Mccloy Is Speaker for Commencement Exercises

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Mccloy Is Speaker for Commencement Exercises New Thayer Hospital Will Provide Mr. John J.' McCloy Is Speaker Additional Advantages To Students For Commencement Exercises Buildin g Will Be Construc ted Catholic Order Ma y Buy To Includ e Infirmary Service Vaca ted Lower Cam pus NOTICE Larry Kaplan, Bradley Maxim, Alumn i Begin Drive Mr. McClo y Prominent ¦ ¦ WATERVILLE, ME., April 6 (AP) Remo Verrengia, Jean Whiston, The new Thayer Hospital,' which As Pres. Of World Bank Dr. George G. Averill chairman of and Dana Robinson were nomi- For Memorial fund will be located northeast of the col- , the Colby College trustees building lege football fields, at the junction of nated in the preliminary ballot- ' committee, said today that the Broth- John Jay McClo'y, former Assis- the circular highway and .the road ing for the Condon Medal. The Alumni , Fund Committee has ers .of Christian Instruction, a Catho- tant Secretary of War and now Presi- passing in front of the Veterans The final election will be held accepted the goal of raising $10,000 lic order, had taken a 30-day option dent of the International Bank for Housing Units, may be visible within Thursday, April 10th. in Robert's to make possible the immediate erec- on the old Colby campus and its 11 Reconstruction and Development, has two years according to Pearl Fisher, tion of a Memorial Flagpole and Superintendent of the Thayer Hospi- buildings. Union and Mary Low Hall.-. Vot- been announced as the speaker for Carillonic Bells in the Lorimer Chap- tal." . Definite negotiations on sale of ing hours will be from 11:30- the Commencement Exercises this the College Avenue campus awaits el Tower, as well as assuming then- The architecture of the hospital , 1:30. June. arrival from England of the order regular share of $30,000 in the on- will conform to the other college 's Mr. MeCloy is a graduate of Am- ' going work of the college. ' buildings and will be approved by the procurer general. • . herst Collcce. 101 G . and was a class- The Memorial Flagpole will be lo- college architect. A special wing will Wallace J. Breard, Waterville real cated at the crossroads be devoted entirely to the care of estate agent, said the brothers con- of student traffic on the terraced front students. By miaans of partitions, as templated development of a school Homer Art Exhibit . campus. many as 30 students can be isolated. here similar to St. John's Preparatory Its granite base will display for fu- A part time college .physician will be School in Danvers, Mass. ture Colby students the names of i Colby employed by Colby. The campus has been advertised Starts .Th s Week 's war dead. $5,000 is its ap- Siix Physicians Formed Thayer for sale -for $500,000. proximate cost. Carillonic Bells to Be Installed Hospital An exhibition of oil paintings, wa,- Another memorial \^ill be the Sixteen years ago, a group of six Union House Committee ter colors and wood cuts by Winslow in- physicians formed the Thayer Hospi- Homer has been announced by Pro- stallment of Carillonic Bells in the chapel tower. The musical knowledge tal, contributing funds and pledging To Have Entertainment fessor SamGel- Green. The exhibit their credit for that purpose. Since will begin April 8 and extend up to of President Julius S. Bixler and its establishment, the hospital has the vacation period. The paintings Prof. Everett F. Strong w^as enlisted cooperated with ,the Department of A Varsity show has been added by and other exhibits were loaned from in the testing of carillonic installa- Health of Colby in carrying on a the Roberts Union House Committee private collections and by the Ameri- tions in several cities. It was agreed health program for students. ¦ ' as another feature to the ever-in- can Federation of Arts. It was hoped that the Schulmerieh Carillonic Bells The hospital has felt the inade- creasing number of activities now that the Exhibition Room in the Mil- were of the best type and would pro- quacy of tho present plant. A closer functioning at the Union. This move ler Library would be completed in vide the features desired hero. The association of tho hospital with the is part of a plan to shift the center time for the exhibition , but, since it bells are of miniature size, played college would be advantageous and of Colby life towards the Unions. will not be ready, the paintings, will from a two-octave keyboard and am- desirable. The association has been The talent will, probably be ob- probably be shov/n in the Women 's plified by a high-fidelity system from of tained from the fraternities and so- Union. nclvocated by numerous people (Continued on Pafi-e 5) JOHN JAY McCLOY prominence in the hospital field, in- rorities. The individual groups can The week preceding this exhibit, cluding Raymond P. Sloan, Dr. Joseph offer any suitable kind of entertain- there will be an architectural display, mate o"f President Julius S. Bixler. In C. Doane, former President of the ment. - These offerings will be bound which will be of particular help-to the M aine Scholarshi p - Exams 1922 , ho was admitted to the New American Hospital . Association) and together into .a unified presentation; American Art Class. York Bar and from 192!)