, 325.00 58908 12/31/2003 Cleveland, OH 44131 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 2626 East 82nd Street, Suite 230, 3000 58909 12/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55425 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Juvenile 900 Wheeler Road, Hauppauge, 2,530.00 58910 12/31/2003 Diabetes Research Foundation NY 11788-2965 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Juvenile 900 Wheeler Road, Hauppauge, 500.00 58911 12/31/2003 Diabetes Research Foundation NY 11788-2965 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International 8304 Claremont Mesa Blvd Ste 15000 58912 12/31/2003 10 1, San Diego, CA 92111-1315 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International 2210 Millbrook Road , Suite 109, 50.00 58913 12/3 1/2003 Raleigh, NC 27604 ahilu Theatre Foundation PO Box 549, Kamuela, HI 96743- 36000 58914 12/31/2003 0 0549 Kansas State University Foundation 2323 Anderson Ave , Suite 500, 100.00 58915 12/31/2003 Manhattan, KS 66502-2911 Kansas Wesleyan University 100 East Claflin, Salina, KS 67401 1,25000 58916 12/31/2003

KCET Community Television Of Southern California - 4401 Sunset Boulevard, Los 35.00 58917 12/31/2003 KCET Public Broadcasting of Southern California Angeles, CA 90027 KCRW Foundation Inc - KCRW National Public Radio 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 75.00 58918 12/31/2003 90405-1628 KCTS Association 401 Mercer Street, Seattle, WA 75.00 58919 12/31/2003 98109 Ken-Caryl Ranch Foundation 7676 South Continental Divide 10000 58920 12/31/2003 Road, Littleton, CO 80127 Kenmare School 89 York St , Jersey City, NJ 07302 150.00 58921 12/31/2003

Kenny School Foundation Inc 5720 Emerson Avenue South, 2,20000 58922 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55419 Keren Yehoshua V Yisroel Inc 125 Carey Street, Lakewood, NJ 54.00 58923 12/31/2003 08701-1835 Keswick Home for Incurables of Baltimore City - 700 West 40th Street, Baltimore, 200.00 58924 12/31/2003 Keswick Multi-Care Center MD 21211 Keystone Montesson Charter School Inc P.O. Box 93185, Phoenix, AZ 250.00 58925 12/31/2003 85070 Kingfield Neighborhood Association 3754 Pleasant Ave S, Minneapolis, 75.00 58926 12/31/2003 MN 55409-1227 longs College 133 N. River Street, Wilkes-Barre, 50.00 58927 12/31/2003 PA 18711 Kingsley House Inc 1600 Constance St, New Orleans, 300.00 58928 12/31/2003 LA 70130-4641

Page 253 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Kinship of Greater Minneapolis Inc 32 10 Oliver Avenur North, 5000 58929 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55412 Kolel Chibas Jerusalem - Kolel Chibas Jerusalem Rabbi 4802 "A" 12 Avenue, Brooklyn, 25 .00 58930 12/31/2003 Meyer Baal Hanes NY 11219 KQED, Inc 2601 Manposa Street, San 20800 58931 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94110-1400 Kraybill Mennonite School 598 Kraybill Church Rd, Mount 1,00000 58932 12/31/2003 Joy, PA 17552-9000 KTEH-TV Foundation 1585 Schallenberger Road, San 22500 58933 12/31/2003 lose, CA 95131-2434 Kullerstrand Elementary School 12225 W 38th Avenue, Wheat 135.00 58934 12/31/2003 Ridge, CO 80033 La Oportumdad, Inc 2233 University Ave., Suite 150, 20000 58935 12/31/2003 St. Paul, MN 55114 Lake Country School Montesson Leaming Environments 3755 Pleasant Ave S , 300.00 58936 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Lake County Humane Society 7564 Tyler Blvd, Mentor, OH 80.00 58937 12/31/2003 44060-4870 Lake Forest College 555 N Sheridan & College Road, 1,000.00 58938 12/31/2003 Lake Forest, IL 60045 Lake Forest Park & Recreation Foundation 400 Hastings Road, Lake Forest, IL 50.00 58939 12/31/2003 60045-2436 Lamoille Home Health Agency Inc 54 Farr Avenue, Momsville, VT 5000 58940 12/31/2003 05661 ance Armstrong Foundation, Inc P 0. Box 161150, Austin, TX 5000 58941 12/31/2003 0 78716-1150 Land Stewardship Project 2200 Fourth St, White Bear Lake, 250.00 58942 12/31/2003 MN 55110 Lawrence University of Wisconsin P 0. Box 2697, Appleton, WI 275.00 58943 12/31/2003 54912 Leadership Institute I 10 1 North Highland Street, 50.00 58944 12/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22201 Leadership Winston - Salem 1900 S. Hawthorne Road, Suite 25.00 58945 12/31/2003 264, Winston Salem, NC 27103 League for the Hard of Hearing 50 Broadway, New York, NY 10000 58946 12/31/2003 10004 League of Women Voters of Minnesota Education Fund 550 Rice St. Suite 201, St. Paul, 200.00 58947 12/31/2003 MN 55103 Leather Archives and Museum 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, 6000 58948 12/31/2003 IL 60626-5006 Lehigh University Development Office, Bethlehem, 25.00 58949 12/31/2003 PA 18015 Lemont High School Band Parents Association 800 Porter Street, Lemont, IL 75.00 58950 12/31/2003 60439 Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 331 East 70th Street, New York, 1,000.00 58951 12/31/2003 NY 10021 Les Turner Amyothropic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation 8142 N. Lawndale Avenue, Skokie, 5,250.00 58952 12/31/2003 IL 60076 Lesley College 29 Everett Street, Cambridge, MA. 25.00 58953 12/31/2003 02138 Oukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 3325 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 1,320.00 58954 12/31/2003 FL 33021 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 12850 Spurling Drive, Suite 190, 200.00 58955 12/31/2003 Dallas, TX 75230

Page 254 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 902 Westpoint Parkway, Ste 300, 25.00 58956 12/3 1/2003 Cleveland, OH 44145 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 4053 Maple Road, Suite 110, 50.00 58957 12/31/2003 Amherst, NY 14226 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 530 Dexter Avenue North, Seattle, 8000 58958 12/31/2003 WA 98109 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 5005 Mitchelidale, Suite 115, 25.00 58959 12/3 1/2003 Houston, TX 77092 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 6033 Century Blvd. #300, Los 53700 58960 12/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90045 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 5511 Staples Mills Road, 50.00 58961 12/31/2003 Richmond, VA 23228 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 5950 Fairview Rd Suite 250, 15000 58962 12/31/2003 Charlotte, NC 282 10 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 1390 Market Street, Suite 1200, 780.00 58963 12/31/2003 of Amenca San Francisco, CA 94102-5306 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Leukemia Society 5353 W. Darmouth Avenue L.L., 100.00 58964 12/31/2003 of America Denver, CO 80227 Leukemia Society of America 8600 LaSalle Rd, #314, Baltimore, 100.00 58965 12/31/2003 MD 21286 Leukemia Society of America 5845 Richmond Highway, 2500 58966 12/3 1/2003 Alexandria, VA 22303 Leukemia Society of America 216 Haddon Ave , Ste 328, 150.00 58967 12/31/2003 Westmont, NJ 08108 eukerma Society of America 495 Old Connecticut Path Suite 697.00 58968 12/31/2003 0 220, Framingham, MA 0 1701 Leukemia Society of Amenca 45 Springfield Ave, Springfield, 75.00 58969 12/31/2003 NJ 07081 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Flr, 1,400.00 58970 12/31/2003 New York, NY 100 16 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 2990 E. Northern Ave., Suite E 100, 125.00 58971 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Leukemia Society Of America Inc 300 Research Pkwy Suite 3 10, 25.00 58972 12/31/2003 Meriden, CT 06450 Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Leukemia Society Of 3613 Nw 56th Ste 230, Oklahoma 200.00 58973 12/31/2003 America Inc Oklahoma Chapter City, OK 731124520 Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Leukemia Society of 5217 Wayzata Blvd. #221, 1,002.00 58974 12/31/2003 America Minnesota Chapter Minneapolis, MN 55416 Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Leukemia Society of 5217 Wayzata Blvd. #221, 582 .00 58975 12/31/2003 America Minnesota Chapter Minneapolis, MN 55416 Leukemia Society of America Inc. 105 West Fourth Street, Suite 900, 1,083 .00 58976 12/31/2003 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Leukemia Society of America Inc. 105 West Fourth Street, Suite 900, 75.00 58977 12/31/2003 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Leukemia Society of America Inc. 100 West Monroe, Suite 16 10, 200.00 58978 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60603 Leukemia Society of America Inc. Georgia Chapter 2625 Cumberland Parkway Suite 25.00 58979 12/31/2003 205, Atlanta, GA 30339 Leukemia Society of America, Inc. 6501 SW Macadam, Portland, OR 100.00 58980 12/31/2003 97201 ukemia Society of America, Inc., PA 2 Gateway Center - 13N, 25.00 58981 12/31/2003 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Leukemia Society, Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter 2 International Plaza, Philadelphia, 2,475.00 58982 12/31/2003 PA 19113

Page 255 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Levindale Auxiliary Inc 2434 West Belvedere Avenue, 2500 58983 12/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21215-5202 Life Choices Womens Clinic 9303 N 7th St Suite 4, Phoenix, AZ 50.00 58984 12/3 1/2003 85020-2531 Lifelong AIDS Alliance 1002 East Seneca Street, Seattle, 190.00 58985 12/31/2003 WA 98122 Lincoln Center for the Perfon-ning Arts Inc 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 6000 58986 12/31/2003 York, NY 10023 Lincoln Park Zoological Society PO Box 14903, Chicago, IL 60614 80.00 58987 12/31/2003

Link Community School Inc 120 Livingston St., Newark, NJ 100.00 58988 12/31/2003 07103 Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc 141 Franklin St., Stamford, CT 500.00 58989 12/31/2003 06901 Literacy Volunteers of Mancopa County, Inc. 1500 E. Thomas Road, Phoenix, 400.00 58990 12/31/2003 AZ 85014 Little Brothers- fri ends Of The Elderly 1845 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, M-N 10000 58991 12/31/2003 55407 Little Orphan Aminals Inc - Little Orphan Animals Inc PO Box 268, Peekskill, NY 10566- 5000 58992 12/31/2003 0268 Little Shelter Animal Adoption Center Inc 33 Warner Rd, Huntington, NY 50.00 58993 12/31/2003 11740 Little Sisters of the Poor 330 S. Exchange St, St. Paul, MN 200.00 58994 12/31/2003 55102 vingston County Catholic Social Services Inc 2020 East Grand River Ave Suite 25.00 58995 12/31/2003 0 103, Howell, MI 48843 Loaves and Fishes Ministry of Macon Inc PO Box 825, Macon, GA 31202- 300.00 58996 12/31/2003 0825 Long Island University Central Office University, 25000 58997 12/31/2003 Brookville, NY 11 548 Los Altos Tomorrow - Los Alto Community Foundation 183 Hillview Ave, Los Altos, CA 1,000.00 58998 12/31/2003 94022 Los Angeles Mission P. 0. Box 55895, Los Angeles, CA 25 .00 58999 12/31/2003 90055-0330 Los Angeles S P C A - Society for the Prevention of 5026 West Jefferson Blvd, Los 25 .00 59000 12/31/2003 Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles Angeles, CA 90016 Loyola College In Maryland Inc 4501 North Charles Street, 250.00 59001 12/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21210-2699 Loyola High School of Los Angeles 1901 Venice Boulevard, Los 625.00 59002 12/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90006 Loyola Marymount University 7900 Loyola Blvd., Los Angeles, 50.00 59003 12/31/2003 CA 90045 Loyola University of Chicago P.O. Box 6635, Chicago, IL 60680- 100.00 59004 12/31/2003 6635 Lungevity Foundation 4541 N. Ravenswood Avenue, 25.00 59005 12/31/2003 Suite 303, Chicago, IL 60640 Luther College 700 College Drive, Decorah, 1A 125.00 59006 12/31/2003 52101 Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Concordia College 800 N. Columbia, Seward, NE 200.00 59007 12/31/2003 68434 theran Church Missouri Synod - Gethsemane Lutheran 1035 E. Guadalupe Rd, Tempe, AZ 200.00 59008 12/31/2003 School 85283 Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Zion Lutheran Church 241 5th Avenue N., Hopkins, MN 75.00 59009 12/31/2003 - Zion Early Childhood Center 55343

Page 256 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Lutheran Health Care Bangladesh 7831 Hickory St Ne, Minneapolis, 50000 59010 12/31/2003 MN 55432 Lutheran High School Association of Greater Minnesota 8201 Park Ave South, 20000 59011 12/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55420-2471 Lutheran Social Service Of Minnesota 2485 Como Ave, St Paul, MN 10000 59012 12/31/2003 55108 Lymphorna Research Foundation I I I Broadway, New York, NY 3,025.00 59013 12/31/2003 10006 Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN 15000 59014 12/31/2003 55105-1801 Macmurray College 447 East College Avenue, 25.00 59015 12/31/2003 Jacksonville, IL 62650 Madeleine Choir School 250 First Avenue, Salt Lake City, 50000 59016 12/31/2003 UT 84103 Madison Rose Lane Elementary School 5601 North 16th Street, Phoenix, 500.00 59017 12/31/2003 AZ 85016 Maggie and En-nas House Inc 1501 W Friendly Ave, Greensboro, 500.00 59018 12/31/2003 NC 27403-1206 Make A Wish Foundation PO Box 97104, Washington DC, 5000 59019 12/31/2003 WA 20090 Make A Wish Foundation of Northern Illinois 640 North La Salle, Chicago, IL 50.00 59020 12/31/2003 60610 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Washington, Inc. P. 0 Box 97104, Washington, DC 50000 59021 12/31/2003 20090 ake-A-Wish Foundation of North Carolina Inc 121 W Trade Street, Suite 1600, 5000 59022 12/31/2003 0 Charlotte, NC 28202-5007 Making Headway Foundation Inc 1 15 King Street, Chappaqua, NY 25000 59023 12/31/2003 10514 Manhattan College Office of College Advancement, 9000 59024 12/31/2003 Sears Hall, Riverdale, NY 10471 Mankato State University Foundation Inc - Minnesota 121 Alumni Foundation Center, 13500 59025 12/31/2003 State University, Mankato Foundation Mankato, NTN 56001 Mansfield University Foundation Inc P.O. Box 43 1, Mansfield, PA 4000 59026 12/31/2003 16933-0431 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 233 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, 25.00 59027 12/31/2003 New York, NY 10003-0350 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 255 Pitkin St., East Hartford, CT 700.00 59028 12/31/2003 06108 March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 3000 Weslayan, Suite 100, 25.00 59029 12/31/2003 Houston, TX 77027 March Of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 1275 Mamaroneck Ave., White 42500 59030 12/31/2003 March Of Dimes - March of Dimes Birth Defects Found Plains, NY 10605

March Of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation 54 10 Transportation Blvd. #4, 100.00 59031 12/31/2003 March Of Dimes - March of Dimes Birth Defects Found Cleveland, OH 44125

Mancopa County Community College District 2323 W. 14th Street, Tempe, AZ 445 .00 59032 12/31/2003 Foundation 85281 Marin Agricultural Land Trust PO Box 809, Pt. Reyes Station, CA 5000 59033 12/31/2003 94956 arin Museum Society Inc PO Box 864, Novato, CA 94948- 35.00 59034 12/31/2003 0864 Marist College 290 North Road, Poughkeepsie, 100.00 59035 12/31/2003 NY 12601

Page 257 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number IV Market Street Mission Inc 9 Market Street, Morristown, NJ 50000 59036 12/31/2003 07960 Marrmon Military Academy 1000 Butterfield Road, Aurora, IL 100.00 59037 12/31/2003 60504-9742 Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity 200 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, 7000 59038 12/31/2003 Inc MA 02115-3012 Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home Co Inc 1339 York Avenue, New York, NY 1,275.00 59039 12/31/2003 10021 Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home Co Inc 1339 York Avenue, New York, NY 5000 59040 12/31/2003 10021 Maryland Community Kitchen Inc PO Box 2298, Baltimore, MD 5000 59041 12/31/2003 21203-2298 Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation Inc 11767 Owings Mills Blvd, Owings 60.00 59042 12/31/2003 Mills, MD 21117-1499 Maryland Science Center 601 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 2,000.00 59043 12/31/2003 21230 Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service Inc 16 South Calvert Street, Suite 700, 5000 59044 12/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21201-1781 Maryville University Of St. Louis 13550 Conway Road, St. Louis, 5000 59045 12/31/2003 MO 63105 Massachusetts Easter Seal Society Inc 484 Main Street, 6th Floor, 2500 59046 12/31/2003 Worcester, MA 0 1608 Massachusetts General Hospital - Massachusetts General 100 Charles River Plaza Suite 600, 20000 59047 12/31/2003 Hospital / MGH Boston, MA 02114-4719 assachusetts Institute of Technology 238 Main Street, Suite 200, 20000 59048 12/31/2003 9 Cambridge, MA 02142 Massachusetts Special Olympics Association 450 Maple Street, P 0 Box 303, 25.00 59049 12/31/2003 Incorporated Danvers, MA 01923 Mattoon Area Pads Community Organization 2017 Broadway Avenue, Mattoon, 62000 59050 12/31/2003 IL 61938 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research 200 First Street, SW, Siebens 10, 60000 59051 12/31/2003 Rochester, MN 55905 Mazon Inc, A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 371 .00 59052 12/31/2003 260, Los Angeles, CA 90025 McNeese State University Foundation 600 E. McNeese Street, Lake 10000 59053 12/31/2003 Charles, LA 70605 Meadowbrook School of Weston Incorporated 10 Farm Rd, Weston, MA 02493 100.00 59054 12/31/2003 Meals On Wheels Of Staten Island Inc 304 Port Richmond Ave, Staten 100.00 59055 12/31/2003 Island, NY 10302-1705 Medalist Fine Arts Association 4001 West 102nd street, 300.00 59056 12/31/2003 Bloomington, MN 55437 Medea Creek Middle School 1002 Doubletree Road, Oak Park, 10000 59057 12/31/2003 CA 91377 Medical Alumni Association of the University of 522 W. Lombard Street, Baltimore, 25.00 59058 12/31/2003 Maryland Inc MD 21201 Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 1,011 .00 59059 12/31/2003 10021-6007 Mental Health Association of Minneapolis 2021 E Hennepin Suite 412, 1,000.00 59060 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55413 ercy Corps International 3015 SW First Ave., Portland, OR 200.00 59061 12/31/2003 97201 Oerola Opera Program 301 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, 100.00 59062 12/31/2003 CA 94102-4509

Page 258 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin 1593 Coney Island Avenue, 13500 59063 12/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11230 Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem - Mesivta Tifereth Jer Amr 145 East Broadway, New York, 2,50000 59064 12/31/2003 NY 10002 Metro West Humane Society Inc P. 0. Box 1068, Framingham, MA 70000 59065 12/3 1/2003 01701-0205 Metropolitan Family Services 14 E Jackson Blvd , Chicago, IL 10000 59066 12/3 1/2003 60604 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY 30000 59067 12/31/2003 10028-0198 Metropolitan Opera Guild Inc Box 231930, New York, NY 10023 20500 59068 12/3 1/2003

Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson Research Grand Central Station, New York, 5000 59069 12/31/2003 NY 10163 Michigan Humane Society 26711 Northwestern Highway, 25000 59070 12/31/2003 Southfield, MI 48034 Midway Initiative - Midway Contemporary Art 2500 University Avenue, Suite C2, 50000 59071 12/31/2003 Saint Paul, NfN 55114 Millbum-Short Hills Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc. PO Box 226, Millburn, NJ 07041 50.00 59072 12/3 1/2003 Milton Academy 170 Centre Street, Milton, MA 2500 59073 12/31/2003 02186 Milwaukee Foundation 1020 N Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 10000 59074 12/3 1/2003 53202-3157 Minneapolis Crisis Nursery 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Golden 50000 59075 12/31/2003 Valley, M-N 55422-5120 Sinneapolis Heart Institute Foundation 920 East 28th St , Ste 100, 2500 59076 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Minneapolis Jewish Federation 13 100 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 200, 7,90000 59077 12/31/2003 Minnetonka, M-N 55305-18 10 Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation 914 S 8th Street, Suite 600, 300.00 59078 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, NIN 55404-1204 Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts - Minneapolis Institute 2400 3rd Avenue S , Minneapolis, 1,86000 59079 12/31/2003 of Arts MN 55404 Minnesota Advocates For Human Rights 650 Third Avenue S N550, 50.00 59080 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Minnesota AIDS Project 1400 Park Avenue South, 495.00 59081 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M-N 55404 Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist 4901 Chomen Avenue South, 25.00 59082 12/31/2003 Church - OC Ministries Minneapolis, NfN 55407 Minnesota Center For Environmental Advocacy 26 E. Exchange Street, Suite 206, 25.00 59083 12/31/2003 St Paul, MN 55101-2264 Minnesota Childrens Museum - Childrens Museum of 10 W. 7th Street, St. Paul, MN 2,000.00 59084 12/31/2003 Minneapolis 55102 Minnesota Chorale-Hennepin Center for the Arts 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 21 1, 440.00 59085 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55403 Minnesota Coalition for Smoke Free Society 2000 1619 Dayton Avenue # 204B, St. 302.00 59086 12/31/2003 Paul, M`N 55104 Minnesota Crafts Council 528 Hennepin Ave 216, 350.00 59087 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403-18 10 innesota Federated Humane Societies 6613 Penn Ave South # 100, 30.00 59088 12/31/2003 Richfield, MN 55423 10innesota Fighting AIDS on Bikes 4457 3rd Avenue South, 25.00 59089 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409

Page 259 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Minnesota Histoncal Society 345 Kellogg Blvd W, Saint Paul, 63500 59090 12/31/2003 MN 55102 Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska, 635.00 59091 12/31/2003 MN 55318-9613 Minnesota Medical Foundation 1342 PO Box 64001, Saint Paul, MN 37500 59092 12/31/2003 55164-0001 Minnesota Opera Company 620 N First Street, Minneapolis, 2,000.00 59093 12/31/2003 MN 55401 Minnesota Orchestra Association P 0 Box 86, Minneapolis, MN 4,30000 59094 12/31/2003 55486 Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance Inc 6444 150th St SE, Prior Lake, MN 100.00 59095 12/3 1/2003 55372-2105 Minnesota Parks & Trails Council 275 E 4th Street #642, St Paul, 5000 59096 12/31/2003 MN 55101 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, 2,74000 59097 12/31/2003 MN 55101 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, 1,099.00 59098 12/31/2003 MN 55101 Minnesota Spay-Neuter Project Inc 4638 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis, 2,20000 59099 12/31/2003 MN 55409-2507 Minnesota Special Olympics Inc 400 South 4th Street, Suite. 915, 360.00 59100 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Minnesota State Fair Foundation 1265 Snelling Ave N, St Paul, MN 25.00 59101 12/31/2003 55108 innesotaTeen Challenge Christian Academy Inc 1619 Portland Ave South, 17500 59102 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404-1507 Minnesota Transportation Museum Inc 193 E. Pennsylvania Ave, St Paul, 25.00 59103 12/31/2003 MN 55101-4319 Minnesota Waterfowl Association Inc - Minnesota 3750 Annapolis Ln N Suite 135, 50.00 59104 12/31/2003 Waterfowl Assn Inc Plymouth, MN 55447 Minnesota Wildlife Haven 4328 Lyndale Avenue N, 15200 59105 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55412 Minnesota Womens Foundation - Women's Foundation 155 Fifth Ave S., Suite 900, 2,00000 59106 12/31/2003 of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55401 Minnesota Zoo Foundation 13000 Zoo Blvd, Apple Valley, 385.00 59107 12/31/2003 MN 55124-4621 Minnetonka Choral Society P. 0. Box 564, Wayzata, MN 525.00 59108 12/31/2003 55391 Miracle House Of New York Inc 80 Eighth Avenue, Suite 709, New 1,050.00 59109 12/31/2003 York, NY 100 11-0 109 Mission Hospice Inc of San Mateo 151 West 20th Avenue, San Mateo, 500.00 59110 12/31/2003 CA 94403 Mission Of Our Lady Of Mercy - Mercy Home for Boys 1140 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 25.00 59111 12/31/2003 & Girls IL 60607 Monmouth Day Care Center 9 W. Bergen Place, Red Bank, NJ 1,000.00 59112 12/31/2003 07701 Monroe Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization 901 Brookdale Dr, Brooklyn Park, 165.00 59113 12/31/2003 Pto MN 55444-2121 Montana State University Foundation P.O. Box 172750, Bozeman, MT 150.00 59114 12/31/2003 59717-2750 looorhead State University Foundation 1 104 7th Avenue S., Moorhead, 50.00 59115 12/31/2003 MN 56563 Momingside College 1501 Morningside Avenue, Sioux 175 .00 59116 12/31/2003 City, [A 51106

Page 260 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 49 Number Moms Animal Foundation 45 Invemess Drive East, 7500 59117 12/31/2003 Englewood, CO 80 1 12 Mortar Board National Foundation 1200 Chambers Rd, Suite 201, 25.00 59118 12/31/2003 Columbus, OH 43212-1754 Most Holy Trinity Catholic School 3946 Wooddale Ave. So , St Louis 250.00 59119 12/31/2003 Park, MN 55416 Mothers Against Drunk Dnving Foundation 511 E John Carpenter Fwy #700, 125.00 59120 12/31/2003 Irving, TX 75062 Mount de Sales Academy 700 Academy Rd., Baltimore, MD 2500 59121 12/31/2003 21228 Mount Holyoke College Development Office, South 4,000.00 59122 12/31/2003 Hadley, MA 0 1075 Mount Marty College 1105 W 8th Box 586, Yankton, SD 25.00 59123 12/31/2003 57078 Mount Union College 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, OH 50.00 59124 12/31/2003 44601-3929 Mountain West Friends of Hospitalized Children, Inc. - 935 East South Temple, Salt Lake 25.00 59125 12/31/2003 Ronald McDonald House-Salt Lake City City, UT 84102 Moyer Foundation 2426 - 32nd Avenue West, Seattle, 50000 59126 12/31/2003 WA 98199 Mt Ascutney Hospital & Health Center Auxiliary 289 County Road, Windsor, VT 4,00000 59127 12/31/2003 05089-0000 Multiple Sclerosis Association Of America Inc 706 Haddonfield Rd, Cherry Hill, 75.00 59128 12/31/2003 NJ 08002 ultiple Sclerosis Foundation Inc 6350 N Andrews Avenue, Fort 5000 59129 12/31/2003 I&I Lauderdale, FL 33309 Muscular Dystrophy Association 4530 West 77th Street, # 1 64, 430.00 59130 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, N4N 55435 Muscular Dystrophy Association 100 Lexington Dr - Ste 2 10, 137.00 59131 12/31/2003 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Muscular Dystrophy Association 1030 St. George Avenue, Avenel, 90.00 59132 12/31/2003 NJ 07001 Muscular Dystrophy Association 441 Wolf Ledges Parkway, #202, 590.00 59133 12/31/2003 Akron, OH 44311 Muscular Dystrophy Association 430 North Michigan, Chicago, IL 25 .00 59134 12/31/2003 60611 Muscular Dystrophy Association 475 Ramblewood Drive, Coral 500.00 59135 12/31/2003 Springs, FL 33071 Muscular Dystrophy Association 5 Dakota Dnve # 108, Lake Succes, 825.00 59136 12/31/2003 NY 11 042 Muscular Dystrophy Association 1 140 Avenue of the Americas, Ste 2500 59137 12/31/2003 1801, New York, NY 10036 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Muscular Dystrophy 10201 S. 5 1 st St., Suite 170, 25.00 59138 12/31/2003 Association, Inc. Phoenix, AZ 85044 Muscular Dystrophy Association - Tucson, AZ 3300 East Sunrise Drive, Tucson, 860.00 59139 12/31/2003 AZ 85718 Museum of Discovery and Science, Inc. 401 SW 2nd St, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 65.00 59140 12/31/2003 33312 Museum of Fine Arts 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, 2,640.00 59141 12/31/2003 MA. 02115 useum of Science and Industry 57th St. & Lake Shore Drive, 36.00 59142 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60601 N G A Inc 822 Veterans Way, Warminster, 50.00 59143 12/31/2003 PA 18974

Page 261 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date I Number Na Amat USA 8707 N Skokie Blvd ft 1 12, Skokie, 180.00 59144 12/3 1/2003 IL 60077 Nami - National Alliance for the Mentally 111 2107 Wilson Blvd, # 300, 50.00 59145 12/3 1/2003 Arlington, VA 22201 Nancy Ryles Community Organization Inc 10250 SW Cormorant Dr, 50.00 59146 12/31/2003 Beaverton, OR 97007 Nash Community College Foundation, Inc. Old Carriage Rd., P 0. Box 7488, 5000 59147 12/3 1/2003 Rocky Mount, NC 27804-0488 Nashville C A R E S Inc 209 1 Oth Avenue South, Nashville, 200.00 59148 12/31/2003 TN 37203 Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Inc 250 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, 50.00 59149 12/31/2003 NY 11550 National Abortion Federation 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, 25.00 59150 12/31/2003 Suite #600, Washington, DC 20036

National Academy Of Human Resources Foundation 128 Grant Avenue # 218, Santa Fe, 1,03400 59151 12/31/2003 NM 87501 National Alliance for Autism Research Inc 414 Wall Street Research Park, 2,450.00 59152 12/31/2003 Princeton, NJ 08540 National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and 60 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 404, 20000 59153 12/31/2003 Depression Great Neck, NY 11021-3196 National Association for Down Syndrome P 0 Box 4542, Oak Brook, IL 50.00 59154 12/31/2003 60522 National Audubon Society 1966 13th Street, suite 230, 25000 59155 12/31/2003 Boulder, CO 80302 *ational Audubon Society Inc 700 Broadway, New York, NY 100.00 59156 12/31/2003 10003-9501 National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund 1707 L. St., N W., Suite 1060, 250.00 59157 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 National Cancer Prevention Fund 1775 Sherman St Ste 1845, 125.00 59158 12/31/2003 Denver, CO 80203-4318 National Center of Kinlem P. 0. Box 22548, Minneapolis, MN 1,000.00 59159 12/31/2003 55429 National Coalition for the Protection of Children & 800 Compton Road, Suite 9224, 100.00 59160 12/31/2003 Families Cincinnati, OH 45231 National Conference For Community And Justice P 0. Box 83606, Baton Rouge, LA 200.00 59161 12/31/2003 70884-3606 National Conference for Community and Justice Inc 359 West Pierpont Avenue, Salt 300.00 59162 12/31/2003 Lake City, UT 84105 National Easter Seal Society Inc 230 West Monroe Street, Suite. 200.00 59163 12/31/2003 1800, Chicago, IL 60606-4802 National Foundation For Cancer Research 4600 East West Highway, Suite 150.00 59164 12/31/2003 525, Bethesda, MD 20814 National Humane Education Society P.O. Box 340, Charles Town, WV 85 .00 59165 12/31/2003 25414 National Marfan Foundation Inc 22 Manhasset Avenue, Port 1,000.00 59166 12/31/2003 Washington, NY 11050-3136 National MS Society, Colorado Chapter 700 Broadway #808, Denver, CO 1,740.00 59167 12/31/2003 80203 at onal MS Society, Colorado Chapter 700 Broadway #808, Denver, CO 50.00 59168 12/31/2003 80203 Oational Multiple Sclerosis Bergen Passaic Chapter I Kahsa Way - Suite 205, P.O. Box 50.00 59169 12/31/2003 1606, Paramus, NJ 07652