-40 was a Dr. Clnudo A.^Munger, President of It is hoped that this diversified en- Px'ofessor Green also announced To Be Held Here May 2 member of the firm of Cravath, do- the. American College of Hospital.Ad- tertainment will offer an interesting that after this vacation period, there Gcrsdorfl", Swaino and Wood. Until ministrators. insight into the quality of talent at will bo an exhibition of new acces- J940 he was a member of the firm of Advantages To Colby Colby and provide a unique and en- sions of paintings and other art ob- ,. Examinations for tho award of Col- Mil-bank , Tweed, Hadley and McCloy. joyable evening. The' production is jects which have been acquired most- by's annual "State of Maine Scholar- Tho advantages to the college of W;\ s Assistant Secretary of War scheduled for the earl y part of May. ly through gifts during- tho past year. ships include: " will bo held here May 2nd and Iii 1040, .Mr. McCloy became ex- this new Thayor Hospital All those interested in this activity service under expert 3rd, Any boy or girl, now a senior pert; consultant to the Secretary of 1. Infirmary should contact some member of the ital management and with a high- The following four bo oho have in either tho private or public schools War; from April 1!)41 to November hosp House Committee. ly trained professional staff always been missing from the Library of Maine, will bo an eligible contest- 1945 he was tho Assistant Secretary at hand. ' , for several days. Wo trust that ant. The total awards amount to ap- (Continued G) 2. Rapid and easy transfer from these books, which were taken proximately $200 in the form of full on Pace tuitions or half tuitions. infirmary service to the hospital.. Watervil le Alumni from tho uncataloged material, ii. Economies in operation, saving were tnlccn inadvertently by Tho contest, conducted by the ; Dr . Mar gare t Buchner In ' overhead and supplies. No duplica- some -mem ber of the College, ' scholarship committee of Colby, ex- tion of equipment would afford tho Will Meet April 15 Will the "borrowers" please re- tends from Friday the 2nd through Speaks Friday Night host typo of infirmary and health turn them ? Saturday noon . Tha program .is tenta- service at no substantial increase in Tho Waterville Colby Alumni As- COUNTERPOINT, Walter Pis- tively arranged so that on Friday af- To Libra r y Associates cost over the present service. sociation 'will hold their Alumni Din- . ton ternoon individual interviews with 4. • Avoidance of- tho necessity of R obert's Union April ,15tlr. the scholarship committees will be ner in. COMPLETE WORKS, William maintaining a' college infirmary with This is th ofirst meeting in tho new given. Friday ovoning, there 'will be ^ Shakespeare Dr. Margaret Buchnoi', instructor tho difficulty of supplying nurses. union, The speakers will bo: Mr. Rob- a dinner aiul social program at which TOLSTOY, Ernest J. Simmons in the Modern Lnng'tingc Department, ert E, Wilkcns of Hartford, George one boy and ono. girl who have pre- will bo guest .speaker at tire regular (Continued on Pago B) KOUSSEVITSKY, by Moses T. Nlckorson , Dean of Admissions, . viously won the award will speak, monthly nieoling of the " Smith Colby Li- an d Prqsidont Julius S'. -Bixler. Tho Tho formal tests, comprising a schol- brary Associates iu the Dunn Lounge Ori ginal "Thin Man " general topic of discussion will bo James Humphry, III arship aptitude examination and a of the Women 's Union this Friday tho College Alumni Fund. Librarian personality test, will be given Satur- evening at !\\ Xi, Her topic ¦will bo, Presented Thurs. Night day morning. "Voltaire, Man of Many Books," The factors upon , which the schol- Voltaire wns the foremost propo- arships are awarded arc tho scores nent -of 11111111111 rights iu tho eigh- Combined Choruses Will Present 'Elijah' of the tests, the school records, and "Tho TMn Man," tho original teenth century, Ilocause of Voltaire's personal interviews with special em- movi e of tho wall-known scries star- tremendous productivity In all forms phasis given to tho latter, ring Wjlliam PowoH , Myrna Loy, and At Women's Union This Sunday Evening of- literature , Doctor Buchnor 's talk will concern itself chiefly with throe Asta, tho dog, will bo presented by "Elijah", an oratorio by F.
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