Page 262 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number National Multiple Sclerosis Society I Reed Street, Suite 200, 170.00 59170 12/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19147 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 733 Third Avenue, New York, NY 2500 59171 12/31/2003 10017 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 780.00 59172 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 200 12th Avenue South, 635.00 59173 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55415 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 2 Gannett Drive, White Plains, NY 15000 59174 12/31/2003 10604 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 4237 Salisbury Road, Building 4, 240.00 59175 12/31/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32216 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 455 Abernathy Road, Ste 2 10 NE, 66000 59176 12/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30328 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 315 South 48th Street, Suite 10 1, 300.00 59177 12/31/2003 Tempe, AZ 85281 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 221 1 West Meadowview Road, 200.00 59178 12/31/2003 Suite 30, Greensboro, NC 27407 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 1867 Lackland Hill Parkway, Saint 5000 59179 12/31/2003 Louis, MO 63146 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Two Mill Road, Wilmington, DE 50.00 59180 12/31/2003 19806 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 9844-C Southern Pines Blvd., 5000 59181 12/31/2003 Charlotte, NC 28273 ational Multiple Sclerosis Society 1422 Euclid Ave #333, Cleveland, 50.00 59182 12/31/2003 0 OH 44115-1901 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 101 A First Avenue, Waltham, MA 72500 59183 12/31/2003 02451 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Illinois 910 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 1,550.00 59184 12/31/2003 Chapter 60607 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Western One Selleck Street - Suite 500, 9000 59185 12/31/2003 Connecticut Chapter Norwalk, CT 06855-1120 National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 1,130.00 59186 12/31/2003 Chapter NY 10010-2094 National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 888 .00 59187 12/31/2003 Chapter NY 10010-2094 National Multiple Sclerosis Society New York City 30 West 26th Street, New York, 100.00 59188 12/31/2003 Chapter NY 10010-2094 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Northern Calif 150 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 1,225.00 59189 12/31/2003 Chapter 94612 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Northern Calif 150 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 900.00 59190 12/31/2003 Chapter 94612 National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Orange County P.O. Box 17569, Irvine, CA 92623- 150.00 59191 12/31/2003 7569 National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Washington DC 2021 K Street NW #715, 650.00 59192 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20006 National Network of Commercial Real Estate Women 1201 Wakarusa Dr Room C 3, 50.00 59193 12/31/2003 Foundation Lawrence, KS 66049-3889 National Osteoporosis Foundation 1232 22nd Street, NW, 150.00 59194 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20037 Oational Parks and Conservation Association 1300 19th Street, Washington, DC 125 .00 59195 12/31/2003 20036 National Philanthropic Trust - Breast Cancer 3-Day 2709 Media Center Drive, Los 2,400.00 59196 12/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90065

Page 263 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number i National Philanthropic Trust - NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Road, 150.00 59197 12/3 1/2003 Jenkintown, PA 19046 National Relief Charities 70 Main St Ste 43, Warrenton, VA 5000 59198 12/31/2003 20186 National Right To Life Committee Educational Trust 512 1 Oth Street NW, Washington, 50.00 59199 12/3 1/2003 Fund DC 20004 National Stroke Association - Minnesota Stroke 500 Carlson Parkway # 30 1, 100.00 59200 12/31/2003 Association Minnetonka, MN 55305 National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United 1725 Massachussets Ave, NW, 3500 59201 12/31/2003 State Washington, DC 20036 National Trust for Historic Preservation In the United 53 West Jackson Blvd, Suite 350, 10000 59202 12/31/2003 States Chicago, IL 60604 National Tuberous Sclerosis Association Inc 801 Roeder Road, Suite 750, Silver 10000 59203 12/31/2003 Spring, MD 20910-4467 National Wildlife Federation I 1100 Wildlife Center Dnve, 25.00 59204 12/31/2003 Reston, VA 20190 Nativity of Our Lord School 1900 Stanford Avenue, St. Paul, 4,62500 59205 12/31/2003 MN 55105 Natural Resources Defense Council Inc - Natural 40 West 20th Street, New York, 25000 59206 12/31/2003 Resource Defence Council NY 1001 1 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, 940.00 59207 12/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 Nature Conservancy Inc 4245 N. Fairfax Dnve, Suite 100, 50.00 59208 12/31/2003 Arlington, VA 22203 azareth College of Rochester 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 400.00 59209 12/31/2003 0 14618 Nebraska Humane Society 8929 Fort St, Omaha, NE 68134 60000 59210 12/31/2003 Needham Community Council Inc 51 Lincoln Street, Needham, MA 30.00 59211 12/31/2003 02492 Neighborhood Chnstian Clinic Inc 7000 N 16th St 120, Phoenix, AZ 1,00000 59212 12/3t/2003 85020-5547 Neighborhood Involvement Program Inc 2431 Hennepin Avenue, 2,236.00 59213 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55405 Neighborhood Music School Inc 100 Audubon Street, New Haven, 39000 59214 12/31/2003 CT 06510-1206 New England Wildlife Center 19 Fort Hill Street, Hingham, MA 60.00 59215 12/31/2003 02043 New Group Inc - The New Group 4 10 West 42nd Street, New York, 200.00 59216 12/31/2003 NY 10036 New Jersey Audubon Society - New Jersey Audubon P.O. Box 126, Bernardsville, NJ 100.00 59217 12/31/2003 Society/Scherrnan Hoffman Sanctuaries 07924 New Jersey Special Olympics Inc 3 Prmcess Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 577.00 59218 12/31/2003 08648 New Life Center PO Box 5005, Goodyear, AZ 150.00 59219 12/31/2003 85338-0608 New Life Family Services 1515 E. 66th St., Minneapolis, NfN 400.00 59220 12/31/2003 55423 New Mexico AIDS Services Inc 625 Truman NE, Albuquerque, NM 734.00 59221 12/31/2003 87110 ew South Healthcare 1420 E. 7th Street, Charlotte, NC 50.00 59222 12/31/2003 28204 40ew York Blood Center, Inc. 3 10 East 67tb St., New York, NY 25.00 59223 12/31/2003 10021

Page 264 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 New York Cares, Inc 214 W 29th Street, 5th Floor, New 1,05000 59224 12/3 1/2003 York, NY 10001 New York Cares, Inc 214 W 29th Street, 5th Floor, New 5000 59225 12/3 1/2003 York, NY 1000 1 New York City Ballet, Inc New York State Theatre, New 420.00 59226 12/31/2003 York, NY 10025 New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project 240 W 35th Street, New York, NY 25 .00 59227 12/31/2003 Inc 10001 New York Historical Society - The New York Historical 170 Central Park West, New York, 40000 59228 12/31/2003 Society NY 10024 New York Law School 57 Worth Street, New York, NY 75 .00 59229 12/31/2003 10013 New York Military Academy 78 Academy Ave, Cornwall On 500.00 59230 12/31/2003 Hudson, NY 12520 New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox & Tilden, Fifth Avenue & 42nd Street, Room 25400 59231 12/31/2003 Foundations 67, New York, NY 100 18 New York Road Runners Foundation Inc 9 East 89th Street, New York, NY 50000 59232 12/31/2003 10128-0602 New York Special Olympics, Inc. 504 Balltown Road, Schenectady, 2500 59233 12/31/2003 NY 12304-2290 New York University P.O. Box 837, Peter Stuyvesant 2,500.00 59234 12/31/2003 Station, New York, NY 10009- 0837 New York University School of Business Leonard N PO Box 837 Peter Stuyvesant 150.00 59235 12/31/2003 em School of - New York University, Stem School Station, New York, NY 10009- & 0837 Newark Public Radio, Inc. 54 Park Place, Newark, NJ 07102 50.00 59236 12/31/2003 Newground Inc 21 1 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, 500.00 59237 12/31/2003 NY 11550 Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive, Dedham, MA 75000 59238 12/31/2003 02026 Normandale Housing Corporation 6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN 500.00 59239 12/31/2003 55436-2633 North American Foundation for the University of PO Box 293, Littleton, MA 0 1460- 666.00 59240 12/31/2003 Manchester Inc 0293 North Anoka County Emergency Foodshelf 1562 Viking Blvd NE, Cedar, M 125.00 59241 12/31/2003 55011-9402 North Broward Hospital District - Hospice of Gold Coast 911 East Atlantic Boulevard, #200, 50.00 59242 12/31/2003 Home Health Service Pompano Beach, FL 33060 North Carolina State University Foundation Box 7501, Raleigh, NC 27695- 200.00 59243 12/31/2003 7501 North Central College 30 N. Brainard, P. 0. Box 3063, 1,000.00 59244 12/31/2003 Naperville, IL 60540-4690 North Hennepin Community College Foundation 7411 85th Avenue Nor, Brooklyn 35.00 59245 12/31/2003 Park, MN 55445 North Lake Tahoe Historical Society P.O. Box 614 1, Tahoe City, CA 30.00 59246 12/31/2003 96145-6141 North Park College & Theological Seminary 3225 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL 25.00 59247 12/31/2003 606254810 orth Shore Animal League Inc 750 Port Washington Blvd., Port 55.00 59248 12/31/2003 Washington, NY 11050 40,orth Shore Community Arts Foundation, Inc-Music 62 Dunham Road, Beverly, MA 100.00 59249 12/31/2003 Theatre - North Shore Music Theatre 01915

Page 265 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System 125 Community Drive, Great Neck, 7500 59250 12/3 1/2003 Foundation NY 11021 North Star Opera Inc - North Star Opera Company 75 West Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 2500 59251 12/3 1/2003 55102 Northeast Animal Shelter Inc . 204 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA 13000 59252 12/3 1/2003 01970 Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue 349 RI, 1,35000 59253 12/31/2003 Boston, MA 02115 Northern Illinois University Foundation Controllers Office, DeKalb, IL 2500 59254 12/31/2003 60115 Northside Christian School 804 13 1 st Avenue NE, Blaine, MN 5000 59255 12/3 1/2003 55434 Northwest Medical Teams International P 0. Box 10, Portland, OR 97207- 5,000.00 59256 12/31/2003 0010 Northwestern College 10 1 7th St Sw, Orange City, IA 500.00 59257 12/3 1/2003 51041-1923 Northwestern College 3003 Snelling Avenue N , St. Paul, 1,06000 59258 12/31/2003 MN 55113-1598 Northwestern University 2020 Ridge, Room 230, Evanston, 275.00 59259 12/31/2003 IL 60208-4305 Northwoods Humane Society PO Box 82, Hayward, WI 54843- 2,50000 59260 12/31/2003 0082 Notre Dame de la Baie Academy 610 Maryhill Drive, Green Bay, WI 6500 59261 12/31/2003 54303-2092 SARC Inc - Association for the Help of Retarded 189 Wheatley Road, Glen Head, 10000 59262 12/31/2003 h.ldren NY 11545-2699 Oakland Museum of California Foundation 1000 Oak Street, Oakland, CA 34.00 59263 12/3 1/2003 94607 Oaklawn Psychiatric Center Inc PO Box 809, Goshen, IN 46527- 2500 59264 12/31/2003 0809 Oaks Indian Center P. 0. Box 130, Military Rd , Oaks, 60.00 59265 12/31/2003 OK 74359 Oberlin College Development Office, Oberlin, OH 50000 59266 12/31/2003 44074-1089 Ohel Childrens Home And Family Services Inc 4510 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 1,350.00 59267 12/31/2003 11204 Ohio State University Foundation - The Ohio State 113 Fawcett Center, Columbus, 29000 59268 12/31/2003 University Foundation OH43210 Oklahoma Baptist Homes For Children Inc 3800 North May Avenue, 840.00 59269 12/31/2003 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Oklahoma State University Foundation P.O. Box 1749, Stillwater, OK 100.00 59270 12/31/2003 74076-1749 One Israel Fund Ltd 366 Pearsall Avenue, Cedarhurst, 280.00 S9271 12/31/2003 NY 11516-1001 Onstage Attractions - Dundee Dinner Theater 5021 Underwood Avenue, Omaha, 25.00 59272 12/31/2003 NE 68132 Oorah Kiruv Rechokim Fund 421 W. County Line Road, 250.00 59273 12/31/2003 Lakewood, NJ 08701 Open Door Christian School, Inc . 8287 West Ridge Road, Elyria, OH 8,000.00 59274 12/31/2003 440354498 Operation Link-Up Inc P.O. Box 307, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 250.00 59275 12/31/2003

Opportunity International Inc 2122 York Rd Suite 340, Oak 250.00 59276 12/31/2003 Brook, IL 60523

Page 266 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number Opportunity Partners Inc 5500 Opportunity Court, 50000 59277 12/31/2003 Minnetonka, M-N 55343 Oral Roberts University 7777 S Lewis Avenue, Tulsa, OK 1,00000 59278 12/31/2003 74171-0001 Orange County Foundation for Oncology Children & P 0. Box 6023, Orange, CA 92863- 250.00 59279 12/31/2003 Families Inc 6023 OR-B[S International Inc 520 Eighth Avenue, I I th Floor, 2500 59280 12/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Orchard Home & School Association Inc 230 Demarest Road, Ridgewood, 15000 59281 12/31/2003 NJ 07450-4247 Ordway Music Theatre 345 Washington St, St Paul, M 50.00 59282 12/31/2003 55102-1419 Orech Lshabbos Inc 1355 52nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11219 10000 59283 12/31/2003 3803 Oregon State University Foundation 850 Southwest 35th Street, 10000 59284 12/31/2003 Corvallis, OR 97333 Ossining Food Pantry P.O. Box 869, Ossining, NY 10562 200.00 59285 12/31/2003

Otterbein College Howard House, Westerville, OH 10000 59286 12/31/2003 43081 Our Fathers House Soup Kitchen Inc PO Box 7 1, Pompano Beach, FL 2500 59287 12/31/2003 33061-0071 Our Lady of Good Counsel Home 2076 St Anthony Ave , St. Paul, 250.00 59288 12/31/2003 M7N 55104 ur Lady of Perpetual Help High School 550 59th Street, Brooklyn, NY 500.00 59289 12/31/2003 Is 11220 Out and About I I Court St, Mornsvi Ile, VT 0566 1 - 25000 59290 12/31/2003 6095 Oxfam-amenca Inc 26 West St, Boston, MA 02111 100.00 59291 12/31/2003 Pace University I Pace Plaza, New York, NY 550.00 59292 12/31/2003 10038-1502 Pacer Center Inc 8161 Normandale Blvd., 100.00 59293 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55437 Packer Collegiate Institute 170 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, 800.00 59294 12/31/2003 NY 11201 Palo Alto Cultural Center Guild 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto, CA 55 .00 59295 12/31/2003 94303 Palos Verdes Peninsula Education Foundation P.O. Box 2632, Palos Verdes, CA 100.00 59296 12/31/2003 90274 Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust 77 4th Ave., Needham, MA 02494 94000 59297 12/31/2003

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Inc 2221 Rosecrans Avenue, El 50.00 59298 12/31/2003 Segundo, CA 90245-4943 Papanicolaou Corps for Cancer Research Inc - Greater 6213C Island Walk, Boca Raton, 80.00 59299 12/31/2003 Boca Raton Cancer Unit FL 33496 Paralyzed Veterans Of America Inc - Paralyzed Veterans 801 18th Street NW, Washington, 125.00 59300 12/31/2003 of America, DC DC 20006-3517 Parents Television Council, Inc 707 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, 25.00 59301 12/31/2003 CA 90017 arkers urg Area Community Foundation P.O. Box 1762, 501 Avery Street, 80.00 59302 12/31/2003 Parkersburg, VrV 26102 0 Parkinson Alliance, Inc 633 Prospect Avenue, Princeton, 1,025.00 59303 12/31/2003 NJ 08540

Page 267 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date & Number Parkland Foundation 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1,000.00 59304 12/3 1/2003 1700, Dallas, TX 75207 Parkview Center School PTSA 701 Cty . Rd B West, Roseville, 10000 59305 12/31/2003 NIN 55113 Partners In Aviation and Communications Technology PO Box 2183, Redlands, CA 92373 175.00 59306 12/31/2003 Inc 0721 Partnership Resources Inc 950 E Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, 2500 59307 12/3 1/2003 MN 55414-1314 Pascack Mental Health Center 11 4 Kinderkamack Road, Park 15000 59308 12/3 1/2003 Ridge, NJ 07656 Pascack Valley Hospital Foundation 400 Old Hook Road, Suite G2, 25000 59309 12/31/2003 Westwood, NJ 07675 Passaic Hebrew Institute - Yeshivat Beit Hillel of Passaic 565 Broadway, Passaic, NJ 07055 2,050.00 59310 12/3 1/2003 - Hillel Academy Paterson Habitat for Humanity P 0. Box 2585, Paterson, NJ 07509 10000 593 11 12/31/2003

Pathways of Courage Inc PO Box 1643, Kenosha, WI 5314 1 - 40 .00 59312 12/31/2003 1643 Pauls Pantry Inc 1529 Webster Court, Green Bay, 75000 59313 12/31/2003 WI 54302-1163 Pearl Theatre Co., Inc . 80 Saint Mark's Place, New York, 12500 59314 12/31/2003 NY 10003 Pease Academy 601 13th Avenue SE, Minneapolis, 100.00 593 15 12/31/2003 rvl-N 55414 lican Harbor Seabird Station Inc 1275 NorthEast 79th Street 10000 59316 12/3 1/2003 & Causeway, Miami, FL 33138-4206

Peninsula Community Foundation 1700 South El Camino Real, Suite 500 .00 593 17 12/3 1/2003 300, San Mateo, CA 94402 Peninsula Open Space Trust 3000 Sand Hill Rd, B4, Suite 135, 25 .00 59318 12/31/2003 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Pennfield School Inc 321 East Main Road, Portsmouth, 1,200.00 59319 12/31/2003 RI 02871 Pennsylvania State University One Old Main, University Park, PA 8,07500 59320 12/31/2003 16802 Pennsylvania Trolly Museum Association, Inc . I Museum Road, Washington, PA 100.00 59321 12/31/2003 15301-6133 Pennsylvanians Concerned About Alcohol Problems 900 S Arlington Ave Room 220, 100.00 59322 12/31/2003 Harrisburg, PA 17109-5099 People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals 501 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 195.00 59323 12/31/2003 23510 People For The American Way Inc 2000 M St NW, Washington, DC 50 .00 59324 12/31/2003 20036-3307 People Need Caring P N C Inc 3 Sierks Lane, Roslyn Harbor, NY 300 .00 59325 12/31/2003 11576-1200 People Reaching Out To Other People Inc Prop 8080 Mitchell Rd., Ste 102, Eden 300 .00 59326 12/31/2003 Prairie, MN 55344 People Responding In Social Ministry 2323 Zenith Ave. No ., Golden 125 .00 59327 12/31/2003 Valley, MN 55422 -ople-to-People Health Foundation, Inc ., The The Hope Center, Millwood, VA 80 .00 59328 12/31/2003 22646 Oepperdme University 24255 Pacific Coast Highway, 1,000.00 59329 12/31/2003 Malibu, CA 90263

Page 268 American Express Foundation Gift Matching avee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Pet Rescue 3440 NW 191 st Street, Miami, FL 50 .00 59330 12/31/2003 33056 Pet Rescue Incorporated Box 393, Larchmont, NY 10538- 2500 59331 12/3 1/2003 0393 Peter Becker Community 800 Maple Ave, Harleysville, PA 100.00 59332 12/31/2003 19438-1032 Pfeiffer University P 0 Box 960, Misenheimer, NC 2500 59333 12/31/2003 28109-0960 Philadelphia Museum of Art 26th & Ben Franklin Parkway, 150 .00 59334 12/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19130 Philanthrofund Foundation 1409 Willow Street, Suite 305, 15000 59335 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Philharmonia Virtuosi Corp P 0. Box 645, North Salem, NY 50.00 59336 12/3 1/2003 10560-0645 Phi lharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc 10 Lincoln Center Plaza, New 94 .00 59337 12/31/2003 York, NY 10023 Phoenix Art Museum 1625 North Central Avenue, 440 .00 59338 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85004-1685 Phoenix Childrens Hospital Foundation 1920 East Cambridge Avenue, 75 .00 59339 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85006 Phoenix Gospel Mission P 0. Box 6708, Phoenix, AZ 85005 50000 59340 12/31/2003 6708 Phoenix Society Inc 2153 Wealthy Street SE, Grand 25.00 59341 12/31/2003 Rapids, MI 49506 oenix Symphony Association, The 455 North Third Street, #390, 50.00 59342 12/31/2003 Oh Phoenix, AZ 85004-9765 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Inc . 5 100 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, 25 .00 59343 12/31/2003 #404, Washington, DC 20016 Piedmont Choirs 401 A Highland Ave, Piedmont, 50 .00 59344 12/31/2003 CA 94611-4025 Pigeon Key Foundation PO Box 500130, Marathon, FL 1,500.00 59345 12/31/2003 33050-0130 Pine Crest Preparatory School, Inc . 1501 NE 62nd Street, Ft 125 .00 59346 12/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33334 Plan International USA, Inc . 155 Plan Way, Warwick, R-I 02886 604 .00 59347 12/31/2003

Plan-13 Theater Company 617 E. Wilson Ave., Salt Lake 25.00 59348 12/31/2003 City, UT 84105-3708 Planned Parenthood Association Of Utah 654 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, 500 .00 59349 12/31/2003 UT 84102 Planned Parenthood Federation Of America Inc 434 W. 33rd Street, New York, NY 575 .00 59350 12/31/2003 10001 Planned Parenthood of Connecticut Inc 129 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, 100.00 59351 12/31/2003 CT06510 Planned Parenthood of Minnesota- South Dakota 1965 Ford Parkway, St . Paul, MN 1,450.00 59352 12/31/2003 55116 Planned Parenthood Of New York City Inc 26 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 100 .00 59353 12/31/2003 10012 Planned Parenthood of Northwest New Jersey, Inc . 196 Speedwell Avenue, 100 .00 59354 12/31/2003 Morristown, NJ 07960 leanned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. 950 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203 25.00 59355 12/31/2003

Plattsburgh College Foundation - Plattsburgh College 10 1 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 25 .00 59356 12/31/2003 Foundation, Inc . 12901

Page 269 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Playing To Win For Life Foundation 208 W Washington, Suite 708, 74500 59357 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60606 Plymouth Music Series 1900 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, 135.00 59358 12/31/2003 MN 55403 Police Athletic League, Inc. 34 1/2 East 12th Street, New York, 10000 59359 12/31/2003 NY 10003 Police Bike Unity Tour Inc - Police Unity Tour Virginia P.0 Box 56385, Virginia Beach, 40000 59360 12/31/2003 VA 23456 Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc - North Association of P 0. Box 42357, Phoenix, AZ 1,100.00 59361 12/31/2003 Pop Warner 85080 Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc - Vancouver USA Pop P 0 Box 728, Vancouver, WA 2,00000 59362 12/31/2003 Warner League Inc 98666 Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc DBA North Assocation - PO Box 42357, Phoenix, AZ 85080 15000 59363 12/31/2003 North Pop Warner Pope John XXIII Catholic School 16235 N 60th St, Scottsdale, AZ 50000 59364 12/31/2003 85254-7323 Porter Hills Foundation 4450 Cascade Road SE, Suite 200, 37500 59365 12/3 1/2003 Grand Rapids, MI 49546-1319

Pratt Institute 200 Willoughby Avenue - NH 219, 2500 59366 12/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11205 Prehab of Arizona Inc PO Box 5860, Mesa, AZ 85211 - 555 .00 59367 12/31/2003 5860 President & Fellows Of Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street, 5,425 .00 59368 12/31/2003 Cambridge, MA 02138 Oresident and Trustees of Bates College Lane Hall, 2 Andrews Rd, 7500 59369 12/31/2003 Lewiston, ME 04240 President and Trustees of Williams College 75 Park Street, Williamstown, MA 500.00 59370 12/31/2003 01267 Primary Children's Medical Center Foundation P.0 Box 58249, Salt Lake City, 25.00 59371 12/31/2003 UT 84158 Pro-Choice Resources 3249 Hennepin Ave S 255, 1,000.00 59372 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55408-3470 Proctor School District 704 131 9th Avenue, Proctor, MN 100.00 59373 12/31/2003 55810 Project 2472 Inc - Golden Gate Railroad Museum Po Box 881686, San Francisco, CA 50.00 59374 12/31/2003 94188-1686 Project Bread - the Walk for Hunger Inc 160 North Washington St., 5th Fl, 260.00 59375 12/31/2003 Boston, MA 02114 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 545.00 59376 12/31/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 635.00 59377 12/31/2003 York, NY 10285 Project City Kids Inc 385 South End Avenue 7G, New 75.00 59378 12/31/2003 York, NY 10285 Project For Pride In Living Inc 2516 Chicago Ave. South, 2,025.00 59379 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404 Project Kesher 2144 Ashland #3, Evanston, IL 100.00 59380 12/31/2003 60201 roject Open Hand 730 Polk St. 3rd Fir, San Francisco, 100.00 59381 12/31/2003 CA 94109 41ioject Open Hand Columbus 82 East 16th Avenue, Columbus, 50.00 59382 12/31/2003 OH 43201

Page 270 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayec Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number iProspect Park Alliance, Inc. 95 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, 10000 59383 12/31/2003 NY 11215 Providence Alaska Foundation 3200 Providence Drive, 40000 59394 12/31/2003 Anchorage, AK 99508-6604 PS 89 Parents And Teachers Association Inc - PS 89- 201 Warren Street, New York, NY 250.00 59385 12/31/2003 PTA 10282 Pta Hawaii Congress Manoa School Pta - Manoa School 3155 Manoa Rd, Honolulu, HI 37500 59386 12/31/2003 APT 96822-1228 PTA Minnesota Congress 4912 Vincent Ave Street, 2500 59387 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, " 55410-1812 PTA Minnesota Congress - Woodcrest Elementary 880 Osborne Road, Fridley, M-N 10000 59388 12/31/2003 School PTA 55432 PTA North Carolina Congress 2050 Oak Ridge Rd, Oak Ridge, 165.00 59389 12/31/2003 NC 27310-9782 PTA North Carolina Congress - Clemmons Elementary 6200 Bingham Avenue, 9000 59390 12/31/2003 PTA Clemmons, NC 27012-9480 PTA Washington Congress - Hilder Pearson Elementary 15650 Central Valley Road NW, 2500 59391 12/31/2003 School PTA Poulsbo, WA 98370 Public Broadcasting Of Colorado Inc 2249 South Josephine Street, 100.00 59392 12/31/2003 Denver, CO 802 10 Public Broadcasting of Northwest Pennsylvania Inc 8425 Peach Street, Ene, PA 16509 6500 59393 12/31/2003

Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation 1440 West Washington Blvd., 5000 59394 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60607 unahou School 1601 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 100.00 59395 12/31/2003 0 96822 Purchase College Foundation 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, 5000 59396 12/31/2003 NY 10577 Purdue Foundation, Inc. 10 1 North Grant Street, West 295.00 59397 12/31/2003 Lafayette, IN 47906 Queens College Foundation, Inc. 65-30 Kissena Boulevard, 5000 59398 12/31/2003 Flushing, NY 11367-0904 Queens Library Foundation Inc 89-11 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, 100.00 59399 12/31/2003 NY 11432 Quest Autism Foundation Inc PMB 257, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 15000 59400 12/31/2003 Quincy Animal Shelter Inc 56 Broad St, Quincy, M 02169- 25.00 59401 12/31/2003 4604 R A I N Inc 3199 N 24th, Boise, ID 83702- 35.00 59402 12/31/2003 0646 Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva 2 Harrison Street, Edison, NJ 50.00 59403 12/31/2003 08817 Rails To Trails Conservancy 1100 17tb St. NW, 10th Floor, 105.00 59404 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Ramapo College Foundation 505 Ramapo Valley Rd., Mahwah, 50.00 59405 12/31/2003 NJ 07430 Rappahannock Refuge Inc - Hope House 902 Lafayette Boulevard, 40.00 59406 12/31/2003 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Rattlestick Productions Inc 224 Waverly PI Ste 2nd Fl, New 50.00 59407 12/31/2003 York, NY 10014-2405 Real Options For City Kids 590 Leland Ave., San Francisco, 150.00 59408 12/31/2003 CA 94134 Oed Cloud Indian School 100 Mission Drive, Pine Ridge, SD 25.00 59409 12/31/2003 57770

Page 271 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Reed Institute, The 3203 S E Woodstock Blvd , 100.00 59410 12/31/2003 Portland, OR 97202 Regents Of The University Of Michigan P 0 Box 966, Ann Arbor, MI 3,40000 59411 12/31/2003 48106-9940 Regents of the University of Minnesota - Radio 6 10 Rang Center, Minneapolis, 15000 59412 12/31/2003 K/KUOM MN 55455-0415 Regis College 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 2,50000 59413 12/3 1/2003 02493 Regis High School Foundation 55 East 84th Street, New York, NY 100.00 59414 12/31/2003 10028 Rena-Coa Multi Service Center Inc 1920 Amsterdam Avenue, New 1,000.00 59415 12/31/2003 York, NY 10032 Rescue A Golden of Arizona PO Box 31894, Phoenix, AZ 85046 35500 59416 12/31/2003 1894 Residential Resources For The Developmentally 3877 Alexander Rd., Atwater, OH 1,00000 59417 12/31/2003 Challenged Inc 44201 Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road, 150.00 59418 12/31/2003 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3099 Ripon College, Board of Trustees of 300 Seward Street, P 0. Box 248, 25000 59419 12/31/2003 Ripon, WI 54971 Riverside Park Fund Inc 475 Riverside Drive, #249, New 10000 59420 12/31/2003 York, NY 101 15 Robert R Mccormick Tribune Foundation - LA Times 202 W. First Street, Los Angeles, 10000 59421 12/31/2003 Summer Camp Fund CA 90012 bert W Woodruff Arts Center Inc 1280 Peachtree Street, N.E., 6500 59422 12/31/2003 00 Atlanta, GA 30309 Rockhurst High School 9301 State Line Road, Kansas City, 250.00 59423 12/31/2003 MO 64114 Rocky Hill School 530 Ives Road, East Greenwich, RI 75.00 59424 12/31/2003 02818 Rodman Ride for Kids, Inc. 10 Lincoln Road, Foxboro, MA 250.00 59425 12/31/2003 02035 Roman Catholic Diocese Of Scranton - Catholic Social 300 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, PA 10000 59426 12/31/2003 Services 18503-1224 ROMP-Responsible Owners of Mannerly Pets 1769 Lexington Avenue N # 385, 5000 59427 12/31/2003 Roseville, N4N 55113 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern 4560 Fountain Avenue, Los 135.00 59428 12/31/2003 California Angeles, CA 90029 Ronald Mcdonald House of Winston-Salem Inc 419 South Hawthorne Road, 250.00 59429 12/31/2003 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Avenue, 100.00 59430 12/31/2003 Rosemont, PA 19010-1699 Rotary Foundation Of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 300.00 59431 12/31/2003 IL 60201 Roxbury Latin School 10 1 St. Theresa Avenue, West 75 .00 59432 12/31/2003 Roxbury, MA 02132-3496 Royal Family Kids Camp Inc 3000 W Mac Arthur, Santa Ana, 432 .00 59433 12/31/2003 CA 92704 Rush North Shore Medical Center 9600 Gross Point Rd, Skokie, IL 1,500.00 59434 12/31/2003 60076-1214 st College 150 Rust Ave, Holly Springs, NIS 250.00 59435 12/31/2003 & 38635-2330 Rutgers Preparatory School 1345 Easton Avenue, Somerset, NJ 750.00 59436 12/31/2003 08873

Page 272 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yce Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Rye Art Center Inc 51 Milton Road, Rye, NY 10580- 150.00 59437 12/31/2003 3854 Rye Country Day School Cedar Street, Rye, NY 10580 3,00000 59438 12/3 1/2003 Rye Youth Council Inc 21 Locust Avenue, Rye, NY 10580- 2500 59439 12/31/2003 2904 Sacramento Loaves and Fishes 1321 N C Street, Sacramento, CA 50.00 59440 12/31/2003 95814-0608 Sacred Heart Parish - St John's School 9 Moon Street, Boston, MA 02113 1,000.00 59441 12/31/2003

Sacred Heart University 5151 Park Ave., Fairfield, CT 7500 59442 12/31/2003 06825 Sadie Nash Leadership Project Inc 70 Washington Street 4 802, 200.00 59443 12/31/2003 Brooklyn, NY 11 201-45 1 3 Saint Andrew's School 3900 Jog Road, Boca Raton, FL 1,00000 59444 12/31/2003 33434 Saint Anns School 129 Pierpont, Brooklyn, NY 11 201 10000 59445 12/31/2003

Saint Cecilias Cathedral Corp - St. Cecilia Elementary 3869 Webster Street, Omaha, NE 3,000.00 59446 12/31/2003 School 68131 Saint Francis Episcopal Day School 335 Piney Point Road, Houston, 25000 59447 12/31/2003 TX 77024-6505 Saint John Lutheran Church - Saint John Lutheran School 3511-17 Jeffco Boulevard, Arnold, 10000 59448 12/3 1/2003 MO 63010-3990 Saint Mark's High School 2501 Pike Creek Road, 50.00 59449 12/31/2003 Wilmington, DE 19808 Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Society - St. Paul Chamber The Hamm Building, St Paul, MN 10000 59450 12/31/2003 Orchestra Society 55102 Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity 2260 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN 75000 59451 12/31/2003 55105 Salisbury State University Foundation Inc PO Box 2655, Salisbury, MD 25.00 59452 12/31/2003 21802-2655 Salt Lake Inter-faith Hospitality Network PO Box 651188, Salt Lake City, 400.00 59453 12/31/2003 UT 84165 Salvation Army 215 South Person Street, Raleigh, 25.00 59454 12/31/2003 NC 27601 Salvation Army 4248 Dorchester Road, Charleston, 100.00 59455 12/31/2003 SC 29405 Salvation Army 2626 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, 30.00 59456 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20037 Salvation Army P.O. Box 1945, Salina, KS 67402 1,000.00 59457 12/31/2003 Salvation Army 6500 Harry Hines, Dallas, TX 200.00 59458 12/31/2003 75231 Salvation Army 11315 W. Watertown Plank Road, 300.00 59459 12/31/2003 Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Salvation Army & Its Components - Salvation Army 2707 East Washington, Phoenix, 170.00 59460 12/31/2003 Phoenix AZ 85008 Salvation Army - Lawrenceville P.O. Box 465373, Lawrenceville, 100.00 59461 12/31/2003 GA 30045 Salvation Army - Salvation Army in Greater New York, 120 West 14th Street, New York, 125 .00 59462 12/31/2003 *,e NY 10011 vation Army - The Salvation Army - Brooklyn Center 2445 Prior Avenue, Roseville, M 1,910.00 59463 12/31/2003 55113 Salvation Army - West Valley City 3944 W. 3500 So, West Valley 100.00 59464 12/31/2003 City, UT 84120

Page 273 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Salvation Army Greater New York 120 West 14th Street, New York, 10000 59465 12/31/2003 NY 10011 Salvation Army, The 626 Union Court, Green Bay, WI 60000 59466 12/31/2003 54303 Salvation Army, The 4 Gary Road, Union, NJ 07083 50000 59467 12/31/2003 Salvation Army, The P 0 Box 52177, Phoenix, AZ 3500 59468 12/31/2003 85072 Salvation Army, The 5040 N. Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 275.00 59469 12/31/2003 60630 Samaritans Inc 654 Beacon St 6th Floor, Boston, 50.00 59470 12/31/2003 MA 02215 San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre - Wild Animal 9626 Leslie Rd, San Antonio, TX 25.00 59471 12/31/2003 Orphanage 78254-9547 San Francisco AIDS Foundation 995 Market Street, San Francisco, 1,48400 59472 12/31/2003 CA 94103 San Francisco AIDS Foundation 995 Market Street, San Francisco, 2,65000 59473 12/31/2003 CA 94103 San Francisco AIDS Foundation 995 Market Street, San Francisco, 5000 59474 12/31/2003 CA 94103 San Francisco Project Inform Incorporated 205 Thirteen Street # 200 1, San 5000 59475 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94103 San Francisco Unified School Distnct-KALW 500 Mansell St, San Francisco, CA 4000 59476 12/31/2003 94134 San Ramon Valley Educational Foundation - John 741 Brookside Dnve, Danville, CA 200.00 59477 12/31/2003 aldwin Cougar Education Fund 94526 0-andhills Childrens Center 1280 Central Dr., Southern Pines, 1,000.00 59478 12/31/2003 NC 28387 Santa Clara County AIDS Coalition P 0 Box 5401 0, San Jose, CA 175.00 59479 12/31/2003 95154 Santa Fe Opera Association PO Box 2408, Santa Fe, NM 87504 110.00 59480 12/31/2003 2408 Santa Monica Theatre Guild - Morgan Wixen theatre 2627 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 2,000.00 59481 12/31/2003 90405-1915 Sapientis Inc 2309 18th St Nw 2nd Floor, 100.00 59482 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20009-1846 Save Ellis Island Inc PO Box 5 7 1, Gladstone, NJ 07934- 85.00 59483 12/31/2003 0571 Save Our Elms PO Box 14661, Portland, OR 25000 59484 12/31/2003 97293 Save the Children Federation Inc 54 Wilton Road, Westport, CT 680.00 59485 12/31/2003 06880 Save the San Francisco Bay Association 1600 Broadway, Suite 300, 35.00 59486 12/31/2003 Oakland, CA 94612 Science Museum Of Minnesota 120 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. 310.00 59487 12/31/2003 Paul, MN 55102 Science Museum of Minnesota - Lee & Rose Warner 15375 Norell Ave North, Marine 50.00 59488 12/31/2003 Nature Center On Saint Croix, MN 55047

Scott Hazelcom Memorial Childrens Foundation 1185 Avenue Of The Americas, 6,875.00 59489 12/31/2003 New York, NY 10036 Oott Libby Elementary School 553 Plaza Circle, Litchfield Park, 50.00 59490 12/31/2003 AZ 85340 Scottsdale Christian Academy, Inc. 14400 N. Tatum Blvd., Phoenix, 500.00 59491 12/31/2003 AZ 85032

Page 274 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date G Number Scottsdale Community Players 7020 East 2nd Street, Scottsdale, 1,000.00 59492 12/3 1/2003 AZ 85251-5555 Scottsdale Leadership Inc 4141 N Granite Reef Ste 102, 2500 59493 12/3 1/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 85251-2866 Seattle Opera Association Inc P 0 Box 9248, Seattle, WA 98109- 100.00 59494 12/31/2003 0248 Seattle Pacific University 3307 Third Ave West, Seattle, WA 10000 59495 12/31/2003 98119-1997 Seattle Symphony Orchestra Inc PO Box 21906, Seattle, WA 98111 - 2500 59496 12/31/2003 3006 Second Century Fund of the Workmens Circle 45 E 33rd St, New York, NY 36.00 59497 12/31/2003 Incorporated 10016-5336 Second Harvest Food Bank Of Santa Clara And San 750 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, CA 10000 59498 12/31/2003 Mateo Counties 95125-2118 Second Harvest St Paul Food Bank 11 40 Gervais Avenue, St. Paul, 2,10000 59499 12/31/2003 MN 55117 Second Harvest St. Paul Food Bank 1] 40 Gervais Avenue, St. Paul, 847.00 59500 12/31/2003 MN 55117 Seeing Eye Inc PO Box 375, Morristown, NJ 250.00 59501 12/31/2003 07963-0375 Selfhelp Community Services Inc 520 Eigth Avenue, New York, NY 360.00 59502 12/31/2003 10018 Sempervirens Fund P 0 Drawer BE, Los Altos, CA 70.00 59503 12/31/2003 94023-4054 rvices for Children With Hidden Intelligence Inc - 812 E. County Line Road, 1,00000 59504 12/31/2003 chool for Children With Hidden Intelligence In Lakewood, NJ 08701 Seton Hall University 457 Centre Street, Ring Building, 10000 59505 12/3 1/2003 South Orange, NJ 07079

Seven Hills School 975 North San Carlos Drive, 1,50000 59506 12/31/2003 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Seward School 2309 28th Avenue, Minneapolis, 107 .00 59507 12/31/2003 MN 55406 Share Your Soles Foundation Inc 121 10 S 93rd Ave, Palos Park, IL 450.00 59508 12/31/2003 60464-1121 Sharing And Caring Hands Inc 525 North 7th Street, Minneapolis, 2,300.00 59509 12/31/2003 MN 55405 Shelter Against Violent Environments, Inc PO Box 8283, Fremont, CA 94537 25 .00 59510 12/31/2003

Shelter and Food for the Homeless 602 E 9th St., New York, NY 100.00 59511 12/31/2003 10009-5239 Shelter for Abused Women of Collier County Inc PO Box 10 1 02, Naples, FL 34 10 1 - 50.00 59512 12/31/2003 0102 Shelter Partnership Inc 523 West Sixth Street, Suite 616, 300.00 59513 12/31/2003 Los Angeles, CA 90014-1224 Shoreview Northern Lights 674 Whitebear Avenue, Saint Paul, 300.00 59514 12/31/2003 MN 55106 Signature High School 6 10 Main Street, Evansville, IN 25000 59515 12/31/2003 47708 gnificant Steps Child Development Center Inc 279 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 600.00 59516 12/31/2003 11215-1003 01i'mon Wiesenthal Center 1399 S. Roxbury Drive, Los 450.00 59517 12/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90035-4792

Page 275 I I

American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40, Sisters of St Joseph of St Mark Diocese of Cleveland - 21800 Chardon Road, Euclid, OH 10000 59518 12/31/2003 Mount St Joseph Nursing Home 44117 Slate Valley Museum Foundation 17 Water St, Granville, NY 12832- 5000 59519 12/31/2003 1316 Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of the P 0 Box 23473, Washington, DC 15000 59520 12/31/2003 American Indian 20026-3473 Society for the Prevention of Cruletly to Animals 5850 Brannen Road South, 75.00 59521 12/3 1/2003 Lakeland, FL 33813 Sojourner Center P 0 Box 20156, Phoenix, AZ 1,665.00 59522 12/3 1/2003 85036 Sojourner Center P 0. Box 20156, Phoenix, AZ 135.00 59523 12/31/2003 85036 Solana Beach Foundation for Learning 309 N . Rios, Solana Beach, CA 1,00000 59524 12/31/2003 92075 South Baltimore Homeless Shelter Inc 140 W West St, Baltimore, MD 700.00 59525 12/31/2003 21230-3739 South Orange Maplewood Community Coalition on Race P.0 Box 1309, Maplewood, NJ 25.00 59526 12/31/2003 Inc 07040 Southeastern Greyhound Club Inc 364 Country Club Rd, Newnan, 10000 59527 12/3 1/2003 GA 30263-6221 Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation 375 S Euclid avenue, Tucson, AZ 25000 59528 12/31/2003 85719 Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Avenue, 32500 59529 12/31/2003 Montgomery, AL 36104 uthem Theater Foundation Corp 1420 Washington Ave S, 1,500.00 59530 12/31/2003 & Minneapolis, MN 55454-1038 Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance 1471 S I 100 East, Salt Lake City, 3000 59531 12/31/2003 UT 84105 Southfield School Inc 10 Newton Street, Brookline, MA 1,87500 59532 12/31/2003 02445-7498 Southside Life Care Center Inc 4105 Chicago Avenue South, 250.00 59533 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55407 Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation and Educational Pmb 1 15 8711 E Pinnacle Peak 100.00 59534 12/31/2003 Foundation Inc Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85255-0000

Space Coast Art Festival Inc PO Box 320135, Cocoa Beach, FL 1,000.00 59535 12/31/2003 32932 Spanish Dance Arts Company Inc 481 Eighth Avenue, Suite 744, 7,000.00 59536 12/31/2003 New York, NY 1000 1 Special Gifts Theatre Inc PO Box 223 1, Northbrook, IL 7500 59537 12/31/2003 60065 Special Kids And Families Inc PO Box 22383, Memphis, TN 100.00 59538 12/31/2003 38122-0383 Special Olympics Inc P 0. Box 7580, Phoenix, AZ 85011 150.00 59539 12/31/2003

Special Olympics Inc PO Box 105188, Atlanta, GA 50.00 59540 12/31/2003 30348-5188 Special Olympics International 1325 G St., NW Suite 500, 150.00 59541 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20005 )ecial Ties Inc PO Box 307685, Gahanna, OH 100.00 59542 12/31/2003 43230 40pence-Chapm Services To Families and Children 6 East 94th Street, New York, NY 250.00 59543 12/31/2003 10128

Page 276 American Express Foundation Gift Matching avee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40, Spinal Cord Society - Spinal Cord Society Twin Cities 2785 104th Court E , Inver Grove 5000 59544 12/3 1/2003 Chapter Heights, MN 55077 Spirit Of 67 Foundation 67 W Deerpath Rd, Lake Forest, IL 20000 59545 12/3 1/2003 60045-2110 Spintridge Elementary PTSA Bellevue Council Number 16401 SE 24th, Bellevue, WA 50.00 59546 12/31/2003 653-85 - Spntndge Elementary PTSA 98008 Spokane Interplayers Ensemble P.O Box 196 1, Spokane, WA 2500 59547 12/31/2003 99210 St Bamabas Development Foundation Old Short Hills Rd , Livingston, NJ 37500 59548 12/3 1/2003 07039 St Colettas of Illinois Foundation 18350 Crossing Drive, Tinley Park, 10000 59549 12/31/2003 IL 60477-6294 St Francis Academy Incorporated 509 East Elm Street, Salina, KS 12500 59550 12/31/2003 67401 St Jude Childrens Research Hospital 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 815.00 59551 12/31/2003 38105 St Jude Chi ldrens Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place, Memphis, TN 657.00 59552 12/31/2003 38105 St Martins Episcopal School 5309 Airline Highway, Metairie, 1,00000 59553 12/31/2003 LA 70003-2499 St Olaf College 1520 St Olaf Avenue, Northfield, 2,17500 59554 12/31/2003 MN 55057-1574 St Paul Academy And Summit School 1712 Randolph Avenue, St Paul, 2,65000 59555 12/3 1/2003 M~N 55105 Alphonsus Parish School 7031 Halifax Avenue North, 4,370.00 59556 12/31/2003 0 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 St Andrew's School of Delaware, Inc 350 Noxontown Road, 200.00 59557 12/31/2003 Middletown, DE 19709 St Andrews Presbyterian College 1700 Dogwood Mile, Launnburg, 100.00 59558 12/3 1/2003 NC 28352 St. Annes Episcopal School Inc 2701 South York St., Denver, CO 50000 59559 12/31/2003 80210-6098 St. Bonaventure University PO Box 2519, St. Bonaventure, NY 50.00 59560 12/31/2003 14778 St. Charles Borromeo School 2727 Stinson Blvd , Minneapolis, 50.00 59561 12/31/2003 MN 55418 St. Cloud State University Foundation, Inc. 720 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud, MN 660.00 59562 12/31/2003 56301-4498 St Elizabeth Academy 3401 Arsenal, St. Louis, MO 63118 25.00 59563 12/31/2003

St George Academy 215 East 6thStreet, New York, NY 37000 59564 12/31/2003 10003 St Hubert School 8201 Main St Chanhassen, M 50.00 59565 12/31/2003 55317 St. Hubert's Giralda 575 Woodland Avenue, P.O. Box 700.00 59566 12/31/2003 159, Madison, NJ 07940-0159

St. Ignatius College Prep High School 1911 West 30 Street, Cleveland, 1,300.00 59567 12/31/2003 OH 44113 John the Baptist School 12508 Lynn Ave. So., Savage, MN 750.00 59568 12/31/2003 55378 401t' . John the Baptist School 845 2nd Ave., NW, New Brighton, 505.00 59569 12/31/2003 MN 55112

Page 277 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number St John's Preparatory School 72 Spring Street, Danvers, MA 250.00 59570 12/31/2003 01923 St. John's Seminary 127 Lake Street, Bnghton, MA 25 .00 59571 12/31/2003 02135 St John's University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 150.00 59572 12/31/2003 11439 St Joseph School 700 18th Ave. E , Seattle, WA 2,000.00 59573 12/31/2003 98112 St. Joseph's Indian School North Main Street, Chamberlain, 125.00 59574 12/3 1/2003 SD 57326 St. Judes Ranch for Children 100 St Jude's Street, Boulder City, 25.00 59575 12/31/2003 NV 89005 St. Labre Indian School 1000 Tongue River Road, Ashland, 163.00 59576 12/31/2003 MT 59004 St Lawrence Valley Educational Television Council, Inc. 1056 Arsenal St, Watertown, NY 70.00 59577 12/3 1/2003 13601 St. Louis University P 0 Box 8005, St. Louis, MO 100.00 59578 12/31/2003 63156 ST. Marys College I 10 Le Mans Hall, Notre Dame, IN 1,000.00 59579 12/31/2003 46556 St Mary's Food Bank 2831 North 3 1 st Avenue, Phoenix, 2,255.00 59580 12/31/2003 AZ 85009-1518 St Marys Foundation For Children - Saint Mary's 29-01 216th Street, Bayside, NY 100.00 59581 12/31/2003 Foundation For Children 11360 Patnck High School 5900 W. Belmont, Chicago, IL 20000 59582 12/31/2003 & 60634 St. Paul Christian Academy 5035 Hillsboro Rd, Nashville, TN 25000 59583 12/31/2003 37215 St. Peter School 2620 N. Margaret St., North St. 140.00 59584 12/31/2003 Paul, MN 55109 St. Rita School for the Deaf 1720 Glendale Milford Rd., 125.00 59585 12/31/2003 Cincinnati, OH 45215 St. Rose of Lima School 2072 N. Hamline Ave, Roseville, 75.00 59586 12/31/2003 MN 55113 St. Stephen's Human Services, Inc. 2211 Clinton Ave S, Minneapolis, 500.00 59587 12/31/2003 MN 55404 St. Therese Home Inc 8000 Bass Lake Road, New Hope, 25.00 59588 12/31/2003 NfN 55428-0000 St. Thomas Academy 955 Lake Dnve, Mendota Heights, 100.00 59589 12/31/2003 MN 55120 St. Thomas Aquinas High School Foundation 2801 SW 12th Street, Fort 500.00 59590 12/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33312 Stamford Museum And Nature Center Incorporated 39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford, 55.00 59591 12/31/2003 CT 06903-4096 Stanford University Board Of Trustees Of The Leland 326 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA 1,250.00 59592 12/31/2003 Stanford Ju 94305-6076 State Services for the Blind and Visually Handicapped - 2200 University Ave. W #240, 100.00 59593 12/31/2003 Communication Center - State Services for th Saint Paul, M 55114-1840

tate University College at Oneonta Foundation Corp. 128 Alumni Hall, Oneonta, NY 100.00 59594 12/31/2003 13820 Otella Maris Inc 1320 Washington Ave, Cleveland, 100.00 59595 12/31/2003 OH 44113-2333

Page 278 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Stephen F. Austin State University Box 6092 SFA Station, 15000 59596 12/3 1/2003 Nacogdoches, TX 75962 Steppin Out 307 W Sixth St Ste 204, Royal 10000 59597 12/31/2003 Oak, MI 48067-2548 Stepping Stone Theater Co. 75 W 5th St, suite 314, St Paul, 1,20000 59598 12/31/2003 MN 55102-1431 Stony Brook Foundation Inc Admin. Room 322, Stony Brook, 200.00 59599 12/31/2003 NY 11794-1201 Store To Door 1821 University Ave , Ste 109, St. 10000 59600 12/31/2003 Paul, MN 55104 Storm King School 314 Mountain Road, Comwall On 50.00 59601 12/31/2003 Hudson, NY 12520 Stout University Foundation, Inc 320 South Broadway, Menomonie, 2500 59602 12/31/2003 WI 54751-0790 Student Advocacy Inc 3 West Main Street, Elmsford, NY 50.00 59603 12/31/2003 10523 Student Conservation Association Inc P 0 Box 550, Charlestown, NH 2500 59604 12/31/2003 03603-0550 Student Sponsor Partnership Inc. 21 East 40th Street, New York, NY 1,00000 59605 12/31/2003 10016 Student Sponsor Partnership of New Jersey Inc A New P.O Box 566, Millburn, NJ 07041 12,750.00 59606 12/31/2003 Jersey Non-Profit - Student Partner Alliance Suicide Awareness\Voices of Education 7317 Cahill Road, Minneapolis, 20000 59607 12/31/2003 MN 55439 ited For Change 1712 1 St NW, Ste B 100, 100.00 59608 12/31/2003 & Washington, DC 20006-3702 Summit Bank Foundation 2969 Broadway, Oakland, CA 1,250.00 59609 12/31/2003 94611-5710 Sun City West Community Fund Inc P. 0. Box 5006, Sun City West, AZ 250.00 59610 12/31/2003 85376 Sun Health Foundation Inc Dibia Boswell Hospital PO Box 2015, Sun City, AZ 85372 1,00000 59611 12/31/2003 Foundation Supersibs 1566 W Algonquin Rd., Hoffiman 25.00 59612 12/31/2003 Estates, IL 60195 Surfrider Foundation P .O. Box 6010, San Clemente, CA 50.00 59613 12/31/2003 92674-6010 Susan B. Anthony Community Middle School 5757 Irving Avenue South, 75.00 59614 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55419 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 930 Southdale Center, Edina, M 9000 59615 12/31/2003 55435 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 2425 Fountainview Ste 2 10, 50.00 59616 12/31/2003 Houston, TX 77057-4823 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc 10819 Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, 35 .00 59617 12/31/2003 OH 44106 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc P.O. Box 4535 1, Phoenix, AZ 285 .00 59618 12/31/2003 85064 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Albany P.O. Box 13535, Albany, NY 100.00 59619 12/31/2003 Komen Race for the Cure 12212-3535 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Komen 1835 Franklin St., Denver, CO 215.00 59620 12/31/2003 .11111lRenver Race for the Cure 80218 san G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Susan G 505 East Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 121 .00 59621 12/31/2003 Women Breast Cancer-Charlotte Race for the Cure 28203

Page 279 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - TX 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250, 84500 59622 12/3 1/2003 Dallas, TX 75244 Susan G . Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - TX 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250, 2500 59623 12/31/2003 Dallas, TX 75244 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 341 West 38th Street I Oth Floor, 1,50000 59624 12/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc 341 West 38th Street 10th Floor, 1,15000 59625 12/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Susan G . Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc 341 West 38th Street 10th Floor, 50000 59626 12/31/2003 New York, NY 100 18 Swarthmore College 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, 35000 59627 12/3 1/2003 PA 19081-1397 Sweet Briar College P . 0 Box G, Sweet Briar, VA 4,60000 59628 12/31/2003 24595 Swim Across America, Inc. P 0 Box 1739, New York, NY 50500 59629 12/31/2003 10021 Sycamore Valley Elementary School 2200 Holbrook Drive, Danville, 15000 59630 12/31/2003 CA 94506 Synapse Productions Incorporated 220 East 4th Street, New York, NY 5000 59631 12/31/2003 10009 Syracuse University 820 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, 25.00 59632 12/31/2003 NY 13244-5040 Taft School Corporation I 10 Woodbury Road, Watertown, 550.00 59633 12/31/2003 CT 06795 Imudical Academy of Baltimore Inc 4445 Old Court Road, Baltimore, 1,000.00 59634 12/31/2003 & MD 21208 Tamarisk Resources Inc 1282 Mississippi St NE, Fridley, 5000 59635 12/31/2003 MN 55432-4650 Tampa Bay Perfori-rung Arts Center P.O. Box 518, Tampa, FL 33601 710.00 59636 12/31/2003 Taping for the Blind Inc 3935 Essex Lane, Houston, TX 2500 59637 12/31/2003 77027 Tara Dhatu Inc - Tara Dhatu Charities PO Box 367, Flagstaff, AZ 86002- 25.00 59638 12/31/2003 0367 Team Far Corporation 9498 Kirkwood Way N., Maple 25.00 59639 12/31/2003 Grove, N4N 55369 Technoserve Inc 49 Day Street, Norwalk, CT 06854 25.00 59640 12/31/2003

Temple University 1938 Liacouras Walk (299-00), 150.00 59641 12/31/2003 Philadelphia, PA 19122-6027 Ten Thousand Things 3153 36th Ave S, Minneapolis, 100.00 59642 12/31/2003 MN 55406-2126 Terranova Theatre Collective 401 West 24th, # 8, New York, NY 2,965.00 59643 12/31/2003 10011 Theatre in the Round Players 245 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis, 250.00 59644 12/31/2003 MN 55454 Theatre In the Square, Inc. I I Whitlock Avenue, Marietta, GA 50.00 59645 12/31/2003 30064 Three Rivers Family Hospice Inc 3001 Jacks Run Road, White Oak, 50.00 59646 12/31/2003 PA 15131 hunderbird High School 1750 West Thunderbird Road, 1,100.00 59647 12/31/2003 Phoenix, AZ 85023-6307 Oibetan Nyingma Relief Foundation - Tibetan Aid 2910 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, 50.00 59648 12/31/2003 Project CA 94702

Page 280 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yec Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 10 Tiger Haven 237 Harvey Road, Kingston, TN 2500 59649 12/31/2003 37763-5440 Tillicum Junior High School Parents Teachers & 16020 Se 16th, Bellevue, WA 5000 59650 12/3 1/2003 Students Association - Tillicum Middle School PTA 98008-5021 Torah Academy Inc I I Williston Road, Brookline, MA 3600 59651 12/3 1/2003 02445-2109 2813 W 17th St, Wilmington, DE 10000 59652 12/31/2003 19806 Town and Village Civic Club Education Forum Inc PO Box 86, Scarsdale, NY 10583- 1,37000 59653 12/3 1/2003 0086 Toys for Tots P. 0 Box 1947, Quantico, VA 375.00 59654 12/31/2003 22134 Traditional Native Survival & Cultural Center 260 Munsey Ln, New Tazewell, 1,000.00 59655 12/31/2003 TN 37825-2032 Training for Excellence Inc 2723 Valley View, Suite 100, 50.00 59656 12/31/2003 Dallas, TX 75234 Tree Trust 2350 Wycliff St Ste 200, Saint 25.00 59657 12/3 1/2003 Paul, MN 55114-1331 Trees, Water And People 633 S College Avenue, Fort 100.00 59658 12/3 1/2003 Collins, CO 80524 Triad Academy Inc 905 Friedberg Church Road, 400.00 59659 12/31/2003 Winston Salem, NC 27127 Triad Health Project PO Box 5716, Greensboro, NC 100.00 59660 12/31/2003 27435 ckle Up Program Inc 121 W. 27th Street, Suite 504, New 25.00 59661 12/31/2003 & York, NY 1000 1 Trident Technical College Foundation Incorporated PO Box 61227, Charleston, SC 10000 59662 12/31/2003 29419-1227 Trilateral Commission North America 1156 15th Street, NW, 1,000.00 59663 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20005 Trinity College 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 50000 59664 12/31/2003 06106 Trinity Episcopal School, Inc. 3850 Pittaway Road, Richmond, 15000 59665 12/31/2003 VA 23235 Trinity Episcopal Schools Corporation - Trinity 139 W 91st Street, New York, NY 100.00 59666 12/31/2003 Episcopal School of NY 10024 Tropical Forest Foundation 2121 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, 1,000.00 59667 12/31/2003 VA 22314-2875 Trustees Of Boston College Controllers Office More Hall 220 More Hall, Chestnut Hill, NIA 50000 59668 12/31/2003 02467 Trustees Of Boston University One SheTborn Street, 7th Floor, 150.00 59669 12/31/2003 Boston, MA 02215 Trustees Of Columbia University In The City Of New 2960 Broadway, Mail Code 7724, 95000 59670 12/31/2003 York New York, NY 10027 Trustees of Dartmouth College Fleet Building, Hanover, NH 70.00 59671 12/31/2003 03755 Trustees Of Princeton University 330 Alexander Street, 2nd Floor, 1,069.00 59672 12/31/2003 Princeton, NJ 08543-5357 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania - The Trustees 409A Franklin Building, 410.00 59673 12/31/2003 f the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6285 Wstees of Union College - Schenectady 807 Union Street, Schenectady, NY 100.00 59674 12/31/2003 12308 Tubman Family Alliance 3111 First Avenue South, 125.00 59675 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55408

Page 281 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Payee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number ouesdays Children 390 Plandorne Road, Manhasset, 11000 59676 12/31/2003 NY 11030 Twin Cities Community Gospel Choir PO Box 29174, Brooklyn Center, 200.00 59677 12/31/2003 MN 55429-0174 Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus 528 Hennepin Ave , S , 50000 59678 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Twin Cities Habitat For Humanity 3001 4th Street, Minneapolis, M 74000 59679 12/31/2003 55414 Twin Cities Marathon Inc 4050 Olson Memorial Highway, 500.00 59680 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55422 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, M 804 .00 59681 12/3 1/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, NfN 2,381 00 59682 12/31/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 88000 59683 12/31/2003 55101 Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th Street, St Paul, NfN 2,20000 59684 12/31/2003 55101 U C Riverside Foundation 3148 Hinderaker Hall, Riverside, 22500 59685 12~31/2003 CA 92521 UCLA Foundation, The 10920 Wilshire Blvd, LOS 175.00 59686 12/31/2003 Angeles, CA 90024-1359 UCSB Foundation Development Office, HRC 125.00 59687 12/31/2003 Building, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 1130 sk rainian Museum, The 203 Second Avenue, New York, 10000 59688 12/3 1/2003 NY 10003 Ulster Project-Cincinnati 2931 Exon Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 50.00 59689 12/3 1/2003 45241-3628 Union College 3800 S. 48th Street, Lincoln, NE 500.00 59690 12/31/2003 68506 Union Gospel Mission 3211 Irving Boulevard, Dallas, TX 50.00 59691 12/31/2003 75247 Union Gospel Mission Assn Of Seattle - Union Gospel P 0 Box 202, Seattle, WA 99111 90000 59692 12/31/2003 Mission Association of Seattle Union Gospel Mission Association Of St Paul 77 E 9th Street, St. Paul, MN 962.00 59693 12/31/2003 55101 Union Memorial Hospital 201 E University Parkway, 30.00 59694 12/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21218-2829 United Cerebral Palsy of Minnesota 1821 University Ave., #286 So., St. 200.00 59695 12/31/2003 Paul, MN 55104 United Chanty Institution Of Jerusalem 1467 48th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219- 25.00 59696 12/31/2003 3244 United Food Bank 358 E. Javelina Avenue, Mesa, AZ 25.00 59697 12/31/2003 85210-6207 United Jewish Appeal Federation Of Jewish 130 East 59th Street, Suite 828, 4,512.00 59698 12/31/2003 Philanthropies Of Ny Inc - United Jewish Appeal - Fed. New York, NY 10022 of United Jewish Appeal of MetroWest 901 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 150.00 59699 12/31/2003 07981 ited Jewish Federation of Bergen County & North I I I Kinderkamack Road , River 1,000.00 59700 12/31/2003 udson Inc Edge, NJ 07661 United Negro College Fund Inc 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr., 25.00 59701 12/31/2003 Fairfax, VA 22031

Page 282 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Oyeeruted Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Negro College Fund, Inc Norwest Midland Building, 48000 59702 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55401 United Service Organizations Inc 1008 Eberle Place SE, Washington, 13000 59703 12/31/2003 DC 20374 United States Committee For Unicef 333 East 38th Street, New York, 1,16500 59704 12/31/2003 NY 10016 United States Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW, 2500 59705 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20024-2126

United States Olympic Committee One Olympic Plaza, Colorado 7500 59706 12/31/2003 Spnngs, CO 80909-5760 United States Servas Inc I I John Street, Suite 505, New 4000 59707 12/31/2003 York, NY 10038-4009 United Way Of Hamblen County PO Box 1794, Morristown, TN 50000 59708 12/31/2003 37816-1794 United Way of the Coastal Bend Inc 2902 Leopard Street, Corpus 500.00 59709 12/31/2003 Christi, TX 78469 University at Albany Foundation 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, 80000 59710 12/31/2003 NY 12222 University Circle Incorporated 10831 Magnolia Dr, Cleveland, 100.00 59711 12/31/2003 OH 44106-1807 University Community Social Services Inc 44 Second Ave, New York, NY 25.00 59712 12/31/2003 10003-8630 University of Akron Department of Development, 5000 59713 12/31/2003 Akron, OH 44325-2603 eniversity Of Arizona Foundation I I I I N. Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ 43000 59714 12/31/2003 85721 University of Buffalo Foundation, Inc . P 0 Box 900, Buffalo, NY 14226- 67500 59715 12/31/2003 0900 University of California Berkeley Foundation 2440 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 2500 59716 12/31/2003 94720 University of Central Florida Foundation, Inc 12424 Research Parkway # 140, 2500 59717 12/31/2003 Orlando, FL 32826 University Of Chicago 5801 South Ellis Avenue-Room 7, 51500 59718 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60827 University of Colorado Boulder Foundation, Inc. P.O Box 11 40, Boulder, CO 80306 25.00 59719 12/31/2003

University of Connecticut Foundation Incorporated 2390 Alumni Drive Unit 3206, 25.00 59720 12/31/2003 Storrs, CT 06269-3206 University Of Delaware Office Of The Controller Development Office, Newark, DE 50.00 59721 12/31/2003 19716 University of Denver P.O Box 100864, Denver, CO 100.00 59722 12/31/2003 80250 University Of Florida Foundation Inc P.O. Box 14425, Gainesville, FL 500.00 59723 12/31/2003 32604 University of Georgia Athletic Association Inc - Georgia P.O Box 1472, Athens, GA 30603- 6,631 .00 59724 12/31/2003 Educational Enhancement Fund 1472 University of Georgia Foundation U of GA Foundation Bldg, Athens, 100.00 59725 12/31/2003 GA 30602 University of Hartford 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West 25.00 59726 12/31/2003 Hartford, CT 06117 Oniversity Of Idaho Foundation Inc Gift Receipting Office, Moscow, 25 .00 59727 12/31/2003 ID 83844-3147

Page 283 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayce Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40,University of Illinois Foundation PO Box 3429, Champaign, IL 48500 59728 12/31/2003 61826-3429 University of Iowa Foundation PO Box 4550, Iowa City, IA 52244- 10000 59729 12/3)/2003 4550 University of Maryland College Park Foundation Inc 7309 Baltimore Avenue, College 3800 59730 12/31/2003 Park, MD 20740 University of Massachusetts Foundation 201 Alumni Memorial Hall, 75 .00 59731 12/31/2003 Lowell, MA 0 1 854 University of Massachusetts Foundation Annual Fund, Memorial Hall, 100.00 59732 12/3 1/2003 Amherst, MA 0 1 003-5420 University Of Miami P.O Box 025388, Coral Gables, FL 22500 59733 12/3 1/2003 33102-9811 University Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 3,33000 59734 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M 55455-2010 University Of Minnesota Foundation University Gateway Building, 2,62500 59735 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, M~N 55455-2010 University of New Hampshire 268 Mast Road, Box I 100, 35 .00 59736 12/31/2003 Durham, NH 03824 University of New Mexico Foundation, Inc. I University of New Mexico, 1,650.00 59737 12/31/2003 Albuquerque, NM 8713 1 -0001 University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill P .O Box 309, Chapel Hill, NC 8,630.00 59738 12/31/2003 27514 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Center for P .O. Box 14920, Research Triangle 3000 59739 12/31/2003 Public Television - UNC Center for Public T Pa, NC 27709-4900 niversity of North Carolina at Greensboro P 0 Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 50.00 59740 12/31/2003 is 27402-6170 University Of North Dakota Foundation P .O Box 8157, Grand Forks, ND 2500 59741 12/31/2003 58202 University of North Florida Foundation 4567 St. Johns Bluff Road S., 500.00 59742 12/31/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32224 University of Northern Colorado Foundation, Inc. University of Northern Colorado, 200.00 59743 12/31/2003 Greeley, CO 80639 University Of Northern Iowa Foundation Accounting Office, Cedar Falls, IA 3,241 .00 59744 12/31/2003 50614-0282 University of Notre Dame Club of Chicago 400 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 400.00 59745 12/31/2003 60611-4104 University Of Notre Dame Du Lac I 100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 22600 59746 12/31/2003 46556-5612 University of Pittsburgh 200 S. Craig St., Pittsburgh, PA 640.00 59747 12/31/2003 15260 University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, CA 5000 59748 12/31/2003 94117-1080 University of Scranton 800 Linden Street, P.O Box 1385, 50.00 59749 12/31/2003 Scranton, PA 18510-4610 University of South Carolina Educational Foundation 901 Sumter St Room 609, 1,332.00 59750 12/31/2003 Columbia, SC 29208 University Of South Florida Foundation Inc 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 50.00 59751 12/31/2003 33620 University Of St. Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue, #DEV, St. 610.00 59752 12/31/2003 Paul, NfN 55105-1096 iversity of Texas at Austin P.O. Box 7458, Austin, TX 78713 150.00 59753 12/31/2003 01 University of the Pacific - University Of The Pacific 2155 Webster St, San Francisco, 500.00 59754 12/31/2003 School Of Dentistry CA 94115

Page 284 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date a Number University Of Toledo Foundation Driscoll Center Suite # 1002, 1,10000 59755 12/3 1/2003 Toledo, OH 43606 University of Utah Development Office, Salt Lake 364.00 59756 12/31/2003 City, UT 84112 University of Vermont and State Agricultural College 411 Main Street, Burlington, VT 10000 59757 12/31/2003 05401 University of Virginia Alumni Association P 0. Box 3446, Univ Station, 21000 59758 12/3 1/2003 Charlottesville, VA 22903 University Of Wisconsin Foundation 1848 University Avenue, P.O. Box 910.00 59759 12/31/2003 8860, Madison, WI 53726 University Of Wisconsin La Crosse Foundation Inc 1725 State St , La Crosse, WI 9000 59760 12/31/2003 54601 University Of Wisconsin River Falls Foundation 4 10 S 3rd Street, River Falls, WI 300.00 59761 12/3 1/2003 54022 University Of Wisconsin Stevens Point Paper Science D274 Science Building, Stevens 10000 59762 12/31/2003 Foundation Inc - University of Wisconsin Paper S Point, WI 54481

University of Wisconsin Whitewater Foundation, Inc. 800 W Main St., Whitewater, WI 25.00 59763 12/31/2003 53190 University of Wisconsin -Lacrosse Alumni Association 615 East Avenue North, La Crosse, 25000 59764 12/31/2003 WI 54601-3742 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Old Main Bldg, Rm 212, Stevens 10000 59765 12/31/2003 Point, WI 54481-9900 University School 2785 SOM Center Rd., Hunting 20000 59766 12/31/2003 Valley, OH 44022 lapper East Side Hatzolah, Inc 125 East 85th Street, New York, 36.00 59767 12/31/2003 NY 10028 Urban Arts Academy 3901 Chicago Avenue South, 7500 59768 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, NfN 55407-2614 Ursinus College P. O Box 1000, Collegeville, PA 10000 59769 12/31/2003 19426-1000 US Catholic Conference - All Saints School 19795 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, 40.00 59770 12/31/2003 N/IN 55044 US Catholic Conference - Academy of Holy Angels 6600 Nicollet Avenue, Richfield, 300.00 59771 12/31/2003 MN 55423-2498 US Catholic Conference - Academy of Saints Peter & 150 Railway Street, E, Loretto, MN 6,000.00 59772 12/31/2003 Paul 55357 US Catholic Conference - All Saints Inter Parochial 28702 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, 2,034 .00 59773 12/31/2003 School OH 44092 US Catholic Conference - Alleman High School 1103 - 40th St., Rock Island, IL 500.00 59774 12/31/2003 61201 US Catholic Conference - Archbishop Williams High 80 Independence Avenue, 250.00 59775 12/31/2003 School Braintree, MA 02184 US Catholic Conference - Benedictine University 5700 College Road, Lisle, IL 2,000.00 59776 12/31/2003 60532-0900 US Catholic Conference - Bishop Guerfin High School 194 Lund Road, Nashua, NH 100.00 59777 12/31/2003 03060 US Catholic Conference - Bishop John A. Marshall 680 La Porte Road, Morrisville, 125.00 59778 12/31/2003 School VT 05661 at o ic Con erence - Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Avenue, 100.00 59779 12/31/2003 Jacksonville, FL 32207 S Catholic Conference - Cardinal Gibbons High School 2900 NE 47th Street, Fort 750.00 59780 12/31/2003 Lauderdale, FL 33308

Page 285 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number US Catholic Conference - Carondelet Catholic School 32 10 W 5 1 st St , Minneapolis, MN 15000 59781 12/3 1/2003 55410 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Corporation I I I I Superior Avenue, Cleveland, 200.00 59782 12/3 1/2003 OH 44114 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Relief Services P 0. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 72500 59783 12/3 1/2003 21298 US Catholic Conference - Catholic Tuition Organization 400 East Monroe, Phoenix, AZ 15000 59784 12/3 1/2003 of the Diocese of Phoenix, Inc 85004 US Catholic Conference - Corpus Christi School 5528 Hogue Road, Evansville, IN 4,08000 59785 12/31/2003 47712 US Catholic Conference - Faithful Shepard Catholic 3355 Columbia Drive, Eagan, MN 11000 59786 12/31/2003 School 55121 US Catholic Conference - Flintridge Sacred Heart 440 St. Katherine Drive, La 250.00 59787 12/31/2003 Academy Canada, CA 91011 US Catholic Conference - Futures In Education 3 10 Prospect Park W., Brooklyn, 70000 59788 12/31/2003 Foundation Cathedral Preparatory Seminary NY 11215 US Catholic Conference - Good Shepherd Park Valley 145 Jersey Ave S , Golden Valley, 780.00 59789 12/31/2003 Catholic School MN 55426 US Catholic Conference - Guardian Angels School 217 West 2nd Street, Chaska, NfN 5000 59790 12/31/2003 55318 US Catholic Conference - Holy Child Jesus School 11 1-02 86 Avenue, Richmond Hill, 600.00 59791 12/31/2003 NY 11418 US Catholic Conference - Holy Childhood School 1435 Midway Parkway, St Paul, 200.00 59792 12/31/2003 MN 55108 S Catholic Conference - Holy Family Academy 5900 W Lake St St. Louis Park, 2,07500 59793 12/31/2003 0 MN 55416 US Catholic Conference - Holy Spirit School 1406 Randolph Ave, St. Paul, MN 1,84600 59794 12/31/2003 55105 US Catholic Conference - Holy Trinity School 745 Sixth Ave S., South St. Paul, 31000 59795 12/31/2003 MN 55075 Us Catholic Conference - Inner City Scholarship Fund 10 11 First Ave., New York, NY 2,050.00 59796 12/31/2003 10022 US Catholic Conference - Loyola Blakefield P.0 Box 6819, Towson, MID 3,500.00 59797 12/31/2003 21285-6819 US Catholic Conference - Mater Dei High School 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville, 55.00 59798 12/31/2003 IN 47720-6148 US Catholic Conference - Melbourne Central Catholic - 100 East Florida Ave, Melbourne, 75.00 59799 12/31/2003 Melbourne Central Catholic High School FL 32901 US Catholic Conference - Monsignor Edward Pace High 15600 NW 32nd Avenue, Miami, 400.00 59800 12/31/2003 School FL 33054 US Catholic Conference - Notre Dame High School for 3000 North Mango Avenue, 25.00 59801 12/31/2003 Girls Chicago, IL 60634-5289 US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Grace School 183 10 Middletown Road, Parkton, 100.00 59802 12/31/2003 MD 21120 US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Grace School 385 Ave. West, Brooklyn, NY 1,625.00 59803 12/31/2003 11223 US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Grace School 5051 Eden Avenue, Edina, MN 260.00 59804 12/31/2003 55436 US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Mercy School 1730 Link Road, Winston Salem, 300.00 59805 12/31/2003 NC 27127 Catholic Conference - Our Lady Of Mercy School 90 Arhippany Road, Whippany, NJ 50.00 59806 12/31/2003 07981 US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of the Lake School 2411 Commerce Blvd., Mound, 50.00 59807 12/31/2003 MN 55364

Page 286 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number US Catholic Conference - Parkvalley Catholic School 145 Jersey Ave So , Golden 250.00 59808 12/3 1/2003 Valley, M-N 55426 US Catholic Conference - Presentation of the Blessed 1725 Kennard Street, Maplewood, 5500 59809 12/31/2003 Virgin Mary School MN 55109 US Catholic Conference - Regina Dominican High 701 Locust Road, Wilmette, IL 300.00 598 10 12/3 1/2003 School 60091 US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School 324 South 3rd Ave, Sauk Rapids, 100.00 59811 12/31/2003 MN 56379 US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School 1739 Ferry Ave., Camden, NJ 300.00 59812 12/31/2003 08104 US Catholic Conference - Saint Bernard Preparatory 1600 Saint Bernard Drive SE, 10000 59813 12/3 1/2003 School Cullman, AL 35055 US Catholic Conference - Saint Catherine Of Siena 1618 Ben King Road, Kennesaw, 8,000.00 59814 12/31/2003 Catholic School GA 30144 US Catholic Conference - Saint Catherine of Siena 249 Nahatan Street, Norwood, MA 12500 59815 12/3 1/2003 School 02062 US Catholic Conference - Saint Francis High School 2130 W Roosevelt Rd, Wheaton, 60000 59816 12/31/2003 IL 60187 US Catholic Conference - Saint John the Baptist School 638 Mill Street, Excelsior, MN 40000 59817 12/31/2003 55331 US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph School 1430 14th Street, Marion, IA 50.00 59818 12/3 1/2003 52302 US Catholic Conference - Saint Peter's Boys High School 200 Clinton Ave , Staten Island, 25.00 59819 12/31/2003 NY 10301 S Catholic Conference - Saint Stanislaus Kostka Soup 1351 W. Evergreen Street, 500.00 59820 12/3 1/2003 Isitchen Chicago, IL 60622 US Catholic Conference - Saint Xavier High School 600 W North Bend Road, 50000 59821 12/31/2003 Cincinnati, OH 45224 US Catholic Conference - Salesian Missions 2 Lefevre Lane, Box 30, New 5500 59822 12/31/2003 Rochelle, NY 10802 US Catholic Conference - Shakopee Area Catholic 2700 17th Avenue E, Shakopee, 55000 59823 12/31/2003 Schools MN 55379 US Catholic Conference - St Columba School 1330 Blair Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 150.00 59824 12/31/2003 55104 US Catholic Conference - St Francis Xavier School 2 10 - I st Street NW, Buffalo, MN 10000 59825 12/31/2003 55313 US Catholic Conference - St Joseph The Workers 7180 Hemlock Lane, Maple Grove, 50.00 59826 12/31/2003 Helping Hands Fund N4N 55369 US Catholic Conference - St. Agnes Academic School 13-20 124th Street, College Point, 250.00 59827 12/31/2003 NY 11356 US Catholic Conference - St. Anne's School 511 North 4th Street, Le Sueur, 585.00 59828 12/31/2003 MN 56058 US Catholic Conference - St. Bernadette School 4196 Marlton Ave., Los Angeles, 500.00 59829 12/31/2003 CA 90008 US Catholic Conference - St. Bernard's School 170 W. Rose Ave, St. Paul, M 50.00 59830 12/31/2003 55117 US Catholic Conference - St. Daniel the Prophet Catholic 1030 N Hayden Road, Scottsdale, 25.00 59831 12/31/2003 School AZ 85257 US Catholic Conference - St. Dominic School 3455 Norwood Road, Shaker 400.00 59832 12/31/2003 Heights, OH 44122 Catholic Conference - St. Elizabeth Seton School 5140 Fremont Ave. N, 30.00 59833 12/31/2003 & Minneapolis, MN 55430 US Catholic Conference - St. Francis Preparatory School 6100 Francis Lewis Blvd., Fresh 100.00 59834 12/31/2003 Meadows, NY 11365

Page 287 American Express Foundation Gift Matching OyeeS Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number atholic Conference - St Gregory The Great School 200 N University Drive, 55000 59835 12/3 1/2003 Plantation, FL 33324 US Catholic Conference - St. Helena Catholic School 3200 E 44th St, Minneapolis, MN 2500 59836 12/31/2003 55406-3897 US Catholic Conference - St John Vianney Seminary 2115 Summit Avenue - Mail 500.00 59837 12/31/2003 #5024, Saint Paul, M 55105-1095

US Catholic Conference - St John's University PO Box 7222 - Luke 105, 71500 59838 12/31/2003 Collegeville, MN 56321-7222 US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph School 41 East First Street, Wacoma, MN 20000 59839 12/31/2003 55387 US Catholic Conference - St Joseph School Yorkville 420 E 87 Street, New York, NY 4,00000 59840 12/31/2003 10128 US Catholic Conference - St Jude of the Lake School - 600 Mahtomedi Avenue, 5000 59841 12/31/2003 Saint Jude of the Lake School Mahtomedi, M`N 55115 US Catholic Conference - St. Mark's School - Saint 1983 Dayton Avenue, Saint Paul, 4500 59842 12/31/2003 Mark's School N4N 55104 US Catholic Conference - St Michael School 314 W. Willow Avenue, Wheaton, 5,25000 59843 12/31/2003 IL 60187-5091 US Catholic Conference - St. Norbert School 1817 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, 4,000.00 59844 12/31/2003 IL 60062-159S US Catholic Conference - St Odilia School 3495 N Victoria, Shoreview, MN 661 00 59845 12/31/2003 55126 US Catholic Conference - St. Patricks School 120 King Street, Larkspur, CA 50000 59846 12/31/2003 94939-1998 St. Paul 241 South Main Street, North 59847 OS Catholic Conference - St. Paul's Parish - 5000 12/31/2003 Catholic School Canton, OH 44720 US Catholic Conference - St. Peter's Preparatory School 144 Grand Street, Jersey City, NJ 25000 59848 12/31/2003 07302 US Catholic Conference - St. Peter's School (Delano 235 S. 2nd St., Delano, MN 55328 20000 59849 12/31/2003 Catholic) US Catholic Conference - St. Pius School 3878 Highland Avenue, White 40000 59850 12/31/2003 Bear LAke, MN 55110 US Catholic Conference - St. Raphael's School 7301 Bass Lake Road, Crystal, MN 1,40000 59851 12/31/2003 55428 US Catholic Conference - St. Stephen of Hungary School 408 East 82 Street, New york, NY 30000 59852 12/31/2003 10028 US Catholic Conference - St. Stephens School 506 Jackson St., Anoka, MN 55303 5000 59853 12/31/2003

US Catholic Conference - St. Thomas the Apostle School 45 10 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 1,100.00 59854 12/31/2003 85016 US Catholic Conference - St. Veronica School 21440 Universal Drive, East 200.00 59855 12/31/2003 Pointe, MI 48021 US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent DePaul Catholic 1385 Spring Lane, Salt Lake City, 100.00 59856 12/31/2003 School UT 84117 US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent dePaul School 9050 93rd Avenue N., Brooklyn 1,423 .00 59857 12/31/2003 Park, MN 55445 US Catholic Conference - Transfiguration School 935 Ferndale Street North, 50.00 59858 12/31/2003 Maplewood, NIN 55119 US Catholic Conference - Xaverian Brothers High School 800 Clapboardtree Street, 1,500.00 59859 12/31/2003 Westwood, MA 02090 OS Catholic Conference - Xavier College Preparatory 47 10 North Fifth St., Phoenix, AZ 100.00 59860 12/31/2003 High School 85012

Page 288 American Express Foundation Gift Matching Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number OSYCatholicee Conference - Xavier High School 1600 Prospect Ave, Appleton, WI 5000 59861 12/3 1/2003 54914 US Catholic Conference -St Charles Borrorneo Catholic 3304 North Washington 13500 59862 12/3 1/2003 Church - St. Charles Haiti Committee Project Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201

US Navy Memorial Foundation 701 Pennsylvania Ave Nw, 2,50000 59863 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20004-2608 Utah State University Development Office M 10 1, Logan, 1,02500 59864 12/31/2003 UT 84322-1420 Valley Big Brothers/Big Sisters 1010 E. McDowell Rd, Phoenix, 825.00 59865 12/31/2003 AZ 85006 Valley Forge Military Academy Foundation 100 1 Eagle Road, Wayne, PA 3,50000 59866 12/31/2003 19087 Valley Hospital Foundation 223 North Van Dien Ave, 5000 59867 12/31/2003 Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Valley Of The Sun Hospice Association 15 1 0 E. Flower Street, Phoenix, 5000 59868 12/31/2003 AZ 85014 Valley of the Sun Young Mens Christian Association - 5517 N 17th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 2,00000 59869 12/31/2003 YMCA of Phoenix and Valley of the Sun 85015

Vanderbilt University 201 Alumni Hall, Nashville, TN 2500 59870 12/3 1/2003 37240 Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E. 8th Ave, Spokane, WA 5000 59871 12/31/2003 99202 anguard University of Southern California 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 250.00 59872 12/31/2003 is 92626 Vanished Children's Alliance 991 W. Hedding Street, San Jose, 25.00 59873 12/31/2003 CA 95126 Variety Child Leaming Center 47 Humphrey Dr, Syosset, NY 25000 59874 12/3 1/2003 11791-4022 Variety Chi ldrens Hospital Foundation Inc - Miami 3000 Sw 62nd Ave, Miami, FL 2500 59875 12/31/2003 Childrens Hospital 33155-3065 Vassar College Vassar College Development 20000 59876 12/31/2003 Office, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604- 0725 Vermont Mozart Festival 110 Main Street, Burlington, VT 250.00 59877 12/31/2003 05401 Veterans Of Foreign Wars Foundation 406 W 34th Street Ste. 820, Kansas 25.00 59878 12/31/2003 City, MO 64111-2736 Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers - North 2929 North Landing Road, 50.00 59879 12/31/2003 Landing Elementary PTA Virginia Beach, VA 23456-2405 Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc. 201 Pack Bldg, Blacksburg, VA 125.00 59880 12/31/2003 24061-0336 Visiting Nurse Service of New York 107 East 70 Street, New York, NY 200.00 59881 12/31/2003 10021 Viterbo College 815 South 9th Street, LaCrosse, 55.00 59882 12/31/2003 WI 54601-8802 Vivian Beaumont Theater, Inc. 150 West 65th St., New York, NY 752.00 59883 12/31/2003 10023 Volunteers of America 1776 E. Broad Street, Columbus, 350.00 59884 12/31/2003 OH 43203 B EZ Alliance Inc 848 E. Grand Avenue, Navy Pier, 290.00 59885 12/31/2003 Chicago, IL 60611

Page 289 American Express Foundation Gift Matching ayce Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 40 Wagner College One Campus Road, Staten Island, 1,14000 59886 12/31/2003 NY 10301 Wake Forest University PO Box 702 1, Winston-Salem, NC 17500 59887 12/31/2003 27109 Waldorf College 106 South 6th Street, Forest City, 5000 59888 12/3 1/2003 IA 50436 Walk To End Domestic Violence Inc 820 Second Ave 2nd Fl, New York, 2500 59889 12/31/2003 NY 10017-4504 Walker Art Center Inc 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, 50.00 59890 12/3 1/2003 MN 55403-0000 Walton Band and Orchestra Parents Inc 1590 Bill Murdock Road, Marietta, 250.00 59891 12/31/2003 GA 30062-5953 Washburn Child Guidance Center 2430 Nicollet Ave South, 10000 59892 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55404-3492 Washington Academy of Performing Arts 18047 Ne 68th St Ste B 130, 50.00 59893 12/31/2003 Redmond, WA 98052-6717 Washington Education Foundation 1605 NW Sammarmsh Rd, Suite 100.00 59894 12/31/2003 100, Issaquah, WA 98027-5378 Washington State University Foundation Advancement Services, Ad Annex 100.00 59895 12/3 1/2003 101, Pullman, WA 99164-1927

Washington University Campus Box 1082, St. Louis, MO 100.00 59896 12/31/2003 63130 Way of the Shepherd - Way of the Shepherd Montesson 13200 Central Avenue NE, Blaine, 26000 59897 12/31/2003 ducation Center MN 55434 0 e Can Ride Inc PO Box 1102, Minnetonka, MN 32500 59898 12/3 1/2003 55345-0102 Weaver Lake Elementary School 15900 Weaver Lake Road, Maple 5000 59899 12/3 1/2003 Grove, MN 55311 Wellesley College 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 600.00 59900 12/31/2003 02481-8293 Wellness Community Valley Ventura Inc. 530 Hampshire Road, Westlake 500.00 59901 12/31/2003 Village, CA 91361 Wentworth Military Academy 1880 Washington Ave., Lexington, 50000 59902 12/31/2003 MO 64067-1799 Wesleyan Education Center - Wesleyan Christian 1917 N. Centennial St., High Point, 340.00 59903 12/31/2003 Academy NC 27262 West Harris County Branch AAUW Expanding Your P 0 Box 821125, Houston, TX 400.00 59904 12/31/2003 Horizons 77282-1125 West Hennepin Community Services Inc 100 1 Hwy 7, #217, Hopkins, NfN 25.00 59905 12/31/2003 553054723 West Lutheran High School 3350 Harbor Lane No., Plymouth, 20000 59906 12/31/2003 MN 55447 West Side Christian Academy, Inc. 207 Drs. James Parker Blvd, Red 50.00 59907 12/31/2003 Bank, NJ 07701-0506 West Virginia University Foundation, Inc. One Waterfront Place, 7th Floor, 100.00 59908 12/31/2003 Morgantown, WV 26505-1650

Westchester Choral Society Inc 216 Central Ave, White Plains, NY 100.00 59909 12/31/2003 10603 estem Kentucky University Foundation I Big Red Way, Bowling Green, 30.00 59910 12/31/2003 & KY 42101 Western New England College 12 15 Wilbraham Rd., Springfield, 500.00 59911 12/31/2003 MA 0 1119-9920

Page 290 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date 0 Number Westminster Schools Inc. 1424 West Paces Ferry R, NW, 5000 59912 12/31/2003 Atlanta, GA 30327 Westmont College 955 La Paz Road, Santa Barbara, 100.00 59913 12/31/2003 CA 93108 Westside Food Bank PO Box 13 10, Sun City, AZ 85372 65000 59914 12/31/2003

WGBH Educational Foundation 125 Western Avenue,, Boston, MA 230.00 59915 12/31/2003 02134 Wheaton Montesson School 1970 N Gary Ave, Wheaton, IL 5000 59916 12/31/2003 60187-3072 Whidbey-Camano Land Trust PO Box 1453, Langley, WA 98260 25.00 59917 12/31/2003

White Bear Lake Area Historical Society P 0 Box 10543, White Bear Lake, 350.00 59918 12/31/2003 MN 55110 White Dove Foundation PO Box 1902, Burnsville, MN 2,85000 59919 12/31/2003 55337 Whitman College Board of Trustees 345 Boyer Avenue, Walla Walla, 75 .00 59920 12/31/2003 WA 99362 WHYY, Inc. 150 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, 40.00 59921 12/31/2003 PA 19106 Widener University One University Place, Chester, PA 350.00 59922 12/31/2003 19013 Wildcare Terwilliger Nature Education & Wildlife 76 Albert Park Lane, San Rafael, 35.00 59923 12/31/2003 Rehabilitaton CA 94901 ildemess Society 1615 M Street NW, Washington, 125.00 59924 12/31/2003 0 DC 20036 Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 2530 N Dale Street, Roseville, M-N 2500 59925 12/31/2003 55113 William Marsh Rice University Mail Stop 8 1, Houston, TX 77005- 5000 59926 12/31/2003 1892 William Mitchell College of Law 875 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 250.00 59927 12/31/2003 55105-9982 Window to the World Communications Inc . 5400 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, 125.00 59928 12/31/2003 IL 60625 Wingspan Life Resources 2954 Rice Street, St. Paul, NfN 525.00 59929 12/31/2003 55113 Winona Area Catholic Schools Foundation 1115 W Broadway, Winona, NfN 100.00 59930 12/31/2003 55987-3222 Winona State University Foundation P.O. Box 5838, Winona, MN 50.00 59931 12/31/2003 55987 Winsor School Inc Pilgnm Road, Boston, MA 02215 100.00 59932 12/31/2003

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod - Pilgrim 3901 First Avenue S., Minneapolis, 30.00 59933 12/31/2003 Lutheran School MN 55409 Wisconsin Farmland Conservancy Inc 500 Main Street, Menomonie, WI 35.00 59934 12/31/2003 54751 Wishing Well Foundation 3929 Veterans Blvd., Ste 303, 35.00 59935 12/31/2003 Metairie, LA 70002 WITF Inc 1982 Locust Ln., Harrisburg, PA 89.00 59936 12/31/2003 17109 *nyc Radio- WNYC Foundation One Center Street 24th Floor, New 715 .00 59937 12/31/2003 York, NY 10007 Women Supporting Women Inc 106 W Circle Ave Suite 10 1, 500.00 59938 12/31/2003 Salisbury, MID 21801-4945

Page 291 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number 0 Women's Foundation 340 Pine Street #300, San 5000 59939 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94104-3205 Women's Humane Society, Inc. 3839 Richlieu Rd , P. 0. Box 1470, 25.00 59940 12/31/2003 Bensalem, PA 19020-5470 Womens Advocates Inc 588 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 2500 59941 12/31/2003 55102 Womens Heart Foundation P 0. Box 7827, West Trenton, NJ 7600 59942 12/31/2003 08628 Womens Institute of Torah Seminary for Girls Inc 6602 Park Heights Avenue, 4,000.00 59943 12/31/2003 Baltimore, MD 21215-3009 Womensafe Inc PO Box 656, Chardon, OH 44024- 100.00 59944 12/31/2003 0656 Woodland Park Zoological Society 601 North 59th Street, Seattle, WA 175 .00 59945 12/31/2003 98103 Works in New Directions, Inc. P 0. Box 13856, Sacramento, CA 175 .00 59946 12/31/2003 95853 World Emergency Relief 2270-D Camino Vida Roble, 75 .00 59947 12/31/2003 Carlsbad, CA 92009 World Jewish Congress (American Section), Inc. 501 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor, 236 .00 59948 12/31/2003 New York, NY 10022 World Neighbors Inc 4127 NW 122nd Street, Oklahoma 3,500.00 59949 12/31/2003 City, OK 73120 World Vision, Inc. PO Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 2,268.00 59950 12/31/2003 98063-9716 orld Wildlife Fund Inc 1250 24th Street, NW, 335.00 59951 12/31/2003 0 Washington, DC 20037 WYSO Supporters, Inc. 795 Livermore Street, Yellow 50.00 59952 12/31/2003 Springs, OH 45387 Xavier High School 30 West l6th Street, New York, 25.00 59953 12/31/2003 NY 10011 Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, 75.00 59954 12/31/2003 OH 45207 Y-me National Breast Cancer Organization Inc - Y-Me 212 W . Van Buren, Chicago, IL 50.00 59955 12/31/2003 National Breast Cancer Foundation 60607 Yad Basya Ezras Cholim Inc 50 Amsterdam Ave, Passaic, NJ 50.00 59956 12/31/2003 07055 Yakima Greenway Foundation I I I South 18th Street, Yakima, 25 .00 59957 12/31/2003 WA 98901 Yale University P 0. Box 2038, New Haven, CT 450.00 59958 12/31/2003 06521-2038 Yeshiva Ateres Yisroel 8 101 Avenue K, Brooklyn, NY 3,500.00 59959 12/31/2003 11236 Yeshiva High School of Boca Raton Inc 7902 Montoya Circle, Boca Raton, 125.00 59960 12/31/2003 FL 33498 Yeshiva High School of Greater Washington Inc 12721 Goodhill Road, Silver 3,000.00 59961 12/31/2003 Spring, MD 20906 Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah Inc 117 06 84th Ave, Jamaica, NY 150.00 59962 12/31/2003 11418-1419 YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis - YMCA 4 W. Rustic Lodge Avenue, 50.00 59963 12/31/2003 nneapolis) Minneapolis, NN 55409 ca Of The Mid-peninsula 2400 Grant Rd., Mountain View, 2,000.00 59964 12/31/2003 CA 94043 York Street Project 89 York Street, Jersey City, NJ 200.00 59965 12/31/2003 07302

Page 292 American Express Foundation Gift Matching yee Name Address Amount Check Check Date Number Yosemite Foundation - The Yosmite Fund 155 Montgomery Street, San 10000 59966 12/31/2003 Francisco, CA 94104 Young Audiences of the Upper Midwest 75 West Fifth Street West, St. Paul, 5000 59967 12/31/2003 MN 55102 Young Mens & Young Womens Hebrew Association - 1395 Lexington Avenue, New 600 .00 59968 12/31/2003 The 92nd Street Y York, NY 10 1 2 8 Young Mens Christian Association 3335 Blaisdell Ave So , 25 .00 59969 12/31/2003 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Young Mens Christian Association - Racine YMCA W5639 AnokUig Lane, Plymouth, 40000 59970 12/31/2003 Camp Anokijig WI 53073 Young Mens Christian Association Of Greater Salt Lake 3098 S Highland Dr Ste 290, Salt 1,000.00 59971 12/31/2003 Area Lake Cty, UT 84106-3076 Young Mens Christian Association Of Honolulu 1441 Pali Hwy, Honolulu, HI 50 .00 59972 12/31/2003 96813-2050 Young Mens Christian Association Of Metropolitan 30 South 9th Street, Minneapolis, 525 .00 59973 12/31/2003 Minneapolis MN 55402 Young Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan 7355 York Avenue South, Edina, 2500 59974 12/31/2003 Minneapolis - Southdale YMCA MN 55435-4701 Young Mens Christian Association Saint Paul Area 476 Robert St. No, St. Paul, MN 2,00000 59975 12/31/2003 55101 Young Women's Christian Association of Salt Lake City 322 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT 20000 59976 12/31/2003 84111 Young Womens Christian Association 1130 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, 5000 59977 12/31/2003 MN 55403-2405 ung Womens Christian Association Of Fargo- 3100 12th Ave North, Fargo, ND 100.00 59978 12/31/2003 oorhead - YWCA of Fargo-Moorhead 58102 Young Womens Christian Association of Greater West 123 North Church Street, West 5000 59979 12/31/2003 Chester Chester, PA 19380 Youth Consultation Service Inc 270 Union Street, Hackensack, NJ 33000 59980 12/31/2003 07601 Youth Performance Company 6 10 W 28th St Minneapolis, 1VfN 2,000.00 59981 12/31/2003 55408 Zero Population Growth Inc 1400 16th Street, NW, #320, 150.00 59982 12/31/2003 Washington, DC 20036 Zoological Society of Florida 12400 S.W. 152nd Street, Miami, 85 .00 59983 12/31/2003 FL 33177-9990 4,524,169.00 Total

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